Alberta MBA - Be The Future

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alberta MBA Be the future.

An mBA is a tool for critical thinking; you can leverage it anywhere!

Learning the Business of Imagination.

MBA 2004

featured on cover


Director of Operations for the Social Enterprise Fund Director of Innovation for MBAs Without Borders An MBA is a tool for critical thinking, you can leverage it anywhere! My MBA has helped me to understand marketing in Nigeria, partnership building in Tanzania, and financing social innovation here at home.

Sooner or later, every great idea has to be managed. Tomorrow’s







initiative together without compromise – blending strong management with the highest levels of innovation. The Alberta School of Business MBA Program combines aggressive thinking with tools that sustain breakthrough concepts, designed to take you into the future with unprecedented





University of Alberta


Alberta School of Business




Joint Degrees








Student Life


Career Services


Application Process


Scholarships and Financial Aid


photos courtesy of creative services, university of alberta, travel alberta, Michael holly and mark olsen.





Each year, we admit a strong cadre of talented individuals with a desire to gain the skills and insights to conceive and nurture the boldest business endeavours. And each


eagerly ready


looks to





of –



prepared, imagination



passionate does




Nature nurtures innovation.

Where the Rocky Mountains meet the Canadian Prairies, Alberta’s diverse landscape provides an all-season and around the clock inspiration to “big picture” thinking. The awe-inspiring natural surroundings reflect strength in diversity and issue a challenge to remain open-minded and find merit in difference. Here in Alberta we enjoy a quality of life second to none; a benefit both of geography that includes the world famous Banff and Jasper National Parks as well one of the strongest economies in North America. Abundant natural resources and a rapidly growing population characterized by a skilled and educated workforce have made Alberta a leading destination for commerce and tourism. The population of Alberta is growing faster than the rest of the nation. Relative to the rest of Canada, Albertans enjoy the highest overall income, the highest disposable income and the lowest tax burden. Alberta is one of the top research centres in North America and Edmonton is designated as one of five “Smart Cities” in Canada.



a changing climate creates a climate for change.

Edmonton, the capital of the Province of

tech industry. The economy is strong and

• An infrastructure that encourages a

Alberta, is a city influenced by four distinct

with over one million people in the greater

plethora of recreational sporting activities,

seasons. Each brings a fresh perspective,



from running in the river valley (the largest

new energy, and a stimulus for innovative

shortage of things to do. Hosting in excess

municipal park system in North America),

thinking and alternative approaches. An

of 30 large festivals each year, Edmonton

to organized recreational sports leagues on

expansive park system runs through the

enjoys the title “Festival City.” Edmonton is

and off the University of Alberta campus.

City and along the banks of the North

home to:

Saskatchewan River. Brisk, sunshine-filled winters are complemented by very pleasant summers. A location only a few hours drive from the Canadian Rocky Mountains and



• Thriving arts and drama communities with numerous professional and amateur theatre options.

• Professional sports organizations, including the Oilers (National Hockey League) and the Eskimos (Canadian Football League). At the University of Alberta, students enjoy

Banff and Jasper National Parks invites

• A wide array of performance venues

an exceptional quality of life. The remarkable

skiing and snowboarding in the winter, and

and musical events. The city not only

campus is set in the midst of a city offering

unrivalled hiking, climbing, mountain biking

boasts an acclaimed symphony orchestra,

the excitement of world-class attractions

and sightseeing in the summer.

but also annual jazz and folk festivals,

and entertainment, together with easy access

and a constant stream of concerts by

to some of the most beautiful and involving

contemporary artists.

landscapes on earth.






complemented by a fast growing high-




Innovation springs from a long and proud history. Classes began at the University of Alberta in 1908. Over the past century, the U of A has established a reputation as one of the leading universities in Canada with an intense focus on, and extensive funding for, research. The University’s location in the heart of Alberta’s capital city inextricably ties it to the vibrant and expanding provincial economy.  The University is home to more than 36,000 full- and part-time students enrolled in over 200 undergraduate and graduate level degree programs. Programs and courses are developed and led by internationally renowned professors drawn here by an academic culture that is open, exploratory, and supported by an innovative and fully involved business community. A strong and successful link has been forged between the academic and research focus of the University and the surrounding business community. Over fifty companies have sprung from U of A research initiatives; more than can be claimed by any Canadian university and a close second in all of North America.



MBA 2007

inAnC inAn

senior finAnciAl AnAlyst Adp cAnAdA the Alberta mBA with the international Business Specialization opened doors to immense opportunities. not only did it enable me to develop and focus my personal abilities, but also the close ties within Alberta’s dynamic business world made the journey a lifetime experience. SChOOL OF BUSinESS BUiLDing

A REPUtAtiOn WELL EARnED AnD highLY ACKnOWLEDgED. Canada’s leading business schools, offering internationally




Commerce, MBA and PhD programs. The School is consistently rated among the best in Canada in terms of research, teaching and community involvement. But recognition goes far beyond domestic borders.


the balance of the public.

of Alumni. Institutions earning accreditation

On many occasions, our faculty members have been recognized nationally for teaching excellence. The Alberta MBA is regarded as

confirm their commitment to quality and continuous improvement through a rigorous and comprehensive peer review.

one of the top 100 MBA programs in the

AACSB accreditation is the hallmark of

world by the Financial Times of London.

excellence in management education.

The Alberta School of Business is also the longest continuously AACSB accredited business






Research at the School of Business is



recognized as being in the top five percent of

the highest standard of achievement for

publicly funded universities worldwide. This

business schools worldwide and stands

research is cutting edge and finds its way

as testament to the diversity of programs,

into the hands of students before it reaches

research strength and career development

MBA 2006

The Alberta School of Business is one of

ALLiSOn hEnning Account MAnAGer, coMMerciAl finAnciAl services hsBc BAnK cAnAdA

my mBA has allowed me to see the global business climate from a whole new perspective. i can analyze issues and create innovative solutions to problems in the face of a rapidly evolving global business environment.

Where academia meets attitude. The Alberta School of Business MBA


Program is extremely strong.

opportunity for those who choose an

The program is unquestionably challenging, inspiring, focused, effective and “real world”.




Alberta MBA. • Our MBA program builds on a core

Accomplished peers

Outstanding faculty

The Alberta MBA attracts strong, mature



Our Business Advisory Council is comprised









Determined relevance


incredible research talent, this does not

of outstanding business leaders and works

environment through their rich and diverse

come at the expense of teaching. Our

to ensure that our programming addresses


real-world situations.

Supported, encouraged and motivated



high quality instruction is informed by

to excel in a booming resource and

a thorough, integrated grounding in

to our MBA program are smart, savvy

exceptional research. One of the key

high-tech based economy, our students

management essentials, while leaving

and hardworking with leadership ability,

strengths of the Alberta MBA is the climate

pursue a practical course that invites

room for more specialized course work

initiative, excellent communication skills,

of collaboration that brings that knowledge

innovation and produces precedent-setting

and work experience.

strong career ambitions and the desire to

into the classroom.

business leaders.

Discover What You Can Do The approach that differentiates us is the desire and capacity to stimulate personal growth and insight, and foster the creation of unique approaches to business. Our




• We deliver a multi-disciplinary education with a global perspective on business, equip students to handle the knowledge and information-based economy, and provide graduates with strong problem solving and communication skills.

graduates go beyond the mere execution of

• The School continues to be at the forefront

proven techniques to the bold exploration

of innovation through inspired teaching

of breakthrough ideas.

techniques and a cutting-edge curriculum.

• The first goal of the Alberta MBA Program is to provide students with current knowledge as well as pragmatic and sought after skills that will enable career choice.

leading data and wireless technology. The U of A attracts students from a wide variety of


and dynamic, with four 3M Teaching

These include: Natural Resources Energy


Fellowships to our credit. This prestigious

and the Environment, Finance, Technology

Average GMAT


post-secondary teaching award in Canada

Commercialization, International Business,

Average GPA


recognizes not only instructional excellence

Leisure and Sport Management, and Public

Average Work Experience

5.5 years

but also educational leadership. We are


Average Age


proud to support more award winners than

Profile of Entering Students International Students

any other Canadian business school.

Educational Majors




Regardless of focus, students are welcome to attend classes and take advantage of special lectures from industry leaders in each of these key areas. These opportunities are open to both full-time and part-time students.

Science - 33% Engineering - 20% Commerce - 17%

disciplines and countries. The entering class

Arts - 16%

Science - 33%

experience and moves through the program




Commerce - 17%

Economics - 10%

cs mi


learning environment.

Engineering - 20%


as a group, in a collaborative, applied

3% -3 ce % ien 20 Sc grin ee % gin 17 En eerc mm Co 6% -1 ts Ar

is expected to have at least two years work

he Ot

alumni and members of the business

are particularly relevant to the regional,

The School of Business faculty is young

o Ec

learning style, and close ties to over 20,000

choose among multiple specializations that

with other students. One-on-one instruction

particular, personal abilities.

• Small class sizes, an applied hands-on

to pursue a general degree or they can

from faculty and allow for close relationships

approaches and an understanding of


make an impact in the business world.

Students are provided with the opportunity

Our small classes foster personal attention

and extensive participation are supported by

enrolled into the full-time and part-time


Quality learning

• The second goal is to encourage new

• Each year, approximately 50 students are


Other - 4%

Arts - 16%

Typically 12-15% of the class also hold graduate degrees. Economics - 10% Other - 4%





We offer four joint programs with other University of Alberta faculties. Students complete each of the four joint programs in one year less than taking each degree separately.


MBa/MastEr of forEstrY

The MBA/LLB is offered in conjunction

This program prepares students to take

with the University of Alberta Faculty

a leadership role in the forestry industry

of Law. The program was developed for

by providing a strong foundation in

students seeking a career defined by the

management fundamentals with leading edge

tradition of law and the application of

practices in the science of forestry. Offered in

management practices. Graduates of this

conjunction with the Faculty of Agriculture,

intensive four year program are well

Life and Environmental Sciences, students

prepared for demanding and worthwhile

are able to learn from leaders in both the

careers in both the legal and business

forestry and business fields while completing

professions, particularly in areas where the

the program requirements in just two years

two disciplines coincide.

of full-time study.

MBa/MastEr of EnginEEring

MBa/MastEr of agriculturE

This program enables students with an

This program is designed for individuals

undergraduate degree in Engineering to

interested in pursuing an advanced degree

further advance their knowledge in this field

in agriculture with a strong management

while developing strong management skills,

focus. Trends in the agriculture and food

thereby gaining a competitive advantage

sectors have shown an increased demand

in the global marketplace. The MBA/MEng

for leaders with both technical knowledge

allows students to meet the requirements

and business acumen. Students are able to

for both degrees in just two years of full-

complete the program requirements in just

time study.

two years full-time.

The foundation of the Alberta MBA is a compulsory list of courses delivering business fundamentals. Through a rich choice of electives constituting roughly half the program credits, students tailor their Alberta MBA to suit their interests. In many instances, students deepen their knowledge by choosing a niche specialization that takes advantage of Alberta’s unique economic strengths.

natural rEsourcEs EnErgY anD thE EnvironMEnt


intErnational BusinEss

The Alberta MBA in Finance provides

Students are challenged to widen their

A program unique in Canada and one of

students with the skills, knowledge and

perspective and learn new approaches to

only a few worldwide. Students interact

tools to succeed in the world of finance.

compete in the global marketplace. Students

with leaders in Alberta’s world renowned

The core faculty has significant experience

choose from electives covering areas such

natural resources and energy sector through

in the financial industry and cover topics

as international finance, marketing, business

work experience, seminars and summer



law, international perspectives on workforce

internships. Students analyze key strategic

capital, international finance, mergers &

management, and Asian economic and

questions facing industry leaders and policy

acquisitions and trading. The graduates of

business management. They complete a

makers through coursework that focuses

the program are well positioned to work

relevant research project and have the

on economics and markets. Internationally

in the areas of investment banking, private

option of participating in an international

recognized U of A researchers in fields related

equity and corporate finance.

exchange with one of 13 universities, an

to resources and energy offer electives in

tEchnologY coMMErcialiZation

international study tour or a double degree

relevant and challenging disciplines.

puBlic ManagEMEnt






with a partner institution.



lEisurE anD sport ManagEMEnt

Strength in public sector management

entrepreneurs and managers to create and

is developed by analyzing key issues in

grow high technology businesses, and

This program, unique in Canada, offers a

a public sector context. Courses include

to facilitate technology-driven economic

diverse curriculum combining an MBA with

strategic management, human resource

growth. Students can gain practical

courses from the University of Alberta’s

management, policy development and

experience through an optional summer


business-government relations.

internship with an organization actively

Education and Recreation. This specialization

involved in commercialization. Typical

will help develop the skills and knowledge



to build a successful management career in

studies, competitive analyses, negotiations,

voluntary sports organizations, the leisure

patent evaluation and patent processes,

sector or professional sports.







project management, and international technology transfer assessments.


go to for links to joint degrees.

go to for links to specializations.


MBA 2007

hEnning mOE chAnnel MAnAGer nortel

the mBA experience is about opening minds and unlocking opportunities. it has given me the tools i need to understand business challenges and to recognize my strengths and weaknesses; it taught me how to excel by applying my skills where they make a difference.

StROng SUPPORt. tEchnologY lEaDErship

MBa foruMs

placEs to MEEt

• 25-station computer lab dedicated for

On a regular basis, experts and leaders from

• HUB Mall (connected to the School of

MBA students. State-of-the-art computers

the local, regional and national business

Business building) offers an incredible

with a broad range of leading software

community are brought in to speak to MBA

array of places to have coffee, lunch

programs are available 24 hours per day.

students. These lively and interactive events

or dinner.

encourage candid viewpoints from speakers • High-speed wireless connections to the Internet throughout the building. • “Smart” classrooms with full multimedia capability for teaching and group presentations.

outstanDing liBrarY anD DataBasE accEss

as well as open and lively discussion. These

• The Jean de la Bruyere Lounge is equipped

catered forums are held over the lunch

with meeting tables and comfortable

hour or in the later afternoon in an effort

furniture suitable for long discussions or

to ensure that both full-time and part-time

just taking a break.

students are able to attend.

stuDY spacE

historic Garneau neighbourhood adjacent to

• Dedicated MBA carrels with locking

formally or informally.

Students can access collections and assistance

storage space are available on the third

in our virtual Winspear Business Reference

and fourth floors of the building.

Library 24/7. Our collection of financial and international business databases rates among the top in Canada and our marketing, research

• Business Graduate House (located in the campus) is also a great place for convening –

• Study space is also available in campus libraries as well as Business Graduate House.

and information technology databases are the

JEFF SChELLEnBERg investMent BAnKer Merrill lynch cAnAdA inc.

talking with individuals who have graduated from other mBA programs across the country, i feel that no other program could have given me the same kind of access to the skill set i need to compete and excel in a highly competitive environment.

MBA 2004

MBA 2004

best in the country.


senior consultAnt Meyers norris penny the Alberta mBA has opened many doors that may have otherwise remained closed to me. it enabled me to best position myself in our everchanging market and gave me the skills to succeed.


Experience at your fingertips. Mentorship Program

Managing Change. Making a Difference.

On completion of the MBA program,

Alumni and other members of the business

graduates become part of a large Alumni

community from Alberta and across North

After graduation, Alberta MBA Alumni have



America seek to provide mentorship to

gone on to establish distinguished careers

professional and academic circles worldwide.

students in the program. Sometimes the

in every sector of business in Canada and

The School’s Business Alumni Association



across the world. Our graduates share a

(BAA), with 20,000 members, keeps our

that would be valuable or guidance on

strong knowledge base readily applied in the

alumni connected to current students and



business world, a strong network of fellow

the School, as well as fellow professionals.

times, the core benefit results from instant

Alumni, the Alberta MBA degree and most

The BAA hosts several events during the

integration into an established network. Our

of all a spirit of adventure!

year such as the annual dinner, golf

mentors represent professionals working

tournaments, reunion weekend and other

in areas including banking, government,

networking events.











and communications.


Alberta MBA Alumni are overwhelmingly satisfied with their education. In post graduation surveys they repeatedly indicate that the Alberta MBA delivered the critical thinking skills necessary for their work and that they compete successfully in the marketplace. Consistently, over 90 percent of our graduates are employed within three months of graduation.


MBA 2005

Alumni Association

KRISTINA WILLIAMS VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING AND SALES NATRACEUTICAL CANADA INC. HOnorary consul for sweden I have the tools I need to make strategic decisions at the senior management level. One of the main benefits of the Alberta MBA is the small class size that enables students to interact with each other and the professors. Also, the MBA featured excellent guest lecturers and high quality teaching.

MBA 2008


AssociAte, coMMerciAl BAnKinG ciBc coMMerciAl BAnKinG in addition to a world-class education, the Alberta mBA provided excellent networking opportunities. this has allowed me to take my career to a higher level.

LEARning OUtSiDE thE CLASSROOm. Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the MBA experience, giving students opportunities to meet, relax, network, learn and gain

MBA 2005

valuable leadership experience. These activities also help build the strong camaraderie that continues for years after graduation.


founder/oWner sWeet MoMMA spA

the mBA not only helped me develop management skills i use everyday, the knowledge i attained significantly changed the way i’ve grown and developed my business.

MBa association

nEt iMpact


The MBA Association is a student representative

Net Impact is an international network of

The University of Alberta is an active sports

body, providing professional, supportive

emerging business leaders committed to

community with 14 intercollegiate teams

programs and services for its members.

using the power of business to create a better

and a record of over 30 championships over

world. It is also the most progressive and

the past three decades. The MBA Association

influential network of MBAs in existence

also participates heavily in intramural

today. Originally founded as Students for

programs, fielding teams in hockey, basketball,

Responsible Business in 1993, Net Impact

soccer and volleyball among others. The

has developed into a mission-driven

University is home to world-class athletic



facilities, including indoor running tracks,


an indoor climbing wall, ice rinks, pools,


gymnasiums, ball courts and a well-equipped

MBa gaMEs The MBA Games competition is an annual contest involving students in Canadian MBA programs who compete in various academic, athletic and cultural activities while promoting university fellowship and citizenry. The event is the largest gathering of MBA students in Canada, and is held at different schools across Canada each year.

better and



business, professional





leaders 75

fitness centre.

intErnational stuDY tours International study tours are a chance for

MBA 2006

casE coMpEtitions

CAROLE St. LAUREnCE-PÉLE senior MAnAGer internAtionAl educAtion initiAtives, AlBertA educAtion

Case competitions permit students to apply academic material to real world problems. Opportunities exist to participate in the annual internal case competition as well as others throughout North America.

students to travel with their classmates to countries around the globe and experience firsthand the business environment outside of Canada. Students have opportunities to visit organizations, learn from prominent business leaders and instructors, network with international organizations, and explore the culture and sights during the tour.

Obtaining an mBA in Public management enabled me to further my knowledge and skills necessary for a leadership role in the public and/or private sector. the program not only provided me with a solid foundation in management, but also allowed me to specialize in effective policy development and implementation. i feel that i am now prepared for new challenges in my career.


once they start the MBA program. Teaching in the classroom is complemented with life experiences through summer internships and research projects focusing on the most

MBA 1986

gEt tO WORK.

Our students diversify their career options

pertinent business issues. Our dedicated MBA career placement personnel deliver tangible results in permanent positions and internship opportunities for our students,

pArtner redstone MAnAGeMent consultinG

while offering advice and tools to develop and plan out career options. We also leverage

carEEr sErvicEs

our link to the corporate community and

Our dedication to career development

of our students.

continued efforts to match opportunities that leverage key skills with the desired paths of individual students. Our role is to act as the catalyst that enables students to take ownership of their own careers. We work exhaustively to ensure that doors are open in top companies throughout Alberta and Canada. With the added advantage of being located in the heart of Canada’s most vibrant economy, our job placement rate is outstanding.

For me the practical application of concepts was key. the program paved the way for a number of challenging opportunities and created the confidence to take my career in different and rewarding directions.

our strong ties to our Alumni to the benefit

intErnships All MBA students are encouraged to participate in a four-month summer internship between the first and second year of the program to apply newly acquired knowledge and skills. This paid internship serves to transfer the information acquired to an applied context, hone business

and communication skills and

build networks for career growth.

MBA 2002

begins even before the first day of class, with



product MArKetinG MAnAGer honeyWell

MBA 2001

Easily one of the best decisions of my life. i now have the skills and tools to compete globally. the Alberta mBA program is fast-paced, fun and fully the equal of the best mBA programs in the world.


proGrAM director, cAnnectin populAtion heAlth reseArch institute i entered the program with a PhD in Biochemistry. my Alberta mBA has opened up hundreds of career paths for me and allowed me to build on my science background in exciting new ways.



Application Process.

Substantial Scholarships and Financial Aid.

The Alberta MBA Program makes every effort to ensure that academically strong students






Our mission is not to fill seats, but rather to

• Undergraduate degree with a minimum

Applications are assessed when received. To

financial support. The University of Alberta

change lives. As such, our goal is to make

grade point average of 3.0/4.0 in the last

be considered for entrance scholarships and

School of Business and Faculty of Graduate

sure the Alberta MBA Program is the right

two years.

bursaries, a complete application package


must be submitted by January 31st.

scholarships and bursaries to Canadian and

choice for your future.

• Official

The Alberta MBA Program is an intensive 16-month program. Success requires high scholastic aptitude, a superior command of the English language, a proven potential for leadership and strong time-management skills. Admission to the Alberta MBA Program






motivated, bright, articulate individuals who have a strong standard of personal ethics. Candidates are evaluated individually based on an admissions package comprised of the following:





secondary institutions attended. • Work experience – minimum of two

The deadline for applications is April 30th for a September entrance.

years. • Résumé highlighting professional and volunteer experience.






international candidates. These are offered to both full- and part-time students entering our program. Scholarships are based on academic excellence while bursaries are based on financial need. Provincial and federal government loans are

• GMAT score – minimum 550.

also available to students in financial need.

• TOEFL score (if required) – minimum of

Between years one and two of the full-time

600 (paper-based test) or 100 (internetbased test). • Three letters of reference. • Statement of intent.

program students are eligible to apply for scholarships based on academic excellence during the first year of the program as well as community and volunteer activities. Teaching assistantships are also available to students who have completed the first year of the program. Prior to their arrival in Edmonton, Canadian students (or permanent residents) who require financial support should make application to the Canada Student Loan and other programs through their provincial government. Alberta residents can find relevant information at


Go to for the link to the application form.


BE THE FUTURE. You will find the University of Alberta School of Business to MBA 2007

be a mix of the anticipated and the unexpected. Here, you will


come to understand how business is done and then you will be encouraged to do it differently. One need only look at our

M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) Analyst, Corporate Finance Advisory Services Ernst & Young

Alumni to see that we are creating leaders. Our graduates move

The wide range of courses provided me with the flexibility to tailor the program towards my interests and career aspirations. The MBA helped me to obtain a corporate finance position at one of Canada’s most popular employers, grow professionally and personally, and last but not least develop lifetime friendships.

greatest benefit to all. They always have and they always will.

the world quickly and capably, in directions that will bring the

For more information about the Alberta MBA Programs contact:

Alberta MBA Programs Room 2-30 Business Building University of Alberta Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2R6

Email: Telephone: 780.492.3946 Toll Free: 866.492.7676

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