provide innovative solutions that allow
companies to collaborate, manage projects, and information regardless of geographic locations.
Institute of Corporate Directors – Honouring an Exceptional Career
’72 Eric Jaschke, BCom, and his
Robert Bertram ’71 MBA, is a visionary leader with a passion for
wife Leslie Ayre-Jaschke have lived in
finance, governance, and education. His leadership has helped
Peace River, Alberta, for 28 years and
to propel the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan to international
have raised two sons together. Leslie
stature. On the eve of his retirement we have a special opportunity
was elected to the Peace RiverTown
to celebrate his career with a matching gift in his honour to
Council in October 2007.
the newly-established Canadian Foundation for Governance Research. Robert has been an instrumental figure in governance
’73 Harold Banister, BCom, of
across the country and in the establishment of both the Institute of
Edmonton, Alberta, is the President
Corporate Directors and the Canadian Foundation for Governance
of Banister Investment Group and an
Research. To pay tribute to Robert your support will establish
Associate of Banister Research &
endowed funds for the:
Consulting Inc., and is a long-time, generous supporter of the University. His commitment of time and
resources has benefited many within
Robert Bertram heads the investment side of Teachers’, overseeing the investment activities
the University community and the
of the Canadian and international equity indexes, fixed income and foreign exchange, equities,
community at large. Harold received
merchant banking, quantitative investment, real estate, and the research and economics
the 2008 Alumni Centenary Award for Voluntary Service to the University at the annual Alumni Awards Ceremony on September 18, 2008, at the Francis Winspear Centre for Music.
’73 Yusuf Karbani, MBA, of
departments. Prior to joining Teachers’, Robert was a long-time employee of Alberta Government Telephone/TELUS, including serving as Treasurer. Robert has held governance roles in a number of organizations including Glass Lewis, Cadillac Fairview, Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, the Canadian Public Accountability Board, Pension Investment Association of Canada, Institute of Corporate Directors, and Toronto Community Fund. Robert is also a Chartered Financial Analyst and ICD.D certified director.
Edmonton, Alberta, is on the Board of
For further information please contact Beverly Topping, President and CEO, Institute of
the Edmonton Community Foundation,
Corporate Directors at
an organization that invests donor contributions in perpetuity to create legacies in the areas of arts and
Residence focusing on international
’80 Mary C. Ritchie, BCom, of
destination and assisting businesses
culture and health and wellness.
business at theTelfer School of
Edmonton, Alberta, received the
that wish to locate there.
Management at the University of
2008 Alumni Honour Award at the
’73 Doug Thomson, BCom, of
Ottawa. Previously, he served as
annual Alumni Awards Ceremony
’82 Brad Danyluik, BCom of
St. Albert, Alberta, was named Fellow of
Regional Vice President, Asia, for
on September 18, 2008, at the
Sherwood Park, Alberta, has been
the Institute of Chartered Accountants
Export Development Canada.
Francis Winspear Centre for Music.
appointed the new Managing Partner
of Alberta at the 2008 Merit Awards
Mary is the President of Richford
for Alberta for the international
Gala held in Edmonton in June.
Holdings and is also a member of
accounting firm of GrantThornton.
’75 Wayne Chodzicki, BCom, of
the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Board of Industrial
’82 Jill Matthew, BCom, of
Calgary Alberta, is a Partner at KPMG
Alliance Ltd, the University’s Audit
Edmonton, Alberta, is Senior Vice
LLP. Wayne received the Fellow of the
Committee, and the School of
President of Strategic Development
Business Advisory Council.
and Planning with EPCOR. Fellow
Chartered Accountants 2008 Merit Award from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta.
’77 Marvin Hough, MBA, ’75 BCom, of Wasaga Beach, Ontario, has been appointed Executive-in-
’80 John Musgreave, BCom, of Edmonton, Alberta, has been named a Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in Edmonton. John joined the firm in 1980, transferred to London in 1989, was admitted to the partnership in 1994, and now returns to the Edmonton office in the audit and insurance group.
alumni in the management team of
’82 Sheena Bethel-Cox, BCom,
EPCOR include ’81 Brian Vaasjo,
of Basel, Switzerland, writes to say
MBA, Executive Vice President
that she’s working for the Basel
and Chief Operating Officer; ’79
Area Business Development Office
Mark Wiltzen, BCom, Senior Vice
promoting the city as a business
President and Chief Financial Officer;
ALBERTA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Fall/Winter 2008/09 37