Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Fall 1976

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Official Opening At Homecoming " A symptom of the effects of the capital freeze is that we now have official openings for renovation projects", said President Forster during Homecoming celebrat io ns October 2. He was speaki ng during t he ceremo nies marking th e reo peni ng of t he ren ovated home of the School of Agricultural Economics and Exten s ion Ed ucat ion . The gracious Regency architecture of the building's exterior has graced the front campus si nce 1902, and its now-modern Interior provides comfortable offices and ef fi cient teaching spaces . For most of its life, the building has been known to generations of students as the Biology building. Ken Hammi ll , OAC '51, a member of the Board of Governors, noted that the original building had cost

less than $100,000 while the renovations cost $990,000 . Professor Eimer Menz ie, director of the Sch ool , commented in his remarks that the very substantial Investment in renovating the bui lding constituted a vote of confidence in the School and its program. He noted that his arrival on the campus had coincided with the beginning of the work, and he paid tribute to his pre­ decessor, Professor Sandy Warley, and other members of the faculty for their role in planning the changes. Professor Clay Switzer, Dean of OAC, cut the ceremo nial ribbon to reopen the bui lding. Dean Switzer traced the develop­ ment of teaching and research programs in agricultural economics and in extension education on the Guelph campus.




Volume 9, Number 3


Th om pson , Mac '35

VICE- PRESIDENTS; Mr. Rick J. Cawthorn, CBS, '73;

Dr. Thomas R. DeGeer, OVC '54 ; Mr. John R. Gil lesp ie ,

OAC '74; Mrs . Janet (T hompson) McNally , CPS '69; Mr.

Jim W. Ru le, Arts '69; Mrs . Anne (Patrick) Th ompson,

Mac '69.

SECRETARY ; Mr. W. Ken Bell, CBS , '73 .

DIRECTORS: Mr. John A. Eccle ,OAC '40;M r. Ji m R.

C. Graysto n, CBS '75 ; Ms . Jud ith Main , Arts '75 ; Mrs . Judie (Earl e) Mered it h, Mac '610; Mr. Joh n C. Palmer, OAC '38; Mrs. Jan ice (Robertson) Partlow, Arts '70 ; Mrs. Ka th y Sanford , CPS ' 7~i; Mrs . Margaret (K irkland) Shuttleworth, Mac '58 ; Dr. Geoffrey Sumner-Smith, OVC M .Sc. '69; Dr. Margery (O'Brien) Thomas, OVC '69. EX·OFFICIO DIRECTORS : Mrs. Carla (Knell) Bechte l, Mac '66 ; President, Mac-FACS Alumni Association; Mr. Rob 8rt J . Esch, CPS '70; President College of Physical Science Alumni Association; Mr. Peter Mei­ se nhe imer, President, University 01 Guelph Central Student's Association (UGCSA); Mr. Dennis Fitz­ patrick, CBS '75 ; President, Graduate Student's Asso­ clallon; Dr. J mes H. Mill in gton, OVC '69; President, O.V.C. Alumni Association; Mr. Tom G. Sawyer, OAC

'59A & '64; PreSident, O.A.C . Alumni Association; Mr.

Tom G. Watson, CBS '72; President, College of

Biological Science Alumni Association; Mr. Michael

Streib, Arts '69; President, College of Arts Alumni

Association; Mr. Jo hn K. Babcock, OAC '54; Director,

Alumni Affairs and Development.

Shown at the open ing of the renovated School of Agricultural Economics and Extension Education are (/ to r ) Professor Stew Lane, former chairman of Agricultural Economics; Professor Harvey Caldwell, OAC '51 , former cha irman of Extension Education; Dean Clay Switzer, OA C '5 1; and Professors Sandy Warley, first director of the School of Agricultural Economics and Extension Education , and Elmer Menzie, current director.



3 Trade cards - a library addition

11 Alu mol tour to Britain - a tale of 23

5 Fabricated foods - ongoing research

12 A day with the grapes - wine symposium

6 Dr. Howard Clark - V. P. Academic

13 Campus highlights

8 The E.C . Williams bequest

15 Gifts for all seasons - alumn i oriented

10 Nature trails on campus - Arboretum

16 Alumni Senate nomination form

The Guelph Alumnus is published by the Department

01 Alumni Affairs and Develo pment in co-operation

wi th th e Department of Information, Uni versity of

Guelph .

The Edi tor ial Co mmittee is comprised of Editor - Derek J . W ing , Publicat ions Off icer; Art Director - Erich H. Bart h ; John K. Babcock, OAC '54 , Di rector of Alu mni Affai rs and Devel opment ; Rosemary Clark, Mac '59, Assistant Director, Alumni Programs; Douglas L. Waterston , Director of Informatio n; Donald W. Jo se , OAC '49, Assistant Director of In formati on. The Editorial Advisory Board of the Un iversity of Guelph Alumni Association is comprised of Dr. Donald A. Barnum, OVC '41 , chairman; Dr . Allan Austi n; John Bowles, B.A . '72 ; Dr. Bi ll C. Hacking , OVC '69; Ro bert Mercer, OAC '59; Glenn B. Powel l, OAC '62; James Rusk. OAC '65; Mrs. Joan (Elleri ngton), Tanner Mac '57, Ex-officio; Jo hn K . Babcock , OAC '54; Dr. Howard J. Neely, OVC '51; Corresponding members ; Dave A. Bates, OAC '69; and Harold G. Dodds , OAC '58. Undelivered copies should be returned to the

Departm ent of Al umni Affairs and Development

University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1.

John A . Molde nhauer, col lections librarian at the University library, fee ls t hat Alma Mater Fund grants to the library should be used to pu rcha se "someth in g just a little bit special ." W ith this in mind , it's not surpris ing that John's mental sensors started flash ing signals wh en, last July , right out of th e blue , he rece ived a call from Toronto from a Mr. Howard Pole. "I'd never heard of him nor h im of me", John exp lained, "but he owned a Guelph oriented t rade card co ll ec t io n that he fi g ured would be more appropriate ly located here o n campus and would I be interested." John was very interested and $500 - part of a 1975 A lma Mater Fun d grant o f $2 ,000 to the li brary - has been invested in the 183-item trad e card col lecti o n t hat is curren tl y avai lab le for in-h ouse study in the library's rare book room. Keen ly in terested in addi ng to the coll ection , John suggested that the reprod uctions on th ese pages m ight enable our readers to recal l cards t hat co uld be current ly gathering dust in od d attic corners . Don at io ns w ill be grateful ly accepted . We're grateful to Mr. Po le for the history of the trade card co ll ec t ion

Two fu ll-size trade cards . For reverse side of cards see page 4.

by Howard Pole




E. R. BOLLERT No. 27 Lower Wyndham St., Cuelph, Ont.


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The assem bly of trade cards , most of wh ich are in colou r, is a co ll ec tion brought togeth er by my father , Frederick H. G . Po le, d urin g h is early or boyhood years in th e 1880's . The collecti on , as It happened, had been stored awa y in such a manner d uri ng the g reater part of t he in terven ing years th at it has not been subject to al l the norma l destruc ti ve processes and, because of th is, is st ill in exce llent condi ­ t ion after nearly o ne hundred years. I believe that thi s collect ion is quite uni q ue in nature and in scope . It appears th at the trade card , duri ng the decade of t he 1880's , was the o nl y readily avai lab le medium wh ic h , at modera te cos t . permitted the advertiser to take advan tage of the use of f ul l colou r. The co lo urs were of ten rich , sometimes opulent, o fte ntim es crisp and spark ling but , just as often, quiet and so ft. Th e trad e cards were pu t in th e hands of the pub lic not as purely descriptive ad­ verti sin g material but were goodw ill gifts


possessing intrinsic merit as objects of art or to be otherwise prized . The collection speaks eloquently and nostalgically of those years before the turn of the century when life was much simpler and the pace slower. My father was born in 1875 at Mitchell, Ontario, and the famil y, a few years later, moved to Rockwood near Guelph where he attended school during his middle school years. A little later still the family moved to Toronto. It was during the school years at the little town of Rock­ wood that my father began collecting colourful trade cards put out by manu­ facturers and the trades in the surrounding areas . This then became for him an active hobby . The cards of the Rockwood period rep­ resent industry or trades in Guelph, Woodstock , Clinton, Brantford , Hamilton, London and Chatham. A substantial part of the collection originating in this part of the country relates to the organ building industry of mid-western Ontario . This may partly be explained in that, as I have been given to understand , the Guelph area at that early date was the largest and most important organ building centre on the North Amer ican continent. There are a number of cards collected during that part of the decade spent in Toronto, which indicate a concentration of business in the King Street area and on Yonge Street . Further east, Oshawa , Bowmanville , Kingston and a town in the Province of Quebec are represented . A separate part of the collection is of material originating in Boston, Mass . This is as a result of holiday trips by my father to visit a relative living in that city which had the effect of widening the collector 's field. The nature of this part of the collec­ tion differs somewhat and includes hotels , theatres, as well as retail stores, restaurants and somewhat more exotic consumer products. The cards in the collection have been printed by the early lithographic process . Early lithography required that the image or design that was to be printed or reproduced be drawn by hand directly on a prepared slab of stone by an artist using spec ial materials . The pri nted piece was then made directly from the stone to which had been applied printing ink of the desired colour . This process required skill and artistry of a high order on the part of those engaged in the work. Lithography, newly arrived, vitalized the printing industry and opened wide new fields for the use of printed material. The collection, I think , must speak clearly for itself and of what it is capable of representing . One may regard the collection from an aesthetic po int of view entirely or one may think of it h istori cally. It is extremely interesting as an index of social conditions or of the economic conditions of this time . One may regard the appearance on the scene of the kind of material that makes up this collection as



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Twenty-two years experience bas made them perfect. Write for full Catalog UP. to


DELL & CO., GUELPH, CA.N!.DA. Br.. nchea at

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one of the most important landmarks in the history of communications by print , or one may simply use the collection as a point of orientation in the life and philosophy of today . I think my father as a bo y, when collecting these cards , believed he was

undertaking somethin g i mportant, though qu ite likely he would not have been able to de fine just what th at m ight be. Perh aps he may have fe lt that he was gat hering up b its of the life of those times - small sli ces of l ife to be kept and treasured , that could too easily and too soon vanish . ['

TWEEDS, CLOTHING liND FURNISHINGS. For genuine honest val ue, and reliable style and fit try my

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Overcoa.ta.- Men's and Boys' Light and Heavy Overcoats, all our own make and guaranteed to ' wear.

E_ R_ BOLLERT_ 2'7 Lower Wpdham St•• Guelph.

Magn ified 50 times , a cro ss sec tion of fabricated food showing expansion of g latinized granules o f starch .

Fabricated Foods

by Mary Coc;vera Foods fabri cated from plant prote ins occupy a growing portion of the Canad ian diet and co uld help ease wo rl d food s hort­ ages . " Canada has an enormou s poten ti a l to produce and proce ss plant prote ins," says Professor Dave Stanley . " At the Department of Food Scien ce, we are carry­ ing out research whi ch coul d sti m ulate the utilization and process ing of pl ant protein s . Can ada alread y prod uces a great quantity of pl ant protei n, bu t m ost is sold in unprocessed f orm . We ho pe our resear ch will enco urag e development of a processing ind ustry so th at plant prot ei ns can be sold or exp orted as foo d products. " Why the em phasi s on vegetable protein ? Prot ein defi c iency and cal oric shortages are t he major ca use of maln utri­ ti on in thi rd w orld cou ntries . A ni mal prote in foo ds are expensive an d animals are not very eff icien t at con vert ing agr icul tura l fee ds into meat protein . Because ve getable prote ins are relatively inex pen s ive an d can be processed into a

wi de variety of finish ed prod ucts , they have th e pote ntial of alleviati ng malnutri­ t ion in many part s of the world. Focusing on three m ai n areas - raw material, finished foo d prod ucts , an d processing methods - thi s research effort cove rs th e ent ire s pectrum of fo od proce ssing from the fa rm field to the superm arket shelves . Dr . Stan ley wo rks closely with Profess or John de Man, Food Science , and with Un iversity cro p scientists. Professor Jack Tanner, OAC '57 , Crop Sc ien ce, is current ly doi ng a feasib ility st ud y on pea nut s as a commercial cro p in Ontario. "We are encouraged by our y ie lds, but we stil l have some problems to overco m e in weed co ntro l an d harvesting. Our feas ibility st udy wou ld enable us to make a decision by next year ." "Early stu dies of vegetable pro tei ns showed the m to be of low er qual ity th an anima l proteins , but no w w e know that mixtures of protei ns from different plant

Professor Dave Stanley and department of food scien ce grad student Anne Papple wi th extruded food sa mp le .

sources can be just as good as pro teins from ani ma l so urces ," Dr. Stanley explains . Proteins are made up o f m any amin o ac ids . Tho se whi ch cann ot be man ufactured by the bod y are call ed es sent ial ami no acids . A n imal prote ins cont ain a fu ll com pl ement of th ese essent ial am ino acids , while protein f ro m vegeta b le sourc es may lack suff icient quantities of on e or several. By com b ining ve getable proteins, each lo w in different essen t ial amino aci ds , a good prote in bal an ce can be achieved . Altern ati ve ly, vegetable pro teins can be forti fied with individual am ino ac ids , w hich are now synthesi zed on an indu strial scale. Many vegetab le protei ns contai n potentially to xic facto rs w h ich must be re m oved be fo re being consum ed by hu m ans . Curre nt research exp lores diff ren t methods of detoxifyin g the se fac tors. "We have devel op ed a rn icro wave treatm ent suit ab le for soy beans and rape­ seed," says Dr. Stan ley. Fabricated foods probab ly make up a higher portion of the North Ameri can d iet th an we real ize . Ve getab le prot ein exte nders are rou ti nel y add ed to so me pre­ pared so ups, stew s and meat pies. So y infant form ul a is so ld co mm erc iall y as a sub stitut e fo r cow' s milk. Snack fo od s such as corn ch ip s , baco n b its an d cheese flavored curl s are fab ri cat ed foo ds . Add -to­ hamburger produ ct s of ten contain mi xtu res of spices an d plan t protein ex­ tenders . Text ure is one of th e most important pro pert ies o f fab ri cated foo ds and much of t he r searc h effort in food sci ence is devoted to deve lo p in g process ing meth ods w hic h will im part th e type o f ch ewy text ure desired for th e various foo d prod ucts. Thermal ex tr us ion is th e m ost co mm on meth od of pro duc ing meat analogu es fro m defatted oil seed meals. Unti l recen tly, the sc ient ist s emp loyed a tri al and error method of fi ndi ng the rig ht process . Now t hey are beginn in g to understan d t he fund ame nta l prin cipl es invo lved and know ho w dif fere nt text ures are aCh ieve d. It appears th at texture is determin ed during ex t rus ion by the form atio n of in term olecu ­ lar pepti de bo nds bet w een the am ino aCid s in the p rote in molecu les. These bonds l in k toget her many prote in mol ec ul es in lon g c ha ins , pro ducing the cha racterist ic meat­ like textu re. "We have developed proc esses w h ich , w ith m inor changes , will pro bab ly wo rk on al m ost any vegetab le prote in ," expla ins Dr. Stanley. Food s fab ric ated from vegetabl e pro teins and other ingred ients are here to stay in t he Nort h Amer ican diet; the ir number and variet y increas ing every year . They also seem su ited to protei n-deficient diets because th ey can be made into a var iet y of sh apes and textures . Research effo rt s here at the Universi ty will help en sure that these food produ cts are palatable, nutri t ious, safe , and reaso nably priced . 0


Howa rd Charles Clark , 47 , came to t he Un ivers ity as Vice- President, A cadem ic, August 1, succeedin g J . Percy Smith. Dr. Cl ark , a research ch em ist with broad academ ic experi ence , has been professor an d head of the Departm ent of Chemistry at t he University of Western Ontar io for nine year s , and is a professor in the Depart ment o f Ch emis t ry here . In mak in g the announcement of the appointment Presi de nt Forster st at ed, "This Univers ity is fortunate to have attrac ted a Can ad ian scholar of inter­ national rep utat ion and with a proven record as an academic administrator for the position of vice-president, academic. " Dr . C lark, wh o was ho nored with an SC .D. from Cambridge in 1972, has published over 175 research papers and has developed one of the finest c hemistry departments in Canada . At the same time he has played a leading role on provincial, national, and international committees and boards, the Pres ident continued . " I am sure th at Professor Clark will be we lco med by the Un iversity community and t hat he w ill be an able successor to Professor Smith who has contributed so much to Guelph during his six year s as vice­ president. " Born and educated in New Zealand , Professor Clark earned his Bachelor's degree (1951) , Master's degree (1952) , and Doctorate (1954) from the University of New Zealand. While a lecturer there, he was awarded a National Research Fellow­ ship enabling him to undertake doctoral studies at Cambridge, receiving a Ph .D. in 1958. In 1957 Dr . Clark came to Canada to join the faculty of the University of British Columbia. He was ele cted a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada in 1962 and by 1964 had been promoted to the rank of full professor at U.B .C. The following year he went to Western as a senior professor of inorganic c hemistry and in 1967 he became head of the department . He received the Noranda Lecture Award of the Chemi cal Institute in 1968 and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1975. At Western, Dr. Clark's admini strative activities have included chairmanship of the operations agenda committee responsible for the overall operation of Senate , the internal appraisals committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and a joint University Faculty Association com­ mittee on merit salary policy. Outside his own University, Dr . Clark was founder and first chairman of the Council of Canadian Universities' Chemistry Chairmen. He has been a member of the advisory committee on academic planning (ACAP) of the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies and has helped draft many ACAP reports . He is a past chairman of the chemistry grant selection committee of the National Research Council and has played a part in


Howard C ark

v.p. Academic site evaluation of negotiated development grant application s. In past years he took part in the appraisal of Ph.D. programs in chemistry in the State University system of New York and he has acted as external appraiser for the departments of chem istry of Sir George Williams, Windsor , and Simon Fraser. He has also been a con­ sultant to industry and has frequently been

invited to lecture on topics in organo­ metallic chemistry at national and inter­ national scien.tific conferences. His editorial work includes member­ ship on the editorial board of several scientific publications , and he is currently ed itor of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry. Supervision of graduate work has led to six M.Sc. theses, 18 Ph.D.

theses and publicat ions in collaboration with 25 post-doctoral fello ws. He currently holds a three-year grant fro m th e National Research Council. Dr. Clark is married to the former Isabel Joy Dickson of Auc k land , New Zealand, and they hav e two daughters , Carolynn, 15, and Kr istin, 8 . He, and his family have settled into temporary accom­ modation on Univers ity A venue, and plan to explore the housing situation further during the next few months . Uprooting a teen- aged girl can be traumati c, but he anticipates that his older daughter's mis­ giving about moving will vanish as she meets new friends. Dr. Clark 's top priority , following his arrival on campus , was to meet as many faculty as possible - regular faculty members, depa rtment chairmen and deans. He explains that "the administra­ tive process has to be one in which I have direct contact with faculty members. W it h­ out it, I won't get a good feeling for what is going on and I have a concern for the individual faculty member . If I rely on wh at comes through the chain , it can easily get distorted." After spending many days in OAC departments, he reports that he's " impressed ." "There is a good mi x of bas ic and applied research, and t he ac t ivit y goes right through to extension where Uni­ versity people are directly involved with the community across the province ." He has discovered an "unusual commitment" to an international perspective throughout the University. "It is quite clear that there is much dis­ cussion, awareness, and partiCipation in international programs right at the faculty level." Dr. Clark squeezed an interview into his busy schedule recently, and sat just long enough for the following questions and answers . Q - Will your scientific training effect your approach to administration?

a chemist working within a univer­ sity, I've had to use all these services . Through wo rk w ith ACAP and internal appraisals committees at W estern, I've learned a great deal abo ut th e way in which art s departments in general tend to operate. I t h ink I have a feeling for the differences in outlook." Q - You have been associated with uni­ versities in a nu mberof d iff erent cap acities. How have you r perspec­ ti ves changed wi th each new p os t? A - One gets a broader ou t look. The in­ dividual faculty m ember is inc lined to see the problems just where he is in the university . An administrator gets a feeling for the overall problems . He becomes aware of what other groups on campus are up against in carrying out their jobs . Q - While V. P. will you teach? Will you do research? A - I do not intend to teach initially. Per­ haps in a year or two I'll do some teaching. I'm determined to keep some research going. My research laboratory is scheduled forcomple­ tion by the end of the month. Q - Does a university provide a goo d atmosphere for research? A - Yes , in the sense that it attempts to make the right facilities available. On the other hand , it is more and more difficult for faculty members to do re­ search. With budget cuts , their teaching loads increase and they be­ come more involved in running the university. I sense here and else­ where that faculty are becoming in ­ creasingly concerned about the lack of time to do research. In addition, reductions in the number of graduate students in some disciplines means that facu Ity mem bers have fewer re­ search collaborators. Q - What is needed to encourage re­ search?



"I'm a person. That fact is probably more important than the training I have. However, I probably have more awareness than a person from the arts side of the campus of such things as accounting, purchasing, personnel, and safety procedures. As

We definitely need an influx of government money to encourage more research , but this will come only when the government is convinced it is politically desirable . That will take a great deal of time and effort, but it will come ultimately.

Will univers i ty priorities change in the next decade? A - In rec ent years peo ple in universi t ies have been preoccupi ed w ith grow th - perhaps because o f the meth od of funding . In the ne xt f ive to ten yea rs , we will have to concern o urselves w ith aca de mic excellence and improving q ua li ty . A s better people come int o un ive rsi ty, the fac ul t y who are already there have to sh ow their worth too. They will be expected to perform - to contribute in teach­ ing an d research - at the new level of excell en ce . Q - Will th e role of universities change? A - People with in the un ivers iti es w ill have to take more time to relate to people outside , bo th in the immediate com munity and inter­ nationally. We have been lax­ especially since World War II - in telling people what goes on within universities. There w as no in ce ntive foi' it. The funds pou red in and we just assumed that higher education was a good thing. Now we have to move in the other direction, both through formal channels, such as continuing education programs, and informally. People in universities have to devote a fair amount of t im e to telling people outside just what they 're doing . Q - What major differences do you see between the University of Western Ontario and the University of Guelph? A - Western and Guelph are two different types of universities. Western­ 'partly because of its geographical position relative to Toronto - strives to be a very general type of university. It has a little of everything. Guelph , on the other hand, is concentrating in particular areas. I think this is the right way to go. We don't need to have ali universities trying to cover all discipiines.

Q -

Since the students have returned and academic and extracurricular activities have begun , Dr. C lark is getting to know more and more about campus activities and just what it is that makes the University of Guelph a stimulating and al ive institution.


· E. C. Williams bequest establishes

Mary Edmunds Williams A course of events t hat started in Guelph in Septem ber 1929 has res ulted in a be­ ques t to th e Un ivers ity o f nearly ha lf a m il­ lion dollars f or the bene fi t of th e Ontar io Ag ricultural Co llege. One half of the res id ue of t he estat e of the late Edm und Cecil W illiams, OAC '34, the beques t w ill pro vid e an incom e to maintain a ser ies of annu al award s to be known as Mary Ed m und s W il liam s Fe ll ow­ ships in re memberance of Mr. W illi ams's mot her. Aft er a life in teres t fo r Mr. W il­ liam s's widow, the ot her hal f of t he estate's residue will co me to t he Universi ty to increase the amount available for awards . A vaila ble to students admitted to a Ph. D. program in a department or sc hool of the OAC, eligible candid ates for the $2,500 annual fellowships must have high academic proficiency and a demonstra ted ability in conducting independent rese arch as graduate stude nts . At the request of Mr . Williams, the fello w ships will also be available to students who are resident in the North Wales counties o f A nglesey and Caernarvonshire, to pursue graduate studies in agricul t ure at G uelph . A st udent norm ally may ho ld a Wi ll iam s Fel lo ws hip fo r a maxi m um of three occasions. The 14 candidates selected for the initial awards in 1976 all have a general average in exce ss of 80 per cent. Mr. William s , who, by his grac ious bequest has made it po ssible for a vast number of stu dents to study wit h th e as­ sistan ce of a stipend, is giving t hem sup­ port he never had . Born in Wales in 1903 , he came to Canada at an early age and wo rked as a farm ha nd before moving to t he Un ited States where he found employment as a construction worker , a lumberjack and as a cowpuncher. With a college ed ucati o n as his goal and with his sig hts se t on t he OAC at Guelph, the yo ung E.C. Willi am s li ved sparingl y only to see his investments eva­


porate d uring th e fin anc ial cras h of 1929 . An undaunted and determ ined yo un g man, he re f used to sett le for less t han hi s ori g inal intent ion s and presented him sel f on camp us in Septe mber of 1929 to enroll in t he A ssoc iate Dipl oma Prog ram in Ag ri­ culture. Lack of fu nds necessitated a regular schedul e of work for t he prin cely su m of 25 cen ts an ho ur as a student la bourer, and, not being able to afford res idence fees, he ob tained perm iss ion fro m Dr. Harcourt, t hen head o f t he Department of Chem istry , to have a cot placed in a basement room of that departm ent. It's reported t hat t he red haired " Turkey " Wil liams literally existed for a w hole academic year on porridge, cheese and sta le bread liberated from t he College dining room. After completing the two -year Asso c iate Program he enrol led in t he Inter­ mediate Year in 1931; mo ve d h is cot to t he attic of the Dairy Buildin g , w here access was obtained via a ladder t hrough a man-hole , an d managed to surv ive until his graduat ion w it h a B.S .A . degree in 1934. He returned to Britain t he same year and, having majored in da iryin g at OAC , joined the Nat ional Ins titute fo r Research in Dairying at Readin g, Engl and. From there he went to Kraft Diaries in Whittington, Oswest ry , Nort h Wales, and in 1938 moved to Sin ga pore, Malaya, to join th e Co ld Storage Creamer ies ltd. He was ge neral man ager the re for many years an d ret ired f rom th at po sit ion in 1957 to form a t hree-way land devel o pment en t er­ pri se . He returned to the U.K. and sett led for f ull retiremen t on the Isle of Man in 1964. During the Ja panese occupation of Malaya from 1941 to 1945, Mr. Willi ams was interned in Changi and, fo l lowing his release , recuperated in Australia for several months before returning to Singa­ pore . On leave from duties in Singapore in 1948 , Mr. Williams vacat ioned in Wales


where he met his w ife-to -be, Muriel. They we re married in Singapore on September 15 the same year. M r. Williams had no contact with his Alma Mate r f rom t he t ime of his graduation unti I 1971 , w hen at th e urgi ng of a c lass­ mate , Ron Greenwoo d , OAC '34, he t rav­ ell ed f ro m En g land to att end the an nual re­ un ion o f the Cla s s of '33 held du ri ng the Roya l A gr icul t ura l Wi nter Fair. On November 14, Ron drove him to Guelph where t hey to ured th e University campus.

Ed Wi lliams, Is ie of Man, 1971.


They al so visited A lu m n i Hou se, m t Di足 rector J ohn Babcoc k , OAC '54 , signed t he guest boo k , and Mr. W illiams purchased two A lu mni t ies to wear back home on the Isl e of Man. He d ied March 24 , 1974 . Casti ng a g lance back at the years when the young " Tu rk ey" W illiam s, in t he face of overwh elm ing odds , was st rug g li ng to ed ucate h im se lf , on e need s litt le per足 suasi on to accept th e motivat ion t hat prompted his genero us g ift to t hose who will follow in hi s footsteps . 0

Ed Williams in Singapore, 1945.


Get caught up in the myste ries of nat ure 足 flowers and trees, water and wildlife 足 without leaving the city limits. Enjoya family hike alon g the Victori a Woods nature trails at t he Un ivers ity's Arboretum. Natural ist Ala n Watson has deve loped a series of nature trails since he jOi ned the arboretum staff in May ; two trails are com足 pleted now with a third to be fini s hed next spring. You can cover one of the trai Is easily in a 40-minute lunch hou r, sa ys A Ian, or you can spend an hour o r two walking both trails and visiting the arboretum's collections of cultivated plants. The woodland trails will take you through a pine stand, then a section of maple, ash and beech. You'll also see the "naturalized" man-made pond, says Arboretum Curator John Ambrose . Excavated in the fall of 1973, it has since become the nesting place for wild geese, mallards and blue winged teal. During a hike at the arboretum you'll certainly see squirrels and chipmunks and a variety of birds. If you're lucky , you could see muskrats and perhaps even a deer. Trees and other plant specimens are labelled with both the common and botanical names. Flowers and shrubs are labelled when they flower and bear fruit. You could take the same hike every two weeks and see something different each time. In addition, a trail guide brochure provides histories of plants and wildlife, explaining their relationships in the environment.

When completed, the third trail will include a boardwalk to take hikers over a wet , swampy area, adding yet ano th er dimension to th e numerous natural environme nt s in th e woods. Vi sitors are welcome to wa nder the trails year-roun d . Dr. A mbrose pOints o ut an appointment is not necessary except for large groups and those w ishing a gu ided tour. You might wan t to stop at t he Arboretum Cen tre however, to pick up brochures which explain t he trails and collections. The arboretum trails are supp o rt ed by a grant from the Ontario Minist ry of t he Environment , a grant w hic h als o co vers research on a number o f enviro nmental concerns including gravel pit rehabilitation, pest control in wood y plants and use of waste products fo r so il improvement. The Wellington Coun ty Board of Education is utilizing the nat ure trails , says Alan, as an integral part of its environmental science program. There are plans to st art a sugar bush operation in the Victoria Woods, a project that would stress the historical aspect s of sap collection and the various methods of producing maple syrup. But, that, along with turning some of the nature trails into cross-country ski trails, would be a winter project. The arboretum staff in vites visi tors to use the trails freely to walk, th ink and enjoy the wonders of nature. 0

by Mary Dickieson

ature Trail on Campus









" ...> . . ;







5'0 meters

, 100


A t Wes tm inster Pier for bo at trip to Hampton Co urt. [I to r] Re ta Kerr and Jean Whitty, Ma c '39; Margaret Du nseith, Mac '34; Alex and Doris Landon, OAC '49; Jea n [Stevenson] Sing le ton, Mac '33; Marion Penhale, Mac '31 and Eila Lawson, Ma c '39.

Alumni Tour to For 17 days, the 1976 al umni tour grou p visited British pu bs and palaces , castle s and an Abbey, thea tres and hotels ..... and loved it. Twe nty t hree in number, they travelled by plane and train, bus an d boat, b y shank s m are . .. ... and never lost a bag.

In the walled city of Chester, the tour bus picking up the alumn i tour group a t the Grosveno r Hotel.

Britain photography by John Babcock, OAC '54 At Hampton Co u rt Pa lace. From left, Peggy Trefy, wi fe of Murray, OA C '42; Eila [Ross) Lawson , Mac '39; and Orm; [Young ] Hill, Mac '37.

They climbed the hi gt1est mountain in England and Wales (m ajest ic M ount Snowden by rack rail way) and t reated themselves to w ierd sounding d ishes li ke Welsh "cy w rhostimewn gwin cy mysg fw yd o Iysaiu gard d " (chicken roasted in w ine

with mi xed garden herbs) and Scott ish

"cock a' leeki soup" (chicken broth).

They slep t in the heart of Lond on in the modern surroundings of the posh May Fair Hotel and hit th e othe r extre me when they kicked off thei r s hoes at the Lygon Arms Hotel in the Co t swolds. There they laid their weary heads on pi 1I0ws that graced beds in chambers once occu pied by Oliver Crom well himself while on his way to do battle in Worchester in 1651. Blessed with good weather until their eighth day, they ran into rain in the Lake District (rather appropriate) and ran into more when they crossed t he border into Bonny Scotland - whe re they were advised that it wasn't really rain, just some of that good old Scotch mist. The group spent its first night in Scotland in ancient splendour but modern comfort at Dalhousie Castle , Bonnyrigg, and two days later bid farewell to the "land 0 ' the heather" when they climbed aboard the famous "Flying Scotsman" for a quick trip back to London. Two nights in the old city for a stroll around Picadilly Circus and a farewell supper at Simpsons on the Strand and they were into their 17th day足 time to go home. 0

Dr. Bob Georgeson , OVC '72, and his wife Virve, CSS '72, at Shakespeare 's birthplace, Stratford-on-Avon .

Mrs O. M. [Louise Ha nna ] McCo nkey, Mac '2 7, of Elora, ou ts ide Warrick Castle, where a torture cha mber wa s visited.

Dorothy Sharpe, of St. Catharines, takes pictures of Peggy Trefry of Yarmouth, N.S. and Florence Partridge, Mac '26, of Guelph, at Gretna Green, Scotland, where underage English couples used to head for a quick knot-tying ceremon y.


The blush of dawn was c ree ping into a crisp clear sky in London, Toronto and Guelph as slee py-eyed alumni climbed ab oard four ch art ered b uses (two at Guelph) to head f or the Niagara Peninsula - the Alumni Ass ociation' s F irst A nnual Wine Symposiu m was under w ay . First st o p: Th e Horti c ultura l Research In st itute o f Ontar io, at Vineland Station, where the tour grou p o f some 225 were introduced to co ffee , do ugh nut s and

Norris Hoag , OAC '66, Agricultural Re prese ntat ive for Niagara North . A dis sert ation on win e m ak ing was ably hand led b y research sc ie nt ists Oll ie B ran d t , OAC '38, John W iebe , OAC '51, and Ral ph Crow t her , w ith the Chateau Gai-Chateau Cart ier Ont ar io sales manage r, Ch r is Grant, following up with an inform at ive session on sales and promotion. Sec ond st o p : St. Catharlnes to view

and enjoy th e colourful spec tacle of the 25th annual Gra pe an d W ine Fes t ival Parade . Th is leg of the tour was com p leted very su cce ss fu lly w it h minimal losses 足 one large b us and five t hirsty pa ss engers . The ne xt ju mp took t he gro up to Bright's Vineyards, ju st a short d istan ce from St . Cath arines , w here an ab undant an d del ig htfully var ied supp ly o f Bri ght' s win e was provi ded for tastin g . Lu nch on the lawn follo wed . Right on sch edu le, t he buses t hen headed for th e sun-d re nch ed vineyards whe re the eff ic iency of the very lates t in autom ated pic king and load ing eq uipment was dem onstrated .


day with the


Foll ow in g the grapes to Bright's Wi nery at N iag ara Fal ls , th e gro up observed unloadi ng and cr ush ing an d liberally sampled the cool free-fl ow ing red jui ce before it headed for th e sto rag e va ts an d ferme ntat ion . Art Neff , OAC '42 , Phil Ellis , Jo hn Ghett i, OAC '51 , and Tom Ch all en, OAC '71 did the hon ours as gui des . Th e part ic ipants form ed two gro ups an d d ined in sp len do r at the Prince of Wales at N iag ara-o n-t he-Lake , or Frado's at 51. Catharin s . So me exc it m ent w as generated o n t wo o i the bu se s w hen , o n leaving t he Prince o f W ales , an unf r iend ly tree reached thro ugh o ne o f the w ind ow s o f each (they were close d at the time) as the gro up headed ho meward . Record for distan ce trave lled to t he Sympo s ium was set by Joe W hitmore, OAC '26 , and his wife who live in Ma notic k , near Ot tawa . Ly nn (Lichty) Brogden , M ac '6 4, and her husband came from Sarnia for the day. Fro m rep o rt s alread y rece ived it's c on 足 firme d t hat th e Asso ci ati o n's F irst A n nual Wi ne Sy m posiu m wa s an unqualified succes s . Bou q uet s go to th e org an iz i ng commi ttee of Dic k Ellis, OAC '43 ; George H ostetter , OAG '44 ; M iriam Os ti r, B .A . '68; Joh n Ghetti, OAC '51; Norris Haag , OAG '66; O live Thomp so n, Mac '35 ; Don Zi raldo, OAG '71 ;and Rosemary Clark, Mac '59 , A ss istant Director A lum n i Pro grams . 0


campus highlights New members on Board

Homecoming '76

Board Ch ai rman Kenneth Murray , OAC '50 ,

has anno unced the appo int men t to t he

Un iversity 's Board of Govern ors of Edmund

Charles Bovey and Cecil Hammond

Franklin. Both are appo inted for a three

year term .

Golf, The Granite , Mount Royal , Man ito ba and Toronto . Mr. Bovey is married to t he former Marg aret Sno wdo n and t hey have two chil dren , Charl es and Myra .

Ed mund Charles

Bovey of

Wi l lowdale,

Ontar io is di rector,

ch airman of th e

board and member

of th e exec utive

comm ittee of

No rcen Energ y

Reso urces Li mited,

Toront o.

A Canadian bu s inessman and live stock breeder Cec il Hammond Fran k l in is c hairm an of th e board and clh ief executi ve officer of Hardee Farms Internation al Ltd. , Toro nto.

Edmund Bovey

Mr. Bovey's outstan d ing career in the gas in du stry paralle ls t hat of the company he heads . He was one of th e f irst em ployees of Norcen's predecessor, Northern and Centra l Gas Corporation Limited whic h he jo ined in 1958 as assistant to the president. During the foll owi ng years he was respo nsib le fo r t he co m pany's pu b li c re lations, prov in cial and mun icipal affairs, personnel, purchasing and financ ial matters . He was apPO inted vice-p residen t in 1959 , president in 1965 , ch ief execut ive off icer and c hai rman of th e execu tive co m mi ttee in 1968 and chairman of the board in 1974 . In 1975 when Norcen Energ y Resources Li m ited was formed as th e res ul t of a merger of Northern and Central and its subsidiary company Canadian Indu strial Gas & Oil, Mr. Bovey was apPO inted chairm an of the Board . Mr. Bovey ho lds d irectorsh ips in several com panies inclu d ing the Canadian Imperial Ban k o f Com merce, Westeel足 Rosco Limited, The Do m in io n Insurance Corporat ion, MONY Life Insurance Compan y of Canada and Ab it ib i Paper Compan y Limited. Mr. Bovey is a pas t president of the Canadian Gas Assoc iation . He is a member of the exec ut ive co mmittee o f Can ad ian Arcti c Gas Stu dy Lim ited, a member of cou nci l of the Board of Trade of Metro po litan Toronto, and d irec tor of th e Cent re Intern at io nal de Rech erches et d'E t udes en Managem en t. Mr. Bovey 's co mm un ity ac t ivit ies inclu de bein g a tru stee and past-preS ident of th e A rt Gallery of O ntario , d irector of the To ronto Sym pho ny, vi ce-pres ident and mem ber of t he Board of Governo rs of Massey Hall, c ha irman of t he Co uncil for Busi ness and th e Art s in Canada. Club memberships include Rosedale

Cecil Franklin

Mr . Frank l in is also presiden t of Algonq uin Buil d ing Credits Li m ited , wh ich controls Hardee Farms. Hardee al on g w ith its various subs id iaries is engaged in the prod uction of fresh, frozen, can ned and freeze-d ried fo ods . Th e company operates plants at Lambeth , Ingersoll , Bradfo rd , Oakvill e and B loomf ie ld, Ontario as we ll as Sherrin gton, Quebec. Mr, Frank l in has al so been invo lved with th e mini ng industry for many years . He is president of M inaco Equip men t Limited , a com pany he in corporated In 1951, and Tint in a Silver M ines Lim ited wi th minera l hold in gs in the Yuk on Territ ory. Mr . Franklin is ow ner of Mo untain Lake Farm s, compri s ing some 3,500 ac res at Picto n , Ontario, where he keeps a large herd of purebred Charo lai s and Si m mental cattl e. He d isp lays h is herd annually at the Ro yal Agr icul tura l Wi nte r Fair and In 1970 hi s Charo lais bu ll "E nco re " was grand champion. He also ow ns a 100 acre farm in Whitchurch as well as being president o f Goodwood Farms Limi ted, at Goodwoo d , OntariO , where some 6000 pheasants and other game birds are raised ann ually.

Homecom ing '76, on a brigh t and cheerfu l October 2, wi t h j ust a touch of fall in th e ai r, was a ti me for re newing o ld friendsh ips at many planned hap penin gs on camp us . Th e fi rst happening of the day was the offi c ial ope n in g of the renovated Sc hoo l of Agr icu lt ura l Eco nom ics and Exten sio n Ed ucati on (see page 2). Several A lum n i annual meet in gs and class reu n ion s fo ll owed and th en - of co urse - the Ho mecom ing foot ba ll game . The big event of t he evening lineup, depending on po int of view , was either the al umni d inner dance o r the A rlo Gut hrie concert . It was a great day - hope you were o ne of the 1 ,000 or so w ho were there to enjoy it. 0

Alumnus of Honour Helen Mae McKercher, Mac '30, has been named the 1976 A lumnus of Honour for her significant contribution to the development of high ideals and standards for successful home and family livin g for rural women of Ontario . After graduation , M iss Mc Ke rcher interned in di etet ics at The Ho sp it al For Sick Children in Toro nto and The Ott awa Civic Hospital . In 1931 she joined The Women 's Institute branch of Th e Ontari o Department of A griculture and was ho me econom ist for the co un t ies of W ell ington, Dufferin , Mi ddl esex and Per t h. In 1943 she en li sted in the Women's Roya l Canadian Naval Service as one of four d iet it ians ac ti ng as advi so rs o n food pre paration for all Canadi an nava l sh ips an d establis hments. Res pon sible for feeding 20 ,000 men, she performed a feat

Mr. Franklin is a mem ber of th e Canadian Institute of M ining and Metall urgy , Prospectors and Developers Ass ociat ion , a director of th e Clarendon Found ation (Cheshire Ho mes) In co rporated , and is on t he board of man agement of Grace Ho sp ita l in To ro nto and a mem ber of t he Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toro nt o . He is also a member of The Good wo od Club, the Grani te Clu b and th e Eng ineers Club. Mr. Franklin is married to the form er

Phyllis Lorraine Ton kin , of To ro nto and

they have two children, Sandra An ne an d

Robert M ichael. 0

Helen McK ercher, 79 76 A lumnus of Honour, was presen ted with a ci tation by Pe ter Anderson , We ll. '68, retiring pres iden t of the Univers i ty of Guelph Alum ni A ssociation.


th at has possible merit for The Guinness Book O f Records . Discharged as a lieutenant in 1945, Miss McKercher returned to the Departmen t of Ag ric ulture as count y hom e economist fo r Weiland , Li ncoln an d Haldi mand. A year later she enro lled at Corne ll Universit y, where sh e compl eted her B.Sc. degree i n Foods and Nutrit io n an d her M .Sc . in Ex tens ion Ed ucation. In 1948 she returned to the Ontario Depart足 ment of A gricu lture and spent two years as s upervisor of Home Economics Educat ion. In 195 1 Mis s McKercher join ed Th e Canada Depart ment of Fis heries wh ere she became Chief o f Consu mer Servi ces . She ret urned to The On tari o Depart足 ment of Ag ri culture as Director o f the Home Econom ics branch in 1956. After 20 years in this capac ity she ret ired in October w ith a proud total of 36 years of service to Ontario people. 0

over a wi de ran ge of areas. Ro ss has been active on many OAC Alumni Associ at io n com m ittees inclu d in g chairmanship of t he c urling bons piel and golf tou rn ament for the past two years. 0

Yea Gryphons!

which in your opinion ent i tl e the nominee to the award, and any other additio nal informati on w h ich may assist the selection com m ittee, includ ing names of persons wh o have fi rst-hand know ledge of the nomin ee's accom p lis hments. Th e no mi nee sho ul d not be advised of the no minati on. Nominat ions w hich have been made within t he last five years w ill be con s idered by t he se lec t ion com m ittee alo ng with new nom inat ions rec ei ved this year. Nom in ations are held in con fid ence . Please forward you r nomi nati on by May 15 to Honou rs and Awa rds Co mm ittee Ch ai rm an , Uni versit y of Guelph Alumn i As sociation, Department of A lu mn i Affairs an d Dev lopm ent, University of Guelph, Guelph , On tario N1G 2W1 . 0

Alumni office appointments The Director of Al umn i Affai rs and Development, John Babcock, OAC '54, an nounces th e appO intment of Joseph R. Brooks, Well . '69 as Assistan t to the Director, an d the appo int ment of Derek J. Wing as Publicatio ns Officer .

Alumni medal

A ft r graduat ion wi th an Hon . B.A . in Po l itical Science and History, J oe Brooks taught at St. Barn abas Sch ool in Fort Erie . This was fo llowed by text book marketing an d research experien ce w ith several publi s h ing hou ses an d he left Doubleday Canada Ltd . to join th e Univers ity . Guelph Gryphons tru ly trounced York Yeomen at the Homecoming footba ll gam e. Final score 42 to 7 and here 's Gryph on Vaughn Wright as he mades the final touchdown of the day to add a big seven points to the 35 showing on th e scoreboard. Presen tation of the meda l to Ross Stevenson (L) was made by incomin g UGAA Presiden t, Dr. Howard Neely, OVC '5 1, during Homecoming '76 alumni din ner dance.

Dr . K. Ross Stevenson , OAC '65 , has been ch osen as the 1976 rec ipien t of the Al umni Medal of Achievement for o utstandi ng cont ri butions to scienti fic agricult ural research. Ross grad uated with a B .S.A. in General Sci ence in 1965 , an M .Sc . in Crop Science in 1966, then obtained th e Ph .D . degree in Ag ro nom y from Iowa State University in 1969. He was a faculty member in the Crop Science Department at the University fro m 1969 to 1976 when he left to go into private farmi ng and consulting. Durin g those seven years he achieved international statu re for his research into drought toleran ce and wat er re lations hips in plants . His combination of fertile imagination, scientific know-how, and practical approach to far m problems has led to improvements in OntariO agriculture


Joe is marri ed to a graduate n urse, t he form er Carole Lum b of Bradfo rd , England , and they have a son , Andrew, age six, and a daug hter, Steph anie, just fou r mon ths . They reside in G uelph. An ardent gardener, J oe coaches

mi nor league soccer an d hockey.

Nominations sought The Honours and Award s Com mi ttee of the Un iversity of Gue lph Alumn i A ss oci at ion in vites nom in ati ons for the Alum nus of Hon our and the Al um ni Medal of Achievement. These awards wi ll be pre sented at t he ann ual meet ing of the association at Ho meco ming. The Alumnus of Hon o ur was estab li shed t o recog nize annual ly the alum nus wh o has bro ught great honour to hi s o r her A lma Mater and fello w alumni throu gh sig nificant co ntribut ion to one or more o f the fol low ing : a natio nal cause for Canad a; serv ice to t he co mmu nity , the wo rl d of science or educati o n; leadershi p in business, ind ustry , or alum ni affairs . The Al umni Medal of Ac h ievement is awarded annually to a recent grad uate (with in th e pa st ten years) who bri ngs distinct ion to his or her A lma Mater thro ugh contribution s t o cou ntry , community or profes sio n. Each nomination should cont ain the nominee's full name, ad d ress , bus iness affiliation and t it le, year of graduat ion, famil y , alumni affairs part iCipation, con tr ibutions and achievements in general

I Derek Wing

J oe Brooks

As Pu blications Off icer, Derek Wi ng is the editor o f the Guelp h Alu mn us and managing editor of seven college alumni publ icati o ns. Following graduatio n with an HNC I.M ech.E from West minster Co llege In the U. K ., Derek came to Canada in 1950, and joined the Intern ational Nickel Company of Canada Ltd. as a design eng ineer. He was ed ito r of th e Co mpany's in-house magazine, The Triangle, fo r fou r years prior to joinin g the Universi ty. Derek is married to a graduate nu rse, the former Mary Wil li s of Palmerston, and they have tw o son s, J am ie, 18, and Clive , 15 . They reside in Elora. 0

Your order shou ld in d ica te the ite m number, qua nt ity an d descripti on. Please make cheque payab le to th e Univers ity of G uelph A lumni Assoc iation and inc lu de 7% Provin cial Sal es T ax (Ontar io only) an d a handling cha rge.


Gifts for all seasons

for all Seasons






2. Desk set.

Metal crest on walnu t base . Ball poin t pen .

Also on black lucite base . $8.95

·1 . . I


3. Guelph alumnus tie.

Coloured U of G crest woven into navy

polyester. 3 3/.1 " wide. $6.95







4. "Zlppo" lighter.

Co loured crest. Guarantee<:! for life .


Small , polished chrome . $5.95

Large , brushed chrome . 5. Solid walnut book ends .

Bronze U of G, OACorOVCcrest. $23.95pr .







) 8


~I' • \I""'t-\

1. Playing cards.

Crest in go ld or red on black backgrou nd

Sing le deck. 53.50 Doub le deck. 56.95

6. Coffee mug.

Wh ite porce lain with golden crest. 51.55 7. Silver plated five o'clock teaspoon with crest . $6.50 8. White procelain dinner plate with coloured crest. 7-inch diameter $2.50

-( ,




Ir.~ .

11. ~





21 22




9. Walnut wall plaque. With raised metallic

U of G , OAC or OVC crest. 513.95

10. Crested pilsener glass.

11. Jacobean mug.

Clear glass w ith silver co loured crest. $2.65

12. Glass bottom pewter tankard.

Gold coloured U o f G crest . A lso availab le

with OAC crest. Holds 1 pt . $15.95

13. Crested white beer mug. 26 ozs.


15 Crested 12 oz. high ball glass. 16. Crested wine glass.




22. Cuff links. Square or oval. Enamel crest on gold or sliver plate. U of G , OAC or OVC crest. S14.95 pro 23 . Key ring. Gold or s il ver enamel crest. Sl.99

Alumni chairs. Finished in black lacquer wit h go ld crest and tri m. $81.00 (a) Rocking chair. $94.00 (b) Straig ht chair . Prices subject t o chang e without notice.

$6.50 $8.95

20. Silver p late stein . Enamel crest. $13.95 21. Red stone set in sterling silver.


14. Footed glass .

Avail able in dusky or tawny tints .


24. "Maple Sugar". A tw o record stereo set. Songs of early Canada by the U o f G Folk Choi r and Canadian co un try and folk musicians album $11.95 $1.75 25. Woven U of G jacket crest. 26. Four colour felt U of G pennant. $1.49

17. Crested brandy sniffer. University of Guelph charms. 18. Ename l crest on s i lver plate. 19. Ename l crest on gold plate .





Address Street ITEM NO.










- -

Postal Code





- - _.

MAIL TO: Alumn i Gifts, Alumni Office, Un iversity Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2Wl (Make cheques payable 10 University o t Guelph Alullln i Associalion)






FalI,1976 Volume 9, Number 3


If I he addressee or a son or daughler who is an alumnus has moved, please nollly Ih\lAlumnlOfflce, University of Guelph N1G2W1,sothaf this magazine may be forwarded to the proper add ress . Postage Paid in cash at Third ClaSS Rales Permit 831, Guelph, Ontario

Alumni elections to Senate It Is again t ime to ca ll for nominations to fill alumni seats on the Senate of the University of Guelph . Each year, the t hree-year terms of off ice of three of the nine alumni senators expire . Ret iring August 31, 1977 are Dr. Les li e Laking, OAC '39, Ll. D. '71, Mrs . W .A . (Dorothy) James , Mac '34, and Mr. Tommy Tho m pso n, OAC '36. The terms of off ice of Dr. E. Rendle Bowness, ove '32 , Miss Isabel J . Lockerbie, Mac '30 , and Mrs . S. (A nn) Smith , OAC '52, will expire August 31,1978. Miss Mary Hofstetter, B,A . '68 , Wi ll iam D. Laidlaw, B,A . '74, and Ron Taylor, B. Comm . '73 , will sit on Senate until August 31 , 1979. The above in cumbents shou ld no t be renominated . All alumni who have graduated from th e University of Gue lph or its fo undi ng co ll eges are eligib le to nom in ate members to Senate . Since the Senate meets at least o nce a m onth f ro m September to June, t he position of alu mni senator Is a working posit ion, not an honorary one . Ac co rd ingl y , o nl y candidates who w ill be in a posit io n to attend meetings should be nominated . Moreover , no m inees must not be registered for a degree or dip lom a at thi s University , nor be a member of the teachi ng or admin istrat ive staff o f this Univers ity, as t ho se groups are o therwise represented. Th e form below must be signed by two graduates as nom inators and may be used to nom inate up to three can d idates . Nom inat io ns w ill be accepted if rece ived at the Alumn i Off ice by January 31 , 1977.

Senate Nomination Form We no m inate the foll ow ing graduate(s), ordinaril y resident in Ontario , for elec t io n to Senate for the three-year term commencing September 1, 1977 , NAM E OF NOMIN EE(S) (Please pri nt )

NOM INATORS' NAMES (Please pri nt)











Mail to : The Sec re tary, Uni versity o f Guelph Alu mni Assoc iat ion, A lumn i Office , Universi ty Centre, University of Guelp h, GUE LPH , Ontari o N1G 2W1

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