Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Spring 1980

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Spring 1980 Vol. 0 , No.2

UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH ALUMNI ASSOCI ATION HONORAR Y PRESI DENT Professor Dona ld F. Forster. PRESIDENT: J a nice (Robertson) Partlow, Arts '70. PAST PRESIDENT: W . Ken Bell, CBS '73. SENIOR VIC E-PRESIDENT: Dr. Tom De Geer, OVC '54. VICE PRESIDENTS : Dr. Clifford Barker, OVC '4 I, Mary Budd, Arts ' 72 ; Peter McMullen, CPS '76; Patricia (Shie r) Mighton , OA C '64; Richard Moccia, CBS '76 ; J a ne (Volli ck) Webster, FACS '75. SECR ET ARY Jackie ( Wem yss) Wright , CBS '74. DIRECTORS : Ewa rt Ca rberr y, OAC '44 ; Les Dunn , CBS '76; Eli za be th Heeney, M ac '7 1, Lynn ( Morrow) Fea therston , M ac '68 ; Ba rba ra Hinds, CSS ' 74; Edith Le Lac heur, Arts '72; Pa t (Honey) Lonergan , CSS '68; M el Pol a nd , OV C '44 ; Ambrose Samul ski , CBS '73 ; Tom S a wye r, OA C ' 59A a nd '64 ; Barry Stahlbaum, CPS ' 74 ; A nne Vaugha n, Am '78; Dr. Stan Ward , OVC '36 EX-OFFI C IO DIREC TORS : Frances Adams , CSS ' 8 1, President, Uni"ersity of Guelph Central Students Association; J ohn K. Babcock, OAC '54, Director of Alumni Affa irs and Development; Dr. C. Robert Buck, OV C '46, President, O.V.C Alumni Association; Judith Ca rson, Arts '75 , President, College of Arts Alumni Association; Ja mes Da nce, CSS '74, President, CS.S. Alumni Association; Barbara Dell, Mac '68, President, Mac-FACS Alumni Association; Kathryn Martin, CBS ' 76 , President, Graduate Students Association; Glenn Powe ll , OA C '62, President, O.A.C Alumni Association; Willi a m Sa nford, CPS '73, President, CP.S. Alumni Association; A l Sippel, CllS '75, President, Cll.S. Alumni Association. TREAS U RER : Ja mes J . Elmslie. ASSOCIATE S EC RETARY : Rose ma ry Cla rk , M ac '59 .

ne hundred years after its beginning, the Associate Diploma in Agriculture Program is a strong, viable and very important component of the O.A.c. Its graduates have made extremely valuable contribution s in many ways. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the diploma program, a special weekend of events has been planned to be held July 19 and 20 , 1980.


PROGRAM OF EVENTS Saturday, July 19 10:00 a.m.

REGISTRATION , Johnston Hall. 10:00 a.m. to noon WAGON TOURS BASEBALL GAME O.A.C. CENTENNIAL FILM HORSESHOE PITCHING TOUCH FOOTBALL 12:00 noon LUNCH, front campus. ($2.50 per person) Morning activities continue throughout the afternoon .

The Guelph Alumnus is publis hed by the Depa rtment of Alumni Affa irs a nd Development in co-operation with the De pa rtment of Information, Uni versity of Guelph . Th e Editorial Commiltee is comprised of Editor, Derek J . Wing, Publications Officer; Art Director, Eri c h H. Ba rth; John K. Babcock, OAC '54, Director of Alumni Affa irs and Development; Rosemary H. Clark, M ac ' 59, Ass istant Director for Alumni Programs; Pa tri cia G. Orr, Development Officer; Douglas L. W a terston, Director of Information; Donald W. Jose, OA C '49, Assistant Director of Information. The Editorial Advisory Board of the University of G uelph Alumni Association is comprised of Ewart Ca rberry , OAC '44, Chairman; Lorene Archdekin , CSS ' 74; Dr. All a n Austin; Dr. Donald A. Barnum , OVC '41; W. John Bow les, CSS ' 72; Judith Carson . Arts '75; Pete r Hohe nad el, OAC '75 ; Oli ve (Thompson ) Tho mpson , Mac ' 35; Sandra Webster, CSS '75. Ex路Officio: Jo hn K. Babcoc k, OAC ' 54; Janice ( Robertson) Partl ow, Arts ' 70. Undeli vered copies should be returned to the Depa rtme nt of Alumni Affairs and Developme nt , Uni versit y of Guelph , Guelph , Onta rio N I G 2W I.


2:00 to 4:00 p_m. RECEPTION AND SOCIALIZING with O.A.C. faculty, alumni, friends. 5:30 p.m. RECEPTION (cash bar) Regal Hall, Woodlawn Road, Guelph. 6:30 p.m. DINNER - DANCE, Regal Hall. ($10 per person) Sunday, July 20 10:00 a.m.

CHURCH SERVICE, War Memorial Hall. CLASS REUNIONS. Arrangements by class.

For further information and ticket and reservation forms wr-ite: Diploma Centennial, Department of Alumni Affairs and Development, Level 4, University Centre, UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2Wl, or call toll free I -800-265-8344, ext. 2122. The Ontario School of Agriculture and Experimental Farm was establi shed with the purcha se of the Frederick W. Stone Farm near Guelph in 1873 and the enrollment, on May I, 1874, of31 young men in the fir st cl ass. The original agricultural program , which was directed by a principal, took one year to complete a nd students worked on the farm in exchange for instruction, and board and lodging . The School underwent a most important change in 1880 with an Act of Incorporation. By this act, the School became the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental f a rm . At the same time, the two-year diploma program was initiated-the forerunner of today's program. In 1887, a third year was added to the curriculum for those students who wished to continue their education and qualify for a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree. In 1903 the course was extended to a four-year progra m. All students enrolled in the diploma program , and those who wished and who were qualified, could continue for the four years. As a result of World War II the diploma progra m wa s temporarily discontinued until 1947. During that time the intermediate year disappeared and the four-year degree program became separate. Professor Arthur D. Runions was the first person officially designated responsibility for the diploma program upon its revival after the war. In 1950, following Professor Runion's sudden death, the late Dr. Norman H. High was appointed as the first director. He was succeeded by Dr. Harvey W. Caldwell, OAC '51 ; Dr. W. Stan Young, OAC '49; and currently by Dr. Neal C. Stoskopf, OAC '57. As permanent recognition of the 100th anniversa ry of the establishment of the program, the Diploma Centennial Scholarships have been established. Four $500 awards will be presented annually to students between their first and second years. You may support these scholarships through the Alma Mater Fund. Cheques may be made payable to the Alma Mater Fund, clearly marked to the Diploma Centennial Scholarships and sent c/o the Department of Alumni Affairs, Level 4, University Centre, UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, Guelph, Ontario N IG 2W I. Receipts will be issued for ta x purposes. 0


hanks again . . . for another banner year." The words of Campaign Chairman Dr. Mabel Sanderson, Mac '31, expressed her deep gratitude to the 5,259 alumni, faculty and friends of the University of Guelph who donated $268,840 to the 1979 Alma Mater Fund . This amount surpassed last year's record high by $22,923, better than 9 per cent, and surpassed the $260,000 objective by a comfortable margin. The participation rate was a highly creditable 21 per cent and the gift average $51.11.


... for donating


to the 1979 Alma Mater Fund

"The success of the Fund would not have been possible without the leadership and support of the members of the Campaign Management Committee who headed up the various divisions and the volunteers who made the important contacts with alumni," said Dr. Sanderson. The members of the Campaign Management Committee were: Deputy Chairman Ross R. Hay, OAC '45; Campus Fund Co-Chairmen Dr. Marion Steele and Professor Sandy Pearson, OAC '42; Century Club Campus Chairman Dr. Cliff Barker, OVC '41; Century Club Chairman Dr. Alfred Va nags, OVC '59 and Deputy Chairman Dr. Donald Huntley, OAC '41; Class Agent Chairman Jack Gallin, OAC '47 ; Reunion Gifts Chairman James Kenney, OAC ' 44; Commemorative Gifts Chairman Dr. Russ McDonald , OVC '45; Direct Mail Chairman Mark Webster, Arts '73 and Deputy Chairman Brian Love, Arts '69; U.G.A .A. President Ken Bell, CBS ' 73; Friends of University of Guelph Inc. President Dr. A. Grant Misener, OAC ' 35, OVC '38 and Vice-President Dr. J. William (Bill) Barnes, OVC ' 59; Fund Director John K. Babcock, OAC '54, Assistant Director James J . Elmslie and communication consultant Patricia G. Orr.


Dr. Mabel Sanderson, Ma c '31 , centre, Campaign Chairman/or th e 1979 Alma Mat er Fund. with Ross R. Hay. OAC '45, Deputy Chairman, and Jani ce (Robertson) Partlow. Arts '70, President. UGAA.

Dr. Sanderson reported that the Century Club Division, renecting all leadership gifts of $100 or more regardless of the division in which they were received, recorded 965 gifts amounting to $157,793 or 57 per cent of the Fund total. "I would like to see the membership go well over the thousand mark in 1980," she commented. Returns from the Campus Fund indicated 512 gifts a mounting to $38,805. When adjusted to include memorial gifts and gifts-in-kind, the total campus giving rose to $44,039. The Class Agent Division attracted many new donors to the Fund and additional support from regular donors with a total of 1,341 gifts amounting to $26,434. The General and Reminder mailings in



August and November 1979, respectively, exceeded expectations with 2,057 gifts amounting to $38,265. It is interesting to note that alumni are very conscientious in returning the subscription cards with their gifts. This assists the Fund Office in processing gifts and getting receipts out promptly. Also, the updating of addresses and personal information on the reverse side of the card is helpful to the alumni records section and saves money on mailings which would otherwise go astray.

ALLOCATION OF PROCEEDS In reporting the results of the 1979 Fund to Advisory Council Chairman Dr. Bob Buck, OVC '46, Vice-Chairman Janice Partlow, Arts '70, and other council members, Dr. Sanderson ind,i cated that the arboretum, scholarships and library acquisitions projects were most favoured by alumni in 1979 followed by the FACS Work/Study and London House programs. In allocating the proceeds of the 1979 A'l ma Mater Fund, the Advisory Council granted $44,143 to the scholarship program. Included in this amount were incentive grants of $ 1,000 each to the College of Arts, Social Science, Physical Science and Biological Science Alumni Associations to encourage scholarship support fro m their graduates. The eleventh annual grant of $20,000 has helped reduce the capital interest-free loan on Alumni Stadium to $135,921. The total ca pital cost of this major project was aoout $550,000. It is estimated that it will take five years to complete this project utilizing A.M .F . grants and current gate revenues. A major grant of $40,000 was made for library acquisitions to help offset the increased cost of special book collections . A grant of $10,000 was made for art purchases. Gifts of books and paintings from alumlli increased the value of these grants by $6,800 and $6,355, respectively. The College of Family and Consumer Studies will be the recipient of a $15,000 grant on behalf of the Winegard Visiting Professorship. Colleges participate in this program on an annual rotat,ional basis. A new program called the College Advancement Fund has been established this year. Terms of reference are being written which will make available to the dean of each college the sum of $5,000 annually for special items such as travel funds for graduate students, special items of equipment, visiting professors and special needs over and above the operating budget. The Arboretum has been allocated $10,000 for collection development and a similar amount has been allocated for Memorial Hall improvements, It is planned


Grants for scholarships . . ,

.. the Arboretum . . .

Landscape Architecture students doing research and fourth-year Bachelor of Landscape Architecture students during the fall semester. A grant of $5,000 was allocated towards the capital cost of London House and a $5,000 bursary fund to help alleviate increased travel costs. The capital cost of London House, an extension of the University of Guelph in London, England, has been reduced to about $102,000. The rise ill real estate values in London has made London House an exceUent investment property . Alumni and faculty commemorative gifts have a special interest for donors. In 1979, close to $31 ,000 was earmarked for commemorative funds such as the W.F. Mitchell Fund, Professor Ross Cavers Scholarship, Professor John Melby Prize and special funds in memory of the late Dr. John Bandeen, OAC '57; Dr. Donald Ingram, OVC '52; Professor Robert Moffatt; Dr. Dick Waghorne, OAC '40; Professor Sass Peepre; Gary Putnam, CBS '76 , and Professor Alex Brodie. In winding up aJlocations for the 1979 Alma Mater Fund it was reported that the quality of residence life for South Residence students had improved significantly with the refurbishing of a multi-purpose room in Mountain Hall with a $9,000 grant from the A.M.F. Since its opening last September, it had been used on 42 different occasions to accommodate special events such as dinners, meetings and dances.


. and library acquisitions were

most favoured by alumni in 1979.

to refurbish the downstairs area of War Memorial Hall and sufficient funds have now been set aside for this purpose. The FACS Work/Study program is to be funded by a $10 ,000 grant. The feasibility of incorporating a work/study experience, field experience and clinical practicum components into the B.A.Sc. program is being studied. The results of this study may also have some application in the other colleges. The London House program, which provides a winter semester for College of Arts undergraduate students, has been expanded to include a Semester Abroad Program for third-year Master of

Associate Diploma Centennial Project. Graduates of the Associate Diploma in Agriculture program will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the granting of the diploma. Plans are under way to raise $10,000 which will be matched by the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation to provide an endowment to fund four $500 annual scholarship awards. Small Animal Clinic Extension. A canine isolation ward and equipment costs for the Small Animal Clinic Extension at O.V.c. is to be funded at an estimated cost of $66,000. Gifts for this major project will be collected over a three-year period. Instructional Deyelopment Program. Established by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to stimulate the improvement of teaching and learning in Ontario, the program was initially funded by M.C.U. Universities are now expected to assume long-term responsibility for this activity . Some of the projects undertaken at Guelph include the development of the Study Skills Program and the English


Writing Centre. The current support required is $10,000.


Choir Tour of Scandinavia in 1981. Alma Mater Fund grants have been a cata lyst for the raising of funds for tours of Scotland (1973), Southern Engla nd (1975), A ustria and Germany (1977) and Wales, E ngland and Scotland (i 979). The University has gained much favourable publicity from these tours. Further assistance is to be granted the forthcoming tour of Scandinavia.

GRYPHON CLUB ESTABLISHED More and more alumni-many of them former University of Guelph a thletes- have expressed an intense desire to help develop on campus the best university athletic program in Canada . In response to this interest, the Gryphon Club has been esta blished under the chairmanship of former Athletic Director W.F. "Bill" Mitchell, OAC '38. Your support, through an annual Gryphon Club membership, may be channelled through the annual Alma Mater Fund. Special emphasis will be on recruiting, enabling all Gryphon teams to develop strong bases. Members will have a part in the sports education of today's students, and will be contributing to the ma intenance of " school spir it" vital to the campus environment. Membership cards, a monthly publication "Gryphon Notes'· and , from time to time, complimentary tickets to Gryphon events, are benefits available to donors of $25 or more.

REUNION CLASSES Class executives considering reunions are invited to consider a special gift or project on behalf of their Alma Mater. A new division of the Alma Mater Fund has been established, to be known as the Class Reunion Division under the guidance of Chairman Jim Kenney. A "Shopping List of Campus Needs" has been prepa red and is available on request at the Development Office.

COMMEMORATIVE GIVING The increasing number of commemorative and memorial gifts being received has resulted in the appointment of Dr. Russ McDonald as Chairman of the Alma Mater Fund Commemorative Gifts Division. Projects to commemorate a relative. friend or classmate are welcomed and will be coordinated by the Development Office. Contact the Development Office, Level 4, University Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N I G 2W I (519) 824-3100 for further information . 0

• New record established with 5,259 gifts amounti ng to $268,840-bighest gift amount in the II-year history of the Fund . • Overall participation was 21 per cent with a gift average of $5 1. 11. • Century Club members contributed 965 leadership gifts tota lli ng $156,793, 57 per cent of gift total. • Faculty and staff participation in the Campus Fund was 53. L per cent with a gift average of $75.79. • O.A.C. alumni participation of 24.3 per cent topped O.V.c. al umni at 23 .8 per cent and Mac-FACS alumni at 23 per cent.

Summary of Allocations 1979 Scholarships . .. ...... ... .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .... ... _.. . .. $ Library Acquisitions ..... ... .... .. College Advancement Projects .... .. .... .... . Alumni Stadium ... ... . .... .. Art Purchases Winegard Visiting Professorships Arboretum Development .. ........ .. ... .. War Memorial Hall ... . ....... .... .. .. . Mac-FACS Work/Study Project ........ .... .... . London House Purchase Music Program Athletic Program Mac-FACS 75th Anniversary Project Clinic Seminar Room at O.V.c. Residence Life ... Drama Projects Sundry Projects ... .. ·Includes Comme morative G ifts and London Bursaries


74,755* 46,800 35,000 20,000 16,3 55 15,000 11 ,253 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 2, 183


$ 390,615 123,848 35,000 220,39 1 99,798 120,000 349,29'8 60,000 10,000 28,519 33,78 2 9,422 100,400 35,000 9,000 3,250 84,393


$1 ,712,7 16


Summary of Alumni

Support 1979

Alma Mater Fund Total Change Amounts .Given Gifts 78179

O .A .C. O.V .c. ..... Mac-FACS Arts & Science .. .. Faculty/Staff Other credits

% - 4.0 $1 06,432 - 2.7 31,791 -11.5 34 ,984 15,553 + 3.7 3R7 + 2. 1 32,617

2,157 605 1,019 914

5,082 177

$221 ,377 47.463



Change 78 179

% 6.7 -25.4 + 4.5 + 12.2


- 5.1


Development Fund Amounts Given


509 180 35 53

~ $ 3,914



Alma Mater .Fund 1979 gift tota l . ........... .... .. .. ..... ..... .. $268,840 3,914 Development Fund alumni pledge pa yments received in 1979 1, 138 Alumni associations special projects .. ... ....... .. .. ...... .... ... .. .......... .. .. 42, 11 0 Alumni and faculty bequests and endowments ..... .. ... .. Total alumni support in 1979 Wintario matching grants Grand total .

..... .. ...

$3 16,002 21 ,940 $337,942



Ar s'73

Cover Artist For This Issue By Debbie Chambers, Arts '77;


eeting artist R obin Baird Lewis, Arts '73, means being captivated by her optimistic excitement. Robin has every reason to be excited. H er showing last February in the University of Guelph Faculty Cl ub followed successful exhibitions at the G uelph Public Library and Glenhyrst Gardens and the G allery of Brant, both in Brantford. Future showings of her watercolours and drawings will be held this year at the O akville C entennial Gallery, the Kitchener足 W aterloo Art Gallery, and the University of Guelph .

Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland.



H ouse on London Road. G /l e/ph .

Despite the anticipated continued success of her 1980 art shows, thc major source of R obin 's excitement is a planned trip to Br itain. She feels this trip will be a critical step in her career. Traditionall y, Robin's work has captured O ntario scenes. She now looks forward to using B ritish landscapes and subjects for her paintings and drawings. Robin's vocation as a professional artist began at a very early age. He r first painting was sold when she was 12 years old. Since that time, being a professional artist has been a lucrative part-time carcer. A lack of formal artistic training has certainly not kep t R obin from becoming an accomplished artist. H er name appears in the Index of Ontario Artists and her contributions to the G lenhyrst Per manent C ollection have been viewed across Canada and the United States. At the moment, R obin has two part-time occupations which utilize her artistic talents. Besides worki ng as a n art in structor at Fanshawe College, Robin is also a free-lance commercia l a rtist. O ne of her most successful commercial ventures has been illustrative work in the 1980 edition of the Canadian Children 's Annual published by Bob Nielsen, M .A., Arts '71, _ owner of Potlatch P ublications in H amilton. H er six illustrations were so well received that Bob has offered her a contract for the 1981 Annual. Robin is quick to acknowledge th e debts that she and the other Lewis offspring owe to their parents. The Lewises encouraged their youngsters to explore their personal crea tive talents. As a result , R obin is an artist, her brother is a n actor, one


Anna sleeping.

sister is a potter and anoth er sister is a part-time lithographer. T he Lewises' support for their family's career pursuits may stem from the fact that they, too, are very creative and talent ed . Robin's father is a commercial antique reotorer while her mother, Georgie Baird Lewis, is an accomplished portrait painter and curator of Glenhyrst Gardens. , Robin 's part-time activity as a professional artist was crucial to her financial survival while she studied for B.A. and M.A . degrees at th e University of Guelph. Now the tables have turned. Robin hopes th at her academic and teaching experience will enable her to secure a full -time position which will finance her part-time occupation as a professional artist. 0

Baal on Dunnet sands -


Ab(lndnned hOlise at Marden.


A New Hat

Peter F. Hannam, OAC '62 , has stepped down as leader of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Ontario's largest agricultural lobby group, to become head of CANFARM. Hannam told his constituents that he had a "tremendous sense of accomplishment" from his years of service for the OFA. Hann a m said he will not be leaving agricultural politics altogether. "But I am going to change the way I contribute," Hannam said. "I want to rise to meet the challenge that CANFARM presents." As president of the OFA, H a nnam was instrumental in organizing the takeover of the computer fa rm record services, when t he previous Li beral government decided to cease funding the program as a Crown Corporation. The following excerpts are from Hannam's farewell address to OFA convention delegates in Toronto, as reported by The Grower, published by . the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. uring the past decade farming has undergone considerable change. Farms have become larger, more mechani zed and, in the process, farming has become more of a business a nd less of a way of life. The farmer has changed as well. Today there are fewer of us. Our average age has dropped as older farmers have retired and more young people have moved into farming. More of our time is spent on manag ing and planning, as we have learned we can make more money with a pencil, or now a computer, than a pitchfork. Incomes, though they moved in fits and sta rts, have improved . Gen erally, the 1970s were good for Ontario's farmers. The OFA has changed drama tically as well. In ten yea rs, it has moved from a period of uncertain ty-from a small group of dedicated members, to wh ere it is now: the largest, most influential farm organization this province has ever seen. This growth has been due, la rgely, to the foresight and dedication of a host of leaders, particularly in the first half of th e '70s, who built a solid base of support; to the loyalty and talents of OFA staff. and to the determination and support of all our members. But farmers are not the only ones who have gained from the developments in agriculture in the last ten years. Consumers have also been well served. In spite of recent price increases, consumers today are better fed on a greater variety of food, for a smaller portion of their paycheque, than at any time in the world's history. Indeed, society as a whole has benefitted from the changes in agriculture in the last ten years. Low food costs have meant more money to spend on other good s

and serv ices and have t hU $ provided a major stimulus for other sectors of our economy. In spite of high barriers to our exports, and the import of more and more food, ag riculture still makes a significant contribution to our interna tional balance of trade. There is no question that farmers benefitted during the 1970s. The real winner , however, was the average Canadian citi zen. But what of the '80s'l What of the cha llen ges in the ' 80s~ T he future is uncertain, but it is clea r ,that we can't count on thi s industry continuing as it had in the '7 0s. Ten years ago no one but a visionary or a madman would have predicted the challenges we are facin g today. It was little more th an ten years ago that Federal Minister Joe Greene forecast that we had enough oil to last a thousa nd years. Who would have beli eved ten years ago that interest rates would have reached the level



Pel er Hannam , OAC '62


they are now or that tractors would cost $20- to $80,000, and some combines over $100,000. Nor, ten years ago, would anyone have believcd thc increas ing government restrictions wc now face on our methods of farming. Tha t has been the rapid pace of change in thc '70s and, given the challenges we must face in the '80s, the only safe prediction we can makt is that change will accelerate even raster. If fa rming is to remain healthy and profita ble, if we are to continue to provide thc bountiful supplies of food that anadians have become accustomed to , then agriculture will undergo as much changc in the next tcn years as it has undergonc in thc last 20 or even 30 years . I do not want to sound ala rmist or pessimistic, beca use I am not. I'm optimistic. But mere optimism won't make the next decade rosy. It's going to take planning, forcsight, a nd hard work. How well thesc challenges are overcome will literally determine the health and profitability of farming in the next ten years. Nor will the effects be limited to the farm community, because they also have broad social and economic implications. In discussing the hea lth of the [arm community, we are also discussing how well fed Ca nadians will be ten yea rs from now and how much of their paycheques will be netded to buy food. In turn , this will determine how much they will have left for other things. The future of [arming is also the future of Canada .. Canadian economic policies weigh heavily on farmers. Even the well足 esta blishcd farmer is now dependent on his banker. The young farmcr , with mortgages and debts reaching $250,000 to $500,000 or even more, is not just dependent upon his banker, he is at the banker's mercy. How ma ny young farmers did not make it through last winter~ However, it is not just a question of who will go under. The high cost of borrowing means that needed repairs, new equipment, new la nd, or improvcd facilities may not be purchased now. Our efficiency can only suffer and, with it , our competitive position. Right now we a re predicting that, in addition to facing an inflation rate which may well be over 10 per cent , we will be paying 25 per cent more for drainage tiles, 12 to J 8 cents more per ga llon for gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil, and at least 15 per cent more for fertilizer . Prices will go still higher, but there is little corresponding prospect of prices for our products keeping pace. The right to farm will also continue to be a problem. Even the decision as to what to produce is being taken out of our hands .

Decisions at Queen's Park , or illcrcasingly by urban-domina ted Illunicipal councils, now dictate whether or not we can produce livestock ; whether or not wc can expand; and even the hours we can work in our fields. The common thread in all these problems is that the rea l decision-making power does not rest in our hands. This docs not mcan we ca nnot influence those decisions- we ca n. But it will not be easy. To do it, however, we must lift our ga ze to events beyo nd our line fences . We must become more involved in all those decisions which shape social and economic policy. We must become a powerful , influential, unified team . We must continue to get out and tell the consumer, the politici an, the civil servant, the businessman, and all those who influence policy, just how importa nt farm ing is to this country. It can be done. We have proven it can

"Fuel prices wi/! be the scourge of the '80s."

be done. In the last ten years , the OFA has become a powerful voice for Onta rio's farmers but there is so much more to do . Obviously we can have little impact as ind ividuals. We must be organized; we must be well financed; we must have the research; a nd we must have the skills to make our voices heard. That's a big cha llenge for this organi za tion, but I know we have the talent and the will to be even more successful. There is one other activity which I think farmers should get involved in to a greater extent in the next d.ecade. That is self-policing our industry. Having had a lot of contact in the past few yea rs with non-farmers from every walk of life, I have come to appreciate that Ontario farmers, by and large, enjoy a very

finc reputation of being ha rd working, honest , considerate and the sa lt of the earth. My contact with farmers in every corner of this province convinces me tha t reputa tion is well deserved. We must work hard to keep it that way if we are to earn the respect we need as an industry. As the pressures from change grow in the '80s , there will no doubt be a ttempts by some few farmers to operate in a way tha t we cann ot condone. We must be cautious tha t those few do not spoil the industry for the rest of us. We must attack infl ation , because it is crippling us with increased costs. We have heard one government pronouncement after another that they a re going to stop inflation . What's happened ~ Unfortunately, inflation is like sin. Every government denounces it in public, while at the sa me time they gleefully practice it in private' We mu st object to the da mage th a t unpreced ented high interest ra tes are causing in our industry, and we must dem a nd that a lterna tives be found , or tha t Canadia n agriculture is shielded from the full impact of these senselessly high ra tes, just as agriculture in other countries is. We must continue to ha mmer aw ay at finding more markets for our fa rm products. Thi s involves continuing to fight for fa irer trad e rules , to underta ke programs to have our food replace imported food, and to increase our export market. efforts. These measures mu st have the full support o[ farmers, the rest of the food industry, and governments as well. We must mount a campaign to ensure farmers will have assured supplies of fuel a t reasona ble prices . Fuel prices will be the scourge of the '80s. There's no need to follo w the world price of oil so slavishly in a key industry like agriculture. To do so as quickly as is now being planned will cripple produ cers a nd will jeopa rdi ze this country's food supply. One of the reasons for high fuel prices is sup posed to be th at it will encourage conservat ion: that's unfa ir. Fa rmers don't have to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer to practice conservation. Fa rmers across this province are already ma king major advancements towa rds conservation and in developing alterna tive energy sources. And tha t without getting encouragement to do so. lt will be difficult to get the decisions whic h you will make on energy implemented by governmetJts, but energy issues must be addressed with conviction. Yes, there are many challenges facing us in the next decade. Tha t's no reason to throw up our hands in despa ir. We must take a positive attitude tha t these problems will be resolved . We must convince a lot of people that they need to be solved. 0



The Ontario Agricultural Colle ge Alumni Associatio n

ALUMNI NEWS Editor: William C. (Bill) Tolton, '36.

The Dippers' Coat of Arms This is centennial year for the Associate Diploma in Agriculture course at the O.A.C. and the graduates have planned a celebration on the weekend of July 19. While these students have been an inte­ gral part of the campus since 1880, it was not until 1953 that they obtained a coat of arms or "crest" for themselves. Yea r ' 52 Associa tes presen ted an idea for an Associate crest to the O.A.C. -S.A.C., but it was rejected. The crest presented was similar to that of the degree course, with a change from gold to silver in the wire embossing. Year '53 Associates took up the challenge, and the year executive offered $5 to the winning designer. From the designs presented, that of Wendell Nufer was chosen. Wendell's father, who had designed crests in the past for the South African Olympic teams as well as for several Swiss Army regi­ ments, created it.

Changes were made in the crest design to obtain approval by the presi­ dent. The year president, Mr. Colley, and the late Dr. Norm High obtained a

copyright for the crest which made the College Co-op the sole distributor. To obtain the crest a t the Co-op, a note had

A Variety of V erse

Guelph 1933 Len Vickars, ' 33A and '46, has retired to Newmarket, Ontario, after an inter­ esting and varied career. He has pre­ pared a little booklet containing some of the results of a lifelong avocation-the writing of verse. Some of the verse was written while he was a student at the O.A .C. in the early '30s, others in his years in Northern Ontario mining towns, during wartime service overseas and, finally , from his post retirement occupation as an agricultural teacher at a church school in the Yukon. Illustra­ tions in the book are by Len's daughter, Dawn, a resident of Carmacks, in the Yukon.


Thrice cursed is he who doth smile in a lecture For that luckless might well regret it- you betcha' If you do see a paradox It's considered urlOrthodox To exhibit your glee In a manner so free. You may shout , sing or weep, Raise Hell - or just sleep But it is really unethical And shews lack of principle To beguile With a smile A "Prof' When he's wrath.

to be obtained from the registrar of the O.A.C. The Students' Administrative Council of the O.A.C. passed a resolu­ tion that the Students' Co-operative be the sole source of the official Degree gold wire crest and the new Associate silver wire crest. These crests were only available to graduates, seniors and jun­ iors of the Degree course and to gradu­ ates and second-year students of the Associate course . Dave Barrie was '53 class president and Professor Robert Forsha w was honorary class president. The addition of the words "Asso­ ciate Diploma Agriculture, OAC" was designed by Richard Buck, '76A. The change has received the approval of the Dean of the O.A.C. and will be officiaHy added to the crest. The colourful, silver-wreathed in- . signia are in stock at the Campus Co­ operative shops at $3.25 each. They should be worn only by those who are entitled to do so, and they should be worn on a somewhat formal garment, such as a blazer. 0

Rivers (Yukon 1974) I've paddled my feet in the Tiber And frozen them numb in the Klondike . I've waded full dress cross the Rubicon And swum in the buff in the Thames I've crossed the Rhine under shell fire And canoed mid the ice on the Ottawa. I've washed my socks in the Mirimichi And have squelched in the mud of the Seine. In my life I've crossed many rivers And some that I didn't quite cross . BUl from the fast flowing streams to the Arctic To the filth choked flows of the South, From the insect fraught heat of the summer To the bone chilling frost of the fall They're the only things I've seen in nature That never percel'tibly stop: 0


Our Man

In Cairo

Larry Dickenson, '68.

Lawrence (Larry) T. Dickenson, '68, and his family are now well settled in at their new home in Cairo, Egypt, where he is commercial counsellor at the Cana­ dian Embassy. His duties cover a much wider field than the United Arab Re­ public of Egypt, however, as he will also be responsible for the Canadian trade promotion program in the Sudan and Libya. This requires a knowledge of Arabic which came by way of an inten­ sive three-month course in Ottawa. Larry has been nearly eight years in the diplomatic offices of Canada in Europe, with about half of that time in Eastern Europe. This is his first experi­ ence, however, in a developing or an Arabic-speaking area. The first adjustment was to the slower pace of getting things done; it took the Dickensons three months to get

Mechanizing Rice Paddies James S. Townsend, '56, has taken leave from the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Manitoba, to work for two years with the Interna­ tional Rice Research Institute, Los Ba­ nos, Philippines. Dr. Townsend will be stationed in Rangoon, Burma where he will serve as an agricultural engineer in the area of small-scale mechanization for rice pro­ duction. In addition, he will serve as

into their home in a Cairo residential suburb and the majority of their personal effects had not yet arrived five months later! Larry writes, "Once we had adjusted to the tremendous concen­ tration of people- Cairo has a popula­ tion of approximately 11 million - the noise, dust, new food and customs, we became decidedly attracted to the Egyp­ tian people who are very hospitable and possess a rich culture dating back thou­ sands of years. "Since arriving in Cairo, in addition to moving into our new home, we have had the visit to our territory of the first large federal government trade mission. It was comprised of 18 representatives of government and industry interested in the fields of consulting engineering and construction. "In both November and December, I made one-week trips to Tripoli and Libya where Canada has considerable export potential. One officer from the commercial division travels to Tripoli every month." Larry's wife, Margaret, Mac '68, keeps very busy as well, as there is a heavy social commitment which goes with his profession. She accompanies him to many dinners and receptions and, of course, is hostess for those occasions where she treats Egyptian, foreign and Canadian contacts to favourite recipes acquired in various other countries. "Margaret and I went to Khar­ toum, the capital of the Sudan, in Janu­ ary. After completing business calls dur­ ing a period of nine days , we returned to Cairo via Jeddah, visiting friends in our embassy to Saudi Arabia. "During our trip to the Sudan and Saudi Arabia, daughters Tonya , II, and Christa, 9, stayed in a convent just one

team leader and country representative in Burma for the International Rice Research Institute. The Canada-IRRI Burma project is a co-operative project funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Govern­ ment of Burma with IRRI as the execut­ ing agency. Dr. Townsend is accompanied in Burma by his wife, Yvonne and two sons, Alan and Neil. Two other sons remain in Canada; Philip, in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Robert at Belwood, On­ tario. Dr. Townsend's address is: Cana­ dian Section, British Embassy, P.O. Box 1121, Rangoon, Burma.

Margaret Dickenson, Mac '68.

The three Dickenson youngsters.

block from our home. This convent is occupied by 13 delightful nuns who are decidedly senIor citizens with warm, generous hearts. They are of many na­ tionalities and have devoted entire life­ times to Egypt. As the convent is within one block of the girls' school-the French Lycee-this will be convenient for the girls. Tonya and Christa have pursued their education totally in French in Brussels, OUa wa and now here in Cairo." Margaret is turning her culinary skills, along with her food and nutrition training at Macdonald Institute, to the development of interesting new recipes based upon local ingredients and local dishes. 0

Hall of Fame A person nominated by the O.A.C. Alumni Association will be included in the first group to be entered in the new Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame. The O.A.C. Alumni Association is a found­ ing member of the Hall of Fame Associ­ ation and this nomination was prepared by a special committee of the directors. The Hall of Fame is located at the Ontario Agricultural Museum in Mil­ ton, Ontario, and the first portraits will be placed in position at a special cere­ mony this summer. 0



With a Song In His Heart Come July 15, Lyle Pettigrew, '61, takes up a new position. He is giving up his secondary school teaching job with the Waterloo-Oxford D.S.S. in Baden, On­ tario, and is moving to Kenosha, Wis­ consin, to be a member of the headquar­ ters' staff of the Society for the Preser­ vation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (S .P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.). Specifically he will be one half of the team of instructor/ coaches who wil'l assist in training cho­ rus directors in the 16 districts of the Society. He will have eight districts for a while and then alternate with his fellow instructor/coach.

Lyle Pettigrew, '61.

The new position entail s a great deal of travelling, but Lyle is used to that. For the first five years out of O.A.C. he worked with the United Co­ operatives of Ontario at five locati ons during that time.

Singing is something that has been dear to him for a very long time . He was a member of the famous quartet on campus in the '50s and '60s- the "Kol­ lege Kings"- with Trev Dickinson, '61, Bill Ba xter, '62 , and Ted Curti s, '62. They sa ng for just about every Co llege function needing entertainment. "We were one of Padre Young's most popular acts," Lyle recalls. For a few years after graduation, he dropped out of singing because he was really never long enough in one place to put down any roots. However, when he moved to Baden, he was soon invited to come out with the Guelph Chorus and then joined the Kitchener-Waterloo Chorus which was closer to home. It was one of the old "KoHege Kings " who brought him back into the fold . Since that reunion a dozen years ago, Lyle has been at it steadily and now he moves to headquarters to become a permanent member of that enthusias tic group, helping to spread harmony a nd good fellowship all across the continent. 0

Nancy Brown Ends Busy Year At It Again! Nancy Brown, '79, completed her year as president of the Central Student Association of the University last month . It wa s a rough year; she had stepped into a situ ation of distress in­ volving many problems, not the least of which was a $60,000 debt. At the end of her year, that debt had been whittled down to I.ess than $10,000, new s ~ aff had been hired, the books had been straightened out and much of the credibiI ity with University faculty and administration was regained. She originally stated that she felt it would take at least two years to straight­ en out the mess left by previous misman­ agement and internal bickering . It 'l ooks like this diminutive bundle of energy has almost done it in 12 months. She had help from fellow executives whom she gladly praises and heartily thanks. As if her problems with the Central Students Association were not enough, her year also brought an extra load in another field. As chairman of the Uni­ versity Centre Board, she had to contend with the several changes in staff that took place during the year. But then, Nancy is no stranger to hard work and delicate dealings with people. Back home on the farm near Beaverton, she and her father had been


workers in 4-H clubs, a job she loved and which she kept on doing during her college semesters. From her first weeks on campus, she had demonstrated her leadership abilities as the freshman president of Year '79. She was later chairman of the 0.A.c. Student Federation, an executive of College Royal, and O.A.C. student rep on the C.S.A. What now, Nancy ? As she ended her year of office, she fel t that she had seen enough of politics for a while. She is aiming her sights on an M.B.A. from one of the province's older and presti­ gious universities and is awaiting the results of her applica tion as she cleans up the last of her work a t the C.S.A . president's desk. With a sol id major in Animal Sci­ ence, a background of years of success­ fully working with people, a minor in business administration and her eyes on a master's, Nancy Brown is another Aggie whose future should make inter­ esting watching. Not many would take a bet that her present downer on politics­ "One year in a job like president of the C.S.A. is enough for me" will prove to be her permanent attitude. 0

Doug Hoffman, '46, retired in 197 8 from his post as director of the Centre for Resources Development after 32 years on the Guelph campus. Following his retirement he went over to the Uni­ versity of Waterloo to give them the benefit of his long training in rural planning. Now he is acting. dean over there! A new building to expand the U. of W.'s Department of Environmental Studies is under way and the dean is off-campu s for a while. So maybe Doug will get some use out of that shovel his " boys," Doug's Cruds, gave him when he left the Guelph campus. 0

Carrie Reek At the ripe old age of 92, Carrie, widow of Dr. William R. Reek, '10, a former president of the O.A.C., died on March 2 at Wardsville, Ontario. Dr. Reek, who had a long and distinguished career in Ontario agriculture, died in 1968. A very gracious lady, Carrie Reek will be fondly remembered by hundreds of students who were at Guelph during the immediate post-war years and by hundreds more who got to know her at Ridgetown . 0

Handling Hamburger On The Hoof

Before the hamburger (or the steak for that matter) gets to your plate, there is a number of necessary steps to be com­ pleted in thc marketing chain from new­ born calf to butcher's block. One of these steps is the transfer of the young feeder cattle from the ranch to the fcedlot where the final finish will be added. In Ontario today, auction sales of feeder cattle, held at 14 locations around the province, carry out this function where thousands of cattle and millions of dollars change hands smoothly and quickly. The story of these feeder auctions has been added by Tommy Cooper, '18, to his book on the history of agriculture in Grey County, but he refuses to take credit for the auction systcm. He gives the credit to another O.A.C. grad: the late Charles F. Mac­ kenzie, ' 19, one of the members of the Collcge judging team at the Chicago International in 1918 where he won the

first placing in beef cattle judging. After graduation, Charles Mackenzie was ap­ pointed to the Dominion Department of Agriculture federal inspection service which included serving Manitoulin Is­ land where there were many cattle pro­ ducers but no marketing organization. Farmers were still selling as individuals to itinerant cattle buyers, sometimes with inequitable results. After years of effort, he finally got cattlemen to form an auction-selling organization. So successful was this system that, in 1950, Tommy Cooper suggested the Grey County Federation sponsor a simi­ lar arrangement. A committee of three was sent to a sale at Little Current, on Manitoulin Island, that September. That committee was impressed by the way the farmers co-operated and asked Tommy to get one going in Grey County, but a 1951 trial was not a success. However, the example of the 195J sale on the Island sparked another trial in Grey County the following year.

That 1952 sale brought out 1,250 head. The co-op had but one scale of 5,000-pound capacity so that animals had to be weighed individually-a very time-consuming task. However, the idea did catch on; memberships were taken out, property bought at Wiarton, On­ tario and a permanent set-up begun with much of the labour coming from the farmers themselves. Now, there is a covered assembly and sales area sup­ plied with town water and a 30,000-pound scale, all free of debt. The co-op in Grey County has 800 members, and cattle production is about three times as great as it was at the beginning 30 years ago. There are four sales a year and as many as 11,000 head pass over the scales at a spring sa .le. The fall sales in 1979 brought $4,000,000. The original spark from Charles F. Mackenzie has grown to 14 sales organi­ zations around the province. 0

Mac Gordon Honoured

India Hand

College athletics will always be remem­ bered by ex-students and the students of today. Those who knew the tremendous amount of work he covered, the difficul­ ties he had to contend with, will appreci­ ate the spirit with which he tackled the job and the work he has done. In the fall of 1919, when he took over the task of physical director, College athletics were somewhat disorganized but the fall of 1920 and the spring term of 1921 wit­ nessed a great change. Being a football man himself, he successfully trained the two Junior Intercollegiate teams of 1919 and 1920 besides training other branches of sport too numerous to men­ tion." His first foreign field was in India where he went as dairy cattle specialist at the Allahabad Agricultural Institute, United Provinces, and served for several years as a teacher. He returned to his native Massachusetts as a teacher in animal husbandry at the Essex County Agricultural School, Hawthorne, and later as a specialist in dairy with the H.K. Webster Co. of Lawrence. In spite of the fact that he spent so little time in Ontario, his feelings for his alma mater were strongly evidenced by his life membership in the O.A.C. Alumni Association. 0

One-timc hog grader and the man who was instrumental in working out thc system of tattooing hogs for rail grading, Mac Gordon, '29, has been honoured for his efforts in another direction. He has received the Guelph Horti­ cultural Society Conservation Award for outstanding service to the community. Mac moved from Hamilton to G uelph in 1948. With him he brought a sincere and enduring enthusiasm for conservation. He had a ttended the Na tiona I Au­ dubon Society's wildlife film series in Hamilton, and was most impresscd with its educational and entertainment value, so, when he arrived in Guelph. he set out to show the series there by arranging for its sponsorship by the Agricultural Insti­ tute of Canada's Guelph Branch. Mac insists that before each film , the national anthem, 0 Canada, be sung·--an obscrvation which was lauded by the committee in selecting this year's winner. He has been very involved in other community work, and has just retired as clerk of sessions for Chalmers United Church. 0

Almost from the beginning of the O.A.C., graduates have found their way to far places and contributed much to the improvement in agriculture and life around the world . Typical of these was the late Kenneth William Forman, '22 , who died last December in Danvers, Mass., at 83 years of age. Ken carne to the O.A.C. originally as a Diploma in Agriculture student with the Class of '18, but took time out for war service, returning with the wave of veterans in 1919. He graduated with the Class of '20A and stayed on to take his B.S.A. with '22. He was a native of the United States and, except for some months on the staff of the old An. Hub. departmen t right a fter grad ua tion, he spent all his life outside of Canada. In his student days, Ken was a noted a thlete and the last student physi­ cal director. Up to his leaving that post, all athletic endeavours had been handled by the students themselves. In 1921, with the greatly increased size of the student body , the College decided to appoint a physical director as part of the faculty. The O.A.c. Review of that day records: "Ken's enthusiasm and work for


ODH Program The executive of the ODH Graduates Association has prepared a program of monthly visits , from March to October, to places of interest to their [l1(;mbers. These visits are open to all interested and are free. The program for 1980 includes a June visit to the University of Guelph on the morning of the 21 st , moving to the Cambridge Research Sta­ tion in the afte rnoon . The August visit is planned for Queen's Park, Toronto on the 23rd. The September visit will be to the Borough of Scarborough Parks De­ partment on the 13th and the October visi t to Cannon Nurseries, Waterdown, on the 4th. 0

Railway Blooms Since Leon Claus, '22, moved to a house near the railway tracks in Canton, N .Y., he ha s pl anted . the railwa y right of way with flowers and vegeta bles. This island of beauty, located where more often a weed patch is found, has brought atten­ tion to Leon, especially from studen ts and faculty at the St. Lawrence Univer­ sity in town. Recently, the local newspaper fe a­ tured hi s beautifying efforts in a story. He has become the " stately white-haired gentleman " who has put the lovely flow­ ers on th e railroad embankment. 0

Bonspiel Winners

The Year '51 Trophy was presellled by Dean Clay Switzer, '51, la, 11o r , Glenn Hay ter, '73; Bruce Shillinglaw, '67; Ja ck Fraser, '73 , and Bob Anderson, '73.

Best Seller This time it is Don Inine, '42, and the subject is cheese. The Canadi an Dairy Foods Service Bureau had his profes­ sion al assistance, plus that of others, in the preparation of its booklet Great Canadian Cheeses. More than a million and a half copies have been distributed. The booklet dea ls with the more tha n 50 varieties made in Canada and , while good old rat-trap cheddar is still the favourite, the consumption of other types has increased to almost J 6 pounds per person annually. 0

The Year '33 Trophy was presenled by Don lf uj/ '5/, lo, 110 r, Glenn Powell, '62, and Bill Harri sun, '62. Other learn members were Bruce Humer, '62, and Don Hill, '62.

B·y ron Je nvy At the age of 98 , Myron Jenvey of I ngersoll has died. For 65 years, he was a member of the Holstein-Friesian Asso­ ciation and an historian of the dairy industry in Oxford 'ounty. For five years he was a member of the staff of the O.A.C. and some of his recollections of those days have appeared in issues of the OA .C. Alumni N ews. 0


The N R, "Rick" Richards Tr op hy was won by, 110 r, Bi/! A llelI, Bob Edgar, Jerry Felk er (lIld WaYlI e S impso n al! Clem of '7 2.

The College of Arts Alumni Association



Editor: Debbie Chambers, '77.

To The Queen's Taste An Elizabethan dinner, in honour of Q ueen Elizabeth I (1558-1603), was held in early February. Sponsored by the University of Guelph H istorical So­ ciety, the feast attracted 45 members of the Guelph academic community includ­ ing several alumni. Guests were asked to attend in period costume and to provide an authentic Elizabethan dish. Master of the feast was Dr. Lewis Abbott, Department of History. In accordance with Her Majesty's wishes (Marilyn Armstrong, '78), Master Ab­ bOll provided whimsical sketche~ of the head-table guests, accompanicd the Queen dancing and called forth her loyal subjects to pay tribute to her beauty and grace.

AI the dinner. Morris Lemire, CSS'78; Bev Lemire, '79; Margo Shoemaker, '79; Dr. Lewis Abbot, Marilyn Armstrong, '78, Urve Abbot and Dr. Stefan Straka , Chairman, Departmenr a/History.

Musical entertainment for the eve­ ning was provided by the Queen's court musicians conducted by Shannon Pur­ vis-S mith, a music instructor at the University . The ensemble played a de­ lightful repertoire of authentic Elizabe­ than music. SOllle of the delights of authentic Elizabethan cuisine tha t were served included Fartes Portingale, Livering Puddings, Pork a l'Orange, Turnep in a Tench, Compound Pallet and Almonde Tartes . T hey were selected by Margo Shoemaker, '79.

Dancing, a favourite pastime of Her Majesty , was encouraged between courses. The first dance selection, known as a galliard, was demonstrated by Shannon Purvis-Smith . A stately dance, it provided an excellent contrast to dance instructor Dave Green's version of a rapid peasant dance. It is hoped that the tradition of providing an historical dinner for stu­ dents, faculty and alumni will continue in the coming years. We look forward to seeing you there. 0

Her Work Is Her Life

Mieke Bevelander, '73, graduated with distinction from the honours program in Fine A rl. However, her art career began in high school and was followed by intensive study at the Frec Academy and The Royal Academy of Art in T he Hague, Holland . Then there was an interruption of a few years while M iekc taught elementary school in Toronto before she got back on track at Guelph. Her work is her life. O nly when she is drawing, and now painting, is she pleased with he rself and able to cope

with the major set-back for artists- the continuing lack of moneyl Not only has Micke fine artistic talent and drive, which has kept her going for the last dozen years, but also she is a gifted teachel. I·or the past three years she has been a sessional instructor at the University of Waterloo. in the fall of 1979 she is credited with puiling their extension course in Strat­ ford out of danger of extinction. After Mieke's fall session, the university had a continued over

Mieke Bevelander, '73.


flood of requests for another course with her. The Art Gatlery of Kitchener boasts a simi~ar success story with their Saturday children's classes which Mieke has taught for the past two years. Her popularity and ability tripled enrolment. Mieke has had shows in The Hague, Edinburgh and Guelph, and her work has appeared in shows in Vancouv­ er, Winnipeg, Brantford and Toronto. Several corporations and numerous indi­ viduals own her drawings, paintings and sculptures. A series of her drawings is hanging in the Sears Building in Chica­ go. Mieke's loft apartment in Elora, Ontario, reflects her personality and consequently her work. It is a compact,

Mahoud Sadek.

who take women artists seriously. ;\ thorny situation, but a very real one. Also, a particular problem for artists is trying to be recognized as an important segment of society; to establish a status quo in a society which views art as a luxury or, at most, as play. If universities are recently experi­ encing an anti-intellectual backlash, art­ ists have continuously bucked an anti­ aesthetic appreciation in our materialis­ tic society. If you can't eat it, wear it, drive it or spend it, it can't be worth very much. Mieke has written eloqucntly on this topic and given the chance will talk fervently about her life's work- art works. This graduate is going places and several major shows are in the making

is false. In fact, he was very influential as he returned the old religion of Amon to Egypt. King Tut followed Adhenaton who had imposed the worship of Aten (sun­ god) on the people. In essence this was monotheism. The religion revolved around the rays of ·the sun which were the manifestation of light and heat. The sign of the ankh was the symbol which denoted life. There was not only a religious revo­ lution but also a cultural revolution. Previously art had been idealized where everybody was portrayed as being strong and beautiful. Art now became anti­ classical and a . caricature. Freedom of expression was allowed. Akhenaton moved the capital from Thebes to Ama­

rah. King Tut was nine years old whcn he ascended to the throne. He moved the capital back to Thebes and rebuilt the temple of Amon. He died from an unknown cause at age 18. His tomb was hidden and therefore was not vandalized by robbers. It lay undisturbed until discovered by Howard Carter in 1922. This major discovery gave the world a large collection of Egyptian art. The slide show demonstrated not only the size but also the sheer beauty of the Tut collection. The College of Arts Alumni Associ­ ation is grateful to Professor Sadek for his enlightening talk and for his compre­ hensive slide show of the King Tut collection. 0

awards will help encourage graduate and part-time students to maintain high academic standards. The first a wards will be presented in the fall of J 980. An amount of $500 will be awarded to the College of Arts student with the highest cumulative average in Years 3 and 4 who is entering a College of Arts graduate degree program. The award is

open to a student entering either an M.A. or Ph.D. program with a Universi­ ty of Guelph undergraduate Arts degree. An amount of $250 will be awarded to each of two semester 5 part-time College of Arts students with the two highest cumulative averages and enter­ ing semester 6. They will be presented in the fall and winter semesters. 0



Dal'id Coates. Newspapers? Right! David is city reporter for the Peterbor­ ough Examiner.

Robert Bishop is the manager of the Tydagon Golf Club in Burlington, On­ tario.

Patricia (Cole) Bigley is employed as a dental assistant by Drs . R. & c. Arm­ strong, Leamington, Ontario.

David Schwitzer is pu~suing doctoral studies at the University of London in England. 0



Professor Sadek , with the Department of Fine Art, presented a slide show on King Tut at a recent meeting of the College of Arts Alumni Association. Before the show Professor Sadek filled in the perti­ nent background of King Tut. Accord­ ing to the professor, the misconception that Tut was not an important Pharaoh

Scholarships At the College of Arts Alumni Associa­ tion Board of Directors meeting of March 22, 1980, three new scholarships were designed and will be presented at the spring meeting of Senate for approv­ aL Members of the Board hope these

Grad News 1977 Paulette McGarr. After working three years in visual arts, Paulette is a student apprentice with British glass master, Stephen Taylor, in Caledon and is living in Toronto.


bright, open space filled with Canadian antiques and a wood-burning stove. There are books, drawings, sculptures, toys a nd curios on every ledge a nd piece of furniture. Luxurious plants hang everywhere and give the space a garden quality-"a garden of earthly delights," to steal a quotation . However, Mieke's ambition wiJi not allow her to stay much longer in this pastoral setting. Soon, she will uproot herself to move to Toronto where she is affiliated with the Bau-Xi Gallery, on Dundas Street, exhibiting artists such as Jack Shadbolt, Tony Urqhart and Claude Breeze. Although a major problem for all artists is making a living from their art. an added problem M ieke has found is finding gallery owners and fellow artists



The Ontario Veterinary Co llege Alumni Ass ociation



Dr. Cliff Barker, '41.

; BULLETIN From The Pres ident

Dr. Bob Buck, '46


Since our last opportunity to "chat" by means of a publication, several items of interest have occurred. Perhaps that of greatest current interest involves ar­ rangements which will culminate in the presentation of a portrait of Dr. Dcnnis Howell , to our former dean, on Alumni Weekend. The Honours and Awards Commit­ tee, under the chairmanship of Dr. Bob Silk. '64, has been working fervently to ensure that the presentation can be made at the time of our Annual General Meeting which, this year, takes place on campus during Alumni Weekend, June 20 to 22. Further details of these cere­ monies will be available soon. The O.V.c. Alumni Directorate is enthused about this project and, like the Honours and Awards Committee, is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to view the work. Having mentioned Alumni Weck­ end, [ hope that you will note again those dates of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 20, 21 and 22 and, if you possibly can, make arrangements to visit Guelph and the old grounds and appreciate what is available to the students of today compared to that which was present in the dim, distant past!

Not only will it be an opportunity to renew friendships, which may have been neglected somewhat due to dis­ tance and other responsibilities, but you will have an opportunity to visually acknowledge some of the strides that have been taken during the growth of the University of Guelph, and in par­ ticular the Ontario Veterinary College , during the years since you left the campus. On sllch a visit, you can more accurately gauge the importance of the contributions which each of us attempt to make to our Alma Mater as the years pass. There is some personal satisfaction in being able to actually see some of the things which we read about in our communications from the various Uni­ versity organizations. At this particular time of year, we would hope that those of our alumni living some distance from Guelph may decide that a venture to this part of Ontario might be considered as part of a vacation plan . How about some of those of you who live beyond the borders of On­ tario- or within the borders of Ontario for that matter- who have not had an opportunity to be in Guelph for some time, contacting former classmates and arranging a visit, part of which may be spent here at the O.V.c. and on-campus at the University of Guelph. Watch for further information which will be forthcoming . Those of us in this part of the country would be delighted to see you' Since last we talked, the Awards Committee has presented the O.V.c. Alumni Association Fellowships to Dr. Louis Laliberte of the Department of Clinical Studies and Michael Clarke and Diane Friesian of the Departments of Pathology and Biomedica! Sciences re­ spectively. These are postgraduate study scholarships. Recently, Jim Sweetman, '81, was selected as the recipient of this year's

O.V.c. Alumni Travel Fellowship Award. Jim , who is currently President of the Canadian Veterinary Students' Association chapter at Guelph, will be travelling to the United Kingdom and other areas during the course of this summer. During the first week in March, the annual College Royal activities took place on campus. The O.V.c. student body has become a very important part of this event as time has passed. Dis­ plays have been provided for the public by each of the years and by several of the activity groups within the College walls. On "Open House Days" hundreds of visitors from various parts of the province are given guided tours through the O.V.C.'s facilities and the students do an exceJlent job in providing informa­ tion concerning their studies and chosen vocation, as well as acting as excellent purveyors of good-will for veterinary medicine. Your Association has helped, albeit rather modestly, in assisting with this endeavour. You will be pleased to know that Dean Doug Maplesden, 'SO, has dis­ played his continued interest in alumni activities by attending our Board of Directors meetings and contributing, personally, by giving much appreciated opinions and assistance. Dr. Howell's very active, conscientious involvement in alumni activities provides Doug with a very strenuous precedent to follow, but we are looking forward to his associa tion with OV.c. alumni. Perhaps 1 have rambled long enough . I shaH close by once more recommending that you consider seri­ ously visiting your Alma Mater during the forthcoming Alumni Weekend in June. If you consider that arranging a class reunion or some such function would be constructive, for goodness sake let us know and we shall attempt to assist in whatever way appears to be practical. Hope to see many of you before long. 0


CODlDleDlorative P laque In Stratford

On August 24, 1979, a plaque was unveiled in Stratford, Ontario by the Local Architectural Conservation Advi­ sory Committee (LACAC) Stratford, to mark the restoration of the Branden­ berger Block, built in the late 1800s. In addition to the historic signifi­ cance of the building is the fact that among the persons who used the build­ ing was John Luke Poett, V.S. (Edin­ burgh), the first veterinary surgeon ap­ pointed to the Northwest Mounted Po­ lice. Poett joined the N.W .M.P. in 18 74 after practising in Stratford for four years. He was in charge of the large group of horses sent from Toronto in 1874 to eventually become part of the "march west" later that year from Fort Dufferin, Manitoba to Fort Whoop-up in Alberta. In 1877 he completed his service with the N.W.M .P. and returned to practice in Stratford. On September 21, 1881 , he adver­ tised that his office had been moved to Brandenberger's new block and he re­ mained at this location until 1884. In that year he rejoined the Mounties, eventually settling in Battleford , Saskat­ chewan, serving a s a non-commissioned police officer there until his death in 1895. His wife lived to be 87, dying in 1937. A granddaughter s urvives in Van­ couver. Poett's office was reached through a door under the Jetter R in Reward (see photograph this page) and upstairs to the first floor. The plaque is on the wall just below the word Blowes (Blowes Travel Ser­ vice). It will undoubtedly be read by thousands of visitors attending Strat­ ford 's Shakespearean Festival each year. Apart from being the first veterina­ rian in the N.W.M .P .. Poett's name is the first to have been entered in the original register of the Ontario Veteri­ nary Association. How his name came to be entered in this way is unknown. The register was established in 1879 but it shows his address as the N.W .M.P. in Western Canada and in reality he was still in Stratford. The plaque was sponsored by Jim Anderson, President, LACAC, Strat­ ford, who became interested in the his­ tory of Poett while the author was researching in the Perth County Ar­


chives in 1976. A fuller story of Poett may be found in the book Vet in the Saddle by Dr. Frank Loew and E.H. Wood, published by Western Producer Prairie Books, Saskatoon, 1978. This is the second plaque erected in

Ontario relating to veterinary medicine. In 1973 the Toronto Historical Board erected the Upper Canada Veterinary School pl aque on the site of the first veterinary college in Canada at 40-42 Temperance Street, Toronto. 0

Brandenberger Block , Stratford, Ontario. Site of Poett's office .



Upper Canada Veterinary School plaque, 1973.

The College of Social Scie nce Alumni Association

~ UJ~ ~

PEGAS-US Ed;tor: Rkk Kna., '74,

From The

Dean It is with pleasure that I report to you the success which the College of Social Science Alumni Association has enjoyed in the last year. This succcss is due in large measure to the encrgy and hard work of the Association 's Beards of Directors since 1978. The College of Social Science

Alumni Association's presence is being felt in overaH alumni affa·irs. May I hope that, in increasing numbers, Social Science alumni will join in actively sup­ porting their Alumni Association, the College and the University. As a second matter, I am a ble to report that the level of participation in the B.A. Graduate Survey project was good . May I thank those of you who took the time and trouble to complete the questionnaire. There is another matter which I trust will be of interest. As you are no doubt aware, Ontario's universities have been, and continue to be, involved in a substantial amount of retrenchment as a result of past and continuing reduced levels of government financial support. While it could be argued that a certain amount of retrenchment was "needed" as well as "politicaJIy desirab:]e," a con­ tinuation of reduced support on the part of the government will bring about ac­ tions which will greatly hamper, if not

prevent, universities from providing both quality education and accessibility for students. A strong statement on behalf of universities was made in September to Premier Davis and senior ministers by J.H. Panabaker. Chairman of the Board of McMaster Univcrsity as spokesman for board chairmen and executive heads of Ontario universities . Among the facts which he prcsented were: I. Library acquisitions per student have fallen by about 40 per cent in real terms since the early 1970s despite the continuing explosion of know­ ledge around the world. 2. For years, increases in salary scales have been held well below the rate of inflation - they were 3.7 per cent in 1978-79 and just over 5 per ccnt for

Five In-course Scholarships Introduce d

The membcrs of your Board of Directors recently endorscd a resolution to make five scholar,hips available to in-course Collcge of Social Science students . It 's a start, and without your support of the College of Social Science Alumni Asso­ ciation and of the Alma Mater Fund it would not have been possible. Do you realize that when, as stu-

Dr. Jack W. Skinner.

the current year, despite continuing infl a tion in excess of 9 per cent. The increases in faculty salaries have fall­ en behind other comparable profes­ sions consistently since the early 1970s. 3. Some estimates suggest that universi­ ties will be required to terminate up to 20 per cent of faculty over the next few years if insolvency is to be pre­ vented. Additional facts which should be of interest and concern to you as alumni

and voters are the following: I. Onta rio now provides $1 ,000 less in operating grants per full-tim e equiva­ lent student than the average of the rest of Canada ($1,800 less tha n Quebec). 2. Were Ontario universities funded at a level equivalent to the average for the rest of Canada, total gra nts to the system for 1979-80 would have to be increased by $185,000,000. 3. On a relative basis measured in 1977-78 dollars, grants per student in universities had fallen 7.1 per cent from 1970-71 to 1977-78. While gra nts per student in the colleges of applied arts and technology (CAAT) rose by 2.2 per cent, costs per pupil in secondary schools rose 39.6 per cent and costs per-patient-day in hospitals rose 51 per cent. Finally of interest are the student/staff ratios In 1977-78: for universities, 14.9 to I; CAATs, 12.6 to I and secondary schools, 16.9 to l. 0


dents, we a ttended the College of Social Science, we had little or no opportunity to earn an achievement award ? We have plenty of reasons to make awards available to deserving students. If each of our members could encourage one new membership we could continue to make things happen. What do you say? Let's get on with the job! 0


Peaceke epe r

Play,ing a key role in peacekeeping oper­ a tions is " as much an a rt as a defined position," sa ys Political Studies profes­ so r Henry Wiseman. Professor Wise­ man, who has also been Faculty Asso­ ciate in the Office of the Provost thi s past year, has been named Director of Peacekeeping Programs at the Interna­ tional Peace Academy (IPA) New York. He assumed the position for one year as of Janu ary I. The Interna tional Peace Aca demy, which was established in 1969 as an "institute devoted to furthering the skills of conflict resolution," has a vita l' pa rt to

He's Off To Israel

John Vanderkamp .

Professor John Vanderkamp, Chairman , Department of Economics, has been ap­ pointed as visiting professor in the Ca­ nadi a n Studies Program at Hebrew Uni­ versityin Jerusalem . Professor Va nderkamp will spend the greater part of three months, April to June, in Israel where he will give a graduate course in labor economics a nd make himself available for consultations with faculty a nd graduate students. The Canadian Studies Program is relatively new. It was established in

Birth Of OASA Much overdue, but now ready for ac­ tion, is the way Professor K.J . Duncan describes the Ontario Association of Sociology and Anthropology (OASA). Professor Duncan, of the University'S Department of Sociology and Anthro­ pology , was the Associa tion's first presi­ dent. Canada has not been without as­ sociations in the fi eld. There is a nation­ alone, the Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association, a nd over


play in world a ffairs. The U N, as Professor Wiseman pointed out , has no specific constitut iona,l basis for pca ce­ keeping in its charter, alth ough it d oes practise peacekeeping from time to time on an ad hoc basis. Over the ycars, a ttempts have been made to define th e practice in constitu­ tion a l terms, but without success. Professor Wiseman "believes there are good political reasons why this has not occurred; the fear by some states that the UN would evolve its own a uthority or military force less dependent on the will of the member states." For this reason, the IPA , while remaining independent of the UN, per­ form s the crucial functions of developing

procedures and policies for peacekeeping to bring greater order to the ad hoc UN practice. Such acti vity is dependent on broad co-operation by UN members. One hundred and fourteen have par­ ticip a ted in IPA progra ms to date. The Political Studies professor's tasks include arra nging professional in­ ternational training seminars for diplo­ mats, military officers, academics and policy ma kers in the subjects of peace­ keeping, mediation and negotiation and setting up off-the-record meetings be­ tween parties directly involved in dis­ putes , such as Namibia a nd the Middle East. These a re two of the ma in duties of the Academy. 0

1978 as the result of a VISit by John Roberts, then Secretary of State, to Israel. Funded by the Canadian govern ­ ment and Toronto philanthropists Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Halbert, the program got under way last year when urban planner Peter Oberla nder of British Co­ lumbia spent a period at the Isra eli university. The successful applica nt for the program is selected from candida tes in the social sciences, hu manities a nd law. Administra tion of the selection is hand­ led at the Canadia n end by an advisory committee made up of eight members from a variety of disciplines in French­ a nd English-speaking institutions from across the country. Recommendations· are submitted by the Canadian commit­ tee to the Hebrew U niversity, where the final choice of visiting scholar is ma de. Professor Vanderkamp's talents make him eminently suited to the posi­ tion. H e is the editor of Canadian Public

Policy- Analyse de Poliliques, the jour­

the yea rs region a l ones ha ve emerged in the Maritimes, Quebec and the western provinces, but not until now in Onta rio. Professor Duncan and a number of others, including department chairman Professor W.E. Thompson, and depart­ ment colleague, Professor T.F. Condon, have actively supported the idea of a provincial association for years, because, as Professor Duncan says, the real ac­ tion ta kes place at the provincial level. "We need such an as socation," he adds , "to provide a provincial presence, to speak on behalf of our two disciplines to government representatives and to the

nal which he founded, six years ago, to bring together resea rch in economics a nd rela ted disciplines such as political science and sociology with a view to stimulating research and discu ssion of problems in Canadian policy . He is also a member of th e executive council of the Canadian Economics Association and a uthor of many papers on Canadian economic activity. The aim of the program is to in­ crease Canadian exposure overseas, the economist says. It is hoped that, eventu­ ally, graduate fellowships in Canadian studies will be .made available for stuI dents at the Hebrew University, further extending the educationa l scope of the program. In the initial five years of operation an endowment fund is being built up. Once that income is esta blished, visiting professorships will be for a year's dura ­ tion.D

pUblic ." Professor Duncan says meetings of the Associa tion will take pla ce twice a year and that attention will be turned to ways of improving the teaching of soci­ ology and anthropology as well as a t­ tracting the participation of those work­ ing in community colleges, government, private agencies and in industry. For further information about the Association, contact Mrs. Wilda Black­ lock through the Depa rtment of Sociolo­ gy and Anthropology, (519) 824-4120, ext. 3894. 0


The College of Biological Science Alumni Association



Editor: Ja ne Selley, Arts '70.

Tent And Sleeping Bags Anyone? Panoramic scen ery , wa rm campfires , wild-flowers and pines scenting fresh summer breezes, quiet walks along wooded trails, a chance to photograph, relax , and enjoy the company of good friends . Sounds like a dream, doesn 't it? Well your dreams have come true, because the C.B .S. Alumni Association has designed such a weekend this year just for you . From June 6 to 8, 1980 (Friday evening to Sund ay night) we have for alumni and their families an " Interpre­ tive Weekend" excursion to Cyprus Lake Provincial Park on th e picturesque Upper Bruce Peninsula. We have lined up a full weekend of activity including a wildlife photography sessi on, plant and geomorphology lectures, bird watching,

a Fathom Five ta lk, a boat trip to Flower Pot Island , a nd much, much more. Photog raphers will wan t to see the orchids which will be in bloom that wcekend, a nd there are ma ny excellent access points for scuba diving en­ thu si ast s as well. Brave folks might even attempt a midnight dip in th e cool waters of G eo rgian Bay! We will be camping in the Provin­ cia[ Park, and should qualify for free group camping if enough adventurers register for the s leep-out. If you're not one for organized activities, th at's okay too. While only a few hours drive from Guelph, this part of Ontario is an histor­ ic glacial-formed environm ent, support­

ing rich an d divers e flora an d fa un a. You are required to bring your ow n support gea r, food, clothing, and provide tran sport a tion to a nd from the park. The C.B.S.A.A. will be providing wilderness progra ms and marshmallows. Most o f all, the weekend a[ ,lows friends old and new a chance to relax together and enjoy some free time. Twen ty-nine people have already sig ned up a nd we think thi s will truly be our best event ever . For registration write to: C.BS Interpretive W eekend, c/o Department of Alumni Affairs a nd Development, Level 4, Uni ve rsity Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontar io N I G 2W I or telephon e: (519) 824-4120 Ext. 2122. 0

Your '1980 Executive

Winn Halina, B.S c. '74, M.Sc. '77, Sec­ retary T reas urer. Winn is a researc h assistant in th e Department of Biomedi­ ca l S cience at the O. V.c.

Ka thryn Martin, B.Sc. '76, Director. Kathryn is a grad student in the Depa rt­ ment of Biomedical Sci ence.

The C.BS Alumni Association Board of Directors for 1980, who were elected a t the Annu a l Meeting at College Roya[, is a mi xture of new and old faces. We'd like to tell you so mething about each of these people who hav e volun­ teered their time for you.

Sheena Ba msey, B.Sc. '77, Director. Sheena is a researc h chemist for Shell C a nad a Ltd.

AI Sippel, B.Sc. '74, President. A[ is a fish hea lth biologi st with the Ontario Ministry of N a tural Resources , working on campus. Richard Moccia, B.Sc. '76, M.Sc. '78, Immediate Past President. Rick is pre­ se ntlya U. of G. fish pathologist, offer­ ing a consulting se rvice to commercial fish farms , la rge aquaria, home aquari­ ots, and resea rch subcontractors. David MaraIdo, M.Sc. '78, Vice Presi­ dent. David is a fisheries biologist for Canada Centre for In[and Waters, Burl­ ington, Ontario.

J im Ga llivan, B.Sc. '73, M .Sc. '77, Di­ rector. Ji m has been a Ph .D . student in M ed ical Sciences a t McMas ter Univer­ sity since 1978.

Margo Tant, B.Sc. '76, Director. Margo is a full-time stud e nt at the O .V.c. Jan Watson, B.Sc. '75, Director. J an, our first C.B.S. President, is now an applications specia list fo r Pa yton A s­ socia tes, which manufactures e lectronic medica l instruments. 0

At th e Annual M eeting. I to rare president AI Sippel. '74, Professor R on Brooks, Zoology, and immediate past president Rick Moccia, '76. Ron presented a da zz ling talk and show on th e Galapagos Islands.


program (e.g. , Mi crobiology, H uman Kinetics, Zoology, N utrition, Botany l Genetics) returned to discuss aspects of job hunting, resume writing and career development. The Elora Gorge Walk was designed to promote outdoor activi­ ties for alumni during Alumni Weekend. Our other regular activities, the Homecoming Biobash and the Annual General Meeting, were less successfuL Although a few faithful alumni turned out for each event, they were very poorly attended. Despite these disappointments, the Association completed two projects that have been on the drawing board for some time. Life membership dues finally reached a sufficient level to start a tru st fund for two scholarships for second year CB.S. students. These scholarships will be presented for the first time in 1980. A special Distinguished Alumnus Award was also created this past year. Although no nominations for the a ward were received, its crea tion provides a format for honouring graduates of the c.B.S. who have distinguished them ­ selves in some field. I am confident that thi s year\ members of the Board of Directors will be ab le to maintain the momentUin generated by their predecessors. 1 he nlOW faces on the Board should provide an a bundance of energy and fresh ideas. Board members serving second or more terllls will provide the necessar y ex.peri­ elllOe gained from previou s years. Thi s blend of old and new has worked well in the past and should continue to do so. The major thrust of this year's Board of Directors will be aimed at increas ing membership in the Associa­ tion. In the ten years th at the College of Biological Science has been a part of the

U niversity of G uelph, 3,049 CB.S . stu­ dents, including pos tgraduate students, have graduated. Ho wever, only 202 (6.6 per cent) of these have Joined the CB.s. Alumni AssolOiation . T herefore, much of our effort will be devoted to contacting alumni , evaluating their eommenb and re-evaluating our program in an attempt to attract more members . You pro bably ques tion wh y you should become a member of the Associ­ ation. Me mbership dues are necessa ry to operate and expand the projects that I have outlined. I believe that the C.B.s. Alumni As;;ocia tion has a lot to offer to undergraduates, to the University com­ munity and , most importantly, to alum­ ni. I n particular, we provide a forum for keeping in touch with former class­ mates through the Guelph Alumnus and the Bio-A lumni N ews Alumni Weekend Supplement and by sponsoring events to which alumni return. However, as with any orga nization, particularly one such as the C.B S. Alumni Association that is rel atively young, there is always room for improvement. If you believe the programs offered by the C .B.S. Alumni Association are inappropriate, please let us know as a re-evaluation of alumni ­ oriented even ts will be made this year. Without input from our alumni, change will not necessarily mean im­ provement. We need your support in the form of members hip, and your opinion of the present program. In pa rticular , I would appreciate receiving comments from Department of Human Kinetics alumni who have been noticeably absent from many of our activities in recent years. Please give a little thought to what you think the C.B S. Alumni A~s o­ ciation should be doing and forward you r ideas to: Al Sippel, c/o Departllient of Alumni Affair, and Development , Lev<.:! 4, niversity Ce ntre , niversityof Guclph , Cr uelph, Ontario N 1G 2W 1. 0

Ba rusey , B.Sc. ' 17, and her clever pre,­ entation which covered as a rese,lI ch chcmist in Microbiology at Guelph tactic~ to usc, job applications and inter­ esting facts about prospects for the fu­ ture in the job ma rket. Jennifer Conners, B.Sc. '75 , SOOIl to be an M. D. and who originally graduat ­ ed in Botany, disc ussed the nece,s ity of being flexible, of being wise and not being too specific ill job intcnt when entering uni ve rsity. Dr. John Hilton, Lk par lmen t of

utr ition , slressed the necessity fo r pcr, onal contact and st.:eing the top pCI,on when making application for a position . Dr. John Powell told of the multitude of opportunities which ex ists for a well ed ucated per, OIl , giving exam­ ples of 26 gradua tes from the Depart­ f1)t.:l1t of H uma n Kint;l ics and their dif­ k re llt afJ Puilltments. Ian W hite, OAe '52, co-ordinator of Placement Services, summari zed and told of the lllaIlY useful services that the nivel sity olTe s 0

A Message From President

Al Sippel

Al Sippel, '74.

As the incoming president of the College of Biological Science Alumni Associa­ tion, I would like to thank the immedi­ ate Past President Richard Moccia, '76, and the other outgoing members of the Board of Directors: Ted Armstrong, '74; Les Dunn, '76; Jim G rayston, '75; Kathy Martin, '76; Ambrose Sarnul ski , '73; Jim Sheldon, '74, and Pat Yungblut, '73, for their accomplishments. Over the past year, Richard and the others expended a considerable amount of time and energy on alumni associa­ tion activities with excellent results. Both Careers ight and the Elora Gorge Walk were successful again this year. Careers N ight is organized specifi­ cally for senior undergraduate CBS studenb. O ne or two aluIllni frOI11 each

Careers Night Seventy-five people attended, enjoyed and asked many questions of the six speakers at the 2nd Annual College of Biological ScieIlce Alulllni Association Careers ight. John Byrne, fish culture specialist with tell years at the Ministry of N atu­ ral Resources , gave a strong talk stres­ sing hiring methods, attitude, motivation and gene rally se t the lOne fo r Sheena



Macdonald Institute / College of Family and Consumer Studies Alumni Association


Editor: Wantedl

E lizabeth Gullel/, '55

Food Industry Welcomes Contacts Industry may seem a world away from the univl:rsity environment. but Con­ sumer Studies professor Elizabeth Gul­ lett, '55, spent the fall semester bridging this gap. She visited about 25 companies in the food industry to see what they arc doing in sensory evaluation of food and consumer rda tions. Professor Gullett started her odys­ sey through the food industry by con­ tacting the presidents of the companies, then visiting their laboratories and con­ sumer relations departments. HI feel very positive about the developments in

these two areas," she comments. "The Canadian food industry IS expanding and refining its programs in sensory evaluation and consumer rela­ tions ." Sensory evaluation techniques run the gamut from rudimentary tests to very complete "profile" studies that in­ volve a team of five or six trained tasters . Companies have learned that sensory evaluation improves their "bat­ ting average" in introducing new pro­ ducts. Professor Gullett explains that it used to be common for only ten ou t of every 100 ideas to see the light of day, and , of those, only one would be a success. Sensory evaluation helps iden­ tify the potentially successful products , and saves significantly in product devel­ opment costs. Curious abol:lt the state of sensory evaluation in the cosmetics industry, Professor G ul'ictt also contacted several Canadian cosmetics companies, but found virtually no activity in the area. ost 01' the Canadian cosmetics firms are distributors for foreign products. They tend to rely on the technical exper­ tise of the parent company. The food industry is becoming more Canadian in outlook, according to Professor Gullett. Canadian branches of foreign companies are deve,loping food testing, product development and evalu­ ation functions in Canada. Consumer relations have blossomed

News Editor Wanted!

The position of Alumni ews Editor for the Mac- FACS Alumni Association is presently vacant. The person who fills this position has the important job of gathering and co-ordinating information for the three­ page Mac-fACS Alumni News section in each of the quarterly Guelph Alurn­ fillS pUblications, and for one four-page unit of news in the Annual Alumni

Weekend Supplement. The Editor is a member of a Com­ mittee of ditors which meets regularly, prior to the publication of each Guelph Alumnus, to plan and co-ordinate alum­ ni news portions. The Editor is a member of the Mac-FACS Alumni Association Board of Directors, which meets regularly throughout the year. T he Alumni Asso­

in the last decade, particularly through­ out the food industry. Professor Gullett suspects tha t the industry is trying to overcome what it perceive to be a bad public image. The consumer movemellt nudged most companies into a greater awareness of consumers and a commit­ ment to deal with their complaints and suggestions. She was impressed with the speed and thoroughness with which the food companies handled consumer com­ plaints. The visits to the companies revep ,d that permanent and summer employ­ ment prospects for Consumer Studies graduates will continue to be good. "Our students have a lways been hired for their technical knowledge," she notes, "but their broad knowledge of consumer concerns will bccome more and more attractive to employers. " While learning about food company programs, Professor Gullett did not miss the opportunity to tell her hosts about the undergraduate programs, research and expertise in the Department of Con­ sumer Studies. "Every company I visited seemed genuinely pleased to have someone from a university show an interest in what they are doing." she observed. "Many industry people told me they had regular contacts with community colleges , but not with universities. A continuing ex­ change of ideas will be mutually benefi­ cial." 0

ciation pays all telephone and postage costs of collecting information for the two publications and has designated an honorarium of $50 per publication for the Editor. If you are interested in this posi­ tion, please ca II or write ei t her Rose­ mary Clark, '59 , at the Alumni Office, 824-4120, ext. 2122 ; or Ruth Wilson , '62,51 Oak Street, Guelph, NIG 2Nl, 821-2632 (after 5 p.m.). Remember, if you wish to continue receiving news of your college, we must have all Editor - and ,0011 ' J



Freighter Voyage The winter season was a good time to be one of 12 passengers, eight Canadian women, four Americans (two men , two women), on a large freighter, Delta Line, out of Brooklyn , ew York, De­ cember 14, 1979 for a seve n-week voy­ age through the Caribbean and the Panama Canal, to Ecuador, Peru and Chile, and return. But cargo was the important item to the ship's owners, and about one day out of Brooklyn a new sched ule was posted cutting out the Caribbean ports at Aruba, Santo Do­ mingo and Barranquilla. Cargo was deli ve red or picked up at Phil adelphia , Baltimore, Charleston and Mi ami, in generally very fine weather. There were perhaps one and a half days of slight turbulence off Cape Hatteris, enough to make it difficult to set the ta bles in the dining room which we shared with a dozen ship's officers and the captain. The crew of about 30 sailors were a busy lot-always some ship's painting to be done as well as swabbi ng down the decks. Handling the ve ry large banana crop (green) of Ecuador was a big part of the work for longshoremen-bananas to Chile, and to N ew York State. Much of the ship's cargo had to be kept at spec ific temperatures, SOme of it frozen. Above all, we and the officers had excellent meals and very spacious, well­ cared for cabins with toilets. Actually, by the terms of the Seamen's Union, all sa ilors must be given plentiful and good food to keep them happy a nd well nour­ ished, and this was certa inly so. We enjoyed knowing the ship's off­ icers. One, a graduate in law, was work­

ing on a freight er to find out more about mercantile law; he was busy also getting his daily exercise by weight-lifting and chinning the bar' We passengers worked a bit on the stationa ry bicycle for our exercise. Another officer, a graduate engi­ neer, was working on the freighter to learn more abo ut ship building and space utili zation. One specialist in navi­ gation remind ed us to keep certain cur­ tains drawn at night to prevent glare on the ocean waves which confused their navigation readings from the heavens. There is a constant c harting of the ship's position on the high seas . Special celebrations and meetings with the captain and officers, sometimes when films were shown, were enjoyed but also enjoyed was the time spent watching the intricate organization of the loadin g a nd unloading of cargo, some of it in containers. However, on docking with the help of pilots we usual­ ly planned to take taxis to the big cities and market places, not forgetting the small Indian craft shops on or close to the docks. The native crafts of fine straw and hair work, knitted-wear and hand­ made dresses, beautiful jewelery of se­ mi-precio us stones such as lapislazuli , malachit e a nd onyx were hard to resist. The museums, cathedrals and other handsome buildings reminded us of the culture~ ' If' \. '('i er peoples in addition to th e Spanis h con ribution. The beautiful scenery and the objects d'art a lmost made us forgetful of the repressive gov­ ernments in most of these South Ameri­ can countries today. It was a memorable day's trip when

By Dr. Margaret S. McCready. we motored from Valparaiso , Ch ile, through the foothills of the Andes to the beautiful capital city, Santiago, seeing, en route, the dry desert and mountain country bordering the very fertile va lleys growing lush market and fruit crops (not bananas'). Some bridge playing a nd much reading took up considerable time so that it was difficult to keep a diary and write postcards to friends! Obviollsly there was some real rela xa tion and rest on t he journey. Tt was always pleasant to be having such delightful summcr weat her and enjoying some sunning on deck, with tea and "happy hours" when­ ever one wished to utili ze the passenger lounge for a friendl y get-together. Yes, despite sc hedules being changed, and in this case shor tened by one week, the sea voyage from North to South America at this season was a delight. D

Passing through Ihe Suez Canal. The "Delta Venezuela", out of Brooklyn, New York.



Margaret McCready, right, in Santiago, Chi/e.

Families: Coping With Change

The family is alive and well in the twentieth century despite widely pub­ lished reports that it is an outdated social institution. Social critics bemoan the disintegration of the family, and use as evidence the soaring divorce rate, juvcnile delinquency, wife and child abuse and thc isolated elderly. This gloomy outlook is not shared by three faculty members in the Depart­ ment of Family Studies who have exten­ sive experience working with families and are pursuing family-related re­ search. Concern over weakening families is not unique to our generation, observes Professor Anne Callagan, a family soci­ ologist with a background in profes­ siona! social work. Observers 50 years ago voiced many of the same complaints about urban families, she notes, and questions whether families have really changed as much as we're led to believe. The divorce ra Ie was 236/100,000 in Canada in 1976 and is rising, but is still only about half of the U.S. rate. Divorce has replaced death as a cause of single parent families over the years. rn addition, perhaps, urban fami­ lies of 100 years ago didn't have prob­ lems with their teen-agers because so many adolescent children didn't live at home. Different Expectation. What has changed dramatically is our expectation about family life. Until the last few decades, marriage tended to be an institutional arrangement. On farms the family was a producing unit and in urban environments, it was a framework for survival. Today we look to the family for intimate personal relationships and emotional support. Professor Claude Guldner, former Director of the Interfaith Counselling Centre in Kitchener and now on the faculty in Family Studies, doesn't touch on the traditional institutional roles for marriage in describing today's family. He focusses on the adult functions of marriage- companionship. sharing, af­ fcction and sex-instead of viewing mar­ riage primari ly in terms of havi ng chil­ dren. Where Children Fit In Children are and will continue to be an important focus in most families, but the

task of raising them is difficult in the climate of rapid social a nd technological change. Today's parents live in a world very different from the one in which they were raised and their children will have to cope with an accelerating rate of change. The task of raisi ng children is not so much preparing them for the world, but equipping them to cope with the inevitable changes ahead. The rapid change and uncertainty in the world has eroded parents' sense of self-confidence, claims Professor George Kawash, a child psychologist with a particular concern for parent/child in­ teractions. One anchor parents can pro­ vide in this unsettled environment is consis tency in their child rearing prac­ tices. But it is very difficult to maintain if the parents feel unsure of themselves and their parenting skills. "Children need rules, limits and some authority, but parents often shy away from setting rules because they view this as a form of authoritarianism," says Professor Ka­ wash. "Rules are not in themselves au­ thoritarian, especially if the children ha ve the opportunity to express their grievances about rules they feel are unreasonable. Children will be more willing to accept rules if they feel they can discuss them. " Professor Guldner feels there is a tendency among educators now to look at the entire family in dealing with problems in children. Many families are referred to family counselling agencies because a child has problems in school. "Ten years ago we would have blamed those problems on the school systems," he says. "Today family counsellors look to the family for weaknesses or strains that may have contributed to such prob­ lems." This approach acknowledges the continued importance of the family unit in the socialization of children. The Individual Within the Family Creating a stable family environment requires input from solid individuals. ''In family counselling," explains Professor Guldner, "we usually focus on the hus­ band and wife roles because strong part­ ners, secure in their relationship, func­ tion better in the mother and father roles. Further , the husband and wife relationship needs to be nurtured throughout a marriage so it can survive after the parenting roles have been

From a FACS sheet by Mary Cocivera

completed. Many marri ages break down after the children leave home because the partners threw themselves into the father and mother roles to the exclusion of the husband and wife roles." After the years of neglect, there was nothing left of the original relationship as hus­ band and wife. "One of the great tasks in family therapy," confided Professor Guldner, "is helping individuals differentiate themselves from their fa mil y of origin." Their personal development and success in marriage depend on emerging from the family of their childhood , observ ing a nd evaluating it ancj then making ratio­ nal, but at the sa me time gut-level, choices about their own future. Many marriage and family problems are caused by a failure to work through this rela tionship. The process is not complete until the individual reconnects and esta­ blishes an entirely different relationship with his family of origiIi. A fam ily can provide a supportive environment in which to grapple with these relational tasks . Professor Guldner describes marriage as a cyclical IIwe equilibrium which has its ups and down s. Individual growth requires com­ ing to grips with the conflicts. He fears, though , that many people walk awa y from conflict in marriage by seeking divorce, rather tha n working through the problem . "This short-cir­ cuits individual growth," he explains. Family counselling helps partners deal with conflict in a marriage relationship, but does not guarantee living happily ever after. Sometimes working out a rel a tionship results in termination of the marriage. Professor Guldner sees the empha­ sis on the individual as a positive devel­ opment for the family. "We're becoming more tolerant of individual diffe rences within the family and among families." Young people will feel freer to make choices based on what is best for them personally and inter-personally rather than external expectations. North Americans will find it easier to accept and respect different types of families in the decades to come, but they will also have to accept the responsibility for making informed , intelligent choices compatible with their personal values, ambitions and capabilities. 0



The College of Phys ical Science Alumni Association




I; SCIMP Editor: Bob Winkel

conductor-cadmium sulphide," Dr. Fawcett said. Other semiconductors which can be electrodeposited include cadmium selenide, bismuth sulphide, cu­ prous sulphide an d silver sulphide. The new process can be used with a variet y of metals including stainless steet a nd aluminum foil, he said. "You can imagine pass ing great shee ts of metal through a plating bath and covering them with a thin, coherent and uni fo rm deposit of th e photo sensi­ tive mat eri a l," said Dr. Fawcett. An Am erica n patent was applied for be­ cause most ma nufacturing is carried out in the United Sta tes. The chem is ts, who will sha re the patent with the University, are now seeking patents in Canada, Great Brit­ ain an d other industrialized nations. Manufacture of the new electro­ plated se mi-conductor solar cells is cheaper than the vaporization process used for cadmium sulphide and initia l tests indicate a higher efficiency on output voltage, Dr. Fawcett sa id. Immediate application of the com­ pound is in photo voltaic devices, rec­ tification of alternating current into di­ rect current, light detection equipment and special ap plications in photography. Th e research which led to the pro­ cess was sponsored by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re­ sea rch Council of Canada. 0

Cell Patent Granted

Dr. Ron Fawce ll with electroplated semiconductor. Two resea rchers at the University of GueJph have received a United States patent on a process th a t could revolu­ tionize the production of photo voltaic cells and reduce the cost several times. Doctors Ron Fawcett and Andrzej Baranski, developed the process, similar to techniques used in the electroplating industry, during two months of research on applying se mi-conductors to metal in la te 1978. The process does not require the

prese nt us e of vaporization to deposit a film of light-sensitive material on meta l. Prese nt tec hnology for photo voltaic cells evolved from space research a nd uses either a single crystal silicon or a costly vapori zation process for cadmium sulphide. "Until now, electroplating has been used as a way to deposit one metal on another in some kind of pl a ting solution through which you pass current, but what we are depositing here is a semi­

"Prof" Moffat Scholarship

The late "Prof" Moffa!.



The College of Physical Science is pleased to announce the establishment of a memorial scholarship by the family and friends of the late Professo r and Mrs. Robert C. Moffatt. Professor Moffatt formed the facul­ ty of Physics at the Onta rio Agricultural Col.lege in 1917, and was head of the Department of Physics and Mathemat­ ics for the ten years prior to his retire­ ment in 1956. H e was named Professor

Emeritus in 1974. In 1922 he was res ponsi ble, to a major degree, for the organization of the Agricult~ral Science Option so that its graduates could qualify for admission to courses at the Onta rio College of Educa­ tion, leading to th e High School Assist­ ant's Certificate, Type A, Agriculture. In 1950, he orga nized the General Sci­ ence Option , leadin g to Type A , Science. Professor Bob Moffatt was known co ntinued

to most physics students as the "Prof' and taught, for many years, the under­ graduate and graduate courses in theory of measurement and statistics. He did much to cncourage agr,i cultural re­ searchers to use statistical methods in the interpretations of their results and assisted in man y of the a nalyses . [t is most fitting for the College of Physical Science to offer a scholars hi p

established in memory of Professor and Mrs. Moffatt who gave so much to the de partment and the community . The $200 scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who has completed semester 4 and is enrolled in semester 5, or higher, of an Honours Program in M at hematics, Statistics or Physics . Alumni who graduated from the

Rites Of Passage Worthwhile

Graduate work is not everyon e's cup of tea. Even an intense love of learning can be daunted by long hours of painstaking research, the trauma tic experience of the oral comprehensive and the setting forth - and re-working - of first the master's, then the doctora.1 thesis. But for Bob Dudle y, who received his Ph.D. in orga nic chemistry at winter Convocation, stopping a t the bache,l or's level would have been unthinka ble. He says he was too excited by the prospect of trying his ha nd at basic research, something he had been una ble to do as an undergraduate . Bob came to Guelph three years ago from th e University of Georgia where he obtained his M .Sc. working under Professor Ed Janzen. When Professor Janzen joined Guelph 's De­ partment of Chemistry, Bob moved there too.

Bob's doctoral research has In­ volved a method of detection, called "spin trap ping," of free radicals; that is, molecules which have an unpaired elec­ tron. "Spin trapping" is only used in ten or 12 places in the world . Three places in Canada, including Guelph, use it regularly; it is not used at all on a regular basis in the United States. Looking back over the past three years, Bob sa ys the hardest things to contend with were assembling his thesis from all those piles of res earch material and confronting a sea of strange faces as he walked in to teach his first lab. But despite such trying moments, Bob has enjoyed his time at Guelph a nd the abundance of ideas a nd stimulating atmosphere created by the joint campus arrangement of the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemis­ try.

"Agr. Sci. " option during the time when Professor Moffatt guided developments in physics, mathem a tics and statistics, were informed by Dean MacNaughton of th e plan to establish a Moffa tt Me­ morial Scholarship. We are most grate­ ful for the generous response . It is expected that the first award will be presented at the I Oth anniversary celebrations of the college on June 21.0

H e has been fortunate, too, in his wife of ten years, Tricia , who "never doubted for a minute" that he would get his degree and whose enthusiasm and moral support cheered him on when the going was especially ha rd. Although their interests and exper­ tise are different-she graduated from East Tennessee State University in 1969 with a B.Sc., having studied speech pathology, language and audiology, and is a speech pathologist and teacher of deaf education in Guelph-they find themselves "good sounding boards" for each ot her 's problems. With his doctoral qu a lificatio ns completed, Bob will be working during th e coming year as a "post-doc" for Chemistry professor Colin Fyfe in solid state MR (nuclear magnetic reso­ nance). After that he will be looking for a more permanent job. Bob views that prospect with optimism. 0


Our Tenth Anniversary Celebrations

(n June 1970 the new Physical Science Building was officially opened. T he building replaced the old rose-garden south of Zavitz Hall and drastica lly changed a birds-eye view to the south­ east as demonstrated in the two photo­ graphs on thi s page. Physics, Chemistry and Math-Stats

have flowered irl this first decade. To celebrate this occasion the College will hold an official cake-cutting ceremony with tea at 4:00 p.m. June 21 in the lobby beside the Campus Co-operative Bookstore . This is to be preceded by tours of the fa cilities. Coincidental with this celebration is

the 10th anniversary of the formation of the College of Arts the College of Social Science and the College of Physica l Science and at 6:30 p.m. on June 21 in the University Centre Faculty Club alumni of the three colleges will join ranks with cocktails and dinner . Come join us then! 0


Ventilation was indeed a problem when 50 to 60 students gathered for a qua1litative analysis laboratory and started bubbling H2S through solutions in order to precipitate metal ions. H2S is infamo us for it s smell --路rotten eggs, concen tra ted. Professor John Rothwe!l, OAC '39, now retired, developed sensitive timing, catchill~ about-to-expire students and hauling them to the window for a breather. " We had big fans installed," he explains, " but the students opened the windows next to the fan, short-circuiting the makeshift ventilation system." Qualita tive analysis was eventually dropped from the curriculum, Professor Rothwell is


By Mary Cocivera he College of Physical Science has yet to reach the age of puberty , but is poised to enter its second decade as a major centre for science research and undergraduate programs in Canada. The short existence belies a long history on the Guelph campus as major supporting disciplines to the agricultural programs. Stretching back to the 1880s, the story progresses through such varied pursuits as analysis of dairy products, sugar beets, well water and wood ashes, levelling and surveying, water finding machines, lightning rods, ventilation and soil physics. Old-timers can spin colorful tales of early instructors. There was Prof. "Soccer-Bill" Blackwood whose speciality was (literally) dynamite. He was fond of bringing dynamite caps into the lecture room to demonstrate their safety. He regularly stood by the window, toying with one of these capriciously explosive caps before lighting it and toss ing it out the window where it exploded on cue. Art Thompson, OAC ')7, remembers the ill-fated cap that rode a stiff wind right into the open window of a lab full of equipment on the lower floor. That cap, too, exploded on cue. Art chuckles as he describes Prof. Blackwood's favorite exam question: "You have a rock, three feet by four feet by five feet, two feet of it underground, in the middle of a swamp, and you want to blast it out. How much of a charge of dynamite do you need ?" He describes the technique of "mud-capping"- planting dynamite under a mud cap on top of the rock and letting 'er rip. "You can sit down and do all the calculations for this problem," says Art, "but the right answer is that the rock is in a swamp, so why would you need to blast it away?" "No reflections on the physical sciences could be complete without reference to "Prof." Moffatt," claims Dean Earl MacNaughton . "He was called Mr. Physics and his courses on theory of measurements were dubbed 'theory of Moffatt '

"When the Physics Building was built in 1916," recalls the Dean, " inmates from the Ontario Reformatory were used to ca rry plaster a nd so the pla sterers pu t a generous inch-thick layer on the ceilings. By the early '50s the plaster, frequently and with very little warning, separated [rom the Ilath and both "Prof' and I had some close calls when the plaster would suddenly drop in our offices and on laboratory benches



The Chemistry Building, Circa j 91 O.

covered with equipment." Chemistry had the distinction of being the first science department on campus to have its own building by 1887 (the odiferous na ture of the pursuit no doubt affected the decision to construct a separate building) . The building, however , la sted only until 1896 when fire destroyed it. The replacement on the same location-where the north wing of the Arts Building now stands- housed generations of chern students until the Department of Chemistry moved to the present Chemistry and Microbiology building in 1965. When Prof. Bill Brown arrived on campus in the 1940s he suggested, only . partially in jest, that the venerable building be named Reek Hall after the then president of the O.A.C., William R. Reek, OAC '10. It was an idea that never emerged from the flask. The building easily would have justified that label. Prof. Brown tells of a visiting chemist from Iowa State University. As he walked through the front entrance, he sniffed deeply and sighed "Ah, beautiful-this is a lovely chemistry building." It takes years of chemical training to appreciate the "bouquet" of aged chemistry buildings.

convinced, because other faculty members didn't appreciate the smell. While future physicists weren't likely to find their way to the Guelph campus, the O.A.C. trained many of th e high school science teach ers in Ontario. The old Agricultural Science option, introduced ill 1922, and the General Science option introduced in 1950, provided an excellent, broad scientific background for high school teaching and graduate study in any number of agricultural and scientific disciplines. With the establishment of the University of Guelph in 1964, the physical sciences emerged from their supporting roles to limelight positions on campus. Greatly expanded research facilities and undergraduate laboratory capability had to be provided. The Physics Department had ....... been cramped for years in the red brick building and was unable to develop its undergraduate programs nor introduce graduate student and research programs appropriate for the mushrooming University. The Chemistry Department had moved into the new Chemistry and MicrobiOlogy Building, but research activity in the department had expanded, 'graduate programs were becoming mOre important, and essential scientific

, •

equipment was proliferating. Both tcaching and research activities required much more space. The Physical Science Building, an efficient gem of an edifice, was completed and occupied by the fall of 1969. Attached to the Chemistry and Microbiology Building, it provided expanded facilities for chemistry, as well as teaching, research and office space for Physics, Mathematics and Sta tistics. When the Department of Computing and Information Science emerged in 1971, it located in the Institute of Computer Science Building (the renovated Physics Building) for proximity to the computer hardware. For Physics, the move to the new facilities was like a speed-of-light journey from 1916 to 1970. From graffiti-embellished lab benches to immaculate, well-equipped, spacious undergraduate la boratories; from dingy basement research cubby-holes to well-lighted laboratories; from makeshift to state-of-the-art equipment. Equipping the departments with essential iescarch instruments will be a never-endi,ng program because the advances in science occur rapidly and because Guelph will want to maintain its hard-earned position at the forefront of research in Canada. By most accounts, the move to the building occurred so smoothly that the undergraduate students remember only "closing the drawer in one laboratory one day and showing up the next day in a new lab." "We collected a roomful of old glassware, brass bunsen burners and all kinds of junk when we moved out of the old Physics Building," recalls Professor Jim Hunt. "Instead of throwing it out, I bet other faculty members that we could sell it. We did -- we sold every last bit of broken glass and laboratory equipment, amassed $500 and started a scholarship fund for undergraduate students in physics." The very existence of the physical science disciplines is often overshadowed by the emphasis on the life sciences at Guelph. Because of this, undergraduate degree programs stili attract a relatively small number of students-a predicament that is both attractive and threatening at the same time. Faculty describe the size of some of the undergraduate programs as "uncomfortably" small, while recent graduates from the programs see the small size as an important difference between Guelph aNd the "grist mills" that churn out hundreds of graduates. "Everything has to do with size," observes Terry Clifford. Like most of his classmates at the O.A.C., he came from a rurat background. "We really appreciated Guelph's organization in terms of social

development. We got to know everyone in our class. Professors assigned to the year really developed close relationships. There was no dou bt that everyone encouraged us. Professor MacNaughton (now the dean) was like a mother hen-he developed a really close rapPorl with all the students and graduates. He's a mini alumni associa t ion hi msel r." How the Physical Sciences disciplines evolved on the Guelph campus is a fascinating account in itself. They all appeared originally to serve agricultural interests. Chemists performed analyses on everything from soil to sugar beets; physicists monitored the weather and contributed a variety of engineering­ oriented expertise. Mathematicians helped agricultural research workers use statistical methods .to interpret their da tao Even the late-comer, Computing and Information Science, appeared on campus in an agricultural capacity. Animal scientists had gathered enough milking data on cards to fill a room, but couldn't use the information. The computer stored that information and made it accessible for research. The undergraduate program in Computing and Information Science reflects these origins, emphasiZing systems rather than computation. It focuses on how to best utilize the computer to solve problems. This approach meshes well with the existing biological and agricultural research on campus. Fourth year classes in computing science boast about 35 students; the 90 terminal's in the ICS building are in use practically round-the-clock, and the majority of students on campus has some contact with the computer during studies at Guelph.

WHAT IS TO COME? The general perception of what's happening in the job market for physical science graduates is completely incorrect, according to Professor Jack MacDonald, Chairman, Department of Physics. "In the

next decade there won ' t be enough physicists, ma thema ticia ns a nd chemists to go around. There was a move away from the physical sciences when they were blamed for pollution and technological problems. Students looked to the biological sciences for solutions. Now we're seeing a move back to chemistry and physics as young people start to recognize that they offer the best hope for long-range solutions to many pressing problems. Physical Science graduates are basically problem-solvers. " The pre-adolescent CoJlege of Physical Science has emerged from a decade that was turbulent for the physical sciences at all institutions. Ted Newton describes the see-saw years: "Until about 1970, we had money and jobs to offer, but no one to whom to offer them. Then the money dried up and really good candidates for faculty positions became availa ble." The disciplines not only are firmly esta blished on ca mpus , but are setting high standards in teaching and research. "We're proud of the progress in physical sciences in the 15 years since the formation of the University," adds Dean Earl MacNaughton. Faculty pursue research in fields as diverse as biophysics, environmental toxicology, electrochemistry, surface physics, neutron scattering, mathematical and sta tistical a nalysis of biologica I systems, and the design of a georeferences data base for the Province of Onta rio. Funds from outside sources, amounting to about one and a half million dollars, annually support a large portion of this fundamental and applied research. "As the disciplines continue their growth," predicts the Dean, "our faculty will strive to preserve the informality and close contact with students that has distinguished Guelph in the past." The College may be only ten years old, but has already come of age in the scientific research community. I990- here we come 0 '

A physics leclure, 1958. with Dr. Earl MacNaughton now Dean.


Don Harron and Charlie Farquharson opened open house weekend with Col/eRe Royal president Dawn Wert and College Roya/ ceh'brafll Connalyn Cooke .


New At Colleg



ou hear the sales approac h <1 lmost cve ry day. "The new, improved producl - more powerful, more efficient, more everything'" Well, that sa me approach very aptly applied to College Roya I and University Open House '80. This yea r, as well as the usual multitud e of events and exhibits across-camrus, there were many exciting and refreshing innovations that added that extra sparkle to the glitter. The offici a l opening of open house weekend by a professional actor and comedian was a first. Canadil's own tongue-in-cheek Don Harron, though not bespectacled and disguised in the dilaridatcd cloth cap, three-day beard and moth-eat en swea ter of the irreverent Ch"rlie Farquharso n, ce rtainly sounded like that entertaining rural cha racter during a eourle of his r ertinent rronouncements. Another new fea ture of this year's College Royal open hOll'e weekend wa<; " Fly-Days. " The sky W i! . the limit when , at $7 a ti ck ,t. cIIQO!11 ers took 30-minute flights over the Univcrsit v ;!nd thc surrounding ar a. T hc Flying C1uh;1I thl'

University of Guelph dreamed up the idea, provided planes and pilots and, des pite il storm that dumped ten inches of snow on G uelph in less than three hours, ilttrac ted more thiln 40 adventu rers. Another well-attended newcomer event was th e " Woodsman Comretitions" where ring of axe, rasp of crosscut sa wand flying logs a od woodc hips filled the a ir ilS contestants pitted their muscles ilgainst the clock. A new wag and wiggle to the O .V.c. Dog Show was the mutt show - comrlete with a delightful dog-in -a n-Ea ster-bonnet competition . Well over 20,000 people visit ed the campus during Collegc Royal open hou se weekend. Pr~i<;ing the thou sa nds of bu sy students who orgil ni zed "something for this University that it could not do for itself," Prcsident Donald F. Forster lnuded them for " rroudly serving the 56-year tradition of College Roy~J.路' What 's new a t College Roy~l ') The rhot ogra rhs on th ese two pagcs sum it ur much hetter th ~1 1l m:.Inv tnou s;, no, of word~' []

"Where'" MY funny hal ?'

Pilots with the Flying Cluh at th e Univ('fsity of Guelph introduced Fly-Days . With customers is Paul Sullivan, right , Club prl'sident.

Collegl' Royal open house weekend was a cold one, but students who entered the Woodsman Competitions soon warmed to the job.

Linda Filller, 80 Derek style, at the fashion show.

Royal '80 A '30s /lapper.

Daisy Ma e.

Just a big baby.



A New


At Old Folks Exerpts from a FACS sheet by Mary Cocivera

nd ependence, self-respect and dignity can make the difference between enjoying the later years and mere ly enduring them. Helping seniors maintain their independence is an increasingly popular, more enlightened approach to providing the services required by the elder ly . Canada's population is getting old. The proportion of the elderly is increasing as a result of extended life span, lower birth rates and immigration cutbacks. The percentage of Canada's popula tion over 65 increa sed from 5 per cent in 190 I to 8.7 per cent in 1976. Demographic projections predict that in 50 years, more than 20 per cent of the Canadian population will be over 65. Supporting these elderly and providing the needed services will demand novel approaches, new insights and an emphas is on enjoying rather than enduring the later years.


WHO ARE THE ELDERLY? The elderly a re generaJly considered to be a nyone over 65 yea rs old-the age of mandatory retirement. At tha t turning point workers stop being wage earners and sta rt being senior citizens. They receive old age security benefits, draw pen sio ns and ride buses at reduced ra tes. The retirement years are rewarding for many seniors. "Jackrabbit" Johannsen still cross-count ry skis at 104; Grandma Moses painted into her 90s; others earn university degrees, pursue second careers, indu lge in hobbies, travel a nd find happiness in volunteer work. But for some of the elderly , the retirement years bring lonelin ess, despa ir and poverty along with independence. Most of the elderly are women. Of the elderl y living a lone, 70 per cent are women.


The proportion of the elderly

in Canada is increasing rapidly.

Almost half of the women over 65 are widowed, and widows outnumber widowers five to one. Three-quarters of the women over 65 living on their own have no income other than government stipends for the elderl y. In Ontario these stipends now amo unt to about $365 monthly, and are adjusted quarterly .

INCOME DURING RETIREMENT The financial picture for many seniors looks bleak, but it may appear worse than it really is, suggests Dr. Kathleen Brown, a family economist in the Department of Family Studies. Without work-related costs, retirees have lower expenses. In addition, seniors can take advantage of free medical care, free or reduced admissions, property tax refunds, income tax deductions, public tra nsportation passes, reductions on restaurant meals, free drugs , and senior's discoun ts at stores. These benefits help spread retirement income that much further. Dr. Brown suspects that the recently retired may see their financial position as worse than it rea ll y is. She and Professor

Martin-Matthews arc doing a study of how recently retired people adjus t to changes in their econom ic and social status. "It's a difficu lt psychologica l adjustment for someone who has saved for retirement to start dipping into savings," she says . "Consequently, many scniors don't live as well as they co uld . Some who could don ' t take taxis and hire help when they rea lly nced to because it is contrary to their .Iife-Io ng habits." The family home, owned I'ree and clear, is a major economic assct in retirement a nd is the surest hedge against int1ation. New programs likc the reverse mortgage can convert this asset into cash while a llowing the owner to stay in the house. In this scheme the bank or finance company buys the house over a period of about 20 ycars, giving the resident homeowner monthly cash payments based on the assessed value of the house. Varia tions on this theme may be one answe r for asset-rich but cash-poor sen iors. Financially this arrangement makes good sense, but convincing seniors may take some doing. "After people work a lifetimc to own a home outright, they arc understanda bly reluctant to put a claim on it ," explains Dr. Brown. Selling the family home in retirement is a calculated risk. Will the capital from the house support a retired person for 10 years? 20 years? 30 yea rs? Will it cover possi ble hi gh care costs in the later years? A do llar saved in 1932 bu ys only 20 cents worth of goods and services at today's prices. Int1ation will contin ue to erode the purchasing power of dollars saved fo r retirement. Financial management in general may present spec ial problems for many seniors, notes Dr. Brown. "Sources of income tend to be more diffuse in retirement, coming from ann uities, pensions, RRSPs, income supplements and perh aps reverse mortgages. All of these require some attention , managemen t and filling out of form s. Often it 's the widow who has to handle these ar rangements and she may be fac in g family finances for the first time in her life. Seniors who could benefit from financial counselling don 't know where to go for help." Growing old may not be glamorous, . but it need not be frig htening, lonely and poverty-ridden. In other, cultures extended family a rrangements ass ure that elders will be loved, needed and honoured until death. In Canada senio rs place a high val ue on independence, but geronto logists are now . realizing that independence can be facilitated while providing needed services an d opportunities to the growing elderly populat ion. 0

Election of alumni to Senate

Regulations governing election All alumni shall be eligible to vote, providing they have graduated from the University of Guelph or the founding Colleges. Alumni members of faculty a t the University of Guelph or full-time or part-time students enrolled in a pTogram under the jurisdiction of the Senate of the University of Guelph may not vote in the election of alumni to Senate if they have participated in the current election of faculty or the election of students to Senate. There shall be a minimum of one and a maximum of three elected alumni from anyone of the undernoted alumni bodies. (a) Macdonald Institute or its successor College of Family and Consumer Studies; (b) Ontario Agricultural College; (c) Ontario Veterinary College; (d) As a group, the Colleges of Arts and Social Science and Wellington College- B.A . degree; (e) As a group, the Colleges of Biological Science and Physical Science and Wellington College-B.Sc. degree. Each year, the three-year terms of office of three of the nine alumni senators expire. Retiring August 31, 1980 are Frank Archibald, OAC ' 39, W. John Bowles, CSS '72, and Dr. V.c. Rowan Walker, OVC '47. The terms of office of Gordon B. Henry, OAC '34, Mrs. Mary (Robertson) McGillivray , Mac '36, and John R : Flegg. Arts '68, will expire August 31 , 1981. Charles (Chuck) Broadwell, OAC '54, Bill Tolton , OAC '36, and Dr. Robert (Herb) Wright, OVC ' 38, will sit on Senate until August 31, 198 2.

Voting instructions Please vote for a maximum of three candidates on the ballot form. Voting shall be by an "x" Or checkm~rk. Any mark on a ballot other than those required for marking the voter's preference shall make the ballot null and void . Completed ballot form should be clipped and placed in an envelope on which you are requested to put your name and year in the upper left-hand corner. To facilitate voting by an alumnus whose spouse is a lso an alumnus of the University of Guelph and who, therefore, jointly receive only one copy of the Guelph Alumnus, two ballot forms are provided . A joint return (two ballots in the same envelope) is acceptable only if the name and year of both voters a re on the envelope. Address to Box SE. Alumni Office, University Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph , Ontario NIG 2W l, stamp and mail. An on-campus polling booth in the foyer of the Physical Sciences Building will be open between th e hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 21. during Alumni Weekend. Ballot forms and envelopes will be available at the booth. On receipt at

the Alumni Office, eligibility to vote will be verified. The sealed envelopes will be opencd on or after June 23, 1980, and the

ballots counted by scrutineers appointed by the Executivc Committee of the University of Guel ph Alumni Association. Only

valid ballots, with voter identification on the enclosure envelopc, received on or before that date will be counted.

, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---I

i Senate Ballot Form iSenate Ballot Form I


For election of three alumni to Senate, University of

I Guelph, for the three-year term commencing Sep, tember I, 1980. See other side of this page for biographical sketches of candidates. Vote for a maximum of three nominees. One ballot per voter.


I For election of three alumni to Senate, University of


I Guelph, for the three-year term commencing Sep-


, tember 1, 1980. See other side of this page for biographicalfskhetches o~ candoidatebs,lvote for a maximum 0 tree nommees. ne a tot per voter.







, FERGUSON, Paul D. I CPS '67, Guelph.


GRUBBE, Arthur G. (Art)

I, OAC '41, Arthur.


I CPS '67 , Guelph. ! GRUBBE, Arthur G. (Art)

I OAC '41, Arthur.








LEWIS, Robin B.


Aits '73, BTantford .

I Arts '73,


MILNE, (Dennison) Lorna A.


OAC ' 56, Brampton.

, MILNE, (Dennison) Lorna A. I OAC '56, Brampton.



YOUNG, N. Richard P.

: YOUNG, N. Richard P.



! Arts, M.A. '76, Ridgeville.

LEWIS, Robin B. Brantford.

1 Arts, M.A . ' 76 , Ridgeville.



News From Guelph

CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS Summe r Campus 1980 Summer Campus '80 will be a laughing matter if Larry Horowitz has his way. A professional entertainer, Horowitz is teaching a comedy workshop as part of the U niversi ty 's uniq ue vaca tion pro­ gram which this ' year begins July 7. Timing, voice inflection and mannerism s are almost more important than content according to thi s young comic who de­ lights in "sending up" commercials. From comedy to reincarn ation and apiculture, Summer Campus this year presents vacationers with an extraordi­ nary smorga sbord of courses and activi­ ties. "For some people, a relaxing vaca­ tion means a complete change from their usual activities," explains Professor Jim Murray who established the program, the only one of its kind at a Canadian university, five years ago. "Teachers,

lawyers, and housewives will probably be among those who take Horowitz's comedy workshop or clas ses In drawing, piano-playing or conversational French." Others, however, prefer to use the time to further develop themselves professiona ly, says Professor Murray. Thi s year for the first time, courses which form part of certificate programs in business and education wil[ be inelud­ ed so that the family can come along while mom or dad sharpens professional skills. Some of the 27 adult courses offered thi s summer are designed to fulfill specific personal need s, such as how to become a skillful negotiator or generally manage life more effectively. Summer Campu s is an ideal chance for alumni to spend time at the Univer­ sity of Guelph again, notes Professor Murray. Since Summer Campus has 12 speci al youth progra ms for children from 4 to 16 years of age, returning to your alma mater can become a family

affair. This year youngsters can "ha m" it up in a thea tre workshop, or learn about science, computcrs or nature. Workshops in jOllrna'lism and art also encourage young talent. Tennis, squash, swimming and 800 acres of green space provide numerous recreational opportunities. In the eve­ ning it is poss ible to enjoy the campus through twilight tours and a myri ad of student events, includling the community barbeque. Musical performances , Walt Disney film nights and socials are espe­ cially organized for Summer Campus va ca tioners. Summer Ca mpus '80 has two one­ week sess ions July 7-11 and 14-18. Course rates. begins at $25 for children and $35 for adults per week. Residence accomodation is available. For complete program a nd fee information. contact Continuing Education Division , UNI­ VERSITY OF GUELPH, Guelph , On­ tario. NIG 2WI, or phone (519) 824-4120, ext. 3956.0

Biographical Sketches- Senate Candidates · PAUL D. FERG SON, CPS '67, lives in Guelph and is territory manager with Supersweet Feeds, Stratford. Paul taught at J.F. Ross Collegiate and then farmed near Arthur. As an alu mni sena tor, he at on Senate from 1969 to 1972 and feels he can provide an effective voice for alumni. ARTHUR G. (ART) GRUBB, OAC '41, is retired and lives in Arthur after a 35-yea r career with OMAF as an Ag, Rep. for the counties of Prince Edward. Gray, Oxford, l anark and Perth . Art is Secretary, Ontario Institute of Agrologists, Guelph Branch, and is married to Lenore (McFadden), Mac '40. ROBIN BAIRD LEWIS, Arts '73, lives in Brantford and is a part-time professional artist (see article on pages 6 and 7). An art instructor at Fanshawe College, Robin is also a free-lance com mercial artist and has illustrated children's books. Her name is in the Index of Ontario .Artists, LORNA A. (DENNISON) MILNE, OAC '56, lives in Brampton where she has operated Flowertown Antiques for eight years. She is a trustee with the Peel Board of Education, and vice chairman of the North Peel unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. She is married to Ross Milne, OAC '55 . N. RICHARD P. YOUNG, Arts, M.A. '76, lives in Ridgeville, and is a candidate for bar admission. He is with the law firm of Young and McNamara in Thorold . With his knowledge of taw, he feels he can contribute to Senate during this period of economic difficulty. ~-



Great Year For Gryphons

Men's Hock ey Cryphons, winners of the OUAA championship.

With no less than seve n Gryphon teams taking On.tario championships, the 1979-1980 intercollegiate season at the University of Guelph was certainly an unprecedented one. II a II started in the fall when the Senior Men's Varsity Eight rowing tea m broke records at the Ontario Universi­ ties Athletic Association (OUAA) meet in Weiland to take first place. Then the men's and women's curling teams tra­ velled to the Universi ty of Western Ontario to defeat all comers and "sweep" two Ontario titles. Following th at came a weekend at Guelph that will not soon be forgotten by those involved. Febru ary 22-23 saw the University of Guelph host both the Ontario Women's Basketball Champion­ ships and the Ontario Wrestling Cham­ pion sh ips. At approximately 8:00 p.m. on Saturday Feb . 22, the Guelph women defeated Laurentian University for their first ever Onta rio Women's Intercollegi­

ate Athletic Association (OWIAA) championship. Three hours later, the men had edged out the University of Western Ontario to bring back the On­ tario wrestling titl.e after an absence of one yea r. Meanwhile, the women's cross­ country ski team put together a strong effort and snatched the provincial title from perennia l winner, Carleton Univer­ sity. It was also about this time that the men 's hockey Gryphons were putting together a miraculous comeback. Ending up in fifth place in the OUAA, the team had to travel to Laurentian University for a sudden death game. The Gryphon s won it. They then fell one game down in a best of three semi-final with the Uni­ versity of Toronto Varsity Blues and had to win two in a row to advance to the final. They did. In the final against the number one ranked McMa ster Universi­ ty Marlins the Gryphons again fell one

game down. You guessed it, they won th e next two and became the second team ever to win back-to-back Ontario championships. The wrest lers, basketball and hock­ ey players all advanced to the Canadian Intra-universi ty Athletic Union (CIAU) Championships, and a lthough no team titles were brought home, they a ll made their presence felt at the national level. As weJl as seven championships, the Gryphons had seven individual Ontario champions. They were Ken Hawthorn e in the 15 km . Nord ic sk iing race, and Bob Pronk, Ken Bradford, Jamie Be­ thune, Ed Slabikowski , Gavin Carrow and Wayne Brightwell from th e wres­ tling Gryphons. The Nordic ski relay team of Dan MaJlet, John Bonardelli and Ken Ha wthorne also took a gold at the OUAA championships. At the CIAU wrestling ch a mpionships, Wayne Brightwell took a gold medal in his weight class. The Gryphons also had ten Ontario a ll-stars in Candy Clarkson , Linda Jolie, Sue Lindley, Mike Sesto, Rick Dundas and Tom Heslip from ba sketball, John Lowe and Jeff Inglis from football , Mike McParland from hockey and Tony Tenwesteneind from volleyball. Candy Clarkson wa s also named to the all­ Canadian team at the CJAU banquet in Halifax. Following the completion of the schedules, the first annual Co-Educa­ tional Awards Banquet was held at the University's Peter Clark Hall. The event was well received by athletes and staff alike, and plans are already in the making for next season's banquet. 0

Microbiology Open House June 15

"Microbiology is fascinating'" That's the message of an open hou se to be held Sunday, June 15, from I :00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m ., in the University's Chemistry and Microbiology Building, College of Phys­ ical Science. Sponsored by the Canadian Society of Microbiologists' Committee on Education, with the co-operation of the Departments of Microbiology, Vet­ erinary Microbiology and Immunology and the Microbiology Club, Microbiolo­ gy Day is for everyone-young and old, novice and expert alike. Four second-floor laboratories will house presentat ions, demonstratio ns and poster displays of the latest research

development s in medical , agricultural a nd industrial microbiology-in a way that can be readily und erstood, even by non-scientists. For those who want to explore fur­ ther, there will be tours of resea rch laboratories where work will be in prog­ ress and equipment in use, including the electron microscope . Interes ted visitors may also tour the Depa rtment of Veteri­ nary M icrobiology a nd Immunology's research facilities. At 3:00 p.m ., in Room 200 of the Chemistry and Microbiology Building, Jay Ingram, microbiologist and host of CBC Radio's "Quirks and Quarks," will

give a slide and video lecture on the history of microbiology and some of the most recent trends. The talk will be aimed primarily at high school student s, but everyone should find it interest ing . Later, Jay will mingle and chat with visitors. Microbiology Day has been planned as part of the first joint annual meeting of the Canad ia n Society of Microbiolo­ gists and the Genetics Society of Cana­ da, being held on campus from Jun e J 5 to June 19. Over 400 delegates from across Canada a nd the United States will be there. Here's a chance to hobnob with the experts. Plan to bring the whole family. It promises to be a great day. 0




Alumni Publications-Consolidation

ue to a combination of rapidly esca lating paper prices and mailing rates and a directive

D issued to all aca de mic and administrative units of the University requesting that a ll 1979-80 b udget submissions reflect a 5 per cent reduction of their 1978-79 b udget allotments, it became necessary to revie w the vital field of a lumni public ations . To this end, President D.F. Forster appo inted a Special Advisory Committee on Alumni Publications with repre sentatives from the U. o f G. Alumni As sociation and each of the seven college alumni associations. The Committee compiled a re port and the President accepted its recommendation to consolidate the Guelph A lumnus and the s e ven individual college alumni bulletins. Through the yea r , the four re gular issues of the Guelph Alumnus will consist of 36 pages and up to 18 page s in each issue will b e a lloca ted to the c ollege alumni associations. Space will be divided in propo rtion to the size o f individual college alumni bodies and copy for the 18 pages will be pro vided by individual college e ditors. To obtain a good institutional image and to m ainta in alumni acceptance, the quality of Guelph Alumnus paper stock has been upgraded to a lighter weight coated stock. This will result in lower mailing costs. Subject to annual review and the availa bility of funds, the President has approved the publication ot" an e ight-page Annual Alumni Weekend Supplement under the individual mastheads of the seven c o llege alum ni a s sociations. The supplement will consist of a common four-page insert covering Alumni Week end programs plus a four-page format of copy exclusive to, and provided by, e ach o f the seven college alumni associations. Your colle ge editors met a d e m a nding dea dline for this, the first consolidated publication, and we are very grateful to them. We t hink we 've done the right thing-what do you think? Ed. 0


20-22 21

Alumni Weekend.

Annual Meetings at Guelph: Friends of U. of G. Inc.• Ma c-FACS,

O.A.C .. O .V.C .• Arts. C.P.S.• C.S.S. and U. of G. Alumni





10-13 19 21-24 September




" ~




Canada P\Ylp.,~

pulk third

Ennombre troisieme

1067 G uelph, Ont

CVMA Confere nce. Moncton. N.B.

Cente nnial Banquet, Associate Diploma in Agriculture.

AVMA Convention. Washington, D.C .

Aggie Week.


O.A.C. Alumni Association Golf Tournament .






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class classe


Summer Campus.

If th e ad dressee or a son o r a daught er w ho IS

Spring 1986 Vol. 13, N<>. 2 Canada


m ove d. please

notify th ~ Alum ni OHice. U niversity 0 1 G uelph N I G 2W , . so th ai th is m ag azine may be forwarded to the pr oper add ress



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