Karen Kelsey, HAFA '81, Manager at Canada's Wonderland. (See Page 3)
Winter 19RI Vol. 14, No.1
Professor Dona ld F. Forster.
PRESIDENT: Dr. Tom DeGeer, OVC '54.
PAST PRESIDENT: Janice (Robertson) Partlow, Arts
Wright, CBS '74.
VICE-PRESIDENTS: Dr. Clifford Barker, OVC '41;
Ewart Carberry, OAC '44; Peter McMullen, CPS '76;
Rich a rd Moccia , CBS '76; Anne Vaughan, Arts '77;
Jane (Vollick) Webster, FACS '75.
SECRETAR Y: Barry Stahlbaum , CPS '74.
DIRECTORS : Brian Allen , CPS '72; Peter Anderson,
Well. '68 ; Les Dunn, CBS '76; Lynn (Morrow)
Featherston, Mac '68 ; Eli zabeth Heeney , Mac '7 1;
Alvin Jory, CSS '74; Pat (Shier) Mighton, OAC '64;
Edith LeLacheur, Art s '72; Debbie (Nash) Chambers,
Arts '77; Dr. Mel Pola nd, OVC '44; Ambrose Samulski ,
CBS '73 ; Glenn Powell, OAC '62; Dr. Stan Ward , OVC
President, University of Guelph Central Student
Association; John Babcock, OAC '54, Director of
Alumni Affairs and Development; Dr. C. Robert Buck,
OVC '46, President, O. V.c. Alumni Association; Judith
Carson, Arts '75, President, Arts Alumni Association;
Ba rbara Hinds, CSS ' 74, President, C.S.S. Alumni
Association; Pa t Legris, President, Graduate Students
Association; Karen (Snyder) Mc Douga ll, FACS '73,
President, Mac-FACS Alumni Association; Dr . Clare
Rennie, OAC '47 , President, O.A.C. Alumni
Association; William Sanford, CPS '73, President,
c.P.S. Alumni Association; AI Sippel, CBS '75,
President, C.B,S. Alumni Association.
TREASURER : James Elmslie. ASSOCIA TE SECRETA R Y Rosemary Clark, Mac '59 . The Guelph Alumnus is publiShed by the Depa rtment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment in co-operation with the Department of Information, University of Guelph . The Editorial Committee is comprised of Editor, Derek Wing, Publica tions Officer, Department of Alumni A ifa irs and Development; John Babcock, OAC '5 4, Director of Alumni Affairs and Development ; Erich Barth, Art Dircctor, Departm ent of Inform a tion; Rosemary Clark, Mac '59, Assistant Director for Alumni Programs; Dougl as Waterston , Director of Information ; Donald Jose, OAC '49, Assista nt Director of Information; Robin Baird Lewis, Arts ' 73, Development/Communications Officer, Department of Alumni Affairs and Development. The Editorial Advisory Boa rd of the University of Guelph Alumni Association is comprised of Ewart Carberry, OAC '44, Chairman; Dr. Allan Austin; Dr. Donald Barnum, OVC '41 ; W. John Bowles, CSS ' 72; Judith Carson, Arts '75 ; Pc ter Hohenadel, OAC '75; Olive (Thompson) Thompson, Mac '35; Sandra Webster, CSS '75. Ex·Officio: John Ba bcock, OAC '54; Janice (Robertson) Partlow, Arts '70. Undelivered copies should be returned to the
Department of Alumni Affairs and Development,
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N I G 2W I.
Wit h a n Engli sh accent proba bly as crisp as it was when she fir st se t foot on Canadian soil at Halifax, Nova Scoti a, in 1921, Miss Mary Cole can clearly relate memories that span the 100 years since her life began in Southend-on-Sea on Februa ry 26, 1881. Ma ny or these memories concern the period from 1921 to 1954, during which she held the on-campus position of housekeeper at Macdonald Hall . Hired by Miss Olive R. Cruik shank, Director, Macdonald In stitute (1920-1941), and responsible to Mrs. Katherine T. Fuller, the gracious and dignified Superintendent of Macdonald Hall (1904-1931), Mary started at the princely sum of $24 a month with free board'. "Th ere were about 125 girls in residence there at that time," recalled Mary , " and it seemed that they all had gentlemen friend s who were intent on keepingthem out late." Mary's room was directly over the laundry room which sported Mac Ha ll's favourite window for the stealthy return of tardy young ladies. "Many's the time that I've answered a husky 'Are you alright ?' with 'Yes, she's a lright but you won ' t be if you don 't get back to Mill s Ha ll this very minute" " In Ma ry's time ma ny unexpected things turned up in Mac Hall, including
a "frightened cattlebeast th at had been given a strong dose of physic, and an irate gentleman student clad only in a nightshirt firmly strapped to his bed a nd deposited al the foot of the circular stairwell. The awakened girls were too scared to release him so it fell to me to cut him loose, provide him with lady's overcoat and galoshes and shoo him out into the cold winler night. " A non-smoker and non-drinker, Mary never had the desire to marry. "I cherished my freedom too much," she confided with a smile and a ra raway look , "besides, there were so ma ny very happy times." A resident at St. Joseph 's Home for the Aged in Guelph, Ma ry has lived there since she broke a hip some 15 years ago. An avid reader of love and detective stories, Mary read s "anything I can get my ha nds on." She also enjoys having visitors a nd long chats covering every thing from life in the 1800s to current events. Ma ry is very sharp. From all of those a lumni and facul ty who knew her when she was one of Mac Ha ll's central characters, and from the University as a whole, may we offer congratulations to a well loved cen tena rian who, by the look of things, will be around for a good while to come. 0
Question: Why Would You Need a University Degree to Sell Hamburgers? By John Hearn omewhere between the headline question and the answer lies the excitement expressed by graduates of the University's School or Hotel and Food Administration (HAFA) who have been hired to manage food outlets at Canada's Wonderland. "As a matter of fact," says HAFA director Dr. Tom Powers, "our graduates might well sell hamburgers- but not from behind the grill. We're not into cook tr a ining, our business is management." This was the point from which the Guelph Alumnus started to track down the story be hind the hiring or the 14 graduates who are to take over full management responsibility for what has been described as the most daring catering concept ever to bc put into action on this continent. Well over $100 million will have been spent on Canada's Wonderland by the time it opens in May. It is planned to become one of the country's most exciting tourist attr actions. Two million people are expected during the first two months of opera tion . Top management is staking much of its appeal on food service. That is the story. John Schmied, director of food services at C a nada's Wonderland explained . "I don't think any restaurant chain ever set about making instant managers the way we did. A total of 28 brand new food outlets, some of them very large, will open for the first time on the same day . Everything depends on the managers. We went to a great deal of trouble to make sure we got the best because if they don ' t make iI, we don't. Its as simple as that!" Ca nada's Wonderland was designed by a C a nadian, built by Canadian workers and financed with Canadian money. It will cover half a square mil.e just north of Metro Toronto. Over $5 million was spent to build
Contd. over
Dave Vaillancourt, HAFA '81, one of 14 HAFA students hired for management positions at Canada's Wonderland.
conld. a mountain covering two and a half acres complete with waterfall. Some 200 cntertainers will provide live shows every day in one of five main theme areas which include the "Grand World Exposition of 1 890," "Medieval Faire," "International Street" and the "Happyland of Hanna-Barbera." Soon to follow will be "Frontier Canada" where visitors will expcrience K londike days of the 1890s. Mike Filey, Wonderland's P.R. manager, told us that the objective with each theme area has been to achieve a happy blend of reasonable authenticity and high entertainment value. "Frontier Carlada," he said, "doesn't set out to be a pioneer village so much as an acceptable approximation where people can go to savour the atmosphere of the time and thoroughly enjoy themselves in the process . Food outlets, menus and staff costumes are all designed to sustain that atmosphere." Talking with members of management, one cannot help but be aware of an almost fanatical dedication to excellence. They're convinced tha I they've got something good and they're going to keep it that way. Close to 300 paper picker-uppers will strive to maintain the site in the same pristine condition in which it will open next May. Having got the general picture we went back to Dr. Powers again. "When you look at an operation like Canada's Wonderland you get a better idea of what we're up to at HAFA. If you're planning to operate a small restaurant you're going to need a high level of culinary skills. A modern large scale catering operation, on the other hand, requires the same cuhnary skills but infinitely more sophisticated management. Culinary skiJls are static. Management skills are anything but static. They must be nexible and adaptive to new conditions involving economics, lifestyles and personnel management. "They also involve an acute sense of what information you need, the ability to obtain that information, to interpret it and use it as an effective management too!. It's far more a matter of knowing and understanding the processes than doing anything yourself. It takes in marketing, convention management and the ability to design and supervise efficient multi-layered personnel structures. " John Schmied, in his turn, explained something of the philosophy of Canada's Wonderlarld. "We see food services, not as something ancilliary to the total package of park attractions but as an integral part of the whole. This called for complete harmony of architecture, costume and menu with the theme of the food service unit's immediate environment. It was
important that food service staff should be and feel part of the whole park team - members of the cast. We want menus and service to be the very best that can be offered within the compass of thc customer's dollar - and the only way to achieve this was to do it ourselves. No fast food concessionaire could hope to meet those criteria." A number of schools were approached and applications invited. A total of 120 students submitted a two-page letter stating their academic background and working experience and 50 of the applicants were subsequently invited to write a three-hour exam on all aspects of food management.
Extensive interviews foi l owed and finally, 14 HAFA students were hired in what John Schmied describes as "bonusable management positions." It all sounds like a game which cveryone wins. Dr. Powers has thc last word. "Why I'm so excited about this particular employer is that all of our students involved in the training program returned to the University and they werc all , therefore, adjuncts to the faculty. You cannot help but have a more lively class if you have students who have experienced not just work but the actual realities of management." *
Comments From Six of the 14
Karen Kelsey , Scarborough.
Jim Hunter, Freelton.
"I shall be managing Granny's Sweets-catering mainly to kids and their parents in the 'Happyland of Hanna-Barbera.' We'll all be in costume. Every area has its own costumes which you won't see anywhere else in the park. I'm hiring and training a staff of 48. They keep telling us that everyone is important, and
Jim will be an assistant area manager with co-ordinating responsibility for five rood outlets. During the initial training program, students were invited to apply for positions they wanted and this was the most eagerly sought after position. "The responsibilities are heavy," he said, "I have to help unit managers make day to day staff adjustments required by
Our cover girl.
. Karen Kelsey, HAFA '8/. you question this in your own mind until management attitudes make it clear that they're not kidding. You, in turn, mustn't be kidding when you tell your own staff that they're important. Finally it all fits together. The aim is a high quality operation, and that applies just as much to staff relations as to the food we serve." *
Jim Hunter, HAFA '8/. variations in the traffic pattern. I have to provide back-up during periods of temporary overload, to help with trouble shooting, and act as consultant, assistant, advisor or whatever. I doubt if there are enough hours in the day." lim plans to go on to York University for his M.B .A. in financial management."
Dave Vaillancourt, Ottawa. Dave is to be manager of the Japanese Restaurant, the biggest in the park with seating capacity for 500 people. He will hire, train and be respol1sibJe for a staff of 78. ''I'm interested in restaurants. I practically grew up in a kitchen. I know what I am looking at. I can see where I'm making money and where I'm losing it. The Japanese Restaurant is expected to attract a lot of people and we have to be ready for them. ''I'll be offering beef teppanyaki, beef
Dave Vaillancourt, HAFA '81.
tcriyaki, chicken teriyaki, chicken yakitori, tempura fried chicken, tempura fried vcgetables-and rice beer. When you have a lot of people standing in line you have to cntertain them. I'm planning for a chef to prepare vegetables, Japanese style, in ful l vicw with all the stylized nourishes-keep thc customers visually stimulated." *
Laurie Malleau, Onaping, near Sudbury. "This is no glorified school, it's the real thing. We're fully responsible. If we succeed we get a bonus. If we fail we get fired. I'm not planning to get fired. They put us through 12 weeks of practical training last summer and it was fascinating
Lourie Malleau , HAFA '82.
to see how everything we had been learning worked out under field conditions. We spcnt a weck in Cincinatti in a smaller theme park, observing and working with managers in a functioning operation. We were under review the whole time. No one was guaranteed a job. " Laurie will be asst. manager of the Alpine Restaurant.*
Kim Lafferty. Guelph. John Schmied spokc with particular enthusiasm about thc rolc to be played by Kim. Her job is sales forecasting and cost control-a position which carries with it the statistical key to the whole operation. Dr. Powers spoke of "the worthlessness of a system which explains exact~y how you lost money last year-unless you know what to do about it." Kim will maintain an hour by hour watch on every aspect of food services, predicting, and therefore avoiding, losses before they happen. She will be relating
Kim Lafferty, HAFA '82.
attendance forecasts to weather reports, for example, and every aspect of budgeting will pass through her hands. The activities of a total food staff of 802 full and part-time workers will be weighed in her balance and whether unit managers achieve their year-end bonus may well depend more on her than anyone else. 0
Mary Ellen Dekker, London, Ontario. "I've hired my staff for the summer, and I'm training them in general park information and food service specifics. It's very exciting to be given full responsibility for an actual opening of a significant catering complex; to evolve our own methods and techniques; to select the people we're going to work with and then actua'lly put those wheels into motion for the first time. "Other graduates may follow in future years but they'll inherit an existing situation. It's our privilege to start from scratch. Hours mean nothing. We' re paid to get the job done and whatever it takes, you do it. It's your hide you're going to lose if you're not profitable. We're responsible for food costs, labour costs, staff and customer relations. Our job is to make it GO." *
Mary Ellen Dekker, HAFA '81, left , has already hired her staff.
Our Future
IS 10
Their Hands
By non Jose, OAC '49 ntario's universities often hear that they Iwld a high priority in the government's concerns, yet successive provincial budgets have continued to erode their level of fin a ncial support. The global funding allotted to the Ontario university system has fai.led to keep up with inflation and spiralling costs. Funds available to Ontario universities in terms of constant dollars declined steadily and significantly from 1970171 to 1975176 . The value has increased slightly since that time . At the end of November, the Minister
of Colleges and Universities, Hon. Bette Stephenson, appointed a broadly based study committee to submit recommendations as to how the province's university system can continue to meet public needs within the limits of funding available. Points to be considered include student accessibility and enrolment, the maintenance of quality research and instruction , institutional autonomy, and public account a bility of the universities. Such a study was requested in a brief presented to the Minister and Premier
Davis in mid-November by representatives of the universities. That brief, in turn, came in res ponse to a request from Premier Davis during a meetin g in August with presidents and boa rd chairmen . The study is an important development, Preside nt Forster told the University of Guelph Senate. The urgency which the government a ttaches to the committee's work is reflected in the time limits placed on its deliberations. It was required to submit a preliminary report by the end of February, 1981, with a fina l report by the end of June, 1981. Alan Marchment, chairman of the University of Guelph's Board of Governors, is one of the 13 membcrs of the committee that includes representatives of the Council of Onta rio Universities (COU) , the Ontario Council on University Affairs (OCUA) , a nd senior-level members of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU). Dr. W.e. Winegard, former president of the University of Guelph and chairman of the OCUA, is also a member of the study committee. Even with such an early reporting da te , any solutions proposed could not be implemented before the 1982/83 academic year, President Forster told Senate. Government attention must also be directed to short-term considerations and the Icvcl of funding for the coming academic year, 1981-82, the President indica ted . Last year funding from the provincial government increased 7.2 per cent, which was higher than the previous year , but still well below the rate of infla tion. Over three quarters of the University's budget goes to pay wages and salaries. The cost of uti lities, which represent a substantial portion of the remainder, has sky-rocketed in recent yea rs. Speaki ng in the Legisl a ture, Dr. Stephenson said: " The future holds many challe nges a nd opportunities for universiti es here and around the wor'ld ." She ac knowledged th at there will be uncertainties due to the decline in the population group aged J 8-24, but pointed out other opportunities for universities to contribute to society. The opportunities will come through increased demands for research, for community service in response to rising skill demands in the labour force, and in meeting the needs of non-traditional client groups. The November brief to the government poi'nts out that the present situation of Ontario'S universities has reached a critical point. The current level of funding just won't support the government's publicly
endorsed objectives for universities. Substantially .increased funding, or the scaling down of the objectives for universities, is required to keep the system solvent. Among the considerations that , according to the brief, need to be reconciled are: a) Genera l objectives as articulated by OCUA and endorsed by the Premier. b) Student enrolment and accessibility . c) The contribution of un~versities to the economic and cultural well-being and development of Ontario. d) Quality maintenance.
e) Public ex pectations.
f) Level of publicly a pproved funding .
g) Public accounta bility of the universities.
h) Institution a l a utonomy to ensure
academic vitality. i) Institutional survival. The brief suggests three possible a pproac hes to the reconciliation of those concerns. This could be accomplished by: (I) annual ad hoc adjustments by universities to shortfalls in funding , (2)
provi sio n by the government of annual revenu es closely related to cost increases of the universities so th at they might 111cct current objectives and expectations, or (3) scaling down those objectives and se rvices to confor111 to the level of funding expected to be available. The brief rejects the first alterna tive since, as OCUA has pointed out , it is no longer possible to achieve currently sta ted objectives within current funding levels. Such a policy "has already se ri ously cut into the a bility of universities to meet the publicly avowed objectives," the brief states. "Long-term at trition carried forward into the 1980s would lead to a major decline in the qu al ity of university education, the educational environment and the resea rch ca pac ity of universities ." The brief clearly pre fers the second approach of increased funding, but faces up to the implications of the government's fa ilure to meet the needed level. The brief ca lls on the government to give i111111ediate consideration, in consultation with wniversities, to a rticulatin g revised objectives a nd levels of activity consistent with the expected level of funding . The brief reviews various mean s of coping with a shortfall in resources and their implications. One method of 111eeting
Appointed by the Hon. Bette Stephenson, Minis ter of Colleges and Universities, a 'I3-member committee to study the role of universities in Ontario includes Alan R. Marchment, Chairman of the University's Board of Governors, and Dr. William C. Winegard, former President of the University. A/an R . Marchmenl .
a shurt fa ll in f'unds would be through other incomc-generating activities by universitics . Th e brief suggests that such efforts would be se lf'-dcf'eating . Th ey would only di ve rt im portant university resources from the primary functions of education and research and. a t the same time, would not produce enough income to 111eet the need. Private fund-raising or increased promotion of a thl etics would si111ilarly be likely to fai l as a source of significant additional funding. From time to time, the imposition of a centralized authority has been suggested as a means of so lving the problem of ration ali zing university ac tivities with available income. Such a n approach would "require the suspension, at least for a tr ans itional period , of the statutory powers of some or all of the univers it ies." Various plans of ac tion have been suggested in the past, ranging from remova l of selected progr ams to closure of one or more institutions or the merging of certa in uni ve rsities and certa in colleges of app lied a rts and technology. The other a lterna tive reviewed was the so-called incen tive model that would retain, although with substantial modifications, the current arrangements tha t depend on in stitutional autonomy coupled with public accountability through a funding formula . To meet the current circumstances, this approach would require both a modification of the for111ul a and a clearer definition of the joint roles of the individual institutions, COU, OCUA and the Ministry, the brief sta tes. The brief indicates a preference for the continuance in some form of the prese nt incentive mode l. Two alternative 111odifications " tha t warrant further examinati on" are a s0111ewhat expanded role for CO U in fos tering voluntary co-operation or a modified a nd strengthened OCUA assisted by a strong academic committee. The brief concludes with a request for a broadly based st udy committee to consider a ll the alternatives and bring in "spec ific recommend a tions on the appropriate objectives in relation to avai lab le funding and on related 111echanisms necessa ry to provide funding incentives and co-operative planni ng." The Minister responded positively by naming her t 3-member com111ittee. Her action has received approval in most quarters. a lthough the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) has objected to the lack of Faculty members on the com111ittee. [J
The Gate to
T he L ushness of P ure L aze
By Dr. Herb S. Armstrong, Dean of Graduate Studies, July 1968 -
s J recall, my first experience with a gate involved a small white-painted gate which mysteriously appeared on Promotion Sunday at our Sunday school. Through it one had to go in order to symbolize the passage from the Beginners' Department into the Primary Department. The passage through that simple gate three-score years ago I found very easy, much easier than through the gate which now separates me from the green pastures of "retirement." Indeed, the gate before me seems rather more like a revolving door than a swing gate, because, somehow, I appear once again to be discharged back into "the
daily round ," instead of luxuriating in the lushness of pure laze. Ah well, perhaps it is better, after 40-odd years, to taper off. When I agreed to write about my experiences here J recalled that the time involved is more than twice as long as the years I have been dean of graduate studies at Guelph. For example, as an officer of McMaster at the time, I have vivid memories of the more boisterous rivalry between McMaster and O.A.C'/O.V.c. The annual autumn pastime did, of course, include meeting on the football field; but an essential preliminary was the clandestine visiting of each campus by well-intentioned
. .' J
Dr. flah S . Armstrong.
December 1980
young men from the other-by night, I need hardly add. J have no idea how many of my present esteemed colleagues received a free haircut from their McMaster rivals in earlier days, involving the creation of a large capital M by simply shaving off all hair except that of the initial. But many times I delivered my lectures to McMaster classes where there were young gentlemen whose shorn heads displayed an 'A ' or a 'V'. Eventually there was so much swift-moving student traffic at nighttime on Highway 6 that it seemed wise for me to pay a call on Herb Pettipiere, OAC '49, John Eccles, OAC '40, and Ian White, OAC ' 52, in order to avoid the very real calamity which so nearly occurred more than once. In a gentler and much more harmonious spirit, there were, in the '50 s very fine amateur choral groups at 路Western, at McMaster, in one or other of the colleges at Toronto and, of course, here at O.A.C'/Mac/O.V .c. under the leadership of Ralph Kidd. Western then had a couple of thousand students, McMaster about 1,500, Guelph about the same, and Toronto more than all the rest but proportionately smaller than it is now . Every winter the Inter-Varsity Choral Festival took place at one of the institutions, each choir sang its own program, and then the director of the home group led the massed choirs 路in a monumental finale. There was some uncommonly fine singing wherever the occasion was held, but I doubt that any was better than the evenings at Guelph. A pleasant concomitant of the occasions was the supper for which the home institution's president was host; again the Guelph trio shone, with the then President of the O.A.C. , Dr. J .D. MacLachlan, doing the honours aided and abetted by Dr. Margaret McCready, the head of Macdonald Institute. It was usual for some faculty members to attend with their choirs because many of them would have known most of the students. Those were the years in which I had my first contacts, albeit indirect ones, with Guelph's graduate studies . Because I was usually expected to attend at conferences of
the Canadian universities, I used regularly to encounter Professor A.W. Baker, OAC '11, who chaired the O.A .C. graduate studies committee. In later years, of course, it was Professor Hugh Branion who laboured in that vineyard . Those were the days when O .A.C. and O . v.c. conducted their graduate studies, up to the masters level, under the control of the University of Toronto Senate and School of Graduate Studies. In those years, when there were no Ph .D. students, faculty members were tempted to encourage graduate students to undertake pretty substantial research projects for their masters theses. I have been given to understand that not a few of the theses which were submitted had been judged worthy of Ph.D. degrees by reasonably objective and qualified visitors from other universities specializing in agriculture. I have long regarded this vestige of the past to be one of the chief reasons for what I consider to be the unduly long time it takes for so many masters students to satisfy their departments- as I have said so often to so many faculty members . But, nonetheless, it was in those years that Prof. Baker, and Hugh Branion, and those who worked with them, laid the foundations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies I was so fortunate to inherit. I have one particular claim to fame, which I cherish greatly- the invita tion from President J.D. Maclachlan to come from Alberta to address the convocation of May 22, 1964. As the final convocation of the Federated colleges held under the Senate of the University of Toronto it marked the end of an era . Chancellor F.J .C. Jeanneret of U. of T. officiated, Toronto's President c.T. Bissell was in attendance, and President Maclachlan had all the work to do. There being widespread public interest in what was called the "affluent society," I chose as my title "Society-Affluent or Effluent." My memory is that the address had less than the title might suggest to do with pollution, but rather more with comment on the signs of deterioration in our society which, about the mid-60s, seemed to many to be about to go "down the drain." The convocation was held in the gymnasium and it was de rigeur for one to wear the customary striped trousers and dark jacket for such a formal occasion . But May 22, 1964 was a warm day, and the gymnasium had that-I can only call it a tmosphere-which one associates with the vigorous activities of the young. It was, as I say, a very warm day, so the tea-party held under a marquee on the front campus cleared the air, and was a suitable
conclusion of the long association with Toronto's Senate. At the invitation of President W.c. Winegard and his Board of Governors, I accepted the appointment as Dean of Graduate Studies in succession to the first Dean, Dr. Hugh Branion, to whom I shall always be grateful for the friendliness with which he and Mrs. Branion welcomed my wife and me. The appointment enabled me to return to the work with faculty colleagues and with students which I have enjoyed so much ever since I became a faculty member at McMaster University in 1941. Because the University was closed on July I, 1968 it was not until July 2 that I was able to begin . In the 150 months since that time more than 6,000 applicants have been offered admission to graduate studies at Guelph; 400 Ph.D. degrees have been awarded, 544 M .A., 1,752 M.Sc., 25 M.L.A. degrees and 174 graduate diplomas. The greatest number of graduate students in anyone year (average of Spring, Fall and Winter semesters) is the 773 of 1976-77. While I take no credit for these numbers, I note them with satisfaction in what they imply for service to our society by providing the opportunities for advanced studies. In 1968, Ontario's universities were still increasing in size, in student and faculty numbers, and in numbers of "net assignable square feet" (i.e. buildings). The university communities were still fuming about, and reacting to, the 1966 report of the Spinks Commission; a commission appointed jointly by the provincial
DE'\N OF 6RAP\JA.TE snJt:>\E5
Committee on University Affairsand the Committee of University Presidents . The specific near-panic concerned a recommendation that a Provincial University of Ontario be established. The feeling, commonly called "conventional wisdom ," of the time was that growth would continue more or less indefinitely, At Guelph it was believed that we would share in the growth, and an internal committee had forecast in 1967, a graduate enrolment
of 1,644 in 1980 (it turned out to be 814). In the early part of 1968, several months prior to my arrival, the Graduate Studies office had been moved from Johnston Hall to more commodious quarters in the brand new Mclaughlin library. There we remained, becoming increasingly crowded, for more than five alld a half years as the old Apiculture bui lding was demolished, and a great hole was dug in the ground. The plans for the University Centre provided for it really to serve as a focus for the university "city" and its citizens. Thus, at Christmas time of 1974, we moved our lares and Penates (i .e. our files and records and other documents) over to Level 4 of the University Centre. Our location is eminently suitable, the presidential office being readily available iii one direction and the Whippletree in the other. But , like all who inhabit sealed buildings, we have had to face the slings and arrows of indignant visitors who note man 's ability to place fellow men on the moon, and to send out into space packages of electronic gear which can send back to Earth pictures of planets and their moons-yet, for some reason, we have found it virtually impossible to devise the mechanisms by which the 8:00 a.m. odours of onion soup being prepared for noon can be evacuated directly into the outside air. Ah well, some days onion soup isn't on the menu, and our guests seem to be happier. The year 1966 was one of considerable academic importance not only because of the Spinks Report on Graduate Programmes in Ontario, but also because early in the year there appeared the report, University Government in Canada, prepared by Sir James Duff of England and Professor R .O, Berdahl of California . For Guelph people it will be of interest to recall that our former vice president academic, Professor J . Percy Smith, contributed much to the workings of the two-man Commission, The Commissioners recommended a much more active participation of faculty members, and of students, in university governance than had been the practice in most Canadian universities. As a result of those recommendations, except for one or two jurisdictions where the main thrust had already been anticipated, the Canadian universities undertook extensive revision of their practices. At the University of Guelph , as a new establishment , the policies and practices which were developed were consistent with the Duff-Berdahl report. Although my responsibilities have related only to graduate students I have not been unaware of the activities of the undergraduates here. I have been particularly heartened by the dedication cOnld, over
conld. and the imagination, year after year, of those undergraduates who accept the responsibility for College Royal. Without any question [ consider that particular annual activity to be one of the finest illustrations of student responsibility I have encountered anywhere. [ am happy to observe the co-operation of graduate students in this venture. They are, after all, a different "breed of cat" because the great majority of them are deeply involved with their thesis research projects, rather than in attendance at numerous classes. Despite the necessary concentration upon research, there are those who are prepared to serve their fellow students as officers and councillors of the Graduate Students Association. [ have had great pleasure in working with a succession of more than 50 such young men and women. Together, we were able to deal easily with matters such as fee increases, and the complications of graduate student financial assistance inherent in a university with a variety of academic disciplines. Each year, in my annual report, I have expressed my gratitude to the successive groups of these officers . Here I am content to say thanks to all of them collectively. Looking back at the daily routlines of my office at four successive universities, over almost exactly a quarter century, I have been fortunate to have had the help of one person who served long as my secretary, and, more recently, here at Guelph, as my assistant. Blanche Hertzberg knows that [ am grateful to her, now [ want the readers of this piece to be aware of my appreciation of Blanche's efforts. [ am often asked what I would do differently if [ could go back and start all over again. My response always is that the major things [ would do, again, although [ would probably do some things a bit differently. But [ cannot think of a more satisfying succession of experiences. In each, some senior colleague has always played a key role. Here at Guelph I have been particularly fortunate to have been able to serve with two of the best presidents one could hope for. Both W.e. Winegard and D. F. Forster are intensely interested in people; J am deeply grateful to both of them for encouraging me in a position in which the real problems are people problems. From time to time someone comes in and tells me [ really helped at some difficult stage. That, of course, is the true reward. So I dose with sincere thanks to Bill Winegard and to Don Forster for my years here. I can truly say with the Psalmist that the lines have fallen unto me In a pleasant place. So we plan to retire in Guelph- when that revolving door stops. 0
New Dean
of Dr. Carllon
Gyles , avc '64.
raduate Studies By Martha Lelbbrandt o one can say that Professor Carlton Gyles, OVC '64, does not have a soft spot in his heart for graduate students. After so many years of association with them, the new Dean of Graduate Studies feels attuned to their needs, concerns and aspirations. He is aware and protective of "their real contribution to the academic life of the University." One of his first acts since his appointment as Dean on January I, has been to get together with graduate students and their faculty supervisors to find out how best the University can assist them . During discussions, he is learning about current projects and exploring ways in which the quality of graduate studies programs can be maintained or improved-for "a program to ensure quality, " he says, "is the first priority." At the same time, the new dean has no intention of relinquishing his own research program. As a scientist with an international reputation in bacteriology, he expects to continue his work, not with five graduate students-as he did until a few months ago-but with "perhaps about
Working on both fronts will be "a personal challenge," he says, but is in no way remarkable among deans nowadays. [n early November Dr. Gyles attended a meeting of the Canadian Association of Graduate Schools where he met deans of graduate studies from all over the country , many of whom, like himself, are actively involved in teaching and research. The minute Dr. Gyles begins to talk about his field of study you can tell by his voice and his facial expression how much it means to him. His interest in bacteriology was sparked one summer when, as a student in the Guelph D.V.M. program, he worked under Dr. Art Ferguson, OVC '50 , Department of Clinical Studies, in diagnostic services in the poultry laboratory. A Jamaican , Dr. Gyles felt
bacteriology would be a good field, with ready application when he returned home. During the summer, Dr. Gyles had the opportunity to work with researchers in biology to observe the conduct of research by many O.V.c. faculty including Dr. Don Barnum, OVC '41, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, and his interest in research grew into a permanent commitment. As fate would have it, Dr. Gyles did not return to Jamaica . After receiving his D.V.M. degree from the O .V.c. in 1964, he went on to take an M.Sc. in 1966 and his Ph.D. in 1968, both from the University of Guelph. Following a year in England and Denmark, he became assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology and moved up through the ranks to full professor in 1975, a year in which he was acting associate dean of research a t the O. V.c. for a six-month period . The new Dean's thoughts are never very far away from his graduate students, however, and soon the conversation swings back to them. He talks of Bob Clarke's project, under a three-year W,intario grant supervised by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) to develop a live vaccine for Salmonella typhimurium, also resistant now to antibiotics, and a killer of veal calves. And he speaks of his Iranian graduate student, Jasib Hadad, who is to defend his Ph.D. thesis the following week. The new Dean, however, has little to say a bout himself. Yet from all reports he appears to be a modern equivalent of the Renaissance Man. Good at so many things-tennis, volleyball, cricket-even dancing-he is nevertheless highly respected by his students for his hard work and scholarship while at the same time being universally popular. A firm friend of international students, Dr. Gyles is also honorary president of the West Indian Students' Association as well as honorary president of OVC '79 and '82. His encouragement and support of veterinarians who graduated some two to five years ago, and want to return to Guelph to do graduate work, has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. Does that complete the picture of the University's new Dean of Graduate Studies? Not quite. He is married to the former Kaye Scott of Owen Sound, whom he met one summer when she was studying at Guelph, and they have two children, Carla, aged 15 and 12-year-old Curtis. Oh yes, and the Dean even found time in the Fall semester to take some evening courses: one to improve his French and another in auto mechanics-so he can service his car. 0
ne of the University's 1980 Alma Mater Fund (A.M.F.) campaign folders, entitled "Those Were the Days," has evoked memories of about 51 years ago for W. Harold Minshall, OAC '33. The folder showed a picture, reproduced on this page, of O.A.C. students "on the ledge" of the Old Residence. There was no mention of when the picture was taken, and no identification of the students. We didn't have the data. Dr. Minshall, who is in the picture and who retired, in 1974, as senior plant physiologist from the Canada Department of Agriculture'S Research Institute at London, Ontario, has kindly provided the data in a letter to assistant A.M.F. director, Jamcs J. Elmslie:
On the ledge are: from left, Keith Anderson, '34; Harold Minshall, '33; the late Thomas Freeman, '34; Arthur McNeil, '33; Murray Macklin, '35; the late Edmond Williams, '34; the late Ken Yeager, '31 A, or Douglas Brydon, '33; the late Henrik Waern, '35; Aubrey Buchner, '33 and Earl Bond, '34.
Dear Jim: The snap would have been taken between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 1929. We discarded our "Frosh" ties at Thanksgiving but had to wear our freshman hats until Christmas. I recall the occasion weI/-it was a beautiful Sunday and the residents of "Upper Hunt" in Old Johnston were out on the ledge by the windows of their rooms to have their pictures taken. The ten people in the photo were all freshmen from OAC '31A and OAC '33. They were as follows: (see picture cutline).
Our exit to the ledge was through a hathroom window and, one week later, a group of lads from "Lower Hunt" figured they'd have their pictures taken on the ledge. Somehow. after they were aI/ out on the ledge, the bathroom window suddenly slammed closed leaving them with no alternative but to descend via a fire escape ladder folloWing a precarious walk around the huilding's ledge. Of course. we of "Upper Hunt" were stationed in strategic positions adjacent to thefire escape armed with buckets of water. Not one of them escaped a thorough dousing. Sincerely, W. Harold Minshall, OAC '33,
91, HuronStreet,
London, Ontario, N6A 2H9.
More Dates
From the O.A.C. RevJew. October 1929. "The Old R~sidence is now evacuated, and the first brick was ripped off, without ceremony. about 7 o'clock Monday, September 30th. The wreckers know their business, and the roof and ma ny partitions of the south-east end were removed in the first day. The contract calls for the demolition of the building, and clearing of the wreckage in three weeks, so that ere we go to press agaiI'l all but one wing of the Old Residence will be no more. "We must not regret the change. The builders as they added piece by piece, little expected that it would be called on to withstand all it has already. Progress demands efficiency. and efficiency demands modern appointments and quarters. "We hope that no one regrets this change as an indication of the many instances that the modern world demands replacement of the old. The Ontario Agricultural CoHege has always stood, and should always stand, for progress, for free thinking. for original effort, and this is just another branch into which these tendencies are now directed."
From the O.A.C.. RevJew. November 1929. "The Old Residence, or at least the main part, is now cleared away, and the foundations for the New Residence are neariI'lg completion . Soon this fine new building will be gracing our campus, and we shall look with pride on this visible mark of the advancement of the College."
From The College on the HJII. a history of the Ontario Agricultural College. 1874-1974. by Alexander M. Ross. "On 22 October 1932 the new Administration Building was formally opened by His Excellency, the Governor-General of Canada, Lord Bessborough. The cornerstone had been laid 23 May 1930 by the Honourable G. Howard Ferguson. The stone carries the crest of the college and a Latin motto suggested by Professor L. Caesar: meliora semper in agriculture quaerimus, improvement in agriculture is our aim. The new building marked the end of many old associations with names that were once meaningful to every student: Grub Alley, Upper and Lower Panton, Upper and Lower Hunt, Craig Street, Mill Street, Galbraith Row, and Maidens' Lane." 0
Magnificent By Dr. Roy C. Anderson, Chairman, Department of Zoology, College of Biological Science. he College of Biological Science is now a lively and robust ten-year old. Not bad for a youngster which had an unexpected conception and an uncertain birth. Conception was strictly an internal affair-if not immaculate at least parthenogenetic. There is no evidence that it gave any pleasure to the O.A.C. and the old girl was chagrined to discover in 1970 that she was again pregnant. The birth itself was difficult from beginning to end . Mother was not at first entirely co-operative. Some said she would never survive the ordeal. Others muttered that the child would , in any case, be
stillborn or at best sickly. But the new infant finally appeared and a decade later .both mother and child seem to be doing well. They have their spats now and then but that's to be expected in any healthy family with ties of blood and interest. Better still, they seem to like each other, which is as it should be. Here is their story.
The Conception A few years after the Uni versity was crea ted out of the three founding colleges, it was realized that an administrative
reorgani zation wou ld be required to meet the needs of the rapidly growing institution . Thus arose a Special Committee of Senate, chaired by Burt Matthews, OAC '47, then Vice-President, Academic, which was charged with the task of reviewing and making recommendations about the academic administrative organization of the Uni versity, C.B.S . members who served on the committee were Keith Ronald and John Powell. The committee completed its report on November)) , ) 969 . Among its many recommendations wa s the following : that " . .. a College of Biological Science be
The College of Biological Science's Botany, Genetics and Zoology Building.
established. The College, headed by a dean, would have academic administrative responsibi,lity for teaching, research and continuing education programs in the biological sciences in the fo llowing departments . Botany, Microbiology, Zoology (including Apiculture), Biochemistry and Nutrition (proposed), Genetics (proposed), School of Physical Education." Recommendations contained in the Matthews report were presented to Senate, January 13, 1970. Motions were passed creating Colleges of Arts, Social Science, Physical Science, and Family and Consumer Studies. Before the motion with respect to a College of Biological Science was put forward, however, the dean of the Ontario Agricultura l College moved that the question of a new college be delayed until a study was undertaken of the role and organization of biology at the University. The motion, which was seconded by the dean of the Ontario Veterinary College, passed. The difficulty which had arisen was that, although the O.A .C. wa s prepared to give up Zoology, with the exception of Entomology and Apiculture, it was decidedly unenthused by the proposal that Botany and Microbiology be transferred outside the College . The concern of the O .A.C. was understandable. In both departments there were research and teaching components considered essential to the activities of the O.A.C. In addition , faculty members in both departments were deeply divided between those with strong ties to agriculture and those not directly concerned with agriculture, and they were also reluctant to see their departments split between two colleges . At the same time the O.A .C. was busy reorganizing its ' department structure.
The Lying in Wait On January 27, Senate approved a new committee chaired by Bill Stevens, OAC '58, " .. . to review the role and function of bioiogica'i science in the University and to recommend the most appropriate administrative organization for biological science." C .B.S. members who served on this committee were Craig Alexander, OAC '49, Hugh Dale, Carl Jordan, OAC '50, and myself. The first meeting of the Stevens committee was held on February 12, 1970. The minutes record ominously that "no consensus was reached. . regarding the
role biological science should have at Guelph" and "no consensus was reached regarding the disadvantages of the present administrative organization for biological sciences." Thus began the long and frequently contentious deliberations which brought the C.B .S . into being. The committee met IS times between February 12 and April 30 and forwarded its report to the Executive Committee of Senate. Jncluded in its recommendations were the following: that "there be a College of Biological Science to administer the academic programs in Biological Sciences;" that " the Department of Botany (major portion) remain within the College of Agriculture;" that "the Department of Microbiology join the College of Biologica l Science;" that "the Department of Nutrition join the College of Biological Science;" that "the School of Physical Education join the College of Biological Science and be renamed the School of Human Kinetics" , and that "a Department of Entomology and Apiculture be established in the Ontario Agricultural College."
Birth The Executive Commiltee of Senate, under the wise guidance of President Winegard, altered the above recommendations when they were presented to Senate on June 9, 1970. Thus the following motion was placed on the noor: "that a College of Biological Science be established on January 1st, 1971 to include initially the Department of Zoology (excluding Entomology), the Department of Nutrition, and the School of Physical Education. " The motion was seconded by O.A.C's Dean N .R . (Rick) Richards, OAC '38, "after considerable discussion, the motion was passed." One other motion was passed which was critically important to the future of the C.B.S., namely, ", . that the other matters raised in the repo'rt from the Biology Study Committee be the subject of further consideration by the colleges concerned ." Thus the C.B.S. was approved. A very incomplete college it is true, but the door was left open for it to negotiate with the O .A.C. about matters of mutual interest.
Tying the Umbilicus On January I, 1971 the C.B.S. officially came into existence with myself as acting dean and Pat Greenaway as my
secretary. We were housed in the Department of N utrit,ion. There had been, for severa I mon t hs, vigorous discussion within Botany and Microbiology about the place of the faculty in the scheme of things. Roy Anderson and Dean R ichards finally agreed that there should be a Department of Botany and a Department of Microbio!ogy in the C. B.S. and a Department of Environmental Biology in the O.A.C. These departments were approved by Senate on February 16, This administrative arrangement finally allowed faculty in Microbiology and Bota ny to decide where they belonged. Subsequently faculty members were interviewed by the two deans and asked which college and department they felt was most suitable for them. The administra tion wisely allowed considerable nexibility and one faculty member moved back a nd forth between the C.B.s. and the O .A.C. several times before finding a permanent home. On July I, 1971 Professor Keith Ronald became the first dean of the College, a position he has held with distinction up to the present. A number of subsequent administrative changes completed the C.B.S. as we know it today . On November 16, 197J Senate approved cha nging the name of the Department of Botany to the Department of Botany and Genetics. This recognized the sizeable component of geneticists in the department and also the responsibility of the latter for introductory teaching in this discipline. At the same Senate meeting, the Department of Human Kinetics within the School of Physical Education was approved. Finally on November 2 J, 1978 the name of the School of Physical Education was changed to the School of H um a n Biology.
The Future In the fall of 1971 the C.B.S. had a major responsibility for the education of an estimated 733 undergraduate students. A measure of the College's success is that the comparable figure in 1980 was well over 2,000. In a real sense, therefore, this unique college belongs to its undergraduate biology students who believe that it gives them a focus and identification not found in universities of comparable size, or larger, in Canada. The C.B.S. was created to serve the needs of biology students, and it is thIey who will have to ensure its future in the years ahead . We are confident they will do so . 0
The State of
Athletics at G elph
Gilbert (Gib) Chapman.
By Len Haslam , Promotions and Public Relations Officer, Department of Athletics. thletics plays an important part in campus life at the University of Guelph, and the chore of co-ordinating all athletics programs falls on Director of Athletics, Gilbert "Gib" Chapman and his staff. Chapman , a Houlton, Maine, native, took over the reins as director in August of \978, replacing retiring Bill Mitchell, OAC '38, the man who alumni knew as "Mr. Athletics" at the University for 30 years. Gib Chapman was interviewed just prior to the end of the fall semester and asked about the state of athletics at the University . Since his arrival, there have been changes within the system itself, and he explained what some of them were and his role in them. "My main objective when I came to Guelph was to build on the excellent relationships Bill Mitchell had established over the years," Gib explained. "I had the
good fortune to work with him before, and held him in the highest esteem. The l1ew job was obviously a challenge for me, and, as things worked out, it was a very exciting time in the department as it was being reorganized into an autonomous body holding numerous possibilities." The on-campus programs were in good shape, having one of the highest participation rates per capita in the nation. During the interview process, it was implied that the intercollegiate program, however, needed some re-organization. "The dollar decline, and emergence of sister institutions with higher competitive goals, warranted us to initiate a review of our program. This was accomplished, due to a great deal of work, by the A.A .C. (Athletics Advisory Council) prior to my arrival. Its revised set of aims and objectives provided the task with a very high base from which to proceed ." Any change in program, of course, needs a starting point, and Chapman's first step proved to be a successful one. "We decided to place a higher emphasis on those intercollegiate sports leading to national-Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union (CIAU)-championships, thus giving us more press coverage. On the other hand, we have always had good success in non-CIAU activities, unlike some institutions that were dropping low priorities and putting activities on a club basis. We have attempted to maintain a versatile intercollegiate program for the total student population." Two major changes were made to help give two of the major sports a high profile. Chapman explains one of them. "Football," he notes, "is very important on any campus. It is the highest profile activity in the fall a nd establishes a tone for the entire program for the whole year. One of our steps to provide a high profile at the provincial level was to review overall job descriptions of staff involved. Based on a review, a choice was provided for our incumbent football coach who decided to devote his full time to other job commitments, thus allowing the
department to secure the services of another highly professional and competent full-time football coach. "In the development of a program, it is important to establish contact and rapport with high school coaches, primarily in Ontario. Our new coach, Tom Dimitroff, has been successful in attracting a high quality student athlete to our campus." Another change was made last year when Chapman himself, one of the most successful varsity coaches in Canadian history, took over the men's basketball Gryphons. The squad is currently ranked number five in the nation and boasts a 10-3 exhibition record. Chapman's lifetime record coming into this season was 294 wins against 75 losses. He has coached six all-Canadians, has won a national championship with Acadia, and was named Canadian College Coach of the Year in 1970-71. He points out that recruiting is a key to good teams and plays a large part in the developmen ta I process. "One of the more pleasing returns for our efforts," he states, "has been the continued interest in our program in general, and football in particular, by our alumni. They have assisted us in the identification of student athletes in their local areas and have actively assisted us in influencing the students to attend the University of Guelph. "Attracting quality student ath.Jetes to campus has not only aided our won/lost records, but has renewed campus spirit and enthusiasm. This has been demonstrated by the greatly increased attendance at Gryphon games . "We are particularly pleased that this has been accomplished by attracting people who can combine athletics and academics. We point with pride to the fact that the attrition rate of among our student athletes is much lower than that of the general student population." Chapman has instituted another unique project to involve alumni in Gryphon athletics. "We have attempted to reunite former University athletes and friends of athletics
through the forming of the "Gryphon Club". The objectives of the club are simple and straightforward. We need support both morally and financially to develop our program to national prominence and, at the same time, meet our objective of initiating pride in being a graduate of the University of Guelph. Alumni support in this area has been rewarding and appears to have provided an excellent base on which we can develop our objectives to the highest leve.!." The morc times the University's athletic activities are recognized by the media, the easier it becomes to push the programs. Two years ago, the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League moved their summer training camp to the Guelph campus. "The fact that the Argos train here speaks well for the friendliness of the University community," Chapman points out. "The facilities and the food are excellent here and have received high praise from the players, and yet the team is still close enough to Toronto to maintain relationships with the Toronto media. That in turn has enhanced the image of Guelph in major newspapers and network radio and television. " The Argos have nothing but praise for the facilities on campus and, within three years, may have available to them some new facilities that are currently in the works. It's obvious that exciting things have been happening in athletics since Gib's arrival at Guelph, but he notes that the future definitely holds some more exciting possi bil ities. "This is a very exciting time for our a lhletics program," Gib points out, "several of our intercollegiate teams are in the second stage of development-trying to be the best with respect to the educational concept of 路the pursuit of excellence. This has been greatly enhanced by the recent support of the ~udentbody, through the referendum process, by voting "yes" to their financial support of a proposed major indoor athletics facility. "The potential for such a facility is exciting and challenges the entire Department of Athletics staff and the A.A.C. to develop, even further, a sound framework to build upon." Chapman outlined the proposed facility: "Perhaps the most important phase of the new complex will be the fieldhouse, a large open space allowing a variety of activities to take place at the same time. It not only has possibilities for athletics, but for concerts, conferences and other outside activities. "The second phase includes a rink-so
badly needed on campus-to accommodate the large user groups in ice-related activities and the opportunity to bring intercollegiate games back to the campus. "The third phase will be an additional swimming pool to accommodate the many casuaJ recreational swimmers, and to provide excellent opportunities for expanded instructional programs." The three phases will be joinl:d by a common area including the traditional locker rooms, equipment rooms, concession stands etc., and also, not the least in importance, approximately ten raquet courts to accommodate squash, raquetball and handball enthusiasts. "As you can see, we are very excited about athletics here at the University of Guelph. It has given us great satisfaction to
receive student and administrative support for the Department of Athleti cs' goals. We have an excellent staff, and it is incumbent on each one of them to improve their respective programs. "intercollegiate athletics has come a long way if one measures success by conference championships and all-stars, but we still must work hard to strive to the level of excellence demonstrated by our on-campus programs. The intramural and instructional programs reach the majority of our student population, and I remain amazed at the tremendous amount of enthusiasm generated by the main users of the programs offered-studr:.nts. "Their co-operation and dedication is perhaps the foundation for our programs in future years." 0
News From Guelph
I\~ ~
John Bell.
William Hamilton,
OAC'55. Professor John M. Bell has been ap pointed chairman of the Department of Languages and Literatures. Associated with the University since 1972, Profes sor Bell is a graduate of the Universities of Glasgow, Western Ontario and To ronto and taught at the University of . Calgary before coming to Guelph. His areas of speciality are reflected in his publications, in Greek biography, lyric poetry, and tragedy. Professor Bell has served on the executive of the Classical Association of Canada and, in 1976, was the recipient of an Ontario teaching a ward. For the past two years, Dr. Bell has been a member of the academic consultant team in the University's Office of Edu cational Practice.
William C. Hamilton, OAC '55, of Guelph has been appointed to the Uni versity's Board of Governors by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. The appointment became effective in late 1980 for a period ending January 15, 1983. A lifelong resident of Guelph, Mr. Hamilton is also a graduate of the University of Western Ontario. He is a partner in the law firm of Kearns, McKinnon in Guelph. Mr. Hamilton takes an active part in many community organizations. He is a past president and a past campaign chairman of the Guelph United Way. He is an enthusiastic backstage member of Royal City Music Productions, being
Mark Lapping.
Jack McNiven,
OAC'69. chief carpenter for their production of Oliver in 1979. He is a past governor of Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology. A keen sailor, he also finds recreation in hiking and cross-country skiing, and is a member of the Bruce Trail Association. Mr. Hamilton is married to the former Patricia June Elgie, Mac '55 . They ha ve two sons, Richa rd, a la w student in Montreal and David, a stu dent at Trent University.
Professor Mark B. Lapping has been appointed professor and director of the University School of Rural Planning and Development, effective January I, 1981. He will serve a five-year term . The School was established by Senate as of July I, 1980. Dr. Lapping came to Guelph from the University of Vermont where he was associate director of their environmental program; associate professor of environ mental studies; associate professor of natura I resources planning program, as well as adjunct professor to the Vermont Law School in South Royalton, Ver mont. He received his B.S. degree cum laude from State University of New York, New Paltz in 1967, continued with his graduate work in planning at Columbia University in 1969, received a certificate in regional economics and public body from the Massachusetts In stitute of Technology in 1970 and his Ph.D. in urban/environmental studies
Don Shields,
Robert Sinclair,
OAC'50. OAC'53. from Emory University in Atlanta in 1972.
The Farm Supply Division of Maple Leaf Mills Limited, is pleased to an nounce the appointment of Jack A. McNiven, OAC '69, as Division Control ler. Mr. McNiven also holds an M.B.A . from McMaster University, and re ceived a C.A. degree while articJing at the auditing firm of Price Waterhouse. He has, more recently, held a senior financial management position with the Ingersoll Machine and Tool Co. Ltd. in Ingersoll.Mr. McNiven will be located at the divisional head office in London.
Don Shields, OAC '50, has been appoint ed President of Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology, effective July 1,1981. Currently senior vice-president of the College, Don Shields graduated in Agricultural Engineering. He also holds a Master of Education (History and Philosophy of Education) degree from the University of Toronto (1979). He was na med a dean of t he Col lege when it opened in 1967, and has been vice-president since 1972. Prior to joining Sheridan, he was vice-principal of Emery Collegia te in North York, science department head at Downsview Secondary School and a science teacher at York Mills Collegiate in North York. c() J1{d.
Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Limited, is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Sinclair, OAC '53, to the position of Vice President-Production. Mr. Sinclair assumes responsibility for the manufacturing and processing of various food products at five operating plants located throughout the Province. He has been extensively involved in dairy processing and milk producer or ganizations in the past 25 years and, most recently, held a senior manage ment position with the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. Gay Lea Foods, a producer-owned co-operative, is a major supplier of but ter, milk powder, meats, cultured dairy and edible oil products to the retail, industrial and food service industries. 0
Dine With HAFA Explore classic cuisines during the win ter doldrums with Hotel and Food Ad ministration (HAFA) students in their new restaurant operations course. Advanced hotel and food adminis tration students have been preparing and serving foods from key periods in the development of haute cuisine on Thurs day evenings during February and will continue to do so during March. Three meals that have been prepared, for ex ample, have been Italian Renaissance, classical French and Cantonnese. For each meal the student management team begin with a bare dining room in which they create the desired ambience in a limited time. While the outcome of this course is a restaurant serving distinctively differ ent foods once a week, the purpose of the course is the development of the students' managerial skills. It gives them the opportunity to apply theories learned in their hotel school courses 'such as hotel and restaurant management, food cost accounting, marketing-and other subjects as well. The meals are served in Room 116 in the Hotel and Food Administration Buil.ding and parking is available in front of the building . Reservations are a necessity and the prices of the meals will be competitive with restaurants in the area. If you wish to find out more about these meals, or desire to make a reserva tion, call 824-4120, Extn. 8116. 0
Nominations Sought for Two UGAA Alumni Awards The Honours and Awards Committee of the University of Guelph Alumni Asso cIatIon invites nominations for the Alumnus of Honour and the Alumni Medal of Achievement . The A'i umnus of Honour was estab lished to recognize, annually, the alum nus who has brought great honour to his or her Alma Mater and fellow alumni through significant contribution to one or more of the following: a national cause for Canada; service to the com munity, the world of science or educa tion; leadership in business, industry, or alumni affairs . The Alumni Medal of Achievement was established to recognize a recent graduate (within the past ten years) who brings distinction to his or her Alma Mater through contributions to country, community or profession. Each nomination should contain the nominee's full name, address, business affiliation and title, year of graduation, details of family , alumni affairs par ticipation, contributions and achieve ments in general, which in your opinion entitle the nominee to the award, and any other additional information which may assist the selection committee.
Nominations should provide infor mation about nominees with respect to activities outside the nominee's profes sional life and, as well, supporting infor mation from other colleagues, friends, community leaders, service clubs, etc. could be considered with the nomina tions . The nominee should NOT be ad vised of the nomination. Individuals who are presently active members of the U.G.A.A. Board of Directors or who are employed full time at the University of Guelph should not be considered for these awards. All nominees must be living at the time of nomination. Nominations which have been made within the last five years will be updated and considered by the selection commit tee along with new nominations re ceived. Nominations are held in confi dence. Please forward your nomination by May I, 1981 to Mrs . Anne Vaughan, Chairman, Honours and Awards Com mittee, University of Guelph Alumni Association, Department of Alumni Af fairs and Development, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N I G 2W 1.0
CODling Events
March Counselling Days for Prospective Students. Parents and Friends Also Invited.
Ontario Institute of Agrologlsts Annual Convention, Huron Park.
O.A.C. Alumni Association Annual Curling Bonsplel.
4-10 11
May June
9 19-21 20
A.A.H.A. Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Alumni Pancake and Maple Syrup Day at the Arboretum. Green Thumb Day and Guelph Spring Festival Concert at the Arboretum Centre. Alumni Weekend. Annual Meetings: O.A.C., Mac-FACS, O.V.C., Arts, C.S.S., C.P.S. and U. of G. Alumni Associations and Friends of U. of G., Inc.
The College o f Physical Science Alumni Association
Editor: Bob Winkel.
Thr ee MeVs For Research
By M ary Cocivera Guelph research scien tists of different persuasions have discovered a powerful analytical tool in the Van de Graaff accelerator in the Department of Phys ics. The three million electron volt (MeV) instrument has been used to analyze for trace elements and contami nants in human hair; to characterize the surfaces of solar cell electrodes; to study a variety of materials and to investigate dilute alloys and polymer coatings. The Van de Graaff techniques, all based on the interactions between sub atomic particles (ions) and a solid, are being applied to fields as diverse as electrochemistry and biomedical re search. Tucked in its basement laborato ry, the Van de Graaff prese nts an im posing appearance, surrounded by com puter terminals, vacuum equipment and an assortment of technical accessories. Physics professor Jack MacDonald says that its versatility depends on this ancil laryequipment. With a three million electron volt capacity, Guelph's Van de Graaff accel erator is dwarfed by the state-of-the-art 35 MeV instruments now being built. Howev er, the modest sized instrument on campus will be ideal for many basic resea rch inquiries an d analy tical ap plications. Regardless of size, all Van de Graaff accelerators do bas ically the same thing: they accelerate ions to high velocities and direct the resulting beam down a tube to a target. The higher the capacity of the instrument, the faster the particles travel and the higher their energy. As the particl es strike the target several different processes can ta ke place, each one the basis for a resea rch technique. Scatte r i ng High-energy particles striking the target cause X-rays to be emitted from t.he target materi a l. The energy of the
X-rays are characteristic of specific ele ments and the number of X-rays is proportional to th e amount of that ele ment present in the sample. Scattering can detect precisely the prese nce and location of small quantities of metals , s uch as impurities in dilute alloys or environmental contaminants. Professor MacDonald and chemis try professor Ron Fawcett are using scattering to determine the spatial com position of a cadmium sulfide (CdS) layer that ha s been deposited onto elec trodes for use in solar cells. Professor Fawc ett developed a technique for de posi ting the CdS semiconductor electro chemically. The photoelectrical properties of the cadmium sulfide film can be im proved if small amounts of other ele ments such as selenium , thallium or indium are deposited along with the cadmium s ulfide. The sca ttering tech nique can determine precisely the dis tribution of these elements in the surface film . Improved photoelectric properties would res ult in a more efficient solar cell that could absorb a larger fraction of the incident solar e nerg t
PIXE The versatile Van de Graaff is contributing to nutrition research. Fami ly Studies professo r Rosalind Gibson and Physi cs professor lain Campbell have deve loped a m ethod to analyze for trace elements using a single strand of hair. In the Proton Induced X-ray Emis sion ( PIXE) method, the ion beam in the Van de Graaff is focu ssed down to a beam a mere 250 microns in diameter. Scanning the length of the hair reveals th e ch a nging concentrations of trace minerals, such as copper , zinc and iron or environmental contaminants such as lead and arsenic. Professor Gibson is interested in monitoring the changing trace element
status of low birth weight and full term infants, both during gestation and infan cy. She is also interested in monitoring trace element status of pregnant women an d patients on certain drug thera pies that may interfere with the absorption of trace nutrients. That a precise analysis can be done with a si ngle hair is a big advantage; doctor s are understandab ly reluctant to allow extensive blood sam pling in very tiny infan ts. For the past year Professors Camp" bell and Gibson have been deve loping a method of compensating for the change in diameter of the hair strand from the roo t to the tip. The resultant technique utilizes a lase r to measure the hair diameter while the Van de Graaff sca n is taking place. Professor Gibson ob serves that most investiga tor s who have worked with hair a nalysi s have n't wor ried about this change in diameter which may effect the interpretation of the result s. Professo r Gibson plans to use PIXE to analyze blood samples for elements that a re difficult to detect with conven tion a l methods. The Van de Graaff has led to productive co-ope ration between physics and other disciplines. -It also promises to facilitate interdisciplinary work with scienti s ts in other uni vers ities a nd in industry. Both undergra duate and grad uate s tudent s would benefit from COrl fronting the "real" problem s that emerge from this type of interaction. As for the accelera tor-after 20 years of use in an industri al laboratory, it has a new lea se on life in the base ment of the Physica l Sciences building. Many months of work by technici a ns and re· sea rch associates in Physics went into ins talli ng " the bea st" and getting it ready to perform the variety of roles expected of it. Students, physicists and other researchers wi 'li reap the benefits of this essential research facility. 0
Ted Newton's Retirement By Martha Llebbrandt Over 80 colleagues , family members and friends gathered last fall to pay tribute to Professor T.D. "Ted" Newton, found ing chairman of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and a prime mover in the formative days of the University. Dr. Newton retired Septem ber 30. Since coming to Guelph in 1966, Dr. Newton's "common sense," "precise mind" and his ability to "zero in on the crux of the mailer" and "get rid of all the red herrings" have been felt on numerous commillees engaged in mak ing fundamental decisions about the fu ture direction of the University, say colleagues. Dr. Ncwton came to Guelph from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at Chalk River where he had worked for 17 years as a senior research officer study ing aspects of nuclear structure. Following a B. A. in honors mathe matics and physics and an M.A. in
physics from the University of British Columbia and an M.A. in applied math cmatics from the University of Toronto, Professor Newton was awarded a United States Research Council predoctoral fel lowship to Princeton and received his Ph. D. in mathematical physics under distinguished scholar, Professor E.P. Wigner, in 1949. Under his chairmanship, the De partment of Mathematics and Statistics grew from the four faculty members of the original O.A.c. Department of Physics and Mathematics to 33 mem bers by the time of his retirement as chairman in 1975. As chairman, Dr. Newton saw his main task as trying " to build a Depart ment of Ma thematics and Statistics and orient both sections towards applied work." At a time when it might have been a temptation to push for an extend ed graduate program, Professor Newton opted instead to produce undergraduate programs that were first-class, recalled former Guelph president, Dr. William Winegard. "He wanted professors to concentrate on good teaching at the undergraduate level; and on research.,"
Dr. J. W Murray, Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, right, with the chairman of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Professor WR. Smith. Dr. Murray was a recent Winegard Visiting Professor in the Department. During his stay he delivered a well-attended public lecture, "How the Leopard Got Its Spots and Other Biomedical and Ecological S tories." In his seminar he illustrates how mathematical modelling can shed light 011 the fact that spots appear only on large animals. As the dimensions of the creature becomes smaller or as the dimension of an appendage becomes smaller, the spots become continuous. Thus leopards have spots on their bodies but have stripes around their tails. Mice never have spots. 0
Dr. Winegard added. Dr. Newton served for some seven years on the B.Sc. Program Commillee. He also worked on the Senate Bylaws Commillee whose task, in 1966, was to modify and adapt the University of Toronto senate bylaws, then in use here, to conditions at Guelph. The commillee also recommended the creation of Boards of Graduate and of Undergradu ate Studies, which, says Professor New ton, became like smaller versions of Senate and facilitated its work. Para mount was the desire to avoid an un wieldy Senate, as at so many Canadian un iversi ties. The former Department chairman was also instrumental in the establish ment of the Institute of Computer Sci ence and the selection of its first direc tor, Professor Kats Okashimo. He was also involved in the purchase of new computing equipment and in determin ing the future direction of the Institute into remote terminals, time-shared sys tems and interactive computing. When the academic program in computing science was removed from Maths. and Stats. to the new Depart ment of Computing and Information Science, Dr. Newton's "foresight and generosity" were again evident, says Dr. Okashimo. The laller, and the late Professor Wallace Fraser, designed the program while Professor Newton pro vided the "philosophy" and steered the curriculum through Senate. In 1968, Dr. Newton was elected the first faculty representative on the Board of Governors. He served until 1973. He also served on the Appraisals Commillee of the Ontario Council for Graduate Studies as a member and chairman . Former Dean of Graduate Studies, Herb Armstrong, says Professor Newton 's "meticulous care" in discharg ing his duties, meant that he became well known and respected at other uni versities. The computing la boratory on the fifth noor of the Physical Science build ing has been named "The T.D. Newton Computing Laboratory." A plaque, stat ing this, was presented to Dr. Newton at the dinner, along with a tape casselle deck. His wife, Elspeth, who drew her own accolades for her hospitality over the years, received a set of wine glasses. The Newtons will continue to live in Guelph. 0
icultural Co llege Alumni Association
More About William Johnston
was pointed out that very little is known of this remarkable man. Now, through the interest of Thom as Hawke, '45, the O.A .C. Alumni As sociation has received details of what we have every reason to believe is the family background of this m"n. Proof positive that William Johnston was the son of David Johnston (mentioned be low) has yet to be uncovered, bu t every thing points in that direction. From the point of view of the University, this material is of interest in two other aspects-the Scottish background and the educational background. Thomas Hawke obtained the following through an inquiry in the pages of the Cobourg
William Johnston.
The Summer 1980 issue of the Guelph Alumnus reported the ceremonies at the Ontario Agricultural Museum last June when the O .A.C. Alumni Association's nominee was one of the first group to be enrolled in the Ontario Agricuhural Hall of Fame. He was William Johns ton, after whom Johnston Hall is named. and the first real president (1876-1879) and certainly the man who charted the successful future of the new School of Agriculture and Experimental Farm in Guelph. In the Guelph Alumnus article it
"David Johnston was appointed to teach at No. I Court House School in 1860 and remained in the employ of the local (Cobourg) School Board for the next 20 years. He );}ad apparently been hired to replace the first teacher, a Miss Stickles, at the request of the parents who apparently wanted a male teacher for their youngsters. "In those days, the sa,l aries of teachers came from a modest stipend from the Board, and from dues paid by the students enrolled. In 1863, the re cords show that the school had 767 pupils, of whom 147 were ' indigent' , and was short some $38 in fees. The Board voted a gratuity of $38 to Mr. Johnston for '. . his very faithful services and the very flourishing state of his school.' "Mr. David Johnston must have been a remarkable man in other ways. In 1865, when the Board became short of funds, it borrowed $200 from their teacher and this loan was extended through 1866. Since teachers were poor ly paid in the 1860s, it is obvious that
Mr. Johnston was either a man of some means or a remarkably astute business man. The 1860 period was one of finan cial trouble in Cobourg, with its expen sive new Victoria Hall but no longer any hope of becoming the Capital of Cana da. "His s.trong position in the town is further demonstrated by the fact that he was able to close his school two weeks early so that he could make a trip back to Scotland during the holidays ' . .. for the benefit of his health.' Three years later , he was again given leave of ab sence-this time to return to Scotland to visit his eldest son who was dangerously ill. The Board expressed their sympathy. At this time William Johnston was at tending the University of Edinburgh where he obtained a second degree. "When David Johnston submitted his resignation to the Board in 1879, after 20 years of service, they accepted it ' . . . with our grateful sense of your faithful work and its inestimable value. We regret the circumstances that render it necessary to break the tie which has so long bound us in a common interest, and acknowledge that one who has stamped the impress of his thoughts and actions upon more than a generation of young girls and boys, is fairly ent,i tled to a respite from the further cares and re sponsibilities of the school room .' "Everything points to the conclu sion that William Johnston, of O.A.C. fame, was indeed the eldest son of David Johnston, schoolmaster of Cobourg. They were a very faithful, effective and dedicated pair, an excellent example of the immense contribution made to On t"rio by the Scots and the Scottish devotion to education and good citizen ship." 0
In the '20s ...
; ;...-
it Was a Case of "One Spud - One Herring" • • •
Among a certain group of Canadians, the words "chemical fertilizer " have come to have a bad odour. To hear them talk, the only way to grow things is with some more "natural" assistance. John E. Mcl ntyre, ' 21, knows dif ferently for he was one of the pioneers in the use of modern farm methods in New Brunswick back in the '20s and '30s when fertilizing and fertilizers were real ly an unknown quantity . He wrote: "Along the shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, fishing for cod, salmon, lob sters, herring and other fish occupied many during the summer months and it was common practice to use lobster bodies-what was left when the salable sections were removed - for top dressing field s, or herring for growing potatoes by planting them in rows on the basis of one spud- one herring. "Unfortunately, this method of fer tilizing did nothing to improve the fla vour of the potato. As a matter of fact, I recall once bringing home some early harvested herring-produced potatoes. My wife cooked them and, after she had taken her first mouthful, she stopped ea ting, set the potatoes aside and said, ' When I want fish and potatoes, I'll get the fish from the fish market.' "An earlier experience came about in the great potato growing region of the
St. John River valley, where the indus try at that time had a number of serious problems: diseases, unsuitable varieties, marketing difficulties and the most cost ly problem , that of suitable fertilizers. (John was there as an undergraduate assistant before going to Guelph to com plete his degree. Ed .) "In those days, in spite of the fact that fertilizers were in common use, very few farmers knew anything about the chemistry of the materials they were using. Most of the mixtures on the market were of low analysis and loaded with sand and other cheap fillers. Strangely, the mixtures containing guano were more popular because of their high odour. The French farmers had a name for them, 'Ia peste', which translates as 'stink' in English. The higher the odour, the better the mix was supposed to be. "Since most of the fertilizers were then sold under brand names with little emphasis on formurae, the cost of N-P-K to the farmer was exorbitant and it wasn 't long before a reaction, pion eered by the Maritime Farmer maga zine published in Sussex, New Bruns wick, took place. "An organization known as Agri culture Societies United was formed to pool the orders of various societies, buy
wholesale from the best source of sup ply, and deliver the chemicals, at cost, to the farmers for home mixing. I recall that the first large potato grower I managed to get to mix his own, saved himself over $3,000 on the amount he would have had to pay for the equivalent chemicals ready mixed . "Mixed fertilizers, even of the same formula sold by various manufacturers, were not exactly alike, nor did they produce the same results. I recall an unusual accident in 1919. Some Ontario manufacturers, unable to secure their potash requirements from European sources, got theirs from Trona, Cali fornia, and used it in the potato fertiliz ers they sold in New Brunswick, not realizing that the Trona materials con tained a high percentage of boron . "The results were disastrous, and a lot of claims and lawsuits followed as many users got little or no crop. "As a witness to many of the ruined fields, I took a particular interest in chemical fertilizers and learned all I could about their respective effects on various crops and soils, their origin, costs and distribution . This knowledge served me well in later years as the Atlantic representative of The Potash Co. of Canada, as secretary of the Maritime Fertilizer Council and . Mari time Plant Food Producers, and even as agriculture agent for the Canadian Na tional Railways. "Having acquired considerable ex perience with the use of chemical ferti lizers while doing summer extension work in the St. John River potato area previous to graduation at Guelph, it was natural for me to use my knowledge to help the farmers in north-east New Brunswick. I started first by assisting the local agriculture societies in pooling their orders, and purchasing their chem ical requirements at cost. "In those days nitrogen was avail able mostly as either nitrate of soda from Chili, or sulphate of ammonia from the nearest coke ovens. Phosphates came mostly from processed Florida rock phosphate and usually in the form of 16 per cent superphosphate. Potash came mostly from Germa n or French mines, in the form of 50 per cent muriate of potash. These were the usual materials ordered for home mixing. "However, in the choice of ni trogeneous materials especially, price conrd. over
coned. was always a factor, and I recall an unusual incident one year when, on account of the much higher price for nitrate nitrogen, only sulphate of ammo nia was ordered. So one prominent farmer near Bathurst, who had done some home mixing before, proceeded as customary to mix his materials on a barn floor next to a mow of hay and, having saved all his winter wood ashes, he figured they would make not only a suitable filler, but would also supply additional potash and quick acting lime which would benefit acid soils. So into the mix went several barrel!s of dry ashes. "In no time at all the pile began to generate a mmonia fumes which became so intense he had to get out of the barn. The whole side of the mow became bleached and the mixture gradually hardened almost like cement. "The farmer was not only puzzled but became furious and the next morn ing my first visitor was this man in a real bad mood. He wanted to know what kind of 'damn stufr had been ordered this spring. "When I got his story from him, I explained it was his error in mixing in the wood ashes as filler , as the quick lime in dry wood ashes combined with the ammonia in ammonium sulphate and created a chemical reaction releas ing the ammonia in the fertilizer. His reaction was, 'Well, you didn't tell me not to" Fortunately he was able, with a very heavy hammer, to pulverize the caked material and use it, minus, of course, a lot of nitrogen. "In those days, trial demonstrations were necessary in some of the more backward areas. "I recall once while I was assisting a small farmer on the application of fertilizers to his potatoes, an aged neigh bor came over out of curiosity and, after watching a while, remarked for all to hear , 'You're wasting your time, that gray powder will never grow potatoes.' So I invited him to keep an eye on the growing crop, and at digging time we promised to have him come over and see for himself. "We kept our word, and when the old gent saw the nice well-sized potatoes come out of the ground, he said, 'Well I'll be darn, I wouldn't have believed it. Next year I'll get a gallon'." 0
Nominations Please
At the faculty party held each spring for staff of the O.A.C., the O. A.C. Alumni Association has presented an annual award to a teacher selected from among the names suggested. Coupled with ihis award is the Waghorne Teaching Fel ,Iowship, funded by family and friends of the late Professor Dick Waghorne, '40, who spent his entire career as a teacher of chemistry at O.A.C. The purpose of these awards is to recognize teaching staff for their effec tiveness in the classroom in getting their subject across to the student. The com mittee making the selection bases its choice on information submitted by those supporting a candidate. The deadline to receive such nomi nations is the end of March. Any grad, or class, wishing to put forward a nomination should forward it to Dick Ellis, '46, Secretary, O.A.c. Alumni Association, Co-ordinator, S pe cial Projects, Office of Educational
Practice, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N I G 2W I. A form upon which to organize the information is available from him. The nomina tion should describe the courses taught in thc 1976 ·77, 1977-78 and 1978-79 college scmesters, the per centage of the nominee \ time which is given to teaching, to research and to extension, and the proportions of that time which is devoted to undergraduate, graduate and diploma students. To this :;hould be added the personal reasons upon which the nomination is based - the reaction the nominator has experi enced. the l.earning spark ignited by the teacher, etc. All aspects of teaching effectiveness are considered except the size of the class. Previous winners of this award in clude Professors Forshaw, Pengelly and Arnott. A recipient may not receive the a ward a second time. 0
A Pile of Proof
There is a pile of press clippings in the Johnston Hall office of Professor M ike Jenkinson, '63. It came from the press clipping service working for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Toronto and indicates the newsworthi ness of a specific press release from the University. Each year, Professor Jenkinson makes a survey of the grads of '67 and later on to ascertain the ir Job situations, salaries and progress. T his information is compiled into a report which is then used in planning course changes or other responses by the University to the changing world around it. A press release is also prepared from this report and distributed to the news media across the country. The response to such a release (that is, does it get into print or does it end up in the editor's wastebasket) is a very accurate measure of what the media think of the O.A.C. and the University. That pile of
press clippings is proof positive that the O .A.C. and its graduates are important to Onta rio. The news release pointed out that grads going into agriculture are increas ing. Recent classes provided nearly twiee as many grads for agricultural industries as did classes in 1979. One grad in three now goes in that direction. Employment prospects are excellent , Professor Jen kinson pointed out, with starting salaries around $15,000 per year- more than double the rate of just ten years ago. The release also pointed out that the number of women grads in agricul ture has increa sed enormously during the past decade. They now make up more than one third of a class. This one item - that women grads are accepted and employed - may itself have caught the concerned eye of those editors. Whatever the reason, the O.A.C. is very much a hot news item for the Ontario news media. 0
Proud Records T he fierce loyalty to their alma mater, and the considerable degree of participa tion in its affairs on the part of O.A.C. grads, is a matter of some envy among other colleges and university alumni around Ontario. While the O .A .C. has been accused of being inbred, or lacking in a broader vision from time to time, there can be no doubt that its graduates havc played a larger-than-life role in their professions and in their communities. The typical grads have shown a strong sense of commitment to public service and a keen sense of responsibility towards improving the lot of their fellow citizens. A I:arge proportion have direct ed their working days to some form of research, as agricultural representatives, as fieldmen for agriculturally oriented businesses, and as teachers in high schools and universities. Here are just two examples from among the thousands of such careers which grads from 1875 on have pursued. Wilfrid livingston, ' 23, was a teacher for nearly all of his life, and Bob McKercher, '31, was a farmer. They both passed on during the latter months of 1980, but left behind them a record of which every "Aggie" should be proud. It would be an interesting sociologi cal study to seek out the reasons for this type of life style in O. A .C . grads. No doubt high on the list of reasons would be thc family backgrounds and tradi tions of the young people who came to the University from rural Ontario in the past decades. Records have been kept of this information and they reveal that fui'Iy 85 per cent or more of the undergraduates came from the rural W.A.S.P. families who pioneered this province. Many stu dents were the third or fourth generation from those hardy folk who built Ontario from nothing. The Scots contribution is evident. From such backgrounds grew a sense of responsibility and public duty. That sense never seemed to interfere in their love of a joke or a good time, for the College records are filled with sto ries of the pranks common among both the teaching staff and the students.
But these students also knew what hard work was, for they had been work ing since they were old enough to hold a hoe or a fork. They had the "Protestant Ethic" in spades. To that was added the Scot's reverence for learning and the ability to handle anything that life could throw at them. Wilfrid Livingston was born in the eastern Ontario village of Frankville, the son of pioneers on both sides of his family. He attended the old Athens High School when that meant consider able sacrifice. Those were the days when the 'little rural cheese factory was the characteristic s·i ght in that part of On tario. When he came to Guelph, it was to join those dasses who swelled the cam pus after the First World War. He came out wi,th his B.S.A., in 1923, in the midst of a postwar depression. Jobs were scarce but he was able to find a spot in northern New York State and then at the Leamington plant of the H .J. Heinz Co. The future looked dim so a change in plans was made-he entered the On tario College of Education. Taking a job first in Fort William, he came south to Brockville in 1929 where he eventually became head of science and agriculture at the Brockville Collegiate Institute. Then came a period of eight years operating a chicken hatchery before re turning to teaching in 1952. With post ings to a number of schools, he ended up as head of science for three years at Elliot Lake. He returned to Brockville to retire in 1962. So much for his life's work . Equally important were the public services he performed. He was a member of the board and of the session at Wall Street United Church, secretary and treasurer of the Brockville Rotary Club and, for many years, active in the local unit of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Last June, he attended the 57th annual reunion of the class of '23, during Alumni Weekend. Following his sudden death at the age of 84, his wishes and those of the family were that any memorial tributes should be contributed to his church, the
C.N.I.B. or other charities. When Bob McKercher graduated in 1931, the depression years were upon us. Aside from some part-time work as a short-course teacher, he spent his entire life on the family farm at Dublin, which was purchased by his grandparents In 1861. The family could be described as being as Scottish as the kilt. Coming from Perthshire in 1856, his grandfather worked for other farmers until he was able to lay down the $1,200 purchase price in good hard cash. It took him 20 years to bring the farm into a state that would allow him to take a wife and raise a family. Farm organization leadership and the name of Bob McKercher are almost synonymous. His first appearance at group action by farmers dates from childhood, when he attended meetings of the Seaforth Farmers' Buying Club with his father. As the club grew, a more formal . organization was needed. In 1942 it was reformed as the Seaforth Farmers' Co operative. During these important growth years, Bob McKercher was on hand to give this farmer-owned business guidance and strong support. However, his interest in group ac tion extended well beyond co-operatives. When working as a. part-time employee for the Ontario Department of Agricul ture, he was on hand to give advice at the first meeting of the Peterborough Federation of Agriculture. That was in 1939. Working with the Federation in his own county, he was president in both 1951 and 1952. He was also a governor of the provincial Federation. His first office in a provincial co operative was in 1958, when he was elected a director of the United Dairy and Poultry Co-operative. He became a director of the United Co-operatives of Ontario in 1960. As a U.C.O. director, he was appointed to the board of Co operators Insurance Association, now c.r.A.G. Within a year he became sec ond vice-president and later, in 1967, the company's president. This was a time of great change in farm organizations and the decision was made at U.C.O. ,to make the great leap forward that has brought the company to its preserll size and power. This was
comd. over
conld. Bob's dream , for he fervently believed that the future of farming in Ontario lay in strong farmer organization and the ability to offset the strengths of other organized sectors of the economy. His were the views of a carefu!' planner, and before he sa id anything, he was inclined to do a lot of thinking and then his ideas were uttered in well-chos en words. On occasions he could be described almost as profound. Bob's position among Ontario farm er leaders was best illustrated by the overnowing crowd who gathered from all over Ontario for the last rites in the Seaforth United Church, the church so beautifully re-decorated by the con gregation lead by a committee that included Bob himself. Yes, you can be proud to be an "Aggie." 0
Ian White,'69A Memorial Scholarship A letter from William E. ( Bill) Morri son, '68A, associate professor with the Department of Kinonthropology at the University of Ottawa , advised us of the Ian White Memorial Scholarship which has been set up at York University, Downsview , Ontario . Ian White, '69A, who died early in 1980. was the chief technician in the area of graphics at York and this is the reason for esta blishing the scholarship in the Visual Arts Department. Ian played for the foo tball Gryphons, and was very much involved with in tramurals while at Guelph. He was truly dedicated to the game. The scholarship, an annual award given to a second- or third-year student in the graphics area in the Department of Visual Arts at York, is based on excellence in graphics studies with a miriimum B average . Donations may be made by cheque, payable to York University, and should be mailed to the attention of Fern Rein crs, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Downsview, Ontario M3J I P3. 0
Wolf, '6 1
the difficult tra nsition from student teacher to teacher. Elgin is a leader in the faculty's development and continua,1 revision of courses in science education. He has also done a grea t deal of work in instituting a Masters' Degree in Teach ing (Science) at the faculty. Throughout his ca reer, Elgin has promoted the Science Teachers' Associ ation of Ontario, its constitution and its membership. He has always had a strong innuence on those who know him by encouraging them to become actively involved. As a result of his efforts the Association has continued to develop a nd grow to its presen t effect ive, viable and innuential state. 0
T.J. Elgin Wolfe, '61, is the first person to receive the new Science Teachers' Associa tion of Ontario Award for teach ing excellence in science. The award recognizes 18 years of devotion to the better teaching of ~ci ence in Ontario secondary schools. Elgin began this career as a science teacher in Downsview . In 1967, he became the associate co-ordinator of science for the North York Board of Education but moved on to the Faculty of Education, University of Toronto, as assistant It may well be that the first formal professor the following year. courses in agriculture as a college sub Professor Wolfe was president of ject in Canada were given by George the Science Teachers' Association in Buckland , the then newly appointed 1972. He has written a laboratory guide professor of agriculture at University on wave particle quality, prepared a College, Toronto, during the winter of film strip kit on understanding energy, 1852/53. The College had begun an a nd is co-author of Physical Science "experimental farm" area on its proper an Introduclionary SlUdy. ty on the outskirts of that city just a few Throughout his teaching career, El hundred yards west of Queen 's Park. gin's focus was in rela ting scientific At the meeting of the Agriculture a nd Arts Association that spring, the concepts to the experience of his stu dents. He always wished to assist stu Association's president, Mr. Matthie of dents in mastering concepts and to de Brockville, announced that he was velop in them a desire to achieve excel forced to resign through ill health and lence. Elgin is a master of the Socratic he wished to complete the disposition of method. His students are given a wide the fund s he had given for special prizes range of techniques and strategies in at the previous September exhibition. volved in science and a re encouraged to His wish was th at the balance of six pounds and ten shillings remaining from develop and try new approaches. As associate co-ordinator in science, his 50 pound donation for special prizes Elgin assisted teachers in writing a should be given to the student in grade II physics course and in curricu the agricultural class at University Col lum revision at different levels. Other lege who should pass the best examina tion at the close of the course. " duties were laboratory design, induction of heads a nd chairmen of science de The prize was won by a J.E. Sand erson ". . son of a farmer and a junior partments and liaison with higher learn sophist. " While the amount of money ing institutions. does not seem large today, it should be At the Faculty of Educa tion, his guidance and assistance have proved remembered that six pounds in 1853 was invaluable in the areas of teacher effec the price of an acre of top quality farml and just outside Toronto. 0 tiveness in the classroom and in easing
Firs t Agricultural Scholarship?
The Co llege of Arts Alumni Association
5Ju! ~ DELPHA Editor: Debbie (Nash) Chambe rs, '77.
the Acting Dean
Dr. David Murray.
I want to thank the editor of DELPHA, Debbie Chambers, '77 , for the invitation to contribute to this issue. Alumni of the College of Arts, I know, would want to associate them selves with the faculty and students in acknowledging Professor Tom Settle's service as dean during the past five years. His colourful, and sometimes con troversial, personality has been promi nent in many University activities. He worked very hard to improve the faculty policies of the University and to enhance the scholarly activities of the College. He also took a strong personal interest in the academic achievements of our students, initiating, among other things, the College of Arts Academic Recogni tion Luncheon. After a welcome opportunity for intellectual re-charging in southern France this coming spring, Tom will return to full-time teaching and research in the Department of Philosophy. At a reception in honour of Tom and his new wife, Mia, last June, we presented them with a painting of their home, "Onset ," by Professor Alan Austin of the Depart ment of English. On your behalf, I thank Tom and wish him well. The College recently has had to say
goodbye to one of its most distinguished humanists, Percy Smith, who retired this summer. Percy served as academic vice president of the University for six years- from 1970 to 1976. He taught in and was a member of, successively, the Departments of English and Drama. He was continually available to students and faculty alike for wise counsel, en couragement and intellectual stimula tion. His warm wit and bubbling sense of humour enlivened innumerable meet ings. Retirement will be just another change of career for Percy, but in the College of Arts, as in the rest of the University, we will miss him very much. One of the most pleasant tasks I have had as acting dean was to host a luncheon in November for scholarship winners. I was delighted that Judith Carson, '75, president of your Alumni Association, could make a special trip from Toronto to attend and to make the first presentation of two new awards, both financed by' alumni funds. The DELPHA Award went to a student entering a master's or doctoral program with the highest cumulative average in the last four semesters of the undergrad uate program. On this inaugural occa sion we were doubly fortunate to have joint winners, John Cassidy, '80, from History and Joyce Ferguson, '79, from Philosophy. The other award, entitled the Arts Alumni Scholarship, is given to a part time student who has completed 25 courses with the highest cumulative average. john Lockhead was the happy winner. His enthusiasm for his courses and for part-time studies was evident to everyone at the lunch . I asked Judith Carson to express the College's grati tude to our alumni for making these awards possible. At a time when univer sities are under severe financial con straints, your support is very heartening indeed. Speaking of scholarship winners, graduate students in History last year
ha ve collected t he richest harvest of provincial and national awards since the Department's creation. Beverly Lemire, '79, is the first Guelph student to win the J.H. Stewart Reid Memorial Fellow ship awarded by the Canadian Associa tion of University Teachers. The De partment has another reason to share Beverly's pleasure. Professor Richard Reid, who teaches in the Department, is the son of J.H. Stewart Reid in whose memory the Fellowship was created. Two History doctoral students, David Howie and Elizabeth Bloomfield, have achieved a double first for the Department, each winning one of the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Scholar ships. Only six were awarded in the province last year and they went to doctoral students in the Humanities and Social Sciences "of exceptional calibre who are nearing the completion of a doctoral program in an Ontario universi ty. " The only two Commonwealth Scholarships currently being held in Canada by overseas students working in History are at Guelph. Stewart Gill and Elizabeth Morgan, both from Great Britain are doing their doctoral work at Guelph in Scottish Hi story. We are del ighted to have them with us. A former Guelph student, Stephen Beecroft, '80, the winner of the College of Arts medal last year, has won a Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship and is now at Cambridge University, England. All these students deserve our congratulations. Their collective achievement is remarka ble. I n his last letter to you as dean, Tom Settle referred to plans for a possi ble merger of the Colleges of Arts and Social Science. I am pleased to be able to tell you that all plans for a possible merger have been shelved for the forsee able future. We can now look ahead knowing that the College of Arts will continue to exist as the home of the humanities at Guelph. Our tasks remain what they have conld. over
conld. always been; to enhance the quality of our teaching programs, to continue the scholarly work which in so many areas of the College already has yielded signif icant results, and to foster the Humani ties both within the College and in the University at large. The challenge facing us is to accomplish these with little or no increase in funds and people. Innovation and ingenuity will be basic requirements for all of us in the next few years. As a faculty member and as acting dean, I thank those dedicated a,l umni who work with the College Alumni Association, DELPHA, and those many people who contribute to assist our aca demic work. We are most appreciative of all you do. 0
Art Acquisition
Beginning in 1979, up to $1,000 annu ally was made available to the Universi ty's Art Acquisition Committee through a fund established by Miss Florence G. Partridge, MAC '26. Upon her retire ment as Chief Librarian of the Universi ty of Guelph, Miss Partridge completed 30 years of employment at Guelph. During those years she became the Head Librarian of the Federated Col leges after serving as the Chief Librari an of the O.A.C. Due to her long association with the O.A.C., it was very appropriate that a student enrolled in the Ontario Agricul tural College helped to make the 1979 selection of Ron Bolt's Wave Image #30: Tropic. This fall , Kathy Wilson, a fourth year honours History major, represented the College of Arts and participated in the 1980 Partridge Fund acquisition. It came as no surprise that she was strong ly in favour of two paintings that have historical merit. Two 19th century watercolours painted by William H.E. Napier became this years' Partridge Fund acquisitions. Both Napier works capture early On tario scenes. One, entitled "Woodlands," depicts the Guelph township farm home steaded by an Irish immigrant named Thomas Saunders. "Wood,l ands" re mained in the Saunders family until its recent purchase from Mr. and Mrs. Guy Saunders of Toronto. The setting of "Thorndale," the other Napier selection, was not in the Guelph area. Yet, a rural family home also provided the subject
Stanford Reid Scholarship The University of Guelph Historical Society, in conjunction with the Depart ment of History, has established the Stanford Reid Scholarship in History. Named in honour of the Depart ment's first chairman, the award has been designed to honour a history stu dent (major or minor, general or ho nours) who has maintained a cumulative "B" average and who, in the opinion of faculty and the University of Guelph Historical Society has made a signifi cant contribution to University life. Selection will be made by a five-member committee and recipients will receive $150. Dr. Stanford Reid joined the De partment in 1965 after serving the facul ty of McGill for 24 years. He has been well noted for his research into the social and economic history of the Scot tish Reformation as well as more gen eral historical topics in the 16th century. Dr. Reid has received numerous re
search grants, including those of the American Philosophical Society, the Canada Council, the Nuffield Founda tion, the Social Science Research Coun cil, and the British Council. During his years at the University, Dr. Reid was instrumental in establish ing a graduate program in History, a Scottish Studies Colloquium and a con sortium on Reformation Studies involv ing the University of Waterloo. In re cognition of his outstand,ing contribu tion, Dr. Reid was made Professor Emeritus of the Un,i versity in 1979. Generous contributions to the Stan ford Reid Scholarship in History fund have been made by the University of Guelph Historical Society, the History Department faculty, the College of Arts and the Student Federation of the Col lege of Arts. It is hoped that future contributions by our alumni will help meet t he target of $1,500 set by the committee in January J 979. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the fund may issue their cheque in the name of the Stanford Reid Scholarship in History. Mail to Stanford Reid Fund, Alumni Office, University of Guelph, Guelph Ontario N 1G 2W J. Receipts will be provided. 0
matter. Thorndale was the home of Napi er's friend Walter Shanley and it was located near London, Ontario, where it became the first dwelling in a village also known as Thorndale.
Kathy Wilson, Judy Nasby, curator of Art and others associated with the 1980 Partridge Fund acquisition, de serve our thanks for making a very wise choice. Miss Partridge's Ik een personal interest in local history is well known. 0
By Marilyn Armstrong
"Woodlands", William Napier, 1855.
The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association
Barker, '41.
A natoDlY at the 0 V C Anatomical dissection of horses was an important part of the O.V.c. curriculum during the period 1866-1908 when Professor Andrew Smith was Principal and owner of the college on Temperance Street, Toronto. For many years the students, just before departing on Christmas vacation, arranged with a photographer to take group photos as they were finishing dissection of a horse. Always present in the photo was their anatomy instructor and Professor Smith. One of these photos, part of the class of '0 I, was added to the O. V.c. museum collection by Dr. William M. Norton, '34, of Camrose, Alberta, whose father, Dr. R.J. Norton of Owen Sound. Ontario, is in the picture. Dr. Norton practised in Owen Sound until his sudden death in 1932. Dr. William Norton practised for a short timc in Owen Sound and after wards became a Hea~th of Animals inspector, retiring in 1975 as sub-district H. of A. inspector a t Camrose, Alberta. Photographs of college days in To ronto arc welcome additions to our mu seum collection. 0
From t he
Dean The increasing complexity and sophis tication of veterinary medicine demand that the O.V.c. continue to add expen sive instrumentation, lcaching aids and facilities. A modern veterinary curricu lum also requires faculty trained in specific specialty or discipline areas. Graduate training of D.V.M.s must
• I
Identified by Dr . Norton are: far left, standing, H. Burlingham of Wellington, and, seated on left, WJ. R. Fowler, '99, instructor. Back row, left to right: RJ. Norton of Owen Sound, A.R. Torrie of Chatsworth, F. W Buckle of Guelph, J.L. McCoy of Sussex, N.J., US.A. , F.F. Sheets of Van Wert, Ohio, USA., and CC Evely of St . Thomas. Far right is Professor Smith and, seated right front, is WA. Bisbee, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
be expanded to take care of the needs of faculty. industry, specialty practice, gov ernment and other areas. In addition to the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs which are research oriented, the new D. V.Sc. program. while comparable to the Ph.D. in rigour, has more practical training content. Unfortunately. the support for vet erinary medicine from the provincial and federal governments has not kept pace with the perceived needs. There docs not seem to be any likelihood of relief in the near future, and government support of colleges and universities will
likely decline in the years ahead. There fore, we must tap every other source of funds for capital and operating needs and, over the long haul, build up a sizeable endowment. This can only occur if we have major input s from alumni. Alumni have been highly supportive of the O.V.c., but in the future we will have to rely on even more involvement of alumni if the O.V.c. is to maintain its present position. r believe that by work ing together we can become pre-emi nent. Douglas C. Maplesden, '50,
Dr. D.C. Howell.
Dr. J .F. Cote, '51.
OVA Awards Not many of our alumni will recall the days of horse and buggy practise or the kind offacilities shown in this photo. Mr. and Mrs. N.w. Coxe of Hale, Michigan, visited the O. v.c. in 1979 and 1980 to donate to the 0. v.c. museum the diplomas of Dr. W. Coxe, '88, of Nassagawaya, Ontario, who practised in Michigan until his death in 1937. Mr. Coxe related several stories of visits, with his father. to sick horses, describing the days of rural practice by horse and buggy. Dr. Coxe is shown in the photo as he prepared to leave on a rural call. His son is at the office door. 0
Dr. Dennis C. Howell, former dean, O. V.c. was the recipient of the 1980 Ontario Veterinary Association Award of Recogni tion a t the recen t a wards night of the Association in Toronto. The award was made by the Associ ation in recognition of his service to the profession during his dean- ship. 0
Sew following the Dr. D.C. Ingram Fellowship presentations: L to r-Dr. V.E. Valli, '62. chairman, Department of Pathology; Dr. P.B. Little, '62. resident supervisor of Len Stephens , Len Stephens; '80, M.Sc. recipient; Mrs. Ingram, Dr. Arnost Cepica, recipient, and Dr. J.B. Derbyshire, resident supervisor of Dr. Cepica and chairman, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology. 0
Free Bed & Board If you're travelling this year, either in Canada or abroad, plan to take advan tage of the International Women 's Aux iliary (IWA) to the Veterinary Profes sion Hospitality Plan. Two meals and bed for one night
In Memoriam Dr. A.R. Younie, '14, 35 Towering Heights Blvd., St. Catharines, Ontario, died on October 27, 1980. Dr. Younie served the Alumni Association as a director and as a continuing supporter of fund raising campaigns. As a practi tioner wiLh a private diagnostic laborato ry, he made several significant discover
Dr. JackF. Cote, '51, received the Veterinarian of the Year Award of the Ontario Veterinary Association at the awards night of the Association in To ronto, November 8. This distinguished award is made annually to a veterinarian in Ontario who has been selected by a committee as being the most outstanding member of the profession for the current year. He has been a member of the faculty of the O. V .C. almost continually since 1951, prominent in community work and, recently, was elected presi dent of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. 0
are offered, at no charge, to veterinari ans and veterinary students and their families by participating veterinary host families. The service is provided in every province in Canada as well as in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and many countries in Europe and South America. Lists of families offering this
accommodation are available from the I W A hospitality organizers in the coun tries in which you plan to travel. For an IWA Hospitality ID card and' further information contact Mrs. Sh'irley Horney, 112 Renfield St., Guelph, Ontario, N I E 4A8 or Mrs. J.E. McGowan, 5 Camwood Crescent, Ne pean, Ontario, K2H 7XI. 0
ies concerning Salmonella infections of poultry in Ontario resulting in interna tional recognition.
Dr. T.B. Toplitz, '40, 5 Allendale Road, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, died on Octo ber 8, 1980 after a long illness. He founded and conducted the Allen Heights Animal Clinic until April 1980.
Dr. C.E. Buchanan, '17, Ridgetown, On tario, died December 5, 1979. Dr. Bu chanan was an Omega Tau Sigma fra ternity member and a founding member of the University's A.M.F. Century Club.
Dr. J.N. Stratas, '42, 1319 Bayswater Crescent, Windsor, Ontario, died on October 14, J 980. No further informa tion has been obtained. 0
The College of Social Science Alumni Association
Editor: Rick Knap, '74.
of the fe a rs that an average person might have in terms of working at a correctional centre?
MILLS: My grandfather was employed at the Guelph Correctional Centre when it opened in 1910, and my mother lived on the property there. Inmates would walk her to school in the winter. My grandmother had inmates draw water to the house for her, and always had in mate helpers to the house when she needed something done. So I didn't have any negative notions about who inmates were, and what some of them can be like.
Corrections By Rick Knap '74 With a view to exploring the role of College of Social Science alumni in the field of correctional services, this series of conversation s features Richard Mills, ' 71 , Lydia Dearing, '75, and Joe Palmer, ' 74, who a re employed at the Ma plehurst Adult Training Centre in Mil ton , Ontario. Maplehurst IS a 400-occupant provincial correctional centre for adult male offenders.
Richard Mills, Vice Principal PEGASUS: Richard , what did you do after you graduated from the Universi ty ? MILLS: Well, I wa s planning to go on to teacher training, and a summer teach ing position became available a t the Guelph Correctional Centre . J applied for the job and th a t was my entry into corrections. After graduation from teachers' college I obtained a position as a teacher at the Mimico Correctiona l
Centre in Toronto. J came to Ma plehurst as vice principal when the in stitution opened in 1975.
PEGASUS: How did you first become interested in correctional services? MILLS: Members of my family had worked in corrections and some interest wa s sparked there. But, I think, after my initial teaching experience, I felt that I would do more valuable teaching in a place like Maplehurst than in a regular community high school. People who are in jail have a lower level of education for their age. Most of them disl,iked school, teachers, and anything else to do with the educational system. The challenge for the teacher and the needs of the student are greater in a correctional environment.
PEGASUS: You mentioned that your family background was in corrections. How did this help you to overcome some
PEGASUS: Very interesting. In terms of teaching here, what special qualities are required? MILLS: The one c haracteristic tha t I feel is very important · is to be able to maintain a positive outlook-a positive attitude . We have successes, but we also have failures. The failures can get you down . Some of my former students are "doing time" in the penitentiary, for instance, and if I couldn't maintain that positive attitude about helping these in dividuals, then J just couldn't work here.
PEGASUS: What is it like to work here? What are the types of things that you have to cope with? MILLS: I have a twofold job. J must help these fellows sort out their lives, but I also have a responsibility to society to ensure that the inmate doesn't do any thing that will endanger himself or oth ers . Not only do we have to make sure that he comes to school a nd learns, but we also must be aware of the correction al aspect of the job. For instance, a missing screwdriver from a tool board at the end of the day may present no particular problem to a high school teacher, but it poses a considerable problem for us. The security of the COn/d. over
contd. institution must be maintained at all times.
Lydia Dearing, Correctional officer PEGASUS: You graduated and then? DEARING: Prior to graduation, I had applied for a job in corrections at the Mimico Correctional Centre in Toronto and, within a week, I was hired.
that I learned can be applied in certain situations and that's where the theories are useful. But to teach a person what it's like to work in a jail? No wa~' You have to learn for yourself, by working directly with the inmates and in the environment that the institution pro vides.
Joe Palmer, Senior Assistant Superintendent PEGASUS: How did you first become
PEGASUS: What made you become
interested in correctional services?
interested in correctional services? PALM ER: I've always been interested DEARING: Two things . First, my moth
er had. worked with juvenile girls. She worked with them at the Grandview Training School for six years on a voluntary basis. I attended certain func tions arranged for the girls. It was then that I discovered my own personal inter est in corrections. Second, my ambition was to become a teacher, but at that time a surplus of teachers existed, so my best alternative, I thought, 'was correc tions-and this is where I've stayed. PEGASUS: In your position, does it
require a certain quality to be success ful? DEARING: Yes, there are several spe
cial qualities required. The first is that you must remember that you're dealing with individual human beings. As indi viduals, you realize that they all have acceptable and unacceptable character istics . Therefore, you must recognize those qualities and know how to deal with them in certain specific situations. At the same time, you must be able to control your emotions in order to deal objectively with people and apply good common sense to many situations. You have to be firm, but fair, and be able to establish a rapport so that the inmates know where they stand. That must be incorporated with the custody and security aspect of the job. PEGASUS: Looking back, how did your education at the University influence your future? Did it in any way?
in law enforcement and attended the University with the intention of going into the police force . While taking a criminology course with Professor Ken Menzies, I came into contact with Min istry of Correctional Services staff from the Guelph Correctional Centre. I learned that the University had an ad ministrative training plan you could apply for, once you'd been in the busi ness a certain length of time, so that looked interesting. I worked at the Guelph Correction Centre, the old Hamilton jail, as well as the Staff Training Centre in Concord. I came to Maplehurst in April of 1976. I was appointed senior assistant superin tendent responsible for the Adult Train ing Centre half of the complex . The Adult Training Centre is com posed of an intake unit, living units for inmates, and an education centre em ploying 18 teachers in eight academic and eight shop areas. We have an excel lent reading program. A number of the inmates coming into Maplehurst are what we call functionally illiterate, that is, reading at a level below grade 5. Within three months most of the partici pants can read at a much higher level. Of course, this is an important achieve ment. Actually, the average education of those admitted to Maplehurst is mid grade 9. We offer individual pro grammes for everyone to grade 13, and we grant diplomas through the Ministry of Education . PEGASUS: Do you feel, as Lydia does,
that community support is important') DEARING: When I entered the Univer
sity, I knew what my field was to be, therefore the majority of my subjects pertained to the job. . One has to experience this job to appreciate what it is. Sure, the theories
PALMER: Yes, I certainly do. We have
over 100 volunteers coming into the institution, on a weekly basis, from vari ous groups assisting in almost all areas of need or interest of the inmate. We
supplcment our programs with the vol unteer resources in the community. There are, of course, a lot of knowledga ble people who contribute to the pro grams. What are some of the umque concerns tha t you have as an administrator? PEGASUS:
PALM ER. rn terms of my posi tion, am aware and con scious that I'm re moved from the inmates. Much of my communication now is first from inmate to staff a nd then, tbrough them , to me. Quite often, which is fairly typical of an administrative position , I hear about the inmate who is exceptional, that is, he's hard to deal with or exceptionally bright. (Joe tben explained how walking through his areas on a regular basis helped to overcome this kind of isolation and maintain personal contact with the inmates. Communication must always function both ways.) PEGASUS: What specia l qualities must
a person possess in order to work here successfully? PALM ER: I think a very important one
is the way you relate to other people. If I promise something I have to ensure that it is carried out. We don 't thin k any tbing of it, but to the inmates, who are given a small incentive allowance, a package of cigarettes, it means quite a bit in terms of their earning power. So if you promise, you have to follow through. PEGASUS: What kind of things do your sta ff find rewarding? PALMER: In corrections we have a tcndency to see our failures. The failures come back and the successes never do. In many cases, it 's an intrinsic reward. We had a case where there was a young lad wbo had cerebral palsy. We had two or three inmates who, every Sunday, went out and worked with the lad. It wa s gratifying for our staff to see the positive difference in the inmates' attitudes because they'd found someone who was much worse off than they were, with very little chance of doing some thing for himself. They would come back and say "that's amazing, he can func tio n a little better today! " What is success') It's a hard ques tion to answer. 0
The College of Biological Science Alumni Association
Editor: Jane Selley, Arts '70.
From the
David Kulka . '73: Prof. RoJf. Steve Smith , '77. and Juhn Allderson, '73.
By Dr. John Hoff. The Department of Zoology hosted three of its alumni recently for a series of seminars on east coast fisheries: John Anderson, '73, David Kulka, '73 , and Steve Smith, '77, graduated in the ma rine biology program. John and David also completed their M.Sc. degrees in the Department of Zoology and Steve took his M .Sc . in the Department of Mathema tics and Statistics. All three are employed by the Fed eral Department of Fis heries and Oceans at the new Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre at St. John's, New foundland. The fisheries biologists presented a scries of joint seminars on fisheries man agcment , their own research activities and responsibilities, and on employment
opportunities for graduates with the fed eral government and industry. The first seminar presented an overview of the history and strategy of fisheries resource management, with an emphasis on the Newfoundland region . With the extension of federal jurisdic tion to the 200 mile limit, the richest fishing areas of the east coast have now been largely brought under co-ordinated control, and should be protected from overexploitation, t'hey say. The mechanisms of stock assess ment of fisheries and future trends in research for the coming decade were also discussed by the three biologists. In their second seminar, entitled "Topics in Fisheries Science," each of the scientists emphasized his area of research and responsibility . John Anderson outlined the larval
fish and oceanography program espe cially in the Flemish Cap area, which seeks to explain var iations in survival of ncw.ly hatched larval fish. David Kulka described the observer program on foreign fishing vessels, the collection of data on fish catch, size and composition, and the use to wh·ich the resulting information can be put. He suggested that analysis of short-term variations in catch per unit effort espe cially may lead to a fuller understanding of fish distributions. Steve Smith described some of the basic statistical methods applied to fish ery data, and the problems which arise in trying to obtain "a representative sample" from a vast area of the ocean. In a subsequent seminar in the Depart ment of Mathematics and Statistics he expanded on this subject. [n their final seminar the visitors presented their ideas and suggestions on job-hunting a nd application, and gradu ate and undergraduate students ques tioned them on future prospects with government and private industry . It was clear from this visit that the return of alumni to the campus to pre sent their professional experiences to our students is highly desirable . This is an exercise which the Department of Zool ogy will certainly expect to repeat. 0
Do You Know
Someone Who Takes the Cup?
The C.B.S. Alumni Association invites nominations for the College of Biological Science Alumnus Award of Honour. Don't be shy! We know there are many desening and talented C.B.S. alumni who could be nominated for either our 1980 award, which will be presented at College Royal '81, or our 1981 award which will be presented at Alumni Weekend '81. If you know alumni who ha~e made significant contribu tions to either country, community, science, education, profession or our Alma Mater, please step forward and let us know about them. Direct your written nominations to the C.B.S. A,lumni Association, Department of Alumni Affairs, Le~el 4, Unhersity Centre, Uni~ersity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2WI.
CBS Glimpses -
1971 to 1981
Macdonald Institute /College of Family and Consumer
Studies Alumni Association
Editor: Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson, '66.
The lale seven who, as girls, auended the Macdonald Institute in 1915 and formed the "Friendship Circle " thaI lasted untillhe late '70s , From the leji: Jean (Barrie) Elliolt, Ethel (Wilson) Johannes, Alice (Doherty) Wright, Florence Pel/y, Lillian (Macdonald) McMartin, Irene (Salkeld) Rundle and, inset , Kate Schwenger.
Friendship Circle By Hugh C. Elliott An envelope postmarked " Los Angeles, California 1955," and stuffed with clip pings, recalls a time when a group of seven girls who attended Macdonald Institute in 1915 became the subject of a syndicated news column pubtished in the United States. Elsie Hix , a California writer and producer of the column "Strange as it Seems:' somehow got word of Jl. "Friendship Circle" leller that the girls had been circulating continuously since leaving Macdonald Institute and decided to feature it. Before long, a flurry of letters from all parts of the country descended on seven households, some from distant friends or relatives, some from strangers, all interested in the leller's 40-yea r history. By 1955, five of the seven had married and raised families. Alice Dougherty, of Pembroke, Ontario, now lived near Tisdale, Saskatchewan, with husband Percy Wright. Lillian Mac
donald's name was now MacMartin, and she lived at Martintown, Ontario. Irene Salkeld was now Mrs. Roy Rundle, living in a stately colonial-style house. over-looking the Maitland River near Godcrich, Ontario. Ethel Wilson and Milton Johannes had married and built a new house at Blair, Ontario. Jean Barrie, married to Hugh EUiott, lived near Galt, Ontario, in a century-old stone farmhouse. Kate Schwenger of Burlington, Ontario, and Florence Petty of Hensall, Ontario, were the two who remained single. The " Friendship Circle" letter tra velled from one to the other of the seven, in an order they had settled on. As each received it, she removed the part she had previously enclosed, browsed through all the tidings from the others in the Circle, added her new contribution, and sent it on its way. From time to time, they found opportunities to get together and twice they revisited Macdonald Insti tute, as a group, recalling the hilarious
rites of initiation that brought them together, and pointing out the windows from which they used to survey the snowy campus. Their menfolk shared these gatherings, but on visits to Mac Hall they kept in the background . When the "Friendship Circle" let ter made the Elsie Hix column the membership was intact, 40 years after their Macdonald Institute experiences . The leller continued its rounds for ma ny more years, but lime began to take its toll. It was still going in 1975, but only one of the "originals" had survived, Alice Wright, from Saskatoon, Saskat chewan, still sent her contribution along. Ka te Schwengcr's sister, Bertie, and Florence Petty's niece, Florence Camp bell, contributed . Roy Rundle, Milton Johannes and Hugh Elliott carried on in place of their wives for years, but the letter ended at last, with the end of the '70s. The ties of the "Friendship Circle," begun at Macdonald Institute, had held for over 60 years. 0
HAFA and the Hospitality Industry By Mary Cocivera The School of Hotel and Food Adminis tration has emba rked on an ambitious program of development, focused on the management education need s of the hos pitality industry . Its first decade of growth was de voted primarily to the undergraduate degree programs. Now, with these pro grams firmly established, the fa culty is expanding its base of industry-related research and extending its contacts with the industry, according to Professor Tom Powers, Director of the School. A well-known leader in Canada's hospitality industry, Jack Hurlbut, ha s been appointed adjunct professor and
Professor Jack Hurlbut . will be involved in developing the School's professional ed uca tion pro grams . Professor Hurlbut was an early gradu a te of Ryerson's Hotel , Resort and Restaurant Administration course and was president and chief executive officer of Winco Steak n' Burger until ea rly in 1980. He is currently president of Ad vanced Management Enterprises Lim ited, a Toronto-based company involved in venture capital activities, investments a nd consulting. Professor Hurlbut a nd Professor George Bedell, founding director of the School , are co-chairmen of a two-d a y hospita lity industry leaders' conference, scheduled for April 30 and M a y I on campus. The conference will focus on the environment of business and the decision-making process within individu al hospit a lity firms . Designed for top management, owners and senior sta ff, the conference
will feature speakers from the industry, the financial community and universi ties. Among the speakers will be Joe Baum, an interna tionally known consult a nt, and Grant Reuber of the Bank of Montreal. This leader's conference is an in dication of the School's longer-range plans to develop an advanced manage ment program , an a nnual month-long seminar for senior executives in the hospitality industry. Development of the program over the next two and a half years will be monitored by a Policy Advi sory Board of hospitality industry execu tives. Boyd Ma tchett, Cara's presi dent a nd chief executive officer, will serve as chairman of thi s board. "We are delighted with Mr. Matchett's par ticipation," says Professor Powers. "He is, in many ways, Mr. Management in Canada's hospitality industry ." The advanced management pro gram will provide managers with interp ersonal and conceptual management skills . Technical know-how is no longer enough to opera te effectively in the rapidly changing environment of the industry. The curriculum will cover such crucial subjects as drganizationa l behav ior, business policy, marketing, finance and management control. A significant commitment of time and money is required to develop the program , according to Professor Powers, because it will be taught by the case s tudy method. Cases dealing with spe cific hospitality industry situations will be developed. The intensive four-week session will do nothing less than change the way a n executive think s. Development of the program is being funded in part by a $50,000 matching grant from the Statler Foun d a tion (U.S.). Funds pledged by spon soring companies are expected to br ing the total funding for the program's de velopment to $175,000. 0
From the Dean The Mac-FACS Alumni Association is taking on new meaning for many stu dents because of the decision of the Alumni Board of Directors two years ago to aJ[ocate approximately $1,000 a nnually for the support of studen,t ac tivities. After hearing presentations from four student groups at its N ovember 1980 meeting, the Board decided to fund all four proposa ls. Funding was given to the Nutrition Club for a nutrition debate open to the community a nd focusing on food addi tives; to the Child Studies Club for a children's concert to be presented as an express ion of appreciation to the chil dren and families with whom the stu dents have been involved in various prac tice settings; to the Consumer Stud ies Club to assist in funding a retail workshop for students in the major; and to the Class of '82 for the production of a slide show describing the CoHege of Family and C onsumer Studies. The funding of student activities ha s indeed a double pay-off- the stu dents gain through their experiences in seeking funds a nd carrying out useful projects while, at the same time, the Alumni Assoc ia tion becomes more and more meaningful to them. To continu e with a focus on student activities, I would encourage you to consider a visit to College Royal Open House on Saturday, M a rch 14 to view student displ a ys a nd sha re with them their enthusiasm for their academic pro Janet M. Wardla w. g rams.
Mac-F ACS Alumni Seminar Saturday, May 2, 1981 .
University of Guelph.
Room 105, Physical Sciences Building.
"Nutrition Update" A look at current nutrition tre nds.
'350 Katherine (page) Taylor passed away November 10,1980.
M emoriam '110 Kate Alverda (Hales) McKay, for mer teacher at Central Technical School, Toronto, and a Life Mem ber of the Mac-FACS Alumni Association passed away Septem ber 28 , 1980, in Toronto.
'170 Aleda (Lammiman) Davies, of St. Andrews By The Sea, New Bruns wick, passed away August 8, 1980. Edith M. O'Flynn, passed away on August 31,1980.
'240 Mary (Conn) Hughes, passed away May 16, 1979, in Toronto. Her son, William H. Hughes, M.A., Ph.D., is a member of the Univer sity's Philosophy Department.
'270 G race B. (Gray) Bourgard, passed away in Don Mills.
'340 Jean Margaret (Workman) Myatt, passed away suddenly at her coun try home in Uxbridge, September 12, 1980.
In Touch With t he Br anche s Ontario grads may be interested in contacting branch presidents of the Mae-FACS Alumni Association and be come involved with their local programs. They are as follows:
'470 Alice Katherine Bruce, passed away in Niagara Falls, Ontario. '78 Carolyn Patricia (Sudbury) M ina ker passed away October 19, 1980 at the Toronto Western Hospital. Carolyn was married to Harry Minaker at her parents' home at 140 Grange Street, Guelph, in June 1979. Following her gradua tion in Consumer Studies, she re ceived a fellowship to pursue post graduate studies at the University of Calgary in the School of Envi ronmental Design. She had suc cessfully completed her first year of studies when she developed cancer. '80 Catherine Jane Rowe was killed in an automobile accident in August, 1980. Catherine was enrolled in Applied Human Nutrition in FACS and was looking forward to her graduation at the fall cone vocation. Her father, Kenneth Rowe of Owen Sound, was also injured in the accident and passed away three weeks later.
I n some past issues, inaccura te informa tion has been printed regarding dea ths of alumni. We would appreciate direct notification from family and friends. Please include newspaper obituary clip pings so that our listings will be accurate when we report to alumni friends through the Guelph Alumnus. 0
He lp Wanted Your Mac-FACS Alumni Associ ation Board of Directors needs your help. By utilizing our net work of graduates, it is hoped that a wider effort can be launched to recognize those Mac- FACS alum ni who have distinguished them selves. Plea se see page 17 or this issue for te rm s of reference. Nominations, including s up porting details, should be submit ted no later th a n April 10, 1981 to Karen McDougall, President, Mac-FACS Alumni Association, c/o Alumni Affairs and Develop University of Guelph, me nt, Guelph , Ontario, NIG 2WI. A deci s ion will be made by the Board at their meeting on April 14, 1981. Awards will be present ed during Alumni Weekend '81.
Mrs. Grace A. (Virtue) Macdougall, '35 , 721 Courtland Place, Burlington, Ontario L7R 2M7. (416) 637-5707.
Miss Mary M. Scott, '72, 105 - 951 Wonderland Road, London, Ontario N6K 2X7 . (519) 472-6404.
Mrs. Wanda E. (Johnston) Lowry, ' 55, 20 Stull Avenue, Guelph, Ontario NIH IN3 (519) 8 24- 5286.
Miss Marion E. MacBeth, '32, 5 Louis Avenu e, #518 , St. Catharines, Ontario L2H 6R3 (416) 935-0712.0
P -----------------------------------------------------------~~ Request Form for FACS Sheets Name (please print): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Grad . Year:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address :___________________________________________________________________ Postal code: ___________ Please send me the FACS Sheet(s) indicated below:
o Living with the high cost of housing. o " Norma l" fa milies deserve s upport and encouragement.
N a me (please pri n t) :_______________________________
Please send FACS Sheets to my colleague indica ted below:
Address:___________________________________ Special interests and/or occupation:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Return to: Dean, College of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Guelph , Guelph, Ontario N IG 2Wl.
AlulDni Elections to Senate
It Is again time to call for nominations to fill alumni seats on the Senate of the University of Guelph. Each year, the three-year terms of office of three of the nine alumni senators expire. Retiring August 31 , 1981 are Gordon B. Henry, OAC '34; Mrs. Mary (Robertson) McGillivray, Mac '36, and John R. Flegg, Arts '68. The terms of office of Charles (Chuck) Broadwell, OAC '54; Bill Tolton, OAC '36, and Dr. Robert (Herb) Wright, OVC ' 38, will expire August 31 , 1982. Paul D. Ferguson, CPS '67; Robin Baird Lewis, Arts '73, and Richard Young, Arts '76, will sit on Senate until August 31 , 1983. The above Incumbents should not be renominated. All alumni who have graduated from the University of Guelph or Its founding colleges are eligible to nominate members to Senate. Since the Senate meets at least once a month from September to June, the position of alumni senator Is a working position, not an honorary one. Accordingly, only candidates who will be In a position to attend meetings should be nominated. Moreover, nominees must not be registered for a degree or diploma at this University, nor be a member of the teaching or administrative staff of this University, as those groups are otherwise represented . The form below must be signed by two graduates as nominators and may be used to nominate up to three candidates. Nominations will be accepted If received at the Alumni Office by April I, 1981.
Nomination Form
W e no m inate the foll o wing graduate(s), ordinar ily r esident in Ontario, for electio n to Senate fo r the thr ee-yea r term comm encing September 1, 1981.
Name of nominee(s) (Please print)
College & year
Nominee's signature accepting nomination
Nominators' names (Please print)
College & year
Nominators' signatures
Mail to: The Secretary, University of Guelph Alumni Association , Alumni Office, University Centre, University of Guelph, GUELPH, Ontario NIG 2Wl
Winl...- 1981 Vol. 14, No. 1
Po!.I<lOl' OO d
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Bulk Enriombre third troisieme class classe 1067 G uelph.Onl .
I f the ad dressee
or a so n o r a daught er who IS an alumnus h as moved, please noti fy t he Alumni O Nlce. U nlver si.ty a t G uelp h N1G 2W 1. SO Ih at th Is magazme may be forwar dect to the proper address