Quelph alumnus Fail 2003 • VOLUME 35
Editor Mary Dickieson
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Contributors Barbara Chance, BA '74 Rachelle Cooper SPARK Program Writers
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FALL 2003
2 in and Around the University
alumni Matters
T WAS THE biggest alumni turnout ever for Alumni Weekend, and everybody had a great time at the numerous class reunions and Mac 100 parties. The University of Guelph Alumni Association recognizes some of its distinguished members and looks for new ways for alumni to participate in campus life.
and researchers who excel to race cars and apple slices that don't turn brown, the convocation season brought a raft of awards and honours to the University community. Outgoing president Mordechai Rozanski lends his name to the new classroom facility, and the Bullring gets a facelift and a new gig.
RESEARCH A TALE OF TWO GENETICISTS Disparate careers and interests lead two Guelph researchers to similar goals of making their research benefit people worldwide.
PLACES AND SPACES THE UNSEEN U OF G Photographer Martin Schwalbe takes us behind closed doors and into nooks and crannies to show a side of the University that most people don't see.
10 on the Cover PRESIDENTIAL PROFILE One of the most skilled scientific glassblowers in Canada, Yves-Marie Savoret shapes glass tubing heated to 1200째C in a hard-to-find basement shop at U of G. Photo by Martin Schwalbe
A FAVOURITE PROFESSOR BECOMES PRESIDENT Guelph's new president starts his tenure by winning a prestigious award for teaching.
24 student Profile 22
Fall 2003
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been appointed to an unprecedented fifth term as chancellor of U of G. The reappointment was approved by Senate Jan. 28. The former Ontario lieutenant-governor first became chancellor of the University in 1991 and will begin his next three-year term in October. "I am tremendously proud and overwhelmed," says Alexander. "It is a challenging
position that I love, and I will continue to try my best to further enhance the image of this great university." During his years as chancellor, he has conferred degrees and diplomas on more than 30,000 graduates at convocation. He serves on the University's external relations committee, Board of Trustees and Board of Governors, and has been an active public supporter of the University.
Animal and Poultry Science, is studying whether feeding chickens a pigment found naturally in the petals of marigolds can improve human eye health. Leeson says adding pure lutein- one of the pigments that give egg yolk its yellow-orange colour- to chicken feed may produce eggs with higher levels of lutein. At high levels, such as four to six milligrams a day, lutein helps prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, which affects 30 per cent of people over 60. Currently, the average daily lutein intake 1s about half a milligram. "If we can significantly improve the lutein content in eggs, it would be easier for Canadians to naturally consume their recommended daily intake," Leeson says.
Guelph students excel
• Geography PhD candidate Anna Stanley, BA '00, is one of the first students in Canada selected to receive a Trudeau Scholarship from the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. She will receive $35,000 a year for four years, with an additional $ 15,000 available for travel expenses. The funds will support her research on how current nuclear fuel waste management practices affect the First Nations in Canada. "I feel really honoured to get a scholarship that supports critical thinking and research that aim to change society for the better," says Stanley, whose undergraduate degree is m international development.
• Microbiology graduate Andrew Perrin, B.Sc. '03, will move a step closer to his career goal of clinical research by spending the next year in research laboratories in England under a Commonwealth Scholarship. He wiJJ study at Imperial College, University of London, learning sophisticated methods of studying the structures of macromolecules. The prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan is awarded to students with high intellectual promise who are expected to make a significant contribution upon their return to their home country. The scholarship covers all major expenses, including airfare, tuition and living costs.
• Second -year co -op student Anna Allen is one of 25 university students across Canada to receive a 2003 Women in Engineering and Science Award from the National Research Council (NRC). Under the program, NRC hires female stu dents for two to three years to work in its laboratories across Canada during summer or coop work terms. "The NRC institutes are world-class facilities;' says Allen, who is majoring in chemistry and computing science. ''I'll get a chance to be in three different institutes if I choose." She is the daughter of Guelph graduates Brian and Linda Allen, both B.Sc. '72 and M.Sc. '73.
Rozanski tribute creates legacy
From left: Michael Walsh, Bill Brock, Lincoln Alexander, Mordechai and Bonnie Rozanski, Doug Dodds and Simon Cooper.
hosted a farewell party for U of G president Mordechai Rozanski June 5 and marked the occasion by announcing that the University's new classroom facility will be named Rozanski Hall in recognition of the president's leadership over the past 10 years. Provost and incoming president Alastair Summerlee said it's fitting that the facility be named for Rozanski. "He has overseen the design
U of G community were recipients of the 2003 Women of Distinction Awards presented in May by the YMCA-YWCA of Guelph. Pari Basrur, a retired faculty member in the Department of
of every corner, every brick and every stone in the building. But more important, he is a passionate advocate of the power and importance of education. A classroom complex that will be the heart of teaching and learning for students on this campus should carry his name." In another tribute, B of G chair Michael Walsh announced that two doctoral scholarships worth up to $45,000 each will be awarded in the name of Bonnie and Mordechai
Biomedical Sciences, received the lifetime achievement award. She was the first female professor in a Canadian veterinary college when she joined OVC in 1959. The award for business, labour, the professions and entrepreneurs was presented to Nancy Sullivan, vice-president
Rozanski. The scholarships were established by Walsh, former B of G chairs Simon Cooper, Bill Brock and Doug Dodds, and chancellor Lincoln Alexander. Rozanski said he was "overwhelmed and humbled:' He added that "any successes that may be attributed to me are, in fact, the cumulative product of the wise counsel, the initiative and the actions of my outstanding colleagues at U of G."
(finance and administration). Graduate studies dean and engineering professor Isobel Heathcote received the award for ed ucation, training and development. The arts and culture award went to Tannis Slimmon, a research technician in the Department of Plant Agriculture.
wine" might be the tag line for a new interdisciplinary research group formed at U of G. Prof. Judy Strommer, Plant Agriculture, says the goal of the Guelph Grape and Wine Group is to foster more research partnerships leading to better vineyard practices, higher grape and wine quality, and improved fermentation and processing. The network brings together about 20 U of G researchers, government and industry collaborators and scientists at Ridgetown College, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Vineland Research Station. Strommer's own research explores the molecular genetics of anthocyanins and stilbenes in grapes, compounds that impart colour to red wines and act as antioxidants.
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Fall 2003 3
in and around the University
Broadcaster drew a crowd
SOUNDS PROF. DAN MEEGAN, Psychology, is investigating how sounds and signals that stimulate brain activity affect patients who are suffering from neurological disorders and are undergoing physical rehabilitation. Meegan is using an electromyography system to monitor how the brain reacts when a magnetic pulse is administered outside the patient's skull. He's hoping that if he can present someone who has a motor problem with a certain type of sensory rhythm, it might modify that signal in some way, affecting the motor pathway.
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PROF. HARALD Bauder, Geography, has found that Canada's immigrant and minority populations are increasingly settling in the suburbs rather than in major cities. Most new Canadians still head for Canada's gateway cities of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, he says, but they are now bypassing the downrown core because of higher living costs.
Honorary degree recipient Sir David Attenborough, left, accepts congratulations from chancellor Lincoln Alexander at summer convocation. A well路 known British biologist, naturalist and filmmaker, Attenborough drew a large crowd of admirers when he spoke in War Memorial Hall later the same day. During three days of convocation ceremonies, honorary degrees were also awarded to renowned Canadian historian John M. Beattie; Michel Georges
BULLRING GETS A JAVA JOLT LL -N IGHTERS ARE NO longer on the menu, but the former Bullring pub is now open most days and evenings as a student-run coffee shop and lounge. The building has been renovated to provide patrons with a new spot on campus to unwind and grab a coffee, light lunch or dinner. Project manager Michael Teppo says the coffee shop will attract many of the thousands of students streaming in and out of Rozanski Hall, the new classroom complex located just metres away along a concrete walk. The glass entryway of the complex neatly reflects the Bullring's distinctive red roof and cupola and yellow-brick fa~ade. The Central Student Asso-
of Belgium, a pioneer in the field of domestic ani路 mal genomics; and Jo an Hunt, a leading U.S. researcher in immunology aspects of pregnancy. Some 2,300 Guelph students received degrees and diplomas, and U of G bestowed University profes路 sor emeritus status on retired faculty members Bill James, Engineering; Mary Rubio, English and Th e路 atre Studies; and George Thurtell, Land Resource Science.
ciation runs the coffee shop as a tenant of the University. It's open six days a week and available for Sunday rental for special functions .
PREAINVESTS IN YOUNG FACULTY EV EN MORE U OF G professors have received Premier's Research Excellence Awards (PREAs), designed to allow gifted young faculty to expand the scope of their research and attract talented people to their research teams. To date, 26 Guelph faculty have won the awards, worth more than $4 million when matching funds are included. These researchers receive $100,000 each from PREA and $50,000 in matching funds from U of G: France-Isabelle
Auzanneau, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Marica Bakovic and Co ral Murrant, Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences; Nicholas Bernier and Jinzhong Fu, Zoology; Robert de Loe, Geography; and Manish Raizada, Plant Agriculture.
SECOND TERM FOR RIDGETOWN DIRECTOR ARY ABLETT, M.Sc. '78 and PhD '87, director of Ridgetown College, has been reappointed for a second fiveyear term. An expert in soybean genetics and breeding, he was first appointed director in 1997 when Ridgetown became part of the University under the enhanced partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
FouR CANADA RESEARCH CHAIRS NAMED HE UNIV ERSI TY OF Guelph has added four more Canada Research Chairs (CRCs) to its growing cohort of distinguished CRC researchers. U of G now has a total of 18 CRCs. Established in 2000 to enable Canadian universities to attract and retain excellent faculty, the CRC program supports faculty who are acknowledged as international experts as well as younger researchers who have the potential to become world leaders in their fields . • Zoologist Kevin McCann, who came to U of G from McGill University, plans to develop an internationally
recognized research program that he hopes will begin to unfold the role and function of biodiversity in ecosystems. • James France, currently a professor in the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, will join U of G this fall to establish a Centre for Nutritional Modelling in Animal Production Systems. He plans to develop methods and software to predict and manage prudent nutrient use on farms to minimize potential land, water and air pollution. • Also joining U of G in the fall is Edward McBean, currently a vice-president with
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, an engineering and environmental consulting firm . McBean, who has been on faculty at the University of Waterloo and taught at universities in California, received a CRC chair to study water supply security and risk management in the School of Engineering. • U of G botany professor John Klironomos will use CRC support to establish an advanced soil ecology analysis lab and training centre. Scientists will explore the biology and ecology of soil organisms, as well as the interactions and feedbacks between belowground and above-ground communities and ecosystems.
APPLE DUNKS TAKE PRIZE PPLE DUNKS PROVED to be a winning recipe for U of G students who became the first Canadian team to bring home top prize from the National Agri-Marketing Association Student Marketing Competition. One of only two Canadian teams among 35 competitors at the 2003 competition in San Diego, the Guelph students portrayed the Ontario Apple Co-operative and presented a marketing plan for Apple Dunks, a fresh apple snack for children's lunches. They worked with U of G food scientists who are developing a mineral and vitamin solution that prevents apples from turning brown when sliced and packaged. For greater appeal to children . the team proposed adding a flavoured dipping sauce.
Key members of the Gryphon racing team are, from left, Rob Battiston, Jeremy Goertz, Ben Beacock and Jason Griffith .
TEAM OF ENGINEERI NG students who custom-built a race car to enter in the Formula Society of Automotive Engineers competition in Pontiac, Mich., in May placed 47th overall out of 125 university entries. Formula SAE is the
largest prototype race in the world, but this was the first time U of G had entered. They were recognized as the third-place rookie team and won the perseverence award. The 12-member team was advised by Prof. John Runciman .
CANCER PRO F. MICHA EL Wirth, Computing and Information Science, says up to 30 per cent of breast cancer cases go undetected in mammograms, usually because a clinician or radiologist misreads or misinterprets the information contained in the results. He is writing computer algorithms intended to help in computer-aided detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. He hopes automated screening will provide a second pair of eyes for physicians.
WASTE BACT ERIA ARE remarkable evolutionary life forms, says Prof. Stephen Seah, Microbiology, and many have evolved into efficient and versatile consumption engines that can turn an array of carbon sources into a meal. To take advantage of their natural abilities, Seah is genetically modifying bacteria to "eat" some common chemical compounds known to damage human health, wildlife and the environment.
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Summer 2003 5
Campaign rewards change the ÂŁ HE
U oF G cAMPAIGN has been "shouted from campus rooftops;' so to speak, since
the installation 16 months ago of32-foot-high banners proclaiming"The Science of Life and the Art of Living" theme. But the first day of classes this fall was the first time that most ofU of G's 16,000 students could actually feel the impact on their own education. With every class change, up to 1,500 students enter the new classroom complex- now named Rozanski Hall- where they enjoy one of the most innovative teaching and learning facilities in the country. Many students have also received financial support from campaign gifts to the University's scholarship endowments, and they're taking courses with talented new faculty. They will benefit from renovations to numerous campus facilities, and the enlarged construction site for the new science complex makes it even more evident that their university will be forever changed by the Campaign for the University of Guelph.
They all said: "Wow!" LMOST
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before the doors officially opened to students, former U of G students streamed into the University's new state-of-the-art classroom facility to cut the ribbon on its impressive alumni concourse. The ceremony took place on Alumni Weekend before the University of Guelph Alumni Association's (UGM) annual general meeting.
The UGAA logo dominates the concourse floor, and the back wallmade of stone salvaged from the barn originally located on the site- sports display cases dedicated to alumni involvement. Named Rozanski Hall as a tribute to former president Mordechai Rozanski, the building is a prominent reminder that being a member of the U of G family extends well beyond graduation. While the opening of Rozanski Hall highlights the UGM campaign contri-
bution of $500,000, individual alumni gifts are still being received. About 8,000 of the University's 70,000 alumni have been called to date; the remainder will hear from a student caller before the end of December, when the Campaign for the University of Guelph officially ends. The goal for alumni contributions is $20 million. Alumni are being asked to support University-wide projects such as the classroom facility, learning commons and science complex or the priority project for their college.
e of campus Family issues capture donor's imagination N ENDOWED ACADEMIC CHAIR
dealing with work and family issues has been established at U of G through a $500,000 leadership gift to th e University's campaign from the Jarislowsky Foundation, which is headed by Stephen Jarislowsky, chair of the investment counsel firm Jarislowsky Fraser Limited. The Jarislowsky Chair in Families and Work will be held by Prof. Donna Lero, cofounder of the University's Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being and a longtime faculty member in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. It's the first such academic chair in Canada addressing the healthy integration of work and family responsibilities as critical economic and social policy issues.
The establishment of this academic position at Guelph provides a unique opportunity to capitalize on innovative research, policy analysis, teaching expertise and collaborative activities in an area of profound significance for all Canadians, says Lero, who credits the foresight of the Jarislowsky Foundation for recognizing the potential at U of G. "There is growing recognition of the importance of individual and family well-
being as a foundation for both economic growth and strong communities," she says. An outspoken proponent of business ethics and the accountability of corporate governance, Jarislowsky is president of the Jarislowsky Foundation, which was established to support university chairs and medical equipment and research. The Jarislowsky Chair in Families and Work is the lOth Canadian university chair funded by the foundation. "My work as the Jarislowsky chair will dovetail with other research investments to increase the capacity of Guelph's Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being to function as the premier facility for such work in Canada;' says Lero.
development centre for industry communicators that would offer training workshops for professionals and connect students and employers through "experiential education" positions similar to those in U of G's co-op program.
Bosch clock goes up G GRADUATE Martin Bosch, B.Sc. '69 and M.Sc. '71, has made sure that students who dally too long in the new Bullring coffee shop will have no excuse OF
Syngenta supports agri-food initiatives $300,000 CAMPAIGN gift from Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc. will supp ort graduate student research in sustainable agriculture, as well as a new agricultural communication program planned for U of G. The Syngenta scholarship endowment will leverage additional funds from the Ontario Graduate Scholarships and Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology programs to support two annual awards of $15,000 each. The scholarships will be awarded to PhD students in the Ontario Agricultural College who are conducting research on sustainable agriculture, with emphasis on environmental quality and resources management, integrated pest management, new technologies, economic viability and rural community sustainability. A portion of the Syngenta gift will also help launch Canada's first specialized agricultural communications program at U of G to train undergraduate students and others how to communicate about the agrifood industry in an informed, balanced way. The communications initiative would also facilitate the creation of a professional
if they're late for a lecture in Rozanski Hall. Part of his campaign donation provided the large monologue clock now positioned four storeys high on the front of the classroom facility, directly across from the Bullring entrance. Bosch stepped forward when he learned the University's Board of Governors had decided the clock wasn't affordable within the facility's construction budget. His $50,000 donation provides for the clock's installation and maintenance over the next several years. Bosch, who is chair of the Guelph Soap Company, has been an avid U of G supporter for many years, recently launching the heritage plaque project. To date, nine historical plaques have been installed on campus to recognize significant figures and events in the University's history.
Fall2003 7
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A favourite professor becomes president By Lori Bona Hunt and Mary Dickieson
of Prof. Alastair Summerlee's term as U of G president has already happened, even though his installation ceremony won't take place until Oct. 10. While Summerlee was still presidentelect, he received a prestigious 3M Teaching Fellowship, which recognizes years of commitment to education, teaching and student success. He was nominated for the award by his colleagues at the Ontario Veterinary College, where he began his U of G career in 1988. Twelve U of G faculty have received the honour, but Summerlee is the only one to do so while serving as an administrator. In addition, he is the first president-elect in Canada to be named a 3M Fellow. Now in his 11th year of administrative work at U of G, Summerlee still teaches in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, and many of his former students wrote letters to support his 3M nomination. The letters call him a pioneer in curriculum development and a tireless advocate for university education. They also mention an unrivalled and infectious passion for teaching and learning. Summerlee's efforts in the classroom are legendary. There are stories of "loud, raucous and enthusiastic" seminars, of his ability to write on a blackboard with both hands at the same time, and of sometimes teaching in bare feet to illustrate his belief in stepping away from stereotypical and traditional teaching styles. One of the most telling letters came from doctoral candidate joanne Hewson, DVM
'92, who said his teaching methods were so innovative and effective that 10 years later, she still remembers the material clearly. His energy and enthusiasm "captured the attention of every student in the class. I didn't attend his class on neuroanatomy because I had to but because I wanted to." For his part, Summerlee says:"! value every moment with students as precious and as an opportunity to challenge them. We each have to have a reason to want to learn, and the teacher has to provide the circumstances or the situations to motivate that learning." His skill in the classroom was recognized with a 1991 Distinguished Professorial Teaching Award from the U of G Faculty Association. Raised in Britain and educated at the University of Bristol, Summerlee became a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 1977. He lectured in anatomy, served as pre-clinical dean in the School of Veterinary Science and was also responsible for the residence halls at Bristol. Four years after arriving at Guelph, he was appointed associate dean at OVC, then went on to become dean of graduate studies in 1995, associate vice-president (academic) in 1999 and provost and vice-president (academic) in 2000. At OVC, he launched an extensive review of the veterinary program and pushed for a curriculum that focused on problem-based learning, a model later adopted as part of the University's learner-centred approach to teaching. As associate VP and provost, he helped create the
University of Guelph-Humber, which allows students to earn an honours degree and a college diploma in only four years. As president, Summerlee plans to continue with his teaching and his internationally recognized research."! believe that research informs teaching and vice versa," he says. "And I want to continue to uphold Guelph's reputation as a university where professors and staff are approachable for students, regardless of position or area of expertise." Since his appointment was announced Jan. 8, Summerlee has "received hundreds of congratulatory e-mails from peoplepast presidents, students, city officials, former colleagues in England, people who teach my kids. When I came into work the next day at 5 a.m., housekeeping staff were waiting to say congratulations and a cam pus police officer was outside the University Centre to shake my hand. That's very important to me. I'm passionate about the people here at Guelph. They are the reason it was very easy for me to make the decision to want to do this job." Summerlee's appointment came after a nine-month international search by the Presidential Search Committee, chaired by Michael Walsh, BA '69, MA '70 and PhD '92, and made up of students, faculty and staff. Summerlee is married to Catherine, who worked on campus for several years as communications co-ordinator for Admission Services. They have two daughters, Madeleine, a student at U of G, and Lydia, a senior high school student; and a son, Max, who enters university this fall. ga
President's Message I AM DELIGHTED and honoured to be appointed the seventh president of the University of Guelph, and I look forward to meeting and working with alumni and all members of the University community, past and present. Over the last decade, U of G has established a strong reputation as a leader in Canada. It is this reputation that attracts some of the best faculty, staff and students to this campus. They, in turn, provide the foundation for our future.
Guelph is known for its outstanding research, teaching and innovation. It is also known for its friendly and committed atmosphere. The values and attitudes that created this caring environment- focused on innovation- are priceless and must be fostered and nurtured. U of G is ideally poised to take a leading role on the international stage. A number of discrete areas of the University already command an international reputation, but recent developments in all aspects and disciplines of the University in teaching and research
open the prospects of new horizons. Over the next five years, l will work with the University community to realize the potential offered by these opportunities. The University of Gu~lph has a rich inheritance that must be promoted. Our roots in agriculture, veterinary medicine and home economics and social conditions provide a pioneering spirit in which intellectual drive is permeated with a sense of creating knowledge that can be applied and used in the community. This concept now radiates from every aspect of our research and teaching. Our inheritance also comes in the form of a beautiful campus. We must find ways to preserve the intellectual essence and physical manifestation of that history. The campus master plan developed by the Board of Governors in the past year will be an important blueprint for campus development. The progress of our university has benefited from a commitment to interdisciplinary study. Our community has shown that some of the best ideas can be generated by working collaboratively between disciplines. We have a number of strong interdisciplinary programs in the arts, sciences and social sciences, and it's clear that this approach must be maintained and developed to keep Guelph at the forefront of research and teaching. As society faces a number of complex issues involving development in the sciences, our willingness to explore the social, cultural and environmental effects of such developments will be vital. In research, teaching, student services and service to society, the U of G community has shown time and again its willingness to experiment with new ideas and take risks. To remain in the vanguard of teaching and research, we must continue to foster this approach. And to remain as Canada's most caring educational community, we must continue to welcome the voices of our alumni in all areas of campus life - inside and outside classrooms, laboratories and boardrooms -mingling with today's students, faculty and staff in the spirit of shared learning. The University of Guelph is the place to learn and work. I want to continue and contribute to that spirit, and r look forward to serving the University over the next five years.
Fall2003 9
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offer a selection of campus scenes you won't see in the
University of Guelph viewbook or on our Internet home page. Yet, they're no less important than the idyllic image of Johnston Green when it comes to defining the University of Guelph. Often, it's the people and things you don't see that make the difference between a good university and a great one. Behind the scenes at Guelph, we've got innovative ideas like the tri-university library annex, an award-winning food service program, and dedicated staff and tradespeople who take pride in their jobs. Some of them opened doors to us that normally say ((Do Not Enter" or ((Employees Only" to help us put together this scrapbook of seldom-seen places.
on paper, Yves-Marie Savoret turns into a work of art from his glass shop in the basement of the MacNaughton Building. Savoret has designed and built numerous pieces of glassware including a unique vacuum line often starting with only a sketch, a glass tube and a blowtorch . In this photo, he attaches a 120-mm tube to a 140-mm tube and builds a groove into the seam that will support an electrode or other piece of equipment.
maintenance, Rod Morrison won't be changing the bearings in this University Centre exhaust fan today, but he will continue to monitor its operation, as he does all exhaust and ventilation fans - the UC alone has about 20- in every campus building. He troubleshoots problems and checks every fan motor about four times a year to predict when the bearings should be replaced.
You CAN TRUST the quality of the milk you buy partly because of the work of Laboratory Services technicians such as Daniel Holmes, B.Sc. '03. Up to 800 samples of raw milk from Ontario dairy farms are tested each day for analysis of fat, protein and lactose concentrations, as well as the bacterial levels Holmes is doing here. Milk testing, however, is just one of many analytical services provided by "the problem solvers" in U of G's Lab Services division. Located across Stone Road from the University's Research Park, the commercial lab offers a complete range of analytical, research, regulatory testing and consultative services geared to agriculture and the agri-food industry- all under one roof.
Fall 2003
built in 1912 still serves as an animal holding facility for the Department of Animal and Poultry Science. Animals housed in the barn for teaching purposes from mid-August to midMay include dairy and beef cattle, farrowing sows and weaner and growing pigs, a flock of sheep, broiler chickens and laying hens. Fill ing the hay mow are veterinary student Katy Sullivan, left, and employee Amanda Holt, B.Sc.(Agr.)'Ol.
INSIDE THE U OF G OBS E RVATORY located on top of the MacNaughton Building is a 34-year-old telescope that's worn out. "Many amateur astronomists have better telescopes than we do," says Prof. Bob Brooks, Department of Physics. Its condition doesn't stop it from being well-used, however. Some 600 people use the 12-inch instrument each year, including up to 300 students, the U of G Astronomy Club and numerous community groups that come for a tour of the Milky Way. A $45,000 fundraising drive is under way to buy a modern telescope of SchmidtCassegrain design and an Astrophysics mount with computer control. "It will give us a clearer view and more convenient viewing for large groups of users," Brooks says.
Darin Par ise completes a routine check of chilled water pipes in the University's Central Utilities Plant. The plant heats and cools most buildings on campus with four gas-fired boilers a nd 9,500 tons of chillers. It also provides de-ioni zed water for labs, treated domesti c water, rainwater for fish research, compressed air and emergency electricity.
"MAD E FROM SCRAT CH"co uld well be the motto of University chefs such as Carlos Di Lello, who prepare all entrees and more than 90 per cent of the baked goods and desserts served on campus. No wonder U of G is the recognized leader in food service innovation and quality among Canadian universities. More than 14,000 students and staff eat on campus daily, with up to 1,000 served weekly at special events and banquets.
Fall 2003 13
THE WELLINGTON WooDs housing complex was "like our own little United Nations," say Wood and Rose Marie Salele of Samoa, who spent almost five years in Guelph with their four children while he completed a PhD in agricultural economics and business. Wood, who earned a Commonwealth Scholarship to study at U of G, returned to the South Pacific with his family in June. "We loved living in Wellington Woods and made many good friends from all over the world," he says. Pictured on the neighbourhood basketball court on their last day in Guelph are, from left: Maila, Angelica, Rose Marie, Wood and Paul. Ben is out of camera range waiting for the rebound.
FOR RESEARCH ON bacterial infections such as salmonella, pathobiology professor Carlton Gyles, DVM '64, M.Sc. '66 and PhD '68, makes use of animal facilities at the Arkell Research Station, which has the capacity to house 6,000 birds as well as swine and sheep. The Arkell facility is one of 16locations around Ontario where U of G manages agricultural research stations through its partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
SuSAN IRvINE, BA '77, replaces a document in the stacks of the library annex opened in 1997 as part of the Tri-University Library Consortium, a collaboration of U of G, the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. Located in the north end of Guelph, the annex holds more than one million volumes of loweruse holdings from the three universities. All three campuses have access to the annex holdings through an electronic catalogue and receive requested material within 24 hours.
THE HALLOWED HALLS oflearning get cleaned nightly by staff such as Tammy Reynen, who works from 10:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. in the Axelrod Building. U of G's housekeeping department employs 158 full-time people who clean everything on campus from lecture halls and offices to operatin g rooms and labs.
Fal l 2003 15
OUTSIDE Geneticists Ann Gibbins and Manish Raizada frame their careers with a shared desire to benefit humankind By Andrew Vowles r TAL of a former Soviet republic, gunfire crackles within earshot of Guelph animal and poultry scientist Ann Gibbins as she participates in a meeting of an international science committee designed - rather ironically in light of the coup attempt taking place outside - to achieve "peace through science." Years earlier, nascent plant geneticist Manish Raizada, now a faculty member in Guelph's Department of Plant Agriculture, sees a young girl in his ancestral India beaming over her find- a half-rotted head of cauliflower scavN
As a respected senior scientist, Gibbins serves on a global advisory panel intended to help bridge gaps between resea rchers in NATO countries and less-developed nations - and, not incidentally, to help foster peace among peoples. Impelled by an idealistic fire lit as a high school student just over a decade ago, Raizada hopes to help feed the world. Where both scientists meet, at least
enged from a market- and thinks: "At the dawn of the 21st century, no one should have to live like this." Today, Gibbins and Raizada are still separated in other ways. She's nearing retirement after 35 years spent in studying, teaching, research and administration at U of G. He's setting up a new research laboratory using federal and provincial funding intended to launch talented young scientists. Her recent research has seen her probing at the genetic roots of farm animals, particularly chickens and pigs. His genetic studies are designed to tease apart the mysteries of plant regeneration.
metaphorically, is here at the University of Guelph, where their different paths within the Ontario Agricultural College have led them toward a common goal: making a difference in billions of lives in less-developed parts of the world. The call from NATO headquarters just four years ago was un expected, even for an animal geneticist who had already followed a
varied career path. After studying biochemistry in her native England, Gibbins lived in Saskatoon and New Zealand before coming to U of Gin 1967 when her late husband, Norman, joined the faculty of the Department of Microbiology. At Guelph, she completed graduate degrees in microbiology and genetics in the College of Biological Science, earning a master's degree in 1971 and a PhD in 1980.
Eager to apply her education, she embarked on independent research, initial ly in a postdoctoral position in biomedical sciences in the Ontario Veterinary College, then as a faculty member in OAC. Reflecting on the twists and turns that led almost a decade ago to her current appointment as chair of the Department of Animal and Poultry Science, she describes herself as the proverbial jack of all trades.
Despite that varied experience - or maybe because of it- she fielded a query for her CV on behalf of NATO as just another routine request. "It seemed rather bizarre;' she concedes, adding that she sent off the information, then promptly forgot about the call. "The next thing I knew, I got a call from NATO headquarters telling me I was the Canadian representative on the NATO Life
Science and Technology Committee." Coincidentally, Gibbins's Canadian career parallels the lifespan of the Brussels-based North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In 1960, around the time she first arrived in Canada from England with her husband, then foreign minister Lester Pearson was helping to found the NATO science organization under the guiding principle of"peace through sci-
Fall 2003 17
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BACON AND EGG GENETICS ROF. ANN GIBBINS says her four-year term on a NATO scientific committee has stimulated her own curiosity as a researcher and framed her work. Since completing her doctorate at age 40 here at Guelph - delayed somewhat by the arrival of her three sons - she has studied the genetics of domestic animals, notably poultry and swine. Her signature research with chickens has involved engineering changes in the genetic makeup of developing embryos to make useful products that are deposited in the egg. She and her colleagues developed a groundbreaking technique now used widely for getting past the eggshell to alter the embryo's DNA. Most recently, Gibbins and her students have used genetic engineering to promote production of various useful types of lysozyme, a natural antibiotic that protects the embryo from bacteria
ence." Says Gibbins: "This was a visionary move in an attempt to help stabilize nations through co-operative science programs, leading to improved food production and health and improved economic growth." Her own appointment to the advisory body in 1999 came during a watershed year for NATO's entire science program. Originally established to foster collaborative projects between scientists in NATO co untries only- Gibbins herself had held a four-year collaborative NATO project with a Dutch colleague- the program was altered that year. "After the breakdown of the former U.S.S.R., there was a real effort on the part of NATO to establish links with countries in the former Soviet Union, as well as with a handful of nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea," she says. Today, the program supports only collaborations between NATO-country scientists and their counterparts in two groups of developing nations: "Partners" in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and the socalled "Mediterranean Dialogue" countries.
during development. Canada produces about a fifth of the world's supply of naturallysozyme extracted from egg white, and Gibbins's research opens the door for the production of variations of the lysozyme gene that will code for antibi-
Partnerships under the umbrella science program now take one of four main forms: science fellowships, research infrastructure support, science for peace (involving industrial research and development), and co-operative science and technology. Gibbins's involvement has been with co-operative science and technology collaborations intended to foster personal links between scientists of NATO and partner countries. She was invited to join the Life Science and Technology Advisory Panel, which reviews project applications in biology, agricultural and food sciences, medicine and the behavioural sciences. Gibbins has helped develop and review applications for various initiatives, including study institutes and research workshops that bring together scientists investigating everything from environmental challenges in the Caspian Sea to risk assessments following the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Among the projects: Studies of fox populations in Siberia to zero in on a possible single gene governing aggressive canine behaviour. She says
otics with greater stability and effectiveness against pathogens. During the past fbur years, Gibbins has also collaborated in genomics research aimed at discovering major genes involved in improving meat quality and reproductive success of pigs. Beyond bacon and eggs, she's seen plenty of other research ideas as a review panellist for agencies such as the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and various U.S. organizations. Internationally recognized for her contributions in avian genetics and biotechnology, she has been in demand as a speaker at international conferences and workshops. "I became a scientist because there are all these intriguing puzzles that need to be solved;' says Gibbins.
the proposed collaboration between scientists in Novosibirsk and Cornell University is "an unusual opportunity to determine the scientific basis for aggressive behaviour in mammals in general." Investigations of camel production in Central Asia, where camel and desert sciences are economically important in many countries, such as Turkmenistan. Recording heart activity of Mediterranean sandhoppers to monitor environmental problems. Fitting these tiny insects with diodes and phototransistors allows scientists in Poland and the United Kingdom to test relationships between heart rate and environmental stress factors, both natural (hum idi ty, temperature) and humaninduced (pollution). Gibbins says a key partnership mechanism is a system of collaborative linkage grants that provide several years' worth of funding to help scientists establish joint research projects. They're particularly aimed at enabling young researchers from the partner nations to spend a period working in
PLANTS THAT KEEP ON GROWING Hack a dandelion out of your lawn and you know it'll be only a matter of time before the weed erupts anew. From roots to stems to leaves, plants and their constituent parts have a resiliency that fascinates Prof. Manish Raizada, Plant Agriculture. His research program, funded over the past year by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Innovation Trust and a Premier's Research Excellence Award, is intended to find the gene or genes that allow plants of all stripes to regenerate themselves. Recently, his U of G lab mapped its first regeneration gene found on one of the chromosomes of Arabidopsis or the wild mustard family (what Raizada calls the "fruit fly of the plant world"). He plans to continue work on that and other genes, hoping to prove that the same handful of genes governs the regeneration trick in plants from dandelions to wheat, corn and other crops needed to feed
NATO countries, learning about ideas and methods they can take back home. This fall, Gibbins will complete her fouryear term on the international advisory panel, which she currentl y chairs. She's one of three women sitting on the comm ittee and its first female chair. Its 15 members include eminent clinical psychologists, cancer specialists, immunologists, cell biologists and plant physiologists, all hailing from different countries, including Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, jordan, Ukraine, Portugal and Romania. "It was a completely novel experience for me;' says Gibbins, who is as well-known internationally for her straightforward, nononsense demeanour as for her own genetics research. ''I've been on international committees before, but not one with this range of expertise and cultural background:' Earlier, she had chaired federal panels in Canada as well as a U.S. Department of Agriculture major program review of genetics and genomics research across the United States. "The NATO committee has been the pinna-
growing populations in developing nations. In what might appear a bizarre connection, he hunts for the regeneration genes by inserting into a plant's genetic material the bit of firefly DNA that makes the luciferase enzyme responsible for allowing the insect
cle of my scientific career in my own eyes because I've been privileged to work with an extraordinary group of people;' she says. If Gibbins was surprised by the turn her career was taking only four years before retirement, Raizada sees his current research path as a natural progression from his earlier humanitarian efforts. Horrified by television images of famine-stricken Ethiopians during the early 1980s and angered at the apparent apathy in his Brampton, Ont., high school, he ran successfully for school council president, then led fundraising efforts for UNICEF and to sponsor foster children in Mali and India. Later at the University of Western Ontario, he encouraged his residence mates to adopt a foster child. "] knew I wanted to do something to help the developing world," Raizada says. Maybe it was in his genes. His greatgrandfather had started two schools in India during the early 1900s. One early student was Raizada's maternal grandmother, who now runs one of the schools- a college called Kanya Gurukul for 300 girls ranging
to light up. Out of tens of thousands of copies of the plants, he expects the lightup gene will wind up riext to the regeneration gene in at least a few plants. By exposing the plants to different environmental factors- changing temperature or salt concentrations, toxic metals or pathogens, mechanical stress - he hopes to determine which genes are switching on or off by watching for the plants that "light up:' Raizada thinks outside the box when looking for ways to apply his work- helping Third World farmers develop new plants from rootstock rather than buying new seeds each year, turning plants into mini-factories to make industrial or medicinal compounds, helping farmers develop more intensive practices to produce more food with fewer resources. "In the next 20 or 30 years, we need to produce more food than we have in the entire history of humanity;' he says.
from Grade 5 students to adults. Shortly after Raizada's birth, his family left for Nigeria, then moved to Canada when he was three. Still, he's no stranger to the desperation born of poverty and hunger in the continents left behind. "Sub-Saharan Africa is in desperate need;' he says. "It's the only place in the world where agricultural production has gone down in the past 20 years." A turning point came during the visit to India when he encountered that enduring image of the young girl in the marketplace. Raizada had considered becoming a doctor, but realized the problem was less a health issue than one of economics. "If they had more income, they could afford health care. 1 decided my interest in international development was to get at the root of this." He hopes to do that by untangling the genetic myster ies of how plants regenerate. Fascinated by the process that enables a plant to grow a new part, he's convinced that finding the gene or set of genes responsible for regeneration will ultimately help improve plant breeding and agricultural pract ices.
Fall2003 19
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He believes genetic manipulation of food crops based on his work will enab le farmers to grow food more cheap ly and easi ly for quickly expanding Third World populations. "Our biggest goal is to eliminate the need for farmers to plant seed each year;' he says, adding that the technology might also help reduce the need for tilling and attendant soil erosion and help farmers conserve scarce resources such as nitrogen and water. Raizada hopes to see farmers using the results of his research in five to l 0 years, especially in corn, wheat, rice and soybeans. Key to that technology transfer would be working through international research breeding institutes such as the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre in Mexico, considered by many as the birthplace of the Green Revolution. Raizada did a post-doctoral fellowship there in 2000 after completing a doctorate in plant molecular genetics at Stanford University. He sees himself one day serving on a board or advisory committee of a biotech company or a worldwide agency such as the International Rice Institute. "These institutes are the direct conduits to the developing world;' he says. Gibbins says her experience on the NATO advisory committee has given her a bird's-eye view of development issues, although there have occas ionally been unsettling close-ups. In late 2001, she was in Tbilisi attending one of the committee's thrice-yearly meetings when political unrest boiled over in Georg ia . "There was an attempted coup while we were there. We heard gunshots right outside our hotel." Despite the proximity of the firefight, she and her colleagues remained calm. "When you've been chair of a department for about 10 years, you're prepared for anything;' she quips. Even so, she's often been shocked by the conditions endured by local people and some of the scientists in these co untries. In Georgia, for example, she visited a microbiological institute with a "fantastic collection" of microbial cultures that she says would be the envy of any biologist. Although that material needs to be kept cool, the institute has only enough electricity to run the refrigerators for up to three hours a day. From research infrastructure to access to chemical reagents or the Internet, the circumstances are "absolutely dire" in many countries, she says. Paradoxically, many of those same nations
offered better working conditions and travel opportunities for their scientists before the fall of the Iron Curta in in 1989. "It's a sad thin g to see such talented and committed people struggling;' she says. Hoping to lessen the struggle, her advisory panel has helped in everything from bringing scientists together to advising on the development of intellectual property rights to avoid exploitation. In her own eyes, Gibbins's main achievement during her career has been helpin g young people, both through her international work and through her research and teaching at Guelph. "Promoting young people has been the most meaningful part of my career!' Raizada's young career took a twist this spring when he left behind his lab in Guelph's Crop Science Building to begin a research leave in chemistry and chemical engineering at the Ca lifornia Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Working in what he calls a pioneering lab in the field, he is lea rnin g about protein engineering in order to make materials that might help plants conserve water and essential nutrients. "Water is the biggest problem in agriculture in the developing world. I want to gain skills to produce certain materials that will save water and nitrogen." His ea rly experiences have already taught Raizada that helping to feed the world will involve more than genetics o r engineerin g alone, or even any clever combination of the two. Beyond science, he says, the complex problems of hun ger and poverty in the developing world will require expertise in a wide range of fields, from political science to sociology to health care to economics. Similarly, Gibbin s says achieving international co-operation and peace will mean not just partnerships in science but a lso understanding of disparate and ever-evolving political and cultural agendas, all of which come together in NATO's science program. There are more changes afoot. Even as Gibbins prepares to chai r her last meeting in Kyrgysztan this fall, NATO is working on merging the science program into a new public diplomacy division. By then, she' ll be back in Guelph to wrap up her tenure as department chair, then retire to her lOGacre farm, where she hopes to have the time and space to contemplate the world through new eyes. ''I'll be very happy to be anonymous in Rockwood." ga
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Gryphon wrestler sets her sights on the 2004 Olympics By Lori Bona Hunt
ou'v EXPECT, Tara Hedican to be larger than life. In 2001 the fourth-year history student became the first Canadian woman to win a world junior wrestling championship. Last year, she received the Tom Longboat Award, a national honour recognizing aboriginal excellence in sport. This year, she won a gold medal at the Pan American Championships and a silver medal at the Commonwealth Wrestling Championships. A two-time Canadian junior national champion and three-time Canadian senior national silver medallist, she also represented Canada this spring at the Hans von Zons International Wrestling Tournament in Germany and the Austrian Ladies Open in Austria, events that featured top international wrestlers. Such credentials might conjure up an image of a towering muscle-bound athlete, but in Hedican's case, nothing could be further from the truth. Short and small, with a quiet voice and shy smile, she is a refreshing reminder that stereotypes are usually just that. Wrestling, she says, is a sport that relies as much on intellectual strength as physical prowess. "That's what I like about it. When you're out there on the mat, it's just you and your opponent. You don't have a team with you. I just take it one point at a time, one match at a time."
That's the secret of Hedican's success, says Doug Cox, who coaches both the Guelph Wrestling Club and the Gryphon team. "Tara is strong and her technique is good, but her mental state is the best." Along with high school coach Mark Howlett and fellow Guelph Wrestling Club coach Dave Mair, Cox has worked with Hedican since her mid-teens. "Once you're among the top 100 wrestlers, you're all basically at the same level and it becomes a mental game;' he says. "This is where Tara shines. She thrives on competition. I think she likes the pressure." During her years at U of G, where women's wrestling has been a varsity sport since 1997, Hedican has captured gold at both the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) and the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) championships and was named most outstanding wrestler at both competitions. She won gold at the Dave Shultz Memorial Tournament in Colorado and was the 2001 Junior National's most outstanding wrestler and the senior provincial 2001 champion. She was also the OUA's nominee this year for a Borden, Ladner and Gervais LLP (BLG) Award, which stresses the importance of athletics to a university education. Her U of G honours have included being named Rookie of the Year, Female Athlete of the Year and
Most Valuable Player. But there's one honour she's longing to add to her resume- an Olympic medal. "When I was still in high school, I told my coach: 'I want to be in the Olympics.' Women's wrestling wasn't even on its way to becoming an Olympic sport, but he just said: 'Go for it.'" The 2004 Olympics in Athens will be the first games to include women's wrestling, and Hedican wants to be there. First, however, she must compete at the Olympic trials in Alberta in December. "From now until the trials, I will go 'undercover: so to speak, and put all my attention towards being a student of wrestling." Hedican, who is sponsored by Rowe Farm Meats, which she has incorporated into her diet, is hoping to attend as many tournaments as possible to prepare for the trials and the Olympics. ''I'm looking for additional sponsors and support in the upcoming year to help make that possible;' she says, adding that the University has been a strong supporter, most recently by renovating the wrestling practice room. Cox, himself a former Olympian, believes Hedican has what it takes to compete at that level."! knew it from the start. Here was this 15-year-old kid showing up
five nights a week to practise with the university students. She was always here on time, ready to get the job done." Hedican, who is the daughter of U of G professor Ed Hedican of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, has been wrestling since she was 12. She discovered the sport by chance. "I was in junior high and heard they were looking for girls for the wrestling team, so I just thought I'd give it a try." She didn't realize just how good she was until high school, when "I hardly ever lost any matches. I have a bit of natural talent, but the main reason I do well is that I work a lot harder than most people do." She practises six days a week, in addition to running about six hours a week and weight training before competitions. She
competes in the 64-kilogram weight class. "Wrestlers come in all different shapes and sizes. Being short can be an advantage, being tall can be an advantage. There is room for all body types. It just depends on what yo u do with your body type." Although she's always understood the importance of training and mental discipline, Hedican has only recently begun to realize what it means to be a champion. With each medal and award, there are more requests for speaking engagements and television appearances, and she was a torch bearer at the Ontario Winter Games. After winning the Longboat Award, she began to understand the effect her accomplishments might have on other aboriginal athletes. "!want to be someone other aboriginal kids can look up to;' she says.
Hedican, whose mother is Ojibwa, was a flag bearer for the North American Indigenous Games in Winnipeg, and last year, she flew into her reserve north of Thunder Bay to speak at a Chiefs of Ontario Conference. She also attended an Ontario Youth Powwow in Hagersville and was on a panel at the Canadian Indigenous Native Studies at UofT.
For Cox, seeing Hedican flourish in this new role is more satisfying than any of her athletic successes. "When I first met her, she was so shy, she would look at the ground when you talked to her. Now she's very different. That's what's so great about sportsthey can convert a kid from being shy to being self-confident by building up his or her self-esteem. With Tara, that's the greatest thing for me to have witnessed." ga
Fall2003 23
LIPFORD CHAPPEL, DVM '50, a renowned medical researcher and entrepreneur, received two awards during Alumni Weekend. The University of Guelph Alumni Association (UGAA ) Alumnus of Honour and the OVC Distinguished Alumnus awards were presented at the June 21 President's Luncheon. Chappel is a Guelph native who studied veterinary medicine at OVC, then earned a PhD in investigative medicine at McGi ll Uni versity. He joined Ayerst Laboratories in Montreal as director of biological research and began a distinguished research caree r that has saved numerous lives and contributed immeasurably to the development of safer drug therapies. In 1965, Chappel formed his own company, Bio-Research Laboratories Ltd., to provide biological research services to industry and government. He later founded a Montreal company now known as Technitrol Eco, which conducts environmental research; a toxicology consulting company in Mississauga called Cantox Inc.; and an animal breeding facility in Ottawa that developed the BB rat, the first animal model for juvenile diabetes. He has also written more than 60 scientific papers and has consulted for the brewing industry and the International Life Sciences Institute in Washington, D.C. In 1987, he established the Chappel Memorial Lecture at OVC in memory of his father. The lecture series allows Guelph faculty and students to learn from worldrenowned biomedical scientists. ~
alumnus Bruce Christie, BSA ,58, were
also recognized during Alumni Weekend
2 with the presentation of the UGAA's Alumo :r: (l_
ni Volunteer Award.
During his 43-year career with ShurGain (formerly Canada Packers), Christie gained a reputation as a dedicated professional and a manager who demonstrated a high level of personal commitment to those who worked with him. Christie mentored many young people at Shur-Gain (a mem-
ber of Maple Leaf Foods Inc.) and in the broader agri-food industry. He is past national chair of the Canadian Feed Industry Association and a recipi ent of its Golden Award for leadership. He has held leadership roles in numerous agrifood organizations as well as the OAC
Coming Events Sept. 26 and 27- Homecoming. Hospitality reception in Toronto at the Westin Harbour Castle, hosted by the HAFA Alumni Association and the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. For details of this annual event, contact Beth Dandridge at bdandridge@hersheys.com or call 905602-8999, Ext. 558. Nov. 21- Mac-FACS Alumni Association coffee and dessert reception, 10:30 a.m., Macdonald Institute Faculty Lounge. Nov. 29 and 30 - U of G Alumni Hockey Tournament; contact Brad Stephenson to register your team at 519-826-3223 or brad.stephenson@omaf.gov.on.ca. December 2003- Mistletoe Pub. Contact Carla Bradshaw at Ext. 56657 for details. jan. 19 to 23, 2004- OAC Career Week. Check the OAC Web site for details: www.oac.uoguelph.ca/alumni. jan. 23, 2004 - 13th annual Aggie Good times Banquet. Contact the Student Federation of OAC at Ext. 58321 for details and tickets. March 3, 2004 - Florida Reunion. Alumni visiting or living in Florida are invited to Port Charlotte for a lunch and get-together with fellow grads. Contact Jemlifer Brett at Ext. 53540 for information. june 25 to 27, 2004-AlumniWeekend. Planning meetings for reunion organizers will be held in November 2003. For information, contact Alumni Affairs at Ext. 53540 or jbrett@uoguelph.ca.
Oct. 20 -
Alumni Association and Foundation. Currently, he is chair of the national Expert Committee on Farm Animal Welfare and Behaviour and is a mentor for the Internship of Young Leaders program at U of G. Christie has been active in the OAC Alumni Association since graduation, serving in several executive positions and taking an active role in fundraising. His dedication was highlighted in 2000 with the establishment of the Bruce Christie Recognition Fund, an OAC endowment designated for student enhancement purposes.
HE UGAA MEDAL OF Achievement is presented to a graduate of the last 15 years for professional and community contributions. Janey (Piroli) Dobson, B.Sc.(Eng.) '96, received the 2003 award at the June 10 convocation ceremony for the College of Physical and Engineering Science. Dobson is well-known to many on campus for her involvement with the School of
Engineering program Creative Encounters with Science, for her athletic ability as a member of the varsity rugby and wrestling teams and for her work as a peer helper and volunteer with Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis. After graduation, she was a director and program co-ordinator for the national organization Youth Engineering and Science Camps of Canada. She joined Frito Lay Canada in 1997 and has since risen to the position of Ontario sales training manager. Her leadership skills were also put to use in a special projects role to develop a community investment strategy and co-ordinate the company's community contributions. She also led a successful United Way campaign within Frito Lay. Dobson is active in the Big Sister Association of Guelph, coaches with the Guelph Wrestling Club and is a director of the Canadian Amateur Wrestling Association. In addition, she serves as a resource and role model for U of G engineering students.
For more information about these and other alumni events, visit the Alumni Affairs Web site at www.uoguelph.ca/alumni or call519-824-4120, Ext. 56544.
Fall 2003 25
count the hours of volunteer work that alumni contribute to the University each year. But even if you could tally the hours, the value would be immeasurable. Alumni volunteers work with students, participate in University administration, preserve our institutional histo-
ry and contribute to many other activities that enhance the life and mission of the University of Guelph. Alumni associations thrive because Guelph graduates are willing to contribute their time to sit on boards, usher at convocation, organize reunions and host career events. Many alumni hire U of G
co-op students, serve as mentors and open their workplaces to provide experientiallearning opportunities for the next generation of Guelph grads. There are opportunities for all U of G alumni to get involved. Contact Alumni Affairs at 519-824-4120, Ext. 56544, or alumni @uoguel ph. ca.
Bruce McCorquodale and student alumni ambassador Jill Prodenchuk worked together to organize a memorable class reunion for OAC '53 at Alumni Weekend . U of G alumni recently welcomed OVC stu路 dents for a tour of Alta Vista Animal Hospi路 tal in Ottawa during OVC's Summer Leader路 ship Program. Front row, from left: DVM students John Williamson, Vicky Langford and Laura Palumbo and 1988 graduate Hilary Mellor. Back row: Hospital director Stephen Sidoli, DVM students Aaron Shackleton and Babak Faramarzi, Prof. Keith Betteridge, student Ashley Whitehead and 1977 grad Anthony Sekeres. During the trip, students also visited alumni at the National Research Council's Centre for Biological Sciences and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
As chair of the Heritage Trust board, Bill
Now in its fourth year, the Summer Lead-
Brock, BSA '58, presents outgoing U of G
ership Program is designed to expose stu-
president Mordechai Rozanski with a citation
Don Beam, B.Sc.(Eng.) '68, centre, talked
dents to opportunities outside of tradtional
denoting growth of more than 300 per cent
about entrepreneurial opportunities for engi-
veterinary practice, including graduate study
in the University's endowment fund during
neering graduates at a spring careers night
and careers in industry, government, research
the president's 10-year tenure. In another vol-
hosted by the School of Engineering. He
and teaching. Key to the program are men-
unteer capacity, Brock was chair of the Board
runs his own company, Hall Telecommuni-
torship and work experiences.
of Governors that hired Rozanski in 1993.
cations Supply Limited, in Guelph.
alumni Matters ALUMNI WEEKEND 2003 SETS NEW RECORDS Attendance: 1,500 Class reunions: 47 Distance: Grads came from eight provinces, 11 U.S. states and the U.K. largest class turnout: OAC '78 largest reunion event: OAC '63 dinner Best singers: Members of OAC '53 sharing their class song at the President's Luncheon Best dressed: A group of Mac '68 grads wearing vintage hats
Best food: Mac 100 gala dinner was a four-course wonder Proud moment: Unveiling the University of Guelph Alumni Association logo embedded in the floor of Rozanski Hall's alumni concourse Historic moment: Introducing a Canada Post commemorative stamp to recognize the 100th anniversary of the founding of Macdonald Institute Photo gallery: View Alumni Weekend
photos at www.uog_uelph.ca/ alumni New in 2003: Members of OAC '33 attended the President's Luncheon for the first time in their 71 years of annual reunions. More in 2004: We will honour grads from years ending in four or nine. To plan a 2004 reunion for your group, contact Jennifer Brett in Alumni Affairs at 519-824-4120, Ext. 53540, or jbrett@uoguelph.ca.
Enjoying lunch at the President's Luncheon are, from left: Fred Ramprashad, associate dean of the Mac '30 was the earliest class represented
College of Biological Science; Nancy Sullivan, vice-president (finance and administration); Martin
at Alumni Weekend by Marie Hardacre of
Bosch, B.Sc '69 and M.Sc. '71; Trevor Bosch; B.Sc. '01 grads Sarah Kinlin, Cindy Graham and
Willowdale, Ont.
Meeghan Nolasco; and Peter Tremaine, dean of the College of Physical and Engineering Science.
Alumni, faculty and staff enjoyed a wine and cheese in the Powell Building honouring the human biology
human kinetics class of
Members of OAC '68 added special touch-
FACS '78 grads celebrated their 25th
1983 and the physical education class of
es to the cannon in Branion Plaza. From left:
anniversary. From left: Janet Taylor, Mary
1973. From left: 1982/83 alumni Carolyn
Alexander "Arnie" Armstrong, John Vanden-
Anne Deanike, Heather Wattam and Jenny
Moore, Janet Leonhard, Glen Stevens and
berg, Verne Brinsmead and Jim "Chomper"
Barbara Kelly.
Fall2003 27
Online community shortens distance to Nepal COME ON HOME
Rabindra Man Tamrakar of Nepal was one of the first grads to sign up for U of G's Online Community. He wanted to stay in touch with the campus he hasn't been able to visit since graduating in 1989 with a B.Sc. in agriculture. A land-use specialist with 24 years of experience, he is currently working with Nepal's Ministry of Land Reforms and Management on a national project to implement land-use planning, zoning laws and regulations gov-
erning land-use classification. Such policy decisions, he says, must be based on land capability and socio-economic conditions, but planners face challenges from climate, population growth and environmental damage caused by inappropriate farming practices. Nepal's population is growing at a rate of almost 2.25 per cent per year, says Tamrakar, while farming practices such as terracing steep mountain slopes and cutting down forests are
accelerating the country's problems with loss of soil fertility, landslides, flooding and decreases in agricultural productivity. All of these factors accelerate the poverty level in a country where land is the principal source of income and employment for about 90 per cent of the population. Tamrakar works with farmers and government officials alike and lives with his family in the capital city of Kathmandu. He and his wife, Ani! Tara, have two daughters, 14-year-old Smarika and 13-year-old Angela. In addition to his Guelph degree, Tamrakar holds a B.Sc. from Nepal's Tribhuvan University and has studied at Colorado University in the United States and the International Institute for Ceo-information Science and Earth Observation in the Netherlands. His career has given him wide experience in natural resources planning and management in Nepal, Canada, the Netherlands, Thailand and jamaica. Alumni with similar professional interests or classmates who would just like to send greetings can contact Tamrakar through the Online Community at www.olcnetwork.net/ uoguelph.
the Royal Bank of Canada, where he trained a staff of bank agrologists. He has also been involved with 4-H, Ontario's Country Heritage Park and the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board.
erinary diagnostic pathologist with Manitoba Agriculture and Food in Winnipeg after serving with the veterinary services branch since 1979. He and his wife, Norma, plan to move to Vancouver Island later this year.
Rabindra Man Tamarakar on vacation in the Kathmandu Valley.
• George Arnold, BSA '59, received a Distinguished Agrologist Award from the Ontario Institute of Agrologists. He has served the agricultural community through his work with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and as Ontario manager of agricultural services for
• Ronald Austin, DVM '67, is retiring from a position as vet-
• Ken Anderson, BA '77, is director of training at Delta
Friday, Sept. 26 Gryphon Club Hall of Fame Dinner. Call janis Macpherson at Ext. 56133 for ticket information.
Saturday, Sept. 27 Alumni Swim Meet, 9:30 a.m. Call Alan Fairweather at Ext. 52220 for details. Alumni Glory Bowl, 10 a.m., Alumni Stadium. Gryphon football alumni brunch, 11 :30 a.m. Call Ross Butler at Ext. 56196 for details. Men's lacrosse alumni match, noon. Call Sam Kosakowski at Ext. 54703 for details. Gryphons host the Queen's University Gaels, 2 p.m., Alumni Stadium. Both squads will be coached by U of G alumni: Tom Arnott, B.Sc. (H.K.) '80 on the Guelph bench and Pat Tracey, ADA '83 and BA '87, for Queen's. Discount alumni tickets will be available at the gate. Macdonald Institute reception and centenary awards, 10 a.m.; Mac-FACSAlumni Association AGM at ll a.m; tours of the building and gardens, 11:30 a.m.
Media Inc. 111 Ottawa and recently helped the company secure an exclusive contract to provide media spokesperson and presentation skills training for Canada's MPs, their executive staff and senior officers of the House of Commons. • Rosemary Bonanno, BA '77, is CEO of Vaughan Public
Libraries in Thornhill, Ont., and was recently awarded the W.J. Robertson Medallion as Librarian of the Year by the Ontario Library Boards' Association. The award recognizes her efforts to develop a strategic plan for the Vaughan libraries, initiate new technologies and foster an international partnership with libraries in British Columbia, the United Kingdom and Australia to provide 24/7 electronic reference service. • Ralph Brown, B.Sc.(Agr.) '75, M.Sc. '77, B.Sc.(Eng.) '86 and PhD '89, was honoured by the Canadian Society for Engineering in Agricultural, Food and Biological Systems for his contributions to research and teaching in the area of energy and processing systems. A professor in U of G's School of Engineering, Brown is involved in research aimed at improving corn quality and developing a viable food-grade corn industry in Ontario. One of the main innovations coming from that work is "damp corn" storage technology. During his career at Guelph, he has also developed an effective research program in application technology for herbicides and pesticides. • Palmiro Campagna, B.Sc. (Eng.) '77, recently published a book titled Requiem for a Giant: A. V. Roe Canada and the Avro Arrow. Published by the Dundurn Group, this history follows Campagna's best-selling Storms
of Controversy: The Secret Avro Arrow Files Revealed as well as The UFO Files: The Canadian Connection Exposed. In addition to writing, he works for the Department of National Defence in Ottawa and has acted as Canadian representative to NATO in the area of electromagnetics in military aircraft. He is currently involved in program evaluation and audit. • Margaret Carter, B.Sc. '78, has
been appointed executive director of the Ontario Dental Hygienists' Association. Previously, she was director of professional practice for the College of Respiratory Therapists of
Margaret Carter
Ontario. She has also been a senior instructor in the respiratory therapy program at the Michener Institute in Toronto, a consultant for the Ontario Ministry of Health and a staff therapist at hospitals in Toronto, Hamilton and Victoria, B.C. She currently lives in Thornhill, Ont. • Bob Desautels, B.Comm. '75 and MA '84, is president of the Arrow Neighbourhood Pub Group, which has restaurant locations in Guelph, Toronto and Ottawa. Committed to serving locally produced foods and beverages, the group is now launching its own draft beer. Brewed under licence by Guelph's F&M Brewery, it is called Harvest Pa le Ale and is made with Ontario-grown barley. Desautels notes that using local products not only provides patrons with fresh, highquality food and beverages, but can also help reduce environmental damage by eliminating the need to truck food long distances. For more information about the group, visit the Web site www.arrowpubs.com. • John Durham, B.Sc. '78, is the new president of DRAXIS Pharma Inc., a specialized pharmaceutical contract manufacturing subsidiary of DRAXIS
Ernie Kenda ll, BSA '32, and Etta Stackhouse shared Guelph mem· ories at her September 2002 birthday party in Elmira, Ont. She is the widow of Steve Stackhouse, a member of the 1933 OAC class.
Health Inc. in Montreal. • Deborah Frame, BA '78, has been appointed chief investment officer of Empire Life Insurance Company in Toronto. She oversees Empire's entire investment division, with total assets under management of $4.8 billion. Previously, she was a partner with Morrison Williams, a pension portfolio manager and subadviser to Talvest Funds. • Ginty Jocius, B.Sc. (AGR.) '70, of Guelph owns Canada's outdoor Farm Show, which was the lead sponsor of an OAC student team that won first place at the National Agri-Marketing Association's annual competition in California. Competing against 33 U.S. teams and another Canadian team, the OAC stuents won with their marketing plan for a product called Apple Dunks. • Robert Kains, B.Sc.(Agr.) '78,
is president of Robert Kains Golf Course Design Ltd. in Canmore, Alta. The company has completed projects in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan and has also designed golf courses in Sweden. For more information, visit the Web site www.kainsgolfdesign.com. • Anne Ker, B.Sc. '77, received a diploma in recreation and leisure services from Niagara College this spring and was awarded the Governor General of Canada Academic Award for top marks in the graduating class. • Bill Mathison, BA '70 and MA '75, is a retired teacher in Markham, Ont., and would like to hear from former classmates and friends at wmathi.5235@ rogers.com. • Mary Ruth McDonald, B.Sc.(Agr.) '78, M.Sc. '82 and PhD '94, is an assistant profes-
Fall2003 29
sor in U of G's Department of Plant Agriculture. She lives in Orangeville with her husband, Doug Schaefer, BA '88, who works in U of G's Teaching Support Services, and their sixyear-old twin sons, Alex and Cameron. • Catherine Slaney, BA '78, recently published Family
Secrets: Crossing the Colour Line through Natural Heritage Books. The book narrates her personal journey through a family history that revealed a lineage of celebrated black ancestors unknown to her as she was growing up in Toronto in a "white" family. She currently lives in Georgetown, Ont., and is pursuing a doctorate in sociology and equity studies in education at the University of Toronto. For more information, visit the Web site www.naturalheritagebooks.com.
1980 • Christine Alford, B.Sc. 'SO, has been appointed Canadian leader and partner at IBM Business Consulting Services for IBM Canada. She joined IBM in 1981 and is an appointed officer of IBM Canada Ltd. She was most recently vice-president of business information services. • Daryl Aitken, BA '82, was recently elected to the board of directors of the Canadian Marketing Association. She is head of marketing and category management for eBay Canada. • Victoria Busche, DVM '81, wants to let her U of G friends and colleagues know that her husband, John Matthews, died Oct. 15, 2002, after an 18month battle with cancer. She is a small-animal veterinarian at Borderview Veterinary Hospital in Fort Erie, Ont. • Dave Courtemanche, BA '88,
is running for mayor in Sudbury, Ont., where he has been a city councillor since 1997. A political science graduate, he will have campaign help from his wife, Julia, and daughters, Josee and France. Election day is Nov. 10. • Antony John, B.Sc. '83, is an organic farmer in the Stratford, Ont., area and host of a new show on the Food Network called The Organic Manic. Part gardening show, part food show, it tells the story of organic produce as it makes its journey from farm field to dinner table. John supplies top restaurants in Toronto, Niagara and Stratford with organic produce. He supplies TV viewers with information about nutrients and flavour and best seasonal food values. Visit the Web site www.TheManicOrganic.com. • Biodun Olaniyi Kehinde, BLA '86, is head of the parks and
city beautification unit of the Abuja Environmental Protection Board in Nigeria's capital city. His unit is responsible for parks development and management as well as the environment. • John Kelly, B.Sc.(Agr.) '81 and PhD '93, was recently named first executive director of MaRS Landing, a joint project involv-
John Kelly
ing the University of Guelph, the City of Guelph, Ontario AgriFood Technologies and the MaRS Discovery District in
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Toronto. MaRS Landing Medical and Related Sciences Links to Agricultural Network for Development and Innovation With Guelph- hopes to link biomedical research located primarily in Toronto to biomedical and agri-food innovation in rural communities. Kelly has held various positions with multinational companies, including Land O'Lakes Feeds, Ralston Purina, Rh6ne-Poulenc Canada Inc. and Aventis CropSciences Inc., as well as the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. He is a former volleyball Gryphon. • Shelly Krobanik, B.Sc. '85, left the OPP after nine years and went to Georgian College in Barrie, Ont., to earn a diploma in computer programming/ analysis. After completing a post-graduate diploma m cyberspace security, she accepted a job in British Columbia. • Desmond Layne, B.Sc.(Agr. '86), has been tenured and promoted to associate professor of pomology in the horticulture department at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. He recently returned from two weeks in China, where he gave invited seminars on his peach studies at research institutes and universities in Wuhan and Zhengzhou. He lives in Seneca with his wife, Cheryl, and four children: Stephen, 14; Michael, 11; Daniel, 8; and Olivia, 6. • Reagan Pratt, BA '86, is the proud father of Sophia Ackermann Pratt, born Oct. 22, 2002. The family lives in Chicago, where he works for Heitman Financial as a portfolio manager and financial analyst manag-
Safe Boating in a Small World
From left: Louise and Lyle Rea, Jeff Evans and Cecily Chiles.
Almost 20 years apart in their Guelph experiences and living on opposite sides of the 49th parallel, Lyle Rea, DVM '62, and Jeff Evans, BA '80, nevertheless became partners in their efforts to promote safe boating and sailing on the Great Lakes and other waterways. During the past year, Rea served as district commander for the Michigan district of the U.S. Power Squadrons, while Evans led the Southwest Ontario district of the Canadian Sail and Power Squadrons. The sister organizations provide educational services to the boating public in an
ing public real estate investments on behalf of pension clients. • Margret Schubert, BA '84, teaches at an Edmonton public school that offers the international baccalaureate program. She and her husband, Daryl Williams, were married in 1995
effort to reduce boating accidents and injuries. The U of G connection runs deeper still because both men are married to Guelph graduates: Louise (Miller) Rea, DHE '60, and Cecily Chiles, B.Sc. '90. Chiles and Evans live in Brights Grove, Ont., with their children, Owen and Andris. He is Canadian manager of Siemens Applied Automation. She works for LEHDER Environmental of Sarnia. The Reas are both retired and recently moved from Kalamazoo, Mich., to Punta Gorda, Fla. They have five children and five grandchildren.
and have two children, Elias and Madelynn. • Larry Skinner, B.Sc.(Agr.) 'SO, was recently elected chair of the Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Board. He has been a county councillor for Ontario Pork since 1991 and a director on
Ontario Pork's board since 1999. He and his wife, Nancy, were recently voted Pork Producers of the Year for Perth County. • Brenda Watson, B.A.Sc. '87, received the Ontario Institute of Agrologists' (OIA) annual Distinguished Young Agrologist
GRAD NEWS UPDATE Send address changes and Grad News to: Alumni Records, University of Guelph, Guelph ON N1G 2W1 Phone: 519-824-4120, Ext. 56550, Fax: 519-822-2670, E-mail: alumnirecords@uoguelph.ca
Fall2003 31
1990 STAY IN TOUCH U of G Alumni Association Bill Summers, president ... ... . ............... ........ e-mail: alumni@uoguelph.ca .................................................. www.ugalumni.uoguelph.ca Alumni Programs Irene Thompson, acting director ............ ................. .irenes@uoguelph.ca Carla Bradshaw, OAC alumni officer ..................... cbradsha@oac.uoguelph.ca Sam Kosakowski, CBS/CPES alumni officer ...... ........ . ... skosakow@uoguelph.ca Laurie Malleau, CSAHS alumni officer ....................... .lmalleau@uoguelph.ca Melanie D'Aloia, OVC alumni officer ...................... mdaloia@ovc.uoguelph.ca June Pearson, COA alumni officer ............................ jpearson@uoguelph.ca Vikki Tremblay, alumni programs office .................. vikkit@alumni.uoguelph.ca Alumni Records . . ... ... ............................. alumnirecords@uoguelph.ca International Programs Jan Walker, job posting service ........................ . ...... jwalker@uoguelph.ca Guelph Alumnus Mary Dickieson, editor ............................. m.dickieson@exec.uoguelph.ca For telephone contact, call519-824-4120.
award. Watson grew up on a mixed-beef farm in Dufferin County and has been an active member of OIA for 13 years. She
was recognized for service to the agricultural industry through her work with the Ontario Agricultural Training Institute. She is
also a graduate of the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program and is involved with th e MacFACS Alumni Association.
,.,;7'717 r'
â&#x20AC;˘ Alison Allan, B.Sc. '97 and PhD '02, received the prestigious H.L. Holmes Award for post-doctoral studies from Canada's National Research Council. She will receive more than $180,000 over two years to fund research that examines an important prognostic indicator and potential therapeutic target in breast cancer patients. Allan is a post-doctoral researcher at the London Regional Cancer Centre in London, Ont., and is affiliated with the University of Western Ontario and London Health Sciences Centre. â&#x20AC;˘ Tracy Bachellier, BA '99, is coowner and operator of Island Automation Inc., a fluid power company in Stratford, Ont. She and her husband, Dean, run the company and care for their three children, four-year-old Isabel and two-year-old twins,
The University Centre presents the 29th annual
Evelyn and Stuart. Bachellier's Guelph degree in psychology followed an undergraduate degree in English from McMaster. • Jackie Fraser, B.Sc.(Agr) '94 and M.Sc. '96, has bought a farm with her boyfriend, Derek Roberts, southeast of Fergus, Ont. She has also returned to her aggie roots career-wise as executive director of AGCare (Agricultural Groups Concerned About Resources and the Environment). Her new e-mail address is jfraser@agcare.org. • Lisa Lisson, B.Comm. '91, was recently appointed a vicepresident at Federal Express Canada Ltd. in Mississauga, Ont. She will lead and direct all aspects of Canadian sales, marketing, customer service, electronic commerce and both internal and external communication activities.
• Catherine (Pollock), BA '97, and Martyn Mallick, B.Sc.(Eng.) '98, were married in June 2000 and had their first child in March 2003. They live in Waterloo, Ont., where Martyn is a senior software engineer at iAnywhere Solutions. He recently published a book on mobile computing called Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials, available at www. amazon.com/mallick. • Thomas Matthews, B.Comm. '95, received the 2003 award for outstanding doctoral dissertation from the American Accounting Association. After completing his Guelph degree in management economics, he earned an MA at Queen's University and a PhD in accounting at the University of Waterloo. He has also been a visiting scholar m the federal Department of Finance. While at Guelph, Matthews received scholarships from the Certified Gen-
Join Bob Thomas [OAC '67] in Brazil and Argentina
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era! Accountants Association of Ontario and the Society of Management Accountants of Ontario. • Jodie (Brownson), B.Sc. '95, and Brad Noyes, ADA '93 and B.Sc.(Agr.) '96, are the proud parents of Laura Anne, born Jan. 28, 2003. Jodie is on maternity leave from her Grade 7/8 teaching position, and Brad runs a pasture farm and works for RS 2000 Tax Consultants. They farm just outside New Liskeard, Ont., and would love to hear from friends at bradie@ntl.sympatico.ca. • Tammy (Tipler) Priolo, B.A.Sc. '90, would like to correct the e-mail address printed in the last issue of the Guelph Alumnus. To reach her in North Bay, Ont., or her genealogical research firm GenAdventures, write to ttpriolo@hotmail.com. • Anne Robinson, B.Sc. '96, graduated from medical school at the University of Western
Ontario in May 2000 and married med school classmate Scott Bon neville in September of the same year. The couple did a rural family medicine residency together in Thunder Bay, Ont., after which Scott completed a year of anesthesia training in Hamilton. They are currently spending a year doing short-term locums in Canada's north before returning to Hamilton, where Scott will do an anesthesia residency and Anne will do a master's degree in medical education. They plan to settle in Thunder Bay. Anne can be reached at anne mrobinson@yahoo.ca. • Janet Sunohara-Neilson, B.Sc. '97, married Shane Neilson in 2001. They have a daughter, Zdenka, and live in Halifax. • Lesia (Zacerkowny) Truppe, B.Sc. '92, and her husband, Conrad, had their first child, Wolfgang Wolodomyr, in March
2002. They live in Windsor, Ont., where she is a social worker specializing in trauma. • Rob White, B.Sc. '97, is beginning a master of arts degree in law and diplomacy at Tufts University in Boston, where he will be specializing in international environment and resource policy. He spent the last two years working for the Alberta Department of Environment on climate change issues and a greenhouse gas reporting program. He hopes to become more involved with international climate change issues, especially as they relate to developing countries. 2000 • Manodip Ray Chaudhuri, MA '00, is a faculty member at the ICFAI Business School in Calcutta. He teaches courses in human resource management, business communications, economics and related areas. While
earning his Guelph degree in economics and international development, he worked as a teaching and research assistant in the Department of Economics, then spent a year in management training with The Times of India Group in Calcutta. He also holds an M.Sc. in economics from the University of Cal-
Manodip Ray Chaudhuri
cutta and an MBA in human resources from Visva-Bharati University in West Bengal. A member of the National Insti-
tute of Personnel Management and the Calcutta Management Association, he has published several articles on business ethics, crisis management, career development, and globalization and development banking. He and his wife, Sutapa, live in Calcutta. • Maria Gallo, B.Sc. '00, a former rugby Gryphon, was recently recognized as one of the top eight RBC Academic All-Canadians. Representing the Canada West athletic conference, she is pursuing graduate studies in physical education and recreation at the University of Alberta. While at Guelph, she received many accolades, including OUA AllStar, CIAU All-Canadian and MVP of the CIAU Rugby Championships in 1998 . In 1999, she was U of G's Female Athlete of the Year. • Annie Hurley, BA '01, attract-
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ed the attention of the Boston Globe when she ran the April 2003 Boston Marathon dressed as Wonder Woman. An English teacher in Deep River, Ont., she dressed as a superhero on the advice of a friend and qualified for the Massachusetts race by completing the 2002 Toronto Marathon in 3:37. • lone Smith, B.Sc. (Env.) '01 , was recently awarded the Soil and Water Conservation Society's Melville H. Cohee Student Leader Conservation Scholarship for her graduate work in resource management and environmental studies at the University of British Columbia. Nominations for this award come from all over the world. Smith's thesis work focuses on the effects of non-point source pollution in the Sumas River watershed along the B.C. and Washington State border.
OBITUARIES Dorothy Freure, DHE '60, died March 28, 2003, in Toronto. She taught with the former North York Board of Education for 36 years, spending most of her career at St. Andrews Junior High. Most recently, she was head of guidance at Northview Heights until her retirement in 1998. She is survived by her brother, Thomas, and sister, Heather Barnes. Mary (Boyle) Hudson, B.H.Sc. '54, died June 29, 2003 . A member of the MacFACS Alumni Association, she was active in the operation ofBurnbrae Farms Limited in Lyn, Ont., with her husband, Joe. She also raised Angus beef cattle and Clydesdale horses, was an expert quilter and former Lyn Citizen of the Year. She is survived by her husband, five children and eight grandchildren. Kathleen Metcalf died May 5, 2003, in Guelph. She was predeceased by her husband, Frederick, in 1996. Together they endowed a U of G President's Scholarship that awards $20,000 each year to an entering student of high academic achievement and leadership. Allan Peever, DVM '96, died of cancer March 20, 2003. He is remembered by his family and many friends in the veterinary community, including clients at Mitchell Veterinary Services in Stratford, Ont., where he practised. He is survived by his wife, Morag Maskery, DVM '98, and daughter, Erica. Eleanor Archibald, DHE '34, Feb. 17,2003 Donald Ainsworth, ADA '51, April2003 Robert Anderson, B.Sc.(Agr.) '71, March 11, 2003 Rowell Arnott, DVM '55, March 8, 2003 Norman Bagg, BSA '41, April26, 2003 Pearl Barker, DHE '39, June 2, 2003 Edwin Beaton, BSA '41, january 2003 James Black, DVM '42, Dec. 20, 2002 Harvey Branton, DVM '54,
June 1, 2003 Betty Brown, DHE '41, June 17,2003 Elizabeth Caudwell, DHE '37, in 1996 Bill Cawker, DVM '42, April 10, 2003 John "Jack" Chassels, DVM '47, May 20,2003 Stanley Clark, DVM '41, May 17, 2003 Ross Croucher, DVM '50, March 19,2003 Arthur Davis, BSA '36, March 31,2003 Jean Dewer, DHE '28, in 2003 John Domanski, B.Sc.(Agr.) '68, in 2003 Vincent Eagon, BSA '57, May 6, 2003 Andrew Ellenberger, BSA '50, September 2000 Norman Elliott, ADA '52, in 2003 Bertha Finlayson, DHE '36, in 2003 John Ford, ADA '69, in 2003 Andrew Fraser, ADA '61, Dec. l, 2000 William Frederick, BSA '44, in 2001 Edward Garrard, BSA '27, June 23, 2003 Catherine Glynn, DHE '38, April 29, 2003 Vergne Gordon, B.Sc.(Agr.) '66, in 2003 Sherry Ann Hall, B.Comm. '81, March 10,2003 Edwin Halliday, ODH '63, in 1999 Sheila Hamilton, DHE '49, Feb.26,2003 Gordon Harris, BSA '58, Feb. 8, 2001 Lynne Holland, BA '74, April4, 2003 Earl Johnson, BSA '49, Aprill4, 2003 Autumn Jones, DHE '33, March 16,2002 Thomas Karr, BSA '32, May 2, 2003 Douglas Kennedy, BSA '39, May 26,2003 Amanda King, B.Sc. '03, July 2, 2003 Thomas Kitchen, ADA '64, in 2003 Heinz Kresin, B.Sc.(Eng.) '67, date unknown Donald Kulba, ADA '65, February 2003 Jacqueline LeCouteur, DVM '76, April27, 2003 Agnes MacLachlan, DHE '28, April 2001 Douglas MacMillan, BSA '44, in 2001 Leslie Marshall, BSA '33, in 2001
Peter Martin, ADA '52, March 24, 2003 Betty Marwood, B.H.Sc. '65, Feb. 24,2003 David Maxwell, BA '81, April27, 2003 Kenneth McDermid, DVM '51, March 4, 2003 Hugh McElroy, BSA '49, June 4, 2002 Kenneth McFarland, BSA '62, in 2000 Maurice McKenna, M.Sc. '70, Feb. 16,2003 Greta McKercher, DHE '32, March 17, 2003 John McManus, DVM '50, Nov. 21,2002 Donald McLean, BSA '43, May, 5, 2003 William McLean, DVM '55, May 1, 2003 Ron McNeil, BSA '42, March 18,2003 Louis Meyer, DVM '39, in 2003 Patricia Miller, B.Sc. '80, in 2003 John Nicol, BSA '45, date unknown Hugh Owen, ODH '81, December 2002 Bruce Petti pas, B.Sc. '83, May 4, 2003 George Pickard, BSA '35, January 2003 George Richardson, ADA '32, in 1985 Dmytro Rodyniuk, DVM '56, March 2003 Patricia Rothmel, DHE '38, Jan. 23, 2003 Jean Scott, DHE '33, April 5, 2003 Keith Segsworth, BSA '39, Dec. 6, 2002 Guy Shultz, DVM '39, Feb. 23, 2003 Jeffrey Silver, DVM '73, April 21, 2003 Bartell Simpson, BSA '41, May 10, 2003 Keith Smith, DVM '55, January 2003 David Stirling, DVM '92, Oct. 18, 2002 Calvin Sullivan, BSA '49, March 27, 2003 William Sutherland, BSA '39, Oct. 16, 2002 Goodwin Sveinston, DVM '50, March 4, 2003 Brent Swail, ADA '79, March 5, 2002 Mary Trudell, B.A.Sc. '83, in 2001 Willem Vanderwekken, DVM '66, May 23,2003 Kenneth Warren, DVM '50, in 2002 Bev Watson, ADA '68, July 7, 2003 Lester Wilker, ADA '57, in 2003 Henry Willoughby, BSA '44, April 15, 2003
Fall2003 35
the ÂŤWay
NSEEN BUT HEARD wellbeyondthecampus boundaries, Valerey Lavergne, left, and Helen Spitzer are on air from the CFRU studio at U of G. Two of the station's regular staff members, they also devote a lot of time to training student and community volunteers who contribute to CFRU's diverse programming. Broadcasting since 1975, CFRU 93.3 FM offers "everything you can't get on commerc ial radio;' says Lavergne, who hosts a First Nations noon show every Wednesday. With programming in eight languages-
the station has more Spanish-language programming than any other community station in Canada- the CFRU schedule includes music ranging from ethn ic folk songs to indie rock and children's programming. Spoken word programs cover cultural, political, environmental and social issues. CFRU's 250-watt transmitter covers an area from Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge to Fergus and Aberfoyle. A complete programming schedule is available at www. uoguelph.ca/~cfru.
How Much Protection Is Enough? Easy Steps to Determine Your Family's life Insurance Needs. By Terry Santoni, Product Manager Manulife Financial When deciding how much life insurance is enough for your dependents, a number of factors need to be considered. Here's a step-by-step approach for determining how much coverage your family may require (as recommended by the insurance experts at Manulife Financial).
Your life insurance could be all that stands between your loved ones and a lifetime of need. You see, it's more than insurance .. .it's groceries, utility payments, clothes, car maintenance, rent or mortgage ... in fact, it's everything that your family depends on you for, right now.
balances, car loans or student loans. Tfyou passed away and your family cashed in your assets (home, RRSPs and other investments) to pay all you owe, what would be left? Would it be enough to provide them with a suitable lifestyle?
Life insurance is an affordable \>Jay to maintain your family's net \vorth after your death.
Thinking ahead and purchasing life insurance could make all the difference for your family's financial security.
Consider all the payments you make on a monthly basis. Perhaps you have a mortgage, outstanding credit card
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1 888 913-6333 (please quote reference #651) Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00p.m. ET, or send an e-mail to: am_service@manulife.com or visit www.manulife.com/affinityuoguelph, a web si te designed exclusively for University of Guelph alumni.
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First, think about your family's immediate financial responsibilities if you were to pass away (for example, funeral expenses, legal expenses, medical expenses and estate taxes). At this point, your family will be going through a difficult emotional time and having to worry about finding funds to carry out your final wishes will place an additional burden on them. With life insurance, this situation can easily be avoided. Second, consider funds needed to pay your family's outstanding debts mortgage, personal loans, credit card balances, etc. It is also important to consider your family's monthly housing and living expenses, such as groceries, utility payments, childcare and car expenses. You also need to factor in an amount to allow your family to maintain their standard of living in the future. And, don't forget to include post-secondary tuition fees for your children. You should then determine the assets your family will have available to them after your death, including cash, savings, real estate, RRSPs and investments. If you have life insurance, include the benefit amount as part of your assets as well. The final step is to subtract your total expenses from your assets- any shortfall is the amount your family will have to pay on their own. You can evaluate your own situation and needs quickly and easily with the interactive worksheet on Manulife Financial's Web site designed exclusively for University of Guelph alumni. Go to www.manulife.com/guelphPROTECTION and follow the links.
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