Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1969

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'29 OAC d u w u d

U N I V E R S I T Y O F G U E L P H Summer.1969


INDEX Living at University... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Engineering Curriculum Gets Major Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Development Fund's Success Story... . . . . . . . . .


Formulas Impose Capital Freeze and Budget Cut.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Campus Highlights



Alumni in the News.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Developing the Whole Man UNIVERSITY IS, and should be, in A many ways a world unto itself.

students missed by being separated from their university except during classThrough the long history of Universities, room hours. the term 'university community came t o The average student spends 15 t o 18 be adopted with good reason t o designate hours a week in classroom and laboratory. those who shared in its life and its In professionally oriented science disintellect~alchallenge-that is, its f a c ~ l t y ciplines the figure will be about ten hours and students. In one way and another* a week larger. A point often overlooked the members of the community have set is the fact that students learn far more themselves apart from the distractions and out of the classroom than in it. The out of the hurly-burly of the organized society classroom hours provide the environment surrounding them. Under such c i r c ~ m where values are developed and atstances the university can function best, titudes fostered. can more nearly attain its avowed objecThe task Of creating an environment tive of intellectual exploration and mutual human growth is never an exchange of ideas which are so necessary easy one. It is unnecessarily difficult when if the university,s citizens are to become the student is a commuter who spends truly educated men and women. Of his waking hours away from the Ideally, all students at any university campus, often with a very limited circle would be in residence and would be, of acquaintances. The university experience in the truest sense of the word, a part of under such circumstances tends t o be the university 24 hours a day. UnfortunSegmented from the mainstream Of the ately, this is not always possible. Many student's life. universities, some of them great ones. have developed with many, or most, of The University of Guelph appreciates their students living away from the the support and assistance of the citizens campus. At the same time, there is no way of Guelph in providing housing accomof measuring how much many of those modation for those many students who

could not be accommodated in residence. At the same time, the University is committed t o providing on-campus housing for a steadily growing number of students. In this province, the Ontario Student Housing Corporation provides funds for construction of University residence halls, with the cost being amortized on a long term mortgage through the students' residence fees. The fees, incidentally, are set at a break-even figure. The mere provision of a place t o sleep on the campus is not enough, however. This University is indeed fortunate in having a man such as Provost Paul Gilmor who is dedicated t o the concept that students must have the best possible quality of life on campus. Through his staff of professional assistants and student proctors he seeks to achieve a residence environment that provides every possible support for students, yet at the same time is mentally stimulating. Beginning on page 3, we present a student's view of the pros and cons of where to live at university.





Living a t University NE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT and, in many cases, one of the most confusing situations facing the freshman student enrolling at university is that of housing-where to live. At the University of Guelph, the student is faced with two alternatives -to live in one of the numerous University residences or to live off campus in a room, apartment, basement or attic. Both on-campus and off -campus accommodations have distinct advantages as well as disadvantages and it is up to the student to weigh the pros and cons of each before arriving on campus. University of Guelph officials realize the problem and have come to the conclusion that the learning


experience outside the classroom must not be ignored in the development of the student. Living and learning are one entity and cannot be separated. This principle has gained wide popularity as the title of the Ontario government's Hall-Dennis report, "Living and Learning" attests. "The educational experience must be humanized," says University of Guelph Provost Paul Gilmor. "The person must identify with smaller groups. "We want to give the student opportunities for development and enrichment through the residence community," he says. A door-to-door survey in the city of Guelph was taken three years ago to determine numbers and types of

accommodation available to Guelph students, and a close liaison has been established between the city and the University housing officials. Residence It has been said by many students and University officials that the newcomer to the university campus should live in residence for at least one semester, to enable him to get acquainted with students and the university "community." This assertion is, in most cases, quite correct. By living in residence, the student is in the centre of campus activities and is able to meet hundreds of students and strike up more lasting acquaintances with many of them. Special residence functions such as

dances and parties as well as the impromptu card games and the folksinging or talk sessions that last into the small hours of the morning, are all part of residence life. Mealtime is another important part of residence life. It is in the dining hall that light or serious discussions take place, where dates are made, and where weekend plans are worked out. Students also participate on committees with food service personnel to plan special meals co-ordinated with campus activities. Fifteen residence halls on campus contain some 2700 student study bedrooms. One significant advantage to the resident student is the fact that lounges and study rooms, meeting rooms and recreation areas are all contained within the residence, and the student is never more than a few minutes walk to the Library, the heart of the campus. Therefore,

transportation around the campus is not a problem for the student. However, as soon as the resident steps off campus, he has a problem. Bus service in the city is not available late in the evening, and if the student is involved in off-campus activities or employment, a car is a useful commodity. What about the cost of residence living? It is an accepted fact that residence room and board is more costly than off-campus accommodation. But the convenie~ceof oncampus living may, for some students, outweigh the costs. Residence "house committees", made up of students, proctors and head residents form governing bodies which deal with residence rules and any student problems. With the completion of South Residence "Complex B", the University of Guelph now has nine residence buildings, housing some

2700 students. The "Complex", as it has become nicknamed by most students, contains six houses with a total available accommodation for 1662 students. This modern building, looking much like Habitat in Montreal, contains more rooms than Toronto's Royal York Hotel, some 60 per cent of the students having single rooms. The older North Area residencesJohnston, Mills and Macdonald Halls-have been completely renovated with broadloom, new heating equipment, and new furnishings. Mills and Macdonald residences have undergone a complete reconstruction with even the partitions being rearranged. In the North area, eight residences provide a thousand beds: Johnston, Mills, Maids, and Sullivan Halls, all men's residences; Young, Watson and Macdonald Halls, women's

residences. Lambton Hall, the newest residence in the North area accommodates 231 men and 198 women in separate wings.

Off Campus Living If the university student decides to live off campus he is also faced with a dilemma. Should he live in a rented room with cooking privileges or without cooking privileges; should he seek room and board; should he look for an apartment; or should he live in the basement of a house? Once he decides upon one of these choices, he must also choose whether to live alone or with one or more students. Some groups of students even rent an entire house. Off campus living has some distinct advantages for the student, especially if he has a car (or reasonable facsimile). If he rents an apartment, usually with another student, he is not under the watchful eye of proctors or head residents. He is however, under the watchful eye of the superintendent whose rules are sometimes even more stringent. However he is on his own, in his self-contained residence. He can prepare meals of his own choosing, and, if he wishes to miss breakfast, or to skip a dinner, he is not worried about losing money he has already paid for food. The student who desires privacy and a quiet place to study, away from hustle and bustle of residence life, can rent a single room in a private house for a very modest weekly fee. In some cases, he has the use of the kitchen; sometimes for all his meals. If not however, he can buy a meal ticket for lunch and supper at one of the University cafeterias. Back to apartment living. Apart-

ment rental in the city of Guelph is reported to be among the highest in Ontario, and, unless two or three students can pool their money, individual apartment living is usually out of the question. In many cases landlords will not even rent units to students, due to publicity of isolated incidents of students making a nuisance of themselves in some apartment buildings. However, if the student appears to the landlord to be a responsible adult (which he should be) and provides one or two good references, the apartment is his, if he has the necessary funds. The off-campus resident, if he lives in the downtown area, has the advantage of being within walking distance of the entertainment and nightlife in the city-shows, pubs, and stores are all close by. Some 17 per cent of the total undergraduate and graduate student body are married, and this adds an additional problem to the housing situation. At the time of writing, some 80 couples had yet to find suitable apartments for the fall semester, and many of those will have to pay very high rents for other types of accommodation. The Guelph Campus Co-operative provides one- and two-bedroom apartments in six buildings exclusively for married students. Rents are very reasonable, but the apartments are always filled to capacity, with a long waiting list year-round. With the married student population rapidly increasing, the University of Guelph, like many Ontario universities, faced a problemwhere to house the married student, especially the undergraduate who doesn't have the funds which are available to the graduate student.

Conclusion We have looked at the various alternatives available to the student. But each individual must still make the final decision. What is right for one is not necessarily the best for another. If he is unhappy in his accommodations, the system is flexible enough to allow him to change. The university is planning ten years ahead for academic building, and residence facilities for the year 1972 are now on the drawing board. Married student apartments are among the top priority items, along with a more diversified single student residence without dining facilities, but including a snack bar and cooking facilities. "We are planning for 600 to 1000 beds per year," says Mr. Gilmor, "and to do this we must be sure of providing the right type of accommodation. For this reason we will circulate questionnaires each semester to all students seeking answers to the questions: where is the student living and why? is it desirable or undesirable? why did he change residence or does he plan changing? "We have also completed two major housing studies and have held numerous discussions with students, proctors, head residents and others to determine the desires and needs of the student," the Provost points out. The University of Guelph is indeed fortunate in having a well-trained housing staff available to plan residences, allocate rooms, help the student find off-campus accommodations, and most importantly, to talk with the students, to listen to their ideas. At Guelph, the best interests of the student are always paramount. rn

educational experience. Courses in Analysis, Design and Synthesis will be the vehicles through which knowledge acquired in the various courses is applied in an integrated way throughout the program. Engineering problems will be assigned in order to develop creativity through exploiting the knowledge from mathematics and natural, social and engineering sciences." All of this is, of course, a great change from the old days of engineering at Guelph. As far back as 1890, courses in engineering, drainage, farm machinery shop and

drafting were offered by the Department of Physics of the Ontario Agricultural College. But it was not until 1946 that the Department of Agricultural Engineering was established in OAC. The first graduates received a B.S.A. degree, and in 1954, the University of Toronto began accepting graduates of the engineering option into the final year in Civil or Mechanical Engineering. The University of Guelph began offering its own degrees in Engineering when it was founded in 1964. The School of Agricultural Engineer-

ing now uses four main buildings: the Agricultural Engineering building, the Engineering Annex and the Landscape Architecture and Vehicle Service buildings, which house laboratories and work shops. A new building, the Agricultural Engineering Complex, is presently in the planning stages and will provide all the facilities necessary for the School in one building. For the Fall 1969 semester, it is expected that 60 freshmen will enter the School. Three new faculty members will bring staff strength to 23 full time people.

Development Fund's Success Story SOLICITATION in the ACTlVE very successful Development Fund campaign has now ended. Individuals and companies have pledged $7,598,218 towards the University's building program. More than $5 million has already been received, and pledges for the remainder are being honored by donors as they become due. Development Fund contributions have already helped provide the following new buildings on campus: Arts building, (opened at Homecoming, 1967), Crop Science building (opened Alumni Day, 1968), McLaughlin Library (opened at Homecoming, 1968), Central Utilities plant (completed in 1968), Animal Science-Nutrition building (opened Alumni Day, 1969), and a Physical Sciences building which will also be ready for occupancy in 1969. The contributions have also helped finance several smaller

buildings and renovation projects such as the Landscape Architecture building. A clinical research building, an extension to animal holding facilities at the Ontario Veterinary College, and land for a Veterinary Field Station have also been provided. Over eleven hundred volunteers from across Canada worked on the campaign, initiated March 22, 1966, and the minimum objective of $7.5 million was achieved by the fall of 1968. Division reports reflect wide support from the private sector as follows: "Other Canada" Division chaired by R. C. Scrivener, President, Bell Canada-$656,684; Ontario Division chaired by J. W. Vingoe, Vice-President, Massey-Ferguson Industries Limited, Toronto-$1,726,442; Toronto Division chaired by G. M. MacLachlan, President,

Maple Leaf Mills Limited$2,594,463; Guelph Division chaired by E. I. Birnbaum, Consultant, Unilever-$1,932,766; Agricultural Division chaired by Hamish McLeod, United Co-operatives of Ontario (now retired)-$134,268; Womens' Division organized by the Federated Womens' Institutes of Ontario$50,000; Alumni Division chaired by J. K. Babcock-$652,763 (including alumni gifts of $149,168 recorded in other divisions.) The co-chairmen of the Development Fund, Messrs. Albert A. Thornbrough and Ronald S. Ritchie, expressed their thanks to all donors who are supporting higher education through the Fund, and in particular the alumni of the founding colleges -Macdonald Institute, Ontario Agricultural College and Ontario Veterinary College. Faced with the challenge of raising $500,000 for their Alma Mater, alumni surpassed

their minimum goal by over $160,000. Mr. Thornbrough, President of Massey-Ferguson Limited, indicated that business and industry were interested in the extent of the financial support given by graduates of the University. Much of the success of the overall campaign can be attributed to the strong support given by the alumni, he said. With many universities looking to the private sector for funds, the attainment of the overall objective has been an outstanding achievement. John Babcock, OAC '54 Alumni Division Chairman, was assisted by vice-chairmen Marsha (Stapleton) Moles (Mac '36), John Moles (OAC '36) and Dr. C. L. (Roy) McGilvray (OVC '35). A final breakdown of gifts by alumni has been released as follows: No. of % of known No. of porticl- Amount prospects gifts potlon given

OAC OVC Mac Total

Avge. gift

5,787 1,557 26.9 371,291 238.46 309 16.0 196,719 636.82 1,928 950 33.5 52,442 57.30 2,832 10,547 2,815 26.7 620,452 220.40 Other Cred~ts 32,31 1 Grand Total 652,763

Included in the amount shown as "other credits" is the proceeds of a joint project undertaken by OAC and Mac Alumni. Alumni Day, held in June of each year, gives alumni a chance to bid on crockery crested with OAC and Mac insignia. The auction sale has become one of the highlights of the day. The bidding is brisk as alumni endeavor to obtain a memento of their undergraduate days-and the proceeds go t o the Development Fund. A number of Classes gave gifts to the Fund for special purposes. OAC '56 donated $750 towards a Campus Sign Directory which is to be constructed, Mac '66 gave $666.66 towards the proposed University

Centre as a special class gift. Other designated class and memorial gifts were also received. Pledging support to their Alma Mater is not a new experience for many of the alumni of the founding colleges. The OAC Alumni Foundation, in its initial campaign in 195962, raised $110,000 and varying amounts in subsequent years. This campaign was suspended from 1966 to 1968 in deference to the Development Fund campaign. On resumption in 1968, $8,000 was received from OAC Alumni. The OVC Alumni, in their 1962 Centennial Year Campaign, raised $100,000 which was pledged to the University Centre project during the capital campaign to assist in provision of special conference facilities. Macdonald Institute alumnae have been successful in raising funds for scholarship purposes in their periodic appeals. During the campaign many alumni took a moment to comment on their Alma Mater. J. Alex Munro OAC '22, Brookings, South Dakota, referred to his visit in 1968 and praised the "wonderful changes to the beautiful campus." Dr. Desmond H. Hill OVC '50 writing from the University of lbadan said, "my Alma Mater does indeed have my support, and my connections with it throughout my years in Nigeria, though distant, have been a constant source of pride and comfort." Mrs. Grace I. Culp, Mac '16, Vineland Station, Ontario wrote "the enclosed contribution is not sufficient to measure my pride in Macdonald Institute, but I trust it will help the Development Fund." Dr. P. 0. Ripley OAC '22 writing from Accra, Ghana was direct and to the point. "Cheque enclosedGood Luck."

Formulas Impose Capital Freeze and Budget Cut


ORMULA FINANCING," says Dr. C. Winegard, President of the University of Guelph, "is undoubtedly the best way we have in this province, at this time, to finance post-secondary education." As long as the total support is adequate and special problems are recognized, formula financing can be the fairest method of dividing money between the universities, he says. It delivers the money from government to the university in a block, to be used as the university sees fit; and


What is Formula Fi ASICALLY, FORMULA FINANCING is the means developed by the provincial government to fairly allocate grants to all Ontario universities. There are two formulas: one t o provide operating funds and one to provide capital funds. Operafing funds are those necessary for the day-to-day running of the university. Student tuition fees provide some of this, research grants and contracts some, and the operating grant the rest. Capital funds are those used for construction of necessary buildings, major renovations to older buildings, and equipment purchases. Development Funds provide some of the capital account, and government capital grants make up the rest. Operating budgets were the first to be treated by the formula method,


Model of proposed University Centre which has been delayed because of budget cuts.

all private support of the university is entirely in addition to government funds, not a substitute for them. But Dr. Winegard's statement also implies that Guelph has a special

in the year 1967-8. It was decided that a "basic income unit" would be established. Each undergraduate liberal arts student represents one unit, while students who are more expensive to educate are assigned higher values. For example, veterinary students have a value of five. Values range from one to six across the whole range of academic disciplines. (With an undergraduate student body of about 5,000, plus an additional 1,500 in the spring semester during 1968-69, the University of Guelph had some 10,200 units.) Each year, a dollar value is established for the basic unit and this is multiplied by the number of units each university qualifies for. The total, minus standard tuition fees, is the amount of the operating grant the university


problem, and that is the case. The University of Guelph has many long established and important extension and service programs. These impose financial responsibilities that do not

receives from the province for that year. Capital financing was placed on an interim formula for the year beginning July 1, 1969. Studies are proceeding with a view to establishing a revised and more equitable formula for capital grants. It is expected that this will be completed later this year. Faced with capital grant applications from 14 universities totalling $160 million, and a budget of only $100 million for this purpose in the current year, the government will meet commitments for previously approved buildings already under construction but financing of new projects is placed on a new basis. Guelph's expected grant was cut from $14 million to $5.2 million, only enough to finish the Physical Sciences building and

fit neatly into either operating or capital grant formulas. At the University of Guelph, contracted research on behalf of the Ontario Department of Agriculture

other contracted projects. Somewhat like the operating formula, a value per student, in square feet of space is assigned. This varies according to teaching needs of various academic programs and when multiplied by the enrolment figure, produces an overall minimum space allotment. Under the formula, a university does not become eligible to receive a capital grant for a new project unless its square footage is below the minimum allotment. Buildings financed entirely through private funds, however, will not be counted in the calculations. This places special emphasis on the importance of private support for providing the basic facilities needed to establish new programs and to enrich established ones.

Campus Highlights and Food, grants from the National Research Council, the Medical Research Council and other public agencies, private foundations and industry provide about 4 0 per cent of the operating budget. These grants provide academic depth to the University's programs, especially in the science disciplines, and place it in the forefront of Canadian universities in terms of financial support for research. At the same time, the extensive research program that such support permits and encourages could adversely affect the University's capital financing. Capital grants financing, as is outlined in the accompanying article, is essentially based on floor space related to numbers of students. Unfortunately for Guelph, under the interim capital grants formula the special needs at Guelph are not considered. On the basis of the interim count. On the basis of the interim formula and our present enrolment we already have more space than is called for. This is where the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food's research and other services makes the difference because all of the space required for such functions is included in the Department's calculation of space available for teaching. Veterinary medical facilities are also included, even though medical facilities at other campuses are not. The University is making representations to the Department to review Guelph's special position, and Dr. Winegard says he is "confident" that the present situation will be amended. But in the meantime, all new construction of new academic buildings on the campus has been halted, and a number of Building Committees disbanded. No new building is likely

to be completed at Guelph until at least 1972-73. The University Centre, once again delayed, will have top priority when building resumes. A feeling shared by most of the province's university presidents is that the dollar value assigned to the "basic income unit" for operating grants is.too low. For the year beginning on July 1, 1969, this dollar value will be $1,530, an increase of 5.5 per cent over the previous year. The trouble is that faculty and staff salaries must be increased more than 5.5 per cent to hold good people. Since 70 per cent of the operating budget goes to salaries, universities will have to drastically cut back on other operating expenses. At Guelph, substantial reductions had to be made in amounts budgeted for equipment and renovations as well as library acquisitions and other important items. The proposed annual outlay to establish an arboretum had to be cut out entirely. This is what Dr. Winegard means when he calls for a basic unit value which is "more realistic." Not only is money in short supply, but the provincial grants must be used only in their designated categories, that is, used only for operating expenses or capital expansion. But while every other university in the province is feeling the effects of the current austerity, Guelph's troubles are perhaps greater than most, because of our very youth as an institution. "As a new university", says Dr. Winegard, "we have no endowment fund, and alumni support is just beginning. We are at a great disadvantage compared with other universities."

RE-ORGANIZATION AT OVC A reorganization within the Ontario Veterinary College became effective on July 1. Changes are being made to bring about greater coordination and interplay among departments. A new administrative structure will coordinate functional areas common to the various departments; activities similar in scope will be grouped into departments. Changes will involve the appointment of two Associate Deans-one t o have responsibility for academic and professional programs and the other t o be responsible for research and resources. Four departments under the reorganization will carry out all the functions of the present six. In round terms the functions of the departments and their names will be as follows: Department of Biomedical Sciences I t will embrace two existing departments-the Department of Anatomy and the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology together with the Immunogenetical activities currently administered by the Department of Veterinary Bacteriology. The new department will be concerned with studies on the structure and function of the overall and individual systems of mammalian and avian species. Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology It will include the bulk of the existing Department of Veterinary Bacteriology plus those aspects of the Department of Avian Pathology. Wildlife Diseases and Virology which are concerned with hostparasite imbalance leading up to the initiation of disease processes. Department of Pathology This department will comprise the present department and also include those aspects of the Department of Avian Pathology. Wildlife Diseases and Virology which are concerned with pathological change. Department of Clinical Studies This department will be as at present constituted and would have as its broad area of study the restoration of a normality by medical and surgical techniques.

Alumni Weekend

The new Animal Science-Nutrition building.

Sandy Forsythe, OAC '49, ups the price at the auction.

Minister of Agriculture and Food, W. A. Stewart with members of the Class '09. L. to R. are: J . Laughland, Mr. Stewart, W. A. Boutwell, Ivan Law, President Winegard, Fred Yeo, and Paul Angle.

The official opening of the $8.8 million Animal Science-Nutrition building by Agriculture and Food Minister W. A. Stewart was a highlight of the annual Ontario Agricultural College and Macdonald lnstitute alumni weekend June 21 and 22. Construction of the building, which stands near OVC buildings on the west side of Gordon Street, began in October, 1966. General contractor was RobertsonYates Corp. Ltd., with Mathers and Haldenby the architects for the 206,558 square-foot complex. Participating in the opening ceremonies. besides Mr. Stewart, were: President W. C. Winegard; Dean N. R. Richards; Dr. J. C. Rennie. Chairman, Department of Animal Science; Dr. S. J. Slinner. Chairman, Department of Nutrition. Some 600 alumni, radio, television and newspaper representatives, scientists from across Canada and the U.S., as well as interested citizens were on hand for the opening ceremonies in front of the building. The modern glass and concrete structure consists of three wings separated for control of noise and odors. The largest wing-the centre block--contains laboratories, offices, and is the temporary location of the lnstitute of Computer Science. A second wing houses research animals. while a third contains the meat science laboratory with slaughtering, processing. and basic research facilities. The meat laboratory, a facility which cannot be found elsewhere in Canada, provides for research in histology. biochemistry, and microbiology of meats, as well as product assessment. Animal Science and Nutrition research laboratories accommodate complex and sophisticated research tools and are equipped for almost every type of research into problems facing the livestock, food and allied industries. With the opening of this ultra-modern building. the University of Guelph now has for its Departments of Animal Science and Nutrition the most modern, and in many respects, the only, facility of its kind in Canada. Many significant discoveries in the animal and nutritional fields in the coming years hopefully will arise out of research conducted in this building. research which will be of value around the world.

Alumni in the News

LINDLEY HEADS NEW ALMA MATER FUND John Lindley, OAC '53, has been named Campaign Chairman of the upcoming Alma Mater Fund of the University of Guelph. The Fund, t o be initiated in September by the University of Guelph Alumni Association, will raise money for projects which cannot be financed with provincial grants. Mr. Lindley is President of Campbell Soup Company Limited, Toronto. He has been with the company since 1955, having sewed in several locations both in Canada and the United States. He was made Vice-President and General Manager in 1967, and President in 1968. Dave Adams, President of the University of Guelph Alumni Association. announced Mr. Lindley's appointment. Mr. Adams said that the Fund would help t o support a new Stadium, an arboretum, scholarships and awards, renovations to Memorial Hall, cultural acquisitions and special activities. A special issue of the Guelph Alumnus in September will outline the plans for the projects t o be aided by the Fund. It will include many photographs from as far back as 60 years in the history of the Founding Colleges of the University. Mr. Adams also announced that Herb Schneider, OAC '48, has been named ViceChairman of the Fund. Mr. Schneider is Vice-President and Director of Operations of J. M. Schneider. Kitchener.

Toronto in 1926. Today eight Mac '26 graduates and one Mac '25 graduate are active members. These women are: Mrs. W. P. Watson (Helen Muldrew). '26; Miss Frances Hucks. '26; Mrs. H. D. Robertson (Viola Atkin). '26; Mrs. Hamilton Miller (Grizzelle Hart), '26; Mrs. Fred Clark. '26; Mrs. A. E. Edwards (Mildred Nulling), '26; Mrs. John Roberts (Jean Bathy), '26; Mrs. W. J. Scott (Dorothy McFeeters), '26; and Mrs. Helen Lanning (Helen Wilson), '25, who started the first Consumers' Gas Cooking School. In the past, the Club recessed for the summer but now that their families are grown up, the members continue t o meet year round. Any occasion is a good excuse for a party, even an old age pension cheque. The Mac Hall Bridge Club asks each member t o donate her first pension check for a Club party. The members look forward t o many more years of bridge together and many more parties.

MANITOBA ALUMNI MEET More than 60 graduates and their spouses, representing all three of the Founding Colleges of the University of Guelph, met Dr. W. C. Winegard, President of the University, at a recent meeting in Winnipeg. Dr. Winegard brought greetings and news of the latest developments from the campus, and answered questions about future plans of the University of Guelph. Accompanying the President was John Babcock, Director of Alumni Affairs and Development of the University. Plans were made to hold a picnic meeting during the summer t o discuss the formation of a Manitoba Branch of the

University of Guelph Alumni Association. Dr. J. H. Hare, OAC '43, chaired the meeting. Representatives of the three colleges at the head table were Dr. M. Esler, OVC '65, Mr. J. J. Clarke, OAC '51, and Mrs. K. Riter, Mac '15.

ALUMNI ELECTED TO SENATE Nine alumni, representing all colleges in the University, have been elected as alumni members of Senate for terms beginning July 1. 1969. Those nominated for the one-year and two-year terms were elected by acclamation. There were seven candidates for the three seats having a three-year term. An election was held using a secret double envelope system with ballots sent t o all alumni with the Spring issue of the Guelph Alumnus. The scrutineers reported that there were 1,486 ballots returned out of some 11,299 distributed to alumni. One-year term D. F. Brackenridge, OAC '66, Salesman, Canada Packers. Millbrook; Mrs. E. M. (Jean Nairn) Carter, Mac '38, Waterloo; and D. Lee Master. OAC '56, Vice-President and Director of Client Services, Goodis, Goldberg, Soren Limited. Don Mills. Two-year term Mrs. B. (Joan Lennox) Colnett, Mac '54, Thornhill; Mrs. J. T. Hurst. Well '68, Teacher, Acton High School; and Dr. W. Harold Minshall, OAC '33, Senior Plant Physiologist, Research Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, London. Three-year term Paul W. Couse, OAC '46, General Manager, Seed Operations, Maple Leaf Mills Limited, Toronto; Dr. C. L. McGilvray,

MAC HALL BRIDGE CLUB IN ITS 44TH YEAR Every two weeks for the past 43 years. Mac graduates have been meeting to play bridge. The Club was started in

President Winegard speaking to Manitoba alumni. Head table includes, left to right: Mr. J. Babcock, Mrs. K. Riter, Dr. W. C. Winegard,Dr. J. H. Hare and Mrs. Hare.

1969/10 N u&






flu '24

'+I OAC = QQlAhmb

Coming Events September 8 - 1 0


September 9

SENATE MEETING (Open to public)

October 3


October 18



11.15 Annual meeting University of Guelph Alumni Association 12.00 Alumni reception and luncheon 2.30 Football game 6.30 Wellington College Alumni Association reunion and annual meeting

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