Discover - Fall 2018

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Research Report of the University of Utah College of Science 2018

INSIDE Nobel Laureate Mario Capecchi “Frontiers” Lecture 6


New School of Biological Sciences 16

DISCOVER PUBLISHER University of Utah College of Science


You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. – Marie Curie

PHOTOGRAPHY Sean Graff Trevor Muhler Photography Michael Schoenfeld University Marketing and Communications CONTRIBUTING WRITER Paul Gabrielsen Lisa Potter CORRESPONDENCE University of Utah College of Science 1430 Presidents Circle Rm 220 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0140 Office: 801-581-6958 Fax: 801-585-3169 VISIT US ONLINE ON THE COVER The new School of Biological Sciences enhances research and education in cellular and molecular biology, genetics and evolution, and ecology and physiology.


Research Report of the University of Utah College of Science

4 | Dean’s Message 6 | Nobel Laureate Mario Capecchi RESEARCH FEATURES

8 | Biological Sciences: Leslie Sieburth 10 | Chemistry: Scott Anderson 12 | Mathematics: Christel Hohenegger 14 | Physics and Astronomy: Andrey Rogachev 16 | New School of Biological Sciences 18 | Crimson Laureate Society 20 | Jack and Peg Simons

Endowed Professorship in Chemistry

22 | Building a Better Forest


DEA N’S ME SSAGE Dear Alumni, Friends, and Colleagues: Discovery is the essence of science. It is an experience and a process that compels humans to explore and understand the world and the universe in which we live. Research discoveries from each discipline in the College – Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics and Astronomy – are highlighted in this issue of Discover. These discoveries illustrate how basic scientific research continues to impact and fuel Utah’s economy by providing new technologies and solutions. In July, the Department of Biology was renamed as the new School of Biological Sciences to better represent the size and structure of the faculty research areas. The School has major thrusts in three research divisions: Cellular and Molecular, Ecology and Physiology, and Genetics and Evolution. The new organizational structure enhances the faculty’s ability to educate students and generate new scientific knowledge. The University’s new president, Ruth V. Watkins, was formally inaugurated on September 21, 2018. President Watkins expressed her vision for the University to rise to new heights. In order to reach these lofty goals she announced that the University would embark on a new capital campaign titled, “Imagine New Heights,” which is a four-year public effort with the goal of raising $2 billion to further advance the research and education impacts at the University of Utah. The College of Science has an important stake in the University’s capital campaign. We have many ambitions, including a new Physical Sciences Building, an innovative Undergraduate Research Center, endowed Chairs and Professorships, and undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships. Please join the Crimson Laureate Society and help the students and faculty of the College of Science continue to excel!

Henry S. White Dean, College of Science Distinguished Professor of Chemistry


THE COL LEGE AT A GL A NCE The College of Science was established in 1970 and is one of 17 Colleges at the University of Utah. MISSION



To create, develop, apply, and

The College offers the following

The College received $42.3 million of

disseminate new science; to educate

undergraduate and graduate degrees

external research funding in the 2017-

the next generation of scientists; to

in Biological Sciences, Chemistry,

2018 fiscal year.

provide a strong education in science

Mathematics, and Physics and

for students of other disciplines and


future teachers; to promote public

Bachelor of Arts, B.A.

understanding of science.

Bachelor of Science, B.S. Master of Arts, M.A.


Master of Science, M.S.

School of Biological Sciences

Master of Statistics, M. Stat.

Department of Chemistry

Master of Philosophy, M.Phil.

Department of Mathematics

Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D.

Department of Physics and Astronomy


The College employs 169 tenured or

Center for Cell and Genome Science

tenure-track faculty members.

Center for Science and Mathematics Education

Distinguished Professors – 26


Full Professors – 86

The College provided more than

Global Change and Sustainability Center

Associate Professors – 30

$325,000 in awards and scholarships

Assistant Professors – 27 ____________

to undergraduate students during the

Henry Eyring Center for Theoretical Chemistry

2017-2018 fiscal year.

Nobel Prizes: 1 American Academy of Arts



and Sciences: 9

The College of Science awarded nearly

There are currently more than 2,500

National Academy of Sciences: 7

400 Bachelor’s degrees, 50 Master’s

students enrolled in the College of

Rosenblatt Prizes: 7

degrees, and 70 doctorate degrees to

Science, making it one of the largest

the Class of 2018.

Colleges on campus. 2,000+ Undergraduate students 70+ Master’s students

For more information about the College visit

430+ Doctorate students



The Next Frontier The University of Utah’s Nobel Laureate, Mario Capecchi, Distinguished Professor of Biology and Human Genetics, will present a Frontiers of Science lecture on Tuesday, November 13 on campus. The presentation, “The Role of Microglia in OCD Spectrum Disorders,” will begin at 6 o’clock in the Aline Wilmot Skaggs Biology building, located near the University Bookstore. The event is free and open to the public. In his talk, Capecchi will discuss modeling of a neuropsychiatric disorder – obsessive compulsive (OCD) spectrum disorder – in the mouse. His analysis provides the unexpected conclusion that microglia – immune cells in the brain – normally control specific brain circuits, and that defective microglia results in aberrant behavior very similar to the human OCD spectrum disorder known as

Nobel Laureate to Present Frontiers Lecture

trichotillomania. “We are using gene targeting to model human diseases in the mouse,” says Capecchi. “The models can be used to analyze the pathology of the disease at a level not feasible in humans and as a platform for the development of new therapeutic protocols.” Gene targeting allows the designed modification of any gene in the mouse genome. Since genes impact all biological functions, the methodology can be used to study any biological phenomena common to mammals. “Frontiers of Science offers an exceptional opportunity for the public to share in the most important scientific questions and problems of our time,” says Henry S. White, Dean of the College of Science. “Please join us on Nov. 13, or visit our website to view the lecture online.”

The Nobel Prize The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine recognized Capecchi’s pioneering




development of “knockout mice” technology, a gene-targeting technique that revolutionized the study of mammalian biology and allowed the creation of animal models for hundreds of human diseases, including the modeling of cancers in the mouse. Capecchi’s development of gene targeting in mouse embryo-derived stem cells allows investigators to create mice with mutations in any desired gene and gives them virtually complete freedom to manipulate

The Role of Microglia in OCD Spectrum Disorders Tuesday, November 13 6:00 p.m. Aline Wilmot Skaggs Building

homologous recombination could be used to incorporate exogenous DNA into recipient mammalian cells, Capecchi prepared for the next step – direct gene targeting in mammalian cells. In 1987, Capecchi and Kirk R. Thomas, a postdoctoral research assistant professor, published the seminal paper, “Site-Directed Mutagenesis by Gene Targeting in Mouse Embryo-Derived Stem Cells.” The paper was published in the journal Cell, volume 51,

the DNA sequences in the genome of living mice. The technique is also providing Capecchi and

In 1985, following his demonstration that

The foundation of Capecchi’s scientific career at

on Nov. 6, 1987. It was this research paper that was

other researchers with insights into fundamental

Utah was established in that first decade, from 1973

most prominently cited by the Nobel committee in

biological questions, including development of the

to 1983. In 1984, after reviewing Capecchi’s research,

selecting Capecchi for the Nobel Prize in Physiology

brain in the embryo as well as its function in the adult.

a NIH review panel – while endorsing Capecchi’s

or Medicine in 2007.

The Nobel Prize tops a long list of awards and

renewal – noted that they were glad that he had not

recognitions for Capecchi, including the Albert Lasker

followed their previous recommendation to ignore

Basic Medical Research Award, the Wolf Prize in

the homologous recombination portion of that

Medicine, the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, and the

particular grant proposal!

50 Years of “Frontiers” The history of Frontiers of Science speakers now includes more than 270 diverse and distinguished

National Medal of Science. Capecchi also was elected

scientists. In addition to numerous Nobel Laureates,

to the National Academy of Sciences in 1991 and the

it includes many members of the National Academies

European Academy of Sciences in 2002.

(Sciences, Engineering, Institute of Medicine) and the Royal Society of London, as well as Guggenheim

Humble Beginnings Capecchi started his career at the University

Fellows and MacArthur Fellows. The Frontiers of Science lecture series is

of Utah in 1973, when he was hired as a Professor

sponsored by the College of Science and the College

of Biology in the College of Science. The working

of Mines and Earth Sciences. Visit our website at

environment in Biology encouraged long-term, for more information.

fundamental research and, like everyone else in the department, Capecchi pursued his vision.

Editor’s note: Frontiers of Science lectures can be viewed on YouTube. Visit for access.



QUESTION How does RNA decay contribute to gene expression?

associated with overgrowth in the size of the body or

Could the RNA decay rate be regulated on a molecular

a body part of infants. The condition is almost always

basis in order to control genetic traits?

fatal prior to birth. The disorder has been grouped

Gene expression is typically measured as messenger RNA (mRNA) abundance, and changes in that abundance are usually attributed to transcription,

Plant Genomics Yield Surprising Results LESLIE SIEBURTH

with Renal cell carcinoma and an increased risk for Wilms tumor. Starting in 2014, Sieburth investigated how

or synthesis, of mRNA inside the cell. However,

mRNA decapping and SOV/DIS3L2 contribute to

RNA abundance is also influenced by its disposal,

decay of all mRNAs using genome-wide approaches.

or degradation, but how degradation controls RNA abundance is not well understood.

“A fruitful collaboration with Fred Adler, a professor of biology and mathematics at the U, one of his graduate students, Katrina Johnson, and my

WHO “My research uses a plant model, Arabidopsis thaliana, a small mustard plant, and we found that mutants with defects in mRNA decapping proteins

postdoc Reed Sorenson, identified the decay rates of more than 17,000 mRNAs, and the contributions from decapping and SOV/DIS3L2,” says Sieburth. One unexpected discovery was that the mRNAs

experienced abnormal cell growth,” says Leslie

that decay the fastest use the mRNA decapping

Sieburth, Professor of Biological Sciences at the U.

pathway. A second discovery was that Arabidopsis

“Our curiosity about why the mutants showed such poor growth led us to discover another mRNA decay enzyme, which we call SOV. We noted in our publication, in 2010, that most eukaryotic genomes encode a very similar protein, including humans,” says Sieburth. A few years later, in 2013, scientists studying a human disorder called Perlman syndrome discovered that it was caused by mutations in the same gene. The gene, SOV, is known as DIS3L2 in humans.


Perlman syndrome is a genetic disorder

mutants lacking an active SOV initiate a feedback


pathway where the mRNAs – that are normally

In addition to research, Sieburth also is

degraded by SOV – switch decay pathways, decay

implementing new curriculum in the School of

faster, and are also transcribed faster.

Biological Sciences. She is currently teaching a new

The results were published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in 2018.

class designed specifically for first-year students. The course, Fundamentals of Biology, is one part of a class sequence that includes two lecture-type classes and

FUNDING Research in the Sieburth laboratory is supported

two laboratory classes. “I led a curriculum reform committee, and along

by four National Science Foundation (NSF) grants

with nearly everyone in the School, have spent the

totaling nearly $2 million. The largest grant, titled,

past two years designing these courses, reading the

“The role of regulated degradation in controlling

literature to identify the instructional methods that

cytoplasmic mRNA levels,” focuses on mRNA decay

have proven to lead to deep learning, and pulling

pathways and enzymes, such as SOV. The funding will

together instructional materials,” says Sieburth. “We

extend to 2020.

are a few months into the class now, and it is exciting

Sieburth recently received a new award

to see that the students are engaged and learning.”

funded through NSF’s Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) program for her project, “Connecting RNA Molecular Kinetics to Developmental Regulation.” Sieburth employs two undergraduate students, two graduate students – Alex Cummins and

FUTURE Sieburth has three specific goals for the current NSF study, “The role of regulated degradation in controlling cytoplasmic mRNA levels.” The first is to assess changes in mRNA decay

Jessica Vincent – and one postdoctoral fellow,

rates in response to conditions where RNA abundance

Reed Sorenson.

changes. Usually abundance changes are attributed to transcription, but few scientists have tested the

IMPACT Sieburth’s continuing genetic studies could provide new perspectives to fundamental cellular processes that are important in cancer biology and birth defects in humans.

contributions from RNA decay. The second goal is to understand the feedback that occurs in SOV mutants in Arabidopsis. Third, she wants to understand the basis for the wide range in mRNA decay rates, where half-life varies between 3.5 minutes and more than 24 hours.



QUESTION How does chemistry change at the nanoscale? Can a

catalysts,” where a catalytically active material such as

single atom drive a catalytic reaction?

platinum is dispersed in the form of nanoparticles on

“As the size of particles of materials is reduced

Nanoscale Chemistry: Every Atom Counts SCOTT ANDERSON

One main class of catalysts is “supported

a support material, like carbon or a metal oxide. This

to less than 20 nanometers, the physical properties

technique maximizes the available surface area of the

begin to change, and this affects chemistry as well,”

expensive material, but if the nanoparticles are small

says Scott L. Anderson, Distinguished Professor of

enough, the size also begins to “tune” the chemical

Chemistry at the U.

properties of the catalytic particles, allowing new

For example, the electronic and geometric structure of nanoparticles is different from the bulk

approaches to catalyst optimization. “In one case, we are exploring the physical and

structure of materials. Changing geometric structure

catalytic properties of small metal clusters containing

can include changes in chemical bond lengths and

between one and 30 metal atoms, supported on

in the shape of surface sites, and both factors affect

carbon substrates. In such extremely small clusters,

chemical reactivity.

the properties can change dramatically if the

“Chemistry is all about electrons being shared between reactants, so if the electronic properties of nanoparticles are different, this affects the kinds of chemistry they can undergo,” says Anderson.

cluster size is changed by just one or two atoms,” says Anderson. For example, in ethanol electro-oxidation, catalyzed by platinum clusters, the activity varies by an order of magnitude for clusters in the one- to

WHO Anderson is currently investigating several fundamental questions, all relating to nanoparticle surface chemistry and catalytic reactions. Catalysts work by selectively lowering the

20-atom size range, with Pt4 (a platinum cluster with 4 atoms) and Pt10 being particularly active, and Pt1, Pt7, and Pt8 being almost inert. “That is of some interest from a practical perspective, but it also provides an opportunity to

energy barriers that normally inhibit specific chemical

use size effects to probe the reaction mechanism

reactions, thus reducing the energy and cost involved

itself,” says Anderson.

and improving the selectivity toward desired products, all while minimizing by-products.

“Working together with a theory collaborator at UCLA, Professor Anastassia Alexandrova, we are preparing and studying alloy clusters where the



alloying elements tune both chemical and stability

fellow. He also invites additional undergraduate and

properties,” says Anderson.

high school students to work in his lab during the summer each year.

FUNDING Anderson’s work is supported by a variety of sources, including the Air Force Office of Scientific

IMPACT Chemical catalysis is a major factor in the world

Research (AFOSR) for $100,000 per year and the Office

economy, contributing to more than 35% of the

of Naval Research (ONR) for $200,000 per year to

world GDP and playing critical roles in fields such as

study single nanoparticle chemistry and nanoparticle

petroleum refining, chemical production, pollution

synthesis and spectroscopy. In addition, the National

remediation, food processing, and polymers.

Science Foundation (NSF) provides $110,000 per year for cluster electrocatalysis research. Anderson and fellow Distinguished Professor of

“I expect that some of the catalysts and catalyst preparation strategies that we are exploring will be useful in the endothermic cooling area, but more

Chemistry Peter Armentrout were recently appointed

generally, the theory that Alexandrova and I seek to

as Henry Eyring Presidential Endowed Chairs in

discover should be applicable to a broad range of

Chemistry. The prestigious faculty positions will

catalytic problems in industry,” says Anderson.

provide both Anderson and Armentrout with annual discretionary funding. “Scott Anderson and Peter Armentrout are

FUTURE “One cool thing that is just coming into practice

both world-class physical chemists, outstanding

now is the ability to use in situ tools to examine the

mentors and educators, and are always willing to

atomic scale structure of catalysts under reaction

provide service to the department and university.

conditions,” says Anderson.

It is a pleasure to see their contributions at the U

These tools include synchrotron X-ray scattering,

recognized by this honor,” says Henry S. White,

environmental transmission electron microscopy, and

Dean of the College of Science.

ambient pressure spectroscopies.

A grant from Flinders University in Australia

“We have started using some of these, and I

funds a collaboration between Anderson’s group in

expect the use will grow and add substantially to the

Utah and scientists in Australia and New Zealand.

ability to understand and eventually control catalysts

Anderson currently supports seven graduate

at the atomic level,” says Anderson.

students, two undergraduates, and one postdoctoral




through the motion of small passive particles,”

Can mathematicians build accurate models to

says Hohenegger.

analyze complex, seemingly random, systems such as fluid dynamics?

The concept to use small, neutrally buoyant particles to characterize a viscous fluid dates back to

“Applied mathematicians contribute to the

Brown and was formalized by Einstein, Langevin, and

advancement of our understanding of complex fluids

other mathematicians in the first half of the twentieth

by modeling, analysis and simulations. To model

century. However, there are significant gaps in the

a complex fluid and its interaction with a particle,

generalization of this theory to complex fluids.

I use a set of partial differential equations derived

“Together with Scott McKinley at Tulane

from principles that are similar to the Navier-Stokes

University, we are developing a first-of-its-kind

equations,” says Christel Hohenegger, an Associate

model of passive fluctuations in complex fluids,”

Professor of Mathematics at the U.

says Hohenegger. “This requires deriving the equations from first principles, developing new

WHO Hohenegger joined the Mathematics

The Dynamics of Fluids CHRISTEL HOHENEGGER

simulation techniques and validating the results against experimental data.”

Department in 2010 and was promoted to an Associate Professor in 2018. Her research focuses on analytical and

FUNDING Hohenegger’s current research is funded by the

computational modeling of problems arising in the

National Science Foundation, with a grant of $166,000

dynamics of complex fluids, such as biological fluids,

for five years. The purpose of the grant is to study the

polymer solutions, and particle suspensions.

diffusion of foreign particles in complex fluids.

Purely viscous fluids like water, sucrose, or oil

She plans to apply for new funding through the

are characterized by their viscosity, or resistance to

National Science Foundation to use statistical and

deformation. However, complex fluids are not easily

optimization tools to study the inverse problems of

described since their response to an applied force

data measurement in complex fluids.

can be like a solid or a liquid. A good example of a complex fluid is ketchup.



“I’m mainly interested in how we can infer the

The study of fluid dynamics is important in

mechanical properties of a family of complex fluids

a wide range of industries, including aerospace,


aviation, mining engineering, medicine and

to forcing. Likewise, microrheology is an emerging

in Mathematics. “The chapter hosts events regularly


technique that only requires a small volume of

during fall and spring semesters,” says Hohenegger.

liquid, and it has already revolutionized mechanical

“It’s easy for people to get involved and benefit from

engineering and biophysics.

the many resources that this group can provide.”

“Most biological liquids are complex fluids and for a drug to achieve its target it has to go through many of these layers. Since most drugs are

Hohenegger is a member of the American

The U student chapter was formed in 2012.

transported on passive particles, understanding their

Mathematical Society, the American Physical

motion through these fluids is important to decide if

Society, and the Society for Applied and Industrial

by women in mathematics as my own career

they will reach their target,” says Hohenegger.


progressed,” she said. “The biggest problem I

Another practical application is rheology, the study of the mechanical responses of soft materials

At the U, she serves as the faculty advisor for the student chapter of the Association for Women

“I realized some of the challenges faced

experienced, which is common to women, is the ‘imposter syndrome’ – the idea that I wasn’t good enough.”

FUTURE “My research is evolving to new and exciting areas where math, physics, engineering, and biology intersect,” says Hohenegger. “Finding the balance between teaching and research is difficult. My biggest challenge is still managing my time efficiently, but I’m getting there.” “Right now, scientists are only looking at linear models for complex fluids. I expect the theory to be developed for nonlinear – more realistic – models in

r·u=0 ✓ ◆ @u ⇢ + u · ru = r · @t

the next 10 years. At the moment, it is not clear how to incorporate the fluctuations in a nonlinear model so that the principles of statistical mechanics are satisfied,” says Hohenegger.




The theory correctly described how the

Can a quantum phase such as superconductivity, on the

evolution of superconductivity depends on critical

verge of its emergence, be measured and controlled in a

temperature, magnetic field magnitude and

lab experiment?

orientation, nanowire cross sectional area, and the

“To answer these fundamental questions, we fabricated extremely narrow and uniform nanowires at the U and conducted accurate transport

microscopic characteristics of the nanowire material. The study was published July 9, 2018 in Nature Physics. To test Del Maestro’s theory, Rogachev needed

measurements in the laboratory of my collaborator,

nearly one-dimensional nanowires, with diameters

Benjamin Sacépé, in Grenoble, France,” says Andrey

smaller than 20 nanometers.

Rogachev, an Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the U.

“In theoretical physics, one-dimensional systems play a special role, since for them an exact theory can be developed,” says Rogachev. “Yet one-dimensional

WHO Rogachev and his colleagues discovered that superconducting nanowires made of molybdenum

Controlling the Quantum Realm ANDREY ROGACHEV

systems are notoriously difficult to deal with experimentally.” The molybdenum germanium nanowires are

germanium (MoGe) alloy undergo quantum phase

the crucial element of the study. In his postdoctoral

transitions from a superconducting state to a normal

days, Rogachev could only make such wires 100

metal state when placed in an increasing magnetic

nanometers long, which is too short to test the critical

field at ultra-low temperatures.

regime. Years later, at the University of Utah, he

The study is the first to uncover the

and his then-student Hyunjeong Kim – lead author

complex process by which the material loses its

of the study – improved upon an existing method

superconductivity; the magnetic field breaks apart

of electron beam lithography to develop a novel

pairs of electrons, called Cooper pairs, which then

technique capable of fabricating the nearly

interact with other Cooper pairs and experience a

one-dimensional nanowires.

damping force from unpaired electrons present in the system.



The findings are fully explained by the critical

Since Rogachev joined the U in 2006, his research

theory proposed by coauthor Adrian Del Maestro,

has been supported by a National Science Foundation

Associate Professor at the University of Vermont.

CAREER grant of $550,000 and by a regular NSF


grant, “Quantum Phase transition in superconducting

Nanowire fabrication and optical lithography

compression path that semiconductors did. Then our

nanowires” of $470,000 that will continue

processes were carried out at the University of Utah

research on nanowires will become very important for

through 2019.

Microfab located in the Sorenson Molecular

industry,” says Rogachev.

The recent nanowires study was also supported by the European Research Council that funded

Biology building.

Another intriguing property of nanowires is that

Rogachev currently employs two graduate

they can withstand high magnetic fields, so one can

Rogachev’s collaborators, Benjamin Sacépé and

students and three undergraduate students in his

assume that future superconducting cables, like those

Frédéric Gay, in Grenoble.

research group.

used in MRI magnets and power generators, will be composed of many nanowires bound together in a


copper matrix.

The primary goal of Rogachev’s work is to understand the

Rogachev is now preparing to test nanowires

fundamental physics of

made of cuprates. Cuprates include a class of multi-

quantum phase transitions.

element ceramic materials that are often called

However, there are already

“high-temperature superconductors” because they

several exciting applications

transition to the superconducting state at the record

of superconducting

“high” temperature of -270 F to -180 F. That is a stark

electronics based on

contrast to the relatively low critical temperature of

conventional logic.

molybdenum germanium alloys at -454 F to -447 F.

In addition, quantum

Despite thirty years of intensive research, the

computing based on

mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity

superconducting qubits

remains unknown.

is another active area

“However, all cuprates undergo a quantum phase

of research with

transition between magnetic and normal metal states

great potential.

and according to several theories strong quantum

“It is likely that superconducting Hyunjeong Kim, first author of the paper, led efforts to develop a state-of-the-art technique to produce nearly one-dimensional nanowires. She demonstrates the method at the electron beam lithography instrument on campus.


fluctuations accompanying the transition promote emergence of superconductivity,” says Rogachev.

electronics will follow the same tremendous



Impacting Scientific Research in the Century of Biology (l-r) Faculty members David Bowling, Julie Hollien, Denise Dearing, Michael Shapiro, and Leslie Sieburth will help lead the new School of Biological Sciences.


e live in the Century of Biology.

Advances in research techniques and imaging

than 50 research-active faculty who are conducting

Form follows Function The new School administration consists of a

technology over the past 20 years have enabled

groundbreaking work in areas such as plant

Director, an Associate Director, and three Division

remarkable breakthroughs in genetics, neuroscience,

biology, ecology, genetics, physiology, neuroscience

Heads. The three research divisions include: Cell

and biophysics. Scientists can now investigate cellular

and molecular biology,” says Denise Dearing,

and Molecular Biology; Genetics and Evolution; and

structure and function with atomic resolution.

Distinguished Professor and Director of the School of

Ecology and Physiology.

“Entire new research fields, such as genomics, have developed that allow scientists to ask questions

Biological Sciences. “To support these research efforts, our faculty

“This new organization provides a useful change in governance,” says Leslie Sieburth, Associate

we never considered possible,” says Leslie Sieburth,

have, in the past year, secured more than $17 million

Director of the School. “Faculty members are grouped

Professor of Biological Sciences.

in federal funding – this funding helps to fuel Utah’s

into three areas based on their primary research

economy. Our faculty collaborate with more than

interests. This allows each of the three sections to be

step forward in its continuing mission to educate

200 graduate students, postdocs, technicians,

fairly cohesive, which helps in making decisions and

and train students and to propel scientific research

research associates and, importantly, undergraduate

establishing long-term goals for the unit.”

in the 21st century by establishing a School of

research students in the pursuit of advancing our

Biological Sciences.

understanding of the biological world,” says Dearing.

In July, the College of Science took a landmark


“Our new School of Biological Sciences has more

The heads of each division have responsibilities related to the members of their section such as


assisting in the hiring process, mentoring junior

BIOL 1620 – and two laboratory classes – BIOL 1615

21st century university,” says Reed. “As a research

faculty, reviewing faculty productivity, and providing

and BIOL 1625.

university, the U’s faculty, staff, and students conduct

departmental leadership.

“Currently, the School is working to strengthen

breakthrough research and scholarship, creating new

its emphases so undergraduates have more flexibility

knowledge, and translating those new discoveries

and also a clear path to graduation in four years,”

and insights into practice – essential tasks in ensuring

says Sieburth. “It is always hard to know what the

Utah’s position in an increasingly competitive global

of Biological Sciences, is now the eighth Pac-12

future might hold, but if these emphases prove useful


university in which Biology is organized above the

for our students, they could potentially become

level of a department. That leaves only the University

specialized biology degrees.”

Keeping Pace with the Pac The University of Utah, with its new School

of Washington, Stanford, USC, and the University of

“The U has the highest graduation rate, the

Oregon with Biology in a stand-alone department.

lowest average debt at graduation, and the highest

“A School of Biological Sciences will enhance our

average beginning salary for graduates of any public

ability to recruit talented faculty, postdoctoral fellows

institution in the state – and well above the national

and graduate students. And it puts us on par with

median. The U accomplishes this while having the

other major institutions, including our Pac-12 peers,

lowest undergraduate full-time tuition among its

where the discipline of Biology is usually organized at

peers in the Pac-12,” says Daniel Reed, Senior Vice

the level of a School,” says Sieburth.

President for Academic Affairs at the U.

The School of Biological Sciences is growing steadily in numbers of students and faculty. Additional faculty hires will provide greater diversity

A Model University The School of Biological Sciences offers

of course offerings, more undergraduate research

exceptional opportunities to learn, work, and

experiences, more graduate training opportunities

collaborate across levels of biological organization

and more funded research.

and styles of research. Faculty research interests

Starting this semester, Sieburth and her

span the entire spectrum of biological phenomena

colleagues are implementing new curriculum in the

and disciplines, from cellular and molecular

School. For example, Fundamentals of Biology – BIOL

biology, to biochemistry and biophysics, to ecology

1610 – is a new class designed specifically for first-year

and evolution.

students. The course is one part of a class sequence that includes two lecture-type classes – BIOL 1610 and

“The University of Utah is well positioned to build on its success and to define the model of a

K. Gordon Lark, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biology, who helped establish the Biology Department, participated in the ribbon-cutting for the newly named School of Biological Sciences on Aug. 21, 2018.



Crimson Laureate Society W hile the Crimson Laureate

who have not yet joined, I encourage

Society continues to grow,

you to get involved and help support

I would like to thank everyone who joined during the past year! Your

events bring together a diverse

a tremendous impact on College of

community of people who are

Science students and faculty.

passionate about advancing scientific research and education at the

to increase scholarship awards for

University of Utah. We are in the

students, grow funding for outreach

process of planning another exclusive

programs and special lectures, and

CLS event for 2019.

create support for faculty teaching and research efforts. In the coming weeks, you will


Our Crimson Laureate Society

substantial contributions have had

In fact, your generosity has helped

Jeff Martin Executive Director for Advancement, College of Science

this worthy endeavor.

Your support allows us to share scientific knowledge with a larger audience. For example, on Tuesday,

receive your 2019 Crimson Laureate

November 13, the College will present

Society membership packet. I

a Frontiers of Science lecture featuring

encourage you to renew your annual

Nobel Laureate Dr. Mario Capecchi.

membership for the coming year.

The event is free and open to the

There are currently 748 Society

public. As part of the event, we will

members. Our goal is to surpass

unveil a special display containing the

1,000 members this year. If you are

instruments that Dr. Capecchi used in

currently a member, I extend my

his Nobel Prize-winning research.

gratitude and appreciation! For those

We hope you can join us!



n September 21, President Ruth V. Watkins publicly announced that the

experiences and give them exposure to scientific discovery while also preparing

University of Utah would embark on its most ambitious fundraising campaign

them for their future careers.

titled, “Imagine New Heights.” The campaign’s University-wide $2 billion goal will be focused in five strategic areas:

During the “Imagine New Heights” campaign, we also will be focused on raising funds to support

• Enhance Exceptional Student Experiences

our outstanding faculty and students. Establishing

• Lead Health Innovation and Transform Health Care

endowments for named Chairs, Professorships,

• Create New Knowledge to Better Our World

Graduate Student Fellowships, and Scholarships

• Enrich the Arts, Culture, and the Human Experience

will be imperative in order to continue to attract and

• Foster Healthy, Resilient, Inclusive Communities

retain our hard-working and talented people.

The College of Science will play a key role in the success and impact of this

There are many ways our alumni and friends can contribute to the College

campaign. One of our top priorities is to create an Undergraduate Research Center

during this campaign. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact

to provide undergraduates with opportunities to perform fundamental science

me at (801) 581-4852, or You can also explore our

research in a team-based environment. This Center will enhance our students’



Jack and Peg Simons Endowed Professorship IN THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY


he University of Utah Department of Chemistry has a long history of excellence in research and teaching. In 1971, Jack Simons was recruited to Utah

from MIT where he had completed his postdoctoral fellowship. At the young age of 26, Jack joined chemistry legends Henry Eyring, Josef Michl, and Frank Harris to further build the Theoretical Chemistry program at the U. During Jack’s illustrious 40-year career at the U, he advised and mentored more than 60 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students and hosted numerous visiting scientists. He published more than 335 scientific papers and five textbooks on theoretical chemistry. Jack also served as the Department Chair from 1986 to 1989, during which time the department hired seven new faculty members. Through his hard work and dedication, Jack was frequently honored and received numerous awards, including: • University of Wisconsin’s Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry (2013) • The U of U Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Mentor Award (2010) • The University of Utah Rosenblatt Prize (2005) • The Case Western Reserve University’s Distinguished Chemistry Alumni Prize (2003) • The inaugural Henry Eyring Chair (1989) • The U of U Distinguished Research Award (1985) • The International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences Medal (1983) • The John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship (1979) • The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fellowship (1977) • The Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (1973) Dr. Peg Simons was at Jack’s side throughout his prominent career. The two met at the University of Wisconsin when Jack was earning his doctorate and Peg was also a graduate student in chemistry. Over the years, Jack and Peg’s careers complemented each other. After Jack accepted a position at the U, Peg decided to continue her education and completed an MD at the University of Utah School of Medicine followed by a residency at Stanford University. An accomplished radiologist, Peg has practiced since 1979 and served several years on the University of Utah’s radiology faculty. Jack is proud of the theoretical chemistry legacy at the University of Utah. He believes the Chemistry Department provides a unique ecosystem that brings together great people and great ideas in a collegial atmosphere.


One particular opportunity in the Department – created by Jack in the early 1970s after being introduced to the mountains by the late Distinguished Professor David M. Grant – is the annual summer backpacking excursion to the Utah or Wyoming mountains. These multi-day hiking trips allow faculty members and their families to bond in a unique way. This past summer, the Chemistry backpacking trip celebrated its 46th anniversary and is now under the leadership of Distinguished Professor Peter Armentrout. In addition to their remarkable careers, Jack and Peg Simons have another legacy of which they are proud – their philanthropic legacy. In 2007, Jack

Annual chemistry hike in Wyoming’s Wind River mountains in 2016.

and Peg founded and led the endowment campaign

funds toward the ultimate goal of increasing this

microscopic structure, dynamics and phase

for the Telluride Schools in Theoretical Chemistry, a

endowment to the level of Endowed Chair.

transformations in disordered materials. She is

week-long intensive course for recent and soon-to-be doctorate students in Colorado.

“Peg and I are happy and proud to honor and

particularly well known for her work on the structure

support a University of Utah theoretical chemistry

and anomalies of liquid water and its solutions and

superstar faculty member, and to bolster the

the mechanisms of ice crystallization. She also is the

Peg Simons Endowed Professorship in Theoretical

education of future generations of theoretical

director of the Henry Eyring Center for Theoretical

Chemistry at the University of Utah. They plan to

chemistry students through the endowments we are

Chemistry at the U.

continue to contribute and help raise additional

building,” says Simons.

In 2018, they generously established the Jack and

In July, Chemistry Professor Valeria Molinero was

Burrows, expressed the importance of Jack and Peg’s

appointed as the first Jack and Peg Simons Endowed

tremendous gift: “Endowed chairs and professorships

Professor of Theoretical Chemistry. Molinero was

provide our most creative faculty members with extra

chosen for the honor upon the recommendation of

flexible funding that permits them to jump onto a

a committee of senior faculty who enlisted support

new project, a timely problem, or a national priority.”

from theoreticians around the world, and with the

Due to the thoughtful and generous

endorsement of the Dean of the College of Science

philanthropy of Jack and Peg Simons, the celebrated

and the President of the University.

legacy of theoretical chemistry at the U will continue.

Molinero specializes in the use of computer The 2007 adventure to Wyoming’s Wind River mountains included Valeria Molinero and husband Diego Fernandez (upper right corner).

Chemistry Department Chair, Dr. Cynthia

simulations and statistical mechanics to develop new models to investigate the interplay between

Editor’s note: If you would like to make a gift, or a pledge, to support the Simons Endowment, please visit chem.utah. edu/community/donate.php or contact Jeff Martin,


Building a Better Forest Improving Resilience to Drought and Wildfires


iversity is strength, even among forests.

traits that a lot of the scientific community have

survival chances in a drought. Hydraulic traits are

In a paper published in Nature in September,

focused on weren’t very explanatory or predictive.”

connected to the way a tree moves water throughout

researchers led by University of Utah biologist William

This research was funded by the University of

the organism – and how much drought stress they

Anderegg report that forests with trees that employ a

Utah Global Change and Sustainability Center, the

can take before that system starts breaking down.

high diversity of traits related to water use suffer less

National Science Foundation and the USDA National

of an impact from drought.

Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agricultural and

The results, which expand on previous work that

Food Research Initiative Competitive Programme,

looked at individual tree species’ resilience based on

Ecosystem Services and Agro-ecosystem

hydraulic traits, lead to new research directions on


Surprisingly, says Anderegg, a forest’s hydraulic


individual trees – they affect entire ecosystems. “What’s different about this study is it’s now looking at the whole forest,” Anderegg says.

Droughts Can’t Touch This

forest resilience and inform forest managers working to rebuild forests after logging or wildfire.

But droughts, when they strike, don’t go after

Missing the Forest for the Trees Anderegg is a veteran researcher of the impacts

Anderegg and his colleagues, including collaborators from Stanford University, Princeton

diversity is the predominant predictor of how well it

of droughts on trees, with particular attention to

University and the University of California, Davis,

can handle a drought.

the time it takes for forests to recover from drought.

compiled data from 40 forest sites around the world.

“We expected that hydraulic traits should

Along with others in his field, he’s also looked at the

The sites are equipped with instruments called flux

matter,” he says, “but we were surprised that other

impact of hydraulic traits on individual tree species’

towers that measure the flows of carbon, water and


energy from a forest. They’re also equipped with

But a diverse forest, Anderegg says, “will

environmental sensors, including soil moisture

have many different types of trees – conifer and

sensors, to produce a picture of how much water is

angiosperm, drought tolerant and intolerant wood,

moving into and out of the site.

and maybe different rooting depths. It’s going to

Anderegg coupled that data with what was known about the tree species present at each site, and the known hydraulic traits associated with those species. Non-hydraulic traits would be things like wood density or leaf area divided by leaf mass.

involve some diversity in water source. These things are hard to study and measure directly.” The team sees several future avenues for continuing this research. “We want to understand what’s the detailed

But hydraulic traits include the hydraulic safety

physiology behind this resilience,” Anderegg says.

margin, the difference between the amount of water

“What are the specific traits, either of different species

movement the tree allows during dry conditions and

or different populations, that give you resilience to

the absolute minimum water amount – the point at

future climate?”

which the tree’s hydraulics start to shut down. Forests with a greater diversity of hydraulic traits in its tree species showed less of a dip in forest

“Supercharged Fire Weather” The researchers didn’t look specifically at the

function (measured by fluxes of water and energy

connection between hydraulic traits, drought, and

and soil moisture) than less-diverse forests. Satellite

fire conditions, but recent wildfires in Utah and other

data of temperate forests worldwide confirmed their

western states do beg the question.

findings – droughts just don’t have the same effect on hydraulically diverse forests as on others.

Assistant Professor William “Bill” Anderegg

“More diversity in a landscape is going to help a forest be more resilient to fire,” Anderegg says. The

or wildfire. “After we log a forest or a fire comes

same climate conditions that underlie droughts –

through,” Anderegg says, “we sometimes think

have seem most important for predicting resilience to

early snowmelt and hot summertime temperatures

about planting a single species. We should be

drought at an ecosystem scale,” Anderegg says.

–also underlie hazardous fire seasons.

thinking about the best mixes of multiple species

“The species present and the hydraulic traits they

So, what does a forest with hydraulic diversity look like? First, consider the opposite – an ecosystem with only one kind of tree. Picture, for example, a

“It dries out the fuel in the grounds,” Anderegg says, “and creates supercharged fire weather.” So, what can forest managers do to improve

Christmas tree farm. Each tree is the exact same

diversity and resilience? Opportunities may come

species. Diversity doesn’t get any lower than that.

following traumas to the ecosystem such as logging

for resilience.” Editor’s note: Anderegg received a prestigious Packard Fellowship in October. The award will provide $875,000 over five years to pursue creative research directions.


Astronomers Rejoice Utah Leading the Way in Dark Sky Studies


he Consortium for Dark Sky Studies (CDSS) –

effects of dark skies as well as effects of urban

founded at the University of Utah in 2015 – is

planning on dark skies,” says Dave Kieda, Professor of

• Scientific studies and analysis of dark sky sites;

Physics and Astronomy at the U.

• Impact of light pollution on wildlife and ecosystems;

the world’s first dark sky studies center. The group is dedicated to the discovery, development, and

• Citizen science and student intern astronomy and dark sky training;

application of scientific knowledge pertaining to the

minor degree in Dark Sky Studies at the U, as well as a

quality of night skies, growing light pollution, and the

potential track in the Professional Master’s of Science

• Dark sky curriculum additions to STEM education;

varied human and environmental responses to the

and Technology degree associated with dark sky

• Impact of light pollution on human health;

“disappearing dark.”

studies,” says Kieda.

“There has already been a great deal of work done by CDSS members on various physiological


“We are also developing an undergraduate

Priorities include:

The Consortium for Dark Sky Studies examines both the science and culture of the night skies.

Utah is home to the first International Dark Sky Place (IDSP) – located in Natural Bridges National Monument – and also the largest concentration of

designated and in-process IDSPs in the world. Utah

Nov. 9–10, followed by the Artificial Light at Night

habitat, and provides visual access to celestial objects

residents and visitors can enjoy unpolluted night skies

(ALAN) 5th International Conference Nov. 12–15.

for professional and amateur astronomers alike.

in national parks such as Bryce Canyon and Zion, and

The 5th ALAN International Conference will

in state parks such as Antelope Island, or visit Utah’s

there will be at least seven IDSPs within a one-hour

examine scientific aspects of artificial light at night.

first dark-sky community in Torrey, Utah.

drive of Snowbird resort and more than 25 total IDSPs

The broad scope of the conference includes how

in the state, “ says Kieda.

artificial light is produced, where it is present, its

In November, two international organizations


“By the time of the conferences in November

dealing with the issue of light pollution and dark sky

The International Dark-Sky Association has

effects on humans and the environment, how it is

sites will convene at Snowbird resort for their annual

worked to fight light pollution since 1988. Protecting

perceived by the public, and how the benefits and

conferences. The International Dark-Sky Association

the night sky from light pollution is a critical mission

detriments of lighting may be balanced by regulation.

(IDA) 30th Annual General Meeting will be held

that supports human health, preserves wildlife



Research Funding Tops $500 Million


ith the accumulated efforts of the University of

large and small, from thousands of dollars to study

scholarly activity has enabled us to achieve such a

Utah’s faculty, students and administrators in

the structural health of Utah’s rock arches to millions

significant funding milestone,” said Vice President

of dollars to discover non-opioid painkillers.

for Research Andy Weyrich. “The success of the U’s

departments and colleges from all corners of campus, and with decades of building quality researchers and

Scholarly metrics across the University, including

research community is also empowered through

exemplary programs and institutes, the U achieved

the number of citations, published books and journal

the support we receive from the federal and state

its most successful research funding year ever in

articles, are also on the rise.

government, donors and investors who are essential

2018, passing a $500 million milestone. The final total is actually $515 million, and it’s composed of grants

“I think the data speaks to the quality of the U’s

to the U’s growth and drive for research excellence.”

remarkable faculty, trainees and staff whose increased

Academic Metrics on the Rise in 2018 Source: Academic Analytics

30% more citations







25% more federal grant dollars 20% more awards



19% more journal articles

220__________________________________________ 110__________________________________________ 0

17% more books 15% more federal grants 12% more conferences

Years of Growth Thanks to the extraordinary efforts and quality of faculty, trainees and staff, University of Utah research funding reached $515 million in FY 2018, the highest in the U’s history. Funding grew at around 4 percent per year since 2003, and 7 percent per yer during the past five years. Since 2013, funding has consistently increased every year.


State Gov’t 6%

Other 17%

Industry 16%

Federal Gov’t 61%

Economic Impact Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute


in salaries and wages from U research in FY ‘17 generated


in direct and induced labor income (est.) which generated


in local and state sales tax

Where It Comes From Extramural funding comes mostly from federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health. The U’s increase in federal funding builds on the remarkable achievement of Max Wintrobe in 1945 who received the very first grant from NIH to study muscular dystrophy.

Science is part of the reality of living; it is the what, the how, and the why of everything in our experience. – Rachel Carson


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