STEM Safety Day 2024 Program

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SAFETY DAY OPENING CEREMONIES - Location: Cleone Peterson Eccles Alumni House

7:45AM Check-in Opens

8:15AM Breakfast Buffet Opens

8:45AM Welcome and Overview/Logistics for the Day - David Thomas – Director of Safety, COS

8:50AM Intro of VPR, Dr. Erin Rothwell - Fred Monette, Exec. Director of Environmental Health & Safety

8:55AM Opening Remarks - Dr. Erin Rothwell - Vice President for Research

9:00 - 9:50AM Perspectives on Safety from Upper Administration (Q&A)


DR. MITZI MONTOYA - Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost

DR. ERIN ROTHWELL – Vice President for Research

DR. PETER TRAPA – Dean, College of Science

DR. SAMUEL FINLAYSON – Dean, Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine (Interim)

DR. CHARLES MUSGRAVE – Dean, Price College of Engineering


CHRIS NELSON - Chief University Relations Officer and Secretary to the University


10:00 -10:50AM Basic First Aid, Including AED Use: Shelly Beck – Assistant Professor, Health and Kinesiology, The Center for Emergency Programs

Location: Dumke Reception Room

Creating Field Safety Plans - Hands On Creation Of Field Safety Plan For Your Work Using The New Field Safety Module In SAM: Brandon Newell, Occupational Safety Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Patel Conference Room

Chemical and Biological Storage and Disposal Guidelines: Ricardo Rodrigues, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Beehive Conference Room

Walk-In Help with the Safety Administrative Management (SAM) System: Christin Torres, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety and Max Cooper, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Pugh Business Center/Lounge

Hazard Communication/Recognition and PPE Training for Custodial and Facilities Team Members: Dr. Jim Muller - Executive Director of Facilities Management for the College of Science

Location: Henriksen Conference Room For Custodial and Facilities Team Members Only

Hands-On Fire Extinguisher Training: Clint Haymond, University Fire Marshall, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Sorenson Boardroom


11:00 – 11:50AM Basic First Aid, Including AED Use: Shelly Beck – Assistant Professor, Health and Kinesiology, The Center for Emergency Programs

Location: Dumke Reception Room

Creating Field Safety Plans - Hands On Creation Of Field Safety Plan For Your Work Using The New Field Safety Module In SAM: Brandon Newell, Occupational Safety Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Patel Conference Room

Chemical and Biological Storage and Disposal Guidelines: Ricardo Rodrigues, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety Location: Beehive Conference Room

Walk-In Help with the Safety Administrative Management (SAM) System: Christin Torres, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety and Max Cooper, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety Location: Pugh Business Center/Lounge

Hazard Communication/Recognition and PPE Training for Custodial and Facilities Team Members: Dr. Jim Muller - Executive Director of Facilities Management for the College of Science Location: Henriksen Conference Room For Custodial and Facilities Team Members Only

Hands-On Fire Extinguisher Training: Clint Haymond, University Fire Marshall, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Sorenson Boardroom

Overview of Resources for Students: Know What To Do When Students Need Help: Dr. Melanie Lee, Associate Dean of Students

Location: Boyer Conference Room

LUNCH - Learning from the Past to Improve Future Outcomes – Location: OC Tanner Ballroom

12:00 – 1:20PM Buffet

12:30 How Chemistry Catalyzed Positive Change After a Department Shutdown: Dr. Matt Sigman, Distinguished Professor and Immediate Past-Chair of Chemistry

12:50 How are We Doing? Data on Injuries and Incidents: Darrell Fowles, Associate Director of Occupational Health, Environmental Health and Safety

1:00 Presentation of Safety Awards



1:30 – 2:20PM

Basic First Aid, Including AED Use: Shelly Beck – Assistant Professor, Health and Kinesiology, The Center for Emergency Programs

Location: Dumke Reception Room

Ergonomics - Adding a Tool To Promote Health and Wellness at Work: Steve Lee, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Pugh Business Center/Lounge

Personal Protective Equipment - When, Where & What: Nathan Watchman, Senior Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Beehive Conference Room

Safety Structure in Your Unit(s) - Comparing and Contrasting Safety Structure in Different Colleges, Departments and Units Around the U of U: Fred Monette, Executive Director, Environmental Health and Safety and James Stubbs, Associate Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Patel Conference Room

Hands-On Fire Extinguisher Training: Clint Haymond, University Fire Marshall, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Sorenson Boardroom


2:30 – 3:20PM

Basic First Aid, Including AED Use: Shelly Beck – Assistant Professor, Health and Kinesiology, The Center for Emergency Programs

Location: Dumke Reception Room

Ergonomics - Adding a Tool To Promote Health and Wellness at Work: Steve Lee, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Pugh Business Center/Lounge

Drop-in Consultation

Personal Protective Equipment - When, Where & What: Nathan Watchman, Senior Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Beehive Conference Room

Mental Health Self-Care, A Critical Component of your Wellbeing: OSHER Center for Integrative Health

Location: Henriksen Conference Room

Hands-On Fire Extinguisher Training: Clint Haymond, University Fire Marshall, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Sorenson Boardroom

How to Correctly Perform a Canula Transfer when Using Pyrophorics or Air Sensitive Chemicals: Dr. Andrew Roberts, Asst. Professor of Chemistry

Location: Andrew Roberts Lab

Overview of Lab Inspection Process and the Role of SAM: Alicia Duprey-Gatrell, Compliance Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Remote Session on Zoom


10:00 – 11:45AM Tour of Regulated Waste Facility and Chemical/Biological Spill Cleanup Training: Steve Natrop, Regulated Waste Manager, Environmental Health and Safety and Emily O’Hagan, Deputy Regulated Waste Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Waste Management Facility (Bldg 590), 2205 Red Butte Canyon Rd

Shuttle Departs Alumni House at 10:00 AM and will Return to the Alumni House at 11:45 AM

1:30 – 3:15PM Tour of Regulated Waste Facility and Chemical/Biological Spill Cleanup Training: Steve Natrop, Regulated Waste Manager, Environmental Health and Safety and Emily O’Hagan, Deputy Regulated Waste Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Waste Management Facility (Bldg 590), 2205 Red Butte Canyon Rd

Shuttle Departs Alumni House at 1:30 PM and will Return to the Alumni House at 3:15 PM

1:30 – 3:30PM Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Chris Hunter - Assistant Biosafety Officer, Environmental Health and Safety

Location: Boyer Conference Room

2:45 – 4:00PM Preparing for the Move into the New Applied Science Building: Dr. Jim Muller - Executive Director of Facilities Management for the College of Science - Includes a tour of the new building for the first 16 registrants. Future tours will be made available at a later date.

Location: Crocker Science Center, Rm 330


9:30AM – 4:00PM Fisher Scientific

1st Floor Lobby Environmental Health & Safety Meet and Greet & Communities of Practice Sign-Up Flu and COVID Vaccinations - Please register ahead of time

Department of Public Safety Meet and Greet

Mine Emergency Training Utilizing Virtual Reality – Dept. Of Mining Engineering


(Listed Alphabetically)

*For those activities below with a “Training” designation, certificates of completion will be emailed out to participants so that they can be included in Chemical Hygiene Plans (if applicable) as part of your group’s safety training documentation.

Basic First Aid, Including AED Use *Training

This course will cover how to recognize when to call 911, what to do until an ambulance arrives and how to treat basic injuries and illnesses. This includes AED and compressions-only CPR training, but will not include a certification.

Instructor: Shelly Beck – Assistant Professor, Health and Kinesiology, The Center for Emergency Programs

Bloodborne Pathogens *Training

Yes, this is that training! You have to do it every year anyway if you work with human cell lines or potentially infectious materials. Why not get it done during STEM Safety Day?

Instructor: Chris Hunter - Assistant Biosafety Officer, Environmental Health and Safety

Creating Field Safety Plans – Hands on creation of field safety plan for your work with the new Field Safety Module in SAM

Participants will have the opportunity to sit down with EHS team members to work through the new Field Safety Module in SAM, learn the system and potentially complete a field safety plan for a field work site of their choice. Participants should bring a laptop if possible.

Instructor: Brandon Newell, Occupational Safety Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Chemical and Biological Storage and Disposal Guidelines *Training

Knowing how to properly store, segregate and dispose of chemicals by hazard classes is critical to safe management of chemical and/or biological inventories. This course will go over best practices for the above, plus address difficult or often overlooked situations such as how to handle disposal of very small volumes but large variations of waste, how to properly store and maintain peroxide forming reagents, what can and can’t go down the drain and more!

Instructor: Ricardo Rodrigues, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Ergonomics – Adding a tool to promote health and wellness at work

How many hours do you spend at your desk each day? How much time do you spend doing repetitive motion tasks such as pipetting, etc. Focusing on length of activity, posture and positioning can all lead to a decreased risk for injuries. This session will go over best practices to keep you healthy and well in the above situations.

Instructor: Steve Lee, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Hands-On Fire Extinguisher Training *Training

Want to practice putting out an actual fire with a fire extinguisher? This is your chance! Stop by to get training on how and when to use a fire extinguisher and then put your knowledge to the test in a hands-on fire extinguishing experience!

Instructor: Clint Haymond, University Fire Marshall, Environmental Health and Safety

Hazard Communication/Recognition and PPE Training for Custodial and Facilities Team Members *Training

Both custodial and facilities’ team members working in the College of Science face unique challenges associated with working in laboratory environments. This training will focus on identification of hazards in lab spaces through interpretation of posted signage, what to do when unsure of the hazards in a space, and what personal protective equipment (PPE) is expected when work is required in a laboratory. This training is intended for custodial and facilities’ team members only.

Instructor: Dr. Jim Muller – Exec. Director of Facilities Management, College of Science

How to Correctly Perform a Canula Transfer when Using Pyrophorics or Air Sensitive Chemicals *Training

Pyrophorics are an extremely hazardous class of reagents that can spontaneously combust upon exposure to air. Despite their hazards, they are critical to some reactions and process. In these use cases, knowing how to work with them safety is critical. In this session, participants will receive hands on training in a lab, working with pyrophorics and how to properly setup and perform a canula transfer (one of the safer ways to transfer these reagents). Participants MUST register ahead of time to participate in this training.

Instructor: Dr. Andrew Roberts, Asst. Professor of Chemistry

Mental Health Self-Care – A Critical Component of Your Wellbeing

The importance and benefits of focusing on mental health is becoming more and more widely embraced and understood. Join this session to learn about tools and resources that you can use to protect and foster your own mental health.

Instructor: OSHER Center for Integrative Health

Overview of Lab Inspection Process and the Role of SAM

The lab inspection process is becoming more and more user friendly and streamlined. However, it can still be confusing, especially since it only comes to our attention once a year. This session will be an overview and refresher on the inspection process and the steps involved in the SAM system. This will be an online only session and you must register ahead of time.

Instructor: Alicia Duprey-Gatrell, Compliance Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Overview of Resources for Students – Know What To Do When Students Need Help

The University has a lot of resources for students who need support. However, knowing which resources are available, how to access them, and when to recommend them can be a challenge for faculty, staff and even fellow students. This session will give an overview of the resources that are available so that you can best support your students and colleagues and is great for faculty, student facing staff and TAs.

Instructor: Dr. Melanie Lee, Associate Dean of Students

Personal Protective Equipment – When, Where and What

While PPE is our last line of defense based on the Hierarchy of Controls, choosing the correct PPE for each situation can make the difference between a near miss and an injury. Join us to learn more about choosing the correct PPE as well as minimum PPE expectations across the University for different work environments (labs, shops, etc.)

Instructor: Nathan Watchman, Senior Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

Preparing for the Move into the New Applied Science Building Includes a tour of the new building

The new applied science building will be opening soon! This session is for those researchers who will be moving into this great new space. The classroom portion of this training will cover logistical and safety considerations to keep in mind in preparation for the move. The end of the session will include a walkthrough of the almost finished new facility. Only those who will be working in the new Applied Science Building can attend this session.

Instructor: Dr. Jim Muller - Executive Director of Facilities Management for the College of Science

Safety Structure in Your Unit(s) Comparing and contrasting safety structure in different colleges, departments and units around the U of U

The last 20 years have seen a dramatic push to increase the level of safety at Academic Institutions. Of course, there are unique challenges to being safe in an R1 institution where every day brings new ideas, new research experiments and therefore, new hazards. Units across our campus are working to improve safety culture and there is a lot we can learn from each other. This small session (Capacity of 16) will be an open discussion, specifically for those tasked with improving safety in their respective units, about the different models and efforts that are underway around the University. Some examples of possible discussion topics include implementation and role of safety officers, levels of safety committees throughout a unit, self-Inspections, lab coat laundering and reducing administrative burden while still being compliant.

Instructors: Fred Monette, Executive Director, Environmental Health and Safety and James Stubbs, Associate Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Tour of Regulated Waste Facility and Chemical Spill Cleanup Training Includes Hands on Training with a Simulated Spill *Training Do you know where our “unwanted materials” go after EHS picks them up? Take this opportunity to tour the Regulated Waste Facility, meet the great team of people who handles the processing of all of our unwanted materials, and find out why it’s so important to properly label and submit pickup requests in a timely manner. Participants will also learn hands-on how to approach and clean up a general chemical and/or biological spill using the contents of a spill kit. Session capacity is limited and only those who’ve signed up ahead of time can participate in this training.

Host/Tour Leader: Steve Natrop – Regulated Waste Manager and Emily O’Hagan, Deputy Regulated Waste Manager, Environmental Health and Safety

Walk-In Help with the Safety Administrative Management (SAM) System

The SAM system is a powerful tool for documentation, tracking regulatory compliance and identifying areas of need related to safety. However, this same breadth of functionality can sometimes lead to confusion and frustration for the “casual” or “occasional” user. This walk-in session is designed for anyone with a question about SAM, but can be especially useful for those with an inspection coming up.

Bring any SAM questions or ideas that you have with you

Bring a laptop

Have your chemical inventory in an excel sheet if you would like to learn how to do a “bulk upload” into SAM

Bring detailed pictures of the specifications, serials numbers, etc. of any devices you would like to register.

*Please do NOT bring any actual devices or reagents to this session

Bring a list of unwanted materials and approximate amounts if you would like help submitting a pickup request in SAM (pictures help here too).

*Please do NOT bring any actual devices or reagents to this session

SAM Guides: Christin Torres, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety and Max Cooper, Occupational Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety

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