Crimson Laureate Society Donor Impact: The Student Emergency Fund
Earlier this year the College of
Students received help after
Science asked our supporters to help
facing issues like unexpected medical
science students impacted by the
diagnoses and hospitalizations, caring
COVID-19 pandemic. The response
for terminally ill family members,
was overwhelming.
rapidly increasing drug costs for
essential medications, and job losses
Faculty, staff, alumni, and friends
“Thank you for this generous scholarship. It will not go to waste. With the money I am receiving, I will be able to stay in school and not have to take any semesters off.”
over $108,000 in scholarships, ranging
“Words cannot begin to express my appreciation to have been chosen as a recipient of your donation. You have no idea how much relief I felt. I am very grateful that I can further pursue my
from $200 to $4,000 per student.
of the college came together to help
due to the pandemic.
our students in need, making 283
donations in support of the Student
at this critical time. Your donations helped
Emergency Fund. So far, the fund has
keep our students in school and on track
supported 83 students in need with
for graduation.
Thank you for supporting our students