Listed Jessica Williams
There are an estimated 500,000 listed buildings and structures in the UK. In Cheltenham alone, there are 1,405. The list includes but is not limited to: buildings, statues, monuments, post-boxes, gardens, and shipwrecks. Much of it, by law, must remain unchanged unless special permissions are sought after and granted. There are countless reasons as to why a structure may be preserved, many of them due to their architectural qualities. However, many are actively preserved on account of their cultural and historical significance. The following images were shot around the town centre of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Each image denotes a listed structure or building. Hidden in and amongst these everyday images, are objects and buildings that are subject to preservation orders. This project asks the viewer to reexamination the everyday around them. It shows us a past being subsumed by the future. More importantly, it begs the question what deserves preservation in the 21st century landscape?