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Accommodation (Gloucester
Accommodation guarantee
In Gloucester
We guarantee you a place in university or partner-managed accommodation if you accept us as your first choice and apply for accommodation by 5 July 2020.* For more information visit glos.ac.uk/accommodation
Halls of residence (Oxstalls Campus) Giving you independence with close support at hand, we have halls of residence at Oxstalls Campus. They house 175 students across 21 cluster flats. All rooms include utility bills, internet and basic contents insurance.
Rent: £133 – £197 per week, all bills included Room options available: en-suite Location: Oxstalls Campus
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Blackfriars residence Managed by Cityheart, Blackfriars has over 300 rooms in central Gloucester, just a short walk from the bus station – offering easy access to Oxstalls Campus (or it’s a 25-minute walk) – and a stone’s throw from the vibrant Gloucester Quays.

Rent: £142 – £191 per week, all bills included Room options available: townhouses, en-suite (standard and premium), studio Location: Gloucester city centre, close to the bus station, main shops and restaurants