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BSc (Hons) Criminology & Psychology BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) Psychology
Michelle Barden, Psychology student
Criminology & Psychology
Why do some people commit crimes? What is the impact on victims and the support they need? These are the types of issues considered on our BPS-accredited course. You’ll also gain experience of collecting evidence in our crime scene house and using VR to research the reliability of eye-witness testimony.

Sabine Meyer, Criminology & Psychology graduate, now studying MSc Forensic Psychology with us
Typical modules Year 1/level 4 Thinking Like a Psychologist Criminal Justice: From Crime Scene to Court
Year 2/level 5 Understanding the Criminal Mind Crime Science Forensic Psychology
Year 3/level 6 Responding to Sexual Violence Serious Crime Analysis & Behavioural Investigative Change Working in Forensic Settings Homicide
Industry links Gloucestershire Constabulary, victim support services and Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse.
See also Criminology Criminology & Sociology

Tariff points 112 BBC at A levels DMM at BTEC UCAS code/duration MC98 – 3 years Study style Mostly coursework Study options Full-time/part-time Graduate opportunities Forensic Psychologist Crime Analyst Police/prison service Victim support Start date September 2021 Campus Francis Close Hall, Cheltenham
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Forensic Psychology
Offering several specialist modules, this course focuses intensively on forensic topics while also delivering the general requirements set by the BPS for a psychology degree. Graduate with the underpinning knowledge and skills that will help you progress to the next stage of training to become a Forensic Psychologist.

Typical modules Year 1/level 4 Intro to Intelligence & Investigations From Crime Scene to Court
Year 2/level 5 Understanding the Criminal Mind Forensic Criminology Forensic Psychology Risk & Protective Factors in Psychological Development
Year 3/level 6 Cognitive Neuroscience Advanced Perspectives on Victims, Witnesses & Offenders Serious Crime Analysis & Behavioural Investigative Advice Addictive Behaviours
Industry links This course is designed to build the underpinning knowledge for careers in forensic settings, such as working with victims or with offenders in the criminal justice system, or performing analysis roles in the security services.
Tariff points 112 BBC at A levels DMM at BTEC UCAS code/duration C816 – 3 years Study style Mostly coursework Study options Full-time/part-time Graduate opportunities Forensic Psychologist Roles in prisons, courts & probation Security services Start date September 2021 Campus Francis Close Hall, Cheltenham
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Our BPS-accredited course has a strong focus on real-world applications, including the psychology of health and wellbeing, education, crime and behaviour change. Use our VR and EEG labs to explore how we respond to emotional arousal, and discover the psychological and physiological processes involved when people experience stress.
Typical modules Year 1/level 4 Psychology in Everyday Life Thinking Like a Psychologist
Year 2/level 5 Development Across the Lifespan Forensic Psychology Social Cognition & Social Identity
Year 3/level 6 Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology of Sex & Gender Educational & Child Psychology Health Psychology

Industry links Gain academic credit by undertaking an internship. Recent placements include schools and mental health charities.

Dr Steve Baker, Psychology Lecturer
Tariff points 112 BBC at A levels DMM at BTEC UCAS code/duration C800 – 3 years Study style Mostly coursework Study options Full-time/part-time Graduate opportunities Health psychology Forensic psychology Clinical psychology Education Start date September 2021 Campus Francis Close Hall, Cheltenham
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