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BA (Hons) Fine Art BA (Hons) Illustration
Evangeline Morris & Eleanor Bell, Fine Art graduates & collaborating artists in residence for the university
Fine Art
Use your creative practice to research and explore the material and conceptual potential of image and object making, video, performance, text and sound. Work with our exciting contemporary gallery programme. Take part in exhibitions, projects, performances and residencies to develop your creative ideas and potential.

Jodie Downes, Fine Art graduate, now working for Science (UK) Ltd – a company directed by world-famous artist Damien Hirst
Typical modules Year 1/level 4 Drawing Art from Modernism to Postmodernism & Beyond Journeys of the Imagination: Experience, Memory, Time
Year 2/level 5 Making Art & Talking Art Studio: Establishing Personal Practice Studio: Sustaining & Developing Personal Practice
Year 3/level 6 Personal Practice: Enquiry & Consolidation Personal Practice: Realisation & Resolution Professional Studies: Art, Work, Life
Industry links Recent placements include the National Portrait Gallery, Spike Island, Arnolfini, Drawing Room and London White Cube.
Tariff points Offers decided by interview UCAS code/duration W100 – 3 years Study style Studio coursework, practical workshops & theory lectures Study options Full-time/part-time Graduate opportunities Professional Artist Arts management Creative publishing & design Gallery/Museum Curator Art therapy Start date September 2021 Campus Hardwick, Cheltenham
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Build your creative practice through drawing, printmaking and animation. Visual storytelling underpins illustration production, from children’s books to graphic novels, storyboards to animation, or promoting an idea or product. At international book fairs you’ll publish, exhibit and sell work alongside professional illustrators. The course also runs the Cheltenham Illustration Awards.
Typical modules Year 1/level 4 Illustration Skills Introduction to Animation Introduction to Illustration
Year 2/level 5 Illustration for Children The Professional Illustrator Sequential Illustration
Year 3/level 6 Olio: Student Publication Portfolio & Promotion Major Project

Industry links Show your work and experience events like East London Comics & Arts Festival, the London Book Fair and the Angoulême International Comics Festival.
See also Animation
Tariff points Offers decided by interview UCAS code/duration W220 – 3 years Study style Practical learning & creative assignments Study options Full-time/part-time Graduate opportunities Professional Illustrator Animator Creative Entrepreneur Game Artist Graphic Designer Start date September 2021 Campus Francis Close Hall, Cheltenham
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