EPM Module 3

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This module serves as an introduction to the course and to the subject area of risk, crisis and disaster management, and it is also a conceptual tool box for the rest of the course. In particular, it introduces a range of theoretical perspectives on the concepts of risk and crisis such as how risk is assessed and managed. The overarching aim of the module is to identify different perspectives and examine the extent to which they inform practice and ultimately to lay a foundation upon which future modules will build.

MSc in Emergency Planning Management

Module 2 Managing Risk and Crisis

Module 3 Research Methods in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management This Module aims to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of methodological issues in investigation studies research. The Module introduces students to research methodology on both a theoretical and practical level. Students are encouraged to analyse critically the process of social scientific enquiry and to examine the relationship between research problems, theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches.

Module 4 Case Studies of Crises and Disasters In this module a number of case studies of crises and disasters are examined. The case studies act as heuristics ‑ vehicles for exploring some of the issues and concepts introduced in modules one and two. Such issues include the impact of personality on crisis and disaster management, the influence of cultural factors and national preferences on crisis and disaster management techniques, and the impact on disaster investigations of paradigmatic interpretations of evidence. The rationale for the module is that important lessons can be learned from the detailed, objective analysis of past crises and disasters. The unit also provides an insight into the politics of the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act, which set up the United Kingdom’s Health and Safety Executive, and into subsequent legislation on the regulation of developments close to hazardous complexes.

Module 5 Models of Risk and Crisis This module addresses the possibility that risks, crises and disasters may be understood in different ways by different people. An air crash, for example, may be understood primarily as a potential blow to profitability by an aircraft manufacturer, as a case for investigation by the relevant police service and national accident investigation bureau, as a destabilizing influence on the stock market by brokers and investors and as a human tragedy by the tabloid press (for whom disasters provide many column-inches of material) and relatives, partners and friends of the victims. Thus the same event may be ‘constructed’ or experienced differently by different parties. This module examines how parties with different ‘investments’ (reputational, financial, emotional etc.) in crises and disasters may experience them in quite different ways.

Module 6 Emergency Planning Management This module looks at the ‘front line’ management of risks, crises and disasters. The emphasis is on practical risk, crisis and disaster management, from risk assessments produced by Britain’s Health and Safety Executive to the factors that need to be considered by emergency planners when drafting an evacuation plan. The module aims to be as eclectic as possible, including, for example, a unit on the identification and management of post-traumatic stress disorder.

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In this module some contemporary debates about security are explored. It brings together broad developments in theories of risk in the social sciences with risk issues of relevance to security managers. It also examines the relationship between these different perspectives on risk and a general theory of security. An attempt is made to highlight the relationship between the theory and practice of risk management and security.


(updated August 2011)

Research Methods in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management EMERGENCY


Module 1 Theories of Risk and Crisis


MSc in Emergency Planning Management


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