Medics Welfare Contacts: Nottingham CONTENTS I.
SU and University Contacts i. SU Services and Personnel ii. University Services iii. Other Services Physical Health i. Health Centres ii. Useful Websites Mental and Emotional Health i. Counselling ii. Support iii. Mental Health Self Help Groups iv. Eating Disorders v. Bereavement vi. Useful Websites Sexual Health and Sexuality i. Contraception and Emergency Contraception ii. C-Card Scheme Registration Points iii. C-Card Scheme Pick Up Points iv. LGBT v. LGBT Groups vi. STI Testing vii. Useful Websites Financial Advice i. Information and Advice ii. Jobs Drugs i. Support and Information ii. Self Help Groups Alcohol i. Support and Information ii. Self Help Groups iii. Useful Websites Gambling i. Support and Information ii. Self Help Groups Legal Advice i. Support and Information Violence and Crime i. Support and Information Other i. Useful Websites
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SU AND UNIVERSITY CONTACTS SU SERVICES AND PERSONNEL Student Advice Centre, University Park Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-4.30; Wednesday 10.30-5 (9-4.30 during holidays). Contact: 0115 846 8730; SU Education Advisors, Student Advice Centre, University Park Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-4.30; Wednesday 10.30-5 (9-4.30 during holidays). Contact: 0115 846 8730; SU Officers President Equal Opps and Welfare Education Community Sports Activities Postgrad Women’s BME LGBT International Mature Students Disabled Environment & Social Justice
UNIVERSITY SERVICES University of Nottingham Counselling Service Free for students and staff Contact: 0115 951 3695; Cripps Health Centre, University Park Contact: 0115 846 8888 OTHER SERVICES Nottingham Nightline Anonymous student-run listening and information service. Contact via phone, IM or email. Also PostSecret feature available on the website Every night of term 7pm-8am, 24h during exams and freshers’ week Contact: 0115 951 4985;
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PHYSICAL HEALTH HEALTH CENTRES Cripps Health Centre, University Park Contact: 0115 846 8888 NHS Walk in Centre, Nottingham City Centre Near the railway station Open every day 7am-9pm Contact: 0115 883 8500 NHS Nottingham City Health Centre Upper Parliament Street, no appointment needed Open every day 8am-8pm Contact: 0115 883 1960 USEFUL WEBSITES
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MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH COUNSELLING Let’s Talk Wellbeing Nottingham For people with mental health difficulties registered with doctors in Nottinghamshire Contact: 0115 956 0888 Nottingham Counselling Service Centre Contact: 0115 950 1743; Priory Clinic, Nottingham Free sessions on the NHS Contact: 0115 969 3388; University of Nottingham Counselling Service Free for students and staff Contact: 0115 951 3695; NGY Youth Centre, Castle Gate, Nottingham Provides free counselling amongst many other youth services Contact: 0115 704 3114; SpeakEasy Counselling Service, Carton St, Nottingham City Centre For anyone aged 13-25 inclusive, any issue Contact: 0115 992 6102 SUPPORT Nottingham Nightline Anonymous student-run listening and information service. Contact via phone, IM or email. Also PostSecret feature available on the website Every night of term 7pm-8am, 24h during exams and freshers’ week Contact: 0115 951 4985; Doctors Support Network Helpline staffed by volunteer doctors for all aspects of mental health Monday and Tuesday 8-11pm, Wednesday-Friday 8-10pm, Sunday 4-10pm Contact: 0844 395 3010; Samaritans Nottingham Listening and support service. Will also call or visit someone you’re worried about Contact: 0115 94 1111 (cheaper than premium rate national number) Mental Health Helpline Nottingham New helpline offering referrals and support for people in Nottinghamshire Monday-Friday 5pm-9am, 24hours at weekends Contact: 0800 561 0072;
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HOPELineUK – Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide Confidential helpline for young people and those worried about others Monday-Friday 10am-5pm and 7-10pm, weekends 2-5pm Contact: 0800 068 4141; The CALM Zone – Campaign Against Living Miserably Information and support line for young men, open 5pm-midnight Contact: 0800 58 58 58 SANE Offers emotional and crisis support 6pm-11pm Contact: 0845 767 8000 No Panic Helpline support for suffers of anxiety, OCD and phobias 10am-10pm Contact: 0800 138 8889; Anxiety UK Helpline support for anxiety and depression sufferers Monday-Friday 9.30-5.30pm Contact: 08444 755 774 Anxiety Alliance Confidential advice and supportline run by former sufferers 10am-10pm Contact: 0845 296 7877 OCD Action Information, advice and support for sufferers, friends and families Contact: 0845 390 6232 Harmless Nottingham charity offering support for people who self-harm Contact: MENTAL HEALTH SELF HELP GROUPS Coping With Anxiety, Sherwood Community Centre Tuesday 7-9pm Contact: 0115 9679 409; Bipolar Group, Nottingham City Centre First Thursday of every month, 7.15-9.15pm Contact: Mind Medication Group, Nottingham To help people become less dependent on psychiatric medication Fortnightly, Mondays 2-3.30pm Contact: 0115 921 1302; Page 5 of 18 Compiled by Gemma Dracup – 2013.
Nottingham Depression Support Group Third Thursday of every month, 7pm Contact: 0115 7270 246; Emotions Anonymous East Midlands, Basford 12 step programme to help people deal with all kinds of emotional difficulties Sunday 7.30pm Contact: 0115 9312 113, Notts Peer to Peer Network, Gateway Drop in Centre, Nottingham All kinds of mental health difficulties Wednesday 1.30-3.30pm Contact: Nottingham Rethink Group, Nottingham City Centre Schizophrenia group Last Thursday of every month except July, August and December, 6.30pm Contact: 07902 534106;; EATING DISORDERS B-eat Nottingham Student-run self help group Wednesday every fortnight, 7.30-9pm Contact: EDISS – Eating Disorders in Students Service Partnership between UoN and NTU Contact: Nottingham Eating Disorder Service, Gregory Boulevard Contact: 0115 960 6666 Overeaters Anonymous, Nottingham City Centre 12 step programme helping with compulsive overeating, bulimia and anorexia Friday 6.30pm Contact: Anorexia and Bulimia Care (ABC) Advice and support for all kinds of eating distress Contact: 03000 11 12 13 (Parent line: Option 1, Sufferer line: Option 2) BEREAVEMENT Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) Helpline and information, emotional and practical support, groups 9am-9pm every day Contact: 0844 561 6855;
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Cruse Bereavement Care, Lenton Boulevard Telephone, online and face-to-face support Contact: 0870 167 1677; RD4U Young people’s branch of Cruse. Contact: 0808 808 1677 (Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm); Leeway Bereavement Support Group, Nottingham Self help group, especially for those who have lost loved ones due to substance use Last Friday of every month, 2-4pm Contact: 0115 911 1661; USEFUL WEBSITES
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SEXUAL HEALTH AND SEXUALITY CONTRACEPTION AND EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CASH), Nottingham City Centre Monday-Friday 10am-2pm, 4-6pm; Saturday for emergencies 10am-12pm Contact: 0115 950 9151; 0115 883 9000 Cripps Health Centre, University Park Contact: 0115 846 8888 Radford Health Centre, Ilkeston Road Contact: 0115 979 2691 Hyson Green (Mary Potter) Health Centre, Gregory Boulevard Tuesday 9am-3pm Contact: 0115 942 3216 The Health Shop, Hockley Contact: 0115 947 5414; Student Health Centre, NTU Contact: 0115 848 6481 Boots, Cripps Health Centre, University Park Contact: 0115 846 6384 Asda Pharmacy, Hyson Green Contact: 0115 900 2510 Applegate Pharmacy, Alfreton Road Contact: 0115 9785 744 Burrows & Close Pharmacy, Derby Road Contact: 0115 978 7169 Canning Chemist, Ilkeston Road Contact: 0115 978 0620 Sainsbury’s Pharmacy, Castle Marina Contact: 0115 978 2336 C-CARD SCHEME REGISTRATION POINTS Student Advice Centre, University Park Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-4.30; Wednesday 10.30-5 (9-4.30 during holidays). Contact: 0115 846 8730; The Health Shop, Hockley Contact: 0115 947 5414; Page 8 of 18 Compiled by Gemma Dracup – 2013.
Cripps Health Centre, University Park Contact: 0115 846 8888 Radford Health Centre, Ilkeston Road Contact: 0115 979 2691 Derby Road Health Centre, Derby Road, Lenton Contact: 0115 837 7987 C-CARD SCHEME PICK UP POINTS Student Advice Centre Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-4.30; Wednesday 10.30-5 (9-4.30 during holidays). Contact: 0115 846 8730; The Health Shop, Hockley Contact: 0115 947 5414; Radford Health Centre, Ilkeston Road Contact: 0115 979 2691 Boots, Cripps Health Centre, University Park Contact: 0115 846 6384 Asda Pharmacy, Hyson Green Contact: 0115 900 2510 Burrows & Close Pharmacy, Derby Road Contact: 0115 978 7169 Canning Chemist, Ilkeston Road Contact: 0115 978 0620 Sainsbury’s Pharmacy, Castle Marina Contact: 0115 978 2336 Applegate Pharmacy, Alfreton Road Contact: 0115 9785 744 LGBT Healthy Gay Nottingham, The Health Shop, Hockley Gay and bisexual men’s health project and support Contact: 0115 947 6868; Nottingham Lesbian & Gay Switchboard Confidential info, advice and support. Also info on safer sex, HIV and AIDS Monday-Friday 7-10pm Contact: 0115 934 8485; Page 9 of 18 Compiled by Gemma Dracup – 2013.
Homophobic Incident Line Free phone line for reporting homo/transphobic incidents to Nottingham police Contact: 0800 085 8522 Broken Rainbow Support for LGBT victims of domestic violence and abuse Contact: 0845 260 4460; 0300 999 5428; LGBT GROUPS Outburst, Nottingham City Centre Social group for 11-25 year olds Monday evenings Contact: 07940 761 160; 0115 915 282; Breakout, Nottingham Friendly, informal social group for gay and bisexual men Tuesday 7.30-9.15pm Contact: 07941 855921; Nottingham Bisexual Women’s Group (NBWG) Socials organised via email Contact: 0115 956 8810; Trans-Action Nottingham Transgender action group. Contact: via Nottingham Lesbian & Gay Switchboard 0115 934 7485 Recreation, Nottingham Support and social group for all people under the spectrum of transgender/trans Thursday 6-8pm Contact:; Chameleon Group, Nottingham Community for transvestites and transsexuals Second and fourth Thursday of every month, 8-11pm Contact: STI TESTING Cripps Health Centre, University Park Chlamydia testing is free and you get a free cinema ticket too! Contact: 0115 846 8888 The Health Shop, Hockley Contact: 0115 947 5414; USEFUL WEBSITES Page 10 of 18 Compiled by Gemma Dracup – 2013.
FINANCIAL ADVICE INFORMATION AND ADVICE Money4MedStudents Jobs, elective and savings advice and ideas Contact: Student Services UoN Finance Support Contact: 0115 8232 071; Student Advice Centre SU Finance Support Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-4.30; Wednesday 10.30-5 (9-4.30 during holidays). Contact: 0115 846 8730; JOBS UniTemps Temporary work on campus Contact:
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DRUGS SUPPORT AND INFORMATION British Doctors and Dentists’ Group Support for anyone wishing to recover from addiction to alcohol or drugs Contact: 0779 2819 966; Sick Doctors Trust Independent and confidential support and help for those addicted to drugs or alcohol 24 hours a day Contact: 0370 444 5163; Talk to Frank / UK National Drugs Helpline Information about drugs and solvents Open 24 hours a day Contact: 0800 77 66 00; Double Impact, Nottingham City Centre Advice and support for drugs recovery Contact: 0115 950 5453; Recovery Nottingham, The Ropewalk Free and confidential support and information. Weekly at Cripps Health Centre too. Contact: 07794 066956, 0115 941 8964 ADEPT (Alcohol & Drugs Educational Programme & Training), Nottingham Counselling service Contact: 0115 960 8659 AddAction – Nottingham Drug and Alcohol Action Team, John Storer Clinic, The Ropewalk Range of treatment and support options Contact: 0115 941 8964 SELF HELP GROUPS Narcotics Anonymous Many different groups, see website for details Contact:
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ALCOHOL SUPPORT AND INFORMATION British Doctors and Dentists’ Group Support for anyone wishing to recover from addiction to alcohol or drugs Contact: 0779 2819 966; Sick Doctors Trust Independent and confidential support and help for those addicted to drugs or alcohol 24 hours a day Contact: 0370 444 5163; DrinkLine Advice, information and support Freephone 24 hours a day Contact: 0800 917 8282 Last Orders First point of contact for alcohol treatment in Nottingham Contact: 0115 970 9590; Al-Anon Helpline Every day 10am-10pm Contact: 020 7403 0888 Apas, Nottingham City Centre Variety of services available Contact: 0115 941 4747; 07805 862 617 AddAction – Nottingham Drug and Alcohol Action Team, John Storer Clinic, The Ropewalk Range of treatment and support options Contact: 0115 941 8964 ADEPT (Alcohol & Drugs Educational Programme & Training), Nottingham Counselling service Contact: 0115 960 8659 SELF HELP GROUPS Alcoholics Anonymous The only requirement for membership is a desire to reduce drinking Meetings every day of the week in Nottingham Contact: 0845 769 7555 (national); 0115 941 7100 (Nottingham) Al-Anon Family Groups, Clarendon St, Nottingham City Centre Support for people affected by someone else’s drinking Monday 7pm, Friday 7.30pm Contact: Page 13 of 18 Compiled by Gemma Dracup – 2013.
Apas, Nottingham City Centre Drop in sessions Monday-Thursday 11am-6.30pm, Friday 11am-4.30pm, Saturday 9am-12pm Contact: 0115 941 4747; Double Impact, Nottingham City Centre Advice and support for alcohol recovery Thursday 6.30pm, Saturday 11am Contact: 0115 950 5453; Notts LGBT Alcohol Support Group for LGBT people to discuss alcohol problems First Tuesday of the month Contact: 07526 670 757; USEFUL WEBSITES
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GAMBLING SUPPORT AND INFORMATION Apas, Nottingham City Centre Information and advice Contact: 0115 941 4747; GamCare Support, information and advice Every day 8am-midnight Contact: 0808 8020 133; Gamblers Anonymous Support and advice See website for contact details as they are different each day Contact: SELF HELP GROUPS Gamblers Anonymous, Lenton Sunday 8-10pm Contact: Gamblers Anonymous, Hockley Wednesday 7.45-9.45pm Contact: Apas, Nottingham City Centre Drop in sessions Monday-Thursday 11am-6.30pm, Friday 11am-4.30pm, Saturday 9am-12pm Contact: 0115 941 4747;
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LEGAL ADVICE SUPPORT AND INFORMATION Student Advice Centre SU Legal Support Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-4.30; Wednesday 10.30-5 (9-4.30 during holidays). Contact: 0115 846 8730; Medical Defence Union Free medico-legal phone line Contact: 0800 716 646
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VIOLENCE AND CRIME SUPPORT AND INFORMATION National Domestic Violence Freephone helpline 24/7 Contact: 0808 2000 247 Nottinghamshire Domestic Violence Forum Freephone helpline 24/7 Contact: 0808 800 0340; Nottingham Rape Crisis Sexual violence support for men and women, helpline and counselling Contact: 0115 941 0440 Broken Rainbow Support for LGBT victims of domestic violence and abuse Contact: 0845 260 4460; 0300 999 5428; Topaz Centre, Nottingham Sexual assault referral centre Contact: 0845 600 1588; Victim Support Emotional and practical support to victims of crime and witnesses Contact: 0845 450 3899; 0845 30 30 900; Homophobic Incident Line Free phone line for reporting homo/transphobic incidents to Nottingham police Contact: 0800 085 8522 Crimestoppers Anonymous line for anyone with details about criminal activity Contact: 0800 555 111
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