The University of Newcastle is a leader in teaching and research. With a history of more than 45 years, the University of Newcastle has grown from a locally-focused institution to one that is globally orientated. University of Newcastle established
Full-time academic staff
Student enrolments in 2010
Graduates in 2010
Undergraduate programs
Postgraduate coursework programs
Total revenue in 2010
$546 million
Rankings Australian top 10 for research funding and outcomes Ranked 352nd university in the world Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Ranking 2010 Ranked 59th university in the Asia-Pacific Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Ranking 2010 Ranked 256th university in the world QS World University Rankings 2010
Dear Graduate Congratulations! Today we recognise your commitment and your significant achievements. This graduation ceremony is a celebration for you and your family and friends who have provided invaluable support during your studies. To these important guests, we offer a very special welcome. Many of you here today will be preparing to embark on a new career. Others may be considering returning to university for further study. Whichever path you are following, it is an exciting time and the University of Newcastle is proud to have helped you reach this important point in your life. Education is one of the most valuable assets you can have. This graduation is a significant milestone and, I hope, the first of many celebrations in your journey of lifelong learning. You are now an alumnus and part of the University’s 105,000 strong alumni community. This global network keeps you connected with the University, and offers you friendship and professional links with Newcastle graduates and former staff living in Australia and 100 countries across the world. We always like to hear from our graduates as they progress through their career locally and beyond, so please stay in touch through our alumni network. As a graduate of this University you carry our reputation for quality and integrity in all we do. I hope that your time here has been both challenging and rewarding, that the University has given you a strong start to your career, and that you take with you lifelong friends and great memories. Congratulations on obtaining your degree. I wish you every success in the future. Professor Nicholas Saunders Vice-Chancellor and President
The University of Newcastle declares its commitment to Aboriginal reconciliation: developing a strong community and fostering mutual respect, social justice and a united voice between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal Australians. The University of Newcastle respects and acknowledges the Aboriginal land on which the Australian campuses of the University are located. We acknowledge the Aboriginal nations on whose traditional lands the University has a presence, respecting and acknowledging the traditional peoples and the cultural significance and history of the land. The University is aware of the impact of the alienation and other forms of injustices including the removal of children, the loss of land, the destruction of languages and culture, and the ongoing struggle for social and restorative justice. Through acknowledging and understanding past losses and injustices and through committing to redressing the social and economic challenges and ongoing racism, we will continue to move forward together to a better future. The University recognises that education plays an integral role in providing a foundation and platform for the exercise of self-determination and the empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Through collaboration and the provision of culturally responsive education the University seeks to educate and contribute to the development of a harmonious community. The University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have supported the University in ensuring an Aboriginal presence at the University and appropriate and effective levels of consultation and collaboration through the sharing of Aboriginal voices, cultural wisdom and knowledge. These attributes are essential to moving forward to a future of equality and respect in teaching and learning, research, cultural inclusion, celebrating diverse cultures and success. The University acknowledges and appreciates the contribution and support by all communities. We will continue to build on existing partnerships and wherever possible forge respectful relationships designed to contribute to the ongoing endeavour of redressing the circumstance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, health, cultures, languages, social justice, employment and empowerment. The University is committed to providing an environment that is free from racism and discrimination, developing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to access and succeed in higher education. The University embraces the unique and diverse cultures of Aboriginal – the oldest continuing culture in the world – and Torres Strait Island peoples and to ensure the growth of knowledge for all Australians. With respect and collaboration, the University of Newcastle embraces a united approach to equality and inclusiveness for all Australian peoples.
The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the Ceremony The University Fanfares will herald the entry of the Dais Party The Assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the singing of the National Anthem The Chancellor will declare the proceedings open Presentation of Honorary Degree recipients Occasional address Conferring of Research Higher Degrees Conferring of Postgraduate Degrees Musical Interlude Conferring of Undergraduate Degrees Presentation of University Medallists The Chancellor will invite the graduate chosen to speak on behalf of the graduates to address the Assembly The Chancellor will declare the Ceremony concluded The Dais party and Assembly will rise as the University fanfares are sounded The Dais party will leave the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall
THE UNIVERSITY COUNCIL As at 1 September 2011
The Official Members
Member elected by the Non-Academic Staff
Chancellor Conjoint Professor Trevor C Waring AM
Ms Leanne Holt
BA, MSc(Newc.), FAPS
Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Nicholas Saunders MD(Syd.), HonLLD(Monash)
The President of the Academic Senate Professor Val J Robertson
Dip HR(HIT), MME(Newc)
Members elected by the Students Ms Karen Miller BBus(Acc) (UTS), CA
External persons who are members of Convocation Ms Dianne Allen, JP
BAppSc(Physio)(Lincoln Institute), BA(Hons), PhD(La Trobe)
BCom(Newc), CA, MAICD
Deputy Chancellor The Hon John Charles Price AM JP
BScEng(Newc), FIEAust, CPEng, FIPENZ, FTSE
OFIE Aust, I.Eng, IMarEng(UK), MIMarEST(UK), MAICD
Ministerial Appointees Ms Sharryn Brownlee Conjoint Professor Geoff Lilliss BE(Hons), MBA(Merit)(Newc), FIE(Aust), MAICD
Dr Ken Moss AM BE(Hons), PhD(Newc), HonFIE(Aust), CPEng, FAICD
Mr Arthur Sinodinos AO BCom(Hons)(Newc), FAIM
Ms Deborah Wright DipTeach(Newc), MBA(SCU), FAMI, CPM
Member Appointed by Council Mr Brian Kennaugh Dip(Financial Planning)(Kaplan), BBus(Newc)
Members elected by the Academic Staff Dr Tom Griffiths BEd(Hons), PhD(Newc), GradCert TESOL(UTS)
Professor John Rostas BSc(Hons), PhD(Monash)
Mr Peter Cockbain The Hon Mahla Pearlman AO BA, LLB(Hons)(Syd), HonLLD(Newc)
Dr Geoff Leonard AM BCom, HonDBus(Newc), FCA, FCPA
Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Nicholas Saunders MD(Syd.), HonLLD(Monash)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Global Relations) Professor Kevin McConkey
Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellors Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business and Law) Professor Stephen Nicholas BA(Syracuse), MA(Iowa), FASSA
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Arts) Professor John Germov
BA(Hons), PhD(Qld), FASSA, FAICD
BA(Chisholm), MA(Sociology)(Monash), PhD (Newc)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Michael Calford
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engineering and Built Environment) Professor John Carter AM
BSc, PhD(Monash)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Services) Dr Susan Gould
BSc(Hons)(Edin), PhD(Flinders), FAICD
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health) Professor Nicholas Talley
President of Academic Senate Professor Val Robertson BAppSc(Physio)(Lincoln Institute), BA(Hons), PhD(La Trobe)
MBBS(Hons), MD(NSW), MMedSc(ClinEpid)(Newc), PhD(Syd), FRACP, FRCP (London & Edinburgh), FAFPHM, FACP, FACG, AGAF
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Science and Information Technology) Professor Bill Hogarth BSc(Hons)(UNSW), PhD(Newc.), FIMA, CMath, FAustMS
Portfolio Pro Vice-Chancellors Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Bill Hogarth BSc(Hons)(NSW), PhD(Newc.), FIMA, CMath, FAustMS
Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations) Professor Stephen Crump BA, DipEd(Macq.), MEd(Hons), PhD(Sydney)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Scott Holmes BCom (Newc), PhD(ANU), FCPA
THE MACE The Mace is the symbol of formal authority. The Mace used today belongs to the University of Newcastle and was designed by gold and silversmith, Gerald Benney. It is made of Australian walnut and silver and its head represents an open book – the traditional symbol of learning. The Mace was a gift from the University of New South Wales to commemorate the establishment of the University of Newcastle as an autonomous institution on 1 January, 1965. It is always borne ahead of the Chancellor in the academic procession during formal ceremonies such as today’s presentation of academic awards. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE FANFARES In mid-1994, staff and students of the University’s Faculty of Music were invited to submit entries for a competition to compose the University Fanfares. The composition had to be capable of being performed either on organ or on brass. The winning entry by Professor Robert Constable, was first played publicly at the University’s overseas graduation ceremony held in Singapore in August 1994. The Fanfares are performed at all ceremonial functions to herald the entry and departure of the Chancellor and other members of the Council. With respect and collaboration, the University of Newcastle embraces a united approach to equality and inclusiveness for all Australian peoples. THE UNIVERSITY MEDAL The award of a University Medal is an honour made only when there is a candidate of sufficient merit. To be considered for this award, a graduate must have a consistent record of exceptional academic achievement at all levels of a bachelor’s degree program, and qualify for a bachelor’s degree with first class honours. HONOURS The award of Honours is given to students who complete an additional year of study after the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Some bachelor’s degrees, such as engineering or education, have Honours embedded in the four year degree program. An Honours year generally consists of part coursework and part research requiring submission of a thesis. Honours can be awarded as Class I, Class II Division I, Class II Division II, or Class III. WITH DISTINCTION A bachelor or master degree is conferred with distinction in cases where a candidate has achieved a Grade Point Average of 6.0 or above in the degree, out of a maximum of 7.0. COMBINED DEGREE A combined degree is one where a student studies for two separate degrees at the same time. It is possible for the student to complete the degree requirements for one degree ahead of the other. The student receives a testamur for each degree. Places for combined degrees are very competitive and offered to the highest performing students who apply.
The graduation ceremony is one of great antiquity. Its essential features have been the same since the 12th century when the first universities came into existence. Its necessary constituents are the Chancellor or his or her deputy, the academic staff, the graduates, and the public. The church had a monopoly of education, partly because it was the guardian of true doctrine, and partly because clerics were almost the only people who could read and write. As a result, the only person who could license a teacher was the bishop of a diocese until, under pressure of other business; he deputed the task to his chief secretary or chancellor. As learning spread, teachers wanted a licence to teach not just in one diocese, but everywhere, and the only person who could give them that was the Pope. The Chancellor’s authority, then, came from the Pope. But at the Reformation, Henry VIII assumed for the Crown all the rights which had previously been the Pope’s in England. That is why all subsequent universities in England have been created by Royal Charter. It is for this reason also that the Chancellor does not wear ecclesiastical robes, as would have been worn in the Middle Ages, but robes similar to those of the Lord Chancellor of England. The second group participating in the ceremony is the academic staff. In the 12th century they would all have been called “masters” or MAs. At that date they were paid no salaries, but hired their own lecture rooms and charged their own fees. But they also formed themselves into a guild or union, which is what universitas originally meant. As in all guilds they were insistent that they, and only they, should determine who should be of their number, and since this involved saying who should be teachers, they soon found themselves in conflict with the Chancellor. In the 13th century they won a great victory when they persuaded the Pope to decree that Chancellors were obliged to confer degrees on all those nominated by the masters. That is why the masters examine the candidates, why the Dean, acting as their spokesperson, reads out the names of those who are to receive degrees, and why the masters at this ceremony watch to see that the Chancellor or his or her Deputy does what is required. Thirdly the graduates. The word “degree” comes from the Latin gradus, which means “a step”. When students are admitted to a Bachelor degree they move one step up towards the mastership. When they are admitted to a master’s degree they climb another step and come up on a level with the masters, who then receive them into their guild or universitas. In the Middle Ages they would then have stayed on the dais, so that their old master could invest them with the symbols of office. But that was only part of the business. The new master had to deliver an inaugural lecture, entertain the whole guild of masters to dinner and preside over disputations for forty days continuously. For that reason, taking one’s master’s degree was called “inception”, or the beginning of one’s career as a master. The academic gowns are derived from the everyday dress of the medieval clergy. In the Middle Ages they were not open in front, but closed like a clergyman’s cassock. It was in about 1500 that academics had the front opened up so as to display the fine clothes which they were wearing underneath. The hood was the normal medieval headwear, but it soon acquired a coloured lining. By the 17th century, if not earlier, these colours were strictly controlled so that anyone could identify from the colour of a graduate’s hood, the university and the degree. The public is the fourth participant. It has an important function because the whole point of the proceedings is that they should be seen and heard by valid witnesses. The public hears the words of the Dean and the Chancellor and sees the new graduates dressed in their respective gowns or robes. The foregoing is an adaptation of an Address given at a Graduation Ceremony at the University of Birmingham by Emeritus Professor R H C Davis and reprinted in his book From Alfred the Great to Stephen (Hambledon Press 1991), pp. 307-309. It is reproduced with kind permission of the author’s widow.
Dear Graduate, Congratulations! As a graduate of the University of Newcastle, you and those who have supported you while you studied, are well justified in being proud of your achievement today. I welcome you on behalf of my graduate peers, to the proud tradition that is the University of Newcastle global Alumni Network, our community of graduates that comprises over 110,000 alumni in more than 95 countries. This network is built on strong, collaborative relationships that foster academic, business, social and career opportunities for our graduates and I encourage you to engage with our Alumni Network. There are alumni groups in many locations around the world, and the Alumni Presidents’ and Coordinators’ in these locations partner with our Committee and the University Alumni Relations office to make connections of value for our graduates – both with each other, and also with our University. We seek to play a role in maintaining its reputation as a leading research University both locally, nationally and internationally to maintain the currency of our degrees. We are also committed as alumni to supporting the students who follow us, and many of you will have enjoyed the support of scholarships donated by alumni while you studied. As a valued member of alumni, you are also eligible to become an elected member of the Executive Committee, which plays a a vital and rewarding role in advising the University and in engaging and supporting its graduates through the activities of the global Alumni Network. We also confer the prestigious Alumni Awards annually, recognising outstanding graduates from their early careers to life time achievements. Who knows when you might be the recipient of an Alumni Award? Please keep your current contact details up to date on the Alumni website as you commence or continue your career journey, especially your postal address (as many events are location based) and your email address. This can be done easily online at I can also be contacted directly via email: With best wishes for a great future, Brian Kennaugh, President of Alumni Bachelor of Business 1993
[uh -luhm-nigh] a group of graduates from a school or university
The University would like to thank the following donors who generously provided financial support for scholarships and prizes for our students in 2010. Through their generosity, donors have shaped not only the University of Newcastle but also the Hunter and Central Coast communities. Through donations and bequests, many scholarships have been established to support students, our research capacity has been strengthened and the social and cultural lives of our community enhanced. To find out more about contributing to the University of Newcastle Foundation, visit or contact the UON Foundation on 02 4921 7453 Some of our donors do not appear on the list at their own request: INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES Ms Valmai Avery
Conjoint Professor John Levingston
Mrs Valentine Badham
Mr LIM Chong Hin
Dr Victor D Bear AM & Mrs Adele Bear
Mr Douglas Lithgow
Bill & Iris Burges Trust Fund
Professor Terence Lovat
Norman Bushman Bequest
Mr NG Chong Thong
Ms Kerrie Coles
Mr Roy Palmer & Ms Marie Palmer
Dr Beryl Collier Bequest
Mr Christopher Piggott & Mrs Shirley Piggott
Mrs Vera Deacon
Mr Neville Eric Sansom
Mr Richard Devon Professor Peter Dunkley
Professor Nicholas Saunders & Mrs Kathryn Saunders
Mr Neil Frazer
Mr Neville Sawyer AM
Mr FU Hong
Mr Alan Smith & Mrs Janelle Smith
Dr Geoffrey Leonard AM
Mr TAY Buan Huat Mr John Turner
ORGANISATIONS 2NUR Advitech Pty Ltd Ampcontrol Pty Ltd Andrew Neil Urban Design Group The Anglican Diocese of Newcastle The Architecture Foundation Australian Dental Association (NSW Branch) Ltd Australian Rotary Health Bayer Australia Pty Ltd Board of Surveying & Spatial Information Bradken Ltd Bramco Electronics CAF – Charities Aid Foundation Central Coast Campus Friends Inc Central Vein & Cosmetic Medical Centre The City of Newcastle Coal & Allied Community Trust Coffs Harbour Council Corky’s Carbon Consultancy Pty Ltd Cutcher & Neale Investment Services Delta Electricity Donaldson Coal Conservation Trust Doyles Creek Mining Pty Ltd Dubbo City Council EJE Architecture Engineers Australia – Tasmania Division Friends of Glen Avery The Friends of the University of Newcastle GHD Pty Ltd Harbourside Haven Villages Harvey Norman – Erina Hatch Associates Pty Ltd – Warabrook Hunter Laser Vision Pty Ltd Hunter Valley Family Law Practitioners Association Hunter Valley Private Hospital The Hunter Valley Research Foundation Hunter Water Australia Pty Ltd Hunter Water Corporation Industry and Investment NSW
Institution of Surveyors NSW Incorp Industry & Investment NSW IZZAT Consulting Engineers Lake Macquarie City Council Land & Property Management Authority The Law Society of NSW Lidbury Summers & Whiteman Macquarie Generation Maitland City Council Matrikon Pty Ltd MCM Manufacturing Pty Ltd Mirvac Multiskilled Resources Australia Pty Ltd Mundipharma Pty Ltd Newcastle & Hunter Valley Pharmacists Association Newcastle Film Society Newcastle Innovation North Coast Institute of TAFE NSW Country Surveyors Association Port Waratah Coal Services Ltd Powerserve Pty Ltd RCR Energy Rotary Club of Narrabri Rotary Club Of Tamworth First Light Royal Newcastle Hospital Graduate Nurses Association Inc RPC Technologies Pty Ltd S2F Pty Ltd Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing Company Scientific Interiors Sheather & Merrigan Business Equipment Suters Architects Pty Ltd Think Brick Australia Treloar Group Pty Ltd UoN Services Ltd W E Smith Engineering Pty Ltd Xstrata Coal NSW Pty Ltd
To find out more about contributing to the University of Newcastle, visit or contact the UON Foundation on 02 4921 7453.
MORNING CEREMONY FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Research Higher Degree Graduates will be presented by Professor Mike Calford, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Graduates will be presented by Professor Bill Hogarth, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Science and Information Technology) Ocasional Speaker
David Marr
Graduate Speaker
Kimberley Birt
Musical Interlude
David Hemsworth and Heath Landers
Philip Matthias
National Anthem
Bernadette Lannen
Honorary Doctorate and Occasional Speaker Mr David Marr Mr David Marr is an accomplished journalist, author and political and social commentator. Born in Sydney in 1947, he attended the Sydney Church of England Grammar School. He went on to graduate from the University of Sydney with degrees in Arts and Law. Spending a short time as an articled clerk with legal firm Allen, Allen and Hemsley, Mr Marr launched a career in journalism that would span radio, print and television media. He has worked for The Bulletin magazine and The National Times newspaper, and ABC television’s Four Corners. Between 2002 and 2004 he was the presenter of Media Watch, and he has also worked for ABC’s Radio National. Mr Marr currently writes for The Sydney Morning Herald and regularly appears on ABC television’s The Insiders and Q&A. He has won four Walkley Awards during his career, the most recent in 2010 for his Quarterly Essay ‘Power Trip: The Political Journey of Kevin Rudd’. Mr Marr has published several books including a critically acclaimed biography of Australian writer Patrick White. This work won The Age Book of the Year award, the New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award for non-fiction and the Victorian Premier’s Prize. In 2009, Mr Marr received the PEN Keneally Award for achievement in promoting freedom of expression.
AFTERNOON CEREMONY Research Higher Degree Graduates will be presented by Professor Scott Holmes, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW Graduates will be presented by Professor Stephen Nicholas, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Business and Law) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT Graduates will be presented by Professor John Carter AM, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment) Occasional Speaker Mr Arthur Sinodinos Graduate Speaker
Krishda Tan
Musical Interlude
Tadijana Illicic
Keith Murree Allen
National Anthem
Anthea Conyngham
Honorary Doctorate Dr Toshiyuki Yamada Dr Toshiyuki Yamada is an internationally renowned electrical engineer. He was key to establishing the highly successful student exchange program between the Shohoku College (Sony Institute of Higher Education) in Japan and the University of Newcastle. The latest cohort of 15 students will visit Japan in November this year to take part in an extensive program of language study, work experience and cultural exchange. Born in Japan in 1938, Dr Yamada graduated from the University of Tokyo with a Bachelor of Science in 1961. He completed his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in just two semesters in 1964 at the University of Illinois. In 1999, he received his PhD in Engineering from the University of Tokyo. Dr Yamada joined the Sony Corporation in Japan as a research scientist in 1961. He was instrumental in the invention of the Sony Magnetodiode, a unique magnetic sensor with extremely high sensitivity. He spent 37 years with the Sony Corporation in roles including Board Director of Sony Corporation and President of the Research Centre. Dr Yamada moved to the Shohoku College, Sony Institute of Higher Education in 1998. He was appointed a Professor of Shohoku College in 1999 and President of the Shohoku College in 2001. He was made a Member of the Engineering Academy of Japan in 1996. In 2009, he joined the Engineering Academy of Japan as Executive Director. He retired from this role in May 2011.
Occasional Speaker Mr Arthur Sinodinos Mr Arthur Sinodinos AO is Senior Advisor Business Banking and Private Wealth at National Australia Bank. He has held some of the country’s most senior financial and government policy positions, including Chief-of-Staff to former Prime Minister John Howard. He is currently President of the New South Wales Liberal Party Mr Sinodinos graduated with first class honours from the University of Newcastle in 1979 with a Bachelor of Commerce. He joined the Department of Finance in 1979 as a graduate recruit and in 1980 moved to Treasury. The gifted economist spent 13 years in a number of senior roles in the Commonwealth Treasury, before spending five years as Economic Adviser to John Howard – first in Opposition and later in Government. In 1997, Mr Sinodinos was appointed as Chief-of-Staff to the Prime Minister. In 2006, Mr Sinodinos entered the corporate banking sector and has since held positions with Goldman Sachs JBWere and the National Australia Bank. Mr Sinodinos was made an Officer of the Order of Australia in 1998 for services to government, economic reform and the Greek community. He is Chairman of Australia Water Holdings and Blackwood Coal. He is an Independent Director of the Australian and New Zealand School of Government, the Menzies Research Centre Ltd and the Aboriginal Employment Strategy. In 2011, Mr Sinodinos was appointed to the University of Newcastle Council.
EVENING CEREMONY FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW Research Higher Degree Graduates will be presented by Professor Scott Holmes, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Graduates will be presented by Professor Stephen Nicholas, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Business and Law) Occasional Speaker Ross Gittins Graduate Speaker
Kanishk Kumar
Musical Interlude
Anthea Conyngham, and Emma Kersley
Philip Matthias
National Anthem
Anthea Conyngham
Occasional Speaker Mr Ross Gittins Mr Ross Gittins AM is one of the country’s leading economics journalists. He is Economics Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and a columnist for The Age. Born in Newcastle in 1948, Mr Gittins moved away from the region before returning in 1962 to complete his final years of schooling at Newcastle Boys’ High. He went on to graduate from the University of Newcastle in 1970 with a Bachelor of Commerce. He worked as a junior audit clerk with Newcastle firm Sefton & Loudon, before joining Touche Ross & Co in Sydney as an auditor. In 1974 he changed career direction by joining The Sydney Morning Herald as a cadet journalist. In 1978, he was appointed Economics Editor. He celebrated 30 years in that position in 2008. Mr Gittins is highly praised for his ability to help readers understand complex economic concepts and the relevance of current economic thinking. He is the author of Gittins’ Guide to Economics, Gittinomics, The Happy Economist and co-author of How Australia Compares. He is an honorary life member of the Australian Business Economists. Mr Gittins was awarded a Centenary Medal in 2003 and made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2008. He received the University of Newcastle’s inaugural Alumni Award for National Leadership in 2009.
MORNING CEREMONY FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS Research Higher Degree Graduates will be presented Professor Scott Holmes, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Graduates will be presented by Associate Professor Pamela Nilan, Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Education and Arts) Occasional Speaker Gerry Collins Graduate Speaker
Benjamin Sames
Musical Interlude
Andrew Hermon, Tammi Low and Heath Landers
Philip Matthias
National Anthem
Robert Willingham
Honorary Doctorate Mr Vic Levi Mr Vic Levi is the President of Friends of the University and a well-known retired Newcastle journalist. Born in Sydney in 1937, he attended Fort Street Boys High School and completed his Leaving Certificate in 1953. Mr Levi moved to Newcastle in 1954 to join Newcastle Newspapers and forged a distinguished 40-year career as a journalist, editor and manager. In 2008, he released the book Hot Metal and Cold Cases; Requiem for a Newspaper. Mr Levi has a long association with the University of Newcastle. A graduate of the University, Mr Levi completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1973. From 1987 to 1996 he served on the University Council and was Warden of Convocation from 1986 to 1990. In 1996, he was appointed President of the Friends of the University. This group organises important events to connect the University with the broader community while raising valuable funds to support students. To date, more than $500,000 has been raised. Mr Levi has been a member of a number of University affiliated boards including the Sports Union, University Union, International House Board of Governors, University Foundation and 2NUR-FM. He has been a judge of the University’s Newton-John Award for alumni since its inception 37 years ago. He is a past President of Warners Bay Rotary Club. A keen sportsman, Mr Levi played representative cricket and served as President of the University of Newcastle District Cricket Club. He was the Executive Officer for Hunter Dash for 2000 - the Hunter Region Olympic Taskforce. He is the current Chairman of the Hunter Academy of Sport.
Occasional Speaker Mr Gerry Collins Mr Gerry Collins is one of Australia’s leading sports broadcasters. He retired last year following a 27-year career calling major sporting events for ABC Radio. Mr Collins graduated from Newcastle Teachers’ College in 1969 and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of New England in 1979. He worked as a primary school teacher for five years before teaching high school English for six years. In 1980, Mr Collins embarked on a career in journalism joining the Daily Liberal in Dubbo as Sports Editor. In 1983, he was appointed editor. Mr Collins joined ABC Radio Canberra in 1984 as a sports broadcaster. In 1987 he moved to Brisbane for the role of Executive Producer ABC Radio Sport (Queensland). Mr Collins was the main swimming commentator at six Olympic Games and covered swimming events at seven Commonwealth Games and seven World Swimming Championships. One of the most recognisable voices in sporting radio, Mr Collins covered rugby union games (including three world cups), rugby league fixtures (including representative and weekly games for 27 seasons) and cricket matches. He hosted ABC Television’s coverage of the Queensland Cup rugby league competition from its inception in 1996 until last year. In 1999, Mr Collins was awarded the Australian Sports Medal by the Australian Government.
AFTERNOON CEREMONY FACULTY OF HEALTH Research Higher Degree Graduates will be presented Professor Scott Holmes, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Graduates will be presented by Professor Nicholas Talley, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Health) Ocasional Speaker
Professor Patrick McGorry
Graduate Speaker
Kristen Farrell
Musical Interlude
Matthew Hopcroft and Heath Landers
Keith Murree Allen
National Anthem
Lindy Connett
Honorary Doctorate and Ocasional Speaker Professor Patrick McGorry Professor Patrick McGorry AO is a leading international researcher, clinician and advocate for mental health reform. He is the Executive Director of Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, a world-renowned mental health organisation for young people. He is also Professor of Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne and a director of headspace, the National Youth Mental Health Foundation. Born in Ireland, he moved to Newcastle in Australia as a teenager. He attended Newcastle Boys High before graduating from the University of Sydney in 1977 with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor Surgery and first class honours. He completed his PhD at Monash University in 1991 and received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Melbourne in 2002. He has spent 30 years contributing to the design and development of innovative services to help improve the care of young people with mental disorders. Professor McGorry has published more than 300 refereed research articles. He has chaired and been a member of numerous policy and consultancy boards. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. Professor McGorry was named Australian of the Year in 2010 for his contribution to improving the delivery of mental health services for youth in Australia. He was made an Officer of the Order of Australia in June 2010.
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT The Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence is a means by which the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment recognises demonstrated excellence of individual researchers in their respective fields. The Award aims to encourage and recognise the achievements of early and mid-career researchers. Research excellence is judged relative to career opportunity. The recipient is self-nominated, although potential candidates are encouraged to seek counsel from a senior colleague or mentor prior to submitting their application. Recipients of this award are judged by several criteria including: • The originality of the research • The quality of the research output • The impact of research • Success in attracting research funds • Success in research higher degree supervision • Peer recognition • Track record relative to opportunity
Dr Olivier Buzzi Dr Olivier Buzzi obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering in 2004 from the University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. At this time, his research work dealt with the hydro-mechanical behaviour of contacts between Geomaterials in the context of nuclear waste storage. The following year (2005), Dr Buzzi joined The University of Newcastle as a post doctoral researcher to work on foundation remediation solutions in expansive soils. His expertise covers a broad range of geotechnical engineering with interests demonstrated in Rock Mechanics, Rock joints and Expansive soils. He is now a senior lecturer of The University of Newcastle. Dr Alexandre Mendes Alexandre Mendes received his PhD from the State University of Campinas, Brazil, in 2003. He joined the University of Newcastle just after that as a research academic. In 2007, he became a lecturer in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He is currently a member of the Priority Research Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery and InformationBased Medicine; the Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks; and the Newcastle University Operations Research group. He was the recipient of seven research grants and has co-authored 55 publications, including five book chapters, 14 journal articles and 36 conference papers. His research has been supported by the Australian Research Council, the Hunter Medical Research Institute, Energy Australia and the University of Newcastle. His research focuses on computational techniques for the optimisation of mining supply chain and electricity distribution networks; and gene expression data mining for cancer prognosis. Dr Maria Seron Maria Seron received the Electronic Engineer degree from the University of Rosario, Argentina in 1988 and the PhD in Electrical Engineering from The University of Newcastle in 1996. During 1997-1998, she held post-doctoral positions in Belgium, Australia and the USA, and from 1999 to 2002, she was an Associate Professor at the University of Rosario, Argentina. In 2002, she was awarded an Australian Research Fellowship from the Australian Research Council. Since 2004, she has been a Research Fellow with the Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control at The University of Newcastle. She has made contributions in the areas of fundamental limitations in filtering and control design, explicit solutions to model predictive control, and fault tolerant control systems.
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Alison Convery
John Robert Barnes
BA(Hons)UniMedal, MA
Thesis Title: Feminist Theory and Discursive Intersections: Activating the Code of ‘Political Correctness’
Thesis Title: Reconnection: An Exploration of Australian Landscape Beyond History and Myth Edwina Mary Marks
Paul Anthony Docherty
MMgt(C.Sturt), MFA
BCom(Hons), GCertPTT
Thesis Title: Public Works or Private Donations? The Impacts of Artistic and Economic Risk on the Working Practitioner
Thesis Title: Asset Pricing in Australia Antony John Drew GCertBA, MBA
Thesis Title: Chinese Perceptions of Guanxi in Mainland and Overseas Chinese Business Communities
Annabella Christina Redman BMus(ANU), DipOpera(Vienna)
Thesis Title: A Study of Vocal Technique and its Practical Application to Repertoire that Demonstrates the Development of Music Theatre in the Western World Maurice Bainbridge Scott BA, MA
Thesis Title: The Processes of Dramatic Adaptation: Three Playscripts with Commentaries and Annotations Master of Philosophy Brian Andrew Devine BFA(Hons)
Thesis Title: Conversation in Landscape Trevor Thomas Horsnell BFA(Hons)
Thesis Title: An Exploration of Urban Space.... Space has Two Voices Master of Creative Arts Indija Noesbar Mahjoeddin BA(Deakin) Thesis Title: Randai as a Contemporary Dramaturgy: Obstacles and Insights from an Intercultural Transposition
Master of Fine Art Dene Kelvin Hawken BA(VA)
Thesis Title: The Art of Entertaining Culture: A MultiMedia Exploration of Cross-Cultural Commonalities, Mirrored Identities and Belongingness Jacqueline Martin-Miller BA(VA)(Hons)(W.Syd.)
Thesis Title: Asthma/Obstructive Airway Disease: A Visual Interpretation
Ian Joseph Evans Thesis Title: Touching Magic: Deliberately Concealed Objects in Old Australian Houses and Buildings Rosemary Mooney BA(Hons)(Sus)
Thesis Title: Negotiating the Reproduction Imperative in Late Modernity: How do Young Women Make Decisions About if and When to Have Children? Jerry Puni
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy Nerida Christine Ambler BEd(Deakin), MNurs(Technol.Syd.)
Thesis Title: The Knowledge Growth and Clinical Decision Making of Student and Experienced Midwives: A Comparative Study Amy Kathleen Chapman BA(CommStud), BTeach/BA(Hons)
Thesis Title: Toward a New Paradigm of Mental Health and Wellbeing in Education Master of Education Katrina Maree Martucci BA(Macq.)
Thesis Title: Young Children’s Developing Theory of Mind and Shared Storybook Reading in the Preschool Setting SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Doctor of Philosophy Merzin Awdah Alshahrani BA(King Saud), MA(Syd.)
Thesis Title: The Relationship Between Foreign Language Aptitude and English Language Proficiency Among Saudi Learners of English as a Foreign Language in Saudi Universities
DipTheol, BTheol(Pac.Adventist), MSocSc
Thesis Title: Fa’asinomaga I Nu’u Ese: Samoan Seventh-Day Adventist Identity in Diaspora Newcastle, Australia Master of Philosophy Rosalyn Maida Dyne BA(Hons)
Thesis Title: The Ghostly Experiences of Non-Indigenous Australians Therese Michelle Dryden BA(Hons)
Thesis Title: Bachelor Dad on Her Doorstep THE WOLLOTUKA INSTITUTE Doctor of Philosophy Donna Marie Odegaard BA(S.Aust.), MPhil
Thesis Title: The Larrakia Treaty Petitions: Australia’s Legal Response to Aboriginal Demands for a Treaty
Samuel Gorrick BEnvSc(Hons)(NSW)
Thesis Title: Flow and Sediment Dynamics in Sand Bed Streams with Riparian Vegetation Annan Zhou BEng, MSc(China)
BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons), MArch
Thesis Title: Constitutive Modelling of Hydromechanical Behaviour of Unsaturated Soils
Thesis Title: Disfigured Ground: Architectures of Dada and Surrealism
Master of Engineering Tony Beng Hai Choo
SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Doctor of Philosophy B.M Monjurul Alom BSc(CompEng)(Khulna), MSc(CompEng)(B’desh.Engin.)
Thesis Title: Data Management and Query Processing for Semistructured and Structured Databases Alain Bertrand Yetendje Lemegni MEng, MRes(France)
Thesis Title: Fault Tolerant Control for Linear and Constrained Systems Subject to Sensor and Actuator Faults Aurelio Tergolina Salton BSc(Brazil)
Thesis Title: Preview Control of Dual-Stage Actuators SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Doctor of Philosophy Khaled Khalil Altarawneh BEng(Jordan)
Thesis Title: Experimental and Numerical Studies of Diffusion in Geomaterials
BSc(Hons), GDipBA(Otago)
Thesis Title: Dewatering of Wastewater Sludge
Thesis Title: Microarray Studies of Genome-Wide Changes in Brain and Heart Gene Expression in Mouse Models of Iron Overload David Mossman BSc(Biotech)(Hons)
Thesis Title: Mechanisms of Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression in Colorectal Cancer Cells Feili Zhao BScPharm, MSc(China)
Thesis Title: Evidence-Based Reimbursement Decision-Making in Asia-Pacific Region: Transferability of the Economic Evaluation Between Different Jurisdictions
Master of Philosophy Jaleh Barzideh BMid(Iran)
Thesis Title: Epigenetic Modification in Human Male Germ Line
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH Doctor of Philosophy Tara Lynne Clinton McHarg BA(Hons)
Thesis Title: Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a Measure of Perceived Need for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
Doctor of Philosophy
Nicole Marilyn Ryan
Shane Edward Dempsey
AssDipAppSc(ChemTech)(TAFE), BSc
DipAppSc(MRT)(Syd.), GDipClinEpid(Newcastle(NSW)), GCertHEd(NSW)
Thesis Title: The Referential and Structural Conceptions of Group Work Learning Carole Lesley James DipCOT(London), BSc(OT)(Curtin), MHSc(OT)(S.Aust)
Thesis Title: Reliability and Validity of the WorkHab Functional Capacity Evaluation Keri Marie Moore
Thesis Title: Laryngeal Dysfunction in Chronic Cough John Even Schjenken BBiotech(Hons)
Thesis Title: Human Endogenous Retroviruses and Immune Tolerance in Pregnancy Osamu Yoshino MMed(Japan)
Thesis Title: The Effects of Fluid Resuscitation on Intra-abdominal Pressure
DO(Sydney), GCertTTL(RMIT), MClinEd(NSW)
Thesis Title: Clinical Education: An Investigation of Educational Processes - The Application of StudentCentred Education and Client-Centred Care During Undergraduate Physiotherapy Clinical Practice Melinda Jane Neve BND(Hons)
Thesis Title: Innovative Approaches to Treat Overweight and Obesity in Adults: An Investigation of a Commercial Web-based Weight Loss Program
SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY Doctor of Philosophy Fatemeh Adili BSc(Nurs), MSc(Nurs)(Tehran)
Thesis Title: Older Women and Chronic Illness: Learning to Live with Diabetes Master of Nursing Sherrian Price BNurs
Thesis Title: A Study of the Lived Experience of First-Time Fathers in the First Six Months Following the Birth of Their Baby
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Thair Attallah Al Dala’in BSc(Jordan), MSc(Malaysia)
Thesis Title: Study on the Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Payments: Conceptual Model and Evaluation Susan Maree Kerrigan BA(CommStuds), GCertPTT
Thesis Title: Creative Documentary Practice: Internalising the Systems Model of Creativity Through Documentary Video and Online Practice Yijun Li
Megan Narelle Andrew-Priestley Thesis Title: Molluscan Biomonitor for Quantification and Impact Assessment of Estrogenic and Metallic Contaminants in Australian Marine Ecosystems Nigel Bryan Fisher BSc(Hons)
Thesis Title: Sustainable Reintroduction of the Nitrogen Cycle Post Coal Mining Utilizing the Legume-Rhizobia Symbiosis Roksana Huque BSc(Zoology)(Hons), MSc(Zoology)(Dhaka)
Thesis Title: Video Content Analysis and TV Commercial Detection
Thesis Title: Effect of Nitric Oxide on Metabolism of Fresh-cut Apples and Lettuces in Relation to Surface Browning
Warren Andrew Reilly
Jessica Alice O’Brien
BEng(Nanjing, China), MSc(NSW)
Thesis Title: An Analysis of Traditional and Digital Methods for Producing Three Dimensional Artworks
Thesis Title: Solar Hydrogen: A Fundamental and Applied Electrochemical Investigation of the Hybrid Sulfur Cycle Electrolyser Master of Philosophy Dian Herlinda Octorina Howan BSc(Chem)(Indonesia)
Thesis Title: Novel Inhibitors of Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis
Doctor of Philosophy
Craig Macdonald
Doctor of Philosophy
Kerry Benjamin Burke
Thesis Title: An Empirical Investigation into the Psychology of Ideal and Actual Values
Thesis Title: Characterisation of Organic Photovoltaics by Synchrotron Soft X-ray Techniques
Alicia Jane Sercombe
Kira Jane Mileham
BA(CommStud), BSc
Thesis Title: Formulation of Stimuli Sets and Evaluation of Facial Emotion Processing in Typically Developing Individuals and in the Clinical Populations of Intellectual Disability, Autistic Disorder, and Asperger’s Disorder
Thesis Title: Building an Evaluation Framework for Australian Science and Maths Outreach Programs in Schools
Adam Keith Walker BPsych(Hons)
Thesis Title: The Early Microbial Environment and its Role in Determining Emotional Development in the Rat: Transgenerational Implications Paula Merise Wye BPsych(Hons)
Thesis Title: Smoking in Mental Health Hospitals: Policies, Practices and Perceptions Master of Philosophy Kathryn Joan Davis BA(Macq.), MEdStud
Thesis Title: Attitudes, Values, and Knowledge Relating to Australian Native Wildlife Master of Clinical Psychology Robyn Ann Cody Thesis Title: The Effects of Psychotherapy on Reducing Depression in Residential Aged Care: A Meta-Analytic Review
FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW Doctor of Business Administration Mario Bonfante Thesis Title: Multi-Generational Team Fit: Exploring Differences in Job Satisfaction and Organisational Change of Multi-Generational Work Teams in Public Sector Organisations of the Hunter Region NSW Australia Ricky Keung Wah Chu Thesis Title: A Study on the Relationships between Ethical Climate, Trust in Top Management, Affective Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Intention to Leave and Job Performance in the Construction Industry in Hong Kong Douglas W Chung Thesis Title: An Investigation into the Financial Implications of Corporate Citizenship in Hong Kong Kiran H Doshi Thesis Title: A Study of Leadership Style and Organisational Change in a Higher Education Institution Teik Kee Goh Thesis Title: The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Organisation Role-Based Behaviour: The Mediating Effects of Affective Trust in the Leader, Affective Commitment to the Organisation, Intention to Leave, and Workplace Stress Kim Hung Lai Thesis Title: Guanxi, Relationship Marketing and Challenges to the Agricultural Input Retailing Market in China May Yee Melissa Lau Thesis Title: The Effects of Marketing Mix on Students’ Decision Making of Community College of Universities in Hong Kong - A Case Study of Community College at Lingnan University
Teresa Suk Fun Li Thesis Title: A Study on the Motivational Factors of Real Estate Administrators in Hong Kong Chan Kuan Loi Thesis Title: Determinants of the Empirical Causal Relationship between CSR and Corporate Performance with Innovation as a Mediator: The Malaysian Experience as a Bench-mark for Regional Understanding Lai Wah Olivia Lui Thesis Title: The Impact of Materialism on Consumer Ethics - An Empirical Study on Adult Students in Hong Kong Dewi Lusiana Thesis Title: Investigating the Relationship between Market Orientation, Competitive Strategy and Business Performance: a Study of Small- and Medium-sized Firms in Indonesia’s Footwear Manufacturing Industry Alan Bee Huat Tan Thesis Title: Individual Absorptive Capacity and its Impact on Knowledge Transfer in a Malaysian Context Wing Chiu Tung Thesis Title: An Empirical Study on the Drivers of Cross-buying Intentions of Consumers in the Hong Kong Retail Banking Industry Yee-Yin Adolphus Wan Thesis Title: The Role of Guanxi in China’s Foreign Banks
FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Doctor of Clinical and Health Psychology Danielle Marie Anthony Thesis Title: Psychological Functioning Following a Cancer Diagnosis: Exploring Distress, Traumatic Stress and Mindfulness Doctor of Clinical Psychology Peta Apostolatos Thesis Title: “Out there”: Personality and Personality Disorder Predictors in an Undergraduate Student Population Rebecca Ann Barnett Thesis Title: Adjustment of Siblings of Children with Mental Health Problems: Behaviour, Self-Concept, Quality of Life and Family Functioning Suzanne Michelle Stevens Thesis Title: Are Students Really Suffering? Measuring Psychological Distress and Exploring the Role of Personality and Subjective Well-Being in Medicine and Psychology Students
Li Deng
Shuo Tian
Master of Business
Thi Minh Phuong Dinh
Thai Duong Tran
Farouk Ahmed
Master of Applied Finance with Distinction
Huilan Du Xiao Lei Jin
Pierre-Alain Robert Luc Viguier
Graeme Stephen Armstrong
Yue Lai
Byron Keith Walker
Jane Ashton
Min Wei Li
Edwin Mwangi Wanderi
Ka Chai Au
Yan Li
Shasha Wang
Stuart David Bateson
Xu Shan Lin
Wenzhe Wang
Angus James Bishop
Fan Liu
Maolin Wei
Stephen John Burgess
Fangming Liu
Jing Yan Wu
Ross Ian Buttenshaw
Zhi Qi Lou
Quanjiang Wu
Lyndon Charles Caine
Zhen Lu
Yu Wu
Xi Ma
Yun Xia
Akapon Chaijaroenwathana
Ying Ma
Su Xie
Victor Gordon Chan
Sindavanh Manivong
Cheng Jiang Xiong
Navinesh Nikhil Chand
Yujing Meng
Ming Xu
Quan Chen
Fawzi Ahmed M Mominkhan
Xiuping Yan
Shi Min Chen
Peng Yang
Ji Cheng
Gaoqi Pan
Shuang Yang
Xiyao Yingying Pan
Kai Hui Yuan
Pannathat Chuchuaisuwan
Hammam Saleh K Alnefaii
Pankaj Parashar
Fan Zhang
Maiquynh Phan
Hao Zhang
Rabeea Mohammed R Al-Nitafi
Zhen Hua Qi
Peng Zhang
Yi Qu
Xia Bin Zhang
Hussain Rashed M Alosemi
Jingyi Rao
Huan Zhang
Thakkar Abdullah S Alotaibi
Alimohammad Rasti
Zhao Zheng
Ali Muhsin Shaddady
Sheng Zhi
Si Shen
Zheng Zhou
Yi Shen
LiLi Zhu
Wen Shi
Chen Chen Nan Cheng Meng Zhou He Poh Fung Khoo Brett William Quinnell Liang Zhang Master of Applied Finance Mahdi Saleh Al Yaseen Mohammed Hamad Aldossary Mustafa Nassar Al Elaiwi Mazen Fahad Alfassi Adel Mahammed S Alghamdi
Ali Saleh A Alsamir Waleed Abdullah I Alturki Wenyang Cai
Tanai Sukontachaya
Master of Business with Distinction
Siok Kee Chan
Ting Sun
Matthew David Brogan
Chao Chen
Lulu Tang
Ching Yan Fung
Wai Ching Chin
Wei Tang
Wing Shan Luk
Jiahui Chu
Adam Kenneth Taylor
Paul Charles Taylor
Amir Hossein Dastaviz
Chia Ern Jim Teoh
Troy Dewantoro David Royce Edwards Yiu Kai Fan Steven Joseph Feldman Menglu Feng Yun Feng James Robert Fox Chao Fu Zi Wen Gao Kean Choon Goh Min Fan Guo Mei Han Yi Han David Hands See Hwa Ho Gaomeng Hu Ke Chao Hu Mei Yun Huang
Ningcheng Huang
Chao Pan
Tuan Xu
Zhongjin Hui
Shanhu Peng
Yiwen Xu
Master of Business Administration
Man Yee Hung
Siwen Ping
Yan Yan
Bader Hamoud Albati
Hong Yan Ji
Nipon Pornakarasathean
Zhaoming Yan
Richard Gary Desmond Johnson
Fahad Qayyum
Zhe Yan
Waza Abdulraman Albogami
Yi Qian
Zixuan Yang
Ka Hei Shurlin Kao
XuYing Ru
Wing On Terence Kong
Fei Yao
Nouf Suliman S Alhabib
Chi On Alex Kwan
Lixian Ye
Maroun Georges Samia
Siu Man Kwok
Choi Lam Yip
Oliver Nelson Scholes
Ka Man Lai
Jue Yu
Yuk King Lau
Saeideh Farahani Shahrabi
Yumei Yu
Taotao Le
Han Sheng
Kai Li
Shaun John Smith
Lu Li Ruiqun Li
Chelsey Anne Stankovski
Yang Li
Matthew Stockwell
Yun Li
Hin Wai Sum
Yunpeng Li
Bei Sun
Yue Yang Liang
Mi Kin Tam
Jiaxi Liu
Cheng Jiao Tan
Xiao Dan Liu
Kam Nin Fisa Tang
Xiaohong Liu
Yadan Tao
Zijia Liu
Thai Duong Tran
Zhixun Long
Man Wah Tsang
Yin Zhu
Cliff Louie
Wai Wa Tsang
Bei Lu
Li Wang
Li Sha Lu
Sheng Wang
Master of Business Administration with Distinction
Xin Lu
Shi Yi Wang
Dan Luo
Wei Wang
Yanling Luo
Ziying Wang
Craig George Maggs
Jijiong Zhang Jinglin Zhang
Hussain Yahya A Al Yami Enass Saud F Aldaher Hazem Alghowairi Amahmed Nasser Alghuneam Mohammed Abdulaziz F Alhussain
Jinjin Zhang
Abdullah Hamad H Almarwani
Xiaoping Zhang
Saad Saud N Almutairi
Yanqiu Zhang
Bandar Abdullah O Alobaid
Ying Zhao Lei Zheng Min Zheng Li Zhou Qiao Zhou Xi Yun Zhou Sisi Zhu
Abdulrahman Mansour S Alomary Abdulrahman Alqasir Mahammed Nahar A Alrasheed Tareq Mohammed N Alsaif Abdullah Mahammed A Alshabwi Abdulaziz Abdulrahman A Alturki
Carlos Arturo Arteaga Arismendi
Zeyad Alzeyad
Yousef Saleh M Baisa
Ahmad Hasan Aseeri
Na Wei
Desiree Patricia MacBeth Gallimore
Christel Baker
Loan Maiden
Man Yip Wong
Elfriede Johanna Blackburn
Kushant Malhotra
Lu Wu
Thomas Leo Holz
Wen Juan Wu
Melanie Keir
Shane Rodney Burley
Peter Robert Marshall
Yilin Wu
Anthony Joseph Linnane
Yuanwei Chai
Suzanne Carol Matthews Tian Na
Ming Jing Xiong
Bradley David Shoulta
Jiadi Xu
Timothy Lyle Snell
Glen Robert John Curry
Tiong Hoe Harry Ng
Tori Aseeri
Chia-Hao Chou
Catherine Frances Daley
Chen Liu
Zachery Yuen
Huong Duong Dang
Li Ma
Bretislav Zezulka
Debbie Maureen Fielding
Amir Hossein Dastaviz
Atticus Sawyer Maddox
Huan Zhang
Katherine Hawkins
Kim Elizabeth Davis
David John McNabb
Liyuan Zhang
Kate Hetherington
Rama Dewanto
Laetitia Florence Netsai Mkumbuzi
Yingke Zhang
Keith Kin Cheong Ho
Jiayi Zu
Hui Hong
Thi Minh Phuong Dinh Troy David Ellem
Louise Frances Morrissey
Wei Hong
Shuting Lina Ng
Master of Human Resource Management with Distinction
Luther Ngai
John Anthony Geronimo
Dominic Thomas O’Brien
Hoda Lali Tehrany
Anthony Dean Joice
Katrina Kay Lentfer Meng Meng
Tapan Bipinbhai Ghatalia
Shaune James O’Connor
Diane Barbara King William Patrick Thomas
Chris Edmund O’Hara
Matthew Douglas Grainger
Mei-fei Pan
Master of Human Resource Management
Mark Richard Payne
Gregory John Farquhar Jessica Deepthi Fernandes Jacqueline Formston Martin Keith Francis Aleasia Gendron
April Geanette Gray Wenhuan Guo Mai Anh Ha Kerry Anne Hallett Wei Hong
Jason Graham Mullins
Pankaj Parashar Huhao Peng Yi Peng Luis Antonio Ponce Suparat Pongsuwan
Saleh Zayed Alamri Suliman Hamd S Al Kushaiban Saud Fakhri Areef Aldaher
Brett Eric Howard Yinmin Hu Huan Jiang
James Edward Pritchard Qi Peiqin Todd Richard Sellers Kym Frances Sharp Na Su Bula Sunil Kumar
Penny Anne Howell
Alia Shazwani Bte Abd Rani
Rohan Jayasinghe
Alimohammad Rasti
Andrew Allan Jessop
David James Roffe
Ghaleb Saleh Abdullah A Alhemaimidi
Gaojie Jiang
Maroun Georges Samia
Talal Madi M Aljohani
Michael James Varnum
Marietta Hoest Joergensen
Michael John Sergeant
Saad Abdulaziz Almubarak
Dan Ting Wu
Alwyn Geoffrey James Johnson
Kuldeep Sharma
Sulaiman Ghalab Alreshidi
Min Xie
Ibrahim Abdullah I Alsorikh
Hong Zhang
Saud Ibraham M Altamimi
Yuan Zhang
Barry Keith Jones Anawat Karnjanaporn Rosemary Anne Keegan Adam Phillip Kennedy Richard Woo Beau Kim Craig Kimmorley Kanishk Kumar Hoda Lali Tehrany Qiannan Li
Schelbach Bellinda-Jane St Clair Tanai Sukontachaya Bula Sunil Kumar Le Thi Thanh Thuy Steven James Thomas Thai Duong Tran Prithviraj Vishwanath Yong Wang Michael Watkinson Astrid Wijaya
Ahmad Adel O Aldosari
Maisour Ahmed Bafail Armi Catalan Jennifer Choice Yajun Cui Xiaoyu Duan
Deborah Jean Townsend Jason Alexander Tyson
Qiong Wu Jing Ming Yuan Li Wen Zhang Xiaochen Zhao XiZhi Zhou Benjamin Ryszard Ziolkowski Shijing Zou
Master of International Business with Distinction Carlos Arturo Arteaga Arismendi Xiaoxiao He Master of International Business
Jue Teng Meng-Chi Tsai Jieqing Wang Lingshan Wang Ning Wang Xu Wang Yuguo Xiao Pengpeng Xie yiru Xiong
Yuanwei Chai
Moxin Xu
Zhe Chen
Yifeng Yuan
Ye Dong
Junyao Zhang
Zhangsu Fan
Xiao Ou Zhang
Xiang Yu Gao Yifei Ge
Master of Marketing with Distinction
Shengjie Gong
Kathleen Beker
Yue Gu Dong Guo
Jacqueline Danielle Calvo
Ting Guo
Faisal Sulaiman A Alkhashaiban
Chih-Fan Lin
Khaled Ibrahim A Almansour
Zhengyang Liu
Nouha Abdulaziz N Almubark Mashari Dlaim E Alotaibi
FangFang Lin Louise Elizabeth Mattock Megan Frances Maurice
Ghanim Alqhtani
Fungai Pamela Mutamba
Hassan Ali A Aloraini
Fadila Ali Oukar
Waleed Mohamad Alrakaf
Ching-Ju Pan
Munif Muzawim S Alshammari
Shuai Shi
Abdulmohsen Fahad A Altuwayjiri
Kuldeep Sharma Yipeng Song Julia Lee Spurr
Abdulelah Ahmed Alzahrani
Suthathip Suthakitmanat
Min Ao
Jingyang Wang
Huanhuan Cai
Yaozheng Wang
Terryll Sylvia Cassidy
Lan Cao
Adam Charles Warren
Rui Jia
Samantha Holt
Sheng-Min Chang
Christopher Watts
Tian Hua Jing
Kim Maree O’Neill
Arpaporn Charoenphol
Chunyu Yang
Chatvilai Kanitcharangkun
Kate Elizabeth Purcell
Hao Chen
Tiantian Yang
Pei Wen Wang
Zhou Kai Cheng
Xia You
Zhou Li
Master of Marketing
Ying Gao
Chengyi Zhang
Fiona Elizabeth Gray
Ruo Xin Zhang
Yili Guo
Yi Zhang
Patrisse Anthea Hall
Qing Zhao
Xiaofang Han
Si Qin Zhao
Suliman Mutag M Albalawi
Yuxing Hou
Ting Long Zhao
Shanshan Ji
Kaixuan Zhou
Sarah Duaylij B Aldawsari
Cheng Jiang
Yan Zhou
Apinya Jitnupong
Mohammed Algareeb
Simone Jade Kelly
Meshari Dhawi Alharbi
Kanishk Kumar
Abdalaziz Soliman M Alherbsh
Chia Yu Lee
Master of Professional Accounting with Distinction
Manal Mohammed Aljohani
Yinghan Liao
Fei Lin
Turkey Saad Alajlan
Lin Lin
Abdullah Ali Alamri
Xiao Pei Liu
May Mohammed S Albadi
Xingrou Liu Yang Liu Chao Lu Qianyu Ma Haiyun Pan Jing Qian Si Si Narin Singhchawla Chana Tantiyavuth Kai Tao
Hewei Li
Tian Cheng Tan
Elizabeth Marie Phillips Elena Retief Hin Wai Sum
Master of Professional Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Yaser Abdulrahman Altamami
Todd David Adams
Xin Xin Guo
Jamie Duncan Beal
Yuxin Guo Douglas Edwin Russell
Ryan Christopher Benson
David Alexander Smith
Craig Donald Brittliffe
Yuhan Sun
Renae Burdack
Robert Voncina Bei Wang
Kristel Maree Burgemeister
Ran Wei
David Butterworth
Ming Jing Xiong
Chau Chan
Yumei Yu
Chen Chen
Chen Yuan
Zengyu Chen
Lei Zheng
Mara Helena Devorsine
Hang Hang Zheng
Harry Fontalvo
Yongzhong Zhou
Christopher Robin Fuller
Les Bailey
Dwayne Lord Tingyun Lu
Graduate Certificate in Business Research
David John Lulham
Leanne Holt
Claire Louise McKay
Bendick Man Sze Leung
Lesa Clare Moore
Andi Sumange
Haokun Peng
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management
Tenille Anne Perry Xiaojiao Qi Michelle Ritchie Natthaphong Samanphongphan
Hisham Fahd Alkhalifa Sherelle Kay Charge Jing Gu
Brendan Lee Sargent
Yinmin Hu
Jillian Margeurite Searant
Huan Jiang
Belinda Lee Smith
Jing Li
Tracy Christine Southern
Xiaochun Wang
Nigel Stackman
Mengyun Yang
Rhiannon Teagan Stevens
Ying Yang
Yizhi Ge
Michelle SwanBeardmore
Xian Zhang
Lee Nathan Haggerty
Yajie Tan
Sandra Joye Heaton
Damien Andrew Touzell
Graduate Certificate in International Business
Nan Hu
Martin Wayne Turner
Xiao Chen
Yue Hu
Hao Wen Yu
Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)
Lin Lin
Lianqing Huang
Yigong Yu
Huijuan Sun
Xiaosa Huang
Danna Zhang
Ning Wang
Ilyse Deann Jacobson
Lei Zhang
Junyao Zhang
Ke Xuan Xie
Hongyan Ji
Shuai Zhang
Shixin Zheng
Paul Jones
Zhihan Zhang
Banda Kenani
Xingxing Zhao
Colin Alexander Klupiec
Yibo Zheng
Chong Jiang
Qian Li
Xi Yun Zhou
Si Shen
Yang Li
Bo Zhu
Su Xie
Shuang Liu
Lei Zhao
Tian Liu
Muhammad Hadi Zulfiqar
Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) with Distinction Yun Hui
Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance
Jessica Lee Gavin
Isabella Loneragan
Ifrah Khalid
Gao Zhang
Graduate Certificate in Marketing
Jarrod Craig Johnson
Darryn David Reece Amy Joy Ridley
Byoung Jin Kim
Huei-Ching Chen
Bachelor of Business (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2
Nethalie Michealla Karunaratne
Hyun-Ji Ro
Juheon Kim
Changhao Cheng
Kara Emma Hanwright
Matthew Phillip Rose
Yuting Allison Koh
Samantha Nicole Clugston
Salena Gai Ryan
Bachelor of Business
Dohee Kwon
Amy Kathryn Corbett
Felicity Clare Radley Allen
Allycia Lan Lam Wai Shun
Samantha S Padmanabham
Peng Guo
Elise Nicole Anderson
Hon Kit Alfred Law
Shona Leanne Howarth
Tracey Lee Shoesmith
Paul Andrew Annesley
Tanya Ting Yam Lee
Tiffany Lorenne Jeffery
Pwint Phyu Soe
Nicole Joy Arms
Uh Lang Lee
Yulong Liu
Ramkumar Arumugam
Suzanne Leonard
Martin Richard Joseph Sprigg
Samantha Jayne Lord
Victoria Grace Ashman
Lisa Michelle Little
Aaron Gordon Taylor
Ming LU
Michael Jeffrey Ashton
Alicia Louise Lyell
Luke Jared Tenney
David Grant Murhan
Nicholas Reid Barry
Susan Manson
Xuhui Song
Emily Rose Jennifer Bowen
Jiaying Crystal Leviticus Teoh
Nicholas Markham
Aaron Wayne Trotter
Jason Francis Brown
Katrina Ann McFarlane
Christian Morgan Ure
Robert Henry Ross Campbell
Jessica Marie McLeish
Bonnie Kapo Wai
Nan Wang
Anita Marie Davidson
Terry McLeod
Adam Walker
Wei Zhang
Holly Yethun Mills
Daniel Stewart Watts
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting
Kandice Joi Delforce
Anna Jayne Muldoon
Shiyun Stefanie Xie
Emily Victoria Munro
Shih Ming Yang
Sahar Alizadeh Hanjani
Kate Elizabeth Eller
Michael O’Brien
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with Honours Class I
Katherine Elizabeth Butcher
Narelle Catherine Taveira Jing Yao Wang
Melanie Jane Drew Luke Peter Durbin Jacob Paul Etherington Matthew Joseph Fairbrass
Stacey Parker Andrew Kenneth Paxinos
Joseph Adam Risley
San Su Kyi
Erin Jean Poulton
David Samuel Gairdner
Sueina Elizabeth Peterson
Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction
Jessica Louise Germon
Kyle Jay Phillipson
Caitlin Jean Botha
Benjamin Anthony Gunter
Lisa Jane Pickering
Leigh Ellen Bowman
Mitchell Joseph Pilar
Byron William O’Loughlin
Brent William Frankish
Sarah Harding Jae Yeon Im
Elvira Fetuao Penese
Jackson Powers Gabrielle Lee Redmond
Bachelor of Commerce
Nathan Mark Keen
Belwin Singh
Faheem Khaliq Khan
James Richard Sneddon
Igusti Suria Adnyana
Sang Ji Kim
Kuang Chun Tan
Nicole Joy Arms
Sung Ho Kim
Ching Loong Teng
Jamie Arrington
Mark Christopher Langford
Luke Jared Tenney
Benjamin Daniel Avery Geulah Bang
Simon Matthew Leahy
John Richard Thompson
Andrew Rhys Beveridge
Alex David Lester
Kye Thompson
Danielle Maree Bowe
Jason Paul Levey
Rebecca Viant
Nathan Christopher Cameron
I Wei Lim
Jacquina Lee Wallace
Xiong Wei Glenn Lim
Robert Henry Ross Campbell
Yi Ming Wang
Leonard Linardy
Sarah Anne Wass
Lisa Michelle Little
Kacey Louise Windle
Jie Liu
Fangyuan Xiang
Chengwan Lu
Kok Yung Yap
Manisha Madan
Xu Zhang
Tiffany Martin
Rebecca Lauren Keevers
Yang Zhao
Jarrod Gordon McElhinney
Michael James Reville
Liyuan Zheng Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Laws/ Diploma of Legal Practice
Cameron Leigh Crombie
Ndinawe Eliday Mtonga
Jessica Louise Germon
Bachelor of Management
Ka Shing Chan Shee Ling Chan Chee Kai Michelle Chua Daniel Clements Joseph Alexander Dimarco Melanie Jane Drew Humphrey Mujuni Ephraim Alice Elizabeth Falconer James Gounis Benjamin Anthony Gunter Jake Neil Hadfield Alexander Scott Hancox Emma Hassall Jun Huang Tzu-Yu Huang Alison Grace Jamieson Matthew Jones Mingu Kang
Sophie Anne McKewin Jeong Min Miroslav Adrian Mircovici Sasho Mitreski Purazeni Tendai Muzenda Christella Natalia Aaron Tze Wen Ong Byron William O’Loughlin Joseph Pastega Jenna Caitlin Pereira Anna Pokorska Cameron Neall Preston Sharnie Scotman
Wei Yang Teo
Michael James Yowanowski Bachelor of Finance Christopher William Brown Nicholas David Shanley Bachelor of Laws with Honours Class II Division 1 Naomi Lynda Morris
Bachelor of Laws with Honours Class II Division 2 Emma Margaret Smallwood Bachelor of Laws Rebecca Jane Brown Robert John Chaseling Zoee Alicia Harvey Daniel Stephen Laine Emma Maree Towney Bachelor of Laws/ Diploma of Legal Practice with Honours Class I
Nicole Richelle Courtney Marguerite May Nicks
Aebtehl Abdulhamed Obedallah
Master of Applied Linguistics with Distinction
Steven Royce Simmons
Master of Music Technology with Distinction
Judith Bernadette Voisey
Franciscus Theodore Cammans
Morgan Evan Kavanagh Jennifer Diane Long
Master of Educational Studies
Duncan Ross Salton Woei Yvonne Teng
Samar Ibrahim Al-Amawi
Obasuyi Kessington Agho Amnah Saad J Alraddadi
Master of Music Technology
Mohammed Hamed A Almaliky
Afrah Sauod Alsauod
Ian Stanley Albertson
Gladys Nyanchama Asuga
Bernadette Norton
Mansour Nasser A Alammar Majid Saud M Aldakheel Abdullah Mohammed J Alghamdi Bunder Saleh M Alghazi Yaser Mohammed O Altameemi Farideh Ashoori Salekdeh
Glenn Anthony Crawford Mary-Jane Pell Janice Sipin
Romana Rose Jones-Esguerra Master of Special Education with Distinction
Briony Lee Nickels
Master of Applied Linguistics with Merit
Master of Applied Linguistics
Master of Social Science
Master of Social Change and Development with Distinction
Kathryn Elizabeth Carroll Paul Salvatore Chiara Samantha Kylie Collier Julie May Crumpton Kathryn Gai Lewis Kerrie Anne Moon Charlene Nash Ann Corinne Norris
Jacqueline Barbara Worsdell
Liam Gray Goldie
Rebecca Olsen
Katelyn Anne Mountford
Susan Ann Perry
Li Jing Ye
Elisa del Pilar Palma Sanchez
Juliet Carolyn Richardson
Master of Leadership and Management in Education with Distinction Scott Robert Bedingfield
Master of Social Change and Development
Amanda Louise Sutton Roderick Edward Whelan Melinda Ann Whipp
Alexis David Coovre
Catherine Jane Locke
James Douglas Campbell
Eun Ji Park
Andrew Retschko
Tara Anne Cox
Yuet Ying Louisa Yeung
Bonnie Anne Faulkner
Master of Special Education
Harri Tapio Silvasti Xinyuan Xing Master of Disability Studies
Master of Leadership and Management in Education
Phathudshedza Vuyokazi Nemukula Rachel Fiona Pollock
Carleen May Arnold
Abdullah Muhanna H Alharbi
Ami Spurway
Michael Patrick Farrell
Master of Social Science with Distinction
Master of Educational Studies with Distinction
Richard Clifton Ford Kathleen Louise Garvie Yi Che Guo
Belinda Jane Fletcher
Paul Lindsay Hardwick
Gillian Christine Hann
Jenine Maree Purdy Meaghan Louise Tucker
Cassandra Rea
Gabrielle Lorraine Fletcher Nicole Elizabeth Moore
Sheridan Workman
Maryam Abdullah Al Rashedi Nisrin Mohammed Alnawfal Rosina Jennifer Clarke Allison Kate Donnelly Catherine Marie Miller Mohamed Nur Daud Wanwisa Ouchareon Athar Selbokh Lesley Yvette Wickens
Master of Teaching
Angela Catherine Lloyd
Emma Sellars
Bachelor of Arts
Vanessa Handley
Michelle Yvonne Manea
Zeb Pridham Armstrong
Andrew Colin Kable
Jennifer Maree McCallum
Emma Jane St John Cox Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics
Sassicca Bowyer
Jacqueline Frances McDermid Alison Mary McWilliams
Lorraine Brown
DK Siti Noor Roziah Pgmatjinen
Alana Bre Parker Rachael Sounness Master of Theology with Distinction John Dimitrios Amarandos Sarah Foley Massa Peter Martin Francis St John McCulloch Christopher Gerard Sexton Master of Theology Michael Casey
Gemma Isabel Pilley Tracey Anne Pois Anthony James Quodling Robert William Stone Louise Kaye Sutton Douglas Keith Wright
Alicia Marcia Cunningham
Graduate Certificate in Music Technology
Renee Michelle Eckersley
Peter Sirianni
Daniel Lockwood
Graduate Certificate in the Practice of Tertiary Teaching
Kirk David Mercer
Valerie Jean Adams
Richard John Murphy
David Michael Scott Roy
Alexander Michael Peck
Graduate Certificate in Theology
Yulanie Cherie Harris
Gary John Reen Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies
Suzanne Cecilia Bergin
Andrew Michael Arthur Caleb Geoffrey Brown Hamish Brown Tyrone John Victor Brown
Bachelor of Aboriginal Professional Practice
Louisa Margaret Venus Bulley
Elizabeth Bachas
Alana Jade Campbell
Joshua Bede Tierney
Rachel Carey
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Lachlan Ceeney
Benjamin Peter Sames Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class I Jessica Claire Fitzpatrick Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1
Keith Caladine
Rebecca Clarke Tracee Anne Cook Kirby Laine Cosgrove Aaron Hans Culbertson Fe Esperanza De Paula Tegan Peta Faulkner Kylie Barbara Francis Annalie Jayne Gaye Delwyn Hamilton Felicity Anne Harley Zoee Alicia Harvey
Natalie Merie Bennett
Alice Hennen Catherine Ann Heyne
Tanya Mary Bierman
Shane Phillip Giles
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2
Tahley Lee Bunt
Tracey Marie Judd
Ashleigh Meikle
Selina Kellett Jordan
Cheryl Anne Burke
Johanna Aletta Kruger
Narelle Cunningham
Isabella Mary Rose Medlicott
Bachelor of Arts with Distinction
Natasha Jovceski
Sonia Carole Butler
Peter Lloyd King
Stacey Louise Mullin
Nicholas Stewart King
Rhonda Gai Elliott
Daniel McGinty
Vanessa Robyn Peck
Matthew Langbien
Sally Josephine Fathers
Bianca Michelle Sibert
Kym Maree Francis
Laura Anne Rowe
Kiera Louise Trepka
Alexandra Jean Loadsman
Alina Kirievsky
Emily Jean Ryan
Susan Margaret Wise
Nichole Marie Calleja Nicole Maree Davies
Ella Dee Howard Dylan Graham Phillip Jaeger
Tegan Jennifer Kiejda
John McCreadyHuntsman Ferne Susan Merrylees Jessica Susan O’Neil Elizabeth May Partridge
Bachelor of Education in Design and Technology Jacqueline Ann Sandeberg
Bachelor of Fine Art Sharon Therese Aldrick Christopher James Brown Bree Cunningham Jessica Gaudry
Karlo Spencer Tychsen
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood with Honours Class II Div 2 in Teaching
Kel White
Leanne Marlana Boshier
Ben Marcus Kenning
Sarah Jane Woods
Jennifer Louise Carr
Leisa Jane Markey
Bachelor of Early Childhood Teaching with Distinction
Christine Anne Marshall
Danielle Simone McAlpine
Sarah Louise Proust Carlyon Roberts Katrina Anne Steele
Kate Melanie Belsham
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood
Kristy Lee Holding Tamasin Skye Holliday Lee Francine Imlay
Bachelor of Social Science with Distinction Stephanie Meg Pease Rhonda Maree Sammons Ellen Janice Sheldrake Danielle Esther Smeaton Bachelor of Social Science Paul Alan Beresford Ami Ann Carroll Elena Ferguson
Anna Noeline Morewood
Hanna Franks
Sarah Marion Morewood
Paula Lee Gough Leanne Beth Gow
Bachelor of Early Childhood Teaching
Casey-Lee Clarke
Jacob Charles Swab
Jessica Louise Donnelly
Alison Louise Brian
Susan Louise Guilfoyle
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education with Honours Class II Division 2
Alysse Lyn Iverson
Celeste Laurelei Moore
Suzanne Joan Speers
Angus Michael Dowsett
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) with Honours Class I
Bachelor of Music (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1
Lyn-Maree Wicks
Bronwyn Philipa Orrock
Aaron John Passfield
Tapelo Diane Manduku
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Music (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2
Stefanie Michele Matuszyk
Graham Erle Hird
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1
Nicolle Renee Paul
Amy Nicole Bonnici
Michael Power
Lucy Jane Williams
Bachelor of Fine Art with Distinction
Bachelor of Music
Cassandra Margaret Rhook
Marlene Kay Houston
Julia Elise Cain
Allan Craig Brown
Emmanuel Asvestas Dean Channell David John Cox Khai Yenn Dennis Lau Jamie-Lee Macdonald Chi Wing Woo
Amber Elizabeth Gunn Lee Huntly Christopher James Jeffrey Tracy Lee Jones Kenan Karaca Chung Tak Luk
Sarah Rachel PeddieMcGuirk
Barbara Ann Rodgers Jane Mary Smee Madelyn Jean Smith Nikki Lee Thomson Amy Maree Thurgood Anne Cecile Whitling
Bachelor of Social Science (Recreation and Tourism)
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies
Nicholas Rhys Garner
Melanie Jane Jones
Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class II Div 1 in Teaching
Elisabeth Mather
Madeleine Jane Smith
Michael Adam Incze
Eva Venice Manning
Yea Lin Riggs
Rachel Jane Williams
Belinda Simone Jensen
Julie Velevski
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class II Div 2 in Teaching
Jessica Davina Dorney Bachelor of Social Work
Evelyn Gabrielle Wegner Bachelor of Speech Pathology with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Anne Glynn Kareena Jayne Henderson
Rosaria Strazzeri
Kirsty-Leigh Johnson
Bachelor of Speech Pathology
Linden Anne O’Brien
Keli Baxter Melissa Blake Sarah Gillman Rebecca Kate Hembry
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Fine Art with Distinction Scott Liam Mc Grevy
Andrew David Newman Jake William Pepperall
Alicia Marie O’Donnell
Cassie Jade Radnedge
Julia Bridget Pourbozorgi
Lisa Alice Ritchie
Amanda Lee Rapsey
Arwen Margaret Elinor Seccombe
Hayley Jane Stephenson
Natalie Slyney
Nicole Maree Baglee
Loren Kate Newell
Haylee Kim Clarke
Garry Lionel Sansom Shiralee Venning Mark Wilson
Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor Early Childhood Studies Haillie Louise Giles Larissa Jayne Roach
Angela Maree Matoka
Amy Miles
Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor Early Childhood Studies with Honours Class II Div 1 in Teaching
Svetlana Pascoe
Nathan Raymond Lincoln
Jaimi Anne Holmes
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Arts Shaun Douglas
Cecily Nicole Lambert
Georgia Carin Munden
Gregory Paul Billingham
Jenna Cannon
Michelle Ann Kirby
Josie Mullington
Kristine Marie Walsh
Merilyn Faye Palmer
Karen Maree Hourigan
Rebecca Louise Gordon
Melissa Jane Roberts
Dorothy Mapii
Stephanie Lea Hesse
Dennis James Britten
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Health and Physical Education
Dayna Lee Ingram
Sarah Melissa Harvey
Tamara Anne Tucker Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts Latarnya Eleace Bain Eleanor Suzanne Baker Serena Bullock Korrin Louise Chennell Nicholas James Coller Belinda Considine Melissa Anne Drew James Anthony Fisher Michael Fox
Grant Campbell Smith Ashlie Elizabeth Styles Emma Karen Sullivan Thomas Kevin Walker Jenna Lyn Wasson Elizabeth Pamela Winney Tammy Diana Woodward
Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Fine Art with Honours Class II Div 1 in Teaching Adele Jelena Lenskyj Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Science with Honours Class II Division 1 Rachel Alyssa Mowle Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Science Cheryl Maree Healey Lauren Ann Kripp Margaret Ann Lowerson Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Social Science Kylee Anne Bootland Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Design and Technology with Honours Class II Div 2 in Teaching Amoss Joseph McKinley Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Design and Technology David Owen Brennan Chris Edwards Sarah Terese Halstead Naomi Claire Morrissey Joel Thomas Watson
Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Health and Physical Education with Honours Class II Div 1 in Teaching Marika Gai Eveleigh Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Health and Physical Education with Honours Class II Div 2 in Teaching Annie Ruth Nicholas Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Health and Physical Education Anthony John Beavis Steven Phillip Burns Dianne Maree Lawrence Kristal Gina Martin Deborah Louise Pitt Joshua Victor Potapczyk Ty Raymond Swadling Samson Underwood Domenic James Vitullo Luke Daniel Walker Bachelor of Theology James Dylan Mortensen Diploma in Languages Warren James Keen
Master of Engineering Science
Master of Architecture
Adegboyega Benedict Adeniran
Jamie Ian Bonnefin
Marveh Forghani
Master of Engineering Management Tarek Mohammad H Abokhashabah
Eduard Kempf
UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Computer Science Ashleigh Louise Farnham
Sean Henry McCracken
Leslie Keith David Milwain
Master of Property
Peter John Stace
Sharon Chan
Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) Luke Robert Bray Kurt Albert Bruggestrass Alan Loh Lachlan Gregory Powell
Abdulrahman Ali I Alajaji
James Francis William Johnston
Mohammed Sulaiman Alkahtani
Kirsty Leo
Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) with Honours Class II Division 1
Dina Marliana
Geordie Campbell
Nadine Adele Piddington
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)
Marie Louise Colangelo
Sima Chhetri
Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) with Honours Class II Division 2
Shin Jiun Alvin Chua
Dane Richard Heikkonen
Amanda Mojinun
Hisham Al Sihman
Tao Cai Sahar Doroodgar Jorshery Gaohan Hu Amir Mohammadyari Dizaji Seyed Reza Refghi Husain Mahdi Saud Munin Tiyawongsuwan
Murray Anthony Gregory
Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Commercialisation Kevin Michael Coffey Jonathan Douglas Colman
Anawat Wongpradu
Graduate Certificate in Property
Bin Zhu
Jonathan Frost
Brett Lachlan Phillips
Anthony John Gibb
Matthew William Sneazwell
Master of Engineering Science with Distinction Andreas Markus Hegenauer
Tristan Ramsay
Matthew Craig Nicholas
Cal Webster
Christopher Paul Roland Glen Robert Tilston Thomas Andrew Amos Topfer
Jing Hao Gan Andrew John Hill Blake William Holmes Phillip Ashley Kirby Mashal Fatima Zainab Moughal Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering with Honours Class I and the University Medal Krishda Adrian Herchis Tan
Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering with Honours Class I
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering with Honours Class I
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Daryl Charles Colwell
Ashlea Janelle Laundess
Craig John Bear
James Burton Rayner
Juli Bosco
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering with Honours Class II Division 1
Mark Andrew Carrigan
Siong Rong Andrew Chuah
Mitchell John Cross
Stephen Charles Fisher
Phillip David Foster
Peter Leslie Harrison
Matthew John Lay
Keith Huan Ran Tan
Andrew Atherton
Guibin Liu
Michael Thomas Lawrence
Benjamin John Lovell
Peter Eric Newton
Ashley Sheridan
Kin Shing Wong
Ian William Slapp
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2
Mark Aaron Watson
Byron Keith Garner Stephanie Elaine Koll
Leslie Keith David Milwain
Brenton Kyle Secomb
Remy Paul Dyer
Chen Yong Teo
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering with Honours Class I
Xinlong Julian Zheng Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering with Honours Class II Division 1 Zhen-Jie Ang Phillip Doffay Ailie Laureen Silkman Priscilla Tuisuva Tremain Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2 Xianyuan Chan Katie Jones Benjamin Alexander Narbutas Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering Ryan James Barby Jon Hwa Chao Benjamin Lawson Norman Darcy Wallace Willett
Joshua White
Ertikka Ardid
Luke Roberts
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering with Honours Class II Division 1
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2 Jeremy Hugon Kosman Matthew John Quinlan Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering Peishi Denise Aw Chase Alexander Bennett Shih Siang Chong Nicholas Ross Hinton Xueyao Eugene Loy
Zach Alan Curran
Matthew John Moore
Lee Keong Lim
Muhammad Feroz Bin Osman Zhili Ou Yoke Mui Tham Qian Zhang
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering with Honours Class I Daniel Joseph Cassano
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering with Honours Class II Division 1
Oliver Nicholas Coleman
Maxwell William Quist
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2
Adam Sheldon
John Paulo Sebastian
Steven John Goman
Thembalenkosi Bukhosibethu Matabiswana
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Craig James Ross James Ryan
Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering Easton Chang Timothy Mark Cross Karen Feng Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunications Engineering
Bachelor of Industrial Design
Felicity Clare Radley Allen
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering
Marc John Carraro
Wen Su
Joshua Jason Forbes
Steven James Wild
Steven John Goman
Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2
Matthew William Payne
Philip Alexander Sorensen
Ben Michael Robertson
Phillip Edward Hood Yufan Lin Nsununguli Ndingisanyo Kai Cong Andy Yan Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering with Honours Class I Tyler Steele Hamilton
Daniel Paul Turner
Shane Goodwin Bachelor of Surveying with Honours Class II Division 2 Bachelor of Surveying Agata Kasprowicz Simon John Lewis
Master of Clinical Epidemiology with Distinction
Kimberley Thelma Hansen
Lambros Flaounas
Heather Anne Loryman
Blanaid Coveney
Eunice Gumbo
Aimee Magill
Lay Hoon Goh
Janice Lee Hill-Jones
Thulani Nleya
Seher Arslan
Kevin John Humphrey
Mei Fung Ho
Min Seon Park
David Paul Atkins
Wai Fan Vivien Ho
Yvonne Ann Wilson
Michelle De Wit
Master of Clinical Epidemiology
Trudy Anne Holton
Mitchell Leslie DOBBIE
Ruth Li-Shan Hew
Master of Midwifery Studies
Michelle Christine Jordan
Jennifer Duncan
Manimozhi Vellaichamy
Saleni Sunita Devi
Nicole Rebecca Lacey
Nicholas Patrick Edwards
Master of Health Science
Kylie Jayne Gallagher
Kit Fan Maggie Lee
Shereden Meldrum
Jacqueline Carol Hartley
Sally Yee Hom Lee
Tracey Nicole Andrews
Marie Helen Ryan
Fiona Ruth Minnis
Melphine Makandigona
Jacqueline Faye Pritchard
Pamela Verry
Ruth Alison Mursa
Sarah Jane Whyte
Sharon Lee Nash
Denise Maree Wild
Lai Kwan Sandra Ng
Jacqueline Isobel Wilkinson
Lai Ming Modissa Ng
Master of Nursing (Advanced Practice) with Distinction
Maryanne Payne
Master of Applied Management (Health)
Mark Ho Skelly Master of Applied Management (Nursing) with Distinction Julie Carlene McCaughan Master of Applied Management (Nursing) Krista Maree Baczyk Yin Ling Chim Mandipeyi Denhere Utopia Edwards Marianne Agatha Knox Mei Ling Angela Kwok Brenda Lee Wagner
Adam John Rice Master of Medical Statistics Adeline Jie Qi Ong Master of Mental Health Nursing with Distinction Maureen Jeanne Courtney Joanne Finlayson Amy Therese Wilson
Sherri-Leigh Bayliss Kylie Rowena Matthews Master of Nursing (Advanced Practice) Paula Beatriz Abrego
Master of Mental Health Nursing
Janelle Robyn Austin
Cassandra Louisse Adams
Sandra Berg
Hua Ai
Albert Thomas Young
Anne Elizabeth Day
Killian Zezere
John Ebere Ekwe Erin Elizabeth Evans
Leearna Bennett Regina Bruce Man Sun Chan
Vicki Gransden
Margaret O’Sullivan Melina Psychas Michael James Purcell Sean Forogh Rawani Dragana Razmovski Wendy Lynne Renfrew Ferdous Riazati Debra Anne Robbs Vicki Belinda Roberts Carla Maree Rutherford Jillian Lee Thurlow Winifred Verde
Rebecca Jayne Collins
Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) with Distinction
Helen Therese Cox
Kerry Lee Porter
Stacey Anne Clark
Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
Master of Pharmacy Hadi Charbine
Graduate Diploma in Midwifery
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Toxicology
Amy Louise Bowen
Poulet Gorgees
Lisa Jane Bailey
Anna Katherine Lawler
Nerriann Lee Bullman
Tong Liang
Alison Margaret Beverley
Graduate Certificate in Health Science
Kelly Lee Brandt
Leeona Neilson
Alana Jane Bredenkamp
Melissa Robinson
Rebecca Jayne Collins Ruth Olivia Hackett Lynette Judith Kirby Lynn Christine McCartney
Master of Public Health with Distinction Nicole Marie Gilroy
Bronwyn Louise Goulter
Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Advanced Practice)
Maha Obaid Alsalami
Hollie Jane Kay
Jillian Rohana Delves
David Kenneth Worsley
Amanda Kerin
Ryan Thomas Looney
Leece Anne Drury Lecciones Meg Elizabeth Norman
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
Kate Parker
Steven John Badcock
Wendy Melita Patterson
Master of Public Health
Cheryl Gaye Richardson Rebecca Brenda Schrale Janice Norma Scott Master of Occupational Health and Safety with Distinction Sharyn Leslie Buck Kristi Michelle Petrassi Master of Occupational Health and Safety Jessica Clare Bermingham Ian Flynn
Master of Workplace Injury Management and Occupational Rehabilitation with Distinction
Nicole Kerry Swain
Lorne Battison
Angie Townsend
Phillip John Benn
Master of Workplace Injury Management and Occupational Rehabilitation
Helen Clare Young
Valentina Beyton
Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Brendan Gary Craft
Angus Geoffrey Winsley
Trevor Bruce O’Connell
Zongpeng Zhang
Amanda Jane Oliver
Graduate Certificate in Applied Management Health
Suzanne Robyn Philp
Narelle Therese Rutz Jill Anne Vogelzang Yin Kwan Yeung
Amanda Genn Peter Gooding
Amanda Jane Ampt
Nathanial Paul Hails
Elizabeth Susan Buckley
Anthony Stewart Henderson
Felicity Jane Harris
Roslyn Annette Moore Wade Joshua Richardson Jennifer Rodick Sandra Ellen Wyatt
Jodie Lee Gardiner
Anne Margaret Cookson
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology
James Terence Gard
Tanya Elizabeth Burns
Belinda Gaye Suthers
Anne Inwood Tegan Tenielle Schmitzer Graduate Certificate in Clinical Epidemiology Helen Marie Hamersley Laura O’Reilly
Matthew James Ford Sarah Louise Freeman
Deborah Joy Wright
UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal Gemma Marie Downey Kristen Elise Farrell Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class I Janine Louise Charnley Hannah Rose Drury Crystal Rose Naudin Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1
Bachelor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety with Distinction Kee Meng Yeo Bachelor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety
Robert Allan Bell Sian Megan Bithell Jodie Lee Cameron Nicholas Peter Eadie Ellie Jacqueline Grace Joshua Raymond O’Sheades Kelsee Leigh Shepherd Sanja Stegic Joseph Richmond Zeck
Boon Yong Tan Haojie Tang Chiew Wee Eric Toh Ying Hui Toh
Liam Thomas Mulligan Belinda Karleen Vaughan James Weale
Ensong David Zheng
Abdul Fatah Bin Alwee
Bachelor of Health
Melissa Maree Butler
Patrick James Considine
Bryce David Dalton
Timothy Michael Haynes
Jaclyn Amy Matthews
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Diagnostic Radiography with Distinction
Glen Ian McPherson
Nur Adleena Mohamed Isa
Bachelor of Medicine
Muhammad Azhar Samsudin
Mary Louise Forsyth
Ching Yee Sum
Sarah Kamaruddin
Yiwei Marcus Tan
Malithi Korale
Xue Fen Teng
Rachel Xiu-Zhen Lee
Si Min Teo
Andrew Su Lin
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Diagnostic Radiography
Megat Taufiq Megat Abdul Rahman
Muhammad Zahier Bin Amza Sook Bee Melissa Ang Qiaoyu Chen Zhi Seng Cho Wei Hao Webster Ee Lek Chong Goh Chee Hin Ho
Samuel Mills Baker
Jun Hui Kenny Tai
James Edward Spencer Green
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Radiation Therapy
Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Distinction
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Caizheng Su
Tong Wan Wong
Yao Yu Gui
Mia Skerda
Shadiah Bte Senin
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Nuclear Medicine
Abdul Halil Bin Abdul Hamid
Amy Louise Martin
Sara Jane Rickards
Balasubramaniam Ramachandran
Ishkhandar Bin Omar Keen Weng Keith Lee Sock Hwee Lek Gim Hwa Joseph Lim Kong Ming David Low Mohamed Farook Bin Ghani Mohamed Fazli Bin Mohlas Muhammad Azman Bin Anuar
Allison Vera Gray
Teck Seng Ng
Ben Michael Griffiths
Choon Kiat Pang
Kia Joo Daphne Lim
Li Ping Pang Chee Wan Quek
Jessie Kah Hui Ng Rani Louise Raj Mal Elliot Marcus Watt Beng Lim Alvin Chew Joshua Conrad Hatton
Wilson Pujawiyatna Jae Mie Teh Bonnie Wing-Yan Tse Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jennifer Lorraine Walters
Bachelor of Nursing
Lauren Magaret Moore
Suzanne Maree Baxter
Oona Mary O’Shea
Bachelor of Oral Health
Danielle Elizabeth Bourke
Kiri Annetta Oswald
Selah Choi de Kim
Nthatiwa Ruth Phiri
Piper Louise Gibbons
Amy Louise Bowen
Sophie Aiesha Reay Bartsch
Anabell Stephany Gutierrez-Morillo
Emma May Richardson
Maria Isabel Jimenez Redondo
Meagan Brooke Campbell Xixi CAO
Paula Louise Rookes
Patricia Ellen Davies
Carmen Annmaree Rousell
Megan Kay Del Zotto
Shida Khajeh-Taheri Kris Lorkin
Amanda Elizabeth Dey
Calum Edwin Abraham Schoevers
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Sharon Louise Dietrich
Corey Neil Smith
Michelle Evans
Owen Courtney Smith
Nicholas David Campbell
Aiyi Gao
Ellen Cassandra Summers
Rhys Alexander Dawes
Megan Elizabeth Towner
Nicarlia Jade Finch
Lyndal Maree Turbit
Clinton Thomas Finlay
Sanya Velkov
Anyes Kim
Julie Anne Wilson
Bachelor of Podiatry
Qian Xu
Mitchell James Bath
Yan Yan Emma Louise Zahra
Adrian Vermeulen Minkwit
Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety
Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
Michael David Sorby
Ryan Woo
Kylie Anne Denniss
Claudia Jane Herd Shana Hokafonu Kazuma Honda Yu-Chuan Huang Alyssa Jayne Kay Reena Kumari Kumar Hyung Hwan Kwon Seong Hoon Kwon Benjamin Ian Lansdowne Sarah Louise Lazarou Yu-Ting Lee Jialu Li Min Ah Lim Jason Ian Lindsay Dearne Doreen McIntosh
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Tara Louise Reynolds
Laura Mary Egginton
Master of Digital Media
Master of Aviation Management with Distinction
Stephen Andrew Beautement Jun Yu Chen
Julie-Anne Barry
Nizar Mohammed Mousa K Khayyat
Ryan Lee Cooper
Jeong-Won Chow
Nerida Mai Manley
Purav Monga
Derek John Holmes
Catherine Fung Douglas John Hingst
Stuart Iain McWilliam
Daniel Michael
Roger Gilham Shugrue
Craig Marc Jason Murphy
Master of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class I
Zahid Ahmad H Said
Michael Innes Hutchinson
Jun Cao
Wantao Xu
Heba Adel Abdullah Fasihuddin
Bo Yu
Roger Jon Weeks
Phillip Phi Hung Hua
Master of Aviation Management
Hans Telford
David Hector Allan
Master of Environmental and Business Management with Distinction
Arjo Bhaumik Walter Chege-Najoli Shing Ki Cheung Barry Robert Demmert Suzanne Dunlany Djibril Hamidou D Nicholas Juengling Mohammed Faiz Kamaludin
Shan Nga Tsai
Michael Francis Clarke David Ian Gregory Quanah McBride Daniel John Scudds Beth Therese Ward
Master of Environmental Management Kristy Lee Allan
Master of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class III Lu Jiang Master of Information Technology Abdullah Suliman Alghufaily Othman Hassan Alhassani
Peter Carmine Sacchetti
Master of Environmental and Business Management
Adrian Neal Sweeney
Murray Scott Halyburton
Abdullah Saad Alsuhaim
Steven Hoare
Ali Abdulaziz A Althagafi
Christopher James Quinn
Nicky Antonius Abeer Abdulaziz A Binfarhan
Wai Lun Patrick Yan
Master of Environmental Management with Distinction
AndyChiKin Yeung
Vivitskaia Tulloch
Morris Maithya Maingi John Edward Pavlov
Fern Mary-Ellen Thompson Nigel John Vernon Nari Rabindranath Williams-Singh Rejane Cunha Yacyshyn
Ali Fayez A Alkoradees Waleed Saad Almutairi
Eihab Ahmed Bakhash
Liang Cao Kaewkarn Charoensopha
Tao Chen Tian Chu Rodney James Dollin
Beerinder Singh Natasha Sinnett Yan Wang
Master of Information Technology (Professional) Tao Jin Master of Multimedia Sze Lam Kwong Master of Science Management James Eoghan Igoe Graduate Certificate in Aviation Management James Christopher Bembrick Steven Glavas Hugh McQuire Jarrod Manfred Rueff Graduate Certificate in Digital Media Paul Anthony Miller
Graduate Certificate in Environmental and Business Management Chloe Jade Reschke-Maguire Becky Anne Southwell
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Amanda Christine Edmonds
Bachelor of Development Studies Ellen Clare Eriksson Charity-Rose Kelly Sharni Lea Kelly Benjamin Brian Madden Claire Louise McDonald
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
Bachelor of Communication Kylie Carrall
Robbie Newton Platt
Keryn Hassall
Lewis Francis Clarebrough
Heath Joseph Wilkinson
Ryan Ward Gillies
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Rhiannon Clare Hall
Tiffany-Jane Evans Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) with Honours Class I William Moreau Palmer Bachelor of Biotechnology
Mark Anthony Harper Elle Allyce Hutchinson Alexander Geoffrey Knight
Elise Anne Asquith
Thomas Hunter-Leahy
Michael Scott Davidson
Joshua Mehmet
Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1
Angela May Moran
Roshni Romila Sharma
Paul Wallace
Janek Christopher Speight
Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management with Distinction
Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition with Distinction
Maree Venticinque
Elise Kassandra Budden
Michaela Virgara
Melanie Sandra James
Alisha Rechelle Keevers Louise Elizabeth Mackay Phoebe Maree McDonald
Stephanie Frieda Roberts
Denise Mohan R Raja Mohon
Megan Gallant
Carlie Michelle Harris
Gemma Ann Harben
Xue Xia
Wei Liang Eugene Quek
Joshua Frappell
Dana Gaye Hardes
Kate Hamilton
Dominic Michael Punch
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Megan Lea Derricott
Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Yan Ma Xu Yan Zhang
Elena Francis Peters
Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management
Jeremy A Lloyd Hayley Louise Neal Craig Schrader Nicholas Jon Wright Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Tyson Bekens Matthew David Day Ashlee Kate Dunn Kent John Hatchwell Nathaniel Edward Hodges
Emma Kathleen Hill
Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition Kate Berryman
Bachelor of Information Technology with Distinction
Alexis Daskalopoulos
Benjamin Peter Barclay
Chloe Desiree Goldsmith
Matthew Lex Ditton
Misty Jade Hillman
Brendan Quaglio
Jasmin Howard
Thomas Anthony Sharp
Kelly Ann McDowell
Bachelor of Information Technology
Stephen James Kavanagh
Fei Siong Frederick Macalino Seah
Jongbo Kim Kyung Yul Kim
Sharmilee D/O Thilarajah
Tae Hyun Kim
Tin Zar Soe Min
Wootae Kim
Suzlyna Binte Rahmat
Yanxin Koh
Kim Hui Tan
Felix Kurniawan
Lijing Tan
Kai Ho Kwok
Tze Kiat Alvin Tan
Nahye Kwon
Yi Luan Teo
Tae Seung Kwon
Shu Fen Tham
Zhong Rui Nigel Lee
Than Oo
Zhong Yao Lee
Kah How Toh
Chee Pyng Lim
Brendon Mark Tricker
Yong Hui Ditrick Lim
Sagarika Vanganuru
Ryan Lindell-Innes
Daniel John Vida
Mingchuan Liu
Benjamin Williams
Simon Joseph Black
Lie Bee Lum
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Wenjie Cai
Nigel James Macquillan
Yu Guang Chan
Andreas Markauskas
Ziliang Chen
Jemma Patricia McGlynn Chee Khiang Ng
Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) with Honours Class I / Bachelor of Science and the University Medal
Duncan Edward Cooke
Wei Hong Cho
Chin Fang Ng
Daniel Xavier Ogburn
Chung Heng Ng
Bachelor of Mathematics / Bachelor of Science
Kate Elisse Moloney Vivian Lloyd Paasi
Leeann Tracy Fleming
Alastair Crichton Richards
Se Rim Ahn
Joyce May Lee Yong
Payam Arbabi
Bachelor of Human Nutrition
Jacob Astles
Kara Mia Elizabeth Owens
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class I Klee Uhrig-Thomas Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2 Jason Gregory Kinnear
Seng Lee Ang
Pouria Bashardoust Hassan Kiadeh
Hon Kong Chew Shee Ming Chia Wei Miin Choo Vicki Lee Davies Beng Keat Eu Aaron Trent Gaddes Anahita Hadian
Hyunggeun Oh Suhua Oh Jin Woo Ok Poh Leng Pan
Damien Francis Przybylski
Adrian Yusuf Maringan Pardede
Bachelor of Mathematics
Reece Payne
Adam Wayne McNeilly
Matthew John Princehorn
Jessica Louise Prince
Eun Kyung Heo Emma Jane Horton
Alec Raeside
Daniel John Walker
Yinjia Kevin Hu
Deane Bruce Levi Salt
Travis Mark Hall Rarin Han Shui Ming Heng
Alicia Frances Sciffer
Bachelor of Natural History Illustration with Distinction Angela Marjorie June Armstrong
Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Kaylie Anne Hyland
Maree Patricia Elliott
Samuel Robert Legge
Vera Graham
Aimee Lee Mavratzakis
Teresa Mary Purnell
Lauren Elise Stalker
Lauren May Sanders
Bachelor of Science with Distinction
Kimberly Ann Swan
Luke Glendenning Chris Green Peter John Hipwell Laura May Jack Rebecca Jaensch Peter Nicholas Kuczera Amanda Lilleyman David Christopher Long Kieran John Matheson Rachael Margaret Mulawa
Bachelor of Science (Food Technology) (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Vincent Irvanky Candrawinata Bachelor of Visual Communication Design with Distinction
Bachelor of Natural History Illustration
Shaun Benjamin Corry
Stuart William Alderman
Emily Jane Stace
Breanna Lee Colless
Bachelor of Science
Chelsea Monica Gordon
Blake Stephen Paterson
Joanne Helen Bell
Morgan Laudine
Paige Maree Blanch
Damien Francis Przybylski
Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class II Division 1
William James Brown
Jade Bianca Roughan
Madelyn Barkley
Liam Judd Buxton
Belinda A Royston
Mara Anne Cheshire
Sylvia Marie Croft
Steven Lewis Rutherford
Morgan Clark
Adam William Daniluck
Reece James Slingsby
Shinya Dalby
James Lachlan Darby
Ross Wayne Timbs
Lucy Jennifer Freeman
Benjamin De Waal
Stephanie Ann-Louise Toll
Katherine Terese Garrett
Laura Hart Twyman Bachelor of Psychological Science
Thomas Ian Murphy
Sarah Jane Bignell
Eliza Jane Murray
Eivind Borgersen
Amanda Kate Nelson
Bachelor of Visual Communication Design Kirra Angela Bambey
Madeleine Frances Dupont
David Geoffrey Tome
Sarah Ashleigh Henderson
Benjamin Torrance
Kristen Nicole Hopkins
Daniel Shawn Eschebach
Lauren Olivia Vanderwyk
Erin Maree McGufficke
Tristan Stephan Varman
Joel Menegazzo
Matthew James Fenwick
Cheryl Elizabeth Wheeler
Katie Louise Nott
Kristen Elizabeth McEwan
Mandy Jane Finch Jenna Amy Fitzgerald
Ferdinand Georg Douglas Wittmann
Kimberley Alison Elke Birt
Adriana Claire Fuessel
Jasmin Skye Wozniak
Nikki-Lee Galbraith
Morgan Emma Wright
Christopher Andrew Nolan
Andrew Jason Gibson
Clare Michelle McLoughlin Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Rebecca Doenau
Alexandra Jane Robinson Sarah Anne Soiland
A University Medal may be awarded to a candidate who has achieved First Class Honours and displayed exceptional academic ability. To be considered for this award, a graduate must have a consistent record of exceptional academic achievement at all levels of a Bachelor’s degree program, and qualify for a Bachelor’s degree with First Class Honours. Elise Anne Asquith
Christopher Andrew Nolan
Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Kimberley Alison Elke Birt Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) with Honours Class I / Bachelor of Science and the University Medal
Duncan Edward Cooke
Wei Liang Eugene Quek
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Gemma Marie Downey
Denise Mohan R Raja Mohon
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Tiffany-Jane Evans
Benjamin Peter Sames
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Kristen Elise Farrell
Rosaria Strazzeri
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Bachelor of Speech Pathology with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Kristen Elizabeth McEwan
Krishda Adrian Herchis Tan
Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering with Honours Class I and the University Medal
Daniel Xavier Ogburn
Vice- Chancellor and President
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