Central Coast Graduation Ceremonies - June 2011

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Ceremony for the Conferring of AwArds

dear graduates, family members and friends, Congratulations and welcome to today’s ceremony. Completing your studies at University, tAfe or through the Community College is a significant achievement. you have persevered and overcome challenges. today is the culmination of your outstanding efforts. your new qualifications will stand you in good stead for any path you choose in the future. the workplace is rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly competitive. your presence here today gives you an edge in your chosen career. Businesses, industry and the community have played a key role in the development of the courses you have studied, and their input is reflected in the skills and qualifications you have gained. today’s ceremony acknowledges the unique multi-sector arrangement between the University of newcastle, tAfe nsw – hunter institute and the Central Coast Community College. the region’s three leading education and training organisations have collaborated to create a dynamic, flexible and student-focused learning environment. the collaboration offers a role model for contemporary community, vocational, technical and higher education. you, as graduates, are testament to the fact that there are multiple ways to reach your career goal. each of you has made a unique contribution and we appreciate the role you have played in enriching ourimbah academically, culturally and socially. we know you found your experience as a student rewarding and fulfilling, and take with you great memories and lasting friendships. Congratulations on your achievement and we wish you every success in the future.

Professor nicholas saunders Vice-Chancellor and President The University of Newcastle

ms mallory dale Executive Director Central Coast Community College

mr Phil Cox Institute Director TAFE NSW – Hunter Institute

Professor stephen Crump Pro-Vice Chancellor and Director Central Coast Campus The University of Newcastle

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reConCiLiAtion stAtement

The University of Newcastle, TAFE NSW – Hunter Institute and the Central Coast Community College declares its commitment to Aboriginal reconciliation: developing a strong community and fostering mutual respect, social justice and a united voice between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal Australians. the Central Coast Campus respects and acknowledges the Aboriginal land on which it is located. we acknowledge the Aboriginal nations on whose traditional lands the campus has a presence, respecting and acknowledging the traditional peoples and the cultural significance and history of the land. the Campus is aware of the impact of the alienation and other forms of injustices including the removal of children, the loss of land, the destruction of languages and culture, and the ongoing struggle for social and restorative justice. through acknowledging and understanding past losses and injustices and through committing to redressing the social and economic challenges and ongoing racism, we will continue to move forward together to a better future. the Campus recognises that education plays an integral role in providing a foundation and platform for the exercise of self-determination and the empowerment of Aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples. through collaboration and the provision of culturally responsive education the University of newcastle, tAfe nsw – hunter institute and Central Coast Community College seeks to educate and contribute to the development of a harmonious community. the Campus’ Aboriginal and torres strait islander communities have supported us in ensuring an Aboriginal presence and appropriate and effective levels of consultation and collaboration through the sharing of Aboriginal voices, cultural wisdom and knowledge. these attributes are essential to moving forward to a future of equality and respect in teaching and learning, research, cultural inclusion, celebrating diverse cultures and success. the Campus acknowledges and appreciates the contribution and support by all communities. we will continue to build on existing partnerships and wherever possible forge respectful relationships designed to contribute to the ongoing endeavour of redressing the circumstance of Aboriginal and torres strait islander education, health, cultures, languages, social justice, employment and empowerment. the Campus is committed to providing an environment that is free from racism and discrimination, developing opportunities for Aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples to access and succeed in education. the Campus embraces the unique and diverse cultures of Aboriginal – the oldest continuing culture in the world – and torres strait island peoples and to ensure the growth of knowledge for all Australians. With respect and collaboration, the University of Newcastle, TAFE NSW – Hunter Institute and Central Coast Community College embraces a united approach to equality and inclusiveness for all Australian peoples.

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the UniVersity CoUnCiL As at 20 may 2011

The Official Members

Member appointed by Council

Chancellor Conjoint Professor trevor C waring Am


BA, msc(newc.), fAPs

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor nicholas saunders md(syd.), honLLd(monash)

President of the Academic Senate Professor Val robertson BAppsc(Physio)(Lincoln institute), BA(hons), Phd(La trobe)

Deputy Chancellor the hon John Charles Price Am JP ofie Aust, i.eng, imareng(UK), mimarest(UK), mAiCd Ministerial Appointees

Members elected by the Academic Staff dr tom griffiths Bed(hons), Phd(Newc), gradCert tesoL(UTS) Professor John rostas Bsc(hons), Phd(Monash) Member elected by the Non-Academic Staff ms Leanne holt dip hr(HIT), mme(Newc) Members elected by the Students ms matilda hunt BA (newc)

ms sharryn Brownlee

ms Karen miller BBus(Acc) (Uts), CA

ms Crystal Condous oAm BCom, mLib(UNSW), gAiCd

External persons who are members of Convocation

Conjoint Professor geoff Lilliss Be(hons), mBA(merit)(Newc), fie(Aust), mAiCd dr Ken moss Am Be(hons), Phd(Newc), honfie(Aust), CPeng, fAiCd ms deborah wright dipteach(Newc), mBA(SCU), fAmi, CPm

ms dianne Allen, JP BCom(newc.), CA, mAiCd

mr Peter Cockbain Bsceng(newc.), fieAust, CPeng, fiPenZ, ftse

the hon mahla Pearlman Ao BA, LLB(hons)(syd.), honLLd(newc.)

dr geoff Leonard Am BCom, hondBus(newc.), fCA, fCPA

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tAfe nsw – hUnter institUte AdVisory CoUnCiL

CentrAL CoAst CommUnity CoLLege BoArd of goVernAnCe

mr Phil Cox institute director, tAfe nsw – hunter institute

President John halling

As at 27 may 2011

mr greg hopper Chair, tAfe nsw – hunter institute Advisory Council President, warners Bay Chamber of Commerce

As at 20 may 2011

fCPA, gAiCd, Aimm, AiPAA

Vice-President ron thomsen fAiB, Cert man

ms Vanessa Anton teacher, tAfe nsw – hunter institute

Directors margaret Brewster

ms Katie Brassil group manager, external Affairs, Centennial Coal

Paul Collis

mr John Coyle Chief executive officer, hunternet Cooperative ms ellen davis-meehan managing director, Key insights Ltd ms mary doherty director nrg global group mr John fitzgerald President, hunter tAfe foundation dr Bob morgan Aboriginal educator and researcher ms Kay Peno school education director, hunter/Central Coast department of education and Communities mr tony sansom oAm regional manager, nsw department of state and regional development Associate Professor Brailey sims Associate Professor of mathematics, University of newcastle ms tamara reilly student representative

dip teaching, Cert iV tAA, Cert iV ohs dip Bus

denise harris BA, diped, medAdmin, mACe, mACeL

tony ryan BBus, graddip ohs mgt

monique schmidt dipit, Cert iV Awt, mAiCd

monique webber mBA, Aimm, mAiCd

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PrinCiPAL offiCers of the UniVersity As at 20 may 2011

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor nicholas saunders md(syd.), honLLd(monash), frACP

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Global Relations) Professor Kevin mcConkey

Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellors Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business and Law) Professor stephen nicholas BA(syracuse), mA(iowa), fAssA

Pro Vice-Chancellor (education and Arts) Associate Professor John germov

BA(hons), Phd(Qld), fAssA, fAiCd

BA(Chisholm), mA(sociology)(monash), Phd (newc)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor michael Calford

Pro Vice-Chancellor (engineering and Built environment) Professor John Carter Am

Bsc, Phd(monash)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Services) dr susan gould

Be, Phd, deng(syd), mAsCe, ftse, fAA, fieAust, CPeng, gAiCd

Bsc(hons)(edin), Phd(flinders), fAiCd

Pro Vice-Chancellor (health) Professor nicholas talley

President of Academic Senate Professor Val robertson BAppsc(Physio)(Lincoln institute), BA(hons), Phd(La trobe)

mBBs(hons), md(nsw), mmedsc(Clinepid)(newc), Phd(syd), frACP, frCP(London & edinburgh), fAfPhm, fACP, fACg, AgAf

Pro Vice-Chancellor (science and information technology) Professor Bill hogarth Bsc(hons)(Unsw), Phd(newc.), fimA, Cmath, fAustms

Portfolio Pro Vice-Chancellors Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Bill hogarth Bsc(hons)(nsw), Phd(newc.), fimA, Cmath, fAustms

Pro Vice-Chancellor (external relations) Professor stephen Crump BA, diped(macq.), med(hons), Phd(sydney)

Pro Vice-Chancellor (research) Professor scott holmes BCom (newc), Phd(AnU), fCPA

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PrinCiPAL offiCers of tAfe nsw – hUnter institUte

tAfe nsw – hUnter institUte fACULty direCtors

Institute Director Phil Cox

faculty of Business and Computing Jason darney


BAsocsci (recreation-Physed)

Associate Director Christine warrington

faculty of Creative industries Claire williams


BA(hons), diped(tas), mA(essex)

Director, Business Strategy samantha martin-williams

faculty of Career skills education roger hale

As at 27 may 2011

As at 27 may 2011

BBus, mirhr, mComLaw, fAiCd

Bec,med(Adult education)

Director, Workforce Development mark Primmer

faculty of health and Community services marie Larkings


Campus Director, Central Coast geoff dark dipmgt

Director, Customer Support Services Jacqui dehn dip teaching, gradCert in training (Action Learning)

Bed(early Childhood)

faculty of industry and natural resources rob wolter BsciPsyc(hons)

faculty of tourism and hospitality greg Knapp

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PrinCiPAL offiCers of the CentrAL CoAst CommUnity CoLLege

PrinCiPAL offiCers of the engLish LAngUAge And foUndAtion stUdies Centre

Executive Director ms mallory dale

Director Associate Professor seamus fagan

Adv dip Bus man, Cert iV tAA, mAiCd

BA, higherdiped (UCd), mA (durh.)

Assistant Director Jane Koch

Deputy Director dr Keryl Kavanagh

BAded(sAust), dip freelanceJournalism(AustCollJourn), Cert iV tAA

BA(hons), Phd (newc.)

As at 20 may 2011

As at 25 may 2011

Central Coast Programs Co-ordinator dr david Powter Bsc (macq.), mPubPolAdmin (C.sturt), Phd, gradCert Ptt (newc.)

ELICOS Program Co-ordinator ms helen fitzgerald BA, diped (newc.), graddiped(tesoL), med (tesoL) (UnisA)

International Foundation Program Co-ordinator mr neil mcilvenie dipt(socsc)(ntC), BCom, medstud (newc.)

Newstep Program Co-ordinator mrs Beverley wilson Bsc, diped (newc.)

Open Foundation Program Co-ordinator dr Barry hodges BA, diped (syd), BA(hons), Phd (newc.)

Short Programs/Bridging Courses Co-ordinator ms Catherine Burgess B.sc, diped (newc.), gradCert Ptt (newc.)

Yapug Program Co-ordinator ms Liz Cameron rn, BA, diped, gradCert (indigenous social health) (macq.)

Centre Executive Officer ms dianne rigney BA, diped (newc.) mLitt (Une)

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CentrAL CoAst CommUnity CAmPUs forUm As at 24 may 2011

Chair ms margaret haseltine Business owner, new Climate ms Louise duff managing director, Brilliant Logic Pty Ltd mr tim Cullen director, fortunity Pty Ltd mr david harris mr Peter wilson general manager, gosford City Council ms Angie robinson executive manager, service development UnitingCare Ageing hunter, Central Coast & new england region

mr Kim walker executive officer, national Aboriginal and islander skills Association - nAisdA dance College Prof. stephen Crump Pro-Vice Chancellor, external relations, Central Coast and Port macquarie, University of newcastle ms Christine warrington Associate director, tAfe nsw - hunter institute mr mike whittaker general manager, wyong shire Council

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order of ProCeedings

the master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the Ceremony the University fanfares will herald the entry of the dais Party the Assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the singing of the national Anthem the Chancellor will declare the proceedings open occasional address Conferring of research higher degrees musical interlude Conferring of Certificates, diplomas, degrees and masters the Chancellor will invite the graduate chosen to speak on behalf of the graduates to address the Assembly the Chancellor will declare the Ceremony concluded the dais party and Assembly will rise as the University fanfare is sounded the dais party will leave the stage the Procession of graduates will follow the dais Party out of the hall

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reCognition of AttAinment Ceremony order of ProCeedings

the master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the Ceremony the University fanfares will herald the entry of the dais Party the Assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the singing of the national Anthem the Chancellor will declare the Proceedings open Presentation of successful newstep students student speech on behalf of the newstep students Presentation of successful open foundation students student speech on behalf of the open foundation students musical interlude Presentation of the John Lambert friends of the University scholarship occasional address the Chancellor will declare the Ceremony concluded the dais Party and the Assembly will rise as the University fanfare is sounded the dais Party will leave the stage the Procession of recipients will follow the dais Party out of the venue

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the grAdUAtion Ceremony

the mACe the mace is the symbol of formal authority. the mace used today belongs to the University of newcastle and was designed by gold and silversmith, gerald Benney. it is made of Australian walnut and silver and its head represents an open book – the traditional symbol of learning. the mace was a gift from the University of new south wales to commemorate the establishment of the University of newcastle as an autonomous institution on 1 January, 1965. it is always borne ahead of the Chancellor in the academic procession during formal ceremonies such as today’s presentation of academic awards. the UniVersity of newCAstLe fAnfAres in mid-1994, staff and students of the University’s faculty of music were invited to submit entries for a competition to compose the University fanfares. the composition had to be capable of being performed either on organ or on brass. the winning entry by Professor robert Constable, was first played publicly at the University’s overseas graduation ceremony held in singapore in August 1994. the fanfares are performed at all ceremonial functions to herald the entry and departure of the Chancellor and other members of the Council. the UniVersity medAL the award of a University medal is an honour made only when there is a candidate of sufficient merit. to be considered for this award, a graduate must have a consistent record of exceptional academic achievement at all levels of a bachelor’s degree program, and qualify for a bachelor’s degree with first class honours.

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A Brief history of grAdUAtion

the graduation ceremony is one of great antiquity. its essential features have been the same since the 12th century when the first universities came into existence. its necessary constituents are the Chancellor or his or her deputy, the academic staff, the graduates and the public. the church had a monopoly on education, partly because it was the guardian of true doctrine, and partly because clerics were almost the only people who could read and write. As a result, the only person who could license a teacher was the bishop of a diocese until, under pressure of other business; he deputed the task to his chief secretary or chancellor. As learning spread, teachers wanted a licence to teach not just in one diocese, but everywhere, and the only person who could give them that was the Pope. the Chancellor’s authority, then, came from the Pope. But at the reformation, henry Viii assumed for the Crown all the rights which had previously been the Pope’s in england. that is why all subsequent universities in england have been created by royal Charter. it is for this reason also that the Chancellor does not wear ecclesiastical robes, as would have been worn in the middle Ages, but robes similar to those of the Lord Chancellor of england. the second group participating in the ceremony is the academic staff. in the 12th century they would all have been called “masters” or mAs. At that date they were paid no salaries, but hired their own lecture rooms and charged their own fees. But they also formed themselves into a guild or union, which is what universitas originally meant. As in all guilds they were insistent that they, and only they, should determine who should be of their number, and since this involved saying who should be teachers, they soon found themselves in conflict with the Chancellor. in the 13th century they won a great victory when they persuaded the Pope to decree that Chancellors were obliged to confer degrees on all those nominated by the masters. that is why the masters examine the candidates, why the dean, acting as their spokesperson, reads out the names of those who are to receive degrees, and why the masters at this ceremony watch to see that the Chancellor or his deputy does what is required of him. thirdly the graduates. the word “degree” comes from the Latin gradus, which means “a step”. when students are admitted to a Bachelor degree they move one step up towards the mastership. when they are admitted to a master’s degree they climb another step and come up on a level with the masters, who then receive them into their guild or universitas. in the middle Ages they would then have stayed on the dais, so that their old master could invest them with the symbols of office. But that was only part of the business. the new master had to deliver an inaugural lecture, entertain the whole guild of masters to dinner and preside over disputations for forty days continuously. for that reason, taking one’s master’s degree was called “inception”, or the beginning of one’s career as a master. the academic gowns are derived from the everyday dress of the medieval clergy. in the middle Ages they were not open in front, but closed like a clergyman’s cassock. it was in about 1500 that academics had the front opened up so as to display the fine clothes which they were wearing underneath. the hood was the normal medieval headwear, but it soon acquired a coloured lining. By the 17th century, if not earlier, these colours were strictly controlled so that anyone could identify from the colour of a graduate’s hood, the university and the degree. the public is the fourth participant. it has an important function because the whole point of the proceedings is that they should be seen and heard by valid witnesses. the public hears the words of the dean and the Chancellor and sees the new graduates dressed in their respective gowns or robes. the foregoing is an adaptation of an Address given at a graduation Ceremony at the University of Birmingham by emeritus Professor r h C davis and reprinted in his book ‘from Alfred the great to stephen’ (hambledon Press 1991), pp. 307-309. it is reproduced with kind permission of the author’s widow.

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messAge from the President of the eXeCUtiVe Committee of ALUmni (ConVoCAtion)

dear graduate, may i extend my congratulations to you. As a graduate of the University of newcastle, you are well justified in being proud of your achievement, and also of your association with such a fine University. you are now a member of a very special group, the University’s Alumni. As such, you are ambassadors for the University of newcastle, contributing to its ongoing quality and prestige, and are part of an Alumni network that comprises 110,000 people in more than 95 countries. this network is built on strong, collaborative relationships that foster academic, business, social and career opportunities for graduates. it also assists the activities of the University, locally, nationally and internationally. As President of the executive Committee of Alumni (Convocation), i encourage to you to take an active interest in your continued association with the University. As a valued member of Alumni, you are also eligible to become an elected member of the executive Committee, a vital and rewarding role. the executive Committee meets several times a year and has an advisory role to the University Council on all matters relevant to Alumni. these can range from curriculum development, University Council representation or community engagement and ambassadorial roles, through to Alumni social, networking and professional development events, e.g. public lectures by prominent individuals or prestigious awards to outstanding graduates. it also plays an important role in supporting the various Alumni Chapters throughout Australia as well as overseas, to establish and maintain effective and beneficial networks for all Alumni members and to host and facilitate a variety of events throughout each year. my vision for the University of newcastle Alumni is to facilitate networking and community spirit among our graduates for the positive improvement of the University, the individual and the community. to achieve this, we need you to stay in touch with the University. we invite you to keep your current contact details with the Alumni office, especially your postal address (as some events are location based) and email address. this can be done easily through the Alumni website: www.newcastle.edu.au/alumni i can also be contacted directly via email: alumni-president@newcastle.edu.au with my sincere best wishes, Brian Kennaugh President Executive Committee of Alumni (Convocation)

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donors of sChoLArshiPs And PriZes

the University would like to thank the following donors who generously provided financial support for scholarships and prizes for our students in 2010. through their generosity, donors have shaped not only the University of newcastle but also the hunter and Central Coast communities. through donations and bequests, many scholarships have been established to support students, our research capacity has been strengthened and the social and cultural lives of our community enhanced. to find out more about contributing to the University of newcastle foundation, visit www.newcastle.edu.au/foundation or contact the Uon foundation on 02 4921 7453 some of our donors do not appear on the list at their own request: INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES


ms Valmai Avery mrs Valentine Badham dr Victor d Bear Am & mrs Adele Bear Bill & iris Burges trust fund norman Bushman Bequest ms Kerrie Coles dr Beryl Collier Bequest mrs Vera deacon mr richard devon Professor Peter dunkley mr neil frazer mr fU hong dr geoffrey Leonard Am Conjoint Professor John Levingston mr Lim Chong hin mr douglas Lithgow Professor terence Lovat mrs Pat mcBride and mr Joseph mcBride mr ng Chong thong mr roy Palmer & ms marie Palmer mr Christopher Piggott & mrs shirley Piggott mr neville eric sansom Professor nicholas saunders & mrs Kathryn saunders mr neville sawyer Am mr Alan smith & mrs Janelle smith mr tAy Buan huat mr John turner williams family trust

2nUr Advitech Pty Ltd Ampcontrol Pty Ltd Andrew neil Urban design group the Anglican diocese of newcastle the Architecture foundation Australian dental Association (nsw Branch) Ltd Australian rotary health Bayer Australia Pty Ltd Board of surveying & spatial information Bradken Ltd Bramco electronics CAf – Charities Aid foundation Central Coast Campus friends inc Central Vein & Cosmetic medical Centre the City of newcastle Coal & Allied Community trust Coffs harbour Council Corky’s Carbon Consultancy Pty Ltd CPA Australia Cutcher & neale investment services delta electricity donaldson Coal Conservation trust doyles Creek mining Pty Ltd dubbo City Council eJe Architecture engineers Australia – tasmania division friends of glen Avery the friends of the University of newcastle

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ghd Pty Ltd harbourside haven Villages harvey norman – erina hatch Associates Pty Ltd – warabrook hoddinott Consultants hunter Laser Vision Pty Ltd hunter Valley family Law Practitioners Association hunter Valley Private hospital the hunter Valley research foundation hunter water Australia Pty Ltd hunter water Corporation industry and investment nsw institution of surveyors nsw incorp industry & investment nsw iZZAt Consulting engineers John wiley Australia Kelly and Partners Lake macquarie City Council Land & Property management Authority the Law society of nsw Lidbury summers & whiteman Lions Club of the entrance Lions Club of Killarney Bateau Lwm group macquarie generation maitland City Council matrikon Pty Ltd mCm manufacturing Pty Ltd mirvac multiskilled resources Australia Pty Ltd mundipharma Pty Ltd newcastle & hunter Valley Pharmacists Association newcastle film society newcastle innovation north Coast institute of tAfe nsw Country surveyors Association Pearson education Port waratah Coal services Ltd Powerserve Pty Ltd

rCr energy rotary Club of narrabri rotary Club of tamworth first Light royal newcastle hospital graduate nurses Association inc rPC technologies Pty Ltd robson Partners s2f Pty Ltd sanitarium health & wellbeing Company scientific interiors sheather & merrigan Business equipment suters Architects Pty Ltd think Brick Australia treloar group Pty Ltd Uon services Ltd w e smith engineering Pty Ltd Xstrata Coal nsw Pty Ltd

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wednesdAy 29 JUne 2011

morning Ceremony research higher degree graduates will be presented by Professor stephen Crump, Pro Vice-Chancellor (external relations) fACULty of BUsiness And LAw graduates will be presented by Professor stephen nicholas, Pro Vice-Chancellor (faculty of Business and Law) fACULty of heALth graduates will be presented by Professor John rostas , Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor (faculty of health) tAfe nsw – hUnter institUte Awards will be presented by the institute director tAfe nsw - hunter institute and faculty directors CentrAL CoAst CommUnity CoLLege Awards will be presented by the President and the executive director of Central Coast Community College occasional speaker ms Anne garlick graduate speaker tracey mirarchi music for the ceremony national Anthem: Jade omalley, tuggerah Lakes College, tumbi Umbi Campus musical interlude: Jorden teal, tuggerah Lakes College, tumbi Umbi Campus

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Occasional Speaker Anne Garlick mrs Anne garlick has worked for almost three decades in the information technology sector. After starting her career with the Commonwealth Bank in 1982 in a graduate position, mrs garlick has risen to the role of Chief information officer and general manager of Comminsure, the bank’s internal insurance arm. her previous roles have included overseeing and management of the bank’s information hosting systems, general manager of retail Bank it Applications and operations, and executive manager of systems and technology management. mrs garlick graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (industrial mathematics) from mitchell College of Advanced education, now known as Charles sturt University. in 1997, she completed a Postgraduate diploma in Banking management and in 1998 a masters of management at the macquarie graduate school of management. mentoring women to help them to excel in senior roles in the banking and technology sector is a focus for mrs garlick. in 2008 she was nominated by the Commonwealth Bank for the telstra Business women of the year award for her efforts in supporting women in the workplace. Living with her husband and two sons on the Central Coast, mrs garlick is dedicated to her community and the provision of quality education for the region’s youth. for the last seven years she has been a director of the Board of the Central Coast grammar school and in that time has helped to oversee the upgrade of sporting fields and grounds and the development of a new library.

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wednesdAy 29 JUne 2011

Afternoon Ceremony research higher degree graduates will be presented by Professor stephen Crump, Pro Vice-Chancellor (external relations) fACULty of edUCAtion And Arts graduates will be presented by Associate Professor John germov, Pro Vice-Chancellor (faculty of education and Arts) fACULty of sCienCe And informAtion teChnoLogy graduates will be presented by Professor Bill hogarth , Pro-Vice Chancellor (faculty of science and information technology) occasional speaker mr tom Alegounarias graduate speaker nathan elsworthy music for the ceremony national Anthem: Jade omalley, tuggerah Lakes College, tumbi Umbi Campus musical interlude: Jorden teal, tuggerah Lakes College, tumbi Umbi Campus

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Occasional Speaker Tom Alegounarias mr tom Alegounarias is acknowledged as one of the nation’s leading education policy developers in the area of teacher and curriculum quality. he has a Bachelor of economics and a diploma of education from the University of sydney. mr Alegounarias was appointed President of the nsw Board of studies in June 2009. in his role, mr Alegounarias is the nsw nominee to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and reporting Authority Board that is negotiating the development of Australia’s first national curriculum. the nsw Board of studies was established in 1990 to develop education for students from Kindergarten to year 12, attending both government and nongovernment schools. it provides educational leadership by developing quality curriculum and awarding secondary school credentials, the school Certificate and the higher school Certificate. the Board is also responsible for registering and accrediting non-government schools. mr Alegounarias was the founding Chief executive of the nsw institute of teachers. during his time at the institute he was responsible for developing its policy and legislative framework and he led nsw to become the first Australian state to introduce a framework of teacher standards to accredit outstanding teachers. the institute also introduced mandatory content knowledge in teacher training courses under his leadership. he has been Chair and executive officer to a number of national policy committees, including the national school resourcing taskforce of the ministerial Council on education, employment, training and youth Affairs and was the director of equity and general manager of strategic Policy for the nsw department of education and training. he also co-founded and was the inaugural Chairperson of education policy organisation, the Australian Centre for equity through education.

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wednesdAy 29 JUne 2011

eVening Ceremony engLish LAngUAge And foUndAtion stUdies Centre newstep students presented by Kevin walliss – Acting Coordinator, newstep open foundation students presented by dr Barry hodges – Coordinator, open foundation occasional speaker shona mackay student speakers dale Ball – newstep Joshua Collins – open foundation John Lambert friends of the University scholarship recipient melissa Petruccelli music for the ceremony national Anthem: Anthea Conyngham musical interlude: Anthea Conyngham

Occasional Speaker Shona Mackay miss shona mackay enrolled in the University of newcastle open foundation program in 2004 at the age of 32. After completing the program, she enrolled in the Bachelor of Psychology program at this University. in 2004 her academic performance, in the areas of maths and science, were recognised when she was included in the faculty of science Commendation List. she then secured enrolment in the post-graduate Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of surgery program at the University of wollongong, which she is due to complete at the end of 2011. miss mackay lives on the nsw north Coast, where she volunteers with a local surgeon, and will begin her medical internship in the region in 2012. she is focussed on specialising in the practise of psychiatry, paediatric or emergency medicine and is dedicated to working in a rural setting. growing up in Budgewoi and attending gorokan high school, miss mackay is motivated to help others and has worked with the children’s charity the starlight Children’s foundation since 1998. in her voluntary work she has helped to grant the wishes of children with serious illnesses including cancer, cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. she has also worked as a volunteer telephone counsellor for Lifeline.

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CentrAL CoAst CommUnity CoLLege

Advanced Diploma of Management

Diploma of Management

Anne maree Ashby

Lincoln scott Brain

Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety

geoffrey francis Corkery

graeme John Chew

mark Colless

Brendan Clifton

John dacre dickinson

edward John dunford

gregory John flynn

marcela haddad

robert Lloyd fredewell

geoffrey robert fletcher

Bronwyn Jane hall

david harrison

tom Jamieson

michelle matthews

Christopher mark Johnston

dallas garry mcAndrew

shayne david Jones Angeline Patricia Kim Lisa Lord Andrew Lowe ian grant mcPeak robert John morgan susan Allison neizgoda Colin david Phelps Anne denise starkey terry webster rodney Clarence wilkinson steve John wilson

Lana Louise mitchell Annette maree Pepper david ian sanders rhona Jean turnley dai Lam Vuong Allen robert williams Ludia Chi withers raymond John york

Colleen harrison michael mula Christopher John rayson

22 i CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion

tAfe nsw – hUnter institUte

fACULty of BUsiness Advanced Diploma of Accounting Angela Adams Lisa Archer michelle sheree Bishop Jessica elyse Bliim nicholas Chatrie Jason Cocks Leanne Leanh Cranna robert John davidson rick James froude Peter frederick gloss Jennifer harvey damian edward ison shaun Vincent norm Johnson sara Knapp hui hui irene martin Justine fiona mitchell Joseph francis murray James Bercli orr Cathy-Anne Pountley Kurt raymond schwab toni-Lee simons Kristie maree smith sharon Bridget stack narissa stanley erika thompson Lisa Alison wyatt Diploma of Accounting Angela Adams Jessica elyse Bliim Jason Cocks Karen Lee games damian edward ison shaun Vincent norm

Johnson Kelly marie Jones sara Knapp hui hui irene martin Leanne maree mcdonagh Joseph francis murray ivana o’hara Jillian robinson tressa Latisha rootsey Kurt raymond schwab Kristie maree smith sharon Bridget stack desira Angelique thomson Diploma of Business Carla teresa Alexander Christopher Cardy dean stewart Chivas timothy matcham Cornish sam heatley Joanne mary wasin Diploma of Business (Human Resources) erin Babekuhl Diploma of Business (Marketing) Lucy marie francica Diploma of Business Administration Ashika Abeysinghe tracey may haines Kathy ingham tracey Kernaghan Julia whelan

Diploma of Hairdressing Salon Management maria Blake Diploma of Human Resource Management Linda Bancan Carolyn Joy Beverley Jessie marie hudson diane maree hughes michael henry James Jones monique michelle Penton donna Lee Veness Zoe emma Voss Kylie rondelle williams Justine Catherine winslade Advanced Diploma of Management John david Allen elizabeth ruth Bramble Andrew david Bushby nicole gai field steven fredric hall Kenneth douglas heatrick gale April iseppi Kimberley georgina Parsons sally Pearman Lisa Kathleen Power Joann tulett Lorraine elizabeth walker Diploma of Management Jennifer Anne Allen Vincent John Anderson

Christine Ann Bennett sean nathan Byfield sharon Lee Cook Leah rhian davies nicole devcich Amanda Lee dick Kellie Victoria dwyer Bruce n felton sarah emily greenwood sarah Jan hobbs megan elizabeth heggs daniel Phillip Kemp Paloma g nacer Kralic Joseph frederick meredith Craig mcinerney robert d mitchell douglas Jonathan moon michelle olofsson renee Bianca olofsson Brodie Palmer Peter frederick rothwell matthew Craig simms rebecca francis wright Diploma of Marketing Alison Louise Cook Amanda frost simon geoghegan frank ginglo Andrew noel hall daniel hall Perin hardie rebecca Alice hince eriko ito Kate Jennings samuel James Lentini Katrina o’Kane Karen Ann maree Plain reece michael strong

CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion i 23

Kate elizabeth stuckey rene Lee thornton Joanne mary wasin Ashley John willmot Christie wilson

noele Ann stephenson Aaron neil stewart stephen John watt Beau whalan margaret susan wilson

Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety troy Anthony Atkin richard Joseph Ayerst Jeremy Boyden ralph Burns marisia Buttel Jason thomas Byrne wayne Cambridge richard danny Campbell Jonathan richard Collins eileen Crosdale nicole Lisa drury terence fforde frances fraser matthew Paul heap steven richard holland Paul wayne homan Brian Paul horsfield Brett King neil Allan Liddell Linda robyn Lindsay Joseph Paul mantellato douglas william miles Kristy Lee morris Jodi Ann o’reilly simon John ormsby samuel reid Campbell william saunders Cindy Louise short

Diploma of Training and Assessment John grahame Arthur Kerrie geertruida Jaques Katherine nunn fACULty of heALth And CommUnity serViCes Diploma of Children’s Services Alyce nicole Alexander shannon Lee Babington daniel Jonathan rob Bateman tamara Bryant roxanne marie Busuttil Brooke Lindsey dunlop Jenna Lee egan Jodie elizabeth gatt Jessica elizabeth gleeson Lanisha gounden emma Bridget grimmond Jodie Lee hatton Kristy Lee hatton fiona michelle haynes Kylei Venita hill tamara Catherine hudson Jenna dorothy James Vicki therese Jones stefanie tanja maresch

nicole elizabeth mcdougall Kate elizabeth mondy melissa Ann moxham meagan elizabeth o’brien Amber renae o’connell natasha Kristie Pearce toni Lee Pinney Kimberly Anne ritchie ellyn grace rowe Lisa Jane salter Lauren maree sammut Ashlea Louise spring maria Kathleen tribe Laura-Anne tuersley rebecca gail wiseman Kylie Anne wright rebecca Jayne young Diploma of Community Services Work Kim maree Burger frances Ann Camilleri tracy Joy Casswell derrinda Jane doherty samantha Lee gendle Kara michele guy marsha Corinne hazell natasha Louise Jones mary-ellen Kuiters david william marland Brooke-Ashle nelson sandra Ann Plush Veda Janice renwick Kristie Alexandra witt

Diploma of Community Welfare Work Kim maree Burger fiona elizabeth fabian Aysha suzanne greer Kristen maree Jones Christine gai Peruch Kobea ross Diploma of Youth Work deborah Byrnes mark thomas o’Bryan emma o’Connell glenys Jan tory fACULty of engineering Advanced Diploma of Electrical Engineering Joshua Brown Bradley mark Laing Philip James moss shane michael muldowney timothy John musgrove Luke david seaman Adam Carl higgison Advanced Diploma of Engineering matthew stephen Archer richard nagy

24 i CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion

Diploma of Electrical Engineering richard mark Anderson Anthony robert debono graham scott forward Julian francis hanson ricky John holloway scott robert Kelly david John mcCormack Philip James moss James dean Phelps Luke david seaman scott william short nelson Andrew sidhom Brendan terzian Diploma of Engineering – Technical rhys John mcCormack Diploma of Engineering - Technical (Mechanical) nathan Phillip o’meara fACULty of informAtion And CommUniCAtions teChnoLogy Diploma of Information Technology (Networking) dennis Allen Bishop david Boyle John francis ford Kyle John hockings Adam hoytash stephen melrose

Adam thomas smith robert martin todd matthew John west Diploma of Information Technology (Website Development) owen Champion elliott Paul richards warne James Ardagh Lance edward Baker mark hugh Bucknell Jeremy william fox rachel Catherine hughes mary elizabeth An moss Angela Lilian shergold Luke Philip thompson Julie marie wilks fACULty of toUrism And hosPitALity Diploma of Events naomi Louise Allport rhonda Lee Berg Ainsley Leigh Bolton Ashlea Bottle elise margaret Brewster Jenene Carling timothy Costello Amelia Jean Cugley hayley eastham shaye Louise ford natalie Louise gates stefanie gisela gibson Caitlin georgia Jones Anne therese Khoury natalia Korotaeva Brittany Anne

Lombardelli emmi mae Luke Amany masri michael dominic maxwell marnie-Lee meadows emma Jane montalto Katherine Jane morris monique maree nicol natalie elizabeth Page Jannah Lee Paget melanie Louise Pearson Karen Ann Pitt Jason david sprott Jamie Ann turner elizabeth Kathleen walker madalaine hayley waters Ashleigh rae wilkinson Diploma of Hospitality Kathryn Louise Bradfield Craig william Brahe yat tik Cheung Vladymir drapeza Cassandra garlick edward hoare Candice eliza Langby ryan James Lee michele Lozada naomi oosterhoff John william Parker michael timothy smith Angela wright

Diploma of Tourism melissa Kate Banwell Kayla helene Butwell rebecca Conyngham Breanne Corderoy fiona Jayne drewettLane evan Alexander erskine tracy Lee franklin Kayla maree gane natalie Louise gates michaela hatton Kate noreen henebury Caitlin georgia Jones rachael Alice Jones Korrina Kelly Anne therese Khoury emma Julia Lewis Kimberley rose mckinnon samantha terese Peljha Jodie renee Peterson Chantelle Amy swan Kasey Anne whitmore Allison natalie wilde michelle young

CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion i 25

engLish LAngUAge And foUndAtion stUdies Centre

NEWSTEP Kyle James Abey

reegan simara Connerton

taiya helen Karoline Jones

rebecca maree Poynting

Kamla Abou-King

Joshua John Cook

Jenae erin Keirnan

Philippa Abraham

david Cosier

Joselyn marian Kitchen

donna te Amo haere Quirk

mustafa Ahmed Aziz

Jade Aylis Cox

martin rix

tevita Kivalu richard Aholelei

Luke matthew Crowther

damon James Kleinschafer

Luke edward Cullen

Claire elizabeth Lane

taylor Andrews

Ursula Jean da silva

Andrew david Lawther

shanelle therese rogers

Zoe efstratia Asteriou

Preshantha damant

reed Lawrence Atkinson

grace Louise dean

Benjamin thomas Lemon

david nathaneal savelberg

Joshua shane Liddle

Brendan John shanks

troy Anthony Baird

daniel Vivian Lobo

Chad soper

dale John Ball

Benjamin william douglas

tegan Logos

siobhan Anne stanton

Jake Kenneth Banks

Kai wil dunleavy

Breeanna may Lucock

Aaron Patrick stoja

mason wayne Becker

Jessica sarah Luu

Jessica rose sullivan

Laura shirley Besley

mitchell James earnshaw

renee mainwaring

natasha sweatman

Christopher Bezzina

Andrew evans

Janae mann

sararat taisanthiah

todd Binger

Alanah fleming

thomas mcgill mason

Jeremy thomas

rhiannon sheree Blackmore

Angharad mariah gay

Andrew Paul mcgillivray

Kaitlin maree todd

renee Cara gomez

Caitlin emily turner

James Peter Brooker

Annelisse marie graham

Joshua michael mcgowan

heather Cassandra Buist

Liam grassano

Jake Alexander mickle

naomi halme

Bianca moseley

Jayde elise Kaye Vernon

Jessica Butt

stacey harmond

ifaz mozumder

Abdiaziz waeis

Caitlin susan Byrnes

Amelia rose hay

Liam michael naughton

nathan ross walton

Kelly Lisa Byrnes

Amanda Louise hayes

grant nelson

Jonathan Cabarrus

sharmane healy

Joshua newham

Cassandra eliza warminger

Katherine rhondalee Cambareri

Kimberley Anne hempsall

gemma Zoe noake

emmalie fiona Christine Casey

stephen hewett

Kieran o’dwyer-hall

Katherine higgon

Amanda Ann Paine

Vy thi hoang

ellisha marie Pegg

Karleigh may holdom

samara Jane Perram

Bianca Anne holmes

Kimberley Anne wickham

Chloe Petch

Karmen ellen Jeffery

eddy Chun-Kit wong

James Claude Phillips

tyronne Jelley

Joshua Paul woods

Bing ting Chen

Alice Kate Pitt

ryo Luke Clements

taylor Jane Johnson

saxon Portelli

Blake edward Cavanagh Lauren elise Jayne Ceaser Joshua michael Chadwick

Cameron donovan

Alicia michelle norman

nathan Jefferey rogers

stephanie turner

Jessica elizabeth watson Justin watson elizabeth Anne white danielle Alyssa whitten

26 i CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion

Open Foundation

Jordan henry Carter

Anthony John ditterick

geoffrey scott gibson

tamara Alderson

elise rebecca Carter

Katie Lee doak

mark russell gilberd

Brett thomas Anderson

richard Catlin

susan Carol dooner

Baljit gill singh

michael Anstey

david Paul Cenere

nicole Patricia douglas

Kate Lisa gillies

scott Kristian Atkinson

hillary dube

rachael glasson

John Badri

Kym Liegh Chaplainharvey

skye elise duck

Candice gleeson

Victoria Jeanette Baker

Jenna shirley Chapman

shane Lyle duker

Louise helen goodwin

Julie-Anne Barsby

rhonda Kathryn Chapman

Jacob Andrew dye

Lyndsie goon

matthew Peter ebert

Cherie gorham

michael Alex edgar

elton graham

ricky Lee ellis

Amanda Joy gray

steven guy ellis

Juanita Loren grocott

ellyse hope Coleman

elizabeth-Jayne Bina enright

Jenny elizabeth hackett

Christopher John Collins

Bethany Amber evans

scott mitchell hagenhofer

Joshua david Collins

Phillip david falkingham

Leesa hajduk

Celia Claire Cornwell

Kirrilee shea fall

stacey Anne harbutt

roland John Coss

megan Anne ferguson

Lisa Ann harmer

melissa sheree Costa

samantha Anne firth

michael Benson harriott

hannah Laura Coward

emma flanagan

Joshua harris

michael Kennith Cowles

margaret elizabeth ford

Peter damian Creenaune

melanie foster

Charmaine Adele harvey

Lena gabriella fowler

stephen mark hastings

megan Alia francies

Carley elizabeth hattonelliott

Allison Leigh Basclain Jemma marie Bell timothy Bembridge melissa Jade Binder rebecca mary Bishop rachel Black tanya Kim Blake nicole Amelia Bonnefin Amy Bowes gracel Bright sean edward Britten Barbara Ann Brodhursthill Kaye Brown Kylie Anne Brown daniel Peter Brown sally Leanne Brown olivia Bullard Arlene Burge sherri Lee Burgess rebecca Anne Bush Ashley Kate Butler erin Lee Byrne resli Judith Calverley Kylie Ann Campling Jodi nicole Canobie Brooke Ann Carpenter mathew Carroll

eileen frances Chijoff Peter Chijoff scott william Clark teiarni Colaudolu

Phoebe Cross Jody maree Crouch Crystal grace Cruwys Zoe Patricia Cunneen erin Belinda dabelstein debra Ann danger Luke sebastian davila

Peter irwin fraser Judith Alice frewen Justin david frith naomi Laura gay Angela gbel-Cook

Victoria Ann davis

Kristie elizabeth gearside

Belinda Jane dawe

oliver hugh gentle

Byron mace de Jager

Angela Christella gerard

Bonnita marie del Zotto

Liam ghalayini

Belinda Ann dicks

Cassandra Louise gibbons

Karen eunice dimmock

sarah gibbons

Belinda hedges sandra helou Lara renee Anne herlemann Vicki florence hewett Brent thomas hill shayne-Paul hill emma Jade-maree hinder-smith samantha Jane hobday Joshua william hodges Andrew holbrook

CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion i 27

michelle holloway

teresa rebecca Kleppen

Jonathan Adrian James maydwell

grant Jon nicholson

halcyon Lee honeysett tracey michelle hood

rose Knight

sara nicolas

Keiran helena horswell

natalie Ann Konemann

Jodie Catherine mcCarthy

Alexander horvat

nikki Kroek

John Bruce mcClure

Karen tracy hough

Amanda Jayne Kumar

gene mcCredie

Casey hourihan

Lisa Lambell

matilda eve mcdonald

matthew Peter david howe

Karyn elizabeth Lane

Vanessa mcdowell

gregory edward o’Connell

Jennifer Ann mcLean

Benjamin michael o’dea

hayley Ann hughes

michelle Clare Langworthy

Karen marie olsen

Connie humphreys

renee elizabeth Lavin

matthew James mcmillan

Jane Caroline humphreys

erin susan Lawrence

Kayla Joy mcneill

gregory william o’regan

Jarrad Lawson

Anna Jade mcPherson

Jade oswald

nicholas mark ilijas

elyce Le Clercq

tristan James mcPhilip

deborah Louise Palmer

renee Joyce ingram

william garth Ledingham

Benjamin Albert mead

rachel elizabeth Palmer

natasha Lee medford

Jennifer noeline Pardy

Joanna Clare Lee

monique Ange Pastor

nero masaru ishiimilovanov Lisa marie Jacks

Cheryl Lensing

stephanie Louise medway

david Kenneth Jackson

Kylie marie Lillas

roslyn may meier

Kate taylor Jackson

Jane madeline Linwood

eloise roti Jacob

donna Liu

Kristen danielle mercieca

Phillip John James

Krystle eve Loizides

melissa Anne James

Kylie Kay Long

Kassandra skye Jocelyn

Kylie Anne Luck

Janet Anne Candace Johnson

myles Jeremy macQuillan

simon Leigh Jones

shannon renae mahoney

melissa Leah Julian Amanda Julius Andrea Kalantzis heidi Jane Karbus Jocelyn Paula Kelly Kylie Jane Kennedy sadaf Khaliqi Alyssa suzanne King ricki-Lee Kirchner

mitchell James metcalf wanisara willingale miller heather Louise mills Anna mills Kelly Ann monro Jessica Patricia morris

donna maree makepeace

Anna Louise moses

Joanna Leigh mann

dianne Karen myers

falanisi manukia

Jane elizabeth myers

rebecca Leigh marks

John myles

nadine Lee marshall

Angela Patrice mylott

debra matterson

setareh naghoniBakhtiari

glenn Allen matthews

isabel muzamhindo

tahnee Louise nash

Valerie may nicol Ann margaret noble melissa maree nocera emmalene may north

nicole Linda Pavitt natasha Kristie Pearce timothy rurik Pearson Karolina helena Penicek susan gail Peterson melissa Ann Petruccelli Jessie Judith Pettit donna Petrina Pinkney shannon erlstoun Plowright regina Poon Jasmine Louise Potter Janelle frances Price Pier Carla Pritchard Jacob Kenneth ramm neelofar rashidi nicole reid erin michelle rider

28 i CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion

Jody Lee ridge


robert winslow

megan Louise ridout

Andrew Craig thornton

rebecca Jan wolfenden

ella Jean roberts

narelle margaret tibbett

Jessica isabel wood

melissa grace roberts

robyn Louise tillett

melissa Louise rogers

tourelle tipene

Kelsey rheydan wrotniak

marina Anne-Christine rolland-Porche

rebecca Leanne tovey

matthew neale rust

Ashlie maree tulk

Zoe renee ryan

Kyle James tyler

Justine Louise ryder

Liam guy tyler

Lucas Kieran sadler Jessica Lorraine salter

Vanessa Kathryn Van dam

rhaedyn Jean salvestrin

Jay Van de scheur

erin Jayne scaturchio

Joanne Catherine Vickery

Kylee michelle seabrook

grace-Anne tran

skye Vickery

Alana Anne shaw

Joshua James Viles

Cassie marie smith

Bianca Lee Volkiene

Jessica elizabeth smythe

Luke James walker

rhys william snodgrass

Jade Alicia wallace

Jane fenella soper

teaghan Vollney ware

sean Paul walker

Lisa standish

Celia Lee waterfield

eliza Lillian stephens Joanne fay stevens

sue-Ann margaret watts

Chloe maree suckling

mark webster

erin maree sutherland

Amanda weeks

Joel sweetman

Lisa Anne whitten

Kieeteau tanginoa

Peter John wickham

Jonathan tavinor dion Kane taylor

michelle Louise wiessner

simon scott taylor

Ben noel wiggins

stephen thomas teal

Peter norman wild

margaret thomas

darren James williams

Vanessa Jade

Aaron wilson-Brown

Jessica Louise marie wysocki Jacqueline rey young tasma elizabeth young

CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion i 29

reseArCh higher degrees

fACULty of BUsiness And LAw newCAstLe BUsiness sChooL

fACULty of sCienCe And informAtion teChnoLogy

Doctor of Philosophy

sChooL of design, CommUniCAtion And informAtion teChnoLogy

Kenneth ian mcdonald

Master of Philosophy

BA, LLB, dipCrim(Syd.)

thesis title: An Analysis of Investment Decision Factors by Australian Business Angels and Venture Capital Investors fACULty of edUCAtion And Arts sChooL of hUmAnities And soCiAL sCienCe Doctor of Philosophy

Bruce graham Lewis Beng(NSW),mengmgt(Technol.Syd.), BAppit(Hons)

thesis title: A Parsimonious Agent-Based Emergency Call Centre Model sChooL of enVironmentAL And Life sCienCes Master of Philosophy Carmen duella Booyens

mark william macleod

Bsc, Bteach (Avondale), Bsc(Hons)

BA(hons), mA(hons)(Macq.)

thesis title: The Effect of Disturbance Regimes (Fire and Slashing) on Populations of Darwinia Glaucophylla on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia

thesis title: ‘A Battle for Children’s Minds’: The Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award for Older Readers sChooL of drAmA, fine Art And mUsiC Master of Philosophy Linda margaret renz BfA(hons)(NAS), BVA, Bteach, msArt(Syd.)

thesis title: Marriage is Not a Natural State: Love, Truth, Fiction and the Photographic Image

30 i CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion

fACULty of BUsiness And LAw

UndergrAdUAte Bachelor of Business Benjamin donald Joesph Abbott Ashleigh Annand Adam James Boekeman Joel steven John Cheadle Alayna yulin decke Christopher robert duffy Chelsea yvonne foott Kirk Jeremy Jones marie grace Lentini hayley sarah richardson emma Lauren rodgers Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Management Catherine Anne Batiste Adam michael Branigan david Campbell rutendo Chigwededza ryan Kelvin davey sharleen Anne demal robert Adam goldsworthy dustin James Khan sandra Kristel fi-Lane Lo fan hin Christopher Joseph marrs Breanna melville shauna Christine murphy James michael Poka

matthew Adam Bryant

maliwan Poolkangstanley

rebecca helen Klump

samuel Jonathon Potter

samuel Charles taber

monique Projceski

Kelly farrand

michael Benjiman stephens Brooke danielle warman thomas James watt Adam wright

CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion i 31

fACULty of edUCAtion And Arts

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood with Honours Class II Division 1 in Teaching

rhianna Kate edwards

Kara rachelle selinger


tracey gnauck

Kathryn Anne therese Kelly

nicole Louise goodhew

Anna maria Lavender

esteban federico gordin

Vivienne Joanne munro

Lynette Ann Caldon

emma marie hodge

nikki Lee thomson

Bachelor of Arts

melissa Anne matthews

teegan Jelyce Jones

James selby Bedford

Lyndsey Ann robson

Phillipa emma King

Joanne Louise Vassilopoulos

fe esperanza de Paula

melissa Anne sammut

Ashleigh renee Lievore

Anne Cecile whitling

Clive henry gorton

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood with Honours Class II Division 2 in Teaching

michelle elizabeth manning Alison mcLachlan

Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class I in Teaching

Amelia rule

danielle Jane Bath

samantha gaye sevil

Kristy flaxman

Kathryn elise eccles

rheannan wells

wendy Kay gerakios

Lisa najla halabi

elise Catherine young

rebecca susan Kelly

Krystal shine Lee

sean elliott young

Christine Anita Paff

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

rachael nicole Jude ferne susan merrylees Katie moon tri thanh nguyen elizabeth may Partridge James michael ian scott James francis star Bachelor of Early Childhood Teaching

sarah Jane o’grady

Chloe michele Campbell

Louise walls

Kristy Lee Cant

Clarissa Annabell winner

rachael Chapman rachelle Ann dacquel

Cara tynan

Jennifer elkhuizen

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood

skie Patricia fraser

donna Patrica Burrows

melinda Clare o’Connor

Bianca Byrnes

Jade marie Palling

rachel maree Cairns

Jessanie shepherd

michelle Lynne Currey

yuki takahashi

michelle Beverley dalton-steedman

Claire Patricia drury

Bachelor of Education Adam wade Beavis gavin Leigh westwood Catherine Ann wickens

merran elise manuel

Bachelor of Fine Art Valmai Lynette miller Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) with Honours Class I

Paul strutt

Penny Leah Prokopiou Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class II Division 1 in Teaching

Christopher william Krogh

nicole Blackadder

Bachelor of Social Science

toni marie Coote

sarah Jane Cook

Katie rose fazzolari

Cassie Anne Curryer

matthew Allan fitzsimmons

michelle Antoinette guthrie

natalie Anne Bruce mitchell Crynes

Kaylie Louise Johnson

rachel Leigh Jaide delaney

emma Louise holloway

natalie mills

Kim maree housden

grania Pourbozorgi

Christine mary dos remedios

hollie Anne Jones

stephanie rae tomich

32 i CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion

Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class II Division 2 in Teaching Amirah Ahmed megan Louise Baxter trevor robert Bof Kristy Lee Boulting garth michael Brady Andrew Brinton gabrielle Carmel Bromly Jessee Anne Butwell sherie nicole Cooper meritta Anne dallaVecchia melissa fearnley natalie terese fennell michael Peter gamble Katherine irene gill Alysha Claire gunns Laura elizabeth higgs scott michael King Byron James Lawson Charlotte dawn yvonne Lewis Jason Paul milner melinda Jane moore Amanda moylan-Brown megan Leanne rigas samantha marie ryan Anya Louise smith Beth elsey taylor dannielle Lee turner nicole rae turner dallas mark ward sally Louise whatnall

Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts

fiona suzanne hannan

heath shepherd

James malcolm hart

Amanda Jane simmons

samantha Jane Adlard

Kristy-Lee maree hayes

Craig william simpson

Angela marie Ainsworth

Lauren marie howell

Alyce ellen spencer

Brioney elise Alchin

Brooke nicole howlett

simone nicole stephens

Chantelle dawn Andrews

sharna Leanne huett

Justine emma stokoe

meredith Ann hughes

mitchell John stone

Jennifer Anne Johnson

scott edward thomas

tynan James King

radoslav travica

Jessica Louise Larkin

Lesley Ann tunstall

stephen John Lynch

Amber Vandenberg

sonya Catherine martins

tahren walker

Adam donald mcCabe

Chloe nicole watson

siobhan Brigid mcCarthy

shannen Joy welsh Amanda Louise white

samantha mcevoy

gemma Lou white

rachel marie mead

michelle emma white

naomi mary Clapham

Jade Bronwen meadham

Jessica Louise williams

Chloe Anne Clarke

daniel Andrew moir

Benjamin Cook

sharon Louise moore

taryn Jayde Cornish

elizabeth Claire morgan

greg edmund Curran

georgia Carin munden

elliot dawkins

sarah nield

melissa Jane dawson

Jason James nowland

Lauren Anne donnelly william Barnes drover

Benjamin michael o’Brien

sharon Linda duffey

Kristie Anne o’toole

hannah dusting

mark Brendon Pacey

Jessica Adriana foott

nicole Kay Pattison

Brigitte Louise foster

Karla Amy Peck

skye Breeann gallagher

steven Anthony Quigley

Ashley Amy gillies

Krystle renee ragen

Lisa maree grave

rebecca michelle roberts

Alexis Phoebe Ball Lauren Batten Kate michelle Beveridge sarah emily Bielefeld serena Bullock Annika Butler Luke James Byrne Colleen robyn Callaghan samantha Carraro Louise Anna Casali

timothy william gregson

Aimee sharrock

rebecca Anne willison

CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion i 33

fACULty of heALth

PostgrAdUAte CoUrseworK

Bachelor of Nursing wendy Louise Brown

Kylie nicola robson

Jane Leigh eveleigh

Alaina maree rowe

Brooke ellen gregory

Lira Buan

natalie Anne sanderson

melanie maree haycock

Karly Jane Campbell

Liane robyn trichter

toni naliandrah hill

haley Jade Chappelow

Kelly maree Vella

hai Kim Qui ho

Lisa elizabeth Cook

melissa Anne Vella

hayley shay hodges

Lynda Ann Cox

dean Brian wakley

Casey holmes

sarah Anne Croser

sophie grace williamson

hannah rose hosking

Caroline Louise doran

Colin James woodcock

sean hsu

olivia marie Cowan

Lynda suzanne drummond

salina gay woolley

nichole Ann hutchison

Jinous eighani

nicole elizabeth duddy

michelle terese wright

Linda Cathryn grundy

sri Krishna satya sarada d Kantipudi

Jessica Anne farlow

tracey mirarchi

Penelope Ann foy

simone Louise molloy

Kirstee michelle garland

micarla maree osland

Jennifer gonzalez

Kate elizabeth reynolds

Chimay Linette green

marilyn gina spurway

tegan elizabeth griffiths

Charlotte Brooke squires

sharon Louise harper


michelle Ann heuser

Master of Applied Management (Nursing) Lian fah fong Graduate Diploma in Dental Therapy megan Chelsea Brown

Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) with Honours Class I Alex Louise Barwick Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

rebecca Anne hickson merilyn holmes Kazuma honda michelle Patricia Kerr Alisha Langton Kirsty Levi hangqun Li

Julie Ann Arnold Phoebe Anne Bell dinesa Bilajac Jennifer Louise Blanch michelle renee Bonney manal Botros erin may Brock megan Brooker Karina rita Carniato heather maree Cavanagh

melissa Louise Latimore Kali Joy mackessy Aneesa marroun melinda mazengarb Brooke mcdonald Amanda mcnulty Lisa ngo tony dat nguyen Venessa olivier rubie Park Jemima Plumridge elise Quinn

maryanne Christoforatos

Virginia Pamela salas

sahba danesh

grace santos

Kristy Leigh darken

natalie Almeida santos

Kristie elizabeth darmody

Jian Pung Paul seah

melissa Jane Patrick Amelia Jessica Pepper

selah Choi de Kim

tara elizabeth shaw

Jaculin ellen Perceval

Lauren Patricia ely

Amy elizabeth sheppard

Kerrie-Lea dianne rahkola

Alana eileen english

Alexandra Kathleen

Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2

Kgomotso nchoko

eleanore Claire turvey

margaret ruth Allan

Kellie Ann Langdon

fezeh ghorbani saisan

natalie susan magrin

sophie may Lymbery

ibtissam Al-hawli

Clare emma Kraefft

tanya Cerniauskas

na Li

rebecca Catherine mcConaghy

Leonie margaret de Bellis

Bachelor of Oral Health

tegan moore

emma mary shaw

34 i CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion


Amelia Caroline fryc

Julie michelle Verma

Ajitpal singh

Alexandra furniss

mandy Lee sorensen

skye maree gallagher

Adrian Vermeulen minkwit

Kate stevenson

declan gannon hilario

derek trafford walker

Aimee maree stewart

frances ellen gittins

Kylie Alice williams

April michelle stubbsmills

Beverley mary grobbelaar

nicole helen wright

Pabitra subba

Prue erin haslett

Kylie Cecilie svaricek

sharon Lee hocking

Peter taouk

evan Lee Johnstone

ha ngoc thai

natalie Ann Kuivanen

wing yi tong

mitchell Lawrence

sylvia Usien

ian walter Lenardon

sarah maree waddell

erin maree Lorenzini

naomi wiesmann

Amy Lower

Kristin Louise winter

Karen Anne marriott

Xiaoting Zhang

emma margaret martin

Bachelor of Podiatry stuart Barry Bailey mitchell James Bath Kayla Bird Angus gary Brewin matthew Peter Chock samuel James Cook Alice Claire Corbett Alissa Kate dart

Andrew graham myles taryn monique osland richard eamon Pow mark Pratt freya Kathleen richards Kurt Alick robertson samantha Lee rutherford Joseph sassine

Kerrin Ann davey

matthew francis shanahan

Porcha Lucy de Jager

Jennifer Anne sonter

michael duggan

Karin sutton

Amy edwards

helen Jane tayler

Kristie Laurie ellis

Carolyn taylor

nanette margaret ferres

shawn matthew tomkins

heidi Bright follington

CentrAL CoAst grAdUAtion i 35

fACULty of sCienCe & informAtion teChnoLogy

UndergrAdUAte Bachelor of Applied Information Technology Kerry drabsch Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) with Honours Class I nathan elsworthy Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science robert Ambrogetti Alexander Kenneth Bate mark ian Brogan danielle Brown

Andrew roman novak

Bachelor of Herbal Therapies

Bachelor of Psychology

Kezia Jennifer okulicz

Colette Anne Baron

Kristen skye donaghey

danielle Louise Peacock

Bachelor of Human Nutrition (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

Kelly Lee newcombe

Brendan James Prince Jessica maree rees Christopher John stevens Brooke Amber taylor grant david tyrrell Adam rienier Van der wielen Paul wallace Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition

Alexander Paul Burrell

Justin Andrew Ainsworth

melissa Jane Callaghan

donna mea Allen

samuel Callaghan

michelle Crino

Jade miranda Conwell

grace yena hasim

Paul devitis

may Phyu sin Khine

mark James douglas

melissa Knowlson

Kirsten Leigh everett

sophie Littler

Joshua hall

Amanda Jayne mcLoughlin

rochelle elizabeth hardwick sara Louise hasselmann

Jemma elizabeth murphy Amanda Lee Palmer

glen Andrew humphris

david thomas ralph

Lisa Jane hutchinson

Bronwyn glynis smith

dean michael Jackson

Adriana sung

matthew daniel Jeffriess

Kathryn Anne taylor

James nash Candice nertney

david Brian Vikis gabrielle woolf holly Jean wright Pooi shu yap

Jeremy hui Jaq Kho

Jared Lamb Lara Jane mardunovic James Lewis millhouse Christiana savas

Bachelor of Human Nutrition

Bachelor of Science (Food Technology) (Honours)

Amy Cherie donnelly

sing Pei tan

Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Science (Food Technology)

Joel Bernie Ben haim Bohadana nigel James macquillan Liam Parsonage Luke Anthony Piper Amy Laemen sin Christopher robert wall Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class I glen Kenneth hilton Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class II Division 1 Kelly maree douglas Christy Lea Jones rachel frances wares

Adelie Anne Creevey Bachelor of Science wayne Paul davis Vineta Anne edmonds ian Bruce eggleton fiona Jean erskine guy Kenneth fletcher michael James glenn nicholas John stuart harris Christopher John mason rachel Angela mcintyre Peter gordon nelson reece James slingsby hayley margaret wall

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