Callaghan Graduation Ceremonies - April 2016

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Welcome to the University of Newcastle

Graduation MARCH/APRIL 2016

The University at a glance The University of Newcastle is a leader in teaching and research, having grown from a locally-focused institution to one that is globally orientated. The University of Newcastle established


2015 Full-time academic staff


2015 Student enrolments


2015 Graduates


Undergraduate programs


Postgraduate coursework programs


Research Higher Degrees


RANKINGS The University of Newcastle Top 300 in the world (QS World University Rankings 2015 and Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015) 15 disciplines in the Top 200 in the world (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015) 40th in the world t "SDIJUFDUVSF BOE #VJMU &OWJSPONFOU Top 100 in the world t &OHJOFFSJOH $JWJM BOE 4USVDUVSBM t (FPHSBQIZ t -JOHVJTUJDT Top 150 in the world t &EVDBUJPO BOE 5SBJOJOH t &OHJOFFSJOH $IFNJDBM t &OWJSPONFOUBM 4UVEJFT t .FEJDJOF Top 200 in the world t "HSJDVMUVSF BOE 'PSFTUSZ t #VTJOFTT BOE .BOBHFNFOU 4UVEJFT t &OHMJTI -BOHVBHF BOE -JUFSBUVSF t $PNQVUFS 4DJFODF BOE *OGPSNBUJPO 4ZTUFNT t &OHJOFFSJOH &MFDUSJDBM BOE &MFDUSPOJD t &OHJOFFSJOH .FDIBOJDBM t -BX 8th in Australia for research that is “well above world standard� &YDFMMFODF JO 3FTFBSDI "VTUSBMJB Top 200 Most International Universities 5JNFT )JHIFS &EVDBUJPO .PTU *OUFSOBUJPOBM 6OJWFSTJUJFT


Message from the Vice-Chancellor and President Dear Graduates Your graduation from the University of Newcastle (UON) is a tremendous achievement of which you can be immensely proud. I am delighted to share this day of celebration with you, your family and friends, and I offer you my warmest congratulations. Today we recognise the culmination of your hard work and reflect on your successes at University. Completing a degree requires commitment, a thirst for learning, and great academic talent, qualities that will serve you well into the future. You have earned a qualification from a world-class University ranked among the top 3% of universities internationally. You can be proud to graduate from a University that is committed to excellence and equity, with outstanding teaching and research networks that extend around the globe. Yet we are also a University with strong roots in our regions. By driving social change through research and developing future leaders in our graduates, we can continue to support the vibrant communities in which we are located - in the Hunter and on the Central Coast, as well as in northern NSW, Sydney and Singapore. I take great pleasure in seeing our students excel both in their studies and in the remarkable contributions they make to our communities in their professional lives. Today you join an alumni of more than 130,000 exceptional people across 121 countries. I encourage you to stay connected with UON through our alumni networks chapters, as you build your careers in the years to come. As you embark on the next stage of your life and career, I hope you will take with you warm memories of your time at UON, as well as a life-long passion for learning. Congratulations once again on this wonderful achievement. I wish you every success for the future. Best wishes, Professor Caroline McMillen Vice-Chancellor and President



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Reconciliation Statement The University of Newcastle declares its commitment to Aboriginal reconciliation: developing a strong community and fostering mutual respect, social justice and a united voice between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal Australians. The University of Newcastle respects and acknowledges the Aboriginal land on which the Australian campuses of the University are located. We acknowledge the Aboriginal nations on whose traditional lands the University has a presence, respecting and acknowledging the traditional peoples and the cultural significance and history of the land. The University is aware of the impact of the alienation and other forms of injustices including the removal of children, the loss of land, the destruction of languages and culture, and the ongoing struggle for social and restorative justice. Through acknowledging and understanding past losses and injustices and through committing to redressing the social and economic challenges and ongoing racism, we will continue to move forward together to a better future. The University recognises that education plays an integral role in providing a foundation and platform for the exercise of self-determination and the empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Through collaboration and the provision of culturally responsive education the University seeks to educate and contribute to the development of a harmonious community. The University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have supported the University in ensuring an Aboriginal presence at the University and appropriate and effective levels of consultation and collaboration through the sharing of Aboriginal voices, cultural wisdom and knowledge. These attributes are essential to moving forward to a future of equality and respect in teaching and learning, research, cultural inclusion, celebrating diverse cultures and success. The University acknowledges and appreciates the contribution and support by all communities. We will continue to build on existing partnerships and wherever possible forge respectful relationships designed to contribute to the ongoing endeavour of redressing the circumstance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, health, cultures, languages, social justice, employment and empowerment. The University is committed to providing an environment that is free from racism and discrimination, developing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to access and succeed in higher education. The University embraces the unique and diverse cultures of Aboriginal – the oldest continuing culture in the world – and Torres Strait Island peoples and to ensure the growth of knowledge for all Australians. With respect and collaboration, the University of Newcastle embraces a united approach to equality and inclusiveness for all Australian peoples.


The University Council AS AT 10 MARCH 2016



Chancellor Mr Paul Jeans BE(NSW) FIEAust, FAICD

Professor Pablo Moscato BSc(La Plata, Argentina), PhD(UNICAMP, Brazil)

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Caroline McMillen MA(Oxon), DPhil(Oxon), MB, BChir(Cantab), FAHMS President of Academic Senate Professor Mark Jones BSc(Hons), PhD(CNAA, UK), FIMechE, CEng, FIEAust, CPEng

Dr Roslyn Larkin BBus(Hons), PhD(Newcastle) MEMBER ELECTED BY THE PROFESSIONAL STAFF Mr Michael Robertson MTEM(Melb), BEd(Music)(Hons), Dip Mgmt, Adv Dip Mgmt MEMBERS ELECTED BY THE STUDENTS

MINISTERIAL APPOINTEES Conjoint Professor Geoff Lilliss BE(Hons), MBA(Merit)(Newcastle), FIEAust, MAICD Mr Robert Kennedy BEc(ANU), FCPA EXTERNAL MEMBERS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL Deputy Chancellor Ms Dianne Allen BCom(Newcastle), FCA, GAICD, AMICDA Ms Jann Gardner BA, LLB(Sydney), MBA(Newcastle), GAICD Ms Michelle McPherson BBus(Accounting)(UTS), CA, GAICD Ms Deborah Wright MBA(SCU), DipTeach(Newcastle),FAMI, CPM, AIMM, MAICD Mr John Bowers BCom(Hons), MCom(Newcastle), AM(Harvard), CFA Mr Doug Dean AM BCom(Newcastle), FCPA, FAIM, FICD

Mr Phillip Johnson



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Members of the University’s Executive AS AT 10 MARCH 2016

Principal Officers of the English Language and Foundation Studies Centre AS AT 10 MARCH 2016

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Caroline McMillen MA(Oxon), DPhil(Oxon), MB BChir(Cantab), FAHMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Andrew Parfitt BE(Hons), PhD(Adelaide), FIEAust, SMIEEE, GAICD Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Professor Kevin Hall BSc(Hons), MSc(Queen’s), PhD(UNSW) Chief Operating Officer Mr Nat McGregor BCom(Newcastle), MBA(Deakin), DipFinancial Services(ANZIIF), GAICD, CPA, ANZIIF Fellow Chief Financial Officer Mr Paul Dunn BCom(Newcastle), FCPA Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) Professor Elizabeth Burd BEd(Hons)(CNAA), MSc, DPhil(York), PhD(Dunelm), FHEA, SMIEEE Pro Vice-Chancellor (International and Advancement) Mrs Winnie Eley BEd(Hons), MBA(Nottingham) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Professor Deborah Hodgson BA(Hons), BA(Psych), PhD(Macquarie), AHPRA Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business and Law) Professor Richard Dunford BCA, BA(Hons)(Wellington), PhD(ANU) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Arts) Professor John Germov BA(Chisholm), MA(Sociology)(Monash), PhD(Sociology)(Newcastle) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engineering and Built Environment) Professor Brett Ninness BEng, MEng, PhD(Newcastle) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health and Medicine) Laureate Professor R John Aitken PhD(Cambridge), ScD(Cambridge), FSRB, FAHMS, FRSE, FAA Pro Vice-Chancellor (interim) (Science and Information Technology) Professor Mick McManus BPharm(Curtin), PhD(Western Australia), HonDSc(Curtin), GAICD

Director Associate Professor Seamus Fagan BA, HigherDipEd(UCD), MA(Durham) Acting Deputy Director (Teaching and Learning) Dr David Powter BSc(Macq), MPubPolAdmin(CSU), PhD, GradCert PTT(Newcastle) Associate Professor (Research Development and Scholarship) Associate Professor Mahsood Shah BVET(CSU), GradCert QA(Melbourne), GradDip VET(SCU), M Mngt(SCU), PhD(Canberra) Foundation Studies Program Convenor (Central Coast Campus) Dr Joyleen Christensen BEc, BA(Hons), GradCert PTT(Newcastle), GradDip Theatre Stud(UNSW), PhD(Newcastle) ELICOS Program Convenor Ms Helen Fitzgerald BA, DipEd(Newcastle), GradDipEd(TESOL), MEd(TESOL)(UniSA) Newstep Program Convenor Ms Beverley Wilson BSc, DipEd(Newcastle) Open Foundation Program Convenor Dr Anna Bennett BA(Hons)(Newcastle), PhD(UNSW) Yapug Program Convenor (Acting) Ms Sharlene Leroy-Dyer BBus(Hons)(Newcastle), GradCert Indig R&L(Melbourne) UON Prep Bridging Courses Co-ordinator Ms Catherine Burgess BSc, DipEd, GradCert PTT(Newcastle) Centre Executive Officer Ms Jenny Williams BA, MEdStud(Newcastle)




The Graduation Ceremony THE MACE


The Mace is the symbol of formal authority. The Mace used today belongs to the University of Newcastle and was designed by gold and silversmith, Gerald Benney. It is made of Australian walnut and silver and its head represents an open book – the traditional symbol of learning. The Mace was a gift from the University of New South Wales to commemorate the establishment of the University of Newcastle as an autonomous institution on 1 January 1965. It is always borne ahead of the Chancellor in the academic procession during formal ceremonies such as today’s presentation of academic awards.

The award of Honours is given to students who complete an additional year of study after the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Some bachelor’s degrees, such as Engineering or Education, have Honours embedded in the four year degree program. Honours generally consists of part coursework and part research requiring submission of a thesis. Honours can be awarded as Class I, Class II Division 1, Class II Division 2, or Class III.

THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE FANFARE The Fanfare is played at all ceremonial functions to herald the entry and departure of the Chancellor and other members of the Council. It was composed by Professor Robert Constable and first performed in 1994. THE UNIVERSITY MEDAL The award of a University Medal is an honour made only when there is a candidate of sufficient merit. To be considered for this award, a graduate must have a consistent record of exceptional academic achievement at all levels of their degree program, and qualify with the highest level of that degree.

WITH DISTINCTION A bachelors or masters degree is conferred with distinction in cases where a candidate has achieved a Grade Point Average of 6.0 or above in the degree, out of a maximum of 7.0. COMBINED DEGREE A combined degree is one where a student studies for two separate degrees at the same time. It is possible for the student to complete the degree requirements for one degree ahead of the other. The student receives a testamur for each degree. Places for combined degrees are very competitive and offered to the highest performing students who apply. MUSICAL INTERLUDE During the graduation ceremony, students, graduates and staff from the University of Newcastle’s Conservatorium of Music entertain and demonstrate their skills and passion for music.

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A Brief History Of Graduation The graduation ceremony is one of great antiquity. Its essential features have been the same since the 12th century when the first universities came into existence. Its necessary constituents are the Chancellor or his or her Deputy, the academic staff, the graduates, and the public.

clothes which they were wearing underneath. The hood was the normal medieval headwear, but it soon acquired a coloured lining. By the 17th century, if not earlier, these colours were strictly controlled so that anyone could identify from the colour of a graduate’s hood, the university and the degree.

The church had a monopoly of education, partly because it was the guardian of true doctrine, and partly because clerics were almost the only people who could read and write. As a result, the only person who could license a teacher was the bishop of a diocese until, under pressure of other business; he deputed the task to his chief secretary or chancellor.

The public is the fourth participant. It has an important function because the whole point of the proceedings is that they should be seen and heard by valid witnesses. The public hears the words of the Dean and the Chancellor and sees the new graduates dressed in their respective gowns or robes.

The second group participating in the ceremony is the academic staff. In the 12th century they would all have been called “masters” or MAs. At that date they were paid no salaries, but hired their own lecture rooms and charged their own fees. But they also formed themselves into a guild or union, which is what universitas originally meant. In the 13th century they won a great victory when they persuaded the Pope to decree that chancellors were obliged to confer degrees on all those nominated by the masters. That is why the masters examine the candidates, why the Dean, acting as their spokesperson, reads out the names of those who are to receive degrees, and why the masters at this ceremony watch to see that the Chancellor or his Deputy does what is required of him. Thirdly the graduates. The word “degree” comes from the Latin gradus, which means “a step”. When students are admitted to a bachelor degree they move one step up towards the mastership. When they are admitted to a master’s degree they climb another step and come up on a level with the masters, who then receive them into their guild or universitas. The academic gowns are derived from the everyday dress of the medieval clergy. In the Middle Ages they were not open in front, but closed like a clergyman’s cassock. It was in about 1500 that academics had the front opened up so as to display the fine

The foregoing is an adaptation of an address given at a graduation ceremony at the University of Birmingham by Emeritus Professor R H C Davis and reprinted in his book ‘From Alfred the Great to Stephen’ (Hambledon Press, 1991), pp. 307-309. It is reproduced with kind permission of the author’s widow. ABORIGINAL STOLE The red, yellow and black stoles are worn by Aboriginal students and staff during graduation and relate to the colours of the Aboriginal flag. The colours of the Aboriginal flag represent the land (red), the sun (yellow) and the people (black). TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER STOLE The green, blue and black stoles are worn by Torres Strait Islander students during graduation and relate to the colours of the Torres Strait Island flag. The colours of the Torres Strait Island flag represent the land (green), the sea (blue) and the people (black). The University of Newcastle is a national leader in the attraction and success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The wearing of the stoles celebrates culture and identity in a significant ceremony that also celebrates success.




A light at the end of the tunnel Annie Nichols always wanted to work in healthcare and in these April graduations she will cross the stage at UON with an undergraduate physiotherapy degree made possible by the generosity of others. The bright, enthusiastic and motivated student received a lifeline in her first-year in the form of a $4,000 Shaping Futures Scholarship. Like Annie, some students face challenges such as health issues, financial hardship, disabilities, carer responsibilities or family problems that can make completing a university degree seem out of reach. Shaping Futures Scholarships are awarded to promising students who have been affected by hardships and are made possible through generous donations from our alumni, staff and friends. Graduation is a time for celebration, to look forward to the future and to reflect on how far you’ve come. For some students, the journey to the graduation stage has been paved with more than study-related challenges.

How to give

“This scholarship was a light at the end of a tunnel,” Annie said. “The money helped me pay for my living expenses, rent, petrol and textbooks and that made a huge difference for both myself and my family.”

At our secure website:

MAIL Return this completed form to: UON Alumni and Philanthropy IDC Building, University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308

TELEPHONE +61 2 4921 8612



You can help other deserving students cross the graduation stage by giving the gift of education and donating to the Shaping Futures Scholarship Endowment Fund. Every donation helps bring a disadvantaged student a step closer to achieving their degree. We are grateful to all donors for their support. Donate now:

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Shaping Futures Scholarship Endowment Fund Research and DiscoveryFund

UON Endowment Fund

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Cardholder’s signature MY DETAILS Name

Tax deductibility: Donations of $2 or more to the University of Newcastle may be eligible deductions for income tax purposes under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Privacy: The University of Newcastle complies with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Your personal information will be securely stored. Please note that only donations made in Australian dollars can be accepted.

“My hope is that many more students can have the same opportunity that was given to me.”

Please direct my gift to

Cardholder’s name EMAIL

“I want to make a difference to others like myself and I think it’s fantastic to have students helping each other,” she said.



Annie recognises the impact of her scholarship and last year raised more than $3,200 to support other students through the Shaping Futures Scholarship Endowment Fund.

Address Phone Email


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Jacob Cass Bachelor of Visual Communication Design 2009 In 2007, Jacob established ‘JUST Creative’, a graphic design company and blog that has attracted more than three-billion views. Jacob specialises in brand identity design and his work has been featured at national exhibitions including at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art and the Melbourne Museum. In 2010 Jacob was headhunted by Carrot Creative, a digital agency in Brooklyn, New York. Since relocating from Sydney, Jacob has worked with Nintendo, Jerry Seinfeld, Disney and VitaminWater and as an Interactive Designer at advertising agency Ammirati in New York City. Jacob has 17 design awards and is widely published in the world’s leading design publications, books, magazines and newspapers. He is a force on social media with more than 76,000 Twitter followers and more than 50,000 blog subscribers.


Stewart Dowrick Master of Business Administration 1997 Port Macquarie local and UON graduate, Stewart Dowrick, has passionately advocated for improved access to quality health care for communities for more than 20 years. As the Chief Executive of the Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD), considered one of the leading rural health authorities in NSW, Stewart oversees an operating budget of $530 million, more than 4,000 staff and multi-million dollar projects including the $104-million expansion of Port Macquarie Base Hospital and $81.9-million Kempsey District Hospital Redevelopment Project. Stewart specialises in health economics, hospital and corporate service management and began his career in health in 1990 at the then Camperdown Children’s Hospital, before moving to the Central Coast Area Health Service in 1993 and the Mid North Coast in 1999. Dedicated to nurturing the skills of ambitious UON students, Stewart has actively sought clinical placements within the MNCLHD for students in all medicine, nursing and allied health accredited programs. In acknowledgment of his efforts, the MNCLHD was inducted into the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Hall of Fame at UON in 2015. Last year Stewart was also awarded the UON Alumni Award for Regional Leadership that recognises a graduate who has made significant contributions as a leader in regional business, commerce, industry or public service.





Susie Porter Bachelor of Arts 1993 Susie Porter has built a reputation as one of Australia’s most outstanding actors. Her remarkable list of credits include feature films Summer Coda, Bootmen, Better Than Sex, Mullet, Paradise Road, Idiot Box, Two Hands, Feeling Sexy, Monkey’s Mask, Teesh and Trude, The Caterpillar Wish and the award-winning Little Fish. Recently she was seen in The Turning: On Her Knees, a collection of short stories by Tim Winton and Is this the real world. On the small screen, Susie played the lead role in East West 101 (series 1, 2 and 3), East of Everything, RAN, My Place, Love My Way, The Secret Life of Us, The Jesters (series 1 and 2), and Sisters of War and Underbelly: Squizzy. Recent television appearances include Network Ten’s biker drama Brothers in Arms, the family series Puberty Blues (series 1 and 2), the comedy Problems and It’s a Date (series 2) and the telemovie Dangerous Remedy. Her most recent theatre credits include the critically-acclaimed Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, That Face and Death and the Maiden. Susie has been widely acknowledged by her peers and the public with multiple American Film Institute Awards, Inside Film Awards and Logie Awards; and nominations from The Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts and Film Critics Circle of Australia.


Awni Al-Otoom PhD (Chemical Engineering) 2001 Dr Awni Al-Otoom, a recognised chemical weapons inspector, was selected to receive the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). In his work at OPCW, Awni has participated in the destruction of chemical weapons worldwide, most recently in Syria. He also evaluates different chemical industries and assesses their relevance and risk to the purpose and objectives of the Chemical Weapons Convention. By using local seminars to deliver his message, Awni has promoted both regional cooperation and the safe use of chemistry. Awni’s role in orchestrating physical inspections of targeted facilities has significantly contributed to increasing the security and confidence of the 190 countries that are signatories to the Convention. Prior to working as an inspector for OPCW, Awni was an Associate Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at the Jordan University of Science and Technology. He has more than 35 scientific publications in international peer reviewed journals in various fields of chemical engineering.

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Graduate Careers Masterclass Drop in to a FREE masterclass and start your career with confidence. t Managing Your Career in a Changing World Monday, 18 April, 5pm - 6.30pm t Winning Applications Monday, 2 May, 5pm - 6.30pm t Acing the Interview Monday, 16 May, 5pm - 6.30pm For bookings or more information phone (02) 4921 5588 or visit

Celebrating the success of UON graduates who make a difference



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The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony

Professor Warwick Anderson AM Honorary Degree

The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party

Professor Warwick Anderson is currently based in Strasbourg, France as the Secretary-General of the International Human Frontier Science Program Organisation, which implements a program of international funding for frontier research in the life sciences.

The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Samantha Cobcroft and Mr Vincent Parmeter The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Honorary Degree recipient and Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor Warwick Anderson AM Degree recipients from the Faculty of Health and Medicine will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Laureate Professor John Aitken The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Samantha Cobcroft and Mr Vincent Parmeter The Chancellor will invite Mr Dylan Kiltschewskij-Brown to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

Professor Anderson obtained his Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Adelaide in 1972, and has held research and academic positions at Monash University, Baker Medical Research Institute, University of Sydney and Harvard Medical School. With a research focus on the renal causes of hypertension, including humoural, neural and vascular remodeling aspects, Professor Anderson has published over 170 peer reviewed articles. Until March 2015, Professor Anderson was Chief Executive Officer of the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia’s peak funding body for health and medical research, and leading national body for promoting the development and maintenance of public and individual health standards. In 2005, the outstanding quality of Professor Anderson’s research work and leadership was acknowledged as he was made a Member of the Order of Australia ‘for service to health and medical research through leadership roles with the National Health and Medical Research Council, to the development of medical science at Monash University, and to hypertension and renal physiology research.’ Professor Anderson is a member of the International Advisory Committee on Biomedical Science for Singapore and was previously a member of numerous international bodies collaborating in medical research, and Australian bodies including the Prime Minister’s Science Engineering and Innovation Council, the Australian Research Council and the Coordinating Committee of Innovation. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia and an International Fellow of the Council for High Blood Pressure of the American Heart Foundation.






SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES AND PHARMACY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Daniel Joseph Beard BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: A New Understanding of Factors Regulating Collateral Blood Flow During Ischaemic Stroke: Elevated Intracranial Pressure is a Potential Cause of Collateral Failure in Patients with Strokein-Progression

Andrew John Gardner BPsych(Hons)(NE), DPsych(ClinNeuro)(Macq.) Thesis Title: Concussion in Professional Rugby League

Greer Alexandra Bennett BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Effects of Maternal Stress on Perinatal Neurodevelopment and Behaviour

Moira Cecilia Graves BAppSc(Qld.UT), GradDipMgmt(S.Qld.), GradCertAppSc, MAppSc(Syd.) Thesis Title: Epigenetic Variations and Psychosocial Parameters in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Danielle Renae Bond BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Tetraspanins CD151 and CD9 by Micro-RNAs in Prostate and Breast Cancers

Tazeen Majeed MBBS(Karachi), MPH(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Workforce Participation Patterns Over the Life Course and the Association With Chronic Diseases - A Gendered Approach Dianne Lesley Marsden BAppSc(Physio)(Syd.), Gcert(OHS), Gcert(HlthPromo), MAppMgt(Hlth)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Assessing and Training Cardiorespiratory Fitness After Stroke Kathleen Margaret McElwaine BPsych(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Increasing Preventive Care Delivery by Primary Care Nurses and Allied Health Clinicians Hashim Abdul Rahiman Periyalil MBBS(Kerala), MD(1stMSMU) Thesis Title: Immunometabolism in Obese Asthma Mahfuza Rifat MBBS, Dip(HlthEcon), MSc(HlthEcon)(Uni. Dhaka) Thesis Title: Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in Community Setting of Bangladesh Stephen Ridley Smith BSc(Med), MBBS(NSW), MSurg(Syd.) Thesis Title: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Colorectal Surgery Khanrin Phungamla Vashum MBBS(Jiwaji Uni.), MClinEpi(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Role of Zinc in Chronic Disease

Amy Louise Masson BSc(Canberra), BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Copy Number Variants and Their Role in Hereditary Breast Cancer and Hereditary Colorectal Cancers Lucy Anne Murtha BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Effects and Mechanisms of Therapeutic Hypothermia on Intracranial Pressure Regulation Following Ischaemic Stroke in Rats Quah Min Yuan BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Enhancement of Oncolytic Coxsackievirus A21 with Conventional Chemotherapies and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors for the Treatment of Melanoma Amelia Jane Tomkins BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Making Clots and Breaking Clots: Modelling Arterial Occlusion to Test Stroke Sonothrombolysis Irwan Hanish Warsanah BSc(Hons)(UPM) Thesis Title: Mechanisms of Increased Susceptibility to Influenza Infection in Mouse Models of Chronic Lung Diseases Jiann Wei Yeoh BBiomedSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Drug-induced Changes to the Lateral Hypothalamic Circuits and Downstream Projection Targets

UNIVERSITY MEDALLIST Dylan Kiltschewskij - Brown Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Nikita Panicker Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

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THURSDAY 31 MARCH 2016 10AM CEREMONY POSTGRADUATE Master of Clinical Epidemiology with Distinction Michael Letal Seng Teck Adrian Liew Ruth Shu En Ow Sally Anne Porter Daryl Joseph Pudney Maryanne Woolley Master of Clinical Epidemiology Awatif Al Anazi Fatimah Alqarni Kartik Ramchandra Atre Nyi Nyi Aung Su Ah Choi Mangesh Deshmukh Miranda Hardie Laura Jeffery Vishal Kapoor Richard Michael Mausling Erin Katherine Nolan Vudum Reddy Tamsin Melanie Roberts Tapiwa Mike Rusike Kirra Louise Ryan Sivagnanavel Senthuran Cathy Etherington Thompson Sundareswari Eswari Vilayur Adinarayanan Master of Clinical Medicine (Leadership and Management) with Distinction Charles Masimba Chihumbiri Stephen Abraham George James Goldstein Master of Clinical Medicine (Leadership and Management) Victor Dela Pena Refaat Mikhail Ibrahim Antonio Real Llado Cristina Penanueva Shamila Sadhu Catherine Rachael Sy Master of Health Science with Distinction Catherine Frances Anderson Lisa Ely Kathryn Potter Tameeka Robertson

Rebecca Louise Sellwood Angus Ka Tsun Wong

Master of Public Health with Distinction

Master of Health Science

Jake-Elias Anka Joanna Margaret Delbridge Joshua Dube Charles Fanaka Melissa Therese Hatton Zoe Jackel Melina Mai Hai Kung Michelle Anne McNab Selamawit Gebrmichael Menota Leah Morgan Meaghan Morris Caroline Nyongesa Joanne Maree Taylor Mohabeer Teeluck Allison Marie Thomson Eleanor Joan Warwick

Suad Mohamed Alsamin Sarah Curry Alice Margaret Hartill Sarah Catriona Lambert Kimberley Anne Veitch Master of Medical Statistics Tanvir Abir Mohammed Abdul Aziz Farooq Sandawana William Majoni Stacy Claire Vueti Master of Pharmacy with Distinction Casey Kenneth Barton Xiangwen Chen Morgan Louise Gollan Mikie Robyn Hughes Bonnie Kathryn McPhee Jessica Stacey Janette Wai Benjamin Weick Master of Pharmacy Martina Al Chamani Haytham Almadaqa Caitlyn Rae Anderson Erin Margaret Barker Emma Jane Bissaker Nilaan Dinesh Blacker Justin Bradshaw Rory Samuel Curtis Joel Martial Fossouo Tagne Justin James Gillies Rebecca Emily Harrow Yi-Ju Huang Michael Anthony Hudson Li Zhe Lin Xiaofeng William Ly Rosemarie Mundy Thi Tuyet Mai Nguyen Thi Tuyet Phuong Nguyen Jessica Elizabeth O’Donnell Emma Janelle Ralston Tabitha Elise Sayer Meg Smyth Meg Elise Van-Aalst Wu Jiamu Shamoni Odisho Zaia Michael Zi Hao Zhang

Master of Public Health Shahrazad Abdulrahman S Alzahrani Aman Deep Kaur Muhammad Omar Nisar Awan Alexander Zaphob Barnes Claudia Isabel Becerra Moscoso Cao Ruixue Alison Josephine Coles Calvin D’Cruz Rachel Dawson Kellee Maree Donnelly Sharmila Gurung Doris Ezinwanne Ihejieto Tripti Joshi Thembelihle Mathe Shyleen Lethweyinkosi Mkhwananzi Kenechukwu Ifeabuchukwu Obi Olumide Omowaye Manina Pathak Kerina Princi Aruna Tony Ranawake Johanna Schafer Trudy Thompson Edward Haojun Tsoi Prajwal Raman Uprety Jessica Susan Wrigley Zeng Qingfeng Master of Traumatology Gunar Daniel Christopher Robert Ewing Benjamin Maurice Hardy Mathew Ollapallil Jacob Michelle Anne Murphy

Gajan Selvakumaran Oludolapo Oluyinka Sotade Michael Wilson Strong Rowan Walker Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology Yi Yi Huang Graduate Diploma in Medical Statistics Kathryn Narelle Vaughan Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences Hanh Kim Thi Nguyen Graduate Certificate in Clinical Epidemiology David Eric Bailey Patricia Croxen Peter Gregory Knott Tammy Tien-Mei Ling Michael Thomas Oliffe Jad Othman Wade Geoffrey Stedman Lucinda Lorraine Wood Graduate Certificate in Health Science Kristy Anne Williams UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class I Hamish Evans Dylan Kiltschewskij-Brown Nishani Sandunika Mabotuwana Caitlin Mitchell Elizabeth Ann Pearsall Brittany Rae Samantha Rodrigues Sebastian Mark Wilkinson Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Keeshia Pettit Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Distinction Jeffrey Brown Mitchell James Cummins Jacqueline Iredale Joshua Ka Ki Lam


Breanna McGaughey Saije Morosin Callum John Rigby Freya Clare Roebuck Natasha Winter Bachelor of Biomedical Science Nathan Blake Josephine Lucie Bourne Nathan Brown Paige Meryha Campbell Gabrielle Kate Crombie Timothy James Curtis Joshua Aaron Dizon Samantha Fuggle Savannah Jen Gomboso Caitlin Maree Gray Nathan Jon Griffin Jasmine Kirby Latimore Werner Emil Lehman Li Xiang Lim Li Jin Mitchell Ramon McMahon Emily Louise Munn Anna Joy Murray Scott Gregory Page Jarrod Robert Pike Jordan Shane Rafferty Anna Jean Ralston Bradley James Smee Josephine Rose Smith Jon Tabas Cherry Anne Thompson Ashley Marie Thomson Bachelor of Health Jason Tenaya Burgess Peter Thomas Keiran Fielding Vuong Nguyen Katy Rose Thomson Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) with Honours Class I Rodrigues Diogo Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Antoni Fellas Matthew West Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) with Honours Class III Mosab Mohammad Khazaleh

Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Charlotte Ella Jones Maslin Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours Class I Lewis Craig Donovan Anneliese Leerdam Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours Class II Division 1 Naseer Mohammed Abdul Alexander James Scott Kirsty Josephine Leigh Wark Nicola Kelk Wood Yong Yun Ming Bachelor of Medicine with Distinction Lewis Craig Donovan Matthew Anderson Christopher Baker Harrison Bell Olivia Claire Frances Bell Alison Elizabeth Chandler Olivia Natalie Flynn Tiffany Gould Jason Carl Heise Bassem Gamal Ibrahim Nicole Jackson Ada Jin Alison Elizabeth Munro Jones Sasha Maree Mathias Lachlan Christopher McIntosh Eric Ashley Mills Tasha Satish Patel Max Anthony Ray Grace Rose Segal Claire Sewell Shriram Swaminathan Shuangyue Tan Tee Jo Lin Joyce Ho Ting Wan Bachelor of Medicine Nadhirah Binti Abd Halim Asad Abdi Jodie Leanne Adams-Brinkley Ahmad Syafiq Akbar Ali Adilah Amil Kathryn Moira Armstrong Ruben Arulnathan Emily May Dunn Bart Adi Azmin Basri Alexander Booth

Jason Neville Bromage Lloyd Edward Butel-Simoes Chee Fook Zhen Daniel Chilton Thomas Colin Coleman Paige Elizabeth Corbett Joel Roland Dean Cormie Moire Alys Cuncannon Jessica Del Bianco Hemant Diesh Ty Joshua Drake Chi Duong Nicholas Egan Vivien Fang Nicholas John Ferguson Nicole Jeltes Hui Yen Foo Sheridan Frisby Rhianna Jean Gambrill Lauren Mary Godde Chinky Goswami Athot Gurung Lauren Elizabeth Hampshire Alexander James Harrison Joanna Mary Hill Archie Cameron Hughes Nurfarhanah Jafry Nara Louise Jones Holly Melissa Jordan Mohammad Fuad bin Kamarudin Anna Marie Keedwell Julian Christopher Kelman Natalie Bree Kent Nikitshika Keshwan Pariza Khale Ho-Kyung Kim Raymond Kim Yu Sung Kim Michael Joseph Kirton Dominic Joey Ku Elise Lai Pei Chze Rebecca Lai Lawrence Lanesman Lizzy Lennox Johanna Miranda Heyer Lewis Angela Grace Lovell Tiasha Sohaila Anya Mathew Ross Varcoe McKenzie Nurul Nadia Mohd Ghazali Hayley Caitlin Morgan Sasha Morris Christophe Ng Hian Lee Ng Kwet Pin Rena Chuen Sze Ng Natalie Anna Nicholas Therese O’Young Amanda Grace Paterson



Alice Emily Pearlman Katie Anne Roberts Catherine Elizabeth Robins Ahmad Safwan Ruslan Alaq Ashiqin Sahari Ran May Saw Siti Fatimah Sazali Nabil Irfan Shamsuddin Kevin Sheng Anders William Sideris John William Slaven Duncan Wyatt Smith Shanathan Sritharan Suh Jung Hwan Stephen Robert Sutton Ellen Sweeney Tang Wai San Alistair David Thomson Jac Joseph Trappel Rosie Elizabeth Trumper Mohit Tugnait Max Turnbull Kirsty Josephine Leigh Wark Shaminga Ishan Weerakkody Chamitha Sachinthi Weerasinghe Joel Wenitong Ellisha Jean Willoughby Nicola Kelk Wood Hannah Mercy Woodford Chaston Wu Lay Zhe Yuen Hua Kevin Chin Yung

FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POSTGRADUATE Master of Clinical Psychology with Distinction Alyce McKeough

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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Samantha Cobcroft and Mr Vincent Parmeter The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor Amanda Henderson Degree recipients from the Faculty of Health and Medicine will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Laureate Professor John Aitken The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Samantha Cobcroft and Mr Vincent Parmeter The Chancellor will invite Miss Laurelea Bickhoff to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Professor Amanda Henderson Professor Amanda Henderson has an extensive career in nursing education, research and leadership nationally in both academic and clinical settings. She is a clinical academic at Griffith University, the current Nursing Director, Education at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, and a visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore. Originally completing her nursing training at Royal Brisbane Hospital, Professor Henderson continued clinical nursing training in midwifery at Forth Valley College of Nursing and Midwifery, Scotland, UK, and intensive care training at the General Repatriation Hospital in Concord, Sydney. Professor Henderson gained her Doctor of Philosophy from the University of New South Wales in 2000 and a Master of Science and Society (UNSW) in 2001. With a professional commitment to maximising learning in practice settings, Professor Henderson’s research has resulted in over 100 publications in international refereed journals. Throughout her academic career, Professor Henderson has actively sought opportunities to translate her research output into clinical nursing education. As an OLT (Office for Learning and Teaching) National Senior Teaching Fellow in 2015, she has worked with colleagues throughout Australia on various projects including landmark work on the development of national Learning and Teaching Academic Standards for Health, Medicine and Veterinary Science. She has also promoted inter-professional learning through successful ALTC Leadership Grants and as an ALTC Associate Fellow in 2007. Professor Henderson’s current scholarship is focused on the establishment of clinical settings that promote learning in practice, including the development and utilisation of health care knowledge.





RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREES SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Joanne Rachele Harmon BNurs(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Assessment and Management of Pain in Older People by Nurses in Acute Care: A Focused Ethnography Podjanee Khwanngern Parkpoom MSc(Mahidol) Thesis Title: A Midwife-led Antenatal Breastfeeding Education Intervention for Primiparous Women to Increase Predominant Breastfeeding Rates at One, Three, and Six Months After Birth in Thailand: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial

UNIVERSITY MEDALLIST Laurelea Bickhoff Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

POSTGRADUATE Master of Applied Management (Health) with Distinction Cassandra Knight Master of Applied Management (Nursing) with Distinction Sharron Maree Brown Irene Connor Craig Richard Millington Kelly Ann Monaghan Master of Applied Management (Nursing) Supriya Bose Memory Chikonzo Laura Frederick Natasha Jane Mary Fretwell Jennifer Louise Harben Kylie Jane Hayter Eszter Jozsa Dorothy Therese Kauter-Wall Nicole Rebecca Lacey Christina Matabva Linley Patricia Matthews Amie Mosgrove Jasika Sidhu David Christopher Tomes Master of Mental Health Nursing with Distinction Jessica Benitez Wendy Margaret Charlesworth Roberto Daniele Frumenzi Jeannine Kim Garbutt Sarah Christine Garner Belinda Ann Handy Rupleen Kaur Kaloty Master of Mental Health Nursing Bita Abbasian Chori Sarah Akkawy Anisha Basnet Sonia Anne Booker Catherine Dixon Busuttil Suellen Mary Haskins Elizabeth Hove Akhil Koonathan Abiegail Bridget Nenneh Koroma Melanie Jane Ladmore Aileen Matabalao Manahan

Aron Mangwiro Helen Maree McKay Lara Alyse Newstead Jessy Muzalema Ngoma Sokna Nhian Sophia Lhoi Patagnan Amber Doreen Pike Doreen Tendai Sanyika Belinda Helen Scott Lisa Sebastian Brooke Charity Seebohm Gamze Sonmez Amanda Waters Loice Watson Alison Sara Webster Master of Mental Health Nurse (Nurse Practitioner) Warren Harlow Master of Midwifery Studies with Distinction Maxine Hardinge Master of Midwifery Studies Andrea Mitchell Master of Nursing (Advanced Practice) with Distinction Maree Anne Ellicott Kathryn Margaret Glockemann Janelle Trinder Master of Nursing (Advanced Practice) Alison Ruth Austen Hayley Grace Balassone Mikala Boys Stacey Lea Buckton Carmen Irene Cservenka Christine Elizabeth Denley Lisa Jane Giles Michelle Hiskins Innocent Jokonya Tanneh Kargbo-Reffell Peter George Kozaczynski Witness Muchengi Resfinga Mlalazi Lyndal Moore Patience Moyo Irene Ireen Mundundu Josephine Ngandu Kerry Ann Staniford Sharleen Marie Thomson

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THURSDAY 31 MARCH 2016 2PM CEREMONY Melissa Tracy Tnokoski Jennifer Patricia Watson Natalie Weightman Maricar White Michelle Whitehead Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) with Distinction Megan Nicole Chandler Katie McKenna David Gary Sander Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) Janis Elizabeth Brown Lynette Campbell Yolande Jane Cox David Douglass Sharon Griffiths Kirsty Musgrave Meaghan Claire Osborne Wendy Lynne Renfrew Clement John Riordan Colette Scott Ludmilla Sneesby Jillian Viviers Graduate Certificate in Applied Management (Nursing) Rachael Anne Martin Bhawna Daisy Sharma UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Midwifery with Distinction Melanie Beyersdorf Simone Edeline Biddlecombe Oceane Campbell Jessica Leigh Collins Eliza Grace Conroy Skye Katherine Doel Amanda Jade Hendy Natalie Anne Hughes Angelina Kay Celeste Norbury Debbie Lee O’Grady Danielle Owers Haidee Perkins Brittany Ann Stillone Jazmyn Taylor Jaime Ann Thompson Bachelor of Midwifery Rebecca Lee Downie Hannah Margaret Emslie

Brigette Feenan Jacinta Hallowes Kristy Hawkins Maddison Aldine Hobden Michelle Lee McLellan Nicole Elizabeth New Blaire Renee Nuttall Sophie Elizabeth Palmowski Richelle Lesley Powell Angela Louise Rees Monique Rowe Matilda Jane Sheargold Michelle Vincenzini Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) with Honours Class I Laurelea Bickhoff Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Dustin John Bush Bachelor of Nursing with Distinction Glen Alan Abernethy Tina Maree Brown Kylie Louise Bull Naleya Everson Holly Hadfield Kim Lorraine Harper Emma Jane Hayes Sally Jane Innaimo Tara Jones Sharyn Tracey Kane Lucy Langfield Brin Anseline McCaskie Tegan Maree Miller Melody Kate Newell Oo Mei Li Tegan Jayne Parker Danica Grace PhilpottRobinson Laura Josephine Prentice Anna Pursehouse Olubanke Anuoluwapo Ramon Elizabeth Jane Roberts Erin Grace Saunders Suzanne Maree Smiley Emily Helen Spiers Kody Stevens Virginia Upward Jessica Florence White Joseph Baskerville Williams III Jana Winter

Bachelor of Nursing Chibueze George Amaefula Mercy Blessing Amaefula Kaydee Arrowsmith Aslan Aspekov Olivia Madelene Asquith Elise Clare Baker Adam Leo Banks Sophie Amelia Bartosik Anne-Maree Beckers Jeremy William Beckhaus Elle Bee Cara Anne Bender Katelyn Jane Benn Kade Joyce Bosco Katherine Joy Bottomley Madison Jane Braithwaite Satveer Kaur Brar Hannah May Bright Evelyn Brown Katie-Lee Brown Cassie Lea Buchanan Michelle Clare Buckley Simon Bull Caitlynn Byrnes Melanie Louise Campbell Tammy Maree Carr Kim Maree Carter Micaela Lee Cassar Anne Lela Caves Amanda Elizabeth Clark Bree Elizabeth Clydsdale Joanna Marie Colefax Katheryn Coles Michele Ann Collins Sara Collins Cong Ya Hui Tiarna Anae Cornish Amy Maree Crisp Chelsea Cross Kristine Mae Cuenca Kira Sharne Dalmazzone Mark Bradley Dawson Brendan Dedal Chantal Anita Dekker Flavia Dos Santos Santana Danielle Clare Downey Nerida Drury Alyce Emslie Melanie Evans Olivia Anne Eyre Kristen Rhian Farragher Tayla Jay Finnen Ashlee Ann Fogarty Megan Ford Melissa Jane Fullalove Kylie Therese Garner

Chelsea Gittins Bethany May Gordon Vincent James Gough Angela Kelly Gould Kaylene Ann Gould Rachael Kathleen Gow Jessica Anne Griffis Bronte Gronow Erin Faith Grosser Lydia Haggarty Byron James McLellan Hall Kirsten Hands Elise Monique Hannah Shandell Lee Hardes Sarah Jane Harris Morgan Louise Harshman Emma Louise William Harwood Jye James Hawkins Fiona Rochelle Hayman Katrina Elizabeth Henderson Taylor Jade Henderson Laura Carrie Higgins Rachael Leeann Holmes Rachel Lee Holmes Erin Rosemary Horsnell Ashleigh Jade Hulse Kaitlin Edie Rose Hunt Lucy Jelena Hutchings Wadzanai Nollie Hwata Karli Ireland Elise Marie Irish Brandon Peter James Jeon Seoyeon Shane Anthony Johannessen Cameron Marc Johnston Leigh Jones Jung Ahri Hettie Kamanda Madelin Michelle Kelly Olivia Charlotte King Kristie-Lee Kipa Kwon Ah-Young Asmita Lamichhane Telisa Maryanne Larken Kylie Anne Larter Christine Louise Latham Bonnie Maree Lauder Jessica Louise Laughton Lee Sangryun Michael Gregory Leslie Paulina Maria Lewis Li Yourong Rose-Ana Danielle Lillis Jack London Kassandra Maree Long Lisa Marie Lordanic Sophia Clare Lucas


Danielle Louise Macneill Alex Maher Charlotte Ellen Mahoney Emily Mainprize Faith Makina Hollie Lesleigh Manners Amelia Grace Manton Belinda Marr Jessica Leigh Martin Cartia Mazzoni Tegan Jane McCaw Natai McGlinn Joseph McGrath Katrina Maree McKeough David Thomas McMullen Ashlee Jane McPhee Kaitlin Philippina Meischke Loreena Eraina Milne Alice-May Minahan Pru Elizabeth Moore Jillian Melissa Morgan Caitlin Ruby Morton Madelen Grace Mottley

Edna Mudariki Maddison Mulhall Mary Ann Munar Bonnie Jane Nelson Jamie Keng Lea Neoh Thi Thao Oanh Nguyen Lucille Niddrie Gosego Nkoketsang Elizabeth Kate O’Connor Nathan John O’Sullivan Samantha Oliver Scott Oliver Karen Anne Ormandy Ashleigh Nicole Parsons Gemma Lea Partridge Cody Rae Payne Shannon Rachael Pegler Emma Louise Penny Abbie Olivia Pichler Rachel Pickard Sarah Rose Plint Chan Lyna Pok Kayla Patricia Potter

Jessika Louise Price Kate Lillian Price Marcus Kennneth Purser Yehua Qiao Jessica Nea Quinton-Jones Amanda Rastall Ariarnne Teoni Redman Zoe Claire Redmond Ellie Mary Riddiford Danika Ann-Margaret Riley Mary Emily Ritchie Narelle Rits Jack Ivan Leslie Robards Ruan Zhiyuan Amber Ruddy Linton Evan Russell Caitlyn Alex Rutledge Holly Ryan Kendel Saunders Chloe Emma Georgina Sharp Olivia Shelley Dael Smith Oksana Snedden



Linda Spaans Casey Louise Stone Tania Louisa Clara Talei Teng Mei Megan Rhiannon Thomas James Douglas Thompson Brooke Elise Trimble Muziwandile Gift Tshabalala Aprilyn Villanueva Alex Michael Webb Jessica Wells Tara Kerrie Anne Wigley Alexandria Maree Wilson Serena Woods Alexandra Woolf Matthew Paul Wormington Jordan Josiah Wright Yoo Ga Hyun Tessa Yunginger Kirsty Zammit Salvador Jr Perandos Zamoras Michael Hendrik Zeeman

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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Samantha Cobcroft and Mr Vincent Parmeter The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull AO Degree recipients from the Faculty of Health and Medicine will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Laureate Professor John Aitken The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Samantha Cobcroft and Mr Vincent Parmeter The Chancellor will invite Ms Kathy-Lee Holmes to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull AO Emeritus Professor Jull is a current member of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The University of Queensland and has had a long and distinguished career as a researcher, educator and clinician in the field of physiotherapy. She was a founding director of the NHMRC Centre of Clinical Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health and is Co-Director of the Cervical Spine and Whiplash Research Unit at The University of Queensland. With a Doctor of Philosophy and a Master of Physiotherapy from the University of Queensland, Professor Jull’s clinical research interests are in the diagnosis and management of neck pain disorders. She has published extensively in the field with over 350 papers, book chapters, books and editorials. Professor Jull and her teams’ research has significantly changed clinical practice around the world and she continues to undertake translational research that contributes to professional development education on the assessment and management of neck pain disorders, nationally and internationally. Professor Jull has held senior positions in numerous professional associations including President of the Australian College of Physiotherapists and Chair of the Education Standards Committee of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists. She has also received several awards in recognition of her contribution to research, teaching and practice including the International Service Award from the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. In 2016, Emeritus Professor Jull was made an Officer in the General Division of The Order of Australia ‘for distinguished service to medical education in the field of physiotherapy, as an academic, researcher and administrator, and to professional associations.’








Master of Family Studies with Distinction

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Haya Mohammedali Al-Jadani BHE(Nut&FoodSc), MHE(Nut&FoodSc)(King Abdulaziz Uni.) Thesis Title: The Association Between Diet Quality and Weight Change in Young and Mid-Age Women Over Time Angela Vaitoefaga Masoe DipDThrpy(CDT), GDipCommHlth, MCommHlth(Canberra) Thesis Title: An Investigation into Clinical Preventive Care Provided to Adolescents Accessing Public Oral Health Services New South Wales, Australia Kristine Barbara Pezdirc BN&D(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Skin Colour Amongst Young Australian Women AWARD FOR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE EXCELLENCE IN THE FACULTY OF HEALTH Dr Aoife McGarvey PhD (Physiotherapy) School of Health Sciences Thesis Title: Physiotherapy for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Supervisors: Associate Professor Pauline Chiarelli and Dr Peter Osmotherly

UNIVERSITY MEDALLISTS Jennifer Susan Collison Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Kathy-Lee Holmes Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Michael Sanderson Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

Elaine Marion Bennett Matthew Thomas Burn Leah Coffin Master of Family Studies Helen Beverley Buchanan Christopher Solowiej Graduate Certificate in Family Studies Lola Anne Oliver UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) with Honours Class I Hannah Brown Sharni Goldman Leah Therese Goodyer Isabel Halnes Kathy-Lee Holmes Rachelle Lee Eliza Dell Magennis Emily Catherine Newman Jessica Grace Palmieri Rachel Scoular Janelle Skinner Emily Webb Megan Clare Whatnall Jenna Alice Wheatley Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Ashleigh Dives Doreen Wanjiru Mucheru Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) Caitlin Arundale Nina Suzanne Axelsen Anthea Azzi Anna Carmen Bampton Elizabeth Anne Brown Deonn Louise Burgess Andrew Clarke Jade Alysse Condon Lauren Ann Cook Samantha Coutts Laura Cox

Paige Ashley Donnelly Laura Jayne Ewen Tara Daniela Farkash Demi-Maree Faulkner Sasha Fenton Zoe Flick Ellie Fowler William Andrew Gold Stephanie Louise Grubb Mallory Hall Jacqueline Hallgath Rachael Hammond Ashleigh Maree Henwood Imogen Holman Marisa Ienco Cerlenizza Sarah Jenner Kelly Louise Kuehn Carmen Li Ella Rose Maguire Jessica Anne McGuinness Lani Nicole Millington James Morris Ng Ming Ll Andrea Irena Patsan Fleurette Pereira Monique Santarelli Kate Ellen Schibeci Stephanie Kay Sims Danielle Strongman Kirsten Lee Swan Hannah Kate Sweetnam Zoe Aleksandra Szewczyk Karen Patricia Szpitalak Jake Alexander Turnbull Jason Peter Varoxis Samuel Michael Walker Yazmin Lily-Anne Gaudry Wallis Alison Emma Walton Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) with Honours Class I Carly Ann Blackford April Elizabeth Booth Chang Nga Ki Jennifer Susan Collison Monica Jean Damian Genevieve Mary Dorrough Gabrielle Renee Easey Olivia Frances Jones Olivia Alice Kerr Lauren Maree Newphry Jessica Skipsey Elena Madeleine Vevers Mark Andrew Woodley

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THURSDAY 31 MARCH 2016 6PM CEREMONY Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jamie Hanson John Stephen Loomes Nathanael Marc West Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) Kellie Louise Abraham Kira Lee Alterator Anna Aristobil-Adele Luke Hunter Askie Anika Barry Lyndall Black William Paul Blakemore Renee Monique Brady Cassandra Braid Ashley Louise Brennan Joshua Brown Rochelle Amber Bulmer Tobin Dominic Bush Georgia Kate Buxton Shervawn Truda Channell Tamara Elizabeth Chepel Caraline Leah Cone Isabella Christina Craig Renee Louise Crockett Megan Mary Fitz-Gerald Bonny Michelle GrayThompson Sarah Michelle Hartree Melanie Jane Hellier Aleasha Higgins Simon Gregory Higgins Rowena Anne Hungerford Chelsea Maree Jackaman Alexander Peter Jenkins Matthew Anthony Jones Brigitte Olivia Keenan Norton Gabrielle Louise Kelaher Rachael Kirby Faust Dannielle Korn Samantha Kubiak Megan Lee Cassandra May Long Luk Tun Wan Gemma Mackenzie Lucinda Clare Magann Kate Maxwell Lauren Elizabeth McGowan-Slee Lily Elise Miller Emily Louise Munro Chloe Murphy Shelby O’Carroll Ellen O’Connor April Maree O’Neill

Rebecca Eileen Paterson Emily Claire Peart Danielle Rippon Jacob Roper Alexandra Grace Rush Karina Emma Sanson-Fisher Madison Smith Christie Taylor Lauren Jean Taylor Nathan Toohey Ashlee Jade Van Dam Ashlyn Ann Ventra Nicholas Voican Nicola Anne Waghorn Carly Wong Isaac Hason Woodbury Bachelor of Oral Health Teaghan Ware Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) with Honours Class I Angela Jane Bawden Roishin Amy Cooper Edward Langdon Sean John Lochrin Stephen Macvean Macon Neal Megan Louise Rivett Timothy Robinson Michael Sanderson Bronwyn Leah Vaughan Hannah Louise Wells Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jack Seaton Immanuel Sze Ming Yam Yu Zhongming Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) Thomas Barton Amy Bowman Sarah Anne Cheney Hayley Clayton Caitlin Mary-Ruth Daley Nathan Allan Fernance Jack Campbell Gillingham Zade Goodenough Lachlan James Harman Eleanor Rene Hayes Matthew David Hearne Jacob Hemingway Rachel Elizabeth Johns Jisu Kang

Alanna Louise Kennedy Kate Elizabeth Kingston Michael Knight Ashley Kate Lamb Andrew Ross Lane Benjamin John Levick Emma Jane Lilly Luk Ka Ho Stuart James MacPhail Danielle Mackie Daniel Louis Felix Mandl Elly Kim McCarroll Mutiara Karo McLeod Elliot David Meers Benjamin Edward Mulvihill Trudi Catherine Murdoch Loukas Ioannis Nadiotis Patrick Nelson Annie Helen Nichols Rebecca Parkes Corinne Pilcher Edwina Lucy Powe Chander Prabha Erika Rayner Heather Joan Richmond Sally Jayne Roper Bronte Lisa Kate Shepherd Morgan Jean Stokes Rachel Lynda Thitchener Tania Thu Anh Ton Nu Gabrielle Van Balen Leesha Chantelle Van Heerden Gemma Walker Angus John Watson Benjamin Owen Stanley West Amy Leigh Wigham Mitchell Wilson Nicole Wilson Keshun Zheng Bachelor of Physiotherapy Aaron Christopher Percival





ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Mr Ellery Durrant and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Edmund Capon AM, OBE Degree recipients from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Brett Ninness The Musical Interlude will be performed by Mr Ellery Durrant and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor will invite Miss Samantha Wigman to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Mr Edmund Capon AM, OBE Mr Edmund Capon is an eminent art scholar with specialist expertise in the field of Chinese art. He served as Director and Chief Curator of the Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW) from 1978 to 2011. Born in London, UK, Mr Capon received a Master of Philosophy in Chinese Art and Archaeology (including language) from London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies. His appointment to the AGNSW brought him to Australia, on the recommendation of the then Premier of New South Wales, Mr Neville Wran. During his tenure as Director of the AGNSW, Mr Capon oversaw a significant acquisition of Asian arts, as well as the opening of the newly rebuilt Asian galleries. He is a prolific writer on the arts of China including writing, presenting and co-producing the television documentary series Meishu: Travels in Chinese Art and The Art of Australia which premiered in 2013. In March 2014, Mr Capon took up the position of inaugural Chair of the Australian Institute of Architects Foundation – a philanthropic foundation that promotes the value of architecture and design to the wider community. The foundation has developed a vibrant national program of exhibitions, scholarships, education initiatives and cultural exchange. In 1994 Mr Capon was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia “in recognition of service to the arts, particularly as Director of the Art Gallery of NSW”. In 2003 he was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) “for services to the promotion of British art in Australia”. Mr Capon currently serves as a Visiting Professor in the School of Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, at the University of New South Wales.

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RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREES SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Nalin Senevirathne Abeysinghe Mudiyanselage BSc(Eng)(Moratuwa) Thesis Title: A Screening Method for Rural Flash Flooding Risk Assessment Nwakamma Ahubelem BTech(EnvTech)(Owerri) Thesis Title: Formation of Toxic Compounds in the Thermal Decomposition of 1,3-Dichloropropene Subhankar Biswas BSc(Chem), MSc(Chem)(Rajsh.), MPhil(BUET) Thesis Title: Development of a Constitutive Model for Energy Factors in Erosive Wear Models to Predict the Service Life of Ductile Metals Thomas Francis Bunn BSc(Macq.), MEng(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Modelling the Pumping Characteristics of Power Station Ash in a Dense Phase Hydraulic Conveying System Ryan Steven De Carteret BEng(CivEng), BCom(W’gong.), MTechPavements(Latrobe) Thesis Title: Environmental Salinity and Bitumen-Sealed Unbound Granular Road Pavements Joyeth Dorado BSc(Negros), MEng(San Carlos) Thesis Title: Nitrosation of Aminothiones and the Decomposition of S-Nitroso Species Shan-Wen Du MSc(Eng)(NTUST) Thesis Title: Pulverised Coal Injection into Blast Furnace - A Practical Study of an Integrated Iron and Steel Works Vaibhav Gaikwad BTech(Mumbai) Thesis Title: Non-Equilibrium Plasma Treatment of C1 and C2 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons under Non-Oxidative Conditions and Characterisation of the Resultant Polymers Muhammad Mahamood Hasan BSc(BUET), MEngSc(Malaya) Thesis Title: Synthesis and Thermionic Properties of OxideTungsten Composites and Boride Materials for Solar Thermionic Energy Conversion He Yanyan BE(CSU) Thesis Title: Investigation of the Mechanics of Funnel Flow in Relation to Draw-down and Loads on Buried Structures in Stockpiles

Hou Song BEnvEng, MEnvSc(HIT) Thesis Title: Thermal Studies of Chlorinated and Mixed Halogenated Biphenyls Naseer Ahmed Khan BSc, MSc(UET, Peshawar) Thesis Title: Selective Oxidation of Methane with Nitrous Oxide Over Cobalt Catalyst Jayne Isobel O’Shea BEng(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Mechanical and Dielectric Relaxation Studies of Conveyor Belt Compounds to Determine Indentation Rolling Resistance Properties Ali Rajabipour BSc, MSc(Isfahan) Thesis Title: Service Life Prediction of Corrosion Pitted Pipes Peter William Alexander Robinson BSc(Phys), BEng(Mech)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Dynamics of Open and Closed Belt Conveyer Systems Incorporating Multiple Drives Scott Bradley Sleap BEd(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Georemediation of a Spent Potliner Leachate Contaminated Aquifer Using Calcite and Carbon Dioxide Mohd Ayub Sulong BEng(Mech),MEng(Mech)(UTM) Thesis Title: Characterisation of Advanced Porous Materials Priscilla Tuisuva Tremain BEng(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: A Fundamental Study on Char Creation from Coal Tailings (‘Chailings’) and Its Application as a Soil Amendment MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Hoda Eskandari BMEng(Zanjan) Thesis Title: A Validity Framework Theory and Fatigue Damage Function for an S-N Plane Marveh Forghani BEng(Shomal), MEngSc(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Consolidation of Large Spherical Particles at Low Reynolds Numbers Reza Forghani BCEng(Sadra) Thesis Title: Experimental Investigation of Water Penetration and Thermal Insulation Properties of Semi Interlocking Masonry (SIM) Walls Alireza Jalayer BEng(Chem)(Amirkabir), MEng(EnvEng)(W’gong.) Thesis Title: Oxygen Mass Transfer in Solid-Laden Liquids




Dr Shan-Wen Du PhD (Chemical Engineering) School of Engineering Thesis Title: Pulverised Coal Injection into Blast Furnace - A Practical Study of an Integrated Iron and Steel Works Supervisors: Associate Professor John Lucas and Professor Eric Kennedy

Rohan James Bodman Jacob Andrew David Cole Jonathon Dawes Kate Elizabeth Endacott Julie Hanna Samuel Kenneth Horspool Justin Lee Kah Wai Rowan John Olsson Aariel Pazar Imran Radin Anne Margaret Robson Jason Rodney Searl Stephen Lex Sherd Todd Phillip Solman Natalie Kate Stokes James Cooper Walters Cameron James White Lachlan Willsmore Whitford Alice McLeish Wilkinson

UNIVERSITY MEDALLISTS Joseph Freeland Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) with Honours Class I and University Medal Laurence Chi Ho Kwong Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Honours Class I and University Medal

Master of Architecture with Honours Class I

Master of Architecture with Honours Class II Division 1 Mark Barrow Giles Austin Gibbins Benjamin Gore Nur Amalina Binti Hanapi Perry Le Brocque Charles Andrew Levy Callum Rhys Rowley Saara Kathleen van Rugge



Master of Architecture Syed Mohammad Jafar Abdi Azreen Azira Azli Ayesha Begum He Bin Nurul Irdzra Binti Khairuddin Lim Jervinn Chee Chien Mior Mohd Fahmi Mior Abd Resit Aghil Nakhaei Tehrany James Andrew Oulianoff Christopher David Parkhill Ashley James Patten Kelly Marie Smith Jeevitha Subramaniam Jonathon Sheng Teng Fu Master of Disaster Preparedness and Reconstruction with Distinction Kliene Chunanon Jillian Suggate Rikki Dominique Weber Master of Disaster Preparedness and Reconstruction Laura Lynn Cabarga Andrew James McCullough Master of Engineering Management with Distinction Stefan Fritz Murmann Avedis Daniel Sirim

Master of Architecture with Honours Class II Division 2

Master of Engineering Management

Sheli Johanna Barracluff Ryan Alexander Briggs Lewis Richard Jones Jonathan Peter Donald Langille Lee Phei Ding Angus Lynch Park So Hyeon Sim Chai Yuen Darren Shaohong Tan Trent Anthony Wildrick

Saleh Mohammed S Albadi Anas Omar A Alquohi Sultan Saeed Abdalla Shuhail Alshuhail Mojtaba Bayest Ross Kandlbinder Fabian Alexander Kluge Ana Gloria Larin Benjamin Alexander Narbutas Shervin Safaei Lukas Schulze Wang Tao

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FRIDAY 1 APRIL 2016 10AM CEREMONY Master of Project Management for the Built Environment with Distinction Stefan Jermy Keiran William Medel Master of Project Management for the Built Environment Jack Noel Tarrant Master of Property Lachlan Roy Gyde Stephen Geoffrey Ross Ruyi Sun Graduate Certificate in Project Management for the Built Environment Emily Jane Kingham Richard Jason Lofberg UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) with Honours Class I Nicholas Banfield Patrick John Berry Beau Brazel Mark William Dennis Matthew Thomas Dodd Jaryd Fox Lucy Madeline Gorton Jeremy Alexander Green Joshua Tsetsilas James Julian Paul Kosmina Craig George McIlveen Timothy William O’Shannessy Benjamin Alexander Pearce Anthony Bryce Pitt Adam Schipp Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jayson Robert Barnaby Luke James Brooks Nicholas John Crossingham John Ellwood Michael Falla Marco Antonio Fuentes Courtney Grieve Jacob Hampson

James Anthony Ingham Josephine Kaufmann Peter Michael Keppie Brittany Lea Kessell Matthew Gibson Logan Reece Dylan Mackie Jesse Mitchell Moss Mathew James O’Brien Samuel Thomas O’Shannessy Oliver James Riorden Elliott Joseph Scifleet Paul Simon Sniekers Samuel Brodie Stewart Justin Peter James Swannack Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2 Thomas James Hughes Atkins Matthew Reed Baker Micah James Barnes Rachel Lee Beeton Mitchell James Breheny Maxwell Ray Brophy Matthew James Bundy Samuel John Cahill Dylon Calabria William Smith Coy Blake Cradock Toby Wolseley Crouch Damien Ferreri Madison Fleet Samual Joseph Gardoll Robert Benjamin Harper Jonathon Paul Hedditch Zachary Allen Hill Stephen Hunt Abanoub Kamel Daniel John King Simon McCutcheon Angus Patrick Morrison Robin James Patrick Matthew James Payne Christopher James Phillips Michael Robert Redshaw Alexander Daniel Rowlands Dylan James John Rutter Thomas William Ryan Anthony Jude Samuels James Justin Lennox Smyth Oliver Charles Stone Benjamin Taylor Mitchell John Thorburn Rebecca Leigh Walmsley Marcus Cain Wombwell Matthew James Woodcock

Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) Adam George Boyd Samuel Allen Carlson Cameron Eggins Jordan Leah Elliott Benjamin Edward Hay Jonathon Hodgins Michael Charles S Hutchinson Thomas John Hyland Aiden Peter Kelso Jackson Max Lyons Matthew Martino Thomas Oscar Sheridan Craig James Willatt Michael Zampa Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) with Honours Class I Alissa Margaret Thivakon Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) with Honours Class II Division 2 Todd Allan Jones Daniel Peter Nichols Sean Wheeler Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) Alexander Mikaele Tupou Bachelor of Design (Architecture) with Distinction Andrew Milton Alley Nathan Dawes Kaitlyn Isabella Dunst Lily Katherine Freeman Emma Gaal Luke Liam Grey Erica Johnson David Robert Lamb Annie Murphy Tahni Grace Smith Nicola Traise

Bachelor of Design (Architecture) Benjamin Thomas Adams Corey Agostino Brady Andrew Ainsworth Mia Bella Bacigalupo Alexander James Burke Trent Richard Chadwick Derrick Chu Benjamin Collett Scott Cuzner Beau John De Belle Ding Hao Jazmin Elizabeth Gavin Robert Anthony Geoghegan Gerard David Goldsmith Christopher James Thomas Hamilton Ahsan Fathi Bin Jalaluddin Melynda Audrey Kensey Annette Margaret Korotkich Jaevin Kyle Lillioja Joel Gordon Zhenbang Loo-Carre Annabel Lydon Joshua Linden Marks Christine Mae Mercer Hannah Rosemary Millen Ahmad Afiq Danial Mohd Khairuddin Mohamed Nasri Mohd Nasir Madeleine Olivia Neely D Arcy Newberry-Dupe Vinesh Reddy Ramesh Lillian Shaddock Kamuran Solmaz Ratcharin Sopharak Clarence Tan Say Kiat Nathan Tyerman Georgette Walker-Robbie Oliver Gerrie Faulkner Wisden Mitchell Wright Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Honours Class I Dylan Atkins James Lachlan Carpenter Caitlin Jane Cooper Mark David Doran Anna Evans Emma Catherine Giakoumatos Laurence Chi Ho Kwong Mitchell Louen Lawlor-O’Neill Ben McLean Matthew Sharpe Frances Therese Wilson


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Honours Class II Division 1

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) with Honours Class II Division 2

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) with Honours Class I

Tariq Khalil Attalla Josh Borrowdale Joshua Eagles Thomas Paul Ernst Edmund David Jarrett Timothy Law Brock Tyler Vernon Dean Kenneth Watt

Aaron Joseph Bell Natalie Joanne Cook Sarah Clare Gray Katie Jane Hughes Corey Tom Judd Jonathon Katsaros Brent Krogh William Gary Lambert Christopher Meehan Brody James Merritt Jacob Peter Mossman Annika Jane Netherton Scott Rickard Rajun Vutukuri Steven Albert Young

Jason A O’Brien

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) Andrew Leonard See Sun Jiayu Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) with Honours Class I Chase Tyler Benson Joshua Paul Cappiello Benjamin John Coburn James William Crace Nathan James Gilmour Sean Goodall Georgia Kate Halvorsen Blake Anthony Illfield Caitlin Sarah Le Bas David Anthony McWilliam Alex Robert Keith Newman Geoffrey Steven Shaw Nicholas Werrett Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) with Honours Class II Division 1 Benjamin James Bunting David Mark Caesar Gareth Evans Alexander Frost Andrew Fuller Michael James Jeffery Kurtis Robert Sasse Adam Gerald Schouten Nicholas Raymond Souden Arlo Stanford

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) Julian Bacigalupo Ryan Dean Bateman Brenton Mitchell Berkhout Nicholas James Brown Andrew Thomas Croghan Rebecca Mary Crosby Alexander Peter Devlin Alexander Garry Farquhar Bryce Hilton Foott Daniel Graham Harris Mitchell David Hogg Huang Xin Yan Wade Brendan Keegan Andrew James Land Nicholas Kenneth Lane Stuart Lachlan Morgan Henry Richard Soundy Kynan William Stahl Grant Stewart Karl Francis Toole Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2 Elianne Coffey Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering Paul Mainey Alexander Massey Damian Luke Sacco Bradley William Watts

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental) with Honours Class II Division 2 Alexander Stuart Mills Jack Murray Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering with Honours Class II Division 1 Paul David Lojszczyk Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) with Honours Class I Mark Anthony Copus Joseph Michael Freeland Kevin Gozal Thomas James Henry Jack Michael Laffan Joshua Dixon Lobb May Mon Mon Thu Max Caleb McKinnon Ryan Andrew Needs Daniel Sugo Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) with Honours Class II Division 1 Aishwarya Stephanie Clare Baines Timothy Joseph Bellemore Harley John Braddick Josephine Delore Nathan Hipwell Sachin Kumar Kaul Matha Tejeswini Lewis David Penfold Samuel Matthew Reed Hugh Donald Robson Daniel Stojanovski Adam Michael Tuohy Benny Wijaya



Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) with Honours Class II Division 2 Adam Ross Bryan Nicholas Heuston Yiu Ho Kwan Saad Ali Khan Lie Richard Dar Jin Lim James Barry Mansell Peter James Ross Jack Stewart Desmond Yap Wei De Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) Lachlan Andrew Bendeich Jeremy William Cooper Dunggio Joan Good Jagajeevan Girish Kang Boon Chuan Xavier Ko Ko Lin Guowei Law Low Han Siang John Nathan Morton Christopher O’Connor Kannan Selvam Parasuraman Giridhar Rajan Mariana Salles Pereira Da Costa Sng Ye Yang Tan Wei Shyuan Brandin Taylor Winata Ivan Wong Yong Peng Hong Wei Wong Wu Fei Zhu Jinhui Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with Honours Class I Michael Thomas Hyde Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2 Travis Miles Cabraja Craig Jeffery Dee

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FRIDAY 1 APRIL 2016 10AM CEREMONY Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Industrial Design with Distinction

Thomas James Breach Joel Thomas Guy

James Daley Peter Joseph Hunt Amber Sauni Samantha Elaine Wigman

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronics) with Honours Class I Daniel Sugo Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronics) with Honours Class II Division 1 Josephine Delore Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) with Honours Class I Clayton Manning Lloyd Colbert Matthew Paul Richardson Jesse Schweida Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) with Honours Class II Division 1 Michael James Jeffery Stuart Jon Ladbury Mathew David London Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) with Honours Class II Division 2 James Alexander Howard Johnston Timothy Peter Langford Matthew James McMaster Brendan Steven Pullan Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Surveying) Thomas Manning Burnitt Tyler Maxwell Coughlan Kristopher Richard Humphries Cameron Warwick Leal Bradley David Roberts Nicholas Lee Thompson

Bachelor of Industrial Design Joseph Buchanan Alexander Gibson Daniel Girgis Mathew Gregory Sharna Jones Leon Manuela Gerard Peter James Maybury



Bachelor of Business with Distinction


Caitlin Jane Cooper Lewis David Penfold

Bachelor of Mathematics with Distinction

Bachelor of Business Aaron Joseph Bell Nicholas Kenneth Lane Daniel Stojanovski Nicholas Heuston

Mitchell Louen Lawlor-O’Neill Bachelor of Science with Distinction Anna Evans Ben McLean Bachelor of Science Dylan Atkins Emma Catherine Giakoumatos Paul David Lojszczyk





ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Mr Ellery Durrant and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Mark Scott AO Degree recipients from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Brett Ninness The Musical Interlude will be performed by Mr Ellery Durrant and Mr Callum Close Degree recipients from the Faculty of Health and Medicine will be presented by the Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Judith Scott Degree recipients from the Faculty of Education and Arts will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Germov The Chancellor will invite Mrs Elicia Taylor to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Mr Mark Scott AO Mr Mark Scott is currently the Managing Director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, a position he has held since 2006. Mr Scott’s leadership has seen the structure and operation of the public broadcaster transformed and its services and reach expanded across traditional broadcasting platforms and into new digital content areas. Mr Scott holds a Bachelor of Arts, Diploma in Education, and Master of Arts from the University of Sydney as well as a Masters degree in Public Administration from Harvard University. Mr Scott’s career spans both politics and media, having worked for the New South Wales Greiner Liberal government as a senior adviser to then Education Minister, Terry Metherell, before accepting the role of Chief of Staff to the first NSW female Minister for Education, Virginia Chadwick. He served 12 years in a variety of editorial and executive positions with Fairfax Media, including Editorial Director of Fairfax’s newspaper and magazine division and Editor-in-Chief of Metropolitan, Regional and Community newspapers, before joining the ABC. As Managing Director, Mr Scott has led the ABC through a period of major technological change and reinvestment that delivers new services to audiences such as ABC News 24, iView and the digital re-launch of Double J. In 2011, Mr Scott was named an Officer of the Order of Australia ‘for distinguished service to media and communications, and to the community through advisory and governance roles with a range of social justice and educational bodies.’

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DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Mohammad Maroufi BMechEng, BPhys, MMechatronics (Amirkabir) Thesis Title: MEMS-Based Nanopositioning for On-Chip HighSpeed Scanning Probe Microscopy Elizabeth Louise Ratnam BEng(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Balancing Distributor and Customer Benefits of Battery Storage Co-Located with Solar PV Sonja Stuedli BEEng&IT, MSc(MechEng)(E.T.H.Zürich) Thesis Title: Distributed Load Management Supporting Power Injection and Reactive Power Balancing

Yolanda Surjan BAppSc(MedRadTech), GCert(HlthPromo)(Newcastle), MHlthSc(Educ)(Syd.) Thesis Title: Brachytherapy Treatment for Equine Ocular and/or Periocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma

UNIVERSITY MEDALLISTS Mitchell Stewart Metcalfe Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Jeremy Grant Stoddard Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) with Honours Class I and University Medal

Mark Robert Wallis BCompSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Component-based Runtime Environment for CrossPlatform Applications

Elicia Victoria Taylor Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal


Erin Lorraine Turriff Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

Tanzim Faruque Aditi BScE&Eeng(BUET) Thesis Title: A Novel Scheduling Framework for Heterogeneous Traffic in the Smart Grid Christopher James Fitzpatrick BEng(CompEng)(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Firmwares for High-Speed Signal Processing Applications Daniel Jonathon Ginn BEng(Aerospace Avionics)(Qld.UT) Thesis Title: Mounting a Polarisation Detection Camera System onto a Fixed Wing UAV for Navigation


FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE POSTGRADUATE Master of Occupational Health and Safety with Distinction Nicole Zoe Dixon Richard Gerald Yew Min Lee Master of Occupational Health and Safety Kerry Kathleen McDougall Daniel James Neesham Karen Elizabeth Smith Master of Workplace Health and Safety with Distinction David Morgan Linda Roberts Master of Workplace Health and Safety Nathan Anthony Hartcher Danielle Hobbs Ashley Sarah Russell Master of Workplace Injury Management and Occupational Rehabilitation Sarah Jane Longey Graduate Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety Stacie Kendall Graduate Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Veronica Anne Black Michael John Blackeby Joanne Bouckley Tracy Chan Samantha Kate Clift Louise Devine Caroline Donnelly Janet Margaret Eades Karina Leigh Hellena Evans Steven Fazakerley Michael James Henry Flood Tara Renee Forrest Graham Owen Geering Michelle Carla Gillman

Kenneth Adrian Herd Michael Ilievski Michael McCarthy Bruce Eric Napper Rowan James Oberle Damien Joseph Russell Michael Sayers Ben Ronald Simpson Dean Matthew Sturgeon Amber Kate Tanner Michelle Krystal Vella Amy Adaline Williams Steven William Williams UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety with Distinction Brar Govind Singh Chan Poon Yuan Bachelor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Abu Bakar Sidiq Bin Aslam Andy Danial Bin Mohamad Noor Azri Zulfarhan Bin Kamsin Bemini Hennadige Vijitha Jayakumara Peiris Bin Abdul Ghani Muhammad Soadiq Bin Badruddin Shahrin Rezauddin Bin Haji Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Tajuddin Bong Narisma Salvador Ilustrisimo Jr Chen Jia Jun Vinson Junming Cheng Chew Zhi Bing Chew Hoon Chuan Chong Wei Kua Chow Chong Weng Royston Chua Hang Nee Hong Yun Woei Jiang Donghua King Barry Koon Kim Huat Kuppusamy Sithanandhan Kyaw Swa Hein Lai Teck Li Lee Sau Yong Lee Zhen Yao Liaw Jinle Lim Boon Huat Ronnie Lim Chin Chye

Lim Hee Pheng Trevors Muhammad Fauzee Bin Awi Muhammad Sufian Bin Umar Phua Zaijie Saravanan S/O Subbaraman Saviour Simon Soh Chou Meng Sze Jian Liang Tan Bao Ren Tan Chang Xiang Dominick Tan Han Soon Tan Khai Ray Sean Wei Jie Tay Toh Ee Meng Vinod S/O Saladory Wang Junle Benjamin Wang Chun Liang Philip Yi Lin Wong Yeo Yongwei Shaun Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Diagnostic Radiography with Distinction Shar-Lee Maree Bayliss Rebecca Tegan Biggs Katherine Margaret Clements Adam John Crainean Kristy Dever Jessica Caitlin Dick Yung Hyun Samuel Eum Oscar Fragiacomo Amy Kathleen Guiver Danielle Kathleen Harris Madeline Rose Hiscox Susan Mary Jellett Nasser Khosravi Far Jessica Kim Jacob Curran Longstaff Nicholas Boyd Maddock Courtney Rose Mamic Elizabeth Anne Marlow Marylin Meas Courtney Pasfield Natasha Jane Radbone Andrew David Reedy Jordan Andrew Scott Blair Smith Amy Danielle Stock Jess Stocker Brooke Lynette Williams Olivia June Williams



Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Diagnostic Radiography Rebecca Nana Enyama Ackah Sarwan Al Mubarki David Stephen Allen Hannah May Atkins Tegan Bell Ashlee Shai Brown Chelsea Sofia Castillo Joshua Robert Aubrey Chamberlain Dali Jane Clarke Samantha Lee Clement Mario Edwin Jr Demesa Craig Matthew Dibley Yen Thi Hai Dinh Helen Rachel Earley James Vinhas Fernandes Aisling Anne Fox Julia Grant Anne Michelle Hohns Yin Yin Htwe Katie Hughes Myee Ikeda Farah Inga Weibin Jiang Malcolm Lau David Iain Livingstone Samuel Longstaff Marina Manios Dominic James McGeachie Samantha McKay Nicola Metcalfe Codie Miller Eliza Jane Miskiewicz Corey James Morabito Brodie Neems Andy Sui-Fai Ng James Palmer Park Jaehong Kelly Payne Jeslyn Xinyi Pek Raveena Shantel Rajendran Rebecca Jane Ramsay Hannah Randall Maddison Jacoba Richardson Grace Emma Robbs Craig William Rogan Mark Anthony Russell Paige Russo Jessica Rose Saines Ruquaiyeh Tahara Saleem Philip Salloum Belinda Saw Eleanor Scott Tania Sneesby

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FRIDAY 1 APRIL 2016 2PM CEREMONY Chia-Mei Tang Rachelle Tinning Xanthe Tusek Gianni Vumbaca Angela Wedesweiler Jared Williams Lisa Wolter Emily Wright Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Nuclear Medicine with Distinction Agrithaa Guru Jack Hunt Jayne Marie McCabe Emma Mary McPhillips Brooke O’Kane Brianna Jayne Powe Shiphrah Prathna Tagore Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Nuclear Medicine Ahmed Abdullah Ali Alabdullah Fohood Alqattan Samar Bachir Georgia Veronica Boak Nicole Louise Coutanche Claire Devlin Danielle Kate Forbes Jake Mitchell Garner Jocelyn Louise Hickey Lucy-Jane Catherine Hunt Ashleigh Rebekah James Laura Maree Johnston Eleanor Kelliher Rania Louw Arlen McDonald Sara McGee Elizabeth Christine Moorby Rutendo Nicole Muzamhindo Corey Stewart Nash Victoria Amy-Jean O’Brien Eloise May Pangalos Jakov Pekich Taela Jade Stacey Patrick Thompson Kye Stuart Tull Dayna Warwick

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Radiation Therapy with Distinction Georgia Rose Barjaktarovic Eddie Michael Gibbons Olivia Johns Naomi Louise Macnamara Nena Chandresh Mehta Brianna Lauren Minns Brooke Louise Wilson


Tyler James Moore Tyler Morrow Jeremy Grant Stoddard Cameron Andrew Matthew Wong


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) with Honours Class II Division 1

Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) with Honours Class I Mitchell Stewart Metcalfe

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science in Radiation Therapy

Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

Liam Morris Ainsworth Josephine Ann Cannon Xudong Chen Alicia Theresa Eric Chiu-Hao Liu Lui Wang Ngai Darcy Louise McNaughton Samuel Meadows Kate Elise Murray Arabella Norman Jessica Jade Patterson Shimon Prasad Aaron John Pritchard Samantha Roberts Ella Rosie Stenning Emma Louise Swinfield Kaitlin Jane Tantos Naomi Amina Trad Harrison West Gemma White Adam John Whymark

Richard Preston Langridge Bachelor of Computer Science with Distinction Tyler Haigh Paul Thompson Bachelor of Computer Science Jonathan Anderson Trey Brisbane Jed Richard Clarke Leigh Moon Soo Cooper Andrew Phillip Cunningham Christopher John Emery Jackson Bradley Frankland Lachlan Goodhew-Cook Simon Francis Hartcher James Rade Lambert James Elliott Merry Michael David Roberts Jake Spencer-Goodsir Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer) with Honours Class II Division 2 James Elliott Merry Levi Coe Weitenberg Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer)

Mathew Robert Barton Jacob Anthony Brown Jeremy Herd Jarrod Douglas Horne Jack William O’Connor Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) with Honours Class II Division 2 Ewe Edward Zhi Hao Mitchell David Keith Goldring Scott Hughes Nathan John Laut Lewis Quill James Andrew Williams Yong Vuthearith Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) Andreas Zisis Antoniades Michael Gray Mojdeh Ahadi Robbie Guy Ellul Jesse Fildes Benjamin Godden Hari Krishna Kuah Hwee Siong Peter Patrick Morley Phillips Phone Myint Zin @ Ye Min Oo Meng Hui Mervin Sim Tan Jun Ming Tang Whye Mun Wyman Robert Paul Toner Xu Zaiqiang Yang Yang Ye Lin Hein

Myles Geoffrey Wellington

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical) with Honours Class I

Ang Kuan Sim Wei Jit Kenneth Chan Christopher Jesse Starkey

Luke Sazdanoff James Christopher Alford Astono Indriani Puspitasari Nathan Cady Jesse Alexander Cranney Gerard Dixon Aaron David Matthews

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronics) with Honours Class I Jackson Ray Baker Mark Patrick Gibson


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronics) with Honours Class II Division 1


Angus James McDougall


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronics) with Honours Class II Division 2 Francis Edward Conroy Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering with Honours Class II Division 2 Stephanie Elizabeth O’Donnell Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering Aaron Dean Ford Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software) with Honours Class I Brendan James Annable Thomas John Bradshaw Andrew Tuomas Dabson Monica Julia Olejniczak Liam Patrick Steele Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software) with Honours Class II Division 1 Benjamin Luke Atkinson Zachariah Van Camp

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class I Honae Haylyn Cuffe Supatra May Gill Matilda Hope-Kirchen Matylda Maria Mackiewicz Ashleigh May McIntyre Elicia Victoria Taylor Patricia Mary Withycombe Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Louise Elizabeth Berry Emily Kate Bish Rowan Chestnut Joshua Adam Croft Alan George Jayden Duncan George Daniel Marshall Stephanie Ng Robert Payard Alexander James Williams Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2 Lesley Anne Beards Luke Harris Nitschke Bachelor of Arts with Distinction Jenelle Monahan Honae Haylyn Cuffe Alexander James Williams Olivia Barfield Jackson Mark Clarence Samuel David Wesley Cooper Andrew Dallow Hayley Ann Dunne Timothy James Grant Laura Frances Groombridge Tegan Keizer Annabel Mary Kelly Jessica Margaret Lighton Thomas Maxwell Austin Mowbray Elizabeth Fiona Mozeley Shannon Mary O’Hara-Smith Daniel Michael Parris Daniel Alex Price Robert Austin Rowe

Benjamin Kyle Sheather Emily Swain Haydn Lee Thurlow Bachelor of Arts Sophie Varcoe Sharnee Jane Ainsworth Emily Christine Anderson Madeleine Clair Banister Alice Jean Barclay Gemma Renee Beck Kaitlin Bell Zoe Kyranne Booth Dominic Leo Bourke Susan Boyd-Skinner Ashlea Brumby Louise Burge Ruairi Crayton Burns Sarah Michelle Clunies-Ross Kelcey Louise De Lyall Sean Michael Duce Sarah Elizabeth Forward Miriam Zoe Foster Ashleigh Jane Giffney Kaitlin Gray Taylor Darren Philip Grew David Thomas Gunter Tara Margaret Hamilton Alesha Louise Hardy Victoria Elizabeth Harrison Rosalind Clare Hayes Andrew Garry Holmes Laurence Hunt Bonnie Isobeau James Matthew James Johnson Bethany Rose Kable Phillip Kapudija Whitney Chea Keevers Ashleigh Kaye KeeversEastman Christopher Edward King Tanika Michelle Koosmen Blake Elizabeth Loaney Kegan James Mannell Sophie Alexandra Mathieson Charlotte Emily Matthews Sophie Anne Mayeux Kali Shannon McCoy Prue Elizabeth McDonald Jessica McIntosh Jasmine Marianne Miners Katherine Morrison Abbey Rose Norman Nicola Pearson Anthony Pirillo Dane Rhoades Erin Claire Richardson



Theo Rule Indigo Molly Ryan Liam Simpson Madeleine Smith Truman Smith Emily Strachan Michael William Szmynec Adam Thomas Turner Patrick Thomas Tydd Jake Timothy Whitbread Alice Clare Wilk Samuel Jack Wills Cassandra Anne Woods Emma Wright Jordan Andrew Wunderlich Diploma in Languages Jenelle Monahan Sophie Varcoe

FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Mathematics with Distinction Mitchell Stewart Metcalfe Bachelor of Science Levi Coe Weitenberg

FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Business with Distinction Luke Sazdanoff Bachelor of Business Andreas Zisis Antoniades Michael Gray

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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Sophie Aked and Ms Helen English The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mrs Elaine De Vos Degree recipients from the Faculty of Education and Arts will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Germov The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Sophie Aked and Ms Helen English The Chancellor will invite Miss Jessie Drane to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Mrs Elaine De Vos Currently Chief Executive Officer for On Track Community Programs (OTCP), Mrs Elaine De Vos is a recognised thought leader and expert in shaping and driving major government reform strategy, particularly through commercially focused organisational leadership. With a Master of Business Administration from Plymouth University, Mrs De Vos has more than 20 years’ experience working at a senior level in both the public and private sectors. This includes 10 years working with the UK Government, during which time she played an integral part in the establishment of national policy and delivery of key social reforms. In 2013 Mrs De Vos was invited to advise on one of the most significant social reforms in Australia – the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). She has also spent 18 months working with the NSW Government agency, Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC), alongside NSW Treasury, to develop an ambitious organisational change strategy that has transformed the ADHC’s service delivery partnerships across the non-governmental organisation sector. In her current role with OTCP, Mrs De Vos oversees this major regional, not-for- profit organisation which provides critical and responsive support services and programs in areas such as Disability, Mental Health, Community Housing, Homelessness, Family and Youth, and Community Outreach and Employment. She also serves as a current Council Member of the Disability Council NSW.










Amir Rezapourmoghadammiyandabi BRestoration(Art Uni.),MCons(IAU),MBus(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Histoire as the History: A Review of the Politics and Implications of Islamic Public Pedagogy of the Archetypal Past

Roslyn Ann Dunlop BMusic(Sydney.) Thesis Title: The Indigenous Music of East Timor and its Relationship to the Social and Cultural Mores and Lulik Worldview of its Autochthonous People Ruth Ru Hwa Liou BFA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Lotus Trace III: Hybrid Cultural Identity - A Place to Call Home Eleonora Angela Bianca Moelle BFA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Breaking Symmetry: The Structure and Dynamics of Form in Ceramics Gregory Kenneth White Thesis Title: Towards Maximal Convergence: The Relationship Between Composition, Performance and Production in Realtime Software Environments

Paul Jerome Walker MBBS(NSW) Thesis Title: An Examination of Moral Decision-Making in Medicine, Informed by a Habermasian Paradigmatic Approach: Implications for Medical Education SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Fatimah Ibrahim M Alswuail BSSc(Al-Qassim), MApLing(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Influence of Religious and Cultural Attitudes on Engagement Among Learners of English as a Foreign Language in Saudi Arabia


Joanna Marie Atherfold BA(CommStud) BA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Watermark: A Short Story Cycle

Michael Bardon BMusic(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Investigative Cellist and the Informed Audition

Matthew James Bunn BSocSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: In the Echoes of Mountains: Embodying Climbing Practice

Heath Andrew Wayne Landers BMus(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Rhetorical Concepts and Mozart: Elements of Classical Oratory in His Drammi per Musica

Zachariah Patrick Duke BTheo(Hons)(ACU) Thesis Title: A Critical Analysis of a Theology of Disability in the Australian Catholic Church: A Qualitative Study into Contemporary Inclusionary Practices

Louise Margaret McAlpine BFA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Hapticivism. Haptic + Activism, An Artistic Imperative in Keeping the Haptic Sensibilities of the Artist/Object Maker Relevant Pablo Mauricio Tapia BFA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Master Painting Manual: Traditional Painting Material Methodologies for the Contemporary Artist Grant Thomas Vercoe BFA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Manhattan and the Merging of Modernism

Elizabeth Anne Easton BA(Hons), MA(Newcastle) Thesis Title: “The Convergence of the Twain”: Romanticism and Naturalism in Thomas Hardy’s Tragic Novels Jack Elliott BA(Syd.) Thesis Title: Trends, Regimes, Collocations, Co-Expressions and Trees: New Methods for Analysing Sequential Aspects of Literacy Language and Literary Data Paul Farnill BEng(Hons)(NSWUT), MTPI(Syd.), MA(Macq.) Thesis Title: Possession, Planning and Control: Imperial and Early Australian Land Policies as a Cornerstone of New South Wales History, 1788-1853

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FRIDAY 1 APRIL 2016 6PM CEREMONY Simon Dario Gonzalez Ochoa BA(Los Andes) Thesis Title: Place Oppositions in English Coronal Obstruents: An Ultrasound Study Terri-Anne Green BApplSc(Physio)(Syd.), GCertSocSc(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Second Shot Elizabeth Lorna Kinder BA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Harry Potter and the Specular Selves: the Life and After-life of the Image Deborah Enid Long drs(Nijmegen) Thesis Title: Dissolving the Solid Body: An Ethnography of Birthing in an Australian Public Hospital Georgina Ramsay BSocSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Beyond Resettlement as Refugee: Enduring and Emerging Dimensions of ‘Displacement’ as Cosmological Rupture for Central African Refugee Women Troy Saxby BA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: “A Unifying Principle:” Pauli Murray, Biography, and the Quest For Identity Michael Charles Wenham BA, DipEduc(Newcastle) Thesis Title: “My Own Darling Laddie”. In Search of George Wenham: An Aboriginal Anzac and the History of Denial

POSTGRADUATE Master of Applied Linguistics with Distinction Rahma Awadh Mattar Al Alawi Ketkanok Kearns Manami Simmons Master of Applied Linguistics Benjamin Luke Colthorpe Laura Jane Norton Emma Joy Thompson Wang Wen Julie Maree Whiting Zhu Yu Master of Disability Studies with Distinction Teresa Carr Andrew Fedorov Xiangrong Li Amy McGuinness Alannah Marie Overland Lindsay Perry Janeen Grace Sawtell Wendy Tilyard Shayne Renae Toussaint Master of Disability Studies


Amy Laura Burling Moreno Medina Angel Eduardo

Loretta Anike Tolnai BA(NE) Thesis Title: Relative Strangers

Master of Leadership and Management and Education Anthony James Flood

AWARD FOR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE EXCELLENCE IN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS Dr Cassandra O’Loughlin PhD (English) School of Humanities & Social Science Thesis title: Taking My Breath Supervisors: Associate Professor Kim Cheng Boey and Dr Jesper Gulddal

UNIVERSITY MEDALLISTS Eloise Rose Genner Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

Master of Music Technology with Distinction James McEwan Naomi Elise Ryde Master of Music Technology Geoffrey Damien Allan Peter Desmond Bennett Master of Social Change and Development with Distinction Tamara Hann Katie Anna McDonald Victor Kanayo Nwanjoku Andrew Patrick Roach

Julia Louise Steenkamp Emma Louise Turner Kylie Suzanne Wallace Abbee Kae Warskitt Master of Social Change and Development Carla Emma Bergmeier Roberto Casablanca Nicholas Cody Teula De’Gars Nicole Natasha Hazel Bernice Kamikazi Mohammad Elyas Karim Melanie Martinelli Russell Peake Kim Shade Isei Verevakabau Evelyn Vista Angela Hunter Walsh Master of Theology with Distinction Lisa Atholwood Rachele Louise Belz Larissa Ann Byrne Kurt Challinor Ann Louise Cleary Helen Dunstan Melissa Louise Feltham Melissa Anne Fenech Judith Ellen Gardiner Mark Ronald Gilham Maria Catherine Goudie Thomas Lincon Hall Rachael Marie Keenan Michael James Mangan Michael Julius Manuel Wendy Margaret Marsh Patricia Maree McCarthy Janice Mary McDrury Tracy Jane Mcewan Gerard Joseph Mowbray Joanne O’Connell Monica Officer Lucy Elizabeth Smith Timothy Doyle Snelling Timothy Michael Swan Christopher Rodney Thomson Emma Louise Timmins Laura Louisa Toscano Laura Vardanega Colette Mary Ward Jennifer Lindsay Young


Master of Theology Koby Lee Allan Bridget Patricia Bandle Joanna Louise Baxter Adriana Therese Bianconi Tracy Teresa Brown Marie Teresa Butt Sara Clarke Grant Matthew Colquhoun Allyse Eve Cresta Danielle Maree Cutler Gemma Death Caroline Doyle Jacqueline Gay Favaloro-Tod Anthony James Flood Peter Stephen Flynn Shannon Olivia Fonti Jade Maree Forrester Cameron Furey Gina Louise Governatore Emma Rose Grant Lynette Mary Güllsdorf Catherine Anne Hatter Amanda Holly Hennessey Kimbalee Ann Hodges Kelly Maree Humphrey Ann Elizabeth Jackson Jonathan Michael Joseph Sharon Kelly Jasmine Laguna Kathryn Emma Lambkin Joan Suzanne Lancaster Diana Lazzaro Ligia Nogueira Learmonth Jane Louise LoTam Julie Maree McKenzie Simone Maree McManus Julie McPhee Philippa Ann Mercer Daniel Matthew Mitchell Kathryn Maree Moore Lois Jean Altmann Moore Brett Renn Murphy Keiko Nishimura Cynthia Jayne Nosworthy Leah Isabella O’Hare Paul Francis O’Heir Belinda Orlando Amy Rose Parker Jason Angelo Pennisi Lee Kathryn Pethybridge Lauren Kate Petrie Shane Lewis Poulson Dianne Margaret Quarmby Jayne Allison Riley Maureen Roast Imelda Saunders

Peter Harold Seymour Eileen Bernadette Shaw Natalie Maree Shelley Toni-Maree Sillis Elizabeth Maree Small Mark Brian Spencer William Thomas Symons Stephanie Tomich David Henry West Jade Elizabeth Wheeler Michael Hubert Williams Romina Wills Mary Josephine Wright Catherine du Bois Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics Amanda Ingram Adam Lewis Laurie May Mascord Christine Musabimana Romy de Jong Graduate Certificate in Social Change and Development Drashna Anjinaiya Hammer Ibironke Omorhirhi Tracy Lee Stolman Catherine Thompson Sarah Wademan Graduate Certificate in Theology Kathy Margaret Allwright Juli-Anne Attard Bobbi-Jo Bailey Geraldine Ballesteros Kimberley Ballinger Maryanne Therese Barker Anthony Barnes Katie Ann Bertram Megan Kathryn Mary Biggs Christopher John Patterson Browne Carina Elizabeth Bunting Lara Katherine Calabria Sarah-Jane Katharine Cartwright Vicki Ann Channon Jenet Chapman Christina Suzanne Chiarella Margaret Cecilia Churchley Samantha Leigh Cockcroft Jodie Maree Colemane Alana Mary Daley Stacey Dalli Kate Louise Davis

Mary Jane Davison Elyse Erin Adams Dean Rochelle Ashleigh Sarah Dew Clancy Dowling Rebecca Durrant-Whyte Daniel Wayne Ebert Tegan Ann Elliott Mark Gregory Fawkner Dane William Fitzpatrick Melinda Floro Sally Anne Flynn Bianca Amy Gleeson Maree Lisa Graham Megan Elizabeth Grant Michael John Harris Marc Francis Hattam Maree Frances Herrett Gail Hili Melissa Hogan Annie Amelia Holborow Kate Holden Kyla Narelle Hopwood Lisa Ann Howard Peter Hunt Trevor Robert Husk Cassandra Helen Iler Samantha Maree Jackson Alexander James Karen Jarvis Shireen Karnib Lora Elizabeth Keady Matt Kean Sarah Jane Keane Claire Rosanna Kennedy Amanda Louise King Nicola Kingsley-Jones Brian Michael Lacey Gabrielle Susan Elizabeth Lawler Natalie Jane Lawrence Samantha Ledowsky David John Lette Heather Carolyn Lloyd Mary Amanda Madaschi Lyndal Joy Marshall Madeleine Maulguet Meagan Lousie Maytom Madolyn Clare McCammon Kate Louise McDonell Jane Maree McGennisken Tia McGillvery Erinn Margaret McMahon Carly McPherson Paul Gerard McPhillamy Danielle Alyce Middleton Marianne Paula Milani Richard David Miles


Jason Miszczyszyn Alisha Maree Mitchell Nicole Ann Morgan Amanda Moylan-Brown Fiona Louise Mulhall Shazmey Alana Murray Laura Theresa Nelson Lionel Newton Catherine Nora Nolan Meagan Mary O’Brien Renee Louise O’Connell Allison Irene Passafaro Nadia Paternoster Angela Pelling Karla Pennell Kaye Frances Picton Simon Robert Quinn Kellie Louise Rich Amy Maree Richards Joanne Robinson Kylie Robinson Bernadette Rogers Emma Leonore Rollestone Jessica Jiayi Ruan Vanessa Ryan Kelly Anne Ryan-Clark Nadine Marie Ebbesen Scarfone Alice Scroope Mark Andrew Scullard Rebecca Gabrielle Searant Christine Shilling Bianca Michelle Sibert Amy-Lee Olivia Silvester Danielle Nicole Sinclair Marina Maria Sindija Erin Elizabeth Smith Patsy Anna Stanley Briony Leyanne Starr Natalie Emma Stirrat Gabriela Stojanovski Lisa Jane Stoneley Gwen Elizabeth Tarleton Jessica Alison Tilley Amanda Tollner Antonia Tsekas Laura Faye Turner Michael Geoffrey Turton Alice Mary Vigors Stacey Walsh Peter Woodward James Lindsay Wright Kelcie Grace Yeates


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FRIDAY 1 APRIL 2016 6PM CEREMONY Bachelor of Music (Honours) with Honours Class I

Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) with Honours Class I

Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

Jessie Louise Drane James Kenneth Maher

Benjamin Archie

Louise Joanne Davis Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) with Honours Class I

Bachelor of Music (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

Libby Hope Eckersley Eloise Rose Genner Louisa Magrics James Andrew Rhodes

Joseph Ralph Asquith Jennifer Mary Ellin Hankin Jarrad Hoogwerf Riley O’Doherty

Michelle Karen Bailey Nicola Kate Bonham Carolyn Mary Day Jacqueline Olivia Gissane Lauren Jane Graham Emma MacDonald Teila Jade Martin Harrison Saich Caitlin Stephenson

Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

Bachelor of Music (Honours) with Honours Class III

John Knox Heaney Shelagh Paule Lummis Kalinda Hanna Nelson-Boyd

Nicholas David Jamieson

Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2

Riley O’Doherty Thomas John Studley Ashlee Woodgate Shuen Min Yeoh

UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Aboriginal Professional Practice

Shandele Louise Pascoe Charlotte Marie Patterson Bachelor of Fine Art with Distinction Brooke Fraser Amy Hamilton Maddyson Shae Hatton Bachelor of Fine Art Tim Buchanan Rebecca Ashley Delaney Ashleigh Jane Duncan Brooke Edwards Sharni Rachel Gough Jasmine Leigh Anne Hanlon Natasha Michelle Heckenberg Valerie Ann Horton Amy Barwick Hughes Joel Christopher Jeffery Jessica Jones Magella Kerr James Edward Ian McFarland Jessica Claire Lily McLeod-Yu Emily Jane Roberts Michelle Petra Schmitzer Emily Jane Sinclair Alexandra Marie Williams Fern York

Bachelor of Music with Distinction

Bachelor of Music Alinta Charlotte Barlow Jess Louis Blackburn Jonathon Murray Burgess Alexander James Clark Thomas Dawson Brennan Faithfull Fell Kieran John Fiatarone Bridget Anne Glennie Stephen James Logan Kira Lesley McCaig Brittany Jane McCallum Boyd Alexander McCormack Laura Jane McKay Mikaela Mepham Jessica Ellen Page Benjamin Josiah Peterson Thomas Oscar Pichaloff Rachel Pogson Garth Albert William Prentice Benjamin Andrew Price Thomas Clifford Reid Julia Rutten Liam Blake Tooth Alexander Hamilton White Jarrod Wilton

Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jake Brown Karen Louise Daniels Ellyn Frances Pettigrew Bachelor of Social Science with Distinction Bridie Campbell Ruqia Chavla Brittany Dickey Mitchell Grant Catherine Mary Mead Amy Erin Tsang Bachelor of Social Science Ryan Mitchell Adamson Patricia Barbara Atkinson Brianna Leigh Barry Kara Brogan Madeleine Church Rhianna Clare Cusack Madellaine Daphne Doherty Sarah Jane Ede Melanie Gibson Catherine Frances Hannon Jason Mark Hinton Nicole Joy Hudson Claire Deahne Kitchingman Chelsea Koloamatangi Anna Leigh Macinnes Scott Mackenzie James McCarthy Adele Emma Newcombe Hayley O’Brien Bryan James Pollock Rebecca Maree Pryor Shannan Esther Purdy Brodie May Sheppard Claire Smith Megan Anastasia Stanwell Regina Szatmari Jaylene Elicia Trovato Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) with Honours Class I Elizabeth Sophie Ratcliffe Paula Smythe Ingrid Nancy Stansfield Chlotaire Ellen Jean Wilson

Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2 Erica Svebakk Aadal Jacqueline Sue Anderson Brittany Lee Baillie Suzanne Louise Barker Raelene Ann Brock Holly Ann Chen Jemima Keziah Cox Alison Maree Fardell Rebekah Maree Filby Gabrielle Clare George Kimberley Lamb Loren Moody Kristen Joy Payne Tegan Reed Clare Madeline Snelling Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Kelsie Alexander Kirrilee Bevan Leah Catherine Boetoes Amee Maree Cossar Mariam Darweshi Louise Michelle Davies Malia Donaldson Alison Drake Ellen Elizabeth Druce Chantelle Edwards Noelle Louise Gallant Nicholas Paul Gordon Ashleigh Maree Josina Henry Hugh Lewis Houston Julie Karen Leto Andrea Louise McMillan Crystal Lee Ralston Eliza Jane Sellers Lindsay Alexandra Smith Jordan Still Jammie Lee Swann Jo Anne Yates


Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) Grace Jean Allan Katrina Allan Emma Joyce Arntz Larissa Kate Bisby Hannah Leigh Boss Sharon Michelle Boundy Bianca Maree Broderick Nicole Ellen Brown Emily Hannah Church Emma Elizabeth Connell Grace Curgenven Vivien Ruth Edwards Caroline Jane Fewtrell Katie Fryer Melanie Anne Gibson Rebecca Jane Gillogly Kelsea Louise Green Alia Ashiqa Hasan Jessie Lee Hawke Caitlyn Jayne Hilton Joy Ellen Hirst Brittney Renee Johnson Elizabeth Jessica Kulhanek

Lillian Alexandra Langford Erinn Jayne Lyon Mak Cheuk Kin Tabitha McPhee Maddison Lea McVea Hannah Morton Abbey Cecelia Moss Gemma Elizabeth Myers Joanna Kate Nelson Laura Nicholas Johanna Grace O’Brien Laura Danielle Pavey Edwina Catherine Pursehouse Bridget Kate Quinlivan Isabelle Lydia Reece Lauren Samantha Reed Courtney Jane Salm Gabrielle Claire Scanlon Kimberley Scott Karen Christine Shoobert Charlotte Emily Swainson Abbe Sweetman Sarah Louise Terry Abby Wiseman Paige Courtney Wittig

Bachelor of Theology with Distinction Benjamin Jozef Banasik Bachelor of Theology Ann Therese Barfoot Jacob Elisha Bohr Kay Creighton Melissa Annette Crozier Scott John Mudd Nicholas Paul Tyler Zhou Wenjing Diploma in Languages Laura Jane McKay Bridie Campbell Shannon Bellamy Rhianna Fitzpatrick Grace Eloise Handsaker Raelene Monahan Diploma in Theology Anne Louise Chellingworth Margaret Ida Douglass Mary Frances McAuliffe



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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Kumari Lamotte and Ms Chelsea Davis The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr John Beach Degree recipients from the Faculty of Education and Arts will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Germov The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Kumari Lamotte and Ms Chelsea Davis The Chancellor will invite Mrs Melanie Innes to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Mr John Beach Mr John Beach is the Principal of Newcastle East Public School (NEPS), a role he has held since 2002. Recognised as Australia’s oldest continuously running school, NEPS has been providing education for the children of inner-city Newcastle since 1816. Mr Beach was educated at Newcastle Boys High School and the University of Newcastle, where he completed a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Philosophy and English literature. He also gained a postgraduate qualification in Special Education, as well as a Masters degree in Educational Studies. Mr Beach is currently undertaking studies in French at the University of Newcastle. Mr Beach’s teaching career has included a variety of positions such as Head Teacher of English, teacher of adolescents with special needs and leadership positions in several rural primary schools. He has been a school Principal since 1990 and has made leadership contributions that have positively influenced the lives of thousands of students and staff in our region. Most recently, Mr Beach headed the committee that organised the successful bicentenary celebration for NEPS which featured among its speakers The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, former Justice of the High Court of Australia, and Australia’s first female Prime Minister, The Hon Julia Gillard. This celebration included the launch of the book, To Climb The Hill, which documents two centuries of schooling at NEPS through the eyes of its students. Mr Beach is a highly respected and passionate advocate for public education and the opportunities it provides for all children.




FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS POSTGRADUATE Master of Leadership and Management in Education with Distinction Cassandra Aitken Zorica Bicanic Brett Daniel Blaker Danielle Ann Brown Sinead Ann Caulfield Jessica-Lee Dreyer Kristofer Feodoroff Anthony James Flood Megan Louise Hamblin Michael Hansen Thomas Hoskins Neil Barry MacAulay Mark Roger McConville Kelly Maree Muffett Catherine Mary Phipps Briony Jean Redmond Master of Leadership and Management in Education Christine Joan Bailey Rachel Francis-Davies Laura Jane Gallagher Zachary Charles Hain Daniel William Kelly Christopher John McCord Carmel Nicholas Kylie Anne Pomana Siosaia Teasl Pomana Dominic Joseph Robeau Aimee Jean Salisbury Kety Elie Sawma Briony Anne Whaite Master of Special Education with Distinction Samar Hassan Al Howiti Michaela Bahr-Thomson Emma Marie Bartley Michelle Elizabeth Beresford Susan Irene Louise Bone Trisha Borg Holly Maree Bradburn Leslie Braman Carol Mary Bridley Belinda Gai Brown

Penelope Wendy Clifton Stephanie Cordula Couch Dale Paul Cowling Kathryn Margaret Crowe Kym Sheree Didlick-Godwin Cecilie Duchatel Octavia Edelkoort-Bonacci Jemma Elizabeth Eves Melissa June Fanshawe Rachel Fazakerley Jillian Louise Gourlay Lynne Margaret Guy Teresa Hogan Sarah Elizabeth James Ryan Michael Jones Richard Shane Kelly Roslyn Michelle Kelly Lisa Maree Keyes Khairul Farhah Khairuddin Jessica Kime Joan Lagata Katrina Sue May Lim Sally Ann Mainsbridge Kate Elizabeth McLeod Kathryn Lorelle McNee Donna Mildren Philippa Miller Natalie Mills Pigram Kenneth Graham Mills Robyn Narelle Mitchell Holly Oakenful Maria Beate O’Sullivan Deborah Louise Outram Lynda Maree Pickett Janet Kay Pope Kate Elise Pryde Rhonda Ramsey Caterina Therese Robertson Jamie-Lee Samuels Sharon Gayle Starr Dianne Lesley Stuckey Aoife Suttle Jessica Jane Thompson Kate Louise Townsend Rebecca Jane Wales Naomi Anne Walsh Samantha Ward Clare Margaret Whittaker Kimberley Elizabeth Wilson Damien John Wright Si Yang Zhang

Master of Special Education Keira-June Alberts Mark Ronald Baker Emily Nancy Barrow Helene Gayle Burrows Emily Scarlett Bates Jessica Ann Becklar Gabrielle Claire Bertoss Chloe Margaret Bertram Michaela Maree Brett Jody Anne Bond Emma Bruce Elaina Creighton Margaret Patricia Church Natasha Cherie Churchill Martiene D’Amicis Rachael Dennis Lisa Lorraine Dillon Robert Dobson Suzanne Doherty Lance Druery Megan Louise Druitt Kristy Edwards Sarah Louise Ellingham Sarah Farrugia-Martin Kerri Maree Fields Gemma Louise Freeman Aysha Furlong Fiona Gilmour Katherine Green Lisa Jane Hardy Alison Kate Harvey Michael Stephen John Healy Rachel Healy Tina Joy Henshaw Renee Kristy Herbert Stephen Andrew Kayes Alison Marie I’amafana Kellie Lea Keed Courtney Elizabeth Mace Maryann Louise Marshall Melissa Lillian McCagh Rosemary Sarah McNamara Belinda McNeil jemma Annique Mews Shubnum Morabi Rachael Anne Phillips

Chrystal Anne Platt Andrea Price Neeti Puri Kathy Michelle Quinn Deborah Ann Raiteri Charles Antony Roberts Emily Kate Roberts Lynnette Elizabeth Rosenberg Fleur Louise Robinson Jacinta Maree Ryan Lauren Maree Sciani Robyn Mary Silk Danielle Jay Simpson Cassandra Louise Smilas Kylie Ann Smith Jasmine Joanne Stanbury Tegan Maree Stevenson Rebecca Jean Swannack Julieta Thomas Melinda Tomlinson Trisha Turner Sharon Emmerentia van Jaarsveldt Sharon Lee Wilson Cheryl Anne Wright Tegan Xenos Anthony Benjamin Yates Graduate Certificate in Theology Christine Louise Redmond Brady Nikola-Anne Sowry Tess Marie StClaire

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SATURDAY 2 APRIL 2016 10AM CEREMONY UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class II Division 1 Kirsten Jane Amos Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Arts with Distinction Elizabeth Rose Munro Baker Ruth Marie Clements Natalie-Rose Daly Sarah Donaldson Sharon Patricia Dow Phoebe Duggan Samantha Jane Golding Emma Grace Gulliford Peta Humphreys Anna Jayne Loiterton Tegan Dawn Marquet Hayley Maree Middleton David James Niddrie Bianca Jade Parr Lucy Elizabeth Partridge Sarah Ruth Pass Brittany Elizabeth Rayner Indigo Rosenblatt Kate Shakespeare Marina Maria Sindija Aimee Soper Sarah Alice Van Netten Samantha Elizabeth Vaughan Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Arts David Scott Absalom Gemma Louise Aitken Samantha Leigh Allingham Joshua Luke Avis Shannon Elizabeth Bakic Matthew Bastian Abbey Elizabeth Bates Kathryn Mary Battley Callie Black Jessica Blanch Lauren Bleakley Ashleigh Meredith Blunt Shaye Emily Bourke Christine Louise Redmond Brady Alexandra Rose Brain Emma Rachel Breese

Jayden Gary Brett Jessica Ann Brewster Matthew William Bright Leesa Gai Brinkley Karlie Elizabeth Brooks Sherri Lee Burgess Carly Byrne Chloe Elizabeth Cameron David James Carlton Jenna Carolan Grace Louise Cathcart Riley Chivers Madalyn Clare Jessica Clarke Gina Colwell Tammy Melissa Cooper Rhianne Michelle Crichton Nagisa Emily Dalby Jamie Robert Dale Nicholas Davies Emily Dean Liam Diacci Emma Distefano Jack William Downing Emily Louise Dries Carlie Ebert Chloe Elder Hayley Emily Ellis Jessica Frances Faras Kate Victoria Ferguson Laura Jane Fitzgibbon Bianca Jane Flanagan Olivia Renae Forbes Taryn Elizabeth Ford Madelain Maree Frazer Amy Elizabeth French Elijah Aaron Fuller Louise Barbara Gillespie Rebecca Jane Gillespie Dominique Amy Gillette Nicole Frances Goldsmith Laura Helen Goodwin Eloise Hand Kelsey Victoria Harris Tatum Jane Hassett Megan Ann Haywood Stephanie Hicks Felicity Mae Hipkins Kiera-Lee Hull Jessica Irwin Thomas Peter Irwin Daniel Alan Jackson Emily Jenner Sonia Elizabeth Jerrett Alexandra Leah Jones

Patrick Andrew Jones Jessica Anne Kagen Jemma Keast Sean Peter Kees Ellie May Kerin Elizabeth Clare Kermode David Glenn Kidd Ashley Latimer Lauren Belinda Latimore Shaun Tyler Lawrence Tara Jane Lawrence Shannon Louanne Lewis Lucy Lonergan Robert John Low Kassandra Elise Manolis Kathleen Joy Mason Shelby Emma McBlane Damien John McCabe Courtney Jade McDonald Joshua Luke McGrath Lucy Kate McWhirter Gemma Maree Metcalf Laura Jane Metcalfe Stefanie Micevski Lindsy Miller Katelyn Mole Anthony David Morris Melanie Jessica Moyle Tannon Keith Muller Elese Ann Murray Sarah Jane Nahapiet-King Carly Jane Parish Kiona Parkinson Lewis John Frederick Pink Tori Lauren Pitman Chantelle Louise Pollock Laura Potter Teigan Anne Power Amy Mae Probert Emma Grace Quinn Brianna May Radford Michael Paul Radnidge Jo-Anne Margaret Rathbone Luke Chandra Rayner Brittany Marie Louise Robertson Sinead Roddick Sarah Lindsay Rodgers Phoebe Rogers Jarrad Mychael Ross Matthew John Rowley Zoe Ann Rowsell Jessica Evelyn Philbey

Setterfield William Sewell Kaitlyn Shaw Kevin Shaw-Taylor Courtney Susan Smith Hayley Maree Smith Rebecca Kathryn Stacey Maddelin Stafford Tess Marie StClaire Elizabeth Sullivan Emma Jessie Summerville Lauren Swan Megan Taylor Adam Thompson Nicole Leigh Thompson Nicole Maree Thomson Natalie Jane Travis Claire Tudgey Laura Ann Van Egmond Jade Tegan Verschelden Joel William Patrick Warby Emma Watson Amy Louise Wheeler Laura Rose Williams Benjamin John Wright Bree-Anna Louise Wright Holly Maddison Wright Lauren Renee Young Georgina Dimity Zervos Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class I Melanie Jane Innes Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class II Division 1 Amanda Kathleen Sullivan Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts with Distinction Paige Ashleigh Gardiner Sarah Graham Elizabeth Carey Hamson Ebony Hutchin Katherine Elisabeth Lyttle Krystle Lee Manning Alyssa Lee Nott Michael John Richardson Emma-Lee Alexe Scott Katherine Rose Leighton Smith


Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts Amy Margaret Arevalo Melissa Blandford Tyler Anthony Burn Alyse Campbell Camilo Carvajal Jessica Cullen Ashlen Elizabeth Curley Natasha Lee Donaldson Tara Jade Evans Megan Jane Fitzsimmons Mark Andrew Fromson Bethany Alison Galinski Imogen Nicole Gorden Jesse Lee Graham Mathew Aron Grandin Megan Louise Henry Mitchell Brian Herring Matthew Reay Hill Dilan Thomas Houston Louise Anne Johnson Telaine Patricia Kelly Hannah King Tayla Laing

Indigo Elizabeth Lawrie Kate Elizabeth Lyddiard Alana Dawn Malone Matthew James Marselos Eleanor Louise Martin Colin McSpadden Kate Mulligan Rugar Hannay Murcutt Melanie Emma O’Dell Bree Seajana Ossington Alexandra Rose Pearce Robert John Penglaze Jesse Pietrzak Emily Richards Kate Riley Adelle Catherine Roscoe Chelsea Leigh Roulstone Peter Brock Short Christine Joy Simmonds Nikola-Anne Sowry Emily Kate Sykes Skye Marie Sylvester Rebeca Tamas Joel Thomas Wagner Brianna Rose Walley

Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Mathematics Helen Jane Spencer



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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Kumari Lamotte and Ms Chelsea Davis The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Nathan Towney The Research Higher Degree Excellence award will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Education and Arts, Professor John Germov Degree recipients from the Faculty of Education and Arts will be presented by Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Germov The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Kumari Lamotte and accompanist Chelsea Davis The Chancellor will invite Mrs Helen Powell to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Mr Nathan Towney Mr Nathan Towney is a Wiradjuri man from Wellington, NSW. He is currently the Principal of Newcastle High School, a school with over 1,100 students. Mr Towney is one of 25 Indigenous high school principals out of the 2153 across NSW. After his career in rugby league was cut short by injury, Mr Towney took his passion for sport and enrolled in a Bachelor of Teaching/ Bachelor of Health and Physical Education at the University of Newcastle, gaining entry via the Wollotuka Institute’s alternative entry scheme. Since completing his degree with Honours in 2004, Mr Towney has held many positions within the Department of Education at a school and regional level including roles at secondary schools in Scone, North Sydney, Granville and Wadalba Community School. From 2011-2014 Mr Towney managed the Aboriginal Education Team for South Western Sydney region, covering 276 schools. He has been part of the South Western Sydney Aboriginal Teachers’ Network for over four years. Mr Towney is a strong advocate for public education. He is committed to providing opportunities for young people and encouraging them to achieve their potential through education. There are currently more than 60 Aboriginal students at Newcastle High School and many come from towns as far away as Goodooga and Boggabilla in western NSW. In his role at Newcastle High School, Mr Towney is responsible for the range of cultural programs related to Aboriginal identity and culture and he is committed to recruiting Indigenous staff to promote this learning for all students.





RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREES SCHOOL OF EDUCATION DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Hamood Albatti BEngLang(IMIU), MAppLing(Newcastle) Thesis Title: An Exploratory Study of Students of English and other Departments at Saudi Arabian Universities with a View to Improving the Quality of Student Services Mohammed Methry Alhwaiti BEleEdu(TPC, Jeddah), MA(UJ) Thesis Title: The Development of Professional Standards for Bachelor of Special Education Programs in Saudi Arabia Universities Majed Alzahrani BELang(Al-Quara), MA(UQ) Thesis Title: Topics in the Grammar of Zahrani Spoken Arabic Gladys Nyanchama Asuga BEd(Kenyatta), MEd(Nair.), MEdSt(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Theorising School Leadership Preparation and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa With Particular Reference to Kenya Janene Louise Budd BSc(Hons), MPsych(Clin)(Newcastle), GCertPsych-Onc(Melb.) Thesis Title: Self-Regulation in the Doctoral Research Context: Exploring Students’ Responses to a Self-Monitoring Process During PhD Candidature Su-Ching Juan BBA(Chinese Culture Uni.),MA(Oklahoma City Uni.) Thesis Title: Innovation of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curricula in Taiwanese Universities Liu Ting BEdu(Huaiyin), MEdu(ECNU) Thesis Title: Mathematics Achievement Levels and Learning Experiences of Migrant Children: Perspectives of Teachers and Teaching in Chinese Urban Schools Joshua Aron Matthews BSc(Flinders), DipEd(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Investigating a Computer-Assisted Language Learning Approach for the Development of Second Language Word Recognition from Speech Lydia Ngati BA(Linea), MEdStud(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Technical and Vocational Education and Training System in Botswana: Stakeholder Perceptions of TVET Practices Kylie Deborah Smith BMus(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Harmonisation with Nature: Enhancing Health Education Through Empathetic Ecomusication

Delma Yuarata BEEduc, MA(EducAdmin)(Notre Dame, Philippines), MEdStud(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Cultural Influences on the Oral Communication Strategies Used by Pre-Service Teachers and Teacher Educators: An Investigation of English Medium Classrooms in Central Mindanao, The Philippines WOLLOTUKA DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Louai Ab F Abdulhamid BText(Al-Fateh), MA(APS) Thesis Title: Artistic Styles in the Sculpture of the Ancient Rock Art in Wadi Al Baqar (Valley of Cows) in the Sahara Desert in Libya Raymond Frederick Kelly Doctor of Letters (honoris causa) Thesis Title: Dreaming the Keepara: New South Wales Indigenous Cultural Perspectives, 1808-2007 MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY John Doolah DipAbSt, BASc, BAbSt(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Decolonising the Migration and Urbanisation of Torres Strait Islanders (Ailan pipel) from the Torres Straits to Mainland Australia between the 1960s and 1970s AWARDS FOR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE EXCELLENCE IN THE WOLLOTUKA INSTITUTE Dr Raymond Fredrick Kelly PhD (Aboriginal Studies) Wollotuka Thesis title: Dreaming the Keepara: New South Wales Indigenous Cultural Perspectives, 1808-2007 Supervisors: Professor John Maynard, Emeritus Professor John Ramsland and Dr Jean Harkins Ms Nicole Chaffey MPhil (Aboriginal Studies) Wollotuka Thesis Title: North: Remembering Country Supervisors: Associate Professor Maree Gruppetta, Dr Elizabeth Cameron and Mr Greg Blyton

UNIVERSITY MEDALLIST Amanda Gail Layt Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Health and Physical Education with Honours Class I and University Medal

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Master of Teaching with Distinction

Master of Early Childhood Education

Zoe Ambler Ashleigh Rebecca Archer Heather Bale Emily Browning Robertson Wesley Burgess Sonia Amparo Carpenter Christopher James Clifton David Andrew Dawson Breony Delforce Ian Stuart Dunlop Gregory Paul Field Maree Anne Ford Craig Peter Gardiner Brittany Herron Michael John Ingersole Xanthe Maree Kerr Traci Leigh Knuth Matthew Thomas Langbien William John Hanley Longfield Michelle Frances Manditch Deanne McIntosh Scott Andrew McKinnon Simon Moore Alanna Maree Neilson Helen Jean Powell Dione Elizabeth Scott Tapasya Shrestha Bianca Michelle Sibert Renee De Fiddes Wilcher Benjamin Joseph Wilson

Amy Elizabeth Majella Broadbent Kylie Lightfoot Master of Educational Studies with Distinction Neil Russell Anderson Corina Best Kirsten Maree Blake Cole Adam Bussey Stefanie Camden Sonia Amparo Carpenter Chen Hong Kahli Ann Frater Louise May Lewis Peter Ronald McPherson Anita Jane Morris Caroline Naguib Queenie Feung-Yie Ng Melanie Shauna-Marie O’Brien Rebecca O’Meara Glenyce Mae Oswald Madeline Elizabeth Rex Rebecca May Rutherford Matthew James Simpson Madeleine Jane Smith Nicholas Anthony Timmins Jason Webb Master of Educational Studies Eman Alshafie Kieran Bugler Carrie Jane Conserdyne Eileen Suzanne Fulwood Craig Leonard Hayden Hae Lee Martin John McGauran Michelle Lee McGavin Bongani Eric Mhlaba Thai Son Nguyen Vikki Potts Marcelina Ranin Matthew Robert Reece Rochelle Lee Tearse Heidi Jane Waldron Oliver Bray White Louise Paige Woulfe

Master of Teaching Timothy Wayne Barry Kade Thomas Bellamy Kathryn Elise Blair Shannon Bronkhorst Margaret Ann Campbell Elliott James Chadwick Emma Dallen Kate Ferguson Linda Ferreira Stephen Robert Forbes Amy Kathleen Giffney Katie Monica Hayes Matthew Paul Howarth Jackiy Ilievski Nicole Kimball Nicola Clare Lane Warren Richard Liackman Ling Yie Ling Irene Richard Christopher Linnane Stephen Paul Mackay Shandor Marosszeky Annabelle Marie McIntyre Mark Neal

Lauren Kathleen Olsen Berardino Parente Jaymie Parish Basanta Poudyal Samira Razmara Katrina Lee Rich Michael Robinson Rebecca Helene Rose-Wilson Claudia Scheinecker Brie Sesselmann Hye Gyung Sire Laura Elizabeth Southwell Evan Richard Thomas Vijayasanthi Vadlapatla Cheryle Ann Veale Wang Jing Zhi Jiabao Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies Alexandra Anderson Eleanor Suzanne Baker Deidre Lynnor Balderston Jason Peter Berry Rachel Brindal Leah Graham Allan Paul Johnston Jing Xuan Lim Michelle Jayne Lott Deborah Sue McAndrew Vanessa Nystrom Sara Rajabnia Jennifer Reid Christine Rutherford Anne-Marie Van Duinen Kylie Anne Wagstaff UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Education Studies Mitchell James Dobb Kristy Lee Meredith Hannah Rose Murray Adam Keith Young Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies with Honours Class I Melissa Jane Tolhurst

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies with Distinction Melanie Claire Archie Alissa Maree Daley Candice Lyn Mackay Alexis Ammy McInnes Olivia Jane Paton Kristen Olivia Wylie Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies Michael Altmann Haylea Louise Best Genevieve Natalie Bird Emily Bourke Jerome Luke Brecard Stacey Brown Laura Caitlyn Buckley Bettina Therese Butler Hao Dou Karlee Cherie Elliott Isabelle Felton Cassidy Sinead Ferguson Kirsti Louise Freeman Claire Gentle Emmah Kate Gillies Jessica Lee Gouck Lauren Ann Hall Rachael Gloria Hamilton Kate Virginia Haynes Alison Linda Susan Hosgood Stephanie Kate Howard Amelia Lois Howes Jillian Frances Hugo Brendan Scott Jackson Brooke Jones Katy Lambley Melissa Lindsay Elizabeth Jade Lindus Melaine Lacey Lindus Breanna Stacy Lucas Courtney Jane McMullan Eloise Faye Mehan Kassandra Miller Nikole Elizabeth Lola Moodie Stephanie Louise Newton Rachel Louise Nix Kelsey Charlotte Paterson Rochana Terese Price Kate Louise Reibel Cameron Scott Robinson Ricky James Sanson David Silver Jessica Lee Sipple


Sally Rose Skimmings Tara May Stanford Jacqueline Maree Stone Alana Thompson Wen Yi Ashley Maree Wilton Carina Louise Wood Zhang Chujing Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Fine Art with Distinction Keffa Heaney Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Fine Art Jessica-Lee Astley Kassandra Louise Bangle Rebecca Joye Castelijn Courtney Hope Chate James John Gill Savannah Grace Grills Charmaine Adele Harvey Thomas Alexander Hellmrich Kirsty Elyse Jackson Claire Johnson Heidi Irene Mainey Nicola Paige McGrath Aimee Catherine Moretti Sophie Parker Sam Patterson-Smith Alison Leslie Salmon Bachelor of Teaching (Health and Physical Education) (Honours) Thomas Wai Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Health and Physical Education with Honours Class I Maggie Janes Amanda Gail Layt Levi Wade Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Health and Physical Education with Distinction Lauren Janet Dickinson Aaron Robert McDonald Josie-Lee Morris Brenton Luke Remington

Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Health and Physical Education Maddison Adams Bronte Elizabeth Annis-Brown Stuart Keith Bailey Sarah Maree Banister Dana Caitlin Barriball Alex Benjamin Bewley Ricky Brassey Christine Elizabeth Brown Joshua Shaun Brown Melissa Louise Bryan Scott James Bull William Clifton David Paul Connaughton Madaleine Cook Christine Louise Crump Nicholas Henry Eather Blaise Joseph Edgtton Trevor Matthew Finch Courtney Loren Forrester Natahlia Green David Francis Noel Gregory Laura Katherine Greive Joddy Ronald Griffiths Jordan Lauren Hardy Scott Glen Hartley Michelle Jasmine Hartmann Jessica Maree Heagney Michael Jack Hendry Alexandra Lucia Hernando Jordan Ryan Hinton Madeleine Kate Jupp Jake Callum Macdonald Brianna Kate McColl Mitchell Russel McFadden Nathan McLennan Yasmin Kerra Meakes Hayley Jane Miller Ryan Paul Moon Rikki-Lee Moore Samantha Grace O’Connell Scott Mathew Pettit Robert Plain Emily Porters Kelli Anne Price Kiori Isobel Rees Daisy Robinson Alexandra Beth Rogers Kate Lousia Sanders Jack William Seymour Elona Jane Small Jemma Mary Stapleton Oliver Steel Peter Lloyd Suttor

Marcus Blair Thomson Danielle Trayhurn Nathan Scott Wilkinson Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Mathematics with Honours Class I Nicola Rose Dugar Gerard Price Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Mathematics with Distinction Jaclyn Renee King Tara Jane O’Sullivan Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Mathematics Brett Burton Nicholas Adam Jones Stephen James Laurie Tanya Alexandra Momot Walter Prowse Corinne Vingerhoed Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Science with Distinction Ashley-James Outim Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Science Joshua Michael Bennett Emma Elizabeth Currall Angela Eykamp Teegan Fay Ling Matthew Gerard Neville Taylor Andrew Ross Tahlia Jaye Skinner


Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Technology with Distinction Kasumi Jane Yosan Irvine Stephen Douglas Scott Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Technology Abby Ella Bookless Samuel George Cornall Holly Grace Cronk Amy Hodgson Courtney Hollings Scott William James Stacey Heather Norval Nicholas Robert Potts Simon Elliott Rudd Clare Elise Wilson


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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Kumari Lamotte and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor Merlin Crossley The Research Higher Degree Excellence award will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Professor Mick Manus Degree recipients from the Faculty of Science and Information Technology will be presented by Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mick McManus The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Miranda Arrighi and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor will invite Miss Caitlin Chambers to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Professor Merlin Crossley Professor Merlin Crossley is a molecular biologist, specialising in human genetic diseases. He is also an enthusiastic teacher and science communicator who contributes frequent articles on science, education and policy. He serves on the Trust of the Australian Museum, is Deputy Chair on the Board of the Australian Science Media Centre, sits on the Boards of the Sydney Institute of Marine Science, and New South Innovations, is on the Council of the EMBL Australia, and Editorial Board of The Conversation. He undertook his BSc at the University of Melbourne, majoring in genetics and microbiology, moved to Oxford University supported by a Rhodes Scholarship, and then did post-doctoral research at Oxford and Harvard before taking up a position at the University of Sydney, where he was Professor of Molecular Genetics 2005-9, Acting Dean of Science 2004, Director of Research for the College of Sciences and Technology 2005, and Acting Deputy ViceChancellor Research from 2006-8. In 2010 he began as Dean of Science at UNSW and in 2016 was appointed to Deputy ViceChancellor Education.






Tessa Lord BBiotech(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and Oxidative Stress in Post-Ovulatory Ageing and Apoptosis of the Mammalian Oocyte

Hanadi Abdulaziz Almukhlifi BSc(Chem)(Taibah Uni.), MPhil(Chem)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Nanoparticle Effects on Partial and Complete Oxidation of Isobutane Over Metal Oxide Catalysts

Azrinawati Mohd Zin BSc(Leeds),MSc(Chem)(UTM) Thesis Title: Towards the Development of Processable Molecular Imprinted Polymers

Muhammad Asaduzzaman BSc, MSc(BAU) Thesis Title: Livelihood Vulnerability of Women in the Context of Climate Change Impacts: Insights from Coastal Bangladesh

Bach Dang Nguyen BLaw(HCMC Uni. Law), MSc(RurDev)(Swedish Ag.Scis.) Thesis Title: Institutions for Sustainable Fisheries Development: The Case of Marine Fisheries in a Coastal Commune, Vietnam

Astija BEd(UPI), MSc(ITB) Thesis Title: Regulation of Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Elongation and Response to Heat Stress by Cell Wall Invertase

Thi Hong Nhung Pham BSc(UEH), MSc(Swedish Ag.Scis.) Thesis Title: Conflicts Over Natural Resources and Environment: A Case of Tam Giang Lagoon in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Coast of Vietnam


Sarah Bell BDevSt(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Frictions of Management: Engaging and Performing ‘Nature’ in Kur-ring-gai Chase National Park Elizabeth Grace Bromfield BBiotech(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Function of Molecular Chaperones in Human Sperm-Egg Recognition Madeleine Frances Dupont BSc(Chem)(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Investigating the Charge Storage Mechanisms in Electrochemical Capacitors: Separating Faradaic and Non-Faradaic Processes Using Step Potential Electrochemical Spectroscopy Lacey Vasiliki Hizartzidis BSc(Hons)(Newcastle), BSc(Adel.) Thesis Title: The Development of Flow Chemistry Methodologies for the Synthesis of Potential Anti-Cancer Agents Natalie Patricia Holmes BSc(Hons), GCertEnMgmt(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Morphology and Performance of Nanoparticle Organic Photovoltaics Li Yongxin BSc, MSc(NWAFU) Thesis Title: Effect of Halide Salts on Surface Browning of Fresh Cut Apple Slices Liu Yonghua BSc(HAU), MSc(ZJU) Thesis Title: Regulation of Tomato Fruit Set Under Heat Stress by CWIN-mediated Sucrose Metabolism and Signaling

Sing Pei Tan DipSc(TAR College), BFSHN(Hons), BSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Extraction and Encapsulation of Bioactive Compounds from Bitter Melon Terence Wei Yang Tiew BBiotech(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Influence of Peroxisomes on Reactive Oxygen Species Regulation and Regeneration Induction in Plants Thanvapon Senee Yingprasertchai BSc(Microbiol)(Ubon), MSc(Microbiol)(Mahidol) Thesis Title: Influence of Metal Exposure History on Metal Tolerance in the Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea Glomerata) MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Andrew Charles Clark BSpSci(NSW) Thesis Title: GPS Based Time-Motion Analysis of A-League Soccer Andrew Thomas Regan BA(DevStud)(Hons)(ANU) Thesis Title: An Analysis of the Impacts of Biochar to Disturbed Soils from the Hunter Valley, New South Wales SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Hadi Charkhgard BInEng(Shomal), MInEng(Sharif) Thesis Title: Theory and Algorithms for Multi-objective Integer Programming

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THURSDAY 7 APRIL 2016 10AM CEREMONY Riley Martin Clement BMath(Hons), BCompSc(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Mixed Integer Linear Programming Models for Machine Scheduling Reena Kapoor BAMath(Hons), MAMath, MPhil, PhD(Delhi) Thesis Title: Scheduling Problems Arising in Coal Export Supply Chains: Algorithms and Complexity Simranjit Kaur BSc(Math)(Hons), MSc(Math), MPhil(Delhi) Thesis Title: Arc Shutdown Scheduling in a Capacitated Network to Maximize Flow Over Time Meksianis Zadrak Ndii BSc(UNC), MS(ANU) Thesis Title: Mathematical Modelling to Investigate a Wolbachia Intervention to Reduce Dengue Transmission Michael Gerard Rose BSc, BMath(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Expectations over Deterministic Fractal Sets Sun Jidi BSc, PGDipSc, MSc(Cant.) Thesis Title: Development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based Prostate Treatment Planning AWARD FOR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE EXCELLENCE IN THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Dr Elizabeth Bromfield PhD (Biological Sciences) School of Environmental and Life Sciences Thesis title: The Function of Molecular Chaperones in Human Sperm-Egg Recognition Supervisors: Professor Brett Nixon and Laureate Professor John Aitken

UNIVERSITY MEDALLISTS Theo Bendit Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Josephine Grace Burstal Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Teagan Emma Porter Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Bradley Williams Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

POSTGRADUATE Master of Environmental Management with Distinction Nelson Winston Hicks Jarn Shane Hodgson Christopher Knight Samantha Elise Tonissoo Master of Environmental Management Antje Brademann Breanna Elizabeth Heidke Natasha Kate Watson Micah Welsh Master of Environmental and Business Management with Distinction

Master of Information Technology (Advanced) with Honours Class I Ben Shelton Master of Information Technology (Advanced) with Honours Class II Division 1 Srijan Thapa Master of Information Technology (Professional) with Distinction Sharjeel Nadeem Siddiqui Master of Information Technology (Professional) Yanina Shyrokaya Kaveh Tabar Heydar

Klay Jonathan Marchant Krushi Anoop Shah Shane Anthony Harry Wise

Master of Science Management with Distinction

Master of Environmental and Business Management

Karin Flemm

Nicholas John Renneberg Jacqueline Tranter Master of Information Technology with Distinction Paul Leonard Buckingham Troy Mark Campbell Maryam Heydarian Jian Mingshu Andrew Robert McMahon Master of Information Technology Mohammed Shukhbut A Al Bishr Bander Marzook H Alotibi Ali Yahya Asiri Linda Christine Clemesha Eliseo D’Annunzio Fu Tong Barri Mohammed H Hamad Yuan Lin Lyu Ou Pantea Mahjoob Behrooz Shane Oliver Munachimso Samuel Onyeodizielu Wang Xin

Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management and Sustainability Elspeth Catherine Pottie Joseph Henry Salmona Laura Marie Tieri Stephanie Anne Van Dijk Nicole Caroline Werynski Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Richard Paul Berry Brian Minh Tuan Ly



Bachelor of Development Studies

Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) with Honours Class I

Kayla Brockett Harriet Ellen Carter Brown Tayla Hill Alice Jessica Jarrett Dylan James Mitchell Kyera Jane O’Dell Michelle Ann Palmer Tegan Rochelle Park Nicole Jean Sellen Mason Andrew Stankovic Lauren Jean Thwaites William Vazquez

Lily Chen Samantha Alison McGaughey Michael James Miller Benjamin Russell Munro Joseph Leigh Pegler Natalie Trigg Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jesse Edward Franks Rachel Ogle Bachelor of Biotechnology with Distinction Sadia Khaleda Ahammed Jessica Eleanor Lewis Dylan James Mortimer Thomas John Stubbs Sophie Rene Wells Lesley Anne Mei-Fang Wong Bachelor of Biotechnology Chen Yanfang Eoin David Coxall Cui Jinwei Ryan Thomas Foster Li Hao Jana Katharina Pschichholz Donovan Timothy Stevens Thanh Qui Tram Alexandria Turner Sarah Walsh Kai William Wong Maryam Younes Bachelor of Communication Ashleigh Louise Plowman Bachelor of Development Studies with Distinction Megan Dorothy Crowhurst Caitlin Ganzer Emily Jane Hemsworth Jasmine Horrocks

Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Honours) with Honours Class I Josephine Grace Burstal Angus Fanning Anna Flack Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management with Distinction Michele Graham Fiona Katherine Warden Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Louis Abell Matthew James Ayre Sean Blackford Christian Garry Bondini James Calvert Clark Jillian Michelle Cowburn Joseph Philip Davis Nicholas Andrew Dunstan Ryan Kirk Foggett Matthew Paul Fuller Amy Louise Goldie Peta Harris Mikayla Ellen Henderson Ellen Barbara Higgon Blake Andrew Hodges Taylor Loree Jackson George Andrew Jamieson Emma Jeffrey Emma Jane Kendrick Isaac Lawson Lancaster Bianca Grace Lewis Jay Lewis Lindsay Samuel Dylan McDonald Benjaman McDougall Edward Peter Munnings Mark Alexander Norman Thomas Peter Prentice

Dyllen Eric Graeme Redman Liam James Richards Kristopher Andrew Keith Rixon Tawna Ryan Nicholas Scanlan Jessica Carole Southgate Sarah Ann Stevens Benedict Nelson Sutton Emily Alice Thompson Matthew William Tolhurst Rhys Williams Nicholas John Woodard Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Daniel Craig Dacker Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition Tagred Alnabhani Candice Renee Witham Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class I Jacqueline Deanna Bailey Bachelor of Information Technology with Distinction Chaw Han Wen Andrew Nicola Catherine Dawson Lillian Lara Demaris Harris Aaron Graham May Tyler Joel Noorbergen Scott Rumford Bachelor of Information Technology Jeffrey Adomski Khalid Ibrahim A Alkharashi Leighton Blyth Liam Braid Justin Wayne Cassel Bradley James Chakos Samuel Mostyn Dee Cohen Dennis Fam Henry Jarrod Matthew Hiles Hong Youngik James Thomas Jupp James Edward Kaiser Kang Hyun Wook Andrew James Keppie Khor Seong Cheng Kim Yeonwoong Hayden Robert Kirk Koo Yipeng



Lee Won Tae Lujiang Liao Lim Erwin Gavriel Loh Kean Hong Tommy Loh Yi Kuan Theody Magill Shoaib Mohammed Mallahi Kane Marzol Shaun Timothy Minett Brandon Moore Patrick Navratil Paul Alexander North Park Hye Jin Albert Ronquillo Sebastian Jonathan Shin Seunghoon Jai Stengord Jarrod William Stubbs Wang Bofei Ethan Robert Williams Yvette Hope Wyborn Yeom Jeonghun Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Geoffrey Lee Bachelor of Mathematics with Distinction Jack Cale Faulkner Nicholas David Graham Melissa Jane Marks Bachelor of Mathematics Benjamin Hansford-Smith Christopher Allyn Hill Toby Alfred Ludwig Zachary Francis Maytom Gregory Monaghan Katrina Reynolds Sean Reuben Keith Robertson Thomas John Taylor Timothy Tillman Dylan Christopher Woodward

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THURSDAY 7 APRIL 2016 10AM CEREMONY Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class I Caitlin Gai Chambers Andre Manning Cook Joy Hadfield Andrew Spencer Hart Matthew Adrian Hughes Rebecca Jane Lewis Kendall Clare Mollison Josephine Marie Plumsted Thomas Christopher Ryan Luke Jordan Sammons Theodoros Georgios Tasoulis Kyle James Tyler Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 David Samuel Beckett Michael John Cook Ryan Mark Justin Gregory Sauer Joshua Ward Bachelor of Science with Distinction Emma Maree Barham Rhea Barnett Jarrod David Blane Rachelle Ann Caldwell Kristopher John Edgar Abraham John Gibson Todd Christopher Harvey Nehal Hassan Ali Pour Edwin Christopher Johnson Camilla Lian Melissa Jane Marks Luke Robert McCourt John Rose Sebastian Chee Tuck Wong

Bachelor of Science Leigh Andersen Sam James Andersen Thomas David Bowyer Cameron Charles Burns Jessica Rose Buttsworth Hayden Lenard Cameron Chloe Christensen Alexander Ross Clark Tristan Lyall Cox Clinton John Daines Caitlin Amy Dark Margaret Louise Farrelly Hannah Mariah Fellows Aaron Leslie Garrett James Angus Gray Grace Evelyn Hanly Daniel John Haynes Erin May Islip Matilda Grace Jackson-Fowler Christopher Edward King Henry Jack Lovett Brent James Mason Sean Patrick Melehan David Phillip Mudd Andrew O’Beid Kim Purcell Sarah Eliza Richardson Ashley Ruddy Jessica Nichole Scanlon Alexander Michael Seamer Timothy Joseph Smart Jemima Rene Thomas Natasha Anne Thorley Fadilla Tombe Edson Felix Valenzuela Simone Waite Jessica Walters Benjamin Keith Ward Nicole Ward Liam James Warden Amy Harriet Waters Reuben Lee Wolstenholme Dylan Christopher Woodward

FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Business with Distinction Scott Rumford


FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT POSTGRADUATE Master of Engineering Management Siti Fatihah Daud UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Computer Science with Distinction Mitchell Stewart Metcalfe





ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Kumari Lamotte and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Ms Ann Sherry AO Degree recipients from the Faculty of Science and Information Technology will be presented by the Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Associate Professor Michael Bowyer The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Miranda Arrighi and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor will invite Dr Denise Tan to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Ms Ann Sherry AO Ms Ann Sherry is Executive Chairman of Carnival Australia, the largest cruise ship operator in Australasia. Before joining Carnival in 2007, Ms Sherry held a variety of executive positions such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Westpac New Zealand, CEO for Bank of Melbourne and Group Executive, People & Performance. She has been a driver of cultural change, community engagement and customer focus in commercial and retail banking. Ms Sherry completed a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Politics at the University of Queensland and early in her career gained diverse experience as a prison social worker and public servant. Ms Sherry became the First Assistant Secretary of the Office of the Status of Women in Canberra, advising the Prime Minister on policies and programmes to improve the status of women and was Australia’s representative to the United Nations forums on human rights and women’s rights. In addition to her current executive role, Ms Sherry holds a number of non-executive Board roles and is Chair of Safe Work Australia and an Ambassador of Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF). She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. In 2001, Ms Sherry was awarded a Centenary Medal and in 2004, she was awarded an Officer of the Order of Australia ‘for her contribution to the Australian community through the promotion of corporate management policies and practices that embrace gender equity, social justice and work and family partnerships.’ Ms Sherry holds an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Macquarie University and an Honorary Doctorate of Business from the University of Queensland.

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RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREES SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Kate Maree Bartlem BPsych(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Changing Practice: Preventive Care for Chronic Disease Health Risk Behaviours in Community Mental Health Services Peter Cassey BPsych(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Using Bayesian Frameworks to Explore Simple Cognition Nicholas Charles Harris BPsych(Newcastle) Thesis Title: An Investigation into the Acquisition, Generalization, Facilitation and Immunization of Intergroup Anxiety Phylippa Jane McKay BPsych(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: An Integrated Analysis of the Development of Executive Function: Working Memory, Inhibition and Shifting Elena Mikulskaya MExpPsy(Florence), BExSpSc(TSLTP) Thesis Title: Visual Processing, Visual Attention and Their Neural Correlates in Early-Onset Cannabis Users Nicole Reece BPsych(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Long Term Memory Impairment in Schizophrenia: Investigating the Deficit and its Remediation Using Mnemonics SCHOOL OF DESIGN, COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Chloe Greentree Russell Killen BA, BComm(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: True Stories about Tall Tales: A Study of Creativity and Cultural Production in Contemporary Australian Children’s Picture Books Denise Mohan Tan BComm(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Towards a New Cultural Paradigm: Fashion Blogging as a Metamodern Practice MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Beverley Anne Hawkins BFA, BNHI(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: A Study of the Flora of the National Parks Authority Controlled and Managed Saltwater National Park and Khappinghat Reserve

PROFESSIONAL DOCTORATES DOCTOR OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Katherine Toni Bartlett Thesis Title: Motivations for Lifestyle Change to Achieve Weight Loss: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Tanya Maree Hollier Thesis Title: The Impact of Therapeutic Engagement on Hope, Self-Determination and Recovery Outcomes in a RecoveryOriented Mental Health Inpatient Unit in Australia Amy Maree Oswald Thesis Title: Effects of Repeated Exposure to Stressors on Cognitive Flexibility as a Function of Self-Type and Self-Complexity: A Multi-Session Experimental Test DOCTOR OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Harry Criticos BBus(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Effect of Centralisation on Regional Radio: A Case Study of the Super Radio Network in Northern New South Wales and South East Queensland Tallulah Jane Cunningham BNHI(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Hunter Rubáiyát: Illustrating Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám in a Contemporary Australian Setting Lambert Brummeler Davis BFA(Hon)(ACCD) Thesis Title: A Visual Investigation into Images of Land, Sea, Sky and Cloud: History, Science and Travel Applied to a Contemporary Art Practice

Andrew James Wilkinson Thesis Title: Battling the Black Dog on Farm: Sleep Deprivation and Stressors in Agriculture

UNIVERSITY MEDALLISTS Kurt Adam Sengul Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Lee Dedman Bachelor of Natural History Illustration (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal


POSTGRADUATE Master of Aviation Management with Distinction Robert Carney Roger John Chambers Paul Wilson Clough Steven Bradley Cornell Colin Andrew Holmes James Last David Michael Silvello Daniel Alan Ullmer Master of Aviation Management Andrew Duma Zuhair Elhenday Shawn Fitz-Gerald Jay Raymond James Gibbons William Keith MacLaurin Shaun Patrick Nelson Kapembwa Simwinga Ian Geoffrey Simmons Master of Business Psychology with Distinction Hannah Renata Brown Brendan James Trimble Master of Clinical Psychology with Distinction Michelle Mayun Andrews Callie Johanna Buller Cristen Lea Challacombe Wendy Michelle Devine Gemma Louise Issaakidis Jessica Louise Orenstein Eve Lorraine Pregal Lara Jane Ryan Sherilyn Gaye Thomson Katrina Ann Tillock Elizabeth Anne Walsh Lorren Wright Master of Clinical Psychology Vanessa Louise Bailey Thomas Austin Brookes Benjamin Paul Crebert Nastassja Michelle Maher

Master of Digital Media with Distinction Magdoline Girgis Ibiyemi Opeoluwa Scott Master of Digital Media Narissa Bayler Brett William Cullen Alexander Ronald Garred Graduate Diploma in Psychology Sophia Leone Kerttu Lille Joshua Allan Makin Emma Louise Paton Mitchell Pinchbeck Jackie Marie Pritchard Philip Charles Sewell Alana Wood Graduate Certificate in Aviation Management Elaine Margaret Langridge Michelle Leigh Mumford Nicholas Craig Swanson Peter Bruce Wilson Graduate Certificate in Digital Media Richard Cass Christopher James Harper Tim John Kitevski Cale James Maxwell Mirko Stefano Mujica Vincent Joseph Rossini UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class I Courtney Therese Farrar Gabrielle Elizabeth King Ailee Clare Laws Madeline Elaine Link Kurt Adam Sengul Zhou Tianyu

Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Dean John Brady Madeline Jane Larsen Aisling Philippa Bachelor of Communication (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2 Briana Thelma May Ferguson Madeline-Rose Majella Quinlan Bachelor of Communication with Distinction Emily Algar Claire Louise Aumuller Harriet Amelia Bell Brooke Michelle Boland Thandiwe Florence Chindove Jessica Louise Cromarty Pia-Magdalena Davids Alexander Jacob Foster Alexandra Clare Garnham Jasmine Amber Gearie Sarah Christine Iuliano Jackson Langford Samantha Olivia Long Erin Rose McDonald Emily Miklovic Emma Maree Morris Hannah Nicole O’Brien Taylor Patricia O’Bryan Ryan O’Riordan Meg Adele Rawson Samuel Glen Rooke Rochelle Mary Lee Smith Jasmin Dorothy Towers Brendan Charles Tucker Bachelor of Communication Carly Louise Berrigan Amy Biddlecombe Mikaela Alexandra Booth Caitlin Louise Brennan Jorgia Ellen Brown Jackson Brunner Jasmine Burke Aimee Elizabeth Burns Gabrielle Frances Carroll Sean Corrigan



Samantha Curry D/O Pannisilvam Jennifer Shyna Sumitha Eleanor Alice Dean Jodie Leigh Desmond Cameron Donovan Ryan Peter Eckford Rachel Endacott Nicholas Peter John Fagan Jack Reid Faulkner Brianna Renee Fazio Jessica Kate Feenstra Matilda Ferguson Emma Flanagan Dominique Fox Kristi Rebecca Frame Luke Hamilton Gayner Liam Dylan Gleeson Lauren Rosalie Gross Julia Grove Danielle Jean Hagan Emily Haines Nathan Hall Laura Kate Harriss Marjana Zahra Haryadi Toni Amelia McLaren Hearn Daniel Alex Hope Kiera Jordan Hopkin Bronte Jane Hoy Blake Joseph Jarrett Rosanna Joy Jeffery Jesse Campbell Jesus Zoe Anne Johnson Nikhil Shrikant Joshi Sasha Beau Karen Kheng Yik Huii Zoe Elise Mary Kirby Madeleine Leeming Dilon Luke Ruth Macdonald Fraser William Marshall Patrick Martlew Keegan McCleary Joshua David McCormack Jodie Leigh Millard Jonathon Robert Momsen Melissa Montgomery David Thomas Moore Katherine Anne Mortimer Todd Clayton Muir John Mylan Tess Karrin Neilson Lauren Rochelle Pal Heath Robert Parkes-Hupton Kieran Anthony Pascoe

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THURSDAY 7 APRIL 2016 2PM CEREMONY Meg Passfield Jasmine Rose Lee Pavin Sarah Playford Sandra Lea Porter Beau Brett Preston Tess Elizabeth Ramadge John Redmond Karina Rivett Luke Robbs Sarah Roskell Imogen Ross S Thanusha Chandelle Joy Saunders Spencer Scott Courtney Ellen Snook Caitlin Maree Spencer Sally Anne Spicer Daniel Richard Studden Renae Sullivan Emma Grace Sutton Amelia Louise Taylor Melissa Thurlow Rhiannon Tuntevski James Barry Turner Hannah Louise Vicary Rhys Wicks Abby Jean Wilson Jordan Lee Yarad Bachelor of Natural History Illustration (Honours) with Honours Class I Kathryn Elizabeth Anderson Lynda Ellen McPherson Bachelor of Natural History Illustration (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Amelia Rose Baxter Samantha Blanks Bachelor of Natural History Illustration with Distinction Laura Emily Arnull Kate Louisa Boag Linda Ann Cox Kathirine Sentas Tilley Corinna Bowe Wood

Bachelor of Natural History Illustration John Charles Hockings Tamara Rosalind MayoRamsay Emily June Murray Sebastian Jordan Turner Bachelor of Psychological Science with Distinction Nicholas James Filippou Carly Maree Mason Cathryn Ellen Lee McKenzie Kimberly Kay Zammit Bachelor of Psychological Science Joshua James Barkley Aashlea Dominique Boucher Joel Benardus Brouwer Alexandra Rosalind Buxton Maria Jose Campos Shannon Elizabeth Cant Karena Maree Clarke Benjamin Joseph Tyson Corrigan Jessica Cross Caitlin Day Stephen James Dooker Brienna Evelyn Foote Trisha Hanrahan Landora Hanslow Lauren Victoria Hill Donae Louise Mace Cameron McFawn Patrick Stewart Messiter Amira Farah Moutad Jonathon James Power Elise Mary McIntyre Robson Kira Ruse Alice Scott-Wells Jessica Estelle Searston Nicholas Smith Ashlee Ann Wells Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) with Honours Class I Belinda Jane A’Bell Ashley Louise Asara Fatima Azam Tegan Bradley Marissa Catherine Jane Carey Andrew Coutts Ariel Louise Dunn Caitlin Mary Claire Fehily Jade Heather McMahon Fitzgerald

Jade Brooke Goodman Keira Jane Goulding Charlotte May Harrap Emma Louise Hughes Montana Hunter Anna Kristina Jansson Carly Amy Mallise Meg McClurg Romany Mcguffog Courtney Lorraine Phillips Karren Joyce Robertson Patrick Skippen Brendan John Tisdell Nicole Wadsworth Alix Jade Woolard Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Rees William Carman Kristy Maree Rudd Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Claire Dominique Beesley Kay Chan Lynn Samuel James Collison Jennifer Janet Dziwulski Paul Michael Garrett Mhairi Gray Kaine Anthony Griffith Georgia Jean Hislop Jake Jubelin Gabrielle Erin Mathews Sophie Elizabeth Murray Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class I Sarahanne Miranda Field Laura Kate Frazer Monica Gendi Stephanie Lucinda Hardacre Melissa Ann Jackson Julia Elisabeth T Koller-Smith Angie Oakman Brian Patrick Robertson Linda Swaab Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class II Division 1 Briana Roberta Shailer Neralie Louise Stuart

Bachelor of Psychology Madeleine Berryman Naomi Leah Dennett Liam John Francis Feeney Kate Frances Galbraith Kelly Eve Greenan Abbie Elizabeth Hobson Lyndal Anne Lenore Hulbert Melissa Laura Kostrin Samuel Lawson Dane Alan Linde Emma Clare Lovat Skye McDonald Michelle Emily Neale Helen Noble David Pearce Liliya Sharafutdinova Joshua Daniel Turnbull Sarah Joy Ann Williams Bachelor of Visual Communication Design (Honours) with Honours Class I Sally Cloke Hannah Sunderland Bachelor of Visual Communication Design (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Linda Robyn Mowbray Bachelor of Visual Communication Design (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2 Timothy Ian Moad Robyn Roach Rhiannon Lee Ryder Bachelor of Visual Communication Design with Distinction Simon Leslie Besseny Angela Therese Bradley Lexie-Anne Cotter Amanda Louise Downie Jessica May Fookes Myfanwy Garven Jemimah Jane Irvin Lauren Kimberley Jones Jace Prasil Amelia Beatrice Ross Hannah Jade Stroud-Watts Glen Alfred Susans Laura Unicomb


Bachelor of Visual Communication Design Joel Edward Bateman Samual James Blomley Chloe Gwendoline Carter Olivia Chapman Sarah Chapman Jessica Leigh Cobourn Sarah Coleman James Phillip Corrigan Michael John Cuneo Eddy Dew Ashlyn Dale Eager Mia Engel Rhys Anthony Eyles Elena Franov Isabelle Freckelton Katarina Maria Gerritsen Zarah Jayne Goldthorp Rosemary Anne Gosper Ashlee King Clementine Lockhart

Emily Beth Marjoribanks Angela Ruby Matthews Sarah McDonald Sam William McIntosh Molly Therese Minehan Lauren Amelia Moulton Christopher Lewis Neale Sarah Jane O’Neill Sarah Ann Pateman Kayla Anne Pyke Craig James Reed Theodora Lane Scott Mimi Rose Seymore Lara Jade Shipard Emily Sneddon Daniel Tevor Sparrow Rebecca Louise Stockton Brooks Tran Mikayla Ann Watson-Brown Caitlin Paige Whealey Breanna Jane Yates

FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW POSTGRADUATE Master of Human Resource Management Michael John Brown



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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Kumari Lamotte and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Frank Van de Mortel Yapug students will be presented by Ms Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, Program Convenor, English Language and Foundation Studies Centre The Chancellor will invite Ms Taylah Gray to speak on behalf of the Yapug students Newstep students will be presented by Mr Dave Thompson, Deputy Program Convenor, English Language and Foundation Studies Centre The Chancellor will invite Mr Dean Turner-Mann to speak on behalf of Newstep students Open Foundation students to be presented by Dr Anna Bennett, Program Convenor, English Language and Foundation Studies Centre. The Chancellor will invite Ms Siobhan Davidson to speak on behalf of Open Foundation students The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Miranda Arrighi and Mr Callum Close Award recipients from the Newcastle International College will be presented by College Director and Principal, Mr Gary Prosser The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and the Assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded The Dais Party will leave the stage The Procession of Recipients will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Mr Frank Van de Mortel Mr Frank Van De Mortel is a psychologist who specialises in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) particularly working with members of the police force to manage their response to traumatic and violent events. During his early career, Mr Van de Mortel worked in a range of Central Hunter Local Area Commands. Deciding to return to study, he undertook the Open Foundation program and then in 2009 completed a Bachelor or Arts (Honours), majoring in Psychology, at the University of Newcastle. Mr Van de Mortel continued his professional education through a two-year internship at Lakeside Clinic, part of the Ramsay Health Warners Bay Private Hospital. Mr Van de Mortel is certified in many modes of therapy including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness and Interpersonal Therapy, and Supportive Therapy. He has also undergone training in Neuroscience for Anxiety and Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Motivated by the lack of knowledge around PTSD and treatments which are available and successful, Mr Van de Mortel believes education is the key to preventing emergency services personnel developing PTSD and is highly committed to this important work. Mr Van de Mortel currently practices at Brighter Horizon Psychology in Maitland.



ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND FOUNDATION STUDIES CENTRE Yapug Tempany Jacinta Ayres Bec Gira-Gira Yira Bell Dylan Benjamin Graham Taylah Gray Makayla Ellen Guest Leticia Faith Haas-Quinlan Mathew Jerrard Kearnie Ann Kelly Kiah Claire Lawford Chloe Munro Brock Pascoe Kayla Sandra Pearl Ridgeway Masi Sagigi Katherine Anne Stone Addison Tighe Samantha Zuber Newstep Jay Charles Alderton Breanna Almond Adriana Marie Andrews-Luis Alastair Ansell Zachary Marshall Anthes Nathan Atkins Austin Keith William Bagnall Declan James Bainbridge Taylah Lorraine Baldwin Costa Balebanga Kieran James Bamberry Jack Barham Joseph Lee Gabriel Basedow Layla Maree Beech Courtney Birch Maddison Black Monique Bolla Taylor Bonner Jasmyn Boulton Rosie-Bless Maree Bourke Ethan James Bowden Thomas Paul Boyd Madison Holly BradshawDovey Daniel Stephen Brady Beau Gregory Brandt Tabitha Holly-Louise Brechin Liam Paul Brown Nathan James Brown Liam Bryant Zoe Patricia Bunt Owen Burce Timothy John Burton Chenise Butler Madeline Grace Butler

Madison Cain Brendan James Cake Jackson Edward Cassidy Bobby Cawthorne Kurt Chambers Isaac David Chapman Jessica Pepetua Cheer Kristine Elizabeth Cheney Nicholas Chui Michaella Clarke Jaidyn Cockroft Daniel Dean Comerford Emily Mae Jenkins Condon Darian Convery Teagan Convery Michaela Sian Cooke Hugh Copping Emma Cassandra Crispin Elsie Rose Crockett Rebekah Cullen Grant George Cunningham Aislinn Currie Adam Ryan Curtis Anna Joan Curtis Sebastian Riley Cutts-Jones Lauren Daly Tanaya De Giorgio Brandon Decosterd Adam Diffey Maddison Leigh Donnelly Brianna Denise Dunnicliff Jazmin Earl Kodi Lea Edgar Jaidon Amber Evans Noah Evans Jordan Kimberley FallinsNeilson Angus Evan Bremner Fergusson Quinn Alexander Fergusson Samuel Lee Field Kaiden Mitchell Filmer Brienne Alexandria Fisher Joel Gregory Flick Ryan Bradley Fokes Daniel Justin Foot Meg Forshaw Caitlin Jade Forster Connor Martin Francis Jake Frazer Jack Thomas Freeman Constantin Freier Belle Frost April Fry Samuel Leslie Garland

Natalie Anne Gauta Jennifer Gee Liam Joseph Gerritsen William David Gillies Samuel Keith Stanle Gladys Ryan Earle Glanville Joanna Gorton Cheyenne Taylor Gough Tanya Gowar Cox Lauren Grabelli Bianca Gray James Griffiths Philippe Stephen GuilbaudOulton Caitlin Rose Hallmen Melissa Eriasih Halls Miriam Hamidani Simwenge Hamisi Chelsea Harris Rebekah Jayne Harrison Jessica Rose Hart Anastasia Hatzigeorgiou Jack Douglas Hawthorne Siobhan Susan Catherine Hay Sebastian Albert Hayter Mitchell Helm Alexandria Elizabeth Hiles Carla Ann Hill Jack Hope Jake Hourn James Houston Meg Shaw Hughes Ashley Paige Hunter Shayla Marie Hunter Kiera Hyde-Hopley Bianca Jane Ingegneri Dechlan Trent Ireland-Grace Oladapo Ishola Sarah Elizabeth Jackson Kaylah Jarvis Hamish Adam Jeffery Samuel Thomas Jenkins Taylor Jerrett Cassandra Lee Jewell Curtis Lloyd Jones Lauren Jukes Jarrod Jurd Michael James Jurgens Lucas Fotios Kakkavos Erin Lea Kelly Mitchell Kemp Peter Matthew Kimball Abbey Janet Knight Hayden Lamb Maddison Claire Lance

Joshua Landkroon Jess Webster Landrigan Rowan Ho Young Langford Caitlin Louise Lawlor Joshua Thomas Lee Georgia Mai Leppien Lachlan Leslie Caitlin Sarah Lester Ashley Lisle Chloe Lockhart Mandurit Loduku Jack Connor Lynch Shaul Emmanuel MacArthur Curtis James MacGregor Emily Macks Hamish John MacLeod Skelton James William Mahoney Andrew Mainey Marcus Mylon Manusiu Aneeka Marcozzi Christopher Daniel Martin Dayna McCarthy Rebecca Anne Louise McHugh Lauren Elise McIlveen Sarah Christine McIlveen Bryce Andrew McLuckie Laura Ashleigh McNeil Thomas Charles McQuillan Kelsia Stacey-Joe Meeks Erika Sheree Mitchell Taylah Anne Mitten Kelsey Amber Moore Alex James Mott Courtney John Moulton Lucy Melissa Munt Erica Murray Melissa Ann Murray Natalie Tida Murrell Nelson Aaron Neill Ashley Nielsen Alanah Jane Nightingale Shelby Nightingale Beaux Simon Oakley Braeden O’Brien Jessie O’Connor Luka-Maree Olesen Renee Ariana O’Reilly Sebastian Orpin Rhian Grace Ostle Ilkay Ozdemir Courtney Page Morgan Anne Page Sarah Bella Page


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THURSDAY 7 APRIL 2016 6PM CEREMONY Ngaire Maddison Pakai William Jason Palmer Gabriel Parker Joannah Louise Parkinson Nicholas Patsan Dane Peet Jessica Leanne Phillips-Ferrier Olivia Pickard Dylan Samuel Piggott Mavneesh Yashwant Pillay Ashlee Price Michael Price Karl Alan Primmer Emily Rose Procter Kelsey Anne Rae Harry Ramsland Shegarfa Rauf Aaron Joshua Reeves Larissa Ann Richmond Brian Alexander Francis Rieusset Isabella Rigby Skye Carolyn Riley Stefanie Ristoski Alex Roberts Isaiah Roberts-Crebert Dylan Robinson Joshua Douglas Rook Matthew Sean Aubrey Rose Jacob James Rowe Demi Diane Ryner Ashley Safranko Nelson Salter William Tinashe Sanyamandwe Paige Grace Sawyers Hayley Schofield Adrian Thomas Scott Thomas Albert Seeto Peter Craig Shanko Zoe Simmonds Gemma Louise Smith Shania Mary Smith Molly Soper Lucy May Stanley Renee Ebony Kayleen Starkey Isabella Renee Steel Amelia Eleanor Stent Toby Stevens Belle Louise Stewart Edward Szabo Elyh Lloyd Tarran Bradley Taylor Robert Joseph Taylor Victoria Teasdale Daniel Theodoulou Michael James Thomas Samuel Thomas Thompson

Emily Rose Tickle Anna Todorovski Samantha Jane Tom Jacob Towns Jacob William Trow James Tuft Manuele Tuiqali Dean Turner-Mann Tess Waddington Dylan Wakefield Jessica Jade Walker Amie Vali Ward Richard James Ward Ryan Alexander Ward Lacie Rose Waterson Aimee Louise Watkins Liam David Watkins Marissa Watson Kate Webber Dylan Weiss Tegan Maree Whitehill Liam Wicks Mikala Louise Wigney Kaitlyn Jane Wilkinson Christopher Willcox Hayden Michael Williams Timothy James Williams Nicole Williamson Dion Wilson Tully Glenn Winsor Brianna Louise Wood Ella Wood Samuel Jye Woolcock Toshiyuki Liam Yokoyama Sane Yoon Ji Young Youn Rahila Zahedi Open Foundation Nadia Abdul Latif Phillip Francis Oscar Adams Emily Clare Adamson Barnes Peter John Ahearn Omar Alaa Khaleel Al Beiruti Mahsa Alikhan Mazandarani Ethan Allanson Anthony John Allen John Allen Madeleine Allen Lydia Mary Amiet Amy Denise Anderson Peta Anderson Matthew Steven Darold Annett Adam Arabelovic David Michael Arnull Karen Michelle Arthur Nikita Lin Ashford-Pilapil

Michelle Lee Atkins Sureya Paige Avard-Percival Fiona Ayres Suganthi Ayyasamy James Bailey Nicole Rachael Bailey Nathaniel Anton Barnes Kim Barnier Reidena Lee Barrett Christina Batey Kourtney Bell Michael Bell Christopher Lee Bellingham Taylor Patrick Benn Rosanna Jayne Bennett-Smith Robert Paul John Garlitos Berrell Cassandra Lee Blackstock Paul Bobeth Chelsea Jane Bool Christopher Anthony Booth Gabrielle Booth Jessica Bootland Lisa Borrelli Alexander Joseph Boss Hayden Botham Benjamin Bourke John Bowkett Jonathon Branch Skye Brand Zac Brander Harrison Arthur Joseph Bright Richard James Bright Timothy George Britton Aaron Edward Broadbent Ashley Broadbent-Nelson Ethan William Brown Joel Thomas Brown Tara Brown Grant Browne Gracie Brownhill Rachael May Bruty Luke Stewart Brydon Adam Troy Bull Alison Jane Bull Chanelle Lacey Bullas Ashlea Jaine Burley Brooke Byrne Andrew James Stewart Byrnes Georgia Marie Byrnes Rory John Caban Jordan Callender Melissa Callingham Justin Carl Matthew Louis Carroll Matthew Donald Caruso Jordan David Chappell

Mark Ross Chappell June Cheffers Vanessa Cherry Hannah Ashleigh Chesworth Julian Chia Jessica Shane Chilcott Logan Alexander Chin Nathan James Chiplin Lisa Jane Christie Peta Astari Cipta Ben Craig Clark Sally Clark Jarrod Clarke Nicholas Anthony Clarke Stephen Clarke Lisa Maree Cole Elizabeth Colelough Laura Collison Stacey Alyce Conway Daniel Anthony Cooper Belinda Copp Erin Leanne Corless Corey James Couch Owen Helston Coulls Jason Course Brett Cowling Mitchell Crawford Benjamin Nicholas Crean Donna Crittenden Amy Louise Crook Jacqueline Elizabeth Crooks Jonathon Robert Crooks Miranda Cunningham Reanna Cunningham Leonardo D’Abruzzo Robert Arthur Darroch Louise Maddison Dash Siobhan Rose Harley Davidson Jaimie Lea Davies Mitchell Davies Taylah Davis Trudy Maree Davis Elizabeth Mary Dawson Jo-Anne Louise Dawson Steven Dawson Jared Dean Calvin Jean Debeutz Mystee Dederer Joshua Blake Deegan Gemma Dempsey Ryan James Dempsey Tobias Albert Denley Annie Marjorie Dennerley Lorrae Alexandra Dick Nathan Dillon April Felicity Dimmock Katrina Dodd


Yangchen Dolma Cheyne Donohue Kopara Georgia Donovan Taylah Maree Douglass Shauna Doyle Broc Draper Andrew James Dries Luke Peter Driver Melissa Nicole Drygan Alanna Grace Duffie Timothy Dunn Anthony Dunne Anna-Maria Dunstan Elizabeth Aileen Duroux Casey Dwyer Dino Dzenanovic Emily Grace Edwards Jennifer Joy Frances Edwards Luke Edwards Remy Ellicott Christopher Elliott Leah Elliott John Owe Vincent Elphinstone Maddison Evans Robyn Evans Scott Andrew Evans Ryan Evans-Witte Christopher Edward Eyre Karen Lee Fa’asolo Maria Carmen Fallins Kyra Lea Farnham Nathan Allen Farrall Rhiannon Fennell Nicholas John Edward Fenton Demi-Elle Fenwick Emma-Jean Field Zakary Field Cathy Fingleton Harry Wilson Finlay-Jones Dianne Fisher Katherine Marie Fitzpatrick Nicholas John Fleming Trent Joshua Fleming Jake William Fletcher Wade Anthony Flipp Bryce Michael Foggett Teeghan Fox Sharon Amy Fragar Laura Fraser Sandra May Freeman Kelly Anne Freestone Caitlin Michelle Fuhrer Lyneece Edith Garland Gemma Grace Garrash Levena Chantel Gascoigne Haylee Sheree Gibb Joshua Gibson

Stephanie Clare Gibson Annika Bree Giles Brooke Mercedes Gill Madison Adele Gill Anthony Goddard Tara Godwin Darren Edwin Gorton Hannah Gow Brittney Graham Carly Leigh Graham Nikki Louise Grandjean Cameron Donald Grant Jane Maree Green William Chen Greentree Madeleine Alice Grinly Madison Gropler Dean Grover Matthew William Guihot Abby Gustard Jade Haerse Jacob Hafey Samuel Graham Hall Georgia Ellen Hallett Ronald James Halseth Dean Handsaker Ericka Sharon Hargreaves Shaun Harrington Amanda Jane Harris Aaron Joel Harrison Kyle Harrison Katy Marie Harty Matthew Harvey Steele Dylan Harvey Sarah Jane Harwood Michael Robert Hattaway Luke Hawthorne Amelia Hay Jarrod Baly Haynes Tony Head Lara Elle Hearn Christopher Rhys Helm Katharine Helme Cody Anthony Henderson Margueriette Ann Henneberry Dana Hicks Jasmin Leone Higginbottom Suzanne Therese Higginbottom Krystal Higgins Anne Hill Zachary Hodge Andrew Paul Holmes Cameron Hong Chad Hood Taylor Hope Jacinta Hopley Madelaine Maree Hopper

Jak Hoscher Amy Howard Nicole Howard Chad Sydney Hudson Amanda Aletha Hughes Cameron Thomas Hughes Kaitlin Emma Hutchinson Rhiahn Hutchinson Kylie Michelle Ireland Nicholas Robert Ireland James William Isaacs Sussan Marie James Amanda Jane Jenkins Cherie Jetson Brittany Margaret Johnson Ian Johnson Ronald Michael James Johnson Nathan Johnston Talisa Grace Johnston-Clegg Anne Jones Carly-Anne Faith Jones Jacob Jones Zachary Thomas Jones Steven James Jory Melanie Alice Kaus Maryanne Kealy Adam Finley Keeling Emma Kennedy Bruce Campbell Kerr Roslyn Lorae Kershaw Igne Kibble Juyong Kim Christopher Edward Robert Kimber Leanne Kingdom Steven Kitchen Alexandra Knight Ellissa Knox- Leonard Ryan Bradley Kooyman Tara Kreckler Robert Lamborn Jason James Langthorne Brett Roderick Lantry Magalie Berangere Josiane Laurens-Welford Neroli Louise Laverack Alison Julie Lawrence Veronica May Le Claire Clair Le Roy Timothy Jon Leary Jessie-Kaye Leonard Matthew Jason Leung Kira Boyne Lewis Wilkinson Linda Maree Liepins Emily Doreen Lightbody Longley



Alexandre Link Christopher Joel Arnold George Linkert Zachary John Lister-Hounslow Jane Sin Ming Lo Sarah Candice Loots Marcus Lougher Benjamin Lovett Holly Jeanne Magill Adam James Maher Mitchell Mark Mahnken Curtis James Mahoney Sally Malan David Liam Manahan Kriztina Louise Marks Summa Martin Nadia Marton Daniel Robert Mason Douglas Mason David Neil Matos Tatenda Mawire Alan Hong On Mayhew Nicholas McCarthy Ashley Lauren McDonald Joshua McGlynn Taylah McInnes Alicia Jade McKay Madison Jay McKay Daniel James McKenna Duncan Thomas Campbell McKenzie Alexander James Scott McKeowen Courtney McKinney Clint McManus Rebecca McNaught Caroline McPherson Prue Mears Kaylee Mendonca Matthew Matt Mesterhazy Stephanie Lewis Meyrick Sarah Mignanelli Benjamin Leigh Milburn Angela Julie Miles Jake Taylor Mill Alex Mills Sam Dennis Mills Andrew William Milne Cameron David Mitchell Laura Elizabeth Mitchell Shannon Louise Mitchell Joshua James Mood George Moore Lawson Moore Sara-Jane Moore Scott Robert Morris Andrew Morrissey

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THURSDAY 7 APRIL 2016 6PM CEREMONY Liam J Mortimer Brianna Jade Mountain Erin Louise Mudford Hannah Mueller Bianca Muir Shane Christopher Muir Wonderful Muleya Sarah May Mungoven Evan William Nelson Sarah Maree Nelson Luke Newman Joshua Mark Nicholls Loukas John Nicolas Mercy Nyamayaro Jordan Kate O’Brien Roxanne Lee O’Flaherty Katie Nancy O’Keeffe Brett Clifford Okines Gavin Geoffrey O’Neall Corinne Michelle O’Neill Jo-Lee O’Neill Damien Martin O’Shea Brooke-Lee Pannowitz Lincoln Alexander Papworth Courtney Leigh Parkes Victoria Paige Parmele Sophie Lee Parrish Jennifer Parsons Stephanie May Partridge Jennifer Melissa Pass Samuel Paton John Patsan Ebony Leigh Pavy Mavie Gail Pedro Rene Le Pemberton Caitlin Pengilly Danielle Penny Felicity Perrott Mark Lawrence Peterson Stefanie Lucy Petrovic Alexander Phillips Stephen Edward Pinkney Coralie Ann Pobje John David Newton Powell Louise Prater Chelsea Elizabeth Presland Caillin Beth Price-Jones Aidan Edwin Philip Pritchard Sarah Pritchard Sebastian Daniel Quevedo Stacey Ramage Bonnie Louise Rath Jessica Rathbone Deen Rawling Deryk Rayfield Alice Read Christopher Richard Reed

Gavin Alan Reeves Kristy June Reeves Timothy Maxwell Charles Regan Belinda Richards Jesse Rayner Richards Danielle Roberts Shae Lizette Roberts Mia Grace Robinson Rosemary Robinson Keith Rockliffe Laura Rolfe Tahnee Rolph Kate Ryan Katherine Sherita Rye Brittni-Rae Sager Hayley Sanders James Douglas Sanderson Khazandra Jean Naviamos Santos Mohammad Sarwari Zorica Savic Lisa-Marie Schultze Deborah Seaford Christopher Ian Searle Ashleigh Susan See Merja Kristiina Seguin-Hold Jasmine Selby Dominic James Sevil Jasmin Sue Sharpe Zane William Scott Sharpe Ashley Maree Sheather Casey Sherry Kaya Shiels Campbell Amber Short Kerryn Ashleigh Shuker Joshua Daniel Sim Amanda Jane Simpson Siobhan Elizabeth Marilyn Simpson Dylan Sinclair Tatiana Sizova Megan Skeen Elizabeth Jane Slack Kylie Smart Anthony Smith Callan Smith Cody Smith Kirsten Elliott Smith Matthew Charles Smith Amy Smurthwaite Daniel David Smythe Melissa Marie South Emma Lea Squires Jeffrey William Stabler Nathan James Staff Laura Mae Stanton

Glykeria Stavropoulou Jet Harrison Stephens Matthew Brockie Stewart Kathleen Dawn Stokes Chantel Sullivan Brendan Sutherland Reece Swalwell David Epeli Soro Tamata Brent Regan Taylor Emma Taylor Jake Taylor Jodie Maree Taylor Lew Telley Max Teurer Tori Thew Belinda Thomas Blake Ian Thompson Oriel Rose Thomson Nikkila Elizabeth Thorpe Peter Bradley Thring Teagan Louise Tilocca Isaac Tissot Georgia Elizabeth Tonnet Stephen Tredinnick Nathan Tuckerman Katie Turek Rhani Uhrig Peter Timothy Van Dam Nathan Anthony Vandervoort Hans Lennart Hakan Advincula Vannisse Benjamin Geoffrey Vaughan Kyle Luis Vazquez Richard Anthony Vergara Tamara Lyn Vesenjak Alex John Wagner Ria May Walker Gabrielle Elizabeth Walley Rhianna Henderson Wansey Saige Tahira Ward Grant Wardman Blake Shane Waters Hugh Melville Watson Marilyn Valerie Watt Georgia Way Debra Webb Matthew John Weir Barry Wells Amber Weston Jack Wever Shannon Lee White Grant Williams Rachel Louise Williams Rachel Keira-Maree Williams Sarah Anne Williams Jacqueline Elizabeth Wilson Jessica Wilson

Lorna Sian Wilson Ashlea Rose Wilton Todd Wayne Winsor Ashlea Grace Woodcock Monica Woodham Nicole Frances Wright Guoxiao Wu Gregory Robert Yates Nathan Ross Yaxley Georgia Yeoman-Dale

NEWCASTLE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Diploma of Business and Commerce Nawal Jehad Abdulla Abdulrahman Hajar Saad A Alqarni Ali Umair Ahsan Awan Usman Aziz Bhatti Chengyou Cai Pengcheng Cai Wing Kwan O’keeffe Chan Chak Ming Chen Ex Chhay Chhiv Rachael Rose Bian Elemi Gurpiar Singh Mengyun Hong Ngoc Anh Thu Huynh Wing Yu Lai Jiayin Li Ky Duyen Ngo Sara Margareta Nylen Nozomi Oishi Zong Ying Peh Tong Qi Syed Ali Hyder Shah Pankaj Sharma Faryal Siddiqui Harjinder Singh Chak Lam Marco Tam Chirag Thapa Magar Muhammad Awais Wallana Diploma of Engineering Nezar Mohammed Saleh M Alansari Abdullah Albannai Zhu Chen Thai Sam Dao Deayanaa Durairaja Dinuka Diyanatha Gamage Jooone Jun Jiahao Kang Abid Ijaz Khan


Sydney Kombe Ying Leung Lam Shoaib Malik Nirav Rameshbhai Patel Shanil Kirshlan Claude Siriwardena Arthur Wong Wanyi Zhang Diploma of IT Merdan Jumanov Cheng-Yu Tai Diploma of Media & Communication Wanzhen Li Shui Hin Hon Certificate IV Tertiary Preparation Program Nada Abdel Samad Ali Alghamdi Emad Abdulrahman H Alharbi Aun Ali Ahmad Y A S A Alobaid Mohammad Alshamlan Fayiz Ali Alshehri Ahmed Salim Bawakid Phanthira Benyadilok Usman Aziz Bhatti Visal Born Vitorino Miguel Carvalho Teixeira Prin Chakmethakun Chun Ho Chan Vun Chin Chang Sabita Chaulagain Wai Tou Cheang Kar Ee Chee Qing Ni Cheng Hiu Ting Cheung Suyeon Choi Li Si Alyssa Chong Sonam Christen Siu Hei Chu Xinhao Chu Davinderpal Singh Manpreet Kaur Dhaliwal Ismail Hadi A Dighriri Thi Hoang Mai Do Arash Fakhar Kahki Tsun Ho William Fong Fong Kai Andy Fu Mali Fu Miguel Angel Gayoso

Farha Gaznavi Hui Hui Han Tekie Ezra Helen Annabelle Hsuen Rong Ho Hin Pok Ho Pak Kit Ho Nathaniel Houairia Anh Vu Huynh Ahib Raza Jan Asna Jan Fawzia Jetha Zhibo Jin Melanie Mwendwa Kaumbutho Teleng Khay Piyachat Khochon Kin Ming Kung Man Hong Kenneth Kwok Tsz Ki Kwok Hiu Tung Lam Ho Ying Lam Mary Wendy Lau Tim Ling Yuen Shan Mabel Law Ho Tin Leung Wing Yan Leung Bing Li Pichpanha Lim Bernard Ly Zana Kiaran Mandaza Pamela Wanja Mbaabu Ka Wai Mo Trong Tuan Nguyen Khanh Linh Nguyen Khoi Nguyen Thi Thai Kieu Nguyen Chikezie Charles Nwankwo Hiromi Nthambi Nzomo Yun Su Oh Monil Manojkumar Pandya Yuqing Pang Bibi Nabeeha Peerally Natalia Bigunda Pereira Nishante Jashan Premnath Abdul Rafay Yining Amanda Seek Faizan Siddiqui Wai Sinn Soh Pasyn Synchaisuksawat Chew Nim Marcus Tan Jessica Mettasebia Tayi Rui Teng Molina Thirmul Yan Wing Tse Yee Yu Tung

Muhammad Usman Stephanie Ann Vaythamanickam Ngoc Ngan Vo Jinyi Wang Yat Wing Wong Grace Wong Jing Yao Junjie Yao Soo Hyun Yoo Jingying Zhang Mohammad Zohaib



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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Sophie Aked and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Ms Jennifer Westacott Degree recipients from the Faculty of Business and Law will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Richard Dunford The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Clare Gibbons and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor will invite Ms Lisa Smith to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Ms Jennifer Westacott Ms Jennifer Westacott is the Chief Executive of the Business Council of Australia (BCA), a role she has held since 2011. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the City Research Futures Centre at the University of New South Wales and brings extensive policy experience in both the public and private sectors to these positions. Ms Westacott has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of New South Wales, and was a Chevening Scholar at the London School of Economics. Her academic studies were followed by over 20 years in senior leadership positions in the New South Wales and Victorian governments. She was the Director of Housing and the Secretary of Education in Victoria, and most recently, was the Director-General of the New South Wales Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources. From 2005 to 2011 Ms Westacott was senior partner at KPMG, heading up the firm’s Sustainability, Climate Change and Water practice and its NSW State Government practice. During her time at KPMG, Ms Westacott advised Australia’s major corporations on climate change and sustainability matters and provided advice to state and territory governments on major reform priorities. In her role as Chief Executive of the BCA, Ms Westacott facilitates the contribution of the Council’s policy committees across a broad agenda that includes economic policy and competitiveness, regulation, infrastructure and sustainable growth, labour market, skills and education, engagement with Indigenous Australians, global engagement, healthcare policy and innovation. Ms Westacott is a National Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and since 2013 has been a Non-Executive Director of Wesfarmers Limited and Chair of the Mental Health Council of Australia.










Cheng Hiu Man Thesis Title: The Correlation Between Market Capitalisation and Key Accounting Variables of Listed Companies in Hong Kong

Emma Rose Allen BTeach/BA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Employment Policies for Creating Effective Labour Markets: An Evidence Based Assessment of Labour Market Programmes in Indonesia Anthea Ingrid Bill BEcon(Newcastle), GradCertPubAdm(Canberra) Thesis Title: Spatial Concentration and Dependence in Labour Market Outcomes of Sydney and Melbourne Anna Ciuppa BA(Geog)(Hons)(E. Cowan), GradCertResCommercialisation(Curtin) Thesis Title: The ‘Wicked’ Policy Problem of Sustainable Water Use in Western Australia

Cheng Wah On Thesis Title: An Examination of Factors that Influence Hong Kong Students’ Selection of Local Top-Up Bachelor Degree Programmes Martin Feulner Thesis Title: Employer Branding: Identifying the Employer Attractiveness Attributes of Potential and Existing Employees Nathan John Gooley Thesis Title: Evergreen, Bank Funding and Liquidity Management Hung Chi Kuen Henry Thesis Title: The Effects of Organisational Justice and Trust on Employee Commitment and Turnover Intention: A Case Study of a Manufacturing Business in China

Gazi Mohammad Farid Hossain MEcon, MComm(NE), MBusStud(IU) Thesis Title: Human Resource Practices and Voluntary Labour Turnover in the Readymade Garment Industry in Bangladesh

Hung Po Lam Thesis Title: The Impact of Corporate Social responsibility in Corporate Reputation and Corporate Image and the Effect of Food Wastage Minimization of Hong Kong’s Fast Food Restaurants

Lorna Katusiime BSc, MSc(DevEcon)(Uganda Martyr) Thesis Title: Three Empirical Essays on the Ugandan Foreign Exchange Market

Kwok Yuk Sim Betty Thesis Title: The Impact of Tax Education on Tax Compliance

Si Roei Kew BBA, MBA(NU Malaysia) Thesis Title: Studies on Return Predictability in the Malaysian Stock Market Benjamin John Kozary BBus(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: How Did You Make Me Do That!? Circumventing the Activation of Persuasion Knowledge in Consumers, With Fluently Processed Semantic Associations Linda Lambey BAcc(UNSRAT), MBA(PCU), MA(Georgia), GCertBusRes(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Mental Models of Employment and the Psychological Contracts of Indonesian Academics: An Exploratory Study Joshua Snider BA, MA(Notre Dame Aust.), MA(NSW) Thesis Title: Islamism and the Politics of Crisis Nationalism: The Case of Indonesia

Kwok Chun Hung Thesis Title: Generation Y’s Workplace Expectations and Impacts on People Management in Hong Kong Kwok Monique Thesis Title: Examining Factors Affecting Adoption of Mobile Commerce by Young Consumers in China Lam Kin Shing Kevin Thesis Title: The Hong Kong Toy Industry - A Qualitative Study Lau Yiu Fai Steven Thesis Title: The Effect of Paternalistic Leadership on Employee Retention in Hong Kong Family Businesses Chi Kin Leung Thesis Title: The Effectiveness of Independent Non-Executive Directors in Hong Kong Listed Companies Li Kar Lok Bruce Thesis Title: An Analysis of the Effect of Mandatory Adoption of Hong Kong Accounting Standards/Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards on Earnings Management Woramon Limsomboon Thesis Title: Ethical Behaviour, Hong Kong Business Executives and the Chinese Business Environment

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Ng Ching Yee Thesis Title: Antecedents of Consumers’ Brand Loyalty for High Technology Products


Vanessa Rani Nirmal Thesis Title: The Role of Storytelling in Organisational Change Management

Matthew Martin Buskas Guo Xiaoqing Liu Yan

Adam Gordon Palm Thesis Title: The Role of Directors in Corporate Governance: Product Design Risk Management

Master of Business

Pun Ki Wai David Thesis Title: Factors Affecting the Deployment of Enterprise Resource Planning in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: The Case of Hong Kong Munshi Samaduzzaman Thesis Title: Integrated Capital Management and NGO Effectiveness and Efficiency in Bangladesh Matthew Tinker Thesis Title: Shaping CSR Strategy: Corporate Social Responsibility and its Influence over Consumer Purchasing Decisions Amongst Australian Financial Institutions Mark Wheaton Thesis Title: Engaging Vietnamese Students in Australian Accounting Courses through Inter-teaching at an Offshore Campus AWARDS FOR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE EXCELLENCE IN THE FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW Dr Ahmed Ahmed PhD (Politics) Newcastle Business School Thesis title: Environmental Governance and Diplomacy: The Twin Dilemmas of Resource Degradation and Conflict in Mau Forest, Kenya Supervisors: Associate Professor Jim Jose and Dr Robert Imre Dr Kebapetse Lotshwao PhD (Politics) Newcastle Business School Thesis title: The Paradox of Botswana’s Democracy: When too Much Democracy is not Enough? Supervisors: Associate Professor Jim Jose and Dr Robert Imre

UNIVERSITY MEDALLIST Lisa Gai Smith Bachelor of Business (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

Master of Applied Finance

Eviatar Bitran Steven Carfora Chen Haishan Yvonne Cruz Kelly Renae Dennes Sameera Dakshitha Perera Don Bethmege Du YingJia Raed El-Dejany Maisaa El-Henday Jehad Ahmad Tala Elzogheir Feng Di Udaya Gauchan Claudia Guth Lucette Guzdar He Jing Arash Hosseini Lasha Imerlishvili Jain Anandkumar Bhavarlal Katherine Anne Jennings Law Po Yee Tingting Li Mi Na Mo Wenhuan Ng Hei Man Julian Francis O’Mara Shellie Anne O’Meara Qiu Yi Shashank Ravishankar Sha Lili Saif Ibn Sharif Napat Siriwan Su Xudong Tan Sang Wee Leanne Grace Tarrant Adam Vidal Wang Junling Wang Qi Wang Zhi Tang Wei Tian Amber Lee Yates Zang Can Zhang Tianyi Zhu Wei Jia

Master of Business Administration with Distinction Peter Reginald Alexander Rachael Brady Allison Cameron Timothy John Crosdale Luke Edward Garner Hitesh Lohani Julie Ann Loveridge Master of Business Administration Chavi Asopa Emma Grace Avery Stephen James Barrett Pamela Piraya Beach Samuel Thaddeus Brown Matthew Martin Buskas Chen Quan Chen Ye Chua Rong Quan Waid Donald Crockett Adrian Davis Deedwaniya Swapnil Thomas Donohue Carlos Andres Duque Segura Geraldine Osathohanmwen Egwuenu Arlen Ruby East Furo Eziashi Paul Andrew Fenton Samantha Foster Gao Chonghao Praval Ghimire Guha Sheena Guo Xiaoqing Guo Xuefei Hartono Kevin Christopher Hartwig Byers Margarita Maria Harvindeer Kaur He Shujun Luis Eduardo Hernandez Nieto Jiajun Hu Hu Ying Huang Cheng Huang Wei Shumeng Huang Ryan Hudson Jiang Tingting Jin Huizi Wayne Alan Johnson Anisha Nitul Khiroya Michael Kent Lady



FRIDAY 8 APRIL 2016 10AM CEREMONY Timothy Lane Jonathan Campbell Lee Li Kaiyuan Li Lili Li Shuwen Lin Yihua Liu Chang Liu Chao Liu Min Liu Yan Kyle Francis Loades Adrian Weng Yew Loke Dwayne Lord Lu Juchen Luo Yongshi Luke MacDougall Heather Mary Machin Suraini Mat Abu Michael Mendieta Andrew Morgan Veejal Muniappan-Bull Stephen Paul Muscat Shaunak Srirang Muzumdar Mya Hnin Si Lwin Varun Nayak Quoc Anh Ngo Ni Xiaoru Craig James Nicholls Jeffrey David Paget Patil Omkar Nitin Mark Christopher Peisley Peng Peixin Peng Xiang Kelly Rose Peverill Micky Murphy Pinkerton Raghuvanshi Himanshu Luke Karl Ranclaud Teegan Elizabeth Robertson Vishal Ruparel Parinya Sanixay Shen Bin Shen Yuehan Kirily Jean Sheridan Shetty Ashwin Rajendra Shi Yishu Shi Zhongyu Song Changhyun Jayden Lee Stanford Sui Mingyu Sun Chen Sun Xiaorong Sun Zheng Andrew Thrower Mark Rodney Tiedeman Vainsh Jatin Kumar Melissa Vandayar Paul Wilks Wang Weisen Wang Xiaozhan Wang Yun

Caecilie Grube Wickstroem Darrell Richard Wilcock Xu Kai Peiyi Xu Yan Xiaoji Yang Yulan Yit Jing Yeap Yin Chongfeng Zeng Xiaotong Zeng Zixuan Zhang Hao Zhang Hongchen Zhang Jinpin Zhang Jun Zhang Li Long Zhang Zhang Jun Zhang Yumeng Master of Human Resource Management with Distinction Emma Grace Avery Sarah Kate Gilbertson Carla Jane McBride Master of Human Resource Management Breony Ann Benson Michael John Brown Ma Cristina Buenaobra Calderon Chen Zhuo Geraldine Osathohanmwen Egwuenu Beverley Jean Eyles Furo Eziashi Rochelle Feenan Janet Mary Hipwell Emily Rhiann Jones Jessica Lee Saville Wang Xiaoxiao Kai Xu Angela Kate West Paul Wilks Zhao Dekun Master of Information Technology (Professional) Huang Cheng Master of International Business with Distinction Larissa Jane Adamczyk Master of International Business Guo Xiangning Lan Di Li Xiang Liu Yantong

Ma Hedi Su Shou Melissa Vandayar Yvonne Zvidzai Master of Marketing Pamela Piraya Beach He Shujun Hu Ying Zhang Yumeng Master of Professional Accounting Chen Haishan Sameera Dakshitha Perera Don Bethmege Di Feng Udaya Gauchan He Jing Mo Wenhuan Zang Can Graduate Certificate in Business Administration Lucette Guzdar Bai Wenxu Bal Sarabjit Kaur Paramjit Singh Marcelle Frances Bermingham Chen Yi Sandra Gai Colman Michael Ross Cowdroy Dai Yu Samuel Alexander Dixon Alireza Shervin Farahanikia Guan Hengxiao Farjana Islam Anil Karki Dennis Kipruto Kirwa Ting-Yi Kuo Li Jianqiao Lim Edwin Liu Bowen Ma Xixue Ma Yanshan Muhammad Bello Mahmud Francis Yan Percy Mahon Vanessa Mukwesha Natarajan Muthukumar Timothy Patrick Neary Michelle Norris Jessica Orman Phillip Gregory Owen Jigar Jayesh Patel Peng Guanglei Komal Pingle Quan Huiying Jason Alan Revell Jason Michael Rich Lucy Florence Rooker

Manju Tamang Mathew Charles Tapscott David John Teterin Wang Daozhong Wang Di Wang Haipeng Wang Haiying Wang Jiacheng Wang Ziyao Samuel Whalan James P Wood Ye Wenda Yin Mar Oo Zhang Luya Zhang Wanyi Zhou Jingfei Zhou Ya Zhuang Ning Graduate Certificate in Business Research Chung Irene Tai Hei Lee Suet Lai Chloe Mak Sze Ming Robert Neil Martin Michael Patrick Pritchard Tam Wing Kwong David Tang Tin Shun Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management Mohammad Al-karasneh Susan Maree Blanch Chen Yang Lisa Jane Greissl Bianca Hopper-Buckland Hu Pihao Huo Junjie Li Ang June Yve Magno Taryn Louise Parnaby Georgia-Lee Pollard Damien Nicholas Saavedra Joseph Henry Yawson Zhao Xiaoxin UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Business (Honours) with Honours Class I Lisa Gai Smith Alexander Michael Taylor Bachelor of Business (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Elizabeth Kate Hoye


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FRIDAY 8 APRIL 2016 10AM CEREMONY Bachelor of Business (Honours) with Honours Class III Aaron Cullen Bachelor of Business with Distinction Sarah-Jayne Almer Holly Clare Ashcroft Erin Elise Carroll Nicola Anne Chesworth Lucy Elizabeth Corbett Ryan Johnson Amanda Lee Kennedy Mickaela Ethnee Mate Stephanie Anne McLuckie Lachlan Sidney McVey Samantha Terri Ninness Taran Lea Pereira Bachelor of Business Patrick Royston Abel Madison Elizabeth Andrews Alyce Nicole Baldwin Michelle Balston Tom Barber Joel Beentjes Bei Yingdi Bridget Megan Bennett Luke John Blundell Jessica Louise Boutard Izaac Daniel Boyd Lisa Josefin Bratt Gypsy Brown Jeremy Shaun Buckley Natalie Bucknor Budiharto Clarissa Tamara Danni Elise Burrell Cahyadi Keren Katrina Michelle Caine Stephanie Luisa Cala Teleisha May Caton Chandra Marco Chua Yao Jue Carla Chudleigh Kaitlyn Maree Cox Julie Cvetanovski Luke Matthew Dalton Kate-Eliza David Sophie Catherine Davidson Patrick Geoffrey DavisMeehan Sapphire Ngahvia Dawson Ashreena Singam Devathas Carlee Anne Di Paolo Gregory James Dowler Michael John Drewery Lucy Elizabeth Eades Sarah Maree Ekert Endang Kartini Binti Abu

Bakar Reece Faulkner Ben Peter Ferrari Amanda Foat Marlita Foster Matthew James Fraser Jordann Maree Fratus Lettice Jay Gamer Matthew Garrett James Martin Glavinceski David Joseph Sholto Gleadhill Goh Wei Qiang Jeremy Goh Yi Jing Shanice Anna Googe Meg Elizabeth Granger Shaun Allen Gretton Amber Victoria Halverson Han Chanyoung Alice May Hannah Larissa Beth Hannan Lily Harding Callum Keith Harkins Hartanto Aldi Daniel He Mengyu Alexander Richmond Heanly Mitchell Heather Sarah Frances Hill Ethan Jon Hobson Simon Holcombe Andrew John Holz Katherine Rose Howard Ryan Howard Htain Lin Huang Shan Huang Xiaonan Callan Jon Hutchinson Hwang Ji Hyeoi Jeong Woojeong Jesselly Katie Alyce Jones Jung Sungwook Tayla Alaine Kafer Kang Myoung A Andreena Alexia Kardamis Chloe Maree Kaves Ke Jingjing Laura Maree Keating Kennedy John Joshua Kerr Khuah Jia Cheng Arion Erin Melissa Kiely Kim Byoung Joo Kim Sun Woo Kim Tae Yeon Benjamin James Klumpp Sydnee Lea Knight Kuah Jing Jing Daphane Kurniadi Maxwell Jasmine May Lasky Le Dinh Thuan

Lee Eun Byeol Lee Hyungju Lee Juhyun Lee Kye Yeong Li Weijian Lin Jun Lin Yan Yang Liu Corey Matthew Lovell Sarah Emily Lunders Luo Xiaoran Daina Katrine Mallise Michael Gordon Maurice May Thazin Maung Nicholas Kevin McCarthy Lauren Mary McNeil Riley Andre de Mestre Alexander Thomas Miller Angela Grace Mitchell Lachlan Thomas Moore Samuel James Mundey Nan Dar Kishen Kensellam Kumar Napier Kim Neumann Madeleine Michelle Ninness Shaye Maree O’Connor Jeremy Dean O’Neill Okkar Min Lachlan James Paff Pan Yijian Alexander Patten Andrew Peters Kim Thien Phung Matthew Peter Pichaloff William Pooley Pratama Willy Arnan Rathod Tanay Manoj Guy Rayner Ren Dan Jason Robson Jackson Rogers Luke Gregory Rosandic Sai Kaung Ngin Ruby G Saunders-Mills Liliana Schultz Jeremy Sheridan Son Serim Song Meyeon Henry Alexander Suttor Maggie Tan Theo Clara Rebecca Lee Thomas Stuart Ryan Thomson Laura Totonjian Sujay Vasist Adam James Tumes Vida Pierre-Alain Robert Luc Viguier

Lucinda Victoria Vivers Vivi Shaina Way Emily White Priscilla Shu-Kiu Wong Xuzhang Xiaoyi Yan Meiqi Yang Dongyue Yeum Meungsoo You Xiao Huan Yuan Tong Xin Zhang Chaodong Zhang Guanghui Maggie Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction Sarah-Jayne Almer Holly Clare Ashcroft Erin Elise Carroll Nicola Anne Chesworth Lucy Elizabeth Corbett Ethan Jon Hobson Bachelor of Commerce Tom Barber Izaac Daniel Boyd Jeremy Shaun Buckley Stephanie Luisa Cala Luke Matthew Dalton Carlee Anne Di Paolo Gregory James Dowler Reece Faulkner Lettice Jay Gamer Meg Elizabeth Granger Shaun Allen Gretton Alice May Hannah Alexander Richmond Heanly Simon Holcombe Andrew John Holz Callan Jon Hutchinson Corey Matthew Lovell Alexander Patten Taran Lea Pereira Jason Robson Luke Gregory Rosandic Adam James Tumes Xuzhang Xiaoyi Yang Dongyue Zhang Guanghui Maggie

FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS UNDERGRADUATE Diploma in Languages Lucinda Victoria Vivers





ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Ms Sophie Aked and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Dr Michael Schaper Degree recipients from the Faculty of Business and Law will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Richard Dunford The Musical Interlude will be performed by Ms Clare Gibbons and Mr Callum Close The Chancellor will invite Mr Stephen Bott to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

OCCASIONAL SPEAKER Dr Michael Schaper Dr Michael Schaper is the Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), a role he has held since July 2008. A previous President of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia & New Zealand, Dr Schaper has also served as Small Business Commissioner for the Australian Capital Territory, Chairperson of the ACT Small & Micro-Business Advisory Council and as a Director of the International Council for Small Business. Dr Schaper holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Australia as well as a Master of Commerce and Doctor of Philosophy from Curtin University. As an academic, he has held lecturing, professorial and dean roles at a number of Australian universities. He is currently an Adjunct Professor with Curtin University and a Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia, and chairs the Advisory Board of Griffith University’s Asia-Pacific Centre for Franchising Excellence. Prior to academia, Dr Schaper worked as a professional small business advisor and also spent several years as a state and federal ministerial advisor and then policy advisor, speechwriter and consultant to numerous cabinet ministers and Members of Parliament. He is a former member of the Senate of the University of Western Australia, and between 2003 and 2005 he held the foundation Professorial Chair in Entrepreneurship and Small Business at the University of Newcastle which was the first dedicated Chair in small business in Australia. With a wealth of experience in business, academia and public policy, Dr Schaper is also the author of several books in his areas of specialisation – small and medium enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurship and government policy.

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FRIDAY 8 APRIL 2016 2PM CEREMONY FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW AWARDS FOR RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE EXCELLENCE IN THE FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW Dr Brendon Murphy PhD (Law) Newcastle Law School Thesis title: Zone of Impeachment: A Post-Foucauldian Analysis of Controlled Operations Law and Policy Supervisors: Associate Professor John Anderson and Professor Lisa Adkins

UNIVERSITY MEDALLISTS Oliver Charles Goy Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal Kelly Maree Rogers Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

EVATT MEDAL AND UNIVERSITY MEDALLIST Stephen Garry Bott Bachelor of Laws with Honours Class I and University Medal

POSTGRADUATE Master of Applied Finance with Distinction Ross Butler Andrew James Still Hephzibah Rapti Thambar Master of Applied Finance Samuel James Chapman Chen Maozhu Marshal Jay-Jay Chiramba Li Chuan Liu Shaohua Kevin Anthony Mills Wang Xudong Yang Jinzhao Master of Business Annie Nikoleski Stazak Master of Marketing Andrea Sarah Maria Collier Mikaila Jade Faber Courtney Denise Green Sophia-Antonia Maria Magdalena Hartl Anneke Corryn Reynolds Allan Swystun Tang Yuanyue Amy Price Tran Master of Professional Accounting with Distinction Jo-Chia Hsu Kane Lawrence Walter Master of Professional Accounting Bao Xingchen Nijat Bayramzade Cai Lin Lin Cai Yang Chen Bingqing Geng Weizhen Laleh Hassani Huang Yuteng Hui Nga Ki Jing Ran Ke Ke Kai Li Li Meng Li Yujing Liu Dongbin

Liu Shengzhong Liu Xuejun Lu Hongbo Lu Xintong Benjielyn Rose Ongluico Pan Yuhong Satit Pawahan Peng Yuwen Qin Heyang Sandra Lee Sorrenson Meng-Yu Tien Wang Yue Xie Pei Yang Xiaorui Zhang Xintong Zhao Feiyu Zhao Qi Zhou Jing Zou Ying Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) with Distinction Yemurai Matimati Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) He Lina Win Win Hlaing Jin Jingdan Li HuiHui Li Ji Li Liuren Muhammad Adil Maqbool Miruna Malina Nicula Mohammad Hamidur Rahman Muhammad Rashid Shen Guijun Zhang Yu Jie Zhang Zifan Zheng Hulin Zhou Licong Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance Jacob Knaus Li Weiping


Graduate Certificate in Marketing


Chen Xiaolong Joaquin Garat Guo Bei Jeanie Irene Lochhead Anna Maslova Kelsey Leigh Moss Qian Biao Lauren Romano Tyler Brinton Swinkels

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with Honours Class I

Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting

Kurt Raymond Schwab Pramila Shrestha

Syed Asrar Alam Arshdeep Kaur Baisil Mathew Fu Yali Fu Zixuan Han Wenrong Huang Chen Hawa Islam Jin Yiyun Li Lu Liu Jiamin Lu Bo Sanju Ojha Palvinder Kaur Pawandeep Kaur Thi Thu Hoan Pham Shu Yan Sampisey Ung Wang Dongchao Wang Jie Wang Ruilin Wu Bingqing Wu Ping Qinglong Yang Syed Akif Zafar Zhang Yongcai Zhang Zhuoran Zheng Hao

Chloe Morgan Burns Kevin Craft Oliver Charles Goy Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2 Nathan Smith Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction Jarrad Biscan-Roberts Chantelle Yvonne Foster Kim Minjae Madeleine Clare MacKenzie Tamika McLaren Hayden Rudd Oliver Benjamin Schwarzer Jonathon James Sharpe Catherine Anne Watkins Bachelor of Commerce Nicholas Robert Achurch Melanie Annelyn Adonis Noora Al-Masoud Amanda Joyanti Edward Bacigalupo Jason Thomas Baker Nathan Bapty Cassandra Ellen Brack Callum Ross Bray Alexandra Rose Brown Bu Chun Shane Bubb Monika Anne Burgess Bronte Cahill Cai Jiayin Cai Qingnan Cai Yuqi Jaimee Camilleri Mitchell James Campbell Alexandra Lee Carroll Thomas Julian Cavicchia Cenora Cindy

Chen Shuang Chen Xue Jing Cheong Lea Hung Cho Jun Hyung Luke Clarkstone Meghann Collins Taylor Corcoran Bharatha Priyankara Dayananda Belinda Jayne Digby Dong Wen Jordon Landseer Drabsch Kate Elizabeth Edwards Evita Karen Matthew Joseph Fairbrass Matthew Robert Farthing Ashley John Fisher Tanya Maree Flannery Lilly Grace Gash Goh Yu Siang Madison Beverly Good Guo Tianpei Daniel Nabil Hanna Beau Hesketh Ho Wei Zhen Hu Runze Huang Shan Brent John Ingham Jang Changhwan Jang Seokhwa Wesley Jones Kim Jinbok Kim Jinoh Chris Klochovski Wai Leung Kwok Kwon Yeongjun Renee Heather Langlands Lee Jaeyong Mathias Henry Lee Rohan David Lewis Li Qiushi Liao Jing Lim Ying Xin Lin Nan Lin Shenglu Liu Yanting Jason Lourens Luo Man Callum McMillan Mackie Maeng A-Hyun Lauren Jayne Mahon Monica Andrew Morello Elise Rose Moxey Gabriel Moyo



Kirstie Anne Muirhead Mulenga Musonda Tafadzwa Vasco Mwinjilo Timothy James Nancarrow Man Ying Ng Stuart Michael Isaac Norvill Blake Nugent Christopher James O’Connor Pang Jingdan Tamara Parker Declan Mitchell Pearce Blake Pepper Phua Guan Ying Poon Chia Ling Qi Hanyu Jack Regan Daniel Richards Rizaly Vito Agnar Michelle Salamon Rod William Schuback Setiawan Stella Septina Song Hyunjong Suhartono Julianto Sukardjo Ervan Priestley Katy Louise Swan Muhammad Talha Tejamulia Gabriella Jovita Teo Xueli Shirley Toh Wilson Nicholas Tonkin Roland Patrick Tydd Jeremy Craig Unicomb Danielle Van De Werken Wang Jingmu Wang Ying Wen Na Mary-Ann Wen Wibowo Muchamad Reza Arief Wijaya Vendy Samantha Wilkinson Danielle Williams George Williams Ryan Allen Williams Emily Wong Mary Catharina Wong Sally Woods Honor Elizabeth Wright Wu Yingni Wu Hao Wu Yueping Yan Zhihui Yang Hao Yang Yajie Yappy Yoseph Mario Ye Wanqing

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FRIDAY 8 APRIL 2016 2PM CEREMONY Yu Peixi Yu Yi Zhang Chun Zhang Jin Zhao Yuan Zheng Yaxin Zhu Zhantian

Bachelor of Laws / Diploma of Legal Practice with Honours Class I Monique Ashley Allan Valentene Asvestas Daniel John Baird

Bachelor of Laws (Honours) with Honours Class I

Bachelor of Laws / Diploma of Legal Practice with Honours Class II Division 1

Stephen Garry Bott Chelsea May Sutherland

Shelby Jade Brinkley Katie Allyse Thompson

Bachelor of Laws (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 2

Bachelor of Laws / Diploma of Legal Practice with Honours Class II Division 2

Holly Fitzsimmons Bachelor of Laws with Honours Class II Division 2 Nicole Louise Moore Emily Worthing Bachelor of Laws Zachery David Biddles Gabrielle Anne Bleakley Gregory Douglas Breen Jessica Mary Davis Tara Elizabeth Ehsman Isabel Sarah Enks Georgia Gilbert Holly Margaret Jackson Annika Louise Jamieson Elizabeth Joanne Losurdo Luke David Maroney Vanessa Millers Benjamin Ogburn Lestelle Dianne Olsen Ruby Star Ozolins-Hancock Tahlia Patrick Stuart Andrew Robertson Margaret Cleworth Schien Joerg Schneider Madeleine Smith James Jefferson Thomson Brooke Vitnell Jarrod Keith Walker Phylicia Louisa Ward Andrew Whealey Nathan Daniel White Sean Zaniol

Joseph Ronald Bates Keziah Elliott Carly Alyssa Howard Breanna Amy Pickard Michelle Roller Ellen Tiedeman Bachelor of Laws / Diploma of Legal Practice Brodie Paul Andrews Justine Aubin Samuel Michael Baumgarten Alexander Butters Genevieve Lindsay Carrigan Daphne Kudzanai Chiwaya Georgia Cowley Alysha Jane Croussos Alison Farr Tara Fox Iain Kirk Gardiner Louise Marie Gemmell Katherine Elizabeth Guilfoyle Lauren Maree Hartigan Emma Jane Hession Stephen Phillip Johnston Megan Marie Kelly-Moore Alexander Kontekakis Sophie Lee Jasper John Liston Ashleigh Lumby Matthew James Lunney Owen Thomas Mortimer Alexander Mossman Nicholas Keith Mukherjee Lauren Michelle O’Brien Chad Nicholas Penfold Alex Lee Platt Jamie-Lee Pouwhare Thomas William Prichard Amy Reed

Shaun Rich Suzanne Russell Benjamin David Seamer Ewan William Mitchell Sexton Tubuka Rodrigue Shabani Huon James Shields Armida Stanley Rowena Rae Sturn David Chemkwamba Uka Kyle Daniel Walker Sarah Jane Waters Danielle Adel Whitall Kathryn Louise Wielinga Samantha Woods

FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Social Science Benjamin Ogburn



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