Central Coast Graduation Ceremonies - July 2015

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Welcome to the University of Newcastle

Graduation JULY 2015

UON Celebrating 50 Years | 1965 - 2015

Central Coast Tertiary Education Pathways For over 25 years the Ourimbah campus has hosted a unique collaboration between the University of Newcastle and Hunter TAFE. From its establishment in 1989, the Ourimbah campus has expanded to offer a world class education that is responsive to community needs. Modern buildings and specialist facilities, set in a natural rainforest environment provide our students with a relaxed and stimulating campus experience. The campus is proud to be located on the traditional lands of the Darkinjung people and carry on the role of being a place of learning. We also acknowledge all first Australians and celebrate with them the oldest continuing cultures in human history. The University and Hunter TAFE cross-sectoral partnership provides access to a wide range of educational opportunities including postgraduate, undergraduate, vocational and commercial short courses, enabling programs and TVET (TAFE courses run on campus for senior high school students). Credit transfer arrangements allow students to move seamlessly from TAFE to University and from University to TAFE to complete their studies. Today, the University offers the Newstep and Open Foundation enabling programs, 16 single undergraduate degree programs and two combined degrees at the Ourimbah campus. Exclusive programs include Exercise and Sport Science, Oral Health, Podiatry, Food Science and Human Nutrition; with majors in Marine Science or Sustainable Resource Management within the Bachelor of Science. More than 70 vocational programs from Certificate through to Diploma and Associate Degree level are currently offered by Hunter TAFE on their Central Coast campuses. The vitality of the campus is reflected in the achievements of its staff, students and graduates, and the respect it holds with the Central Coast community, and the nation, having led the way for this model of working together to enhance educational access, training and social justice. The campus continues to thrive, with enrolments of more than 8,500 students across all University and TAFE programs and courses. In 2015 you will be joined by more than 800 students graduating from the University and Hunter TAFE.



Ceremony for the Conferring of Awards Dear Graduates, Congratulations on your outstanding achievement. On this graduation day we recognise your commitment and success, and celebrate this important milestone with your family and friends. We are delighted to share in these celebrations with you. As a new graduate of UON Central Coast, you can take pride in having earned a qualification from a world-class institution that is ranked in the top three percent of universities in the world, and which continues to build on its international reputation for excellence in research, innovation and education. A university education is a lifelong asset. Your qualification from the University of Newcastle (UON) not only reflects your significant efforts but will also place you in good stead as you enter the workforce, with employers around Australia regarding UON students as their graduates of choice. Our graduands in 2015 join a particularly historic cohort, coinciding with the University of Newcastle’s 50th anniversary. We also celebrate over 25 successful years as the University for the Central Coast, characterised by our strong partnership with the NSW TAFE Hunter Institute, flexible study and pathway programs, and personalised learning support from our award-winning academic staff. We look forward to building our presence and continuing to

deliver high quality educational programs to students on the Central Coast into the future. As one of 550 students graduating at the Ourimbah campus this week, you will be joining a network of over 125,000 alumni, who continue to be great champions and supporters of our remarkable University. I encourage you to engage with our alumni network to stay connected with the University. Thank you for your academic, social and cultural contributions to UON Central Coast, and I do hope that your experience will leave you with fond memories and lasting friendships. Once again, congratulations on completing your studies and we wish you every success in the future. Mr Paul Jeans Chancellor The University of Newcastle Professor Caroline McMillen Vice-Chancellor and President The University of Newcastle Christine Warrington Institute Director Hunter TAFE

National Anthem Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing; Advance Australia Fair.


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Reconciliation Statement The University of Newcastle, Hunter TAFE and the Central Coast Community College declares its commitment to Aboriginal reconciliation: developing a strong community and fostering mutual respect, social justice and a united voice between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal Australians. The Central Coast Campus respects and acknowledges the Aboriginal land on which the Australian campuses of the University are located. We acknowledge the Aboriginal nations on whose traditional lands the campus has a presence, respecting and acknowledging the traditional peoples and the cultural significance and history of the land. The Campus is aware of the impact of the alienation and other forms of injustices including the removal of children, the loss of land, the destruction of languages and culture, and the ongoing struggle for social and restorative justice. Through acknowledging and understanding past losses and injustices and through committing to redressing the social and economic challenges and ongoing racism, we will continue to move forward together to a better future. The Campus recognises that education plays an integral role in providing a foundation and platform for the exercise of self-determination and the empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Through collaboration and the provision of culturally responsive education the University of Newcastle, Hunter TAFE and Central Coast Community College seeks to educate and contribute to the development of a harmonious community. The Campus’ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have supported us in ensuring an Aboriginal presence and appropriate and effective levels of consultation and collaboration through the sharing of Aboriginal voices, cultural wisdom and knowledge. These attributes are essential to moving forward to a future of equality and respect in teaching and learning, research, cultural inclusion, celebrating diverse cultures and success. The Campus acknowledges and appreciates the contribution and support by all communities. We will continue to build on existing partnerships and wherever possible forge respectful relationships designed to contribute to the ongoing endeavour of redressing the circumstance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, health, cultures, languages, social justice, employment and empowerment. The Campus is committed to providing an environment that is free from racism and discrimination, developing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to access and succeed in higher education. The Campus embraces the unique and diverse cultures of Aboriginal – the oldest continuing culture in the world – and Torres Strait Island peoples and to ensure the growth of knowledge for all Australians. With respect and collaboration, the University of Newcastle and Hunter TAFE embraces a united approach to equality and inclusiveness for all Australian peoples.


The University Council AS AT 11 JUNE 2015

Chancellor Mr Paul Jeans B.E.(NSW) FIEAust, FAICD Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Caroline McMillen MA, DPhil(Oxon), MB, BChir(Cantab) President of Academic Senate Professor Mark Jones BSc(Hons), PhD(CNAA, UK), FIMechE, CEng, FIEAust, CPEng Deputy Chancellor Ms Dianne Allen BCom(Newcastle), CA, GAICD MINISTERIAL APPOINTEES Conjoint Professor Geoff Lilliss BE(Hons), MBA(Merit)(Newcastle), FIEAust, MAICD Mr Robert Kennedy BEc(ANU), FCPA EXTERNAL MEMBERS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL Ms Jann Gardner BA, LLB(Sydney), MBA(Newcastle), GAICD Mr Brian Kennaugh BBus(Newcastle), MAICD Ms Michelle McPherson BBus(Accounting)(UTS), CA, GAICD Ms Deborah Wright DipTeach(Newcastle), MBA(SCU), FAMI, CPM

MEMBERS ELECTED BY THE ACADEMIC STAFF Professor Pablo Moscato BSc (La Plata, Argentina), PhD (UNICAMP, Brazil) Dr Roslyn Larkin BBus (Hons), PhD (Newcastle) MEMBER ELECTED BY THE PROFESSIONAL STAFF Mr Michael Robertson MTEM (Melb), BEd(Music)(Hons Class I), Dip Mgmt, Adv Dip Mgmt MEMBERS ELECTED BY THE STUDENTS Mr Vivak Bhavitheren (Bhavi) Ravindran



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Members of the University’s Executive AS AT 12 JUNE 2015

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Caroline McMillen MA, DPhil(Oxon), MB, BChir(Cantab)

Pro Vice-Chancellor (International and Advancement) Mrs Winnie Eley BEd(Hons), MBA(Nottingham)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Andrew Parfitt BE, PhD(Adelaide), FIEAust

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business and Law) Professor Richard Dunford BCA, BA(Hons)(Well), PhD(ANU)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Kevin Hall BSc, MSc(Queen’s), PhD (UNSW)

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Arts) Professor John Germov BA(Chisholm), MA(Sociology)(Monash), PhD(Newcastle)

Chief Operating Officer Mr Nat McGregor BCom(Newcastle), MBA(Deakin), DipFinancial Services(ANZIIF), GAICD, CPA, ANZIIF Fellow

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engineering and Built Environment) Professor Brett Ninness BEng, MEng, PhD(Newcastle)

President of Academic Senate Professor Mark Jones BSc(Hons), PhD(CNAA), FIMechE, CEng, FIEAust, CPEng Chief Financial Officer Mr Paul Dunn BCom(Newcastle), FCPA Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) Professor Elizabeth Burd BEd(Hons)(CNAA), MSc, DPhil(York), PhD(Dunelm), FHEA, SMIEEE

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health and Medicine) Laureate Professor John Aitken PhD(Cambridge), ScD(Cambridge), FSRB, FRSE, FAA Pro Vice-Chancellor (interim) (Science and Information Technology) Professor Eileen McLaughlin BSc(Hons)(Glasgow), PhD(Bristol) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Professor Deborah Hodgson BA(Hons), PhD(Macq.), AHPRA


Principal Officers of the English Language and Foundation Studies Centre

Central Coast Community Campus Forum

AS AT 12 JUNE 2015

As at 26 MAY 2015

Director Associate Professor Seamus Fagan BA, HigherDipEd(UCD), MA(Durham)

Ms Leoni Baldwin Chair, Central Coast Community Campus Forum

Deputy Director (Teaching & Learning) Associate Professor Josephine May BA, BA(Hons), Dip Ed, PhD(Newcastle) Associate Professor (Research Development and Scholarship) Associate Professor Mahsood Shah BVET(CSU), GradCert QA(Melb.), GradDip VET, M Mngt(SCU), PhD(Canberra) Foundation Studies Program Convenor (Central Coast Campus) Dr David Powter BSc(Macquarie), MPubPolAdmin(C.Sturt), PhD, GradCert PTT(Newcastle) ELICOS Program Convenor (Callaghan) Ms Helen Fitzgerald BA, DipEd(Newcastle), GradDipEd(TESOL), MEd(TESOL)(UniSA) ELICOS Program Convenor (Sydney) Ms Barbara Mansfield BA, Dip Ed, MA(Macquarie) Newstep Program Convenor Ms Beverley Wilson BSc, DipEd(Newcastle) Open Foundation Program Convenor Dr Anna Bennett BA(Hons)(Newcastle), PhD(UNSW) UoN Prep Bridging Courses Co-ordinator Ms Catherine Burgess BSc, DipEd, GradCert PTT(Newcastle) Yapug Program Convenor Associate Professor Kathleen Butler BSocSc, MSocSc, PhD(Newcastle) Centre Executive Officer Ms Jenny Williams BA, MEdStud(Newcastle)


Mr Paul Anderson General Manager Gosford City Council Mr Alan Blackman Regional Coordinator, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet Mr Tim Cullen Director, Fortunity Pty Ltd Ms Louise Duff Managing Director, Brilliant Logic Mr Sean Gordon Chief Executive Officer, Darkinjung LALC Professor Andrew Parfitt Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), University of Newcastle Ms Kim Walker Executive Officer, National Aboriginal and Islander Skills Association - NAISDA Dance College Ms Christine Warrington Acting Institute Director, TAFE NSW - Hunter Institute Mr Michael Whittaker General Manager, Wyong Shire Council


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TAFE – Hunter Institute Advisory Council

Principal Officers of Hunter TAFE

As at 12 JUNE 2015

As at 12 JUNE 2015

Mr Greg Hopper Chair - Hunter TAFE Advisory Council Chairman of The Lake Macquarie Foundation

CEO/Institute Director Ms Christine Warrington BAdEd (Hons)

Mr John Coyle (Deputy Chair) Hunter Innovation Forum Chair Former CEO HunterNet Cooperative Debbie Barwick CEO and Chairperson Mandurah Hunter Indigenous Business Chamber Inc Chairperson NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce NSW DirectorIndigenous Business Council of Australia Tony Sansom OAM Regional Director, Hunter - Central Coast Office of Regional Development NSW Trade and Investment Kay Peno Director, Public Schools New South Wales Lake Macquarie East Department of Education and Communities Katie Brassil Group Manager – External Affairs, Centennial Coal Michelle Tierney-Elliott Staff Representative Hunter TAFE Ellen Davis-Meehan Managing Director, Key Insights Pty Ltd John Fitzgerald Hunter TAFE Foundation Board Member Kristen Keegan Chief Executive Officer - Hunter Business Chamber Dr Robert Parkes Senior Lecturer School of Education The University of Newcastle, Australia Lulu Tantos Chief Executive Officer Northern Settlement Services Ltd

Deputy CEO/General Manager Teaching and Learning Ms Marie Larkings BEd (Early Childhood) Dip Training & Assessment Director External Relations and Strategy Ms Deb Laarkamp MEd, DipBus, Dip Chief Financial Officer Mrs Alison Wrightson BCom, FCPA Director People and Culture Ms Melissa Olsen BBus(HRM) Director Campus Services Ms Michelle Van de Mortel BEd (Technical) Campus Manager Central Coast and Lake Macquarie Mr David Bailey B Bus(SCU), Dip Sustainability (NC TAFE) Dip Project Management (UNE)



Hunter TAFE Faculty Directors AS AT 12 JUNE 2015

Faculty of Business and Creative Industries Mr Jason Darney BASocSci (Recreation-PhysEd) Faculty of Human Services, Tourism and Hospitality Ms Helen Harvey BEd (Early Childhood) Faculty of Industry and Resources Mr Rob Wolter BSciPsyc (Hons) Faculty of Foundation Skills and Pathways Mr Roger Hale MEd (Adult Education), BEc

Hunter TAFE Alumni Association Join today and enjoy the benefits! • Invitations to exclusive events and presentations • Access to nib/Hunter TAFE corporate health plan • Discounted bookings on selected Institute facilities • Exclusive Alumni library membership • Access to career support For more information: Foundation & Alumni Coordinator 4923 7302 alumni.huntertafe @huntertafe.edu.au


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The Graduation Ceremony THE MACE


The Mace is the symbol of formal authority. The Mace used today belongs to the University of Newcastle and was designed by gold and silversmith, Gerald Benney. It is made of Australian walnut and silver and its head represents an open book – the traditional symbol of learning. The Mace was a gift from the University of New South Wales to commemorate the establishment of the University of Newcastle as an autonomous institution on 1 January 1965. It is always borne ahead of the Chancellor in the academic procession during formal ceremonies such as today’s presentation of academic awards.

The award of Honours is given to students who complete an additional year of study after the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Some bachelor’s degrees, such as engineering or education, have Honours embedded in the four year degree program. Honours generally consists of part coursework and part research requiring submission of a thesis. Honours can be awarded as Class I, Class II Division 1, Class II Division 2, or Class III.

THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE FANFARES The Fanfare is performed at all ceremonial functions to herald the entry and departure of the Chancellor and other members of the Council. With respect and collaboration, the University of Newcastle embraces a united approach to equality and inclusiveness for all Australian peoples. THE UNIVERSITY MEDAL The award of a University Medal is an honour made only when there is a candidate of sufficient merit. To be considered for this award, a graduate must have a consistent record of exceptional academic achievement at all levels of their degree program, and qualify with the highest level of that degree.

WITH DISTINCTION A bachelors or masters degree is conferred with distinction in cases where a candidate has achieved a Grade Point Average of 6.0 or above in the degree, out of a maximum of 7.0. COMBINED DEGREE A combined degree is one where a student studies for two separate degrees at the same time. It is possible for the student to complete the degree requirements for one degree ahead of the other. The student receives a testamur for each degree. Places for combined degrees are very competitive and offered to the highest performing students who apply. MUSICAL INTERLUDE During the graduation ceremony, students, graduates and staff from the University of Newcastle’s Conservatorium of Music entertain and demonstrate their skills and passion for music.



A Brief History of Graduation The graduation ceremony is one of great antiquity. Its essential features have been the same since the 12th century when the first universities came into existence. Its necessary constituents are the Chancellor or his or her deputy, the academic staff, the graduates, and the public. The church had a monopoly of education, partly because it was the guardian of true doctrine, and partly because clerics were almost the only people who could read and write. As a result, the only person who could license a teacher was the bishop of a diocese until, under pressure of other business; he deputed the task to his chief secretary or chancellor.

the fine clothes which they were wearing underneath. The hood was the normal medieval headwear, but it soon acquired a coloured lining. By the 17th century, if not earlier, these colours were strictly controlled so that anyone could identify from the colour of a graduate’s hood, the university and the degree. The public is the fourth participant. It has an important function because the whole point of the proceedings is that they should be seen and heard by valid witnesses. The public hears the words of the Dean and the Chancellor and sees the new graduates dressed in their respective gowns or robes.

The second group participating in the ceremony is the academic staff. In the 12th century they would all have been called “masters” or MAs. At that date they were paid no salaries, but hired their own lecture rooms and charged their own fees. But they also formed themselves into a guild or union, which is what universitas originally meant. In the 13th century they won a great victory when they persuaded the Pope to decree that Chancellors were obliged to confer degrees on all those nominated by the masters. That is why the masters examine the candidates, why the Dean, acting as their spokesperson, reads out the names of those who are to receive degrees, and why the masters at this ceremony watch to see that the Chancellor or his Deputy does what is required of him.

The foregoing is an adaptation of an Address given at a Graduation Ceremony at the University of Birmingham by Emeritus Professor R H C Davis and reprinted in his book ‘From Alfred the Great to Stephen’ (Hambledon Press 1991), pp. 307-309. It is reproduced with kind permission of the author’s widow.

Thirdly the graduates. The word “degree” comes from the Latin gradus, which means “a step”. When students are admitted to a Bachelor degree they move one step up towards the mastership. When they are admitted to a master’s degree they climb another step and come up on a level with the masters, who then receive them into their guild or universitas.

Torres Strait Islander stole

The academic gowns are derived from the everyday dress of the medieval clergy. In the Middle Ages they were not open in front, but closed like a clergyman’s cassock. It was in about 1500 that academics had the front opened up so as to display

Aboriginal stole The red, yellow and black stoles are worn by Aboriginal students during graduation and relates to the colours of the Aboriginal flag. The colours of the Aboriginal flag represent the land (red), the sun (yellow) and the people (black).

The green, blue and black stoles are worn by Torres Strait Islander students during graduation and relates to the colours of the Torres Strait Island flag. The colours of the Torres Strait island flag represent the land (green), the sea (blue) and the people (black). The University of Newcastle is a national leader in the attraction and success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The wearing of the stoles celebrates culture and identity in a significant ceremony that also celebrates success.


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Giving Shapes Lives

The University of Newcastle (UON) would like to express its gratitude to the many donors and sponsors who support the University. Donations and sponsorships help fund research that could save a life, contribute to important community projects and support students to realise their dreams and receive their degrees through scholarships and prizes. Around 250 scholarships and 280 prizes - all funded through donations – will be awarded to students across UON this year. Research supported through philanthropy has included exploring how to prevent type 2 diabetes in at risk males, investigating ways to save the endangered green and golden bell frog, discovering new medications for depression and helping to fight one of Australia’s biggest public health issues, obesity, just to name a few. The University of Newcastle is ranked in the top three per cent of universities in the world and we continue to build our reputation as a world-class institution through our dedication to research, innovation and high quality teaching and learning. Thank you to all our generous supporters for your ongoing commitment!

Philanthropy: helping to shape students’ futures At the University of Newcastle we pride ourselves on doing things differently. For 40 years, we’ve pioneered an approach to equity and excellence that has transformed the way we view education.

We’ve broken down barriers and opened our doors to help thousands of students enter university and thrive in their chosen career. And we’ve seen first-hand how the gift of education can change lives. Many of our students juggle work and family commitments, move away from home or travel long distances to study. Others face huge challenges in their personal lives that make learning at university harder than it is for most. That’s why we created the Shaping Futures Scholarship Fund - to provide financial assistance to academically dedicated students who are facing hardship or challenges that make it difficult for them to complete their degrees - those students most in need. Shaping Futures Scholarships are entirely funded through donations from alumni, staff and the community. These scholarships provide support to help cover the cost of tuition fees, travel costs, computer equipment, text books, living and accommodation expenses. “I’ve seen first-hand the challenges so many of our students face. Giving to a student scholarship is just a small, very tangible way to help. A student who receives a scholarship overcomes their hurdles today and makes an impact on all those around them tomorrow.” Keryl Kavanagh, Shaping Futures Scholarship Fund donor. To donate or to find out more about how your support can make a real difference visit at: www.newcastle.edu.au/foundation

Thank you


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Countries around the world

Connect. Share. Learn. Grow. As a graduate, you are automatically part of the global UON Alumni community. It’s not a club that you need to join and there are no fees! The UON Alumni community connects you with other graduates working in your field across the globe for advice, provides networking and social opportunities, and helps keep you in touch with the Uni – and each other! Welcome to the alumni family. www.newcastle.edu.au/alumni

It’s time to say goodbye to MyHub… and hello to MyAlumni! We want to stay in contact with our alumni all over the world and keep up-to-date with where you are and what you’re doing. Since there are more than 130,000 of you in over 121 countries across the globe, that’s a big job! To help us stay in touch with each other, we’ve launched a new online MyAlumni profile that makes it easy for you to see and edit your details. Activate your MyAlumni online profile, keep your details up-to-date, and receive news and info relevant to you. www.newcastle.edu.au/myalumni

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E alumni@newcastle.edu.au

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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Clare Cooper The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Jason McGrath The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will present an Exceptional Service Medal to Ms Sharryn Brownlee Degree recipients from the Faculty of Education and Arts will be presented by the Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Fischetti The Musical Interlude will be performed by Jacob Neale The Chancellor will invite Brendan Mitchell to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

Occasional Address Jason McGrath Jason McGrath is principal of Wadalba Community School near Wyong. The school is a relatively young school, proud of its contemporary teaching and learning practices and the opportunities to draw on its features as a K-12 setting. Jason has a strong understanding of current educational reforms as they impact on the work of teachers in schools. Jason has over twenty years experience as an educator. He graduated from Macquarie University with a BA Dip Ed and has taught English and History in a variety of schools as a teacher and executive staff member. Jason has also worked in a number of non-school based positions for the Department and teachers’ union. This includes a role as a School Development Officer and relieving Director. In 2012, Jason completed his Masters of Education (Research Higher Degree) at the University of Newcastle. The title of his research was Collaborative Teaching Partnerships: Utilising Team Teaching to Support New Teachers and included case studies about supporting new teachers as well as visits to overseas educational systems to investigate quality practices. Jason has commenced his PhD studies at The University of Newcastle. He is investigating how schools would be different if compulsory education had been a 21st century invention. This includes investigating high performing educational systems from around the world and the implications of latest thinking on neuroscience and community development in teaching.







Graduate Certificate in the Practice of Tertiary Teaching

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy Natasha Kett BTeach, BEd, MEd(Aust.Cath.) Thesis Title: A Causal Analysis of the Relationship Between Teacher Job Satisfaction and Student Achievement Nicole Marion Leggett BTeach, MECh(Macq.) Thesis Title: Intentional Teaching Practices of Educators and the Development of Creative Thought Processes of Young Children Within Australian Early Childhood Centres

Rosalie Janet Bunn Ibtihal Samarayi UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Education Studies Melanie Louise Dever Nathan Robert Hull Misty Leigh Pryor Ingrid Ellen Stiertzel Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies with Honours Class I Mathew James Clarke Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies with Distinction Tanya Annette McMillan Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies Jessica Leigh Allan Rachel Louise Browne Kirilee Ann Cooke Brianna Jennifer Cross Derek Roy Giles Emmah Kate Gillies Katie Marie Haake Samantha Hodgins Tracey Louise Hodgins Jessica Lee Hodgson Melissa Anne James Joshua King Teresa Rebecca Kleppen Jacqueline Koletti Elissa Mai Liddle Brittani Tina Lloyd Krystle Eve Loizides Ashleigh Jayne Manning Kathryn Maree Marsh Shannon Jean Raye McGovern Hayley Lisa Moore

Ragupathy Naidoo Tahnee Louise Nash Carly Maree Nelson Jacqueline Pashley Tiffany Louise Pearce Dannielle Quan Susan Catherine Rogers Kelsie Jane Shanley Claire Louise Stabback Jordana Bray Swain Rebecca Elizabeth Tancred Alana Louise Taylor Emily Jayde Vane-Tempest Atunaisa Vonovono Amelia Wargren Sarah Louise Wissam Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class I Claire Rose Connolly Brendan Matthew Mitchell Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Arts with Distinction Richard James Ellis Joanna Clare Lee Heidi Murphy Hayley Vera Samuel Annaliese Jade Shearer Caitlan Smith Katie Maree Sturgess Jeana Anne Trasler Madeleine Rose Wood Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) / Bachelor of Arts Kamla Abou-King Vanessa Ashley Alwan Elizabeth Grace Amos Melissa Meryl Anderson Emma Anne Beletich Tahlia Isabel Boettcher Paige Valerie Brandy Emma Joy Brittain Sally Leanne Brown Elsie Burton Amy Dawn Byers Jonathan Cabarrus Resli Judith Calverley

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10AM CEREMONY THURSDAY 2 JULY 2015 Jodi Nicole Canobie Ashley Challinor-Stevenson Mitchell Clark Ellyse Hope Coleman Claire Rose Connolly Cassandra Corrigan Jade Aylis Cox Romina Da Silva Luke Sebastian Davila Brent John Dawes Chantelle Denyer Brooke Linda Egan Alexandria Joe Fletcher Emma May Frost Naomi Laura Gay Christopher James Goddard Ashleigh Lauren Goder Kirsten Victoria Gorsky James Gray Kristie Louise Hamilton Renee Isabelle Hart Amanda Louise Hayes Sharmane Healy Alex Hetherington Nathan Joshua Holland Rachel Lillian Hourn Fallon Angela Jansson Todd Robert Johnson Amelia Rosemary Johnston Taiya Helen Karoline Jones Jasmin Joyce Karishma Kean Amanda Michelle Kenny Rachelle Lee King Sarah Rose King Adam Patrick Lonergan Nathan Mitchell Lyons Brett Mitchell Macdonald Milka Christina Mandala Bradley James Matthews Kirstee Jayne McIntyre Kristen Danielle Mercieca Melissa Nicole Nebauer Emily Jane Neeves Cassandra Newton Rebecca Siobhan O’Malley Shae Petersen Jonathon Edward Prime Hannah Jane Quessy Jacob Kenneth Ramm John Rippon Rebecca Ross

Alice Louise Rowley Lisa Sandmann Teena Louise Scott Andrew John Sinclair Brenton Todd Smith Nicole Sharee Smith Elizabeth Jane Smyrnis Samuel Allan Spiers Maria Sprigg Kathleen Amber Stahl Matthew Steven Starkey Chloe Maree Suckling Suzanne Thew Chantelle Trigg Nicole Kristy Tweedie Karyn Van Dam Marlou Elize Werner Geoffrey Peter Wilson Kamla Abou-King Vanessa Ashley Alwan Elizabeth Grace Amos Melissa Meryl Anderson Emma Anne Beletich Tahlia Isabel Boettcher Paige Valerie Brandy Emma Joy Brittain Sally Leanne Brown Elsie Burton Amy Dawn Byers Jonathan Cabarrus Resli Judith Calverley Jodi Nicole Canobie Ashley Challinor-Stevenson Mitchell Clark Ellyse Hope Coleman Claire Rose Connolly Cassandra Corrigan Jade Aylis Cox Romina Da Silva Luke Sebastian Davila Brent John Dawes Chantelle Denyer Brooke Linda Egan Alexandria Joe Fletcher Emma May Frost Naomi Laura Gay Christopher James Goddard Ashleigh Lauren Goder Kirsten Victoria Gorsky James Gray Kristie Louise Hamilton Renee Isabelle Hart

Amanda Louise Hayes Sharmane Healy Alex Hetherington Nathan Joshua Holland Rachel Lillian Hourn Fallon Angela Jansson Todd Robert Johnson Amelia Rosemary Johnston Taiya Helen Karoline Jones Jasmin Joyce Karishma Kean Amanda Michelle Kenny Rachelle Lee King Sarah Rose King Adam Patrick Lonergan Nathan Mitchell Lyons Brett Mitchell Macdonald Milka Christina Mandala Bradley James Matthews Kirstee Jayne McIntyre Kristen Danielle Mercieca Melissa Nicole Nebauer Emily Jane Neeves Cassandra Newton Rebecca Siobhan O’Malley Shae Petersen Jonathon Edward Prime Hannah Jane Quessy Jacob Kenneth Ramm John Rippon Rebecca Ross Alice Louise Rowley Lisa Sandmann Teena Louise Scott Andrew John Sinclair Brenton Todd Smith Nicole Sharee Smith Elizabeth Jane Smyrnis Samuel Allan Spiers Maria Sprigg Kathleen Amber Stahl Matthew Steven Starkey Chloe Maree Suckling Suzanne Thew Chantelle Trigg Nicole Kristy Tweedie Karyn Van Dam Marlou Elize Werner Geoffrey Peter Wilson

Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class II Division 2 Gabriella Louise King Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts with Distinction Katelyn Marie Myers Adam William Scott Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts Angus Scott Bates Danyelle Kathryn Benton Jordan Anthony Cabarrus Deborah Anne Golding Jessica Lyn Harvey Kyle Albert Lionel Herder Rikki-Lee Joslyn Kerr Kellie Joanne Kruit Luke Lepage Alexandra Clare McLachlan Rebecca Jane McNiel Anna Louise Moses Mitchell Neve Joshua David Nicol Jade Melissa Phillips Emma-Jo Robertson Nathan Jefferey Rogers Jessica Tisshaw Niven Pierre Williams





ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Clare Cooper The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Scott Levi Degree recipients from the Faculty of Education and Arts will be presented by the Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Fischetti The Musical Interlude will be performed by Jacob Neale Degree recipients from the Faculty of Science and Information Technology will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Eileen McLaughlin The Chancellor will invite Kyle Bennett to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

Occasional Address Scott Levi Scott Levi is a radio presenter with over twenty years of radio experience in various locations around Australia and is current presenter of the Daytime Shift on ABC Central Coast. After a short stint with the BHP as a ?? , Scott’s radio career began at 2KO in Newcastle, before he moved on to 4AY Townsville. In Townsville, Scott became involved in theatre and undertook an AMEB Speech and Drama course. He has acted in a number of plays including the Australian premiere of Steven Sondheim’s Sunday in the Park with George. More recently Scott has performed professionally in the Christmas pantomime Cinderella with ??? Scott has worked as programme director and breakfast presenter at 4LM Mt Isa, as well as 2MC Port Macquarie, 6IX in Perth, 2WG in Wagga Wagga, completed a short stint in the newsroom at 2WS Sydney, and most recently as a producer with ABC Riverina. During his time in Wagga Wagga, Scott won a prestigious RAWARD (Commercial Radio Award) and received the Premier’s Award for Community Service. Scott has also worked in other broadcast media, presenting three bicycle-touring television documentaries shown on Channel 7, Ten-Capital, Prime TV and The Lifestyle Channel - involving another one of his passions, cycling. As a young man, Scott’s love of rock fishing took him to the rugged coastline between Catherine Hill Bay and Norah Head where he would fish at locations like Fraser Park and his secret spot ‘the pulpit’, although these days he prefers the safer waters of Tuggerah Lakes and Lake Macquarie.

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Bachelor of Arts with Distinction Brooke Kirsty Acton Lesley Ann Acton Pamela Sue Acton-Ward Aaron Donato Peter Raymond Minards

Doctor of Philosophy Emma Maree Joel BTeach/BA, BA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Eatdirtzian Geosophy: Approaching Ethical Reading Practices

Bachelor of Arts Louise Elizabeth Berry Lyndall Nicole Johnston Jordan Meek Erin Sayers Samuel Paul Watts Hayden Brady Williams Netta-Christina Williams Bachelor of Social Science with Distinction Barbara Ann Brodhurst-Hill Ruth Eliza Cross Jennifer Ann McLean Mataitirangi Susan Taulilo

Bachelor of Social Science Ayla Courtney Anderson-Parry Jane Frances Barlow Mercedes Alexandra Bullock Tiffany Jane Carter Emily Rose Cheetham Sarah Ann Colville Rebecca Cooper Elissa Ruth Cotterill Michelle Amanda Douglass Kara Michele Gillings Shayne Maree Jones Daniel Lobo Beth Susan Menser Zoe Lee Overton Savina Marie Ramsay Jessica Anne Sexton Ronda Lee Simpson Jacquelin Williams



RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREES SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIFE SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophy Paulus Hengky Abram BSc(IEM) Thesis Title: Heteropolyoxotungstates as Catalysts for the Epoxidation of Allylic Alcohols Brendan Dean Alderson BSc(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Trophic Associations Involving Temperate Estuarine Fish and Crustaceans in Coastal Saltmarsh Habitat Vincent Irvanky Candrawinata BFSHN, BFT(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Extraction and Utilisation of Apple Juice Pomace Phenolics Jeong-Hwa Choi BSc, MSc(South Korea) Thesis Title: In Vitro and In Vivo Approaches to the Examination of Folate-Related Nutritional Genetics in Health and Disease Tuyen Chan Kha BSc(NLU), MPhil(Newcastle) Thesis Title: Gac Oil Extraction and Encapsulation by Spray Drying

UNIVERSITY MEDAL Kyle James Madden Bennett Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) with Honours Class I and University Medal

POSTGRADUATE Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Postgraduate) Catherine Mary-Anne Hilton Kathleen Anne Moylan UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Daniel Kousbroek Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Ashley Linda Beagley Samantha Clare Brown Jack Constable Ashleigh McTackett Caitlin Selfe Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) with Honours Class I Jessica Issa Heidi Rose Thornton Matthew Tredrea Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jacob Hodson Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science with Distinction Kieran Gossage Benjamin Victor Sillato



Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Makara Rae Batten Ebony Bridge Kaitlin Lee Choice Eryn Louise Conrad Roger Dowdell Deborah Anne Eveniss Samuel Harry Gibbons Hayley Guteridge Jake Hacene Hayley Harwood Ashley Jordan Page JansenSturgeon Anthony Ian Jeffrey Alexandra Mary-Anne Koltsis Catriona Lockhart Eden Macneill Tye Samuel McGann Rebecca Jane Millard Ethan Milne Kieng Bradley Morgan Kelsey Leigh Moss Cliff Kah Weng Ng Kasey Elizabeth Pearce Luke Pedras Martyn Christopher Potts Lincoln Powell Rebecca Elizabeth Roast Taylah Jade Rocteur Scott Michael Smith Jake Francis Sutherland Bradley Thoseby Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Zun Wang Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition with Distinction Patricia Fawcett Celeste Stephanie Graf Imogene Newell Teagan Emma Porter

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2PM CEREMONY THURSDAY 2 JULY 2015 Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition Sarah Atkins Ruth Judith Ballin Sheree Margaret Budworth Kar Mit Chan Adriana Susan Dailey Kelly Donald Michael John Fitzgerald Stephanie Anne Herbert Iwa Kassandra Catherine Kaleda Felincia Kurniawan Veliana Lim Melanie Jane Predebon Felicia Putri Nadia Riani Ashleigh Ann Robertson Alexandra Kate Sainty Rhiann Sarich Melanie Jade Smith Allison Leigh Stewart Chiara Wijaya Iydi Willis Xinjun Zhang Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Nicholas William Taylor Bachelor of Information Technology with Distinction Allen Garda Hayden Glenn Gribble Bachelor of Information Technology Callan Graeme Brook Blake Cheetham Tiffany Amber Evic Dale Jon Fitzgerald Gene McCredie Cameron Mitchell Jordan Thomas Mowday Mark Graham Pugh Monique Antoinette Schmidt Raymond John Silvia

Bachelor of Psychological Science Amanda Bendevski Jessica Leigh Dayney Blake Eagle Peter John Gallichan Sharnie Lockyer Joshua Allan Makin Patrick Anthony O’Neill Lauren Louise Paterson Christopher Walker Brennan Wanstall Kathleen Young Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class I Samantha Kate Allen Emma Jane Diamond Jaime Wroe Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class II Division 1 Michelle Elise Hedgecoe Johanne Knowles Leisa-Marie Pritchard Christie Joan Stephanie Smirnios Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class II Division 2 Amanda Mazzoni Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Class III Cassandra Jane Derbyshire Bachelor of Psychology Christelle Jade Ardill Zoe Efstratia Asteriou Julianna Kailing Colton Elizabeth Sandra Doel Lyle Thomas Hurley Alexandra Emily Johnson Paige Sheree Jordan Natasha Renee KiemelIncorvaia Michelle Clare Langworthy Craig Gregory Pinchbeck Nonorta Youkhana

Bachelor of Science (Honours) with Honours Class II Division 1 Jeffrey Norman Law Rhys James Richards Bachelor of Science with Distinction Kyle James Tyler Bachelor of Science Daniel Peter Brown Christopher John Crawford John Alan Kensey Emma Catherine McAndrew Jack Monds Sophie Newley Katherine Lyndall Orr Chris Wallace Benjamin Wickham





ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the singing of the National Anthem, performed by Clare Cooper The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the Proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address to be delivered by Virginia Gallegos The Director Centre for English Language and Foundation Studies centre, Associate Professor Seamus Fagan, will present the annual ELFSC Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the Ourimbah campus The Musical Interlude will be performed by Jacob Neale The Open Foundation students will be presented by the Open Foundation Program Convenor (Ourimbah), Dr David Powter The Chancellor will invite Kim Volegoff to speak on behalf of the Open Foundation students The Newstep students will be presented by the Newstep Program Convenor (Ourimbah), Dr David Powter The Chancellor will invite a Newstep graduate to speak on behalf of the Newstep students The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Recipients will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

Occasional Address Virginia Gallegos Virginia Gallegos graduated with a Bachelor of Management with a double major in marketing and management, from the University of Newcastle Central Coast Campus at Ourimbah. At her graduation ceremony in 2010, Virginia was the Graduate Speaker, delivering an address on behalf of her fellow graduates. Prior to commencing her undergraduate program, Virginia completed UON’s Open Foundation enabling program, which gives students an alternative entry to undertake university studies. On completion of her degree, Virginia worked in a variety of marketing roles before taking up the opportunity to manage Treehouse, a creative agency located on the Central Coast. Over the past six years, Virginia has been part of Treehouse’s transition from a local business to a respected global brand working across projects with both national and international clients. With this growth, Virginia’s role within the agency has expanded from that of production and account management to encompass creative consulting, social media marketing and the position of Treehouse Producer. Working in the creative and marketing industries in the modern day requires a wide knowledge base and skill set, combined with the ability to adapt to a constantly changing landscape driven by innovation and new technologies. Virginia brings her education and skills in marketing and management to bear across her various roles, balancing the business’s characteristically creative processes with essential administrative management. Virginia was profiled as a UON Alumnus for the Ourimbah Campus’s 25th year celebrations in 2014, as part of the Showcasing Student Success video series.

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6PM CEREMONY THURSDAY 2 JULY 2015 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND FOUNDATION STUDIES CENTRE Open Foundation Elghali Abdelrasoul Nilufa Akter Rebecca Beth Alexander Morgan Kaitlin Alley Kade Anderson Rishae Marie Anderson Elizabeth Anschau Kala Janelle Anthes Charbel Antoun Matthew Joel Asciak Raeanna Ash Sarah Baird James Baker Natasha Lee Baker Christopher Douglas Ballard Kendel Shannon Barbato Gerhardus Stephanus Barnard Cameron Ryan Barnes Tara-Kate Barnett Holly Beecham Adrianne Maree Bennett Caitlin Rose Bennett Rebecca Joan Bennett Jarrod Bruce Birch Thomas Birch Luke Blackadder Stephanie Anne Blake Tina Bloom Julia Clair Bradfield Gavin Peter Bradley Sarah Briese Amanda Maree Britton Paige Brown Hayley Ann Browne Errol Harding Keith Bullard Nicole Bundang Joanne Leslie Burton Chantelle Louise Butler Jack Daniel Cameron Jessica Lea Campbell Laura Jean Carrigan Georgia Leonie Carroll Jordan Carter Sarah Louise Celeste Cameron Cillero Arja Brielle Clark Paul Clarke Peter Thomas Clarke Andrew Paul Collier Jesse Collier Christopher John Collins Sam Cooke Robert Cross

Ellen Cuneo Timothy Mark Cutting Amanda Joy Daly Elizabeth Maree Daly Tamika Datson Alexandra Rose Davis Philip Andrew Davy Tyson John Day Kelly De Bock Christopher Hugh De La Motte Isaac Robert De Marchi Kate Sabina Dennard Merryn Jean Dickinson Kirsten Elise Dorn Shamus Down Trudi Dudman Jane Maree Edmondson Jade Edwards Leah Edwards Mary Josephine Edwards Debbie-Ann Eldridge Matthew James Esprester Sally Fairservice Geoffery John Farrell Beau Ferret Shona Jessica Fisher Kayla Anne Fitzsimmons Kayla Fitzsimmons Joanne Foley Curtis Fouracre Nicholas Fuentes Julieanne Garland Rachel Glasspell Lydia Eve Godfrey Christopher Gow Amanda Louise Green Laura Jane Harding Daniel John Harpley Eleanor Harrison Alexandra Harte Jodie Hayman Mitchell William Heywood Roxanne Hill Mia Jasmine Hodge Roxanne Hoffman Christopher Robert Honeywood Sarah Howell Heidi Hoy Kyle Jordan Norman Inglis Callum Jenkins Kahlia Jenkins Natasha Jocelyn Krystal Jones

Sam Jones Rhiannon Kasun Angela Jocelyn Keeling Kristy Ann Kelley Rhianna Claire Kennedy Tahlia Sky Kent Georgina King Grace Knisely Melanie Jane Kostrin Luke Raymond Kovac Jorian David Kriskovic Kaylene Janet Laidlaw Michelle Louise Lalor Breeanne Suzanne Lane Timothy Peter Lang Talitha Laverack Joshua Wayne Le Gay Brereton Paul David Leigh Amanda Lennon Karen Jayne Lenon Candace Alexandra Lim Gina Little Tan Ying Danielle Lo Ian Long Norman Longwood James Robert Lowndes Kate Maree Ludlam Rochelle Kathleen Lundie Corey Lynn Kerry Mac Jessica May Macbain Nicole Marie Macdonald Kelliann Mackenzie Daniel James Martin Rebecca Ann Martin Clive Mason Kate Matten Maureen Fay May Melissa Louise Mcdonald Byron Jake Mcgrath Marzinotto Mary Ann McKee-Wright Natalie Anne Millar Alexandra Rae Minards Holly Moran-White Carly Morris Cooper Jay Morrison-Smith Simone Muir Brian Mullaly Kimberley Lorrae Murphy Jinsuk Na Brooke-Ashlee Nelson Brendon Nolan Kate Lorrae Offner

Hayley Jane O’grady Eden O’kane Celia Regina De Medeiros Oliveira-Atkinson Zoe-Kaitlyn Oneill Jesse James Osborne Kate Louise Page Joseph Parmeter Janet Leanne Parsons Ashleigh Louise Partland Alexandra Elizabeth Perry Emily Dawn Plane Anthony Paul Price Shawna Maree Prior Jenesis Glee Quejayco Patrick Jack William Quinton Zachary Rae Haley Maree Raymond Kylie Rose Redman Christopher Maxwell Reeves Michelle Reilly Michelle Therese Rhodes Angela Riley Jamie Marie Rodger James Rose-Barnett Natius Elizabeth Rutherford Madelyn Linda Ryan Khalil Saniago Rachael Elizabeth Satherley Jessica Lee Scappatura Laura Shearman Mathew James Sheean Hayley Rochelle Sheen Lauren Clare Shoebridge Kiri Lee Simpson-Morgan Tom Anthony Sinclair Tayla Slattery Alana Tasha Smith Matthew Robert Glynne Smith Montana Smith Patricia Smith Kelsey Jane Solomon Jarrett Andrew Sonneveld Kimberley Ann Steen Jeremy Stephenson Rachael Amanda Stirton Pruedence Mary Stitt Kimberley Jessica Stone Natasha Aundrey Stone Lynette Ann Sutton Sushil Tamang Natasha Linda Tew Alana Bridget Lisa Thompson Stephanie Louise Thomson


Melissa Tompsett Emily Truskett John Edward James Turnbull Samantha-Jane Turner Joshua James Vella Micheal Vernon Kim Anne Volegoff Maria Voznesenskaya Thomas Lemeki Vuetaki Victoria Walters Christopher Glen Ward Jarrad Warren Kirsty Whitby Lucy Sarah White Mark Leslie Wielinga Cherna Alejandra Williams Mason Williams Niall Williams Stephen Raymond Williams Melanie Williams-Clarke Bianca Julie Williamson Joseph David Willis Paula Willoughby Hannah Beth Wilson Michelle Winnacott Rebecca Jane Worth Bradley James Young Newstep Cody Anderson Emma Caitlyn Ward Atkin Liam Greggory Auliff Georgia Bagnell Harry Bailey Oliver Thomas Barone Joshua Bettison Sarah Grace Bindley Aidan Brown Damson Bryant Dylan Burdon Alischia Burgstaller Benjamin Byrnes Lauren Amy Capuano Ricky Anthony Cavarra Wesley Jeremiah Chegwidden Blake Alfred Conroy Jarrod Robert Cottrill Tyler Craft Jonathon Crosland Brianna Heidi Cutting Benjamin William Charles Daley Matthew Davern Justin Davidson Emma Davis Amy Elizabeth Dean Jeff Bradley James Edwards

Ashley Mary Eliot Jemma Jade Fallon Erica Lauren Fardy Andrew Yohei Fenelon Victoria Tessie Forsyth Kieren Fuller John Grazhdankin Claudia Green James Ian Gresham Liam Dwayne Griffith Rachel Griffiths Toni Kimberley Grose Shalome Gunasekera Thomas Maxwell Hockman James Hood-Vargas Grace Catherine Howarth Claudia Grace Hurley Erin Elizabeth James Samantha Zola Jeffrey James Lucas Johnston Dannielle Joy Jones Haylea Jones Brianna Michelle Kay Alanna Brittany Kelley Alicia Te Mara Kelley Dylan Myles Kennedy Lauren Maree King Oliver Bradford Kirkham Darren Robert Larmore Ryan Lee Kimberley Ann Longmire Matthew Lynch Sean Maranik James Trayton Maskell Sherridan Rose Maxwell Troy Mcculloch Jarrod Mckie Laura Peta Meagher Caitlin Mullay Robert Murphy Rumbidzai Natalie Muzamhindo Jasmine Nelson Brianna Newman Harry O’connell Chloe O’loughlin Marco Nicholas Petruccelli Olivia-Jo Poole Jacob Raymond Pope Alec Lincoln Power Kieran Purcell Claire Reed Jordan Robert Reeds Caroline Robillard Dean Santi Daniel Richard Anthony Schmidt Rhianna June Shaw

Rochelle Shearer Sarah Shelton Georgia Rose Shoesmith Jessica Slater Cameron Smith Kelsie Smith Perlyn Southern Holly Staniland Benjamin James Stevens Alexander Stitt Matthew John Stone Molly Anne Toby Jonathan Douglas Town Robert Norman Toy Callum Boyd Van Aardt Rebecca Marie Van Den Bos Joplin Vertigan-Tatterton Brittney Villata Georgia Rose Wallace Clare Louise Wastell Christopher John Webb Coby-Lea White Olivia Gabrielle White Jack Williams Timothy Williams Ashlee Lauren Withers Jake Wrigley Ryan Wyatt Clara Joy Yarnold



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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Clare Cooper The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor Maralyn Foureur Degree recipients from the Faculty of Health and Medicine will be presented by the Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Judith Scott The Musical Interlude will be performed by Jacob Neale The Chancellor will invite Margaret Galvin to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

Occasional Address Maralyn Foureur Professor Maralyn Foureur is the Professor of Midwifery in the Centre for Midwifery, Child and Family Health at University of Technology Sydney, and Adjunct Professor of Midwifery at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and the University of Southern Denmark. Professor Foureur’s research interests concern ways to keep birth normal to improve outcomes for mothers and babies, and she has led research into the development and implementation of innovative models of midwifery care and the development of midwifery practice and education. Her current research has a major focus on how the architectural and interior design and the objects within Birth Units impact on women and staff stress, communication, and ultimately birth outcomes. As a chief investigator on ARC and NH&MRC grants, Professor Foureur supervises Doctoral, Masters and Honours students studying aspects of improving maternity services. She currently co-leads the consortium called Birth After Caesarean Interventions (BACI), which is undertaking research to promote normal birth and increase the rate of vaginal birth after caesarean section. She also undertakes a range of projects within the clinical setting of the Central Coast and Northern Sydney Local Health Networks which includes establishing and evaluating an innovative model of care for obese pregnant women; establishing and evaluating models of midwifery continuity of care. Professor Foureur is involved in teaching midwifery students and teaches in the Bachelor of Midwifery, Graduate Diploma of Midwifery and Master of Midwifery programs at UTS. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Psychology and Sociology (Flinders University, S. Aust.) and a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (University of Newcastle, NSW). Professor Foureur is a member of the editorial panel of Women and Birth and regularly reviews articles for a number of other journals including Rural and Remote Health, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Midwifery: An International Journal; Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is also a Fellow of the Australian College of Midwives.


FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE POSTGRADUATE Master of Workplace Health and Safety Michael Richards Graduate Diploma in Dental Therapy Juhaina Bahjat Al-Hadeethi Nathan Aulsebrook Michael Avellana Emily Sarah Borella Keren Branch Alicia Renee Denton Eman Fouad Esmail Heather Christine Hawes Razan Jamil Marcia Cristina Ortega Maria Zoi Pana Alex Patchett Hadel Zito UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Oral Health with Distinction Michael Charlton-Fitzgerald Lance Russell Creer Shadi Essam Margaret Galvin Mariam Halima Chanel Mari Jones Amy Florence McLeod Evelyn Akleh Ocansey Bridgitte Sally Paull Salem Qahtani Angela Marie Simpson Bachelor of Oral Health Yannis Abraham Jeewan Acharya Claudia Leonor Ariza Villar Elysia Jane Arnott Mitchell Stephen Burgess Rodolfo Cabling Grace Carmen Chun David Lincoln Cottam Mathilde Malina Ribeiro Da Costa

Melinda Sadie Diemar Kirrilee Shea Fall Mary Jannet Gutierrez Sau Man Hui Trezaire Leusha Jenkins Maria Imelda Jose Timothy William Judd Sadaf Khaliqi Alexandra Koumertas Mei Lin Lai Kirilee Jan Lindsell Salam Saadoun Majeed Daliborka Manojlovic Stephanie Miladinovski Leena Najeeb Thu-Ha Nguyen Heather Parolaro Stephanie Politis Isobelle Jane Sawkins Kutubuddin Sheikh Sandeep Sunny Singh Nadine Smit Doris Stevanovic Crona Therese Stokes Natalie Elizabeth Surace Susan Alouna Tang Sowmya Ubbur Srinivasa Gowd Sheida Vejdani Teaghan Ware Kali Alisa Wellstead Merryne Gai White Naomi Jayne Wilson Jun Yang Bachelor of Podiatry with Distinction Angelique Sharon Ellis Robyn Ann Harden Clare Robina Healey McDonogh Gareth George McIntyre Nicholas James Walsh

Bachelor of Podiatry Matthew James Anderson Edward James Burnett Rachel Mary Burt Ellie Catt William James Delahunty Adam Luke Dempsey Rebecca Annie Erratt Claire Farquharson Antoni Fellas Julia Fisher Jacob William Gow Madison Gray Stephen Mark Hastings Kristen Lee-Ann Haywood Joe Elliott Henderson Vicki Florence Hewett Benjamin Geoffrey Hodgetts Maddison Horvath Leon Phillip Hubbard Phillipa Ignacz Joshua Michael Ingham Nathan James Jackson Jephthah Neil Jusuf Simon Kay Krystsina Labuzava Carolyn Joy Lenthall Frances Sinead McCaffrey Jasmin Louise Montgomery Declan Robert O’Connor Rebecca Jane Osland Cherry Annie Powell Denise Robertson Merrin Lee Schulz Alesha Gaye Skinner James Andrew Stone Clare Helena Weymer Samantha Louise White Shanan Jay Wynd Julie Saw Heong Yap Tracey-Lee Young



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ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Master of Ceremonies will announce the imminent commencement of the ceremony The University Fanfare will herald the entry of the Dais Party The assembly will rise and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem, performed by Clare Cooper The Chancellor, Mr Paul Jeans will declare the proceedings open The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Caroline McMillen will address the assembly and introduce the Occasional Speaker The Occasional Address will be delivered by Phil Walker Award recipients from Hunter TAFE will be presented by the Hunter TAFE Faculty Directors The Institute Director, Christine Warrington will invite a Hunter TAFE graduate to speak on behalf of the TAFE graduates The Musical Interlude will be performed by Jacob Neale Degree recipients from the Faculty of Business and Law will be presented by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Richard Dunford Degree recipients from the Faculty of Health and Medicine will be presented by the Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Judith Scott The Chancellor will invite Jill Donald to speak on behalf of the graduates The Chancellor will declare the proceedings concluded The Dais Party and assembly will rise as the University Fanfare is sounded and the Dais Party process from the stage The Procession of Graduates will follow the Dais Party out of the Hall

Occasional Address Phil Walker In his early career, Phil Walker was a Detective Senior Sergeant in the NSW Police Force, and a special member of the Australian Federal Police, the National Crime Authority and the NSW Crime Commission. He is the current Chairman of Mingara Recreation Club, which has venues on the Central Coast and at Bankstown, Chatswood and Port Macquarie. He is also a former Deputy Chair Central Coast Tourism. Phil served on both of these boards for more than a decade. In January of this year Phil was appointed as the Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC) Chair after having been on the Board and in the role of deputy chair and acting chair over the past few years. He brings considerable skill and experience in business and development in the local area, having been a Property Consultant for the past five years. The University of Newcastle is a proud partner of RDACC with the Central Coast Business Incubator, which is owned and managed by RDACC, being located on the University’s Central Coast campus at Ourimbah. With postgraduate qualifications in Business Management from the University of Wollongong and having been a resident of the Central Coast for 32 years, Phil is passionate about making a difference and assisting in the Coast’s growth for the benefit of the community.





RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREES SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Master of Philosophy Dean David Mobbs BTeach/BA, BA(Hons)(Newcastle) Thesis Title: The Expressionist

FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW POSTGRADUATE Master of Business Administration Helen Mobbs UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Business with Distinction Thomas Perry Bachelor of Business Laura Jennie Beard Gareth Crewe Amelia Cross Jayden Cuff Danielle D’Costa Elizabeth Louise Fortune Shannon Kristine Gossip Luke Hessell Ivy Jefferies Sarah Joel Rhiannon Elizabeth Kane Jared Keens Brittany Anne Lawrence Clinton Metcalfe Jonathon David Meurant Brennan Joel Wawrzyk Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction Mark Bigeni Bachelor of Commerce Damien Micheal Butler Nicholas Chatrie Andrew John Clark Jayden Cuff Dean Andrew Eveleigh Erin Fairleigh Russell Andrew Green Rachel Louise Hoenstok Rebecca Leigh Luff Elise McGinlay Thomas Perry Melissa Anne Reed Kurt Raymond Schwab Moiz Siddiq Verity Carol Smith Narissa Stanley

Bachelor of Management Sarah Louise Goldsworthy Ellen Hagan

FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Nursing with Distinction Michelle Amy Anderson Denise Linda Baldwin Amanda Nicole Bartrim Cheryl Ann Berwick Amy Joanne Bickerton Kelly Anne Bruce Natalia Chistyakova Lisa Amy Crimmins Jill Ann Donald Angela Christella Gerard Millicent Higgins Josh Peter Hokin Kate Avalon Johnson Megan Lee Jordan Abby May Kortge Vanessa Louise Laing Cassandra Jayne McCormack Charlotte Annie Paulley Amy Elizabeth Prince Lee-Anne Carol Provest Fiona Harden Stanford Danielle Melinda Thorne Emma Louise Willcox Bachelor of Nursing Hannah Laura Almady Orpah Alonzo Shannyn Joy Andrews Emily Jane Apolony Stuart Brian Biddulph Arlene Burge Rachael Louise Byrne Christine Leigh Therese Caacbay Leone Ann Cameron Alexandria Lee Cappai Dannielle Marie Carr Lorna Jayne Cockrell Natalie Louise Collinson Jessica Cooney Lisa Jane Cutland Victoria Ann Davis Melissa Grace Edmonds Emma Dawn Fairclough Lynnea June Godden Patrick Edward Goss

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2PM CEREMONY FRIDAY 3 JULY 2015 Megan Lynette Grantham Janeen Ellen Gunner Fiona Hargraves Corina Daisy Hartley Lisa Hayden JoAnn Herring Kristin Higgins Andrew Holbrook Rebecca Petrina Horvath Nicholas Mark Ilijas Shirley Del Carmen Jacquin Perez Lisa Johnson Samantha Rosalind Johnson Sandy-Lee Kate Kirk Natalie Ann Konemann Jessica Lawler Brooke Lewin Donna Collette Lloyd Jessica Rachel Lucas Joanna Leigh Mann Joanne Mason Seamus Anthony McArthur Elaine Therese McGuire Emma Marie McMonigal Jonathan Luke Millerchip Joanne Irene Moore Michelle Christina Moore Katie Jane Morgan Kathryn Muharemovic Dianne Marguerite Munday Toby Nissen Therese Elizabeth Northcott Nathan Robert O’Brien Sophie Louise O’Malley Elizabeth Sarah Owen John William Partland Kathy Lorraine Pettet Susie Jane Price Kathleen Therese Ray Ellie Sargeant Madeleine Rose Smith Nikki Sneade Rachael Anne Stacey Joanne Fay Stevens Teresa Ann Stewart Cheryle Annette Streater Tasha Renee Hinewahia Tahu William Thomas Alanna Tobey Jessica Elizabeth Watson Ashley Maree Weir Pauline Maria Whaites Catherine Grace Wildman Lucinda Jayne Wildschut Simon Daniel Woods

TAFE NSW - HUNTER INSTITUTE FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Diploma of Accounting Shelley Guest Julia Procter Diploma of Business Administration Michelle Attwood Trudy Broadley Keeleigh Davison Michelle Downey Jennifer Formston Sally Gaha Taryn Gazzard Samantha Holland Rachel Jackson Jennifer Lehrer Amelia Liakakos Clare Macleod Sophie Millington Jennifer Moore Edwina Nikora Kathleen Novosel Anna Sharikova Margaret Smith Luciane Sperling Narelle Stylianou Jody Szczerbanik Ariella Whitelum Jeanette Williams Julia Woodley Diploma of Human Resources Management Danielle Allen Mackenzee Frew Jane Hamilton Jane Kearns Danielle Muller Michelle Nies Katrina O’Kane Kelly Randall-Mott Larissa Swain Diploma of Information Technology Networking Thomas Bowden David Hamilton Wing Ying Huang Bansal Jaspal Alexander Oates-Power

Mark Penhall Zachary Rakete Alex Robinson-Tripp Carlos Rubio Taurean Sheridan Jayden Thomas Victor Towers Paul Wallace Philip Walker Diploma of Management George Abagi Nicole Baird Aron Berry Jon Brown Kane Buck Robyn Burns Tony Calcagno Danielle Chalmers Kim Cheong Gary Dewstow John Ehiobuche Darren Garufi Carly Glover Nicholas Hall Murray Harper Jill Hetherington Ali Homayoun David Horner Karen Hulthen Jayme Linsley Paulien Long Kelly Mcgeachie Tjeerd Musters Jessica Pye Amy Rankin Christopher Ray Peter Reardon Kate Rowland Paul Shaddock Roderick Travis Diploma of Marketing Peter Dee Wayne Doyle Nicholas Hall Lachlan O’Connor Charlotte Potiphar Christopher Ray Inna Turnbull Jessica Zappia

Diploma of Project Management Elizabeth Bramble Emma Cartwright Saniya Khoury Claudia Sallustio Susana Sangueza John Sibley Diploma of Software Development Robert Porter Diploma of Visual Arts Kate Landsberry Sandra Millard Sophie Rich Diploma of Website Development Alexis Snowdon Damien Perkovic Diploma of Work Health and Safety Jacqueline Galbraith Ricky Gatt FACULTY OF HUMAN SERVICES, TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY Diploma of Beauty Therapy Bonnie Alexander Solange Arwadi Judith Chavez Lisa Chrul Tahlia Denyer Dominique Drennan Hollie Eccles Sara Goffin Jayne Haynes Danielle Hutchings Nerida Johnson Kathryn Jones Balinda Katalinic Balinda Katalinic Jade Lee Rhiannon Macandrew Shona Mak Erin Morrison-Edmonds Jessie Murray Annabelle O’Farrell Lorraine Page Kavita Patil Amanda Pearman Hannah Pope


Stephanie Quail Kate Reynolds Rebecca Robinson Kara Rowe Kate South Jessica White Tammy White Diploma of Children’s Services (Early Childhood Education and Care) Teneeka Adams Elizabeth Ardill Bonnie Armstrong Emily Aurisch Sarah Bowman Sarah Brookes Simone Brosow Madison Browne Nicole Carr Amy-Lea Cesti Paige Colvin Kerry Coorie Toni De Freitas Brynne Dixon Lauren Donaldson Vanessa Faye Dublin Leonie Flanagan Kellie Foss Brittany Gaudry Sarah Gunn Rebekah Kan Leanne Kavanagh Kristie Kelaher Kara Laird Kylie Lowe Renee Lydon Joanne Mcewan Rhiannon Mcqueen Catherine Milton Sheridan Nissen Amanda Nowland Shauni Pearce Lyn Piefke Jacqueline Richards Rebecca Robinson Vicki Ryan Tanya Shepherd Stephanie Singleton Zarah Stapleton Catherine Stone Tamara Stone Dominique Thompson Tammy Votano Letisha Waddell Natalie Waddell Corrina Whitaker

Rohini Yates Jing Zheng Diploma of Community Services (Alcohol other drugs and mental health) Anita Adler Heidi Campbell Samantha Fletcher Lisa Folpp Natalie Parkes Floranie Picot Pamela Proctor Kevin Smith Lynda White Rhonda Wilson Amy Woods

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Emily Stone Diploma of Events Laura Beard Emma Brady Blake Dawson Katie-Sarah Duggan Eric Hunter Sophie Mulroney Amy Murray Yona Mwakasendo Marieta Rogers Kyle Rose-Barnett Taylah Toomey

Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) Bruce Achterberg Sonja Arena Elisa Blanch Jennifer Donovan Colleen Forde Anita Kelly Brian Miru Shannon Plooy Sally Proctor Dianne Rainbow Donna Selby Simon Stevens Deanna Ward


Diploma of Community Services Work Eleesha Beaven Alison Burke Michael Butler Julie Calverley Zacharry Catling Taylor Christiansen Shannon Corbett Elizabeth Horwell Denielle Hunter Anita Kelly Michelle Lloyd Allison Lowder Heidi Marks Jaylene Moreau Clair Moret Erika Riley Jodie Smith Shanaye Smith

Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology Electrical Matthew Crawford

Advanced Diploma of Electrical - Engineering Steven Barry Paul Carty Graham Forward Shane Saunders Advanced Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical) Matthew Castle Andrew Medcalf Bradley Mountfort Alexander Siebel

Diploma of Electrical Engineering Peter Granger Thomas Hoy Stephen Kent Benjamin Lovett Brendan Sloey Diploma of Engineering - Technical (Mechanical) Nicholas Bennett James Hopper Adam Mitchell Aaron Morison Jacob Robertson



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CRICOS Provider 00109J | UoN 2014/B9009

Vice-Chancellor and President University of Newcastle

CEO/Institute Director TAFE NSW – Hunter Institute

Chancellor University of Newcastle

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