RET TRO OFIT TTIN NG OF O COMMERC CIAL L BUILDINGS CONNE ECT T: SBRC PRO P OFES SSIO ONA AL DEV VEL LOPMEN NT D Date to o be co onfirm med - Ea arly 20 015 U Universsity off Wollo ongong ENERGY EFFICIENCY E ENHANC CEMENT T THRO OUGH R RETROFITTING OF COM MMERCIAL BUIILDINGS S A two da ay profe essional develo opmentt coursee on ene ergy effficienccy and sustaina s ability in n buildings preesented d by th he Susttainable e Buildin ngs Ressearch Centre at the U Universitty of Wollongoong.
UOW W CRICOS Provider No: 00102E
EN NERGY Y EFFIC CIENCYY ENH HANCE EMENTT TH HROUG GH RET TROFITTING G OF CO OMMER RCIAL BUILD DINGS S CO ONNEC CT: SBRC PR ROFESSIONA AL DEV VELOP PMENT T COURSE OB BJECTIV VES This course will pro ovide compa anies and in ndividuals with w knowled dge and capaabilities to enhance e energy efficiency of o commercial buildingss through rettrofits, and the t measureement and evaluation e o of actual eenergy perfo ormance in commerciall buildings. The Eneergy Efficien ncy Enhance ement throuugh Retrofittting of Commercial Buiildings Courrse greatly benefitss those wish hing to reduce energy cconsumption n in individua al buildings or over property portfolios and engineers, and other o professsionals, wh ho wish to de evelop their knowledge and skills in n the field d of energy efficiency enhancemen nt. A key objective is to empower attendees w with awaren ness and und derstandingg of the key issues i involved d in implem menting effec ctive buildin g retrofits to realise optimal econoomic and environmental benefitss.
COURSE BE ENEFITS S On succcessful com mpletion of th he course yoou will gain knowledge and skills too assist you u in the followin ng: awareness of current standards s a nd legislatio on utilization of o opportunities for buil ding ownerss and other stakeholderrs to access s governmen nt initiatives,, e.g. Environ nmental Up pgrade Agreements (EU UAs) awareness of building commission ning, energyy manageme ent and buildding retrofitts opportunities determining the best re etrofit techn nologies for particular commercial c buildings assessmen nt of econom mic benefits and risks off building retrofit technoologies understand ding of the key issues in n retrofitting g HVAC and lighting sysstems for im mproved energy efficciency awareness of key energy modellin ng methods and tools fo or commerccial building retrofits awareness of opportun nities and baarriers to im mplementing g various buiilding envelo ope retrofit options understand ding occupant perceptioons, behavio our and thermal comforrt when designing and implementing retrofit technologies t s relevant an nd up to date e case studi es
WHO O SHOUL LD ATTEND Building g Services Engineers, E Architects A an nd Building Designers, Building B Com mmissioning g Professsionals, Engineers and Environmen E ntal Specialists, Facilitie es Managerss, Sustainab bility Manageers, Building g Owners, Asset and Poortfolio Mana agers, Local Governmeent Environm ment Manageers, Asset Managers M an nd Services M Managers, Government G t Departmennt Asset Ma anagers.
COU URSE OUTLINE The co ourse is cond ducted over a two days commencing att Date to be confirmed c - Early E 2015 annd comprises lectures and d demonstrations. P Present coursse outline is provided p beloow.
Da ay 1 Tim me 8:45 5 am
Day 2 Topic Registrration
Welcome and d introduction n Overview of sstandards, leg gislative frame eworks and requirementss, including EU UAs
Tim me 9:0 00 am
Introduction n Day 2 Energy mod delling for com mmercial build ding retrofits and a case studies s
Morning ng Tea
Overview of ccommercial building retrofiits, benchmarrking and building eenergy auditin ng Methodologiees to determin ne the best retrofit technollogies for commercial buildings
Morniing Tea
On-site gene eration system ms for comme ercial building g retrofits and d case studiess Practical evaluation
Human factors, thermal co omfort and po ost project evaluation Case studies of HVAC systtem retrofits
Lunch h
Retrofit stra ategies and te chnologies fo or commerciall building env velopes Building info ormation moddelling (BIM) to support ene ergy analysis of commercial c b uilding retrofits
Afternooon tea
M&V of energ gy savings forr commercial buildings andd case studies Day 1 summa ary and discusssion, Site visit
5.00 0pm
Concluusion Day 1
Topic Start Day 2
Aftern noon tea
Commission ning and tuninng of existing retrofit r system ms and case stu udies Course sum mmary and disccussion
5.0 00pm
TRA AINING INV VESTMEN NT The co ourse investm ment provides for an inclu usive industryy related trainin ng package w with course no otes, lunches s and morningg and aftern noon tea. Cou urse fee per person p is AUD D$980 includding GST (deleg gates may choose to atten nd only a sing gle day for $5 560). Partic cipants may ccount course hours toward ds their CPD requirementts.
Concllusion Day 2
THE VENUE V The cou urse will be hheld at the Su ustainable Building gs Research Centre, Build ding 237, Univers sity of Wollonngong Innovation Campus, Squires s Way, North Wollongong.
Prof Paul P Cooper is the Directo or of the Susttainable Builddings Resea arch Centre aand a Professor in the Faculty of Engineeering and Inform mation Sciencces at the University of Wo ollongong. Dr Zhenjun Ma is a Senior Lectturer in the Sustainable B uildings arch Centre aat the Universsity of Wollon ngong. Resea
Arrange ements for acccommodation are the respons sibility of parrticipants and d costs are no ot included in the coursse fee. A list of hotels and d motels in the Wollonngong area will w be supplie ed to pants upon reegistration. Daily D travel from particip Sydney is conveniennt by road or train. t
Dr Georgios Koko ogiannakis is a Senior Lec cturer in the S Sustainable h Centre at th he University y of Wollongoong. Buildings Research
ean Rapley iss a Principal of o Northrop, he h is also thee Manager of Mr Se their Sydney S Building Services Division and an experiencced, accredite ed NABERS assessor. Mr Wa ayne Goodw in is the Lead d Engineer fo or Power Gen eration at Beca. His focus is eenergy solutions including g cogeneratioon, wables and en nergy efficien ncy. renew Mr Da aniel Daly is a PhD researrcher at the University U of W Wollongong Sustainable Buildin ngs Research h Centre, and d a member oof the Design Team for the winning Illawarra Flame Solarr Decathlon hhouse. His on low PCA grade g comme ercial buildingg retrofits. researrch focuses o Other invited indusstry and gove ernment spea akers will alsoo participate in thiss course to prrovide case sttudies and prractical experrience of energyy efficiency im mprovement projects.
Registrration enquirie ies: Please call Mrs Rob byn Fumini at the Sustain nable gs Research Centre, University of Building Wollong gong. Phone: (02) 4239 22198 Email: robyn_fumi
Course e enquiries: Please call Prof Pauul Cooper at the Sustaina able gs Research Centre, University of Building Wollong gong. Phone: (02) 4221 21198 Email:
ENE ERGY EFFICI E ENCY ENHA ANCEM MENT TTHROUGH RET TROFIT TTING OF CO OMMERCIAL L BUILDINGS S SBR RC PRO OFESS SIONALL DEVELOPM MENT COUR RSE R REGISTRAT TION FORM M: Date to be b confirme med - Early 22015, Univeersity of Woollongong Plea ase enrol me in the “En nergy Efficie ency Enhanccement thro ough Retrofitting of Com mmercial Bu uildings” course to be held in Wo ollongong, Australia A fro om Date to be confirmed - Early 2015. Cos st per person n: Two-day course c AUD$ $980 inclusivve of GST. Attendance A fo or a single daay only AUD D$560. Plea ase registerr before TBC C (see note below). b Surname:
Given Name: N
Organisa ation:
Job titlle/position:
Postal A Address: State:
Postcode e:
Telepho one:
Country: M Mobile:
Days of Attendance:
E Email:
uirements: Special dietary requ
PRE-COURS SE QUES STIONNAIRE To assist a us to tailor the cou urse to your experience, e pplease answ wer the follow wing (circle tthe appropria iate weightin ng).
VVery Limited d
Very Extensive
My knowledge k in n the field off energy effic ciency in com mmercial buiildings is:
My project p experience in the e field of energy efficienccy in commercial building gs is:
My organisation o ’s objectivess in the field of energy effficiency in co ommercial buildings b are :
My organisation o ’s project exxperience in the t field of eenergy efficie ency in comm mercial builddings is:
My engineering e or other proffessional dis scipline is:
If paying by credit ca ard, please complete c th he details be elow, scan and email to robyn_fumini@uow.ed e): Please debit (circle umber: Card nu
Bankcard B
□□□□-□□□□-□□□□ -□□□□ □ □ / □ □ in tthe amountt of
AUD$: Name o on card: Signatu ure: Email fo or receipt:
Cheque p payable to “The Univerrsity of Wolllongong” Mail to: Attention: Mrs M Robyn Fumini F Payment P Enq quires: (CPD Coursse Registration) Sustainable Buildings Research R Ceentre University of Wollongong, NSW, 25 522, Australia a
Mrs Robyn Fumini SBR RC Administrration Officerr Ph: ((02) 4239 21 198 Emaail: robyn_fumini@uow.e
Note e: There is no g guarantee thatt economic parrticipation leveels for this course can be ach hieved. Registrrants will be notified on the Date D to be co onfirmed - Earrly 2015 if the course c cannot proceed due tto insufficient numbers. n The program mayy be changed at any time due e to unforeseen circum mstances. If the e course canno ot proceed for any reason, UOW will not ac ccept liability oof whatsoever kind for expen nses e investment, which w will be re refunded in fulll. incurrred by any perrson or corporration with the sole exceptionn of the course