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CONTENTS Welcome to the University of PÊcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Structure of the University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Applying for your registration card. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Student card. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Health Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 University Restaurants, buffets etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Student organisations and services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Student life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Entertainment: culture and leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Public transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Shopping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Hungarian Public Holidays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 More useful information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Important telephone numbers and links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF PÉCS Dear students, Welcome to the University of Pécs – Hungary’s first university! We are very happy that you have decided to join our multicultural university community. Of a total enrolment of some 23,000 students, over 2,600 come from abroad. More than 60 different nations are represented and our international students play a fundamental role in the intellectual and cultural life of our campus. We will do our best to ensure that your time in Pécs is stimulating, challenging and academically rewarding, and we will also do our utmost to support you during your stay with us. This comprehensive booklet gives you a guide to help you - both in and beyond your first few weeks - to settle down and integrate, and we hope that you will find it helpful. If you have any questions or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Centre for International Relations at international@pte.hu or at +36 72 501 500/12424.
Welcome to the Universit y of Pécs
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I wish the very best to all of you - and a useful, as well as enjoyable, stay at the University of Pécs.
Dr. József Bódis Rector
About the Universit y
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ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY The University of Pécs was founded in 1367, when the Angevin king of Hungary, Louis the Great, established the first Hungarian university here. The history of Higher Education in Hungary dates from this point. With its nine Faculties the University of Pécs plays a significant role in Hungarian Higher Education. The University offers a broad range of international education and training and of degree programmes, so ensuring high-level knowledge-transfer and research. With 23,000 students and nearly 2,000 teaching and research staff, the impact of the University extends well beyond the borders of the city.
The nine Faculties of the University are: õõ Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK) - Pécs, Rákóczi út 80. õõ Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development - Szekszárd, Rákóczi út 1. õõ Faculty of Health Sciences (ETK) - Pécs, Vörösmarty út 4. õõ Faculty of Humanities (BTK) - Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6. õõ Faculty of Law (ÁJK) - Pécs, 48-as tér 1. õõ Medical School (ÁOK) - Pécs, Szigeti út 12. õõ Faculty of Music and Visual Arts (MK) - Pécs, Zsolnay Vilmos út 37. õõ Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (MIK) - Pécs, Boszorkány utca 2. õõ Faculty of Sciences (TTK) - Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6. * Within the brackets are the Hungarian abbreviations of the names of the Faculties. The University of Pécs has offered full study programmes taught in English for more than 30 years and in German for more than 10 years. Year by year an increasing number of international students and researchers have come from over 80 countries to the University to study and conduct research, and each year more than 2,600 international students choose to study at the University, which maintains partnerships through inter-university agreements and also collaborates in various international and regional university networks. International students can pursue their studies at Bachelor level (BA, BSc), at Master level (MA, MSc) or even at Doctoral level (PhD, DLA).
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STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSITY The University has the traditional structure of European universities and is headed by a Rector and a team of three Vice-Rectors. Each of the latter is responsible for a different area of university life. The Faculties, each headed by a Dean, and the Institutes, each headed by a Director, represent larger academic areas. They are subdivided into Departments which are in daily contact with students and are responsible for the academic programmes.
Unified Education System During your studies you will spend long hours on UP’s student information portal. This is the website where you will have to register for subjects, plan your timetable, follow your grades and manage your school finances.
Structure of the Universit y
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ď š http://international.pte.hu/education 3
Applying for your registration card
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APPLYING FOR YOUR REGISTRATION CARD If you have come from abroad for the purpose of study, you must register and apply for a residence permit at the local Immigration Office – as soon as possible after your arrival.
Where you have to go: Address Regional Directorate of South Transdanubia Office of Immigration and Nationality H-7623 Pécs, Csend utca 3.
Opening Hours Monday: 8:30-11:30 and 2:00-17:30 Tuesday: 13:00-16:00 Wednesday: closed Thursday: 8:30-11.30 and 13:00-16:00 Friday: 8:30-11:30
information about the residence permit requirements Detailed can be found at: http://international.pte.hu/en/applying_for_registration_card
ACCOMMODATION Most of our international students rent flats privately whereas our exchange students stay in dormitories.
RENTED ACCOMMODATION You can start your search from abroad, but you should be aware that rentals move quickly and are not usually available much in advance. Finding a flat in Pécs can actually be done in a weekend if you are not too demanding, but the better approach would be to allow yourself at least two weeks after your arrival.
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Recommended source for finding accommodation: Student Housing Contact: Ms. Zsófia Kasó, Ms. Éva Fodor Address: Faculty of Medicine, Pécs, Szigeti út 12 Mobile: +36 30 215 5513 Phone: +36 72 536 227 E-mail: studenthousing@aok.pte.hu Web: www.studenthousing.hu Facebook: StudentHousing
about the dormitories Information of the University of Pécs can be found here: http://international.pte.hu/en/accomodation
Student card
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STUDENT CARD Hungarian Student ID card As an international student of the University of Pécs, you are recommended to apply for a student ID card after your arrival. With this card you can have the same advantages as Hungarian students - e.g., reduced public transport fares, discounted entrance to museums, to Youth Hostel accommodation and library membership and free sports facilities.
visit the following website to learn about the application procedure: Please http://international.pte.hu/en/hungarian_student_idcard
International Student Card In addition to the Hungarian student ID card it is also advisable to apply for the International Student Card - which can be used in 129 countries. You can enjoy discounts from 42.000 benefit providers (accommodation, travel, museums, exhibitions etc.). The International Student Card is valid for 16 months, from the beginning of September to the end of December of the following year.
visit the following website to learn about the application procedure: Please https://www.isic.hu/en/
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HEALTH SERVICES Health insurance As an international student studying in Hungary, you are required to take out full general health insurance cover - which is a prerequisite for registration at the University.
information about the health insurance offered by the University can More be found on our website: http://international.pte.hu/en/health_insurance
Health Services
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GP Service The General Practitioner (GP) Service provided by the Centre for Occupational Health and Hygiene of the University of Pécs Clinical Centre offers primary care for the students of the university. Consulting Rooms
Opening Hours
Pécs, Nyár utca 8.
Monday: 12:00-16:00 Tuesday: 8:00-11:00 Wednesday: 12:00-16:00 Thursday: 8:00-12:00 Friday: 8:00-12:00
you have any questions, problems or Should would like to make an appointment, please contact our English-speaking GP on +36 30/709 5315.
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Health Services
In case of emergency (or outside the GP opening hours) you can go to: Internal medicine: Emergency Department/ ‘Klinikai Központ Sürgősségi Orvostani Tanszék’ Address: Pécs, Ifjúság útja 13. or Traumatology: The ‘Honvéd’ Hospital / Honvéd Kórház Address: Pécs, Akác utca 1.
PHARMACIES The list of pharmacies (‘Gyógyszertár’ in Hungarian) in Pécs can be found here: http://en.pecs.hu/egeszsegugy/ The location of the nearest all-night pharmacy is displayed on the door of every pharmacy. Pharmacy in Pécs city centre (open daily):
Árkád Pharmacy Address: Pécs, Bajcsy Zsilinszky utca 11/1 (in the Árkád shopping mall)
about the health care in Szekszárd: More http://www.szekszard.hu/medical_assistance
MEDICINES A list of medications commonly found and used in Hungary and which can be purchased without a prescription can be found here: http://international.pte.hu/en/widely_used_medicines
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LIBRARY Students and staff of the University can use most of the library services free of charge after subscribing to any of the faculty libraries or the Central Library (official name: University Library and Centre for Learning). The Central Library is open 7 days per week - from Monday to Sunday; other libraries are usually open on weekdays only.
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University Library and Centre for Learning - Pécs, Universitas u. 2/A. | Phone: +36-72/ 501-650
of all University libraries: http://english.pte.hu/menu/82/28 List Opening Hours: http://www.lib.pte.hu/en/opening-hours Registration for reader’s card: http://www.lib.pte.hu/en/registration Contacts and map: http://www.lib.pte.hu/en/contacts-and-map
Universit y Restaurants, buffets etc
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UNIVERSITY RESTAURANTS, BUFFETS ETC õõ Boszi Restaurant: first floor of the Boszorkány Dormitory (Boszorkány utca 2.) õõ Pacsirta Restaurant: Faculty of Humanities and Sciences building (Pacsirta utca 2.) õõ Teleky Bistro: in the University Library building (Universitas utca 2/A) õõ Garázs Restaurant: in the Szántó Dormitory building, next to the building of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development (Szántó Kovács János utca 1/A) õõ Room Bistro: next to the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts (Zsolnay Vilmos utca 16.) õõ Restaurant in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development (Szekszárd, Rákóczi utca 1.) õõ ‘La Food’ Restaurant: in Law Faculty building, by the Faculty of Business and Economics (Dohány utca 5.)
list of other restaurants, cafes, pizza houses, wine cellars etc in Pécs: Ahttp://www.iranypecs.hu/en/info/wineandgastronomy More about Hungarian cuisine (both food and drink): http://international.pte.hu/ en/content/hungarian-cuisine
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STUDENT ORGANISATIONS AND SERVICES STUDENT ORGANISATIONS There are many different student organisations which you can join whilst studying at UP. These offer a wide variety of professional and leisure programmes which give you a good opportunity to meet local people, make new friends and enjoy memorable experiences.
Student Union (EHÖK in Hungarian) The Student Union of the University of Pécs is the main organisation responsible for representing the interests of students. SUUP functions as an umbrella organistion and works in close and constant cooperation with the student unions of the Faculties and of those Institutes with Faculty status. Website: www.pteehok.hu | E-mail: ehoktitkarsag@gmail.com
Erasmus Student Network (ESN Pécs) ESN is a non-profit group of volunteer students studying in the University of Pécs. By organising various international events for Exchange/Erasmus Students, their aim is to create suitable conditions for better cultural understanding between various nations and of national customs and to contribute actively to European integration. Website: http://pecs.esn.hu | E-mail: esn.pte@gmail.com
Student organisations and services
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English-German Student Council (Medical School) The English-German Student Council (EGSC) takes care of social and academic matters for medical students. Student representatives act on behalf of the international students as mediators between students and the administration. Please do not hesitate to contact them on any matter. Website: egsc.aok.pte.hu | E-mail: egsc@aok.pte.hu
AEGEE-Pécs The local agency of the largest European student organisation offering opportunities for learning, travel, recreation and building relationships at both local and international level. Website: http://www.aegee.org, http://www.aegeepecs.hu | E-mail: aegeepecs@gmail.com
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Student organisations and services
AIESEC Local Commitee Pécs As the largest global student organisation, AIESEC offers a wide variety of professional programmes and – uniquely - internship opportunities for students of the University of Pécs. Website: http://www.aiesec.org, http://www.aiesec.hu/pecs | E-mail: aiesecpte@gmail.com
STUDENT SERVICES The Student Service offices are responsible for the welfare and social needs of students, and also coordinate various cultural events throughout the year.
Central Office of Student Services (KÖSZI in Hungarian) The Central Office of Student Services of the University of Pécs provides different services for students to assist them in settling into their new environment, to improve their quality of life and comfort, to assist in providing good conditions for study and to facilitate their success in the labour market after graduation. Website: www.koszi.pte.hu | E-mail: kalapos.judit@pte.hu
LANGUAGE CENTRES International Studies Centre The ISC offers HFL (Hungarian as a Foreign Language) courses, English language preparatory courses for different studies and intensive courses during Summer and Winter vacations. ISC also organises ‘Hungarian language and culture’ Summer and Winter Schools. Website: www.isc.pte.hu | E-mail: almos.ella@pte.hu
Foreign Language Centre The Foreign Language Centre (FLC) is a university unit independent of all Faculties, offering a variety of foreign language services to interested students. All year-long language courses are organised in the languages of the European Union and of the neighbouring countries. International language examinations also can be taken several times a year at the Foreign Language Centre. Website: http://inyt.pte.hu/english.html | E-mail: kurzusok@inyt.pte.hu
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STUDENT LIFE SPORT International students can pursue the following sports while studying at the University of Pécs: aerobics, table tennis, women’s handball, men’s handball, women’s basketball, men’s basketball, soccer, martial arts, women’s volleyball, men’s volleyball, archery and fencing. For more information please visit this website: sportiroda.pte.hu Central Sport Office: 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4. | E-mail: sportiroda@pte.hu | Phone: +36 72/501-500/ 12770
Student life
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DANCING UNIVERSIT Y The Dancing University of the University of Pécs is a unique initiative in Hungarian Higher Education. Any student, lecturer or staff member of the University is eligible to participate in a dancing course free of charge.
Courses you can choose from: Body Shaping Dance Aerobics; Bellydance; Hip-hop; Serb, Croatian, Macedonian Dances; Boogie Woogie-Rock and RollSwing; Yoga; Cuban Salsa; Latin Dances; Ballroom Dances; Hungarian Folk-Dance; Latin Freestyle Aerobics; Show/Musical Dance; Capoeira; UP Dance Team.
For more information on the new courses and UP Dance Team application please contact: Beatrix Perjés-Bánky, Dancing University project coordinator Phone: +36 72/ 501-500/ 12123 | E-mail: tancprojekt@pte.hu | Website: http://www.tancolo.pte.hu/
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Student life
CLUBS - PARTIES Here is a list of the weekly organised parties of the Faculties of the University of Pécs: õõ Faculty of Humanities Every Monday: Szenes Club - Pécs, Pacsirta utca 2. õõ Faculty of Business and Economics Every Wednesday: Pécsi Est Café - Pécs, Rákóczi út 46. õõ Faculty of Law Every Tuesday: Pécsi Est Café - Pécs, Rákóczi út 46. õõ Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development – Pécs Every Wednesday: Sörház disco - Pécs, Xavér utca 19. õõ Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Every Tuesday: Pollack B-Klub - Pécs, Boszorkány utca 2. (Boszorkány dormitory) õõ Faculty of Sciences Every Tuesday: Sörház disco - Pécs, Xavér utca 19. õõ Medical School Every Thursday: Like Cultural Centre - Pécs, Tüzér utca 3/1. õõ Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development – Szekszárd Every second Tuesday: Rolling Rock Café – Szekszárd, Széchenyi utca 18-20.
CINEMAS There are 3 cinemas in Pécs offering movies in English with Hungarian subtitles:
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Apolló Art Movie
Uránia Movie Theatre
in Pécs Pláza Mall Pécs, Megyeri utca 76. http://www.cinemacity.hu/en the latest releases
Pécs, Perczel M. utca 22. http://apollo-pecs.hu/ art films
Pécs, Hungária út 19. http://pecsurania.hu/ art films and the latest releases
Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development – Pécs Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development – Szekszárd Medical School Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Faculty of Law
Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Music and Visual Arts
Faculty of Health Sciences University Library and Center for Learning
János Szentágothai Research Center
3 4
5 3
PÉCS 1. 2.
Rector’s Office Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Law Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development 3. Faculty of Health Sciences
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Sciences Medical School Faculty of Music and Visual Arts Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology University Library and Center for Learning János Szentágothai Research Center
SZEKSZĂ RD A. Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development Central Building B. Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development B
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Student life
EXTREME LEISURE ACTIVITIES There are also many possibilities outside the campus where you can spend your free time with your friends. Here is a list of some places you can visit when you need a little adrenaline:
Go-kart racing in Pécs: Gokart Pécs
Kart Arena
7632 Pécs, Megyeri utca, Fair-Ground (‘vásártér’ in Hungarian) E-mail: gokartpecs@gmail.com Phone: +36 30 268 60 21 or +36 30 632 19 97 Mo - Fri: 14:00 – 21:00 | Sat: 10:00 – 21:00 Sun: 09:00 – 21:00
7633 Pécs Megyeri utca 59. E-mail: vadaszbt@gmail.com Phone: +36 70 7744 543 Tuesday: 14:00 – 20:00 | Wed - Sat: 10:00 – 20:00 Sunday and Holidays: 10:00 – 19:00
Paintball: RINO Paintball
OTISZ Paintball team
Pécs, Hird, Zengő utca 78. and Komló, Kossuth Lajos utca 103/A E-mail: info@paintballpecs.hu Phone: +36 20 257 27 59
Pécs, Északmegyer utca E-mail: otiszpaintball@freemail.hu Phone: +36 30 420 85 9
Extreme Park: Mecsextrém Park Pécs Árpádtető, Take a bus leaving for Komló from the Central Bus Station, and leave it at Árpádtető, or take local bus Nr. 31 from the Railway Station. E-mail: info@mecsextrem.hu | Phone: +36 72 244 440 | Website: http://www.iranypecs.hu/en/
Entertainment: culture and leisure
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ENTERTAINMENT: CULTURE AND LEISURE In terms of entertainment and events, Pécs offers a huge number of activities, excursions and things to do for everyone, regardless of taste or budget. You can be sure you will find everything here that a student could wish. If you plan sightseeing, you can take a guided city tour or with help of a map from the Tourinform office (Széchenyi square 7.) you can discover the city by yourself too.
ARTS AND THEATRE National Theatre of Pécs (www.pnsz.hu/en) Janus University Theatre (www.jesz.pte.hu) Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, the main cultural center of the city (www.zskn.hu)
MUSEUMS There are many museums in Pécs which are definitely worth visiting. You can find information in English on the Museums of Pécs site: www.pecsimuzeumok.hu
MUSIC For those who prefer jazz, world or classical music, the Kodály Centre, one of Hungary’s most beautiful world-class concert halls is the place to visit for a high-quality concert experience. (www.kodalykozpont.hu) A regular performer at the concert hall is The Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra (http://www.pfz.hu/en)
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Pécs also has a great variety of festivals year round where you can discover the music of the most popular Hungarian and international bands, enjoy traditional and modern Hungarian performances, taste the best food and wine and so on. If you want to be up-to-date with the cultural programme, visit this website regularly: http://www. iranypecs.hu/en/ or read the UNIV Pécs bi-weekly University newspaper which has a selection of upcoming programmes; it is available in every Faculty of the University.
Here is a list that includes some of the largest festivals of Pécs: September õõ Heritage Festival - Pécs Days (Örökség Fesztivál - Pécsi Napok) õõ Wine and Champagne Festival õõ Pécs City Carnival October õõ Mecsek Rally
Entertainment: culture and leisure
December õõ Advent Fair April õõ PEN, the Pécs University Days õõ International Evening organised by the international students of the Medical School June õõ POSZT (National Theatre Festival in Pécs) õõ Sétatér Fesztivál (Promenade Square Festival) õõ Fishing On Orfű – rock music festival July õõ Rockmaraton - rock music festival
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Entertainment: culture and leisure
HIKING IN PÉCS AND SURROUNDINGS If you are happy to spend some time in a relatively undisturbed natural environment, all you have to do is to go up the hill. Put on your hiking boots and head for the Mecsek Hills! Signposted footpaths which criss-cross the Mecsek offer a huge variety of opportunities for walkers: http://www.iranypecs.hu/en/ info/explorer/outdoor-adventure/
EXPLORE THE AREA! There are a number of beautiful small villages and towns near Pécs which are well worth visiting during your stay. Find out more about the beautiful countryside around Pécs, the charming villages and towns and their attractions: http://www.iranypecs.hu/en/info/explorer/explore-the-area/ Some ideas for places to visit: õõ Bikal – Theme Park: this Renaissance Theme Park in Bikal is the first theme park in Hungary. It shows everyday life in the Middle Ages. õõ Orfű: beautiful lakes, impressive Aqua Park õõ Siklós: beautiful restored castle, thermal bath and wine cellars õõ Harkány: large thermal bath õõ Mohács: unique traditional Carnival in February, Historical Memorial Park, famous fish soup õõ Pécsvárad: splendid castle õõ Szigetvár: historic castle, Turkish monuments and thermal bath õõ Villány: many wine cellars, festivals and concerts õõ Szekszárd: many wine cellars, impressive Aqua Park
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PUBLIC TRANSPORT BUS TICKETS, BUS FARES Before you board a bus, you should buy your tickets from a newsagent, in the ticket offices of the Pécs Public Transport Company or in the Tourinform office. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver, but this is more expensive. An economical solution is the day card, the weekly pass or monthly student pass. These can be bought at the following ticket offices: Ticket offices
Opening hours
Millenium Mall Pécs, Rákóczi út 60.
From the 1st to the 7th of the month: Monday-Friday: 7.30-18.00 Saturday: 7.30-12.00 Other days of the month: Monday – Friday: 7.30-12.00 and 12.30-16.30
Coach station Pécs, Nagy Lajos Király út 14.
From the 1st to the 7th of the month: Monday-Friday: 7.30-18.00 Saturday: 6.30-12.00 Other days of the month: Monday – Friday: 6.30-12.00 and 12.30-17.00 Saturday: 6.30-12.00
Bus station, Kertváros Pécs, Fellbach utca
From the 1st to the 7th of the month: Monday-Friday: 7.00-18.00 Saturday: 7.00-12.00 Other days of the month: Monday – Friday: 7.00-12.00 and 12.30-16.00
Public transport
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Public transport
BUS NUMBERS AND BUS STOPS TO REACH THE FACULTIES Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK) Bus number: 2, 2A, 4, 4Y, 104, 20, 20A, 120 | Bus stop: 48-as tér Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development – Szekszárd Bus number: 8, 9, 9Y, 89 Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development – Pécs Bus number: 25, 26, 25Y, 26Y, 27, 28, 126 | Bus stop: Nendtvich Andor út, Ybl Miklós utca Faculty of Health Sciences (ETK) Bus number: 2, 2A, 4, 4Y, 104, 20, 20A, 120, 33, 71, 72, 73 | Bus stop: Árkád (from where you walk to Vörösmarty utca) Faculty of Humanities (BTK) Bus number: 30, 30Y, 55, 55Y,130 | Bus stop: Ifjúság útja Faculty of Law (ÁJK) Bus number: 2, 2A, 4, 4Y, 104, 20, 20A, 120 | Bus stop: 48-as tér Faculty of Music and Visual Arts (MK) Bus number: 2, 2A, 4, 4Y, 104, 20, 20A, 120 | Bus stop: Zsolnay Negyed Faculty of Sciences (TTK) Bus number: 30, 30Y, 55, 55Y,130 | Bus stop: Ifjúság útja Medical School (ÁOK) Bus number: 2, 2A, 25, 26, 25Y, 26Y, 27, 28, 126 | Bus stop: Egyetemváros Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (MIK) Bus number: 37 | Bus stop: Rodostó utca
of the Pécs Public Transport Company: http://www.tukebusz.hu/english Website Website of the coach station: http://ujmenetrend.cdata.hu/uj_menetrend/en/ Train services in Hungary: http://www.elvira.hu/english
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SHOPPING In Hungary normal shops open on weekdays (Monday to Friday) between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Some have shorter opening hours at the weekend as well. Malls and supermarkets open earlier and close later or can be open 24/7. There are also a few small ‘non-stop’ shops around the city.
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SHOPPING MALLS In Pécs there are two large malls, where you can buy almost everything that you need such as clothes, food, books, medicine etc. Árkád Pécs - Pécs, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 11/1. Monday – Thursday: 7:00-21:00 Friday: 7:00-22:00 Saturday: 7:00-21:00 Sunday: 8:00-19:00 Pécs Pláza - Pécs, Megyeri út 76. Monday – Saturday: 10:00-20:00 Sunday: 9:00-18:00
SUPERMARKETS Spar supermarkets: This is by origin a Dutch chain selling good quality products at medium prices. They can be found in many locations around the city. Tesco Hypermarkets: The British supermarket chain has a huge choice of goods. You can find three Tesco stores in the city. Interspar hypermarkets: A sister group of Spar, these also have a huge choice of goods. There are two Interspars in Pécs - in the Árkád mall and on the Siklósi road. Other groups represented include Aldi, Lidl, Coop, Penny Market and CBA
SPECIAL SPICE SHOPS Herbaház Pécs - Farkas István utca 1. Eastern Spice Shop (‘Keleti fűszerbolt’ in Hungarian) - Pécs, Ferencesek utca 38.
SPORTS EQUIPMENT Decathlon Sports Mall - Pécs, Makay István út 7. Hervis – Árkád, Pécs
Hungarian Public Holidays
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HUNGARIAN PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Please note that during public holidays in Hungary schools, shops and offices are closed. õõ 1 January – New Year’s Day õõ 15 March – Memorial Day of the 1848–1849 Revolution against the Habsburg Monarchy õõ Easter Monday (In March or April) õõ 1 May – Labour Day õõ Pentecost (Whitsuntide) celebrated on Monday (7 weeks after Easter Sunday) õõ 20 August – St. Stephen’s Day, the establishment of the Hungarian State õõ 23 October – in memory of the 1956 Uprising against Russian rule õõ 1 November – All Saints’ Day õõ 25–26 December – Christmas
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MORE USEFUL INFORMATION ADDRESSES Hungarian addresses look like this: Pécs, Kossuth utca 25. II. 3. The name of the city comes first, followed by the utca (street/road) name, building number, floor (Roman numerals) and apartment number. Postcodes are 4-figure number.
CELL-PHONES In Hungary, three companies offer cell-phone service: õõ Vodafone (www.vodafone.hu) õõ T-Mobile (www.t-mobile.hu)
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õõ Telenor (www.telenor.hu) You can buy cell-phones at various stores in Pécs, but you will need your passport!
CLIMATE Hungary has a continental climate. Winters are usually cold, cloudy and humid; summers are rather warm (occasionally reaching 38°C/100°F). The average annual temperature is 9.7°C (49.5°F). In summer it may rise to 27-32°C (81-90°F) and in winter 0 to -10°C (32-14°F). The average yearly rainfall is approximately 600 mm (24 in.).
BANK AND CREDIT CARDS The most commonly used cards (VISA, Mastercard, Diners Club, AMEX etc) can be used to obtain money from ATM machines and to pay bills in hotels, shops and restaurants. The cards accepted are displayed on the door of the establishment.
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CURRENC Y The currency of Hungary is the Hungarian Forint (HUF). The abbreviation of Forint is Ft. Coins: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 HUF. Banknotes: 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 and 20000 HUF. In February 2008 1 and 2 forint coins were withdrawn, but in shops prices can still end in 1, 2, 3 etc. They round 1 and 2 down to 0; 3,4,6,7 up to 5, and 8 and 9 to 10. So if you want to buy something for 532 HUF, you pay 530 HUF, or, instead of 769 HUF, you pay 770 HUF. With bank cards you pay the exact amount. 1 EUR is approximately 310 HUF and 1 USD is approximately 280 HUF. You can change money either in banks or in private exchange bureaux. You can find currency exchange facilities (bureaux de change) at a number of places in the city (e.g. ร rkรกd shopping mall, Irgalmasok utca, Kirรกly utca, Ferencesek utca).
DRIVING A CAR Foreigners driving a car in Hungary are required to have a valid international driving licence. Car registration and insurance papers are also compulsory. Driving is on the right-hand side and seatbelts are compulsory. The speed limit within residential areas is 50 km/h, 90 km/h on secondary roads, 110 km/h on highways and 130 km/h on motorways.
ELECTRICIT Y The voltage is 230 V/50 Hz with European two-prong plugs. Electrical equipment of 110V/60Hz requires the use of an adapter and/or voltage converter.
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There are many possibilities to access the Internet in Hungary. Wifi is an access option offered in several cafés, hotels, bookstores and public buildings. The University of Pécs provides free Internet access for their students.
NAMES Surname first and given name second. So Tamás Kiss is in Hungarian Kiss (surname) Tamás (first name).
POST OFFICE Central Post Office in Pécs
Opening hours:
Address: Pécs, Jókai utca 10.
Monday – Friday: 7.00 - 19.00 Saturday: 8.00 - 12.00
More useful information
Besides mailing your letters at a post office, this is also a place where you can pay your bills, transfer money, send faxes, buy phone cards, buy bus tickets, order a newspaper or open a PO Box if you do not have a permanent address. You can also find several smaller post offices in the city. The English website of the Post Office is: www.posta.hu/international
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More useful information
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Tap water is officially safe everywhere.
TIPPING IN HUNGARY Restaurant prices in Hungary generally do not include a service charge and it is therefore customary to give a tip, generally equivalent to 10% of the bill.
VEGETARIAN FOOD A menu anywhere can offer at least a few non-meat dishes for vegetarians. You will most commonly find one or two soups (mushroom, vegetable or cheese), also breaded cheese (rรกntott sajt) with tartar sauce and cooked rice or pasta dishes, dumplings and fried breaded mushrooms (rรกntott gomba).
Dialling code for Pécs
+36 72
Fire Department
24-hour English-language crime hotline
+36 1 438 8080
English language telephone directory service
International operator
Office of Immigration and Nationality
+36 72 518 720
University of Pécs (central number)
+36 72 501 500
Centre for International Relations
+36 72 501 500 /12424
Volán Taxi
+36 72 333 333
EURO 7 Taxi
+36 72 777 777
Important telephone numbers and links
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University of Pécs on the web: www.international.pte.hu www.english.pte.hu www.erasmus.pte.hu www.facebook.com/study.in.pecs.hungary www.facebook.com/universityofpecs
Official website of Pécs: www.en.pecs.hu
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Photo: Szabolcs Csortos
IMPRESSUM BY COURTESY OF: University of Pécs 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál u. 4. SUBSIDY: Erasmus+ Program 14/KA1HE/150 University of Pécs Centre for International Relations H-7622 Pécs, Vasvári P. u. 4. Phone: +36-72/501-500/12418 E-mail: international@pte.hu Website: international.pte.hu Managing Publisher: Dr. József Bódis, rector Edited by: Centre for International Relations Design, layout: Molnár Nyomda és Kiadó Kft.