A. FERREIRA-ALEMAO MD PhD Universidad Complutense de Madrid Molecular Pathology and Biology Surgical Oncology
E-mail: ribograma@gmail.com Cell phone: 351 93 671 54 88 http://www.ribograma.com/
RIBOGRAMA PROJECT PRESENTATION We intend to present a research and health project on cancer (RIBOGRAMA PROJECT), for an innovative method of early diagnosis of colorectal cancer (and cancers of other organs and systems), which was developed within the studies of a PhD thesis at the University Complutense of Madrid. The scope and depth of this new method of research on cancer (RIBOGRAMA) is exposed in a brief monograph on the concept and applications, which is part of this presentation and is an instrument of dissemination and promotional marketing of potentialities of this method for monitoring the changes of the phenotype of eukaryotic cells under the stimuli of the environment where they are. For example, to speak of the great technical and economic potential of this new method of investigation and monitoring of cancer of colon and rectum, we take the sample of the whole population of people living in Europe, corresponding to European Union countries, representing almost a 500 million people. The sporadic colorectal cancer is a disease which begins substantially at about the 50 years of age. In statistical terms, the population of Europe with over 50 years of age has an expression roughly 50% of its total. Thus, broadly speaking, about half the European population will be older than 50 years, which therefore correspond to a target/universe to study (the colorectal cancer) corresponding to 250 million. If in these people there is an adherence to the RIBOGRAMA test execution at about 10% of total value, given its great simplicity and strong powers of persuasion and information about the disease of colorectal cancer, then we have a scenario testing around 25 million people, which is carried out every 6 months, will involve the execution of 50 million tests per year!!. According to Eurostat, annually die in the European Community, more than 200 000 people of colorectal cancer. Given these figures and given the great simplicity of implementation and interpretation of test results RIBOGRAMA, implying an early preventative health politic of authorities of each country from the perspective of public health measures on the part of the governments, it will not be difficult to imagine how easy it will reduce the actual number of deaths at least to half of those referred 200,000 deaths. This is the design of this RIBOGRAMA 1
PROJECT. Beyond the European continent, we add the same reasoning for calculating other continents and large countries, it is easy to conclude that we are facing an exponential growth in business, and that without putting the scenario if the RIBOGRAMA method is also used in the study of cancer regarding other organs and body systems, which would add to other areas in Life Sciences and Biosciences. The beginning and development of a project with such dimensions is only possible with a project with financial support and scientific coordination by the author and owner of the intellectual authorship of the proposal putted in his PhD thesis (at Universidad Complutense de Madrid) whose idea, already patented, will be of great utility, and may have an economic and financial returns within set between 3 and 5 years, with a clear advantage for the States, to being able to achieve in a few more years, an amount that will exceed two thousand five hundred million Euros/year, given the savings in loss of life and cost savings for the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, given the savings in costs and gains in profits derived, directly or indirectly resulting from cancers of other organs and systems, which would also be the target of the method RIBOGRAMA, both in early diagnosis, either in the direction of anti-cancer treatment. Briefly, it can be said that we have a method eminently practical and of great economic and social impact. For the patient and the doctor, the method allows to see the cancer of colon and rectum as a chronic disease that can be controlled, as in diseases such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, in a large scale without using invasive blindly methodologies, unless the patient reaches the doctor with manifest symptoms of colorectal cancer. In this methodology there are practical and objective forces which allow placing patients with high curves of RIBOGRAMA in risk groups, which then have a formal indication to be studied and treated by endoscopic. After all, there are "papers" published that speak in sharp decline, or disappearance of polyps with medical treatment on the basis of a diet and prescription of medication already licensed for cardiovascular protection and anti-inflammatory activity. With this method it is possible to significantly lower the number of deaths from colorectal cancer (and other cancers) in the countries, if we adopt sanitary measures for screening and diagnosis with the RIBOGRAMA METHOD, because the extent of populations to follow the RIBOGRAMA METHOD will be quite high. In the case of colorectal cancer the extent of adhesion to the method will be good given the following sum of twelve "friendly" factors: 01 - No invasive act; 02 - There is no necessity for the patient to handle its own feces during the harvest; 03 - No fecal odor annoyance since the collector of feces is designed industrially accordingly; 04 - No bowel preparation is necessary; 05 - Enemas are not needed cleaning; 06 – It does not require the use of cathartics; 07 – It is not necessary to shift the patient to a medical center for a medical examination; 08 - The patient does not have to change his way of life; 09 - The patient does not have to change the routine of their daily activities or work; 10 - The patient does not need to change the pace and type of food; 11 - The patient does not have to stop, or modify any medication;
12 - No false negative or false positive results, because for the test specification merely count the ribosomes of colonocytes, which are cells that are malignized in cases of colorectal cancer, or in cases of malignant process. The advantages of the RIBOGRAMA METHOD over other colon and rectum noninvasive cancer tests are twelve evident factors that by themselves provide a good patient compliance and preference, determinant for health professionals, because there is no false positive or false negative results, since RIBOGRAMA is considering the loads of ribosomes of desquamated cells of colorectal mucosa, which are mixed with stools, not being necessary the colonoscopy to know whether the patient is, or not, in a process of gut malignization. The project consists of performing a proof of concept during two years, allowing the validation of results with which it is possible to make comparative studies and may be possible to build good and credible values quantifying the levels of free ribosomes, which are responsible for the production of proteins that serve to double the protein content of cells, which, in the states of malignancy do not have the universal self. With this method it is possible to prevent people from being caught with a colorectal cancer, with invasion of the submucosa because, as can be seen, the increased amount of free ribosomes, above a certain level, defined the proof of concept in the project, to develop the RIBOGRAMA, before the occurrence of any polyp, it is easy to know that a patient began to have an important criterion to be included into a risk group, in which even if there is no character of malignant lesion, at a histological level, such as a seemingly benign polyps, there is already a biochemical profile of malignancy. Within the global scientific community, this method utilizes a new way to study the biochemical behaviour of the malignization. It will impact on the economy (and will give unparalleled statistical indices) in the countries. That is, before there is any malignant lesion, visible in optical microscopy (pathologic anatomy), before a colonoscopy, it will be possible the doctor to be sure whether there is a process of cellular proliferation, translated by a noticeable and significant excess of free ribosomes in cytoplasm of colonocytes, which is a common characteristic of a malignant tissue, or with a tendency to becomes malignant. Against this method, the cell/tumor markers, which are proteins, are less sensitive to study the malignancy, since they are elements manufactured in the free ribosomes. It means to say that these (free ribosomes) are the main elements for monitoring the malignant phenotype (upstream) in the chain of cell production/proliferation, since the cell/tumor markers are downstream to the variation curve of concentration of the free ribosomes (RIBOGRAMA curve). The method (RIBOGRAMA) allows, in a non-invasive way, with easy adhesion of the population, to measure the quantity of free ribosomes in the colonocytes (which are mixed in the faeces), by studying the pattern of them in the colorectal mucosal cells, being made possible harvest from collecting the stool in the toilet-fit of the bathroom, in the house of each patient that chooses to conduct the test, without to manipulate their own feces. As is described in the Abstract, attached to this approach, the method gives a concrete numerical result, and is convincing to the patient's household and those with whom he speaks and lives in the day-to-day, making that other people are induced to do it, as with the control of treatable and controllable diseases (diabetes, dyslipidemia, uric acid, for example). The patient just take home a "collector" of feces (whose design is explained in the RIBOGRAMA project), who will buy it in a pharmacy, a chemist, or a shopping center and, after sampling of feces, at home, guided by an 3
illustrated instruction booklet, will deliver the biologic product in a clinical laboratory, which has its technical suitability and accreditation. The practical consequences of this method are such that there is a marked decrease in spending resulting from the treatment of colorectal cancer, and a decrease of suffering resulting from the significantly lower number of patients with colorectal cancer, because people know when to go to a doctor's appointment, when the curve of his RIBOGRAMA provides information on the early tendency of the colorectal mucosa to have the risk to becomes malignant, which arise as a result of a significant increased and persistent high RIBOGRAMA curve before any colonoscopy .Patients may repeat the RIBOGRAMA test within a short periodicity at low cost, without the risk of being caught with a lesion on the path to malignancy, with great cost savings to the countries and to the community without having to make a blind colonoscopy, with discomfort with its preparation and its realization. Speaking of costs with the disease, once diagnosed cancer in a stage of which exceeded the submucosa we can speak in multiple charges, as a result of colorectal cancer, which can be listed in the following list: 01 - Costs of operating theater; 02 - Charges for intensive care and/or the recovery room of patients operated from the cancer; 03 - Charges for hospitalization of the patient as a result of the operation; 04 - Charges for chemotherapy and other drugs; 05 - Charges to follow up exams; 06 - The Social Security System no longer receives input from an inactive citizen and is paying to an incapacitated; 07 - Usually the patient will not go alone to a consultation and follow up treatments, taking with him a family member or a friend who will not work in his workplace, with loss of productivity to the community. It would be useful to present a Symposium related to the RIBOGRAMA topic, aimed at biomedical researchers, University teachers, entrepreneurs and investors on the subject, focusing on the multiple aspects related to the phenotypic behavior of a cell in the process of malignant transformation to reveal the potential of the method, which become a universal tool for study and research in oncology and other areas such as the toxicity of substances on the cellular homeostasis in the pharmaceutical and food industry. A. Ferreira-Alemao MD PhD UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID-SPAIN 2016