I NSPI REMAGAZI NE ( cont .f r om page22)
Over al lChai r :Syl vi aC.Est r ada,MD,FPPS,FPSPME Over si ght :Mar i eCar mel aLapi t an,MD,FPUA,FPCS Member :MaAm JoyTumul ak,MD,MSGC
Chai r :Mar yAnnLadi a,PhD Cochai r :EmmanuelBaj a,ScD Member s:EmmanuelEst r el l a,MD,MSc;Lai l ani eAnnTej uco,LPT
Chai r :Josephi neAl daba,MD Cochai r :Mi chel l eYl ade,MD Member s:Mar i aJenni f erGr egor i o;Br endal ynRed
3.EPLATFORM andDOCUMENTATI ONCOMMI TTEE Chai r :Rosar i oRi cal de,MD,FPCS,FPSOHNS CoChai r :Ki mber l yMaeOng,MD Member s:RaymondFr anci sSar mi ent o,MD;I MSTeam
4.ESOUVENI RPROGRAM andPUBLI CI TYCOMMI TTEE Chai r :RohaniNavar r o,DVM,MSc CoChai r :Rheni shSi mon,PhD Member s:JohnMar kVel asco,MD,MPH,MSc;JanMi kael edeLeon, Lei l a Del agMal si t ,Al maBar i a
Chai r :Cat her i neLynnT.Si l ao,MD,PhDFPPS CoChai r :JoseNevado,MD,PhD Member s:Ri chel l eAnnManal o,RCh,MSc,Ai meeYvonneCr i sel l eAman,RCh, MD,Maebel l eLacson,RN,Jodel ynMel egr i t o,ThomasDesengaño, Jessi caBi wang
Chai r :Gi anneEduar dUl anday ,RMT,PhD Cochai r :Jai mePur i ficat i on,MD Member s:Angel yGar ci a,RN,MPH,Ji nkyLei l aniLu,MOH,PhD,Mar i anBayl on, Maxi neRi dul me,Cr i st opherNagui t ,Kr i st i anPaul aSant os, Fedel i sAr ansazo,Mar yRoseCl ai r eSi l va
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BYI SABELLAORTEZA,UPCM CLASS2025 oyoueverj ustpi ct ur ewhatt hepastyeari nyour D l i f e coul d have l ooked l i ke i ft he COVI D19 pandemi chadneverexi st ed?Butal so,haveyouever
consi der edl osi ngwhatyouhavegai nedi fnotf ort he pandemi c?
nt r ospect i ve per son,Imustsay t hatI ’ ve As an i t hor oughl yr ummaged t hr ough t he cont ent s ofmy br ai nt r yi ng t o go back and f or t h bet ween t hese quest i onsi nmydaydr eams.WheneverIl ookbackat t het r aj ect or yofemot i onsI ’ vehandl edt hr oughoutt he pandemi c,Iof t enr eal i zet hatt hi shasbecomeoneof t he mostf or mat i ve year s ofmy l i f e.Don’ tgetme wr ong t hough,Iwoul d have chosen a COVI Df r ee wor l dasopposedt ot hepr esentci r cumst ancesi fI wer egi vent heabi l i t yt odeci deupont hef at eoft he uni ver se.However ,Imostcer t ai nl ycannotdenyt hat t her ehavebeenunexpect edhi ghsbr oughtaboutby a year and a hal fofst ayi ng i ni sol at i on,most especi al l yf ori nt r over t sl i keme. To be cl ear , however ,i nt r over si on does not necessar i l ymeanshy ,qui et ,orsoci al l yanxi ousatal l . As t he psychol ogi st , Dr . Al fiee Br el andNobl e, succi nct l y put si t :t he moder n under st andi ng of i nt r over t si st hatt heymayenj oyspendi ngt i mewi t h ot her s,butfindi temot i onal l ydr ai ni ng;ext r over t s,on t heot herhand,findsoci al i zi ngt obeener gi zi ng.The ur t herexpl ai nst hati nt r over t sar emor e psychol ogi stf pr onet ogett hei rener gyandder i vet hei rexci t ement f r om an i nt er naldi al ogue and whathappenswi t hi n t hem - i t ’ s not necessar i l y shyness. Fr om t he wi despr eaddefini t i onst hatcanbef oundonl i ne,Ifind hi sexpl anat i ont obet hemostr el at abl eamongstt hat ofot her s.Ihave defini t el yl onged f orf ace t of ace nt er act i onswi t hf r i endsandf ami l ydur i ngt he soci ali l ockdown,evenasani nt r over t .Iknow manyofyou woul dagr eewi t hmewhenIsayt hatZoom hangout s j ustar en’ tenough!Admi t t edl y ,ont her ar eoccasi ons t hatIdol eavemyhomet omeetwi t hf r i ends,i tusual l y eat sup t he whol e day .Long st or yshor t ,i nt r over t s shoul dn’ tbeassumedt obecol dorst ando i sh,we j ustt endt ocomewi t hasoci albat t er y . Wher ewoul dwebe r i ghtnow i fCOVI D19 neverhappened?I t woul dbesoni cet o enj oyt hewor l dout si de ofouri nt er netspaces andhomesagai n. Phot oby: JohnsonNgChen
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I n mycase,Ido l ove meet i ng up wi t hf r i endsand at t endi ng soci alevent s/ par t i es,butIgetsoci al l y dr ai ned and a l i t t l ei nt i mi dat ed by l ar ge cr owds.I al ways wi shed Ihad mor e exper i ence t aki ng up l eader shi p posi t i ons back i n my uni ver si t y ,butI r ememberbei ngdi scour agedbyt hef actt hatI ’ dhave t ospeakt ol ar gecr owdsonar egul arbasi s.Butt obet he basi s of t hi s i r r at i onal f ear i sn’ t honest ,t ext r aor di nar yatal l .Li kemanyot her soutt her e,i t ’ s si mpl ybecauseI ’ m af r ai dt of umbl eormakemi st akes