3 minute read
Interview with Mandy
from Upcoming Mag (20)
by Upcoming Mag
B y M o n a t e
P h o t o g r a p h s b y
M o n a t e S h o t s

1. Who is Mandy?
Before anything else I am mother of two amazing boys who have kept me going when all hope was lost . Mandy is a plus size model ,the finalist of Miss SA plus World , 10 October I was awarded the best plus size model in SA in the SAMLA awards .I am also a radio presenter and a TV personal , I am women empowerment activist and children awareness activist ,I am one of the co founders of Arise Golden Angels women's foundation the aim of the foundation is to empower and uplift women , I am also the founder of The people's of victory women and childrens foundation targeting abused women and kids and making a difference . Being a finalist of Miss SA has also inspired me to stop body shaming so I have started a campaign called sidudla esine confidence (in a curvy girls world) helping to stop body shaming. I am a purpose driven Queen .

2. Do you think the are enough opportunities in Sa for plus size models?
No they are not enough opportunities unfortunately you have to work twice as hard and try and push yourself to success.
3. What are your goals for the rest of 2020?
My goal is to get more plus size women to be part of my initiative called sidudla esine confidence ,and to make a huge difference in the community with my two foundations. But all in all is to be a better person 4. Is there a special someone in your life, and what do they think of your career? No theres is no special person in my life .
5. What achievement do you have in your modeling career?
being in the finalist of Miss SA plus World was on of my biggest achievement because God showed me that anything is possible , and in the same year i recieved an award as the best plus size model in a SA I am very honored and proud of my journey
6. Confidence is the first thing a person should have in order to be a model, what other things do you think a person needs in order to be a model?
knowledge Is power with everything you do in life always be whiling to learn and grow never be to proud but a good attitude goes a long way to be humble .
7. The is a lot of body shaming going around, how do you deal with nasty comments on social media?
I personally have never received nasty comments on social media but people do throw away offensive posts , I just mind my own business.
8. Human trafficking is real, do you have any advice to people on how they can make sure it doesn't happen to them?
Always be conscious and aware of your surroundings and never go with strangers.

9. Who is your favourite model and why?
I am my own favourite model I have fought the worst battles and overcome trails and I found the courage to still get up and full fill my dreams
10. Where can people follow you?
Facebook: Mandy Ndebele Instagram: mandy_the_plus_size_queen Emails : pprs.amanda@gmail.com