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from Upcoming Mag 21
by Upcoming Mag
C ~ Christ has come H ~ Hope restored R ~ Righteousness has come I ~ Inheritance ( an inheritance has been bestowed ) S ~ Salvation ( has been consummated ) T ~ Telling ( the untold) M ~ Ministry ( of reconciliation) A ~ Acceptance ( God has accepted us through Christ ) S ~ Son-ship ( now are we the sons of God ) God's greatest gift was sent to all. Born in a lowly manger stall was a savior. The influence of his presence gave us all the best present that can never be sold or bought. Jesus in our hearts. So as we reflect on the season we remember he is the reason for the season. We remember the moment with eternal value, moments that made us the reason for the season. "The birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Beyond the physical birth I see him being born in our hearts. A great celebration for such a savior to be born for us, because he was born to save us. " We were purchased by his own blood, justified by his blood. This is why we celebrate Christmas, the manifestation of Christ. More than just spending time with family, buying gifts, we spread love as we celebrate the greatest gift of them all, the birth of our savior. During this season a little boy was born but little did he know his destiny was the cross, a special gift to the world. Remember to celebrate him, spread love through out this season.
Happy Festive Season!!!
He's the reason for the season
by: Pastor Arorisoe