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Queen Zimkhitha

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Queen Thembeka

Queen Thembeka

Name: Zimkhitha

Title: Miss Eastern cape top model 2020

1. Who is Zimkhitha? Zimkhitha is a 25 years old girl who is goal driven, has huge dreams about her future. I am a fashion and runway model; I am mostly doing fashion shows and modelling for clothing brands. I’m a brand ambassador and also a promoter for spotlight agency. I inspire a lot of upcoming models who makes me realize that one day I will open my own modelling agency to help them grow.

2. What do you love about yourself? The only thing I love about myself is that I’m very dedicated to everything that I do, I don’t give up no matter how difficult the road is. Another thing I love about myself is that I don’t pretend to be someone else, I always remain myself even in difficult situations.

3. What do you think made you win that day? What made me win is that I am representable, I inspire a lot of people, I have got fans who loves me because I’m an influencer to them and that I am very confident in everything I do.

4. How did you build your confidence? I built it by telling myself that I’m a winner and I’ll always be a winner.

5. What did you win? Just a free photoshoot.

6. Would you enter the same competition again this year if given the opportunity? Yes, I would.

7. Did you enter any other pageants after winning and how did you do? I have not yet entered any pageants.

8. If you could give advice to someone who want to join a beauty pageant and win, what would you tell them? I would tell them that confidence is the key, they should build their confidence first and be able to work with people. Wear your smile, walk the walk like you own the stage. Don't get distracted by the crowd you will lose focus.

9. What makes a model? What make a model is confidence, brains, character and the inspiration that one has for the community or society. Being beautiful and slender doesn't make u a model if u don't have a confidence and a good character.

10. Where can people follow you?

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Facebook: Kittah kim

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