Upcoming Mag(28)

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CONTACT US UPCOMING MAG Hlabisa street Diepkloof Soweto WhatsApp: 074 902 3257 FACEBOOK: Upcoming Mag IG: @upcoming_mag TWITTER: @monateovertotal Email: upcomingmag@hotmail.com


MONATE Editor-In-Chief


JULIA Operations Editor

Cool to see you again in this issue.

I'd like to welcome you to our 28th issue of Upcoming Mag. Apparently they looted the colours of our South African flag. I would like to say Covid 19 is real guys, I went from being a none believer of it to knowing people who had it and knowing 10+ people who died from it, with that said, it was a bit tough for us to do our job. I am said to say that we couldn't have any interview with everything that happened in our country last month. if you have any comment or suggestion please do not hesitate to WhatsApp me, at the end of the day we create this magazine for you to enjoy.


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Anyway, we hope you enjoy this one. MONATE Editor-In-Chief

https://www.yout ube.com/channel /UCoJVbe7Q6XT vdINZOi0e0FA



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