1 minute read
from Upcoming Mag 31
by Upcoming Mag
Calling has many definitions and people get called for different purposes. It is, to some realization of one’s purpose in the world. As we know, most of the people we consider to be called are spiritual healers and that is entirely true, yet we tend to forget that there are quite a variety of healings that different people from different walks of life can give spiritually.
Today I would like to raise an awareness of the kind of spiritual healing which can be given to the fittest and the healthiest of the patients and that is a kind of healing which occurs in the process of one having a spiritual impact through the power of art even just a talk.
This healing takes place at a time when even one feels complete, or believes they’ve got it all together then bang! Something clicks in their ear and they realize that this is exactly what I’ve been lacking in my head. It also does heal someone to see one embracing their body in a form of posture even catwalk, with regards to modeling.
By so saying, I had a good time chatting with a variety of spiritual healers ranging from a life and business coach, musicians and models and I hope you enjoy a reading this issue of Up Coming Mag.
Yours with love