2 minute read
from Upcoming Mag 31
by Upcoming Mag
Shaka Sedgwick Magwedze from Elim waterval Limpopo is a 21 year Venda prodigy, born in January, who has had interest in music since a young age. He ’ s a producer and songwriterwritten many songs from high school to this day which are not yet recorded. He says now he realizes it was more of a learning curve. I started rapping in primary school back in 2009 and now I' m an aspiring musician, producer and engineer. Most of his previous releases have been taken off the internet solely by himself because he still felt that he needed more time to evolve into what he is now. The first genres he listened to were Reggae, RnB and Hip Hop which
Q : What inspired your name, Afro Kaii?
A : I got inspired by my heritage and belief. Afro stands for African and Kaii which means God was based on my belief of African ancestry.
Q : And what inspired you to go into music amongst all careers in the entertainment industry?
A : I got inspired by music because of my background with my father loving reggae and my grandmother who used to sing, song write and conduct choirs. It was fueled even more when I realized I could dance so music felt right, I didn't have any interest in others
Q : What is your biggest goal in music?
A : My biggest goal in music is liberating as many of my people as possible and giving the world my version of music and style

Q : Who is your biggest inspiration?
A : That would have to be my mother.
Q : What challenges have you encountered in your career and what have you learned from those challenges?
A : My biggest challenge would be finding a sweat spot for the type of sound I was trying to create or do. I would be contradicted by different types of styles and finding my sound though all of that. And I learnt that if you break down the specific qualities you like in other music, you can actually piece them together to what you like and that was a major help. Another one was my identity, I was confused on what type of image I wanted for myself, and I realized that I didn't want to be just a rapper, I found comfort in having an image that's not based off of one thing.
Q : And what has been your greatest achievement so far?
A : My greatest achievement would be my break through. I haven't released in years because I was still figuring out my image and my music's image so that has been a major setback until now.