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XISTIS PRESS began as an online literary journal in 2004, founded
by Sarai Capael. It has since grown into a multi-media art concern, featuring the production of fine art prints, stationery. Xistis Press has recently turned to publishing rare and out-of-print books, reprints of under-celebrated classics, hand-bound editions and new releases across multiple categories.
p r e s s
belletrists & ballast
FOXHALL EDITIONS FOXHALL LITERATURE AND POETRY EDITIONS Reprints of classics, translations and new works of fiction, poetry.
INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY EXPERIMENTAL Experimental from any continent and language, in so far as it breaks in to language.
This imprint archeologically mines the factual for exposition. We want good stories, carefully researched and originally told.
LEGAL AND ETIQUETTE GUIDES, CRITICISM Cultural sensitivity, family law, best management practices for start-ups, self-defense, e-mail etiquette, legal and business negotiation. Privacy guides.
X I STI S p r e s s
COOKBOOKS, HEALTH & BEAUTY Unique photography cookbooks. Health, beauty and fitness guides.
Xistis Press introduces this very special collection of hand-bound fine art books for galleries, collectors, museums and specialty book traders.
Hardcover art books on certain artists, designers and architects whose work merits our esteem.
Blue Grnch Books translates classic and contemporary global folktales and stories from diverse ethnic traditions. Blue Grnch Books also seeks young adult titles, while re-printing forgotten classics.
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CHILDREN’S BOOKS BLUE GRNCH BOOKS translates classic and contemporary global folktales and stories from diverse ethnic traditions. Blue Grnch Books also seeks young adult titles, while re-printing forgotten classics.
East Of The Sun West Of The Moon: OLD TALES FROM THE NORTH ILLUSTRATED BY KAY NIELSEN “Step into a world of star-crossed lovers, magical winds, mischievous giants, and trolls, through some of the most exquisite illustrations in publishing history. First published in 1914, East of the Sun and West of the Moon is a celebrated collection of fifteen fairy tales, gathered by legendary Norwegian folklorists Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe on their journeys across Norway in the mid-nineteenth century. Nielsen’s illustration edition of Asbjørnsen and Moe’s tales is considered a jewel of early 20th-century children’s literature, highly sought-after by art and book collectors worldwide.” - Taschen
Scandinavian Folktales Illustrated by Kay Nielsen
“Step into a world of star-crossed lovers, magical winds, mischievous giants, and trolls, through some of the most exquisite illustrations in publishing history. First published in 1914, East of the Sun and West of the Moon is a celebrated collection of fifteen fairy tales, gathered by legendary Norwegian folklorists Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe on their journeys across Norway in the mid-nineteenth century. Nielsen’s illustration edition of Asbjørnsen and Moe’s tales is considered a jewel of early 20th-century children’s literature, highly sought-after by art and book collectors worldwide.” - Taschen
This classic compilation of Scandinavian folktales enchants the reader - of any age - not only with unfamiliar and quixotic stories, but with whimsical and gorgeous illustrations. This influential book has inspired jazz composers, fashion designers and many writers; even Theodore Roosevelt’s sons, Kermit Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., penned a version. If this book’s magic could be decanted, it would spill forth as the intoxicating perfume of lilies of the valley, alpine fir on winter winds, sea salts, bear fur and the froth of hag’s caldrons. This small book, with its timeless wisdom and depth, is destined to charm future generations as a definitive childhood memory.
KAY RASMUS NIELSEN (March 12, 1886 – June 21, 1957) was a Danish illustrator who was popular in the early 20th century, the “golden age of illustration” which lasted from when Daniel Vierge and other pioneers developed printing technology to the point that drawings and paintings could be reproduced with reasonable facility. He joined the ranks of Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac in enjoying the success of the gift books of the early 20th century. Nielsen is also known for his collaborations with Walt Disney, for whom he contributed many story sketches and illustrations.
KAY Blue NGrnch IELSEN Boo k s
a s o r i g i n a l ly c o m p i l e d b y P e t e r C h r i s t e n of sXistis AAsdivision bjørn e n Press and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe w w w.xistispress.com
$15.95 Trade | £12.95 | €14.95
Scandinavian Folktales Illustrated by Kay Nielsen
“Step into a world of star-crossed lovers, magical winds, mischievous giants, and trolls, through some of the most exquisite illustrations in publishing history. First published in 1914, East of the Sun and West of the Moon is a celebrated collection of fifteen fairy tales, gathered by legendary Norwegian folklorists Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe on their journeys across Norway in the mid-nineteenth century. Nielsen’s illustration edition of Asbjørnsen and Moe’s tales is considered a jewel of early 20th-century children’s literature, highly sought-after by art and book collectors worldwide.” - Taschen
This classic compilation of Scandinavian folktales enchants the reader - of any age - not only with unfamiliar and quixotic stories, but with whimsical and gorgeous illustrations. This influential book has inspired jazz composers, fashion designers and many writers; even Theodore Roosevelt’s sons, Kermit Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., penned a version. If this book’s magic could be decanted, it would spill forth as the intoxicating perfume of lilies of the valley, alpine fir on winter winds, sea salts, bear fur and the froth of hag’s caldrons. This small book, with its timeless wisdom and depth, is destined to OLD charm TALES FROMasTHE NORTH future generations a definitive childhood memory.
EAS T of The S U N
VOLUME TWO KAY RASMUS NIELSEN (March 12, 1886 – June 21, 1957) was a Danish illustrator who was popular in the early 20th century, the “golden age of illustration” which lasted from when Daniel Vierge and other pioneers developed printing technology to the point that drawings and paintings could be reproduced with reasonable facility. He joined the ranks of Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac in enjoying the success of the gift books of the early 20th century. Nielsen is also known for his collaborations with Walt Disney, for whom he contributed many story sketches and illustrations.
A division of Xistis Press
a s o r wi gw iw.xistispress.com n a l ly c o m p i l e d b y $15.95 P e t eTrade r C h| r£12.95 i s t e n| €14.95 Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe
a s o r i g i n a l ly c o m p i l e d b y P e t e r C h r i s t e n Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe
Volume One ISBN-13: 978-0-9763976-1-8 Paperback | $15.95 Trade | £12.95 | €14.95 203 x 254 mm | June 2017
Volume Two ISBN-13: 978-0-9763976-0-1 Paperback | $15.95 Trade | £12.95 | €14.95 203 x 254 mm | June 2017
Volume Three ISBN-13: 978-0-9763976-8-7 Paperback | $15.95 Trade | £12.95 | €14.95 203 x 254 mm | June 2017
EAS T of The S U N
EA S T o f T h e S U N
EAS T of The S U N
Scandinavian Folktales Illustrated by Kay Nielsen “Step into a world of star-crossed lovers, magical winds, mischievous giants, and trolls, through some of the most exquisite illustrations in publishing history. First published in 1914, East of the Sun and West of the Moon is a celebrated collection of fifteen fairy tales, gathered by legendary Norwegian folklorists Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe on their journeys across Norway in the mid-nineteenth century. Nielsen’s illustration edition of Asbjørnsen and Moe’s tales is considered a jewel of early 20th-century children’s literature, highly sought-after by art and book collectors worldwide.” - Taschen
VOLUME four of Scandinavian folktales enchants the reader - of any age - not This classic compilation
Scandinavian Folktales Illustrated by Kay Nielsen “Step into a world of star-crossed lovers, magical winds, mischievous giants, and trolls, through some of the most exquisite illustrations in publishing history. First published in 1914, East of the Sun and West of the Moon is a celebrated collection of fifteen fairy tales, gathered by legendary Norwegian folklorists Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe on their journeys across Norway in the mid-nineteenth century. Nielsen’s illustration edition of Asbjørnsen and Moe’s tales is considered a jewel of early 20th-century children’s literature, highly sought-after by art and book collectors worldwide.” - Taschen
only with unfamiliar and quixotic stories, but with whimsical and gorgeous illustrations. This influential book has inspired jazz composers, fashion designers and many writers; even Theodore Roosevelt’s sons, Kermit Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., penned a version. If this book’s magic could be decanted, it would spill forth as the intoxicating perfume of lilies of the valley, alpine fir on winter winds, sea salts, bear fur and the froth of hag’s caldrons. This small book, with its timeless wisdom and depth, is destined to charm future generations as a definitive childhood memory.
This classic compilation of Scandinavian folktales enchants the reader - of any age - not VOLUME FIVE only with unfamiliar and quixotic stories, but with whimsical and gorgeous illustrations. This influential book has inspired jazz composers, fashion designers and many writers; even Theodore Roosevelt’s sons, Kermit Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., penned a version. If this book’s magic could be decanted, it would spill forth as the intoxicating perfume of lilies of the valley, alpine fir on winter winds, sea salts, bear fur and the froth of hag’s caldrons. This small book, with its timeless wisdom and depth, is destined to charm future generations as a definitive childhood memory.
KAY RASMUS NIELSEN (March 12, 1886 – June 21, 1957) was a Danish illustrator who was popular in the early 20th century, the “golden age of illustration” which lasted from when Daniel Vierge and other pioneers developed printing technology to the point that drawings and paintings could be reproduced with reasonable facility. He joined the ranks of Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac in enjoying the success of the gift books of the early 20th century. Nielsen is also known for his collaborations with Walt Disney, for whom he contributed many story sketches and illustrations.
KAY RASMUS NIELSEN (March 12, 1886 – June 21, 1957) was a Danish illustrator who was popular in the early 20th century, the “golden age of illustration” which lasted from when Daniel Vierge and other pioneers developed printing technology to the point that drawings and paintings could be reproduced with reasonable facility. He joined the ranks of Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac in enjoying the success of the gift books of the early 20th century. Nielsen is also known for his collaborations with Walt Disney, for whom he contributed many story sketches and illustrations.
Blue Grnch
Blue Grnch
B ooks
a s o r i g i n a l ly c o m p i l e d b y P e t e r C h r i s t e n Moe
A division of Xistis Press sen a n d |J £12.95 ø r g e |n€14.95 Engebretsen w w w.xistispress.com A s b j ø r n$15.95 Trade
Volume Four ISBN-13: 978-0-9763976-3-2 Paperback | $15.95 Trade | £12.95 | €14.95 203 x 254 mm | July 2017
W ES T of The MOON
A division of Xistis Press w w w.xistispress.com as
o r i g i n$15.95 a l ly Trade c o m| p£12.95 i l e d |b€14.95 y Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe
Volume Five ISBN-13: 978-0-9763976-3-3 Paperback | $15.95 Trade | £12.95 | €14.95 203 x 254 mm | July 2017
Order online at xistispress.com
KAY NIELSEN a s o r i g i n a l ly c o m p i l e d b y P e t e r C h r i s t e n Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe
Volume Six ISBN-13: 978-0-9763976-3-4 Paperback | $15.95 Trade | £12.95 | €14.95 203 x 254 mm | July 2017
The Pied Piper of Hamelin BROWNING Paperback | $19.95 Trade 148 x 210 mm | August 2018
Tales of Mystery and Imagination EDGAR ALLEN POE, ILLUSTRATED BY HARRY CLARKE An anchor piece in any serious library, this volume escaped wide circulation because it was too wicked for common comprehension. Published at the height of the Decadent Movement and in symphony with it, Poe and Clarke rendered the other contemporary dandies a shade whiter. Part of our exclusive Xistis Press Gold Folio series, we offer this revisitation as a hand-bound leather collector’s volume, hand-bound by a master book-binder in Eastern Europe. Paperback | $19.95 Trade 60 pp. | 229 x 152 mm | September 2017
Lillian Lieber EARLY WRITINGS LILLIAN LIEBER “‘We’re all intrinsically of the same substance,’ astrophysicist Janna Levin wrote in her exquisite inquiry into whether the universe is infinite or finite. ‘The fabric of the universe is just a coherent weave from the same threads that make our bodies. How much more absurd it becomes to believe that the universe, space and time could possibly be infinite when all of us are finite.’ How, then, do we set aside this instinctual absurdity in order to grapple with the concept of infinity, which pushes our creaturely powers of comprehension past their limit so violently? That’s what the mathematician and writer Lillian R. Lieber (July 26, 1886–July 11, 1986) set out to explore more than half a century earlier in the unusual and wonderful 1953 gem Infinity: Beyond the Beyond the Beyond — one of seventeen marvelous books she published in her hundred years, inviting the common reader into science with uncommon ingenuity and irresistible warmth. Emanating from Lieber’s discussion of infinity is a larger message about what it means, and what it takes, to be a finite but complete and balanced human being.” - HT - Natalie Wolchover Paperback | $19.99 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 148 x 210 mm | March 2018
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ART BOOKS Hardcover art books on certain artists, designers and architects whose work merits our esteem.
X I STI S p r e s s
Larry Dewhirst WORKS 1969 - 1992 LARRY DEWHIRST
The P rophecies of William Blake WILLIAM BLAKE Historically given short shrift for being mystical and simply pretty, William Blake's late 18th century illustrated prophecies merit collecting and contemplation from an aesthetic, spiritual and historical vantage. This collection is a set of fine art giclée prints in a hand-bound leather collector's volume. Leather fine binding | $495 Trade 60 pp. | 229 x 152 mm | September 2017
The art of Larry Dewhirst casts long shadows in the hot sun of his native California. To describe his oeuvre, one would have to recall Flannery O’Connor, Francis Bacon, Joan Miró and De Kooning. Images at once intuited as masterful, upon closer examination reveal distant, abstract landscapes, encaustic layerings and elliptical doubleentendres. The original etchings were executed on zinc plates long since destroyed, given away or lost. Each surviving Dewhirst print remains the last of its kind, or a fragment, from this dystopic and darkly Catholic American artist likely to find a cult following not in any public sphere but in the quiet and consequential confessionals of disaffected seekers. One returns to these relevant, supersalient images time again, to find them anew, savage and eternal. ISBN13: 978-0-9763976-9-4 Hardcover | $295.00 Trade | £205 | €257 56 pp. | 280 x 216 mm | July 2017
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz SELECTED WORKS SOR JUANA INES DE LA CRUZ During her life in 17th century Mexico, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz rose from obscurity to be the voice of the new world and arguably the first Renaissance genius in North America, pre-dating Jefferson. Her writings are earthly, scathingly feminist and her love letters openly sensual depicting a mind that defied every idea of what a Catholic sister convent-bound might have been, in any century. Paperback| $29.95 Trade | £35.95 | €45.95 148 x 210 mm | May 2018
The Cell of Self-Knowledge SEVEN EARLY ENGLISH MYSTICAL TREATISES HENRY PEPWELL Seven early English mystical texts, 20 years before the emergence of the printed press. Paperback | $19.99 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 148 x 210 mm | August 2018
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Faust GOETHE, ILLUSTRATED BY HARRY CLARKE An anchor piece in any serious library, this volume escaped wide circulation because it was too wicked for common comprehension. Published at the height of the Decadent Movement and in symphony with it, Goethe and Clarke rendered their contemporaries a shade whiter. Part of our exclusive Xistis Press Gold Folio series, we offer this revisitation as a hand-bound leather collector’s volume, hand-bound by a master book-binder in Eastern Europe. Paperback | $19.95 Trade 60 pp. | 229 x 152 mm | November 2017
L I T E R AT U R E A N D P O E T RY Reprints of classics, translations and new works of fiction, poetry.
My F arm In Lion Country JOYCE BOYD
“An utterly absorbing account of life on the edge of the African jungle, on a mountainous dairy farm, where lions and leopards and rhinoceros and elephants are casual callers. No account of content can capture the charm of the book, the humor and naturalness of the telling. People who cherish the memory of FROM AN AFRICAN FARM will welcome this. The author is the wife of a retired brigadier general, now serving the government in British Central Africa, Tanganyika Territory.” - Kirkus Reviews A re-printing of the original 1933 book, currently out of print. Paperback | $19.95 Trade | £105.95 | €135.95 148 x 210 mm | March 2018
Early British Trackways: MOATS, MOUNDS, CAMPS & SITES ALFRED WATKINS On his long rambles throughout the English countryside, Alfred Watkins might have cast himself as visionary man of future technologies, seeing his primary task that of an early landscape photographer, camera technician and inventor, and author of a leading camera manual. Yet his work tracking the ancient ley lines of the British Isles has a far greater interest today and might offer, at the end of the day, an archeological contribution rivaling the great archeological discoveries of his peers. Watkins’s way of seeing the landscape in the 1920s was through the lens; contemporary media technology and apparently ‘ancient’ landscape and culture converge compellingly. This is his first book and contains text from his 1921 lecture on the subject and 20 plates of photographs was published under the auspices of The Watkins [Photographic] Meter Co. A re-printing of the 1922 original. Paperback | $19.95 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 148 x 210 mm | December 2017
Northern Farm HENRY BESTON Henry Beston (June 1, 1888–April 15, 1968), that great poet laureate of nature and the human spirit, addressed this perennial question [of the goodness of human nature] in Northern Farm — the irrepressibly beautiful and sage 1948 collection of short, lyrical essays and diary entires penned over the course of a year on a small farm in Maine, which gave us Beston on whimsicality and the limits of knowledgeand his increasingly timely manifesto for reclaiming our humanity from the tyranny of technology. Paperback | $19.99 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 148 x 210 mm | August 2018
Moscow Diary WALTER BENJAMIN The life of the German-Jewish literary critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) is a veritable allegory of the life of letters in the twentieth century. Benjamin’s intellectual odyssey ended in his tragic death by suicide on the Franco-Spanish border, pursued by the Nazis. His stunning account of his earlier journey to the Soviet Union is unique among Benjamin’s writings for the frank, merciless way he struggles with his motives and conscience. Perhaps the primary reason for his trip was his affection for Asja Lacis, a Latvian Bolshevik whom he had first met in Capri in 1924 and who would remain an important intellectual and erotic influence on him throughout the twenties and thirties. Asja Lacis resided in Moscow, eking out a living as a journalist, and Benjamin’s diary is, on one level, the account of his masochistic love affair with this elusive--and rather unsympathetic--object of desire. On another level, it is the story of a failed romance with the Russian Revolution; for Benjamin had journeyed to Russia not only to inform himself firsthand about Soviet society, but also to arrive at an eventual decision about joining the Communist Party. Benjamin’s diary paints the dilemma of a writer seduced by the promises of the Revolution yet unwilling to blinker himself to its human and institutional failings. Moscow Diary is more than a record of ideological ambivalence; its literary value is considerable. Benjamin is one of the great twentieth-century physiognomists of the city, and his portrait of hibernal Moscow stands beside his brilliant evocations of Berlin, Naples, Marseilles, and Paris. Students of this particularly interesting period will find Benjamin’s eyewitness account of Moscow extraordinarily illuminating. Paperback | $19.99 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 148 x 210 mm | December 2017
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NON-FICTION, HISTORICAL This imprint archeologically mines the factual for exposition.
The Merry Gamester A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE MOST POPULAR GAMES FROM ANCIENT TIMES TO 1901 WALTER NELSON In the early 1990’s, historian and historical reenactor Walter Nelson “looked with dismay on my fellow Renaissance Faire participants and Civil War re-enactors inventing card and dice games because they lacked the energy or research skills to find the rules to actual, historical games.â€?  In an answer to this knowledge gap, Nelson penned this thoroughly researched and witty guide presents myriad historical games spanning the epochs.  Descriptions of the game, historical research and play rules on the following games [and MANY more!] are included:  (MFFL t 1JRVFU t -BOTRVFOFU -BOETLOFDIU t .BX t )PNCSF 3FOFHBEP t 1VU t #SBH t 'BSP #BTTFU t 4QBOJTI .POUF t 2VBESJMMF 1BUJFODF t )B[[BSE t 1BTTF %JY t /PWFN $JORVF t 3BÄ’F PS *OO BOE *OO t $IVDL B MVDL PS 4XFBU $MPUI t 0WFS BOE 6OEFS 4FWFO t /JOF .BO .PSSJT t )OFGBUBĘ t .FEJFWBM $IFTT t 2VPJUT t ćF 3PZBM (BNF PG (PPTF ISBN-13:  978-0-9763976-2-5 Paperback | $14.99 Trade | ÂŁ13.95 | â‚Ź17.95 148 x 210 mm | July 2017 E-book | $15.99 Trade | ÂŁ13.95 | â‚Ź17.95
Why While England Slept CHURCHILL AND JFK’S RESPECTIVE POSITIONS ON THE QUESTION OF PRE-WAR ENGLAND KENNEDY, CHURCHILL In June 1938, Future British Prime Minister Winston Churchill published a book entitled “Arms and the Covenantâ€?. It was then published in the US in September 1938 as “While England Slept; a Survey of World Affairs, 1932-1938.â€? It highlighted the United Kingdom’s lack of military preparation. At that time the war was looming but had not started yet. The majority in England wanted to stay out of the war and to rely in England’s natural barriers. However, the views of Churchill ultimately prevailed and it was largely on the strength on this book that Churchill was elected Prime Minister. In 1940, future President John F. Kennedy, then a student in his senior year at Harvard University, found he did not agree with the analysis by Churchill of the reasons for the war, so he wrote a book with almost the same title. Kennedy wrote this essentially as a critique and a rebuttal. In it, he in he examined the reasons for the UK’s lack of preparation. Why England Slept by John F. Kennedy was first published in 1940 and went through at least five reprintings. It has become a rare book, virtually impossible to get, because of the fame of the author. Paperback | $14.99 Trade | ÂŁ13.95 | â‚Ź17.95 148 x 210 mm | January 2018
Whitechapel Club The Adventures Of Captain Bonneville U.S.A., THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND THE FAR WEST, AS DIGESTED FROM HIS JOURNALS WASHINGTON IRVING Paperback | $19.99 Trade | £13.95 | ₏17.95 148 x 210 mm | December 2017
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CHICAGO’S ORIGINAL PRESSGANG MITCHELL WEINSTEIN ISBN-13:  978-0-9763976-2-5 Paperback | $19.99 Trade | £13.95 | ₏17.95 148 x 210 mm | April 2018 E-pub | $15.99 Trade | £13.95 | ₏17.95
LEGAL & ETIQUETTE GUIDES, CRITICISM Cultural sensitivity, family law, best management practices for start-ups, selfdefense, e-mail etiquette, legal and business negotiation. Privacy guides.
Heist: R ight to Succeed PROPERTY INHERITANCE IN WOMEN’S HISTORY SARAI CAPAEL This critical non-fiction work includes interviews with women around the world and surveys sociological traditions with respect to the question of property inheritance and gender. Looking at ancient civilizations in the east and west, this book brings alternative narratives and cultural perspectives to the question of legacy. Paperback | $19.95 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 148 x 210 mm | April 2018 Kindle | $14.99 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 Digital | April 2018
The Patriarch P aradox MEN’S ISSUES IN METANYMIA + METANOIA S. CAPAEL, EDITOR These various essayists take the reader on a Gavitron ride of cultural criticism high and low, at once exegesis and propitiation. Divergent voices testify to the hitherto seldom articulated - the ticklish truths the adults talk after the red-pill kids have gone home. A common sense heresy cutting across riptides in gendered politics, the final analysis: a loving and wry tribute to our fathers and a reconciliatory passage forward. Paperback | $39.95 Trade | £28.00 | €34.95 190 pp. | 229 x 152 mm | September 2018 Kindle | $14.99 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 Digital | April 2018
The Joy Of Gaslighting MITCHELL WEINSTEIN Part exploratory index, part expiation, Weinstein illuminates ancient techniques used in mental abuse and psychic warfare. Commenting on resources from the gaslight literary genre to current affairs, this satirical pamphlet is sometimes criticism but too often non-fiction. Alarming and probably destined for censure. Paperback | $19.95 Trade | £13.95 | €17.95 85 pp. | 148 x 210 mm | July 2018
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I N T E R N AT I O N A L C O N T E M P O R A RY E X P E R I M E N TA L Experimental from any continent and language, in so far as it breaks in to language.
A Rabbi Among Us DR. ASTER TRAVARIAN Hardcover | $29.95 Trade | £20.95 | €26.95 148 x 210 mm | August 2018
Voodoo Chile A NOVELLA ASTER TRAVARIAN Hardcover | $29.95 Trade | £20.95 | €26.95 148 x 210 mm | August 2018
Amor and Psyche MILADA SOUČKOVÁ “Amor and Psyche is a fascinating experimental prose work structured as two diaries and a short novel. Using the diaries of two women, the student Augustina and the teacher Alžběta, to create a kind of double exposure, the novel playfully reflects the author’s own experience both as a student and as a beginning writer in search of new literary forms. Like most of Součková’s work, this novel blends unusual compositional techniques with historical and autobiographical qualities, inviting the reader to engage in a fascinating literary experience. Why [we want to] Translate Součková Milada Součková (1899-1983) was associated with the Prague interwar artistic avant-garde and the famous Prague Linguistic Circle. After her immigration to the United States in 1948, she was best known for her work as a literary historian. Her prose and poetry became available to a broader Czech audience only when her writing was republished in Prague after 1989. Součková’s innovative style, which consciously works with the modern tradition of Woolf, Joyce and Proust, emphasizing the text as such, is an important antecedent to the work of several major contemporary Czech women writers, notably Věra Linhartová, Sylvie Richterová, and Daniela Hodrová. It is also a small but important part of the larger European 20th-century modernist tradition, which deserves to be available to the Anglophone reader.” –Elena Sokol Support the efforts of Xistis Press under the imprint of black tulip - you will receive a copy of the first printing.
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A B O U About T TourHPrint E Studio STUDIO Xistis Press was founded by Sarai Capael in 2004, while live/working in the Flatiron Building of Chicago's Wicker Park. It began as a literary journal of Investigative Poetics, with an online zine and several print issues. In that artists' community, art shows and staged events of featured stories from the Xistis zine were a periodic exploit. Over time, the publishing side of the venture gave way to the art of fine art printing and curating, after Capael moved to Boston and then NYC, while practicing freelance design and visual branding. In Beacon, NY, Sarai Capael purchased a professional inkjet EPSON printer and has since developed her love for printed media, where it serves the language arts- such as bookplate designs, letterpress, and vintage books, chromolithographic prints & other ephemera. Our hope is to return to literary journalism with a judiciously selected prose element as a later stage of development. So, if you love our bookplates, please know that any purchase of them will eventually support our objective of a small press designated to belletrists, lovers of refined language, and the journalistic ballast required to protect them. All of our work is done by hand with an artist's attention to detail. e or , o se ara a ae , o n er o s s ress a a es o oo a e a Boo o er a e Bea on, s o r n s o ro s o r n s s ra e en r n ana er, B er, s o n a os ar or e Bea on r s Boo ro e
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Xistis PressDhas collected 170+ color D I D rare historical B bookplates, B remastered them with a vivacious, contemporary I palette, and printed them on fine art media. hese original bookplates offer an enormous wealth of images. We have curated 4 theme sets with plates from similar eras or artistic styles, each a set of 2 individual bookplates. Xistis Press has collected 170+ rare historical bookplates, remastered them with a vivacious, contemporary color palette, and printed them on fine art media. hese original bookplates offer an enormous wealth of images. We have We only offer these collections as a suggested approach. Our retailers may chose 2 or more plates from any collection curated 4 theme sets with plates from similar eras or artistic styles, each a set of 2 individual bookplates. for a custom offering in their store. We only offer these collections as a suggested approach. Our retailers may chose 2 or more plates from any collection of theseoffering bookplates readstore. Ex ibris, atin for From the ibrary of - while others bear variations of these words forany a custom in their in English. he adhesive on the back of the Somerset elvet giclee prints is acid-free and archival - so that affixing it to theany inside jacketbookplates of one s book a legacy of magic. he EPSON ltraChrome ink is scientificallyof these read will Ex leave ibris,only atin for From the ibrary of - while others bear variations of these words rated to last 200 years. he giclee printing process performed on a high-resolution professional inkjet printer - guarin English. he adhesive on the back of the Somerset elvet giclee prints is acid-free and archival - so that affixing it to antees that each bookplate may outlast the book it graces. the inside jacket of one s book will leave only a legacy of magic. he EPSON ltraChrome ink is scientificallyrated to last 200 years. he giclee printing process - performed on a high-resolution professional inkjet printer - guarEx ibris have been may discovered Egyptian artifacts, revealing that the gesture of marking antees thatscrolls each bookplate outlastamongst the bookAncient it graces. ownership of one s book, or papyrus as it were, is as old as the written word itself. his parallel and stealth authorship - thatibris of the reader andbeen the discovered collector, the patronAncient of the book - resurfaced in the early that 2th century monasteries. Ex scrolls have amongst Egyptian artifacts, revealing the gestureerman of marking After the invention of the printing press, the commissioning of carved bookplates for private libraries marked a lessownership of one s book, or papyrus as it were, is as old as the written word itself. his parallel and stealth authorship chapter artthe history, a chapter whichoftells of the gradual popularization of theerman contemplative life. -celebrated that of the readerofand collector, the patron the the bookstory - resurfaced in the early 2th century monasteries. After the invention of the printing press, the commissioning of carved bookplates for private libraries marked a lesscelebrated chapter of art history, a chapter which tells the story of the gradual popularization of the contemplative life.
Our first booth at the Book Expo America trade show, avits Center, NYC 20 0. We had national representatives by show's end Our first booth at the Book Expo America trade show, avits Center, NYC 20 0. We had national representatives by show's end
Pl e a s e v i si t x i st i s.com to pur ch ase our h an d-pr inted stationary online. Pl ease v i s i t xist i s. co m t o pur ch a s e o ur h a n d -pr in te d sta tion ar y on l in e .
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Order online a t x i st i s. co m
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art nouveau
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Ord e r o nl ine at x istis.co m
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art nouveau
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Or der on lin e at xis tis .c o m
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Or d e r online at x i s t i s . c o m
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New Yorker
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New Yorker
Or d e r o n l i n e at xi sti s. c o m
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ae o 4 ¼ 3¼ oo a e 5 ree n ar
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Or d er online at xis t is .c o m
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GarDeninG moDern
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a e oa e o 9 ½ 3½½ 3 ¼oo aooe a e 5 5 ree n reearn ar
Ord er o nli ne at xistis.com
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Order o n l i n e a t x is t is .c o m
4 5
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LanD or Sea
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LanD or Sea Art DeCo
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Or d e r o n l i n e a t x i s t i s . c o m
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Or d e r on l i n e a t xistis.com
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Ord e r o nli ne at xis tis .com
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W H O L E S A L E C R E D I T A P P R O VA L F O R M To qualify for Net 15 or Net 30 credit terms, please fill out this form and email it to greetings@xistis.com ]. If you have any additional questions or information, please do not hesitate to call our studio at 208 . 267 . 2187. Thank you for your business and support. COMPANY PROFILE Client Name
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