1 minute read
2.1. SWOT
- The variety of function - High density of services at walking distance from every part of the urban fabric - Great accessibility from and to Milan _The area is well served by schools of all grades, both private and public _Cultural life seems to be an important part of the local identity
_Poor permeability of the infrastructures _Strong zoning in the urban grid _Weak presence of connectivity between green and blue infrastructure _There’s just one overpass suitable for slow mobility transportation - Shortage of sport facilities - Having high dense streets cutting through residential districts
_The vacant spaces that are gonna be included in the Milanosesto project will be permeable and open to the public _Presence of a lot of small green areas. _Opportunities for the creation of green corridors connecting the existing Parco Nord, Parco Lambro and Cascina Gatti and the upcoming park in the Falck area _ New bike path on Viale Monza from Milan - Presence of big mobility nodes - Proximity to Bicocca University - 53% of the population are active adults
-Large amount of fanced vacant areas - Around 26% of population is +65 _Possible exacerbation of the physical and perceptual separation caused by the railroad _Degradation and abandonment of the surroundings of the abandoned industrial settlements -Having old population index, less young active population
Supra-municipal green area Municipal green area Green service area Accessibility to and from Milan
High dense streets Infrastructural barrier car only overpass car and pedestrian overpass car/pedestrian/bike overpass
MilanoSesto project
Existing main supra municipal parks Permeability Possible green corridors between already existing parks Possible green corridors between already existing and future parks Underground Metro/Bus Metro/Bus/Train