Up#10 English Version

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Travis Grant Jurgi Zulaika SUP Vuelta Ibiza

# 10

SUP River Circuit Caroline Angibaud Sayulita Championship












KING SUP 5,5m x 1,5m x 20cm

Diversi贸n asegurada para tu club o escuela. En r铆o, lago o mar. Ideal para eventos, team building y fiestas.

Informaci贸n y contacto en: info@spsurf.com

Management: Nicolás Arnedo info@upsuping.com Graphic design and layout: Nicolás Arnedo info@upsuping.com



Javichim javichim@gmail.com



Texts and co-workers: Pedro Gutierrez, Víctor Pérez, Amadeo Viera, Oscar García, Daniel Corripio, Argazki Mahatu, Florian Macía, Ibiza Club SUO, FES, Javier Bravo, Mar Balear Watersports, Pablo Codesido, Lúcas Correa, Up Suping Photographs: Argazki Mahatu, Ivan Silox, Albert Laborda, Lucas Tozzi, Paddlesurf Marbella, Ledicia, Daniel Corripio, Jose Justo, Iñigo Aznar, F. Viadero, S. Viadero, Jesús Montalvo, Bielman, ISA, @mamgoz productions, @ronangladu, @torraeduardo, C. Angibaud, Jesús Renedo, T. Grant, J. Puente, Mauka SUP Aventura, Ibiza SUP Club, Tanasú J.C, Pro Training Cantabria, Paola Gallego, Julián Donatelli, Up Suping Assistance: If you are interested in taking part of Up Suping you can send us your ideas. Write to the email address provided below: info@upsuping.com


Up Suping



Mediakits Translation: Ceinwen Atkinson (Inglés) Javier Vega (Francés) Magazine English Version: Raquel Cossío López Cover: Josep Orriach

@Up Suping

Back cover: Catalunya

Pictures: Albert Laborda Pictures: Albert Laborda

Picture edition: Our employees up to Up#10 All rights reserved. No part of this publication of texts photographs and paintings may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Up suping will not be responsible for those given opinions by the publisher nor the texts or the photographs without having been demanded before hand. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address below.

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@Up Suping

edito ¨THANK YOU is the only word that comes to my mind since we started Up#10. I personally think this is a very special fascicle for me. It transmitted emotions since the very beginning: from the first sketchs until the last one. The achivements of a dream hardly ever comes true. THANKS to all the assistances, since the beginning until now. Not only for their outstanding work, but also for their advises and opinions. They are still very important to Up Suping. THANKS to all the photographers who have left their marks and still do. I admire you and this magazine is the proof of it. THANKS to all the brand names, shops and companies which have committed their image with us. We are more every time. Your presence is our reward. A work worth to see thanks to its originality and great design which is the place where you deserve to be. THANKS to all the people, friends and ‘’suping lovers’’ who have been working on and still have, on the developing of Up suping magazine in order to provide an image known worldwide.

Many of them have gifted us with their work and time for this project. THANKS to my bosses and colleagues from my other jobs, who have always supported me and have let me addapt to the time and dedication that Up Suping requires. THANKS to all ‘’my’’ girls who have put up with my feelings of nervousness and joy, above all, during the previous weeks before the publication of the next fascicle came out. I am sure I am forgetting many people and friends out of mentioning. Please, forgive me but my concentration before the next number comes out is very important. My last THANK YOU goes to all of you, the readers of Up Suping ,who are the power button of this magazine. Up Suping is willing to transmit more emotions and to keep on enjoying throughout the process...Welcome to Up#10¨!!!


14 National SUP

64 Port Adriano SUP Race

48 Jurgi Zulaika

70 SUP Sayulita Championship

56 Caroline Angibaud

76 Travis Grant

Marking footprint..Up#10

90 SUP River Circuit

114 Jonas Letieri

98 SaĂşl Viadero

122 SUP Injuries

106 Vuelta Ibiza

128 Patagonia

J. Puente

galicia Oscar García. Actiboot


SUP trends The Sil Canyons. Five years ago in a hot, crazy and watered by beers’ day we decided to do something different to celebrate the Xacobeo Year. We paddled through the rivers of Galicia until we reached Santiago. It was something beautiful and unique that had never been done before. The three of us joined together and we did two stages of the whole way, and I did the other three by myself after. It was there when I realized three things: the great potential of SUP River; that our friends such as Ramón Blanco, Antonia De la Rosa, Américo Correa, etc are making an excellent job with this activity and with the amount of pollution those river carry, which unfortunately ends up in the oceans.

It has been a couple of years since I left behind the water because of the amount of work and time we were devoting to the research and the takin-care-off the enviroment. However a few days ago we answered a call that we could not refuse. Our dream finally came true. Bloody-hell! When you work this way, even if it is something totally symbolic, everything makes sense. That call would allow us to paddle through one of the most beautiful natural spots in Galicia: The Sil Canyon.

The truth is that two months ago Nico asked me to create something especial for the next number 10 of Up Suping. After the big surprise the previous number gave me, I was a bit blocked due to the fact that it had been two months since my last bath because of the enviroment project we were working on. But right in the moment when I did not know what to do, that call gave us the chance to show you one of the most beautiful places in Spain. As we like, from the water, drunk with the brighful colours and smells, joined with a hot sunny day and the ruling silence (only a catamaran ship disturbed the silence which passed by every two hours full of tourists, who went crazy when that saw us) made that day was one of the best days of our lives of Stand Up Paddle with no doubt. That is reason why we decided to share our pictures with you. With these photographs and this writing I just desire to tranfer this paradise full of steep vineyards and waterfall where the native species are still ruling this place. As if we were in another planet, as if we were travelling through time and we would have stopped the time. Day after day, we discover the journey into a whole new uncertain world and only this sport seems to disconnect us from this craziness. 16

After three hours paddling around one of the most amazing places I have ever paddled, while looking around we became aware of a serious problem: the amount of plastic pollution. As you know we are the promoters of Coge3, an enviromental initiative whose job is to eliminate plastic from nature. As we were driving our motor launch we removed all we could. Loads of plastic bottles and bags that pollute our surroundings. I hope you like these pictures. Our next goal is to organize a SUP River in this area. We are already working on it...

asturias Daniel Corripio. Asturwaterman

Dani Corripio. Jose Justo

Asturian Blood Starting supping adventures in Asturian rivers Many names have come up to give a title to this article, ¨Freshwater Sup¨,¨River Sup¨, ¨Interior waters¨... I finally and clearly opted begin with ¨Asturian Blood¨. We must begin for the smallest thing and as we are talking about blood, the capillaries we might be the first step to start with. Espasa river . Dani Corripio

This universe is almost finite for those who have been living this passion for years. We are like kids playing with our new christmas toy for long hours. This chance of supping the rivers opens us to new oppotunities and discoveries. There opens a door to keep on growing as supper lovers. My intention with this brief introduction was to portray that I consider myself a beginner. When I talk about the rivers, I also talk about the clear waters and rapids, which are those technical areas that require a great amount of hours of training. In the picture that you can enjoy here, there is anything like that. We will write an article with another name, dealing with this activity soon enough. Ñora river. Jose Justo

Natural enviroments like Ria de Villaviciosa, Río España, La Ñora, Llibardón, Nalón. Sella...Introduce us this discipline in a calm and unshocking way. Those areas help us getting to know the changeable and respectful rivers. In Asturias we have a great number of small rivers such as Piloña, Cares, Deva Eo, Navia Negro or Narcea, where we are able to choose among the calm areas and ‘’highland’’ areas. The lastest are more likely tomake us feel a rush of adrenaline.

Ñora river. Dani Corripio

Villaviciosa. Dani Corripio

Llibardón. Dani Corripio

I can’t say much more but once you have a look at the pictures, you will realize that green colour predominates. A warm greeting to all supper lovers whichever your category is. 20

Sella river . Dani Corripio

cantabria Pedro Gutierrez. www.supcantabria.blogspot.com.es

Up Suping

El Astillero Birthplace of great rowers. El Astillero is a township located in the southern part of Santander Bay, beneath Pe単acabarga Mountain where many tidal rivers converge becoming the place a very comfortable area to develop this activity, due to the fact of the good access and its close location to Santander. Moreover this town holds one of bithplaces of rowing boats and rowing community in our region.

In my opinion the best spot to start a voyage in this town is from the Rowing School Center because there is car park, a barbecue grill area and a wide mashland. From here we can practise in different areas. On the one hand if we move northwards, on the left side of the estuary we will reach Santander bay. We would cross the loading platform of the Orconera, or what is also known as ‘’El Puente de los Ingleses’’ which was used to load and upload the iron extracted from the Obregón mines. If we turn left we will reach the White and Black Marsh through the estuary of Boo. On the other hand if we move through the right side we woulr go to the township of Marina de Cudeyo, more precisely to the towns of Pontejos and Elechas until we get to Pedreña. In this locality we must point out the island of Pedrosa, the Campanuca Island, the San Bartelomé cove and the golf couse located in Junquera. This side is probably nicer than the one mentioned before because of its pure nature. The previous one is an industrial area with shipyards companies. 23

Another voyage we can enjoy from Astillero Rowing Club is going south through the right side of the estuary all along the San Salvador tidal river, which branches off in two tidals rivers: Solía and Tijero. The first of the two which lays out on the right is Solia, has very nice natural settlements. I have not rowed it with a lot of water but it is long enough. Being honest though, I like much better the tidal river on the left. It expands parallel to the Heras’ highway and it offers worth-living views to Peñacabarga Mountain all along the way. This area is very accurate for training because it has a wide channel in order to do racing. As native lover suppers, we must highlight Nico Arnedo, Silvia and the craftsmen of NauticArt, (oar and wooden tables made in Cantabria) Ricardo and Ángel.

Most likely this place is still Unkown for the mayority of supper lovers of the region because it is a industrial area which is even less apealling than other places in the county. But if you row with high rate tides, I assure you, you will discover incredible and worth-living places. KEEP SUPING.

Catalonia Víctor Perez. Secretario UCS

Albert Laborda. Iñigo Aznar

River and Sea SUP Race Catalonisn Circuit Competition

A. Laborda

SUP Catalonian Circuit of 2015 has started in March with two races of the championship. The first one took place in Sant Pere Pescador, the VI KEDADA DEL FLUVIÀ organized by KITEXPERIENCE. The 65 SUP participants enjoyed excellent weather conditions. The sun and the lack of wind were the perfect complements to balance this especial competition that combines the sea and the river. Unlike previous years the start linewas located in the beach ,which was also the finish line. The participants had to run two kilometres towards the beach in order to get to the river through the river Fluviá’s small estuary. They also had to run a few kilometres inside this natural enviroment the river; and after that they had to come out again towards the sea and go back to the finish line. 28

A. Laborda

As a championship located near France, we enjoyed the view of our french fellow citizens, who ended up victorious in the race categories. Male category: Eduard García in 12’6 and Laurent Mauer 14. Female category: our rider from Blanes, Rosa Rodríguez in 12’6 who won it. This race has become a classic activity in Catalonia and above all, thank to the affection and well treatment that we received from Kitexperience.

The second race was new this year: the I TOUR TO SUP GARRAF, organized by HACIA EL SUP Club – Nautic Garraf CLUB. A race placed in an amazing setting under the Garraf’s cliffs. A place as difficult as beautiful and totally exposed to the so-loved and ‘’bloody’’ Garbí (wind from the south very common in this area). Fortunately, the Garbí did not come out and the race could be enjoyed without any weather incident.

I. Aznar

The water conditions were excellent but the surprise came out when the riders found a light u-turn provoked by the cliffs, that made more than one participant fell into the water. Two out of 57 participants ,who took part in this race were the Mexico World Champion Pepe Oltra and Jurgi Zulaika. In the Race categories, Pepe Oltra won in 12’6, Marc Foraster en 14’ and Lali Rodríguez in 12’6. We must draw our attention to the great job of Team Hacia el Sup, who trained very hard and moreover, they cared about the fact that everyone had a good SUP day in their spot. 30

I. Aznar

After two races we can say that the level has improved in every category. The participants have been working very hard this year. We can notice in in the marks they got. We want to stand out the implacable organization of the clubs, which have developed two outstanding events where everybody had loads of fun leaving behind the competition. Their hard work made of this championship a great success.

‘’I hold the paddle with strength, I don’t want to let it go. I feel the table sliding and it follows me in my pointless attempt to flee from the memories stuck in my head. I row and row but it is impossible to follow your wake. Today you ,my friend, are unreachable. Today you left us behind. You have left many of us behind. I still hold the bloody oar with all my strength. I want to break it. I want to break it so badly. I cry. I shed tears of rage, here in the middle of the sea nobody sees me and nobody can comfort me.’’

I. Aznar

I look far away and I know you are not there, but the memories make me seeing you rowing next to me. I smile when I think of you there still and it comforts me that you will always be here with us. I will paddle, I will look ahead and you will be there with an oar, a surfboard and those bright and passionate eyes wearing that smile you always gifted us with. You know? I have folled some of the advices you gave me, the good ones. But I will tell you about it when we see each other again. We will miss you like crazy’’.

marbella Florian Macia. Paddle Surf Marbella

Paddle Surf Marbella

Marbella breaths SUP Stand Up Paddle in the Costa del Sol

Marbella is a city in the southern part of Spain that belongs to the county of Malaga, located in Andalucía. Nowadays it is one of the cities with a great number of Stand Up Paddle followers and its surrounding have been influenced by it. This has been possible after many years of hard work in the promotion of this sport through many clubs and local schools. Furthermore, thank to the good weather conditions the city enjoys. All began in 2007 when the first surfboards surfed the waves and little by little the fondness expanded.

The SUP is practised in another areas of the coast such as Fuengirola, Benalmádena, Málaga and even in El Rincón de la Victoria or in La herradura, the nothern part of the coast. In all these coastal towns we can find people paddleling. Every summer news schools, shops and clubs that work to promote PaddleSurf as a sport are coming up. As I say, they have come to stay. Being Marbella our point of reference, we will get to know better about the things a SUP lover can do when he or she lives in Costa del Sol. 34

Voyages: In the area it is practised any kind of SUP, being the most common one the well-known Touring, which consists of calm voyages all along the coast. The coastal road offers different paddle voyages to suit everyone’s tastes. But I would highlight the two I like the most: La Herradura The geographic disposition of this place is almost plane, although the northern area of La Herradura offers a marvaellous natural park: The Maro Cliffs. It is one of the most suggested voyages to enjoy in the coast because of its clear waters, waterfalls, livefull rocky underwaterand its warm weather (being summer or winter). If you make this trip we recommend you to take with you diving goggles and to finish the trip having a delicious paella (rise with seafood) in a chiringuito.

Marbella Despite its plain coastal line, Marbella provides attractive scenarios to practise through its beaches. For example a trip starting from BanĂşs Port along the seafront promenade until you reach the Cable Tower. It is another option to get to know the city and appreciate the views of La Concha range. I suggest a sunrising or sunset with a trip stop in one of the chiringuitos to refresh yourselves. It is a worthliving experience. In those day when the sea is calm it is an amazing voyage.

SUP Surf As usual the name of this sport comes from the name of the waves: SUP. Thank to the calm swell and the limited waves, the PaddleSurf is becoming an option for those paddlesurf lovers because of its easy use and the chance of having a good time in contrast with the surf. Lately there are emerging more supping followers who try to practise everyday, see Victor’s Beach or Cabopino in Marbella. We must highlight as a ‘’supper’’ spot the beach of Carvajal, Malapesuqera and Los Álamos (nearer to Málaga). We have been lucky to be only and hour and fifteen minutes away from the atlantic ocean, therefore many days we make a short trip to Tarifa, Caños de Meca or El Palmar to surf ‘’real’’ waves. It is a priviledge to live where we are.

A bit of history: As I mentioned before the practise of this sport began in the area around 2007 with the forthcoming of the first surfboards thanks to well-known names such as Jose Martos from Nalusur, or myself from PaddleSurf Marbella Club. All the professional who make a living out of this started with the SUP as a casual sport to practise, but its power of attraction has taken us to dedicate ourselves to it. Shops like HoeNalu has supported the SUP recently and they are encouraging it in the cities with testing meetings and some events. It has been organizing local races and meeting for five years and the most relevant is the Marbella SUP Festival. 36

New SUP trends in Costa del Sol Being the Sup a sport which offers a great variety of possibilities it is common that new methods come up every season. Some of them grow in strength. I would point out the two that are gonna hit the ‘water’ the 2015 summer. Interior waters Despite the amazing beaches to practise PaddleSurf and the proximity of the lakes and rivers, the SUP in interior waters is being developed very fast and nowadays it has become a tendency. If you are a ‘’supper lover’’ who passes by this area you should not miss at least one of this options: Zahara and Iznajar Reservoir There are sailing resevoir which are located an hour and a half driving from Marbella such as Zahara de la Sierra in Ronda or the Iznajar one in Córdoba, among others. They allow us to enjoy the SUP in a different way, spending a day surrounded by nature and going sightseeing. Guadiario and Genil Rivers Regarding the rivers there is an easy option. In 45’ we can get to Guadiaro river’s mouth located in the well-known Sotogrande Port. It has an comfy access and calm water. It is perfect for beginners. It has a low stretch which offers a 10 navigable kilometres with an amazing estuary, which ends up in a semi-savage beach.

Let’s talk about what makes us fall in love with the Genial river. In its stretch of fierce waters which goes along Córdoba county, you can live an amazing and loving experience practising SUP. It is an activity in full motion in a national level and Andalucía is part of it. The stretch is for beginners due to the fact that the rapids have a level 2 of difficulty and its start-off is quite calm. Although the level of difficulty increases during the voyage until the end. It is an amazing experience you can undergo just in an hour and half away from Marbella.

SUP Yoga / SUP fitness Last but not least, I want to stand out another new type of SUP (that some of you already know): SUP Yoga or SUP Fitness. Inasmuch the demand of this type, especially women, we are quite a few who are thinking deeply about the introduction of SUP Yoga on the coast. Some schools have already professional people and qualified equipment to give classes. Moreover, there are groups of people interested. This upcoming summer Sup Yoga /Fitness will be the leading sport not only in Marbella but on the coast. We are certain. 38

Conclusion As you can see the Stand up Paddle has become a total success on Marbella and La Costa del Sol due to the easiness of the different types of SUP in this region. It is true we had a slower start than in other areas of Spain, but soon we will be at the same level if we keep on working. It is also true that this has to do with the enjoyment of the individual and its level, because regarding a competition we highlight anything. There is any rider, neither from waves nor race that is good enough. Here it is performed a ludic practise of this sport. I know the place better and there are riders who trained in order to prepare themselves to compete every week. Neither it is that the competition schedule helps because most of them are festival alike than proper competitions. It is relevant the Marbella SUP Festival that this year will be holding its third edition. It is a celebration opened to the general public and not only to professional riders. The aim of the event is having a good day with friends, compete between us and make public this sport. The event will take place the 14th of June and it will consist of technical race, a Big SUP race and a monotipo race. Moreover there will be a children race, who are the real protagonist of this adventure.

We invite you to come and visit us, enjoy the practise of Sup with us. We will be delighted to show you all the possibilities that Marbella offers to the public.

tarifa Amadeo Viera. Only SUP Tarifa

Lucas Tozzi.

Tarifa SUP Race Spanish Stand Up Paddle Championship The Tarifa Sup Race is a remarkable event in the Spanish Stand Up Paddle Champioship of the Race category. In this scenario it was chosen who would be representing Spain the upcoming ISA Mexico World Champioship last may. It took place the 3rd and 4th of April (Good Friday and Saturday)

Because of the rough weather these days in Tarifa, the first day of the competition we had to move to the beach of Getares. There the technical race (buoy circuit around 5km long which last all friday morning) took place.

Saturday the 4th woke up without wind, in fact calm weather was advertised by the weather forecast. The longdistance circuit scheduled for that day flew from Balneario beach until Torre de la Pe単a Camp beach. It was a 17km round trip. The round got complicated because of the east wind, that provoked difficulties in the single trip. Besides, every rider ended up the race successfully.

Fuente: Adriatic Crown

Fuente: B Waters

Cรกdiz. Ivรกn Silox

Izzi Gรณmez. ISA

pho tos

Félix. Jesús Montaldo

México. ISA

JURGI ZULAIKA The new SUP Race prodigy promoting to be among the best riders in Spain Up Suping

Albert Laborda

We have met you in the national SUP world, thanks to your participation in the different events last year. How have you experienced it? And how much have you learnt from it? Like you have said, I used last year to learn. Those were the first importances races I ran and I got some really good results. That cheared me up to keep on my training. Last October I got I ended up second position in the National SUP Circuit and there is when I started to think deeply about my aspirations to keep on promoting. You were born in Donosti but now you live in the Mediterranean coast, how is to paddle in different seas? Despite the popular belief: Barcelona’s sea is not as smooth as a plate!. In my team we tried to train at noon becasuse the wind is stronger and the sea becomes more rough. That we get used to train under worse conditions. However there is nothing like my hometown. On the one hand to paddle in Donosti and in its surrounding is a unique sensation. That is why I come up with any excuse to go back. On the other hand to paddle in the Atlantic ocean or the Mediterranean sea makes me achieve more flexibility under different conditions and that way, I never get bored of being in the same spot.

You train and sacrify yourself a lot in order to be fit, what plans of training do you have? My planning consisted of the ranking of World Champioship, that was going to take place in June in the first place, but afterwards it was cancelled in december and finally it took place last April. As you can imagine it was a bit chaotic not only for me but for all of us! I have to balance my studies with my training. In fact I trained for the qualifying round from 6:30 am to 8:00 am everyday and went to collegue afterwards. Fortunately there is no better feeling than paddleling when the sun is coming out. I have any complaints. I am focussed on the world championship. I am trying to fix my mistakes and I train a bit everyday depending on the sea conditions. The Kairoscoe Club in Donisti is in charge of my trainings and I am very pleased with the routines they prepare for me.

What about your relationship with your sister? Do you both get ticked off one another? She is the best! Traning with her is like training with any other rider. We are at the same level. She pushed me to the limit when we train and moreover, she helps with with the long distances because she is very strong-minded. I mean she is as stubborn as a monkey. That works for me because I tend to let myself go of my feelings. We mend and help each other. It is always better to train with someone you have something in common with. With whom are you going to get along better than your sister? We imagine you have been very focused on the pre-season, and even more having this chance of going to Mexico... This chance was a total surprise. I knew I had my possibilities though, therefore my concentration was absolute. I had an easy winter. I went surfing very often trying different boards but above all I tried to have a good time. That is why I started this season re-energized. I am totally full of energy now.

Tell us about about your first Stand Up Paddle Champioship. My best memory will be having shared this experience with my mates. I am certain that if I had been there without them it would not have been the same. We were together all the time and we enjoyed the secret spots... We complicated ourselves but we make it count with everyone of us. In the end everything was about being happy. Besides, Sayulita turns out to be a paradise in every sense. Starting from the people, they were really nice with the participants. They were willing to help and send us their greetings non-stop. They even gave us food. The level was high and I have never taken part in a competition with such amount of riders. What really matters to me and what I have taken home with me is what I have learnt; everything I realized I need to improve and the motivation to keep on going. How do you see the Stand Up Paddle in our country? Evolution, its future, criteria, etc... It is obvious that the SUP has grown in importance throughout the last years. Nevertheless I believe regarding the level we are a bit bogged down if we compare ourselves to another countries. The difference consists in the communication among the federations. To establish a fix schedule in advance and to help the participants.

Tell us about what quiver you have and your ideal water conditions to paddle. Fortunately I can train with Mathieu Rauzier, race surfboard and starboard designer. For now I usually practise with a starboard Allstar 12’6 25’’, which is awesomely balanced and with a Starbaord Sprint 12’6 25’’, which is super quick in flat water. I also use Werner Paddles to row, I love the downwind because the experience of linking one bump after the other leaves you astonished. Apart from that I collect my best memories from the beach races with waves. I really enjoyed surfing with a 12’6. Despite being so young you are obtaining great results. How would you like your career to be? My goal is to attend the Stand Up World Series EuroCup next summer, it requires time and money though. In any case my idea is to move to another hemisphere in winter to continue with my training and my studies. My major goal is to achieve the best of me with the SUP, as long as I travel around the world. Thank-you note... This section could be longer if I do not control myself. Firstly I want to thank Nico for offering me the making of this interview. A special greeting to my family, who support me no matter what and they make me feel very proud. Finally I want to thank Starboard, Werner Paddles, Kairoscore, Sup Barcelona, TotalSUP and 223ERS.

Her experience in other sports makes Stand Up Paddle being part of her life...



Up Suping

Brian Bielman. @mamgoz productions. @ronangladu. SUPWT. Caroline Angibaud. Up Suping

Up Suping

How are you doing with your evolution through your marks in the competitions? Last year has been great for you! 2014 was amazing! Did not have a good start in SUPWT, I did not get good marks at first (5th in Hawai and Abu Dhabi; 9th in Brasil), so I came here, ISA Nicaragua, with any preassure. I just wanted to hace fun...I could get the second place!!. Firstly Huntington and secondly La Torche where I obtained the second place. I also went to the European Championship in Somo and the french competition. It was a busy year, full of non-stop events. Well that is what I like.

I remember to have seen you winning the European champioship in Somo. How didi you experience to win in our country? I love Somo. It was my second time there and I really like its waves and the enviroment. The organization of the event was very well arranged and it was a great pleasure to compete againts european women. I really wanted to win because Iballa won last year, she is such a good rival, so I was very motivated. @mamgoz productions


Briand Bielman

What about the victory at Turtle Bay?Such as start!! That was not on my agenda ..(laughs). I was not sure of going because I don not like that wave. Hawai is very expensive. But finally my boyfriend, Matthew and I decided to go ans stopped for the first time in California to train because in France the temperature of the water is quiite cold this time of the year. We cannot train as much as we like. Therefore we spent 10 days in california and 10 days in Hawai. The weather conditions were a bit unappropiate and very windy. It was difficult to sail, even in the northern coast. We were not able to train that much in Turlte Bay. It was chaos...!!! The contest took a day. It was exhausting but thanks to the jet-skiies sialing was easier. My strategy was to wait for the biggest waves. It was like that until the very end. I was lucky enough because I have not surfed until the last 3 minutes. Thanks to a jet-ski I surfed a wave 20 minutes before the blow of the horn. When I made it to the shore 58


I did not know I had won. I just wanted to surf for fun, so you can picture the joy I felt when I discovered I was the winner Caroline, how did the Stand UP Paddle land into your live before this success? I have been sailing and competing in surf, longboard, tandem surf ans waveski surf for 20 years, ( I am getting older...(laughs)). I have been world champion in waveski Surf in 9 occasion (1999-2009). In 2009I gave the surf a try in Honolulu. I hated it the moment I could take any waves. It was frustating. Everytime I saw a good wave and fall of. It was disappointing. In October 2011 I was in Ventura (California) for a Waveski Championship. There was Sup one too. So I decided to take part in it and I got the second place (candice Appleby won). I enjoyed it so much, so for that moment onwards I though of practising it. 59

Do you think that Las Landas, La torche and the atlantic coast of France have the ideal conditions for surfing? I live in VendĂŠe, a city located between Landes (where the water in warmer in winter) and Brittany. We have many types of waves, such as sandbanks, reefs, etc. Especially in VendĂŠe we have two types so it is always changing and it is not boring. It is also vey windy so when we compete in counties with perfect waves all becomes easier.

Malli Tahar and yourself are the french surfers who are standing out and it is important when you show up in greatest events. How is the female SUP evolution going in France and around the world?

There are not many women practising SUP Surf in France. Perhaps there are a few more in Race. I do not why because today the surfboards are lighter and easily-managed than before. But the level grows every year. There are plenty of new younger prodigies out there.

Besides Stand Up Paddle, what other sports do you practise? We have seen that you are very good at waveski.

@mamgoz productions

Yes Wavesking...but I do not practise as much as I want it to because it provokes me backaches everytime. Instead of that I surf or longboard when the waves are small. I am into SUP Race too. I won the national champioship with the technical race in 2014. We suppose that you also enjoy practising SUP for fun or to go for a walk or to discover new places around the world. It is true. SUP gives tou the chance to travel around after the championships, although we do not have much time to visit the surroundings. I tend to reduce our budget and sometime we just stay in the beaches where the competitions are taking place. I will try to buy some time to travel in the future. 60

C. Angibaud

C. Angibaud

Up Suping SUPWT

C. Angibaud

We have seen you have s SUP/SURF school in your country. How is it to teach Stand Up Paddle? What do you feel when you see your students enoying their first steps in SUP? We do have a Surf School (Octopus Glisse) and a SUP School (OctoSUP). We give classes in plain water, river and waves. We also offer SUP Fitness. We recommend people to take all the time they need no matter the board they use, so we often teach children with a rough sea and we also practise SUP Bodyboarding and Wavesking. Childen are often better at keeping their balance. It is fun watching them having fun!

What plans do you have for 2015? I just want to have fun. I will continue with SUPWT contests (expect Brasil because it is in August and we cannot leave our school in the summer). I have been also selected in order to compete with the grench team to participate in the ISA World Champioship in Mexico ( I have to say I am writing on my way to Mexican airport). I will compete in Somo and the french championship. Thank-you note... Thank you all for this interview I could answer plane after plane and my holidays (laughs).

Mar Balear Watersports

Jesús Renedo

On Friday afternoon it took place the opening presentation in the Mar Balear Sup Centre. All the runner signed their applications, pickeu up their bags and listened very closely to the Long Distance briefing. The mood seemed tense. The great sport squad of ‘’pros’’ that came over promised an amazing perform and the weather predictions also promised proper conditions, above all for those who risked and came here with a flat water board. The opening ended up with a famous spanish ‘’tapas’’ tasting. On Saturday it took place the Long Distance Race. It is a 12km circuit with two islands that indicates the turning spots. The starting line, lining up by enomous yatch about 40, 50 and 60 metres long, was inside the port. The sea was totally calm. It looked like a mirage for those who found the unload buoy. There was a first section full of rebounds until the first island, then another section of cross sea and another section of downwind until you reach the finish line. That was the itineraty, which was highly lived by the participants and everyone was forced to give evrything they got from the first stroke until the last one. Travis Grant ended up victorious and followed by Connor Baxter who tried to reach him. Titouan Puyo ended up third, with Leo Nika and Bicho Jiminez after him. Moving onto the girls Sonni Hönscheid earned the tenth position in the clasification. After her, Susak Molinera and Ane Zulaika arrived. 64

Both fight in a clean and nice battle follwed by Shelby Taylor and Susanne Lier. At the same time, it was taken place the amateur race which was 6km long. It turned out to be as competitive, exciting and fun as an elite one, and opening the way to amazing duels among riders surfing on board of anykind. In the afternoon, after having enjoyed a Pasta Party, it took place the Sprints Series in children and junior categories. Many of them had run in the elite race. There were the Mallorca, Alicante and Cantabria agents; even Onexe tema from Fuenteventura came. The little ones showed their strenght, technique, competitivity and gifted the audience with awesome performances by the end of the day and with an example of what was expected the following day. The last day of the weekend started with children and junior long-distance races. Once again, they did not let us down and we enjoyed hard fough races until the finish line. The end of the competition was celebrated with the ‘’Fast & Furious Series’’. They are short races with two turns. The participants have to use Max Race 10,6 x 24 red Paddle surfboard. All of them are designed for children (12 years the most) races but they are not easy to use for adults. There, everyone, from every catergory took part. We must highlight the some of them got into the final. It was the climax of the event. The professionals rider showed us why they are pros. They are able to fly with anykind of boards showing off a humane generosity with the little ones, the beginners and with whoever standing close to them. Afterwards everyone enjoyed a barbaque that led to the awards ceremony. Everyone was awarded and brought together for the following edition. Thanks to all the participants, team members, agents, volunteers, friends and everyone who helped a bit in order to make of Port Adriano SUP Race a great success. Thank you with all my heart to Mar Balear, Port Adriano!!!



It is new this year.The RIVER is a prototype especially designed to practise river SUP. Its width and 6’ flexible keels allow the rider to enjoy the rapid easily. It might take the rider to the limit. It also has four handles especifically located in order to grip the board. In addition it has the surf grip. In spite of being designed to enjoy surfing, it is a surfboard that allows to surf into calm waters.

Characteristics: Low pressure valve to inflate the board easily and quickly. The quality of the material allow the surfboard to inflate a 25 psi maximum EXTRA LONG EVA anti-slip surface for a major comfort Maximum grip Middle wide handle for a comfortable use once it is inflated Accessories included in PACK SPS: 3 part extendible fibreglass paddle with a pvc shovel New HP tyre wirh high pressure manometre Repair kit Backpack with wheels 9’’ central keel


Technical information:


Double layer PVC fabric, 0.7mm thickness, 850g/m2. Mirasol drop stitch fabric from South Korea. Special EVA glue Logo printing with UV coating

Lenght: 9’6 (292 cm) Width: 34” ( 86 cm) Thickness: 6” ( 15 cm) Volume: 150 Litros Rider weight: <90

more info: www.spsurf.com


Pedro Gutierrez

Fernando Viadero

The Spanish firm SPS has expanded its surfboard catalogue with news samples for the following season. One of the new boards is the creation called RIVER. As you can imagine it was specifically created to use it in the river, more precisely with rough waters. The difference with the previous year is that the paddle is lighter and ideal for its use in river because it is made of a resistante material. I can assure you after having hit it a few times against rocks and bursh during my test. I like that it can be divided in three, that way we can store it very comfortably in the bag. Moreover the fact of post-session washing-up is simpler if we want to use it in a school. Another important issue is the case for the handle. It gives the rider comfort to use it. The bacpack has a space big enough where you can fix in the all pack with a pair of wheel to transport it. The most releveant accessory might be the tyre because it allows the user to perform a double inflation which significantly reduces the time spent to put the air in (recommended 18 psi).

According to the surfboard it is worth to mention that it has an adequate shape in relation to its use in rivers. In other words it is a balance and easy to handle. It consists of four handles in the edges that help the rider to pass through the rapids or in the case of a fall. Its capacity to float is because it has a 6’’ volume and its estability is thanks to the 34’’ of width. What I really liked the most is its very well adapted system of keels. It has five in total, four of them are attached and the spare one goes in the middle with a little case.I have only use this model with the four keels becasuse I was shallowing depth of water. In the case you obly saif over this kind of water I would be in favour of getting rif of the little case, but as we can use it in many other atmospheres I would leave it like that. The same happens with the front boot. If it only were for rough water, it would not make sense, but I have used it in many occasions. As it can be used for other things it is normal to keep it. this board was born to stay because of its peak, its easy-handle use in complicated areas in the rivers. We must highlight the quality of the material the boards is made of, its finihs-touch, the eaesthetic and its outstanding funtionality in the water. KEEP SUPING. 67


IMPACT This new concept of surfboards for small and medium waves takes us to a new and trend-setting design such the ‘’Impact’.’ Its compact design allow us to reduce its lenght until 6’’ and its beam to 1’’ without affecting the balance during the time the rider waits for the wave to come. Its speed and unbeatable turning make the new board the perfect choice to take medium waves or not enough strenght ones. Ideal conditions, waves as big as the human body.


more info: www.waspsurf.com

VOODOO Voodoo is a surfboard that it can be used under any conditions, it is especially designed for professional riders and the main function is to make them feel comfortable on the table waiting for the waves and above all, when they are surfing. Although it is light, this model is quick and has potential that allows the rider to take thw waves from the bottom making turnings as upright as the rider desires. There is doubt that Voodoo is the ideal board if you only want one.

more info: www.waspsurf.com


Another world champioship... more experience Up Suping

Bielman. ISA

From 10th to the 17th of May many supping lover have been counting the days for the new edition of Sayulita Stand Up Paddle and Paddleboard World Championship celebrated in Mexico. Those spanish suppers lovers there lived an extraordinady experience, that with no doubt they will never forget. Oscar Ruiz, Guillermo Carracedo, Iballa Ruano, Jurgi Zulaikza, Pepe Oltra, Laura Quetglas, Carlos Alonso, David, Itziar Abascal and Conchi Escaltar have done their best in their own categories facing real professionals. A championship that will be remembered for its high-level. We may see an improvement in the level in the next world championship. The most important thing for the spanish team was all the things they have learnt in Sayulita. They have brought this new knowledge back with them in oder to use it in thei trainings. The results have been satisfactory but there will be better results to come yet. We will describe you very briefly what happened to the rider the 7 days they lived in paradise. And as the title suggests: ‘’Another world champioship...more experience’’. 70

Day1 Oscar RuĂ­z from Cantabria and Guillermo Carracedo from Galicia had a hard time. They had to do their best with every wave to get better results because they were competing against international professionals who were killing it. They both obtained the third position what would lead them for the next competition the following day. The one who gave it all was Iballa Ruano, from the Canary Islands, who ended up in first place. She gifted the audience with a great performance in Suyalita waters!.

Day2 In Female Long Distance and Paddleboard Prone, Laura Quetglas ended up in 8th position and Conchi Escatlar the 6th respectively. The races were very hard and their opponents showed a high-level. 71

Day 3 Possibly during this day took place one of the most relevant and amazing races of the Championship. An event that did not leave nobody indifferent. All the riders need months of training to be ready for this event. It is also important for the countries they represent. Anything counts if you want to obstain good results, win medals and enjoy yourself. In the Male Long Distance race was the turn for Jurgi Zulaika and Pepe Oltra. On the other hand there were David Buil and Carlos Alonso for the Prone Distance. They both ended up in the 9th and 11th place respectively. According to the suppers Pepe Oltra who ended up in the 22th place and Jurgi Zulaikaen in 27th. The important thing is to keep counting and they did it. We need to stand up the SUP Long Distance race all our 15 pro riders performed. They gave an amazing show from the beginning to the end. They astonished the powerful and quilified mexican rider Javier JimĂŠnez. Those rider who have reached the finish line in the 3rd and 9th position has been uncomparable with a few miilisecond difference from one another.

Day 4 We were focused on our riders Iballa Ruano, Oscar Ruíz and Guillermo Carracedo, who we had fun with thanks to their performaces. They guys had to kiil it with ‘’tandas de repechaje’’. They passed through them successfully, even they obtained good results, until they got into the third round. We need to point out that Guillermo Carracedo was surfing with his broken surfboard, which was slightly full with water and it was difficult to handle. In the case of Oscar Ruiz, he has kept on with his surfing style: beautiful the way he catches the waves. But 2 south-americans and an italian have obtained better results, leave him the 4th position. On the contrary the girl from the Canary Islands has left it for the 4th round standing at the door of the final. She has been surfing very good and over-thinking about what waves to catch. The fact of having experience in these kind of event has helped her.

Day 5 Iballa Ruano got the first medal fot the spanish team. A bronze medal which was very close to silver. The final race was competed by Izzi Gomez, Nicole Pacelli and Caroline Angibaud. The 730 points located Spain in the 8th position in the international ranking. The girl from the Canary Islands was very happy and satisfied with the results and thanked all the support she has been recieving from her surf mates in Sayulita and from our country.

Day 6 and 7 Of the last day of the championship it was the turn for the technical and team races. The level od the competition this yaer has been very high. The balance has inclined towards the Americans who have won the australians, who have been winning year after year. Spain left Sayulita in the 8th position of the ranking. We obtained good results. We also need to remain what our rider repetead all the time: ‘’we have learnt a lot’’. So the best thing to do is to keep the bronze medal of Ruano and the Itziar Abascal’s. 72

Meanwhile, some surfers from the Spanish team such as Oscar Ruíz, were already training SUP Race inorer to be ready for the different events for the upcoming season in our country. If there is something that we need to point out is that all our ‘’la roja’’ riders were comfortable in a warming atmosphere and their appetite for learning. There is no doubt this trip will be always in their minds. From Up Suping we want to congratulate the Spanish team for leaving Spain in a good place and every single one of the riders for their successes.

One of the best riders on the planet makes space in his diary and giftes us with an interview. Enjoy it...



Up Suping

Travis Grant

How did you start Stand Up Paddle? You actually live in an ideal location to practise this sport. There must be some advantages. Like most people I got started through shear curiosity. I saw some people in Australia doing it one day on fat like windsurf board and thought to my self, wow this new sport seems to combine surfing and paddling, two things I love and do almost ever day, maybe I should try it. So I grabbed my brothers old wind surf board got a old outrigger paddle I had, got a ski shaft tube, glassed it to the old outrigger blade and away I went. I must admit I was hooked from the get go, even though it was slow, it really was fun, a unreal sensation of constantly surfing or standing on the ocean while paddling. I can´t explain it really. I´m guessing most people should remember the first feeling -sensation they got when they first tried sup. Living in Australia and now Hawaii, probably the two nicest places in the world to learn how to surf or sup does make the sport easier or more inviting to want to paddle or surf or train. I am very motivated by conditions or weather. If it’s a nice day out I’m full of energy loving life, its is rainy or cold I kinda stay low and don’t want to do much. It´s not very inspiring to hear that. I think I have been spoilt weather wise my entire life thus far.


While Up Suping users read this magazine You will be around Europe enjoying all your events. But tell us about that great success in Carolina Cup. How are you doing this 2015? Yes! 2015 I guess kinda starts with a big race called the Carolina cup. For SUP that is. In Hawaii there is kinda racing all year around in Outrigging which is a sport I have done since I was 15 years old. So The oc1 (one person Outrigger canoe) starts like in January in Hawaii, so I have been doing a lot of oc1 latley. I only started back into Sup just before Carolina, Practice some board skills etc. so to walk away with a win in the Carolina cup I was over the moon. I have been training a lot but not sup specific. Mind you both sports are very similar so they cross over nicely. I’m lucky in that aspect. After Carolina I heard to Europe for 3 weeks to do some of there big events and enjoy Europe for a bite. A holiday with some races. Perfect! Hopefully its warm (laughter). Which ones have been your strenght when you were competing? And What procedure do you follow i a race? Because being surrounded by the best sup lovers I am sure you have to have everything under control... My strengths. My strengths I feel in Sup are race experience, even though the sport is super young a few guys like myself, Jamie Mitchell, Danny Ching have been racing since a young age in similar style events. So when sup come along it was easy to apply what I have learnt in outrigger racing and surf club (Australian racing) etc‌and use that experience knowledge and confidence in SUP races. That use to be my advantage but now everyone is getting smarter and faster and more experienced. At the moment still sup racing is always changing and evolving, no race is the same, and I love that, it makes you think on your feet some times. A lot of guys forgot to think when they race and are just head down going as hard as they can. Its hard to paddle your fastest and assess what is going on but if you can your at an advantage.

With every race I do I try be as prepared as I can. I find mainly you have to be mental prepared the most. Trust your equipment and forget about everything else for that short moment while your trying to enjoy the event your at. If your not all there in the mind then its hard to win or enjoy the race that’s for sure. As for a career in Sup. Maybe one day. The sport is still not big enough to make a good living. I still work full time (Monday to Friday) and train when I can, mainly down wind runs after work. I do the sport cause I still enjoy it, I enjoy competition in fun beautiful places also the race has to be exciting or challenging or interesting for me to want to attend. Sup is good for that still. If we were doing lane sprint races I might loose interest. You have to love what you do if it becomes a hassle or a chore then your going about it the wrong way. As for my favorite style of racing, Oh hands down it’s the down wind race or down wind anything. That is the main reason I do the sport is for the down wind runs. It’s a great work out a lot of skill is involved and every day its different. You are literally surfing your way with no crowds across the ocean. 78

You also practise SUP clinics. How is to teach in this sport? Yes I do like to offer clinics Its away of helping make some money and share what I have learnt to others. There is aot you can teach someone that doesn’t not have much race or paddling experience. I always get good feed back from people after they attend my clinic which is great to hear you know. It makes me excited to try teach. I was lucky and in Australia I grew up and trained with some of Australia best athletes, and I learnt a lot from just training with them and talking story when I could. I like sharing what I have learnt. I try to explain it slightly differently so people can understand it better. Can you tell us about the evolution of the supboards and the paddles? What would you improve or change certain things? I’m heavily involved with my Trifecta paddle with QuickBlade and also my pro race boards with NSP. I’m not a board or paddle designer at all and don’t pretend to be. I give feed back and say what I feel or what I would like to feel and hopefully together we can work out the best way to get what I’m after. Honestly I am so so happy with the trifecta paddle and my pro NSP race boards I don’t know what to change to make them better. Yet. If I did I would right (laughter). I enjoy working with designers, I haven’t learnt a lot over the years! As have we all right.

To answer your question though yes boards and paddles are still evolving. We will reach a plato soon with the 14¨ and 12’6” bards but not yet. Oc1 and surf skis have reached there max speed, it´s now up to the paddler, sups have not yet reached there full potential just yet. I think the biggest and most exciting part for me now is the unlimited boards. We have only just begun in that area of design and speed I feel. Watch for them in the future, that’s what I am looking forward to. I guess everything is not about competing in your life. Do you usually enjoy this sport with your family and friends? I enjoy competition yes but not all the time. Like I said if it ever gets to draining or I don’t enjoy it I take a break, I love to paddle, surf, just hang with friends and my wife when ever I can. If the surf is up I will try surf and have fun over train. Life is all about a good balance, its hard but I try maintain a work-life-play-train balance. Do the events that excite me and spend the other times with my wife and friends.


OC1 canoes are also part of your life. Do you combine it with the Stand Up Paddle as an exercise ? Oc1 is a big fun part of my life still yes. I find it compliments sup very nicely. To me I am doing the same thing just sitting down. So it´s actually a little easier cause you don’t have to focus as much on balance etc…and you can focus more on technique and paddling properly. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of skill that goes into ridding a OC! I really enjoy it and spend a lot of my time on it. Also they are faster. And a lot of my friends in Hawaii paddle them. I enjoy training/paddling with others. Being one of the best riders in the World Tour you will spend many hours travelling. Is there anything you can’t forget at home? Ear plugs. So I always take ear plugs to make sure I get my rest. Also I take like a meal replacement-recovery style drink. Of late I use UB Super. It’s the healthiest shake I can find so I’m all about healthy.

What do you expect to achieve in a persoanl and competition level this year? What are your plans for the future? That’s a good question. You know I don’t know, I am happy with my accomplishments so far but always set little goals every year. Every year even month eve week my goals might change I don’t have a set goal. Honestly to be happy and healthy. Each year I might pick a few events to try do well at and see what happens, Do my best. Prepare for it. To win a event-race is a great feeling and for sure bring you back for more. Life is the same, my goal always change, If I don’t get the result I was looking for I don’t dwell on the fact, I accept it and move on to my next goal you could say. I’m always trying to learn and better myself. But I’m happy with everything I have achieved so far in sport and in Life. There is always something to strive/ aim for and I hope to always be striving for something for the rest of my life. So far in Sup I have a BOP win, A BOP distance win, A ISA technique race gold medal, and a M2O win. I’m happy. In life I have a beautiful wife and a great life in Hawaii. I’m happy. 83

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SILVIA // C. DE ESTETICA shop@hoenalu.com

Maria Cristina 1b bajo. Santander Cantabria, Spain. 942 036 956 www.centrodeesteticasilvia.blogspot.com.es

AGUA // SURF Y COSAS Barrio Calabazas 26. Suesa. 39150 Cantabria, Spain. 607 38 26 04 www.surfagua.com

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Fuente: Deep

Fuente: Barcelona World SUP

Francia. Albert Laborda

Jim Box. @torraeduardo

pho tos

Barcelona. Albert Laborda

Jim Box. J. Puente


ALBERCHE RIVER Federación Española de Surf

During the 20th, 21stand 22nd of March this year it took place the firt event of the three that are part of Spanish SUP-river Championship circuit. It was performed in the Alberche river located between the Picadas dam and the township of Calalberche. It was also on the way of the village of Fresno on the southern part of Madrid county. On friday the 20th of March there took place various meeting addressed to the students of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School. The conferences were oriented to bringthem close to the surf and SUP. The talkings were given to boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old from primary education. The speakers used a teaching unit in PDF and a film projector.


They could see SUP boards and get to know the necessary material to practise the sport. All their questions about this new sport were answered. In the afternoon there was a free clinic in the pool for the kids of the township. Authorities from the the locality also attended this event as well as the media. On saturday 21st of March the free of water from the dam did not take place therefore the salom event, which should have been celabrated in a rough watered river was celebrated in a blackwater, right before the encounter of Alberche river and Perales river. All along a 220 metres circuit it was disposed a series of rounding and positions bouys, in order to help the rider to show his or her skills and speed. three heats were made after it was choosen the one with the highest point to start adding points in this first race. Caroline Smith ,from Alicante, highlighted in the beginning of the race but at eh end of the third stage Ane Zulaika, from the Basque country improved her time and won the race. The fight in the male category was hard-fought from the moment the race started between Jurgi Zulaika and Oscar Ruis from Cantabria, but JosĂŠ Juan Rumbey showed an amazing desire to improve and could make his time better stage by stage until he got to be 2 minutes below..

By 7,30 pm it took place a series of meetings in the Cultural Center of the town hall of Aldea del Fresno, chaired by Carlos García, President of FES. A fun and daring Antonio de la Rosa awed us with his epic adventure of crossing the atlantic ocean paddleling and told us about his new project of paddleling the Tajo river from Buitrago del Lozoya to Lisbon’s mouth. Antonio (Zapa) gave a master class about what a river is, its elements, dangers and went deep down into the beautifulness of a river course for the practise of SUP River.

The 22nd of March event consisted of a 13km descent through the Alberche river’s course. It was located between the Picadas dam and the township of Calalberche. The race started from the river according the the classification of the previous day. Antonio de la Rosa became the head of the race in a few paddles; he was followed by Jurgi Zulaika and after them but very close, there were Oscar Ruiz and Jose Juan Rumbeo. When they got to Pedrera bridge we realized the lack of water because the organization had asked for 45m3/s water level to reach a level 2 of difficulty towards level 2+ but the day of the competition turned out to be lower mainly in the lower part of the river. In spite of that challenge the riders went on with deportivity and kept on fighting like gladitors in the arena until all of them have completed the round. What set a difference upon them was the 60 minutes difference between the first place and the last riders to get to the finish line. We must point out the amazing apporach to the finish libe of Antonio de la Rosa, folloed by JosÊ Juan Rumbeo and the couple Oscar Ruis and Jurgi Zulaika. The soup and the fruit helped the rider in this tough race during the descent. Everything was performed in a cordial and joyful atmosphere. The coach drove the riders to the tent area where the handing of prizes medals and presents to all the participants. The could enjoy in the photocall.

TAJO RIVER Javier Bravo

Mauka SUP Aventura

A classication event for the Spanish Championship in this category that will be celebrated for the first time, not only in our country but also in Europe.’’There have only existed two circuits alike, one in the United Staes and the other in Brasil’’ confirmed Jesús Barrón who was the judge of the oven, who at the same time was sent in representation of the Spanish SURF Federation (ruler of this sport) The riders compete with a three-metre-long air surfboard and a keel that are propeled by a paddle picturing the gondolier style. The ‘’trillana’’ has been the second of the three events this first Spanish and European Championship consist of in this category. The one celabrated last weekend was preceded by another event celebrated in March in Alberche river located in Aldea del Fresno, Madrid. The champioship will finish in august in the river Cabriel in the township of Venta del Moro, Valencia.

The competition was organized according to the previous ones: two races, one of them on Saturday and the other one on Sunday. The first one consisted on a slalom of 250 metres down the river. ‘’It consists to help the rider to show their skills and ability to avoid the buoys along the way during the cdescent’’ explains Barrón. The red buoys are used for the descent. ‘’The surfer only has to avoid them’’ continues the judge, ‘’while the greewn ones have to be completely surrounded’’. With the scores obtained on Saturday it was ordered a ranking which has determined the way our order on Sunday. Besides the final clasification is frameds taking inot account the time and the skills performed in the slalom as well as the resulting position of the second event, which is the descent.

In a summer alike day Barrón anounced the start of the descent in the green beach of the river located in Morillejo. The riders with their boards and paddles out of the water were organized according their classification obtained the previous day. Francismo Moreno, Mayor of Trillo announced the starting shot. In the first four kilometres of calm water ruled the strenght above all. Once the surfers overtook Azañón dam, the river became wilder and difficult to sail (level III) until they got to Trillo Island, where the final line was disponsed. The first rider to reach there was Antonio de la Rosa (965 points). Although he was born in Valladolid (Castille) he lives in Madrid and the ambassador of this sport of the capital city. The winner finished the distance in 1 hour 21 minutes and 40 seconds. ‘’I loved the race. Of all the race alike in Spain the Trillo one is the funniest’’ appreciated the winner in his arrival.

According to De la Rosa the slalom was performed in ‘’ideal natural enviroment’’ in the middle of the town and besides today descent ‘’it was long because you are paddleling non-stop for an hour and a half, it is a balanced and fun distance’’ he added. Under the opinion of the winner ‘’ many fan will be got hooked in the following years’’. De la Rosa was the head along with Juan José Rumbeo during the descent. From kilometre 5 onwards Dela Rosa got advanatnge of a Rumbeo’s mistake to overtake him, keeping himself the head of the race until the end. ‘’The race was perfect ypou can see how the people from the town get involved in these kind of sport events’’ said the winner. In second position was Rumbeo (930 points) who descended in 1 hour, 23 minutes and 37 seconds. The first female participant to reach the finish line was Anne Zulaika (1000 points). She descended in 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds. In second position was Carolina Seth (895 points) who descended in 1 hour 30 minutes and 18 seconds. ‘’The descent was beautiful, a real pleasure! I really like the sea but going down the river has been fun with plain and rough stages. The enviroment is awesome, the weather uncomparable, the atmosphere is exceptional and the organization is perfect. I would repeat it ‘’ declared the female winner. The descent was hardly fought between these two rivals. In the first kilometres the female leadership was transferring between one another until the final batlle was between Anne and Carolina, who got to the finish line very close to each other.

By 2.30 pm the organization of the event which Multiaventura Turismo Activo de Buendía Centre and Mauka SUP Aventura was in charged, handed the trophies in. The city councillors of Sport and Hugo Pérez and Culture, Mayte Blanco attended the event as representatives of Trillo Town hall as one of the sponsors. Rubén Martínez who was responsible of the organization, thanked his participation to the town council. On the other hand the Sport councillor congratulated everyone for the amazing sports weekend in Trillo and he also congratulated for the educational feedback ‘’showing off this sport to all the students of Ciudad de Capadocia School of Trillo in a clinic that took place on friday’’.

Zoco Gran Santander - Peñacastillo 39011 - Spain Telf.: 942322525 / 606267855 ¨Más de 5 años de experiencia en el Stand Up Paddle. Tablas, hinchables, remos, fundas, protectores, mochilas y fundas estancas, neoprenos técnicos. Ofertas de fin de temporada y lo nuevo de este año!!

Go Surfing


Up Suping

family + friends+ SUP:

Saúl Viadero Up Suping

Saúl Viadero. Up Suping

Since you found out about the Stand Up Paddle we have seen you have not stopped doing things about this sport. How are you doing with it? What does it mean to you? Hi Nico and thank you for this interview. The SUP for me is a way of living. It’s everything. The truth is that our family Deep Family (Rosa my wife, Saul Jr my son and me) lives by and for it. And since we came across this sport we have not let it go.

Furthermore it is already part of your business being one of the most important and trend in the north of Spain. Does it take a lot of time and work its planification in your shop? Rosa and myself work non-stop the whole year because we work in different directions: the school, the shop, the team, many events and it does take a lot of time doing it the right way. As you know we are quite perfectionist or at least, we try to be. Please describe to us very briefly how is this Deep Family where all we have seen is a good group of friends and guys who also have attended to many events!!! Deep Family is, as you have said, a FAMILY and in this case a ‘’supper lover’’. There is any distinction between us and other. Anyone could belong to our family, whenever they fulfill this requirements: education, respect and unity...and above all andmost importantly, SUP. We have riders from many places: for instanceguillermo Carracedo from Galicia, Laura Quetglas from Mallorca, David Mas. Xabi Masdevall and more from Gerona, etc. We hope we grow up...

Saúl Viadero

Up Suping

Up Suping

How do you try to achieve your goals in the competitions? Tell us about your expereinces in the SUP Race. The truth is better that I expected, I cannot dedicate much time on it because of my work. But it went well. In the first place I go to the competitions because I love the SUP and secondly I compete because I am really competitive. I will be focussing on the 24 HOURS and Bilbao this year, although I won’t skip the Cantabria circuit. Last year was perfect: I ended up on second position in 24 HOURS, the third in the Vuelta Ibiza. In Bilbao I ended up on the second place, etc.

It’s been some years since you started to organize one of the most relevant SUP events on a National level. How have this influenced your hometown and Cantabria? Well... This year it will be the 5th edition of the DEEP SUP RACE NOJA ESCAPADA and the truth is I still remember the first one. Year after year we are becoming stronger because we receive great support from our council and other brands which have trusted us, This year will be different becase there will be upcoming surprises but in the end we want Noja to become a top event in the north of Spain to our country and to the rest of Europe. 100

Tells about your favourites places to go for a walk... In the first place there is Noja and its cliffs, Castellanos estuary, the route frm Noja and Pedre単a, Gerona San Feliu of Guixols and Mallorca Port Adriano. I hope you travel to idyllic islands one day and I will tell you about it. Can you tell us about any curious memories you have kept through the years giving Stand Up Paddle classes? The truth is I have plenty but the memory is stuc un my mind is to have met my friend Alvin Bayona. Everyone knows him. He is in a wheel chair now because of an accident and the day we got into the water with him was amazing.

Up Suping

Up Suping

What other sports do you practise to balance SUP? We believe you are always up to something!! I run a lot. I am into running through the Noja mountaind righ now and I have been into some trial. I often practise padel tennis. As a businessman, what do you expect from selling surfboards and other staff? Has this business improved? The truth is it seems to be better everyday. The materials have improved a lot. New branches are coming out and the SUP world is growing because of the labour of the schools, differetn events and people like you who wor very hard on the maing of this digital magazines. But working hard is a must and investing on an education in this SUP world too. I am sure you have many ideas for the future. Please, tell us... I have some future projects in mind that are really advanced. I can’t talk about them because I would put myself in an uncomfortable position but I can say that it is related with the SUP and Surf. 102

SaĂşl Viadero

Up Suping

Thanks to... On the first place I want to thank my wife and son, without them this would not be possible. My cousins from Ris Surf School and my father, a great rider of SUP; thank to Xavi Masdevall because the amazing friend he is and how he helps me and inform me about the SUP world. Thans to Pedro Gutierrez because of being my fellow traveller and the one who introduced me this world. To Hugo and Barbara my co-workers in the school and above all, my friends. My coaches Oscar Ruis y Bea. And finally but not the least thanks to my wonderful friends like you Nico. I also want to send a warm hug to Deep Family-Sunsetcamper (Nacho and RocĂ­o). I wait for you the 19/20/21 of June in the 5th DEEP SUP RACE NOJA ESCAPADA.

EXTRA!! Juan de los Reyes Barrios Amadeo Viera. Up Suping

Lucas Tozzi

Birthplace and dweling place: Sevilla y Barbate (Cádiz) Quiver: Tabla: JP 7’4X27 PRO EDITION. Remos: JP CARBON PRO Time practising SUP: 5 años. Competing: 2 años. Best positions you remember: 1st Juniors SUP; 3rd Open SUP in the 5th CTO.SURF&SUP SUP Tarifa Association; 2nd Open SUP in Conil Champioship and semifinalist in Yerbabuena Champioship in 2015. SUP best memory: It has been this year in the champioships because everytime I paddled a wave I could hear all the people shouting and applausing at me and it motivated me. The worst: My worst took place in Yerbabuena. One day I took a big wave, I fell and the ‘’invento’’ got stuck under s rock so I was there without not being able to do anything. The worst: My worst memory took place in Yerbabuena. One day I took a big wave, I fell and the ‘’invento’’ got stuck under s rock so I was there without not being able to do anything. What do you think it is more important the board or the paddle?: The board. Why?: Because the paddle is secondary. If you got a tailored board and it works the paddle is not that important. Favourite food...and before having a competition?: Pizza and before having a competition I have an energy bar.

What do you prefer small and glassy waves or big one and rough water?: Small and glassy ones. Atlantic ocean or Mediterrranean sea?: Atlantic ocean. Barbate river’s mouth is known as ‘’la barra’’. Favorite riders: Kay lenny,Sean Pointer... Raphael o Ramones?: Ramones. Sendor road?: Road If we were rich, ask for three wishes: Travelling through the coast of South-America, an skate park and competing in the SUP World Champioship. Lots of acquaintances or a few friends?: A few friends. What do you do if you feel happy?: Enjoy myself. What if you feel down?: Surfing helps me thinking. Thanks to: The Yerbabuena Surf School, especially to Raúl and Miguel because they believed and supported me from the beginning. And also thank you to all the people from Barbate who trsted me. Finally thanks to my sponson Ozu Tarifa, JP-Australia and Neilpryde.

vuelta ibiza sup magic extreme 2015 Ibiza Club SUP

Living a sensational experience during 5 days in the ‘’Vuelta a Ibiza SUP Magic Xtreme 2015’’. The best local SUP riders: Allan hermann (5 stages) and Mikel Lenchurdi (1 stage) have beaten the national champions: Pepe Oltra, Miguel Martorell and Paulino Cayón, as so Patrick Smits (an International Dutch athlete) and the SUP pioneers in Borwey: Bjorn Wilhelmsen, Oivind Solgard. Jensen and Kevin Baekkevold.

The 15 participants that enrolled for the competition only 5 of them have finished the 5 stages paddleling 125 km along the coast of Ibiza: 1st pepe Oltra, 2nd Miguel Martorell, 3rd Paulino Cay贸n, 4th Allan Hermann and 5th Patrick Smits.

The event has counted with the presence of Carlos Garcia, President of FES and Toni Obenza, Director of the Judges and National Events. The Institution of La Isla and a great number of sponsor have supported the event. All of them have contributed to the success of this hard reto !! THANK YOU ALL. Even the weather was benevolent to us and has let us an AWESOME week to enjoy...

The sport atmosphere cannot be compared, a great friendship among the participant from different nationalities and a SUPer good relationship between the organization, co-workers and competitors!!! It’s been born a great SUP event that will bring to La Isla a great number of sup lovers and professionals of Paddle Surf from all over the world. Next year will be better and there will be loads of them!

Gustavo. TanasĂş J.C

Mo Freitas. Bielman. ISA

pho tos

Jim Box. J. Puente

MĂŠxico. Bielman. ISA

n e s o h c s o Phot for Up#10

Art. Photo. Your artistic pictures in Up!!! Assuming that everyone can take part in Up we have created a Photo Art. A new section where everyone will be a character in the story. How? You simply have to send us a picture related with Stand Up Paddle in your country but it must have something unique and artistic. It can be a picture with some kind of edition madewith a programe, etc.... The imagination is on you!!!! Those that have the best quality will be selected and published in the next number. You have until the 15th of August to send your pictures to: info@upsuping.com using the title: Foto Art. Use your imagination and push the bottom to send the pictures!!! 112

Ugutz Carrera

Carlos Loureda Nautic Art


The true passion for this sport and life nothing stops him A new life, a new sport SUP

JONAS LETIERI Lucas Correa. Up Suping

Jonas Letieri

How would you describe yourself? Who is Jonas Letieri? A lover of the life and a sports lover. A man that found in the sea the biggest joy a man can find. Some years ago you had to go through a terrible situation. It was an accident which changes your life completely or at least, the way it used to be. How did you get ahead? Where did you find the strenght to carry on? I never though my life could change the way it did. When I was 26 years old I lost both hands because of a electric shock. It seemed to be the end, but it was just the beginning. God gave me a second chance, I could continue with my life and I have become a better man. Surfing, skating and other sport are part of your life. Are you still having fun? Practising sport have always been my passion. It was because of them I realized I had no limits in my life. Even today I am still dreaming of practising them. But my main goal is the SUP.

How did the Stand Up Paddle knock on your door? I tried surfing for a year after having the accident but I was not good at it. The lack of hands did not allow myself to surf in the correct way so I had the idea of adapting myself to it. I was saving money to buy a paddleboard and I did not know if that was going to work. After a hard year without surfing, I took my first wave. It was the best thing that has happened to me in my whole life!

We have seen you have a system to use the paddle. How did you come up with this idea and do you get along with it? I had to have something on the paddle to help me so after many sleepless nights I came out with the idea of adding big hoops to feel more secure, It worked out perfectly.

We also take part in big events of SUP such as the last BOP Brasil. How do you feel when you are competing? When I first took part in a competition was because a friend of mine who has always encouraged me, invited me. I was very well at that time. From there onwards I have never dropped it. Nowadays I am part of the Mistral team. So I participate in the BOP. I could paddle next to the best sup pros and having been with them has been a dream come true.

How do brasilian surfers enjoy the Stand Up Paddle? We know you are a teacher of SUP yourself... This Sport is very popular in Brazil. Yes I am a Sup teacher and I am blessed I can make people enjoy this sport.

Tell us what is Galatas Campaign 6:10 about... I had to have something in the oar so I could paddle, therefore after many sleepless nights this campaing arose. It started with my friends from ‘’La Bola de nieve’’ church and the family who is charge of buying prosthesis which cost a lot of money, so we made stickers and T-shirts to pay them. This has become vey serious!! Famous artist anf well-known athletes like Anderson Silva, ‘’The Spider’’ and many others have helped us. This business is still functioning nowadays!!!

We believe your family and your beloved ones are the pillar of your life... My family is everything to me. They are always there for me. They taught me it was worth to keep on fighting, without any of them by my side it would not have been the same... Have you considered new adventures or plans for the SUP? My dream is to compete in Molokai to Oahu.

Thanks to... I thank God for giving me the chance to surf, SUP again and practise the sport I love. I thank my family for all the support they have given me. I also thank Mistral for believing me and being part of this dream. Thank you to ‘’La Bola de Bieve’’ church for being by my side and thank you to everyone who was there for me. God bless you all. Aloha!!!

10 Smiles Argazki Mahatu

When Nico wrote us to tell us about fascicle number 10 of Up Suping magazine, we decided to make something especial and so I selected 10 smiles:each of them represents every number of the magazine. The excitement, the timem the love and the hard work done by the captain of the ship: Nico and everyone who makes this possible. Fortunately for me it is a pleasure to be part of this project and to share my look with anyone who is behind the screen.

SUP INJURIES Pablo Codesido

Pablo Codesido. ISA. Ibiza SUP. Pro Training Cantabria

¨Is it good to practise Sup with a lumbar spine??¨ It may be one of the most common questions in the SUP world, especially for a beginner. Many people who do not much about this sport tend to ask this question as soon as they start practising it and see themselves in the possition they paddle which provokes a backache. ‘’This must be painful foy my back, am I right?’’ they ask. We will be focussing on the lumbar part of the back which is the concerning area. But we have to be aware this kind of pain is not only exceptional of the practise of SUP, it also has to do with other sports. This means that this part of our body is quite sensitive to trauma, heavy loads and repetitive movements. The lumbar area is a bridge between the legs and the main body. We tend to carry things we hold with our vertebrae, our pelvis and our lower members. Sup is not an exception. The lumbar area of the spine has 5 vertebrae. Those we join to the ribs are called dorsals or thoracic. The lumbar vertebrae are the biggest and end up joining to the pelbis by the sacrum bone. Have a look at the pictures:


Lumbar region

Basic lumbar anatomy

The vertebrae have a square structure. In the middle of two spine bones there is an inner disk and bones extension called apophysis. At this point I must say that the disk is a very important part which normally is given relevance. It is quite common that when someone has a lumbar problem is disgnosed with a protrusion or spinal disc herniation ( it will be discuss in other Up Suping fascicles). You will find there all the solutions to the pain. But many other structures and movement might provoke this pain, there many ligaments, muscles, sinewy bonds, little nervous fibers...etc. And especially there are certain articulations that join the vertebrae through the back area which are called ‘’facetarias’’ (picture number 2) and might provoke an intense and uncomfortable pain that takes a while to desappear.

Left: normal. Right: disc injury and art.facetaria. The hole narrows

And the thing is that is quite common... if we overload these areas, the disc as well as the articulations, we would end up wearing them away causing a disc injury or osteoarthritis. The truth about the sciatic nerve is an injury of a nervous root that comes out from the holes between the vertebrae. It can be a consequence of the dic or the hole that becomes ‘’narrower’’. All this process is provoked by the osteeoarthritis and inflammatory process.

All the spine bones work as a team but they also work with other part of the body. If a muscle does not work properly or a ligament is damaged we can ‘’unbalanced’’ the function of our spine as a whole. But what we really want to know is how this sport does affect our lumbar bones. Our lower part of the back is not straight. It has a small bend to the front called ‘’lordosis’’ and it end as we have mentoned before in the pelvis. The last one is the key point here and one of the most complex part of the human boday. Its nclination and its injury can determine a lumbar pain too as we will explain later. This is because its position and its mantenance of the lumbar ‘’lordosis’’ (it does not bend that much) are fundamental in order not to overload the lumbar area once we are paddleling. If we do it in the correct way, our ‘’back strenght’’ most likely would expand equally to lumbar bones, hips, pelvis and legs freeing the lumbar curve. The bending of the knee might also help us to spread the load correctly.


When we paddle standing our bodes generate certain stress point in the lumbar area that are determined by a certan paddle technique. I will try to explain myself. It is common knowledge tahat once we are paddleling we need to bend our trunk forward and expand our arms when the oar is coming inot the water. There happened a series of strenght points that connect with our lumbar bones as a support platform expanding the strenght we need ti impulse ourselves. The more we bend the more impulse we will get in our paddle gainig in strenght and overload. Besides our hips have influence on the strenght we generate and try to turn the pelivis so our legs help us to produce more strenght to paddle.

Proper position

The spine works at different levels, that is to say we do not just bend towards but also to the sides and turn using our articulations. It is rider knowledge that many of them have tried to cut their oar to gain power and a more frequent paddle, what can me translated into a greater inclination and an a greater overload if you do not use the adequate technique. I shorter oar provokes more lumbar overload while a large one overloads shoulders and superior parts of the body. And here it is one of the first tips to not suffer from bkacache. A comfortable technique where you can handle a neutrl position of the lumbar ‘’lordosis’’ and an adequate pelvic bending. I recommend you an articlewhich explanation will tell us more accurately about it and it will each you some excercises to improve on it.

Many professionals have had many lumbar problems but they were able to solve them

The SUP is practised on an unsteady surface which requires all the muscles we have to move. It is important then you have your muscles ready and tone up on order not to lose balance. Here you have some tips to avoid lumbar injuries: 1º. The muscles are basic for own articulatory protection. There is anything worse for a trauma patient than the muscle atrophy. 2º. The ‘’core’’ lumbar exercises are fundamental tips to obtain a better protection for the lumbars. That way they are not the only ones which work in the transfer of our body/water weight when we are paddleling. 3º. The flexibility is another tip that will give us protection. Muscles are as important as the pelvic and lumbar area. They need rest and enough tonicity.

generates in

4º. Resting will help to recover those areas that have suffered little traumas because of overloading. For instance a ‘’isquiotibial’’ muscle contraction might generate a pelvic tilt and alter the ‘’lordosis’’ lumbar, which is painfull. 5º. Everything is connected. In that sense the estimulation of the brain functions that coordinate our movements and the body balance will make us go faster or descent a great wave. These tips are essentials.

Right elements is critical to our body

Until now we have been explaining how and why a back (lumbar) ache can generated especialy practising Sup, and how we can avoid it. Everything seems to lead us that SUP is not good for our backs. I would rather say quite the contrary in my opinion. Let me explain myself. We have said that the most important thing in order to not cause any lumbar pain in our back is to protect the articulations between vertebrae. We can do it if we improve pur muscles (strenght and tonicity), our balance and coordination (nervous-perceptive system). All of it becomes possible without a repetitive articular impact like we might undergo in activities such as running, football or basket...How can I get it then? There are different ways but I just come up with the perfect one: SUP. 125

Healthy SUP

The balance is fundamental in life and in SUP. If you practise SUP in a rational and progressive way your back will be thank full to you its whole life. I should focus on the water conditions, the stuff you are using, the technique, the type of oar, the training you follow and on relaxing. If you are becoming a ‘’SUP pro’’ who will surf tougher km along the way without depending on the climate conditions or you want to overcome the biggest wave on earth, then you should follow all we have mentioned before but even more closely. That is not all, you should also now you will might undergo serious injuries. That is what normally happends an athlete who tries to overtake the limit. Do not forget about visiting your doctor in the case you suffer from a backache. If we can learn something from it is that that pain let you know that something is going wrong. This pain does not tend to be serious in most of the cases, but there exist certain dangerous symthoms (‘’red flags’’) that you doctor would diagnose.Please, don’t let it go. And remember practising a sport thinking things twice will be good for your back, especially in SUP.



Constituci贸n 2. 39600. Malia帽o. Cantabria 942 765 181 . 620 712 186

patagonia patagonia patagonia patagonia If there is anything that makes Up Suping what it is, is the photographs we offer to our readers. And before especial Number 10 fascicle ends (we are pretty sure you will enjoy more than once), we wish to show you some images from one of the most amazing places on the planet. We already know the Stand Up Paddle is quicly growing up, as a cake in the oven. That much that it has conquered the Patagonia Argentina. Enjoy these pictures sent by the people from Patagonia SUP. We will offer you more information about this paradise very soon...

Up Suping Paola Gallego

Paola Gallego. Julian Donatelli


Paola Gallego

Julian Donatelli

Julian Donatelli

Paola Gallego

Paola Gallego

Paola Gallego

Paola Gallego

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