Up#23 english version

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# 23

Stand Up Paddle magazine



DIRECTOR Nicolás Arnedo info@upsuping.com



DISIGN AND LAYOUT Nicolás Arnedo info@upsuping.com

TEXT AND COLLABORATORS Majo Pellicer, Pablo Codesido, Nicolás Fayol, Yago Rodriguez, Guillermo Carracedo, Gerován Abreu, J. Montaldo, Manuel Toral, Soller to Soller, Fsurf.cat, Txema Landa, Second Reef, Corinth Canal SUP Crossing, Rochy y Joaco, Ingrid Ulrich, Up Suping.

PHOTOS James Panter, Argazki Mahatu,Desde el Mar, Albert Laborda, Manuel Toral, Georgia Schofield, Crono4, World SUP Festival Costa Blanca, A. Rosuo, Mayola Dijksman, Benny Jansen, Francesca Willbrand, Kerim Ertekin, Mello Boer, Flamboair, Daniel Cruz, Fábio López, L. Diniz, Eli Thor, D. Soreira, Ana García, Mº José Salazar, Rochi y Joaco, Soller to Soller, ICF, Txema Landa, Kindaka, Ici Torrevieja, Manolin Aguilar, Up Suping.

PHOTO COVER - BACK COVER Desde el Mar. Rider COVER: Borja Ibiza Colaboración: If you are interested in collaborating with Up, you can send us your proposals to this address: info@upsuping.com

Reproduction in whole and in part of the texts, photographs and drawings published in this issue is strictly prohibited unless expressly agreed with the publishers. Supp Suping is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the collaborators or texts or photographs that reach our hands without being sued.

You can see all our magazines in: www.upsuping.com

Up Suping




Up Suping


8’5 x 28” x 4“ 9’ x 29” x 4”


9’8 x 36” x 6”


10’ X 30” X 4”


10’8 x 32” x 5”


10’5 x 34” x 5”

TOURING 11’6 x 31” x 6”

EXPLORER 14’ x 28” x 6”


12’6 x 28” x 6” 14’ x 26” x 6”

SIDECAR 16’ x 32” x 6”



14’ X 58” X 8” 18’ X 59” X 8”

Edito We are going to miss so many hours of light that summer has given us in the old continent. Now it’s up to our followers from the other hemisphere...to take advantage! We always long for the mag-ical moments we are leaving behind, but we must prepare to make a place in our minds and time because new adventures will come. I know, with something more cold in the air and in the water. But that we will fight with that worm that characterizes us for taking a paddle and going out to pad-dling until the adrenaline is expanded by our body...and then we have fulfilled our need...

We want to bring you the heat that comes from this number of Up Suping with a very varied con-tent. A lot, just enough to be read calmly and with patience. Travel with your imagination to the different places in the world where Up#23 has arrived, with its different passengers telling great expe-riences and SUP fans feeling the passion to compete....Welcome to Up#23!


Contents 14 Somo SUP Surf 26 Afrodita Ruso 42 Imsersup 60 Miquel NON-stop 68 Luiz Diniz 72 Islandia SUP Trip 78 Material 90 Diego Soreira 98 Around Mallorca 110 Gloria Torrijos 120 Downwinds Portugal 128 8ยบ Corinth Canal 132 SUP Injuries 134 Esteros del Iberรก

No limits...

SUP MARATHON Manolin Aguilar



Up Suping

Albert Laborda. Desde el Mar. James Panter



Benoit Carpentier and Iballa Ruano are the champions of a new edition of the Somo SUP Surf Championship A.Laborda

A.Laborda Desde el Mar

The beach of Somo again gathered a large number of riders and fans of the Stand Up Paddle from several countries in Europe, being a valid test of the SUP Surf Circuit of the Fesurf and the second stage of SUP Foil of the SUP Wave Lague, being the first official test of this modality in Spain. The day of Saturday was intense, with a practically summery weather and excellent waves of more than 3-4 feet with offshore wind. The first heats to be played were those of SUP Surf Men Division, and from the first waves, we found that the level of competitors has risen a lot compared to other years. The young andalusians showed off against the most veteran in this modality, where the french also offered a great show with radical maneuvers.

J. Panter

J. Panter

Desde el Mar

After hours of great action in the water, we saw a great final where the frenchman Benoit Carpentier became the champion performing a very powerful surfing, with a wave of 10 points to the wonder of the entire audience. The cantabrian Oscar Ruiz was the sub-champion, repeating a great result on the beach of Somo, ahead of his compatriot and young promise Juan de los Reyes. The frenchman Camile Bouyer would get the 4th position.



A. Laborda

A. Laborda

Desde el Mar

The girls of SUP Surf also offered us a great final, with the european champion Iballa Ruano revalidating title with her wonderful surfing to which she has accustomed us. Alazne Aurrekoetxea would take the title of sub-champion ahead of the Beatriz Piñal, Ana Donis and Alejandra Serrera. Congrats to all of them for their effort and dedication with of the powerful waves of the Somo beach. The level of the SUP Surf Junior category has been very high in this edition, where the andalusians almost completely dominated this category. Juan de los Reyes was the champion, showing a more defined and daring style than in previous occasions. Fernando Pérez and Antonio Morillo, arrived from the Caños de Meca and got a great 2nd and 3rd place for their club Cangrejo Moro club. The french Antonin Salaverria finished in 4th position.

Desde el Mar

J. Panter

The novelty this year has been SUP Foil, a modality that is being practiced all over the world and with several fans in Spain and the rest of Europe. With the support of the SUP Wave League of Hossegor in France, it was possible to see in Somo the 2nd European test of SUP Foil. The french showed their quality and dominance over the waves, where Benoit Carpentier was the champion ahead of Camille Bouyer, who did the same in the Hossegor edition. Olwen Guascone from Cรกdiz, got the 3rd position ahead of Julien Bouyer. Undoubtedly, many riders of this modality have enjoyed the competitors and fans, exchanging opinions and expecting the next year to increase the level of participation.

J. Panter

A. Laborda

J. Panter

Desde el Mar

A. Laborda

J. Panter

A. Laborda

Desde el Mar

Desde el Mar

The classic style did not miss the category of Long SUP. Pierre Carpentier delighted all the attendees with his style and achieving the first place. William Doering would take the second position from Catalunya in front of the canarian Felix Palmero. The spanish Iván ¨Pana¨ Fernández would get the fourth position and Andrés Vigueras the fifth respectively.

And we didn´t miss the excitement with the competitors of SUP Wave Racing, where they had to surf the waves with boards of more than 12 feet; the second edition that is made in Cantabria and unique in the world...that we know. The waves during in this category were also forceful, where the Jurgi Zulaika showed all his potential getting to be the champion in his last wave surfed. The national promise Manuel Hoyuela would get the second position performing very good maneuvers, ahead of the Paulino Cayón and the argentinean Nicolás Arnedo ending in fourth position.

Desde el Mar

A. Laborda

Desde el Mar

A. Laborda

A. Laborda

Desde el Mar


To end this great day of Stand Up Paddle and its different modalities, awards were given by the organization for the different categories, and special prizes for the youngest competitor and the Fair Play. Also, the SUP surfing coach of Fesurf, Oscar Ruiz, gave special prizes to Pedro Gutierrez (Cantabrian Surf Federation), David GarcĂ­a (Cantabrian Surf School) and Iballa Ruano (SUP Surfing European Champion and World Champion of Surfing) for its contributions to Winsurf, SUP at a regional, national and international level. Thanks to all the sponsors and collaborators: RibamontĂĄn al Mar, Cantabrian Surf School, Cantabrian Surf Federation, SUP Wave League, Rollstick and Up Suping.



SUP11 City. A. Laborda. Crono 4. World SUP Festival Costa Blanca. A. Ruso

What motivated you to practice Stand Up Paddle, and in your case to practice the race modality? My life has always been linked to the sea, I grew up on the beach at the windsurfing schools of my parents in Santa Pola. Due to circumstances, the sea and the sport took a back seat in my life, until 5 years ago I met Andy MuĂąoz, my current personal trainer. He made me see the benefits of sport for my health and rehabilitated me of different injuries. I started with fitness and swimming. It was then, 3 years ago, when I discovered the Stand Up Paddle thanks to Parres Watersports,

with crossings on Sundays like a training, and my first competition arrived in a few months, a test of the SUP Race Mediterranean Circuit organized by the club in Santa Pola. I participated in the Amateur category obtaining good results. This and the motivation of Daniel Parres made the SUP and the competitions become my lifestyle. Although I can not attend all the competitions, this makes me set an annual goal and train hard for it. 26

How do you see your evolution? These last years in contact with sport and SUP, have really changed my life. Psychologically, physically and socially. I am an Afro much stronger and not only physically, saf-er, with clear ideas, at peace with myself and ambitious to continue learning, improving and evolving.

¨Although I can not attend all the competitions that I would like for my work and family life, this makes me put an annual goal and train hard for it¨

What do you feel when we talk about “Parres Water Sport” or what comes to your mind? Parres Watersports is my “home”, my cave. We are a great team of all ages with Daniel Parres at the helm. We are all very close, each with its objectives or priorities or its approach to this sport...but all with the same passion and love for nature, the sea...Being part of Parres Watersports and this sport unites and we are a great family. 27

Well, we have seen that you have been in one of the hardest events that exist: the SUP11 City Tour. How was the experience?...Any curious anecdote? Ufff! 220km. in 5 days! One of the best experiences of my life, it will be unforgettable. It has been a very tough test and demanding, but at the same time very emotional and rewarding. Here you give everything, in every stroke, in every km, 5 days, all year working for this with Daniel Parres and Andy Muñoz. Everything that goes through your head paddling, your thoughts can not down, you get to know yourself and how to act before limits or fears that you can create yourself.

Already the second day I knew where I had to go and that I did not have to leave the train and every day I felt more secure and strong. The last 3 days were very intense, already on my site, on the train with the “pink ladies” Tania, Ella, Aukje and Krista, surprised to be able to keep that rhythm for so many kilometers...and I was excited when I was leading the train and saw that at that time I was fourth with Petronela, Yuka and Seychelle in front.

Everything you have done focus on this event, and days before you are afraid. Fear that once there disappeared...and surprising me. Everything was going better than I thought and every day to my surprise I felt more secure and stronger.

In the 12km. time trial, without drafting I found myself strong and came in 5th posi-tion, this made me even more motivated to continue.

It has been crucial the company there of my coach Andy Muñoz, apart from being waiting for me at each rest point with everything prepared, warmup, stretching, psychological preparation, feeding, timing of the test...(I only bothered to paddling), my head was the most important and he was at the finish waiting for me. The first day I started bad. At km 18 began an unbearable pain of my “neurones of morton” but I thought that I could not stop, at the break of 15 ‘I stopped 18’ with massages on my feet. This day I could not get hooked on the girls’ train, because I did not know very well who carried my pace and I was wrong, I almost did the 43.3km without drafting. Even so, I finished well of time and euphoric.

There are moments and unforgettable images, such as the closed turns in drafting through channels that you only saw the girls paddling, water and reeds bent by the wind or suddenly an impossible upwind that leaves us all stops rowing and decide to overtake with all my strengths and get the girls out of there.

Conard, the father of James Van Drunen with his rice prepared for his son and me, his care. Miguel Martorell and his advice as Bruno and Daniel Hasulyo and Miquel Roig on the phone. The organization that makes this great event a family stay. The laughs with Yuka Sato who called me “socks” because you have not noticed but I’ve done the SUP 11 City in socks (laughs) and the support of all the people who have followed me who I really felt their strength paddling. The last day was hard, 27km. time trial. with a strong upwind. I could not contain my self and when I saw that there were 10km. to finish, I started crying for what I had achieved and for what this meant for me before my time. Passing that goal line is in-describable, it’s a very strong feeling that I will not forget. 29

You will have trained a lot to be in this event. We assume that Dani Parres will have put you strong Daniel Parres makes us all strong (laughs). We follow a specific program for each of the team members. In my case, it has worked. Not only with force but with my head (it has to take away enough fears) and technique. We have been working all year for the SUP11 City Tour challenge and training with Parres Watersports and Movement Sport all focused on this. We have achieved it and with better results than I expected.

Afro, we know that you went through an injury and that it was a tough stage. Tell us about this... I injured training at the beginning of a season when I was stronger. A bad fall in a wave, I broke the external and internal tibial plateau, hyperextension in the ligaments, menisci... It was hard months of recovery, while my teammates trained at the Parres Watersports gym, I did my rehabilitation duties with them, I paddled in the technique pool with a paddle prepared by Dani Parres and I also took him to my bathtub home. I spent months paddling standing in the pool with the mirrors and as soon as I was able to get into the water, I started competing although I was not ready, but this made me see my evolution. I can say that the SUP has rehabilitated my injury to the point of regenerating the me-niscus, which I find incredible. Dani Parres and Andy Muùoz have put my legs strong, now it’s time to get rid of that fear.

How do you combine sport with work and family?

I have a 6 year old son who lives the sport enthusiastically with me, he often accompa-nies me to training. It’s the secret, I upload it in my NSP Ninja and then in the competi-tions I go lighter (laughs). I work part time and I have enough time to train, I try to go to the water 5 days a week when my son is in school, the weeks that I work in the morning normally my son accompanies me in the afternoon to the gym. We only go if he feels like it, this is not an obligation and accompanies me with pleasure. He also comes to many competitions, he encourages me and if I do not stay first, he does not agree.

What do you think of the female SUP? Do you see any discrimination or inequality? I think it is an equal sport for men and women and for all ages, you can also practice it in different ways, both to just crossing and disconnect, take a bath and have a nice time, do some sport or complement your training, waves, resistance, competition... In my case and my environment, there is no case ofinequality or

differences, although in international competitions there are differences and they have not even allowed women to compete. This saddens me and it infuriates me because it seems unfair to me because it costs us the same thing to get there and everything that entails.

¨ I see that this sport is dominated in large part by women, although in SUP race men predominate, lately the feminine sector is growing ¨

What are your purposes this year and how do you see yourself in a short time? I have to combine work holidays with my annual goal, it’s a bit complicated because I have to decide at the beginning of the year and the dates of competitions are usually not clear. I have not decided yet, but after the experience in the Netherlands I will probably repeat or something related to resistance and of course, the Mediterranean SUP Race Circuit which for the moment this year I am dominating the elite category 14 “. I hope to continue learning and evolving in this sport and with the same passion and to be able to master other modalities such as downwind, SUP waves, etc‌

We have been able to observe that you are going with NSP boards. Which would you recommend to a person who is starting out in the world of SUP race? For a person who starts in the SUP race, I would recommend the Puma, it is a board suitable for all conditions, versatile and very stable. Soon we will start to see the new Carolina, designed for all types of conditions: beach race, downwinds, flat water, waves...it can be interesting. 32

About SUP...¿What do you like most? What I like most about the SUP...that moment of inner peace and freedom when you are training, the sea, your board and you, you get to disconnect and at the same time connect with yourself. SUP helps you physically and psychologically, and then the envi-ronment that surrounds you, the circle of people that enters your life with your same passion. Thanks to... Thank my family and friends who accompany me on my adventure. To Parres Watersports for being my home and Daniel Parres for sharing his wisdom and way of life. A Movement Sport, Andy Muñoz for believing in me and changing my life. To NSP for having me and for those amazing boardsTo all the people who have followed me and supported me in my Holland adventure that really got me their strength.

COLECCIÓN 2018/19 . LICRAS TÉCNICAS ADAPTADAS PARA EL PADDLES SURF (transpirables, secado rápido, costuras adaptadas especialmente para remar, protección 50 UPF. FABRICACIÓN 100% ESPAÑA)







One afternoon, the one we always need to disconnect of busy workday, or simply the need to break the routine and come home at night with another body. Luckily, I achieved that goal...and with a different story where several generations of SUP were the protagonists. The town of Suances was my destination, where the waves of its beaches offer great spectacle to any spectator and photographer who approaches the territory “Nin”. Los Locos beach has great potential to capture great images: beautiful waves, cliffs and in the water many of the best surfers in the region. But first, I had to look at La Concha beach. I found wonderful waves and many “SUPers” enjoying that wonderful afternoon. So I decided to prepare the equipment and take a session with them ... As many of you know, it is common to see Stand Up Paddle riders on the waters of this beach; riding its waves and/or crossing from this point to the Los Conejos island or the San Martín estuary. It is an ideal environment, with many SUP and Surf schools like those of our friends from Totora and ADN Aventura, and spectacular accommodations and gastronomy. For many years it housed the great Wolder SUP Race, being last year’s edition of the SUP Race Championship of Spain and where the good feeling is assured in the water.

Well, after telling this paragraph, once I reached where all the “supers”, settled down and started shooting with my camera again and again. The waves reached 3 feet high and with a shy sun that did not want to appear at all. Of course, I found the usual locals of this spot, such as Américo Correa, Paulino Cayón and Manuel Hoyuela among others. But as the session went on, I realized how special the environment was between them all. Smiles and faces of enjoyment with different boards of SUP Race and SUP Surf, and especially with SUP lovers of different ages and qualities. Several generations were present in the waters of La Concha, starting from ¨retired¨ Paulino to the pupils of the ADN SUP school of Suances. Each one showing his style, respecting each other and encouraging each other.

CURSOS DE SURF Y SUP Especializados enclases surf para niĂąos y adultos, Stand up paddle y en alquiler de material de SUP y surf

629 070 644 Suances . Cantabria www.totorasurfschool.com totoraescueladesurf


As it is very exciting to portray these intrepid on the waves, so is it during the moments of calm waiting for more waves, where the talks take place or the simple fact of relaxing and connecting with the environment. But this does not last long, since, at the slightest chance that a wave lends itself to be surfed, they do not hesitate to padling and go for it. If it is amazing to see the little ones catch waves with their monitors and friends, imagine the power to see the champion Tino Aja in action. Always with a smile. Power and adrenaline run through her veins, and the size of the wave does not matter. At the end of the day, a wonderful magnetization between people is generated and the results can never be bad....It´s a session that you never want to end. 38

As soon as I got out of the water, I could not wait to get home and see the pictures. I hope the images of this session reflect my feelings during that afternoon at La Concha beach, with a few great friends, describing the SUP, all its ages and conditions. The autumn swells are already arriving and the “nin’s” begin to sharpen their paddles...and I hope to find another wonderful afternoon again.

For the new generation to exist, there was another one that started to develop SUP in our country a long time

ago (well, not so much ...) Also, over the years, these fans were adopting more people of their same generation; continuing his journey in all modalities of this sport until today. The vast majority of all of them, passing the 50 years of age, are giving more fight than ever in the water...and without a doubt the Stand Up Paddle has improved their lives. They are:


Up Suping

Dear and hated, remembered and forgotten, grumblers and animators. Whatever they may be, for us they belong to the guild of ¨ImserSUP¨. Some say they retire but come back stronger. Without them, the new “supers” would not have that extra motivation to give another extra energy in each paddling. They are teachers, parents, friends...and above all, very respected although some border on madness ...Anyway, as soon as this group of people

learned that Up Suping wanted to ask them questions, some of them with a hint of humor, they came very high. Did not hesitate to col-laborate with us. Surely we forget some, we apologize. Possibly we do the second part of ¨ImserSUP¨ since you are many and noisy. We have created a series of icons to make the reading of the article more pleasant, and not to repeat the questions continuously

We hope and wish you like it. We better, because when an ¨ImserSUP¨ gets angry...problems (laughs)

How did you meet the SUP? Do you combine SUP with other sports? What part of your body takes longer to recover? How do you feel when another rider younger than you it´s faster? What was the best time of your life on the board? Are you a fan of medicines? What is your drink and food chosen after a competition or a simple walk? What do you like most about this sport and what scares you the most? Are you going to keep paddling when your retirement comes?

The first time I got on a SUP board, 3 years ago, I rented it at San Juan beach in Alicante and I did not stop falling...although now I’m still falling (laughs). Climbing, canyoning, caving, mountaineering, hiking, skiing and snowboarding. The lower back, something I must do wrong when I am paddling, that I always resent it. I am very polite and I´ll let him pass without a problem, giving him encouragement. And I try to look at his paddling technique to see if I learn something. When you catch a wave and reach the shore without falling, paddling in company contemplating a beautiful sunset or descend a river wishing to see the hidden landscape after the ALBERTO CISNEROS next curve. . to time, I can not deny... Some ibuprofen that another falls from time Always fall at least 1 beer without alcohol and some olives. And then, if it’s midday, a plate of paella or a grilled fish if it’s at night. What I like the most is that it is practiced in the sea, which is an open space that makes you dis-connect. What worries me most is to enter weather conditions that exceed my capacity, so I al-ways make a prior assessment before entering the water. I would love it, of course, I would.

In 2008 I saw a man on the beach of altea who was walking on the water with a long tail broom. When I could, I asked him: does this float in the river? Especially mountain and all whitewater sports The back, trapezius, and contractures that appear and disappear. What bothers me the most is when someone older than me advances me, then I pretend an injury (laughs).


There are so many, I remember when I made love with my partner on the board...it was fantastic

Some ibuprofen falls from time to time, I take half of one and the truth has magical effects Sharing a few beers with colleagues and food that I caught at that time, I do not follow a diet of sports, although lately, I get a lot of vegetables. And one is older and digestion costs. What I like the most is to find a river with crystal clear waters, with rapids of degree 3. And frighten me: the cold. I hope not, I will devote myself to dominoes and ¨petanca¨ with a magnet.

Three or four years ago, several friends surfed with SUP. I was curious, and we bought a Star-board board for my son and me. Then came more tables. Bike in winter, hiking, running, paddle and swimming in summer. I do not have recovery problems. When I travel long distances, nothing hurts. I try to be competitive and that does not happen to me, but I’m also realistic and my true “Champi-on League” is in myself.


In Cádiz surfing with friends and son with perfect conditions.

On rare occasions due to twisting, pulling, etc. Beer and sardines, fish salads, ribeye... I love the sea in all its varieties and sports, the sunset and the underwater world. I’m shocked by two meters of wave breaking badly and with a lot of wind. So, I do not go inside. Sure, while I can. The sea makes me happy and this sport is for me a dessert in life.

In one of my surfaris, in France, I watched as a French rider took a good big wave. Immediately this was open a fan of impossible waves until today for me. Surf mainly, but I also like the bike, paddles and walking among other things. The lower back something, I must do wrong when I row that I always resent it. I do not think about those things, just enjoy. While I’m in the water I win, I think he has a lot to pad-dling and more to prove.


When leaving a big barrel, this last winter.

No, what relieves me is beer. Beer and ribeye, there is no better combination. What I like most the sensations that he transmits to me. And what scares me is the contempt I sometimes feel towards this sport for part of the world of surfing. I am already thinking how to adapt a ¨tacataca¨ model to my board. As they say: youth is the only disease that heals over time.

When I came to France, from New Celedonia, 5 years ago there where so many people that I decide to try the SUP to catch outer banks waves….and I love it. Yes I still surf on short boards Probably the shoulders and elbows when I surf severals days on the row Harrrggg!it s still hard because my spirit is younger than my body hahaha I went back to new caledonia 3 years ago and I surf a perfect reef break around 6 to 8 foot


on a SUP...

No need to take medecine yet exept paracetamol. No special meal for me maybe pasta and dry fruit. I love the fact that by standing on the board you have a better reading of the ocean...and the force and pivot you have with the paddle while surfing….what s worried me is probably the fact that you cant surf every breaks on the planet some places are forbiden for SUP. Fore shure I will be ripping until the end…..

Through my friends, 9 years ago. Yes with bike, gym, running, and skiing. It depends on the intensity. I talk to him until he gets tired and I’ll go back to him (laughs). No, seriously, I let you through and I’m still calmer in my category.

Chris Moutsakos

When I finished the first time a long distance race as the winner

Not at all. If you can not do without these things, you have to train, in my opinion. Beer and a good piece of meat. People who share the same passion for this sport, you feel understood and as a great global family. Of course, until I can move, I will try to paddle.

I met him through Guillermo Peña, who collaborated with us in school and I started to have the SUP in school in 2007. Windsurfing, surfing, kite surfing, cycling and hiking, although among the five do not exceed 15% compared to the time I dedicate to the SUP. Normally legs and back parts of the shoulder but mostly by old injuries. (laughs)...If I were his age, he will find out what I am capable of... It is a sport that one of the things that I like the most is to share it and when I see the happy


face of the people I love. I could not say one, there are many.

No I usually take a health Sinthesis shake. What I like most is that you have a type of SUP for every moment and you have it at your finger-tips. What gives me more fear is that this wonderful sport is not treated well and has neither the life nor the progression it deserves. I hope so, although I dedicate myself to this and this will be until the end of the days (laughs).

At the end of a windsurfing session, a member of my club, Natació Barcelona, Borja Baso, pioneer of this sport. I think it was in 2012. Windsurfing, bike, ski, beach shovels. The back, the poor one takes years of wars. Well, I think about the times I’ve overtaken other younger riders. In fact, all are.


Maybe the final of Sprint in the Iberdrola Barcelona world race of 3 years ago next to my son and the first Beach Race of Port ginesta sharing podium with him. Also a couple of unexpected days of waves in Asturias.

I use the three depending on the situation and the stocks at hand. Jokes aside, very exceptionally. Beer without a doubt, food can be a good rice type paella or similar and chicken skewers with veg-etables Sincerely the waves sessions. When a session of Mediterranean waves they’re hard and closed. Somehow it has already reached me prematurely, precisely the kind of life I have now is what al-lows me to practice this sport, obviously I will keep rowing as long as the body allows me, I calcu-late about 15 more years.

I saw paddling for the first time in Mundaka. Some local bought a board, later the brother in law bought an All Round board. He left me for a few days. Obviously, I kept it... All my life I have practised surfing. I ride my bike and in winter snowboard. Shoulders. I accept it. It is the law of life. It happens to me with the son, he is 18 years old and he leaves me behind...


The best…? Buff...they have been so many!!, I could not decide…

I do not need it. When arriving from paddling I usually like a tonic to drink. To eat, something consistent, pasta or similar. I like the rides without wind, calm sea. Also the days of waves. I’m frightened by the foam ball that, even being quite out to sea, the’re ready to fall on top and crush ... I guess yes.

By Internet. Bike, kitesurfing, skating and gym in general. No doubt the legs. Rage, rage, anger, rage. When I won my first championship of Catalunya of paddle surfing.

FRANCESC CREIXELL Water and pasta What I like most is to be in the sea and what scares me most are the big waves. I will continue paddling until my body allows it.

On a trip to Tenerife looking for wind, I spent two days of drought on a board of SUP. I liked and in 2009 I introduced it in in Northwind. Well yes, I carry the waterman spirit in my veins: kitesurfing, windsurfing and starting with the foil. It depends if I do waves or race, the intensity and duration. Law of life. I am happy for him and I think: “hopefully at my age, you continue giving this well” (laughs). With every sport I have practised I have enjoyed a lot: wind, kite, surf, SUP surf, SUP race...


and now foil. I have many good moments saved in my mind.

Fan not, just out of necessity. I am addicted to REDBULL and his flavors. What satisfies me, but I’m not very demanding. With a beer with lemon and candies, it’s worth it. The feeling of freedom, of communion with the environment. And what scares me the most...the current people in charge of the FESURF. It is scary what they have done and are doing for this sport. It scares me and makes me angry. The future for me is short term, the future is tomorrow, 24 hours, so the jubiliation ask others (laughs).

Through my club Parreswatersports with Daniel Parres who was the one who cheered me up. I try to give myself a good session of kitesurfing when I can and judo, my sport since I was a child. I do not usually have problems of recovery before a serious training or race. A little bit of everything, if they are the puppies of my club, I am even proud of them, but I try to overtake many riders.


I could not tell you. Every time you enter the water it is different from the previous day. But my best moments are when I do downwind, I enjoy it to the fullest.

No. I do not usually use them. (Laughs)...I know where you are going. A bottle of good cava and more if it is to celebrate...I do not resist me. I enjoy this sport like no other, with my partner Nanna who always accompanies me and she also makes her first steps, with my daughter and being able to be with your friends in the water and then be with them and share the paddling. I’m scared by some downwinds. I prefer to row and enjoy this sport until the time comes, but I’m sure I’ll continue even if I went fish-ing from my board.

Through the club Kairoscore (Ane Zulaika). Swim, paddling and road bike. All body, more or less. I am glad that there are young people who challenge me, I try to be at the height so that they over-come to me. At the moment I have not found it. The worst if, in my second race in Mallorca, doing the


whole journey on my knees with the judges next.

Fan, no, but when I gave a lot of tute to the body and the next day we have to keep competing, eat a Doctril... A protein shake and some banana and the SUP ride when there is time: very important for cramps. Everything that is padling in the sea fascinates me, whether seated or standing. Hating nothing, respect the necessary when you play in a habitat that we are not used to. I hope, and then (laughs).

My daughter invited me to try it and I was hooked. Just to improve my fitness: running and pilates. The area of the neck and the pyramidal. I love young people, watch them paddling, learn from them. I only focus on myself, I have more than enough. The first time I finished the SUP11city.

MAGDA BARCELÓ No. I’m a nurse and I know the risks of abusing medications. Nor do I take supplements normally. Fruit of entry. After the usual food, rice, pasta, meat...whatever you touch that day. I like the feeling of floating on water. The waves must be respected. I have a little left! If the body holds, I will paddling until I can.

On the beach of La Concha. I went paddling to the lighthouse. I looked for someone who knew about this. They told me about Américo Correa...and until today. Cycling, a little gym and my two great secrets, Pilates and RURALFIT (laughs). The biggest problem of age is understanding that you need to be more rigorous with breaks than with workouts. Seeing young people go like motorcycles and being unattainable makes me happy because it means that the sport is growing correctly.


My best moments are the Fridays of winter catching waves with the race boards with this gang of crazy with which I train.

For me, if you need analgesics is that what you need is a psychologist. And I know many people who consider it necessary. After a competition a Complex Recovery of INFISPORT. After a simple walk...a few beers (laughs). The connection with nature. The sea resets me and focuses me. And what scares me most is to see how the federations fight to have the SUP, they deny us and they condemn us to this drift. The attitude of the FES with the SUP in Spain is very worst...I very pissing off this situation.. On the path of SUP you never learn, I always feel like I’m starting when I understand everything that I have left to learn. They will have to bury me with my paddles.

Jose Vallines showed me the SUP many years ago. I think about 5 years ago I met Braulio Salcines, who did not hesitate to offer me his time and knowledge...until today. Yes, with skiing, since injuries have kept me away from other sports. Elbows and shoulders. I shit on he and try to tear it down...(laughs). I delight with in her good work and I try to enjoy the moment.


The first and strongest, the first wave. And the second a crossing in the sea with conditions that never would have thought. Maturrangoooo!!

Unfortunately, I have it in the diet. Beer and I eat whatever is always in good company. What I like most is the feeling of being nothing in the middle of a violent sea and enjoying like a kid during the fray (laughs). I’m scared of storms. What retirement?

In Suances, to restlessness, and friends. Padel, aikido, sky, etc ... Shoulders without a doubt. I try to advance more to pass him.


I have many, many...always with good friends.

I see all kinds of narcotics (laughs). The typical of Suances: beer and tortilla. The landscapes fascinate me. See places from the other side. And the waves of more than 2 me-ters make me a little nervous. I hope so.

I came to live in the Mediterranean, I was looking for a sea sport and I thought it was the best. I did not even imagine how my life would change. No, but I do another type of exercise to complete SUP training. If on the way I surpassed someone, then I take a joy. But with getting to play with the sea, trying to paddle as best as possible and reach the final point. With this, I to be more than satisfied. I love young people, watch them row, learn from them. I only focus on myself, I have more than enough.


It was the first time I tried what would later be my first board, the RRD Zebra.

I do not use any of that. Well, I must admit that I come out of the water so thirsty that what better than I get is a cold, cold beer. Although sometimes I hold back and drink water. Food, nothing special. I like everything, a downwind with a lot of wind for example. It scares me to be consumed by the forces and not be able to row with energy Surely yes. I do not plan to leave the SUP, it is more, I try to integrate it into my life, to turn it almost into a lifestyle.

The F.ONE distributor in Spain showed me the SUP and gave me all the facilities to start. BTT, surf and surfski. The Legs. I have to train more and better. In SUP race with wind and wave conditions, and arrive before stronger riders.

TELMO IRIGOYEN Nooo... Beer Downwind and split the procarbon board in a shore. Of course, and I hope that stronger (laughs).

One day walking through the Barceloneta I saw people doing SUP. I started looking for where to do it and I met Marc Foraster (Sup Barcelona) and I went with a group on 9/1/2012. Yes, I am a teacher of Judo. The back side. I think I have to find more time to train.


In the Summer of 2015 when I participated in one of the stages of the Sup World Championship that took place in Barcelona and I was able to be with the best in the world.

No, not really... (Laughs)...a good piece of meat. As a good uruguayan can be a barbecue or steak. What I like the most is being able to go out with my friends and get some laughs while we paddle or surf. What scares me most is the unexpected changes in climate. Of course yes.

Up Suping

Mayola Dijksman. Benny Jansen. Francesca Willbrand. Kerim Ertekin. Mello Boer

Benny Jansen

Benny Jansen

Francesca Willbrand

Benny Jansen

Mayola Dijksman

Kerim Ertekin

Melo Boer

Mayola Dijksman

Benny Jansen

Mayola Dijksman

Benny Jansen

Francesca Willbrand

Mayola Dijksman

Benny Jansen

Kerim Ertekin

Francesca Willbrand

Francesca Willbrand

Benny Jansen

Mayola Dijksman





Mayola Dijksman. Benny. SUP11 City Tour

It is 10:30 in the morning of September 1 when the signal is given to begin my participation in the SUP 11 City Non-Stop; the race for me started three months earlier. Without knowing it, 2018 I had prepared some surprises in my competition calendar, and suddenly I saw myself padling an ultra distance race in France that had nothing planned, but the experience was very good and there began to develop the idea of paddling in Holland in September. The first thing that comes to mind when you think of paddling 200 km without stopping is that it is crazy and it really is, but it was a wonderful madness. I do not know Leeuwarden nor the region of Friesland, I only know that it is a maze of channels and that is where the race runs. Christian Moustakos was also unknown to me, but it was going to be very important in a couple of phases of my adventure. A friend in common put us in contact and the day before the race we were in the village.

Thanks to the great experience he has in the race he was able to give me a lot of advice and indicate conflicting points in which one could make a mistake in spite of signaling. The idea of losing me seemed terrifying and was present in my head from that moment. The Non-Stop version that was to run is a test with oneself and in whose regulation this will is explicit, drafting another athlete is prohibited. For it to be a more epic experience...I didn´t have caddy. Having a person who follows you, assists you and encourages you when you need it is vital, not having anyone involved having only four points along the route in which to have supplies. Knowing that hydration and nutrition are key to success in ultra distance racing, I prepared all the logistics to the millimeter: I had sealed bags marked with the numbers of the refreshments with the gels, bars and other products I would need during each stage, I filled bottles with isotonic to refuel the camelbacks, I prepared a backpack with spare and warm clothes, also “Fisiocrem” in case my muscles were loaded and “Betadine” and tape to treat the blisters that could come out in the hands. The organization would worry that in each of the stops I had my kit, and that’s what a swiss precision watch was like. In addition, the people of the staff present at each point were very kind and helped me in everything I needed, it was comforting to feel that human part that gives you the equipment and which lacked.

Before the first step, I already knew that the two teammates with whom I shared the starting line would be left behind quickly and that I would have to go alone (seconds before we confessed the rhythm that we had proposed to take to have guarantees of finishing the race) and as we began to paddle, I left them behind just in the city of Leeuwarden; until the first conflictive crossing in which my worst nightmare was about to happen, luckily the guys from the organization’s boat that guided us in the first stages of the adventure caught my attention and redirected me, you really had to be very attentive and concentrated not to get lost. At that moment Jelle Steenbeek reached me, the Dutchman who took the exit with me, although again, after a while, I lost sight of him. Paddling, paddling and paddling again, that’s how the miles went by one after another, the landscape was not as beautiful and exciting as I had been told. I gave him work to my head: I had to be uncompromising in drinking habits, eat and make a squeeze to raise the rhythm every so often, each in different times, in this way not only the kilometers accumulated, also the hours ran easily in my clock and my rhythm was not forgotten by mechanical action. At 12 noon, the two favorites started to take the test, Olivier Darrieumerlou and Niek Van der Linde (the latter won the last edition), that meant that the “wolf” was already running behind me...little pressure! Would it take a long time to chase me?

Sloten. I reached the end of the first stage with very good weather, had reached several runners who had started an hour and a half before me which I was pleasantly surprised because according to my calculations this did not have to happen until at least the second stage. For my peace of mind, the refreshment was perfect as planned and in a few minutes I would go back to the board to continue, after a few minutes my clock would emit an acoustic signal and the number 50 would appear, I had passed a quarter of the way. The handle of the paddle began to move slightly, so I decided to change it for the spare one. I thought it was a good idea because the pole is slightly longer which would also avoid overloading the back, however, by contrast, the paddle was something else great but I felt strong and did not fear that could harm me. Endless channels, boats that altered the waterline, “prey� that was charging and the sun every minute lower. The sunset was approaching, the orange light tinted the extensive vegetation that imprisoned the canals, the shadows of the bridges became hard, the water reflected the sky in an extraordinary way, that was pure poetry, and I felt comfortable with my paddle, strong, diligent, invincible... and so I stayed, plunged into joy until a car began to whistle and the driver moved his arm vehemently out the window. I had left the course a few kilometers back, I do not know how many, enough to curse each of the members of the organization of the competition and part of his family. The anger lasted me the time that it cost me to find someone to give him some screaming, even if they were in spanish and they did not understand me even a bit of what I was saying, and it is that I knew that it was better to get the rage outside, since I had many miles ahead and this is never a good travelling companion.

I was approaching the second stop, I was entering Workum and I loved seeing all those houses with their backyard, some with a little garden and their private jetty, with their little boat, always ready to go for a walk, it seemed that at any moment a neighbour would come to go for a walk. It was completely dark and the lights of the town blinded my eyes after having dilated pupils for a long time trying to guess what was ahead, I still did not have available the front light to illuminate the route. Luckily the indicative signs during the night were luminous and were seen to perfection, in addition, the moon shone with intensity still not being full. This stop was a bit longer than the first, the fall of the night was also felt by the significant drop in temperatures at 10ºC along with the strong humidity, so not only had to do the refuelling, I also had to change of clothes and wrap me to withstand the cold. At this stop, I had to start treating the blisters and throwing tape. Approximately 20 minutes, and I returned to the board, during that time some runners passed, but due to the dim light it was difficult to know who they were.

Another forty odd kilometres ahead to the next stop, all in the dark. Night confuses and more when the fog blinds you; thick fog that forced me to turn my head to the side every time I joined after paddling and focus on the edge of the river, was the only possibility to know that it was moving in the right direction. Sometimes, when I got too close to the edge of the channel, a duck or other similar animal splashed its wings, marching in a hurry, frightened by my silent presence in those sleepy channels. I overtook so many riders shortly after starting the stage, I could not see the faces, I did not know who they were, we had probably shared a few minutes during the previous refreshment. A “how are you?” To reach them and a “mood, to keep paddling” to say goodbye was the short conversation I had with each one, I had no more time. The night was more monotonous than the day, but I was still occupied with the duties that kept me fully attentive, that way I never felt sleepy and I kept awake without any problem. In addition, I had small lapses and a couple or three times I veered slightly from the path, nothing serious.

I spent many hours without seen other riders, but I was not alone, the moon was with me and for many moments I had it right next to my board reflected in the water. It made me feel good to see her. Third stop, Franeker. 17 hours, 128 kilometres approximately. Getting off the board is hard, and to activate the knees that have been practically immobile for so many hours. Slow movements to sit on a canal edge, I take a hot soup and after the usual ceremony, I move on. I’m completely lost, I do not know who I have ahead or behind, it makes me so strange that the two top competitors have not yet reached me, even with my efforts to increase the intensity every fifteen minutes for five minutes and thus not lose rhythm, the stockings had been falling little by little, it could not be that they were the same or slower than me. I would have loved it that way but I really knew it could not be. It was beginning to dawn, a wonderful show that lasted for hours. the water was a mirror that multiplied by two the beauty of the moment, the moon was no longer next to me, but there was my own shadow that accompanied me and also gave me strength, I felt it. In this penultimate stage until Dokkum had to pass a couple of small “dams” that forced you to get off the board and do a few meters on foot, in the second I could not resist more, confusion, disbelief, ignorance began to undermine my head, and I asked: “Who is in front of me? Who has already passed by here? You have Emma Reijmerink a few minutes and the two guys in the head, but they are far away, you can reach her, but not they, a girl from the organization told me.

I could imagine it, but even so, it seemed very mysterious and disturbing not to have seen the moment Olivier and Niek overtook me. Emma had left before me so it was normal not to have seen her. In any case, the flame ignited again and the engine began to roll with more force, to take a more vigorous rhythm, to increase the cadence and to raise the stockings. After a while, I saw a silhouette in the distance, without a doubt it was her. I rowed and paddled, I felt comfortable again with the paddling, I continued with the big spoon paddle, but I could with it...and I reached it, in broad daylight. Emma confirmed it to me: “They are far away, they have advanced me many hours ago, it was still night”. That meant I could not reach them, it meant that my current position was the third and that I could hardly improve. There were still more than forty kilometres to go. It was the first time I thought about the goal, I knew that this was not a good sign. Soon after my mind lost control and my body began to claim attention. My knees hurt deeply and my hands were swollen and sore, the little finger of my right hand was so swollen that the nail looked like it was going to jump at any moment. The feeling of impotence was huge because I did not feel tired, on the contrary, I still felt strong, the nutritional and hydration strategy had worked wonders, but I could not hold the paddle almost or transfer the force to the table with my legs. The GPS hardly reached 7 km/h, that meant that I still needed about 6 hours of effort. To make matters worse, the last twelve kilometres of the fourth stage is the first 12 of the last, therefore, from one moment to another I would find myself facing the French and the Dutch who marched in front of me. I tried to row everything I could to find them as close to Dokkum as possible, fourth and last stop.

I do not know at what moment it was when we crossed, we saw each other’s faces for the first time and I was discouraged not to see them tired, with a face of suffering like me; they went together and Diek looked at me, I remember his look of “and this one who is?” There were still a few kilometres to the refreshment station and the wind now it was blowing, and it did it face to face.

The last stop was as hard as a cement slab, I sat as I could in a chair, I did everything very slowly because my body was not enough for much more. I took off some clothes that I still wore at night and with the help of a man from the organization I got on the board again. I had ahead 27 kilometres ahead, the first 12 a real psychological war because it was way back where I would meet my persecutors and in a state of weakness, I did not want anything to find them. Also, that wind of annoying face to the going was a “no downwind”. In the clock the minutes did not pass, the kilometers did not add up, everything happened in slow motion, it was very frustrating. Apparently on Sundays in the morning of September, sunny and with good temperature, people go for a walk with their boats, ride their partner or their friends and while they drink and chat they sail so richly. At that moment I would have eliminated them from the face of the Earth with a snap of my fingers if I had had this capacity as a superhero, but no, on the contrary, I had to swallow the noise of the engine, the smoke that it gave off and keep me in balance with the waves they made. I did not have the strength to overtake them and leave them behind despite going to ridiculous 7 km/h. Eternal, it became eternal, even the arrival Leeuwarden seemed never to end, it looked like a parade of human spoils. Some kilometres before I had to change the oar and return to the small spoon, although the knob moved and forced me to tighten the paddle with more force so as not to lose control when doing the drive at that moment I needed an agile paddle. Finally, last turn, last bridge, a squat to pass it and there it was, the arrival line, by megaphone, he heard my name, people applauded, there was music and joy. He had achieved it, he had finished the race, and in third position! I was very happy, I could not believe that I was already, my body had a hard time not moving with the same pattern as the last almost 28 hours. Yes! was already. I got off the board, I left, they gave me the finisher medal, they did an interview for which I do not remember anything about what they asked me and again I met Christian who congratulated me for the feat. He had to leave because of physical problems, he was fine by then and dressed as a guardian angel, at that time I could not take it anymore, I had sat on the stretcher of the physio to give me a message and I had fallen rendered. He took care of everything: he went to find me the van that was parked at the other end of the city, I keep the material, tied the board on the top of the vehicle and invited me to eat a steak to recover. If it had not been for Christian’s help I would have been unable to do it on my own, he saved me, because my legs and hands were really destroyed and I could barely stand on my feet. Now, a few weeks after finishing, taking a perspective of the moment and without the adrenaline that intoxicated my brain, I think and analyze clearly the race, the wonderful madness that I lived and that such good memories will provide me forever. I’m not sure if I’ll do it again one day, but I enjoyed it I can assure you.

Luiz Diniz


Let’s meet the current ISA SUP Surfing World Champion, a young Brazilian who has already begun to offer a lot of quality in big international events Up Suping

Flamboair. Daniel Cruz. Fábio López. L. Diniz

Hello Luiz! Introduce yourself: where you live, what you do, etc … Hello I’m Luiz Diniz Sup professional surfer, in GuarujáSP Brazil. When did you start surfing waves with Stand Up Paddle? How were the first sensations? By the influence of Carmelo Seabra who helps me until today I started in 2015. The sense of challenge and something new that I leave cracked with the modality, then I began to dedicate myself and evolve and continue to evolve until today.

You are the current ISA SUP Surf World Champion. How were those days in Denmark with all the brazilian team and the rest of the competitors? Yes, it was great to be around and I can show a little of my work and interact with other athletes. We really like your style on the waves. Describe your evolution in this sport and what things you have had to work with more importance‌ I did a great work base in my amateur time with the traditional surfboard surf so I can migrate practically everything I learn over the years in the Ct Place in the Sun. Things that have to work hard was in the development of the surfboards because, the modality is in constant evolution and the boards have decreased well in order to achieve better performance in the waves What kind of waves are your favorites? That’s a difficult question. Because the only trip I made to Sup was to Denmark, I did not have any chance of experiencing point break or reef break, I only stayed at the beach breaks.



What is your quiver? How should your material be for surfing comfortably? I have planks from 6.3 to 6.9 choose according to sea conditions. How is the level of the riders in Brazil during the championships? Are there future promises while surfing the waves in any free session? Level in Brazil is very strong in the national circuit every battery seems a final so can not leave flaws. There are many other talents already emerging here in Brazil as Kauan Terra among others What are your favorite maneuvers? This is easy...no doubt the tubes, however I like to raise my limits in the progressive maneuvers then the aerial and a good surfing edge using the oar.


What world class wave would you like to surfing? That which you will later remember the rest of your life... I would like to know the islands of Mentawaii. This is my dream as a child to surf those waves. Will we see you in China defending the world title? I’m struggling to get my place and defend the title. Last question...What do you think when you are on the wave? The best feeling in the world the hour that is disconnected from everything and everyone just focus on surfing it in the best possible way.


WAVES IN ICELAND Yago Rodriguez. Guillermo Carracedo

Eli Thor

To begin to narrate our adventures it is necessary to tell how we came up with the idea of choosing this island near the Arctic as a surfing destination. After many trips to warm places, where we shared waves with other surfers with the same idea of destination that we decided to give a radical change and opt for a different place, not so seemingly desirous as a surfing destination for its cold weather conditions. We were not sure what we were going to find but we were sure that we would not see crowded surfing beaches like in other warm destinations. 72

Once decided the trip we began to look for the concrete place where to settle to be able to surf. For wave constancy, we say go to the southern region of Iceland. In spite of having located a spot where we knew we could opt for good sessions, we are sure that it would be necessary to do a lot of exploration to discover the infinity of waves that the island has, many of them never surfed. What we never got to imagine is that such exploration will take us so far, to such extraordinary landscapes and to live adventures that will always remain in our memory.

The day of the trip arrived, with our boards and some good wetsuit we headed to Iceland, leaving aside a warm galician summer day. After a couple of flights, we arrived at ReykjavĂ­k at dawn, where we rented a 4Ă—4 with the idea of being able to access certain waves. We received a cold and rainy night, and relatively little dark because despite being 2:00 am here the nights are brief and not very intense at this time of year.

The first day dawned without waves in the spot that we had control, and we dedicated ourselves to doing some sightseeing. The second day at dawn just as scarce of waves as the previous one, we decided to start with the search for waves, armed with our thick wetsuits, gloves, boots, and winter caps. And without doing many km. we arrived at a beach with good waves in which we shared a session with the first locals of the area we met...some curious seals.

After this good first day of surfing, the waves got better every day, and we were able to enjoy incredible sessions at the spot we had next to our guesthouse. The first session, the biggest one, we enjoyed completely alone. The second windless and much tidier session attracted the few local surfers on the island. Our way of being sociable made us make new friends in a few minutes.

Among there was a musician, Billy Otto, who invited us to a small concert in the capital. Among those waves we also met two well known surfing legends: the only professional surfer from Iceland, Heidar Logi, and the only professional surf photographer on the island, Elli Thor, protagonists of a famous surf movie called “under an arctic sky”. That I had seen hundreds of times and very popularly known in the area.

And suddenly the plan came up, the sea came down considerably for the next few days in the southern area where we were but there was a very powerful swell of about 5m that had been generated in a storm near the Arctic and that was going to pass by leaving good waves the fjords of the northwest of the island. Heidar and Thor intended to go for 3 days to these fjords to explore new waves never surfed, and they invited us to go with them. We do not hesitate to say yes to the adventure.

swells, which here, are typical of winter. The difference was that there in winter most of these fjords are completely inaccessible because of the snow. That’s why we had the idea to take advantage of this rare swell to explore these waves never surfed. The areas most exposed to the sea bottom and more protected from the winds were at the ends of these fjords, where there were no roads in many of them. That day as soon as we arrived, we went to the end of that fjord where we were, or at least we tried because as I said, the dirt road ended at the house of a nice man. Once there, our local friends asked him if we could get the car across the farm, and with his permission, we got in the car of Heidar and Thor because our rental car had already been a feat that arrived there intact, and they loansa me a 4×4 from Nissan.

After a pleasant private concert by our friend the musician that night, the next morning we set off for the northern fjords being guided by our friends. The trip we thought would last around 4 hours but it was quite long because a lot of the trip was gravel tracks. But after several hours of driving, we arrived in the afternoon at a small town lost in the middle of one of the fjords, where we look at a hotel for that night. The fjords are similar to our galician rias, and surfing in them is almost as difficult or more than surfing in the estuaries, you need great 74

After several kilometers of cross climbing rocks, we started to see the potential of this site, a lot of surfers with perfect waves that any surfer would dream of. But our desire to discover was enormous and we say go even further to the end of the fjord, so much that we had to get off and walk for a while. Finally one of them attracted our attention. We quickly changed and entered the water. The water was cooler than in the south but with the motivation of the moment, we did not care much. The wave was difficult to row but very funny. Thor, the photographer, went to work with his camera immortalizing all these moments, with the snowy fjords that we had in front and just above us. Once the session was finished, we returned to the town and we deserved a good rest.

But the next morning we were already, another fjord, although geographically it seemed close, it was actually 3 hours from where we were because we had to border each fjord along the coast along a small dirt road. As we approached the destination as the previous time the roads were getting worse until they disappeared.

This time we had to do quite a few kilometers per field before starting to see the first waves. It was right at the end of the fjord where we found the best wave we had seen so far, and although it was cold, the perfect waves, the surroundings, and the adventure itself left us with more motivation. He was a big right wave. Once changed with our thick neoprene suits we ran to the wave, while Thor looked for a good position to work magic with his camera. It must be said that the rocks at the entrance to most of the waves in Iceland are full of large algae, the rush to surf the wave involved several slips. It impacted the idea that the nearest town was more than three hours away by car, there was no one many miles away from us. The wave was a perfect right stone bottom and long, of considerable size, much more than me, and that began in a curious rock where we stood. The first waves were to adapt, but then we got used to it and we caught the point of that perfect wave that allowed us to do quite a few turns and stay on top of it for a long time. It was an incredible session, for the environment, for the people with whom we were lost in the middle of nowhere, and basically for the adventure of getting there.

We had to get out of the water soon as the tide went up and we were worried about our rental car without insurance, that we had left on a beach that once the tide increased was going to be covered. But we arrived on time, and crossing rivers, beaches and dirt roads we returned to the hotel, after one of the most spectacular adventures that we would have ever thought we were going to live.

To this last new wave that we had just discovered Heidar and Thor decided to call it in our honor, “the spanish right�, and we promised to surf it once again in our lives. Looking at the forecasts we decided that it was best to return to the south since the swell was going down there. And after repeating the long route we had made in the opposite direction, we reached the south where incredible waves awaited us in the spot that we had next to our guesthouse. We were more 3 hours surfing right glass and completely alone.


The following days we combined some tourism with surfing the waves that we had around. We surf good waves every day, even someday they were so good that we dared to surf at “night”, although there was never really night, there were few hours that lasted and darkness was relative. You could say that you were surfing at midnight with a light similar to what is here at 10 o’clock on a summer day.

After many waves surfing, making many new friends, seeing thousands of unique landscapes and living endless adventures that we will always remember, it was time to return home on my birthday and with a good thermal shock as the famous wave of heat that was being in Galicia. But the conclusion is that it was one of the best trips we have made, with a special magic, full of adventures and that, despite the cold, we would return again and again.

MATERIAL NAISH MALIKO 12´6 2019 www.b3proshop.com

A perfect option for riders of medium or advanced level, who want to participate in races of different modalities with a Stand Up Paddle board that helps them to give the best of themselves, both in the sprints and in the long distance, and especially when there are waves. The Maliko range is perfectly balanced, offering enough buoyancy to combat fatigue in long races and maintain aggressiveness at key moments such as buoy turns. This model has an efficient design, which provides a more permissive driving even with side wind or choppy. Its dihedral shape makes the water eject faster, allowing the nose to cut water faster and maintain stability.

NAISH HOVER 120 CROSSOVER FOILBOARD 2019 The Naish Hover 120 Crossover Foilboard 2019 is made for riders of any characteristic, so it is easy to start using the board for SUP foil. The Crossover also offers you the possibility of using it as a windsurf board or windfoil. Very complete! This table has been designed in collaboration with Kai Lenny, looking for a versatile model so that any ¨supers¨ who wants to start in the foil, manages the board efficiently in a short time. Its shape is short and wide, which gives it maneuverability and stability at the same time. The insert for foil allows to delay the mast of the system, as the rider feels more comfortable and experienced with the foil.

MATERIAL www.nspsurfboards.com


The new Carolina stands out in all conditions, be it an exit from the beach, sections with favorable wind, flat water, waves, against and lateral wind, etc. The design is based on the key characteristics of the Sonic, the brand’s downwind table, to which the rocker line has been lowered to improve its additional efficiency in flat water conditions. With a maximum performance in flat water, but with a certain degree of adaptation to downwind and adverse conditions, the Carolina is a winning option for 90% of the race conditions that the sea can offer you.


ONE PRO A delight in conditions of demanding waves, with strength and barrels. You will not find a faster and more reliable board.



14´ 14´’

22.25¨ 25.75¨



With the new KUNDAKA GUAM model we continue to improve and develop our range of SUP RACE boards. With the latest technology in materials (full carbon) and with the joint work of engineers and riders we have designed a new table for the most demanding riders. We found a new shape with which we have gained stability thanks to its redesigned helmet and its more efficient cover. This has allowed us to reduce his sleeve from 24’5 to 23 without losing stability. We have also taken care of the level of details and finishes improving decoration and handles. All this brings us to present the KUNDAKA GUAM, a multi purpose board, stable and fast.


DRY BAG | 15 LITERS Very resistant mat with cinch, 100% waterproof 15 liters, ready for everything you find on your way. With adjustable and removable strap, robust and simple. Made of Tarpaulin vinyl reinforced 500D, lightweight, 100% waterproof where it holds chafing and abrasions. Ideal for rafting, traveling, base camp, sailing, expeditions. Perfect for practicing sports nearby, in or underwater. The solution so that you do not get robbed on the beach.



14´ 14´´ 12´5¨ 12´5¨

24´5¨ 23´ 24´5¨ 23¨

MATERIAL www.spsurf.com

SPORT 10´2¨x 34´x 5¨ The SPORT is the board prepared to hold almost everything. Ultra stable, which will facilitate the delivery of SUP lessons, and the degree of satisfaction of the students with the activity. Ideal for: • Rider all levels up to 130 Kg • Schools, clubs, charters, events • For intensive use throughout the season • Length: 10’2 (310 cm) • Width: 34¨ (86 cm) • Thickness: 5¨ (12 cm)

• Volume: 120 Liters • Board weight: 9 Kg • Weight of the rider: up to 130Kg.

Puedes ver todos nuestros números en: www.upsuping.com


Up Suping



Up Suping

FANATIC STRIKE BOARD 2019 The spanish rider of Fanatic, Pablo Ania, left us his impressions after the first contact with this board: The truth is that when I saw that Fanatic removed the Strike model in 21.5 “it seemed quite risky. In 2018 I have been using the Strike 14’x24 “and I noticed that I had no spare sleeve. However, as soon as I saw it, I felt that it had to be much more stable than the measures reflect. The first day I went out to paddling with my brother, we both agree that despite being 21.5 “, it is very stable. The big difference with the previous model is that you have to adapt to go “boxed” in the bathtub, otherwise, it is a table that allows many errors. The first test in “your environment”, inside the port, no wind, and water like a mirror. In these conditions the board is perfect, takes a lot of inertia and does not need a great stroke rate to maintain a good speed, getting in addition to just deviate paddling only from one side. The turns, although you have to adapt by the step that has in the tail, are very easy because of the width of the stern. The next day I could try it in more difficult conditions. At first, despite not having a wind, we had a good sea bottom with a side wave for the first kilometers. There you can see how close it is, even so, no fall (despite saving a few) and good speed. When turning, doing about 3 km. with a wave in favor and without wind, the board flew, took the bumps very well and you feel increasingly confident and stable as you begin to understand how to board the board. Perhaps the section that sur-prised me the most was the return, side wave again and crosswind (fairly soft). In those conditions, when I thought that it would be more difficult, the board stayed very stable and above all, it main-tained the speed very well. I have not been able to try it more but I can say that it is a much more accessible board than it seems. In my opinion, whoever is using the 14’x24 “previously, can go with this without problems, although it needs a period of adaptation because it is very different. 82

STARBOARD PRO 2019 BOARD Starboard rider Marco Gribi tested the Pro 8’3 “x29” and commented that “the board accelerates much faster than the previous model, allowing you to start the turn sooner to face the wave and prepare the next move. Despite the increase in speed, the board remains controlled thanks to the bottom channel, which provides more grip and allows greater pressure on the tail. Although the table is shorter than the previous model and has lost a couple of liters with respect to it, it shows a similar stability. “ Ollie O’Reilly is one of the important men in the design of the Starboard boards, as well as a surfer of proven experience in waves around the world, from the United Kingdom, its place of origin, to Thailand, where works in the development of the boards of the Tiki brand. On the Pro 8’10 “x29” Ollie tells us that “it has a performance in water superior to the previous Pro of 9 ‘. The previous one was a bit short when linking turns, losing speed and reactivity in the lateral changes, while the new 8’10 “remains agile and fast, and it is easy to accelerate it by stomping the bottom to gain strength and speed. The volume reduction in the rails and the tail channels make it a fun and excit-ing board, my first day with it, surfee with a smile on the face until sunset. “ For the biggest of all, the Pro 8’10 “x29” XL, we have the opinion of Agung Surya Putra, a corpulent surfer who says that “the XL with the added volume in the bulk of the stance zone, is shown as a super stable board but without ceasing to be a wave board. It grabs the waves easily and is very agile and reactive in the bottom turn and to get on the lip. With more than 90 kgrs., this table allows me to save energy thanks to its stability so I can do long paddle surf sessions “. Although these are the three boards that, according to our criteria, best suit the needs of most riders, here is a complete comparison chart with the characteristics of all the measurements of the Starboard Pro range available in the 2019 season.


PADDLE SPS CARBON PRO WAVE 70 inch2 GEROVÁN ABREU It is a comfortable and effective paddle that guarantees a great rhythm of paddling thanks to its 70 inch2 blade. The matte finish of the pole provides a soft and nonslip touch that together with its soft pommel is very comfortable and takes care of your joints. Undoubtedly, a good option that im-proves acceleration when you attack the wave. JESÚS MONTALDO Although it surprises his shovel so small, has a very effective paddle even for heavy people like me (a thing that at the beginning was not very clear). It favors the cadence of paddling making it easier to give more paddings in less time, which facilitates two things: that you do not load your back as with larger paddles and improves the output of the water table. When you go with the board a bit sunk when you start to catch the waves, you suffer less fatigue. Surprisingly lightweight, which makes you almost feel it when you’re surfing, and the small size of the shovel is nailed to perfection in the wave in the Bottoms. The pole is comfortable to grip (a bit stiff for what I’m used to) and the eva covered knob does not slip at all. 84

STAND UP PADDLE around Picos de Europa


Manuel Ángle Toral Fernández

Greetings SUP friends. Since in the previous issue, of this publication, we were talking about the Villaviciosa estuary, today we are going to take a leap, and move to the south of the Picos de Eu-ropa to visit a magical site such as the Porma reservoir. In this chapter, both the “Ediciones Cordillera Cantábrica” publishing house and I gave in to the visual power of the sessions we were lucky enough to enjoy there, in the face of the possible desire to provide excessive information and that this guide is a...VISUAL GUIDE !! We must surrender to the evidence that the times we visit the area we enjoy almost perfect conditions, looking for the best moments the wish can be maximum in our paddling through this beautiful corner. I remember one day of an autumn, like the one we have right now, in which my partner Pablo Díaz and I slipped smoothly through the water like oil, enjoying the distant sounds of bellowing, as it is also an incredible area for this. For an intuition of mine (for something I’ve been photographing in nature for almost two decades and for something it has to serve me, more than for pains and laces...laughs) we put ourselves behind a small hill with the wind of face and after a minimum wait...¡zas! We were able to witness first hand, with total respect and without disturbing, the most typical deer behavior: the screaming (bellowing) of a male and the persecutions after a nearby female .. all thanks to the advantageous position they gave us our tables.

Moments that our sport facilitates us and that remain there recorded forever or as the back cover of my book says and I think it summarizes very well the spirit of it: “More than a guide, a gallery of unrepeatable moments, captured in high quality images�, I think it fits perfectly with what was said.

I will go to the point, highlighting as general and important information that it is a swamp not very large and that can penetrate in a day without problems, but as I always say the planning and intendencia is totally imprescidible since we are in an area with a certain height and, obviously, in the natural environment...with which all the planning and gathering of information must be followed to rajatable, for this need in the corresponding chapter of my publication “Stand Up Paddle Surfing around the Picos de Europa “, you will find everything you need for this planification.

The tranquility, the feeling of being wrapped in nature, the possibility of sighting wildlife, the option of visiting villages (depending on the height of the clear water), the sunrises, the sunsets, the nights, even the geology since it is an area tremendously interesting in this field. There are many reasons to encourage you to inform yourself and know this wonderful place.

A visual guide for the practice of SUP in different natural spaces around the Picos de Europa.

More than a guide, a gallery of unrepeatable moments, captured in high quality images.



In a short time the SUP entered his veins and now he is representing Argentina in this sport. Dedication, passion and fun. You can not ask for more. Up Suping

Diego Soreira

We would love to do this interview with ¨asado¨or with some ¨mates¨, or any-thing that your country offers us, but the distance separates us a little. Die-go...How about everything? How are you friend? The ¨asado¨ would be great or a lamb to the stake (laughs), maybe some time we can make one. Very happy in both the sporting and the personal! Doing what I like...every day I enjoy more in the water. 90

Congratulations for your confirmation by the ASA (Argentine Surf Association) to represent your country in the ISA World SUP & Paddleboard Championship in China. It will be something very important to you! Thank you! It really is something very important, I have always dreamed of represent-ing my country as an athlete, today after a long work I am one step away from achieving it. It was not easy, I take a lot of effort, dedication, and today I am beginning to pick up the harvest of the discipline.

Tell us how your beginnings were in the Stand Up Paddle Some 4 or 5 years ago...I actually saw it a few years ago in a tv program called Tourist Class. They showed an argentine living somewhere in the world and what they were doing; an argentine appeared in a program in Hawaii that practiced SUP. I saw it and I said...¨I want to do that¨! Being 8 hours from the sea I can´t surfing, but when I saw it, I said: “I can do it in the river! Nobody knew what it was. After two years they began to arrive the first boards to Argentina, contact with Lucas Correa, one of the pioneers of the sport here and a great reference that with the passage of time we became great friends. He brings the board to my city, we tried it and it started as a hobby...But as I always liked to train and compete, I started to see that in Argentina there were SUP races. Talking to Lucas, he tells me that he was going to represent Argentina in the SUP World Cup in Mexico, and that’s when I started to paddling more often. I did an instructor course to teach and we started making friends.

In one of the many talks we have we think of creating a cup that we call “Copa del Litoral”, which today is a success. The first stop was made in the city of Rosario, con-tinued in Paraná and ended in Corrientes, passing through 3 Argentine provinces and we started to expand SUP and that people knew about it. Then came the ¨Copa de Buenos Aires¨, we added two friends Gabriel Gallo and Pablo Acosta that gave him a touch of professionalism and things started to grow little by little. Then the next year I bring a stop to my city Villa Constitución, then I said: “Well, I’m in my house I will have to train hard”...and from there I took it seriously and knew what I wanted. I have been training for two years with strong and consistent: if there is wind I paddling, if there is rain is paddling, if it is cold I paddling.Two years ago I completed my first national event being among the 5º first riders...I met the goal. 91

The following year in November, I set up my own school and started teaching in my city. People started to enjoy the water and the SUP, and in the last month of the year, I told my brother that he was going to leave the office (we had a agency), because he needed to train more to achieve the great objective of reaching the selected one. In the summer season, I did very well with my entrepreneurship and training, but when the fall arrived doubts began to arrive whether or not I was on the right path. I got the first call to pre selection, that left me calmer and motivated me to train harder. With my girlfriend, we have a Crossfit Box, so I start giving classes with the priority of train-ing and in turn look for the income with the Box and sales of SUP equipment. In the present, I can say that I am on the path I always wanted and dreamed. After so much cold, winds and rains, I was able to reach the great goal of wearing the blue and white (Argentina flag), and now getting ready to get well to China and make the flag high...

“Sport has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people a few things have. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than the government to break racial barriers. “

The SUP in Argentina is growing a lot. How is the environment between riders, schools, championships, etc? It is growing in big steps! The level of riders is going through a great moment and there is always someone new at a great level, there are many riders who raise the SUP day by day in different parts of Argentina like in Bariloche, Paraná, Mar del Plata, Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires...The schools are growing a lot, I dare say there is a school in eve-ry region from north to south. The championships are increasingly demanding: The Copa del Litoral and Copa Buenos Aires took a lot of strength and encourage everyone to paddling in different categories. Then is the national championship that takes place the ASA (Argentine Surf Association) that this year put together a very nice format, which took events to many places...so we passed by sea, lakes, and rivers knowing every corner of this beautiful country.


Do you have to make many trips with great distance to participate in different events? Yes, I live in Villa Constitución, a small town in the south of Santa Fe. For example, Ba-riloche is 22 hours away by car, the sea is 8 hours away, Buenos Aires is 3 hours away. They are long distances but good, one tries to attend all dates and support each organ-izer.

Tell us about the environment where you usually train or just enjoy around with your board and paddle. What are your favorite places? The one who is asking you this has lived many years on the banks of the Paraná river (laughs). Precisely my training place is in the beautiful Paraná river! Although sometimes I travel to train in the sea, my days pass in the Parana. I love my river, it has a sublime landcape and it transmits a connection with nature that has no price. I enjoy training, or just relaxing with Bren (my partner). We usually go out to look for some place to tie ourselves with the leash, we take out the ¨mate¨ and we spend the day in the river. It is a privilege to have the river so close, imagine that I live two blocks away...I´ts fantastic!

In addition to SUP, what other sports do you practice and what are your hobbies? Today I am 100% on SUP, this year only my favorite sport in water and crossfit on land. I must confess that I am a fan of all sports itself, but soccer takes much of my passion. I am a fan of Rosario Central, I like to watch the games a lot and sometimes I usually go to the stadium, but as I said at the beginning, I am fond of all sports. I think everyone teaches you many things that are useful for daily life, as Nelson Mandela said: “Sport has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people as few things have, sport can create hope where ever there was only despair, it is more powerful than the government to break racial barriers “

What material do you use? Is the marking of SUP and its accessories in Argentina accessible? Unfortunately it is not so accessible and less here that the situation in the country is unstable and you never know what will happen. Luckily, this year I have the support of Rio Boards that gave me a 12.6 x 24 carbon board, with Waterman that gives me the carbon paddles, with Hardcord that gives me leash and sheath, Jungle Supply Company clothes.

How have you been evolving during this time? What has been the main factor to be up there paddling with the largest of the national scene? I started from cero, I had not tried another water sport...So I knew it was going to be hard the adaptation. At today’s level it took a lot of work, a lot of discipline and perseverance. I did not miss any training, looking for a trainer to plan the day to day, a nutritionist to eat healthy and get to each SUP race in the best physical conditions, train on land...many factors. It was not easy but I think that makes it more beautiful. I am where I want to be, I owe it to the team of professionals that surrounds me, to my fam-ily, friends and to Bren who supports me in all of them. Not everything is to compete...Do you usually enjoy this sport with family and friends? I enjoy it very much and I try to get people to cheer up the water, the board...Imagine that I live in a small city and as soon as I appeared with the board they did not understand what I was doing standing in the middle of the river (laughs). But I could transmit my passion and nowadays I see people paddling everywhere, big people, children, etc. The truth is that it fills me, I enjoy it a lot when with my friends we are playing in the middle of the river, or when with Bren we go crossing in search of new places. Now I also added my 4 month old dog that I take her every day to paddle, if you do not enjoy it, it does not make sense... In the future you will try to attend more international events and acquire more experience? Yes, the idea is always to keep growing, always go for more. I would love to attend a Molakai, the EuroTour, continue to know places near to the sport I love so much.

Thanks to... I thank my people, those beautiful people who are always providing good energies like my parents, my brothers, my girlfriend. My friends always and the new ones that gave me these sport... And finally thanks to you Nico for giving me this interview and letting me tell my story so you can know me a little more. I’m Up Suping fan...so you’re inter-viewing is an honor! I send you a huge hug in the distance...Let the successes continue! 95

OLIVA Mª José Salazar



How it all started? Cat and I (Valerie) met on a scheduled excursion from Soller SUP the summer of 2017, in June to be more concrete, here in a small village on the north coast of Mallorca, Sรณller. While we were paddling with Cat, I told him that one of my dreams would be to go around Mallorca in SUP, and to know all the little corners of this wonderful island in which we live. Cat thought it was a fantastic idea. A week later, we met at a party with some friends, and Cat approached me telling me that she loved the idea of going around Mallorca in SUP and that we had to do it! Then we thought about preparing everything for the following year. And we started to give shape to the idea, to the dream! We started contacting friends and other people explaining our plan, and they thought it was a good idea. We also investigated and saw that nobody had still done that in SUP. Some guys in 2015 tried it, but halfway through it they got bad weather and resigned. We started asking for collaboration from different brands, in exchange for sponsorship, which you can see on our web page: https://sollertosoller.com/the-plan/ that thanks to them this was made much easier and possible. On this website, you can see the entire trip, news, experiences, and things of interest.

Two of the sponsors, El niño Surf center and Soller SUP, were the ones who helped us with the logistics, the route plan, the trainings, etc. Rubén de El Niño Surf Center offered us a training plan, a route marked in 21 days and some technical classes to be able to withstand the daily rhythm of paddling 5 or 6 hours. We have a lot to thank since it helped us a lot. Soller SUP was at all times in the training prior to the trip and later in the logistics of it. He followed us at all times as support when we needed it the most. Both were always present in terms of availability over the weather since we sometimes did not have coverage and we could not see that they announced the next few hours. And I think it was very important, to know what we were facing, since there are areas in Mallorca that there is no shelter, how it was on the second day, from Calobra to Cala San Vicente. That day we paddling about 7 and a half hours. We had to get to Cala San Vicente, because if it got bad weather we could not stay anywhere, everything is cliffs. But luckily it was great. We did it! It cost us, it was long, but we arrived. We must also say that this section had support boat, Andy with his sailboat, who offered to help us, being aware of us during the road as they went to Menorca and they came by the way. With them we feel very calm.

We had many people who helped us in one way or another. Bonnie Lass, a charter boat from the Soller area, with her captain Pete, in training and team preparation. Jaime Gonzalo (from the Marina de Soller, Marina Tramontana) lent us a radio and came to several points of the island to take us food and encourage us, along with other friends. It always feels good to feel supported. Also the family of Cat, their parents, were at all times there, both by a car on many beaches, and the last days in a ship. Thanks to them crossing the bay of Palma was easier and we felt calmer since when we crossed the one in Alcudia, we were alone and both one and the other are about three hours. There is a lot of traffic of large ships and it can be dangerous, in fact in Alcudia we were a little scared. As soon as we left the Alcanada, half an hour later we saw a ferry coming out of the rapids and caught us just in line. We had to paddling again in the opposite direction because he did not change the course and I think he did not even realize we were there. We are scared a little! But hey, it’s part of the adventure and in the end nothing happened...

I must also thank my brother Andrés for his support, since we have run a restaurant in Puerto de Sóller for almost thirty years. It’s a family business called Es Racó des Port. Andrés, he was in charge of everything, on some dates where there is a lot of work so that I could fulfill one of my dreams. The restaurant subsidized 10 menus during the return to Mallorca, in different places. We enjoyed it very much!. Cat was not so lucky, since in her work in London they did not support her, and she quit her job to be able to fulfill this whole project. And it was worth it!

Putting a date to a dream: We decided to do it in June because of the conditions, there are more daylight hours, good weather, etc...but it was not like that! The first 10 days there were storms, and he caught us in the northern part of Mallorca, because we decided to go north from the beginning. Of the 24 days, 4 we could not leave due to bad weather, afterward the weather improved and we were able to advance a lot. The route: Day 1: Departure, Puerto de Sóller- Sa Calobra (15km) Day 2: Sa Calobra-Cala San Vicente (27km) Day 3: We could not leave, bad weather in Cala San Vicente Day 4: Cala San Vicente - Cala Murta, around Formentor (25km) Day 5: Cala Murta - Alcanada, cross the bay of Pollensa (16km) Day 6: A lot of wind in the Bay of Alcudia, we could not leave. Day 7: Alcanada - San Serra de Marina, cross the bay of Alcudia (16km) Day 8: Son Serra de Marina - Cala Torta (22.5km) Day 9: Cala Torta - Son Moll, Cala Ratjada (13km) Day 10: Son Moll - Cala des Tamarells (2.7km) there were still many waves and wind. Day 11: Cala des Tamorells - Calla Millor (16km) Day 12: Bad weather. Day 13: Cala Millor - Cala Barques (17km) Day 14: Cala Barques - Porto Petro (21km) Day 15: Porto Petro - Cala Marmols (17km) Day 16: It’s Caló des Marmols - Sa Rápita / es Trenc (17km) Day 17: Es Trenc (Ses Covetes) - Cala Pi (15km) Day 18: Cala Pi- Cala Blava (21km) Day 19: Cala Blava - Illetes, cross the bay of Palma (15km) Day 20: Illetes - Santa Ponça (23km) Day 21: Santa Ponca - Sant Elmo (16km) Day 22: Sant Elm - Banyalbufar (22km) Day 23: Banyalbufar - Valdemossa - Sa Foradada (14km) Day 24: Sa Foradada - Puero de Sóller (11km)

We got up very early, as we realized that from noon it was windy and difficult to move, especially in the east and south. It used to be early, around 4:30 in the morning, to have breakfast, stretch muscles, pick up everything and put it on the table to get out. We needed 1 hour and a half for all that. About 5:30 - 6:00hs am we went on an adventure. We have known great places, caves, beaches and cliffs. That feeling of freedom...when we prepared everything, we put it on the board and left, without knowing very well what we would find or where we would arrive. Depending on the conditions of the sea, sometimes we stopped before, thought...and if it was good, we continued to move forward.

The meaning of the trip: When everything took shape before leaving, we decided that it would be a dream to complete it and take advantage of all that, to give a new value to the dream. Cleaned the beaches where we were staying from the plastics that were there. And the truth, we find a lot. Horrible! And we thought that people who would like to support us in our adventure would do so through a donation to the Ondine Association. It is an NGO, an association that is working here in Mallorca to fight against plastic, doing beach cleanings, awareness campaigns, studying marine reserves, etc. They do a great job for our coasts and seas that after all is one, and we should take care of it. I believe that it is also in the conscience of each one, individually, if one goes to the beach with their drinks and meals, that they take the containers back again to recycle it. Do not leave it on the beach, because if everyone did that, we would not see it dirty and contaminated. It’s very easy, I think that if you want you can, you just have to be consistent with our environment, and leave our children a better planet! We are satisfied with the trip, we have shared many things, good and not so good, but it is part of the trip, something we will always remember in our lives. The truth is that traveling an island, Mallorca or any other through a SUP, you see everything different. It is pure adventure and nature! 104


Catalan SUP Circuit


Albert Laborda

More than 70 participants have met in the third and final test of the Catalan circuit of SUP in Badalona by Club Windsurf Badalona. The athletes have gone around a circuit of 1.5 km, the circuit went through a mythical place of the Catalan coast El Pont del Petroli, from where the audience has been able to see some very spectacular images coinciding with one of the buoys of the circuit .

In the Men’s Elite category the race was led at all times by Pepe Oltra, followed by Tomás Sánchez and Miquel Roige. In the Elite Women category, we had the pleasure of having the catalan rider Susak Molinero, who was spending a few days on vacation before embarking on a trip to the PPG.







Up Suping

Kundaka. Ici Torrevieja. Gloria Torrijos

How do you feel after to win the Spanish Champion of SUP Race in 14¨? I feel very satisfied with the evolution that I have got! It is a small step forward, and the truth is that it was something unthinkable at the beginning of the year. I only know that I left the water super happy after finishing the test because I was paddling better than ever. Since the beginning of the season, the Spanish Championship was a calendar date that I had very focused, so I tried to be disciplined and consistent in training in recent months with the aim of reaching the best physical condition at the appointment. In addition, Baiona was a thorn that personally had nailed; since two years ago I went to the Championship, but on that occasion, I could not paddling because I broke a lumbar vertebra that left me out of the water for 3 months, so Baiona and I have made peace. It was an authentic experience to enjoy the event, one of those moments that I never forget.

Have you had many friends competing with you this year? Luckily, every year more girls are encouraged to compete in the SUP Circuit Mediterranean races, and the truth is that every year the level goes up. It fascinates me to see that we are more and more women in the starting line, and I am sure that every time it will go more. Some girls of the circuit already have a few races behind us and it is a real luxury to learn in each test of women as for example: Afrodita, a true great woman in and out of the water, Majo, the great disciplined warrior and the joy of trials, or Sheila, who we met as a girl and has become a strong sportswoman. Sofia, Helene, Cristina, María, Vicky, Loles, Charo, Eva ... We are many who give everything and more in the water, but we always rely on land; and I think that there lies the greatness of this sport. After so many races together, there is always that healthy spirit of companionship that makes us want to return with the illusion and the desire to overcome the first day.

How does the Kundaka boards and what model do you have? I have the FIJI K140, but with my mind already on the new GUAM. Honestly, I’m super happy with the board: it is light, reactive, resistant, fast and I feel very safe paddling in all conditions. I’ve been betting on Kundaka from the beginning because I loved this project so exciting design and the manufacturing is spanish, with a team of true professionals who give everything to offer the best, is a very close and perfectionist team, where there is always feedback from fluid communication between the brand and the rider; and proof of this is the collaboration of two greats of SUP such as Román Frejo and Pepe Oltra.

Ici Torrevieja

How were your beginnings in the Stand Up Paddle? I met the SUP in 2012 by a windsurfer friend who used to paddle or surfing waves when there was no wind. From the moment I tried it, it was a sport with which I connected and it seemed super intuitive. Very soon I met Santi Cantó and Juan Carlos Poveda, the parents of SUP Republic and I discovered that SUP was not only a sport to relax, but that they also gave the possibility of training as a team throughout the year; so that’s how I got to know the SUP Race modality and I think it was at that moment when this sport really fascinated me. The SUP I liked from the beginning; on the one hand, it is a physically demanding sport, something that attracts me because I enjoy sporting discipline, and on the other hand it allows you to enjoy the sea 365 days a year, that aquatic environment with which I have always felt very good. Since childhood I have always competed and in my day to day the normal thing has been to combine the workouts with the rest of the routine, I was 10 years competing in basketball teams, and later I got into the world of running and mountain trails; so for me to meet SUP was vital to return to feel that desire and passion to devote my time to a new sport and learn. Another thing about the SUP Race that I loved is that although the competitions are individual, I think that they always pursue and share common objectives and illusions with the club mates and that team background work makes the experience even more enriching. 113

The Mediterranean Circuit of SUP Race is growing a lot. Do you enjoy a lot in each of it´s tests? How is the environment between participants and friends? This is the fourth season that I participate in the CMS and the evolution that I have been able to observe in the circuit has been incredible in all aspects. The number of registered has increased a lot, with a scale of about 80-130 riders depending on the test; the number of races has also grown, reaching 13 stages this season. On the other hand, the organizational quality of the events in charge of the clubs has been professionalized largely due to the effort and involvement of the technicians that make up this circuit; the schedules are respected, the events are planned with time, there is an official communication channel online, the inscriptions through the platform are a success and the use of chips is a basic tool. On a technical level I think that the material that is seen in the races has hit a good push. I remember that a few years ago you could hardly see race boards and now in amateur it is rare to find an allround board; and of course what has grown the most year after year has been the general level of the athletes that make up the CMS, being today one of the strongest circuits nationwide. The atmosphere of the circuit I think is the resounding and absolute success of this league, it is a meeting point for friends and fans of SUP, it does not matter which club you belong to: Campello Surf Club, Parres Water Sport, Be Water, Leclercq, Torrevieja Surf, SUP Republic, Aloha Sport ... because in the end it’s like a big family that is looking forward to Sunday to compite and share the day doing what we most like. Each race is full of moments of joy and struggle, of laughter and effort, of companionship and evolution, of good vibes and overcoming... and all those who make up the CMS already have a good collection of great moments and anecdotes shared together.

How are you reaching the end of the season, physically and psychically? Do you train throughout the year? I think it came with great strength and desire to complete this last part, although it is also true that in summer to have a break in the competitions there is a moment of truce to take the SUP of another way; but usually, I train all year. I am very lucky to have some great team mates, we organize ourselves and we motivate each other to keep improving and not stagnate when there are no competitions. We try to interpose strength training in the room, with functional or high intensity circuit training...and on weekends it is almost an early morning ritual to paddling and do good technical team training. I’m sure without this group of great friends and fellow fatigue, the SUP would not be the same.

Which SUP events are the most special for you? The Sella SUP River is a magical test, all ¨super¨ should participate sometime in life, there are not two equal editions and the sensations that you live in that race do not live in any other test. Many factors that make it memorable come into play: the vision of the water, the adrenaline of the departure with the anthem of Asturias, the rapids, the speed, that touch of chance, the falls, the river flow and of course, the party of the ¨espicha¨. This has been the second year that I have participated and I also had the opportunity to finish in 3º position, even though I do not have much experience in river water. It is a recommended test for all levels and in a beautiful environment. The test organized by the club to which I belong, SUP Republic, is a special date within the CMS calendar, because it is one of the tests that get the most number of entries every year, this 2018 has been the V edition, and I still remember this year’s elite start with more than 60 riders in the water on a starting line that had no end. And in the face of international tests, the SUP11 City, in the Netherlands, is one of the great tests that I have wanted to do for some time, every time I see it closer, everything comes at the time and I believe that with good planning it will be a great objective and a great illusion to complete. In which international riders do you set to learn and keep evolving? I love Seychelle; her positive spirit, her energy and the desire for constant improvement that she has, since I follow her has also evolved a lot of sportingly becoming currently one of the great SUP riders at the international level, for me she is a woman who inspires and her strength, as well as physical, comes from his iron discipline and an exceptional mind.

And of course Laura Quetglas and Susak Molinero, our two great references. I think they are the focus of all the spanish superstars, which we see in the two super athletes with impressive physical qualities that have been making a road every time bigger in the SUP elite. It is an honor to have this spanish female representation in the Stand Up Paddle events.

What do you think you need that the SUP in your life is totally full or perfect? To put it in some way, I just have to keep enjoying it. It is true that many times I would like to have more time to train or plan better races...but I think that something is only perfect when you enjoy it and you put illusion. Thanks to... I would like first of all to thank my parents for having instilled in me the values of the sport, thanks for a thousand sacrifices, for having supported me and helping me to continue doing the sport that made me happy, they have always been there. Thanks to Santi and Juanki for teaching me this beautiful sport, I believe that thanks to them, there has been a before and an after.... And finally, I would like to make a special mention to the great SUP family, to this great team of exceptional people; to those who compete, and to those who do not, to those who leave you at any time, to those who are hooked and to whom you will be...I thank them from my heart because I have learned that the shared happiness with them it´s better.

The growth of the young promises of Stand Up Paddle in Spain is already real. It was see 100% during the Spanish Championship of SUP Race in Baiona, Galicia, where the participant of compe-titors in their respective categories was great. It has also been seen for some years in the SUP Race Mediterranean Circuit and the rest of the circuit in Spain, where all the organizers take pains to love and care for these promises. After all, they are the future of this sport...

NAISH KIDS SPAIN One of the brands that is working is Naish Spain with the support of B3 Tarifa, where they also do it in conjunction with other SUP schools and clubs in Spain. The quality and benefits of this brand are excellent to accompany these young riders in their evolution in the SUP and its different modalities. Now we will show some of them and we hope that many more will be added. Up Suping

Desde el Mar. Gerogia Schofield

Manuel Hoyuela Champion of Spain SUB16 SUP Race 2018 and promise for several years. We believe that he is a crazy person of the SUP, it is not surprising: he lives in Suances, place of great “supers” of our country and with endless possibilities for this sport. He has been going to international events for a few years and that has also helped him in his progression as an athlete.

It transmits a lot of happiness and competition at the same time. Enjoy each wave surfed with her Naish SUP race board, as well as concentrate and much in each competition. But above all things, he gets fun in each session...and that’s the most important thing for him. 118

Alejandro Pérez With 8 years he climbed to his first Stand Up Paddle board and has not gone down since then, with the great support of the Northwind family and his club. He has always aimed to enjoy all the events he attends, with the intention of learning in each one of them, compete with his teammates and meet the best riders in the world in the international events. It is usual to see him on the podiums, but of course, her objective is to have funny moments. He knows very well Naish tables, SUP race and SUP surf, taking advantage of the wonderful waves of the beach of Somo and/or the calm waters of the estuary of Cubas in Cantabria; besides knowing other points of the country thanks to the trips organized by the Northwind club.

Iván de Frutos The SUP Race Mediterranean Circuit is generating a lot of kids riders, thanks to the work of organ-izers and clubs. Parres Watersports is one of them, and for a few years they have Ivan: he is the current Spanish Champion SUB14 SUP Race 2018 and is progressing so much. With his Naish board he does not miss any competition of his favorite circuit, and this year he has already premi-ered in many other events around Spain and Europe.

Antonio Morillo This young man from Cadiz is about to close a year that he will hardly forget. Lover of the sea and all its surroundings, this 2018 began very strong during the competitions in the Costa del SUP Cir-cuit with his friend and great SUP surfer Fernando Pérez. And although Antonio also likes the waves, the SUP race has entered his veins and is already receiving the support of the Naish Spain brand. This year we see him always climb the podium, it is not surprising when you see him with a very strong performance. The level of the andalusian competitors grows without stopping and Antonio is one of them; and to continue in this way, we will see him for a long time giving fight and enjoy this sport 119

n i s d n i w n l w a g Do u t r Po Txema Landa

Txema Landa. ICF

Although the ICF SUP World Championship had been suspended, Aritz Tena and I decided to go in the same way, since previously from the organization they told us that in addition to returning the money from the inscriptions, they would welcome us with open arms inviting us to participate in all the activities that would be done throughout the days of the event. At the last minute, Natxo Riera joined us, who lately is getting into surfsky and competed on friday in that modality playing a more than decent role for the little time he has been practicing. For the wind, seemed that the best day would be Wednesday 29 of August, so at 7 o’clock in the morning of the same day we were on our way to the three addresses of Ophir.

There, Xavi Ribo and Fausto waited for us, to join the bus that would take us to do the first of the downwids. We arrived just at two in the afternoon, enough time to put the boards in the trailers, take a GPS locator and get on the bus to Viana do Castello. The bus environment was mostly of surfsky people, of many different nationalities, I think of more than 50 countries. But we also find Olivia, Susak, Tim and Aron Rowe, Chris Bates and some more... The wind part they gave us there was 25 knots with gusts up to 35 that confirmed the great Oscar Chalusky, who knows something about this. When we arrived, we already saw that the afternoon would be very promising.

The wind part they gave us there was 25 knots with gusts up to 35 that confirmed the great Oscar Chalusky, who knows something about this. When we arrived, we already saw that the afternoon would be very promising. We left a small beach with a pier and after passing it we started paddling sidewinder, enough to separate us from the coast and just to think about the waves and the wind. As soon as we started to enjoy the moment, the sensations were incredible, with long waves surfed. Shouts of emotion were heard everywhere, in front of the reference of three towers on the ground that indicated the end of the journey. A highlight of this first day the average of 12 Kms. per hour of Xavi Ribo who made speed tips of more than 20 with his Starboard Ace 23.5. The faces of joy on arrival said everything, none of us had enjoyed something like that. The venue of the event was at the Axis Ofir Beach Resort Hotel, where we had the guard tables.

Although the following days the wind dropped somewhat we were able to enjoy two more downwinds, on Thursday and Friday, which was the day of the championship. On Saturday after spending the morning trying some surfsky we returned home with much desire to repeat this experience again. We were told that the probable dates for 2019 would be at the beginning of July so we already have one marked on next year’s calendar.


San Bartolomé de Tirajana, was the scene of the fourth edition of the Maspalomas Pro Race 2018, the first test of the Canarian circuit of paddle surf in the modality of Surfing Race Long Distance. To this first appointment of the regional calendar came the best riders of the Canary Islands of the modality in one of the most attractive tests of the Canarian tour 2018. With a total of 32 participants divided into the categories, elite, sub-16 and sub-12, all In the 14 “and 12.6” board measurements, the Maspalomas Pro Race would be played on a 15-km circuit along Playa de Inglés where competitors would combine race and wave modalities throughout the course. At 9:00 in the morning the first start would take place with the dispute of the elite and sub18 categories. The male elite category 14 “would start very strong from the first kms. The riders Aday, Oli-ver and Jaran marked a strong rhythm from the passage through the first buoy. They were joined by Eduardo Diaz and Stano Hubacek, which favored a small group separated from each other by a few meters. It was not until the 13.5 km when the trio formed by Cabrera, Lavoisey and Jaran would escape from the rest of competitors and between them they would compete for the first place. But a mishap of Jaran in the step by the last beacon of the earth would leave the fight by the victory between Cabrera and Lavoisey that arrived at the last 50 meters very even with a difference of 6 sec-onds between both. In an explosive final with a powerful sprint on the sand Cabrera took the victory by the narrow margin of 1 second.

Exhausted, they fell on the sand after crossing the finish line and congratulated each other. “It was a very nice and hard race, it was decided in the final stage. I was able to overcome the waves of the last buy better than Lavoisey and Jaran and that allowed me to gain a small distance over them. The last meters were difficult, without truce, because I had Lavoisey stuck to my back. Finally, I was able to cross the goal by centimeters and I am happy for this victory in this first test of the year. “ These were the first words after crossing the finish line and proclaiming himself winner of the male elite category 14 of the Maspalomas Pro Race 2018. The second place would be for Oliver Lavoisey and the third place for Jaran Rodríguez.

In female elite category 14 “Erica Revil took the first place with a difference of 2’09” with Barbara Bellavia who would get the second place by just 6 seconds over the third classified Izaskun Martin. The podium in male elite 12.6 “was composed by Luca Franco, winner of the test, Alexander Molina in the second step and Daniele Fava who closed the podium in 12.6” The galician rider Esperanza Barrera was far superior to her rivals in the female elite category 12.6 “, being outstanding leader from the beginning of the test. Victory for Barrera followed by Lucie Lorenzo and Denisa Kote

“The conditions were perfect, a very fun race with small waves that animated the circuit, these are the races that we all like.” The promises of the Maspalomas Pro Race were grouped in the sub-16 and sub-12 categories. In the sub -16 category Danilo Sem and Rakele Mannino obtained victories, which together with the first place in the sub-12 category of Vince Duschneit demonstrated the great level of Canarian paddle surfing among the youngest.

To conclude the race competition, an EXPRESSION SESSION was held as an exhibition that was sponsored by Perfumería Sabina and where the best trick on the waves of Playa de Inglés was awarded. This prize went to the rider Jaran Rodríguez, winner of the Maspalomas Pro Race three times, and third place in the fourth edition. Rodriguez achieved greater consistency in his maneu-vers and surfing on the waves of Playa del Inglés which made many attendees recognize with ap-plause the show that the ¨majorero¨ offered them.

With the presentation of trophies by D. Ramón Suarez, Councilor for Tourism of the City Council of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, and by D. Filip Strbak, managing director of Tipsy Hammock, this fourth edition was closed with a resounding success of participation and where the best riders of the Canary Islands of the modality have met. To this, we must add the excellent conditions of Playa del Inglés throughout the day that have made the test has had a great competitive level and show. “Without a doubt we are very happy with how the test came out. A very contested competition where all the competitors have enjoyed, and where the organization has worked hard to design a good circuit that offered a show. Without a doubt Playa del Inglés is one of the best beaches in Europe to celebrate this type of competition, and today it has been demonstrated, waves, little wind and an ideal temperature, what more can we ask for “. Statements by Mr. Eduardo Díaz, director of the Maspalomas Pro Race 2018 after the delivery of trophies on the beach.

The fourth edition of the Maspalomas Pro Race 2018 has been organized by the Club of SUP & Surf Second Reef together with the Department of Tourism and Sports of the City of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, they are joined in the sponsorship Tipsy Hammock and Sabina collaboration Beauty & Fashion, NSP, RS Sonocom, Radio Top 21, UP Suping, Canarian Surf Federation and Titan GYM, which together aim to consolidate the Maspalomas Pro Race in the annual calendar as a reference event in the Canary Islands.

On Sunday October 7th 2018, the vessel traffic in the Corinth Canal was interrupted for the 434 paddlers, where they lined up just before the sinking bridge of Isthmia for the 8th Annual Corinth Canal SUP Crossing. This year the race was a milestone for the sport of SUP but also for the event itself. The registered paddlers exceeded every forecast, surpassing by far any previous record, with over 500 participations from every corner of Greece and lot of other countries like Cyprus, U.K., France, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Poland, Finland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. The race, which started as an idea in 2010, ended up today, to become one of the biggest watersports events in Greece. “The world straightest SUP race” as it is known, has triggered the interest of the world wide SUP community, sending out the message for Greece’s potential in big SUP events, highlighting the culture and history of the country.

The Corinth Canal was declared recently as the “biggest canal of Europe”. The crystal clear blue, calm waters flowing along the 6.453m of its length, between the massive 80m high walls, is the perfect track for any kind of paddler. The race is the only chance every year that someone has, to cross the canal with a SUP! The starting line was appointed at Isthmia, the eastern side of the canal, right in front of Canal’s Control Tower. The picture of the paddlers waiting just before the sinking bridge was something magnificent! The calm scenery before the horn blow turned into a battlefield, just in seconds after. The massive number of paddles hitting the water made it like it was boiling and a huge “wave” of paddlers flooded the entrance of the canal. The extraordinary was that among the participants were little kids with their parents, women and men of all ages, experienced athletes but also beginners and amateurs, with only one thing in common… to have a great time!! And that was something obvious on everyone’s smiling face, paddling with passion for the best. At Posidonia, the western side of the canal, finish line was on water just after the sinking bridge of the canal. It has to be a special mention that every single paddler managed to finish the race, even if it was an athlete, amateur, little kid or an adult. “That was a successful race…” as organizers told. Big winners of the race were Giorgos Fragos and Konstantina Kontarini in men and women accordingly. Congratulations to winners in each category but mostly in everyone participated.



LESIONES P U S L E EN Pablo Codesido

Up Suping

The shoulder rotator cuff In previous editions, we said that the shoulder is one of the main sources of injury in the SUP. We even talk about “what can hurt on the shoulder” in a generic way. Today we will focus on one of the most important structures of the shoulder and that lately has gained some fame among those affected by shoulder pain. Even among the medical community outside of trauma and sports, since sometimes it gives the feeling that all shoulder pain is the fault of the rotator cuff, however, this is not always the case. The rotator cuff is one of the structures that work the most and is more injured in the shoulder joint. The term “cuff” refers to a structure that hugs or surrounds the head of the humerus to move and stabilize it. The “rotator” part of its name is due to its characteristic as a tendon since it is really the confluence of the tendons of 4 muscles that join or insert in the humeral head, that is, in the bone. These muscles are the subscapular that performs functions of internal rotation, the supraspinatus that performs abduction (elevation), the infraspinatus that performs external rotation and the round minor that helps the latter. It is easy to understand the importance of all these muscles at the time of paddling in the SUP.


The stabilizing function of the cuff is something more complicated to understand but essential to know its pathology, since it acts as a fulcrum to keep the humeral head centered in the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The weakness of the cuff due to inflammation, microrotures...can cause the humeral head to ascend and compress the subacromial space that is the tunnel between the cuff itself and the acromion. Look at the figures to understand the anatomy well. The rupture of the rotator cuff can be due to an acute trauma such as a fall or a bad gesture, or more frequently due to excessive wear caused generally by an imbalance between the different muscle groups that surround the shoulder, for example, the deltoid muscle, the one that makes a muscular shoulder so aesthetic. Let me explain again, if the deltoid, for example, the pectoral, serratus ... or any of the muscles of the cuff itself work badly “unbalance� the movement of the shoulder and damage structures. Think of the wheel of an unbalanced car, what happens...? And now think of the game of levers between your shoulder, arm and paddle. Everything must work perfectly for the board to advance with ease.

You have already realized how important a balanced training, favoring the muscular tone of the entire shoulder girdle (from the neck to the shoulder) to avoid injuries. Training and paddling with an unbal-anced shoulder will cause repeated micro injuries in the cuff that will end up being a tendinitis and then a painful break.


When we already have an injury, the first thing without a doubt is to go to the traumatologist to first discern where the shoulder injury comes from and in the case that the cuff is involved what we should do. You can feel when you have pain in the shoulder when lifting, rotating or even at night when sleeping. The traumatologist will perform the corresponding examination and, if necessary, ask for additional tests. In many cases a good rehabilitation program may be just enough to rebalance the situation. But sometimes where there is a break, surgery may be necessary to suture the tendon and increase the subacromial space (the tunnel through which the sleeve passes). In my case, this surgery is done through ar-throscopy, a technique where you do not have to “open” the shoulder joint. These breaks can be par-tial or total, but in the vast majority of cases repairable. Take care of your shoulder, train in a balanced way, and if pain appears do not hesitate to go to your doctor. A greeting. For more information about this pathology, you can see our article “Why the Shoulder Can Hurt” in Up#15 (click the image)






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Summer 2018 Argazki Mahatu

SUP IN THE “WATERS THAT SHINE” OF ESTEROS DEL IBERÁ Adventure and connection from the largest wetland in Argentina to the world. Unique for its landscape richness and for being a reservoir of fresh water vital for the planet. Rochi y Joaco

FIRST PART Iberá, in the Guaraní language, which many people still speak, means “waters that shine”. Navi-gating in Stand Up Paddle over the lagoons and canals means the reason of this name; and it’s true: shine! Shines for its wealth. Is that behind its austere landscapes, hides a remarkable diversity of species of wild plants and animals, which find refuge in its lagoons, estuaries, marshes, dams, streams, rivers and mountains. A crossing in SUP through the estuary, then, will provide not only an adventure but the encounter with that natural and cultural heritage that all Corrientes people feel proud of.

We are Joaco and Rochi, naturalists, yogis, athletes, photographers, adventurers who feel the need to be in connection with nature, so we are in it as much as pos-sible. With each walk, it is a new discovery, a new gift of nature that invites us to enjoy beauty, to learn and to commit ourselves to take care of it. We invite you to join us in these lines to discover one of the sanctuaries of pristine nature of Argentina; The esteros del Ibera.


It is one of the largest wetlands in the world, being the second largest in South America, this fasci-nating wildlife refuge is one of the most biodiverse wetlands in South America next to the Brazilian Pantanal. The lagoons Iberá, Fernández, Galarza, Medina, Paraná, and Trin are the largest mirrors of the estuary.

Located in the center of the province of Corrientes, the estuaries of the Iberá are portions of water that have a depth of between 1 and 3 meters and are covered with aquatic plants, pajonales and camalotes that make possible floating formations that, next to rivers, bathed and lagoons, make up one of the richest and most virgin areas of Argentina and the world, occupies 14 percent of the terri-tory of the province, with an extension of 1,400,000 hectares. It is one of the largest reserves of fresh water in the continent, where you can appreciate in its natural habitat, and with amazing proximity, the 2 species of alligator of Argentina: the black yacaré and the yacaré overo. It is a destination visited by travelers from all over the world, especially by nature photographers and bird watchers who are dazzled by the variety of birds and color. About 357 species of birds live in the area (36% of the birds registered in Argentina) and it is a refuge for species such as howler monkeys or carayás, the river wolf, the aguará guazú, boas curiyú, the deer of the Pampas and the deer of the marshes among others declared a Provincial Natural Monument. On the other hand, there are conservation projects to preserve some endangered species. Thus, work is being done on jaguars, anteaters and peccaries, among others, including “Rewilding” reintroducing to Iberá species that had become extinct in the area.

Some of the “greats of Iberá”:

The capybara, the biggest rodent in the world.

The deer of the marshes, the biggest deer of South America.

Mono Caraya: The Guinness Book of the World Record considers it the noisiest animal on the planet. His powerful voice is heard several kilometers away. In addition, it is the largest monkey in America.

The black yacaré The most armored Argentine animal.

La boa curiyú: The largest snake in Argentina.

Dawn in Concordia, Entre Ríos, the car is equipped and we start our journey some 420 km towards the north of Argentina, towards the heart of the province of Corrientes, the Esteros del Ibera, to enjoy unforgettable experiences in SUP sailing through its “shine waters” and enjoy this unique place, of an incomparable natural beauty. This time is one of the best days of the year to visit, not only because of the pleasant climate but also in October it gives rise to the nesting of birds that fill with songs and color the estuary, the awakening nature of the winter’s lethargy, it is reactivated the life cycle. After 5 hours of ¨mate¨, nuts, shared dreams and long philosophical talks, we are about 29 km from Laguna Ibera, in the path of this amazing scenic route we receive capybaras, herons, the emblematic necklace YETAAPA , deer of the pampas and corzuelas among others, here is spring, everything is pure nature that blooms like the ceibos, between ombúes, lapachos and pitangas.

We arrived at Colonia Carlos Pellegrini, one of the access portals to the esteros del Ibera. In Ibera lagoon our first adventure takes place. Map of Iberia, fuente: www.proyectoibera.org


Ingrid Ulrich

The young adventurer Ingrid Ulrich reveals her photographs of her last expedition... To Greenland! Get your caps out and bust your moon- boots! A real expedition that she did on her Stand Up Paddle board in the middle of the Baffin Bay, which is isolated most part of the year by the Polar Stream glaciers that come straight down from the icy arctic ocean until they end up turning into ice floe. It is through one of the world’s most hostile and wildest environments that Ingrid paddled hundreds of kilometers on her own for over 20 days. She lived a unique adventure paddling right in the middle of gigantic icebergs, glaciers, whales, and meeting unusual people living in remote Inuit communities. She started her trip on the west coast of Greenland, 250 km north of the polar circle at the very bottom of Sermar Kujalleg knonw as one of the most active glaciers of the world . To head north and reach the renowned cabin were the scientist Paul Emile Victor did his first French polar expeditions, she sometimes had to push out some still unmelted chunks of ice floes along her way. A true expedition that she committed herself to, in a beautiful and incredible environment but where coldness and hostility exist. Ingrid has now been fighting cancer for the last two years. Her expeditions and sport challenges are for most of us a source of encouragement and support, as well as a good lesson in courage and determination. Her guideline is to simply make you DARE and to make your DREAMS come true.


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