Up#29 english version

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Stand Up Paddle magazine




DIRECTOR Nicolás Arnedo info@upsuping.com



DISIGN AND LAYOUT Nicolás Arnedo info@upsuping.com

TEXT AND COLLABORATORS Pablo Codesido, Pedro Gutierrez, Beatriz Felipe López, Nico Fayol, Triki Navascués, Isaac Hernández, French SUP Team, Fred Bonnef, Pirineos SUP Festival, Up Suping.

PHOTOS James Panter, Argazki Mahatu, Desde el Mar, Albert Laborda, KDF Fotografía, ISA, Carlota Parras, Tricktionary, Gill Chabaud, Michael Rossmeier, Dan Gavere, Fred Bonnef, Manu Morel, Luchy Cosoleto, Emilio SUP, National Geographic, C. Dufflos, A. Fernet, A. Nicolas, Sundown, D. Vila, Alpha Drones, Dani Fotoógrafo, Bienve Sánchez, Hoenalu, SPS, F. Willbrand, Mayola Dijksman, @molimc, Crono 4, Fotosertx , Up Suping.

PHOTO COVER Gill Chabaud

BACK COVER Michael Rossmeier Colaboration:

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#staysafe Up Suping

Índice 12 Fred Bonnef 24 GluGlu Race 32 Luchy Cosoleto 40 The Doctor´s Spot 52 Dani Vila 60 La Mar de Bien 66 Special SUP Surf 80 My dear pódium 84 Bienvenido Sánchez 90 Road to Yucón 98 SUP Evolution 104 Inner Sea 108 Sergio Toledo 120 Hydrofoil by Triki

Esperando... Up Suping



It is to speak of SUP in Europe and there is this great ¨waterman¨. Fred shares with us his experiences and trips of this last year

Fred Bonnef

Gill Chabaud. Michael Rossmeier. Dan Gavere. F.Bonnef. Manu Morel. Tricktionary

The begginings I started with the Stand Up Paddle at the end of 2006, in Tarifa, after having seen Laird in Hawaii, and when he hardly existed in Europe. No one in Spain was doing it besides Eric Terrien in Fuerteventura and Xavi Masdevall in Catalonia. But it was really a year later, throughout 2007 when I started to have the clear: SUP is the future. I got on a Laird board and I am amazed at the sliding sensation of a surfboard even in flat water and being able to have fun in very small waves. Then I got a 9 surf SUP Bonga Perkins board, a revolution in those days. I stuck a whole winter in Morocco surfing with it with a wooden paddle. People watched me reach the peak as if I were an alien. Then came the crisis to Spain, I lost all my sponsors that I had from the time when I competed in windsurfing and I went to France to set up with a partner the first SUP school and the first website dedicated to this sport: SUP- rider. That’s when I started training in race, finishing third in my category in the first European championships of the time in 2010. I was quite hooked on this discipline and the following year Fanatic signed me as a rider of the new international SUP team, and I started training a lot until I became European long distance champion in 2011, which was also the year that I taught Olivia Piana, taking her to events. It was also a time in which we lived epic journeys with Belar Díaz, Annabel Anderson and Ramon Blanco, my adventure companions of that time; such as the journey from Ibiza to Denia or the Strait of Gibraltar round trip. In 2012 I had very good results, both in SUP race and SUP surfing and I was eleven among the best in the world in the La Torche waterman league, the APP of the time.


The accident and the return After La Torche I participated and won a SUP surfing event in the south of France, and on the way back I had a very serious traffic accident colliding with a truck that was going in the opposite direction on the highway. I had a lot of very serious open fractures. Many days in a coma and the constant threat that my right leg would be cut. Then I had pain for a long time, a disease of the nerves, doctors constantly repeating to me that I was not going to be able to do more sports in my life or that I was not going to be able to walk normally anymore. Lawyer and insurance made my life impossible‌ anyway. Five very complicated years in which I took the opportunity to try to return physically and harden mentally. I also took advantage of them to transmit my experience as an athlete in the organization of events and in coaching. I organized the French championships and famous events like the Mondial du vent, Collioure Arena race, Fort Boyard Challenge or Thonon SUP race. In 2018 I started collaborating with my friend Belar Díaz in the EuroTour, and the last two seasons were very intense, sometimes hard but at the same time very satisfying to see so much participation, so many events and so much motivation around our sport. Despite the Coronavirus, we will do our best to keep the tour going and thus respect all commitments to organizers and athletes. At the sport level, contrary to all medical predictions, I managed to return to all of them including SUP. Now I am more interested in doing sports for free with my friends than going to compete, but I managed to finish the famous SUP Eleven City in Holland, stay in all the finals of the Spanish SUP surfing cup in Yerbabuena three years in a row and in the semi-final this year. And even for the first time to enter a TOP 20 at an international event at last year’s EuroTour in Greece. I think it is not so bad for someone who the doctors considered disabled. 14

ow I am very involved in the subject of clinics and downwind camps. I am still a rider for Fanatic International in various disciplines, and I am writing a book about Stand Up Paddle: Trick-tionnary SUP..

Tricktionnary SUP It is a very beautiful project. The idea is to cover all areas of SUP and give advanced technical advice, deepening as much as possible each discipline of this very diverse sport. For this, I have the immense luck of having the help of some of the best athletes in the world in their respective disciplines. Many supported me from day one and it is an honor and pride to have everyone’s experience. I have always been interested in all disciplines and it helps me a lot to practice almost all of them in order to exchange ideas and points of view. This is a brutal experience and I will do everything possible so that the people who read it can get the most information that is very useful to them and realize the incredible wealth of our sport. I take it as a mission and a realization of everything I have learned since I started this sport in 2006. I am very lucky to have Michael Rossmeier, owner of the Tricktionnary company and author of the book Tricktionnary windsurfing and kitesurfing, who trusts me and my decisions one hundred percent for the entire SUP part. It is amazing to have someone so motivated and enterprising willing to follow your ideas. I also have Steve Palier who works on the layout and organization of the content. It is a lot of work, but we want to finish this project to be able to teach it.


Nueva Caledonia / PacĂ­fic An incredible place. No photo is able to describe it. If I had to define it in one word it would be: Wild. Apart from Noumea, the city, the rest of the island has very few people and nature all their rights. The landscape is very diverse. Some parts resemble the Caribs, others resemble Texas, Suiza, Tahiti. Other places are unique, they cannot be compared to any other. Some vegetables and animals are endemic. New Caledonia has the longest reef in the world after Australia, with 1.600 kilometres and a unique ecosystem in the world with a lagoon measuring 24.000 square kilometres. In this unusual environment, going surfing is an adventure in itself, since with reefs you have the best waves at a ratio of 30 kilometres, some much further. You have to find a boat and know the area and its specifications well. It is the Pacific in the pure wild state. Everything has to be well planned be-cause a mistake can be expensive and once you are surfing, we are at least an hour from any hospital. But is it worth it.


Kilometres and kilometres of reefs and perfect waves that break without anyone. A color of the water that I have seen neither in the Caribbean nor in Tahiti. And the impression of being very small compared to the force of nature. On top, I shared it with one of my best friends installed there, Christopher. And with my good friends Titouan Puyo, Clement Colmas, Noic Garioud with whom we were working on the book Tricktionary ... You can get an idea of how good I have been to...










Tahiti / French Polynesia I went with Bellar Díaz to co-organize the Air Tahiti Nui Paddle Royal Race, event that it is part of the EuroTour. Upon arrival Maeva Hargreaves and her friends from Air Tahiti Nui, incredibly friendly and welcoming people were waiting for us. We were also very lucky to have local guides such as Poenaiki Raioha, SUP surfing world champion and his grandfather Jean Michel, or Patrice Chanzy, a very famous surfer in the area. The problem with going to such a famous island is that even if you don’t want to, you get preconceived ideas of what it is. I imagined that the surrounding islands were very beautiful, but I did not expect that the island of Tahiti itself was so spectacular, so green, so mountainous and with so much to see and discover. The Teahupoo zona was one of the ones I liked the most, with its rhythm so calm… enormous contrast with the intensity of its famous wave. We saw Teahupoo wave work one very serious day, but with our SUP boards made for medium waves, we chose to go to others ... I would love to return with more knowledge of this wave and have a good and more accessible day. The highlight of our stay was the visit to Moorea and the season we had with Poenaiki and her friends this day. A perfect wave, friends and the mountain of Moorea as a fund. It was certainly a time to remember forever.

The Gorges / USA If you like downwind with a race board or foil, the mountains, the forests and the rivers, you have to go there upside down. The Gorges has long been a paradise for wind sports, windsurfing and kitesurfing. But with The Gorges Paddle Challenge event, the world quickly realized the incredible potential of the place to go downwind. There is a very special energy in The Gorges, first because nature there is very powerful and second because all the activity turns around sports related to nature. I personally learned more about SUP foil in one week than in a year at home or elsewhere. And it was not only because of the perfect conditions but also because of the motivation for this new discipline. I met Dave Kalama and his team, Clement Colmas, the Spencer brothers, Titouan Galea, and many more “machines� of the discipline that were a source of motivation for me. There was also the entire SUP race world and the best in downwind, ready to face each other in the discipline in The Gorge Paddle game. I had a great time and it didn’t go badly for me at the event, but the most important thing is that it was a key trip for the book since I was able to take advantage of the collaboration of many riders in a short time. My last day of travel was the craziest of all, since Dan Gavere, the SUP river legend and withe waters, took me to make an epic descent...




The future: I have the feeling that we are living in a time that will go down in history with the Coronavirus episode. We will all take many lessons from this, we will have to decide in which society we want to continue living because it will already be a matter of survival. Society by definition is corrupt, and as people, it is very difficult to fight against the current of the system, because many very powerful people have no interest in changing things. We are going to need a lot of will and heart to force our politicians to make the right decisions and to do is to understand that it is in their interests for them too because they are human and part of the same planet as us. The good and bad thing about a virus is that it falls on everyone, even the most powerful, and hopefully the current situation makes them think a lot about the well-being of everyone and of this planet. We as citizens of the world also have our responsibility and we must act in various ways. The easiest way to start would be our way of buying and consuming. It is a unique opportunity to think about things in a different way. We already know that all industries, including our sports, are going to suffer this crisis. We know how young this sport is: professional entrepreneurs, organizers and athletes will suffer from the current situation. But from my experience and from so much time that I have been locked in a hospital when something is taken from you when a situation prevents you from doing things when you do not feel free for a while and suddenly you come back to life, everything is much more intense and better than ever Everything is valued much more. And the desire to do things well is tripled. I am nobody, but I want to take the opportunity to give my sincere support to all those who suffer at the physical, psychological or economic level of the current crisis, and renew my admiration for the entire medical profession, an admiration that I already had well before the current crisis. 22

Up Suping

The first edition of the GluGlu Race was a success of participation on the waters of the reservoir of this wonderful town in the Sierra de Cรกdiz On February 15 and 16, the GluGlu Race was made in the Zahara de la Sierra reservoir. A Stand Up Paddle (Paddle Surf) event that brought together a hundred people among participants and friends who are fans of this sport. The spectacular spring weather and great organization made it a weekend to remember. 24

Practically, the GluGlu Race opened the 2020 season of Spain’s Stand Up Paddle Race with 2 days of Long Distance competitions and a new Time Trial format that offered a great show. Of course, there was a very high Andalusian representation, and from Madrid and the entire Mediterranean area.

On Saturday the competitors had to paddling 13.5 km of the Long Distance in a beautiful course with the town of Zahara de la Sierra and its mountains as a visual showcase. After an exciting start between participants of the Elite and Amateur categories, the latter made 4 km, the high level that all of them have shown was seen very early, and more surprisingly being the start of the season.

The Elite were generating groups as they paddled to acclimatize to the race and endure the kilometres to be done on practically flat water. The growth of Andalusian ¨SUPeros¨ is already a total reality, and proof of this has been in the GluGlu Race the performance of Fernando Pérez Serra (participant of the previous ISA World Cup with the Spanish SUP team) achieving the first position in Elite. He was followed by his partner from the ¨Cangrejo Moro¨, the young Antonio Morillo, ahead of the incombustible Salva Mora from Valencia. This event also had high participation in the female category, where the young Alicante Sheila Sirvent prevailed in Elite ahead of Marina Navarro and Gloria Torrijos.

Great participation in the Long Distance of the Amateur category, where you could see new faces for this sport, which is something very positive for its growth. As in the youngest, with participants from 8 to 18 years old from different areas of the country. After the competitions, the awards ceremony was held at the Zahara de la Sierra town hall under an extraordinary atmosphere throughout the town. Later we were able to see a Round Table that was broadcast live on the social networks of the Up Suping digital magazine with great connoisseurs of Stand Up Paddle from all over the country.

On Sunday something new came to this sport, the “Time Trial” modality. A very attractive and different format that most of the participants liked, who had to do their best to get their best time after paddling 7 km. They all came out 1 minute apart so they wouldn’t bother during the competition and drafting was prohibited. For the attending public, it was also something new and colourful from different areas of the reservoir.

Again both Salva Mora and Sheila Sirvent would go back on the podium, getting the best times in the time trial and in the combination of both days of competition. Great performance also of the whole weekend of the young Alejandro Botella, Iván de Frutos, Ainhoa​​ Rivas and Mario Macía; not forgetting Juan Pablo de Luna and Alice Lequet, who at 8 years old are already paddling like real champions.

Awards ceremony at the Discovery Aventura facilities and a “see you later” entered all the participants, since the season has only just begun and the GluGlu Race has shown it. It has been its first edition, of many to come since Zahara de la Sierra offers many possibilities and the great work done by the organization of the magnificent “Hawaiians” Ivan and Kurni. Thank the collaborators: Muller Property, Hoenalu, SUP One, The Hawaiians SUP Center, Discovey Aventura, Zahara de la Sierra City Council and Up Suping. And to each and every volunteer who has made this event possible.



Playa del Gurugú - Grao de Castellón


SUP CENTER BARCELONETA Moloka’i is a great family, it is the center where people who like paddle surf, sea and friendship meet. We are an integral center for the practice of stand up paddle, we cover the different aspects of this activity: - Teaching at all levels: from initiation to improvement, for children and adults - Social activity: excursions, trips, paddles in groups, etc. Why sharing good times with friends is doubly pleasant - Sports: physical, technical and tactical training to take SUP to another level where the objective is to improve performance both in race and in waves. In 2014 we opened the doors and there are many people who started with us in the practice of paddle surf. Today, many of them continue to improve and evolve with us, they know that for regular practice it is necessary to do it properly so as not to have any injury. In our school we have a planning about the learning phases that we have developed through these years and it gives us full guarantees that our students will be able to go rowing safely and having fun while getting in shape or relaxing while walking. Our school also offers SUP wave, surf, surf skate and foil classes. Our Club format is like that of a gym, it allows you to do regular free practice or participate in classes, trainings and activities that we organize daily. In addition, we include physical training sessions and other disciplines such as surf skate or surfing. We also have the Junior Club for the little ones, a space where to learn having fun practicing our sports, entering the world of competition, but also learning values ​​such as friendship, respect and conservation of the environment. 30

Undoubtedly, a hallmark of our center is the sports part, we have Miquel RoigĂŠ as coach who has reaped podiums in national and international competitions. He regularly conducts workouts and also conducts SUP Race clinics. SUP is one of the most complete sports on a physical level, it uses muscles of the entire body and requires the development of physical skills such as coordination and balance. But it is also a complex sport at a technical level, taking place in a dynamic and unstable environment such as water. We are currently working on the consolidation of adults in local and national competitions, as well as creating a quarry of children who like to practice paddle surf throughout the year, providing them with material and learning. Visit our website and our social networks to know more about us or contact us to give you more information about what we can do for you.


SUP women’s from Argentina has a lot to celebrate Up Suping

ISA. Luchy Cosoleto

Hi Luchy! Tell us how and when you started your life with the Surfing and Stand Up Paddle. Hello! I am from Buenos Aires and since I was born my parents sent me to the club to do sports (I did swimming, hockey, tennis, synchronized swimming). I’ve always liked them! At age 8, one summer in Mar del Plata I started surfing in a little school and from that day on I fell in love with the sea and never stopped. At the age of 11, I qualified to go to represent the Argentine team in a junior world championship in France and after that championship, I decided to dedicate myself to training as a professional athlete in surfing. Luckily I had the opportunity 32

LUCHY COSOLETO to travel to train and compete in different countries of the world, surf in incredible places and meet many cool people. 2 years ago I was lucky to travel with the National team to a Pan American championship and I met the SUP team on the trip‌ when I returned to Argentina I was invited to try SUP surfing and I really loved it. I started competing that same year in the nationals and now this modality is also part of me (laughs).


We know you travel a lot, you got a lot of experience with how young you are. What feelings does SUP give you? Is it already within your short and long term goals? Luckily in all my training or competition trips throughout these years, I have always had the opportunity to learn new things, whether for sports or for life. I have competed internationally in surfing for more than 10 years and recently started SUP surfing too. Stand Up Paddle is a very new sport for me ... but the truth is that I love it! Last year I competed in my first APP championship and I met many girls and the truth is that they were super motivating. Now I am training a lot, and this year my goal is to paddling the complete world circuit and measure myself against the best. When you come from surf you can take advantage of certain benefit when doing SUP Surfing, be it manoeuvres or concentration in competition...right?


If true! The good thing about starting SUP as a surfer is that it gives many advantages. In the technical part of surfing the wave, it was easy for me, but I had to learn to use the paddle well in the manoeuvres. In the competitive tactics part also because it would be the same as with the shortboard. What it took an effort to me was being able to stay on the board. I had to start with an 8 foot one and from there I went down the boards as I progressed.

LUCHY COSOLETO Pan American Games, ISA World Cup, National Circuits ... How do you feel about representing Argentina? Surely before the competition, you do a great physical and technical job to enjoy these events and the company of the national team. It is always a pride to represent my flag in any international championship and what I like most is travelling to compete as a team with the Argentina team. And yes, everything takes its preparation. I train at least two hours every day in the sea, I do physical training in the gym three times a week, I go running and I go swimming twice a week and I stretch every day. Also as part of the training to improve the technique we do an analysis of the videos of my waves of the week. Tell us about the Argentine coast and its potential. Where do you usually train and what kind of conditions are best for SUP Surfing? I love to surf in Argentina !!! I almost always train on the northern beaches of Mar del Plata. I know that the best waves in the world are not here but to train SUP surfing it is very good. There are many fun beach breaks that also make you paddle a lot. My favourite wave is that of Puerto Cardiel beach, which is where I learned to surf ... and a super good right comes out! 35

How do you combine work or study with your daily life of training, travel and competitions? I am studying marketing online. So when I am travelling I go with my computer to read and do work and when I am in Argentina I try to take exams. There are times when it is difficult when I have a lot of training and competitions but I always try to take some time to study even a little bit per day.


And does the female Stand Up Paddle category in Argentina grow as in the rest of the world? Stand Up Paddle in Argentina is a super new sport! But this last year the truth is that he grew too much. There are times when I see more people in the sea with SUP than with a shortboard, and what I love is that I am seeing many girls cheering in the waves. What models of boards and paddles do you use right now? Now I am using a 6 �10 X 23 board with a round pin tail that I love and my paddle is 81. What message would you transmit to all our readers so that they continue do this modality and we can see more girls in the water? I want to invite all the girls who like water to get on a Stand Up Paddle board, whether it be in the sea, the river, a lagoon ... And dare to have fun, do physical activity and enjoy nature! They will love it and more if they go with friends.


Thanks to‌ I want to thank my family for always guiding and accompanying me on the path of sport, my coaches, my friends who always motivate me and my sponsors who help me perform my dream of being able to travel around the world and compete. Thanks to you for the note!

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Priorities Pablo Codesido

Emilio SUP. National Geographic. Up Suping

I am writing to you in the middle of the Coronavirus crisis. Today it isn’t my intention to give you a master class on infectious or preventive medicine. I think that the media and social networks have already been in charge of showing the importance of containment measures to flatten the curve of those infected and not overflow the health system in order to avoid as many deaths as possible. The clearest measure is to stay home. It is likely that many of you wonder if a SUP rider in the middle of the sea is a threat. I do not have the correct answer, but at least for solidarity and respect for measures taken for all people, we must confine ourselves, perhaps until the great high moment of contagion passes, perhaps more, then it will be seen, after all, the sport it is also health. Let health professionals act. Patience. Many will compare and question the one who walks the dog, or the one who goes to the supermarket seven times a day ... but I think that in this “and you more” society, everyone should be aware of their own actions. But no. It is not my intention, as I already told you, to give you a viral conference. Today, in these difficult times, I would like to talk to you about priorities. 40

In this society we live in, comparing ourselves to other places, we can feel privileged. We have access to basic services, education, health ... and leisure time. We can do sports and even buy boards for 1000 euros. We could be better, but our sport, like many other activities, is one of those things that one practices when one knows that he is going to eat every day and has a ceiling under which to take shelter. It has its explanation. In the last 100 years, the general state of health of the population measured in data on life expectancy or infant mortality has given a spectacular improvement and it has not been by casualty. Technology and science have a lot to do with it. Among others, science applied to physical activity. The welfare state has come after countless sacrifices, political, social ... but the importance of improvements due to education, research and science are inescapable. A little over a century ago, not even the smallest part of what we know today was known. Falling ill, fracturing or having appendicitis could cost you your life. Today diabetics have treatment, terrible infections in other times have antibiotics and vaccines, and even some cancers are overcome. But be careful, the society in which we live has indeed its big unsolved problems. Hyper-consumerism, pollution, inequality ... and a certain banality for the really important problems. It seems so normal to us that after a traffic accident you destroy yourself, we operate on you and you walk again; that after pneumonia some pills cure you, or that we are able with some “simple� tests to see you body inside...And we even feel so powerful that we think that ... this will not happen to me or if it happens, they will always take away the pain. And it is not, there is much to do.

Up Suping

Bill Gates said a few years ago in a small conference on the other side of the Atlantic, that today, the most important global threat is a viral epidemic. Those were times when Ebola had ravaged Africa. An airborne virus could be devastating ... and we are not ready, it said. We have not invested in research and health enough, other things have always had priority. None of the many local, national and international institutions ignored him. And who was going to tell us, here comes one. And it is not something new. The so called Spanish flu wiped out much of the world’s population not so long ago.

Now that we are confined we will have time to reflect as a society. When illness and tragedy come, everything else is over. Sport is over, political discussions are over, many things are over because you have to prioritize. That person you love so much can suddenly go away when we had always thought how far something like that was left. And we think of treatments, cures, drugs ... that do not yet exist. But we are also responsible. We protested when our football team had no more resources to avoid league descent or win a title, but we cared little for those young scientists who have had to emigrate for a society that has failed to respect them after giving their best in the classrooms.

Emilio SUP

It is very hard to see how a researcher, scientist, doctor ... with years of work, high academic record, is treated as one more with extremely precarious work situations. And yes, I feel that many my frankness hurts. To some it will seem corporatism. It is not about comparing, no one is above anyone. We are all necessary and really important, just missing, the delivery man, cleaning staff, merchants, security forces ... each job is important for the common good, but as a society, we must have the duty to treat research with the importance that is deserved. Because when the epidemic arrives, when cancer arrives, when the problem arrives ... we are all going to rethink our priorities, and we will see those beings in white coats as the hope that we did not know how to care for.


So when you defend your ideologies, your convictions, your territories, your favourite team, your customs and languages ... think also of the sea, which does not distinguish between such issues, it is the same for everyone, like a disease. In this case a positive disease. I tell you wishing to return to sail and enjoy one of my great passions, like yours. Let’s row together. And think as earthlings that you are, in supporting research and science, because perhaps it will help us to improve problems such as pollution, climate change or the disease that has us cloistered today. This last century has made it clear, if we use science for the common good we will continue to enjoy our passions. This will happen but many will fall along the way. When everything happens do not close your eyes. Our future and that of our people requires it. Support research and science for the common good. It’s a question of priorities.

























A.Nicolas A.Nicolas A.Fernet

DANI VILA shaper Up Suping

Sundown. Dani Vila

Dani, we want to start by wishing that you are recovering from the mishap in the old workshop and are at your peak for a new adventure. We have seen the new facilities where you will develop right now in Tarifa ... It is amazing! Thank you! It was a great scare that I will never forget. Both burns and material damage were considerable, but the important thing is that everything has returned to normal. I feel lucky to have the family and friends that I have and who took such good care of me. Now I am manufacturing at the Wet Watersport facilities in Tarifa, perfect facilities where I have been given the opportunity to continue doing what I like the most. How were the first SUP boards you did? Do you see a lot of difference or complexity unlike those of surfing? The first board I made was a SUP 8’0 ”x 28”, it would have about 100 liters. In 2012 a group of friends decided to make our own boards, we bought the materials and we filled up with information on the internet about construction and shapes. We did about 6 SUP boards in a room of no more than 8 meters. squares. Imagine what came out of there. We had problems of all kinds, some boards did not last more than two baths (laughs). But we surf with them, others lasted much longer. The experience was a lot of fun, I encourage every surfer to build their own board sometime.

As in surfing, there are a lot of different combinations when choosing a board. In recent years, Stand Up Paddle has evolved a lot, especially on waveboards. There are riders and competitors who are increasingly looking for a shorter board and with fewer liters, these are very very similar to a surfboard, the only difference would be the combination of measurements and volume distribution.

Jose Luis Nuñez and Anotnio Morillo, among many others, are regular users of your tables. Are ¨SUPeros¨ very demanding? What things do they usually ask you for? They are all demanding ... everyone wants to have a magic table that always works. Jose Luis Nuñez (Kuki) and Antonio Morillo are riders from whom I learn a lot. Kuki from his experience knows very well what he wants and what works. Antoñito is a young man who is very involved at the competition level, has a fresh mind and comes up with new ideas. When there is a good understanding between the rider and the shaper, everything flows. What characteristics of your work do you think make the difference in the surf and / or SUP market? I always believed in Custom, I think it is the best that a brand can offer you when buying a board. From here it is very important to test boards of all kinds, polyester or epoxy, fiberglass or carbon, PU or EPS, with different curves, sizes and liters. This will make it easier for you to transmit to the shaper what works best for you, depending on the wave you are going to surf and your technical level.

What would the ideal SUP Surf board be for someone who already has a base in the waves and wants more radicality? To search for radicality, you generally have to decrease the table size. A small board makes it easier for you to do more aggressive maneuvers, fly and hit good tube sessions. Smaller size, less weight and this helps. You also have to be in good physical shape.

A good shaper must also have contact with the saltpeter. What kind of tables do you enjoy a good session with? I am changing the table as fast as possible to try different combinations. It is important to go overboard with your own boards, it is another source of information. Do and test ... not always correct, but from mistakes you learn. I almost always go overboard with a 7’5 ”x 26 3/4” 4 1/4 ”about 90 liters, EPS / Epoxy / fiberglass construction and almost always three XL fins.

What can you tell us about Cรกdiz and its waves? Does SUP Surf have a great future in this land? Cรกdiz is a place that meets very good conditions to practice SUP. We are lucky to have kilometers of beautiful beaches, winters with lots of sun and good temperatures. There are many peaks and if you move you can surf many days a month. Also in summer you can do some spectacular routes. How does it feel from having a sketch to seeing the complete work? How are these stages at the level of nerves, tension and emotion? This is the most complex part. From the time I start talking to the rider until I start manufacturing, there is a long process of ideas in different parts such as shape, measurements, construction and design. Once all this is captured in a sketch or plan, the most stressful part begins, building them, since here there is very little margin for error. It is exciting to see that everything went well, deliver it and see that the customer likes it. And finally, the most important part for me is that it works in the water. When this is done the job is super rewarding.

Thanks to‌ It is a pride to answer these questions for you, I thank you very much for your interest. Also thank all the people who support me, they are the ones who make me continue. Cheers and good waves!

Located in El Perellonet (Valencia), with a privileged environment such as the L´Alfufera Natural Park, Supskull offers all its visitors the best possible experience, with a very marked philosophy in a family environment oriented to Sports & Health. The practice of sliding sports has always been the DNA of the Supskull Sports Club, having as our main axis our beloved Paddel Surf in all its variations, from surfing the waves that our wonderful Mediterranean drags, either directing our board on a smooth and relaxed journey, such as enjoy the SUP Race as a competitive sport. The Supskull family gets its meaning thanks to the partners that make it up, give it life, respect, care and value it. All effort makes sense when we see all our minis soci@ s rowing, illusion, fun, friendship and friendship are some of the values ​​that the little ones transmit to us .... they are our inspiration.

In an era as compulsible as the current one, in which our freedom has been hijacked by a virus, in which so many people are having such a bad time, alone, unable to hug their loved ones for fear of contagion, it seems selfish to think that it would happen with our routine, works or simply the material. What is evident is that society as we know it will no longer be the same, in Supskull we will try to adapt ourselves with all the affection to changes so that the experience of our visitors is as rewarding, familiar and fun as possible.

Our Club format is like that of a gym, it allows you to do regular free practice or participate in classes, training and activities that we organize daily. In addition, we include physical training sessions and other disciplines such as surf skate or surfing. We also have the Junior Club for the little ones, a space where to learn to have fun do our sports, entering the world of competition, but also learning values ​​such as friendship, respect and conservation of the environment.

With the entry of the new season we have incorporated different activities into the sports club, with the creation of the Team Supskull Race Valencia we embark on a fantastic adventure with a group of members of all ages willing to make the sea their sports club, Many of them new in competitions and others experienced in others, applying and sharing all their experience with the rest of the team since the start of the preseason, which is paying off in the few races held.

Adapting to the needs of our clients this year we have launched new activities such as SUP Yoga, SUP Pilates, SUP Foil and one of the most popular ... Our Surf Kids as an after-school on Sundays where the little ones start in the surfing and other sliding sports. www.supskull.com

0 L L E R E P EL

Up Suping

W e are happy with how the season of Stand Up Paddle competitions has started throughout

Spain, but specifically in the race modality. You already know that this circuit focuses all eyes and not only on a national level. Place of future and current champions, and great event organizers. The years of hard work is paying off!

B oth in the SUP Race La Mar de Bien El Perelló and in the III Open SUP Race Marina Burriananova,

the level of participation has been wonderful for this Mediterranean circuit. It was confirmed what we from Up Suping expected: a great jump between the SUB12 and SUB16 categories, where the participants are demonstrating skills that a few years ago only those who were in the Elite knew how to develop it. And of course, these qualities are already being copied by the little riders. A clear symptom of the evolution of this sport. El Perelló showed us his most intense side with the strong presence of the wind during the competition, with authentic ISA World Cup riders in the Men’s and Women’s Elite category, and very hungry for paddling from Amateurs and other riders ...

F irst, the SUB8, SUB10 and SUB12 categories were disputed, with an increasing number of girls thanks to the

great work of the schools and clubs from the Mediterranean.

After these, were disputed the race of SUB14, SUB16 and Amateur, with two laps on a 3 km circuit, which caused some abandons due to the hardness caused by the strong wind. In the men’s SUB16 category, Ivån de Frutos Ruiz won the victory, followed by Alejandro Botella who fight the second place to Joan Garcia in a tight final sprint. When they finished, the expected elite and SUB18 category race took place, with a massive departure of more than 50 riders from the beach.

I n men, at first a group formed by Fernando Pérez Serra, Antonio Morillo Sanchez, Pablo Ania, Quique Hurtado,

James van Drunen, Nando Gómez and Salva Mora led the race. After them, another group formed by Daniel Parres, Santi Cantó, Iker Barbarrubio, Isaac Hernández and Emilio Irigoyen, among others. As the race progressed, some riders down from the leading group, such as Nando, Antonio and Salva. In the final stretch, Pablo Ania managed to win with an impressive sprint, followed by Quique Hurtado and closing the podium Fernando Pérez Serra. Nando Gómez and Antonio Morillo Jr. took the men’s SUB18 gold and silver. Juan Daniel Vanegas completed the podium.


T he first woman who been paddling the entire race was Sheila Sirvent who managed to stay in a group of men formed, among others, by Jacobo Fernández García, Andres Martínez and Julio Pérez Comba. Afrodita Ruso, the second woman in the race at the Elite category and first in the Elite Master, closely followed by Majo Pellicer. These three women maintained a similar position throughout the race, thus completing the women’s Elite podium. Regarding the female SUB18 category, the victory went to Vanesa Garcia Gabidullina, followed by Zoe and Mar Lloret.

La Mar de Bien offered us another formidable meeting point for all of us, housed over some formidable facilities that play all kinds of activities. What we ¨SUPeros¨ like, the ¨sarao¨ and that ¨third time¨. It was the first edition of this event, and it is practically outstanding. A fundamental part has also been the atmosphere generated by the people on the beach, with a very attractive and striking circuit for those who did not know this sport. It is very important the work of all of us to promote SUP, and what better way to do it during a SUP event.




36 MODELS . 12 BRANDS to start . to flow . to radicals riders

Desde el Mar

to start


Mana boards are perfect for beginners and those looking to grow their SUP skills. With their wide outline and exaggerated wave design, Manas are incredibly stable and easy to maneuver in medium-to-small surf. Versatile and easy-to-store, they are the ideal choice for those seeking an easy, all-around cruiser with a limited height. 9’5” 10’10”

to flow


to radical riders

32¨/ 81,3 cm 33¨/ 83,8 cm

4 3/4¨ / 12 CM 4 3/4¨/ 12 CM

163 L 190 L

Hokuas are for riders who are looking for versatile SUP surfing performance. Hokuas perform in any kind of surf condition—from slow and mushy to fast and powerful. These boards adapt to many different riding styles, whether they trim through the midsection or aggressively ride from the tail.

8’6” 9’0” 9’6”


287 cm 304,8 cm

259,1 cm 273,3 cm 286,9 cm

28¨ 3/4¨/ 71,8 cm 29¨/ 73,7 cm 29¨ 3/4¨/ 75,6 cm

3 3/4¨ / 9,5 cm 4 1/2¨/ 11,4 cm 4 1/2¨/ 11,4 cm

108 L 126 L 145 L

The Mad Dog is for aggressive paddlers who want a board that allows them to keep pushing the limits. These boards rip in the surf with plenty of speed and turning ability. The Mad Dog has an ample rocker, so it rides like a surfboard allowing hard turns with speed and power. 7´10” 8´1” 8´6” 8´11”

238,8 cm 246,4 cm 259,10 cm 272,11 cm

28¨/ 73,7 cm 29¨/ 73,7 cm 29¨/ 73,7 cm 29¨/ 73,7 cm

4 1/4¨ / 10,8 cm 4 1/2¨/ 11,4 cm 4 3/4¨/ 12,1 cm 4 3/4¨/ 12,10 cm

101 L 111 L 121 L 130 L

to start


Compact and functional model for initiated riders and somewhat larger and heavier than usual. The bow has been slightly widened to facilitate balance and entry into the wave but without increasing the volume in this area.

8´2” 8´4” 8´6”

to flow


to radical riders

4´ 4 1/8¨ 4 1/8¨

112 L 122 L 1130 L

New board developed to enjoy like never before those small and medium waves that always leave you halfway with your traditional wave board. We have increased the overall thickness of the board but especially at the rear, setting the average balance of the board a couple of inches further back. 7´9” 8´0” 8´3”


29¨ 1/2¨ 30¨ 1/2¨ 31¨ 1/2¨

29¨ 1/2¨ 30¨ 1/2¨ 31¨ 1/2¨

4´ 4 1/4¨ 4 1/4¨

101 L 113 L 123 L

The Voodoo is the board that dares with all kinds of conditions. Specially designed for riders with some experience in waves, with a fast and powerful “shape” that allows you to attack the wave from the base making turns as vertical as you want. Without a doubt, it is the ideal board if you only want a single board for the waves. 7´3” 7´5” 7´7”

26¨ 26¨ 1/2¨ 27¨

3 3/4¨ 3 3/4¨ 4 7/8¨

78 L 83 L 87 L

to start


The AllWave is designed for intermediate wave SUPers looking for a stable and easy paddling board to catch wave after wave, whether it’s clean overhead walls, or small and choppy. This year we made marked advances to the shape - that when combined - significantly enhance the stability and paddling, while at the same time 8´8” 8´11” 9´3” 9´7”

to flow


to radical riders

31¨/ 78,7 cm 31,5¨/ 80 cm 32¨/ 81,3 cm 32,5¨/ 82,6 cm

135 L 145 L 160 L 175 L

Inspired by classic longboard style Surfing, the beautiful Stylemaster Bamboo is our nose-rider SUP, allowing you to express your style on the wave with your toes hanging loose! Easy to paddle with insane glide, the classic outline means that no board is more efficient at catching waves. 10 10


264,4 cm 271,8 cm 281,9 cm 292,1 cm

304,8 cm 304,8 cm

28´5¨/ 72,4 cm 30,5¨/ 77,5 cm

130 L 145 L

When it’s overhead and conditions are firing - choose the ProWave – our high performance Surf SUP design that allows you to charge hard, no matter how extreme the conditions. Whether you’re carving fast powerful turns on a reef break, or slashing in the pocket and busting airs on a beach break. 7´6” 8´0” 8´,5” 8´9”

67,3 cm 69,9 cm 74,9 cm 77,5 cm

26,5¨/ 67,3 cm 27,5¨/ 69,9 cm 29,5¨/ 74,9 cm 30,5¨/ 77,5 cm

80 L 92 L 108 L 120 L

to start

R 10

The R10 is that board that works well in any circumstance, whether on waves or touring. Enjoy the waves with a board that will surprise you with its agility when manoeuvring. Its stability is unbeatable which allows it to navigate in a very comfortable way.


to flow


to radical riders

31¨/ 78,74 cm 4´25¨/ 10,795 cm

202 L

Enjoy this board in your wave sessions. A stable and easy board with good manoeuvrability. A board designed to start in the waves, but with a long journey. You can also enjoy it by taking walks. You can combine different measures of fins, until you find your ideal “kit”.



320,04 cm

274,32 cm

30¨/ 72,60 cm

4´25¨/ 10,795 cm

144 L

The WAVE is a board designed to surf waves without complexes. Two points differentiate it from any other: TRIFIN configuration with FCS fin system, and a rubber tail rail. This allows you to stay on the wall of the wave with the WAVE, and perform the manoeuvres you want, looking for the limit you set yourself.


274,32 cm

29¨/ 73,66 cm

4´ / 10 cm

150 L

to start


The Starboard Whopper we can qualify it as the queen of the allrounds. It is undoubtedly the easiest rigid all-round board to get started in SUP thanks to its 34 ”width that gives it extraordinary stability. It is an excellent board with which to learn and evolve in Stand Up Paddle from level 0 9’4” 10’0”

to flow


to radical riders

33¨/ 83,2 cm 34¨/ 86,2 cm

4,7¨ / 12 cm 4,3¨/ 12 cm

178 L 174 L

He is the eternal and trustworthy mate capable of adapting to all kinds of conditions. Its 9´5¨ length balances the glide with reactive transitions for a smooth and fast cut even in the deepest sections of the wave.

8´10” 9´5”


286,4 cm 305,3 cm

270,2 cm 289,8 cm

32¨/ 81,1 cm 32¨/ 81 cm

4,3¨ / 11 cm 4,3¨/ 11 cm

143 L 153 L

They are made for riders who are clear that their passion is surfing, and who are looking to get the most out of each session. The best option for the most radical riders in search of a paddleboard with which to surf aggressively, cross their own limits and evolve in technique. 7´2” 7´10” 8´10”

219,2 cm 243,2 cm 268,9 cm

25,5¨/ 62,2 cm 28¨/ 70,5 cm 29¨/ 73,7 cm

3,9¨ / 10 cm 4¨/ 10 cm 4,4¨/ 11,1 cm

83 L 102 L 131 L

to start


It is the ultimate SUP all-round board: with a perfect combination that performs both in fun waves and flat waters. This makes this board suitable for the two most important SUP applications.

9’2” 10’0” 10’11”

to flow


to radical riders

4 1/2¨ 4 1/4¨ 4 1/16¨

129,5 L 187,7 L 186,1 L

The DC Elements SURF SUP offers 95% pure surf performance, with the benefit of good width and attractive prices. Its combination of ecological construction, but also durable, makes this board a wider alternative to other boards in the DC range, such as the SLX DC Surf X 8’3” 8’7” 8’10”


29¨ 3/8¨ 32¨ 32¨ 1/4¨

32¨ 32¨ 32¨

4,5¨ 4,5¨ 4,5¨

141 L 146 L 151 L

Professionals and experienced riders have come to appreciate the performance of the DC Surf X around the world in some of the best places in the world. Its concave guarantees speed and agility, which is why professionals like Ty Judson and Annie Reickert look for the SLX DC Surf X when the waves are powerful. 6´10” 7´8” 8,6”

23¨ 27¨ 28¨

3 7/8¨ 3 7/8¨ 4 1/8¨

68,1 L 91,1 L 119,4 L

to start


The E-Sea Riders are fun, colourful and easy to carry boards, easy to paddle and provide the confidence to venture into your first waves. They are very stable with wide volume and width. The rocker has a perfect combination of gliding for paddling in flat water and smooth, effortless turns in your first waves.

9´1” 9´7” 10´4”

to flow


to radical riders

144 L 156 L 168 L

It is a high performance long board designed for smooth layouts. Ideal for medium waves, where you will feel good gliding. But you can get much more juice in big waves, it will surprise you

10´ 10´ 10´


31¨ 32¨ 32¨

27¨ 29¨ 32¨

TBC 133 L 165 L

Combination of speed, manoeuvrability and power On fire. It is a formidable fighter jet and a British icon much loved for its beautiful lines that create powerfully, tight turns that project speed.

7´10” 8´6” 9´5”

28,5¨ 30¨ 32¨

102 L 125 L 151 L

to start


They are SUP boards notable for their versatility and they will satisfy the practitioner who is looking for a SUP capable of catching a wide variety of waves, whether large or small, powerful or softer. Surf softly and of course keeping the possibility of going for a walk on calm days. 9’1” 9’6” 10’0”

to flow


to radical riders

4¨ / 10 cm 4¨/ 10 cm 4¨/ 10 cm

29¨ 1/2¨/ 74 cm 30¨ 1/2 / 77 cm 31¨ / 79 cm

128 L 134 L 145 L

Clearly 100% surf character but offering very good buoyancy and stability. The objective that we have sought and achieved was to achieve surfing boards that are capable of taking radical manoeuvres but without sacrificing accessibility and being able to surf without stress in a wide variety of conditions. 7’7” 8’5” 9’3”


277 cm 292 cm 300 cm

29¨ 31¨ 33¨

4¨ 4¨ 4¨

95 L 116 L 141 L

They are SUP SURF boards with a more radical shape and without concession to develop an aggressive surf. They are capable of very strong accelerations and have a maximum carving to make top turns, off the lip and re-entry with great power and ease.

6’6” 7’4” 8’6”

24¨ 29¨ 1/2¨ 31¨

3´17¨ 4´ 7/8 4¨

62 L 92 L 127 L

to start


The Freak is dedicated to small waves without excess volume. You will feel stable while rowing and the board will be level with the water, creating a very compromised surf feeling with precise and clean thrusts.

9’2” 9’2”

to flow


to radical riders

22¨ 7/8¨/ 58,10 cm 4¨ / 10,2 cm 31¨ 1/2¨/ 87 cm 4¨ 1/2¨/ 11,5 cm

115 L 145 L

It is for those who want to surf aggressively while maintaining a smooth and comfortable rhythm. The 7’8 is perfect for the surfer weighing less than 75 kg and suitable for one weighing up to 90 kg. The faster and stronger the wave signals ... the more comfortable you will be on it. 6’1” 7’8” 9´8¨


279,2 cm 279,2 cm

208,3 cm 233,7 cm 294,6 cm

22¨ 3/4¨/ 62,90 cm 3¨ 9/16¨/ 9 cm 27¨ 13/16¨/ 70,6 cm 4¨ / 10,1 cm 32¨/ 81,3 cm 4¨ 1/2¨/ 11,5 cm

65 L 95 L 155 L

Boards 100% made for radical and superior turns, cuts, closed turns and aerial turns. The faster and stronger the wave, the more you will be on it. A dynamic surfer will exploit it even in the most difficult wave conditions without having to press hard.

7’3” 7’8” 9´10¨

221,0 cm 233,7 cm 299,7 cm

26¨ 5/16¨/ 66,80 cm 3¨ 3/4¨/ 9,6 cm 27¨ 13/16¨/ 70,6 cm 4¨ / 10,1 cm 33¨/ 83,8 cm 4¨ 5/8¨/ 11,6 cm

80 L 95 L 165 L

to start


With their bevelled rails, a subtle V-shape at the bottom and balanced volume distribution, these boards have everything you need to surf any wave, with style and efficiency. The perfect setup for your introduction to SUP Surfing with enough attributes to take it to the next level as your skill progresses. 8’6” 9’2” 9’6”

to flow


to radical riders

29´5¨/ 75 cm 31¨/ 79 cm 32¨/ 81,5 cm

116 L 139 L 154 L

Having increased the volume of the nose provides more stability and better longitudinal balance. Taking off is easier and this volume helps during lower turns for very intuitive carving. It now has a round / pintail that provides more fluidity and manoeuvrability. Rail to rail surfing, easy maximum turns and less loss of speed.

8’0” 8’5” 8’8”


259 cm 280 cm 290 cm

244 cm 258 cm 266 cm

29¨/ 74 cm 31¨/ 78,5 cm 32¨/ 81,5 cm

100 L 125 L 136 L

PRO CARBON construction is available throughout the 6’8 “to 8’8” range. The platform is built with layers of glass, bamboo, and some biaxial carbon fabrics. The bottom features an HD foam sandwich with glass layers and some biaxial carbon fabrics.

6’8” 7’5” 8’0”

203 cm 226 cm 244 cm

23´5¨/ 60 cm 25´5¨/ 65 cm 29¨/ 74 cm

56 L 80 L 100 L

to start


It is the most complete performance longboard in our range. We focus on versatility, stability and performance in the waves. It is great fun in flat water as well as in waves. Versatile and can be used in a wide range of conditions.

10’0” 10’0”

to flow


to radical riders

4¨ 1/14¨ 4¨ 3/8¨

141,6 L 158,5 L

THE FLOW is our highest performing form for any condition. Based on one of Bert and Chapstar’s most successful surfboard designs and tailored to SUP. If you want to surf with power, this is the weapon for you.

7´1” 8´4” 9´6”


29¨ 30¨

24¨ 15/16¨ 29¨ 3/8¨ 33¨¨

3¨ 11/16¨ 4¨ 3/8¨ 4¨ 11/16¨

71,2 L 110,3 L 159,1 L

This is exactly the same board that our professionals use in their competitions with a powerful sea. It is ideal to have it inside your quiver and use it in big waves. Quick and forceful on the wall of the wave.

7´11” 8´11” 9´11”

23¨ 5/8¨ 26¨ 5/8¨ 29¨ 5/8¨

3¨ 7/8¨ 4¨ 1/4¨ 4¨ 3/4¨

73,9 L 102,5 L 140,4 L

to start


The Slice is a high performance surf SUP for the rider who has just entered SUP surfing, as well as for advanced recreational and competition riders. Provides enough buoyancy to paddle comfortably to the point and then paddle the wave.


to flow


to radical riders

155 L

The rails have been profiled, allowing you to skirt the face of the wave and cut through the water when you make your turns. These boards are perfect for those seeking stability without sacrificing performance.





125 L

The Slice Pro made its debut in 2019 with great success in high performance SUP surfing. These boards are, of course, shorter and lower in volume, making them perfect for the grom or advanced rider with a cat like balance. With lower volumes and more aggressive shapes! 7’4”


85 L

The wick of this article was lit in a publication on my social networks, I think some of you remember it. At that moment memories of 2019 came to my mind during my work in different SUP events, and it is something that I usually do to see what tools I can use to improve in each work and dedication. The truth is that this case is a little more complex, and it is not that it is constantly seen as in other sports, but here it is true that understanding with third parties is essential.

my dear pรณdium Nico Arnedo (Up Suping)

Triki. Carlota Parras. Up Suping

We all want the best for our loved ones (here I mean children, brothers, parents, nephews, friends, etc). But...do we know what they want? This topic was deepened by Majo Pellicer in one of our digital magazines, here you can see it. It is an important topic because at this point there are the roots that surround the reasons why these loved ones practice Stand Up Paddle. If we understand this, if they explain to us why and its objectives, we will know how to correspond correctly.

What does this mean? Well, if they want to compete and obtain certain results, they will have to paddling. Not us, we will have to be out of the water supporting and/or providing immediate information as the coaches also do. Here I want to make a point: we have all ranted football at some time, of those parents who insult the referees even in pre-Benjamin categories, those screams pressing their children to play as they see fit while looking at the face of their coach freaking out without understanding anything. I swear to you that it is the same that I feel when I am pressured to name their children by the microphone or be part of our digital magazine…. Closing the paragraph, I do not think that this is the right path for them or for SUP. I repeat, it is not something that manifests itself continuously, since our sport has values that ​​ many others do not. For this reason, I do not want this type of behaviour to be infected and spread, which over time is very difficult to eradicate, and which undoubtedly directly affects our loved ones, that we often say that we “love”, and that sometimes We climb to the top of our emotional podium.

My dear podium. If before I commented on how important it is to understand the root of why this loved one paddling, it is no less his evolution and the fundamental role that we have at that time. It only takes one word in our heads: SUPPORT. To their goals, to enhance their joy in the practice of this sport, to those decisions that can be complicated and that they do not know how to face, to understand their doubts and offer them healthy answers, to not be in a hurry and make them understand that they must be enjoyed. And endless things that you already know as mothers, fathers, uncles, etc ...

What’s more, applying the correct behaviour will lead us to an explosion of good feelings, where we will find that calm and tranquillity in order to communicate with them in the most correct way. All words and gestures that carry a powerful demonstration of affection before you, will make the “SUPER” charge with energy and believe much more in what he/she wants to do. Over the past years, I have spoken with many parents of children and adolescents who practice this sport. The truth is that they show a lot of passion and interest in them. The good thing is that many recognize that there are moments that are they who sometimes do not live up to the circumstances, perhaps slowing the growth or evolution of the young rider out and in the water. We must recognize that sometimes, as parents, we cannot be in everything. But the most successful of all this is to recognize this situation and immediately redirect it to a field where the beneficiary is always our loved one.

In this case, as is logical each father and mother are a world. It will not always be worth the same opinion and way of educating, but the objective is always the same: that they feel happy in each paddling motion and everything that involves this sport. Do you remember when we hung posters of famous athletes on the walls of our room years ago? Wow… yes, we were true fans back then. Can you imagine now your children with posters of Connor Baxter, Olivia Piana or Izzy Gómez? It is true that some things have changed because they do it every day through digital media. But they feel the same passion. That’s right, because we were dying of madness to see Ronaldo make a dribble up close, and they do it now in the same way when seeing Michael Booth doing a buoy turn…right?

Well, then we are in them. Possibly these little ones are the current reflection of what we were but in a new era, where we do know what they need thanks to our past experiences. We just have to ask ourselves what they feel, what they need ... and we will surely discover the answers simply by supporting them, as I mentioned earlier. In this time of quarantine we will not be able to see our loved ones physically on a podium, it is time to know them a little more and understand them (although you also have to be patient), and tell them that everything will heal. They will return to the water stronger than before, eager to eat the world and enjoy themselves as true dwarfs. We adults will do the same and they will want to do it their way, but they will need us to feel safe. It is time to stop to start again. Let’s seize the opportunity‌.

Up Suping Alpha Drones

Bienvenido Sรกnchez

Up Suping Alpha Drones. Dani Fotรณgrafo Bienve Sรกnchez. Up Suping

Surely before starting to write these lines you have been paddling a little...right? You are right! I just have a few days off and take the opportunity to paddle daily through the Villaviciosa Estuary which is spectacular. How did you get to know the Stand Up Paddle? My family was always linked to the sea. My father was a diving instructor, we had kayaking, fishing, my daughter was surfing. Since I remember there were wetsuits, boats or water toys of all kinds in my house. One day from the window of my house I saw a guy standing up paddling on a board and said to myself, I want that! I tried it and until today ... You are contributing a very important grain of sand to Asturian SUP. Are we on the right track Bienve? I think so, we went from being four friends to having a lot of licenses, a circuit of competitions and several specific SUP sports clubs. The work of the new sports Clubs is decisive for, together with the already established surf schools in Asturies, to join forces for the growth of SUP Ecosup managed to bring nothing less than a Spanish Endurance Championship to Boal and our club, Astursup, various circuit events in Gijón and in Caravia. This year we repeat the circuit and Gijón will also be the Spanish Cup for Race, Beach and waves. We are talking about non-profit clubs which makes it even more remarkable.

How has the joint work with the FSPA been in these years? The arrival of Jesús Espina, as president of the FSPA, has been key to the growth of SUP in Asturias. From the first moment he bet on promoting the Stand Up Paddle, they offered me the responsibility of taking care of the competitions and I accepted. But without the commitment and constant support of the Federation and its team we would not be at this point. We have a consolidated Asturian Race and Beach Race circuit and numerous SUP waves events open to everyone.


Alpha Drones

Up Suping

Dani Fotรณgrafo

What do you feel when you see young promises paddling next to you? I feel like twisting their necks! (laughs) They are demons, four days ago we taught them to row and now they take out your guts to try to keep up with them. They are the best of this sport Asturias has many corners where you can enjoy Stand Up Paddle. Tell us which are your favorites! Oops! Apart from some secret spots ... that still remain, I love to go rowing to the Villaviciosa estuary, catch waves in San Lorenzo, get lost on the Llanes cliffs or jump into the Sella, Cares or Deva. And let’s not even say go to a mountain lake in autumn or winter and enjoy unique landscapes. The possibilities here are endless and for all tastes. What things do you like about the environment that this sport generates? How do you enjoy each stay, event or competition? I can only say that the Stand Up Paddle made me discover great friends, the real ones, so I thoroughly enjoy the great Supera family. Why is SUP so addictive? How do you feel after a good session? That child smile that you have left for the whole day after a good session with a broken body and generating endorphins...it is priceless! What would you say to the ¨SUPeros¨ who have not yet gone to Asturias to row? What are they going to find? They are going to find a whole world: sea, waves, beaches, estuaries, rivers, lakes and swamps. Unique landscapes, nice people. And especially Cachopos! That after rowing here you eat and very well. Thanks to… To my colleagues in the Astursup Club, who are like my family. To Alfonso Muñiz “Tato” who managed to get me to my feet many years ago and that is not forgotten. Edu González great athlete and best friend. Jaime Tablas and family who welcomed me in their “home” in my early days. Hugo Suarez who showed me every corner of the Cantabrian coast. And many more inside and outside Asturias that it is impossible for me to name everyone. And especially to the fans and competitors who come to Asturias from all corners to events and competitions. We wait for you and thanks! 87




Follow the preparation of THE TEAM French paddlers Samuel Vaultier and Nicolas Fayol for the YUKON 1000 of the 2020 edition. Follow us on this adventure to grab some tips, special technic and all the crispy moment of this expedition. Since the writing of this article, the race will be reported in 2021, due to the COVID-19. We keep all the tragic moment of the epidemic to move forward and be even more ready in next year!

Team French Paddler

WHO WE ARE? We first meet 20 years ago! At this time Sam was a regional flat water canoe coach, and Nico was one of his athletes. Life continues, we take a different road, but 3 years ago we meet again and decide to creat project around the SUP. The first experience was the integral Dordogne. We will be part of the 40 teams in the Yukon 2021…250km on the tarn river! 3 days on the tarn river from Quézac to Gaillac, 250 k in SUP. The weather was a bit challenging so we decide to change a bit the plan and not do total autonomy. In our preparation it’s important to focus on long distance training, the purpose is to test our physicality, and test the material. In this trip, we were with Shara Dubeau, she prepare herself for the Yukon Quest and ous back up team was Jean Pierre Dupuis. We cup the trip in 3 parts, each one had a speciality.

1º DAY


Maybe the most famous part of the river because It include the «¨Tawara¨ section. We should initially start from St Enimie, but the level of the water pushes us to do extra 20km. Sébastien Gillot, local paddler and SUP river guide us till the section ¨Pas de Souci¨. The rapid has a lot of siphons, and we prefer not to do it. On this section, we had the privilege to paddle on a Wonderfull place, with a lot of canyons, and rapid level 2, 2+. Really top section despite the rain. We had to out of the board 2 times, (case of safety) at the dam of st anime et the rapid of the Pas de Souci. For a restaurant, just at the start of this section, it’s Le panorama du roc des Hourtous. Sebastion and Katy will be happy to welcome you, and you have a perfect point of the canyon. You also have a camping car area for the night. Sebastion know perfectly the river, we will give you all the secret.



This section is really perfect to paddle in white water level 2+, and long part really smooth just before the dam. Some historical moment when you pass under the viaduct of just in front of the village of Cressielle. After 20km, you have to go out of the board a lot of time. This details, make this section a little bit less interesting than the first one, but the rapid in white water are more interested. Be careful some part of the river are forbidden to paddle, you have to go out of the board a lot of time. Between the white water and the flat part will make you a strong mind, this is sure! In white water, keep in mind to have a safe distance between the board that you don’t fall at the same time. On the flat, just draft the board of the paddler in front of you and let him do the job! Keep in mind that you have to change the position of the first paddler and the second, if not you can be sure that in the evening you will have some explications (laughts).

This section was the longest part, 16H of paddling in a day. Our focus was to prepare the time of the navigation of the Yukon, around 16H to 18H‌ every day. It was interested to paddle during the night. We thanks a lot the brand PETZL for the light, it provides us with a comfortable night trip!

3º DAY


The rapid of this section offers a beautiful moment of architecture and chan completely our sports mind. This part is also practicable by the other boat, as jet ski… During this long time of paddling, (24H) it’s nice to take a break to continue to paddle easy and just remember all that happen in this trip:

- All the falls in the white water of the friend - The help and smile of the backup team! - The amazing canyon! - Night session!… After this 3 days trip, we were really happy to finish and a bit tired of course, but for sure closer and closer than our Yukon race!

WICH MATERIAL It’s really important to choose the good material for this kind of trip. It’s a long and exhausting trip so you can’t let the material be an obstacle. For the board, you need to have enough stability for the rapid so we take inflate 26 of large. We cut the fines that we can have less trouble then we pass on the law water. We stake narrow board for the flat part, don’t hesitate to take a little bit lagger that you can have better stability in the white water. Think that your board will have extra weight (for camping), it will be harder to turn, change your position on the board to have a better glide. In the canyon, you have a lot of wind, and white water, it’s always easier to have a little bit smaller blade, and maybe take adjustable shaft that you can afford all the trouble. Tired, distraction is normal for this kind of long effort, we become less technique on the white water part and less focus on the water movement. Hydratation and snack are really important to stay sharp! Of course, we had all the time water with us, but as well snack of our partner MULE BAR, mango /nuts, peanuts/strawberry, apple/ grapefruit are just delicious! We also trie lemon gel and caramel gel, I think we will use it for Yukon! The quiver: - Nico: Fanatic Falcon air 14/26 2020 – Paddle Select Fusion 95 Taille S - Sam: Starboard airline 14 / 26 2020 – Paddle Lima T m S40 - Shara: Fanatic Falcon air 14/26 2019– Paddle Select Fusion 95 Taille S


EVOLUTION Isaac HernĂĄndez (Be Waters)

KDF. Ungravity. Hoenalu. Naish. SPS. Up Suping

The wonderful world of Stand Up Paddle boards (Paddle Surf) In this article we are going to show you in broad strokes what types of boards we can find in the market and their differences; each one chooses their board according to tastes or needs, so before buying material, you have to take into account their pros and cons. Let’s start by talking about the two types of board materials. Rigid or inflatable.





Inflatable tables have par excellence become the best-selling tables for school or amateur use, but why? Basically this type of board offers you security, simplicity and easy transportation. They are much safer than a rigid one in initiation stages since, if you suffer any fall and blow against the board, the blow is lighter and you save from breaking it. It is very comfortable to inflate it where you want, transport it in the car, travel with it, etc. The cons? You must be careful when storing, since if you do not fold them correctly or if they are exposed to the sun, they can break without possible repair. In addition, the navigability is much slower. A board of this type does not run the same as a rigid one. Nor does it offer you sensations of turning, singing etc.



Up Suping




It is clear that the evolution of the inflatable is the rigid board. Not only for its functionality, but, any modification it has in its form is real. Many brands sell different inflatable boards for specific conditions (waves, race or downwind) but very few come close to what they really are in its rigid version. A rigid board offers you greater speed, a better reaction in movements, more performance in any condition and, of course, it is the option if you want to improve or compete in any discipline. Now, what are the cons? Transportation and storage are more complicated. They usually have measurements of between 2 m. those of surf, up to 4 m. those of race. In addition, any badly given blow can cause breakage, which must be well repaired to avoid future problems.




EVOLUTION What shapes can we find in both materials? The most common are Allround, waves and race.

ALLROUND All-round boards usually have very comfortable shapes. Wide, round tips, and generally very stable. Virtually all school, inflatable or amateur boards use this type.

Up Suping

SUP SURF The SUP waves boards are cousins ​​of the surf boards that we usually see in surf movies. What they have done in Paddle Surf has been to make them have much more buoyancy to be able to stand on them. Within surf there are several types of shapes but, broadly speaking, what makes such a board more A.Laborda

affordable are the litres of it. Up to 145 litres, a board is really simple if you have previous experience paddling. The most advanced riders use boards between 90-110 litres. Professionals riders use 70 litres. 101




The race boards are chosen by competition professionals, amateurs who love crossings and anyone who wants to enjoy paddling effortlessly, they are boards that range from 3,8 m. up to almost 4.3 m. This gives a very good speed (between 7-10km/h) so that on long crossings, we can travel more distance in less time.

Within the race boards we can find three great types: allwater, flat and downwind. All water boards are designed to be all terrain. Versatile designs that offer good navigation in any condition.


Flatwater’s boards have much better navigation in conditions of total calm. Its speed is somewhat higher and easier to maintain than any other board. They are somewhat penalized in wind and sea conditions.




EVOLUTION Downwind boards have a very peculiar shape and are very comfortable and stable paddling in the wind. They offer navigation and surfing during these types of crossings

Up Suping

SUP TEAM www.bewatersports.es

INNER SEA ¿Where live your tu motivation? Beatriz Felipe López

F.Wilbrand. Mayola Dijksman. Up Suping

I have heard a thousand times that the biggest motivation that moves people is money. So...what leads us to compete or give everything in an SUP event, if we have no financial compensation? And most of the time I would dare to say that we “lose” money. Just as we prepare ourselves with our best material to compete, it is important to find that energy that moves us to action and that is sustained over time to achieve our purposes. But of course, everything we cannot touch is complex to know, dominate and control. If you search the word “motivation” on the internet you will find various definitions and brilliant motivational theories, but just by reading a bit your motivation to compete not will increase. Of course, you will be a rider with a lot of knowledge, but you will not become to the best. Knowledge if you do not know how to apply is useless. What should you do? Where to start? 104

THE COMPLEXITY OF MOTIVATION What makes motivation a complex state is its variability. It depends on various factors such as context, personal experiences, time and its specificity in the goals. I could talk about each of those characteristics, but as I said, we would not achieve anything practical. Summarizing all that complexity is very simple: it comes down to having a motive important enough that it is worth working for and towards him. A motive becomes “that” that moves us to act and activates us internally towards a specific activity or purpose. It is an impulse that underlies a thought, a dream, an image, a memory ... We just have to identify it and keep it in mind. For no reason, there is no motivation.

ENCOURAGED OR MOTIVATED? I don’t know if you’ve ever considered the difference between being motivated and being upbeat. They are certainly different. I will try to explain it with an example. Surely on some occasion, you have missed a competition or a meeting because, simply, you did not feel like anything at all. But in an act of supporting the riders, you have decided to go see them and it is at that precise moment when, enveloped by the music, the laughter, the smell of battle, the atmosphere, the people ... when Boom! You come upstairs trying to compete for whatever and with whatever, or at least take off “the monkey” with a little bath. Encouraged or motivated? Without a doubt, animated by the surroundings. Being motivated goes beyond the high that an environment or a shout of encouragement gives you at a certain moment and that makes you draw strength and push from where you thought there was not. After that moment, that energy is diluted, disappearing completely. It is definitive, motivating is not encouraging. It requires that energy to last over time. 105


I have good news for you: Motivation is not a quality you have or don’t have, but rather a skill you can work on. It depends on you. But of course, if motivating depends on yourself, why are there so many unmotivated people?


Very simple, everything that involves working on yourself requires great effort, planning, perseverance and self. The “easy” and “already” does not exist. Although it seems silly, stopping to discover your inner world is the most valuable tool to know your desires and find that horizon to direct your steps. It’s time to reflect and here are some points that will help you get to know yourself so that your motivation increases. Don’t overlook them. Take care of what you say to yourself and how you say it to yourself. A “you are not worth paddling” or “do not even try, you are not up to it” can gradually deflate and abandon your goal. Pamper yourself a lot, that fighting for what you want is exhausting enough. Don’t compare yourself. Comparisons are hateful, and if you are already mentally “competing” before you start, you will give up before you start. Comparing yourself takes away your value and worth. Do not get carried away by others. The company is good if it supports you in your goals, but beware, if this is not the case, stay away from their “demotivating” comments and make your dreams and what you need from them clear. Only then, your dreams will be stronger than his words. Remember that “people who do not achieve their dreams often tell others that they will not fulfil theirs either”


Direct your course. Define your objective well and write down each and every one of the reasons why you achieve it. Always keep it in sight because those reasons are medicine to overcome fears and laziness. In addition, they will be an incentive in moments of a downturn. Visualize. Take a few minutes a day to imagine yourself getting the result you want. Pay attention to the details, the emotions it generates in you, the person to whom you would dedicate it ... let yourself go and flow with it. Unconsciously you are awakening new learning mechanisms. Create a logbook. As insignificant as it may seem, write down all your workouts and progress as it is the only way to track your achievements. Seeing small results in the short term will help you to be consistent. Ultimately, motivation begins and ends with you Have you found it yet?

Beatriz Felipe Lรณpez Psychologist and Coach 107






Up Suping


The SUP of Andalucia continues to grow great promises. Sergio has gone one step further and is already scary to the biggest riders from Spain. 108

Up Suing

@molimc. A.Laborda. S.Toledo. Up Suping


Hello Sergio! Tell us how Stand Up Paddle came to your life, where you live and you usually go paddling. With Red Blue I tried a board for the first time in the summer of 2014. I liked right away. I live in Malaga and I go paddling from the PaddleSurf Fuengirola club, there I have my friends and my coaches Lolo and Josemi. In this last year, you have taken a jump in competition. What are your best results so far? In 2019 I was the Spanish Champion of Sprint ​​SUB16. I won the Circuito Costa del SUP SUB16, the Andalucía Championship and the Spanish Sprint Cup. ​​

How do you feel these years of evolution has been? What factors have been fundamental for this? I have noticed great progress both in physics and technique. I go paddling whenever I can and the clinics I have attended with Jurgi Zulaika and Ramón Blanco have helped me a lot. Also, I am winning experience and I am always willing to learn from those who have been rowing the longest. 109





Who are your idols nationally and internationally?

What do you think about the Costa SUP circuit and all the events we have in Andalucia?

My example to follow in Spain is Rafa Sirvent, who has always given me good advice. Internationally my reference is Michael Booth for his technique and incredible physical condition.

It is a great circuit that has allowed me to know many incredible places to paddling, such as the Glu Glu Race or Iznajar. This year, although I am 16, I will participate in the Elite category to continue improving.



All the “SUPers” with your age are living a golden moment in this sport. How is the relationship between all of you? It’s very good. Rivals in the water and friends out of it. There is a great atmosphere between us where there is no lack of companionship and lots of laughter. Besides the SUP Race...What other modalities and sports do you practice? I love snowboarding, surfing, wakeboarding, windsurfing, paddle tennis and swimming, which I have been doing since I was 3 years old. Now what board and paddle do you use? I am using the Starboard All Star 2020 14 x 22.5 and my paddle is the Quick Blade V drive 81. I am very happy with both of them. 110

What are your goals to meet in this sport? Improve enough and in a few years go to the World Cup, I would love that. We suppose that the support of your family is very important to be in the world of SUP..right? Right, very important. I am aware of the effort my parents make to take me to train and testing, often sacrificing their things. But thanks to SUP, we spend a lot of time together. Thanks to… Thank my PaddleSurf club Fuengirola, Florián de Hoenalu for their support and trust me ... And the entire ¨SUPer¨ family, especially Julio, Paco and Marina for their love.



SUP Race Mediterranean Circuit 2020 Castellón Provincial Circuit Up Suing

Crono4. Up Suping

Burriana is already one of the stable events in the Mediterranean. Vicente’s organization, the Ania family and the Burriana Windsurfing Club are always a reference for all participants. In addition, it gives the starting to the Provincial Circuit of Castellón, which this year has the main objective of promoting SUP and leading all the public in this region to paddling.

Crono 4

Crono 4

Burriana is also well known for its race, with a very diverse course with the ¨break legs ¨, a portage that we put this name last year; since it forces you to walk a few meters. By the way... have you seen the sprint that James Van Drunen scored in his two portages on the hunt for Rafa Sirvent? Wow !, it was amazing. As well as the conditions of the sea, which gave us very funny waves, especially on arrival at the finish line. Gloria storm did remove the funds as she liked. And you are not going to deny me that, if you were in Burriana, you expected that amazing paella‌Anyway, we put another outstanding note.

Crono 4

As in El Perelló, we cannot fail to highlight two riders: Sheila Sirvent and Pablo Ania. Both have won in their categories, and as they continue at this rate, they are going to make it very difficult for the rest of the competitors in 2020. The release of ¨drafting¨ is being well received by all, good acceptance by the Amateurs and riders who made the leap this year to the Elite category, since in this way they are learning to enjoy the drafting. I think it was a great success, for the moment, by the CMS. And another thing that we have seen and really like is the respect and sanity that competitors have to race directors and organizers. In this way, everything comes out on time, to everyone’s liking and always with a smile ahead.

Crono 4

Crono 4

Crono 4

Crono 4

Unfortunately, the Covid19 will cut us off this good start for a long time. It will not fog at all what we have experienced in El Perelló and Burriana, but we are in the hearts of those who were dedicating much time and effort in organizing the postponed events. At the moment we must stay with the great taste in the mouth of this spectacular start to the competition and look forward with joy to another “joint”, so this time we can shake hands, a kiss or a hug.



Pyrenees SUP Festival March 7 and 8, 2020 Pirineos SUP Festival

Excellent atmosphere that began on Friday afternoon 6 at our SPOT SUP PIRINEOS school, located in the town of Escalona in the heart of the Aragonese Pyrenees, with the delivery to the participants, arrived from different places of the spanish geography, of dorsals accompanied by a cup, a neoprene tape for the glasses, a sticker and a T-shirt of the Festival Pirineos SUP Festival. Â Later, the participants who wanted to could share a dinner at the Revestido restaurant where one of the main themes was the planned weather since some found snow to arrive on their transfer from their point of origin to our SPOT.

At 09.00, on Saturday the 7th, the participants arrived at the shore of Morillo de Tou, a town located next to the Mediano reservoir, Sobrarbe region, Huesca Pyrenees. At around 10:30, all the participants gather to perform the briefing of the non-competitive event with changes in course and distance due to the changing wind that gave it a more sporty character than expected, forcing the participants to “give it their all.” Due to the conditions, it is left free to choose the distances so that they can cover 12k, 6k or 3k, always taking into account that it is a Paddle Surf Festival with NON-COMPETITIVE tests. In the water there is a motorboat and three safety Kayaks with Canoeing Guides and Monitors certified by the Spanish Canoeing Federation. The sun and the good temperatures make the wind conditions more bearable so that little by little all the participants arrive at the finish line tired but very satisfied. After the tests, Xavi Masdevall, from the company WIND PARADISE, offered us a WING FOIL exhibition. In addition, participants who wanted to, could try boards and “play with the Red Paddle Dragons”, also on loan from Wind Paradise.

At around 2:00 pm we were able to enjoy a country paella, made live, for all the participants and companions in a spectacular setting. At around 17:30, the participants were summoned to the Barceló Monasterio de Boltaña Hotel, to attend three interesting talks. The first, by Juan José Naranjo, director of the Spot SUP Pyrenees school, on SAFETY IN RESERVOIRS, followed by the talk of material on FOIL, with Xavi Masdevall, to end with an exciting and at the same time fun experience told by our partner Nacho Cifuentes from the Aguas Blancas company, who ventured to imitate the navateros on their journey from Escalona to Tortosa, in paddle surf. To end the day, a very special night awaited us in the Castle Moat of the Medieval complex of l’Ainsa. At 20:30 we all meet to enjoy, first of all, a barbecue made live with meat from the Pyrenees, around the heat of a huge bonfire of more than 4,000 kilos of firewood, ending with a magnificent live Rock concert with THE BAD FATHERS. Really unforgettable magic night.

The wonderful world of


Triki Navascués

FotoSertx. Triki Navascués

Hello to everyone. I am Triki from HS2 Surf Center in Hondarribia. I tell you a little about my experience with this crazy toy that fell on my feet to stay. I am fortunate to have a close relationship with the F-ONE family, I am sure you already know its material but perhaps not so much its hydrofoils. The fact is that almost 3 years ago, they sent me a SUP Foil 9.6 board and a hydrofoil that has little to do with the current material. The board was huge and when you flew, it was like riding a bus with rally suspensions… it didn’t move hahaha, but I was already freaking out, taking off almost a meter above the water. That feeling is what most makes me freak out with this contraption. The hydrofoil, the mast and wings, were quite small and that meant that as soon as you lost a little speed, you fell flat quickly. 120

Since then, until now, the market has greatly developed its material. Currently, I carry a 92 litre 6.6 board that allows me to catch the waves quite safely. All these boards are biscuit style and that makes them more stable, compared to a wave shape. So we can afford to take a few litres below the usual. The foil, the mast and wings, are a big world. There are different sizes, different shapes and we are seeing that the trend is to go little by little, make smaller and more manageable foils. For example, for an initiation level, a hydrofoil with a large surface is recommended, to be able to fly with little speed and to be stable. (2000 cm3). However, for an advanced level, we look for the balance between speed and carving. (1400 cm3) To start SUP, it would be convenient to be able to do at least one session towed by a boat. This will make it easier for us to take impressions and, of course, to advance a lot in a short time.

Security As for safety, it is advisable to wear an impact waistcoat and a helmet. The first sessions are the most dangerous, you still do not know how the foil will react and you can eat the board and give yourself a good blow, or worse, hit the foil and cut yourself. 121

Choice of spot It is convenient to find yourself a solitary beak, so as not to eat anyone. If when you catch a wave, you see that someone is in your path during the take off, I recommend that you abort the mission and take the next wave. Look for a wave slow, that does not have much strength. This will facilitate the take off and allow you to enjoy a wave that, for the other modalities, has no appeal. Give the brain ... you know your area better than anyone, look for breakers that once the point brake has finished, continue a wave, it is precisely in that wave, where you will develop your bathroom the most. Those of us who have been around a lot of times catch a wave, only to be used as a shuttle and we can go back up to catch the next ones.

SUP Foil As we all know, SUP makes timing much easier when it comes to catching a wave. Well, with the foil it is the same and you can anticipate and catch the wave, even before it breaks. If you feel that the wave is already dragging you, it’s time to step on the back foot and start flying. My recommendation would be to catch the waves in a surf position and not with your feet parallel. If you catch a broken wave, all you have to do is bend over and spread your feet well, as long as you have the weight on the front foot, the foil will not fly, so don’t be afraid. To the people that I have taught until now in waves, almost all sin to have excessive respect for the flow. This is understandable, but blocking, the only thing it does is to cause accidents. You have to send the instructions to the foil from above, if you still do not control your tool, it is preferable that you throw more than you should, that you stay flying at the mercy of luck. The first flights are fantastic, you can’t believe what is happening but I always recommend taking a short lead and not coming too high. 122

To avoid accidents, the ideal is to fly straight, falling forward or backwards. They are not more dangerous than in a normal session but lateral falls can play a trick on you. Just in case, when you’re in the water, cover your face. And with that said... Now comes the best...When you took this foil quietly, the truth is that it is sick, this autumn has been magnificent and I think I have surfed every day if it is small in Hendaye if it is large in my usual spot that by the way is stuck and there are no more foils (laughs). If it’s broken from onshore, better ... well, I’m alone in the water. There really are times when you take baths where you never imagined. And to top it off, now I use the same material to make wing foil if there is a lot of wind. A good wetsuit and you have daily baths.

You will soon realize that you have to work your legs more, the very high cardio level you get in a good foil session is comparable to doing 95% athletic series. Learning a good pumping technique and being in good physical condition will be crucial to take you to the highest level.

To be honest, this is not easy, you have to put in many hours and you are continually learning. The material you choose is very important, I do not recommend taking material in the second-hand market, unless it is from someone you trust and sells yours to buy another more modern model. Many people have bought cheap and after 3 days they have thrown in the towel and put the material for sale. A kite foil, is not suitable for SUP and vice versa, really let us recommend you by professionals, do not buy rare brands, they do not work the same, nor do they weigh the same, nor do they have the same life cycle.

Rules As it happened in his day with SUP, you have to change the roll. We cannot catch all the waves for ourselves. In my area there are many people in France who control a lot and we share the waves among several but when there are more people, we cannot take the waves from the rest, if you have caught your wave with all your rights, enjoy it until it is over and fly back to where you can but you can’t jump his wave to another surfer who was waiting his turn. If we all respect each other, this is wonderful. 123


Do you want to assist an event or compete in a competition but do not know which one to go? Enter our ¨Hoenalu SUP Calendar¨ and plan your next getaway. Click on our logo and you will access directly!


Stand Up Paddle magazine / website www.upsuping.com

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