GSP Magazine April 2014

Page 1 ISSUE: April 2014



ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS Geographical spread of GSP’s drilling operations * Cover picture: GSP Uranus being towed to the dry dock

Emergency Response Capabilities

GSP`s First Romanian Certified OIMs

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ADRIAN ALEXE, Emergency Response Coordination Center Manager ALEXANDRU BRATU, Project Manager BENOIT CARAYOL, Drilling Managing Director ANGELA DUMITRESCU, Curriculum Leader VALENTIN IVANOF, Managing Director of Euroned Engineering PATRICK NICAUD, Drilling HR Manager PAUL NICHIFOROV, General Manager of GSP Shipyard DRAGOŞ TEODORESCU, Manager, GSP Training Center

GSP Magazine (Print) ISSN 2286 – 3028 ISSN–L 2286 – 3028 GSP Magazine (Online) ISSN 2286 – 3036 ISSN-L 2286 – 3028

Let us know what you think about the content of the new issue of GSP Magazine! Do you want to become a magazine contributor? Please address your editorial contribution proposals to: GSP’s Public Relations and Corporate Communication Department is the sole owner and copyright holder of the magazine content. Please contact the editorial team in order to request the rights to use any portion of texts, photographs, charts or to request for in-depth details on the contained features. The editorial team and the contributors hold the entire responsibility for the magazine`s content. Magazine Coordinator – SANDA GABRIELA MURTAZA - Contributing Editor – CORINA MIHAELA SAMOILA -


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contents 4 NEWS 5 GSP`S FIRST ROMANIAN CERTIFIED OIMs - Valeri Zuda and Adrian Baboi 6 FOREIGN STUDENTS at GSP Training Center 7 DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU: the fourth meeting of the consultative group 8 GSP PARTICIPATED IN THE „BLACK SEA ACCIDENTS, Assessment of causes and Consequences“ 9 GSP SCORES HIGH FOR THE THIRD TIME IN A ROW in the Green Business Index 10 OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION Offshore Survey Services for South Stream 12 NEW WORKS AT THE NEW CABLE-STAYED BRIDGE

Page 32 14 GSP URANUS – Upgrade dossier 26 PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Alexandru Bratu, Project Manager 28 DRILLING FLEET 32 GSP ORION, Oil Spill Response Vessel in the Black Sea under EMSA coordination 35 THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATION CENTER 36 EMERGENCY RESPONSE CAPABILITIES: The Medical Team 38 THE CADET PROGRAM: Educating New Generation of Offshore Professionals 42 TALL SHIPS TO RACE IN THE SCF BLACK SEA TALL SHIPS REGATTA



With a sound human resources strategy covering all angles from recruitment, training, cadet programs and performance assessment, working onboard offshore rigs provides excellent career opportunities to offshore drilling, mechanical and electrical professionals. With the expanding offshore drilling fleet operating mainly under long term contracts, career opportunities are great and continue to grow. All personnel is offered the equal opportunity of developing their career by designing structured career paths for all professions and by providing open and sustained information on all conditions to be met for each promotion level. Quite a significant number of crew members have reached lately the next career level onboard GSP rigs. GSP Magazine publicly acknowledges the achievers. Meet the newly promoted crewmembers: ZLATKO DUGALIC, OIM, GSP Jupiter ANDREW GRANT MACLAUGHLIN, OIM, GSP Jupiter GHEORGHE POTLOGEA, OIM, GSP Atlas IULIAN DOBOS, OIM, GSP Atlas NICOLAE LIVIU PATRASCU, OIM, GSP Orizont NICULAE SAVESCU, OIM, GSP Orizont NEACSU VISAN,


OIM, GSP Fortuna MIHAI NECULA, OIM, GSP Fortuna BOGDAN SAVESCU, OIM, GSP Atlas MARCEL ACASANDREI, Tool Pusher, GSP Atlas MARIAN GLIGORE, Driller, GSP Atlas GEORGE ANDREI BROTOIU, Assistant Driller, GSP Atlas ION RADACOVICI, Derrick man, GSP Atlas COSTEL HARBU, Roughneck, GSP Atlas ION LINCU, Assistant Driller, GSP Atlas MARICEL CROITORU, Assistant Driller, GSP Orizont MIHAI EUGEN LAZAR, Driller, GSP Orizont VICTOR BALAN, Assistant Driller, GSP Orizont MARIAN SPANOCHE, Derrick man, GSP Orizont IULIAN MANUEL GEORGESCU, Roughneck, GSP Orizont IONEL ADRIAN DEACU, Chief Mechanic, GSP Orizont LAURENTIU CHIRIAC, Chief Electrician, GSP Orizont

NEW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FOR GSP Grup Servicii Petroliere holds the ISO/TS 29001 certification starting with March 2014, a standard which specifically focuses on the oil and gas supply chain. GSP has established and maintained a management system relevant for onshore and offshore services for oil and gas, onshore

and offshore drilling, oil rigs and offshore vessels management; construction, transportation, installation, commissioning and maintenance of offshore structures, pipelay and subsea works, including survey and diving in accordance with ISO/TS 29001. This standard defines the quality management system requirements for the design, development, production, installation and service of products for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. The standard was developed as a direct result of a partnership between ISO and the international oil and gas industry (led by the American Petroleum Institute - API), and is actually an ISO Technical Specification, based on ISO 9001, incorporating supplementary sector-specific requirements. The standard requirements provide global consistency and improved assurance in the supply quality of goods and services from providers. The external audit was carried out by DNV GL auditors resulting as well

in the renewal of the ISO 9001 and HACCP compliance certificates and maintaining DIN ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001 certificates.


GSP`s Control and Internal Audit Compartment became operative on December 2013. The new compartment reports to the CEO and is coordinated by the CEO Counselor for Risks Management. Three auditors work within the compartment, having as main responsibilities the following: operational departments periodical activity inspections for the right use of GSP`s policies and procedures, Board`s and Managing Board decisions; investigating events which have generated material damages or economical/ financial losses; randomly checking material stocks and equipments; checking complaints addressed to the CEO and monitoring, at the CEO`s request, of important activities that are in progress in the operational departments. The internal auditors can carry out management inspection activities at the request of the COs of the operational departments and with the approval of the CEO.

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Benoit Carayol, Valeri Zuda, Adrian Baboi, and Olivier Crespin

Valeri Zuda and Adrian Baboi, GSP`s First Romanian Certified OIMs Two of the GSP`s employees took certification courses in Aberdeen, UK, and became the first company`s Romanian certified OIMs, after following internal career promotion path along the past years. We are talking about

Valeri Zuda and Adrian Gabriel Baboi, former tool pushers on GSP Saturn rig, who completed the courses of „Stability & Ballast Control for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units“ and „Offshore Instalation Manager/Barge Supervisor/ Ballast Control Operator“.

The courses took place in December 2013 at the Intertek Consulting & Training (UK) Ltd. in Aberdeen. Valeri Zuda and Adrian Baboi had David Walter Morisson as an senior maritime instructor. „This is an important achievement for GSP,

Mr. Zuda and Mr. Baboi being now the first GSP`s Romanian certified OIMs who have achieved as part of the potential identification and competency development program“, declared Benoit Carayol, GSP`s Drilling Managing Director.


Foreign Students at GSP Training Center GSP Training Center offers its support to GSP`s operational departments as offshore construction, drilling, naval, and to all onshore activities as well. According to Dragos Teodorescu, manager of the Training Center, 75% of the center`s activity sustains the training program designed for all drilling personnel. At this moment, GSP Training Center offers drilling well control courses, IWCF Certified well control for drillers and assistant drillers, tour and tool pushers. GSP Training


Center holds certification for well control courses since 2010. Since 2011 the center is also certified to provide IWCF Introductory, a basic level course for all offshore workers. Other training programs are IWCF Well Control Surface BOP / supervisor and driller level, drilling / operating driller cyber chair X-Com, Electronic Drilling Systems and Top Drive System, IADC Rig Pass and ROV pilot and technician. The training center`s team takes pride on the fact that not only Romanians

have studied at the GSP`s facility but also Ukrainians, Russians, Turks and Bulgarians. Also, in September 2013 a group of employees of Midia Marine Terminal took a tailor-made training for ROV. „Our team grows stronger with our new personnel acquisitions, the last to join our team being Victor Sfirlea, HSE trainer. He already proved he`s a valuable asset for GSP“, stated Dragos Teodorescu. „At our clients’ request, GSP Training Center provides tailored training

programs in collaboration with other certified trainers or certified training institutions. Here I’d like to mention the two modules of the MAVLO training organized in December for the crew of GSP Prometeu, at that time preparing to enter under a contract with OMV Petrom. The Basic and Advanced HSE training modules provided the participants the opportunity to refresh the HSE golden rules and best practices the way they reflect in both GSP and Client’s policies“ added Dragos Teodorescu.

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Directive 2013/30/EU: the fourth meeting of the consultative group GSP housed the fourth meeting of the consultative technical group for implementing the directive on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations into the Romanian legislation. On June 10th, 2013, the Council of the European Union adopted a new directive on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations (the „Directive“; 2013/30/ EU). The Directive was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 28 June 2013 and entered into force on the twentieth day following its publication. The new regulatory framework aims at reducing the occurrence of major accidents related to offshore oil and gas operations and to limit their consequences, thus increasing the protection of the marine environment and costal economies against pollution. It establishes minimum conditions for safe offshore oil & gas activities and improves the response mechanisms in the event of a major accident. GSP was the initiator and the organizer of the „HSE for Offshore Operations in the Black Sea“ Forum in 2013, with the aim to discuss with the local community about the importance of having this

Directive adopted into the Romanian legislation as to ensure the oil & gas activities in the Black Sea are safe for the local community and the environment. During this Forum, GSP has expressed its availability to bring the company’s experience and expertise gained within its global operations along with the expertise of the governmental working group’ expertise as to hasten the implementation of this Directive. The fourth meeting of the consultative technical

group was held in GSP Training Center on the 17th of February, discussions being chaired by Constantin Gheorghe, Corporate HSEQ Director. The proceedings brought together representatives of the Ministry of Economy, of several environmental NGOs, and the Environmental Protection Agency, lawyers, scholars from the local universities and the Romanian Agency for Saving Life at Sea (ARSVOM). The next meeting shall be held based upon the progress the governmental

The new regulatory framework aims at reducing the occurrence of major accidents related to offshore oil and gas operations and to limit their consequences, thus increasing the protection of the marine environment and costal economies against pollution.

working group will have at the ministerial level. List of Participants: Corneliu Condrea, Director, The Ministry of Economy Magdalena Stroe, Advisor – Crude Oil and Natural Gas Division, Energy Department, Ministry of Economy Erol Carjali, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial and Maritime Mechanical Engineering, „Ovidius“ University Rita Avram, Assistant professor, „Ovidius“ University Ionel Nicolae, PhD, the Faculty of Industrial and Maritime Mechanical Engineering, „Ovidius“ University Iulian Cretu, Operations Director, the Romanian Agency for Saving Life at Sea (ARSVOM) Lavinia Monica Zaharia, Executive Director, the Environmental Protection Agency, Constanta Cristina Armeanu, member, Eco Watch Alexandru Muntoiu, founder Razvan Popescu Mirceni, PhD - the Oceanographic Society for Exploration and Protection of the Marine Environment „Oceanic Club“ Laurentiu Zamfir, lawyer Adrian Alexe, Emergency Situations Manager, GSP.


GSP participated in the „Black Sea Accidents, Assessment of Causes and Consequences“ The event was organized by the Maritime University in Constanta together with partner academic institutions from Bulgaria and Ukraine. GSP was represented by Constantin Gheorghe, Corporate HSEQ Director. The proceedings of the seminar were held between the 6th and the 9th of February 2014 in Constanta. It was the second event within the project „Creation of Interuniversity Centre for Risk Management and Assessment for


Prevention of Ecological and Technological Risks in the Black Sea“ (IUCRISKMAN). The overall objective of the event consists in working towards cooperation for stronger and more sustainable economic and social development of the regions of the Black Sea Basin. The partner Romanian and Bulgarian academic institutions aim to meet the following specific objectives: • Working together to address common challenges

related to environmental preservation, educational and research cooperation in the area of monitoring, control and protection of the Black Sea Basin from oil spills; • Development of models for interdisciplinary and cooperative actions for education, research, innovation, awareness and scientific partnerships in the fields of assessment and management of technological and ecological risks; • Creation of risk info

points coordinated by an interuniversity centre for risk management and assessment for prevention of ecological and technological risks in the Black Sea Basin. Constantin Gheorghe has held a presentation in front of the IUCRISKMAN project participants, enforcing GSP’s high interest in marine and coastal preservation in the Black Sea. Mr. Gheorghe took the opportunity to express his satisfaction on the growing interest within the academic

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centers, local communities, and mass media, on the Black Sea environmental preservation in Romania, Turkey, Ukraine and Bulgaria, countries participating in the project. GSP’s participation in the Seminar emphasizes

once more the company’s pursuit to build strong partnership with academic institutions and all the other organizations equally concerned in regards of the sustainable development of the region. Among the participants,

beside the Maritime University scholars and students, there were MU partners in the project from the University Assen Zlatarov, Burgas, Bulgaria, from the Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine and the

Black Sea Institute, Burgas, Bulgaria. Representatives of the local authorities in Constanta, namely the Constanta Prefecture, Constanta City Hall and the Operative Committee for Marine De-pollution attended the event as well.

GSP scores high for the third time in a row in the Green Business Index The 2013 edition of Green Business Index Gala brought GSP among the winners once again. GSP was awarded the first prize in two categories: Environmental Impact and Waste Management, and the second prize for Sustainable Development. The above mentioned category prizes have brought GSP on the second position in the overall ranking of the Romanian companies in the Services and Trade category. The results for 2013 amount on the scores GSP registered in 2012 and 2011. For the readers’ quick reminder, in 2012 GSP

was awarded 1st prize for the following categories: „Environmental Impact“, „Sustainable Transport“, „Green Procurement“; and the 2nd prize in the following categories: „Sustainable Development“, „Use of Resources“, „Waste Management“; GSP has also qualified in the top five

companies in the category „Buildings’ Status“. In 2011 GSP was nominated „The Greenest services provider in Romania“ according to the Green Revolution survey findings. GBI awards each year the most environmentally responsible companies at the Green Business

GBI awards each year the most environmentally responsible companies at the Green Business Index (GBI) Gala. GBI offers public recognition of the progresses the companies register towards environmental responsibility and green economy.

Index (GBI) Gala. GBI offers public recognition of the progresses the companies register towards environmental responsibility and green economy. The multiannual project Green Business Index (GBI) carried out by Green Revolution is the only free tool for assessing the environmental responsibility of companies in Romania according to ISO 14001 and ISO 14031 standards, providing the mechanism for monitoring green initiatives, as well as an effective support and training tool for improving environmental performance.


Offshore Construction Offshore Survey Services for South Stream South Stream is one of the strategic transportation projects in the Black Sea, intended to supply natural gas to Southern Europe. The pipeline is designed to extend from the Russian coast, at Anapa, to a landfall in Varna, on the Bulgarian coastline. On December 2013, GSP was awarded the contract Varna Near-Shore Geotechnical Sampling, relevant to the geotechnical campaign for the engineering design of the Micro-tunnel route of the South Stream pipeline system, in the near-shore area in Varna, Bulgaria. GSP, contractor of the survey works near shore Varna, has mobilized GSP Queen, AHTS OSV, drilling/sampling equipment and laboratory testing of the samples for Varna near shore geotechnical sampling, Black Sea. The plan was to drill 6 boreholes with


lengths between 10 and 26m in water depths varying between 15 and 16m, and 5 vibrocores of 5m length, in water depths varying from 15 to 22m. GSP was required to perform core sampling at given location, sample storage and transportation to the laboratory, laboratory test, and final reporting, to provide all necessary information for SSTTBV to perform engineering and design of the extended section of the Micro-tunnel. GSP Queen was equipped with the vibrocoring spread, and the fleet was completed by the jack-up barge Celtikcioglu 16, equipped with the borehole drilling spread and the tug Kaptan Teoman designated to provide support to the jack up barge. The offshore operations were performed between January 2nd and January

11th 2014, the final report being issued on the 6th of February 2014, on schedule. Mihai Carlan, Chief Offshore Construction Officer, gave us a few insights on the operation: „GSP has strengthened with this project the market position in geologic activities and positioning survey in the Black Sea, by employing its own specialists and assets and teaming up with qualified third parties. This was the second project of this kind, the first client being OMV Petrom. With the operations carried out for South Stream Transportation BV, GSP’s offshore construction specialists have proved their solid experience and skills in the area; they made the project work according to the tight schedule as planned, especially by completing the engineering and mobilization activities

over the holidays in 2013.“ At the conclusion of the operation, Mr. Andrey Fick, Technical Director, South Stream Transport BV, and Gregoire Richez, Commercial Director, South Stream Transport BV, have commonly signed a letter of appreciation, highlighting the fact that „It is noted that GSP was well aware of the tight schedule and the demanding scope, and their efforts to ensure this schedule was maintained were exemplary. GSP has fulfilled the Scope of Work while maintaining perfect safety standards and extremely high levels of professionalism.“ According to Bulgarian officials, South Stream Transport is seeking to complete the next stages of permitting to receive all the required construction permits in time to start construction by the middle of 2014.

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New works at the new cable-stayed bridge GSP and GSP Shipyard performed the load out, transportation and installation works for the new cable-stayed bridge built across the Danube – Black Sea Channel. The new bridge, located at 0+540 km, is the largest of this kind in Romania: the construction is designed to have an overall length of 360 meters with 200 meters above the water, 17.4 meters width and 18,4 meters clearance above the Danube – Black Sea Channel. It will connect the A2 and A4 highways with the southern part of Constanta Port.

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GSP Bigfoot 2 has performed the transportation of the two pillar sections which were installed on top of the bridge’s foot, on the left side of the channel, downstream of Lock Agigea, by a crawler crane LR 1300, employed for the installation of above mentioned steel structures. The load out operation was carried out in berth 104, Agigea Sud, Constanta Port. For the safe running of the operation two cranes have been employed on GSP Bigfoot 2 main deck, one with 300 tons lifting capacity, the other with a minimum 50 tons lifting capacity. Euroned Engineering, member of UPETROM Group, provided the barge stability calculation and deck strength values for the load out and transportation operation. MARIUS PETCULESCU, Construction Vessels Superintendent, provided information on the three days operation: „For this operation, GSP mobilized the construction vessel GSP Bigfoot 2, and GSP Shipyard the LR 1300 crawler crane. All maneuvers were carefully planned, safety being the main concern during each stage. GSP Bigfoot 2 is a heavy lift and semi-submersible ocean going deck cargo barge,

For this operation, GSP mobilized the construction vessel GSP Bigfoot 2, and GSP Shipyard the LR 1300 crawler crane. All maneuvers were carefully planned, safety being the main concern during each stage.

with deck strengthened for 9.275 tons/sqm. The transportation services were contracted by Tigitrans S.A., and the construction vessel mobilized in Berth 104, Constanta Sud for the transportation of two 50 tons steel structures designed to form the pillar of the left bridge foot. This is the second mobilization of a GSP asset for this new bridge project. In July 2013, GSP Neptun, the 1800 tons crane barge, has performed, for the first time in Romania, an operation of the kind. The crane transported in two stages two bridge decks steel structures of 58 meters long and abt. 586 tons each to the location, lifting, positioning and installing in positions, at abt.17 meters above the water level. A particularity of the operation carried this February, was that the crawler crane operated from the main deck of the semi-submersible barge in order to place the two steel structures in their position above the left foot of the bridge. For the barge’s crew, in the time of this operation, the challenge was to keep the barge steady upright when the crawler crane operated with the weights on the vessel main deck. They have successfully accomplished the mission.“


GSP Uranus – Upgrade dossier The offshore drilling rigs are subject of overhauling processes at least once during their lifetime to maintain competitivity. The upgrade and refurbishment projects aim to extend the rigs’ lifetime and increase their technological performance and market value. Between 2004 and 2014 GSP has carried out upgrade and reclassification projects for the entire fleet of mobile offshore drilling units.


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GSP Uranus is the latest investment project GSP carried out. The rig`s upgrade and reclassification project, worth over USD 44 million, was completed with the financial support of Eximbank. „Our development plans focus on both the expansion and modernization of our fleet, maintaining our company among the top players of the offshore oil and gas industry in the Black Sea, as well as accessing new markets. Presently, offshore drilling provides outstanding opportunities, and the completion of GSP Uranus project marks the first step towards achieving our targets. We do hope to continue the cooperation with EximBank, a first class business partner of Grup Servicii Petroliere,“ said GABRIEL COMĂNESCU, President of the Board. TRAIAN HALALAI, the President of EximBank declared: „The partnership EximBank has with Grup Servicii Petroliere is very important for us, and we are delighted to have managed to be once more part of an extensive project designed to support the development plans of one of the most important Romanian companies. We are witnesses of a 100% Romanian project, taking into consideration that both GSP and EximBank

are entities with domestic capital. The project shows once more that EximBank has the capacity to support important projects in priority economic areas as the energy“. He added that EximBank involvement in this project consisted in an overall financing of USD 30 million for the acquisition and upgrade of the rig.


GSP Uranus upgrade and reclassification project was developed under the management of GSP Shipyard and ABS supervision and included repair works,

upgrading works and certification (class and statutory certificates). Euroned Engineering and Upetrom 1 Mai, members of UPETROM Group, have partnered up with GSP Shipyard within the GSP Uranus upgrade and reclassification project. GSP Shipyard was the general contractor for GSP Uranus project. GSP’s wholly owned shipbuilding facility specializes in procurement, engineering, fabrication, and project management services which comprehensively cover the growing demands of marine & energy industries, for newbuilds, upgrades,

„Our development plans focus on both the expansion and modernization of our fleet, maintaining our company among the top players of the offshore oil and gas industry in the Black Sea, as well as accessing new markets.“ GABRIEL COMĂNESCU, President of the Board Gabriel Comănescu, President of the Board, GSP, and Traian Halalai, the President of EximBank

support & maintenance in operation and during dry docking. GSP Uranus was taken over by the project team of GSP Shipyard in Lamjana, Croatia, where the first phase of the project was carried out, and the rig was prepared there for transportation: during this phase there were conducted operations for shortening the rig’s legs from 135 to 105 meters, ensuring the safe crossing under the Bosporus bridges. The works in GSP Shipyard in Agigea focused on the following work packages: overhaul and upgrade of the power management system, overhaul of the main and emergency generators, overhaul of the top drive, blow out preventers overhaul and upgrade with new preventers and hydraulic diverter, installation of the 3rd UPETROM 1 Mai mud pump 3PN 1600, 5000 PSI, of vacuum and atmospheric degassers, installation of the 4th shale shaker, installation of the Iron Roughneck NOV ST 80, installation of the new rotary table, building of the shale shakers’ compartment, fabrication and installation of the „0“ Discharge and platform, fabrication of the Texas Deck, fabrication and installation of the platform for the new cementing and fracturing unit, construction and installation of the new driller’s cabin, cranes’


overhaul and certification, drilling winch overhaul, purchase and installation of davits for the new lifeboats, purchase and installation of two lifeboats and six rafts, steel works consisting in the replacement of 200 tons steel plate for the rig’s body, 100 tons special steel for the rig’s legs, replacement of the anti-corrosive system and manufacture and installation of 40 tons steel structures, extension of the rig’s accommodation from 88 up to 100 pax and building of a new conference room, purchase and installation of the donkey boiler and construction of the connected facilities; manufacturing and


installation of the „0“ Pollution system, repair and certification of the heliport, purchase and installation of the gas and fire warning system, purchase and installation of the CCTV, temporary refuge, public address and radio equipment, and of the

weather station. The project concluded with the rig’s certification (ABS class and statutory certificates). PAUL NICHIFOROV, the General Manager of GSP Shipyard, the general contractor of the upgrade and reclassification project considers the GSP

„Overall the upgrade and reclassification works involved a project team of approximately 400 professionals: naval fitters, welders, mechanics and electricians, naval engineering graduates in technologist and draftsman positions and rig’s crew members and project management team.

Uranus project a sum of firsts for the company: „GSP Uranus is the first major reactivation, repair, upgrade and reclassification project to be carried out in Agigea site. And it is the first Marathon Le Tourneau designed rig to be upgraded in GSP Shipyard. The first particularity of the project was the fact that the rig main equipments were restarted after two years cold stack and the legs were shortened with the means onboard. We’re familiar with this process, as GSP’s rigs travel when needed through Bosporus strait, but for GSP Uranus we had to remove the upper segments of the legs weighing between 67 and

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Gsp Uranus

80 tons with the rig’s cranes by cutting the segments into quarters, following the initial engineering designs made by the original designer of the offshore installation, Marathon Le Tourneau. Legs’ upper segments removal was performed with the assistance of Cameron/ Marathon Le Tourneau. GSP Uranus project was the first were GSP Shipyard tested the shipyard project based organizational structure, coping with mass recruitment of skilled workers and engineers; we’ve screened 450 professionals and finaly

employed somewhere below 100, only those answering best to our selection criteria. Overall the upgrade and reclassification works involved a project team of approximately 400 professionals: naval fitters, welders, mechanics and electricians, naval engineering graduates in technologist and draftsman positions and rig’s crew members and project management team. Another first of the project consists in the fact that the entire engineering works were performed by two companies member

of UPETROM Group, Euroned Engineering and GSP Shipyard. And the project tested the core engineering team for shipbuilding projects to follow. It was for the first time the steel repairs were performed on the hull and legs simultaneously. We used the tallest scaffolding system designed for a steel structure in Romania, especially designed to allow legs’ movement when needed. And GSP Uranus is the first MODU subject of shipyard works and inspection while dry docked. GSP Uranus repair, upgrade and classification

project was carried out under the close supervision of the classification society, Mr. Ion Ene, ABS Surveyor being the designated classification society representative and liaison with the shipyard and client’s project team. GSP Shipyard has contracted for the project other companies as well, they being assigned specialized services such as the high pressure installation for the mud pump, the steam, air, mud and drilling water piping systems (Argenta), the non-destructive testing for the rig’s hull, legs and


installations, and interior painting works, hull and compartments below the main deck (Bobe Steel), exterior painting works (Prestmar), scaffolding installation and dismantling (Triena), repair works on the rig legs (Tigitrans), and various other steel works (Plusnav, Loremar, Metfore Alpha). All these are quality collaborators. Their selection was carefully assessed in terms of quality system and skilled workforce.“ Euroned Engineering has provided all the engineering works to be submitted to the

Euroned Engineering did the entire classification documentation together with all the execution projects for the rig’ upgrade works in GSP Shipyard. classification society. It is highly important that UPETROM Group has established through Euroned Engineering and GSP Shipyard an engineering core team addressing the shipbuilding domain. VALENTIN IVANOF, the Managing Director of Euroned Engineering detailed for

Visit onboard GSP Uranus


the contribution of Euroned Engineering team for GSP Uranus project: „Euroned Engineering did the entire classification documentation together with all the execution projects for the rig’ upgrade works in GSP Shipyard. The most important were: implementation of the third mud pump and improvement of the pump

compartment, and upgrade of the drilling mud high and low pressure installation; implementation of the „Zero Pollution“ System, for the collection and processing of all polluting liquids; engineering for the donkey boiler and water tanks and drilling deck heating system implementation; engineering works for the implementation of the new 100 persons rescue system; improvement of the monitoring systems, alarm and fire fighting; structural analysis for all the newly implemented structures onboard the rig (Texas

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Formal takeover of the rig: Benoit Carayol, GSP’s Drilling Managing Director, takes over the newly upgraded and reclassified rig from Paul Nichiforov, the General Manager of GSP Shipyard

Deck, platform for the new cementing and fracturing unit, foundations for large pieces of equipment); engineering works for the structural inspection and certification of the rig’s helideck and drilling derrick; hydrostatic and stability calculations; technical assistance and correspondence with ABS London for the documentation approval and issuance of the class certificates.“ Upetrom 1 Mai is the second company member of Upetrom Group involved in this project. The oilfield producer has

provided and commissioned the third mud pump, performed the drilling derrick repair works, and inspection and certification of all the drilling equipment onboard the rig. The mud pumps are designed for pumping drilling fluids when deep-depth and exploration wells are drilled and all the wearing parts of the fluid end and the connecting parts can be manufactured in Ploiesti in any dimensions, in accordance with the STAS, GOST or API standard requirements.


We’ve met GSP Shipyard

project team a few days before the conclusion of the works within GSP Uranus upgrade and reclassification project. A few of the team members were invited to speak about their work, about their perspective on the activities carried out in the Agigea operational base. You may enjoy a few direct impressions of those in the first line: CONSTANTIN FIRULESCU, HSE Coordinator, GSP Shipyard: „At the conclusion of this project we are happy to have registered no incidents of any kind: there have been

no LTIs, pollution or other emergency situations. This result is the fruit of the high regard HSEQ enjoys among our employees. Our team has planned and executed a high number of training sessions, whenever needed, the works being monitored both by GSP Shipyard HSE Officers and the rig’s HSE Officer. It was a complex project and it fully tested our team.“ VASILE STOIAN, HSE Coordinator, GSP: „We have the experience of all the previous projects: the upgrade and reclassification of GSP Jupiter and GSP Saturn, the new build


Euroned Engineering, the naval engineering team

project of GSP Bigfoot 1, reactivation of GSP Bigfoot 2 and upgrade of GSP Bigfoot 3, upgrade and reclassification of GSP Neptun crane barge and the EPIC project for Ackakoca field; this wasn’t new work for us. And we could count on the experienced personnel already proving a solid safety culture. An effective project works schedule and the technological support played an important part in the success of the project.“ VIORICA LEONTE, Engineer: „I was involved in the project starting with December. Our engineering team was assigned a set of clear tasks. All the execution engineering works are carried out by GSP Shipyard team. It is a test; we’re growing as team with this project.“ BOGDAN AVRIGEANU, Design Engineer:


„I’m with the project from the very start in July, immediately after the rig’s arrival in GSP Shipyard. I was busy with as built plans, with structural design. I worked for naval projects before, and working on a drilling rig is somehow new, even if the basic principles are the same. It is an interesting work experience and individual study played a key role in the success of

our work.“ RUBIN ROGOZ, Design Engineer: „GSP Uranus is the first mobile offshore drilling rig I’m involved in. It was my advantage to team up with a more experienced colleague, Sterica Popa. He helped me to better understand the hull and structure particularities of the rig.“ MIHAI DRAGAN, Design Engineer:

At the conclusion of this project we have registered no incidents of any kind: there have been no LTIs, pollution or other emergency situations. This result is the fruit of the high regard HSEQ enjoys among our employees. Our team has planned and executed a high number of training sessions, whenever needed, the works being monitored both by GSP Shipyard HSE Officers and the rig’s HSE Officer.

„I`ve been in charge of providing all the technical documentation for the automatic steel cutting machine. The previous work experience in shipbuilding and ship repair come in handy and the colleagues who took part in other drilling rig overhauling projects are valuable assets for the team. I’d like to continue with projects for the offshore oil and gas industry and here’s the place to do this.“ ADRIANA BROASCA, Engineer: „Do you see all those boxes over there, covering the shelves up to the ceiling of the office? It is the rig’s technical documentation and it is my task to make it more accessible by transferring it in AutoCAD.“ RAZVAN CIMPOIERU, Design Engineer: „I’m working for the moment to the lightning plans for the accommodation

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extension on the rig. As you may already know, the accommodation capacity increased from 88 to 100 pax and a new conference room was added. I’m in charge with the engineering design of the modernized electrical system onboard. Soon the project works on GSP Uranus will be concluded, we are waiting for the next project to start, and it is reassuring to know we’ll be very busy in the near future.“ LENUTA PIETROSANU, Engineer, Marketing Department: „The

approaching conclusion of works on the rig within the upgrade and reclassification project is a sign the Marketing Department will have a more active involvement, providing the billing documentation. We carefully followed the entire process, we know the project structure and all its stages and project work packages to include all the consumption/expenditure chapters. We, through the nature of our work, gather the fruit of the works of our colleagues in production, planning, maintenance and procurement, financial

control and accountancy. I must underline that the business management software GSP Shipyard uses, SAP, is an great tool, providing an overall detailed picture of the project at each of its stages.“ CONSTANTA BAN, Engineer: „I graduated from the Shipbuilding Faculty in Galati and I have more than 20 years of experience in new build and overhauling projects. Before coming to GSP Shipyard I’ve worked for three years within GSP’s

Investment Department. Overall there are six years I provide technological and detail engineering design for GSP’s fleet investment projects: For GSP Uranus project I am in charge with the document controlling activities, including the materials allocation in SAP according to material requests issued by the technical officer and the detailed and technological design compartment, and registering all the technical documentation for the execution of the installations.“

GSP Senior League members Cornel Păcureţu, Valeriu Irimioiu, Ion Mocanu, Costică Frunză, Romulus Bratu, accompanied by Vasile Ciochină and Sorin Rădulescu



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LUMINITA ELEFTERESCU, Engineer: „I have the same theoretical background as my colleague, Constanta, the „Dunarea de Jos“ University in Galatzi, Marine and Electrical Engineering Faculty, where I specialized in hull engineering. I’m involved in GSP’s upgrade projects for six years now. I like learning something new with each project I work for and GSP Uranus answers my continuous learning need: it is an American concept rig with three legs. The original documentation was developed using the Imperial measurement system (using inches/feet) and the materials initially used for the construction were defined based on the American standards: it was challenging research work to equate adequate materials defined according to European standards, on the European market. I admired the technical solution the Cameron/Marathon Le Tourneau provided for shortening the legs of the rig with the equipment on board, it is a neat, self-sufficient response to a technical problem not often encountered.“ ELENA PETRE, Quality Management Consultant: „My colleague, Cristian Baias, QMS Representative of the General Manager, and I have not been directly involved in GSP Uranus project. Our work however, along with the HSE


GSP Uranus is an American concept rig with three legs. The original documentation was developed using the Imperial measurement system (using inches/feet) and the materials initially used for the construction were defined based on the American standards: it was challenging research work to equate adequate materials defined according to European standards, on the European market. team’s efforts concurred to maintaining an effective integrated system ensuring the products and services GSP Shipyard provides meet the requirements of the reference standards and the customer’s demands. Keeping the IMS in place, performing inspections and audits, providing specific training and taking immediate corrective actions whenever needed is our task and we do it well as the findings of the external audit performed by GL in January 2014 shows..“ GAVRILA (GABRIEL) ARVINTE, Coordinating Engineer: „An important workload resulted in reassembling the quarter sections of the upper segments of the rig legs. Right now the nine upper segments may be seen on the quay; they’ll soon be reinstalled on the legs, bringing them to the initial length of 135 meters with the support of heavy lift

quay cranes. The MODU’s legs are vital to the safety of the personnel, environment, and operations carried out onboard the installation. For the submerged parts of the rig the checking and repairs were performed with the rig on dry dock. However, all works on the legs are considered special works, operations were carried out at height and no action was taken without covering all the safety and quality angles. And the results may be seen now, with the project reaching its conclusion.“ GHEORGHE MIHAI, Coordinating Engineer: „The team I coordinate was in charge of the repair and upgrade of the piping systems onboard. Piping is the circulatory system of the rig, either it ensures sea or fresh water circulation, steam or fuel, chemicals and so on; piping works we carried out here are a vital component of the project. The entire piping system of the rig

was checked, repaired, inspected and found compliant with the rules of the classification society. Working on a piping system, especially on a high pressure one such as the 3rd mud pump requires, needs special technology, special materials, works with a high specificity degree.“ TEODOR ŢIŢENTOS, Coordinating Engineer: „I started working on the project back in Croatia where we commenced with the hull and tanks inspection and thickness measurement. Once we reached the Agigea operational base, we initianted the steel plates’ replacement. We employed for this project 200 tons of naval steel plates and profiles. The rig’s tanks involved a large amount of work. The tight project schedule wouldn’t be observed without our highly skilled workers. Of course the amount of labour was highly reduced by employing the automated steel plates and tubular material cutting machines in the workshop here. We focused throughout the project on standardizing the quality of the work, and the welders’ certification plays this role.“ CRISTIAN SPAHIU, Coordinating Engineer: „Let’s see GSP Uranus project in figures for the painting works my team carried out. It will say it all: there were used 35 tons of paint, all the external and

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internal surfaces of the rig being painted, from tanks and accommodation, to deck, hull and legs, machine compartments, and cranes: 28,000 sq. m. Together with the paint supplier and the classification society representative we have selected the reference areas establishing the technology and the maximal quality standard to be observed throughout the compartment or structure.“ CRISTIAN PETRESCU, Steel Fabrication Workshop Coordinator: „GSP Uranus project measures high in steel: 200 tons naval steel plate, 100 tons tubular special steel, 40 tons of steel for various works... it sums up quite something! I approached this project with confidence having already participated in several large scale and high profile projects. My team and I broadly knew what we can expect from the project. Of course there were new things to learn: the novelty of GSP Uranus stayed in the dismantling solution for the upper segments of the legs. What I like most about my work is the fact that it carries me worldwide: since 2008 when I came here, I participated in projects in Constanta, Agigea, Dubai, Kavala, Tuzla (Turkey), having the opportunity to leave my mark on several comprehensive projects such as: GSP Saturn, GSP Fortuna , GSP Uranus , GSP Neptun, GSP Bigfoot 2.

And I’m here ready to start the next one.“ ION ILIE, Welding Workshop Coordinator: „I’m with GSP, and afterwards with GSP Shipyard from 2009. I started with GSP Saturn back then, continuing with all the projects that followed. Practically, my welding teams completed the works on the fronts the steel workers Cristian coordinates opened all over the rig. We employed 40 welders for the project, now there are 30. We made a priority out of elaborating the welding procedures for the project and for all the welding works throughout the shipyard. What I learned during my career is that having the welding procedures in place is the first compulsory step for a successful project. And these procedures have to take into consideration all the particularities of the works to be done!“ AUREL DAMACHE, Engineer, Head of Steel Fabrication and Logistics Compartment: „Our work within GSP Uranus project started back in July and August 2013 with comprehensive measurements and checks, and an exhaustive status reports. In September the works were accelerated, by the time the project based recruitment campaign was complete. I am among the witnesses of the Romanian debut

in offshore drilling. I’ve started back in 1986 and there’re a few others like me in GSP Shipyard: the foreman Mircia Cojocaru for example is one of my collaborators from 1997. Here we work together from 2009. We have worked together during the Ackakoca project, for the steel fabrication both of the jacket and of the platform. GSP Shipyard developed here a core of experienced professionals such as Ion Ilie, and from a younger generation, Cristian Petrescu.“ CETIN IBRAM, Engineer, Production Manager: „When a company approaches a project this large, organizational culture matters as much as the professionalism of the employees. For us, people involved in industrial production, connected to the industry and taking the pulse of the workforce market, there are a few sensitive aspects to be taken into consideration. And I’ll introduce these issues by presenting the solutions we implemented here: in order to develop a competent workforce, ensuring there’ll be the necessary skills resources to have a smooth generation change, we train graduates with zero experience, we allow experienced foremen and experienced skilled workers to transfer knowledge to younger generations. I’ll say that the

skilled personnel, the work and safety culture and the technical endowment of GSP Shipyard are equally important for each project outcome.“ DANIEL LUNGU, Engineer, Heavy Lift and Transportation: „Our compartment was busy, but who would expect otherwise? We had a heavy lift fleet on this project. It entailed the following equipments: Liebherr LR 1300-3, SWL 300tons; a Liebherr LG 1550, SWL 550 tons, Liebherr LR 1200, SWL 200 tons, Liebherr LR 1280, SWL280 tons, Liebherr LTM 1030, SWL 30 tons, several forklifts and aerial work platforms. For instance we used in December a 92 meters long crane boom on LR 1300-3 to install the 22 tons drilling derrick on the rig, and with the same crane there were performed works at 100 m height on the rig’s legs. In January the boom length was reduced at 56 in order to observe the lifting chart for the 3rd mud pump lifting positioning. The same crane was afterwards reconfigured again, and with an 80 m tall latice boom it performed various loading and unloading operations. We counted on our skillful crane operators Petre Cuciorva, Daniel Savencu, Niculae Lupu, George Titimeaua, Nelu Raducanu, Mircea Guzu, Niculae Dobrescu, Cristian Tirsoaga, and Niculae Boros.“


Professional Profile Alexandru Bratu, Project Manager We’ve met Alexandru Bratu onboard GSP Uranus during the commissioning works which concluded the project. He offered insights on the project, on the team he coordinated, and we had the chance to find a few details about his career path. Alexandru is one of the the opportunity of working project and afterwards for graduates of the GSP`s Engi- in the North Sea, onboard GSP Uranus. In this positineer trainee program, being GSP Saturn. From January on he knows all the angles assigned to a service team 2013, Alexandru Bratu has of the project, monitoring under the coordination of ex- held the Project Manager and managing the project perienced offshore specialists position for the GSP Fortuna schedule, scope of work, he continues to collaborate upgrade and reclassification budget and risks. He coordiwith. Soon after that, he became the coordinator the Caterpillar service department Alexandru Bratu, GSP Uranus Project Manager, and for all field and workshop Paul Nichiforov, GSP Shipyard General Manager activities, in 2007. He considers that one of his achievements during that period was the implementation of the preventive maintenance program onboard vessels and drilling rigs GSP owns and operates, based on vibration diagnose for rotary equipments. He was also in charge with training the responsible personnel onboard the rigs to take vibration measurements, maintaining an updated database which helps preventing equipments shut down as well as in regards of operations, diagnose the diesel engines, maintenance and repairing procedures. Besides training, Alexandru also had supervisory attributions for all the maintenance and overhauling operations on Caterpillar marine diesel engines. Between 2009 and 2013, Alexandru was assigned the Chief Mechanic position onboard GSP’s MODUs, and this provided him


nates controls and supports all site engineers and head of departments. He is liaising with Client/Contractor Representatives and Rig Auditors and keeps a close connection with the Procurement Department for supplying the rig with proper parts, materials and equipments. Alexandru is accustomed with reporting to the steering committee, highlighting strategic issues. He considers this position made him a better negotiator: he solves the issues as they arise across all areas of the project. Alexandru Bratu graduated in 2007 from the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Machines and Thermal Equipments, Internal Combustion Engines specialty, and holds a master’s degree in Management of Internal Combustion Engines. Alexandru Bratu, rig and project manager, on Uranus repair, upgrade, and classification project: „Each rig project, small or large, has taught me lessons. For instance the qualification of GSP Fortuna for the Gulf of Mexico contract, its smooth acceptance process resulted from the excellent use of

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the lessons learned in 2011 when the same process was conducted with GSP Atlas and GSP Orizont. Another example would refer to GSP Saturn yearly class inspection in The Netherlands: the works went well in Ijmuiden as the qualification of the rig for the North Sea provided valuable knowledge and our team make good use of it. I believe by now you all are familiar with the project. However, I’d like to enumerate a few of the chapters of the project:

• Fabrication and installation of

now able to operate in highly

the „0“ Discharge system.

restricted environment areas.

• Fabrication of the Texas Deck,

• Repair and certification of the

• Fabrication and installation of

heliport according CAP 437

the platform for the new cement-


ing and fracturing unit,

• Upgrading the gas and fire

• Construction and installation of

warning system, public address

new pressurized driller’s cabin.

and radio communications

• OEM Inspection and recertifica-


tion of the cranes (MLT and NOV)

• Purchase and installation of the

• Purchase and installation of

CCTV system (High resolution

new totally enclosed lifeboats

and mobility of video/recording

(Vanguard VG 7.5F) and launch-


ing systems

• Implementing the „Temporary

• Inspection and recertification

refuge“ area in accommodation

for all life saving appliances and

to prevent people exposure to

fire fighting systems

noxious gas.

• Overhaul and upgrade of the

• Steel works consisting in the

• Obtaining the Rig Class

power management system,

replacement of 200 tons steel

Certificate (ABS) and statutory

• Full overhauling and recertifica-

plate for the rig’s body, 100 tons


tion of the top drive (TDS 4S)

special steel for the rig’s legs,

• OEM recertification for BOPs

replacement of the anti-corrosive

• Installation of the 3rdUPETROM

system and manufacture and

1 Mai mud pump 3PN 2000,

installation of 40 tons steel

5000 PSI,


• Installation of vacuum (NOV

• Extension of the rig’s accom-

VG1) and atmospheric de-

modation capacity from 88 up

gassers (MiSwaco H2S Service),

to 100 persons and building of a

• Installation of the 4th shale

new conference room.

shaker (VSM 300)

• Purchase and installation of

• Installation of new Iron Rough-

Steam generator (Aalborg OS

neck NOV ST 80,

1600) and adjacent systems to

• Installation of the new rotary

increase the rig capabilities of

table 49 ½“

operating in temperatures up to

• Building weather protection

-20 Degrees Celsius.

compartment for shale shakers

• Implemented the „Zero


Pollution“ System – the rig is

Working on all the company’s drilling rigs worldwide allowed me to gain valuable insights on all aspects of operations, technology, and safety, which I use each time I face similar situations in current work. I consider each project a test for my capabilities, for the capabilities of the project team as a whole, and it is a privilege to team up with professionals who mentored me along the years, such as Vasile Nicolae, Sorin Radulescu. I would

mention Cornel Pacuretu and Costica Frunza as two representative members of Service Team, whom any leader would be proud to have in any project. I have been involved in GSP’s projects for seven years now, and I admit I had quite a fast lane career growth from mechanical engineer to Chief Mechanic and Project Manager. I focused on my career and it became clear for me that my efforts and my results were appreciated. I learned the hard way that being in charge and taking decisions cannot satisfy everyone and that’s why I encourage diplomacy and good operational communication during work, focusing on effective problem solving: bring viable solutions! Each member of a project team must own both technical and project management knowledge. Maybe it would have been easier to find a comfortable workplace a few blocks away from home, but I’m pretty sure that satisfactions have been greater than any level of cosiness.


Project Management is a demanding domain: it is mandatory to study and practice with the best, the most experienced. I am young and I got the necessary support to get promoted and now it`s my turn to spot the high achievers and help them succeed. I advocate promotions based on professional competence. Communication has to fit to the context: well grounded technical arguments are the strength of problem solving in projects; therefore I advise all my collaborators to focus on providing documented solutions. Specialization is the key of a successful career: own your trade, specialize! Do not remain a generalist, providing shallow solutions for an array of domains. In our situation here, with an investment project of over USD 44 millions, the general, multifunctional, jack-of-all-trades is never a productive option in a hyperspecialized domain.


Drilling fleet OPERATIONAL SNAPSHOT: GSP ATLAS, GSP ORIZONT - Operating in the Gulf of Mexico with Petroleos Mexicanos Exploracion Y Produccion (PEMEX) until February 2016. Operations in the GOM started in 2011.


GSP FORTUNA Completed PEMEX acceptance on February 3rd. Operating with PEMEX in MEXICO until July 2016. GSP JUPITER Operating with TPAO in Mediterranean Sea, Turkey, since January 2014 until March 2015.

GSP PROMETEU Completing workover program for OMV PETROM in Romanian Black Sea, moving to Melrose/Petroceltic for drilling Muridava-1 well in Romanian Black Sea waters. GSP URANUS - upgrade/

refurbishment programme completed at GSP Shipyard in Constanta, Romania. The rig enters 2 year contract with OMVPETROM in March 2014, in the Romanian Black Sea waters. GSP SATURN Preparation ongoing for

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GSP Fortuna

mobilization to Russian Federation`s Arctic continental shelf, under a two year contract with Gazpromneft, with one year extension option. The rig is located in Ijmuiden, The Netherlands. The rig’s mobilization is scheduled for May 2014.


GSP’s third mobile offshore drilling unit entered service for PEMEX in the Gulf of Mexico in February 2014.

GSP Fortuna initiated drilling operations under an 894 days contract with PEMEX. The three legs cantilever type self elevating unit, Friede & Goldman L-780 Model II design was assigned drilling operations in Tsimin field. Currently GSP operates in

the Gulf of Mexico with three MODUS, GSP Atlas, GSP Fortuna and GSP Orizont. The first initiated the drilling campaign in the Gulf of Mexico back in 2011. In order to support the offshore operations, the company has established GSP Offshore Mexico,


Corona Crewing Mexico and an operational base in Ciudad del Carmen, providing integrated local coordination / support / crewing for all Mexican offshore operations. GSP Offshore Mexico has trained and hired over 300 Mexican offshore crewmembers for the three rigs operating in the Mexican waters RUSSIA GSP Saturn is approaching the conclusion of the rig’s


preparative programme in order to perform field development drilling services in Dolginskoye oil field. The rig heads to the Russian arctic for a two year contract. The Dolginskoye oil field was discovered in 1999. It is located in the central part of the Pechora Sea, 120 km south of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and 110 km north of the Eurasian mainland. Its recoverable reserves are

estimated at more than 1.4 billion barrels. The project documentation for drilling in 2014 of an exploration well at the Dolginskoye field on the shelf of the Pechora Sea has been approved following the public consultations held in December 2013. GSP Saturn underwent a full modernization in 2009, including installation of the latest drilling and marine equipment, and has also been specially prepared

to withstand wind, waves and low temperatures in far northern latitudes. A number of specialized technical audits carried out onboard have confirmed that GSP Saturn is a hightech unit with specifications that make it suitable for use on the Russian Arctic shelf during ice-free months. During drilling operations GSP’s MODU uses an automatic verticality control system (rotary steerable system) to optimize drilling

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time and maximally reduce environmental disturbance and LWD (lodging-whiledrilling) sensors which enable continuous, real-time control during operation. TURKEY GSP Jupiter provides offshore drilling services under a long term contract with Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklıgı (TPAO). The rig operates in Mediterranean Sea after concluding the drilling campaign in Tunisia. GSP Jupiter drills HPHT Gulchihan 2 well on the continental shelf of Turkey. GSP is a customary offshore drilling contractor in Turkish national waters, the company reporting high operational rates in the region since 2005, with GSP Prometeu, GSP Jupiter and GSP Saturn. ROMANIA OMV Petrom hired GSP Prometeu to perform workover operations in the Black Sea. As the offshore operations were completed, the rig will continue operations by performing the drilling program for Petroceltic on the Muridava license (rescheduled from 2013). GREECE GSP Fortuna carried out a 133 days offshore drilling program in Greek waters under a contract with Energean Oil. Operations followed another GSP MODU, GSP Saturn. GSP Fortuna carried out operations in the shallow water region on Kavala

GSP Saturn is approaching the conclusion of the rig’s preparative programme in order to perform field development drilling services in Dolginskoye oil field. GSP Jupiter provides offshore drilling services under a long term contract with TPAO. GSP Prometeu to perform workover operations in the Black Sea. Gulf, in the Prinos field, northern Greece while GSP Saturn previously operated in the Prinos and South Kavala fields.


GSP Offshore intends to further strengthen its position in the Gulf of Mexico and a logical step besides extending the number of assets would be the diversification of services. In this respect, GSP envisages an Offshore Construction Campaign in Mexico. Having GSP Bigfoot 1, the DPS2 pipelay barge, as a main asset of this campaign, the company would be able to deliver initially up to 5 comprehensive projects, consisting of pipeline installation, heavy lift and offshore transportation, pre lay & as laid survey, underwater works and inspection (ROV, air / mix gas or saturation

diving), trenching, and elements or structures fabrication in our shipyard. This working model (subsequent projects) insures the fact that both the asset utilization and combined crew will maximize the efficiency and costs. GSP Bigfoot 1 presents the following features and advantages: • Built in 2010 in GSP Shipyard • Conversion to DPS2 dynamic positioning ongoing, to be completed in the first quarter of 2014; • Its dimesions (135m X 42m) offer good stability and work capacity even in the most challenging weather conditions; • Deck space of 5.670 sq. m and loading capacity 15.000 tons of pipe (15 t/ sqm), remaining space can easily accommodate project equipment and typical equipment spreads required for project execution and also produce and install risers and spools; • Pipelay system is composed by 3 x 67te

SAS automatic tensioners 6“ - 60“ and an A/R winch with 200te capacity. This enables the barge to have higher pipelines installation capabilities in deeper water, bigger diameters and bigger wall thickness than most of the existing S-lay pipelay barges; • Fitted with a heavy lift crane AMCLYDE Model KP 87 HD Fully diesel hydraulic offshore kingpost pedestal crane classified under ABS, able to reach all pipe racks and pipe loading area; in case of technical breakdown of port deck crane pipe fabrication will not be suspended being supported by heavy lift crane; • Up to 10 working stations, thus reducing the time required for pipelay; • Capable of working in very shallow water (4 m WD) in anchors, as well as in deep water using DP mode, and in areas with many existing pipelines, without jeopardizing the existing subsea assets and reducing the cost by not using AHTS vessels; • Accomodation: 240 POB; accomodation unit is compliant to the most demanding standards; • Adaptable to various project requirements, having increased pipelines installation capabilities in deeper water, bigger diameters and bigger wall thickness due to the fact that it has two stingers (93m and 57m).


GSP Orion, Oil Spill Response Vessel in the Black Sea under EMSA coordination GSP Orion is in charge with the oil pollution response capability for the Black Sea area under the EMSA coordination since November 2008. The vessel entered OSR operational service at the beginning of 2009, after the specialized training of the crew and the upgrade of the vessel which was endowed with the most modern specialized oil recovery equipment.


GSP Orion is equipped to perform mechanical oil recovery. In the Black Sea mechanical recovery is the main response option to oil spills due to the region particularities, such as the sensitive ecological conditions and the slow water replenishment rates. From the operational calendar agreed with the European Maritime Safety Agency, the OSR vessel

has already performed the first oil spill response drill in 2014, on the 21st of January. The drill scenario - „reported accidental oil spilled in Constanta inner road“, required the intervention of GSP Orion with the Lamor sweeping arms, Lamor floating boom reel and Lamor skimmer head. The drill run in safe conditions, and with the crew gaining a lot of

experience in handling equipment, it was also the first time the sweeping arms were deployed simultaneously. The deployment and recovery of the floating boom were also performed in record time. GSP Orion will perform the second OSR drill in the first week of April, with EMSA representatives onboard. The vessel carries out regular commercial

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operations, operating as OSV in the Romanian offshore oilfields. The vessel will provide offshore support services to GSP Prometeu during the drilling campaign for Midia Resources, rescheduled from 2013. In 2013, GSP Orion has performed the four required OSR drills, in February, April, June and November, as required under the contract with EMSA, all being accepted by the European Agency. The vessel took part into a regional exercise as well, RIGEX 2013. The drill was organized by the Romanian Naval Authority (RNA) and GSP, 50 nautical miles off Constanta on the 17th of October 2013. The main


objective was to train the Member State command and communication system and pollution response

operations, practical use of recovery equipment, and cooperation of participating units, for the response to an

oil spill from an offshore installation. During the exercise, GSP Orion had been assigned the task of recovering the oil with the sweeping arms following the boom formation, the 500 m of booms being towed by two other vessels, GSP King and Enterprise. According to EMSA representatives, RIGEX 2013 was a positive experience for all the participating units to improve coordination and communication during the first offshore platform oil spill exercise attended under coordination ofthe European Agency: „The exercise was a good opportunity to test the communication between all involved units.“

APRIL 2014 Adrian Alexe is the manager of the Emergency Response Coordination Center and handles all the emergency situations that may appear in GSP, onshore or offshore, in all the operational bases or onboard the assets.

The Emergency Response Coordination Center Having extensive experience in this field, of over 15 years and many international training courses, Adrian Alexe manages the emergency situations with calm and responsibility. From the beginning of 2014, the Emergency Response Coordination Center began its activity receiving real-time information on any emergency situation occurring anywhere within company’s working sites or involving any of company’s employees, during or outside the regular working hours. As the procedure says, any situation shall be immediately reported to the dispatcher operating this center 24/7at the unique emergency number +40 241 955. Upon receiving

the call, the dispatcher shall immediately call the emergency response manager to initiate the alerting procedure of GSP Emergency Committee and all personnel responsible to manage the reported emergency situation. „We coordinate any emergency situation, medical evacuations, search and rescue operations or actions taken onsite. The Emergency Response

Coordination Center acts as a dispatcher. All information regarding a situation, emergency or not, is transmitted to the center. Also, we monitor offshore activity of GSP`s assets. It is very important for us to be one step ahead of the event. We must not be taken by surprise, we always have to know how to act and what is the best solution in situations that can arise on the onshore or offshore sites. We act

„This kind of cooperations are the future and represent the European trend. We are helping companies by mobilizing GSP’s assets in order to provide full support and offer better services“. ADRIAN ALEXE

according to the procedure and give support in any situation. Also, we inform the emergency response committee and the President of the Board and, given our experience, we offer solutions. Our role is to keep in touch with the authorities and to assess the emergency situations. The Emergency Response Coordination Center has five operators who work in shifts, covering 24 hours a day. GSP cooperates with the Romanian Naval Authority and Romanian Agency for Saving Life at Sea and we consider this a big step towards sound public-private cooperation relations“, explained the Emergency Response Coordination Center manager.


Emergency Response Capabilities: The Medical Team GSP`s Emergency Response team is functional and ready to intervene in the emergency situations. The Emergency Response Coordination Center, the rescue swimmers and the medical crew are prepared to offer the best services in the worst possible scenarios. Hopefully, this won`t be the case. Alexandra Cojocaru is the coordinator of the emergency situations medical team. The team has three doctors, Alexandra Cojocaru, Mircea Leu and Ionut Vasiliu that take shifts of on call duty at the MEDEVAC helicopter. With a vast experience in the field, Alexandra has been, for the last 8 years, dealing day and night with critical medical situations, as an emergency


physician on an emergency intervention mobile team and on the SMURD helicopter. All these years, GSP`s doctor has learned a lot about the emergency medicine, how to stay calm and take quick and good decisions, and – most important – how important is to work as a team, how to coordinate it in order to do the best for the patient, especially when it`s a matter of life or death, and

quick decisions are to be made. „As the coordinator of the GSP emergency medical team, I make sure that our team is ready and prepared to intervene whenever an emergency appears onshore or offshore, at one of the company`s assets. If the situation arises, we follow a custom procedure made to assure a fast and professional response. One of us is always on duty

and when we are notified about the incident we leave right away to the Mihail Kogalniceanu base, we take off with the MEDEVAC helicopter to the location where the emergency situation is signaled. We provide medical assistance to the patient on spot and all the way back to the shore assuring, depending on the patient`s trauma, the transportation to the most suitable emergency

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hospital. From the moment we are notified up to the moment when we take over the patient in the helicopter (including during the flight), we are, if needed, in a permanent communication with the medical staff on board the asset assuring that we take the best solution for the patient“, explained the medical coordinator. The helicopter is fully compliant with today’s OGP guidelines, required and accepted by the O&G industry, and it is equipped with high standard medical

equipment – basically, the helicopter serves as a mobile intensive care unit - in order to assure a fast emergency or to perform a search and rescue mission. „We have all the procedures in place to guide the offshore medical staff. I want to emphasis the importance of our

protocol and collaboration with the County Hospital of Constanta. We see each other as colleagues, we respect each other and being in a permanent collaboration, we assure the best and fastest care for our patients. Also, we have special protocols with

the ambulance service as well as with trauma hospitals in Bucharest (such as the Clinical Emergency Hospital). Our team has a special and recurrent training program, courses, workshops and shifts at the the Military Hospital and the County Hospital of Constanta, that help us to continuously educate. To be a good doctor you must practice all your life. Reading books and medical magazines isn`t enough. Practice is what makes us better doctors!“


The CADET Program: Educating New Generation of Offshore Professionals


APRIL 2014

The new edition of the CADET program for drillers has been launched this February, under the coordination of GSP`s Drilling HR Manager, Jean Patrick Nicaud. The first group of drilling cadets has already completed the first stage of the program, five days of theoretical training within GSP Training Center. The CADET program offers the graduates the opportunity to get acquainted with the domain and to gain valuable professional field experience to become drillers, electricians or mechanics, and to learn everything about life and work onboard an offshore drilling rig. The theoretical training

(Offshore Drilling The new GSP Cadets visiting Induction), held at the GSP Uranus in GSP Shipyard GSP Training Center by Cristian Craciun (trainer), is coordinated by Angela Dumitrescu, one of GSP Training Center`s curriculum leaders. The first group had 13 members, all enthusiastic students who have discovered the company`s operational bases in berth 34, in Midia and Agigea. The cadets had the opportunity to get onboard GSP Uranus, the latest rig entering the company`s fleet. The cadets got familiarized with GSP`s history and fleet and were taught loads of theoretical information. „We emphasized on the roles and responsibilities


of any individual found at the beginning of his career. They all agree that joining GSP represents a great opportunity. Each day concluded with a take-away session with the Drilling Department management. The program continued with the IADC HSE Rig Pass training and BOSIET, compulsory courses for all personnel getting onboard the offshore rigs“, said Dragos Teodorescu, GSP Training Center Manager. „The cadets have been employed by the company


New trainees in the second GSP Cadet series of 2014: Ioannis Gavriilidis, (Greece), Christos Andreou, (Cyprus), Nicholas Shea, (UK), Teo Polsak (Croatia), and Loic Vignon (France)

and started working on the GSP`s drilling rigs as roustabouts and their distinctive piece of personal protective equipment are the green helmets. „We see in them the future GSP managers. The HR Department designed for them career paths and I hope they will all reach professional performances. That`s what we expect from them. It`s a big opportunity to work in different places around the world, in the North Sea, White Sea, Black Sea, Pechora Sea or

APRIL 2014

the Gulf of Mexico. We will meet them again at the GSP Training Center in September, when the second part of their theoretical training will take place“, stated Dragos Teodorescu. A second group of trainees started the courses on the 17Th of March. Among the cadets there are five foreign students who came to Romania to specialize in drilling. Ioannis Gavriilidis (Greece), Christos Andreou (Cyprus), Nicholas Shea (UK), Teo Polsak (Croatia) and Loic Vignon (France) see in GSP a company that offers them solid future prospects in this field of activity. Enthusiastic and ready to work, they were eager to find out more about our country and, of course, about drilling. The Internet opened their way to GSP and the future is now in their hands. „Christos and I were colleagues at the

working on a drilling rig. In fact, I can`t wait to get there „We see in them the future GSP and learn what offshore managers. The HR Department means“. designed for them career paths and I work Stefan Stoica is 25 years hope they will all reach professional old. He registered the best performances. That`s what we expect results in his series, at the from them. It`s a big opportunity to work conclusion of the theoretical in different places around the world, training. He graduated from Ploiesti University, in the North Sea, White Sea, Black Sea, where he studied Oil and Pechora Sea or the Gulf of Mexico.“ Gas Technology. He gained DRAGOS TEODORESCU some work experience while working as a field engineer for another university and we visited at the Ploiesti University. company: „I left my job GSP Fortuna while the Georgiana declared: „The to take advantage of the rig was in Kavalla, in the Offshore Drilling Induction opportunity offered by GSP. Epsilon field“, said Ioannis. course is very attractive, I want to make a career Nicholas saw GSP Saturn active and interactive, the in drilling, I studied and in Rotterdam, and Loïc saw trainer taught us lots of worked hard for that. This GSP Uranus in the Agigea things. I was impressed by is an interesting program Shipyard. Teo Polsak GSP Uranus, it was the first because we have the stated that he worked for a time I saw a drilling rig. opportunity to learn about German company before GSP`s personnel helped the responsibilities for all joining GSP Training us a lot, they are dynamic the positions on a drilling Center`s program. people and it is obvious that rig, and we take the walk The only girl in the two they are all well prepared of life one step at the time. cadet groups is Georgiana in their field of activity. My goal?! To become OIM Nastase. She majored in Even though I’m the only at least! Never to have an Environment Protection girl here I`m not afraid of office job, I`m a driller!“

Patrick Nicaud, Cristian Craciun, Angela Dumitrescu, Dragos Teodorescu


Johanna Lucretia



19 Tall Ships to race in the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta Tall ships from 9 countries announced their participation in the SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta, competition that will take place between the 30th of April and 27th of May on the route Varna – Novorosiisk – Sochi – Constanta. The event is organized by Navigator Yacht Club (NYC) under the aegis of SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta. At the end of the race, the entire participating fleet will remain in the Port of Constanta, between 24th and 27th of May and the ships will be open to the public. At the same time,


Constanta will host the award ceremony. This is the first „tall ship“ regatta organized exclusively in the Black Sea. Romania will compete with the School Ship „Mircea“, which is celebrating 75 years of service under the Romanian Navy . Mircea has previously participated in such events and it’s appreciated internationally. Adornate, Vega Hotel’s sailing ship, will also join the competition along with other well known vessels, military and civil ones, with great history and background.


In the class A ships we found the Sedov, a Russian flagged training vessel, the biggest of it`s kind with 117,5 m length. Originally named the Magdalene Vinnen II, Sedov was launched in Kiel in 1921, at the Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft at Kiel, Germany, for the shipping company F. A. Vinnen & Co. of Bremen, one of the largest German shipping companies at the beginning of the 20th century. The shipping

company initially objected to have an engine installed in the ship, but the shipyard successfully argued for an engine, making the ship the first sailing ship with auxiliary engine designed to modern principles. The Magdalene Vinnen II was at the time the world’s largest auxiliary barque and exclusively used as a cargo ship with a crew that was partially made up of cadets. She sailed on her maiden voyage on September 1, 1921. Her voyage took her from Bremen via Cardiff, where she took on coal, to Buenos Aires. Despite

APRIL 2014

bad weather, the journey from England to Argentina with holds full of coal took just 30days. The Magdale Vinnen II carried all sorts of cargo: apart from coal, she took timber from Finland, wheat from Australia, pyrite from Italy and unit load from Belgium. The four-masted barque made two voyages around Cape Horn to Chile. Until her last Atyla


voyage under the Vinnen flag in 1936, the ship sailed to Argentina, South Africa, Australia, Reunion and the Seychelles. You can find out more about the ships visiting the official website of the event, SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta is organized in Romania by the Navigator Yacht Club (NYC), a

non-profit organization in Romania, which promotes and undertakes water sports activities, in partnership with the Naval Academy and the Constanta Port Administration. STI is a British not-forprofit organization which, for over half a century is undertaking activities related to „sail training“. Thus, young people Kaliakra

Ships enrolled in the competition (as of March 2014): Class A KALIAKRA – Bulgaria MIR – Russia MIRCEA – Romania NADEZHDA – Russia RAH NAWARD – PakistanaRoyal HELENA – Bulgaria RUNNING ON WAVES – Malta SEDOV – Russia Class B ADORNATE – Romania

Running on Waves

are faced with many challenges, both physical and emotional, but, under the guidance of experienced instructors, they are able to learn the skills of teamwork, discipline and responsibility. The STI Regatta’s main sponsor is Sovcomflot, the largest shipping company in the Russian Federation.

ATYLA – Spain BODRUM – Turkey JOHANNA LUCRETIA – UK Class C CAROLINE – Ukraine SEA ADVENTURE – Bulgaria Class D AKELA – Russia TAMARA – Ukraine PHOENIX – Bulgaria VITYAZ – Russia APOLODOR - Romania

Toyal Helena


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