2 minute read

The anecdote of the Miner’s Inch as


Miner's inch

This last week, for me, has been filled with talk of fire and water. I did learn a new term along the way, “Miner’s Inch.”

The talk of fire was with the Cal Fire Battalion Chief about a new State law for enforcement of defensible space requirements. Cal Fire will be out in the community, inspecting people’s properties and issuing inspection checklists detailing the need for clearing a buffer zone between the structures on their property and flammable grass, trees, and shrubs surrounding it. Homeowners must get the work done or Cal Fire will do the work and charge the homeowner.

The talk of water was with my well-driller, the master of finding water on properties like mine in Butte Creek Canyon. It’s time to drill a new well on my property because of the dropping water table, after more than a century of adequate water supply there.

Man, what I would give for a “Miner’s Inch.”

I met with my buddy, Brino, the contractor extraordinaire, in Oroville, and our visit touched on both fire and water. We first toured the beautiful old downtown brick building at Montgomery and Myers, where our friend, the Realtor/restaurateur extraordinaire, Chaz, is on the verge of opening his new restaurant, Coyote Cantina. His remodel of the place is spectacular.

Brino then took me to his latest job, a remodel and addition on his friend Jim’s place in the Oroville foothills, on a large acreage of rolling hills covered in mature oak trees. I looked at the expanse of dry grasslands, and my first thought was, “Fire.”

“When we are done grading around the house, Jim will plant greenery,” said Brino. He pointed up the hill behind the house. “A water ditch runs along the property—part of the local water district. This property has water rights going back to the old days. Jim gets what is known as a Miner’s Inch of water per month.”

It turns out a “Miner’s Inch” of water comes out to about 400,000 gallons of water per month. Google says the average family uses around 9,000 gallons of water per month.

Looks like Jim struck gold with his Miner’s Inch. I’m calling my well driller and telling him I’ll be happy with a Miner’s QuarterInch of water.

Doug Love is Sales Manager at Century 21 in Chico. Email dougwlove@gmail.com. Call or text 530-680-0817.

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