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On the scene with Chico detective

with Jim Parrott

If I wasn’t a first responder, I’d likely be teaching.


Three critical qualities I possess that got me where I am today are a decent ability not to procrastinate, an above average ability to read and write, and the talent to talk to anyone (plus a healthy level of insecurity to keep me motivated).

My schedule? Well, since I no longer work shift work, think of it like banker’s hours, except the bank never really closes, and I’m on-call a lot.

A book that left a lasting impression on me is The Haj by Leon Uris. Ironically, it was the last book I read in college, but it kicked off a lifelong obsession with history and geography.

Something I wish I were better at is typing. I thought it was too nerdy to take typing in high school. Who’s the nerd now? And yes, I text with one finger, too.

My “go to” Northern California spot is Crater Lake near Mt Lassen—a favorite place to fly fish and at the same time be humbled by the resident ospreys (who will always be better at fishing than I).

My personal billboard would read, “Get over yourself; nobody cares.” Humility needs constant cultivation.

My inspiration behind where I am today are my daughters. The only thing to which proving yourself as a cop takes a back seat is doing so as a father.

My single biggest indulgence is Cuban cigars.

One thing I wish to share as I near retirement is that I will be eternally grateful to have worked with and for some of the finest people in Chico. It’s been an honor to have served alongside so many truly remarkable individuals over the last 25 years.

Jim Parrott Detective Chico Police Department

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