COOL KID MAX Duran Max Duran is, by all measures, the kid every parent wishes to have. Thoughtful, driven, caring, and bright, he checks all the boxes, and he’s been recognized for it time and again. At just 9 years old, Max is making a name for himself at Ophir Elementary as someone other students can not only look up to, but trust as well. “He’s just such a good kid all around.” Max’s mom, Betty Pendergraft, raved, “I really don’t even know where to begin. In second grade, he wanted to be the first and only second grader to read one million words and join the school’s “millionaire club." He just stuck with it and accomplished his goal long before the end of the year. Now finishing third grade, he set the goal again to repeat last year’s success, and he blew it away. At this point, he’s read over 2.5 million words in two years. He just has so much drive, and it’s one of the many things we love about him!” Sure, most parents beam when it comes to talking about their children, and few parents are short of the gift of gab when it comes to comparing notes, but Betty isn’t alone in her feelings—they’ve been confirmed by plenty of others too. Max is not only well-read, but good10
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natured as well and always willing to offer a helping hand or assistance in defusing a negative situation. His teachers recognized this over the years and separately nominated him for the Student of the Month Award. The wealth of nominations was certainly noticed as his school’s principal then nominated him for an even greater accolade—Butte County Rotary Club’s Student of the Year Award. Unsurprisingly for a boy of his character, he was selected and recognized for his kindness, friendship, and academic assessment well above the elementary school level. Max wants to be a lawyer when he grows up, and Betty is the first to admit he’s very persuasive with his words. Alongside his love for reading, it sounds like the career would be a perfect fit. When Max isn’t reading, he’s competing at soccer, basketball, and on Oroville’s Orcas swim team. He says, “You only have one life to live, so you gotta live the way you want to live it.” Clearly, he’s also wise beyond his years. We wish Max the best in his future endeavors and cheer him on in continuing to be, without any shadow of a doubt, a very cool kid indeed.