BBQ We could start this article by saying Oroville is experiencing something of a cultural revolution, but it would simply be repeating what we’ve been saying since the June 2021 issue. New restaurants seem to pop up monthly and continue to succeed long beyond the period of novelty that carries most businesses. Entertainment options haven’t been far behind, creating a selfsupporting ecosystem that makes the town a hotbed for budding entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, and entertainers alike. Gabe Jensen is one such entrepreneur, and though his restaurant, Big Red’s BBQ, seems as if it should have been available in Oroville for years, it is strangely the only one of its kind. Gabe grew up in Susanville before moving to Chico to attend the Butte Culinary Academy under the tutelage of Chef Michael Iles, whose lengthy résumé is likely known by many Chico foodies. He spent his years at the academy learning the ins-andouts of restaurant management, running a kitchen, and serving a wide variety of individuals. After graduating in 2001, he 50
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