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We are excited to introduce you to JJ Mitchell, who serves not only as our Local Spotlight but also is July’s Featured Teacher
LOCAL SPOTLIGHT ON Local Boy. Here, at the magazine, we are always on the lookout for community members who qualify to be deemed a local spotlight or local legend. We’re fortunate to live in a place where these candidates abound and have enjoyed shining our bright spotlight on them. This month’s issue is quite unique. Just like us, if you look at the opposite page, you, too, will discover the subject of this issue’s choice. There he was, in plain sight. Of course he richly deserves to be our featured teacher, but it did not take long to figure out there is more to his story. We are so delighted to bring his story to life.
JJ (John) Mitchell’s path to teaching and coaching was paved through his local roots from Bidwell, Pleasant Valley, and Chico State. Each level showed encouragement, important lessons of perseverance, and bestowed the dual desire to work hard, and take care of the fundamentals. JJ just completed his 27 th year as a PE instructor and volleyball coach. After his student teaching, JJ went to Sonoma for his first five fledgling years. He was delighted to return home and spent a decade at Chico High. JJ has finished his 11 th year at PV, and in those years, he has emerged a master in many fashions, including his large garden in his backyard.
JJ’s foundation for the desire to teach PE goes back to junior high. John D’Anna and the other instructors, demonstrated that PE is not about rolling the balls out and hoping for the best. Fast forward to JJ’s student teaching year at Chico High under Sam Simmons. He learned two invaluable, lifelong lessons here. The first is the love of teaching Freshmen, a level many teachers resist. He learned that if the teacher “gets after it,” the students will treat it like they are in the Super Bowl. The other’s so simple, but remains so critical—go bell to bell. Be fully present for the entire duration of each class. JJ has indeed taught 9 th graders and lives the ‘bell to bell’ approach. It all emerged naturally as the only way to approach each and every day.
JJ’s influences in coaching are equally impactful. Notably, this also goes right back to junior high where his interest for volleyball was set in motion. The volleyball units were made up more than "playing.” The break down drills, teaching, and overall organization sparked a fire in young JJ. In high school, he played basketball and ran cross country. His basketball coach, Denny Varley, is to this day, a huge influence on JJ. It’s evident JJ does not exactly have the quintessential shape of most cross country runners. He ran for Sam Simmons and became the number one runner his senior year. That ability to ‘out work’ his teammates and opponents, pay attention to details, learn the fundamentals, and apply all of it to his coaching, is a testament to these mentors.
The PV girls’ volleyball program has benefitted from this in the last six years. JJ has changed the culture of this program using a “throwback” approach. It’s uncomplicated motto has become, “work harder than anyone.” The flip side of this plan was to gain the understanding how important it is “to be a volleyball player.” He insisted it all comes down to their work ethics. Working hard comes with training hard and correctly in the nuances and skills. This meant breaking the game down into its intricacies, not merely scrimmaging, hoping to get better. The result is a revolution these last four years with a long home win streak and league and section championships.
Demanding, pushing, and insisting on repetition of the finite skills is but one side of JJ Mitchell. The other is about caring, paying attention, and his willingness to go above and beyond. For instance, to maintain the work ethic, JJ opened up a volunteer Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 a.m. training sessions. These mornings looked like afternoon practices as the attendance was almost 100%. On another note, JJ’s caring and above and beyond side is for real. He introduced sand volleyball to the girls and success followed. A couple of his girls earned a spot in a tournament in Los Angeles. JJ was aware they had never been to the beach, so he made arrangements for them to have a place to stay and drove them down. Once they arrived, he took them to the beach for a workout. He also arranged for them to meet a pair of Division I coaches. There is more to the story. The girls stayed, JJ returned to Chico. The next day JJ watched the live stream of the tournament from home. During the girls’ matches, he sent texts the girls would check each time they had a break in the action. Above and beyond indeed. The truth is JJ would prefer not to have anyone know anything about this story.
There are so many more ways to shine this spotlight on his impact. We know one thing for sure—each and every day is a great day to be JJ Mitchell.
Hay fever is used to describe bothersome nose and eye allergy symptoms that often are associated with outdoor allergens, primarily pollen. While many people who suffer from outdoor allergens seek refuge inside, indoor allergens can be just as bad, if not worse.
Often referred to as dust allergy, mites are found in dust but are actually bugs that can only be seen with a microscope. We all have them and are primarily allergic to their feces. Dust mites congregate in materials made from fabric- furniture, drapes, carpet, and the bed. You might suspect dust mite allergy when you don’t have pets. Yet allergies worsen when you’re at home, at the end of the weekend, or upon awakening. While dust mites can bother us year-round, they are most bothersome in the fall and winter when we are stuck indoors.
HEPA filters, dehumidifiers, and cleaning your home may reduce the dust mite burden. I recommend vacuuming your carpet and washing all bedding in hot water, at least weekly. Additionally, anything on your bed that can’t go in the washing machine, needs to come off the bed. Dust mites will repopulate the bed over the week while we are primarily trying to keep their counts down. Finally, dust mite covers are finely woven covers that go under the sheets, zip over the box spring, mattress, and pillows, and prevent dust mites from getting from the mattress to you! I suggest starting with the cleaning measures and if you experience good results, consider purchasing a genuine dust mite cover. Furry friends can carry some of the most bothersome allergens, and it’s not just cats and dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits can cause problems too. Cat dander is so sticky that even after the cat is re-homed, their dander can be detected in the home at allergy-causing levels 20–30 weeks later. This may also be why you are sneezing at work when the guy three cubicles down lives with three cats. While you may not be allergic to dander, animals that are indoor/outdoor pick up pollen on their coats and bring it into the home. Even smaller rodents living in indoor shelters can cause problems as the food they eat or materials they sleep on may trigger your grass pollen allergy.
Mold can be a significant problem but don’t worry about the mildew near the sink, windows, and bathroom tiles. The mold that will cause problems is in larger volume and can often be difficult to find. Obvious spots of large mold burden are where there has been water damage. However, mold may lay behind the wall, particularly in older homes and places of work.
Just be cognizant of taking control of those things you can to control and lessen the effect of these allergens.
HEALTH ADVICE VIA DR. LENINGTON Dr. Lenington is a Chico alum who works as an allergist and immunologist in Portland, Oregon. He was named one of one of Portland’s top allergist and immunologists in 2020.