Spring Issue 2020: FLOURISH

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S T Y L E D B Y Natalie Gruenwald P H O T O G R A P H E D B Y Erin Poplin M O D E L E D B Y Monet Cavanaugh 2 | SPRING 2020

IN This ISSUE 06–07
































C O V E R : S T Y L E D B Y Sophia Spinell | P H O T O G R A P H E D B Y Annie David | M O D E L E D B Y Sophia Spinell 3 | SPRING 2020



WRITERS Erin Adelman Adrienne Bechtel Emma Boggess

Astrid Cabello

Grace Callahan Carolyne Croy


Regan O'Brien Abigal Padgett

Katie Wickman



Jaslyn Davis-Johnson

Anna Patricelli Nina Schumann Sophie Thompson

BLOGGERS Sophie Blasi Bridget Bonanni Carolyne Croy

Maggie Smerdel & Christina Vitellas

Shannon Kelly Molly Monson


Sydney Nelson Cache’ Roberts

Julia Plant & Claire Podges

Jamie Santarella Rebecca Wolff



Avery Salomon


DIRECTORS OF MARKETING Cami Cicero & Casey Doran




BLOG EDITOR Lizzie Carter


ADVISORS Annie-Laurie Blair & Fred Reeder Jr.

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Annie David Logan Glennie Rachel MacNeil Junho Moon Amanda Parmo Erin Poplin Ivy Richter Avery Saloman Lauren Waldrop Olivia Wilson

VIDEOGRAPHERS Emily Ambargis Asha Caraballo Elle Gordon Erin Poplin Holly Pappano Olivia Wilson

EVENT PLANNERS Bridget Bonanni Paige Buckingham Amy Holbrook Kalena Pendang Maddie Sturcke Christian Wurzelbacher


Olivia Bianco Cami Cicero Kayleigh Fikejs Natalie Gruenwald Nina Grotto Erin Haymaker Madelyn Hopkins

Emma Jarard Hailey Lowe Isabella Lucarelli Abby Malone Katie Mcllroy Sarah Oldford Will Priess Gianni Rosa Meghna Santra Isabelle Sistino Dani Spensiero Sophia Spinell

Maggie Miller Emily Nebraska

Christian Wurzelbacher Matt Zeldin Maddie Zimpfer

Mark Decile

MAKEUP ARTISTS Shelby Anton Sydney Caras Katie Friedland Janet Herman McKenna Meyers Sophie Mone Tory Noble Olivia Pangrazio Dani Spensiero Julianna Spina

LAYOUT DESIGN Grace Barrett Katie Buecker Caroline Bumgarner Katie Fee Parker Jacobs Fatima Knight Sophie Monzo Sarah Semon Maggie Walkoff

COMMUNICATIONS Louise Allison Kelly Breur Makenzie Fightmaster Julia Laginess Taylor Ryan Nina Schumann Alex Walker Grace Wells

MARKETING Emily Ambargis Lauren Balster Olivia Ben-Kiki Kate Buckley Emily Coyne Sarah Dayan Emma Jobson Sophie McGahan Taylor McManus

Olivia Owens Elizabeth Phelps Taylor Ryan Katelyn Siragusa


Josie Adams Emma Boggess Monet Cavanaugh Kate deJesus Jessie Dolby Kate Hartner Kelsey Lewis Elli Mchaffie Max Rionda Lauren Speelman Olivia Wilson Amanda Zager STYLISTS

Olivia Belkin Olivia Bianco Sophie Blasi Kelsey Lewis Hannah Matthews Anastasia McDaniel Elli Mchaffie Fifi Oginni Will Priess Isabelle Sistino Terra Weber A N A LY S T S

Erica Brower DESIGNER

Jacqueline McCully

Editor's Letter When Astrid, Katie and I set out to create our spring issue, Flourish, we aimed to inspire our readers to bloom wherever they’re planted through every season of life. Suffice it to say, this has been a challenging season. Whether it be the stories from the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing racial reckoning faced by our country in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death or the calls to end the systemic injustice within collegiate institutions (including our own), the past five months have been filled with grief, anger and pain. It must be said that the world in which Flourish initially came to be no longer exists. Despite this, we are honored to finally bring you our spring issue, though it makes its debut digitally … and in August. I believe the mission at the heart of Flourish still stands. Though many of us may be experiencing our most challenging season yet, perhaps this is necessary to sow the seeds of change that help us grow, both individually and as a society. For many of UP Magazine’s staff members (myself included), Flourish is the last issue we were honored to create. While our final chapter closed unexpectedly, I address you one last time as editor-in-chief. Thank you to our readers for supporting this publication, as well as trusting UP’s staff to deliver on our mission of inspiring authentic style and sophistication. To that end, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to every member of our staff for their creativity, hard work, patience and perseverance, especially amidst all of the confusion and uncertainty of this issue. Thank you for empowering me to lead this organization. It has been a privilege, and it wouldn’t have been possible without each of you. I also want to give a special thank you to UP’s publisher Astrid Cabello and UP’s creative director Katie Wickman—I’m incredibly thankful to have spent the past year with you two by my side as both creative partners and friends. I also couldn’t be more excited for the future of UP Magazine as Cora Harter takes over as editor-in-chief this year. I know that with her heart, work ethic and tenacity, this publication couldn’t be in more capable hands. Finally, I hope you enjoy reading through this issue and find inspiration in its pages. I invite you to seek out ways to embrace growth, to evolve and to flourish with each passing season.

Much UP love,

Bella Douglas Editor-In-Chief

5 | SPRING 2020

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To grow or develop luxuriantly; to be successful or prosper; to thrive


8 | SPRING 2020



9 | SPRING 2020

Belk Greenhouse stands somewhat undetected in the westernmost corner of Miami University. Perched on a hill, yet still unassuming, the greenhouse offers a breath of humidity in spite of the biting, midFebruary cold. Under whitewashed windows and hidden within the quieter edge of campus, a world of green, blooming lifeforms prosper in the stillness. While this greenhouse may be unfamiliar to Miami students who are not studying botany or biology, in reality, the ripples of Belk Greenhouse can be felt all around campus. From the vibrant floral arrangements meticulously posed for each Miami commencement ceremony to the red poinsettias that dot our campus in the warm months, the testaments to the existence of Belk Greenhouse and its growth are subtle but abundant. “Well, first of all, you have to like plants,” John Keegan, Miami botany instructor and retired Belk Greenhouse manager, said with a laugh toward his decades of experience maintaining the greenhouse. Keegan was able to grow alongside the greenhouse in its very first days of life. Keegan was hired for the manager position as the foundation for the greenhouse was first being laid in 1977. Belk Greenhouse takes its name after Ethel Belk, an influential figure to the Miami botany department from 1929 to 1968. According to Keegan, the greenhouse was initially built for the Miami botany department, as several botany and biology courses needed more space for their research plants and lab courses. Belk Greenhouse is entirely funded by the University. The greenhouse is funded by Miami for the same reason labs and other resources that support the mission of the University are paid for, Keegan said: to support education and research. While it is frequented only by a small number of students, Belk Greenhouse is open and welcome to the public. “It gives a good educational component to the University,” Keegan said. “It familiarizes people with plants, which is always good.” Since its birth over four decades ago, Belk Greenhouse has not only become home to countless Miami botany, biology and Institute for Food students, but also to gorgeous, Fuschia-colored orchids and hundred-year-old cacti. One deep green, droopy leafed plant known as the Philodendron selloum has overtaken more than half of Belk Greenhouse, despite its beginnings in a four-inch pot. Keegan estimated the large plant to be around 50 years old.

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“We tried to get as much diversity as possible into the greenhouse, so that people could see how truly diverse plants are,” Keegan said. But the diversity of plant species is not the only kind of variety that the inside walls of the greenhouse have seen in their 43 years of flourishing; Belk Greenhouse has also served as a beacon of creative growth and discovery. During Keegan’s time as manager, he has welcomed countless art projects, photoshoots and commercial shoots into his leafy greenhouse haven. “All kinds of things have happened in the greenhouse,” Keegan said, fondly, of the creative endeavors that occurred during his years. Annie David, UP Magazine Director of Videography and print photographer, first photographed Belk Greenhouse during her freshman year in her digital photography course. Her initial visit to Belk Greenhouse left her wanting to return and take more portraits of a friend. “I’ve just always loved the greenery in the greenhouse—this unknown place that no one really knows about,” David said. “As a photographer, your number one goal is to tell a story,” she said. “I think the greenhouse on its own is so unique and diverse. Every corner you take, there’s something new to photograph.” “It’s kind of inspiring, in a way, just to be there.” Beyond its literal purpose for researching plant growth, Belk Greenhouse proves to be a destination for creative blooming as well. “I guess more than anything else, it was sort of a sense of belonging,” Keegan said of what his decades in Belk Greenhouse meant to him. “You really get to the point where you think of the plants almost as your kids, when you’ve known the space for so long.” “You take care of the plants, you see them grow,” Keegan said. “You really just get a wonderful kinship with the plants.” Though it may be cloaked in privacy and thick February fog, beyond Belk Greenhouse’s glossed doors and under its heavy heat reveals a quiet haven teeming with life and prosperity.

Styling by Natalie Gruenwald Photographed by Erin Poplin Modeled by Monet Cavanaugh & Ryan Kiehl Price


A Reflection on Graduating & Coming Out

14 | WINTER 2020


My first day of classes at Miami felt synonymous with my life at the time—confused, lost and erratic. On a boiling late August morning in 2016, my backpack slapped against my pink collared shirt, as I manically scurried through the corridors of Benton Hall. My eyes desperately scanned the room signs in front of me—and much to my dismay—Benton 001 seemed to be non-existent. An unsettling panic flowed through my body. No, this couldn’t be happening to me. I couldn’t start college this way. The class started at 11:30 a.m. The clock struck 11:45 when I finally found my classroom, scampered in and plopped myself down into a swivel chair. The students at the black desktop computers around me poked their heads up to shoot me a scathing and condemnatory look. The professor paused ever so slightly, but then continued with his lecture on the screen. A feeling of judgment wafted through the air in that sequestered basement classroom. Later that night, I sat underneath the shade of a tall tree in the grassy quad beside my dorm. Known as “MET” quad, some new friends and I rolled out a red-striped picnic blanket and enjoyed an idyllic evening in our new home. One of the girls asked me a question I’d been asked plenty of times before. Every instance, I never conjured up the confidence to be truthful. “Are you gay?” she said. I so desperately wanted to curl up into a ball and hide in the darkness of that tree’s shadow. Per usual, a tired, insecure lie rolled off my lips. No, college really could not start this way. After a shaky first few weeks of freshman year, I landed a job working in the admissions office as a tour guide. I donned my brightest red Miami spirit wear, clutched a reusable water bottle in hand and shouted out facts that echoed across campus as I led groups of up to 20 people.

Giving tours unleashed an inner-confidence in me that I hadn’t yet discovered. It became an outlet for me—a stage where I had the lead role and a captivated audience. It was my moment to shine. I could be myself. I told my dramatic stories, expelled my flamboyancy and connected with people from around the country. The tours gave me a sense of control from leading large groups of people—and that feeling had certainly been missing from my life, as so often, I molded myself to fit the image everyone else wanted me to be. On a frosty winter afternoon the second semester of freshman year, I gave a tour to this well-dressed, down-toearth and engaged family from New Jersey. I’d never met anyone from New Jersey before and they were fabulous. Their family poured their hearts out to me and really wanted to get to know me and hear my experiences. We instantly connected and by the end of the tour, I wanted them to adopt me. Then, the next school year during my sophomore year, I saw the same family on campus again. We greeted each other with fond hugs, like old friends who hadn’t seen each other in a while. They were visiting their daughter, Claire, who was now a freshman at Miami. Claire and I would soon become best friends. Claire’s warmth and kindness radiated through her voluminous Brunette hair and into all of her words and actions. Talking to Claire reminded me of all the good in the world and she made me feel right at home. I knew I could tell her anything. Which was perfect, because the weight of this lifelong lie I’d been holding onto had become too pressing. It was time to drop that weight. Clutching onto my silver iPhone one night while lying in bed, a message from Claire illuminated the glass screen in front of me. She sent a picture of a man—he was gorgeous, toned and tan. My thumbs did all the talking, as I replied to the message expressing how I thought the man was cute. For the first time in 19 years, I revealed this facet of myself to another person. I was gay.

15 | WINTER 2020

Although this cathartic release of emotion took place through blue and white text bubbles behind a screen, I would soon after come out to Claire in person—finally using the word “gay.” I was shocked to realize nothing changed with our friendship. Claire didn’t treat me any differently than before. In fact, it only strengthened our friendship—after all, I was still the same person I was before telling her.

As time has progressed, I’ve realized that people who lash out at others are incredibly insecure and unhappy with themselves. I’ve learned to feel sorry for those people. If they don’t like me for being fabulous, then that’s their loss. I reframed this situation to remind myself of my worth and celebrate my unique aspects that some people just can’t handle.

Precariously hiding in the closet had left me isolated and unsure of everything. At that moment, vivid flashbacks from running to the bathroom crying in middle school when people bullied me suddenly re-surfaced. Years of wounds from the throbbing agony of being called a “faggot,” people mocking my voice and flamboyant expressions and the lies I told about my identity suddenly dismantled before my eyes. From that one liberating revelation to just one other person, I uncovered my most raw, authentic self—my true identity.

As I’ve incorporated positivity reframing into my daily life, I’ve worked to help others do the same. One of my favorite experiences at Miami has been being an undergraduate Fellow of the William Isaac & Michael Oxley Center for Business Leadership. This experience allowed me to develop my personal “why statement,” which is encapsulated by the phrase, “to strive for honest emotional connections, so that others can realize their authentic selves.”

I’ve always suffered from the toxicity of self-doubt—with negative thoughts swirling in my head like a violent tornado wreaking havoc. To improve my self-talk, I’ve garnered strength from adopting a positive mindset about everything. Before coming out of the closet, I always desired to showcase my enthusiastic flamboyant side but chose not to because of my lack of self-confidence. Now, I developed the assurance to be positive all the time. I utilized “reframing” situations to see the good—and in the process— I adopted a developmental mindset to push myself to become better. I learned to view the pain of a challenge as a growth opportunity, to look for the humor in stress, to pursue each new day as a precious fresh start and to treat every interaction as the chance to empower others. Positivity has become such a hallmark to my personal brand. It’s a gradual thought process that took some time to develop, but it’s a habit anyone could adopt. I’ve egressed from some toxic situations simply by staying optimistic. Just recently, a few boys at Miami decided to make fun of me on an Instagram post. Instead of resorting to negative emotions or confronting them—I took a deep breath, saw the outfits they wore and immediately felt much better about myself.

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In essence, I’ve made it my mission to build relationships and use my enthusiasm for personal development to inspire others. Encouraging others to pursue candid self-reflection, sharing empowering content on social media, utilizing radical empathy, inspiring everyone to use positivity reframing, and promoting good habits have been my staples. Looking back on that tumultuous first day of class freshman year, I couldn’t have been more lost. When I arrived on Miami’s red-brick, perfectly-manicured campus, I lacked an identity. I hid behind a mask—a forced disguise of who everyone else wanted me to be. Now, reflecting back as a senior, I’ve realized how much growth and transformation have occurred in the past four years. College provided me the opportunity to take off my mask, show the world my true self and now inspire others to do the same. The past four years have been thought-provoking, eyeopening and transformative to say the least. I uncovered my identity. It’s been a steady, uphill climb—but I finally discovered how to live the life I’ve always wanted. For anyone struggling with finding your sense of self, you can and will have your breakthrough—I promise.






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17 | SPRING 2020

Illustration by Katie Buecker


19 | SPRING 2020

Most of us don't have any idea what our clothes are made of, where they come from or how they even get to us. And even if we wanted to know, it might be difficult to figure out. But the slow fashion movement, started by environmentally-conscious companies and designers, is trying to change that. Slow fashion is an approach to making clothes in an ethical and sustainable way. This means clothing made from high-quality materials that are better for the environment and that will ultimately last longer in your wardrobe. An equally important aspect of slow fashion is the fair treatment and wages of workers who make clothing. When you think of Cincinnati, you wouldn’t normally think of a fashion hub. Local boutiques and organizations, however, are cultivating a thriving sustainable fashion scene in the area. One example is Sew Valley, a non-profit organization based in Cincinnati that aims to assist aspiring designers with the production of their clothes and growing their brand in a sustainable way. Through their sustainable practices, they are pioneering the slow fashion movement in the Cincinnati area. Sew Valley was founded in 2017 by businesswomen Rosie Kovacs and Shailah Maynard after seeing “a need for designers and manufacturing in Cincinnati.” Currently, the majority of production facilities are located in major cities or overseas, leaving many Midwestern designers without a place to produce their clothing. One of the pillars of Sew Valley, in addition to helping local designers, is the sustainable manufacturing of their clothing. Maynard and Aubrey Krekeler, the Co-founder and Project Manager & Sustainability Officer at Sew Valley respectively, believe that a crucial aspect of sustainability is ensuring that no part of fabric goes to waste. They mentioned that although they source a lot of sustainable fabrics, like organic cotton and bamboo, fabric waste is the biggest pollutant within the fashion industry. “We are able to only order the amount of fabric and trims a client needs. We work with them to get the most out of their fabric during production to create the least amount of fabric waste possible, which also creates a large overall impact.” Sew Valley works with multiple local fashion designers, such as the manager of Cincinnati boutique Idlewild Woman, Tessa Clark, who also designs her own zero-waste clothing brand. Idlewild Woman, located in Over-The-Rhine, sells only sustainable brands, which are carefully curated by the owners. Clark’s womenswear line, Grind and Glaze, is one of the brands sold in-store and utilizes only sustainable fabrics. One such fabric is Piñatex, which is made from pineapple plant leaves and has a similar texture to leather, making it the perfect material for shoes and purses.

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Other slow-fashion boutiques have been popping up in Cincinnati’s Over-The-Rhine neighborhood, including Continuum Bazaar and Wolf Pack. Both carry environmentally conscious clothing and home pieces. According to Wolf Pack’s website, they only sell brands that are ethically sourced, meaning they are, “providing goods that are made by people who are being paid a living wage and working in a safe environment.” Usually, sustainability and ethically-made clothing go hand in hand, contrasting fast fashion practices, which are focused on cheap garments that follow fleeting trends. Krekeler also discussed the impact of the sustainability movement in Cincinnati, and the importance of local businesses in being environmentally-conscious. “A large part (is) due to those students who graduated from the University Of Cincinnati's DAAP program who decided to stay in Cincinnati and create local business and design lines locally instead of moving to a larger city,” she said. Although buying sustainable and ethical brands locally is a huge part of the slow fashion movement, larger clothing companies, such as Everlane and Reformation, were also founded with sustainability in mind. Krekeler underlines the importance of these companies, stating, “I think those companies have made great strides and helped pave the way for smaller designers to grow in the sustainable fashion industry. We need more impactful companies, politicians and bigger picture thinkers to relay what is happening within the fashion industry in order to help it become more sustainable.” Everlane, in particular, regularly takes political positions on such matters, calling out President Trump on Instagram for backing out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Everlane and Reformation frequently advertise their sustainable values, with Everlane featuring their ReNew and ReWool clothing lines, which are made from recycled wool, plastic and cotton. These companies also aim to educate the public on the waste created by the fashion industry, and what customers can do themselves to reduce their footprint on the environment. Sew Valley features its own educational workshops on sustainability for designers and the public alike. Krekeler and Maynard mentioned some of their current classes, such as “Make Do Mend,” a class that teaches you how to repair pieces in your closet that have rips, stains, or tears, and, “Waste Not Weaving,” a weaving class using t-shirt scraps to weave into a new piece. They plan on adding more classes in the future, as well, such as an alterations class that will teach people to fix old or thrifted clothes to fit them better and last longer. Through these classes, Sew Valley is showing people how they can make their clothing last a lifetime, instead of just a few seasons.

While a key part of sustainable fashion is upcycling and altering current pieces in your wardrobe, another significant aspect is what to look for when buying new clothes. Unfortunately, one of the pressing issues surrounding sustainable clothes is accessibility, due to their usually much steeper prices in comparison to fast fashion apparel. Sustainably-made pieces can be upwards of hundreds of dollars, making them difficult to purchase for many customers. According to an article by Jessica Davis in Harper’s Bazaar, “the more we all invest in sustainable fashion, the more affordable it will eventually become.” She gives the example of organic food demand, stating, “In 2018, consumers paid about 7.5% more for organic foods, whereas in 2014, the premium was 9% more.” Davis summarizes that if more people invest in sustainable pieces, their prices will naturally decrease over time. Slowly, sustainable clothing is becoming more commonplace thanks to the slow fashion movement. These Cincinnati boutiques and organizations, like Sew Valley, are transforming how clothes are made, and inspiring local designers to be conscious of their impact on the environment. Through their efforts, it seems that one day the norm will be for every clothing item we purchase to be sustainably and ethically-made.

"WE NEED MORE impactful COMPANIES, POLITICIANS AND bigger picture THINKERS..." 21 | SPRING 2020

Let's Bloom &


Styling by Sophia Spinell Photographed by Annie David Modeled by Camila Jones & Sophia Spinell

22 | SPRING 2020

23 | SPRING 2020

Florals for spring? Not exactly groundbreaking. Our focus on florals stems from the expression "stop and smell the roses"–or in this case lavendar and lilies. Flowers showcase persistence and strength–they bloom where they are planted. Bask in the warm, glowy photography and soft, regal styling of our "Flourish" editorial.

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"The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all." –Walt Disney

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"Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried, but actually you've been planted." –Christine Caine

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29 | SPRING 2020

Fashion Forward


gender nonbinary or gender-fluid. It’s time the members of these communities were received with open arms into the fashion industry. People in these communities are often mocked for what they wear or how they choose to represent themselves. They are sometimes labeled by society as “strange” or “immoral” based on what they wear, especially if their wardrobes don’t fit the normative standards of gendered clothing. These mindsets create pitfalls of discrimination and animosity, and in order to change that, the fashion industry needs to step up and change the way we perceive others through what we wear. Fortunately, there are many amazing examples of how the industry is changing to become more inclusive towards those who wish to embrace aspects of both feminine and masculine styles. Various celebrities are paving the way towards a more diverse fashion world, where people of all genders are welcome to experiment with clothing and wear what makes them feel confident and comfortable. Individuals such as Billie Eilish, Harry Styles, Billy Porter and Ezra Miller all play around with different materials and cuts to promote ways in which fashion can cater to any audience, regardless of gender or normative beauty standards.


The fashion industry has flourished over time, changing the way we think about the clothes we wear and what they might say about us. From decade to decade, there are always new trends to explore and designs to unravel, modern ideas that evolve into original outfits for us to enjoy. It has the potential to unite us and connect us across the globe, stitching us together. Yet the industry also has the potential to alienate people who don’t adhere to certain fashion ideals—which is why inclusivity is so important. In recent years, the world has begun advocating for all types of people to feel safe and included in daily life. In particular, there has been a greater call to understanding and welcoming those who are LGBTQ+, or who are

Billie Eilish is a prominent example of the androgynous style, which blends both masculine and feminine characteristics. She’s often seen wearing baggy, oversized clothes in bold colors and prints, as well as layering her outfits with plenty of accessories. While most female pop stars are urged to wear tons of “girly” and sexualized clothing, such as short skirts and crop tops, Eilish refutes the idea of being typecast for her clothes and her music. “If I was a guy and I was wearing these baggy clothes, nobody would bat an eye,” Eilish said in a 2019 interview with New Musical Express (NME). “There’s people out there saying, ‘Dress like a girl for once! Wear tight clothes, you'd be much prettier and your career would be so much better!’ No it wouldn’t. It literally would not.” Similarly, singer Harry Styles is disregarding what other people say to restrict his outfit choices. From wearing a sheer, lacy blouse and pearl earrings at the 2019 Met Gala to wearing a dress and ruffled shirt for a December 2019 photoshoot for The Guardian,

Styles embraces traditionally feminine clothing styles and adds them to his closet.

result, they won’t get that masculine job, that superhero job. And that’s the truth.”

In the 2019 interview with The Guardian, Styles declared, “What women wear. What men wear. For me it’s not a question of that. If I see a nice shirt and get told, ‘But it’s for ladies.’ I think: ‘Okaaaay? Doesn’t make me want to wear it less though.’ I think the moment you feel more comfortable with yourself, it all becomes a lot easier.”

Ezra Miller is another figure to look up to. The non-binary actor wears gender-fluid ensembles to all their red-carpet events. For example, the black puffer coat gown they wore to the Paris premiere of “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” in 2018.

Billy Porter made headlines for wearing his 2019 Oscars ball gown, sparking conversations about inclusivity in the fashion industry. He addressed his fashion choices in a 2019 essay he wrote for Vogue, stating, “This industry masquerades itself as inclusive, but actors are afraid to play, because if they show up as something outside of the status quo, they might be received as feminine, and, as a

As demonstrated by these celebrity figures, it’s clear that the fashion industry shouldn’t be tied to any specific gender or identity. As more and more people respond to the idea of gender-fluid fashion, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes the new norm, embraced by the multitudes of people who are pushing for change.

Styling by Christian Wurzelbacher Photographed by Rachel MacNeill Modeled by Parker Castillo

Fashion Speaks The Language of What We Wear

34 | SPRING 2020


In the world we live in, we constantly hear it’s what's on the inside that counts. Yet, at the same time, we are told by our mothers, teachers and even self-help books that in terms of reaching your goals, first impressions matter. But when these conflicting messages are coming at us from all sides, how are we ever supposed to grasp which path to follow?

Dr. Ron Becker, an area coordinator for Miami University’s media and culture program, believes the psychology behind how we judge others’ appearances can be tied back to the media and how it not only connects with the ideals we hold about outward appearances, but the way society comes to accept and promote self-expression through what we wear.

The award shows we watch, such as the Golden Globes, MTV Music Awards and the Oscars, celebrate the esteemed actors and accomplished directors are preceded by hours-long talkshows which dissect down to the very thread each article of clothing the celebrities wear in front of the cameras.

“If you look at the 1970s and the second-wave feminist movement, people wanted to capitalize on that (female empowerment and its increasing presence in the media),” Becker said. He went on to talk about how the second-wave feminist movement and political ideologies that encompassed the 1970s were aided and even further propagated by the media’s coverage of it. He explains that society was going through a major shift, and if companies, especially television and fashion companies showed their support through advertisements, it would drive consumers to choose those brands that conformed to their own beliefs and values.

Political debates are swarmed by photographers who hope to snap the winning photo that will end up on the front of a tabloid; not of the person running for a spot at the supreme court bench, or an office in the capitol building, or even an oval office in the white house–but rather a photo of the clothes on their backs. Female politicians are often the target of even greater scrutiny, with headlines sometimes focusing more on their wardrobes than their words. There's no denying that celebrities and those in the media are heavily scrutinized for the way they look and dress. This is nothing new–in fact, it’s been a common occurrence since before people acknowledged the standards of beauty. TIME Magazine even published an article titled “Our Brains Immediately Judge People” which describes how even a splitsecond viewing of a persons’ face can leave one with a sense of trustworthiness—if said face has certain characteristics. For example, high-set eyebrows and prominent cheekbones are thought to be characteristics of people deemed trustworthy. So how does this play into the celebrities we root for or the political candidates we endorse? Are our brains hardwired to look for the candidate with the highest cheekbones? Science says possibly. But if that’s true, if our brains are working against us in terms of being capable of looking past the bone structure and hairline to see what's on the inside, our society today has found a way to instead work with these presuppositions to change the way people act and aid in what they believe in.

Evidence of this idea that the media propagates what people consider in good taste, or in style can be seen throughout years in the past. Coco Chanel, for example, could possibly be credited with the desire many people have to have bronzed skin. According to a Wonderland Magazine article titled “Seven Wonders: How Coco Chanel Changed the Course of Women’s Fashion,” in 1923, she accidentally got sunburned while on vacation in the French Riviera. Her peers celebrated her sun-kissed glow and it ultimately became a symbol of wealth and beauty that has lasted until today as sunlesstanning products are in their prime. But even though Chanel’s statement was praised and made a lasting impact on the fashion and beauty industry for decades to come, women’s beauty and fashion choices don’t always receive the same celebration today. Today, we can’t look on social media, watch television, or glance at the magazines while in line at the grocery store without seeing an article titled something like who wore it best? or this week’s fashion mishaps. Has the mainstream media shifted its focus from propagating the latest trends in fashion and beauty to the trend of shaming others?

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Former first lady Michelle Obama wrote about the media’s scrutiny in her memoir, Becoming. “It seemed that my clothes mattered more to people than anything I had to say,” she said. “Optics governed more or less everything in the political world, and I factored this into every outfit.” As first lady, political standards lead a whole new slew of expectations and rules of what a woman should look like into the mix. As it often does in politics, in Obama’s case, things got messy and criticism was splashed on the page of every newspaper and magazine across America. Obama’s stylist, Meredith Koop described how she had a strategy of dressing the first lady as she was well aware of the attention every article of clothing would receive, “You have to anticipate every avenue of attack and every possible outcome.” And it’s not only Koop, first lady Obama or Chanel who know that sometimes what they wear can have more of an impact than what they say. The 2018 Golden Globes will be remembered more for the outfits than the awards that were given. According to TIME Magazine’s 2018 Golden Globes recap, over 300 leading women in the Hollywood movie industry used the event to promote the “Time’s Up” movement. They stole the attention of photographers, TV show hosts, internet screens and newspaper front pages as dozens showed up in all-black outfits and sporting Time’s Up pins on their extravagant dresses and sleek suits. While the media’s scrutiny of women and their appearances are far from over, perhaps we should all take some advice from former first lady Obama’s stylist when we get dressed in the morning. “You have to celebrate fashion but also be aware of the message people are going to take away. Fashion can bolster communications in the best-case scenario, or be a silent partner, or actually distract,” Koop said. It’s obvious the clothes we wear have a greater message than we ever knew. However, as we become more fluent in the language of fashion, perhaps we can change the narrative and drive the difference we are so desperate to experience.

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a 37 | SPRING 2020

38 | SPRING 2020

GOOEY A Micro–Editorial

39 | SPRING 2020

The glossy lid trend was led by Pat McGrath, who created a high-shine lid at the 2017 Valentino show. Styling by Julianna Spina Photographed by Olivia Shea Modeled by Olivia Vozzo

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Photographs Courtesy of Julia Plant

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If I’d written this letter to you, my younger self, back in early March, it’d probably be full of clichés about all the ups and downs to come, about all the challenges you’d face, but how everything would work out for the best. I’d tell you how bright your future is despite the rough patches that you’ll slowly and painfully manage to get through. And I’d tell you that those hard times were there for a reason and that that reason would make itself apparent eventually. Because two months ago, I felt in control. I’d also probably have added something sentimental and way too nostalgic about my past four years at Miami and how college changed me. I’d specifically write to you, freshman year Julia, crying in your dorm in Havighurst Hall, convinced you’d never make any friends in college, and I’d assure you that choosing Miami was the right choice. I’d comfort you with the promise of all the meaningful moments and friendships that were to come—ones you could never have imagined. I think my overall message would’ve been about hope and patience and everything happening for a reason. Because after a formative few college years of heartbreak that led to self-discovery and despair that led to a trust (albeit naïve) in the world, that’s what I believed. But then COVID-19 happened. Our world woke up to a new reality and all the clichés about the goodness of life that I had slowly, cautiously come to believe over the past few years, were shattered. So, while I was planning to convince you of my belief that everything happens for a reason and that things get better, now I can’t. Because the entire world is upside down, and now I’m not really sure what to believe. I had the six months following graduation planned out in my head pretty nicely until the virus hit. I was planning on heading back to the ranch in Colorado, my favorite place in the world, for a few months. And then, hopefully (with a lot of networking), I’d start my career and thus, my new life, in New York City. I was confident I could do it. But that’s all gone now. Our world is forever changed. While I’m desperately trying to remain optimistic, I can’t imagine being hired for a job in NYC—the initial hotspot of the coronavirus—any time in the near future. So, as I, along with the rest of the world, face the most daunting unknown I ever have, what does that leave me to tell you? How can I give you any type of encouragement when I’ve never felt more lost or out of control than at this very moment? Should I just tell you that life can really suck sometimes and that your happiest moments can be ripped away suddenly and without warning? Truth be told, I’m not sure what I should tell you. I’m still trying to figure it out on my own. Coming to slowly accept the reality of

COVID-19—the reality that I will never get a normal college graduation or the last two months in Oxford I was expecting, has taken a lot of reflection. A lot of thoughts have consumed my day-to-day: Why is this happening to me, to all of us? I’ve conquered so many hardships and obstacles in the past few years, don’t I deserve a normal final chapter of college? The happy ending I worked so hard for? But that’s just not how life works. I wish it did. I’m reminding myself that life is inherently messy—it’s a path of overcoming constant challenges. Some you’ll be prepared for, and some, like the coronavirus, that will shock and terrify you to your core. This pandemic is arguably one of the hardest challenges I’ve come across in my mere 22 years of life, but if I’ve learned anything from my past trauma, it’s that the doubt and anger and confusion will, hopefully, lead to growth. I’ve always been narcissistic in that I think I’m the best version of myself in any given moment (don’t we all?). But the longer I live and the more I experience, the easier it is for me to look back and laugh at how much I thought I knew—at how ignorant yet simultaneously confident I was. Especially reflecting on these last four years of college, I can see the growth I’ve been forced into. I thought I knew everything there was to know about life freshman year. Now, I cringe thinking about the confidence, ignorance and innocence of 18-year-old Julia. She had so much ahead that she could’ve never predicted. But she survived! And I have to believe she’s a better person for it. I hope that I’ll look back at this time in my life and remember the heartbreak and the pain of having my senior year end so abruptly. I hope I remember how I would open The New York Times on my laptop and tear up at the headlines— how I’d walk past Williams Hall on our empty and abandoned campus and wish I’d appreciated that last journalism class a little more. And I hope I remember that my feelings of intense loss and grief for my college experience were there only as a reflection of the good that happened—the growth I pushed so hard against, the friendships I didn’t think I deserved and the memories I’ll try not to desperately cling to for years to come (but undoubtedly will). Because now when I think about my time at Miami, which was scattered with feelings of heartbreak, uncertainty, depression and insecurity that felt never-ending, I don’t think about any of that. I think of the good. I think of how I picked myself up off the ground at the beginning of sophomore year, the way I (finally) taught myself to like what I saw in the mirror every morning, and how, with the help of a lot of other people, I learned to let the strong inner-voice inside me finally be set free. So, Julia, you’ll get through the hurdle that is COVID-19 just like you did with college (back when it seemed so scary)—with patience and resilience that will ultimately overcome the sorrow and the tears. And I think you’ll be a better person for it.

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Illustrations by Katie Buecker

44 | SPRING 2020


Motherhood. How can we possibly define something so challenging, yet so extraordinary? The simple answer is that we can’t until we’ve walked the walk. Even still, there is no consensus as to what motherhood looks and feels like. We're unable to paint a picture of motherhood that encompasses all of the distinctive colors, shapes and textures of each woman’s experience. I have asked several mothers to attempt to capture what motherhood means to them in a few short sentences.

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Dasha Dasha is the mother of a precious baby girl who, I can confirm, is just about the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. Dasha and her daughter share gorgeous thick, dark curls. Dasha sets a beautiful example of being a woman of courage, tenacity and grace for her young daughter. “Motherhood is like removing your heart from your body with the responsibility of protecting it at all costs which are humanly impossible.”

Mollie Mollie lights up as she talks about her four children. Mollie has three biological children and has recently taken guardianship of her niece. Mollie welcomed her niece as her own after the passing of her sister just over a year ago. With her chic blonde bob and dewy skin, Mollie doesn’t look a day over 30 despite spending 20 years of her life pouring her whole heart into her children. “You can’t possibly begin to understand the love a mother has for her child until you have a child of your own. It is a fierce, unconditional love that constantly hopes and prays for her child to be happy and healthy. Motherhood works tirelessly, loves endlessly, and prays deeply.”

Teresa As Teresa discusses motherhood with me, she smiles softly at the thought of her treasured children and grandchildren. Teresa is the adoptive mother of her son and the stepmother to three more. She is the loving grandmother of eight children. Non-blood relation does not hinder the love Teresa has for her children or grandchildren. Teresa fervently adores and cares for all whom she mothers. “When I think of motherhood several special people come to mind, including a few men. Motherhood is a rewarding, challenging, and loving vocation. Motherhood means making sacrifices, in order to ensure your child has what they need to thrive and be successful. Motherhood is a privilege and should be treated with gentle kindness and respect.”

Barb Barb is the kind of person who welcomes you in with a warm embrace every single time she sees you. I promise it never gets old. She is a mother figure to all children in her life. She is safe. She is kind. She is generous. But Barb especially shines with love for her

two beautiful daughters. As they near their final years under her roof, she cherishes every moment she spends with them. “Motherhood is the great balancing act. I picture motherhood as a see-saw. I remember as a child on the playground trying to keep both ends of the see-saw parallel to the ground. Keeping balanced was tricky back then and as a mom it is even more difficult. Determining when to push and when to pause is the key to balance. I have found being a good listener and open minded to my children's thoughts and feelings helps me to determine whether to push or pause. Open communication with my girls gives me the best opportunity to get it right. And when I get it right, my girls feel heard and valued. When I get it wrong, I apologize and then my girls feel heard and valued. Bottom line: motherhood is the balance between knowing when to push and when to pause. Finding the balance takes patience, open-mindedness and grace.”

Sara Sara can often be found with her dark hair in a stylish low bun and her eyeglasses resting gracefully on the bridge of her nose. She embodies class and poise. She is also a phenomenal mother of three adult children. Sara shows incredible selflessness towards her children and undoubtedly places them at the forefront of her life. “As a mother, there is no greater love than for your child. It is one of the only relationships that pretty much starts at first sight. When you hold your baby for the first time, it is a feeling like none other. You immediately feel that you would protect this tiny human with every fiber of your being within seconds of laying eyes on them. As your child grows older, your love for them only grows stronger. I can be mad, frustrated, sad, disappointed and worried but my love for them will always remain.”

It has been a privilege hearing the experiences of these women. I am honored and inspired by their willingness to so beautifully articulate their stories. The bravery these women have shown by letting us into such an intimate part of their lives is a testament to their character as both women and mothers. Whether a mother to biological children or a chosen mother, it’s now obvious to me that no two mothers share identical experiences, or even a single definition of motherhood.

*In order to respect the privacy of the women in this article, we have identified them only by first name.

Flourishing Abroad WRITTEN BY EMMA NOLAN

The fashion industry has flourished over time, changing the way we tA kindle. A journal and a ballpoint pen. A glass of rosé. In addition to silverware, that’s all I had on the table. I had just ordered dinner: falafel and baba ganoush with a side of pita. Mediterranean cuisine. My favorite. Last semester, I spent the fall studying abroad in Barcelona. Before leaving, I was nervous. In all honesty,

On the weekends, I traveled across Europe and the U.K., taking 48-72 hour windows to embrace each local culture. From seeing the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland to dancing on dinner tables with Greek locals, each trip felt like a movie. After spending four amazing months residing abroad, my time as a Spaniard had to come to an end. Looking back, I’m proud of my ability to bloom in an unfamiliar country. However, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, I have realized that many other students aiming to do the same never got the opportunity. Callie Zeifang, a Miami University junior, began her time abroad in early January, just before news of COVID-19 began to circulate globally. “Hearing the news of the pandemic making its way through China and into Europe was unsettling,” Zeifang said. “I traveled to Milan, Italy two weeks before the major outbreak hit. Hearing the tragic news of how the pandemic swept through was insane.”

I didn’t even want to go. But looking back now, I realize how fortunate I was to travel and experience a side of life I had never been exposed to before. Barcelona is a city with amazing culture. Museums with Picasso and Joan Miro. Tapas style meals unlike any other. There is so much to see and experience. Once I became settled into my apartment and the daily schedule of classes, I decided to use my extra time to soak in as much Catalonian culture as I could. Going abroad, I knew I wanted to use my time to embrace new experiences. Of course, I wanted to travel with friends and indulge in the Spanish nightlife. However, I also wanted to learn and feel enriched by my time abroad, even if that meant straying from the crowd.

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Once the outbreak in Italy began to grow, Miami and her abroad program, the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES), both began taking measures to protect their students.

Photography Courtesy of Emma Nolan

On March 11, Zeifang’s classes transitioned entirely online to increase social distancing. The very next day, Miami sent students home after president Trump announced European travel restrictions. For Zeifang, her overwhelming experience travelling back to the United States proved how serious the virus was. “I was woken up at 2 a.m, was told to pack up everything and go to the airport right away,” Zeifang said. “Arriving at the airport was like a scene from a movie. Everyone was crying and frantically calling their parents to get a flight home.” After landing, travelers were questioned about their health before being allowed to enter into the United States. They were strongly encouraged to self-isolate for a minimum of fourteen days to limit any potential spread. Though she is appreciative of the cultural experiences she got to embrace abroad prior to COVID-19, of all the potential hiccups in her trip, Zeifang never could have imagined a pandemic would send her home. Although COVID-19 has changed lives and altered learning experiences for so many, I am hopeful and optimistic about the opportunities the future holds for travel, exploration and connection.

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From a young age, many of us were taught to think that the only source of protein that is good for us comes from animals. Whether that meant being told by your parents to finish your glass of milk so you have strong bones, or your coach telling you to eat meat in order to build a strong physique, the message that animal products are an essential part of a healthy diet was (and still is) a persistent one. However, over the past few years, plant-based eating has become more popular than ever before. With celebrities opening up about their choice to go plant-based and diets like the Whole30 and vegan options becoming widely available, it’s hard to ignore the plant-based craze. Although this trend has become increasingly faddish, a plant-based diet does have undeniable benefits. According to Andi Strohecker, a licensed nutritionist, “The major benefit (of a plant-based diet) is it is anti-inflammatory, and reducing inflammation in the body supports a stronger immune system, steady sugar levels, healthy heart and usually good weight control.” However, despite all the benefits associated with this style of eating, there are still some important factors to keep in mind. “A plant-based diet can sometimes lead a person to eat too many refined carbs which would negate all the benefits of a plant-based diet,” said Strohecker. “Getting enough protein can be a challenge but doable.”

Even with the diet’s growing popularity, there is still confusion between what it means to be plant-based versus what it means to be vegan. Many people think that the terms can be used interchangeably, but that is not the case. Being vegan means that you choose to cut all animal products out of your diet—some people even going as far as eliminating honey. With veganism, various meat or dairy alternatives are available, but many of them are highly processed and include unnecessary preservatives, sugars and flavor enhancers. That’s where plant-based comes into play. A plant-based diet puts emphasis on eating real, whole foods that have undergone little to no processing. People who are plant-based can choose whether or not to include animal protein in their diets, but the main source of nutrients comes from plant sources. If someone enjoys a plant-based diet then go for it. You will need to work at getting enough protein, especially if you are an athlete and need to build muscle,” said Strohecker. “I would recommend it to someone that is overweight with health issues or someone that has cancer.” Personally, I have been intrigued by the plant-based diet for quite a while now. Over the past year or so, I have lost my appetite for meat. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy having a Breakfast Bagel from Bagel and Deli every so often. However, for the most part, meat is not a big part of my diet, leading to my curiosity about switching to a plant-based lifestyle. While fueling said curiosity through some self-research last summer, I came across a specific method of plant-based eating called food

combining. The principle of food combining has been around for centuries and is rooted in the Indian system of medicine called Ayurveda. The idea behind food combining lies in the principle that certain foods pair well together and should be eaten together in order to have optimal digestion. For example, fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, vegetables should be a part of every meal and pair best with starches, animal or plant-based protein, but animal protein and starches should not be eaten together. Food combining can help with weight loss, decreasing bloating and digestion issues. It has become more and more popular due to influencers on social media, but the question remains; does it really do anything?

Styling by Emma Jarard Photographed by Maggie Smerdel Modeled by Gabriella Dini

“(Food combining is) not a hoax,� said Strohecker. Strohecker also added that it is true that certain foods pair better with others and it can help with bloating and digestion. Whether or not you choose to forgo meat and dairy and adopt a plantbased lifestyle, what matters most is what feels best for your body. The things you choose to provide your body nutrients with is a personal decision, but definitely do some research or consult a nutritionist before trying out any new diet trend to ensure it is sustainable and a wise lifestyle choice for you.

53 | SPRING 2020

Between the Lines The Future of Print Media


I read all the time growing up. In the years before kindergarten and elementary school, my mom and I flipped through picture books and she read me stories of mystery and magic, talking animals and hilarious adventures. Once I was able to read on my own, I couldn’t put books down. I loved the wonderful worlds captured on the pages and I longed to learn and experience more. Reading was an escape from the mundane world around me; I could bury myself in the stories of characters with lives much more interesting than my own. The reading I do now is much different. I skim articles online, scroll through posts on Twitter, glance at news apps and occasionally flip through textbooks for class. Everything I read is so real; there’s no escape from the world happening around me. In elementary school, sometimes we got to go to the computer lab where we’d play online games and practice typing on the keyboards. The internet was exciting and fun, and it was a nice break from fractions and history lessons. In middle school, I got an iPod touch and played Fruit Ninja or Doodle Jump and messaged my friends on the Facebook account I definitely should not have had at that age. In high school, we were issued individual laptops that we used to read, research and write. But naturally, we’d sit in class and play online Tetris or talk in Google Hangouts in an attempt to escape the teacher’s lecture. All of us in our late teens to late 20s grew up with so much of this technology that was progressively introduced throughout the years. Now, it’s everywhere. When was the last time you picked up a physical book to read? No, not the one your professor made you buy for class. What about a magazine? We take notes on our laptops, scroll through photos in digital albums, type out comments and captions and essays on keyboards: everything is published online. The books I treasured as a kid and the wondrous tales they told now feel like stories themselves. The push toward digital is inevitable and inescapable. The efficiency and scope the digital world offers us has created jobs, maintained relationships, cultivated curiosity and

presented us with entirely new opportunities in all fields. So, what has happened to the print industry in this booming digital age? The answer is complicated. Print hasn’t gone anywhere; magazines, books and newspapers continue to be published every day. But there is an overwhelming question to consider: is print dying? To be clear, writing is not dying. From business and marketing to health care and law, writing is a crucial aspect of every field. But that writing doesn’t look the same as it used to. With laptops, phones and tablets dominating our day to day communication, the writing we consume often comes to us on screens. Newspapers and magazines publish online, textbooks are made digital, bloggers post on websites—our eyes are scrolling over pixels instead of our fingers flipping through pages. There are conflicting opinions on the death of print, especially as technology has become more mainstream. A Columbia Journalism Review article by Michael Rosenwald titled “Print is dead. Long live print” explores this conflict between print and digital. Rosenwald writes about Roger Fidler who, in the early 1980s, imagined the future of news in his publications: instantly published stories, millions of people reached, eliminated operation and labor costs, screens that effortlessly displayed any and all words. Fidler’s predictions were spot on. Just two decades later, this future started to become a reality. But are newspapers pursuing a digital future that will never come? “What if everything we’ve been led to believe about the future of journalism is wrong?” Rosenwald analyzes in his article. Large newspapers have gone under and thousands of journalists have lost their jobs. The basis for transferring print to digital was that readers—specifically millennials— prefer immediacy, but this expectation may not be as accurate as once thought. Digital news is one thing; real-time updates and easy access to articles can be helpful for keeping up with developing

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stories. But newspapers have struggled to move much of their content and business online which begs the question: do all publications require this immediacy? Looking back on his visions of print from the 1980s, Fidler explains “that replicating print in a digital device is much more difficult than what anybody, including me, imagined.” Whether it’s being distracted by a banner ad or the fact that Netflix is in the bookmarks bar, reading online is just not the same. There’s something about holding the words you’re reading in your hands; it changes the experience. UP Magazine Publisher, Astrid Cabello, explains that “having something in print, to hold in your hand is something that you just can't replicate digitally, no matter how hard you try.” This is a huge factor for design, too. Any creative knows the power of a pen and paper. All of the scribbles and sketches, rough drafts and ambitious ideas that litter notebooks and scrap paper—that’s where everything has always started. The same goes for photos. Polaroids and disposable cameras have made a comeback in recent years, especially with younger generations that are so used to digital versions. There’s something special about being able to hold a photo, frame it, or put it up on the wall. It feels more permanent; able to endure all of the change and chaos we see every day. It’s so easy to alter the words and images found online, but with print, there’s an element of stability that lets us know, “I’m not going anywhere.” Though Flourish comes to you digitally due to COVID-19, all of us on UP’s staff agree, there’s no better feeling than holding a copy of the magazine and flipping through the pages of hard work that have come together so beautifully. We cherish these kinds of things. There is absolutely a nostalgia that emanates from print. Print is a reminder of childhood. Print is a starting block. Print is a statement. Print is trust. All of the technology we live and breathe now is the culmination of a once simpler product—one that has yet to die off. So, even though digital domination has become the norm, it by no means negates the gravity of print.

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57 | SPRING 2020


Revival Styling by Abby Malone & Katie McIlroy Photographed by Olivia Wilson Modeled by Sarah Hale

58 | SPRING 2020

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63 | SPRING 2020

Looks To Remember WOR K F ROM U P'S 2 019 -2 0 2 0 DIG I TA L T E A M

Styling by Fifi Oginni Photographed by Josie Adams Modeled by Miyah Greenwood

Styling by Anastasia McDaniel Photographed by Elli Mchaffie Modeled by Cassiday Kay

Styling by Sophia Blasi Photographed by Olivia Shea Modeled by Sarah Arensberg

Styling by Elli Mchaffie Photographed by Monet Cavanaugh Modeled by Abby Malone & Taylor Rike

Styling by Olivia Belkin Photographed by Monet Cavanaugh Modeled by Emeryson Newsome 64 | SPRING 2020

Styling by Isabelle Sistino Photographed by Elli Mchaffie Modeled by Chauntel Gerald

Styling by Isabelle Sistino Photographed by Olivia Shea Modeled by Cassiday Key

Styling by Olivia Bianco Photographed by Kelsey Lewis Modeled by Lydia Brosnahan

Styling by Cheyenne Shrieve Photographed by Elli Mchaffie Modeled by Esther Amonor & Kayel Pugazhenthi

Styling by Isabelle Sistino Photographed by Olivia Shea Modeled by Emeryson Newsome

Styling by Isabelle Sistino Photographed by Monet Cavanaugh Modeled by Michael Smith




I joined UP’s staff four (!) years ago, which somehow feels like both yesterday and a lifetime ago. Time is funny like that. I had no idea my time with UP would ultimately become a creative home for me and culminate in the most meaningful experience of my

Endings have never been my strong suit. I don’t like saying goodbye. I can’t help but get overly sentimental when things near their end, and I’ve even put off watching the finale of a television show just because I don’t want it to be over. As I sit to write my final Last Words as Publisher of UP Magazine, I struggle to find the right words to capture how much this organization has meant to me. UP has allowed me to find a home on Miami’s campus, interact with some of the most talented individuals I’ve ever met, and be a part of something that gave me purpose and infinite joy. The

college career. It is a massive understatement to say that this publication has helped me grow into the person I am today. The ways in which UP has allowed me to bloom, both personally and professionally, are infinite. I will cherish this experience, as well as the friendships and lessons that came with it, for the rest of my life. It has been the utmost honor to be a part of UP for the past four years and to serve as its Editor-in-Chief. Though the end of this season of my life is bittersweet, I look forward to seeing the ways in which both this publication and its new leadership flourishes. Thank you to each and everyone of our brilliant staff members, for your creativity, hard work and patience amidst the uncertainty of the past 5 months. You have pushed me to grow in ways I never thought possible—there would be no UP without you. So for one last time and from the bottom of my heart, much UP love!

end of the 2019-2020 school year was nothing short of tumultuous and unexpected, but it assures me knowing that each of us has learned about our own resilience and strength. Without UP, Bella and Katie, and our amazing staff, my last year at Miami would have looked


much different. As we all go on to embark upon many more of life’s endings and beginnings, stop and ask

It is a strange concept that time can feel so still and slow, and then

yourself how you can flourish in every moment.

you blink and suddenly four years have gone by. The constant frenzy of project deadlines, hysteria of late-night cramming and limitless extracurriculars train you to live one day at a time. Before you know it, you’re no longer a bright-eyed freshman but instead an exhausted and sentimental senior. As I finally have the chance to slow down and reflect on how I have changed over the past four years, it’s obvious that my time with UP has allowed me to grow in ways I never thought possible. UP has provided a creative space for me to explore my passions and has introduced me to so many talented, driven students. It has allowed me to find both confidence in myself as a creator and as a leader. It was an honor to have led the creative community of UP this past year with Bella and Astrid. Not only has UP re-shaped my career goals, but it has also reminded me that one of the most important parts in creating

For One Last Time:

anything is finding connection with others. Closing this chapter is bittersweet, but I know the lessons I have learned and the people I have met will stay with me far beyond my journey at Miami.

M U C H U P LO V E ,

Astrid, Bella & Katie 66 | SPRING 2020

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