[Your Company Name]
10200 Bolsa Ave, Westminster, CA, 92683
(650) 359-3153
Business Plan
John Doe
A Lean Business plan
Table of Contents Problem
Problem Statement
Existing Alternatives
Customer Segment
Customer Segment
Early Adopters
Unique Value Proposition
Unique Value Proposition
High Level Concept
Cost Structure
Revenue Streams
Key Metrics
Unfair Advantage
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Easy to use Business Plan Software Get started using a business plan template is always the fastest way to write your business plan, but as you know, you can't just fill in the blanks along with a template. You will need a collaborative tool that guides you on every step of your planning. Upmetrics can help. With Upmetrics, you can easily bring your team to write a professional business plan with automated financial forecasts. You can also do: 200+ Sample business plans Get access to hundreds of sample business plans covering almost all industries to kick start your business plan writing. This helps you to get an idea how the perfect business plan should look like.
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1. Problem Problem Statement Existing Alternatives
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Problem Statement You need to write this chapter along with the customer segment. Because customers and problems are very associated with each other. As yourself: List the top 3 problems are you willing to solve with your To unlock help try Upmetrics! business idea. Start Writing here...
Existing Alternatives Ask yourself: List How these problems are solved today? For your future business, these are your current competitors. To solve their problems customers may be trying through alternatives like a single service, or To unlock help try Upmetrics! through a combination of them, or even through basic and primitive techniques, and for some time all these services are failing them for some reason. Start Writing here...
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2. Customer Segment Customer Segment Early Adopters
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Customer Segment In order to write this chapter, Here we have to understand who are the target customers, To Identify target customers, Ask yourself a following two question : To unlock help try Upmetrics!
Who are we creating value for in our business model? Start Writing here...
Early Adopters Who do you think feels those pains the most? It is very important to Identifying early adopters because these are the ones that are going to be your first customers and our first business version will be To unlock help try Upmetrics! crafted for them. Start Writing here...
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3. Unique Value Proposition Unique Value Proposition High Level Concept
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Unique Value Proposition How would you describe your business to target customers in one just ONE sentence (possibly less than 200 characters long)? A Unique Value Proposition is a sentence that tells why what you do is different To unlock help try Upmetrics! from competitors and why that difference matters to customers. Start Writing here...
High Level Concept How would you briefly describe what you do? The high-level concept is a single and very short statement that describes your business idea. For example YouTube = Flickr for videos. To unlock help try Upmetrics!
That is the so-called "elevator pitch", and it is important as you'll use it Start Writing here...
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4. Solution
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How would you solve customers' problems?: Outline a possible solution for each problem. Describe your business idea briefly and in concise sentences that explain what unlock trytechnical Upmetrics! the customer experience is going to be. Make sure youTodon’t gohelp in a way here. Start Writing here...
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5. Channels
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List your inbound or outbound paths to the customers: How are you going to acquire your customers? When your product is ready to solve customers' problems in a unique way, You To unlock helpfor try Upmetrics! need to speak loud so customers know that you have the solution their problems. Start Writing here...
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6. Cost Structure
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List expected fixed and variable costs to run your business. The accuracy of costs depends on whether you have an existing business or the business is in just the idea stage. For the idea-stage, you have to make all To unlock help try Upmetrics! assumptions regarding costs. Start Writing here...
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7. Revenue Streams
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List the sources of revenue: how much would you charge your customers for solving their problems? For early-stage startups, It's okay you won't have to put numbers, just list the To unlock help try Upmetrics! methods how would you collect revenues? Start Writing here...
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8. Key Metrics
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List the key numbers that tell you how your business is doing: Identify the metrics to monitor your business performance. Every business(no matter what industry or size) will have some key To unlock help try Upmetrics! performance metrics. Start Writing here...
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9. Unfair Advantage
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A single, clear compelling statement that states why you are different and worth paying attention to. This section is a little hard to describe, Most of the entrepreneurs are making To unlock help try Upmetrics! mistakes while defining this section. Start Writing here...
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Want to make it more presentable? Want help tips on each section? You'll save time and can write your professional business plan effectively and faster with Upmetrics' business plan software. Every feature you need to convert your great business idea into a reality. Write your plan easily and faster without any hassles. Structure your idea and create stunning pitches that awe your investors. Get access to Upmetrics software, invite your team members and start writing your business plan.
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Use our business plan sections competitive Analysis, comparison tables, SWOT Analysis, charts, timelines, milestones, etc to create a visually impactful business plan.
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