COOR ISD General Education Department February, 2015
Congratulations to our Academic State Champs in the Top 100 Bridge 2014
Inside this issue:
Middle Schools:
Fairview Area School District #2
Grayling Middle School #6
Crawford AuSable School District #8
Fairview Middle School #11
Roscommon Area Public Schools #20
Roscommon Middle School #13
Houghton Lake Community Schools #39
Houghton Lake Middle School #81
West Branch-Rose City Area Schools #41
High Schools:
Elementary Schools:
Fairview High School #2
Michele Cochrane— 5 Early On
Fairview Elementary #39
Grayling High School #13
Grayling Elementary #59
Ogemaw Heights High School #30
Katie Keith—GSRP
Collins Elementary #37
Roscommon High School #51
Surline Elementary & Rose City #41
Learn more about what makes a school a State champ:
Trig Training
MI School Data Update
President’s Proposal 3 COOR Math and Science Center
Chris Tappan—GSC 6 Upcoming Professional Learning
Video Article
MACUL Scholarships Available
Register for COOR PD at: where you
Learn Something New Every Day!
The Intra-Michigan Technology Readiness Consortium is sponsoring attendance for two staff members from each public district at the spring 2015 MACUL conference. This scholarship including a registration and a scholarship of $200 per attendee intended to assist in covering the cost of lodging and travel. To be eligible for the scholarship district representatives must register for and attend the full MACUL conference and would have an option of attending the preconference consortium Dinner and Dialogue on march 18th from 7:00—9:00 PM Details on the dinner along with a conference registration code will be provided for each scholarship recipient. See your CCCPD representative for more information. Intra-Michigan Technology Readiness Consortium: COOR ISD, Macomb ISD, Manistee ISD, Traverse Bay ISD, West Shore ESD, and Wexford-Missaukee ISD
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Statewide Teacher Technology Training (T3) Opportunity— T.R.I.G. The T3 course has been developed to build the capacity of Michigan educators to effec vely plan and implement online assessments and "Any Time, Any Place, Any Way, Any Pace" learning through increasing technology proficiency. This statewide offering allows all Michigan educators to par cipate in the T3 course developed as part of the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) and the Classroom Readiness Ac vity. Through a self-paced online experience, educators can learn more about the changes taking place with Next Genera on Online Assessments, as well as give educators the skills to change their instruc on in the classroom to meet the needs of their 21st century learners. While it is recommended that educators complete all 10 modules of the T3 course, they are only able to enroll in select modules that meet their specific needs. *Please note that Module 1 is required for all par cipants. T3 Course Outline * Module 1: T3 Course Orienta on (Required) * Module 2: Orienta on to Michigan Standards * Module 3: All About the Next Genera on Assessments * Module 4: Diverse Learners * Module 5: Crea ng the Environment for Learning * Module 6: Helping Students Develop Understanding * Module 7: Helping Students Extend and Apply Knowledge * Module 8: Introduc on to Blended Learning * Module 9: Developing Your Own Online Assessment Items * Module 10: Data Collec on and Conferencing Open Enrollment Through June 30, 2015 This is an open-access, self-paced online course. Enrollment begins immediately a er registra on and will be open through June 30, 2015. This course will close on June 30, 2015 and all coursework must be completed by 11:59 pm on June 30, 2015. Enroll Here
Registration is Free! SCECHs are also available.
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MI School Data Updates—Now Available: College Transfers report publicly available, Grad/Dropout report available in preview The Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) is pleased to announce the following reports are available at
Updated reports available to the public College Transfers. 2013-14 school year data is available to the public, and the report has been updated with new features! This expanded report now displays transfers to and from both 2-year and 4-year colleges. It shows the transfer patterns, demographics, and performance data for undergraduate students who transfer from one college or university to another.
Updated reports available in preview* Grad/Dropout Rates. 2013-14 school year data is available in preview. The Grad/Dropout Rate report shows the percent of public high school students who, after beginning ninth grade four, five or six years ago, graduated or dropped out of school.
President Announces new Child Care Proposal—ICYMI in NAEYC Today President Obama built on his commitment to help families afford child care by releasing a significant proposal designed to improve access to high quality child care. The proposal will provide support to 1 million more children by 2025, so that a total of 2.6 million children can be served each month. A key component of the President's proposal is to expand access to child care through support for families with incomes up to 200 percent of poverty who have children under the age of three. The proposal is designed to improve access to child care for our nation's youngest children, providing them with a safe and stimulating learning environment, while helping parents participate in the workforce, or attend school or job training. The proposal calls for investment in the newly reauthorized Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) to ensure high-quality programs. Resources will be provided to help guide states through the implementation process and to help them apply the increased health and safety standards. Additionally, the President proposes a $100 million investment in an innovation fund. This fund would support
new competitive grants to states, territories, and tribes to assist them with the development, implementation, and evaluation of their early childhood systems. This opportunity for innovation will help communities address the unmet needs of families and children. These three major steps toward securing greater access and higher quality child care come immediately after the President's State of the Union address, in which he unveiled a tax proposal that would streamline child care tax benefits and increase the maximum child care credit for middle class families with young children to $3,000 per child. This reform would help 5.1 million families cover the costs of child care. These proposals will further expand the recent investments in early education initiatives, such as home visiting, preschool development and expansion, and the Early Head Start/Child Care partnerships. Further details will be available when the President releases his budget in February. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) looks forward to working with the President and Congress to help create opportunities at the federal, state and local level for all families to access the quality care they need to thrive.
COOR Math and Science Center Application for State School Aid—There is an application in your MEGS+ system for STEM Instruction funds. This is program specific. COOR MSC is offering SaM3—Science and Math Misconception Management for Teachers in Grades 7-12 on July 20, 21 and 22nd. 8:00—2:00. You can request $200$1000 per teacher. I will be providing supplies, food, etc. at COOR. You can use the funds for stipends or other expenses. More information regarding the MEGS+ can be found here. STEM Showcase February 17, 2015 Standards of Math Practice Symposium will be held at our AMA-Iosco Math Science Center on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Flyer 2015 Michigan High School Early Research Symposium. Friday, April 24, 2015 from 9a.m. to 2 p.m. in Berrien Springs Michigan. Flyer G3: Grandparents, Grandkids, Grand Valley Ages 8-12 and their grandparents to share a 3-day educational experience while spending time together on the GVSU campus. Participants will enjoy the college experience of living and dining on campus and attending classes while sampling many of the great opportunities that GVSU has to offer. Website
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COOR ISD—General Education Department, Learn something new every day!
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Early On—Michele Cochrane Early On continues moving toward the Primary Service Provider model, supported by Coaching practices. There are many benefits along with many challenges in implementing Coaching practices. Recently CCRESA Early On Training and Technical Assistance presented a webinar - “Ditch the Toy Bag and Get Off the Floor”. Presenters Cori Hill and Dana Childress from the Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center, gave Early Interventionists something to think about. Coaching practices encourage providers to look at the family’s routines in which the child participates when developing intervention strategies. Contrary to their eye catching title, the presenters share that, “Toy play is still important... it’s just not the only routine we should be using for intervention.” What a relief, the providers sigh! But proceed with caution. What tools are really needed to help the child participate in his family’s routines? A recording of the webinar can be viewed on the EOT&TA website -
5th Annual Early Childhood Conference May 2, 2015
This webinar is part of their “Bite Sized Learning” series - once a month, free, one hour professional development opportunities. A room at COOR is reserved if you would like to join us! You can also watch as an individual or small group at any location that has a computer with internet and a speaker! The next sessions are:
February 17 Working with Multilingual Families: Myths and Best Practices March 17th Families as Partners in Promoting Language Skills April 21st Communicating Child Success Between Parent and Provider All sessions are from noon—1pm. Registration and more information can be found here.
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COOR ISD—General Education Department, Learn something new every day!
GSRP—Katie Keith We are currently working on completing our Community Needs Assessment and Application (CNAA) for 2016 GSRP. This application is used by MDE to determine the ISD’s slot allocation. We look at last year’s and this year’s kindergarten enrollment and the number of students eligible for free and reduced lunch to support determining the potential number of eligible 4 year old students for GSRP. With the average kindergarten enrollment decreasing over the last three years, we anticipate 556 4 year olds in COOR ISD Counties for 2015-16 school year, with potentially 486 students being eligible for GSRP. We currently have 295 students enrolled in GSRP which compared to the potential 486 eligible students for next year is a sufficient gap. We are currently gathering private provider enrollment numbers in each county to determine more accurately how many 4 year olds are being provided some level of preschool. We will determine approximate enrollment gaps for each county/district to guide our areas of need and devote intentional recruitment to reach out to more families with a 4 year old child. If MDE approves our CNAA for our requested slot allocation, we will again have room for expansion for GSRP in 2015-16. Current GSRPs looking to expand and new GSRPs will be provided with a Request for Proposal by April to request slots. With President Obama being a crucial early childhood advocate and completing his last term of presidency, we are working with that timeline for expansion as we cannot predict what may happen with new leadership. It is an exciting yet vital chance to establish our early childhood programs in a timely manner!
Great Start Collaborative—Chris Tappan We have a variety of topics secured for our Early Childhood Conference. Those topics include: classroom transi ons, Developmentally Appropriate Prac ces, Moving and Learning, Posi ve Behavior Supports, Drug Exposed Infants, Nutri on, Guiding Good Choices, Science Experiments for Toddlers and Preschoolers, Preparing ALL Preschoolers: For Kindergarten and the Rest of Their Lives, Developing Funds Through Crowd Funding, FLIP IT: Social-Emo onal Training. We are con nuing to gather a few more presenters and are always looking for vendors. The conference is Saturday, May 2, 2015 at Kirtland Community College from 8:30-4:00. There is a $10.00 fee and lunch is provided. We will be offering training hours and SC-ECH’s. For more informa on please contact Amy Coulter at Our next Great Start Collabora ve mee ng will be held on Friday, February 20th at Roscommon Middle School from 9-11. We are also looking for gently used children’s books to support our Reach Out and Read program. These books will be placed in our par cipa ng Doctor’s offices so that children can have the opportunity to take a book home and start their own literacy library. If you have books you would like to donate or if you know of a place that would be willing to hold a book drive please contact Chris Tappan at, 989-275-5000 x428 or Amy Coulter at 989-275-5000 x247.
G e ne r a l E d uc a t io n Te a m Melissa Hayes - Director of General Education, Early Childhood and COOR ISD Mathematics and Science Center Barbara Mick - Consultant specializing in English Language Arts, Social Studies, World Language and School Improvement Marc Wills - Behavioral Specialist, School Improvement Technical Assistance and Consultant specializing in Technology Michele Cochrane - Early On Coordinator and Child Find Coordinator Katie Keith - Lead Early Childhood Specialist Deann Gross - Early Childhood Specialist Chris Tappan - Great Start Collaborative Director Dana Reilly - Administrative Assistant and Pupil Accounting
Register for February and March Events February 17, MS/HS Social Studies Roundtable February 18—Counselor Forum February 18—Infusing Technology into the Content Area February 20—Great Start Collaborative February 23—Modeling in Chemistry MS/HS Roundtable February 24—Literacy Committee February 24—Grade 4/5 Roundtable March 2—Literacy In Action March 3 — Grade 2-3 Roundtable March 9—TNC
Registration for All COOR PD can be found at:
March 10 K-1 Roundtable March 17—math leadership Meeting March 23—LIA
This newsletter was developed under grants awarded by the Michigan Department of Education.