University of Porto Presentation

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University of Porto

32,000 students 1,900 teaching and research staff 53 undergraduate programmes 236 postgraduate programmes 60 research units 15 schools

University of Porto With origins dating back to the eighteenth century, the University of Porto is currently the largest education and research institution in Portugal and one of the most prestigious Higher Education Institutions of Europe. Close to 32.000 students, 2,000 teaching staff and researchers along with 1,700 administrative staff attend its 15 schools and 60 scientific research units, spread across 3 university campuses located in the city of Porto, Portugal. It is not just because of its size that the University of Porto stands out, but also because of the quality of its teaching staff (comprising 80% of PhD’s) and the high level of its research units. It is the Portuguese institution with the best scores in the majority of the international rankings for higher education and scientific research, which ranked the University of Porto as one of the 350 best universities in the world.

Times Higher Education 2012 Portugal 1st Europe 154-180th World 351-400th ARWU 2012 (Shangai Jiao Tong University) Portugal 1st Europe 124-158th World 301-400th QS World University Ranking 2012 Portugal 2nd Europe 177-194th World 401-450th Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities 2012 Portugal 1st Europe 137th World 318th Leiden Ranking 2012 Portugal 1st Europe 88th World 246st The SCImago Institutions Rankings 2012 Portugal 1st Iberoamerica 9th Europe 76st World 228th

Education and Training With 14 faculties and a business school, the University of Porto provides an exceptional variety of courses, covering the whole range of study areas and all levels of higher education. In fact, offering over 600 training programmes per year (from degrees to continuous professional training), the University of Porto has teaching solutions for everyone.

Because it’s a state funded school, the yearly fees of each study cycle of the University of Porto is 999 EUR for undergraduate students, 1,250 EUR for Master students and 2,750 EUR for Doctoral students (reference values for national and international students).

Teaching staff comprising 1,887 fulltime equivalent teachers (80% of which PhDs) ensures a high quality of training that makes the University of Porto the most sought-after University in Portugal and the chosen university for candidates with highest grades.

624 53 147 83 314

Training programmes Undergraduate programmes Master programmes Doctoral programmes Lifelong Education programmes

1,887 1,644 31,749 22,211 5,744 185 3,609

Teaching staff and Researchers (FTE) Non-Teaching Staff

3,700 111

Foreign students (12% of total) Different Nationalities

Currently, close to 32,000 (10,000 postgraduates) attend the 289 degrees, masters and doctoral programmes of the University of Porto. Around 3,500 of them are international students that choose our university to complete their higher education.

Students Undergraduate students Master students Specialization students Doctoral students

Research & Development With 60 research units, the University is responsible for over 23% of the Portuguese articles indexed each year in the ISI Web of Science. Around 75% of its research units were classified as “Excellent” or “Very Good” by the latest international evaluations. In fact, the University of Porto has some of the most productive and internationally renowned Portuguese R&D centres. In the last years, the University has been focusing in providing greater economic value to its scientific production and recent partnerships with the Portuguese industry leaders have already resulted in several innovations with proven success in the national and international markets.

The innovation produced at the University of Porto has also led to the development of several new technologies and businesses. The institution has 128 active patents, of which 21 were recorded in 2012 - more than any other university in Portugal. The Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto (UPTEC) serves as an incubator for startups and innovation as central to some of the leading companies in the country, hosting more than one hundred companies responsible for creating more than 900 new jobs.

60 45 2,678 23% 13.9%

Research Units Research Units graded ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ ISI Web of Science indexed scientific papers in 2010 of the Portuguese yearly scientific production Average annual growth rate since 2005

128 active patents (21 in 2012) 76 national patents 52 international patents 113 companies installed at UPTEC 97 Startups companies 16 Business innovation centers 911 new jobs created

International Cooperation Internationalization is one of the main vectors on U.Porto development, as is evident through the implementation of numerous international initiatives. This approach allows to: (i) develop the existing cooperation; (ii) start and set up innovative cooperation activities through the establishment of cooperation protocols with universities from all over the world; (iii) integrate several international inter university cooperation networks and groups; and (iv) actively participate on a significant number of international education, training and research programmes. A significant number of these activities are specially developed within university networks in which U.Porto participates, and also through the 650 bilateral cooperation agreements signed with partner universities from all continents, particularly Europe, South America, Asia and Portuguese-Speaking countries (e.g. Brazil and Angola).

U.Porto cooperation with foreign universities is also visible through the establishment of joint degrees, highlighting the U.Porto participation in several European masters, as well as the signature of numerous agreements with European and Latin-American institutions to grant double degrees, joint supervision doctoral thesis and also European doctoral degree. In fact, the University of Porto welcomes every year more than 3,700 students from 111 countries. Similarly, 1050 students and researchers from the U.Porto use the unique opportunity provided by the international cooperation agreements at their disposal in order to study outside of Portugal.

3,700 1,810 443 464 500 483 111 658

International students (12% of total) On international mobility programmes In Undergraduate programmes In Master programmes In Doctoral Programmes Post-Doctoral Students and Researchers Different Nationalities International cooperation agreements

Porto, Portugal In Europe’s westernmost country, between the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and the slopes of the river Douro, lies the city which gave its name to the University of Porto, the country’s second largest city and its traditional economic and industrial heart.

Porto is a globally known touristic destination, renowned for the charm of its Historical Centre (classified as UNESCO World Heritage), for its famous Porto wine, for the generosity of its cuisine and the hospitality of its people.

Full of green areas and sports venues, with a revitalized public transport network and the culture and nightlife one might expect from a region of 70,000 undergraduates, Porto is a city which opens its arms to students, particularly to international students.

Although Portugal is one of the countries that introduced the Euro as their currency, it is still seen as having a relatively low cost of living. Some reference values for monthly expenses: accommodation between 150 EUR and 250 EUR, meals for about 250 EUR and transportation around 25 EUR.

Upon arrival at the University of Porto, all international students are welcomed with a city tour and a information kit about the location of the University services (Faculties, Canteens, Medical Services, Halls of Residence, Sports Centres, Libraries, etc.), and detailed information about the city points of interest and the public transports system.

Course Degree Duration (semesters)

Course Degree Duration (semesters)

Course Degree Duration (semesters)

Course Degree Duration (semesters)

Course Degree Duration (semesters)

Course Degree Duration (semesters)

Faculty of Architecture

Physics and Chemistry Teacher Education for Middle and Secondary Schools Mathematics Teacher Education for Middle and Secondary Schools Physics Physics and Chemistry for School Teachers Medical Physics Molecular Physiology of Plants Forensic Genetics Geology Geomaterials and Geological Resources Mathematics Mathematics for School Teachers Chemistry Biological Aquatic resources Geographic Information Systems Viticulture and Enology Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture and Urban Ecology Astronomy Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution Biology Plant Biology Computer Science Agrarian Sciences Environmental Sciences and Technology Surveying Engineering ScienceTeaching and Divulgation Physics (MAP) Earth Sciences Computer Science (MAP) Applied Mathematics Mathematics Chemistry Sustainable Chemistry

Faculty of Law

Biomedical Engineering Civil Engineering Engineering of Refining, Petrochemistry and Chemistry Mining and Geo-resources Engineering Environmental Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Physics Engineering Engineering and Industrial Management Informatics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Matallurgical and Materials Engineering Engineering and Public Policy Chemical and Biological Engineering Leadears for Technical Industries Digital Media Spatial Planning Occupational Safety and Health Sustainable Energy Systems Telecommunications Transportation Systems

Portuguese and Classical Languages in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education Teaching and Foreign Languages in Basic and Secondary Education Teaching German Studies Anglo-American Studies Theatre Studies Literary, Cultural and Interart Studies Medieval Studies Philosophy Contemporary History History of Portuguese Art History and Heritage History, Interntl Relations and Cooperation Linguistics Museology Portuguese as Second Language/Foreign Language Hazards, Cities and Spatial Planning Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Planning Sociology Text and Event in Early Modern Europe Translation and Language Services Tourism Archaeology Textual Criticism and Genetic Criticism Languages Didactics African Studies German Studies Anglo-American Studies Philosophy Geography History History of Portuguese Art Information and Communication in Digital Plataforms Linguistics Romance Literatures and Cultures Museology Sociology Translation Utopian Studies Human Language Technologies

Molecular and Oncology Medicine Psychiatry and Mental Health Public Health Sociology and Health Bioethics Biomedicine Cardiovascular Sciences Forensic Sciences Clinical and Health Services Research Medicine Molecular and Oncology Medicine Neurosciences Metabolism- Clinical and Experimental Public Health


Integrated Master 10


Doctoral 6

Faculty of Fine Arts

Fine Arts (Branch: Painting; Sculpture; Multimedia)



Communication Design



Art and Design for the Public Space



Drawing and Printing Techniques



Image Design



Graphic Design and Editorial Projects




Master 4

Art Studies



Master 4

Contemporary Artistic Practices



Art and Design




Doctoral 6

Artistic Education




Faculty of Sciences

Landscape Architecture



Graduate 6


Graduate 6


Graduate 6

Computer Science



Engineering Sciences



Environmental Sciences and Technology




Graduate 6


Graduate 6


Graduate 6


Graduate 6


Network and Information Systems Engineering Integrated Master 10


Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6

Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Nutritional Sciences Food Service Management Clinical Nutrition Consumer Sciences in Food and Nutrition Clinical Nutrition

Graduate Master Master Doctoral Doctoral

Integrated Master 10

Landscape Architecture



Master 4

Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution



Master 4

Cell and Molecular Biology



Faculty of Sport

Biology and Geology for School Teachers



Biology and Water Quality Management




Master 4

Computer Science



Consumer Sciences in Food and Nutrition



Environmental Sciences and Technology



Graduate Master Master Master Master

Curricular Development through Astronomy



Ecology, Environment and Territory



Agricultural Engineering



Surveying Engineering



Mathematical Engineering



Biology and Geology Teacher Education for Middle and Secondary Schools



Sport Sciences Adapted Physical Activity Physical Activity and Health Physical Activity for Elderly Children and Youth Sport Teaching Physical Education in the Basic and Secondary School System Sport Management High Level Sport Training Physical Activity and Health Sport Sciences Physiotherapy


Criminology Law Law Criminology Criminology Law

Graduate 8 Graduate 8 Master 4 Master 3 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8

Faculty of Economics

Economics Business Administration Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems Accounting Economics Economics and Business Administration Economics and Management of Innovation Economics and Management of Cities Economics and Management of Human Resources Environmental Economics and Management International Business Finance Finance and Taxes Sales Management Management Health Care Economics and Management Marketing Economics Management

Graduate 6 Graduate 6 Master 3 Master 3 Master 4 Master 4

8 3 3 6 6

6 4 4 4 4

Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6

Master Master

4 4

Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 3 Master 3 Master 3 Master 4 Master 4 Master 3 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6

Doctoral Doctoral

6 6

Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 7 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6

Faculty of Pharmacy

Pharmaceutical Sciences Clinical Analysis Quality Control Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Technology Analytical, Clinical and Forensic Toxicology Pharmaceutical Sciences

Integrated Master Master Master Master Master Master Doctoral

10 4 4 4 4 4 8

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Engineering

Physical Engineering



Engineering Sciences - Mining and Geo-Environmental Engineering Bioengineering Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Electrical and Computers Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management Informatics and Computing Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Chemical Engineering Information Science Industrial Design Biomedical Engineering Information Engineering Mining and Geo-Environmental Occupacional Safety and Hygiene Engineering Services Engeneering ans Management Operations Management Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship Computational Mechanics Multimedia Spatial Planning and Urban Project

Graduate Integrated Master Integrated Master Integrated Master Integrated Master Integrated Master Integrated Master Integrated Master Integrated Master Integrated Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master

6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4

Archaeology Graduate 6 Information Science Graduate 6 Communication Sciences: Journalism, Public Relations, Multimedia Graduate 6 Language Sciences Graduate 6 Portuguese and Lusophone Studies Graduate 6 Philosophy Graduate 6 Geography Graduate 6 History Graduate 6 History of Art Graduate 6 Applied Languages Graduate 6 Languages and International Relations Graduate 6 Languages, Literatures and Cultures Graduate 6 Sociology Graduate 6 African Studies Master 4 Archaeology Master 4 Communication Sciences Master 4 Mother Tongue and Foreign Languages Didactics and Pedagogical Supervision in Languages Master 4 Philosophy in Secondary Education Teaching Master 4 History and Geography in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education Teaching Master 4 English and German/French/Spanish in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education Teaching Master 4



Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master Master

4 4

Master 4 Master 4 Doctoral 6 Master 4 Master 4 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6

Faculty of Medicine

Medicine Bioethics Forensic Sciences Orthognatic Surgey and Orthodontics Clinical Communication Palliative Care Health Education Epidemiology Health Evidence and Decision Healthcare Information Systems Management Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Medical Informatics

Integrated Master 12 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4

Master 3 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 7 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6

Faculty of Dental Medicine

Dental Medicine Oral Surgery Oral Rehabilitation Dental Medicine

Integrated Master Master Master Doctoral

10 4 4 6

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences

Education Sciences Psychology Educational Sciences Education and Adult Trainning Teaching of Visual Arts for Teachers of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and of Secondary Education Psychology Themes Educational Sciences Studies in Higher Education Psychology

Graduate Integrated Master Master Master

6 10 4 4

Master 4 Master 4 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6

Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute

Aquatic Sciences Medicine Veterinary Medicine Genetic Counselling Sciences of Nursin Marine Sciences - Marine Resources Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Forensic Medicine Tradicional Chinese Medicine Oncology Basic and Applied Biology Animal Science Biomedical Sciences Nursing Sciences Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Marine and Environmental Sciences Medical Sciences Veterinary Sciences Gerontology and Geriatrics Molecular Pathology and Genetic

Graduate 6 Integrated Master 12 Integrated Master 11 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Master 4 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 8 Doctoral 6 Doctoral 7

University of Porto Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Fine Arts Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences Faculty of Sport Faculty of Law Faculty of Economics Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Arts Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Dental Medicine Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute Porto Business School

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