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The Perfect Cast
Sockey Salmon (Reds) (June 11 – June 30, July 15 – August 10)
Silver Salmon (Coho) (August 15 - October 31)
Fish Species
Rainbow Trout is our favorite fish to catch, photograph and release. These native resident fish are amazing fighters and in the Kenai river system all year.
Dolly Varden are beautiful, brightly spotted fighters — perfect to catch on film and release.
Sockeye (Red) Salmon are the lifeblood of the Kenai River drainage. They feed the entire food chain with their eggs, smolt and carcasses. Reds are almost exclusively caught from shore.
Silver (Coho) Salmon show up in late August. These rambunctious fish give anglers lots of jumping action throughout the fall.
required for all persons 16 and older. Purchase at local stores, guide services or online at www.adfg.alaska.gov/store/ Be sure you are familiar with regulations and recent updates before venturing out.
King (Chinook) Salmon spawn in the Upper Kenai River so fishing here is catch-andrelease for these monsters, which can weigh over 90 pounds. (Ask local guides/ outfitters about lower river trips if you'd like to catch and keep a king.)
Pink (Humpy) Salmon come into the Kenai River in force every even year. They can be great fun to catch but are not prized for their meat.