Uppingham Cairo Senior Sports Scholarships 2025 - 2026

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1st, 2nd and 3rd Form Entry in 2025

Sports Scholarships

1st, 2nd and 3rd Form Entry in 2025

General Information

1. Eligibility

Each year scholarships are awarded to children of exceptional talent joining the School into the Top Year (Year 6), First Form (Year 7), Second Form (Year 8) or Third Form (Year 9). In due course, scholarships will be awarded to children joining the School at Sixth Form level (Year 12). Candidates are assessed through test, examination or observation, interview and reference. Scholarship awards may be made either for evidence of a high level of attainment and promise or exceptional specialist aptitude. Uppingham Cairo awards scholarships to candidates who show excellence in the following fields: Academic, Music, Art, Sport, Textiles (Fashion Design), Design & Technology, Drama and The Thring Award.

2. Limitations

Successful candidates should not expect to hold awards in more than one discipline. Candidates are not permitted to sit scholarships in more than two disciplines.

3. Awards

Uppingham Cairo is proud of its moral commitment to widening participation in the School, and applies Scholarship Awards in line with the policies of Uppingham School in the UK. To do so, we use as much of our funding as we can to enable as many young people as possible to benefit from an Uppingham Cairo education. For that reason, scholarship awards would not ordinarily exceed 25% of the fees.

At Uppingham Cairo a candidate may only hold one scholarship award at any one time so that they can specialise in their area of talent. This does not preclude them from participating in other areas of school life, however, the rich additional provision of each of our scholarship programmes requires pupils to manage their time judiciously within their field of expertise.

All candidates must have passed the standard academic entrance assessment and have been offered a place at the School prior to entering the scholarship process.

4. Age Limit

Candidates will normally be under 14 on or close to 1 September in the year of entry. In assessing merit, the ages of candidates is taken into consideration.

Further information about Sport at Uppingham Cairo and Sport Scholarships may be obtained from Mr Liam Hucknall, Director of Sport and Enrichment (lhucknall@uppinghamcairo.com)

Sports Scholarships Summary

What does Uppingham Cairo look for in a potential Scholar?

At Uppingham Cairo we are of course looking for the best athletes, but more importantly we are looking for the right athletes for our school. This starts with the candidate’s attitude; we look for a clear passion and commitment to sport and a clear desire to become first-class members of the Uppingham Cairo community.

Once we have established the above, we then look to determine the potential of the candidates. We appreciate that everyone is on their own journey, in particular physically. Therefore, we ensure that the candidates are not only tested physically, but also tactically and mentally. We are looking for children who can solve problems, take the lead, learn from their mistakes and be a positive influence on those around them. At Uppingham Cairo, in our search for champions, it starts with the person first. What is involved in the selection process?

During the assessment day we will give each candidate the opportunity to be their ‘very best selves’ and will chase their highlights! There will be variations for the day from year to year, but in general the assessment will include physical testing, practical sports sessions and a range of multi-sport challenges. Candidates will also have the chance to speak 1 to 1 with the coach of their chosen sport and, importantly, to make new friends.

What are the expectations of a Scholar?

As previously mentioned, we select on attitude first, thereby looking to ensure we are getting the right people. Our expectations are based on the candidates’ behaviours - not on the outcome of their performances, but on the process. Sports’ Scholars will be expected to lead by being a positive role model, showing the effort and commitment necessary to succeed. They will show a keen desire to help their peers, enabling them to enhance their performance. Sports Scholars become part of the Champions Programme. This programme is for our aspirational athletes and looks to develop their skills for sport and for life. It includes mental skills, individual development plans, a leadership programme, sport specific sessions, lifestyle lessons (nutrition for example), and incorporates exposure to, and contact with, world class coaches and athletes.


Tuesday 11 or Wednesday 12

February (Candidates attend on one day only)

Closing date for Applications: 13 January 2025

1. Dates and Arrangements

Trials and Assessments are usually held on various dates in the Spring Term, which will be shared with current parents and advertised to prospective parents in good time.

2. Application Procedure

The online application form should be completed no later than the stated deadline.

Potential scholars are expected to have achieved a strong pass in Uppingham Cairo’s Academic Admissions Tests.

3. The Assessment

The exact nature of the day will vary from year to year but, within the core programme, candidates should expect to undertake:

• Physical testing

• An assessment within one (or, if desired) two sports of their choice, incorporating an examination of their tactical appreciation and understanding

• A range of multi-sport challenges to assess skill, athleticism and adaptability

• A discussion with the coach of their chosen sport(s), offering candidates the chance to hear more about the expectations of a Sports Scholar at Uppingham Cairo and, importantly, the opportunity to share their passions and ambitions.

Switchboard: +10 12777777

admissions@uppinghamcairo.com www.uppinghamcairo.com

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