How to get published

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be given once the books are delivered, and the remaining copy will be given on the day of the launch. H. Who owns the copyright to the book? The author/editor owns the copyright to his/her book. All requests for permission on the use of any part of the book will be referred to the author and the publisher. I. Is there a contract between the author and the publisher? A publishing agreement is signed by the author and the president of the university. The contract will be given to the author for review before the editing process of his/her manuscript begins. J. Is the author expected to participate in the promotion of his/her book? The UP Press has put in place a new, aggressive marketing plan. As part of this plan, the author may be invited to participate in activities that will help promote his/her book (e.g., lecture tours, book conferences, television appearances, etc.). UP Press holds a mass book launch at least twice a year. An author may also opt to hold an individual book launch provided that • all expenses for the said launch are shouldered by the author or his/her sponsor • all arrangements for the individual launch are made by the author (e.g., venue, program, food, etc.). NOTE: The author should officially inform the UP Press about the

schedule of an individual book launch as well as other event details at least seven working days prior to the date of the launch. UP Press can assist in the promotion and distribution of invitations to the UP faculty and its officials. It can also upload the invitations to its social network accounts and can sell the books during the launch or consign copies to the author or the event organizer (UP Press’s terms of payment for consigned books shall apply). In case an individual book launch falls on a weekend and requires the presence of a UP Press staff to work on the said date, the author will be shouldering the overtime pay of the UP Press personnel involved.


to get your book


UP Press

K. How are UP Press books distributed? The UP Press maintains a bookstore on the ground floor of its building in UP Diliman for wholesale and retail purchases. UP Press titles are also sold in bookstores in UP Baguio and UP Cebu. Books are also distributed to all major local bookstores, including National Bookstore, Power Books, La Solidaridad, and Fully Booked. L. Are UP Press books distributed abroad? Selected UP Press titles are distributed internationally by the University of Hawaii Press. The UP Press also operates a website where customers can view its online catalog. M. Does UP Press reprints books? The UP Press also reprints books provided that the current print run goes out of print within the first five years. Authors whose books run out of print are informed before their books are reprinted.

The University of the Philippines Press

E. de los Santos St., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Telephones: 925-3243; 928-4391 Telefax: 928-2558 Marketing: 926-6642 E-mail: Website:

The University of the Philippines Press

A. What must an author do if he wants to be published by the UP Press? The UP Press accepts scholarly, creative, and scientific works. Authors may submit their manuscripts either by courier or in person. The submission must include 1. A cover letter addressed to the UP Press director containing information about the book and the author, including the author’s contact details; 2. Three identical hard copies of the manuscript, printed on good quality paper (letter quality mode, not in economy mode), processed in MS Word (12 pts. Arial or Times New Roman, double-spaced, printed on one side of the paper only), and paginated (page numbers should be consecutive throughout the entire manuscript, beginning on the first page and ending on the last). Under no circumstances will the UP Press accept any manuscript that is incomplete. B. What will happen to the manuscript after it is submitted? 1. The director and the deputy director will do a preliminary assessment of the submitted manuscript before assigning it to at least two readers for evaluation. 2. Readers are selected from a pool of experts recommended by the UP Press Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is composed of distinguished scholars from various disciplines, most of them UP university professors. The UP System

vice president for academic affairs is the ex officio chair of the Editorial Board. Readers are given at least two months to decide on a manuscript. If the evaluation is a favorable, the director will approve the manuscript’s publication. 3. Authors will be informed via e-mail of the results of the evaluation. a.

An author whose work has not been accepted for publications has the option to claim the file copy of the manuscript within a year from the date the results of the evaluation were sent, afterwhich it shall be discarded.

b. An author whose work is accepted for publication must submit all of the requirements listed in the “Submission Checklist for Approved Manuscripts” attached in the letter of acceptance. Manuscripts should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Titles in Filipino should follow the style recommendations of the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF). 4. Book design will be executed by the UP Press’s in-house book designers. If the author has suggestions on the layout (e.g., book size, fonts, margins, etc.), he/she must coordinate with the in-house book designer before the layout stage. However, the UP Press has the final say on the overall layout of the manuscript. 5. At least two copy editors will be assigned to the manuscript. The editors will

address his/her queries directly to the author. The first set of page proofs will be sent to the author for him/her to review the corrections, address queries, and approve editing marks. The author is strongly advised to proofread the entire manuscript at this time. No major revisions may be inserted at this point unless they involve errors of fact, data, etc. After the author returns the page proofs, the in-house editors will go over the proofs again. C. How long will the copyediting process take? This will depend on many factors— the length and complexity of the book, whether it contains tables, charts, photographs, other art works, how clean the original manuscript was, how much editing is required, etc. This may also be affected by the number of books undergoing editing at the time. Copyediting of literary titles (poetry, fiction, etc.) takes a minimum of two months. Scholarly works (which may involve checking of facts, documentation, etc.), particularly if they require heavy editing, may take more than a year. D. Does the author have a say on the way the book cover looks? The UP Press will assign a cover designer for the book. However, authors may also recommend a cover designer of their choice, provided they follow the UP Press cover design templates. Cover designers are requested to submit at least

two studies from which authors can select, although the final decision rests with the publisher. Decisions regarding book size, type of paper to be used for the printing of the book, etc., are also the publisher’s prerogative, as they will be shouldering the costs. E. Does the author have a say on the price of the book? The price of the book is determined by the publisher, taking into consideration the cost of production, potential market, and other such factors. F. Will the author have to shoulder any expenses? The UP Press, as publisher, will shoulder all expenses for copyediting, printing, distribution, and promotion of books. The UP Press will also take care of registration of the book’s copyright. For scholarly titles that require indexing, authors have the option to do the index themselves, or hire an indexer at their own expense. Payments for copyright permission for texts, images, etc., used must be shouldered by the authors. Costs for personal book launches must also be shouldered by the authors. G. Will the author receive a remuneration? The author(s)/editor(s) will be entitled to 15 percent royalty on the net price of every book sold. Royalties are paid every year. For each title, ten complimentary copies will be allotted regardless of the number of authors, editors, or contributors. The initial nine copies will

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