Download free Magazine for UPSC/IAS/PCS Exams- UPSC IQ

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Table of Content A). Topper’s Talk B). Policy and Governance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What is PM-AASHA ? 7 Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana. 8 BCCI is now covered under the RTI Act 9 Concerns around Corporate governance 10 Electricity Amendment Bill. 11 Food Security Scheme of Odisha. 12 Google to help the Election Commission in 2019 13 8. Section 377 14 9. 27 Crore people out of poverty in India in the last 10 years 16 10. Oxfam World Inequality Index. 17 11. Choice Based Approach in PDS. 18 12. The Criminalization of Politics Supreme Court Verdict 19 13. Status of Poverty in India according to latest report 20 14. Sabarimala Temple Verdict by Supreme Court 21 15. SC/ST Promotion Supreme Court Verdict 23 16. Status of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan or SBA in Rajasthan 25 C). International Relations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

7 Rohingya deported to Myanmar AGARTALA-AKHAURA Rlwy Project U.S Sanctions on Chinese Military INDO-BANGLA Pipeline Project India-Russia New Defence Deal VLADIMIR PUTIN Visit In India Why China Heavily Investing In Africa? World's Longest Sea Bridge India and China to Sign Internal Security Cooperation Agreement US Federal Reserve Hikes Interest Rate Why Is Iran Important To India India-Japan First Ever Joint Military Maldives Election Good News for India CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO Controversy NAFTA-USMCA RCEP India Wins Election to UNHRC with Highest Votes Why is Uzbekistan Important for India

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45

D). Economy 1. Revival of Air India by GOI 2. Bank Merger of Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank 3. Banning Import of Pet Coke 4. India China Bullet Train Plan- BCIM Economic Corridor 5. Constitutional Validity of compensation law under GST 6. Increase in customs duty and Impact 7. Internationalization of Indian Rupee 8. What Are Unicorn Start-Ups

46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54

9. World's Bank's "a glass half full report” 10. Sikkim Becomes World's First Organic State 11. Problem with Mudra Loans, Rising NPA 12. Challenges In Metro Rail Planning 13. Mariculture Policy (Draft) of India: 14. Infusing liquidity through OMOS E). Environment 1. 2.

55 56 58 59 60 61

IPCC Report On Global Warming Construction and Demolition Waste Management 3. Arunachal Mega Dam Controversy 4. Windmill Pose Threat to Wildlife F). Science and Technology

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1. 1st Ethics Code On A.I. 2. China To Launch Own Moon 3. Digi Yatra initiative 4. H1NI Virus 5. ISRO Launched Two British Satellites 6. Electric Vehicles: Jharkhand Modl 7. India's First Missile Tracking Ship 8. Mission to Mercury 9. Discovery Of Two New Planets 10. India's First Anti-Nuclear Medical Kt 11. ISRO Mystery Case G). Disasters

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 79

H). Miscellaneous


I). UPSC Prelims Capsule


J). Practice UPSC Mains Writing


64 65

A. Topper’s Talk


How to conquer GS in UPSC Mains, Explained: By Anudeep Durishetty – RANK 1 ,UPSC CSE 2017 With 1000 marks spanning across four papers in Mains, GS feels like one giant, insurmountable mountain. The point of this article is to convince you that those fears are unfounded. I’ve written this post assuming someone who had already read the foundational books for GS Prelims. If you haven’t read them as yet, you should first read my post on GS Prelims. At the end of this article, I embedded download links to my complete GS notes and answer copies. There I had marked two particular answer booklets that accurately represent my writing style in Mains. I hope aspirants who are struggling with answer writing find them useful. I had also written previously about my UPSC journey here and on how to prepare for the Essay in this post.






11. As you start reading the books I mention here for GS mains, please keep the following points in mind: 1.





Along with these books, get a printout of the syllabus and read it carefully. Your final aim must be: for each topic mentioned in the syllabus, you should have enough content to write a 250-word answer. Go through the past five years’ question papers to understand the breadth and depth of questions UPSC usually asks. It’ll give you a good perspective of what’s important and what’s not. Use the internet extensively, especially for topics like Science and Tech. Your target must be to gain knowledge, be it through books or through the internet. For all subjects, you have to superimpose current affairs over it, especially for GS-2 and GS-3. For both these papers, current affairs form the nucleus. You will inevitably do a lot of reading on the internet, so use Evernote to organize and highlight content like this. Give adequate time for revision. Without it, you will not be able to recollect whatever you may have read.

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So please dedicate enough time to it, whether you are giving a mock test or the actual exam. Many aspirants commit one fundamental mistake: they read and revise, over and over, but never practiced. Remember that the examiner checking your copy will have no idea about the number of books you’ve read or the number of hours you’ve slogged. Your answers are all that he has to judge you. So it makes sense to learn it, practice it and perfect it. Mains exam demands not only our memory and intelligence, but also endurance. If you lack prior practice, writing relentlessly for 6 hours a day and do this for 5 days will cause both mental and physical fatigue. The only way to overcome it is to practice enough before the final exam. General Studies demand only a peripheral understanding of an expansive set of topics. So it’s important that you try to gain minimum sufficient knowledge over a diverse set of subjects rather than obsessively focussing on one topic. For instance, it doesn’t make sense to read World History for three months at the expense of all other subjects. Always maintain that fine balance between all the topics and don’t get imprisoned in one. In GS, there will be very few questions where you will have absolutely no clue. Even if you only have a vague idea, write those generic points. For instance, in last year’s GS-1 paper, for the question on the Malay peninsula, I knew no specific fact, except a vague idea that Singapore had a partial story similar to India. So I just wrote a generic answer comprising of problems such as ethnic strife, insurgency, and economic collapse. The examiner checking my copy might have given 2-3 marks for it, which I am sure any aspirant would gladly take. You must develop the skill to speed read a committee or an organisation’s report on your computer (reading online saves you a lot of time) and highlight important lines as you read along. In the second reading, this highlighted portion is what you need to revise. It should look something like this. In GS papers, map of India is your most effective tool for illustration. For example, I drew India maps and labelled relevant parts for questions on river linkage (GS-3), North-East insurgency (GS-3), Inland navigation (GS-1), India’s 18th-century fragmented polity (GS-1) etc. Practise it enough so that you are able to draw and label it under 60 seconds. If you are taking a test series, please give those tests with all the seriousness of the final UPSC exam. In the mock test, if you take 10-15 additional minutes to finish the paper, you are cheating no one except yourself. Observe strict time limits. You will never feel content with your Mains preparation and there is always a nagging tendency to just keep reading and procrastinate writing answers or skip an upcoming test. You have to overcome this reluctance through conscious effort. Suppose before a mock test if you were unable to finish the syllabus, you can postpone your test by a day or two, but don’t skip it altogether. Perfectionism is your enemy. If you keep referring to countless sources to make that “perfect notes”, if you keep postponing your mock tests in order to write “perfect tests”, this mentality will bring you to ruin. Getting a good score in Mains is about attempting all questions to which some answers are excellent, some good and many above average. So instead of waiting

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for that elusive perfection, start imperfect and then keep improving. 15. When you are buying coaching material, always ask yourself: “what's new is this material, adding to my preparation?” If you can’t answer that question convincingly, then the material probably isn’t really useful. 16. Just because I am AIR-1, it does not mean that my notes are the best or that this book list is the last word. If you have been studying some other material, that’s fine, too. To succeed in this exam, the source of material is not important. What’s important is you to understand the concepts, memorize the facts well and have a firm grip over the entire syllabus.

Modern Indian History 1. 2. ▪

Stiffer the climb, better the view. The list of books for GS Mains: GS 1 Indian Art and Culture 1. 2. 3. 4. ▪

An Introduction to Indian Art – Class XI NCERT Chapters related to culture in Ancient and Medieval India NCERTs Centre for Cultural Resource and Training (CCRT) material Heritage Crafts: Living Craft Traditions of India NCERT For someone who is starting just now, this topic can overwhelm them. So I suggest beginners read this section after they get acquainted with other GS topics. In Art and Culture, questions asked by UPSC in recent years are more analytical— which requires both the factual content and good analysis to answer the why and how. You can answer such questions well only when you understand the historical background in which such art was produced. This is why it’s important that you read NCERT XI Ancient India for it gives you that historical context. For instance, don’t just memorise features of say, Sangam literature or Chola architecture, but understand the social, political, religious and economic context in which such grand art was produced. They will form the analysis part and will help you write great answers. Make good use of the internet to watch both visual and performing arts to understand how they actually look in real life. You will be able to recollect such visuals more easily. They will help you write a decent answer for questions which you only have a vague idea about. Wherever relevant, draw diagrams to illustrate your answers. For instance, you can draw a rough sketch to show the features of a Stupa, Dravida, and Nagara style architecture, Paleolithic art, Folk arts such as Warli, Harappan pottery, etc. You don’t need to be a Michelangelo for this, but you must ensure that the

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fundamentals are correct. For example, in Warli art, human bodies are represented by triangles, heads by circles and hands by simple lines. Just get these basics right. Link to download diagrams is given at the end of the article. Art and Culture requires a ton of memorization and there’s really no shortcut to mastering it except through multiple revisions.

A Brief History of Modern India- Spectrum Publications. India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra (Read selectively for topics not covered in the Spectrum book) Questions on Indian history are something that every serious aspirant will answer well, so you really cannot afford to let go of these questions. If you had done your prelims preparation for this topic well, that is good enough. You just need to practise answer writing.

India’s Post Independence History 1. India Since Independence by Bipan Chandra 2. For certain topics, I made notes from this book. Download link is given at the end. World History I prepared entirely for this topic from this outstanding book: Download ▪ Since revising this big book before the exam was difficult, I prepared concise notes from it. I also practised maps to demonstrate major world historical events. ▪ Link to download my notes and maps is given at the end of the article. Geography ▪ The study plan is the same as for prelims, which I’ve explained here. Indian Society ▪ This is a generic, nebulous topic with no style or structure. Questions are sometimes vague, philosophical and the challenge we face is not so much in lack of content as in presenting it concisely in 200 odd words. To understand the basics, read NCERT Sociology Std XI and XII. Make concise notes on each topic that includes: a crisp definition, latest statistics, govt schemes, criticism of these schemes; causes of issues such as communalism and regionalism, historical and current examples, their impact on our society, and your suggestions as the way ahead. (You can get these suggestions from the internet or ARC 2 or some committee report). In case if you find good coaching material for these topics, that’ll do as well. ▪ For this topic, a generic answer with proper structure and subheadings that cover multiple dimensions is good enough to fetch you marks. You can find my notes at the end of the article. GS 2 Polity, Governance and Social Justice Static Portion: 1. 2.

Laxmikanth Polity Notes (this will provide analytical content. Download link is given at the end of the article)

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ARC 2 (One of the best reports ever written for the government. It’s been more than ten years since the reports were published, but the content is still priceless. Read complete reports, memorise only recommendations) Current Affairs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ▪

The Hindu The Big Picture on RSTV CivilsDaily current affairs material I also referred to Insights/ForumIAS current affairs material for topics not covered well by CivilsDaily PRS India for latest legislation All India Radio – Spotlight (used to listen during my commute to the office) Open your answers with Constitutional articles. Question on Governor? Art 153 must be there in the first line. Question on Civil Services? Art 312 is where you begin. If there’s a technical term like ‘Parliamentary Sovereignty’, ‘Political democracy’ or ‘Social Audit’ — define them in your introduction telling the examiner what you understand by those terms. Supreme Court judgements are very important. Make a list of important judgements (both historical and current) and quote them to substantiate your answer. For example, when you are answering a question on Free speech, quoting SC judgement in Shreya Singhal vs Union of India case will add tremendous value to your answers. For a debatable topic, always write both sides of the issue even if not explicitly asked in the question. Example: A question might ask: Do you agree that Civil Services is in need of drastic reforms? For this, explain under a subheading why drastic reforms are needed. And in the next paragraph, counter by saying why drastic reforms are harmful. In the end, you can add the view of ARC 2/Hota/Surendranath committee to convey your view and end on a balanced note. For miscellaneous topics like the comparison of Constitutions, RPA Act, SHG, e-Governance etc. refer to any good coaching material to have 200-word worth content. Source latest examples and issues from newspapers and quote them in your answers. Prepare thoroughly on Govt policies and bills. PRS India is an excellent resource for all the latest legislation in the offing and The Hindu for policy criticism. But the newspaper is patently leftist and they publish articles incessantly and nauseatingly ranting on policies they don’t like (Eg: Aadhar). But as someone aspiring to be a civil servant, you need to be more dispassionate. This is why you must actively pursue articles with a contrarian and balanced opinions like this and this. Cram latest statistics pertaining to health, employment, women, education, poverty etc. Also apart from committees, you may quote authentic reports from reputed organisations such as Lancet, Transparency International, UNICEF, FAO etc to substantiate your point. I made notes on important statistics that can be used for all papers of GS and essay. Download link is given at the end of the article. Conclusion: Wherever possible, end with a committee/ commission recommendation or observation. For instance, a question on Centre-State relations should invariably end with Punchhi Commission, a question on death penalty with Law Commission and a question on Indian Constitution with NCRWC. Referring to Sustainable Development

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Goals, Preamble, DPSP is also another good way to end your answers. International Relations ▪ Any good book that adequately covers the historical aspect of India’s bilateral relations. ▪ Current affairs: The Hindu, India’s World on RSTV, CivilsDaily or Insights or ForumIAS depending upon the topic. ▪ Questions on IR will be almost, always be about the current happenings in the world. But before you run after the Hindu or some other latest magazine for this section, it’s important that you understand the historical background of India’s relationship with other countries. This is indispensable because every bilateral issue that you see in the news can be traced back to history. Once you understand this historical context, this topic becomes uncomplicated. ▪ For example, let’s take India China relations. Don’t merely focus on Doklam crisis and troop positioning, but understand the larger context of our border dispute with China, the agreements we had signed starting with the Simla Accord of 1914. For India-Sri Lanka, don’t just concentrate that India voted for or against Sri Lanka at the UN, but understand how India always championed peace between the Tamils and the Sinhalese, the 1987 accord, its fallout, Sri Lankan civil war and what India did during these times. When you have that bigger picture in mind, each part of the puzzle becomes easier to fit in. ▪ For miscellaneous topics like diaspora and international institutions, refer to any good coaching material. ▪ Draw map wherever relevant. Example: for India-Iran relations, you can draw a rough map to show how the Chabahar port helps us to bypass Pakistan and reach Afghanistan. Act East policy can be demonstrated with arrows pointing from India and showing our specific relationship with Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and ASEAN, MGC, BIMSTEC etc., ▪ Each bilateral relationship or a global grouping is multi-faceted. To make your answers comprehensive, always write a multidimensional perspective that includes: the strategic dimension, defence cooperation, technology, education, culture, diaspora, trade and investment, co-operation in global fora etc. GS 3 Economy Static part: 1. Standard resources I already mentioned in my prelims post 2. Budget (any coaching material compilation) 3. Economic Survey (gist) 4. Niti 3-year Action Plan report (a good resource for policy recommendations that come in handy while you write conclusion) Current Affairs: 1. 2. 3.

The Hindu CivilsDaily I referred to Insights/ForumIAS current affairs material for topics not covered well by CivilsDaily

Indian Agriculture, Land reforms, PDS, Food Processing, LPG, Infrastructure 1. 2. Vision IAS

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3. ▪

The Hindu and CivilsDaily for current affairs You need to remember that for GS-3, questions revolve around current affairs and there is no dearth of material. It may sound counter-intuitive, but the trick is to restrict yourself to material that’s good enough for you to write a 250-word answer for all topics. It’s very important that you don’t get sunk under the heap of current affairs and coaching material. So for each topic mentioned in the syllabus, make concise notes from the resources mentioned above. I also found Niti Aayog’s 3-year Action Plan report really helpful for this paper. And just as I had mentioned for GS-2, statistics and committee reports are very important.

Security ▪ Vajiram and Vision IAS material ▪ The Hindu and CivilsDaily for current affairs ▪ Prepare crisp and clear definitions of technical terms such as cybersecurity, terrorism, organised crime, money laundering, left-wing extremism etc. ▪ For questions on border security, draw India map to illustrate. Disaster Management ▪ Fundamental reading: CBSE book ▪ Prepare concise notes on NDMA (structure, functions, rules etc), international agreements such as Sendai Framework, latest current affairs from newspapers, internet and coaching material. ▪ Draw diagrams to illustrate concepts like river embankment, land zoning, watershed management etc. Environment and Ecology ▪ Shankar IAS book ▪ The Hindu and CivilsDaily for current affairs ▪ My handwritten notes (Download link given at the end) Science & Tech 1. The Hindu 2. Vision IAS Mains 365 3. YouTube ▪ This topic terrifies many aspirants, and for good reason. There’s no single book or resource to help one navigate this section and it all feels like one big haze. But there’s good news: the questions asked in S&T are mostly from current affairs and you are expected to have only a general understanding of the topics. ▪ During my preparation, I used to note down in my book whatever scientific term or technology that’s frequently talked about in news. For instance, these days we repeatedly encounter terms such as Artificial General Intelligence, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Cryptocurrency, CRISPR-CAS9 in news and on the internet. ▪ Note down all such scientific concepts that are in news and then scour the internet (especially Youtube) to understand them. There are many explainer videos on Youtube that explain the concept so well that even a school student can understand it. For instance, take this excellent video on blockchain technology. Once you see it, it’s impossible for you to miss a question on blockchain and its practical applications. ▪ Apart from the above, you need to learn fundamental terms and technologies used in Space (PSLV, GSLV, Cryo Engine etc), Nanotech, Nuclear Research (Fast

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breeder reactor, Uranium enrichment, Nuclear fission and fusion etc.), Defence (Cruise missile, Ballistic missile, Stealth Bomber etc), Biotech (Gene editing, Stem Cells, GM food etc), Communication (LIDAR, RADAR, LiFi, 5G etc). Any comprehensive material of a coaching institute will be sufficient for this (I referred to Vajiram printed notes). Whatever S&T topic you are learning, always focus on the concept, why is it in news, practical applications, potential threats, benefits far into the future etc. Just do this and you will easily handle this topic in the final exam.

GS 4 ▪ 2nd ARC reports: Ethics in Governance, Promoting E-gov, RTI, Citizen-centric Administration, Personnel Administration. Read all ARC reports completely, memorise only recommendations. ▪ For moral thinkers, Google them to read about their major contributions and for misc topics such as corporate governance, I referred to Vajiram printed material. I also prepared some notes for certain topics (download link at the end of the article) ▪ I went through the syllabus and tried to define each term in clear words and simple sentences. I found this exercise very useful because these definitions inevitably formed the introduction to most of my answers. For all of ethics paper, the essence can be distilled as just this: a clear and simple definition of the term and a real-life example to illustrate the concept. You can draw flowcharts and schematics wherever apt. ▪ It’s important to understand that each question is an opportunity to display your ethics. This will be best demonstrated by the actions you did or some other personalised/ real-life examples you quote. Reflect on your childhood, school life, college time, professional career etc and glean examples that are simple, unpretentious and at the same time bring out your ethical values clearly. For some questions, you can also quote historical examples from the lives of great leaders. ▪ For case studies, my aim was not so much in writing ingenious, extraordinary solutions, but to write something that’s realistic and practicable and finish the paper no matter what. ▪ I always started with Q1 and not with case studies because I could not see how one mark in Section B (case studies) is superior to one mark in Section A. I gave equal importance and dedicated equal time to both the sections. ▪ Rest of the GS papers have 20 questions each, Ethics has only 14. But don’t let that number 14 fool you. I’ve always found GS-4 to be the lengthiest paper of all. Every question in Section A has many subparts that drain an inordinate amount of your time. In fact, if we go by the absolute numbers, we write more words in GS-4 than in other papers. So to manage your time well: Abide by the rule that you must complete at least 80 marks worth of questions in each hour, irrespective of whether you start with Section A or Section B. ▪ Just before GS-4, you would have had written three stressful GS papers that would put your body condition under severe mental and physical strain. But it’s important to stay mentally tough during this crucial period and push your endurance limits so as to survive another 3 hours of relentless writing. Remember that it’s all in the mind— it can be your biggest enemy or your greatest strength.

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GS may look insurmountable at first, but remember that it’s always the small steps towards the summit that count. Through effective planning and adequate practice, anyone can conquer it.

My best wishes. Until next time, Anudeep. Read More :

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It is an apex organization of the marketing cooperatives for agriculture production.

B. Policy and Governance

It comes under the Ministry of Agriculture and It was founded in October 1958 with its Head Quarter in New Delhi. It has four regional offices at Delhi , Mumbai , Chennai and Kolkata with 28 zonal offices in different states. FCI It stands for Food Corporation of India. It was set up on 14th Jan,1965. Its HQ is now in New Delhi ,but previously it was at Chennai.

(Click on the image above to watch the video)

Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS) or Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojana

Will it help our Farmers?? Giving a major boost to the pro-farmer initiatives of the government, the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved a new Umbrella Scheme ‘Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan’ (PM-AASHA) on September 12, 2018. Umbrella Scheme big scheme under which many other small schemes are present. BASICS The government has already increased the MSP (minimum support price) of kharif crops by following the principle of 1.5 times the cost of production. NOTES According to a survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in the 70th round in 2013, only 6% of farmers are able to sell their produce at MSP. According to a 2016 NITI Ayog evaluation report 79% farmers responded with ‘no’ when asked if they were satisfied with the MSP regime. Reasons for their dissatisfaction were delay in payments, lack of infrastructure at procurement centres, distance to procurement centres and delayed announcement of MSP rates. PROBLEMS WITH MSP MSP is presently (September 2018) is declared for 23 crops. Shanta Kumar report on FCIrestructuring, Buffer stock, PDS & Food security & Direct Benefit Transfer.

PDPS is proposed to cover all oilseeds for which minimum support price (MSP) is notified. In this, direct payment of the difference between the MSP and the selling/modal price will be made to preregistered farmers selling their produce in the notified market yard through a transparent auction process. All payments will be done directly into the registered bank account of the farmer. PILOT OF PRIVATE PROCUREMENT &STOCKIST SCHEME (PPPS) The cabinet also decided that the participation of private sector in procurement operation needs to be piloted on the basis of the learnings the ambit of private participation in procurement operations. EXPENSES CONCERNING THE SCHEME The cabinet has decided to give additional government guarantee of Rs..16,550 crore, making it Rs.45,550 crore in total. CONCLUSION The NITI Ayog recommended that steps be taken to improve “facilities at procurement centres, such as drying yards, weighing bridges, etc. should be provided to the farmers. More Storage should be set up and maintained properly for better storage and reduction of wastage. The procurement centres should be in the village itself to avoid transportation costs.

THE NEW SCHEME The scheme is aimed at ensuring lucrative price to the farmers for their produce as announced in the Union Budget 2018. The new Umbrella Scheme – 3 components

However, the government’s announcements to ensure that farmers get the benefit of the MSP have done little to reinforce the procurement infrastructure which was a key recommendation of the Centre’s NITI Aayog.

Price Support Scheme (PSS) – Under the scheme, the physical procurement of pulses, oilseeds, and ‘copra’ (kernel of coconut) will be done by Central Nodal Agencies with the proactive role of the state governments. Further, in addition to NAFED, the Food Cooperation of India (FCI) will take up PSS operations in states and districts. The procurement expenditure and losses due to procurement will be borne by the Union Government as per norms.

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NAFED It stands for National Agriculture Cooperative Marketing Federation of India.

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Tribute to former PM Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee . A new scheme named ‘Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna’ for Insured Persons (IP) covered under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 has been approved by the ESIC. ESIC (Employees’ State Insurance Corporation) The person who is insured under ESIC can avail Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana.

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Its aims are to the financial aid people who lost jobs because of the changing employment patterns. Insured persons covered under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 for the period of two years continuously. Details of the scheme: The benefit of the scheme will be payable in cash directly to the bank account of insured persons in case of unemployment. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ONGOING SCHEME The ongoing Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana(RGSKY) benefits formal sector workers registered with the ESIC. RGSKY introduced in 2005. Difference between RGSKY and Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana is that RGSKY will help when the industry is stopped working while in Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana it will help a person's when it's contract is terminated from the industry and the person is unemployed again. The money will be paid from their own contribution towards ESI scheme, in cash through bank account transfer. The scheme will be applicable to all factories and establishments employing at least 10 workers. Workers will be able to draw 47% of their total contributions towards ESIC after remaining unemployed for at least three months from the date of leaving their previous jobs. About Employee State Insurance (ESI) It is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. It is managed by Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) according to rules and regulations stipulated there in the ESI Act 1948. It is a statutory autonomous corporation under the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

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went through the law, orders of the Supreme Court, the Law Commission of India report, submissions of the Central Public Information Officer in the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports to conclude that the status, nature and functional characteristics of the BCCI fulfill the required conditions of Section 2(h) of the RTI Act.

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The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is now covered under the RTI Act and answerable to the people of the country under its mechanism, the Central Information Commission ruled recently. This decision is taken by the Central Information Commission (CIC)

• The matter came before him as the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports did not give a satisfactory response to an RTI applicant, Geeta Rani, who had sought to know the provisions and guidelines under which the BCCI has been representing India and selecting players for the country.


• Acharyulu directed the BCCI to put in place, within 15 days, online and offline mechanisms to receive applications for information under the RTI Act.

•The Central Information Commission has been constituted with effect from 12-10-2005 under the Right to Information Act, 2005.



• “The BCCI should be listed as an NSF(National Sports Federation) covered under the RTI Act.

• The Commission has certain powers and functions mentioned in sections 18, 19, 20 and 25 of the RTI Act, 2005.

•The RTI Act should be made applicable to the BCCI along with its entire constituent member cricketing associations, provided they fulfill the criteria applicable to the BCCI, as discussed in the Law Commission’s report,” he said.

• These broadly relate to adjudication in the second appeal for giving information, direction for record keeping, suo motu disclosures receiving enquiring into a complaint on the inability to file RTI etc; imposition of penalties and Monitoring and Reporting including preparation of an Annual Report.

Note : We can't expect much from BCCI on the RTI Act. This is a brave decision by CIC and it should be appreciated.

• The decisions of the Commission are final and binding. BCCI IS NOT HAPPY •The BCCI has always held the opposite view: that it did not come under the ambit of RTI. •Lodha Committee (for BCCI) Recommended that BCCI should come under RTI. (Scan the QR code to watch video.)

SOME FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW • The Government of India does not administer the Indian cricket team.BCCI develops it. • BCCI does not depend on the Government of India for its finances. • BCCI had avoided taxes on its income, claiming exemption as a charitable organization. • Although the Income Tax Department withdrew this exemption in 2007-08, BCCI only paid tax amounting to ₹41.9 crore (US$5.8 million) against its tax liability of ₹413 crore (US$58 million) in the 2009-10 financial year. On 12 September 2006 BCCI, announced that it will spend ₹ 1,600 crores over the subsequent one year to upgrade the cricket stadiums around the country. HOW did IT happen? •The commission, the top appellate body in RTI matters,

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Augmenting board strength and diversity- board of Directors, top 2000 listed companies have to mandatorily have a six-director board, 1000 companies should have a woman director in six. Number of directorships- maximum is 8 listed companies. Way Ahead(Click on the image above to watch the video)

Concerns around the corporate governance-

Rating of audit firms: it is because of improper auditing that the over or under statement happens, audit firms should be rated which will result in list of preferences. Low performing firms can perform better

Refers to a set of rules y which a firm is controlled or governed. The frim will benefit out of it. If not, the govt will loose

Audit reports- provided value added reports, financial positions, performance of the company will be known

What is the issue-

Independent Audit committees: help in overcoming the corporate shocks, preparing for shocks professionally

Growing concerns around companies of private and public sectors-

Calls for a greater examination of the roles of directors and audit firms. Some incidents to show the challenges

ICICI bank- the manager and CEO requested for an early retirement, was based on allegations against her regarding the conflict of interest between Videocon group.

ILNFS- a subsidiary has incurred a large loss, the audit report did not mention the name, disclosure was not made

Corporate governance is weak

Status of the firm

Missing talent in critical positions- this issue needs to be addressed, filled by talented and skilled managers to better govern the firm. Tenure of top management- long tenures of top management can be damaging, top posts should be re-examined, proper mechanisms should be found out

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ConcernsTurmoil in private sector banks- top banks of private sectors are facing problems, weaker bank boards, they derive rules for the banks, when it is weak corporate governance will be weak Bad loan crisis in PSBs- mounted with NPAs, serious bank loan crisis, chronic capitalism and weak governance. Overstating and understating in books- profit and loss account and bank sheets, it is here that the company’s profile is accessed, reflects the financial position of the banks, overstating means in case of profit, books will show more than the actual amount; understating happens with bad loans, grown 5-10 times but not reflected in the book of accounts. Major challenges to the governance Audit reports- must picture original reflection, ILNFS was an issue of cash-flow but reports showed improper audits Uday Kotak CommitteeSeparation of roles: listed companies on stock exchange with more than 40% shareholding, there should be separate roles of MD and CEO. Roles and responsibilities should be properly defined, no duplication should be there. Part of the promoter cannot be adopted as director. Mandatory disclosure- consolidated quality results should be disclosed

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Increase in tariffs to households and the farmers

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Electricity Amendment BillExpected to come up in the Winter session Union cabinet has already prepared the draft bill Aim is to revive the power sector


There are shortcomings in the sector This bill will amend the 2003 Electricity Act About the BillChanges to the Act of 2003- some provisions would be changed, Increase reliabilityReduce riskFailing of PPAs- Power Purchase Agreements, address these issues as well, PPA is a contract between the generator and purchaser, price of the purchase, time and term of the contract are important things. Distribution company The agreement is broken by the distribution company, sometimes. When the agreement is broken, sufferers will be generators. Power producing will be at loss. Investment become NPAs- loans for which the due is more than 90 days. Mounting of NPAs will create bank crisis. Key changes made in the billPenalties for failure to honor PPAs- PPA will be broken, in such cases penalties will be awarded to companies, penalty can be up to 10 million bucks per day Phasing out of cross subsidization- because of subsidy there will be some losses arising. Second group will be highly charged, industrial purchases of power are highly charged, some loses will arise out of households. This is an issue for the industrial sectors. Government is planning to phase out the subsidization for the households. This is highly apolitical call. The houses will end up paying high bills. Fairer pricing system will be one advantage. More output generation Sustainable power sector will be generated Impact

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Leakages- PDF has its own leakages. The food scheme of Odisha might also incur loss. The intention will get diluted.

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What is the newsOdisha govt. launched its own food security scheme on Gandhi Jayanti, 2018- not a part of NFSA.

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Targets to benefit 25 lakh people who were left out at the NFSA – only 78% is benefitted out from the NFSA. DetailsBackground: 2008- 1kg of rice for INR 2/month 2013- Price of rice reduced to INR 1. 2014- NFSA implemented but many people were denied the right Present state government in 2014 election campaign had promised to introduce the state’s own food security scheme Highlights of the schemeBeneficiaries will get 5 kg of rice per person per month at 1 rupees/kg- same provision like the NFSA in 2013 Distribution is carried out through e-POS device- designated fare price shop 25 lakh beneficiaries under SSFS 443.5 crore per year government spending Significance of the schemeUniversal coverage- provide food security to the left out category Food and nutrition security Criticism- vote bank politics because election is due next year. Odisha govt. should have better scheme to include those 25 lakh in NFSA. Concerns regarding SFSSFiscal consolidation- to bring down the expenditure of state or central govt. here it is state govt. of Odisha. Narrow the fiscal deficit, such a scheme will add on to the concern. Centre is providing subsidy. Expenses on cost of procurement, on distribution, on storage, on administration, etc. all the expenses will come to the state as well.

Identification of beneficiary- the 25% has to be covered. The identification is difficult. Might lead to duplication.Widening of fiscal deficit for the state govt.

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Apart From the Google, the Election Commission committee"Umesh Sharma" talked to Them. They are supporting the Election Commission and will remove all kinds of political advertisements. Online Advertising Market Share (Worldwide data)

(Click on the image above to watch the video) Google to help the Election Commission in 2019 This is an important topic for Mains General Studies Paper 2 under the topic : Salient features of the Representation of People's Act.

Google Facebook Yahoo/Microsoft Aol. 1.5% Others

44.1% 3.1% 12.3% 39%


India's Online Advertising Market Share data is not yet released but it is said that Google has a 60% sharein Indian Advertisement.

Our current Chief Commissioner O.P.Rawat recently said "How Google can help election commission"

Google will bring great transparency to political Advertisements.

Google Representatives met a committee which is under election commision of India.

Google assurance was very much required as it covers a very large part of Online Advertising Market Share in India.

Under the act of Section 126 (election silence) Section 126 (election silence) is part of Representation of the People Act, 1951. BASICS : The Election Commission (EC) has set up a 14-member committee to suggest changes in Section 126 of the Representation of the people(RP) Act, which prohibits poll campaign in the last 48 hours leading to voting, in the wake of media expansion.

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The committee chaired by Deputy Election Commissioner Umesh Sinha.


Name of committee: Umesh Sinha Committee. The INTERNET has a very big role to play in our daily life and Election Commission (EC) of India has said that any kind of new campaign or advertisement should not take place before 48 hours. It is quite possible to stop the campaign offline but doing this online is a difficult task . Umesh Sinha Committee took help from Google . Google said it will help election commission. Notes The candidate has to declare to the Election Commision about how much money he/she is going to spend on the campaign.(Online /Offline both) Candidate should give detail about the there advertisements to EC's Media Certification and Monitoring Committee.EC's Media Certification and Monitoring Committee will certify the political advertisements whether it should run or not.

It is said that advertisements certified or not certified both should not run before 48 hours of the election.

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make it imperative for their recognition as an the identity of their own. WHAT DOES ‘QUEER’ MEAN AND HOW IS IT DIFFERENT FROM LGBT IDENTITIES? Now, when the bracket is extended, you arrive at ‘Q’ or Questioning/Queer/Genderqueer. People who identify as queer feel their gender and/or sexual identities falls outside the categories of man or woman. ( Click on the image above to watch the video)

They would either consider themselves as falling between the two or wholly different from them.


OBSERVATIONS (Imp For Mains Exam)

Very important for Mains Paper 2 and for Prelim.

The court recognized sexual orientation as a “natural and inherent” biological phenomena, and not a matter of choice.

Governance - mechanisms, laws, institutions & Bodies constituted for the protectio& betterment of these vulnerable sections. 6 SEPTEMBER 2018 has been a historic date for our country.

(Imp) As per Section 377 , it was a punishable act to have intercourse with any man, woman or animals against the order of nature, meaning homosexuality and bisexuality were both outlawed.


Section 377

India joins 125 nations where homosexuality is legal as SC decriminalizes gay sex.

The rule was first enacted in 1861 under the British rule, previous to that there was no law governing sexual intercourse in India.

The Supreme Court decriminalized consensual intercourse between persons of the same sex and read down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, thus providing a huge boost to the LGBTQ community of India. Important for prelims. In this case Navtej Singh Johar(petitioner) v. Union of India homosexuality is legal. 72 countries and territories worldwide still continue to criminalize same-sex relationships LGBTQ?? Lesbian – Refers to a homosexual woman or a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. Gay – Refers to a homosexual man or a man who is sexually attracted to other men. Bisexual – A person who experiences sexual attraction to both men and women. Transgender - a person who is assigned to the male sex but identifies as a woman may be a transgender person. Conversely, a person who has been assigned the female sex at birth and who identifies as a man instead is also a transgender person ISN’T ‘HIJRA’ JUST THE INDIAN TERM FOR TRANSGENDER?

There is an exception though, the supreme court has rightfully protected animals under against attempts by humans who have intercourse with them, that shall still remain under the purview of crime. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID : Writing for himself and Justice Khanwilkar, the Chief Justice has raised the individual’s identity to the pedestal of divinity— sans identity, the name is only a denotative term and the sustenance of identity is the filament of life. Means an identity of the individual should not be crushed. The destruction of individual identity would tantamount to the crushing of dignity, which encapsulates privacy, choice,freedom of speech and other expressions. Attitudes and mentalities have to change to accept distinct identities of individuals, who must be respected for who they are, and not compelled to become who they are not. NOTES The sexual orientation of each individual in the society must be protected on an even platform, for the right to privacy and the protection of sexual orientation lies at the core of the fundamental rights guaranteed by Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution.

The Indian Hijra community itself is over 4,000 years old. Although many of them have biological and sexual identities same as the above-mentioned globally recognized LGBT identities. Cultural and behavioral differences

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What the verdict means is that the LGBT community would be able to indulge in consensual sex freely.

Judgment The Court found that the criminalization of sexual acts between consenting adults violated the Right to Equality guaranteed by the Constitution of India.

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While reading the judgment, Chief Justice Misra pronounced that the Court found that "criminalizing carnal intercourse" to be"irrational, arbitrary and manifestly unconstitutional.“ The court ruled that LGBTs in India are entitled to all constitutional rights, including the liberties protected by the Constitution of India. INDIAN EQUAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS HAVE UNDERTAKEN A LONG AND ARDUOUS JOURNEY TO DECRIMINALISE SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS. They had tasted their first victory when the Delhi High Court in July 2009 decriminalized homosexuality among consenting adults. However, in December 2012 the Supreme Court, quashing the High Court order, held that the order was legally unsustainable. In 2015, the Lok Sabha voted against the introduction of a private member's Bill to decriminalize homosexuality, proposed by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, indicating that the BJP led NDA Government was not in a hurry to legalize homosexuality. NOTES Soon after a group of well known LGBT rights activists, N S Jauhar, journalist Sunil Mehra, chef Ritu Dalmia, hotelier Aman Nath and business executive Ayesha Kapur approached the SC which agreed to reconsider the issue. The petition claimed their rights to sexuality, sexual autonomy, choice of sexual partner, life, privacy, dignity, and equality, the other fundamental rights guaranteed under Part- III of Constitution, are violated by Section 377.

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East Asia and the Pacific 8.8% Latin America and the Caribbean 3.9% Europe and Central Asia 0.3% MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY INDEX How It Is Made! Health Child Mortality Nutrition (Click on the image above to watch the video)

THE 2018 MPI (Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index) Paints a picture of multidimensional poverty across 104 developing countries, covering 74 per cent of the global population. ABOUT MPI Jointly developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at the University of Oxford, the 2018 global MPI casts light on who is multidimensionally poor, where do they live and how they are deprived.

Education Years of schooling School attendance Living Standards Cooking fuel Toilet Water Electricity Floor Assets Govt have initiated many programmes to help poor like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri UJJWALA Yojana .

A new report shows the percentage of Indians living in poverty is half what it was a decade ago. But child poverty around the world is still rife, affecting nearly two-thirds of those under 18 in sub-Saharan Africa. MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY INDEX 2018 In the decade between 2005-06 and 2015-16, India has halved its Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) from 54.7 per cent to 27.5 per cent.

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According to MPI 2018 released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, there are 271 million fewer poor people in India in this period. FINDINGS OF THE REPORT 364 million Indians continue to experience acute deprivations in health, nutrition, schooling and sanitation About 196 million MPI poor people in India, accounting for more than half of all multidimensionally poor in India, live in the four states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Just over one in four multidimensionally poor people in India are under ten years of age. Traditionally disadvantaged groups, in terms of castes, religions etc, continue to be the poorest though they have experienced the biggest decadal reduction in MPI About the world report Maximum to minnimum poor people in different regions : Sub Saharan Africa (41.6%) South Asia 40.6% Arab states 10%

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Contract-based works are highly informal Lesser social spending than the average- in health, education, well-being, more inequality, bring vulnerable into the mainstream Global pictureTopped by Denmark- high and progressive taxation (click on the image above to watch the video)

Japan- top-ranking Asian country

Oxfam World Inequality Index

South Korea- 56

What is the news India has been ranked among the bottom 10 countries in the latest report- UK has released the report 147/157- current rank of India, among bottom most 10 countries, inequality index is very high

Progressive countries- S.Korea, Namibia, Uruguay, Ethipoia, Chile and Indonesia RecommendationsAll countries should develop national inequality action plans to achieve the UN’s SDGs on reducing inequality.

What is the Oxfam World Inequality Index-? UK based charity organization Commitment to reducing inequality index Based on three indicators- government’s social spending, tax and labor rights Critical in reducing inequality Highlights about India-

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Ranked 147/157 countries analyzed Less commitment to reduce inequality If inequality reduced by a one-third, more than 170 million will move out of poverty


Government spending on health, education and social protection is low Relatively higher subsidies are provided to the private sector Giving more focus on development than growth, aimed at increasing the well-being and improvement Tax structure of IndiaLooks reasonably progressive on paper- tax rate would increase with taxable amount increase Under collection- due to tax evasion, taxes are a major form of revenue, government can make more expenditure, inequalities will come down Govt can spend more on education, health and well-being. Social sector can be improved Labor Rights- poor performance of labor rights and respect for women is very less in workplace, firms prefer to employ male, gender disparity Women are engaged in agricultural and informal activities Lacks union organization Lack of enforcement of human rights Enabling working environments, proper payments for work done, due to informalization

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Reduction in the impact of policy goals- providing food commodity, ensure food security, it is assured through availability and accessibility of food grains, the money credited can be used to purchase of non-food grains. Dissolve the entire policy Inflation- prices may vary, inflation is not taken into account in DBT, prices are constant, lesser purchase of food grain because market prices are higher, DBT process will get complicated, food and fuel have volatile prices, entire process would become complicated

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Comparison- DBT and PDS

What is PDSFlagship food security program- govt. will procure from farmers and store it for later purpose. It is then transferred to the people. Food grains are available to the people at affordable prices

DBT- quality and choice; money is transferred, choices will be increased PDS- lower price, higher quality- households will get food grains at lower price and the quantity will be high

Suffers from various insufficiencies-

Choice based PDS can be an answer to both DBT and PDS

One major criticism- leakages

Features of choice based PDS-

Target is to reach out to the lower classes of the economy

Choice for e-POS- electronic point of sale, choice of households can be captured in these machines and allocations can be made easily, govt. can provide MSP to households, risks are also there

It is not reaching actual beneficiary, idea of DBT was implemented, and subsidy amount will be credited to the beneficiaries

Choice based approach-people living in different parts require different commodities, food requirements are different, govt. can address this issue

DBTCut administrative cost

Beneficiary welfare- improves this welfare, more choices than PDS, and lead to welfare

Reduce leakages Food of choice Monthly transfers are made to the credit of the beneficiaries.

Reduce political and ethical risks- dilemma will be resolved between PDS and DBT Economic viability of PDS dealers improve- more economically viable, allow them to stock other food products too, will have more food grains available for them

Targeted beneficiaries will directly get amount on their credit Beneficiaries can buy food grains of their choice

Impact of food consumption and nutrition- huge impact on food consumption, pattern will improve

Risks in DBTPoor implementation- sometimes the vulnerable households can be excluded, benefits may not be reaching the beneficiaries Inadequate transfers- transfer is made in rupees so it can be adequate, market prices will be higher than the subsidized price. Financial inclusions- many bank accounts are not functional, around 60% are non-functional, there should be formal bank account for beneficiary

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CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Attorney General K K Venugopal had submitted that fasttrack courts to try the charges against the candidates were “the only solution”. The Representation of People Act also recognizes this in principle, requiring the high courts to decide on election petitions within six months. COURT'S LOST CHANCE? (Click on the image above to watch the video)

The Criminalization of Politics Supreme Court Verdict Above topic is important for PRELIMS Exam but very important for MAINS perspective for the topic CIVIL SERVICES MAINS GENERAL STUDIES PAPER 2 Topic: Indian Constitution -historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions, and basic structure. Topic: Salient features of the Representation of People's Act SUPREME COURT ON CRIMINALISATION OF POLITICS

Section 8 of the Representation of People Act, 1951, bans convicted politicians. But those facing trial, no matter how serious the charges, are free to contest elections. NOTES An affidavit submitted to the Supreme Court in March by the Centre also testifies to the shortcomings of the RPA's(Representation of People Act ) disqualification clause: There are more than 3800 criminal cases against 1765 MP's and MLA's across the country, of which 3045 cases are pending.

The Supreme Court's constitutional bench, in its judgment in CASE NAME: PUBLIC INTEREST FOUNDATION & OTHERS vs UNION OF INDIA. WHAT SUPREME COURT SAID Supreme Court delivered its much-awaited pronouncement on the petitions asking it to bar politicians facing heinous criminal charges — like rape, murder, and kidnapping — from contesting elections. A five-judge bench led by Chief Justice Dipak Misra said that the Court cannot play the role of Parliament.

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The bench pronounced that it is not in a position to enable disqualification of candidates who face criminal charges. It has, however, provided a slew of directions to curb the criminalization of politics. First, while filing their nominations, the candidates must declare if there are pending criminal cases against them in courts. Second, political parties are also responsible for putting up details of criminal cases filed against their candidates on their websites. Third, Parliament must legislate on the matter to ensure that candidates with criminal antecedents do not enter public life or become lawmakers. Fourth, while filling the nomination forms, candidates must declare their criminal past and the cases pending against them in bold letters. Lastly, political parties should publicise the background of their candidates via the electronic media and issue declarations. The recommendations, though welcome, have practical issues.

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Measures to be takenSkill development- job and skill mismatch has to be rectified Digitization- better targeting is possible, leakage can be minimized. Welfare programs Focus on outcomes (Click on the image above to watch the video)

Status of Poverty in India according to latest report-

Improve HH income- with household improvement, SOL is improved.

MDPI- It stands for Multi-dimensional poverty index. it is a measurement of poverty, developed by UNDP and OPHDI OPHDI- Oxford poverty and human development initiative Takes into account many dimensions, measures beyond the income- deprivation of households Dimensions involved- health, education and standard of living

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Indicators that measureHealth- nutrition and child mortality


Education- adult literacy and child enrolment Standard of living- cooking fuel, drinking water, electricity, toilet floor assets. Recent findings- MDI has been updated ●

More than 270 million Indian moved out of poverty. ● Poverty rate has almost reduced to half between 2006-2016 ● High economic growth, economic liberation adopted since 1991 ● Real MPCE increased ● Monthly per capita consumption expenditureexpenditure of household increased. Health and Education parameters- policies like BetiBachaoBetiPadhao, Mid-day meal Standard of living- policies like SBM, MNGREGA, UJJWALA have uplifted standard of living ConcernsLesser share of spending on health and education as a share of GDP In 2016-17, 364 million individuals were living in multidimensional poverty (MDP) 19% vulnerable to MDP and 9% vulnerable to severe MDP Existing issues in measuring povertySuresh Tendulkar committee report of 2009 Income based Poverty can be based on health, education and SOL. Govt. has introduced BPL + programs Govt. has the income plus approach

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•A group of five women lawyers has challenged Rule 3(b) of the Kerala Hindu Places of Public Worship (Authorisation of Entry) Rules, 1965, which authorises restriction on women “of menstruating age”. •Senior Advocate Indira Jaising, who represented the petitioners, said the restrictions went against Articles 14, 15 and 17 of the Constitution.

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Sabarimala Temple Verdict by Supreme Court Sabarimala Sabarimala is a Hindu pilgrimage centre located at the Periyar Tiger Reserve in the Western Ghat mountain ranges of Pathanamthitta District. It is very important Hindu pilgrimage specially in southern part of India. It is one of the largest annual pilgrimages in the world with an estimated 45–50 million devotees visiting every year. BASICS The shrine at Sabarimala is an ancient temple of Ayyappan also known as sasta and Dharmasasta. In the 12th century, Manikandan, a prince of Pandalam dynasty, meditated at Sabarimala temple and became one with the divine. Manikandan was an avatar of Ayyappan. AYYAPPAN – HINDU GOD Belief - the deity is a ‘naishtika brahmachari’ (eternal celibate) PURITY • The devotees are expected to follow a Vratham (41day austerity period) prior to the pilgrimage. • This begins with wearing of a special Mala (a chain made of Rudraksha or Tulasi beads is commonly used, though still other types of chains are available.). • During the 41 days of Vratham, the devotee who has taken the vow, is required to strictly follow the rules that include follow only a lacto-vegetarian diet (In India, vegetarianism is synonymous with lactovegetarianism), follow celibacy, follow teetotalism, not use any profanity and have to control the anger, allow the hair and nails to grow without cutting. WHO RUNS THE TEMPLE? •The temple, dedicated to Lord Ayyappa, is one of the most famous temples in Kerala. •The Travancore Devaswom Board (TDB) manages the temple. •They argued that only women of a certain age are barred from entering the temple and that it is okay to wait till 50 to enter the holy shrine. THE ISSUE OF DISCRIMINATION - 1991 In 1991, the Kerala High Court restricted entry of women above the age of 10 and below the age of 50 from offering worship at Sabarimala Shrine as they were of the menstruating age. THE SABARIMALA CASE

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• She argued that the custom is discriminatory in nature and stigmatised women, and that women should be allowed to pray at the place of their choice. KERALA GOVT’S STANCE While the Kerala government had opposed the entry of women in 2016, it told the SC during the hearing this year that it was in favour of allowing women to pray at the temple. Advocate Jaideep Gupta, representing the state government, said it would support the entry of women of all ages to the temple. SABARIMALA VERDICT The Supreme Court in September 2018 allowed women of all ages in the Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala in Kerala. The five-judge constitution bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra, in a 4:1 verdict, said banning the entry of women in Sabarimala temple is gender discrimination and the practice violates the rights of Hindu women. OBSERVATIONS While Justices R F Nariman and D Y Chandrachud concurred with the CJI and Justice A M Khanwilkar, Justice Indu Malhotra gave a dissenting verdict. OBSERVATIONS OF JUSTICE INDU MALHOTRA •Justice Malhotra, the only woman on the bench, said that the petition does not deserve to be entertained. • She was of the view that it is not for courts to determine which religious practices are to be struck down except in issues of social evil like ‘Sati’. Adding that the issue is critical to various religions, she said, “Issues of deep religious sentiments should not be ordinarily be interfered by the court. The Sabarimala shrine and the deity is protected by Article 25 of the Constitution of India and the religious practices cannot be solely tested on the basis of Article 14.” “Notions of rationality cannot be invoked in matters of religion,” said Justice Malhotra, adding: “What constitutes essential religious practice is for the religious community to decide, not for the court. NOW WHAT? The temple is open for worship only during the days of Mandalapooja (approximately 15 November to 26 December), Makaravilakku or"Makara Sankranti"

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(14 January) and Maha Vishuva Sankranti (14 April), and the first five days of each Malayalam month.

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VERDICT 2018 1. The person is really backward or not . (State has no need to show this) 2. Department's condition is deteriorating or not is also not important. 3. However, states will have to back it with data to show their inadequate representation in the cadre Supreme Court :Quota in the promotion, OK but keep out creamy layer among SCs, STs

(Click on the image above to watch the video) SC/ST Promotion Supreme Court Verdict UPSC PERSPECTIVE Civil Services Mains General Studies Paper 2 under the topic Indian Constitution - historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions, and basic structure. BOOST TO SC/ST QUOTA IN PROMOTIONS Constitution Bench made it easy for SC/ST to get reservation in promotion for government job.

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BACKGROUND OF THE PREVIOUS JUDGEMENTS 1992 CASE (Indra Sawhney & Others Vs Union Of India (Mandal case)(OBC Reservation)) Supreme Court said SC/ST will get reservation in promotion for government job. No creamy layer test for SC/ST. Creamy layer test is present in OBC . RESERVATION IN PROMOTIONS Supreme Court Article 16 (4) . Stopped the reservation in the promotion for SC/ST in the job. Since 1950 there is reservation in promotion. Indra Sawhney & Others Vs Union Of India Why Reservation? SC/ST should get a good start at the institute. The reasoning was that reservation exists to create a level playing field, to remedy unequal starting positions, thereby removing the justification for promotion quotas. The court used the light of Article 335 to justify this. So, in 1992 reservation in promotion for government job for SC/ST got stopped. GOVERNMENT CAME INTO ACTION Article 16 (4A) 1995 again reservation in promotion in the job again started . M NAGARAJ CASE 2006: 77th Amendment .Reservation in JOB promotion will continue. Supreme Court THE CONDITIONS Article 16(4A) is fine but Three conditions must be followed 1. The state has to show that the person is really backward. 2. The state have to show that the top admin of beaurocracy has lack of SC/ST people. 3. Proof that administration's efficiency is not disturbed while providing reservation in promotion for SC/ST in government job . PRESENT JUDGEMENT SEPTEMBER 2018 Supreme court in the present judgement (Jarnail Singh vs Lachhmi Narain Gupta) There is no need to revisit the judgment of M Nagaraj case by 7 judge bench.

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National database on sexual offendersIndia has launched the National Database on Sexual Offenders. It has become the 9th country in the world to implement this Objectives of the NDSO●

NDSO will maintain the database of convicted sexual offenders ● Database includes names, photographs, residential addresses, fingerprints, DNA samples, PAN and Aadhar numbers ● The data is maintained by National Crime Records Bureau ● Made available to only Law enforcement agencies Features of NDSO●

Database- contain more than 4.5 lakhs cases, firsttime offenders along with repeat offenders, details compiled from prisons across the country ● Classification of offenders- according to criminal history ● Period of data storage- depend on category a convicted falls, period depends on crime ● Juvenile offenders ● System ● Appeals ● Data ● Arrested and charge sheeted- the information will be stored except a limited access to the data What are the concerns? ● ● ●

● ●

Access- general public will not have access. The only law enforcement agency can know the records Classification- sexual offenses are classified. Under-reporting: offenses are committed by people known to the victim. According to NCRB, in 2015, out of 34,651, 33,098 are cases of offenders who are known to the victims. This leads to under reporting of the issues. Violence- data breach Discrimination- the details included and the data is breached, this is against the law. All these concerns need to be addressed.

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NFHS- evaluation in Ajmer. Found out that open defecation is 39% in 2018. But this was declared ODF in the month of July 2016. The data contradicts. Indian Institute of Health Management and Research University- 4893 household survey was taken in October 2016. 49% was open defecation in Jaipur. Six months later, the state govt. declared the state ODF. Usage was not taken into account, only construction was considered. What steps should be taken-

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Status of Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan or SBA in RajasthanImplementations of SBA in Rajasthan show that there are its own limitations in the state. There is a long way to go in achieving the goal. According to Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation86.8 million Household now has latrines- constructed under SBA. Subsidies were provided to construct latrines Sanitation access is provided to 94% in rural areas-

Proper enforcement of laws on municipal solid wastes, protection of water sources and pollution control- according to SBA, 3/4th households have door-to-door municipal collection. But ground reality is different, more chances of waste generation, waste volumes continue to grow in reality Manual scavenging- many areas of Rajasthan are not ODF. Funds should be given for rehabilitation. Open defecation- govt. should reach out to areas where people defecate in the open. More focus should be given in these areas. Vision should be broader and target should be achieved.

5, 07,369 open defecation free villages Swacch Bharat cess- 16, 400 crore fund was collected by the govt. and utilized for implementing SBA 25 states and UTs free of open defecation Ground Reality in RajasthanODF- Open defecation free, people use latrines instead of open defecation, every household has toilets. Target has to be met within a particular period. Many vulnerable households did not get toilets, the usage is in questions

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Inclusion- houses constructed after 2012 were exempted from providing subsidies Self-declaration: it is the local officials who make this declaration. Pressure was there from high officials. Coercions-built toilets out of compulsions and did not use it later. Construction and usage should be met. There was a pressure from the govt. to construct toilets but no usage was there Awareness creation-5% should be used for spreading information. Only 0.5% was used for spreading information. Very poor Manual Scavenging- this has been reported. Some areas are not open defecation free Issues with survey of MinistryMinistry’s MIS- Management Information System, the latrine construction survey is evaluated and not the usage. According to this survey, it is very high. But no usage according to the survey National Annual Rural Sanitation SurveyQuality Council of India- the latrine use was 90%. PHR has different opinions

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People(illegal immigrant) from Mexico enter into the USA for getting jobs and other services (of the local people), s the president of USA is planning to build the wall against them. Similarly, Rohingya people entered India. NUMBERS? Rohingya people are having bad intentions?? are they linked to any terrorist activities. REFUGEES AND INDIA ●

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STATUS OF ROHINGYAS 7 Rohingya deported to Myanmar, Supreme Court gave the approval of the deportation. BASIC - WHO ARE ROHINGYA Rohingya are Muslims living in Arakan region of Myanmar. Myanmar government don't see them as a proper citizen hence they have not been given proper citizenship in Myanmar. 40,000 Rohingya don't have citizenship in Myanmar hence they have difficulty in finding the job and in other services too. WHY ROHINGYAS FLED MYANMAR? They have Indo- Tabitayan(facial features) ethnicity causes the problem here, developing countries are frequently seen with the problem of ethnicity which creates fighting among the individuals. Fighting in people due to there Race causes difficulty in finding the job and in other services too for them.

Most of the Rohingya Muslims living in India are registered with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), better known as UN Refugee agency. ● International organisations have appealed to India not to deport the Rohingyas. But, the government has stated that its decision to deport Rohingyas concerns the state of security. NOTES India does not have a refugee specific law and the matter falls under the Foreigners Act of 1946, enacted by the Central Legislative Assembly. The Foreigners Act makes undocumented physical presence of a foreigner in India a crime. It also empowers the government to detain a foreigner living illegally in the country till that person is deported. PROBLEM Myanmar have not registered them as the citizen of Myanmar .How will Indian government deport them. ISSUES OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS : An illegal immigrant ( without any document) Refugee (At the time of calamity) India has fundamental rights for foreigners too. Under the article :protection of life and personal liberty (Article 21) WHY 7 ROHINGYAS WERE DEPORTED? The Rohingya Muslims from Rakhine province on Myanmar’s western coast started arriving in sizeable numbers in India’s northeast in late 2011.

The Whole Rohingya case:(Violence case (spark)) Rape of an Indo Tabitayan ethnicity girl happens and the rumours are spread that Rohingya's people raped her .so, there is clash/riots. Rohingya are running from their country after this clash Rohingya ran to Bangladesh because they have ancestral roots in Bangladesh. They ran to different countries as well. They entered India through boats via West Bengal. 40,000 Rohingya are presently in India.

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They are mainly spread all over India but the ratio is quite high in Jammu. Rohingya in India are mainly living in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Telangana, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Rajasthan. Rohingya's illegally entered India. For example :

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Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. 1 Observer – Papua New Guinea. BIG PLANS(UPSC MAINS ANSWER WRITING) Tripura would be turned into ‘HIRA’, which is acronym for development in Highways, i-ways or Internet Services, Roadways and Airways. NOTES Referring to eight states of the northeast, PM had said the region would be developed into ‘Astalaxmi’. ( Click on the image above to watch the video)

GS2 UPSC PERSPECTIVE MAINS GENERAL STUDIES PAPER 2 under the topic India and its Neighbourhood- Relations.

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AGARTALA-AKHAURA RAILWAY PROJECT Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina, Chief Minister of Tripura Biplab Kumar , Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee inaugurated the commencement of work for the Agartala-Akhaura railway project through video conferencing.


A HUGE PROJECT FOR BOTH COUNTRIES It will get over by 2019 very good project for the north eastern part of our country. NOTES 500 MW additional power supply from India to Bangladesh: It will be transferred through existing Bheramara (Bangladesh)-Baharampur (India) interconnection. With completion of this project, India will be supplying around 1.16 Gigawatts of power to Bangladesh. This project announced during his PM Modi’s visit to Bangladesh in 2015. AKHAURA–AGARTALA RAIL LINK(Very important for prelims UPSC ) The railway project was conceptualized in 2010. Later, both the countries had signed MoU on this railway project in 2013. It is expected that railway line will become operational in 2019. The railway project consists of constructing 15.054 km long railway line. It will provide another link in the cross-border connectivity between two countries by connecting Akhaura in Bangladesh with capital city of Tripura, Agartala through Nischintapur in Indo-Bangla border. It will help to develop socio-economic as well as cultural bond between two neighbouring countries TRIPURA TO BECOME GATEWAY TO ASEAN COUNTRIES

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On August 2, 2017, President Donald Trump signed it into law while issuing two statements simultaneously that he believed the legislation was "seriously flawed" THE CHINESE RESPONSE "We strongly urge the US side to correct the mistakes immediately and revoke the so-called sanctions. Otherwise, the US has to bear the consequences of it." ( Click on the image above to watch the video)

WHAT OTHER REACTION HAS THERE BEEN? • Russia has also criticised the sanctions on the Chinese military, warning the US against "playing with fire".

U.S Sanctions on Chinese Military The U.S has imposed a sanction (Punishment) on China because it bought military weapons from Russia. A DANGEROUS SCENARIO The US imposed sanctions Thursday against China's military for its purchases of Russian military equipment in a move US officials said is meant to punish Moscow for its "malign activities," including attacks on American elections. The USA is doing this because Russia took the side of the Republican party in the elections and recently China has bought equipment from Russia ,so sanction on China. NOTES "Today's actions are not intended to undermine the military capabilities or combat readiness of any country," the State Department said in a statement, "but rather to impose costs on Russia in response to its interference in the United States election process, its unacceptable behaviour in eastern Ukraine, and other malign activities." The punishment is given to Russia but the pain is felt by China .

• "It would be good for them to remember there is such a concept as global stability which they are thoughtlessly undermining by whipping up tensions in Russian-American ties," Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said in a statement. The US do not have any official power to put sanctions on any country, but US is doing this because it has a lot of gold deposits and the value of the dollar is very high. US economy is the biggest . Dollar is used in every transaction. The US is misusing its power. The US has given warning to India. US may put sanction on India if India deals with Russia for S-400. Not to buy defence system from Russia. What India can do? 1. Not to buy S-400 2. Stand with Russia and China. India needs help from the US. If the US puts sanction on India then it will be very bad for the Indian Economy.

What will happen after sanction? The growth of the Chinese military will stop. Big companies(like Google , Apple) were about to trade in China but now they are stepping back for any trade in China. REASON FOR PUTTING SANCTION ON CHINA • The US says China has contravened US sanctions on Moscow introduced over Russian actions in Ukraine and alleged interference in US politics. • China recently bought 10 Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets and S400 missiles.

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• Beijing has not joined in the sanctions imposed on Moscow by the US and its Western allies since 2014. • Its forces took part in giant Russian war games held earlier this month. COUNTERING AMERICA'S ADVERSARIES THROUGH SANCTIONS ACT The Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, CAATSA is a United States federal law that imposed sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia. The bill was passed during the 115th Congress, 98–2 in the Senate.

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use its Chittagong and Mongla ports to transport cargo to and from its North eastern states. AGREEMENT ON SEA PORTS FOR TRANSPORTING GOODS • Under this agreement, India can transport goods as per capacity of two sea ports.

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INDO-BANGLA PIPELINE PROJECT • Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina on September 18, 2018 jointly launched the construction of India-Bangladesh Friendship Product Pipeline. Pipeline is from India to Bangladesh Project through video conferencing. • The project will go a long way in strengthening the IndoBangla ties. It is a new milestone in the history of cooperation between India and Bangladesh. • Both the sides had entered into an agreement for the construction of the pipeline in April 2018 during Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale's visit to Dhaka. INDIA-BANGLADESH FRIENDSHIP PRODUCT PIPELINE PROJECT • The 130-kilometre pipeline will connect Siliguri in West Bengal in India and Parbatipur in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. • The six-kilometre Indian leg of the pipeline project will be implemented by the Assam-based Numaligarh Refinery Limited and the remaining 124kilometres of the pipeline project will be implemented by BangladeshPetroleum Corporation.

NOTES : • Under it, India will have to follow General Agreement on Tariff and Trad (GATT) and Bangladeshi regulations, pay customs duties and buy tax equivalent bonds to transport freight. India will also pay fees for using infrastructure of Bangladeshi land ports. To keep track of cargo new modern tracking system will be used. • The agreement will be effective for five years, but it can be extended for another five years automatically. However, any side can cancel the agreement after giving six months’ notice and suspend deal. Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) will be prepared for implementing this agreement. The SOP will be prepared after consulting with various stakeholders. IMPORTANCE OF BANGLADESH According to global firepower index ECONOMY OF BANGLADESH The market-based economy of Bangladesh is the 42nd largest in the world in nominal terms, and 31st largest by purchasing power parity; it is classified among the Next Eleven emerging market middle income economies and a Frontier market.

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•The capacity of the pipeline will be 1 million metric tons per annum. MAJOR MILESTONE


• Bangladesh would initially receive 2.5 lakh tonnes of diesel every year and it would gradually be increased to 4 lakh tonnes. • The project will replace the existing practice of sending diesel by rail covering a distance of 510 kilometres. • The estimated project cost will be Rs 346 crore and it will be completed in 30 months time. • This will be the first such pipeline through which refined diesel will be supplied to Parbatipur depot from Numaligarh of Assam in India. BANGLADESH TO PROVIDE INDIA ACCESS TO KEY PORTS • Bangladesh Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has approved draft agreement allowing India to

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•An alternative arrangement, to pay in Indian rupee instead of the standard US dollar, is being worked out to partly deal with the matter.

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India to buy Four Russian Frigates for 2.2 Billion dollars - Made in India INDIA RUSSIA HIGH IN INVESTMENT External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said that India and Russia should consider raising the overall investment target to $50 billion because the target of $30 billion set for 2025 has already been met. MAJOR PROJECTS IN PREVIOUS YEARS • ONGC Videsh Ltd in 2001 bought a 20 per cent stake in the Sakhalin-1 project in Far East Russia.

DETAILS OF THE DEAL • The agreement will allow India to procure four new warships from Russia for the Navy. • The deal will also involve building two of the ships at the Goa shipyard. • The deal has been processed as 2+2 scheme. (2 will come from Russia and two will be made in India(from scratch)) • In this scheme, the technology will be transferred to Goa Shipyard to construct two of the frigates from scratch. • The Indian-made warships are expected to cost 30-50% more than the direct Russian import due to the cost of building infrastructure and transfer of technology. THE DETAILS After Crimea fallout, Russia and Ukraine suspended all defense ties which rendered the underconstruction Admiral Grigorovich class frigates of limited operational use to Russian Navy until they were re-engined with Russian alternative which is expected to be ready only by 2020. NOTES

OVERCOMING THE TRADE GAP BY INVESTMENT SUSHMA SWARAJ VISIT • Meeting prepared the groundwork for the annual IndiaRussia bilateral summit between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin, to be held in New Delhi next month.

•India’s defense acquisition council has sanctioned$75 million for acquiring M7N.1E gas turbine engines from Ukraine for powering the two Grigorovich class frigates that are expected to soon arrive in India from Russia. •India had agreed to purchase the two frigates Admiral Butakov and Admiral Istomin.

• Russia is one of only two countries with which India holds annual bilateral summits, the other being Japan. • The Indian Minister also said that both sides have agreed to organise the first-ever India-Russia Business Summit involving major companies from both countries in early October in India. THE PARTNERSHIP •The India-Russia bilateral relationship was elevated to Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership in 2010. •Modi and Putin have already met twice this year -- at an informal summit in the Russian resort city of Sochi in May and then on the sidelines of the BRICS (Brazil,Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit in SouthAfrica in June.

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Major defence deal between India and Russia. NOTES • Two weeks after India significantly upgraded its defence ties with the United States through the Comcasa (Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement), the Modi government has cleared the way for one of the biggest purchases from Russia — $2.2-billion frigates deal. • Financial sanctions by the US have complicated purchase of weapons from Moscow as Indian banks are unable to transfer money to defence companies in Russia.

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installation of a single traffic-control centre for efficient management of rail traffic at the local level, efficient practices in freight and cargo operations, development of multi-modal terminals and a mutual exchange of the advanced technologies used by the two countries. AGRICULTURE The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Indian Potash Ltd and producers of phosphate-containing fertilisers PhosAgro Friday announced joint investments in mineral fertiliser production in Russia and India. (click on the image above to watch the video)

Putin In India | S-400 | Space Exploration VLADIMIR PUTIN VISIT TO INDIA

ECONOMY Russia and India also agreed upon encouraging the use of national currencies while engaging in bilateral trade. Trade between Russia & India will reach $30bn by 2025 THE BIG INVITATION (significant)

Vladimir Putin is the second most powerful person in the world according to the Forbes magazine. UPSC PERSPECTIVE

Vladimir Putin invites Modi to 2019 Vladivostok Economic Forum also known as the Eastern Economic Forum.

Above topic is essential for both prelims and mains under the topic Civil services mains general studies paper 2 Sub Topics : Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and /or affecting India's interests. IMPORTANCE Russian President(Vladimir Putin) visits more frequently to India and this is the 3rd meeting in 2018.

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India finally signed the deal to purchase s-400 .


LOW KEY ANNOUNCEMENT The deal for S-400 missile system was signed by Joint Secretary (Land Systems) from Indian Defence Ministry and Director General ROE (Rosoboronexport). Under COMCASSA, USA has warned countries not to do any deal with Russia, whoever will do the deal with Russia, the USA will put sanction on that country. Previously it was seen that China did deal with Russia and the USA have put sanction on China. India has friendly relations with the USA. USA did not put sanctions on India after this deal. This is a huge diplomatic victory for India. RELIANCE OFF-SET CLAUSE? S-400 is a NO Offset clause. It is government to the government initiative. LIST OF PACTS SIGNED Space Exploration More on Space – Along with assistance to India ‘s ambitious ‘Gaganyaan’ project, Russia has also agreed to set up data collection ground stations for India’s recently developed navigation system NaVIC. RAILWAYS The MoC includes the implementation of a ‘speedupgradation project’ in the Nagpur-Secunderabad section,

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● Because of excellent growth opportunities (raw

● ● ●

materials required for manufacturing) available in African countries China is emphasizing to increase its investment. If the product is manufactured then China requires different markets where it can export those products in African countries. In 2015, China’s President Xi Jinping announced a plan to invest $60billion in development projects across Africa. The benefits for African nations include the reduction of poverty, an increase in health infrastructure and industrialisation.

Why China investing

● By investing in such a development project China

increases the influence in the region and control the political power, Economic power of a particular country. China also increases its presence in African countries.

1.2 China emerged as African’s largest trading partner

Amount of investments made by China

● Before the 21st century, there is less priority to ●

African countries. Early 21st century China emphasizing more in African countries both Saharan & sub-Saharan countries.

Foreign Direct Investment in Africa (2005)

● China has made an investment of over $300 ●

million China investment is seeing not only in infrastructures like coastal railway or Hydropower dam but also emphasize promoting industrialization in African countries like Cement plants. The purpose is to improve the level of industrialization.

1.3 One Built One Road One Built One Road initiative is China wants to explore the markets available in different part of the world. Earlier China is an export-oriented economy. China mainly exports the products to the developed world (U.S.A, Europe). Because of adoption or protest nest policy i.e. country are increasing tariff and non-tariff barrier. If China has a dependency on this developed world then its economy would be affected. So, China is searching for an alternative.

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Raw Material in African Countries -> Petroleum, Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Diamond etc


Strategic point of view

● Some African countries have an important ●

● ● ●

strategic location because some of the sea routes are used by ships to reach to different countries. If China has a presence/influence in the countries then China can easily control the sea route which again provides a huge strategic advantage to China. If China able to control the sea route then it can impact on India’s economy because by controlling China limit the exporting in India. Increase in China presence in African countries will result in neo-colonialism. China is investing in infrastructure in African countries because Africa provides minerals to China that increase dependency of African countries on China. The Chinese-African relationship looks simple and based on Chinese exploitation of African resources; however, the relationship is very complex and multi-layered. By increasing the economic activities in African countries China is trying to connect different developing economies across the world.

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CRITICISM The critics called the bridge a 'white elephant' and a 'blood and sweat project', as more than 600 workers were injured and 10 died during construction.

(click on the image above to watch the video) World's Longest Sea Bridge CHINA IN THE NEWS AGAIN

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In 2018 China President Xi Jinping officially disclose the world’s longest sea bridge connecting with Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China. It hooks with three important regions Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge(HKZMB or HZMB). STRUCTURE Government start working according to China’s People decision. The bridge starts from Zhuhai and Macau Boundary, passes from Dual 3-lane carriageway then go to undersea tunnel (7km long) that comprises of two circles which are basically an Island chained with dotted line i.e underwater tunnel and reach to Hong Kong link road. Main bridge and tunnel length are 30 km.


● The submerged tunnel is 6.7-kilometer (4-mile) to ●

avoid the busy shipping paths over the Pearl River Delta. The tunnel runs between two artificial islands, each measuring 100,000 square meters (1 million square feet) and located in relatively shallow waters.

SOME POINTS YOU SHOULD KNOW It will shear the travel time between Hong Kong and Zhuhai from three hours to just 30 minutes The bridge designed in such a way that it deals with a magnitude eight earthquake, a super typhoon and strikes by super-sized cargo vessels was built using 400,000 tonnes of steel, enough to build 60 Eiffel Towers. ARE HONG KONG AND MACAU PART OF CHINA? The Special Administrative Regions are Hong Kong and Macau, two relatively independent regions within the People's Republic of China that maintain separate administrative, legal and judicial systems from the rest of the country.

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( Click on the image above to watch the video) India and China to Sign Internal Security Cooperation Agreement. NOTES Zhao Kezhi, China’s Minister of Public Security and Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh are slated to discuss various aspects of security cooperation between the two countries. For the first time, India and China will sign an internal security cooperation agreement next week, marking a new beginning in bilateral relations. While Mr. Singh is the head of eight central armed police forces with a combined strength of about 10 lakh personnel, Mr. Zhao is responsible for day-to-day law enforcement in China and commands about 19 lakh personnel. The scheduled meeting may lead to a future India-China agreement on the exchange of sentenced prisoners, another official said. Currently, India does not have an extradition treaty with China, nor a pact to exchange each other’s sentenced prisoners. There are at least 10 Indians in Chinese prisons and an equal number of Chinese citizens in Indian prisons. This will help in the improvement of relations between India and China hence we can see more agreements between India and China in the coming future. THE AGREEMENT The proposed pact is expected to cover areas of intelligence sharing, exchange programme, sharing of best practices, cooperation in disaster mitigation. INTERESTING TIMES - CLOSER INDIA CHINA Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping held an informal summit in Wuhan, China, in April this year which helped repair bilateral ties. CHINA NEEDS INDIA IN THE TRADE WAR China seeks help from India to fight US trade protectionism. GOLDEN RULE OF GEOPOLITICS There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

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US Fed Rate Hike


The current affair was thatUS federal Reserves raised interest rates for a 3rd time this year It is a rising cause of concern for India Effects of interest riseInvestment- investing in dollar will give more return. Since interest rates are high. The return and the risk in concerned. US economy is providing more return. Foreign companies invest in equity. It can be withdrawn anytime. Foreign portfolio investors will put out their capital from Indian market and invest in Indian market. Because of more return. Indian economy is providing low return. Demand of Indian rupee will fall. Leads to deprivation of Indian economy. Imports- the value of dollar increases. Leads to strengthening of dollar. Import bills will be expensive. Crude oil price will increase. Expensive imports. CAD- excess of value of imports over exports. Weakening of rupee bill will lead to widening of CAD Domestic inflation- it will lead to cost-push inflation. Cost of production increases as supply comes down. It leads to negative impact on the economy. GDP will come down. Economic Scenario●

RBI/MPC- meet the differential in US economy and Indian economy. Reserve bank will increase the interest rate. Provide better returns. Loans will become expensive. Negative impact on economy. Private investment comes down. Fiscal burden for government. Production comes down because of absence of capital. ● Reserves- there are obligations from RBI. Further bring down the reserves RBI holds ● Balance of payment- chances of increase in capital flow. Negative impact on country’s finance situation. ● Protectionism- increase in custom duty and imports will become expensive. Reduce the supply of imported commodities. Cost of commodities will increase. Focus on enhancing the capacity of domestic producers. RBI must make smart policies to control the economy.

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The United States indicated that it would expect India to reduce dependence on Iranian crude and ‘zero out’ energy ties with Tehran. NO VIOLATION OF SANCTIONS? India had earlier rushed some of its important ministers to Iran to launch the initiative on various development projects and the two sides did so despite the US warning. NOTES: (Click on the image above to watch the video)

Iran also has its plan to benefit from the port.


As India is Iran’s largest customer hence the memorandum will help to increase economic growth and investment.


It will provide regional growth and prosperity by employment generation and GDP growth.

Above topic is important for Mains General Studies Paper 2 (Under India and its neighbourhood-International Relations)


India: Chabahar port hand-over on Track. Sep 2018

IRAN, RUSSIA, TURKEY Discussed Non-Dollar Trade At Summit Tehran.

"As per the agreement, we are now ready to hand over the

Not to trade in dollar rather than use GOLD for trade.

(Chabahar) to the Indian company. We have moved a step in the right direction already. We have provided a banking channel to India and India has accepted that formally,” Abbas Akhoundi, the visiting Iranian minister told Indian media. Mr. Akhoundi held discussions with his Indian counterpart Nitin Gadkari.


The first phase of Iran’s Chabahar port (Shahid Beheshti Port) holds significant strategic and economic importance for India. It is located on the Makran coast, Chabahar in southeastern Iran. Its location lies in the Gulf of Oman. It is Iran’s only oceanic port located on the Gulf of Oman, southeast of Iran near the Pakistani border. It has been jointly developed by India, Iran, and Afghanistan.

The USA told India not to trade of oil from Iran. India is the second largest buyer from Iran after China. Iran has provided may premiums to India for the trade of oil. It can also help to reduce the import cost of oil to India. THE TRUMP FACTOR The trump administration is imposing serious economic costs on India through its misguided policies.

The port will allow India to bypass Pakistan to transport goods to Afghanistan and Central Asia using a sea-land route. Chabahar Port lies in the Persian Gulf in Iran and will help India in expanding its maritime commerce in the region. IMPORTANCE

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From Chabahar, the existing Iranian road network can link up to Zaranj in Afghanistan, about 883 km from the port. The Zaranj- Delaram road constructed by India in 2009 can give access to Afghanistan’s Garland Highway, setting up road access to four major cities in Afghanistan — Herat, Kandahar, Kabul, and Mazar-e-Sharif.



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• For its part, India is giving Japan exclusive access to its sensitive northeast region and the Andaman Islands for the development of infrastructure facilities.

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UPSC PERSPECTIVE India–Japan relations are solid so expect some questions.

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Under the section : “Special Strategic Global Partnership”


With Russia we have “Special privileged strategic partnership” WHAT HAPPENED RECENTLY? To promote Military cooperation, India and Japan are all set to hold the first-ever joint military exercise. ‘DHARMA GUARDIAN-2018’ involving the Indian Army and Japan Ground Self Defence Force. In Japan, they call their army Japan Ground Self Defense Force. EXERCISE DHARMA GUARDIAN- 2018 6/1 GORKHA RIFLES will represent the Indian contingent while the Japanese contingent will be represented by 32 Infantry Regiment of the Japanese Ground Self Defence Force. During the 14 days long exercise, due emphasis will be laid on increasing interoperability(synchronization between both ) between forces from both countries. Both sides will jointly train, plan and execute a series of well developed tactical drills for neutralization of likely threats that may be encountered in urban warfare scenario. INDIA AND JAPAN HAVE CLOSE MILITARY TIES The two nations have frequently held joint military exercises and co-operate on technology. India and Japan concluded a security pact on 22 October 2008. ABOUT THE SECURITY PACT Japan and India have declared themselves “special strategic and global partners”. Japan signed a security declaration agreement with India in 2008, only the second of its kind, outside the Japan-US security treaty, after the security declaration agreement made with Australia in 2007. INDIA – JAPAN FRIENDSHIP • Japan is heavily involved in India’s infrastructure development projects. More than US$10 billion in Japanese aid – the most significant sum Tokyo has ever invested in a single project through its foreign aid program – has been committed to building the first high-speed railway in India.

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ELECTION RESULT IN MALDIVES With Ibrahim Mohamed Solih now set to replace Abdulla Yameen, there may be a new dawn on the horizon. They want to balance trade between India and China. (Click on the image above to watch the video) Maldives Election Good News for India? Ibrahim Mohamed Solih defeated Yameen Abdul Gayoom. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih won the presidential election, defeating President Abdulla Yameen who is known to be close to China. Solih has been a long-standing aide of pro-India politician and former President Mohamed Nasheed. Yameen Abdul Gayoom (former President) backed by China loses in the election. ABOUT MALDIVES Maldives is important country in Indian ocean region. It group of small islands. Small country. Because of its strategic location in the Indian ocean it is important to India. Member of SAARC(not active) The Maldives was a Commonwealth republic from July 1982 until its withdrawal from the Commonwealth in October 2016. Left commonwealth group INDIA- MALDIVES TENSION INDIA- MALDIVES needed each others help. INDIA- MALDIVES were good friends until Yameen Abdul Gayoom came in power in 2013. PM Modi in 2014 called him in his swearing ceremony. Yameen made many step against India.

During his door-to-door campaign, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih promised that he would repair relations with the neighbours and India First foreign policy would be reinstated. TROUBLE FOR CHINA Under Mr Yameen, the Maldives has also welcomed Chinese money for major projects and signed a free trade agreement. More tourists from China now visit the Maldives than from any other country. Solih's Maldivian Democratic Party has taken an anti China stance. Former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed previously claimed China has pilled his County into a "debt trap". Former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed supports India. The Maldives is a key battleground in the rivalry between China and India. NOTE: Maldives is not part of RCEP. Now, with the win, Maldives can set an free trade agreement with India. Maldives now can do Naval and Military exercise with India. Historic victory for Maldives. WAS IT A FAIR ELECTION? The US and European Union had threatened sanction Yameen and Members of his govt it they were seen to be interfering in the polls .

Yameen Abdul was pro-China and pro-Pakistan. Yameen Abdul Gayoom officials were opposing him so, he put them(opposition leaders) in jail. DIFFICULTIES FOR INDIA Yameen Abdul took many steps against India and signed MoU with Pakistan. Cancelled work permits of Indians working in the Maldives. Free trade agreement of the Maldives with China ,resulting china market overcoming the Maldives market. India helped the Maldives a lot.

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China was seen as dictating the foreign policy of Maldives under Yameen Abdul Gayoom making India’s strategic position vulnerable in the Indian Ocean. ABDULLA YAMEEN 6th president to the Maldives. Political party -Progressive Party of Maldives. (lost the elections)

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3. The UK declared a Marine Protected Area around Chagos in 2010, which prohibits fishing and extractive industry and has the effect of preventing any resettlement. Therefore Mauritius claims sovereignty over the islands and the states that Britain claim is a violation of the law and of UN resolutions. MISUSE

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In 2015, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled this move as illegal under the United Nation

Above topic is very important for Mains General Studies Paper 2.

Convention on the Law of The Sea (UNCLOS).

International Relations - India and its neighborhoodrelations. (Imp) Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India's interests, Indian diaspora. WHAT IS THE ISSUE?

“Mauritius holds legally binding rights to fish in the waters surrounding the Chagos Archipelago, to the eventual return of the Chagos Archipelago to Mauritius when no longer needed for defense purposes, and to the preservation of the benefit of any minerals or oil discovered in or near the Chagos Archipelago pending its eventual return,” the ruling on March 19, 2015 in The Hague stated.

The CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO(a group of islands) is a group of seven atolls comprising more than 60 islands in the Indian Ocean about 500 km south of the Maldives.

According to PCA, Mauritius holds legally binding rights.

1. It has been part of Maldives since the 18th century when French first settled the island.

In June 2017, the United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of asking the court to provide an advisory on UK & Mauritius over Chagos archipelago.

2. All of the islands of French colonial territory in the region were ceded to the British in 1810.


Mauritius(very small in front of UK) further moved to INTERNATION COURT OF

The Chagos Islands — referred to by the British as British Indian Ocean Territory, but which is not recognized as such by Mauritius — is home to the U.S. military base Diego Garcia(PART OF CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO )


Diego Garcia(PART OF CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO) was given on lease for 50 years to the British because Mauritius desperately wanted independence.

The voting was done whether Mauritius should take UK in ICJ or not

1. Lease got over in 2016, as it completed its 50 years. But Britishers are not returning it. In the 1960s and 1970s, inhabitants(2000) were removed from the islands.

94 Countries supported Mauritius.

Mauritius maintaining that the archipelago remains its integral part. NOTES. 1. When Mauritius was not independent, the UK took away the part of the land from Mauritius. (which is illegal) 2. The UN resolution baned the dismemberment of colonial territories before independence. Page 40 of 111



15 Countries supported the UK 65 Countries abstained from voting (EG: China) Mauritius won. India supported the draft resolution on the same matter in favor of Mauritius. Indian Permanent Representative to the UN had said, "As part of our long standing support to all peoples striving for decolonization, we have also consistently supported Mauritius, a fellow # developing country from Africa with whom we have age-old people to people bonds, in their quest for the

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restoration of their sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago." September 2018 news India is supporting Mauritius in INTERNATION COURT OF JUSTICE, NETHERLANDS. India’s Ambassador Venu Rajamony said the historical survey indicates that the Chagos


Archipelago throughout the pre- and postcolonial era has been a part of the Mauritian territory. India is going to stick to its earlier stand and stand by Mauritius in this fight against UK's colonial history and the rights of exiled islanders to return. WHY IS INDIA DOING THIS? India, as a country that has gone through the throes of decolonization, since its own independence in 1947, has always been in the forefront of the struggle against colonialism and apartheid.

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Safety- given preference Dispute settlement- USA has agreed to restate ch 19 and 20 of older mechanism of NAFTA. This provides for settlement of disputes. Allows three countries to challenge each other’s anti-dumping and countervailing duty. Intellectual property – deals with stringent protection for trademarks

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What is the news? The US, Mexico and Canada have arrived at a revised trade agreement- Tri-lateral agreement. USMCA is the new agreement. This revised agreement replaces NAFTA-USMCA will replace NAFTA

Drugs- can sell the drugs. Can be reviewed by three countries after implementations. Review Concerns in the agreementNot all the amendments that are being made will have positive effect on the free trade Many hard compromises are made by Canada and Mexico. Canada is giving higher diary production to US, producers in Canada will be harmed, increased competition, will get less price. Labor regulation- minimum wages should increase the cost of production. Produce will be made globally less productive. North America will become tough investment area.

What is NAFTANorth-American free trade agreement Before, Canada-US free trade agreement, need to arrive at a tri-lateral agreement then the NAFTA come into being. NAFTACame to effect on 1994 Successor of USA FTA Trilateral agreements

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Lower tariff Trade expansion- encouraged big business to supply chains around North America, expanded more than three times Deep political relationship New DealWill be known as US-Mexico- Canada Agreement or USMCA Several changes will be made to the earlier NAFTA and replace the NAFTA Does not play an important role in in promoting the cause of free trade Achieves the objective of avoiding any significant damage to the international trade system. Key changes madeCanada- changes in production quotas applied to Canada’s diary industry. Canada will have to allow local producers to compete with other, production was restricted earlier and now it will benefit the consumers, more choices for consumers. Cars and trucks- 75% work of components and 30% work on vehicles: clear the zero tariffs and 75% of its components must be manufactured in these three countries. 62.5 to 75 will be the improve. Should benefit the laborers, who work for 16$ per hours. Mexico has low labor cost.

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To solve this PMO asked for the advice of Suresh Prabhu(Trade Minister) Suresh Prabhu puts these two concerns in front of the RCEP members 1.India's concern regarding China. 2.Regarding skilled professionals movement. This meeting happened in Singapore.

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RCEP members have agreed to them.

The victory of India at RCEP meeting. This topic is very important for General Studies Mains Paper 2 under the topic IR (International Relations) Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. It is an idea of a free trade agreement for countries like ASEAN Members (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore,Thailand, Vietnam) and the six Asia-Pacific states(Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand). Some countries should be united under the free trade agreement in terms of market access. Diminishing all the borders in terms of the market. Lets us take a hypothetical example regarding it and know more about the RCEP. Eg : Suppose one of the Australian company manufactures soap and they want to sell their soap in India. Let the cost of the soap be 100. India will protect its own soap manufactures (eg lux, dove etc) and will put the tariff of 20 Rs on the Australian soap. Hence, Indians will have to pay 120 rs for the Australian soap and Indian soap be of 100 rs. Under RCEP any country can sell its product in another country at the minimum tariff. RCEP is a revolutionary idea and when it gets successful there will be a positive drift in the economy for a respective country hence providing a economic stability.

FOR India RCEP is Postponed for one more year. There has been an inevitable linkage between services and goods negotiations, because RCEP is not a goods agreement alone, and services must be an integral part of the agreement. India is very good in service sector like IT etc as campared to goods. SKILLED WORKERS (gift for India) RCEP countries will open up opportunities for India’s skilled professionals seeking gainful employment."MODE 4" of RCEP says that skilled , talented and educated youth can go to RCEP countries for work. TRADE DEFICIT India has a trade deficit with other 10 RCEP countries including China, South Korea, and Australia also. People from the agriculture and dairy sector are telling to be not a part of RCEP countries, cause in coming time these countries can capture our market aggressively and we will have to face the problem and it will not be possible to put tariff at that time. India's exports to RCEP account for about l5% of its total exports and imports from RCEP comprise 35% of the total imports.

WHAT WORRIES INDIA? Some hurdles are there in RCEP because there are some issues between India and China like trade deficit between them. We buy a lot from China. Eg: solar panels bought from China are not tariff-free. In RCEP china can get a direct access to the Indian market and that worries the Indian government. China will capture the Indian market in a decade and this will not be good for our country in the long-term.

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WHAT JUST HAPPENED? India is planning to pull itself out from RCEP and this is itself a big news. Is it a loss of opportunity?

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Western European and other States: 7 seats Eastern European States: 6 seats

WHAT IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN UNHRC, OHCHR AND HRC IN UN ? WHAT IS UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL (UNHRC) The Human Rights Council was established by the UN General Assembly in 2006 to replace the UN Commission on Human Rights.

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India Wins Election to UNHRC with Highest Votes. ABOVE TOPIC IS IMPORTANT UNDER THE SECTION INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS WHAT HAPPENED RECENTLY India has been elected to the United Nation’s top human rights body, UNHRC for a period of three years beginning January 1, 2019, by getting 188 votes in the Asia-Pacific category, the highest number of votes among all candidates. KEY-HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ELECTION ●

The 193-member United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) held an election for new members to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The seats are allocated based on “equitable regional distribution” giving the Asia-Pacific region a total of 13 seats, with some coming up for election every year, where Pakistan and China are already members in the group.

The United States, which withdrew from the Council earlier this year, received a symbolic one write-in vote. OHCHR is the Office of the United Nations High Comissioner for Human Rights. It's mandate is to promote and protect human rights. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is the principal human rights official in the UN. HOW IS THE UNHRC SEAT OF ANY USE TO INDIA ? India has won the seat with the highest number of votes which clearly reflects the country’s standing in the international community. When it nominated itself for the Council, the country showcased its position as “the world’s largest democracy and India’s secular polity”. In the nomination pledge, India presented a broader approach to human rights, emphasizing climate, justice, health and poverty alleviation.

CONTROVERSY ● Bahrain, Bangladesh, Fiji and India and the Philippines stake claim to 5 seats for Asia-Pacific region at UNHRC. ●

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In the Asia Pacific category, India got 188 votes followed by Fiji with 187 votes, Bangladesh 178, Bahrain and Philippines 165 each. India got the highest number of votes amongst all the 18 countries in the five regional categories. HOW ELECTIONS ARE CONDUCTED

The Human Rights Commission has 47 members, selected each year by the UN General Assembly for staggered 3-year terms on a regional group basis.

No member country may occupy a seat for more than two consecutive 3-year terms.

To get elected to the Council, countries needed a minimum of 97 votes.

The seats are distributed among the United Nation’s regional groups as follows: ● ● ●

African States: 13 seats Asia-Pacific States: 13 seats Latin American and Caribbean States: 8 seats

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of which $1 billion is with Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan is a distant second. MUST ESTABLISH CONNECTIVITY North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) will deepen trade relation between India and Uzbekistan 17 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOUS) Modi also said that India has decided to extend a line of credit (LoC) of $200 million to Uzbekistan for housing.

(Click on the image above to watch the video) Why is Uzbekistan Important for India? Above topic is Important under the topic International Relations for UPSC Mains Paper 2. WHAT HAPPENED EXACTLY. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev is on the visit to India for two days. This is Mirziyoyev’s first visit to India since assuming office in 2016. About Uzbekistan In the capital of Uzbekistan , Tashkent peace treaty happened between India and Pakistan in the year 1966. Uzbekistan Was part of USSR in 1991. Uzbekistan is dependent on other countries for trade, especially on Nepal. Billions of wealth are present in their land. They are having rare minerals. Uzbekistan is making their economy strong slowly. Several excellent opportunities exist for Indian investment in the non-ferrous and rare-earth metals industry. Uzbekistan wants to export its minerals to India which would ultimately be better for there economies.

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of India for visa-free travel for diplomatic passport holders. Memorandum between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of India on cooperation in the field of military education. SOME OF THE MAIN MOUS • Memorandum of Understanding between the Hakimian of Samarkand City, Samarkand region, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Municipal Corporation of Agra, Uttar Pradesh, Republic of India. • Agreement on cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Confederation of Indian Industry on the establishment of the India- Uzbekistan business council.

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NOTES : India has been citing obstructions of physical connectivity, Pakistan’s hostility and the instability in Afghanistan for its desultory attitude towards Central Asia. But such excuses can no longer hold true as distant countries like South Korea are doing enough business with the region. ASHGABAT AGREEMENT The Ashgabat agreement is a multimodal transport agreement between India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Oman, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan for creating an international transport and transit corridor facilitating transportation of goods between Central Asia and the Persian Gulf. Because of this agreement truck can pass easily through the border of each others country without any paperwork. India and Uzkebistan trade will increase. India and Uzbekistan set an annual bilateral trade target of $1 billion to be achieved within two years and agreed to boost connectivity as the two sides NOTES Member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. China Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan's trade with India is a paltry $323 million. Under the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. India’s current trade figure of about $100 billion with the SCO under which India’s current trade $90 billion with China, $8 billion with Russia only $1.5 billion with the Central Asian states,

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Government’s role- around 250 billion is infused in AI equity share by the Govt, repair done to the loss incurred in buying expensive aircrafts


SPV- 7 billion rupees loss on 22 billion rupees, 466 billion debt burden is huge, transfer 300 billion rupees to SPV. Illusionary improvement will be created. The debt does not cease to exist Board Autonomy- the chairman as well as MD will be IAS officers, two members from Ministry of Civil Aviation, rest independent directors may or may not have knowledge about the aviation business market. What can be done to resolve the problems-? ( Click on the image above to watch the video)

Air India should cease to be an airline for government servants and their families- because they don’t make payment

UPSC Perspective – Important for GS3 What is the newsCentral government has proposed some measures to pave the way for revival of Air India. What are the proposals madeAutonomy: planning to take steps to give significant autonomy to the board of directors who control the policies and guidelines of Air India. Taking independent decisions, capital expenditure, commercial decision making without much government interference.

Union power needs to be curtailed Over-staffing- there are more staff than the operations required Managerial talents from the Market- professionals with aviation knowledge should be hired Larger issues need to be addressed properly.

Special purpose vehicle- total debt of around 500 billion, 15 billion annually is spent for interest burdens. Not able to attract investors. The govt is planning to restructure the debt of Air India. Support- 500 billion rupees to Air India as a sovereign guarantee to Air India to raise money from the lenders at cheap rate. After 2018-19, Air India should not seek financial aid from government Empowerment- empowering the Board of Directors for buying or leasing of new aircrafts. Mortgaging the assets to raise the capital, hiring professionals at the senior managerial post, rationalizing the work force without govt interference

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Other plans- selling of Air India subsidiaries, monitoring core assets, holds a huge quantum of non-core assets. Operations- Air India will hire Chief Operating Officer who will be responsible for day-to-day activities of the Airline. Implementing strategies for cost implications. Focus- on increasing the efficiency of the Airline. Navaratna and Maharatna companies don’t need govt approval, autonomy in power is given to the company Board- the board should have professionals regarding deep understanding of airline business. Planning is very important so that in future losses will be minimized. Top industrialist will be inducted as high professional officers. Govt representation will be minimized to just one nominee.

Problems associated-

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PCA: Bank cannot give the loan to the private organisation, only to the government organisation. Of the three banks, Dena Bank is currently under the Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework and has been restrained from further lending. It has a gross NPA ratio of 22 per cent - among the highest across the industry. ( Click on the image above to watch the video)

Bank Merger of Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank : The merger of two strong banks (BoB and Vijaya) with a weak bank (Dena Bank) seems like a bailout package for Dena Bank, keeping aside strong bank’s minority shareholder’s interest. The Alternate Mechanism (headed by Arun Jaitley ), comprising Jaitley, defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman and railways and coal minister Piyush Goyal, was set up as an approval framework for proposals to merge state-run banks.

Vijaya Bank, on the contrary, is among the better performing public sector banks with a gross NPA ratio of 6.9 per cent. Bank of Baroda, the largest of the three, has a bad loan ratio of 12.4 per cent. Banks under PCA are prohibited from fresh lending, paying dividends, and distributing profits. They are also required to keep an eye on provisioning on bad loans. RAGHURAM RAJAN WON’T HAVE LIKED THE IDEA.


The merger of two (or more) unhealthy banks in the financial system will create an unhealthy entity that would lead to the creation of a bigger problem in the economy.

Vijaya Bank is the only profit-making state-run bank and the only one that paid a dividend to the government in 201718.

Secondly, even in the case of the merger of an unhealthy bank with a large healthy bank, the merger would bring problems to the acquiring bank.

Dena Bank, on the other hand, is facing restriction on lending and expanding business under PCA and is heavily dependent on the government for capital support.

Thirdly, in the event of a merger of a weak bank with a strong bank, the acquirer will have to deal with the cultural problems that arise out of the merger, besides dealing with the primary challenge — the bad loan pile in the weak bank, thereby creating difficulties for the strong bank.”

The government announced the amalgamation of three banks — Bank of Baroda, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank — aimed at creating the country’s third-largest bank with a business of Rs 14.82 lakh crore and over 9,600 branches across the country.

He wanted that strong banks should merge together. THE RESULT OF THE MERGER

About banks : Vijaya Bank: Mangalore based has its presence in south India.

With a combined business of Rs 14.82 lakh crore, 9,560 branches, and an employee strength of 85,675 would be India's third largest globally competitive bank.

Dena Bank: Base in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

The merger of Bank of Baroda, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank will create a lender which will be the third largest in India.

Bank of Baroda: Strong in western and northern India. NOTES :

Banks will stop competing with each other.

BACKGROUND ON MERGER OF BANKS It will have a deposit base of Rs 8.41 lakh crore. Consolidation of state-run banks was first mooted by the first Narasimhan committee in 1991. Three categories of bank 1.Three large banks with the international presence 2.Around 8-10 national banks 3.Several other regional banks

In absolute terms, the gross non-performing assets(NPAs) will be at roughly Rs 80,000 crore. That suggests that the gross NPA ratio will work out to be about 13 per cent. MERGER IN PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS

What The New Bank Will Look Like The combination of Bank of Baroda-Dena Bank-Vijaya Bank will create a lender with a nationwide reach. While Bank of Baroda already has a widespread network, Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank are more regionally focused.

The current proposal to merge all the state PSB's comes in the backdrop of increasing NPA's and consequent deteriorated asset quality and lower earnings.

The merged bank will have an advances base of Rs 6.4 lakh crore.

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It impacts on Cement industries like Ambuja Cement, JK Cement, and India Cement etc. because it contains a huge amount of pet coke. Company try to find the other alternatives or use coal. Because of this cost of production is increasing

BENEFITS OF BANNED ON PETCOKE ● (Click on the image above to watch the video)

Banning Import of Pet Coke ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Petroleum coke or pet coke is a solid carbon-rich material contains 90% of carbon and 3% to 6% sulphur extracted from oil refining. Extract oil from oil will be known as Crude Oil. Crude oil contains lots of impurities in order to remove dirt refining process is used. The process of refining includes Crude Oil, Desalting, Distillation, Coking then Petroleum Coke. Petroleum Coke is a kind of by-product. Uses of Pet Coke -> Cement industries, Gasification, batteries, steel, aluminium etc. Petroleum Coke contains carbon, sulphur Burning of sulphur release harmful gases such as Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Ozone depletion gases.

It is benefit for LNG Importers, city gas distribution (CGD) etc those who are depend on Industrial Units, pet coke use LNG or finds other alternatives such as natural Gas. Foreign Exchange of Rs 15,000 Crore has been saved.

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For Example - Above Troposphere layer, Stratosphere layer is present between both Ozone layer exist. The ozone layer protects from UV rays. Sulphur Dioxide gases impact on the Ozone layer and create holes. ● ● ●

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Because of emission of gases it depletes the environment and also responsible for climate change & global warming. Lower grade pet coke contains a higher concentration of sulphur and use in coal-fired power plants. Coal-fired power plants -> Production of electricity are done by burning coal then boil the water and the steam produced. That steam is used for rotating the turbines. India is the world’s largest consumer of pet coke. The demand of pet coke in India is continuously increasing cross over the past 10 years at a rate of 16 per cent. S.A try to furnish the pet coke in other countries as there is some negative impact. Pet Coke release 11% more greenhouse gases as compared to Coal. Pet Coke is a source of fine dust which impact on lungs as well. Pet Coke contains toxic metal known as Vanadium. Seeing these disadvantages Government decided to banned the import of Pet coke. Environment Protection (Prevention & Control) Authority (EPCA) in April 2017 has asked to ban on the use of pet coke in NCR Region. In October, 2017 Supreme Court had banned its use in Delhi NCR. Pet Coke banned only for the fuel purpose. It is used only in cement, lime Kiln, Calcium Carbide and gasification industries

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China gave a positive sign. BANGLADESH- CHINA- INDIA-MYANMAR (BCIM) ECONOMIC CORRIDOR Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar ( BCIM) Economic Corridor is a multi-modal transport corridor with the aim to connect India ( Kolkata ) and China (Kunming) via Bangladesh (Dhaka) and Myanmar (Mandalay).

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India China Bullet Train Plan- BCIM Economic Corridor Above t opic is important for MAINS GENERAL STUDIES PAPER 2 under topic India and its NeighborhoodRelations.

The idea was given a shape in the form of the BCIM forum in 1999 in the first ‘Kunming Initiative’, the capital of Chinese Yunnan province. It is intended to advance multi-modal connectivity, promote investment and trade and facilitate people-to-people contacts through a combination of road, rail, water and air linkages in the region. The multi-modal corridor will be the first express way between India and China and will pass through Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India's interests.

IMPORTANCE OF BCI 1.Economic potential for North-eastern states.

WHAT JUST HAPPENED? CHINESE CONSUL-GENERAL in Kolkata, Ma Zhanwu on September 12, 2018, announced that China is looking forward to plan bullet train Kolkata to Kunming City of China. The train is expected to traverse through Myanmar and Bangladesh. CHINESE CONSUL-GENERAL(Similar to CHINESE GOVERNER views)

2.India and China can improve their relationships. 3.Massive Boost in tourism. 4.BCIM can not only be a game - changer for this region in Asia but is also pivotal for India's "Act East" 5.BCIM can be a substitute CPEC. Finally, his can be the reaction of China for COMCASA.

CHINESE CONSUL-GENERAL solves the problem of people on the local level (state wise)-like visa issues etc. CHINESE Embassy in New Delhi-solve problem on the national level . THE PROPOSAL 2800 km -long high -speed rail link between Kunming(China) and Kolkata.

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LACK OF CLARITY ON THE PROPOSAL Chinese envoy has not revealed the exact information. Envoy did not clarify whether this project falls under the One Belt, One Road initiative of Chinese President Xi Jinping or will be a stand alone initiative. Earlier China wanted India to become a part of One Belt, One Road(OBOR), but India officials did not supported this project.

If this bullet train project comes under One Belt, One Road(OBOR), then it will be a huge strategic win for China and strategic loss for the USA. TIMINGS OF THIS PROJECT Comes at a time when India wants Chinese investments in North-eastern states.

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If compensation cess is removed, many states will revolt against it. Example of petroleum products can be looked upon this light. Revenue of states will come down. Leads to depletion of funds.

( Click on the image above to watch the video) Constitutional Validity of compensation law under GST What is the news? SC has put its stamp in the constitutional validity of the GST law permitting collection of a cess to compensate the states.

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The law is constitutionally valid. Cess is a tax on tax. This is levied for a specific purpose. It is to compensate the State for revenue incurred. Compensation cessIntroduced last year in the wake of GST rollout- collected for a specific purpose Aimed at compensating the states that may suffer revenue loss – purpose is compensating states. Old tax regime is shifted as GST and state incurred certain loss. Implemented for five years- center and state agreed upon it Background to the newsMohit Minerals has earlier approached Delhi HC- regarding the compensation cess Delhi HC ruled in favor of the firm Centre moved against the Delhi HC in SC Details of the SC judgmentCompensation law does not violate provisions of the 101st constitutional amendment- implementation of GST. Other indirect taxes would be included. Constitutional act is levied. Not violating the provision of the constitutional act. Not a colorable legislation- power confirmed on one purpose, the legislature cannot use the power to achieve some other purpose Incremental to the GST- permissible under the law Clean energy cess and compensation cess are different- two different unique purposes. Payment of one cess does not mean the other cess is not paid Why is compensation tax significantCreated a consensus over GST mechanism Revenue loss issue by different industrial states, direct taxes are subsumed, in order to overcome this a consensus was implemented. There will be a compensation cess.

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● ● ● ( Click on the image above to watch the video) ● Increase in customs duty● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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Recently decided to increase customs duty is nonessential items. To narrow down the CAD-current account deficit. Central govt. has taken the decision. Customs duty- a tax imposed by govt. on the Imports and Exports What happens on increase in custom duty- price of the commodities go up CAD- it is a measurement of a country’s trade where import is greater than exports Exports should be more than imports Since there is a downfall, the govt. has decided to increase the custom duty Micro-economics module- price increased, quantity demand will be decrease and vice-versa The demand for imported commodities come down. Value of imports come down. Exports will overtake the import or become equal. This will narrow down the CAD Essential- crude oil, imported commodities as raw materials- no substitute available in the market Essential commodities price cannot be increased Non-essential- substitutes are found and not important for the economy. Example- gold Market has to maintain equilibrium of supply and demand Quantity demands come down- supply also comes down Why decision taken- uncertain global environment prevailing. Trade dynamics, money tightening policies of the US. Depreciation of rupee- value of rupees come down; demand for rupee is less Items for increase in custom duty- acs, refrigerator, washing machine, footwear, jewelry, furniture fittings, tableware. Substitutes are available. Supply will not reduce. Availability in the domestic market. Even if supply comes down, it will not hamper the economy. 5% customs duty on Aviation Turbine Fuel Positive side- these 19 non-essential items have amounted to 86 crore in the financial year 2017-18 Import bill on these items will come down Prices would increase leading to lesser demands Lowering imports- supply would come down Would benefit local producers Increase in the revenue of government- with increase rate of customs duty the government revenue will increase and govt. can invest in utility and productive purposes. Protection against dumping. Negative side- the 19 items constitute only 3% of country’s merchandise bill. Lesser impact on the country’s import

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Dampen consumption- affect the growth of economy because demand leads to growth. The competitiveness of the domestic producer will come down. Stress to domestic airlines- increase in prices of airfare. Steps to be taken areAdopt wide ranging measure to boost exports- like in Make in India initiative, different wide ranging measures should be increased. Reduce the import intensity of the economy. Invest in alternative source of energy- majority of import is composed of crude oil. Has huge impact on Indian Rupees. Govt. must invest in alternate source of energy. Value addition- policy measures should be employed- working capital availability When demand for rupees in increase, economy will improve

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Political instability Volatile price of Oil was a shock Higher oil prices are the reason for current depreciation, affects the economy FII outflows- can be taken away from the economy, outflow of Indian Rupee On-going US-China trade war has also affected the Indian rupee What needs to be done-

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Increase demand for rupee- curb the depreciation, demand must be strengthened, formalization of Indian money, curbing black money, improving cashless economy, improve the remittances, etc.

What is the newsValue of Indian Rupee is declining gradually Going through depreciation- when the demand comes down, the price of Rupee comes down Very important to arrest its fall- crossed 74 mark against the dollar What is internationalization- widespread use of a currency outside its country of issue Indian rupee is issued by RBI, so India is the country of issue. Other countries using the Indian rupee for trade is called internationalization

We should take inspiration from Chinese Yuan because it is increasingly becoming an alternate reserve currency. This is done through multilateral scheme, Asian infrastructure bank, improvement of trade across the borders. The Chinese govt took many steps to increase the value of Yuan. Progress made by IndiaMasala bonds: rupee denominated bonds, issued outside India Managed floating: was non-convertible before 1991, now managed floating is implemented, Indian Economy has improved in convertibility. There will be some regulation by RBI.

BackgroundMultilateral currency onceHistoric trade- between India and other countries Sindh, Ceylon and Burma-annexation by Britishers increased the use of Indian rupee Dubai and other Gulf States- using RBI minted gulf rupee, in 1965 underwent a devaluation, because of this they stopped the usage of Indian rupee. Devaluation is a deliberate process done by the Central Bank of a country. There were restrictions in usage of Indian Rupee

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1965 war Nepal and Bhutan- only these two countries that are engaged in regular bilateral trade in terms of rupees History of Depreciation1947- value was 3.3 INR against $1 1966- 7.50 INR value 1995- 32.4 INR Led to different problems. Factors behind depreciation Wars- Indo-Pak war and Indo-China war Five-year plans Loans were burdened on Rupee, led to depreciation

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● ● ● ● Xiaomi ● ● (Click on the above image to watch the video) ● ● ● Airbnb

UPSC PERSPECTIVE Preliminary: What is decacorn?

car to transport them to another location (just like Uber). China base Founding Date: 2012 Market: Transportation Headquarters: Haidian District, Beijing, China Current Valuation: $45 billion (July 2017) Xiaomi is a Chinese electronics company that has become the 5th largest Smartphone maker in the world. Founding Date: 2010 Market: Hardware Headquarters: Haidian District, Beijing, china

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What is hectocorn? ●

A unicorn is a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion. The term was coined in 2013 by Aileen Lee, choosing the mythical animal to represent the statistical rarity of such successful ventures. ● A decacorn is a word used for those companies over $10 billion, while hectocorn is the appropriate term for such a company valued over $100 billion. ● What is the meaning startup? ● Startup is start to resolve the problems and needs of any market place . This type of startup is generally used digital technology ● Total Number of Unicorn Companies: 282 ● Total Cumulative Valuation: $883B ● The valuation that lead these start-up companies to become unicorns and decacorns are unique compared to more established companies. ● A valuation for an established company stems from past years’ performances, while a start-up company’s valuation is derived from its growth opportunities and its expected development in the ling-term for its potential market. Some unicorn startup

Current Valuation:$31 billion (December 2017) Airbnb, is a property-sharing, online marketplace company that lets the consumers have short-term lodging in a variety of vacation rentals, apartment rentals, hotel beds, or hotel rooms. Airbnb has over 3 million lodging listings in 65000 cities and 191 countries. ● Founding Date:2008 ● Market: Travel Accommodation ● Headquarters: San Francisco, California. All these companies we discuss are kind of startup and their valuation is more than $1 billion so we called this is Unicorn startups

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Uber ● ●

Current Valuation: $69 billion( December 2017) Uber, formerly known as UberCab, is a carsharing, transportation network company that lets the consumers use its mobile app to order a car to transport them to another location (like a taxi service). Uber services are active in a total of 81 countries and 581 cities around the world. ● Founding date: 2009 ● Market: Transportation ● Headquarters: San Francisco, California ANT Financial ● ● ●

Current valuation:$60 billion(February 2018) Total Equity Funding:$4.5 billion ANT Financial, formerly known as Alipay, is a payment to payment company that runs the payment platform of Alibaba ● Founding Date: 2014 ● Market: Financial services ● Headquarters: Xihu District, Hangzhou, China Didi Chuxing ● ●

Current Valuation:$56 billion(December 2017) It is a car sharing, transportation network company that lets the consumers use its mobile app to order a

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Power and pharmaceuticals Infrastructure and connectivity- building railway trade connectivity ● Local borders markets ● Automobile ● Medical tourism 2) Sri LankaAirline connectivity- huge impact on tourism for Sri Lanka, visa on arrival, India is the first country with maximum number of tourists going to Sri Lanka (Click on the image above to watch the video)

Regional trade in South Asia. How does it impact India?

3) Nepal and Bhutan- hydroelectric power, already obtaining from Bhutan 4) Pakistan- huge trade potential, 1/18th is utilized, tariffs need to be harmonized, cement and agro products can be obtained. Challenges India is facing with its neighboring countries are-

World Bank has released “A glass half-full report”-

Troubled political climate- makes Indian investors to invest less, trouble for investors, investments should be improved for better trading

Some of the challenges and limitations faced in South Asia are in the reports. There are potentials to complete it.

Regional power status of India- china factor adversely affecting,

Focuses on regional trade in South Asia

SAFTA- South Asian Free Trade Area, each country has a long-list of trading restrictions, efficiency of SAFTA has come down, and some countries have implemented protection policy.

What is the news released-

Highlights of the reportPotential of India’s trade with SA is $62 billion. Actual is $19 billion.- potential and actual trade is widened. It is only one-third of its potential. Rest is not utilized. India-Pak trade value potential is 37billion dollar; actual is $2 billion- actual potential is 37 billion dollar. Trade barriers are important limitations. Negligible intra-regional trade: this trade is negligible. Trading between South Asian countries. Only up to 5% is utilized.

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Recommends open regionalism- trade barriers will be minimized. Complimentary to deeper global integration. Highlights India’s critical role- mutual economic welfare game, India’s role is crucial for setting up of border between India and Bangladesh, liberalization of India Sri Lanka air services, will lead to improved connectivity and several others.


Impact for IndiaReduce isolation for North East- by enhancing trade through this are, economic corridor, infrastructure availability will improve Better access to markets in South Asia and East Asia- better market access, competition will increase and SOL will improve with increased exports Fossil fuels substitutions- by cleaner hydro-electric power, can be obtained from Nepal and Bhutan, enhance production by providing power, GDP will increase. Benefits consumers- commodities will be cheaper and consumers will benefit India should respondTrade relations with neighboring countries1) With Bangladesh-

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● As data suggested by IFOAM and Research

Institute Of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) 2015 land under organic farming, Australia hold first position & India nine.

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SIKKIM BECOME WORLD FIRST ORGANIC STATE WHAT IS ORGANIC FARMING? Organic farming is used to avoid chemical fertilizers and to keep the soil in a good condition by the use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) along with beneficial microbes for releasing nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production. It is an eco-friendly technique to grow crops and reduce pollution. It is easier for farmers because they don’t have to pay for fertilizers.

THE PRODUCERS The number of products produces in India is 585’200 which is high as compared to developing countries ex-Ethiopia, Mexico etc.

WHAT HAPPENED RECENTLY? Sikkim was awarded the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) Future Policy Gold Award (Gold Prize). The award was given for the achievement in becoming the world’s first totally organic agriculture state. Food and Agriculture Organization Headquarters Rome, Italy OTHER THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW Sikkim beat out 51 other nominees from around the world for the award. Policies from Brazil, Denmark and Quito (Capital of Ecuador) were shared Silver Awards.


● Organic food is fertilizer free & safe according to a ●


● This award in nicknamed the “Oscar for best

policies”. Previously it was honoured for desertification, violence against women and girls, nuclear weapons and pollution of the oceans.



Award was presented by FAO, World Future Council (WFC) and IFOAM – Organics International.

● Size of Organic food valued to $90 billion because


● Sikkim starts their promotion for organic farming ● ●

report there is a higher chance of nutrients. Organic produce is an emerging market in India, turnover of Rs 3,350 crore in 2016. According to a report jointly produced by Assocham and Ernst & Young found that there is a huge demand of Organic food and is expected to touch ₹10,000- ₹ 12,000 crore by 2020 from the current market size of ₹ 4,000 crore

in 2003 and starts an organic mission in 2010. Government hold their policy till now and provide organic certification to Sikkim. It’s greatly benefited the tourism sector and the numbers of tourists have increased by over 50% between 2014 and 2017.

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of higher demand in developing countries as peoples knew organic products are better than Using fertilizers for a long run cause affect in human’s body. Even though India has the highest number of farmers currently engaged in organic farming at 8,35,000, the country accounts for less than 1 per cent the global organic market pie.


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● At the farmer level, getting certification and

● ● ●

auditing done was still a complicated process, which takes up to 3-4 years, initially farmers have to pay itself. A farmer who is switching from conventional farming to organic farming has to bear a huge cost in the initial years. Central & state government jointly works. Provide awareness in farmers about the whole farming process Available support to farmers in initial investment.

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OBJECTIVES OF MUDRA MUDRA scheme aims to reduce the unemployment by providing micro enterprises with credit facility which will not only increase the country's GDP but also create jobs. The scheme also aims to boost the financial inclusion by taking the last mile credit delivery to micro businesses. WHAT EX RBI GOVERNOR SAID : INDIA CAN PREVENT RECURRENCE OF NPA CRISIS IN FUTURE (Click on the image above to watch the video) Problem with Mudra Loans and Rising NP(NON PERFORMING ASSET(MONEY NOT COMING)) WHAT EX RBI GOVERNOR SAID Rajan said "...a larger number of the bad loans originated in the period [of] 2006-2008." That will likely be used as ammunition (bomb/danger) by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party to target the opposition Congress. ISSUEFormer RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan has cautioned that the next crisis in India’s banking sector could come from loans given to the unorganized micro and small businesses, called MUDRA loans, and credit extended through the Kisan credit card.MUDRA loans are offered under the Prime Minister Mudra Yojana or PMMY, launched in 2015 by the NDA government.

Public sector bank boards are still not adequately professionalized, and the government rather than a more independent body still decides board appointments, with the inevitable politicization. Eventually strong boards should be entrusted with all decisions but held responsible for them. Compensation structures in PSBs also need rethinking, especially for high level outside hires. Internal parity will need to be maintained. There will be internal resistance, but lakhs of crores of national assets cannot be held hostage to the career concerns of a few. RISING NPA :The NPAs of the 38 listed banks collectively crossed Rs 10.17 lakh crore in the fourth quarter of the last fiscal, with the 21 public sector banks (PSBs) accounting for the bulk of it. WHY DID THE NPAS OCCUR? Over-optimism by banks :low Growth - Unfortunately, growth does not always take place as expected. The years of strong global growth before the global financial crisis were followed by a slowdown, which extended even to India. Loss of Promoter and Banker InterestOnce projects got delayed enough that the promoter had little equity left in the project, he lost interest.

A total of Rs. 6.37 lakh crore has been disbursed under the scheme by public and private sector banks, regional rural banks and micro-finance institutions till date, as per data from the Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA) website. According to PM Modi banks have given Rs lakh crore Mudra loans to 12 crore beneficiaries. WHAT IS MUDRA YOJANA OF NARENDRA MODILED CENTRAL GOVERNMENT?

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Loans up to Rs 50,000 are categorized as SHISHU Loans from Rs 50,001 to Rs 5 lakh are categorized asKISHORE Loans from Rs 5,00,001 to Rs 10 lakh are categorized as TARUN THE OBJECTIVE OF MUDRA SCHEME MUDRA loans are available for non-agricultural activities and activities allied to agriculture such as dairy and poultry. PMMY scheme also puts in place MUDRA Bank which monitors the network of microfinance institutions and also helps to register new institutions as well.

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ConclusionWhen and how to build- must be carefully analyzed by the government before implementing metro rail projects, integrated metro system can do wonders! Fiscal burden- public and coming generation when there are losses there will be fiscal burden, taxpayers money are utilized for it, future payments will be bore by future generations.

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Metro Rail Planning What is the current affairGurugram’s rapid metro has sought a compensation of nearly Rs 1500 crore from the Haryana Governmentfirst privately built metro, losses incurred due to apparent breach of contract condition, Haryana govt rejected the charges

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Similar incidents in the past- with regard to Delhi airport metro line, private player has pulled out due to it Significance of metro rail planningMobility mix Public transport- can also reduce the pollution issues Significant in rapid urbanizing of the country Analysis of cost during setting up processElevated metro-250cr/km Underground line-500cr/km Cost of operations and maintenance- apart from the setting up cost There should be careful and judicious planning Public money should be judiciously used. Major issuesUsed as a status symbol of the city- Gurugram does not have a bus transport system, Jaipur did not need a metro till 2025 according to CAG. Over-estimating demand- projects proponents often justify with huge estimation, helps to get approval but in long terms it incurs loss which becomes fiscal burden later, even after five years the goals are not met Opposite infrastructure planning- transit oriented development, comes from land uses and activities, the land around it should be able to sustain it, provide enabling environment and encourage the development of metro. In many cases, just the opposite takes place and metro becomes inaccessible. Some other issuesHike in fair- should be able to encourage more and more public to use it First and last mile connectivity- many cities are working on it

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Draft Mari culture Policy What is the news Centre recently released a draft policy on Mari culture Analysis Agriculture is a state subject and under certain circumstances Union govt. can make certain changes, it has released a draft and depends on the state to adopt the policy. State government will have to legislate on the policy drafted What is Mari cultureSpecialized branch of agriculture Cultivation of economically important marine plants and animals in the sea/water body having tidal influence- Mari culture is for commercial purpose, this cultivation has three phases Involves three phases- hatchery involves land-based facilities like production of seeds, nursery involves rearing, grow-out stage involves culture of marine plants and animals in the sea Provision of draft policyIt aims to enhance production, income and employment. Focuses on Mari culture zones- special areas in the sea demarcate for Mari culture, based on scientific criteria, genetically modified species can take place in closed Mari culture zones, not permitted in open sea culture Identifies through satellite remote sensing data and GIS- used to identify particular sons for Mari culture on various environmental parameters, protect the livelihood of local fishing community, off-shore technology for trading also, ecological sensitive areas not considered as Mari Culture sons, marine protected areas, ecologically sensitive areas are excluded Financial assistance- technical and financial help, promotion of Mari culture, investment subsidies, formulate certain schemes Role of states- state govt should implement it, leases should be given by the local self-government Efficient market logistics- should be enhanced, minimize the post-harvest losses, technical support should be provided.

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Infusing liquidity through OMOS What is the Affair RBI announced recently that it will inject Rs. 12000 crore liquidity into the system through purchase of government security(OMOS) Purchase bonds with maturity ranging from 2020-2030. Increase the money supply in the market through Open Market Operations. What is the meaning of OMOSBuying or selling of government securities in the open market to expand/contract the amount of money in the banking system. It can be both expansionary or contractor, RBI will indulge in buying and selling Expansionary- expanding the money supply in the market, RBI will purchase government securities, liquidity goes up Contractionary- reducing the money supply in the market, RBI will sell govt securities, liquidities come down It can either sell or buy government securities from the market. Liquidity crunch situation- debt defaults by IL&FS. Had an impact on Indian NBFCs. Spill over effect was seen through NBFC channels. Difficult for small borrowers. Quantum of operation comes down, when the output is less then demand is also less. Demand is more than produce so prices will go up. RBI is trying to infuse liquidity. How will OMOS workThrough purchase, money can be injected into banking system- RBI purchases from public and thus money is injected into the system. People get some money in return. This will stimulate growth. The aggregate demand will go up, more money supply. Producers will get better credit facilities. The sales of govt security will contract the money- govt securities are sold and liquidity is absorbed from the market. Reduction in money supply. Liquidity will come down. Lack of liquidity in the market now.

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E. Environment

• The IPCC climate change report makes it clear that the world will witness greater sea level rise, higher frequency of droughts and floods, and heatwaves and countries like India with large populations dependent on the agricultural and fishery sectors would be profoundly impacted. NOTES • The US is the biggest obstacle to forming a global coalition to fight climate change. The world needs to unite against the obstructive approach of the US. • Paris Agreement and UNFCCC cannot be the only way ahead to address climate change. The world needs a ‘Plan B’ to address climate change.

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IPCC comes under UNITED NATIONS . WHAT HAPPENED RECENTLY? The Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change releases its ‘special report’ on limiting global temperatures recently. WHAT IS IPCC? • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific and intergovernmental body under the auspices of the United Nations

• The report points out that “climate-related risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, and economic growth” are projected to increase with global warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius and increase further with 2 degrees Celsius. • Thus all these will serve as a key scientific input in the upcoming Katowice Climate Change Conference in Poland, where every country should keep this report as a base and revise their targets accordingly.

It was first established in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and later endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 43/53.

FACT ABOUT IPCC (VERY IMPORTANT) Won the Nobel Prize in 2007.

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Nobel Peace Prize was shared, in equal parts, between the IPCC and Al Gore(Have fought may fights for saving the environment) THEIR ASSESSMENT REPORTS ARE IMPORTANT?


Assessment Reports Year of Publication First 1990 Second 1995 Third 2001 Fourth 2007 WHAT IS THE 1.5-DEGREE QUESTION? Previous Periodic Assessment Reports produced by the IPCC seemed to suggest that the impacts of climate change could be “irreversible” and “catastrophic” if the rise in temperature was allowed to go beyond the 2°C ceiling. Natural disaster hazard can take place . NOTES The Paris Agreement sought to ‘hold’ the increase in global average temperature to “well below” 2°C, while it also promised to keep “pursuing efforts” to attain the 1.5°C target. WHAT DOES THE REPORT SAY? • The report predicts the possibility to keep the increase in global average temperatures to within 1.5 degrees Celsius of pre-industrial times.

• The world would need to bring down its greenhouse gas to about half of its 2010 levels by 2030, and to net zero by about 2050. • As of now, the aim is to reduce greenhouse gases by only 20%, from 2010 levels, by the year 2030 and achieve a net-zero emission level by the year 2075.

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International example- Singapore recycles 98% of the waste according to the data given in 2007. Hong Kong recycled the C&D waste to produce recycled aggregate. Taiwan had developed a comprehensive plan in 1999 against the earthquake they faced. What can be done to manage the C&D wastePromoting green buildings- environmental friendly buildings using recycled materials for construction. Incentives should be given for using recycled materials. ( Click on the image above to watch the video)

Role of BIS and IRC- recycling units must be developed. Reduces the housing cost.Positive environmental impact.

Construction and Demolition Waste Management Urbanization and demand of infrastructure is leasing to the accumulation of construction and demolition waste management. What is the issue-

Recycling- minimize the waste Environmentally sustainable ecosystem- the construction should have minimum impact on the environment.

SC has stayed construction activity in states that do not have a solid waste management policy. What is construction and demolition waste-? Wastes generated during construction, demolition and renovation. These wastes include concrete, roofing, bricks, lumber, etc. Rapid urbanization is leading to construction of infrastructure. (Scan the QR code to watch video)

Negative impacts on the environment. Construction and demolition waste management rules, 2016 ● ● ● ●

Released by the Ministry of Environment Defines the duty of waste generator, service providers, contractors, state government, local authorities, and pollution control boards Reuse of C&D wastes Affordable housing and lesser environmental impact

Existing guidelines●

In 2012- ministry of Urban Development and Wellness urged states to set up of C&D waste management policies ● In 2017- central pollution control board: came up with guideline on C&D waste management ObservationsConstruction accounted for nearly 65% of total investment in infrastructure. Construction plays an important role. Management should be effectively known. Waste collected should be processed. Provided for commissioning of the waste These guidelines were not followed up. Policies were not formulated. Commissioning of the waste was very poor. Concerns●

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Performance of the industry and State PCB- around 25-30 million tons construction waste is generated. Only 5% of the waste is processed. A good proportion is of soil, sand and gravel. Impact the soil fertility Absence of recycling policy. Urgent policies should be implemented. Recycling units is absent in most states of India Rampant sand mining-destroyed river beds and making bad impacts on floods. More worsening of ecological balance. Against sustainable development as well.

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STORY BEHIND IT •On the orders of his father Rishi Jamadagni ,beheaded his mother Renuka with his axe. Since he had committed one of the worst crimes of killing one's mother, the axe got stuck to his hand. His father pleased with his obedience decided to give him a boon to which he asked for his mother to be restored back to life.

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WHAT JUST HAPPENED? The controversial 1750 MW Lower Demwe hydroelectric project in Arunachal Pradesh, which had been cleared by Congress led UPA’s environment minister Jayanthi Natarajan and then later struck down by National Green Tribunal, has got an all-clear from the government. ABOUT THE PROJECT • Demwe HEP is part of Arunachal Pradesh’s Lohit river cascade development scheme. Lohit river is entering India from China. Lohit is one of the major tributaries of the mighty Brahmaputra that flows through India’s verdant NorthEast region. It is Hydro Electric Power Project is being developed in two stages with a generation capacity of 1,750 MW (Demwe Lower) and 1,080 MW (Demwe Upper) respectively. NOTES : The standing committee of National Board for Wildlife (NBWL), the apex wildlife protection body chaired by environment minister Harsh Vardhan, has given a go ahead to the controversial project, which environmental activists have long feared would completely alter the habitat of river water dolphins in Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh.

• Even after his mother was brought back to life the axe could not be removed from his hand. This was a reminder of the heinous crime he had committed. He repented for his crime and on taking the advice of eminent rishis of that time, he arrived at the banks of Lohit River to wash his hands in its pure waters. It was a way to cleanse him of all the sins. As as soon as he dipped his hands into the waters the axe immediately got detached and since then the site where he washed his hands became a place of worship and came to be known by sadhus as Parashuram Kund.

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PROBLEMS •The project’s 124-metre high dam is proposed to be constructed on river Lohit jointly by Athena Energy Ventures and the Arunachal Pradesh government. •The project site, greens and local activists say, is extremely close to cultural heritage site Parshuram Kund, a major Hindu pilgrimage. PARSHURAM KUND • Born as a brahmin, Parshuram carried traits of a Kshatriya and is often regarded as a Brahmin-Kshatriya. • He carried a number of Kshatriya traits, which included aggression, warfare and valor. • Lord Parashuram the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu PARSHURAM KUND, A MAJOR HINDU PILGRIMAGE •Dedicated to sage Parshuram, the popular site attracts pilgrims from Nepal, from across India, and from nearby states of Manipur and Assam. • Over 70,000 devotees and sadhus take a holy dip in its water each year on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, in the month of January.

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Proper environment impact assessment required.

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Windmill Pose Threat to Wildlife


There are two sources of Power Production ● ●

renewable (wind, solar energy) non-renewable (coal).

The Wind Potential Energy is 102778 MW and installed capacity is 19565 which is less. To utilize the wind energy windmills are used. The graph of Annual India Wind Power Capacity Additions (MW) is continuously increasing means that windmills are placed in a different region including forest this cause threat to wildlife through collisions and noise. A windmill is a source to generate green energy i.e. it doesn’t produce harmful gases. A study by researchers Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) found that windmills killed birds due to the collision. Birds and animals moved away because of noise. Salim Ali Centre is an autonomous organization established in 1990 as a public NGO partnership between MoEF &CC, and the Bombay Natural History Society(BNHS)Head Quarters are located at Anaikatti, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, and India. Around windmills, noise levels go up to 85 decibels(dB) which is equivalent to large trucks. The drone of the turbine when operating in day and night makes 70dB noise more as compared to urban area 55db, industrial area below75db. Ambient noise in forests is less than 40dB which is relatively high that cause impact to the ecosystem. Windmills are responsible for human and animals conflict. Mainly in the Karnataka region where more than 3000 windmills are placed and noise are produced so, the herbivorous avoid the windmill area and moved towards the fringe area. Carnivorous also go in order for looking them. In the fringe area, there is human habitation where animals enter in that area cause-effect to humans. According to research in Karnataka around 37.80 forests covered from windmills and more than 3,857 wind turbines generating 4,730 MW of electricity. The demand for electricity is increasing and the dependency on renewable energy in the future will be increasing. Solution 1.

Proper guidelines should be generated.

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F. Science & Tech

cannot make decision. Creator of these machines like Google, Microsoft, and German companies(SAP) SHOULD INDULGE ANY KIND OF MORALS AND ETHICS INTO THESE MACHINES. These company should apply these ethics codes. German Company (SAP), based in Walldorf, Germany makes AI software for around 400 000 firms globally to manage data on everything.

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Above Topic can be asked in UPSC Gs Paper 3 under the topic (Science and Technology Section) Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science . Focusing on making the machine which can work as a humans. E.g.: speech recognition.

Europe's biggest software(SAP) maker will craft its first " ethics code" for research into Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics Code: The code is aimed at preventing the technology from being abused, either violating people's rights. The firm wants to address issues such as transparency, safety and privacy. AI should run better in future and improve people’s lives.

But to make an AI certain moral conducts should be followed. For eg :if Google is making any artificial intelligence machine then it should follow some moral ethics. AI machines are based on a certain algorithm and programming and the maker should follow certain moral codes. Ethics.. certain set of principals through which we can tell if something is right or wrong.

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Artificial Intelligence machines under the ethics code. Unemployment : What happen if jobs end for humans? AI machine can replace humans and work can be done fast. Inequality: How do we distribute the wealth created by machines? Wealth will be concentrated in one place no distribution will take place. Security: How do we keep AI safe from adversaries? If AI is held by a terrorist or someone. Evil genius: How do we protect against unintended consequences? If they are used excessively then how we will protect humans from them . Humanity: How do machines affect our behaviour and interaction? Artificial Stupidity: How can we guard against mistakes? If there is some mistake in the algorithm of the AI machine. Racist Robots: How do we eliminate AI bias? Can Artificial Intelligence Be Moral? No, because they are not free will , humans have a free will. Machines are programmed using the software. Machines should develop a free will but they can't be free will. Machines don't have the capacity to values things , they

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creating problems for Chengdu's residents who are unable to differentiate the unwanted light. THE RUSSIANS CAME UP WITH THE IDEA

● In 1993, Russian scientists released a 20m-wide

● (click on the image above to watch the video)

reflector from a supply ship pointed to the Mir Space Station, which was orbiting at between 200km and 420km. Znamya 2 briefly beamed a spot of light about 5km in diameter to Earth. The light marched across Europe at 8km/hr, before the satellite burned up on re-entry.


● Scientist of China is planning to launch its own ‘artificial moon’ in 2020.

● The distance between the real moon and earth is

3,84,400km. China objective is to launch a mirror in 500km away from the real moon. Sunlight reflects that mirror back to earth and makes China region shine. The shape of the moon may be a plate or sphere that reflects only the particular area of china which makes China eight times brighter than the real moon.


● The first man-made moon will launch from Xichang ● ●

Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan, with three more to follow in 2022 if the first test goes fine. The first launch will be experimental; the 2022 satellites will be the real deal with great civic and commercial potential. It would orbit 500km about Earth - roughly the same height as the International Space Station. Launching moon requires higher precision (accuracy) i.e it reflects with a proper angle in China region.

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● To relieve streetlamps and lower electricity costs in urban areas.

● Increase the tourism facility. WHAT IMPACT WOULD THIS HAVE ON THE ENVIRONMENT?

● If the light is too strong it will break the life cycle ● ●

of nature and this could possibly affect nocturnal animals. who wake up at night. Impact on light pollution. The moon would significantly increase the nighttime brightness of an already light-polluted city,

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IATA anticipates India will be the third largest aviation market by 2024 . To make this reality , airport capacity needs to be augmented. Airport should not come to standstill.

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Digi Yatra initiative. UPSC PERSPECTIVE Above topic is important for PSC CSE Syllabus for General Studies Mains Paper 3 under the subsection Science and Technology - developments and their applications and effects in every day life .

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WHAT IS DIGI YATRA INITIATIVE Air passenger can soon use facial recognition technology to enter any airport in the country under the recently unveiled. It is an initiative to make boarding pass and security checkins digital at airports. Under Ministry of Civil Aviation. GRADUAL ROLL OUT With this initiative, the civil aviation ministry is looking to make ticket booking, airport entry and boarding pass security check-in digital. The technology will soon be operational at Bengaluru and Hyderabad airports. The Airports Authority of India (AAI) plans to roll out the initiative at Kolkata, Varanasi, Pune and Vijayawada airports by April next year, as per the ministry. Key features of the initiative and how it works: 1. Centralised registration system for passengers and each of them would get a unique ID on booking the tickets 2. ID can be created by sharing name, e-mail id, mobile number and details of any identity proof, including Aadhaar 3. The airline would share the passenger data and the ID with the airport from where the passenger would be flying out THE SOFTWARE USED WILL BE PRIVATE This software is of the portugal private company. WHY WE NEED THIS The initiative seeks to promote paperless and hassle-free air travel. Population of India is growing rapidly . Long ques are there in the airport line. Middle class population is growing rapidy cause many people are travelling by Air. 2006 : 4 Cr People travelled by air. 2017 : 13.9 Cr People travelled by air. WHAT IATI SAID (Iternational Air Transport Association)

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coughing sore throat runny or stuffy nose body aches fatigue diarrhea nausea and vomiting

What is a Virus?

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Justification: Viruses are known to infect almost any kind of host that has living cells. Animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria are all subject to viral infection. A bacteriophage is a virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium. My coviruses are viruses that infect fungi. A host of other Viruses affect plants. H1N1 Virus Spreading Fast •A 31-year-old man died of swine flu, the first H1N1 fatality reported in Uttar Pradesh. •The man succumbed to H1N1 virus which he had contracted in Dubai, where he worked in a company. REASON • H1N1 flu is also known as swine flu. It's called swine flu because in the past, the people who caught it had direct contact with pigs. • That changed several years ago, when a new virus emerged that spread among people who hadn't been near pigs. WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW? • With sporadic cases of H1N1 (Influenza) being reported from across Kerala, especially in districts such as Kozhikode, doctors have sought for greater caution against the acute respiratory infection.

Swine flu, also known as the H1N1 virus, is a relatively new strain of an influenza virus that causes symptoms similar to the regular flu. It originated in pigs but is spread primarily from person to person. This virus can mutate. After swine flu, H3N2 spreads its tentacles. HOW TO STAY SAFE FROM SWINE FLU • Wash your hands frequently using clean water and soaps practising good personal hygiene can help prevent the spread of swine flu infections. • Avoid touching your face, including your nose, eyes, mouth - as touching these areas can bring viruses that are on the hands. • Do not go to school or work if you’re ill or experiencing symptoms related to swine flu. • Avoid large crowds, especially during swine flu season. • Eat a healthy diet, focusing on foods that are rich in vitamin C -such as Amla and other citrus fruits - to boost your immunity. • Drink plenty of fluids and water, including warm liquids to stay well hydrated and help your system functions properly.

• The World Health Organization (WHO) says travellers visiting countries in the opposite hemisphere during the influenza season are at special risk, particular if they do not have some degree of immunity through recent infection or regular vaccination. The elderly, people with pre-existing chronic diseases and young children are most susceptible to complications. H1N1 VIRUS / SWINE FLU : In 2009, H1N1 was spreading fast around the world, so the World Health Organization called it a pandemic. Since then, people have continued to get sick from swine flu, but not as many.

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CAUSES OF SWINE FLU : Swine flu is contagious, and it spreads in the same way as the seasonal flu. When people who have it cough or sneeze, they spray tiny drops of the virus into the air. If you come in contact with these drops or touch a surface (such as a doorknob or sink) that an infected person has recently touched, you can catch H1N1 swine flu. Symptoms of Swine Flu ● chills ● fever

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The first stage at the very bottom is solid fuelled having six strap-on solid rocket boosters wrapped around it. The second stage is liquid fuelled. The third stage has a solid-fuelled rocket motor.

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At the fourth stage, the launcher uses a liquid propellant to boost in the outer space. Antrix Corporation Limited is Mini Ratna.

ISRO Launched Two British Satellites PSLV-C42 LAUNCHES TWO FOREIGN SATELLITES It will carry two earth observation satellites of Britain’s Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL), NovaSAR and S1-4, weighing 450kg each.

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The Indian Space Research Organisation has launched two British satellites tonight for which India will earn upwards of Rs. 200 crore. No Indian satellite is being launched as this is a fully commercial launch contracted through Antrix Corporation Limited ISRO's commercial arm. It is the 44th launch of the Indian rocket the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) at Sriharikota. Describing it as a "fully commercial launch by ISRO", Dr S Somnath, Director of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre,Thiruvananthapuram said, "India will earn money by this launch". Mr Somnath explains "this is the fifth fully commercial launch of PSLV where the whole rocket has been hired by a foreign company". He says "PSLV has a very special slot hence foreign companies prefer it because it is highly reliable and India's offers timely launches without much of a waiting period". USE OF THIS SATELLITE NovaSAR satellite has day and night viewing capability for resource mapping, disaster management and ship detection. NovaSar is equipped to track ships in high seas and if used effectively it can detect unauthorised boats sailing the seas since each ship is supposed to carry equipment by which it can be identified by security agencies using satellite-based tracking systems. S1-4 satellite is meant for environment monitoring and urban management. PSLV POLAR SATELLITE LAUNCH VEHICLE The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is a thirdgeneration rocket launcher designed, manufactured andoperated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) FOUR STAGES OF PSLV PSLV has a four-stage system comprising a combination of solid and liquid-fuelled rocket stages.

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Jharkhand state govt. has introduced electrical vehicles for official use Significance of the modelLet us first see the Jharkhand model1st phase there are 20 vehicles acquired More 30 vehicles to be added soon In ranchi, there are 12 stations being set up Significance of the planHiking prices in fuel- put an additional burden on fuel bills. CAD increases and Inflation also increases. Increase demand for dollar and demand for rupees come down. Alternatives should be found in domestic grounds. Climate change Official use- bureaucrats taking undue advantage of their vehicle. It will be a model for the ordinary population as well. Lessons for other states of the countrySpread of a transportation infrastructure specific to e-vehicles Early adoption of e-vehicles by first time buyers Electric vehicles are an important component of smart citiesenhance smart transportation Countries like Norway and France have achieved substantial stats of converting the personal vehicles into e-vehicles Role of central governmentSpeed of formulation of rules for e-vehicles as a category Should introduce various schemes and incentives to motivate people in using e-vehicles

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Operational Base at Rambilli, the second naval base after Eastern Naval Command headquarters, a training centre for Marine Commandos and headquarters of the submarine arm.

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UPSC PERSPECTIVE Above topic is important for UPSC CSE for General Studies Mains Paper 3 under the topic Various Security forces and Agencies and their mandate.


MainsPaper 3: Science & Technology Indigenization of technology & developing new technology. Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) is gearing up to undertake sea trials of India’s first missile tracking ship by the first week of next month. It is being built under a Confidential programme for the National Technical Research Organisation, the technical intelligence agency working directly under the supervision of the Prime Minister’s Office and the National Security Adviser. National Technical Research Organisation It was set up in 2004. Have same norms of conduct as the Intelligence Bureau(IB) and the Research and Analysis Wing(R&AW) DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Considered a “topmost secret project”, a lot of confidentiality is being maintained in executing the project costing about ₹750 crore. It has the capacity to carry 300 personnel and will carry a single helicopter. TRACKING SHIP Used worldwide to increase the range of a missile.

DUAL PURPOSE FOR INDIA From tracking enemy missiles to accurately giving data on tests that are routinely carried out of indigenous strategic missiles. The VClll84 is one of the largest warships to be built at an Indian yard, Weighing in at over 15000 tonnes. NOTES Visakhapatnam is considered a strategic location on the East Coast for the Indian defence forces as it is home for Ship Building Centre to build nuclear-powered submarine INS Arihant class, Naval Alternate

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Mission to Mercury


● BepiColombo is a joint mission of the European

● ●

Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to explore the planet Mercury. European Space Agency Headquarters is located in France. The mission comprises of two satellites launched concurrently the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and Mio (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, MMO)


Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System. Its orbital period around the Sun is 87.97 days is the shortest of all the planets in the Solar System. It is named after the Roman deity Mercury, the messenger of the gods.

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The mission will perform a comprehensive study of Mercury, including its magnetic field, magnetosphere, interior structure and surface. ● The closest planet to Sun is Mercury. Even though, mercury is very closer to Sun but not the hottest planet of Solar System. ● Venus is the hottest planet because the atmosphere of Venus traps the Sun’s heat. Venus is a classic case of Green house gases. ● Mercury not have its natural satellite. IT’LL TAKE A WHILE The spacecraft will have a seven-year between cruise to Mercury using solar-electric propulsion (ion thrusters) and gravity assists from Earth, Venus and eventual gravity capture at Mercury. WHAT’S WITH THE NAME? ● ● ● ● ●

BepiColombo is named after Giuseppe "Bepi" Colombo (1920–1984), a scientist, mathematician and engineer at the University of Padua, Italy. Implemented the successful interplanetary manoeuvre mission. Manoeuvre mission is send to Study about Venus. To give him a privilege BepiColombo is kept on his name. Scientist died in 1984.

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Liquid water is essential for life as we know it. Where we find liquid water on Earth we also find life.

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Discovery Of Two New Planets TESS ( Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite ) NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is an allsky survey mission that will discover thousands of exoplanets around nearby bright stars. TESS launched April 18, 2018 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. TESS is launced by NASA. TESS aims at finding planets beyond our solar system not within. NOTE Pluto can be added again. Current planet 8 If pluto added then 9 A planet-hunting orbital telescope designed to detect worlds beyond our solar system discovered—two planets. TESS has made its first new discovery of two new planets. NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, better known as TESS, made an early discovery of “super-Earth” and “hot Earth” planets. Both are Exoplanet. 1. The discovery of Pi Mensae c, a “super-earth” planet 60 light-years away orbiting its sun every 6.3 days. A super-Earth is an extrasolar planet with a mass higher than Earth's, but substantially below the masses of the Solar System's ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, which have masses of 15 and 17 times Earth's, respectively. 2. The discovery of LHS 3844 b, a “hot-earth” planet 49 light-years away that orbits its sun every 11 hours. Very close to sun and have a very high temperature as campared to earth. It is difficult for the planet to survive. What Is an Exoplanet? All of the planets in our solar system orbit around the Sun. Planets that orbit around other stars are called exoplanets. GOLDILOCKS ZONE The Goldilocks Zone refers to the habitable zone around a star where the temperature is just right - not too hot and not too cold - for liquid water to exist on an planet.

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The kit has been developed after 20 years of work by INMAS scientists. It has 25 items which include radioactive protectors which can absorb 80-90% of radiation, nerve gas agents, bandages that absorb radiation as well as tablets and ointments. The kit is seen as potent alternative to similar imported kits that were till now procured from US and Russia at much higher prices. It has been developed for armed, paramilitary and police forces only as they are first ones likely to get exposed to radiation during nuclear, chemical and biomedical (NCB) warfare or rescue operation after nuclear accident.

(click on the image above to watch the video) India's First Anti-Nuclear Medical Kit RADIATION EFFECT ON HUMANS 1.

The losing of hair quickly and in clumps occurs with radiation exposure at 200 rems or higher. 2. The thyroid gland is susceptible to radioactive iodine. In sufficient amounts, radioactive iodine can destroy all or part of the thyroid. 3. Intense exposure to radioactive material at 1,000 to 5,000 rems would do immediate damage to small blood vessels and probably cause heart failure and death directly. Many other harmful effects. CHERNOBYL DISASTER 26 April 1986 : On April 26, 1986, the world’s worst nuclear accident happened at the Chernobyl plant near Pripyat, Ukraine, in the Soviet Union. The number of deaths directly caused by the Chernobyl disaster is usually estimated to be between 31 and 56, but the long-term effects of the disaster have impacted a much larger number of people.


Prussian blue tablet: Reduces radiation Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) injection Ca-EDTA Respiratory Fluid: helps in breathing Radioactive Blood Mopping Dressing Radioactive urine/biofluid collector Anti-gamma ray skin ointment Amifostine injection Indranil 150 mg tablet

USEFULNESS “Such medicines will help everyone and not just soldiers. This will also help the victims affected in terrorist attacks, Rajesh Malhotra, head of Trauma Centre at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, said, adding that the kits will benefit civilians in case of a nuclear accident

India is surrounded by two countries China and Pakistan WHICH HAVE nuclear weapon. Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Science (INMAS) develops India’s first indigenous anti-nuclear medical kit (Location: New Delhi) INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE & ALLIED SCIENCES (INMAS)

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INMAS is laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). It was established in 1961 and is located in New Delhi. It is involved in nuclear medicine research and responding to nuclear accidents and explosions. Since 1968, Department of Nuclear Medicine in INMAS is offering two-year diploma in radiation medicine. It is first formal training program in nuclear medicine in the world. NOTE: India’s first indigenous medical kit for protection against nuclear warfare or radioactive leakage. ANTI-NUCLEAR MEDICAL KIT

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1. The Vikas engine is used by the ISRO to launch its rockets including the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) that took Chandrayaan-1 to the moon in 2008. 2. The Vikas engine is also used as the second and the four strap-on stages of Geo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). FALSE CASE Apr 1996: (click on the image above to watch the video) An Indian space scientist accused of spying finds closure after 24 years

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) files report before a Kerala court, says espionage case is false and there was no evidence to back the charges. May:

AN UNUSUAL STORY Oct 1994: Maldivian national Mariam Rasheeda arrested in Thiruvananthapuram for allegedly obtaining secret drawings of ISRO rocket engines to sell to Pakistan. Nov 1994: Nambi Narayanan, director of cryogenic project at ISRO, arrested along with deputy director of ISRO D. Sasikumaran and Indian representative of a Russian space agency K. Chandrasekhar. S.K. Sharma, a labour contractor, and Fousiya Hasan, Maldivian friend of Rasheeda are also arrested. THE CASE

Court accepts the CBI’s report and discharges all accused. May 1998: Supreme Court awards compensation of 1 lakh to Mr. Narayanan and others, who were discharged in the case; directs the state government to pay the amount. Apr 1999: Mr. Narayanan approaches the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) claiming compensation from the state for the mental agony and torture suffered by him.

Defense officials said the secrets pertained to highly confidential “flight test data” from experiments with rocket and satellite launches.


Nambi Narayanan was among two scientists (the other being D Sasikumaran) that were accused of selling ISRO secrets for millions. However, his house seemed nothingout of the ordinary and did not show signs of the corrupt gains he was accused of.

The Supreme Court begins hearing on Mr. Narayanan’s plea, seeking action against former Kerala DGP Siby Mathews and others who had probed the matter.

Narayanan was arrested and was lodged in jail for 50 days. THE DIFFICULT TIMES According to him, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and state police officials who were interrogating him in connection with the case, wanted him to make false accusations against the top brass of ISRO. But when he refused to comply, he was tortured by the officials until he collapsed and was admitted to hospital. In his statement, Narayanan had later said that his main complaint was against ISRO because it did not support him.

Apr 2017:

May 3, 2018: Three-judge bench comprising of Chief Justice Dipak Misra, Justices A.M. Khanwilkar and D.Y. Chandrachud says it is considering awarding Mr. Narayanan a compensation of ?75 lakh and restoring his reputation. EVENTS November 1994 Kerala police arrest Narayanan. December 1994


Kerala government transfers case to the CBI.

In the early 1970s, Narayanan had introduced the liquid fuel rocket technology.

May 1996

He said that the liquid-fuelled engines will be required to execute ISRO’s civilian space programmes in the future. He invited praise from then ISRO chairman Satish Dhawan and his successor UR Rao for this invention.

A Kerala court accepts the CBI’s report absolving the accused and recommending action against investigating officers. June 1996


Kerala government takes the case back from the CBI and Kerala police move to reopen the investigation against Narayanan and the other accused.

Narayanan along with his team, with French assistance, developed the Vikas engine.

November 1996

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Kerala high court upholds the state government’s decision to reopen the investigation. April 1998 The supreme court quashes the state government’s decision to reopen the investigation. May 1998 The supreme court orders the state government to pay Narayanan Rs1 lakh as compensation.

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March 2001 National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) orders the state government to pay Narayanan Rs10 lakh as compensation. June 2011 Kerala government decides not to pursue disciplinary action against the investigating officers. The government has not paid the compensation ordered by NHRC. September 2012 The high court orders the state government to pay the compensation of Rs10 lakh which had been pending. October 2014 The high court directs the state government to reconsider disciplinary action against the investigating officers. March 2015 The high court approves of the state government’s decision to not pursue disciplinary action against the investigating officers. September 2018 The supreme court orders the state government to pay Narayanan Rs50 lakh as compensation, and sets up a committee to decide disciplinary action against the investigating officers. WHEN HE WAS ASKED WHO DID THIS In 1992, India had signed an agreement with Russia for transfer of technology to develop cryogenic-based fuels The agreement was signed for Rs 235 crore, when the US and France were offering the same technology for Rs 950 crore and Rs 650 crore respectively. Documents show that US president George H. W. Bush wrote to Russia, raising objections against this agreement and even threatening to blacklist the country from the selectfive club. Russia, under Boris Yeltsin, succumbed to the pressure and denied cryogenic technology to India. To bypass this monopoly, India signed a new agreement with Russia to fabricate four cryogenic engines after floating a global tender without a formal transfer of technology. ISRO had already reached a consensus with Kerala Hitech Industries Limited (Keltch) which would have provided the cheapest tender for fabricating engines. But this did not happen as the spy scandal surfaced in late 1994

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● Zika virus diagnosis can only be confirmed by laboratory testing for the presence of Zika virus RNA in the blood or other body fluids, such as urine or saliva. ● Infection with Zika virus may be suspected based on symptoms and recent history (e.g. residence or travel to an area where Zika virus is known to be present).

(Click on the image above to watch the video) What is Zika Virus? WHAT IS HAPPENING THESE DAYS? According to a Health Ministry official, 29 people have so far been tested positive for the disease in Rajasthan. There was no need to panic and everything was under control, the ministry said. ICMR, National Centre for Disease Control and DGHS are monitoring this. I assure people that everything is under control. There’s no need to panic,” Nadda said. WHAT IS ZIKA VIRUS ? Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito from the Aedesgenus, mainly Aedes aegypti in tropical regions. This is the same mosquito that transmits dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. However, sexual transmission of Zika virus has been described in 2 cases, and the presence of the Zika virus in semen in 1 additional case.

BE SAFE ● Using insect repellent regularly. ● Wearing clothes (preferably light-coloured) that cover as much of the body as possible; ● Using physical barriers such as window screens, closed doors and windows; ● If needed, additional personal protection, such as sleeping under mosquito nets during the day. ● It is extremely important to empty, clean or cover containers regularly that can store water, such as buckets, drums, pots etc. ● Other mosquito breeding sites should be cleaned or removed including flower pots, used tyres and roof gutters. Communities must support the efforts of the local government to reduce the density of mosquitoes in their locality. ● The World Health Organization (WHO) said sexual transmission is “relatively common” and has advised pregnant women not to travel to areas with ongoing outbreaks of Zika virus.

SHOULD INDIA WORRY ? ● The guidelines call for pregnant women who have travelled to Zika-affected areas to mention their travel during antenatal visits in order to be assessed and monitored appropriately.

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● For enhancing surveillance, the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), through its community and hospital-based data gathering mechanism, would keep track of areas where a large number of cases of acute fever are reported. ●

There are no vaccines or cure for Zika virus.

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF ZIKA VIRUS • The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) of Zika virus disease is not clear, but is likely to be a few days. • People infected with Zika may have a mild fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain and fatigue that can last for two to seven days. But as many as 80 percent of people infected never develop symptoms. • The symptoms are similar to those of dengue or chikungunya, which are transmitted by the same type of mosquito. These symptoms are usually mild and last for 2-7 days. SEXUAL TRANSMISSION POSSIBLE The virus can be transmitted through anal, oral or vaginal sex. ZIKA VIRUS DIAGNOSIS

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Significant roofing loss and structural damage. Many caravans destroyed and blown away. Dangerous airborne debris. Widespread power failures. A Category 4 cyclone's strongest winds are VERY DESTRUCTIVE winds with typical gusts over open flat land of 225 - 279 km/h. These winds correspond to the highest category on the Beaufort scale, Beaufort 12 (Hurricane).

G. Disasters

(click on the image above to watch the video) HOW WILL THIS IMPACT ODISHA? Government of Orissa said no death should take place. ● Cyclone Titli intensified into a very severe cyclonic storm(CATEGORY 5) over the Bay of Bengal on Wednesday and is moving towards the Odisha coast, triggering rainfall in several parts of the state, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said. ● IMD has predicted that the cyclonic wind will badly hit the Andhra Pradesh districts of Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam, and the Odisha districts of Gajapati, Ganjam, Puri and Kendrapara. It has advised fishermen to suspend operations and coastal hutment dwellers to shift to safe places. ● As many as 15 teams of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) have been deployed along with the Orissa Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF) at several places across the state Tropical Cyclone Category System ● CATEGORY 1 (tropical cyclone) Negligible house damage. Damage to some crops, trees and caravans. Craft may drag moorings. A Category 1 cyclone's strongest winds are GALES with typical gusts over open flat land of 90 - 125 km/h. These winds correspond to Beaufort 8 and 9 (Gales and strong gales). ● CATEGORY 2 (tropical cyclone) Minor house damage. Significant damage to signs, trees and caravans. Heavy damage to some crops. Risk of power failure. Small craft may break moorings. A Category 2 cyclone's strongest winds are DESTRUCTIVE winds with typical gusts over open flat land of 125 - 164 km/h. These winds correspond to Beaufort 10 and 11 (Storm and violent storm).

● CATEGORY 5 (severe tropical cyclone) Extremely dangerous with widespread destruction. A Category 5 cyclone's strongest winds are VERY DESTRUCTIVE winds with typical gusts over open flat land of more than 280 km/h. These winds correspond to the highest category on the Beaufort scale, Beaufort 12 (Hurricane). WHY THIS CYCLONE IS NAMED 'TITLI' In South East Asia, tropical cyclones are given names by different countries that are located in the region (including South). Titli was named by Pakistan and the next will called Gaja - named by Thailand. The process of naming cyclones is done under the supervision of the World Meteorological Organisation. For the area in and around Indian Ocean, the talks over naming cyclones started in 2000 and in 2004, a formula was agreed upon. Eight nations in South and South-East Asia, namely, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand have come up with their respective sets of names that are assigned to the cyclone storm in a sequence. The names of some future cyclones are: Gaja (Thailand), Phethai (Sri Lanka), Fani (Bangladesh), Vayu (India), Hikaa (Maldives), Kyarr (Myanmar), Maha (Oman), Bulbul (Pakistan), Pawan (Thailand) and Amphan (Sri Lanka). WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO NAME CYCLONES? World Meteorological Organization said : The naming helps the weather forecaster and general people for an easy communication. The main purposes of naming a tropical cyclone or hurricane are for people to easily remember the storm in a region and to better facilitate risk awareness and preparedness. GUIDELINES FOR NAMING CYCLONES : ● Name should be short and readily understood when broadcast. ● Name should be neutral,'not culturally sensitive and not convey some unintended and pottentially inflammatory meaning. ● Suppose a cyclone came and many people killed (was very disasterous for that country) then that name is retired and never used again.

● CATEGORY 3 (severe tropical cyclone) Some roof and structural damage. Some caravans destroyed. Power failures likely. A Category 3 cyclone's strongest winds are VERY DESTRUCTIVE winds with typical gusts over open flat land of 165 - 224 km/h. These winds correspond to the highest category on the Beaufort scale, Beaufort 12 (Hurricane).

Not without controversy ● Cyclone Mahasen, which hit in 2013 and was named by Sri Lanka, was changed to Viyaru after protests by nationalists and officials in Sri Lanka.


CATEGORY 4 (severe tropical cyclone)

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● They said Mahasen was a king who had brought peace and prosperity to the island, and it was wrong to name a calamity after him.

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● They're all the same, officially tropical cyclones. ● But they just use distinctive terms for a storm in different parts of the world. ● Hurricane is used in the Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, central and northeast Pacific. ● They are typhoons in the northwest Pacific. ● In the Bay of Bengal and the Arabia Sea, they are called cyclones. Tropical cyclone is used in the southwest India Ocean. ● In the southwestern Pacific and southeastern India Ocean they are severe tropical cyclones. Titli Cyclone will primarily hit Oman .

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National Disaster Management Authority National Disaster Management Authority comes under home ministry whose purpose is to coordinate response to natural or man-made disasters and for building the capacity in danger situation. Guidelines NDMA’S guidelines on crowd management 1. 2


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What Exactly Happened?

On 19 October 2018, a huge crowd were garnered to watch celebrations of Hindu Festival Dussehra in Joda Patak, Amritsar and approach towards the railway track to see the nice view of Dussehra festivities. There were two tracks and both were on the height. Almost 500 peoples sat around the track and stood to see the blazing of Ravan when peoples were busy watching it they couldn't see the train coming from behind because of crackers explosion nobody noticed the train. The train has risen over many peoples. Around 60 peoples died and more than 100 peoples were badly injured by the terrible incident. It’s quite shocking how it happens. 1. 2.

4. 5.

Crowd management plays a vital role as the population is very high. NDMA had released a document in a detailed manner for crowd management. As per the document, crowd management is based on capacity planning, improved preparedness planning, risk assessment and capacity building(local administration should take care of the celebrations should not be close to railway track ) High-level Safety Review Committee Ministry of railways had appointed a High-level Safety Review Committee under the chairman of Dr.Anil Kakodkar to show the safety for Indian Railways.

Way Forward NDMA should focus on the central repository of incidences

According to the analysis, the train was a passenger train and driver was not played the horn. The crowd on the track was a disaster.

There were two tracks but the strange thing happen is a few minutes ago the train goes on the second track but nothing happens even peoples saw that train. At blazing time peoples mind were divert to see the attractive view of Ravan blaze but when the second train came it cause the major damage.

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If precautionary measure subsists, the disaster can be avoided. 1.If we show concern towards Guidelines of crowd management that minor is followed in India. After that awful accident, the driver immediately reports to Amritsar Junction Stationmaster and kept by the police for questioning. Railway Minister Piyush Goel disclaim of laxness on driver part and no action was taken against him. Details 1.

2. 3.

Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh announced the compensation of 5 lakh rupees for the family whose members were killed in the accident, and provide free treatment for those who were injured. The central government also announced the compensation of 2 lakh rupees for each family who were killed and 50,000 for the injured. The state announced a mourning day for the victims and schools, colleges were closed for one day.

If you want to become an I.A.S Officer or either go into Civil Services Exam you must know about Disaster and Disaster Management to avoid these kinds of incident. As UPSC prospective Disaster and Disaster Management comes under Civil Services main General Studies Paper 3.

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megathrust earthquake of 9.1-magnitude in Sumatra. The tsunami resulted in at least 227,898 fatalities. WHAT IS THE PRESENT INDONESIA CASE? Horizontal earthquake

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Indonesia experiences earthquakes every day, but the scale of the quake and tsunami which hit Palu took local people and scientists by surprise. More than 1,000 people have died, but the final figure could be much higher.

First Earthquake then Tsunami. INDONESIA DOUBLE SEMESTER 1407 lives have been lost in it more than 70,000 people have been displaced from their homes.

That's because the two plates are moving horizontally, not with the vertical thrust usually required to set off dangerous waves. "We have been trying to figure out what was going on," says Prof Liu.

OPERATION SAMUDRA MAITRI Indian Aircrafts C-130 & C-17 landed in Indonesia with the relief material along with this Three Indian Navy shipsINS Tir, INS Sujatha, and INS Shardul have also been carried out for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR). RING OF FIRE Over 226,000 People have died due to the earthquake in the Ring Of Fire region in the last 10 years. WHAT HAPPENED(2018) After a significant 7.5 - magnitude earthquake, Tsunami hit Palu, a city in the Indonesian Island Of Sulawesi. WHAT CAUSED THE 2004 TSUNAMI? The epicenter of the 9.0 magnitude quake was located in the Indian Ocean near the west coast of Sumatra.

It could be that the quake kicked off a landslide underwater, which in turn disturbed the water, he says, or there could be inaccuracies in describing the fault, but "we don't know yet". ‘Horizontal’ earthquakes - The recent 7.5-magnitude quake in Indonesia was triggered by what is called a ‘strike-slip fault’. In this type of quake, the earth’s movement is mostly horizontal which would not usually trigger a tsunami. However, it is possible for a strike-slip fault to also have some amount of vertical motion that could displace water. Or the fault’s rupture zone may pass through an area where the seafloor rises or drops off. In such cases, when the fault moves during the quake, it pushes seawater in front of it. Notably, in Indonesia's case, the fault’s rupture zone was estimated to be about 70 miles long, suggesting a significant possibility for the above.

The violent movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates displaced an enormous amount of water, sending powerful shock waves in every direction. This kind of sizeable vertical displacement happened because the magnitude of the earthquake was more significant than 9 and it occurred at a shallow depth of less than 30km below the ocean. Vertical earthquakes - Catastrophic tsunamis are often triggered by ‘megathrust earthquakes’. These occur at subduction zones when one tectonic plate is forced under another.

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It causes massive chunks of the earth’s crust to move vertically. Such movements on the ocean’s floor cause vast volumes of water to be displaced suddenly. They thus throw up giant waves that can travel very fast across vast distances. E.g. the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. It had waves up to 100 ft high which was triggered by a

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REGENT SEVEN SEAS CRUISES ( Can accommodate around 200 to 300 people) Drawbacks: Local people protested about it.As local boats were there one of the ways for the livelihood. It will certainly affect their livelihood. It will certainly affect: TRAVEL AND TOURISM COMPETITIVENESS INDEX India was ranked 40th among the 136 economies across the world in 2017 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) released by the World Economic Forum(WEF).

( Click on the image above to watch the video) GS 3 WHAT IS ALAKNANDA LUXURY CRUISE? Alaknanda Cruise is the first cruise in Varanasi it will give a tour in the Ghats of Varanasi.

In this edition of the index, India has jumped 12 places from an earlier 52nd position in 2015. But it lagged behind its other Asian peers like Japan (4th) and China (13th) 15TH PRAVASI BHARATIYA DIVAS TO BE HELD IN VARANASI IN JANUARY 2019. The 15th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas will be held in a holy city if Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) from January 21 to January 23, 2019. Its theme will be “Role of Indian Diaspora in building a New India”.

It is an important addition to the Varanasi Tourism. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched Alaknanda, a five-star luxury cruise, from the Khirkiya ghat in Varanasi. PM Modi's constituency is in Varanasi ( PM Modi fight Lok Sabha election from here) Alaknanda Cruise will be very good for tourism. Alaknanda Cruise has two decks Lower and Upper. The lower one is air-conditioned and in the upper one, we have a restaurant.

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WHAT IS ALAKNANDA LUXURY CRUISE TOURIST BOAT? It is the first of its kind luxury boat in Varanasi which is developed at a cost of Rs.. 1 crore by a Kolkata-based company operated by the non-government organization (Nordic Cruise Line) with the support of the government. The boat can accommodate a total of 90 passengers and it has a space of 2000 sq.-feet. According to reports, the cost of a trip aboard the luxury boat will be around Rs. 750 per head. As part of safety provisions onboard, the boat is equipped with life jackets and the passengers will be under the supervision of lifeguards life jackets and other facilities are provided. THE HOLY RIVER GANGA FACTOR Nordic Cruise Line announced that "All kinds of NONVEGETARIAN FOOD and ALCOHOLIC DRINKS are STRICTLY PROHIBITED on board Alaknanda Because it is a holy area. TOP LUXURY CRUISES IN THE WORLD (DATA FROM CRUISE CRITIC'S 2018 RANKINGS)

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the invasion by Mughals and now is the time to give these places their original identity. In the same interview, he proclaimed that is required he will not hesitate to change the name of 'Taj Mahal' to 'Ram Mahal'. He also proposed that Article 1 of the Constitution be amended to replace the word 'India' with 'Hindustan'.

(click on the image above to watch the video) Allahabad is now Prayagraj WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had announced days ago that the historic Uttar Pradesh city would become "Prayagraj" as it was what people "wished".

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WHAT IS PRAYAGRAJ EXACTLY. Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh is not only the leading educational centre in the state but also the seat of High Court and hosts the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. The Sangam place also holds religious importance for many. The association of Kumbh Mela with Allahabad dates way back. FACT ABOUT ALLAHABAD HIGH COURT Allahabad High Court was one of the first high courts to be established. HISTORY WHY NAME IS CHANGED Before 1575, it was known as Prayag. Some medieval texts including Akbar's court historian Abul Fazl called it Piyag. In 1575, the city was named Illahabas meaning 'abode of God' by the then Mughal Emperor Akbar when he visited the place. Later in the time, it came to be known as Allahabad. IMPORTANCE IN HINDU RELIGION The age-old name of the city was Prayag which in literal translation means "a place of sacrifice". Prayag finds its mention in the Rig Veda and is recognized as the place where Brahma (the creator of the universe in Hindu mythology) attended a ritual sacrifice. Allahabad is more famously known as Triveni Sangam or Sangam Nagari as it is in this city that the confluence of three most pious rivers, the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati occur. It is also believed that during the Kumbh Mela, all the gods descend from their holy abode to the Earth, to take a dip at the holy confluence or the Sangam. OTHER NAME CHANGES IN UTTAR PRADESH In October last year, the Yogi government renamed Mughal Sarai railway station to Deen Dayal Upadhyay (DDU) station. More recently, Hazratganj Chauraha in Lucknow was renamed “Atal Chowk� to commemorate former PM Atal, Bihari Vajpayee. WHAT VALUE DOES IT HOLD? In an interview with India TV, Yogi Adityanath defended his actions by arguing that these places were renamed only after

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WHAT IS AN OIL BASIN? Also known as the sedimentary basin is a depression in the Earth's crust that is formed by plate tectonics over the years. INDIA HAS 26 SEDIMENTARY BASINS(only 7 are the category -I basin i.e ( have commercial production of oil and gas Above topic is important for prelims point of view. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?


State-owned Oil and natural gas corp (ONGC) has made oil and gas discoveries in Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal that may potentially open up two new sedimentary basins in the country. First is in Madhya Pradesh: Vindhyan basin this is 3000 -plus meters deep and is being tested now.

Category-II Category-III Category-IV

Second is in West Bengal(southern part): Ashok Nagar of Parganas district. There are different types of category basins. They(found in Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal) are the category -III sedimentary basins, having hydrocarbon and are considered geologically prospective for exploration.

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" Rs. 657 Crore – Maintenance cost for coming 15 years. All the costs cumulatively make it 2,989 Crore INR. Shrestha Bharat Bhavan:

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Objectives of the Statue:

About the Statue: §






Analogous to a 3-star hotel, this Bhavan has been constructed to attract the tourists and let them know that journey of Saradar Patel along with the statue.

Located on a river island – Sadhu Bet near Rajpipla, Gujarat, facing the Narmada Dam, whose official name is Sardar Sarovar Dam. Height – 182m (tallest in the world) 2nd – Spring Temple of Buddha (153m), Lushan County, Henan, China 3rd – Usiku Daibutsu (120m), Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan 4th – Statue of Liberty (92m), Liberty Island, New York, USA SVPRET – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Rashtriya Ekta Trust – A special purpose vehicle for its construction. Built by the company Larsen and Toubro, the company won the contract in October 2014 on the lowest bidding of INR 2,989 Crore (USD 420 million) for design, construction and maintenance. Work on the statue started in December 2013 and was proposed to complete within 42 months, which was extended further by four months because the critical design phase took longer than expected. It was expected that the cost of the project may be about INR 3,001 Crore by GoI.

§ § § § § §

Livelihood Generation Social Infrastructure Tribal Development Employment Generation Research & Education Environment Protection

Saliency of the Statue: § § § § § §


550panels of bronze plates which were made in China, used in making Bronze cladding on the Statue 3,400 laborers and 250 engineers involved Deadline of inauguration -Oct 31, which was Sardar Patel's 143rd birth anniversary 237.35 meters above sea level Able to withstand wind velocity up to 60 m/sec, vibration and earthquake — at Sardar Sarovar Dam. Will have a viewing gallery at 153 m, which can accommodate up to 200 visitors

Cost-fragmentation: " Rs. 1347 Crore – Main Statue " Rs. 235 Crore – An Exhibition hall and Convention Centre are also proposed to construct. " Rs. 83 Crore – For a bridge to connect the area via roads and other commutation. The area is quite underdeveloped and not very much urbanized one.

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UPSC Prelims Capsule : 1) With reference to recently launched Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA), consider the following statements: 1. It is an umbrella scheme and has subsumed all the agricultural produce procurement schemes of the central government. 2. Food Corporation of India is the only nodal agency under this scheme. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 only 2 only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

2) In which of the following areas can Artificial Intelligence be used? 1. Speech recognition 2. Algorithmic trading 3. Logic Programming 4. Medical diagnosis 5. Remote Sensing Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) (b) (c) (d)

1, 2 and 4 1, 3 and 5 2, 3, 4 and 5 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

3) With reference to recently launched ‘Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna’, consider the following statements: 1. It is Only for Insured Persons (IP) covered under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. 2. The scheme will be applicable to all factories and establishments employing at least 10 workers. 3. It is an improved version of the previous scheme, Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana(RGSKY). Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 Only 1, 2 and 3 Only

4) Consider the following statements with respect to recent merger of Banks in India: 1. RBI has ordered for the merger of Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank. 2. This has been done on the under the Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework of RBI. 3. This merger will drastically reduce the gross NPAs accruing in the banking sector. Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect? (a) (b) (c) (d)

2 and 3 1 and 3 Only 2 1, 2 and 3

5) Consider the following statements: 1. Petroleum coke has been banned for all the purposes as it contains toxic metal vanadium and is a potent greenhouse gas. 2. India is the largest consumer of pet coke as well as largest importer of it. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

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1 only 2 only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

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6) Consider the following statements with respect to recent discovery of oil and gas by ONGC in Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal: 1. Sedimentary and Igneous rocks are the main sources of oil and gas. 2. India has 26 inland sedimentary basins spread across its geographical area. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

7) With reference to ‘Board of Control for Cricket in India(BCCI)’, consider the following statements: 1. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is the national governing body for cricket in India. 2. Lodha committee and Mudgal Committee are related to BCCI. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d) 8)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

The Blended Finance is a/an: (a) New fund to finance blending of ethanol in petrol and diesel, recent instrument introduced in new biofuel policy. (b) World Bank fund that seeks finance and facilitate increase in reduction of oil imports for developing countries. (c) It implies the mixing of both public and private funds through a common investment scheme or deal, with each party using their expertise in a complementary way. (d) None of the above.

9) The term ‘Blood Rain’ is sometimes seen in the news with reference to: (a) A type of rain normally seen near north and south pole due to temperature inversion. (b) Red colored rain seen mostly in Europe due to dust and sand of Sahara desert. (c) Rain occurring in Kerala which is red in color due to blue green algae and fungi in Western Ghats. (d) None of the above 10) Consider the following statements with respect to BCIM Economic Corridor: 1. It is basically a multimode transport system connecting Kunming in China to Kolkata in India via Dhaka and Mandalay. 2. This corridor is associated with BIMSTEC grouping. 3. The idea was given a shape in the form of the BCIM forum in 1999 in the first ‘Kunming Initiative’, the capital of Chinese Yunnan province. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 and 2 2 and 3 1 and 3 1, 2 and 3

11) With reference to CAATSA(Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) of USA, Consider the following statements: 1. CAATSA Sanctions were imposed on China and India recently. 2. It is against those countries which procure defense equipment from Russia Only. 3. CAATSA came into being during the reign of Donald Trump. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? (a) (b) (c) (d)

2 and 3 1 and 3 1 and 2 1, 2 and 3

12) With reference to IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ) recent report on Climate Change, consider the following statements: 1. This is the 6th Assessment Report after 5th released in 2014.

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It predicts the possibility to keep the increase in global average temperatures to within 1.5 degrees Celsius of pre-industrial times. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d) 13)

Consider the following statements with reference to Construction and demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016: 1. Construction and demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 are applicable in all the states of India automatically. 2. These rules are framed for the first time in 2016 since 1950 by Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)


1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

Regarding Corporate Governance in India, which of the following statements are true? 1. Corporate Governance is the only element in improving economic efficiency and growth as well as enhancing investor’s confidence. 2. Narayan Murthy and Uday Kotak committee are related to reforms in corporate governance in India. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)


1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

With reference to recent cyclone Titli, consider following statements regarding tropical cyclones: 1. Cyclones are named by the country that they actually hit. 2. Cyclones are categorized based on their speed. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

16) With reference to ‘DigiYatra Inititaive’, consider the following statements: 1. It is the Sub-part of the Regional connectivity scheme of Ministry of civil aviation. 2. UIDAI Aaadhar card is mandatory for creation of identity through this platform at Airport. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (e) (f) (g) (h)


1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

What is ‘Deep Ecology’, sometimes seen in the news? (a) It is the relation between organism, plants and their environment found deep in the oceans and seas. (b) It is an ecological and environmental philosophy promoting the inherent worth of living beings regardless of their instrumental utility to human needs, plus a radical restructuring of modern human societies in accordance with such ideas. (c) It studies share characteristics and methodological approaches with other areas of terrestrial ecology. (d) None of the above.

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18) With reference to Geographical Indication tag (GI tag) often seen in news, Consider following statements: 1. Different states can adopt their products under Geographical Indications tag. 2. WTO (World Trade Organization) rules on Geographical Indications are mandatory for all the members of WTO. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

19) Consider the following statements: 1. Election Commission of India has partnered with Google to regulate online advertisements at the time of election. 2. The Representation of People act 1951 regulates the functions of Election Commission of India. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d) 20)

Consider the following statements with respect H1N1(Swine Flu) Virus: 1. Massive spread of Swine flu (H1N1) has been declared as epidemic status by the WHO recently. 2. H1N1 virus can mutate and become more virulent and resistant to conventional treatment. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)


1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the World Bank(WB) and International Monetary Fund(IMF): 1. WB provide Loans for Economic Stability and IMF for the Economic Growth of a country 2. IMF loans mean the growth of the country is doing well and similarly WB loan means country is progressing well. 3. The size of the World Bank is more than three times larger than the size of the International Monetary Fund. Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 Only (d) 2 Only

22) Consider the following statements with reference to Customs Duty: 1. Increase in Customs duty will definitely reduce Current Account Deficit. 2. Customs duty has been subsumed under Good and Services Tax (GST). Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

23) With reference to ‘India-Bangladesh Pipeline Project’, consider the following statements: 1. The 130-kilometre pipeline will connect Siliguri in West Bengal in India and Parbatipur in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. 2. This is the first time in India will receive Diesel from Bangladesh through this pipeline. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) 1 Only (b) 2 Only

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(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 24) Consider the following statements with respect to India-Russia relationship: 1. Russia is one of the only two countries with which India holds annual bilateral summit. 2. The India-Russia bilateral relationship was elevated to Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership in 2010. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d) 25)

With reference to Internationalization of Indian Rupee, consider the following statements: 1. Internationalization of Rupee will facilitate greater degree of integration of Indian economy with rest of the world in terms of foreign trade and international capital flows. 2. Internationalization of Indian currency would require full capital account convertibility. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)


1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

Consider the following statements with reference to Open Market Operations of RBI: 1. It is a Qualitative measure used by RBI to inject liquidity into the economy. 2. It refers to direct sales and purchase of securities and bills in the open market by Reserve bank of India. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)


What is/are the consequence/consequences of the Internal Security Cooperation Agreement between India and China? 1. It will provide access inside areas of each other boundaries of disputes. 2. This is the first time when both the countries have signed such type of agreement. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)


1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

Consider the following statements: 1. International Criminal Court (ICC) is known as Official court of U.N, commonly known as “World Court�. 2. The ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. 3. India and USA are signatories of ICC. Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect? (a) (b) (c) (d)


1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

2 and 3 1 and 3 Only 2 1, 2 and 3

Consider the following statements with reference to Zika Virus: 1) Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito from the Aedesgenus, mainly Aedes aegypti in tropical regions.

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2) The virus can be transmitted through anal, oral or vaginal sex. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d) 30)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

Consider the following statements with reference to World Bank’s latest report ‘A glass half-full report’ : 1. This report is based on the people living in poverty and their regional variation in South Asia. 2.

It recommends increase in regional trade as a solution to achieve greater economic growth.

Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

31) Consider the following statements with reference to UNHRC(United Nations Human Rights Council): 1. The UNHRC has 193 members elected for staggered three-year terms on a regional group basis. 2. India has been elected to the United Nation’s top human rights body, UNHRC for a period of three years. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d) 32)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

With reference to Wind Mills, Consider the following statements: 1. Windmills are responsible for human and animals conflict. 2. They produce sound of less than 20 decibels (DB) and are one of the best renewable source of energy. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

33) Consider the following statements: 1. United States Federal reserve hike in rates corresponds to Quantitative easing by its central bank. 2. This hike has a positive impact on Indian economy as dollar liquidity is increased globally. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

34) What are the advantages of Organic Farming: 1. In the long term , organic farms save energy and protect the environment 2. Increase in productivity 3. Least or no presence of chemical fertilizers 4. Fewer residues in food 5. It can slow global warming. Select the correct codes given below: (a) 1, 3 and 5 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 2, 4 and 5 (d) 1, 3, 4 and 5 35)

Consider the following statements:

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Sikkim is awarded the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Future Policy Gold Award (Gold Prize) 2. Sikkim has become the only state in the World to achieve fully Organic status. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

36) With reference to recently proposed National database on sexual offenders(NDSO), consider the following statements: 1. This is an maiden attempt by any country in the world 2. The data will be maintained by National Crime Records Bureau 3. NDSO will be available for general public to find out details of the person of any living around them. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? (a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 Only (d) 1, 2 and 3 37) Consider the following statements with reference to the recent Supreme Court’s Judgment on SC/ST promotions: 1. Supreme Court upheld the reservation of SC/ST in promotions 2. SC/STs will be provided a reservation in private sector is the main order of the Supreme court through this judgment. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

38) Often seen in news Sabarimala temple is located at which Tiger reserve: (a) Parambikulam Tiger Reserve (b) Periyar Tiger Reserve (c) Bandipur Tiger Reserve (d) Biligirirangana Tiger reserve 39) Consider following statements with reference to Multidimensional Poverty Index(MPI): 1. MPI is calculated based on Living standards, Health and Education. 2. Higher the MPI value lesser the poverty. 3. Recent MPI report shows an improvement in condition of India from the previous one. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect? (a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3 40) Consider the following statements: 1. 'Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index' is released by UNDP and Oxfam. 2. CRI Index has ranked India among the bottom 10 countries. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

41) Consider the following statements: 1. Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Science (INMAS) has developed India’s first indigenous anti-nuclear medical kit. 2. INMAS is laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Which of the following statements is/are correct?

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(a) (b) (c) (d)

1 Only 2 Only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

42) Pi Mensae c and LHS 3844 b, are sometimes seen in the news in the context of: (a) Solar planes tested by NASA (b) Space Observatory launched by China (c) New planets discovered by TESS satellite. (d) Two new telescopes launched by European Union. 43) Consider the following statements: 1. USMCA is the new trade agreement between USA, Canada and Mexico. 2. It is a new version of NAFTA (The North American Free Trade Agreement). Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) 1 Only (b) 2 Only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 44) With reference to Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana, consider the following statements: 1. Mudra scheme aims to reduce the unemployment by providing micro enterprises and farmers with credit facility. 2. There are three types of loan under the scheme, namely Shishu, Kishore and Tarun. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) 1 Only (b) 2 Only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 45) Which of the following best describes ‘Mariculture’: (a) The method of fish farming in which fishes are raised in artificial way for breeding and transportation. (b) Practice involves the cultivation of only marine organism unlike any aquatic organism. (c) Inland farming of fishes in rivers and ponds. (d) None of the above 46) Arrange the following islands/countries in the direction from south to north: 1. Maldives 2. Mauritius 3. Vctoria, Seychelles 4. Reunion island 5. Chagos Archipelago 6. Comoros Select the correct answer from the following codes given below: (a) 6-5-4-3-2-1 (b) 5-6-3-4-2-1 (c) 4-2-6-5-3-1 (d) 3-4-6-5-1-2 47) ‘VClll84’ recently seen in news, is a: (a) A new planet discovered by PRL laboratory in India. (b) Inter-continental Missile launched by China. (c) one of the largest warships to be built at an Indian yard (d) Recently bought helicopter by India from USA. 48) Consider the following statements: (a) BepiColombo is a joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to explore the planet Mercury.

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(b) The mission comprises of two satellites launched concurrently the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and Mio (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, MMO) and a Lander. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) 1 Only (b) 2 Only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 49) Consider the following statements: 1. PSLV is known as Workhorse of ISRO, as it has done all the successful flights till now. 2. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is a third-generation rocket launcher designed, manufactured and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). 3. PSLV has a four-stage system comprising a combination of solid and liquid-fuelled rocket stages. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (e) 2 and 3 (f) 1 and 3 (g) 1 and 2 (h) 1, 2 and 3 50) Consider the following Countries: 1. Japan 2. India 3. Indonesia 4. Myanmar 5. China 6. Thailand Which of the above Country/ies are member of both ASEAN (Association of South-east Asian Nation) and RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 3, 4 and 6 (c) 1, 3, 4, and 5 (d) All of the above

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Mains Practice Questions: 1) Why didn't India allow Rohingyas to take shelter in India? Does India s internal security concerns override humanitarian impulses. Comment. 2) What is artificial intelligence. Examine its scope. Is AI a danger to humanity. 3) Examine the potential and prospects of revival of air India. Also examine whether there is a need to relook the policy of disinvestment 4) India needs a mix of PSBs and private banks . In the light of the above statement was the recent merger of PSBs a right decision. Critically comment. 5) What reforms India needs to bring in disaster management policy keeping in mind the Amritsar train accident? 6) Building heavy cost infrastructure like Arunachal mega dam must be examined through a proper cost benefit analysis. Critically comment. 7) In recent times, India-China relationship has come a long way. discuss the developments in recent period and how will it lead to meaningful engagement with south East Asian countries.

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Solutions to the Prelims Capsule: Question - 1

Solution: (d) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: PM-AASHA, the new Umbrella Scheme includes the mechanism of ensuring remunerative prices to the farmers and is comprised of Price Support Scheme (PSS),Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS),Pilot of Private Procurement & Stockist Scheme (PPPS). The other existing schemes of Department of Food and Public Distribution (DFPD) for procurement of paddy, wheat and nutri-cereals/coarse grains and of Ministry of Textile for cotton and jute will be continued for providing MSP to farmers for these crops. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: There is no single Nodal agency for this scheme. Government has allowed private participation of private sector in procurement operation, so that procurement can be increased. FCI, NAFED and other Central Nodal Agencies with the proactive role of the state governments for procurement of the produce is notified.

Question - 2

Solution: (d) ● Artificial Intelligence defined as intelligence exhibited by machines, has many applications in today's society. AI is a tool to tackle some of the world's greatest economic and social challenges. It has applications ranging different areas from social, economic, scientific, medical, and programming. Recently NITI Aayog has published a National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence. Question-3

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: The ESI Corporation has approved a Scheme named Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana, for Insured Persons (IP) covered under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. This scheme is a relief payable in cash directly to their Bank Account in case of unemployment and while they search for new engagement. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: The scheme will be applicable to all factories and establishments employing at least 10 workers. ● Statement 3 is INCORRECT: The ongoing Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana(RGSKY) benefits formal sector workers registered with the ESIC. Difference between RGSKY and Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana is that RGSKY will help when the industry is stopped working while in Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana it will help a person's when it's contract is terminated from the industry and the person is unemployed again. Considering the change in employment pattern and the current scenario of employment in India which has transformed from a long term employment to fixed short term engagement in the form of contract and temping, ESI has introduced this scheme. Question-4

Solution: (d) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: The Alternate Mechanism (headed by Arun Jaitley ), comprising Jaitley, Defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman and railways and coal minister Piyush Goyal, was set up as an approval framework for proposals to merge Page 97 of 111

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state-run banks. RBI has not issued any order regarding their merger. It is the sole decision of the government. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: PCA (prompt corrective action) is a framework of RBI to maintain sound financial health of banks. It facilitates banks in breach of risk thresholds for identified areas of monitoring, viz., capital, asset quality (which is tracked in terms of the net Non-Performing Assets ratio) and profitability, to take corrective measures in a timely manner, in order to restore their financial health. Merger has no direct relation to PCA framework. ● Statement 3 is INCORRECT: It is a positive step to merge banks in good condition and bad condition with respect to holding Non-performing assets(NPAs) such that this may reduce an overall pressure on the banking system and improve functioning of larger merged new bank. But this is will not reduce drastically the gross NPAs in the banking system. Question – 5:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: Petroleum coke has been banned only for fuel purpose. Petroleum coke is a solid carbon rich material contains 90% of carbon and 3% to 6% sulphur extracted from oil refining. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: India is the world’s largest consumer of pet coke. The demand for pet coke is continuously rising from the last 10 years. India has surpassed China in the year 2016 as the world’s largest importer of pet coke. Question-6:

Solution: (d) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: The types of rocks that contain oil and natural gas are all sedimentary rocks, rocks formed when grains and mineral particles deposited by running water fuse together. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: India has 26 sedimentary basins, of which only seven have commercial production of oil and gas. The existing 26 Sedimentary Basins have an area of approximately 3.14 million Sq. Kms. These basins are spread over inland and coastal areas. The sedimentary basins of the country have been classified into four categories as below: Category-I Basins with established commercial production. Cambay, Mumbai Offshore, Rajasthan, Krishna Godavari, Cauvery, Assam Shelf and Assam-Arakan Fold Belt Category-II Basins with known accumulation of hydrocarbons but no. commercial production achieved so far Kutch, Mahanadi-NEC (North East Coast) Basin,AndamanNicobar, Kerala-Konkan-Lakshadweep Basin. Category-III Basins having hydrocarbon shows that are considered geologically prospective Himalayan Foreland Basin, Ganga Basin, Vindhyan basin, Saurashtra Basin, Kerela Konkan Basin, Bengal Basin Category-IVBasins having uncertain potential which may be prospective by analogy with similar basins in the world. Karewa basin, Spiti-Zanskar basin, Satpura–South Rewa–Damodar basin, Chhattisgarh Basin, Narmada basin, Deccan Syneclise, BhimaKaladgi, Bastar Basin, Pranhita Godavari basin, Cuddapah basin.

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Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: This statement is correct as BCCI is the only national body that govern cricket in India. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Both the committees are related to BCCI. Justice R.M. Lodha committee was formed to recommend to overview functioning of BCCI and revamp its functions. Mudgal committee was formed to enquire BCCI-IPL functioning over match mixing charges in IPL.


Solution: (c) ● Blended Finance: The term blended finance implies the mixing of both public and private funds through a common investment scheme or deal, with each party using their expertise in a complementary way. The concept and model was developed within the Redesigning Development Finance Initiative from the World Economic Forum. Popularly used in development finance world- in the context of developmental activities, Merging of public and private finance- PPP model, investment in infrastructure is done, lead to maximization of development finance, public and private partnership, sustainable goals, blended finance is the probable question- merging of public and private finance to meet sustainable finance goals. Used about meeting SDGs and Reduce investment risks- investment done by govt. and private sector Question-9:

Solution: (b) ● Blood Rain: Blood Rain or red rain is an observable fact in which blood is noticed fall from the sky in the form of rain. It occurs when red colored particles or dust get mixed into the rain with very high concentrations that give the reddish appearance.


Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: The Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar Economic Corridor is an initiative conceptualized for significant gains through sub-regional economic cooperation within the BCIM. The multi-modal corridor will be the first expressway between India and China and will pass through Myanmar and Bangladesh. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: There is no direct relation between BIMSTEC and BCIM Forum. ● Statement 3 is CORRECT: The concept of economic cooperation within the BCIM region was first developed by Professor Rehman Sobhan. Professor Sobhan’s pioneering ideas would eventually lead to the development of the platform in the 1990s which came to be known as the ‘Kunming Initiative’. The first meeting of the Initiative was convened in 1999 in Kunming. Question-11:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: The U.S has imposed a sanction (Punishment) on China because it bought military weapons from Russia. Presently not on India. Page 99 of 111

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● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: The Countering America's Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), is a US federal law that imposed sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia. The US imposed sanctions Thursday against China's military for its purchases of Russian military equipment in a move US officials said is meant to punish Moscow for its "malign activities," including attacks on American elections. The USA is doing this because Russia took the side of the Republican party in the elections and recently China has bought equipment from Russia, so sanction on China. ● Statement 3 is CORRECT: The bill, after being revised to address some of the Donald Trump administrationʹs concerns, passed in the House 419 to 3 on 25 July. On 27 July 2017, the bill was passed overwhelmingly by the US Senate. Question-12:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: This is not the 6th Assessment report but a special report on limiting global temperature. This report basically highlights the potential capacity of the world to still limit the average increase in temperature of1.5C by the end of this century. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: The report predicts the possibility to keep the increase in global average temperatures to within 1.5 degrees Celsius of pre-industrial times; The world would need to bring down its greenhouse gas to about half of its 2010 levels by 2030, and to net zero by about 2050 and As of now, the aim is to reduce greenhouse gases by only 20%, from 2010 levels, by the year 2030 and achieve a net-zero emission level by the year 2075. Question-13:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: Supreme Court has stayed construction activity in states that do not have a solid waste management policy. These rules are not suo-motu applicable to all the states . States can frame their own rules, or follow these Central government rules. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: The Government has notified Construction & Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 for the first time. Question-14:

Solution: (b)


● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: Corporate Governance is one key element in improving economic efficiency and growth as well as enhancing investor’s confidence. There are other elements like policies of government, investment environment, market conditions etc. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Uday Kotak committee - SEBI had in June constituted a 25member panel headed by Uday Kotak to make recommendations to improve corporate governance practices. Narayan Murthy 2003 on Corporate Governance was formed to improve corporate governance in India.

Solution: (b) ●

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Statement 1 is INCORRECT: Tropical Cyclones are named not on the country they hit but these names are given before their occurrence. In South East Asia, tropical cyclones are given names by different countries that are located in the region For Free Download visit

(including South). The process of naming cyclones is done under the supervision of the World Meteorological Organisation. For the area in and around Indian Ocean, the talks over naming cyclones started in 2000 and in 2004, a formula was agreed upon.Eight nations in South and South-East Asia, namely, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand have come up with their respective sets of names that are assigned to the cyclone storm in a sequence. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Tropical cyclones are officially ranked on one of five tropical cyclone intensity scales, according to their maximum sustained winds and which tropical cyclone basin(s) they are located in. They are categorized in 5 different categories. Question-16:

Solution: (d) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: Air passenger can soon use facial recognition technology to enter any airport in the country under the recently unveiled DigiYatra Inititaive. It is an initiative to make boarding pass and security check-ins digital at airports under Ministry of Civil Aviation. It has no relation with regional connectivity scheme. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: Centralised registration system for passengers and each of them would get a unique ID on booking the tickets. ID can be created by sharing name, e-mail id, mobile number and details of any identity proof, including Aadhaar. The airline would share the passenger data and the ID with the airport from where the passenger would be flying out. Question-17:

Solution: (b) ● “Deep Ecology” was first introduced by Norwegian activist and philosopher Arne Naess in the early 1970’s. Deep ecology is an ecological and environmental philosophy promoting the inherent worth of living beings regardless of their instrumental utility to human needs, plus a radical restructuring of modern human societies in accordance with such ideas. Deep ecology argues that the natural world is a subtle balance of complex inter-relationships in which the existence of organisms is dependent on the existence of others within ecosystems.[1] Human interference with or destruction of the natural world poses a threat therefore not only to humans but to all organisms constituting the natural order. Question-18:

Solution: (d) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 (GI Act) is a Act of the Parliament of India for protection of geographical indications in India. India, as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), enacted the Act to comply with the Agreement on TradeRelated Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. A GI is registered for an initial period of ten years, which may be renewed from time to time. States cannot themselves adopt their any product as GI tag. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (“TRIPS”) defines “geographical indications” as Page 101 of 111

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indications that identify a good as “originating in the territory of a Member, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographic origin.” In 1994, when negotiations on the WTO TRIPS were concluded, governments of all WTO member countries had agreed to set certain basic standards for the protection of GIs in all member countries. There are two basic obligations on WTO member governments relating to GIs in the TRIPS agreement: Article 22 of the TRIPS Agreement says that all governments must provide legal opportunities in their own laws for the owner of a GI registered in that country to prevent the use of marks that mislead the public as to the geographical origin of the good. Article 23 of the TRIPS Agreement says that all governments must provide the owners of GI the right, under their laws, to prevent the use of a geographical indication identifying wines not originating in the place indicated by the geographical indication. Question-19:

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: The Election Commission has set up a 14-member committee to suggest changes in Section 126 of the Representation of the people(RP) Act, which prohibits poll campaign in the last 48 hours leading to voting, in the wake of media expansion. Google has met a committee formed by EC and assured help during elections. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: Detailed provisions regarding elections are present in the RPA act 1951. Election Commission of India through the RPA act 1951 regulates Election Procedure. Question-20:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: In 2009, H1N1 was spreading fast around the world, so the World Health Organization called it a pandemic. Since then, people have continued to get sick from swine flu, but not as many. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: The H1N1 influenza (swine flu) virus is undergoing genetic mutations, making it more virulent and resistant to conventional treatment. Several studies have found evidence of genetic mutation of the virus and of new strains. The new viral morphology prevents the antibodies, which were developed against the older strains, from recognizing the new strains and binding them against the virus. Question-21:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: WB is a global financial institution and IMF is a controller of the world’s monetary system. WB laid emphasis on economic growth of the developing nations and IMF focuses on bringing economic stability. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: IMF gives loans when a country desperately needs money. IMF loans mean the growth of the country is not doing well. World Bank is Created to facilitate lending ● Statement 3 is CORRECT: The size of the World Bank is more than three times larger than the size of IMF. The major objective of the IMF is to deal with matters related to

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the financial sectors and macroeconomics. WB is to reduce the poverty and to promote economic development. Question-22:

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: Centre has recently increased Customs duty on nonessential items. This will reduce the Current account deficit as CAD occurs when the total value of goods and services a country imports exceeds the total value of goods and services it exports. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: Customs Duty is still with Central Government, Only Additional Customs duty has been subsumed under GST. Question-23:

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina on September 18, 2018 jointly launched the construction of India-Bangladesh Friendship Product Pipeline. The 130-kilometre pipeline will connect Siliguri in West Bengal in India and Parbatipur in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. The six-kilometer Indian leg of the pipeline project will be implemented by the Assam-based Numaligarh Refinery Limited and the remaining 124kilometres of the pipeline project will be implemented by Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: This will be the first such pipeline through which refined diesel will be supplied to Parbatipur depot from Numaligarh of Assam in India. India will supply Diesel to Bangladesh. Question-24:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: Russia is one of only two countries with which India holds annual bilateral summits, the other being Japan. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: The India-Russia bilateral relationship was elevated to Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership in 2010. Question-25:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: Internationalization- widespread use of a currency outside its country of issue. Key benefits of internationalization of Rupee include savings on foreign exchange transactions for Indian residents, reduced foreign exchange exposure for Indian corporate, reduction in dependence on foreign exchange reserves for balance of payment stability etc. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: India’s percentage share in the global trade is still on the lower side and it limits the pricing ability of domestic businesses in Indian Rupee. Moreover, the share of Indian Rupee in the Global foreign exchange market turnover at present is also very low. Internationalization of Indian currency would also require full capital account convertibility. As a policy, we have followed a gradual and cautious approach in opening up the capital account. The capital account is being progressively liberalized in accordance with the evolving macro-economic conditions and requirements of the Indian Page 103 of 111

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industries, individuals and financial sectors. Government has been taking measures to promote the internationalization of the Indian Rupee. Question-26:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: Open market Operations of RBI is a quantitative measure to increase as well as decrease liquidity in the economy. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Through purchase, money can be injected into banking system- RBI purchases from public and thus money is injected into the system. People get some money in return. This will stimulate growth. The aggregate demand will go up, more money supply. Producers will get better credit facilities. The sales of govt security will contract the money- govt securities are sold and liquidity is absorbed from the market. Reduction in money supply. Liquidity will come down. Question-27:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: The Agreement will strengthen and consolidate discussions and cooperation in the areas of counter-terrorism, organized crimes, drug control and other such relevant areas. There is no any access clause in the agreement. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: For the first time, India and China will sign an internal security cooperation agreement next week, marking a new beginning in bilateral relations. Question-28:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE- ICJ is known as Official court of U.N, commonly known as “World Court”. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – ICC is Independent. Not governed by U.N. Can receive referrals from UNSC. Can initiate prosecution without UN action. The jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. ● Statement 3 is INCORRECT: Both are non-Signatories. Question-29:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae. . It is spread by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes. Its name comes from the Ziika Forest of Uganda, where the virus was first isolated in 1947. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Sexual transmission is possible through anal, oral and vaginal sex. Question-30:

Solution: (b)

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Statement 1 is INCORRECT: World Bank released ‘A Glass Half Full: The Promise of Regional Trade in South Asia’ report recently. The report estimates India’s potential trade in goods with South Asia at $62 billion against its actual trade of $19 billion Statement 2 is CORRECT: The report recommends an approach of open regionalism, and views intraregional trade as complementary to deeper global integration. As Trade between South Asian nations hasn’t been improved with SAFTA, where each country has a long list of trading restrictions.


Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rightsaround the world. The 193-member United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) held an election for new members to the United Nations Human Rights Council. The UNHRC has 47 members elected for staggered three-year terms on a regional group basis. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: India has been elected to the United Nation’s top human rights body, UNHRC for a period of three years beginning January 1, 2019, by getting 188 votes in the Asia-Pacific category, the highest number of votes among all candidates. Question-32:

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: A study by researchers Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) found that windmills killed birds due to the collision. Birds and animals moved away because of noise. Windmills are responsible for human and animals conflict. Mainly in the Karnataka region where more than 3000 windmills are placed and noise are produced so, the herbivorous avoid the windmill area and moved towards the fringe area. Carnivorous also go in order for looking them. In the fringe area, there is human habitation where animals enter in that area cause-effect to humans. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: Around windmills, noise levels go up to 85 decibels(dB) which is equivalent to large trucks. The drone of the turbine when operating in day and night makes 70dB noise more as compared to urban area 55db, industrial area below75db. Ambient noise in forests is less than 40dB which is relatively high that cause impact to the ecosystem. Question-33:

Solution: (d) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: US Fed is the central bank for the US, like RBI is for India. US Fed rate hike refers to the raising (hike) of interest rates that the US Fed is willing to provide to the banks of US for lending and borrowing activities. Quantitative easing is an unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases governmental securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply. Page 105 of 111

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● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: This in turn increases the interest rates of everything else in the US - of government bonds, of bank savings deposits by customers, of consumer loans etc. Similar to how when RBI raises or cuts interest rates in India, it affects the interest rates of your loans and deposits (FDs). It primarily affects India by decreasing the value of India’s currency against the US dollar. Question-34:

Solution: (d) ▪

Organic Farming Advantages: - Farmers can reduce their production costs because they do not need to buy expensive chemicals and fertilizers. Healthier farm workers. In the long term , organic farms save energy and protect the environment. It can slow down global warming. Fewer residues in food. More animals and plants can live in the same place in a natural way. This is called biodiversity. Pollution of ground water is stopped.


Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: Sikkim was awarded the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) Future Policy Gold Award (Gold Prize). The award was given for the achievement in becoming the world’s first totally organic agriculture state. Award was presented by FAO, World Future Council (WFC) and IFOAM – Organics International. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Sikkim receives UN award for becoming world's first 100% organic state. Question-36:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: India has launched the National Database on Sexual Offenders. It has become the 9th country in the world to do so. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has launched India’s National Database of Sexual Offenders (NDSO). The data will be maintained by NCRB. ● Statement 3 is INCORRECT: NDSO will maintain the database of convicted sexual offenders. NDSO will not be available for general public but only to law enforcement agencies for effectively tracking and investigating cases of sexual offences. Question-37:

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: Supreme Court three conditions with reservation: The state has to show that the person is really backward, The state have to show that the top admin of beaurocracy has lack of SC/ST people and Proof that administration's efficiency is not disturbed while providing reservation in promotion for SC/ST in government job. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: Constitution Bench made it easy for SC/ST to get reservation in promotion for government job. Page 106 of 111

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Solution: (b) ● Sabarimala is a Hindu temple complex located at the Periyar Tiger reserve in Kerala, India, considered to be one of the holiest in Hinduism. Question-39:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: The index uses the same three dimensions as the Human Development Index: health, education, and standard of living. ● Statement 2 is INCORRECT: The calculation of MPI comes down to value between 1 and 0. An MPI value of 1 indicates the highest deprivation level, while 0 indicates the lowest. ● Statement 3 is CORRECT: More than 270 million Indian moved out of poverty. Poverty rate has almost reduced to half in 2006-2016. Monthly per capita consumption expenditure- expenditure of household increased. Question-40:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: UK-based charity Oxfam International's 'Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index' ranks India 147th among 157 countries analyzed, describing the country's commitment to reducing inequality as a "a very worrying situation" given that it is home to 1.3 billion people, many of whom live in extreme poverty. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: India has been ranked among the bottom 10 countries in the latest report- UK has released the report. Question-41:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: India’s first medical kit developed by INMAS, after 20 years of work by INMAS scientists. It is an indigenous kit. India is surrounded by two countries China and Pakistan WHICH HAVE nuclear weapon, it is a prerequisite. It has 25 items which include radioactive protectors which can absorb 80-90% of radiation, nerve gas agents, bandages that absorb radiation as well as tablets and ointments. The kit is seen as potent alternative to similar imported kits that were till now procured from US and Russia at much higher prices. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: INMAS is laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). It was established in 1961 and is located in New Delhi. It is involved in nuclear medicine research and responding to nuclear accidents and explosions. Question-42:

Solution: (c) ● TESS has made its first new discovery of two new planets. NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is an all-sky survey mission that will discover thousands of exoplanets around nearby bright stars. A planet-hunting orbital telescope designed to detect worlds beyond our solar system discovered—two planets. The discovery of Pi Mensae c, a “super-earth” planet 60 light-years away orbiting its sun every 6.3 days. The discovery of Page 107 of 111

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LHS 3844 b, a “hot-earth” planet 49 light-years away that orbits its sun every 11 hours. Very close to sun and have a very high temperature as compared to earth. It is difficult for the planet to survive. Question-43:

Solution: (c) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: The US, Mexico and Canada have arrived at a revised trade agreement- Tri-lateral agreement. USMCA is the new agreement. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: This revised agreement replaces NAFTA-USMCA will replace NAFTA. NAFTA came to effect on 1994. Question-44:

Solution: (b) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) is a flagship scheme of Government of India to “fund the unfunded” by bringing such enterprises to the formal financial system and extending affordable credit to them. It enables a small borrower to borrow from all Public Sector Banks such as PSU Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Cooperative Banks, Private Sector Banks, Foreign Banks, Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) and Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) for loans up to Rs 10 lakhs for nonfarm income generating activities. The scheme was launched on 8th April, 2015 by the Hon'ble Prime Minister. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: Under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana, MUDRA has already created the following products / schemes: Shishu : covering loans up to 50,000, Kishor : covering loans above 50,000/- and up to 5 lakh, and Tarun : covering loans above 5 lakh and up to 10 lakh. Question-45:


Solution: (b) ● Mariculture involves the cultivation of only marine organism unlike any aquatic organism. This is the method of fish farming which is done usually on very broader scale means by forming an enclosed section in the ocean. Mariculture is done mostly to obtain commercial products by marine organisms like cosmetics, fish meal, cultured pearls etc. Fisheries is a term that is used to describe the department that deals with all other ranches of fish that involve in its cultivation and harvesting on commercial basis. it deals all the technical and non-technical matters that involve all types of fish farming. However, Pisciculture, Aquaculture and Mariculture are the classes of fish farming in which Pisciculture deals with only raising methods for fish that are adopted for its breeding, rearing and transportation. However, Aquaculture deals with fish farming on usually smaller scale mean below ocean level. it does not deal with farming of ocean animals unlike Mariculture that is the only branch which deals with farming of ocean organisms. Solution: (c)

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Solution: (c) ● The VClll84 is one of the largest warships to be built at an Indian yard, Weighing in at over 15000 tonnes. Considered a “topmost secret project”, a lot of confidentiality is being maintained in executing the project costing about ₹750 crore. It has the capacity to carry 300 personnel and will carry a single helicopter. Question-48:

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is CORRECT: BepiColombo is a joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to explore the planet Mercury. The mission will perform a comprehensive study of Mercury, including characterization of its magnetic field, magnetosphere and both interior and surface structure. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: The mission involves three components, which will separate into independent spacecraft upon arrival at Mercury: Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) for propulsion, built by ESA, Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) built by ESA and Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) or Mio built by JAXA. There is no Lander in this mission. Question-49:

Solution: (a) ● Statement 1 is INCORRECT: PSLV has a very special slot hence foreign companies prefer it because it is highly reliable and India's offers timely launches without much of a waiting period. All the flights haven’t been successful. ● Statement 2 is CORRECT: The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is a third-generation rocket launcher designed, manufactured and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). ● Statement 3 is CORRECT: PSLV has a four-stage system comprising a combination of solid and liquid-fuelled rocket stages. The first stage at the very bottom is solid fuelled having six strap-on solid rocket boosters wrapped around it. The second stage is liquid fuelled. The third stage has a solid-fuelled rocket motor. At the fourth stage, the launcher uses a liquid propellant to boost in the outer space

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. Question-50:

Solution: (b) â—? The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) bloc comprises 10 ASEAN group members( Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand Philippines, Laos and Vietnam) and six FTA partners- India, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

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