Monday, October 28, 2013
Get the delicious Cookies for a Cure before it's all gone and help us reach our goal of raising $3,000. Email: mealplan@tulane.edu
Web: diningservices.tulane.edu
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Dining and Auxiliary Services 110 Butler House 6823 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70118
upcoming events, promotions, policies and changes in hours of operation. If you do not wish to receive this information, you may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF MEAL PLAN-L" command in the body of an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.TULANE.EDU. Be aware that your removal from this listserv may mean that you will not receive any pertinent information regarding changes in meal plan policies.
FINDING RIPTIDE Guten Tag Everyone! Can you guys tell that I celebrated October-
In other news, Mindful is finally available at
fest at the 1834 Club this week? I invited one of my
Bruff! Each day, Bruff will be featuring delicious
favorite professors, Professor Chef Jonathan Leon-
Mindful items at various stations. Mindful items
ard to the 1834 Club this week to check out the
are designed to be an easy way to enjoy a
huge spread of German deliciacies, including
healthier lifestyle, and are always under 600
Spaetzle, Strudel, Jaeger Schnitzel, and Sauterbra-
calories per serving. It’s a great way to keep off
ten. All of the spread was created by award winning
the Freshmen 15! Lastly, don’t miss special guest
chef Tom Beckmann C.E.C., the General Manager
Chef Hari Nayak, in town for the Grand Opening of
of the entire Tulane Dining Services by Sodexo
Café Spice. This Tuesday, Chef Hari will be creat-
ing a special dish at Bruff Commons for an early
This week was also the return of the Gour-
celebration of Diwali – complete with hundreds of
met Grill on Gibson Quad. I couldn’t decide between
tea lights, traditional dancing, and henna artists.
the Bratwurst on local Italian Twists, the Malaysian
On Wednesday, he will be signing a select amount
Peanut Chicken Burrito, or the Portobello Patty Melt
of cookbooks in the LBC, so arrive early! Oh, did I
– so I got them all! Fortunately, the Gourmet Grill
mention, there will be free food?
will be back outside of the Drawing Board twice
Can’t wait to see you guys around campus!
more this semester – Tuesday, November 12th and Tuesday, December 10th. I hope everyone had a happy Food Day! Last Thursday, October 24th, Uptown Campus Dining by
Love, Riptide
Sodexo and the Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine teamed up to create a delicious local Satsuma Salad with a Simple Vinaigrette dressing. They gave out over 800 salads, as well as 1,000 locally grown
Satsumas. While I was chatting about local and
sustainable food systems with the pretty ladies from the Tulane Medical School, my dad made a special
guest appearance and fed me some salad in front of everyone. So. Embarrassing! Bruff Commons also featured four different recipes developed by chef Leah Sarris from the Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine every day during the entire week.
Coming Soon! Pop-up juice bar at Tulane Hillel